absurdismee · 7 months
Kau lestari dalam anganku, terpatri dalam seluk beluk urat nadiku, menggerutu merdu dalam pusara logikaku, menyeruak indah pada titian frasa intuisiku, tertawa syahdu diambang batas niscayaku. Kubiarkan kau berbaring tenang disana, kuabadikan tentangmu sebagai pijar bintang berpangku sukma.
Jika cinta ini lautan hina, akankah kau bumi dengan samuderanya?. Jika kau biru segara, apakah bagimu cintaku ini merupa bencana?. Sejauh gurat yang kubaca, tintamu tetaplah gemercak rancu yang menghujamiku dengan rangkaian tanya tanpa susunan aksara. Sejauh hati ini merasa, megamu merundung angkasa bercampur mendung dan badai. Sedang aku langit dengan pasak rapuh yang dengan lancangnya mencoba mendekapmu penuh.
Kau terluka, dan aku lumpuh..
Sebab itulah aku pergi, tapi lubuk hati terdalamku tak pernah sedikitpun membencimu. Kau tetaplah rangkaian bunga yang melingkari pergelangan lenganku. Namun kini ia merupa ungkapan kasih yang sudah tak mampu kuemban lagi hanya dengan sebatas sabar. Ia merupa sajak-sajak kecemburuan, senandung bait-bait keikhlasan, deburan ombak tanpa teguran yang kelak kan menghantam. Ia bara api yang takut kedinginan tuk membakar, dan larik puisi yang dengan pengilhaman tidak untuk diprosakan.
Aku mencintaimu dengan penuh ketakutan dan sadar. Namun jika mencintaimu dalam kediamanku membuatmu merasakan arti kedamaian, maka biarkan aku mewakilkan angin untuk membelai wajahmu dari kejauhan. Jika setulus juangku kau anggap tak lebih dari debu jalanan, biarkan aku menjadi hamparan angan yang bahkan tak tampak dalam harapan, hingga kemudian hilang.
Orang-orang kan berlalu lalang, tapi kau akan tetap terpatri dalam ingatan, mengalun indah pada tiap melodi memori yang terlinimasakan. Sebab cinta itu rumit, karenanya kepala ini merunduk kikuk. Maka puan, jika kepergianku ialah senja yang mampu untuk kau nikmati jingganya, biarkan aku terbenam dalam sore yang menunggu malam memadam. Bahkan bila mencintaimu bermaknakan untuk mengajariku penyesalan, maka biarkan aku menyesal dalam keabadian.
Sebab aku merasa, menjadi mentarimu terlalu lancang bagiku. Siapalah aku ini. Sungguh tak layak bagiku menggerutu, memintamu mengorbit bintang katai merah tua renta yang tak tahu malu. Cahayaku terlalu redup untuk sekedar menghangatkan dinginmu. Gemerlap keberanianku telah terhisap kegelapan lubang hitam yang kau ramu.
Sejauh kata terucap, nafasmu pun masihlah hembusan keyakinan yang kuanggap tabu. Sepelik inikah berdamai dengan masa lalu?. Rasanya ingin kuingkari saja kenyataan bahwa kau disana, terbakar lalu lebur mengabu. Sesulit inikah mengubur sajak-sajak cinta yang pernah tumbuh sepenuh untukmu?. Rasanya ingin kubungkam saja seluruh pujangga dengan segala omong kosongnya perihal cinta dan rindu.
Kini larik puisi kehidupanku telah runtuh. Bagai reremahan pecahan kaca yang basah menggunung, sedang kau di dalamnya, diam termangu tanpa ada sedikitpun keinginan mencipta lagi percikan getaran hati yang telah terbunuh.
Larik itu sudah tak indah lagi, bahkan sejak dari dulu kau tahu itu kan?. Ia telah gugur, bak dedaunan yang kalah dengan musim, kesusahan mempertahankan asupan klorofil yang tersalur. Selepas pergimu, kini ia mulai menguning, dan waktu kan menghukumnya hingga kering.
Meski aku kembali, binar matamu pun telah berbeda, sebab kini bagimu ada-ku hanyalah pupuk kompos yang menyuburkan kelopak bunga egomu. Namun bagaimanapun juga aku telah puas, sebab telah mengerti bahwa aku bukanlah lebah yang kau mau.
Untukmu yang takkan kembali,
kututup kisah ini dengan bab keikhlasan
dengan berat hati kuucapkan; Selamat jalan...
Kudoakan segala tentangmu selalu berpayungkan kebahagiaan.
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ask-a-bot · 7 days
Hot Rod, there are universe alternates of you that are tiny little babies, and others that are young adults in their own frat house ship, and some are even Prime!!
What would all your names be if you were prime? Hotimus prime? Beemus prime? Star Prime? Kupimus Prime? Megamus Prime?
There are? That's so weird!
Hot Stuff Prime! Uh... not sure I want to try naming any of the others. Megatron doesn't like nicknames, Bumblebee Prime sounds weird and... maybe Starimus Prime? I dunno.
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dontaskchaosandco · 1 year
drawing poll because I'm motivated again
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blueengland · 7 months
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 2 years
As much as I love the Aligned Shows (we don’t talk about RBA), the fact that they have setups for conflicting ships really pisses me off because I ship all of them and I don’t know what to do.
Megamus - Megatron x Optimus (TFP)
OptiRatch - Optimus x Ratchet (TFP, TFRID)
Optibee - Optimus x Bumblebee (TFRID, TFRB S1 Finale look at them fucking fighting together it’s so damn cute)
Bumbleblades - Bumblebee x Blades (TFRB)
Blurrvage - Salvage x Blurr (TFRB)
Sideblurr - Blurr x Sideswipe (TFRB, TFRID)
Sidearm - Sideswipe x Strongarm (TFRID)
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maswartz · 7 years
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Megamus Prime VS Optitron by MattMoylan
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sliptohk · 4 years
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Its an idea I had for a while, a picture of X’tahma in her youth when she was struggling to get by in Ul’dah and just trying to survive and then one of her much older having learned her lessons, made her connections, and become a successful merchant within the city.
Commissioned from: https://www.deviantart.com/megamus-prime/journal/SKETCH-COMMISSIONS-OPEN-6-6-20-FULL-811713830?comment=1%3A811713830%3A4788312427
I recommend them highly! She’s really easy to work with, responsive, works fast, and offered plenty of updates along the way in case there was anything to change!
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How the fusion between rodimus and Megatron be like? Would they be Megamus/ roditron, megarod?
Their fusion name would be Medimus. Together they create a surprisingly stable fusion that is likable and charming. Medimus has Rodimus energy coupled with Megatron’s natural charisma which just automatically makes bots drawn to him.
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bushybeardedbear · 6 years
Wait a second...
...I know that as a bear, I live in the woods and thus I’m a little out of touch... Indeed, this whole “Tumblr.” thing is still so new to me that I still want to type it as Tumbler... But... I just now learned that this is a thing...
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There’s literally a chart for the popularity of ships...?
Doubtless, this isn’t news to much of you... But, to me something about this doesn’t quite sit right and I’d love to hear some constructive feedback... To me, the ranking of ships into a most to least talked about seems to have an oddly adversarial nature to it. Toxic shippers from any community can look to this and say - erroneously in my opinion - that “my ship is best because it’s higher” or “your ship is worse because it’s lower” and precisely that kind of thinking will surely only lead to more toxicity and artificial “shipping conflicts”...
Or am I just salty that Plance isn’t in the top 20...?
Maybe a little...
Even joking about that... It shows how easily one can be suckered into thinking that just because your ship isn’t popular that is somehow less valid... Or indeed that if your ship is popular it is somehow more worthy, valid or deserving of canonicity... I wonder how many people looked to charts like this as justification for toxic behaviour to creators within the Voltron Fandom...  Then again, I also think, the larger a group is, the more likely it will have a few crazy people among it... And honestly... Part of me wants to find a way to game the system with something totally arbitrary... Like Superman/Luthor, or “Kal’Lex” as I’d call it or something equally daft like shipping Optimus Prime and Megatron. Megamus or Optitron. Or just “shipping” Coca Cola and Milk, (MilkaCola?) a love denied by the cruel forces of fluid dynamics... And not for any glory for said ships, but just to prove how the system can be gamed and how ultimately arbitrary and meaningless it seems to me... At least, in terms of what really matters to me when it comes to shipping and fandom in general. Popularity doesn’t equate to validity, quality or passion. Some of the most amazing artworks, some of the most passionate people, some of the most canonically valid and rules-of-narrative valid ships stem from the groups you’d see as less popular. Conversely, the top of the list right now is - and I hasten to add not all of them - sadly synonymous with some truly awful actions that could have destroyed the show, the lives of actors in the show and even the lives of fellow fans in their fandom... Correlation isn’t causation of course, but I do wonder if wiser minds than I might discern some link twixt toxicity in fandoms and this odd arbitrary ranking thereof... I remember being singled out just for being a “nerd” before being a “nerd” became cool... Now, we’re assigning levels of popularity to “nerdier” pass times and passions...? Isn’t that... Weird or is it just me...? Maybe I’m just being a grizzly old bear applying some levels juvenoia, the idea that “things wuz better in mah day.” And maybe, very likely, I’m way overthinking all this... But somehow, I don’t feel that we should be ranking fan passion. If anything, perhaps we should be looking to find the least popular fandoms if only to expand our horizons of what’s out there...? Then again, this being the internet some of the more obscure stuff out there... Perhaps...humanity was not meant to know...?
Or maybe, this is just what being very sleepy, whilst listening to Tokusatsu Chiptunes, struggling against writers block and my coming to terms with being some kind of shipping hipster (Shipster?) reads like? 
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kenseihokuto · 7 years
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OVERFLOW - Commission by Megamusprime https://megamus-prime.deviantart.com/art/over-f-l-o-w-717833167
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rangermusik · 5 years
Madu dan Racun – Bill Broad
Engkau yang cantik Engkau yang manis Engkau yang manja
Selalu tersipu rawan sikapmu dibalik kemelutmu
Diremang kabutmu ditabir mega-megamu ku melihat dua tangan dibalik punggungmu
Madu ditangan kananmu Racun ditangan kirimu
[Reff:] Aku tak tahu mana yang akan kau berikan padaku
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wexing-blog · 7 years
- senja dan rindu -
Senja, mengapa jingga tak menampakan diri
Senja, mengapa Megamu menjadi hitam
Senja, kenapa banyak tetesan air yang kau jatuhkan dari megamu
Kau tau senja,
Aku sudah mengubur rindu ini
Tapi kau malah memberinya tumbuh
Dengan tetesan hujan yang kau berikan aku menghela
Pergi kau rindu ....
- wexiing -
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nazimahsunkom · 7 years
Berusaha terbang dalam angan, tanpa batas senyum. Walau itu semu, diufuk mana kau sekarang ? Kubelah gelap malam dengan air mata, Kusingkap tirai dengan isak tangis, Mengukir cinta diatas megaMu yang akan kukenang selalu. Aku masih disini, merasa kosong dalam sunyi ini. repost line 25 Desember 2015
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sliptohk · 5 years
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A great commission of Fen by: https://www.deviantart.com/megamus-prime/journal/SKETCH-COMMISSIONS-ALL-SLOTS-O-P-E-N-811713830
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sabtumenulis · 8 years
Kuakui, ada cemas yang datang sebab pergi tanpa alibi. Semogaku hanya, kamu baik-baik saja. Dipenjuru manapun kamu berada, megamu tak boleh kelabu ya. Hati hati disana.
Aku hanya rindu. Itu saja.
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kenseihokuto · 7 years
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Some Sketches of Kensei I forgot to post. These are by MegamusPrime again.
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