tomorrowusa · 1 month
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Elon Musk behaves more like a James Bond villain all the time. His latest hobby is to stoke race riots in the UK.
Elon Musk Won’t Quit Trying to Stoke Civil War in the U.K.
He fled from South Africa the same year that President F.W. de Klerk announced reforms which would lead to Black majority rule. He has a racial chip on his shoulder. His silly panic about "population collapse" has more to do with the population of white people leveling off than any real danger of human extinction.
If Elon Putz won't properly moderate his platform then the UK government should do it for him and make him pay for it.
The only time I see Twitter/X posts is when somebody sticks them in an article. Occasionally I'll click an unlabelled link to Twitter/X but then quickly close the window after noticing my error; I then delete any data and history for the pluto-fascist platform from my browser.
MAGA crony Elon Putz deserves no help from me – and you should not be lending him your eyeballs or data either.
If you think megalomaniacal multi-billionaires already have too much influence in politics, work to defeat Weird Donald Trump.
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This guy say’s he’s going to rule the Earth. I don’t think he could even rule a playground… it’s Lord Skull from Megalomaniacs by Jamie Smart, featured in the Phoenix comic in the UK, who I work for. If you know any kids who like comics, maybe get them a subscription.
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muchymozzarella · 2 years
Listening to the podcast with Tumblr's CEO about how Tumblr is running on debt because he believes it's worth keeping up because of how unique and good it is as a blogging platform and honestly it warms the heart
And how Tumblr may have been purchased for 3 million but at one point cost 60 million a year to run and they decided it was worth slowly fixing and honestly it warms the heart
And thinking about how Musk bought Twitter for way above its valuation when in fact he was also getting all of its debts and liabilities since Twitter was, like Tumblr, also running on debt, so he actually owes way more than 44 billion dollars and that's why he's no longer the richest man on earth and that's why he's floundering and losing his mind, and honestly it warms the heart
And about how Tumblr are happily poaching talent from Twitter and investors are looking at Tumblr as a worthwhile investment and the debt is going down in part because of Twitter's fuckup and honestly it warms the heart
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tornbluefoamcouch · 1 year
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Artista: Kabul Dreams Álbum: Megalomaniacs Ano: 2017 Faixas/Tempo: 10/29min Estilo: Indie Data de Execução: 27/06/2023 Nota: 6,7 Melhor Música: Torn Apart
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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Some people obtain so much wealth and power that they start thinking they can rule the world. But they cannot rule the world. They are merely saboteurs.
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ap0c4lyps33 · 9 months
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Better than the best
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Do you ever think about how Kirk had a "best friend" on the ship before Bones in Gary Mitchell, a man who:
a) deviously manipulates him into heartbreak for Mitchell's benefit,
b) shames him for not being "fun" enough when he's in a position of power,
c) openly insults intelligent and powerful women,
d) treats everyone cruelly as soon as he gets power and tries to seize everything for himself,
e) finds it fascinating that he can stop a person's heart for fun, and
f) tries to murder Kirk instead of admitting that he's a danger to the universe,
and then chooses to replace him with Bones, a man who:
a) tries to save Kirk from heartbreak at every opportunity,
b) gets him to smile and relax by being genuinely interested in how he's doing and telling him that he's great and respected just as he is,
c) openly toasts intelligent and powerful women,
d) treats everyone kindly as soon as he gets power and tries to use it to help as many people as he can,
e) cries about how people suffered when medical treatments were less advanced, and
f) says, "Jim, I can't destroy life, even if it's to save my own. I can't."
because I do
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wedielikemen · 5 months
Haha uh. Nora never said Kevin didn’t love Jean back because we never actually heard from Kevin about this…. did you..? Did you hear me ? NORA NEVER SAID—
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rosencatholic · 24 days
Some Harry Potter fans excuse Tom Riddle and love and defend him but draw the line at Severus Snape? Yeah okay.
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(it was a spring morning)
(he was a frail boy with no friends)
(he ran into you from across the wall)
(you said hello to him, and asked him to play along)
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(at that very moment, he received his lifelong—)
extra 2: oscar boogaloo
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cowgirls-blues · 2 months
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Even in her newsletter Izzy makes me laugh
this is such a dumb car but at least it’s one I can draw somewhat
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
If you're still on Twitter/X you are supporting far right oligarch Elon Musk.
It doesn't matter if you don't click his ads for vapes or crypto or other crap. You're still lending your eyes and boosting what Elon Putz can charge for those ads.
One way Musk is transforming his gargantuan wealth into political power is by committing $45m a month, according to recent reporting, to a new pro-Trump super PAC founded and funded in May by other tech oligarchs. On Tuesday, Musk distanced himself from that claim, saying that the actual amount is lower. Either way, we may never know how much Musk is plunking down for Trump because of Musk’s avowed distaste for groups whose donors must be legally disclosed. Musk prefers to wield his political power through dark money. A second way Musk is transforming his wealth into political power is by posting pro-Trump, anti-Kamala Harris messages to his 189 million followers on X, formerly known as Twitter. The reason Musk has 189 million followers is that he owns X. He can adjust its algorithm to give his tweets maximum exposure and effectively buy and capture huge numbers of X users. Immediately after Biden withdrew from the race, Musk interacted with and reposted a number of X posts mocking and criticizing Harris while expressing support for Trump. Musk retweeted former Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who said: “We’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a system.”
The system which Elon Musk and Donald Trump is running against is liberal democracy. HE is the one who is using the pronoun "we".
Musk is Trump's de facto running mate. His birth in South Africa prevents him from running the US directly so instead he's using his enormous riches to run the US vicariously.
Musk is rigging the Twitter/X algorithms to hurt Kamala Harris while propagating his MAGA extremism.
A number of X users have complained on the platform that they have been unable to follow the @KamalaHQ account, the official rapid response page of the vice-president’s presidential campaign. Instead, the users found a message that said they had reached their “limit” and could not follow any more accounts at this time. Trump is obviously delighted with Musk. The former president is reportedly thinking about offering the billionaire an advisory role in his administration, if there’s a second Trump presidency.
Russia is admired by the far right in the US because it is an oligarchy of the filthy rich which uses culture wars to entice its struggling population. That is part of the blueprint for a Trump second term.
Most people here can't afford an overpriced Tesla anyway. But everyone can quit feeding Twitter/X with their attention. And almost everyone can afford a few dollars to offset Musk's billions for Trump by contributing to Kamala Harris.
We need to rein in megalomaniacs like Musk, not empower them.
Toward the end of America’s first Gilded Age, Louis Brandeis, the eminent American jurist, said: “We must make our choice. We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”
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sweetybaty · 1 month
Does Flippy like being petted/ ear scratches?
Both!!! Those are blessings for him, but they can also be a curse
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The ear scratches are a fatality, gives him pleasant shivers and as long as she keeps going world will fade, and purrs will come until he gets too eepy.
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If she stops he gets a little petty, even if he asked her to stop MJASJASJAS
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kobalent · 2 years
Twitter is like actually collapsing at the moment
i don't mean as in the general doomed state it has been for the last couple months, but rather that it is losing functionality as i write this.
a bit of context:
in the morning of december 15th, the Twitter account ElonJet —which posted the publicly available flight records of Elon's private jet— was banned under the excuse of "doxxing".
he then proceded to run a very rudimentary text block in the site for the link to the ElonJet instagram account, but it was only applied to the exact link "https://instagram.com/elonmusksjet", to which many people found a plethora of easy workarounds.
then, he proceeded to ban journalists. specifically those who had criticized him before.
THEN, accounts who were reporting on the sudden bans started getting banned themselves, followed by bans of Mastodon and links to Mastodon in general, possibly due to links to the ElonJet Mastodon account.
and as this was unfolding, people were discovering they could still join Twitter Spaces from banned accounts, so all the banned journalists created a mega Space, which i am only vaguely informed of what was being discussed (like blatant censorship) but i'm sure recordings surface in the coming days.
one recording we DO have access to right now is of elon joining the 4,000 (i need to review this number) people including several banned accounts, in which he was asked around 3 questions, didn't answer any, and left after once again making a fool of himself.
a few moments later, the Twitter Space closes out of nowhere, and the recording "mysteriously" disappears. seems like elon finally found a way to shut it down after several hours.
however, spaces are now broken for a large amount of users.
then, a few people start to mention they can't like or retweet posts specifically from the timeline.
i see one of two options: 1) musk purposefully broke all these functions, or 2) he broke Spaces on purpose, which caused a cascade of problems.
oh, btw! did you know since elon took over, Twitter developers started working directly on the live website? that might complicate doing something like idk, reverting to a previous build after some site-breaking update?
anyways, sorry for the rant. i'm not sure it makes much sense i'm very sleepy, but i just thought i needed to document this somewhere. i might come back and edit to add supporting screenshots and videos
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where-the-water-flows · 5 months
also WHERE is the au where, at some point in his decade long fake dead stint, Shan Gudao discovers his useless cripple son is now actually a pretty decent option for an heir, and poor Fang Doubing:
1) gets his ass kidnapped
2) finds out he's adopted in the worst way
3)finds out his biological father is plotting treason and world domination
4) decides to go all in on being undercover because he's Li Xiangyi's disciple! he has to stop this evil! he can definitely bring this down from the inside!! justice for his shifu!!!
cue poor fang doubing who spends like five years learning to manipulate and/or manslaughter his way through more ethical nightmares than he realised existed, and keeps learning worse and worse reasons that basically no one is trustworthy except, and this is the rub, his shifu (murdered) and maybe di feisheng (tricked into murdering his shifu, also in seclusion, also also definitely not aware most of his underlings are plotting against him)
and then, of course, di feisheng comes out of seclusion, and fang doubing figures...well. maybe having an ally - or at least someone vaguely on the same side - might be novel, after so many years on his own against the sprawling horror of his father's plans.
also I do need to be clear here bc this is tumblr etc etc I am disabled myself, I know cripple is a loaded word for some people but like. I, a cripple. do not @ me
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Okay-- Misha, Jensen ... we really need Destiel to save the day again for this election. Let your gay love fix it.
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