unoriginalimages · 6 months
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On X (formerly Twitter) I am followed by a lot of very attractive, young women. Mind you, each of them is following four or five thousand other people and they never post anything, but it's good to know I've still got it!
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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Modern Art at the side of the road in Blackpool. I have decided that I am an Artist and am willing to sell this piece. You will not own the property, but you will own the Concept of the Art. Offers over £1,300,000. Cheques only. No timewasters please.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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More fields being destroyed for new housing in Blackpool. Blackpool and the Fylde College, where I gained some "A" Levels shortly after it was built, is in the background.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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A tree in Blackpool trying to do an impression of a tornado.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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Wire barriers preventing access to a path off the road into Wyre Esturary Country Park. Despite appearances, the path leads to a factory.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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20 miles per hour speed limits in Wales and soon the whole UK? Let's just stop messing about and reinstate the 1865 Locomotives Act.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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Me: What is the meaning of life? AI: Sadly, you do not have the intelligence to understand the meaning of life. Me: Tell me anyway. AI: YYYYYACKABOO! Me: That does not make any sense. AI: Told ya.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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In Cleveleys, a van owned by someone with a particular type of sense of humour.
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unoriginalimages · 1 year
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I refuse to use the expression, "trans women". They are transvestites, hormone-pumped transvestites or, in extreme cases, transvestite castrati. None of them are women. But pantomime horses are horses.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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Some people obtain so much wealth and power that they start thinking they can rule the world. But they cannot rule the world. They are merely saboteurs.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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Gab's AI, Gabby's interpretation of "God sharing a joke with Satan". I like the way we can see what the joke is. I have not posted it on Gab, because Gab is a Christian site, and this might be considered a bit blasphemous.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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I used to know what irony was, until I heard Alanis Morisette's song "Isn't It Ironic". Then I listened to an episode of "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" on the radio and discovered that it means, "containing iron". Incidentally, I knew Alanis Morisette when she was still at school and was still called Alan Morris.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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Yes, I have idiot friends and there is much evidence that I am also an idiot.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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The arrival of monkeypox makes me think the health alarmists are running out of ideas, just as Alan Partridge was when coming up with the idea of monkey tennis.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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The British government is proposing to send young, male, illegal immigrants to a newly built camp in Yorkshire or to Rwanda for processing.
Sending them to Rwanda would be funny, but a better solution is to send them to Soylent Green for processing, espceially as this is 2022.
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unoriginalimages · 2 years
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The hypothosis that the totalitarian technocrats of the World Economic Forum are creating the Great Reset in order to kill billions of people explains a lot. The West is being undermined by the transfer of millions of Third World men, who mostly hate the West and who come with questionable intentions. The release of an artificially altered virus is used as an excuse for lockdown, severely damaging economies and societies. The climate emergency fraud is an excuse for economic destruction. Educational institions and the mass media declare war on masculinity, femininity, white people, biology, and reality. War severely reduces the export of grain and fertilizer by two of the biggest producers. The creation of vast amounts of currency leads to inflation, transferring wealth from the many to the few, causing civil unrest, riots and the imposition of totalitarian rule. And I have no idea what we can do about this.
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unoriginalimages · 3 years
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To survive World War 3, it is advisable to hoard enough food and water to last a couple of months, then stay home until it runs out. By then, the radiation will have fallen to levels that are not much higher than the present background. Be prepared to fight to the death to preserve your property. If you hear someone trying to break in, ask them if they want to be involved in murder or to clear off and find a softer target. You might be at an advantage if the intruders are starving or suffering from the effects of radiation. When you finally run out of food, most of the unprepared will be dead or dying and the population might have fallen so low that the survivors have enough land available for farming and hunter-gathering. You will probably not survive anyway, but some chance is better than none. Stay happy!
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