#mega construction
kimludcom · 2 months
Inside Bangladesh $1.1 Billion Underwater Tunnel @Kimlud
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ahshanhabibbd · 7 months
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Professional construction brand logo design.
It was created by adobe illustrator And Photoshop. Hope you like it.Professional quality Work Give you and support. Thank you Ahshan Habib
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buildwire · 1 year
How Technology in Construction is Revolutionizing the Industry
The construction industry, often seen as a bastion of tradition, is undergoing a profound transformation driven by technology. From designing to building, managing to monitoring, technology is reshaping every aspect of the construction process. This revolution is not only enhancing efficiency and safety but also unlocking new creative possibilities. In this article, we delve into the ways technology is revolutionizing the construction industry.
1. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of a building's physical and functional characteristics. It's more than just 3D modeling; it's an intelligent information-rich process that allows architects, engineers, and construction professionals to collaborate seamlessly. BIM enables the visualization of a project before it's built, leading to improved design quality, clash detection, and better decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.
2. Prefabrication and Modular Construction
Technology is enabling the widespread adoption of prefabrication and modular construction, where building components are manufactured off-site and assembled on-site. This approach reduces construction time, waste, and cost while maintaining high quality. It's particularly effective for repetitive elements like walls and floors, speeding up projects and minimizing disruption to surrounding areas.
3. Drones and Aerial Imaging
Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras are changing the way construction sites are surveyed and monitored. They provide a bird's-eye view of the site, helping project managers track progress, monitor safety compliance, and identify potential issues. Aerial imaging also aids in site analysis, site selection, and accurate topographic mapping.
4. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are enhancing project visualization and communication. AR overlays digital information onto the real world, helping workers visualize designs on-site. VR immerses users in a digital environment, allowing stakeholders to virtually walkthrough and experience a project before construction begins. These technologies streamline design approvals, reduce errors, and improve collaboration.
5. Robotics and Automation
Robots are increasingly being used in construction tasks that are repetitive, hazardous, or require extreme precision. Robotic bricklayers can lay bricks at an astonishing pace, while autonomous heavy equipment can handle earthmoving and grading. Automation not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of accidents and injuries.
6. 3D Printing
3D printing is making its mark in construction, enabling the creation of complex structures with less waste and faster construction times. Large-scale 3D printers can produce entire walls, bridges, and even houses. This technology holds the potential to revolutionize affordable housing and emergency shelter construction.
7. Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting construction sites like never before. Sensors embedded in equipment, materials, and even worker wearables collect real-time data on everything from equipment health to worker safety. This data-driven approach enhances decision-making, optimizes resource allocation, and improves overall project management.
8. Sustainable Construction Practices
Technology is driving the adoption of sustainable construction practices. Energy-efficient designs, smart HVAC systems, and renewable energy integration are becoming standard. The analysis of data collected from smart buildings helps optimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.
Technology is not only transforming the construction industry; it's redefining what's possible. The integration of digital tools, automation, and data-driven insights is optimizing every stage of the construction process, from concept to completion. As technology continues to advance, the construction industry stands on the brink of a new era marked by efficiency, safety, sustainability, and innovation. Embracing these technological advancements is not just an option; it's a necessity for those looking to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of construction.
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during the gtn dinner party gideon notes that teacher is “perennially pleased to see [harrow and gideon] for no reason gideon ever knew” and I’m wondering if this is just teacher being quirky or if teacher had a particular fondness for anastasia and is delighted because harrow reminds him of her and/or because harrow’s presence confirms that anastasia’s line and house have continued
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Starkid D&D AU Fic
(i haven’t proof read this yet so idk if it’s good or bad yet 😭 also sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i re-watched the stream to fact check some stuff. this is all i have so far, so on that note, let’s get into it)
Sat atop a rustic cottage, a lone figure rested. One who was formerly a dragon-born, and now an average-sized cookie dragon.
Her light brown tail with darker brown spots coiled around her frame, gently tapping against the hay roof. Muddy eyes surveyed the horizon of Stalewind, as if in search of something. Someone, even.
A few inches away, she heard the rustling of the hay adjacent to her. Turning her head, she spotted a single hand. Another hand joined it, and before she knew it, Zak was hauling himself onto the top of their cottage. Hat, dirt-caked suspenders, messy dark hair, and all. He offered her a smile.
“Zephyr n’ Angelo are inside cookin’ up-uh, somethin’ nice for all of us.” Zak’s strained attempt at making a conversation would’ve made her laugh if she wasn’t so focused on what she was doing.
She offered a half-nod. “Cool.”
Zak looked at her for a few moments before he fished a hand into one of his pockets. As he brought out his hand, a small potato came out with it. Spudicus Maximus wiggled a bit in his palm. The silence was loud enough to hear the mewls of it saying, “Dada,” over-and-over. Zak smiled.
“It’s nice. Us four livin’ together, eh? No more famine ‘ere thanks ta’ us. Everythin’s peaceful n’ stuff. Well, if you can count Angelo’s daily Bible readings as that, but, ya know. I like this place, n’ this run-down cottage.” Zak looked up from his son to the swamp of trees before them.
“It reminds me of my old place, back in Brooklyn. Delancey Street, n’ all of that. My family’s back there, ya know. My moms and my younga’ brothas. I miss ‘em everyday, but with the Earthworm…I don’t wanna put ‘em in danger.”
Zak looked at her, a sad smile on his face. “You miss Tony, Stephonia. You’ve had that look in ya eyes ever since the Hag killed ‘im.”
i had a dream about this and a different npmd au last night so i woke up at 7 and busted out my computer 😋 also i feel like zak having two moms and being an older brother is canon but ‼️‼️ that’s just my interpretation lol
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missholloween · 6 months
Spies are forever Malevolent au (made with @z3n1g4t4)
Curt Mega is a free-lance private eye investigator in the early 50s. He works with his partner, Owen Carvour, and both of them are one of the best of Arkham.
One day, Curt wakes up with no vision and no memory of what has happened. He soon discovers that there's something, or someone, in his head. The entity doesn't recall their own name, but they seem to be in control of Curt's eyes.
Although wary at first, Curt accepts to work with the entity. They quickly find each other working great together: the entity is throughout in their descriptions, and Curt is good thinking on his feet. They quickly get out of the building they were in (one from Curt's cases) and try to recap what has happened.
Curt remembers working on a case about occultism and superstition, but he didn't take it very seriously. His partner and him had to find some missing girl, and that had taken them to a house. The last thing Curt remembers was finding some books with strange symbols on them and letters he couldn't read. The entity, or the man, as he insisted he was, had some vague memories about himself, but couldn't remember much about his identity.
Given that they couldn't go their separate ways, the couple decide to work together to discover what's going on. Their goals are to separate their bodies (and get rid of Curt's eyes curse) as well as finding Owen. The entity finds him fascinating, as it is one of the few moments were Curt lets his guard down and is in touch with himself. He tells him about the cases they worked together, their achievements as partners. As more time passes, the entity notices how there are some gaps in his stories about Owen, as if there were things he didn't want to say. Curt also seems to be more on edge when the topic comes up.
The entity and Curt have some fights during the investigation. The entity is frustrated with Curt, as he often ignores him to follow his impulses (that usually get them in more trouble). On his hand, Curt resents the entity, as he blames him on his partner's dissapearence. Their egos clash, sometimes ending delaying the case by a lot or even putting their lives in danger just to fuck with the other one over. The dance seems familiar to the entity, but he doesn't know why.
After some setbacks and different leads, Curt and the entity arrive to an occult society that seems to worship the same creature that the books belong to. There, they finally give it a name: Chimera. This Old One is created by pieces of many creatures, taking their abilities and making new amalgamates with them (the greek mythology beast is loosely based on it). It thanks Curt for taking Owen to him. Curt doesn't understand.
Chimera reveals that in their last investigation together, Owen and Curt got in trouble. Although they thought they were alone at the house, they were not, and Owen got shot .As a last resource, Owen reached for the book and summoned Chimera, trying to stay alive. The god then offers him a choice: he would keep living, in a way, but he'd have to give up the memories of Curt and their work together. Clinging to his life, Owen accepts.
Curt can't believe what he hears, he can't accept that the man he loves gave him up to become some sort of monster. He faces Chimera and asks them if that's why he can't remember anything about Owen. It laughs at him. Chimera tells him that it wasn't them that made him forget, but Curt. It makes Curt remember nevertheless, and he relives their last moments together. He remembers how he had carelessly made noise all around the house, and he had left a banana peel laying around in the entry. That banana peel hadn't allowed Owen to flee.
Curt's head is filled with images, and memories, and he's hurting, but he can't still remember about his time with Owen, who he was. It doesn't make sense to him. Chimera tells him that it wasn't their fault, he just simply didn't know Owen. He thought he did, with all their cases, but he never asked him about his life. About who he really was. He didn't have to worry much about it, now Owen didn't remember either.
Chimera thus wants to take Owen back to make him one of his subjects, but Owen declines. His new form has made him think about who he is or what his purpose is, and he's not ready to give it up. And although conflicted, Curt doesn't want Owen to join Chimera. So they run away from Chimera.
Their next big step is to face each other.
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bonefall · 2 years
What bout the clans making jerky like they could cut thin pieces of meat off pray and laying it out to dry
I've gotten this suggestion a couple of times so I'll promise you and everyone else that I'll definitely do this one!
It's just a matter of structuring it... in its most basic version, making jerky would just be a repeat of the Dried Minnows entry (sun or wind drying). So to avoid redundancy, I'll be showing you how the cats can make a smoker.
And then there's the rub, because I could just do ThunderClan Jerky, or I could make it more of an entry on the different types of smokers each Clan prefers, or I could do ThunderClan's favorite smoker construction using Jerky as the headliner and then show a smoked dish from each clan...
Much to think about. But, I will be showing how jerky is made. One way or another jerky will come.
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theclaravita · 2 years
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We're continuing the war with the Cabal on Mars in Bric-a-Brac Episode VIII!
900+ pieces... The largest set I've gotten so far! Come hang with me while I build! Saturday 12/10 at 2pm EST! >:D
Find me at: twitch.tv/claravitalia
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Mega Man 2 Powered Up - Dialogue (*Mega Man route)
out of nowhere, I know. but also....please...I've been thinking abt this concept for years. turning it over and over in my head for quite literally, years. at least since 7th grade.
it needs to get Out of my system and Put somewhere...even if it sucks and plenty of people have tread this ground before.
It's not just banter either! got ideas for extra modes, challenges, bonus content, dlc....fuck man i just miss mmpu, what can I say? but i need to focus on one aspect at a time or we'll never get a thing done.
this kind of blossomed out of an abandoned project i was doing w former friends. as far as i know (unless one of them wants to step up and take it from me), it was pretty much left to my hands. we didnt get very far, but i'm fairly secure in Rock's, Metal's, and Air's exchanges, and the circumstances surrounding the Wilybots' playability.
i have plenty of thumbnails, but they're all scribbly and just for personal ref. it's hard to tell what's going on in some of them so i decided not to include them. i might do the ones i scrapped up for the opening cinematic and ending, but eh. only if anyone gives a shit lol.
further apologies if these characterisations don't agree with you lmao. you must understand going in that ive got my own ideas of how ppl sound and act and it reflects in the way they're written.this may lead to Cringe. please contact your health provider if you feel an acute sensation of Cringe lasting longer than five hours after reading this script. other side effects such as dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, and diarrhoea have been rep
Narrator: The year is 200X. Dr. Light's former lab assistant, Rock, has since been modified into a super robot named Mega Man. Mega Man was built to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily. As such, he rescued his fellow creations of Dr. Light from his clutches and saved the people of Earth. After his defeat, Dr. Wily retired to the cover of shadow…only to return boasting eight new robots of his own…
[Mega Man runs across a terrorised city street in the middle of the night.]
[His COM unit begins to ring as he's running. It rings twice before he picks up, still running.]
Mega Man: Professor? Is that you?
Dr. Light: It is. Roll and I have gathered some intel for you: We have the approximate locations of Dr. Wily's robots.
Mega Man: Right. I'll be back to the lab as soon as I can.
Dr. Light: Don't be reckless, Rock. The maps show danger on the roads ahead of you. Please be careful out there.
[Dr. Light hangs up. Shortly after, an explosion is heard. Mega Man narrowly avoids bullet fire and proceeds to the right, beginning the tutorial stage.]
(VS. WILY - 1st TIME)
[Dr. Wily approaches from the background in his new capsule. The top opens, and he steps forward. His irises are distinctly red.]
Dr. Wily: Nu-ha-ha! You are too late, Mega Man! My robots are already busy conquering every major institution in your country! Soon, nothing will stand between me, and a seat at the top of this world!
Mega Man: Dr. Wily, why are you doing this?! You told me you were a changed man!
Dr. Wily: And you truly believed me? You are worse than the idiot human who constructed you! But enough talk -- I have business to attend to!
[Dr. Wily retreats into his capsule, and flies vertically out of sight. A cumbersome red battle mech named PLAT-4M stomps in menacingly from the right side of the screen.]
Dr. Wily: Fare-well, you insignificant little helper robot! Nwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
[PLAT-4M is totaled, but still present after the fight. Mega Man's COM unit rings, twice again, before he picks up.]
Dr. Light: Rock! Are you alright?
Mega Man: Yeah…I just beat the mech Dr. Wily sent after me…
Dr. Light: Let's have a look…oh, that's very interesting…do you think could you do me a favour? Please, send this machine back to the lab. I have an idea.
Mega Man: What is it, Professor?
Dr. Light: Its moving parts in isolation may be useful to you, if reconfigured. I don't know precisely how quite yet, but I'll keep you updated on future developments as I work.
Mega Man: Understood, I'm on it. Over and out!
[PLAT-4M is sent off to Light Laboratories in a beam of red and white light. Mega Man follows shortly thereafter.]
[Mega Man touches base and stops in front of a large, idle monitor. Dr. Light and Roll are waiting on the left.]
Roll: Welcome back! Oh -- here's the location data Dr. Light was talking about!
[The screen cuts on, showing the eight robots available on the stage select.]
Dr. Light: They may not be exact, but the readings show they are stationed in these general areas. A quick search may turn up results.
Mega Man: Thanks, Professor. I'll head out as soon as I can.
Roll: Good luck, Rock! We're counting on you!
[A Metal Blade flies across the room just over Mega Man's head. Metal Man flips himself up on the belt from below to catch it, and pose.]
Metal Man: Sorry kid, no access past this point. Afraid I'm gonna have to cut you off here.
Mega Man: I'm not leaving until you give up control of the recycling plant, Metal Man!
Metal Man: Stubborn, are we? Heh…if you wanna get sent home in shreds, that's fine by me.
[Similarly to his appearance in Mega Man: The Power Battle, Air Man emerges from the eye of a developing tornado.]
Air Man: HARK! The vagabond rapscallion appears! What wind blows you here?
Mega Man: The winds of change! I'm here to stop you!
Air Man: FORSOOTH! The great AIR MAN will not be defeated by an insolent whelp such as yourself! Have at you, MegaMan!
[Similarly to his appearance in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, Bubble Man rises up in a giant bubble. When it pops, he performs a backflip stroke.]
Bubble Man: Buh, what was it…oh! Ahem... Welcome, Mega Man, to Davy Jones' Locker!
Mega Man: Aww, a bubblemaking robot, he's totally harmless... We don't have to fight, do we?
Bubble Man: B-buh? Harmless?! I…I'm dangerous I tell you, super dangerous! Take me on, I'll make you eat craw!
[Quick Man dashes across the raised floors in a blur. At the peak of his third jump, he flips into a pose on the room's right end.]
Quick Man: What took you so long? Waitin' on slowpokes really drives me crazy, y'know?
Mega Man: Quick Man, hurry and shut this place down! You're gonna wreck the city's central power grid!
Quick Man: No way! Now that you're finally here, I'm runnin' you into the ground! Don't blink -- you'll miss me!
[The pipes on the right end of the room explode violently. Crash Man is blasted in, but recovers with a roll and stumble to a stand.]
Crash Man: You're Mega Man…the evil monster Dr. Wily warned me about…
Mega Man: Evil…? No, you're wrong! I'm fighting against world domination!
Crash Man: I WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKS! For the sake of Dr. Wily, and all my brothers, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!
[Everything freezes until there's a sudden burst of white light. As it clears, Flash Man materialises on the right end of the room in a pose.]
Flash Man: Oh my…even from here, I can see your heart's been blinded by the light…isn't it sad?
Mega Man: Huh? What are you talking about…?
Flash Man: Forced to fight to protect those close to you…hasn't it clicked that we're one in the same?
[Heat Man's box sits plainly on the floor until it jumps. His arms and legs pop out, and the lid opens in a flare of fire once he's fully standing.]
Heat Man: Ugh. Guess I don't get my five minutes…hang on, I'll get ignited.
Mega Man: If you don't have the fire, we don't have to fight…
Heat Man: And get roasted by Dr. Wily for ignoring orders? How stupid do you think I am?
[The trees and their leaves above shake vigorously. Wood Man falls to the ground in a crouch, with a resonant rumble.]
Wood Man: The air, trees, water, animals, all innocent, all ruined…what kind of hero are you, man?
Mega Man: I…I didn't want to, but if I don't weed you out of here…
Wood Man: I can forgive a lot, but messing with the natural world…you just barked up the wrong tree, little dude.
[Mega Man returns to the laboratory. The room's lights are lower. The screen is idle and no longer reflects the stage select.]
Roll: Rock! Look at this!
Dr. Light: We've finally managed to tag Dr. Wily's ship.
[The screen settles into a clouded sky. The camera zooms into it until the perspective is from the sky itself, which is tracking Dr. Wily's capsule as it moves through the growing storm.]
Mega Man: That's him, alright, but…where's he going?
[Dr. Wily flips open the lid. His irises are still red. He briefly acknowledges/teases the camera by pulling a face and waggling his eyebrows. He shuts it again, and tries to outpace the camera.]
Dr. Light: A building mysteriously appeared from underground on a South Pacific island just recently…we have reason to believe it's his base of operations...Wily Castle.
[While Dr. Light is speaking, Dr. Wily vanishes through the clouds. When the camera catches up through the fog, it focuses at the bottom of the fortress. Cue prelude. It tilts up just in time to see Dr. Wily retreating into the eye of the skull. There is a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder.]
Roll: It's under super tight guard...
[The monitor then comes back into play as the view of the fortress becomes a grid map.]
Roll: The only way in, is to break in.
[The camera pulls out and fades back in to Light Labs, where the three are standing, facing the screen.]
Roll: If you climb around the outside wall, you might be able to sneak through the air ducts.
[The three turn to face each other.]
Dr. Light: We'll be geotagging you to build a map of the area as you proceed, so you won't get lost.
Mega Man: Then, I can find Dr. Wily and figure out what's throwing me off about him...
Dr. Light: Throwing you off?
Mega Man: ...N-no, forget it, there's no time. Thank you both -- promise I won't let you down!
Roll: Give it your all, Rock! You can do this!
[The map then becomes selectable, per fortress stage.]
[Mecha Dragon's body lurches bit by bit. She then roars out a blaze of flames.]
Mecha Dragon: Rrrrr...chaarrrrrrr…
Mega Man: I-I've been tailed into a corner...there's no backing out now!
[The eyes in the walls peek before flashing various colours in quick succession.]
Mega Man: Who's talking to me...? Where are you?!
[Guts Tank rolls onscreen, then straightens up, punching its fists together.]
Guts Tank: I'VE...GOT...GUTS.
Mega Man: G-Guts Man? As a tank?! Where does Dr. Wily come up with these things...?
[The eyes of each cannon rove about and glow until they fix on Mega Man. They then blink in unison.]
Boobeam: Mega Man is here? Mega Man is here! He is? Here! Where? There!
Mega Man: Who's controlling this room...? Can you hear me? Please, let me underground!
Boobeam: Request? Negatory! Invalid? Failed check! Fire? At will! At will? We will!
*Conditions for this one being, only the first robot you encounter here is the one you have any dialogue with. The WARNING! also only shows up once.
[The robot you're rematching appears in the same manner and pose as they did when you first fought them. Their textures appear somewhat holographic.]
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[The mech descends on screen with just a bit of puffing steam. Dr. Wily then drives his capsule into it, and pushes the windshield open. His irises are still red. His skin is now very slightly discoloured.]
Dr. Wily: Ack! You, are still alive?! My robots were better than that human Dr. Light's, so much stronger, and not a one of them could put a stop to you?!
Mega Man: Enough is enough, Dr. Wily! You're finished! Come out of the ship and turn yourself in!
Dr. Wily: I am "finished", am I?! We will see about that! My Wily Machine #2 is bigger and better than ever! One can only get lucky once, Mega Man! Say good-bye -- this is game over! Nu-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!
[He shuts the windshield and prepares the guns.]
[The face of the ship breaks off, revealing Dr. Wily in the cockpit.]
Dr. Wily: RAGE!! No-no-no-no-no-no-no! Now you've gone and done it! But I am not defeated just yet!
[He improvises a temporary solution, shedding any extra broken parts. Wily Machine #2's HP refills.]
[Wily Machine #2 fully breaks down. While it does, the floor begins to rumble.]
Dr. Wily: Irritation...it appears I must rely on my true form after all...if you can break your fall, that is!
Mega Man: What? True form...?
[The floor gives way from underneath of Mega Man before Dr. Wily is seen getting away. This transitions the player directly into the secret final stage.]
[Quietly, Dr. Wily's capsule descends. He jumps out of it and floats idle in the darkness. It spins away on autopilot without him. Roll is not heard giving a warning.]
Mega Man: What...what is this? Dr. Wily, where are we?!
Dr. Wily?: Tear down my robots, will you? Meddle with my perfect plan, will you? You have no idea WHAT YOU'RE DEALING WITH, MEGA MAN.
[Halfway through the last sentence, his body begins to transform. Mega Man takes a step back, horrified.]
Mega Man: N-no...there's no way...!
[The vast starscape fades in around them once the Alien is fully transformed.]
[Mega Man looks around as everything begins to deteriorate.]
Mega Man: It was...just a hologram...?
[Dr. Wily is seen trying to get everything back in good working order behind his terminal. He looks quite ragged.]
Dr. Wily: Guh...uh-oh! ...Please, have mercy?
[The machine that generated the alien hologram falls at Mega Man's feet. He shoots it, causing it to explode. The projector atop the room then powers down to dormancy.]
Dr. Wily: YIPE!!!
[Dr. Wily jumps out from behind the terminal, and proceeds to bow frantically.]
Dr. Wily: M-Mega Man, please forgive me! I-I had no intentions of going any farther, really! I'll pay reparations! [Cue fanfare.] I'll even make amends with Dr. Light, alright?! You win! I give, I giiiiiiive!
[The camera is focused on the now black stage select screen. Light Laboratories, shrouded in darkness, is then dimly illuminated by it whirring to life. Dr. Light and Roll meet up in front of it from opposite ends of the room. Its display shows Wily Castle billowing with smoke, and returning underground.]
Dr. Light: It's over...it's all over, he's done it! Rock's defeated Dr. Wily!
Roll: Oh, thank goodness he's out safely! So, when can you get him back home?
[Dr. Light immediately gets to work trying to locate Mega Man's signal. The monitor cuts to static.]
Dr. Light: If I can get a read on him, he's...ah...
Roll: Professor? What's the matter? What's wrong with Rock, is he okay?
Dr. Light: ...This...may take a bit longer than I thought...
**[Ending cutscene will be fully animated. There's more than 30 thumbnails. Will need to be a separate post in the future.]
[The screen is black.]
Dr. Wily: I know all the harm I've done. You don't have to forgive me, Thomas.
[The light lifts marginally. The two doctors are silhouetted, sitting in what looks to be a detention center. Cue music: a slow, melancholy remix of Dr. Wily's final boss theme from the original Powered Up.]
Dr. Light: I wouldn't have if I didn't get a chance to see you like this. To punish a man already deep in remorse…that isn't me. I only wish I could help you build a better future.
Dr. Wily: …We could start over.
Dr. Light: What do you mean?
Dr. Wily: Let me join you again. With our strengths combined, I can do what I've always wanted: show the world the true power of robotics.
Dr. Light: If your intentions truly are honest…then working towards everlasting peace is the only way.
Dr. Wily: That's it! A peacekeeping robot! We'll build one so supermassive, no evil could ever threaten it! We could retire MegaMan's hero act for good!
Dr. Light: He has always hated fighting…but to build a guardian for the entire planet…
Dr. Wily: It would take materials beyond what's available on Earth, but that's a non-issue in our modern times! If we work together, I believe all things are possible…don't you?
Dr. Light: …I do.
Dr. Wily: I knew you'd come around. But…I can hardly do anything held captive by the state.
Dr. Light: That won't be a problem. I'll post your bail by tomorrow and hire you back at Light Laboratories ASAP. Your robots, too. For such a big project, we'll need all hands on deck, possibly another set altogether…this is going to be revolutionary. I'm proud of you, Albert, truly.
Dr. Wily: I can't thank you enough. You're making the right decision, Thomas. From now on, I promise…we won't speak anymore of war.
[The player is prompted to save once more before being returned to the company logos and opening cinematic.]
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It's interesting to note the discordant and well gaudy paintjobs the Primal Vanguard had before Oppy were an example of disruptive camouflage
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kimludcom · 4 months
Dubai of Africa? Africa's Rising Giant? Ethiopia's $ Billions MEGA Projects Will SHOCK You!
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artblooger19moon · 2 years
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Maya, Jelly People, & Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex AR
FNAF belongs to Scott Cawthon
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jolikmc-stuff · 2 years
Mega Man Powered Up - "Chaotic Ascent" by Jo Li KMC on YouTube
I found my old levels from 2006.
There was much pain.
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thorntopieces · 2 months
I was asleep
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no-passaran · 8 months
Genocide experts warn that India is about to genocide the Shompen people
Who are the Shompen?
The Shompen are an indigenous culture that lives in the Great Nicobar Island, which is nowadays owned by India. The Shompen and their ancestors are believed to have been living in this island for around 10,000 years. Like other tribes in the nearby islands, the Shompen are isolated from the rest of the world, as they chose to be left alone, with the exception of a few members who occasionally take part in exchanges with foreigners and go on quarantine before returning to their tribe. There are between 100 and 400 Shompen people, who are hunter-gatherers and nomadic agricultors and rely on their island's rainforest for survival.
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Why is there risk of genocide?
India has announced a huge construction mega-project that will completely change the Great Nicobar Island to turn it into "the Hong Kong of India".
Nowadays, the island has 8,500 inhabitants, and over 95% of its surface is made up of national parks, protected forests and tribal reserve areas. Much of the island is covered by the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, described by UNESCO as covering “unique and threatened tropical evergreen forest ecosystems. It is home to very rich ecosystems, including 650 species of angiosperms, ferns, gymnosperms, and bryophytes, among others. In terms of fauna, there are over 1800 species, some of which are endemic to this area. It has one of the best-preserved tropical rain forests in the world.”
The Indian project aims to destroy this natural environment to create an international shipping terminal with the capacity to handle 14.2 million TEUs (unit of cargo capacity), an international airport that will handle a peak hour traffic of 4,000 passengers and that will be used as a joint civilian-military airport under the control of the Indian Navy, a gas and solar power plant, a military base, an industrial park, and townships aimed at bringing in tourism, including commercial, industrial and residential zones as well as other tourism-related activities.
This project means the destruction of the island's pristine rainforests, as it involves cutting down over 852,000 trees and endangers the local fauna such as leatherback turtles, saltwater crocodiles, Nicobar crab-eating macaque and migratory birds. The erosion resulting from deforestation will be huge in this highly-seismic area. Experts also warn about the effects that this project will have on local flora and fauna as a result of pollution from the terminal project, coastal surface runoff, ballasts from ships, physical collisions with ships, coastal construction, oil spills, etc.
The indigenous people are not only affected because their environment and food source will be destroyed. On top of this, the demographic change will be a catastrophe for them. After the creation of this project, the Great Nicobar Island -which now has 8,500 inhabitants- will receive a population of 650,000 settlers. Remember that the Shompen and Nicobarese people who live on this island are isolated, which means they do not have an immune system that can resist outsider illnesses. Academics believe they could die of disease if they come in contact with outsiders (think of the arrival of Europeans to the Americas after Christopher Columbus and the way that common European illnesses were lethal for indigenous Americans with no immunization against them).
And on top of all of this, the project might destroy the environment and the indigenous people just to turn out to be useless and sooner or later be abandoned. The naturalist Uday Mondal explains that “after all the destruction, the financial viability of the project remains questionable as all the construction material will have to be shipped to this remote island and it will have to compete with already well-established ports.” However, this project is important to India because they want to use the island as a military and commercial post to stop China's expansion in the region, since the Nicobar islands are located on one of the world's busiest sea routes.
Last year, 70 former government officials and ambassadors wrote to the Indian president saying the project would “virtually destroy the unique ecology of this island and the habitat of vulnerable tribal groups”. India's response has been to say that the indigenous tribes will be relocated "if needed", but that doesn't solve the problem. As a spokesperson for human rights group Survival International said: “The Shompen are nomadic and have clearly defined territories. Four of their semi-permanent settlements are set to be directly devastated by the project, along with their southern hunting and foraging territories. The Shompen will undoubtedly try to move away from the area destroyed, but there will be little space for them to go. To avoid a genocide, this deadly mega-project must be scrapped.”
On 7 February 2024, 39 scholars from 13 countries published an open letter to the Indian president warning that “If the project goes ahead, even in a limited form, we believe it will be a death sentence for the Shompen, tantamount to the international crime of genocide.”
How to help
The NGO Survival International has launched this campaign:
From this site, you just need to add your name and email and you will send an email to India's Tribal Affairs Minister and to the companies currently vying to build the first stage of the project.
Share it with your friends and acquittances and on social media.
India’s plan for untouched Nicobar isles will be ‘death sentence’ for isolated tribe, 7 Feb 2024. The Guardian.
‘It will destroy them’: Indian mega-development could cause ‘genocide’ and ‘ecocide’, says charity, 8 Feb 2024. Geographical.
Genocide experts call on India's government to scrap the Great Nicobar mega-project, Feb 2024. Survival International.
The container terminal that could sink the Great Nicobar Island, 20 July 2022. Mongabay.
[Maps] Environmental path cleared for Great Nicobar mega project, 10 Oct 2022. Mongabay.
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conceptmobius · 5 months
Construction Zone: Sonic 1 Remake poll
Kinda wanna see something for something I'm typing up.
(Note: This is under the assumption that the Retro Engine would be used if 2D, or the engine used for Superstars would be used if 2.5D. Either way, Unreal Engine 5 would be utilized.)
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