#meemee day
trumpvance2024 · 2 months
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2024skin · 2 months
Went to bed at 1 last night and slept till 5 pm today
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hopegained · 1 year
eid mubarak ✨
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Reader Readerson is the only mutant in their family. Everyone else is very much human and has no idea where their x-gene comes from, but their best guess it's so far back in the family tree that there's no record of it.
While most have fairly traumatic stories of when their mutation first started showing. (Sometimes, the trauma starts at the literal day of birth if they are born with their mutation.) Reader's story sounds more like a sitcom bit of everyone panicking, and a lamp gets broken.
So all the Readerson family are fascinated watching their kid do mutant things. They watch during Danger Room training and treat it like a sports game, and they ask the others stupid but well-meaning questions about it. Their little cousin asks Charles if they had action figures of Reader cause "my cousin is the best hero and the best heros need toys!"
Reader is blushing and excusing their little cousin, who then helpfully pipes up how those powers would be so useful helping their Uncle Readerson out-!
Reader is quick to say they're just joking, and then is tugging their teammates back, all while their family happily keeps watching their little tot learn how to fight and try not to die-
Later, once everyone has settled for the night (because of course Reader's family stayed the night, for dinner, because Meemee Readerson said so!), Reader is quick to warn everyone to NOT make Meemee Readerson, or ANY of their family mad, or make them think Reader is in danger. When Logan asks why...
"Well, erm... Missing Parent didn't come back when he/she/they started to get... mean... mm... or my brother or sister when they stole everything from me and Other Parent... or our uncle Two or cousin Middle, when they tried to manipulate me and Older Cousin to be mean, too..."
And now the adults are trying to figure out what the h*ll Reader just told them, and what they're subtley trying to say...
(Well... haha... I couldn't help myself... @sugar-soda What do you think of this little addition?)
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itswashington17 · 3 months
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Presenting the final piece of the Banana Rumble art collab featuring various Monkey Ball fan artists! Thank you to everyone who took part in this special collab!
Now! Let the Rumble Begin!
Me - AiAi, WaWa and the background
Pedro (@HAL_Fanatico on Twitter) - MeeMee and Baby
@chgamer296778-twitter - GonGon
@binky-dink - YanYan and GiGi
Critical Del (@Critic_Del on Twitter) - Doctor
@deadlinesmb - Palette, Jam, Fes and Val
Hubaduba-Tron (@Hubaduba_Tron on Twitter) - Jet
Yellow Wisp (@silvertails841 on Twitter) - Dr. Bad Boon and Henchman
EeEeDivineQuils (@Blazesaix on Twitter) - Yoko and EeEe
@nat0rii - Female villager from SMB2 Story Mode
Mimie (@Mimiie_drawings on Twitter) - W-MeeMee
@kris-the-yan - P-YanYan
@seerterror - F-GonGon
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virdemption · 2 months
hiii do you have any w-meemee headcanons you havent shared? :3c
i'm so obsessed with how you came in with the w-meemee icon out of nowhere and casually ask about w-meemee it made me burst out in laughter this is my first thought seeing this ask:
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but yeah i don't think i have a headcanons list of her yet. some of this is definitely repeats lols.
W-Meemee Headcanons Time
She can play piano very well!
She's not a very huge fan of other girls in her academy since they're WAY too casually interested in curses and love potions. Especially the love potion aspect; she hates the thought of anyone being forced into loving someone they wouldn't want to otherwise (I do not like her trying to charm Aiai into noticing her I'm fully rejecting that forevers).
Big spoon :)
Whenever he returns, she will buy treasures from C-Aiai that can be used in potions and magic. She's tried to buy from Palette before but she usually declines.
She gave F-Gongon the button on its coat and that's his most treasured possession ever.
She can sew! But she only ever uses this skill to put F-Gongon back together.
The scent of her wand when casting a spell changes depending on her mood. It can be either pleasant or pungent.
Her favorite food is the cookies from Sweet Fountain with the sticky banana as her runner up. She's been trying to replicate the cookies at home forever. Baking is another hobby of her, but she's not very good at it.
F-Gongon has a key to her apartment, but he doesn't often visit since she's roommates with Kenrai. He is always going to visit on days when she comes back from school for breaks to make her boxed red velvet cake.
Oh and here's an old post about her and F-Gongon lols
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kris-the-yan · 6 months
(The monkeys getting shots be like)
MeeMee: Alright guys, you know what day it is today!
GonGon: Monday?
MeeMee: No, it's the day we get out shots!
AiAi: *GASP*
MeeMee: Oh don't be like that, AiAi, are you really scared of needles?
AiAi: Huh— o-of course not! Why would I be?
MeeMee: -_-
YanYan: Oh, I actually can't make it
MeeMee: You knew we were getting shots today! Why can't you make it?
YanYan: Uhmmm I have plans!
MeeMee: What plans?
YanYan: Uhm.... I gotta clean my room and wash my clothes!
MeeMee: You will have plenty of time to do that after we get back.
YanYan: But if I do it after the shots I'll be too tired!
MeeMee: YanYan, you do this every time! We go through this every year!
YanYan: But I don't like shots!
GonGon: YanYan, if you don't get your shots, you're gonna get sick and then die from it!
YanYan: WHAT?! *starts crying*
MeeMee: GONGON!!
GonGon: What?
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nintenfoxy · 7 months
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AiAi, MeeMee, Baby, and GonGon! All as they've appeared in the classic days of the Super Monkey Ball series.
Originally posted ahead of the release of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania in 2021, posted here to go alongside the announcement of Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 62
Meemees! Hmmmm ... hotdog on my head? What? Pineapple? Ummmmm ... oh, I get it now, Sam is thoroughly fucking with Matt ... and now the master plan is revealed! Yeah ...
Liam getting tongue-tied about Essek ... yup boy's totally channeling Caleb without even meaning to ... XD
So we're short some folks, but all the relevant players are here, so it really has no actual bearing. So ...
Oh yeah, Wind Cougar. This couldn't possibly be used for unnecessarily idiotic humour, could it?
They're all walking. Yeah ...
Oh, here we go, ALREADY with the cougar jokes ... XD
What's in the Hole? Hmmmm ...
Yeah, don't look like horses is gonna happen. So they're just hoofing it ... though is gonna take a while ...
Do not enable the Murder Pixie ...
Yeah, like what even IS going on either Bor'Dor? Oh, they're getting him to PRACTICE now? Okay ... SHOOTING TREES?!!! Seriously? This can't possibly go well ...
Oh yeah, Laudna actually IS the right person to mentor him, actually. Which is as worrying as you'd expect ...
"Aaron Sorkin Walk & Talk" XD
Good roll? Smooth day of travelling, then.
Laudna's bodily functions are revealed and it's as nauseating as we thought it would be ...
Mother and Pate ... oh boy ... meanwhile Prism buttering Dynios up is adorably hilarious. :3 And the team-up ... oh boy 2 ...
Not a very communicative cougar, clearly.
Tolerable role becomes STRONG roll snd Bor'Dor avoids poisoning half the party with toxic berries ... meanwhile Deni$e essentially mercy kills a senile rabbit for dinner ... LOL
"Talk to rocks?" Okay ... Ashton tries meditation under Orym's guidance. This should be fun ... ah ... waffles? Yup ... what I expected, really. Ah, so ... man-to man heart-to-heart ... yup ...
Ah, massage ...
Fruit roll-ups? Awwwwww ...
Oooh, non-lethal booby-traps? Hmmmm ... and now Prism's giving Bor'Dor's crossbow a Draconic upgrade. Okay ... how lethal has she just made it? Oh, here we go ...
Dragon's Breath? Oh hell ... and now Deni$e has no painted eyebrows any more ... not ti mention the crossbow is now ON FIRE!!! Oof ... yeah, maybe not try THAT again ...
"Book smarts and ... sheep smarts." XD
I'm sorry ... Laudna has an OLD SPINE?!!! What fresh hell is THIS potential nightmare fuel? Oh dear gods what HAVE THEY made? Really?
Bor'Dor trying to do a Firebolt ... oh fuck ... "That's a big FOUR, baby!" Yeesh ... oh, 12? Okay then ... yeah, not bad, actually ... oh, he's trying MORE?!!! Whooo ... oh, and he's doing something to ASHTON?!!! A Second Level Calm Emotions? Hmmmm ... oh wow, that actually WORKED?!!! Blimey ... "mage whippets"? Snort ... and another one on EVERYBODY ELSE ... wow ... now they're all stoned as hell and it's hilarious ... LOL
And now Bor'Dor is cuddling up with the cougar ... while Deni$e traumatises another rabbit ...
Ashton has a spiritual Zen adventure in the night ... yeah ...
Amazingly, nothing happens in the night while they're all thoroughly tranked ... XD
Next morning, fresh roll ... 5? Hmmm ... okay then ... oh boy, what's THIS shit then?
If in doubt, chuck a handful of balls bearings in the crater ... yeah, it's all very Beau ...
Sending in Pate, then ... oh, and now EVERYBODY'S getting in on the act ... yeah, this is a great idea, isn't it?
There's something UNDER the plants ... oh yeah, here we go ... Wither & Bloom ... a skeleton? Or not ... what IS THIS?!!!
Merge With Stone? Ashton, what are you doing? Laudna has a rock chisel ... Matt SPECIFICALLY pointing out how well equipped she is FOR THIS makes me VERY uneasy ...
A githzerai? A WHAT?!!! An alien? Huh?
So the crater was from an IMPACT, but it's aldi sn intentional imprisonment ... hmmmm ...
Hematite? Oh, sky iron? Okay then ...
Ring of Volcanic Flesh? Ooooooooh ... oh yeah, DEFINITELY give it to Ashton, yeah ... good fit ...
Carbon dating? Hmmmmm ... hundreds of years? Yup, sounds right ...
Second day comes to an end ... a mushroom grove? Really, Pate?
Whoa ... Dynios, take a chill pill, man ... he's so intense ... O.O
Prism is a student ... yeah, course she smokes ... now what's Ashton doing? Oh boy ... Prism's most impressive achievement? Hmmm ... the Shadow Realm ... okay ... Ashton: "You spelling-bee'd your way out of your humdrum town?" Nice ... and now she's having an existential crisis? Yeah, the weed's giving her The Fear ...
Undercommon chat with Laudna ... intriguing ... Nice little private heart-to-heart for the girls ...
Laudna didn't EXACTLY eat anyone ... oh yeah, Delilah ... no, not technically cannibalism ...
Awwwww ... I love that, basically Laudna sees a lot of herself in Prism, that's so sweet ...
More cougar jokes ... XD
First watch ... it's good ... okay ... friendly unknown eyes in the dark? Bizarre ... these are like Will O' the Wisps? Hmmm ... they're harmless, clearly. Okay ... just Orym bring Nature Boy, clearly ...
I am totally having Pangur Ban in The Secret of Kells flashbacks with this description ... :3 I love how Orym's having a modest little spiritual experience in this moment.
Another day ... 16? Nice roll, Utkarsh!
The cougar jokes roll on ...
More bonding for Prism and Ashton ... ah yes, they are both a couple of unapologetic adrenaline junkies ...
More Scrying? Might be good ...
Ah yes, Imogen comes up ... Bor'Dor getting Laudna to open up ... yeah ... oh, yeah, the Ruidusborn thing ... yeah ...
Ah yes. The Hard Truths of their current situation ...
Deni$e still being on the fence about Dariax ... yeah ...
Another Scry ... here we go then ... ah yes, retconning the necessary components ...
Again, just an empty cabin? Hmmm ... could Bor'Dor's brother have just been Shunted away? Or does it not work that way? Hmmmm ...
Oh, OF COURSE Laudna has something of Imogen's, ate you kidding?
End of another day ... more camping ... try another Scry? On Ludinus this time? Oooooh ... sounds risky to me ...
Just a WALL, huh? Blocked ... sounds about right.
Oooh! Fishing! Just one, though ... yeah ... a tiny snack for ONE PERSON ... oh wow, Prism can make it LARGER?!!! Hmmmm ... yeah, clearly that doesn't work ... XD At least Deni$e catches more rabbit ...
Oooh, trash talking Chetney? Sounds like fun. XD
Heavy talk about Ludinus and what they want to do, NEED to do, etc ...
Oh man, yeah, Laudna's got a really great point there ... knowing as much as they do, they just can't do NOTHING anymore ...
Common ground at last -yeah, Ludinus gotta GO man ...
Insight check? Hmmmm ... indistinct ... yeah ... cue Muppet jokes ...
Oh boy ... Ashton gives Bor'Dor his pipe ... wow, here we go then ... what does Bor'Dor see? Wow ... he's living his best life RIGHT NOW?!!! That's actually kinda sweet ...
Good roll for the night, Utkarsh ...
Yet more cougar jokes ...
Orym using Seedling to try and communicate with the Wildmother ...
Bedtime ... and a BREAK!!! Okay then ...
Straight back in to Aimee getting a Whispers ... hmmmmm ... and then there's Orym with his insane passive Perception making that completely pointless ... XD
Now Matt is getting arsey about his password problems ... LOL Matt's passive aggressive frustration is so funny really ...
Oh ... shit roll? Matt makes them roll a D6 ... ah shit ...
Ah ... massive crevasse ... lovely ...
And the cougar is INSISTING they go DOWN?!!! Oof ... Laudna: "Damn it, Charlize Theron!"
Oh, THIS is the Canyon? Oh, okay ... so this IS the right way. Just ... not the EASY way ...
Prism supersizes Mother for Orym to pull a Link in Breath of the Wild ... O.O Ooh, so Mother is a BUFF raven with advantage on Strength checks ... Nice ... Liam rolls 2 ones on Perception, but OF COURSE since Orym's a halfling he gets to reroll ... 30? Matt: "Jesus ..." Yup, back to business as usual for Orym and his checks ...
Everybody is now JUMPING OFF THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF?!!! Fucking hell ... and Matt gets a snide little dig at Keyfish in ... XD
At least nobody SPLATS ... but yes, it still hurts ... oof ...
BIG ASS waterfall ... okay ... "vibrant blue bushes"? Okay .. here we are, then ...
Dynios is A BOOK, why would he want to get WET?!!! Oh dear gods ... yeah, he is definitely NOT HAPPY ... XD
Is this going to be the climax of the cougar jokes, then?
Whip of Warning? Interesting ...
Checking for illusions ... oh, here we go ... the hill? Okay ... sending in Pate, then ...
Wow, that dead rat is DENSE ...
Aha! Hidden entrance! Of course ... saw this coming ... Primordial? Hmmmm ...
Dexterity check ... yeah, well Laudna IS trying to look through Pate's eyes right now, so ...
Yeah, just follow the cougar ... Pass Without A Trace! Yup ... wow, crazy rolls all round ...
Low breathing? Oh shit ... the hill is ALIVE?!!! Of fucking COURSE it is ...
Everybody is now disappointed they will not get to know what this thing actually IS ... it's kind of adorable really ... :3
Prismatic crystals ... hmmm ...
I'm sorry, is prying these things out REALLY the smart move right now?
Ray of Frost ... hmmm ... Taliesin suggesting smothering this spell is a "shivering queef" ... LOL That's it, they have BROKEN MATT MERCER AGAIN!!! XD
Oh shit ... now what? EVERYBODY has to make a Dexterity save? Oof ... thankfully THEY ALL duck in time ... phew ...
Oh wait ... the cougar is LEAVING THEM NOW?!!! Really?
AGAIN they're considering stealing some of the crystals ... really? Come on, guys! Yes, it's a shrine, bad idea ...
Into the cavern, go on ...
Somewhat homey in here, actually ... and fancy with the crystals ... no more thievery, please ...
Just say hello? Yes, sounds like the smart play right now ...
Alcoves? Aha ... seems this is all just left for visitors, I think.
Ashton makes his presence felt in Primordial in the most SARCASTIC WAY imaginable. XD
Just follow the footprints, guys!
"wikiFEET"? XD
Bor'dor: "I'm from the Cyrios Mountains!" Deni$e: "Yeah, but what street?" Bor'Dor: "What do you MEAN street? It's a fucking MOUNTAIN!!!"
Obelisk? Okay ... this looks promising ...
The place has been prepared for an event? This is getting ominous, it feels awful circumstantial ...
Shit ... yeah, that's right, is it ... IS THAT Residuum?
Ashton referring to Percy as "the asshole in the castle" ... XD
There's somebody up there? Oh shit ...
Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night!" AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Are they in deep shit? Is this a trap? Is this a CLIFFHANGER?!!! NOOOOOOO ...
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scoutsurge · 11 months
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Day 10! Fursona Meemee mur mee AHJARRAG racoon
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meemeeblueberry777 · 2 years
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#i hate nfts btw - 1 post
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For those who don't want to visit Twitter:
So I got laid off today from the job training program due to the deadline and making little progress on my goals. They told me to call them after February for assistance on finding an job. In the meantime, today was my last day working there.
I will get my final paycheck, but due to being out for two weeks and only working today, I am only going to receive $7.25 in total for my final paycheck.
So if you are willing to help me out between now and the end of February, please do so.
All links are below:
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Venmo: MeeMee-Candy-58
PayPal: paypal.me/Michelle462
PayPal fundraiser pool: https://paypal.com/pools/c/8GS6UEVERA
2 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Total Drama is trending...
Since Total Drama is trending, I want to recommend reading one of my favorite TD crossover series, Total Drama Infinite.
The series is created and written by MemeKing the Third, both on FanFiction and Archive Of Our Own. He has already done season 1 and currently doing the second season and Bon Voyage. If you want to get a start on reading some TD crossover series, then start here!
Total Drama Infinite 2 even have a challenge where the cast visit Los Santos in Chapter 20 for those who love the GTA series!
The stories is on AO3 and FanFiction!
3 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What happened to OTP Prompts account? They are gone when I clicked their account from my bookmarks.
Please explain.
5 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mifunebooty · 2 years
It’s already saturday here in Brazil, so I just wanna wish a happy birthday! I hope you have a great day and receive great presents 🎁
Im so sorry i saw this and went meemees but THANK YOU!!!!
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hopegained · 1 year
eid mubarak ✨✨
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
In meet the readasons, it sounds so much like a sitcom. Like, maybe readers dad is a lawyer, or their uncle lives in the mountains, like a lumberjack. (I’ve never seen one before), or their mum is a doctor.
Yes. It IS kinda like a sitcom, but very, very nice, with a functional family, and most small problems are dealt with in private (thanks to Reader's nice, nice family) (and the platonic yanderes).
• Reader has a good mom/dad, who raises them well amd taught them manners
• Reader has an uncle who works in a different state, running a mine or lumber mill and who might be former military
• Reader has an aunt who feeds them lots of food and treats them every time they come over; works in beauty store and sews as well
• Reader has a grandma called Meemee, who is very loving and wrinkly and gives big kisses amd blankets; is retired but cooks lots of family dinners
• Reader has a grandpa, who works in special deliveries, was former military; will talk about the old times, how the food tasted better then, and says he's so proud of Reader each time he sees them and places their art on the walls
• Reader has an older cousin; they're an ex-convict and know all the best places for discounts and how to save money; are quite nice, if a bit protective of their bby cousin
• Reader has a younger cousin, who is like their niece/nephew/nibling; they're sweet and cheeky, and love when Reader visits and play games with them
• Reader has some ex family members. NO ONE speaks of them. They're gone now... and they aren't coming back...
(It would be funny if Reader's grandpa and grandma were old lovers of Logan or Victor back in the day, or heck, even Erik... So now they're being surrounded by the Readerson clan and having to go through the process of figuring out how the heck their old partners had such a nice, big, slightly scarily nice family...)
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Drabble- any of our kiddos
“Daddy! Down!!” 
Big girls didn’t need their daddies to carry them around. Carsyn was a big girl! She got dressed in her pink Burberry icon striped dress, matching with her daddy’s pink tie she picked out for him. She only needed her moms help with her shoes: matching pink trainers. Her sass was just as big as her mothers, not looking like her but certainly matching her prissy personality. Her purse was Chanel, sparkling as she was let down from the arms of Carter. She messed with her dress, adjusting it as she had seen Claude do before they left. 
Carter watched the girl rummage through her purse for the only item within the bag: a lipgloss. She lathered it on, turning to Carter as she turned it closed. He smiled, swiping the gloss off her chin. 
“Belle, princesse. Suivre.” (Beautiful, Princess. Come along.) His hand swallowed hers, the girl shoving her purse into his free hand. A lady should never carry her own purse. 
The battle that ensued once Carter tried to tie the tag which would allow her entrance into the museum on her wrist was short lived, but nonetheless a battle. 
“No daddy! No match!” She whined over and over again. He set a hardened gaze upon her after his gentle cooing didn’t work. He was raising a spoiled princess, not a spoiled brat. 
“If you don’t put this on, we’re not allowed in and we’re going home. Either you let me put this on you, or we’re leaving and our date is over. What do you want to do?” He had even opted to put it on the back of her dress, where she couldn’t see it. She still hated wearing the vibrant green tag of the day, a pout on her lips forming further when he mentioned their daddy daughter date ending. No no no!! 
“Okay…” she mumbled, turning to allow him to attach the string onto her zipper. 
“Thank you, baby. Now we can go.” Soon enough she forgot the tag was even there, hand within her fathers as they walked through the galleries. She knew she was the most precious little thing in the museum, the most priceless. The monet piece of lilies held no candle to her dimples. But still, she was certainly interested in the pretty white and pink and red flowers against the floral scene of green and a blue stream of water. He only warned her once to stay back from the art, Carsyn taking heed to respect the space. She didn’t run around, keeping her excitement to squeezing Carter’s hand and asking him to jot the name down of the piece in her little sparkly pink notebook she had him get her just for this occasion. He told her that people would take notes on what they saw that stuck out to them. “S’pretty! Flowers! Pink, favorite! Lily!” She whispered in a hushed excitement, pulling at his hand with each emphasis. She liked all the funny paintings too, the ones that didn’t quite make sense to her. He would explain them, her head tilting as she saw others in the museum do, taking in the piece in its entirety. One day, she hoped she would be as smart as her daddy. He knew everything. “You have fun, princess? Ready to go eat?” Carsyn’s leg’s wrapped around his side, having gotten tired halfway through. It didn’t matter the aching in his arm, holding her as if the world was crumbling. There wouldn’t be much time left for him to hold his little girl, savoring each privileged moment he had to protect her from the harsh reality. She nodded, perking up some from her position of resting her head on his shoulder, pigtails smushed against his fine italian suit. He smoothed a hand over her back, kissing her forehead. “Meemee is making us her famous chicken alfredo,” He sang softly, already planning on getting her into her carseat so she could crash for an hour until getting to his parents house. She was a good sport, hating to end the day. Daddy daughter dates were her favorite part of the week. The best part of the day: getting ice cream after dinner and Carter telling her stories of all the times him and his sister would come to the same spot for birthdays and holidays and hiking trips. She loved when he told stories, legs swinging from the picnic table as she lapped at her scoop of strawberry icecream: meemee’s favorite! And it was pink! So obviously it was her favorite too!
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virdemption · 5 months
Alright imma drop a silly thought here hehe
I headcanon that Pospos is actually fond of rats, infact has maybe a couple at home as pets, and I think Yanyan would also like rats as well, so maybe she'd see him delivering to their house one day and goes up to him and starts rambling on about rats and how cool they are, he'd like to listen but also has other stops to make, meanwhile Meemee has to drag her away telling her he's busy
this is so true we love ratlovers in this household
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