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I’m available for readings💜 Hey Lovely souls. I’m an empath and psychic reader available for readings.
I read intuitively and give you the answer using your guides and the universe. They tell me what you NEED to hear not what you WANT to hear. If you're looking for someone who will genuinely answer your questions with no lies, you can count on me♥️
I do read: love, career, future, spiritual, ancestors/angels, marriage, financial, general etc! Just Comment *YES* and I will answer if it’s something I can read for you.
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Hi there. After taking sometime of to grow and get even better at what I do. I am now back better then ever. I have learned more and can now do more to help others with my readings.
Here is a little about what I can do for you
Medium reading= Connecting with loved ones that has passed ❤️
Channeling= Reading your aura, spirit animal, emotions, help with your future or present.
Healing and/or help with protection and cleansing.
I am here to help with what ever you need
I can't wait to start doing this again. Helping people is my calling in life🩷
Message me if you have any questions or wanna do a reading.
Celestial me🌛
#future reading#energy reading#psychic readings#empath#medium#mediumreading#healing#cleansing#protection#channeling#psychic#intuitive readings#paid readings
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#ButlerUmzügeGmbH 🚛Umzug von Berlin nach Cottbus günstig💶mit Kostenvoran...
#Firmenumzug Jetzt ...YouTubefachgerechte Umzugsunternehmen Berlin ...YouTubefachgerechte Umzugsunternehmen Berlin ...YouTubeUmzugsfirma Zuschuss für Umzug ...PinterestUmzug FirmenLinkedInpreiswerte Umzug in Berlin ...YouTubeUmzug nach🏰Berlin Mariendorf ...LinkedIngünstig #Umzugsunternehmen vergleichenYouTubeUmzugsfirma Zuschuss für Umzug ...Umzüge günstigbkk-krankenkasse/#Umz ...LinkedIngünstig Umzug in Berlin mit Zuschuss ...Bling Bling UmzügeUmzugsfirma Berlin ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeprofessionelle #Firmenumzug Jetzt ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeLinkedIngünstig Umzug in Berlin mit Zuschuss ...MediumReading list | Curated by Umzug Firmen ...Facebookwww.butler-umzuege.de/umzug-nieders ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTube
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#ButlerUmzügeGmbH Seniorenumzug 💶günstig🚛 nach Berlin mit👉 Finanzielle
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Hi everyone, I am a natural born clairvoyant who can see, talk to and hear departed souls. I have been able to do this all my life. I also offer Card psychic readings. I am one of the first admin team members of this group. Please go to mystikalreadings.com to book with Judith cortez #psychicreading #mediumreadings #clairvoyantmedium #tarotreading https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ZBHLSnopi/?igshid=649c7nxcu24
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Fall Special: . Use Promo Code: 50$OFF for $50 off of a $150 CAD, 1-hr Reading. Text Promo Code to 1-587-779-8739 or message. #psychics #mediumsofinstagram #psychicsofinstagram #psychicmediumsofinstagram #psychicmediums #psychicreadings #mediumreadings #albertamedium #mediumsofcanada #lakelandmedium #albertapsychic #metismedium #oracleseer #oracleseer8 #oraclereadersofinstagram #seer #clairvoyants #clairaudients #claircognizance #archangels #naturespirits #petcommunicator #pastlives #remoteviewing #intuition #gutfeeling https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfgkWjBFmu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I love when my daily reading looks like this! #prosperity #youknowwhattodo aka You're a badass! Own this day! :) #mediumreadings #business #oraclecardsreadings #happiness #life #love (at Steffanie Damboise- Psychic Medium)
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Pile 1: A New and amazing opportunity is on the horizon!! You will be getting an offer or opportunity that will lead you to the success or goal you have been dreaming of. The planning stages and work in finally over soon, you will be able to take action on making this dream come true. I’m seeing for many of you, this opportunity or dream will involve traveling or moving far from where you live now, even other countries!! Exciting opportunities await somewhere very foreign to you :) However, in order to not miss this opportunity you are going to have to go within and trust your intuition as you make the choice to accept this opportunity you will have to look within and trust your gut to decide if this is the path that will bring you happiness. Do not let other peoples voice sway you in any direction. Cut away what doesn’t serve you and walk away into this new path. This seems to be the right path where you will find happiness 🌞
Pile 2: wow congratulations!!!! At some point in the future I see a wish come true/blessing coming your way. This is a general reading so I see three things coming up. I see some of you will soon meet or get into a commitment with someone amazing! For some of you that are already dating I see you getting engaged/proposal ❤️ and finally, for those of you who have been wanting a child and have been waiting or struggling to achieve this I see this coming true! You will receive good news and this is a time for celebration for anyone who picked this pile ❤️❤️ the cards did take a long time to come out so a little bit of patience may be needed
Pile 3:
I feel for you, it feels you have been a dark place for some time now. Where you feel trapped in a situation that doesn’t bring you happiness. Maybe you have been deceived or maybe you deceived yourself. Maybe you thought things weren’t as bad as they seem, convincing yourself that everything is fine the way it when in reality it is not. Your blessing is one of coming to a realization, a truth coming to light where you see that all along you had the ability to walk away from this situation/person, you just had to have the strength to leave. Your blessing is that you will finally find the power and courage to but away what no longer serves you and doesn’t make you feel happy. I see a new beginning where you will be able to set yourself free, heal your heart and move to a place of peace where you may be alone, but you will be learning to put yourself first. This seems to be a reoccurring habit of yours from many lifetimes. It’s time to break the cycle and learn to get out of situations that no longer serve you. You are protected by the universe, these things happened for you to grow not to put you down. There is a silver lining coming up ahead you got this ❤️
Comment Interested below for Private personal reading🍄
#psychic#spiritual development#tarot#healing#mediumreader#spiritualgrowth#reading#clairvoyance#empathy
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Now offering in-person appointments💚✨ #mindfulintentions #intuitivehealing #spiritualcounselling #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #mediumreadings #chakrabalancing #intuitivereading #empath #hsp #emotionalhealing #holistichealth #alternativehealing #energyhealing #intuitivereading #intuitivereader #intuitivereadings https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOnhiKAoON/?igshid=19tboce3ht88e
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🚛#ButlerUmzügeGmbH 💶 günstig Umzug nach Lichtenrade mit Umzugszuschuss K...
Related imagesSearch ResultsYouTubefachgerechte Umzugsunternehmen Berlin ...YouTubeprofessionelle #Firmenumzug Jetzt ...YouTubefachgerechte Umzugsunternehmen Berlin ...YouTubefachgerechte Umzugsunternehmen Berlin ...YouTubeUmzugsfirma Zuschuss für Umzug ...PinterestUmzug FirmenLinkedInpreiswerte Umzug in Berlin ...YouTubeUmzug nach🏰Berlin Mariendorf ...LinkedIngünstig #Umzugsunternehmen vergleichenYouTubeUmzugsfirma Zuschuss für Umzug ...Umzüge günstigbkk-krankenkasse/#Umz ...LinkedIngünstig Umzug in Berlin mit Zuschuss ...Bling Bling UmzügeUmzugsfirma Berlin ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeprofessionelle #Firmenumzug Jetzt ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeYouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTubeLinkedIngünstig Umzug in Berlin mit Zuschuss ...MediumReading list | Curated by Umzug Firmen ...Facebookwww.butler-umzuege.de/umzug-nieders ...YouTubeKostenvoranschlag für Umzug - YouTube
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2020 12 month Forecast plus messages from your loved ones in the spirit world. Readings will be done in order of purchase. You will be given a day and date that your reading will be done. I am aiming to do these readings before the beginning of January but by the middle of January at the very latest, so there is limited availability. The earlier you make your purchase the earlier you are likely to receive your reading. Please ignore the calendar for this particular reading. Price is £75 Are you curious as to what 2020 holds in store for you. Have you lost loved ones over the past year and want to know that they are ok in the spirit world, if so, then this reading is for you. What this reading includes: 12 month forcast for 2020 Messages from your loved ones in the spirit world This reading will be a combination of tarot and mediumship and will be sent to you by email. What I need from you 1) 48 Numbers between 1 and 78 If there is someone you particularly want to hear from in the spirit world, please let me know their name and relationship to yourself and I will do my very best to connect with them. If you prefer not to have a mediumship reading, but would like to know a little more about your spirit guides or angels, please let me know prior to the reading. #2020forecast #mediumreadings #tarotreadings #2020readings #spiritwalkercrystals #gaynormentiplypsychicmedium Available from: http://spiritwalkercrystalshop.co.uk/2020 Gaye is a Psychic Medium / Spiritual Consultant and has been communicating with spirit all her life. About Gaye I have been offering readings now for over 30 years with great results. I can quickly tune into your situation/problem, allowing me to offer you the best approach on how to set about solving whatever the issue is. I listen to my own intuition and connect with both my own spirit guides and yours to get the best possible outcome for you. I also use Tarot and Oracle cards, which I have found to be valuable tools, allowing me to bring more depth to our reading. I can offer you advice and guidance on how I feel your life is going at the moment and what direction you are taking. This allows you to make the necessary change https://www.instagram.com/p/B6K0NIYF349/?igshid=1qx4uechdr6sl
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