#meditation philippines
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thedalatribune · 6 months
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© Paolo Dala
Maundy [Thursday] Meditations
For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, "Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me." After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, "this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me." For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come.
Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.
For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
I Corinthians 11:23-29
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oinonsana · 2 years
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“Violence for violence’s sake is not the rule of beasts but the nature of divinity.” Gubat Banwa is a game of rapid kinetic martial arts, violent sorcery, heartrending convictions and bouts of will. Warriors that channel gods face sorcerers that master black arts, martial artists who have unlocked a new form of cultivation clash swords with those that perfect the night alchemies. When the crocodile’s teeth are cast, convictions are unsheathed, and steel sparks: the Umalagad must declare that: “The river of life ever flows! Rejoice in the glory of combat!” and they enter violence
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Gubat Banwa is a  Southeast Asian fantasy martial arts Role-Playing Game, inspired by the refulgent cultures of Southeast Asia. Raise your spears, KADUNGGANAN, you elite warrior-braves and asura-knights who travel The Sword Isles to prove their conviction and dictate the fate of the world. Revel in larger-than-life war drama like in Asian Dramas, ballistic tactical martial arts grid gameplay in the vein of Lancer or Final Fantasy Tactics, and find glory beyond heaven. Wield the Thunderbolt of Liberation! Rejoice! In the Glory of Combat!
Itch.io: https://makapatag.itch.io/gubat-banwa
DrivethruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/.../Gubat-Banwa-1e-Playtest
Gank: https://ganknow.com/services/18713-makapatag-gubat-banwa-1e
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Included are!
A unique Southeast Asian-inspired Fantasy setting, with an emphasis on martial arts as a background for war drama and violence, from a Philippine-centric view. Garudas fight against unglu. Martial artist warriors master the Principle of Cutting by meditating upon the teachings of the Violent Bodhisattva. Rituals and superstitions must be performed or else risk the wrath of the ancestors. Vast kingdoms arise with God-Kings at their helm, claiming to be Shiva-Buddha incarnate. You and your warband stand at the center of this violent mandala!
A corresponding narrative system made to help play out war drama in this setting, along the veins of Final Fantasy Tactics, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Malazan, Tigana, Game of Thrones, and Tactics Ogre!
Want to try out the Thundering Tactics Battle System that fuses modern narrative sensibilities with D&D4e style tactical combat and wargaming dice pools. The Turn Order is known as the Rhythm, and you don't activate a unit; you fulminate a fighter. The game heavily relies on terrain abilities and emphasizes movement, especially with it's 3-Beat System, which lets you do 3 Actions per turn (some actions might cost more than 1 Beat!)
A Discipline System inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics Jobs, Digital Devil Saga's Mantras, and Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne's Magatama. Mix and match your Techniques! Change Disciplines with a single Downtime Action! Be a Death Dancer that heals with alchemies, or a Tigpana (Spiritual Archer) that rides upon a crocodile! 
A narrative system wherein describing or doing dangerous and cool things is encouraged, as that is how you get Thunderbolt Tokens, which let you dictate your fate. This same narrative system prioritizes 5 Approaches instead of Abilities, in the vein of L5R, with each approach based off of the 5 Elements of Gubat Banwa's natural philosophies and esoteric tradition.
Said narrative system comes with a baked in Honor system that interplays with Debt, which is how you get others to do things for you. And NPCs can accrue this same debt, forcing you to follow them. If your Honor ever falls below 0, you must play a new Kadungganan!
An enemy system that allows for Solo and GM-less play! Roll an Enemy's Gambit Dice to find out what actions they do when they Fulminate. Adapt and act accordingly, make for dynamic fights!
Event tables and generators for every possible thing you might encounter while journeying in the Sword Isles, to fully immerse and play in its cultures! As well as Lore to fulfill any questions you might have.
Finally, baked in is the starter adventure: The Sword Devil. So you can jumpstart your games!
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fairyhaos · 3 months
hey, fun fact! lola nena's (en: grandma nena's) is a popular dessert/pastry/bread branch all over the philippines. i like their pichi-pichi.
anyways, hi nenas !! miss you, just wanted to pop in for a little. haven't been in your ask box for a while (literally thought ur laptop got stolen), too
i've been doing okay these days, before u ask. if i ignore the coughing, i am like. literally passively medidating, i'm in my Zone™. the8 would be proud of me. and bc of that, weiwei has been wanting to write since i recently learned how to make some BANGER headers !! wonder if you can find the account 🫡 /silly
hope you've been doing well ... if there've been some meanies, i WILL sucker punch them to pluto 💪 drink water, eat good food, and just go with ur flow ^^ yayyyyyy
; 🌂
hihi wei ^0^ stop that's so sweet actually (heheh "sweet" like compliment but also like pastries,,, do u get it) and i wanna try pichi pichi now fr it looks soooo yum
i miss u too <///3 haven't been as active here as i hoped bc man who knew that rambling to the internet actually drains u ??? also ive been weirdlyyy busy w seeing friends and attending events but now my laptop is back ill try to b here more often >u<
oh em gee you're meditating?? that sounds fun ngl but why are u coughing what happened :(( glad that you're having fun with banners thoo and stop im literally so bad at tracking mewtuals' sideblogs so like,, unless u yell it in my face then it'll literally be lost to the void 😭
have fun with writing tho and if u ever want help them im literally just right here!!! take care of urself too pooks and let's talk moreee <33
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theluwalhati · 9 months
01.08.24 𔓘౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆
Productive Day 5/100
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hey!! i still can't believe that i'm motivated enough to spend the last days of my holiday break studying and studying. i guess that's just what university does to you, haha. ^^;
today's study session was on readings of philippine history. it's not exactly one of my majors, but i definitely think i'd struggle with juggling this alongside my other courses— so why not just get along with it? :PP
i also found it very helpful to incorporate guided meditations before the session, during my breaks, and afterwards. i think everyone should try it!
that's all. much love! <3
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ccohanlon · 11 months
from my bookshelf
Pytheas of Massalia was a Greek geographer, explorer and astronomer from the ancient Greek colony of Massalia — modern-day Marseille, France. In the late 4th century BC, he voyaged from there to northwestern Europe, but his detailed account of it, On The Ocean, survives only in fragments, quoted — and disputed — by later authors such as Strabo, Pliny and Diodorus of Sicily. The Extraordinary Voyage Of Pytheas the Greek by the noted British historian of ancient maritime Europe, Barry Cunliffe, attempts to draw out the reality of what was an extraordinary sea journey, from the Western Mediterranean north along the Atlantic coast of Europe to the British Isles, then even further north, to the near-mythic land of Thule. Cunliffe makes a strong case for Pytheas being “the first European explorer”, while identifying the most likely locations of Thule, sought so avidly by 19th and early 20th century adventurers and artists.
James Hamilton-Paterson’s Seven-Tenths: The Sea And Its Thresholds, published in 1992, more than two thousand years after Pytheas’s On The Ocean, is an ambitious, expressive exploration of the vast aqueous wilderness that covers three-quarters of our planet by a writer of remarkable literary accomplishment (he was one of Martin Amis’s professors at Oxford). Plumbing humanity’s complex, multi-faceted relationship with the sea, Hamilton-Paterson writes vivid, meditative passages about, well, everything — fishing, piracy, oceanography, cartography, exploration, ecology, the ritual of a burial at sea, poetry, and even his own experiences living for extended periods on a small island in the Philippines.
Tom Neale’s autobiography, An Island To Oneself: Six Years On A Desert Island, describes an altogether smaller, more solitary world: the island of Anchorage, part of the Suwarrow Atoll in the South Pacific. Born in New Zealand in 1902, Neale spent most of his life in Oceania: after leaving the Royal New Zealand Navy, he worked for decades aboard inter-island trading vessels and in various temporary jobs ashore before his first glimpse of his desert island home. He moved to Anchorage in 1952 and over three different periods, lived in hermitic solitude for 16 years, with rare visits from yachtsmen, island traders, and journalists. Among the last was Noel Barber, a close friend of my late father: he gave my father a copy of Neale’s book, in Rome, shortly after it was published in 1966 (I still have it). Neale was taken off his beloved island in 1977 and died not long after of stomach cancer.
The Starship And The Canoe by Kenneth Brower, published in 1978, is an unlikely dual biography of a father and son that draws intriguing parallels between the ambitious ideas of renowned British theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson — who, in the early 1970s explored concepts for interstellar travel, settlements on comets, and nuclear rockets that might propel mankind to the outer reaches of the universe — and his wayward son, George, who lived in a self-built tree house 30 metres up a Douglas fir overlooking the Strait Of Georgia, in British Columbia and devised large canoes based on Aleut baidarkas in which to paddle north to the wild, uninhabited littoral of southern Alaska. Brower’s descriptions of long passages with the younger Dyson in the cold, sometimes fierce tidal waters between Vancouver Island and the Canadian mainland are gripping and I have read them again and again. It is, unarguably, my favourite book.
The late, New Zealand-born doctor and sailor, David Lewis, is not as widely known as he was half a century ago, even by avid readers of sea stories, but from his earliest memoirs in the 1960s — of his participation in the first-ever singlehanded trans-Atlantic race (The Ship That would Not Sail Due West), and of incident-prone voyages to far-flung coasts with his young family (Dreamers of the Day, Daughters of the Wind, and Children Of Three Oceans) — to his practical, first-hand studies of instrument-less ocean navigation among South Pacific islanders, (We, The Navigators and The Voyaging Stars) in the 1970s, Dr. Lewis was not only the late 20th century’s most remarkable and intelligent writer on the sea and small-boat voyaging but also one of its most adventurous. My favourite of his several books: Ice Bird, published in 1972, an account of a gruelling, almost fatal voyage from Sydney, Australia, in an ill-prepared, steel, 32-foot yacht to achieve the first singlehanded circumnavigation of Antarctica.
It’s said that spending time anywhere with Lorenzo Ricciardi, late ex-husband of Italian photographer Mirella Ricciardi, was an adventure. A film-maker and former senior advertising executive, once described by a British writer as “a penniless Neapolitan count”, he gambled at roulette to raise enough money to buy an Arab dhow, which, in the 1970s, with little seafaring experience and plenty of mishaps, he sailed from Dubai to the Arabian Gulf, and from there down the Arabian to coast of Africa, where the dhow was shipwrecked among the Comoros Islands. The Voyage Of The Mir El Ah is Lorenzo’s picaresque account (illustrated by Mirella’s photographs). Astoundingly, several years later, Lorenzo and Mirella Ricciardi completed an even more dangerous, 6,000-kilometre voyage across Equatorial Africa in an open boat — and another book, African Rainbow: Across Africa By Boat.
Italian madmen aside, it used to be that you could rely on surfers for poor impulse control and reckless adventures, on the water and off. Back in the late 1990s, Allan Weisbecker sold his home, loaded his dog and a quiver of surfboards onto a truck, and drove south from the Mexican border into Central America to figure out what had happened to an old surfing buddy — in between checking out a few breaks along the way. In Search Of Captain Zero: A Surfer's Road Trip Beyond The End Of The Road is a memoir of a two-year road-trip that reads like a dope-fuelled fiction but feels more real than William Finnegan’s somewhat high-brow (and more successful) Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life.
Which brings me to Dana and Ginger Lamb. In 1933, these newly-weds would certainly have been looked at askance by most of their middle-American peers when they announced that they weren’t ready yet to settle down and instead built a 16-foot hybrid canoe-sailboat and set of on what would turn out to be a 16,000-mile, three year journey down the Pacific coasts of Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica to the Panama Canal. Dana’s 415-page book, Enchanted Vagabonds, published in 1938, was an unexpected New York Times best-seller and today is more exciting to read than the ungainly, yawn-inducing books produced by so many, more commercially-minded, 21st century adventurers.
First published in Sirene, No. 17, Italy, 2023.
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brookstonalmanac · 27 days
Holidays 8.26
Alice Doesn’t Day
Animal Farm Day
Battle of Manzikert Anniversary Day (Turkey)
Congressional Startup Day
826 Day
First Thnork of the Year (Fairy)
Herero Day (a.k.a. Red Flag Day; Namibia)
Heroes’ Day (Namibia)
Horseshoe Day
International Content Creators Day
International Cosplay Day
International Day Against Dengue
International Hausa Day
Jamaat-e-Islami Foundation Day
Jay Report Anniversary Day (UK)
Kantanka Day (Ghana)
Kneel in Protest Day
Liquorice Day (French Republic)
Make Your Own Luck Day
Musical Yoga Day
National Black Family Business Day
Namibia Day (a.k.a. Heroes’ Day; UN)
National Day of Solidarity (Argentina)
National Dog Day
National Got Checked Day
National Honey Bee Awareness Day
National Kelly Day
National Logan Day
National MINI Wave to Friends (WTF) Day
National Ranboo Day
National Toilet Paper Day
National WebMistress Day
Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
Paul Anka Day (Ottawa, Canada)
Pieta Day
Repentance Day (Papua New Guinea)
Slash Day
Spark the World Day
StartUp Day
Toilet Paper Day
Tvimanuor (Double Month; Iceland)
Typewriter Day
Winter Heliotrope Day
Women's Equality Day
World Painted Dog Day
WTF (Wave to Friends) Day (Mini USA)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popsicle Day
Eat Dessert First Day
424 Day (Oklahoma)
National McChicken Day
Independence & Related Days
!9th Amendment Certified (Giving Women the Right to Vote; US; 1920)
Official Recognition Day (Abkhazia)
4th & Last Monday in August
Araw ng mga Bayani (National Heroes’ Day; Philippines) [Last Monday]
August/Summer Bank Holiday (UK) [Last Monday]
International Day of Cyber Attack Ceasefire [Last Monday]
Liberation Day (Hong Kong) [Last Monday]
Meatless Monday [Last Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Mellow Monday [4th Monday of Each Month]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
Moody Monday [Last Monday of Each Month]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Motorist Consideration Monday [Monday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Mushroom Monday [4th Monday of Each Month]
National Heroes’ Day (Philippines) [Last Monday]
Notting Hill Carnival (UK) [Last Monday & day before]
Ould Lammas Fair (Ireland) [Last Mondday]
Social Justice Day (Antarctica) [4th Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 26 (4th Full Week of August)
National Composites Week (thru 8.30)
National Safe at Home Week (thru 8.30)
Festivals Beginning August 26, 2024
Alaska’s Midnight Sun Great Pumpkin Weigh-Off (Palmer, Alaska)
Leeds West Indian Carnival (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Odense International Film Festival (Odense, Denmark) [thru 9.1]
US Open Tennis Championships (New York, United States) [thru 9.8]
Feast Days
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Adrian of Nicomedia (Greek Feast Day) [brewers]
Alexander of Bergamo (Roman Catholic Church)
Bernardino Poccetti (Artology)
Brant Parker (Artology)
Ceferino Namuncurá (Christian; Saint)
Christopher Isherwood (Writerism)
David Lewis (Christian; Blessed)
Dichetul Do Chennaib (Celtic Book of Days)
Elizabeth Bichier des Ages (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
The First Thnork of the Year (Shamanism)
Gelasinus (Christian; Saint)
Genesius of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Genesius the Comedian (Christian; Saint)
Guillaume Apollinaire (Writerism)
Ilmater (Finnish Goddess of the Water Mother)
Jeanne-Elisabeth Bichier des Ages (Christian; Saint)
John Buchan (Writerism)
Julio Cortázar (Writerism)
Kirby and Jeffy (Muppetism)
Krishna Rebirth Midnight Mass (Hindu; Everyday Wicca)
Lizzie Borden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mariam Baouardy (Melkite Greek Catholic Church)
Martha Darley Mutrie (Artology)
Melchizedek (Christian; Saint)
Ninian (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Częstochowa (Christian; Saint)
Robert Vickrey (Artology)
Rufino Tamayo (Artology)
Simplicius, Constantius and Victorinus (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Jornet Ibars (Christian; Saint)
Teresa of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival (Japan)
Vancanson (Positivist; Saint)
Women’s Equality Day (Pastafarian)
Yoshida no Hi Matsuri (End of Mt. Fuji climbing season; Japan)
Zephyrinus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [47 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
An American in Paris (Film; 1951)
Bodyguard (BBC TV Series; 2018)
The Bookworm and the Raven (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
Bosko’s Picture Show (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Boy in Darkness, by Mervyn Peake (Novella; 1956) [Gormenghast #5]
Colombiana (Film; 2011)
Crossing Delancey (Film; 1988)
Cup of Gold, by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1929)
Detouring America (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Dog Gone South (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Elijah, by Felix Mendelssohn (Oratorio; 1846)
Eragon, by Christopher Paolini (Novel; 2002)
Fire and Ice (Animated Film; 1983)
Flying Fists (MGM Cartoon; 1930)
Hey Jude, by The Beatles (Song; 1968)
Lamb in His Bosom, by Caroline Miller (Novel; 1933)
Leisure, by Blur (Album; 1991)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Film; 1983)
Natural Born Killers (Film; 1994)
The New Mutants (Film; 2020)
Our Idiot Brother (Film; 2011)
The Reckless Driver (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1946)
7th Heaven (TV Series; 1996)
Strange Brew (Film; 1983)
String Bean Jack (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
Sunshine Superman, by Donovan (Album; 1966)
Tennis Racquet (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Those Were the Days, by Mary Hopkin (Song; 1968)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Film; 2022)
To Catch a Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
We’re in the Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Your Name (Anime Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Gregor, Margareta, Mirian, Teresa (Austria)
Adrian, Adriana, Adriyan, Adriyana, Natali, Nataliya (Bulgaria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Melkisedek (Croatia)
Luděk (Czech Republic)
Ienæus (Denmark)
Hilma, Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilme, Ilmi (Estonia)
Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilmi (Finland)
Natacha (France)
Margarita, Miriam, Patricia, Teresa (Germany)
Adrianos, Natalia (Greece)
Izsó (Hungary)
Alessandro, Oronzo (Italy)
Broņislava, Broņislavs, Glauda, Natālija, Nate (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Algintė, Gailius, Zefirinas (Lithuania)
Eivind, Even, Øyvind (Norway)
Dobroniega, Joanna, Konstanty, Maksym, Maria, Wiktorian, Zefir, Zefiryn, Zefiryna (Poland)
Samuel (Slovakia)
Teresa (Spain)
Östen (Sweden)
Andrian, Andriana, Natalia (Ukraine)
Percival, Percy, Travis, Trevis, Trevon, Trevor (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 239 of 2024; 127 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 35 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 23 (Ren-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 22 Av 5784
Islamic: 20 Safar 1446
J Cal: 29 Purple; Eighthday [29 of 30]
Julian: 13 August 2024
Moon: 50%: 3rd Quarter
Positivist: 14 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vaucanson]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 68 of 94)
Week: 4th Full Week of August
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 5 of 32)
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rainnthundr · 1 year
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tmnt au!! im gonna copy paste the details from my notes so sorry if its messy. it goes over the details for the AU and my Mikey’s backstory. im gonna make Future Mikey’s (aka 22 year old mikey) design later. some of the mental health details for mikey are based off of what i learned in my high school health class with family relations
mikey - (eastern) painted turtle
leo - red bellied short necked turtle
donnie - snake necked turtle
raph - philippine forest turtle
Heights - Tallest to shortest
Donnie (5’8)
Raph (5’5)
Mikey (5’4)
Leo (5’0)
roles are same as 2012
Leo - Transfem (mtf) - she/her
Raph - Cis - he/him
Donnie - Bisexual - he/him
Mikey - Pansexual + Genderfluid - depends on what day - Mia on girl days Mikey on boy and non bi days - but sometimes likes to be called Max on non bi days
Mikey (he’s 2 years older cause of dimension X)
Mikey - drumming, graffiti/drawing, skateboarding, parkour, cooking, hiking, skitching
Donnie - gardening, inventing, chemistry astrology, rock tumbling
Raph - weight lifting, parkour, people watching, playing with chompy, sparring
Leo - meditating, astronomy, tea making, and i also feel like she’d be into wine tasting when she’s older, and she’d do it with karai as she’d definitely be into it
splinter - bushy tailed woodrat
casey - half latino half italian
april - scottish
Story Context
The 2012 storyline goes as in the show, with some differences. after season 5 though, mikey’s little siblings and april began to drift apart to lead their own lives. they still fought crime together. Mikey took up drinking to ease his nerves when he turned 20 and would hang with Leatherhead, Casey, and Mondo and they’d have fun
they find an abandoned building to make their hang out spot, the area covered in plants and graffiti, and they decorated it with a record player, various vinyls, a slightly broken drum set, and a couple hammocks hanging from the rafters
Then Mikey is recruited by Steam to join the Mixfits (temp name maybe) and he only lets Leatherhead, Mondo and Casey know that hes leaving and no one else
The turtles notice after about two weeks of Mikey being missing that they start to panic
Donnie starts searching through NYC cameras, police scanners, his old mutagen scanner (from season 2) to try and find out if Mikey is still in NY somewhere
Raph gets Mona’s help to keep an eye out in space in case he somehow made it out there. He also uses his pigeons to fly all over the country and report back to him in the case they find him
Leo starts to patrol NYC more often than not. She gets joined by April mostly as they beat up thugs to try and see if they have Mikey
Karai uses her international connections to see if Mikey made it out of the country and is living a life on the run
They all know Casey, Leatherhead and Mondo know something but they can’t get them to talk about it, and if it seemed like Mondo or Casey were about to break, Leatherhead would butt in, growl and leave with the teens (they’d be 19 at the time, a year younger than mikey and the rest of the turtles and april would be 18)
oh and i added this last minute while drawing, but i added a bit of Diabetic Raph into my au. I thought itd be a cool way to represent. i dont have it personally but i have a teammate who does and i had her in mind when drawing. also i think that lea would carry snacks like fruit gummies or nut bars for when raph’s sugar levels get low
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blackandwhitebutblue · 3 months
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concordio 'dio' del rosario is a thirty-six year old half-god from santa cruz, california and is the son of lakapeti, the philippine goddess of fertility and agriculture. he's been at camp for about a week and is a little indifferent about being in the ark. reid is a adaptable, logical, and curious kind of fellow. only time will tell what will happen to one of our intrepid heroes !
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.    concordio del dosario 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒.    dio 𝐀𝐆𝐄.     36 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 & 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒.     cis male & he / him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     homosexual  𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒.     half god ( son of lakapeti )  𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     half god ( recently unemployed )
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑.     black 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒.     brown 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.     5'11 𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃.     lean 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒.     large 'y' shaped scar on back (don't ask) 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒.     none 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒.     none 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌.    manny jacinto
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓.     true neutral 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.     adaptable, logical, and curious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.     distant, unemotional, and reserved 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒.     gardening (when has the space), boxing, surfing, swimming, jogging and cooking
𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐋.     optimistic but prone to deep contemplation 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋.     enhanced condition to being a demigod 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐒.     none 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓.     20/20 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃.     right 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐆 𝐔𝐒𝐄.     on occasion 𝐀𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐇𝐎𝐋 𝐔𝐒𝐄.     on occasion 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐓.     no diet restrictions or preferences
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.     elias del dosario ( biological father, deceased ; cancer ten years ago ) and lakapeti ( biological mother ) 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒.     unknown 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒.     n/a 𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒.     n/a 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.     ged 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒.     swimming, surfing, gardening, boxing, carpentry and mechanics (mostly hot wire a car, don't ask) 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏.     thirty-six, accepted invitation
DIO never grew up wondering where his mother was or pressed too deep into his father's story for her absence. How can you miss someone who never existed? He was always like that never putting too much weight into something he couldn't see for himself or hold in his hand. Faith? God? Mothers? What were they? Who knew that he would confront all these things later on in life. But for now he focused on existing. Exploring the world and taking it for what was within reach. This often led him to flickering between the surfer boys and the delinquents of his area. Gaining him such life skills as riding waves and how to start cars without keys. There was no real aim or purpose until his father fell ill. Elias fell sick while his son was in the middle of his high school years and the boy did not hesitate to drop out. His father's care was his sole goal to make him comfortable. There was nothing he'd learn in books that was more important than being there for his dad. Elias was able to live another 8 years before the illness took him from this earth. Leaving Dio unburdened with grief but now lost without direction of where to go next. Idle hands are the devil's tools and soon Dio was involved with the kind of crowd that lands you in jail. And his fate was no different. While incarcerated he was again set afloat on the waves of life unsure of where to put his focus next. Staring at the walls for the rest of his sentence would only lead him to madness. So he started to reach for anything to ground him. Getting into common grounds with some spiritual people, learning meditation and how to best center one self. Sure he still didn't believe in any higher powers but the techniques helped. When he wasn't working out in the gym yard he was helping the kitchen tend to their garden. He found...no other way to describe but profound peace when working with the dirt. Feeling such pride when a seed he planted bore food for the others. At the end of his time he returned to a new world almost a decade more advance than when he left. Only he didn't last long. Seemed his mother had sent for him and she was a goddess no less. What a joke but hey, might as well see what all this camp had in store for him.
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6.17.24 Monday
9:10 am
Still,have windblow...
Well, probably Ely is still sleeping... I need coffee, will just use this old drip coffee that I saw...
Still,angels everything is "intentional" on my loans and creditz why the Philippines is removing me on "work-force"? I'm a college graduate...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"? I wonder where is she now...
Best consume from the past years.... But no actual expiration that is coffee...
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Uncle DD and Aunt Karen are here again? Coz I know last night they went out and they are here again....
9:37 am
Still,have windblow...
Thank God for this great green ointment ( like my lil great green fingers). Barbie is back....Became Wolverina ;)
I need to maintain ointments coz I'm supposed to be Barbie....
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10:19 am
Still,have windblow...
It is really funny I say say that my persona is a combination of "cottage fairy & Cecilia Blomdahl".
There are days that I love to be calmed and at peace with myself and with hoping and praying a positive energies...
I do agree on "cottage fairy" that meditating and journaling can nourish your mind and rewarding for your spiritual needs.
But still looking forward for vanity and some progress in me... Cottage Fairy is an artist that she wanted to calm every woman in the world, to embrace the solitary moment of your life for you to learn to embrace yourself and understand your surroundings and to be able to fight the unfair negative energies in this world.
It is so funny that one of her fans asked her about her secret on being fit... I can really see her perfectly fit body but I see no muscle but perhaps it is hidden,underneath... ;)
10:56 am
Still,have windblow...
12:08 noon
Still,have windblow...
Hating some Eagle DJ's I'm not into super Tagalog talagah... I don't like this DJ POY teach him to talk in Taglish...
Anyways, I'm thinking of money and job and how to pay my creditz... I'm not for sale but I'm really a Barbie but singing for me is really a 10k pesoses, it is my emergency skill to pay on something... In USA they pull-up their shirt to get free stuff... Me? I sing from the soul to pay that 10k pesoses.
My nana is requesting for a "sungka" coz we used to play it... These days I really want to buy board games coz I used to have it way back... My other half-siblings here on my biological mother's side didn't know the value of board games. Board games are not only for kids but it is for adult as well... It is bonding, nourishing your mind to think like on playing "chess" or even "sungka".... Sungka is a Filipino wood game, it is not a board game... There are holes and each hole must have 7 shells that you have to maintain each hole to have shells....I was thinking if shells symbolize money.
I have no circle now and I was left behind here... One of the reasons I'm hating my some old friends....
Days and years that our family were on its peak of having a good life... I mean we were on the real upper middle-class....Our family used to play board games with our adult members such as our Aunt's and Uncle's and... We used to play charade as family bonding.
It is my frustration to have an upper friends again to grow and to have some vanity and adventures in life...
I don't know how to pay my creditz these days... If only I can monitize my story here hahaha I know the world doesn't like me.
I want my money back...
12:51 noon
I did click the "sungka" coz I pity my nana here... It is for her mental exercise,angels...
3:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
Hahaha Funny,I thought German, she is Spanish....
Garret is so white white....Spanish is yellowish skintone...
Why, is it they have the same face feature...
These are the circles???? Are they cousins???
German but Spanish???
3:14 pm
Still,have windblow...
I'm just really enjoying watching these people and their art is really artistic and creative. I have windblow and not really happy here,down here...
Having data or wifi is really an important thing for me to have... I'm so broke, I haven't seen the world since 2007 and I really do feel ugly,fat and old just for nothing..
They didn't tell me here in the Philippines that they are just wanting or planning for me to be ugly and fat and to make my skin ugly... I made a loan just to buy or creditz some cheap beauty soaps, lotions and some serums....You get my point angels....They remove me in "work-force"! What am I gonna do? I can't make a youtube coz I don't have money and I don't know the world hates me... But I still want my vanity and my progress as a "Child Of God"... I need to have money guys/angels!
Everything will be intentional angels...
4:01 pm
4:15 pm
It is so good to have a basement in the house... Probably, I can be a doctor again with Willa, Joyce,Rose and whoever I wanted on my batch mates.... We are all Biology graduate...
I chose my super close friends...Just a thought...Just a thought...
It is so good to have a basement in the house... I can go back to medicine school with my group without them I can't.... Only my Biology friends if ever...
Whenever my heart aches I just wanna study and learn and beautify but with my super close friends with Dr. Mitch???
Reserve my spot basement and attic...
I hate being flat and ugly....I will still do nose perfection...
4:29 pm
I feel so frustrated here in the Philippines....They didn't tell me they just want me to be ugly and fat and old for nothing since 2007... It is so funny that they remove me in "work-force" that I needed money...
Did Mitch give me this "simple battery"???
4:41 pm
Hey! Mitch I miss you... Where are you???
6:52 pm
I feel bitterish angels... ish ish... bullshit... I have no twin here....
9:40 pm
Bullshit to Cashmum very fakers loan app on chrome only... They need a payslip right away... I put I'm from ilocos...
I'm not stupid! Charge on ilocos! Supposed to be...Give me this moment Borgy to be a rebel in this country! No shame at all!!!
Don't dare to kidnap my cousin white Borgy! That cousin white is for me!
Clarissa Manotoc/
The rebel...
10:02 pm
Fakers cashmum... Will try the other loan on apps not on chrome...
11:12 pm
Still,have windblow...
Uncle DD and Aunt Karen went out again...
11:15 pm
I have skin discoloration due to my sweat rash... I wanna fix this skin patches at my back and nape... If it is hot, the itchy and sting sensation is returning... This is their plan to make my skin ugly!
11:25 pm
I wanna do gluta and I need creams to even out my discolaration patches at my back and nape...
This is their only plan to make me fat,ugly and old for nothing... I hate it!
11:28 pm
I wanna get ish2x... I want my power... Ish2x is my cousin white... I feel bitterish will still beautify myself!
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talacbagovt · 8 months
Meditating on it a bit. I think that One Piece is to the Philippines what Dragon Ball is to Mexico.
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Best Places You Must Visit in Tokyo
Explore japan tourist places in Tokyo, which is a very interesting combination of tradition and also modernity. Admire the famous Tokyo Tower, take a walk through the historical Asakusa district, visit the lively Shibuya Crossing, taste the delicious sushi at Tsukiji Fish Market, and relax in the peaceful Meiji Shrine. Diverse wonders for every traveler await in Tokyo.
Tokyo's Towering Beauty: The symbol of the city, the Tokyo Tower is a very tall standing building with its orange and white exterior. Climb to get the panoramic views of the city’s sprawling skyline where modernity sits with tradition and a visual feast of lights and landmarks for the eyes.
Historical Charm of Kyoto: The city of Kyoto, also a capsule of Japan’s past, has many ancient temples such as Kinkaku-ji and peaceful tea houses in areas such as Gion. Walk along the streets of history where the traditional wooden machiya houses take you back to the nostalgia of the old times.
Natural Serenity in Hakone: Hakone, a serene haven, beckons you to unwind in its revitalizing hot springs, under the watchful eye of Mount Fuji. The untouched nature, including dense forests, and quiet lakes, only adds to the tranquil ambiance, making it a very perfect getaway.
Osaka's Culinary Delights: Osaka, a foodie’s dream, comes with an exciting street food culture. From savory takoyaki to the crispy okonomiyaki, savor the local treats. Discover the famous markets such as Kuromon Ichiba, where the smell of different tastes permeates the air, a culinary tour for every tongue.
Hiroshima's Peaceful Memorial: There is a memorial park in Hiroshima, a place of remembrance that honors the past. The Atomic Bomb Dome is a symbol of the city’s history. As you walk through the park and its peaceful environment, meditate on the messages of peace and resilience to encourage reflection and comprehension.
Snowy Adventure in Sapporo: Sapporo turns into a winter fairytale, mesmerizing tourists with its famous snow festivals and ski slopes. Enjoy the wonders of the snow sculptures, sample the local food at the Sapporo Snow Festival, and ski or snowboard in the beautiful Hokkaido scenery.
Nagasaki's Rich Maritime History: Dejima Island, a former trading outpost, showcases the maritime legacy of Nagasaki. Visit the old Dutch trading post that has been preserved and learn about Nagasaki in its maritime history. The Peace Memorial deepens the meaning, considering Nagasaki’s strength and dedication to peace after the atomic bombing.
Majestic Landscapes of Nikko: Nikko promises a grandiose landscape, home to UNESCO World Heritage sites such as the Toshogu Shrine. Admire the beautiful structures and peaceful scenery. Discover Nikko’s natural landscape, including the majestic waterfalls, where the spiritual and natural elements combine to form a mystical environment in this timeless and idyllic locale.
Japan presents a collage of experiences, ranging from the high-tech marvels of Akihabara to the tranquillity of the Nikko. Indeed, as the Diper Tour brings the Filipinos closer to these wonders, Japan’s charm becomes more obtainable. Celebrate the cultural convergence in the Japan tourists spots from Philippines, which serves as a great bridge between nations that share similar wonders and also memories.
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baizhusbotanicalgarden · 10 months
𓆩 𝑽𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓: 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆 𓆪
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Vetiver (in French, vetyver) is a fast-growing perennial grass from the Poaceae family of plants, which also includes lemongrass and citronella. It also can grow very tall! Vetiver also has a large, interlinked root system from which the essential oil of the plant (used widely in perfumery and incense production) is derived.
Vetiver is native to Southern India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, but today is widely cultivated in various countries around the world, including Reunion, Haiti, the Philippines, Japan, the Comoro Islands, West Africa and Polynesia.
► So...It’s just grass?
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No! Vetiver can not only produce small purple-brown blooms, but It’s also used in many different ways therapeutically. Vetiver is sometimes applied directly to the skin for relieving stress, as well as for emotional traumas and shock, lice, and repelling insects. It is also used for arthritis, stings, and burns. Vetiver is sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy for nervousness, insomnia, and joint and muscle pain. Vetiver oil has a very distinct woody/earthy smell, making it a must have for grounding techniques when using essential oils.
► So... What exactly do they look like?
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► Do they symbolize anything?
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It's said that the vetiver root symbolizes vitality.
► Tell me more!
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This grounding and earthy essential oil was a staple in the traditional medicine of ancient China. It was used as a treatment to soothe and replenish dry skin, balance the emotions, ease negativity and energize, calm and cool the body. Chinese physicians actually prescribed vetiver, which when used with meditation, was a means to restore “Yin” deficiencies, which were often associated with depression.
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minniefights · 11 months
Update #10 - 2 weeks in the ICU
We’re marking our 2nd week in the ICU. Nothing much has changed since my last update; the intubation has already been removed and Mom’s breathing has been fairing well and stable, however her Blood Pressure has not really normalized yet. It still drops to a critical level and that’s what keeps us here in the ICU. As soon her BP gets better then we can be moved to a private room.
Praying Unceasingly
It’s peaceful and quiet here in our room. What very much helps to be so is our prayers throughout the day. We usually start the day with our morning prayer time with worship and morning meditation around 8AM. At 11 AM and 5PM, when my uncle (priest) visits, we pray the Liturgy of the hours. And finally, we do our night prayers, which consists of the “Stay with Me” Prayer by Padre Pio, Prayer to St Michael, Intercessions, Psalm 4, Psalm 91 and Song of Simeon. I know that so many people are also prayer for us, so thank you so so much for storming the heavens!
Other “prayers” are in the form of asking God for mercy. When the day is long and tiring, when Mom is in so much pain, when we see the partial bill, when after weeks of medication some of her lab results just doesn’t seem to normalize yet, when all we could muster is a “Lord, have mercy” I believe that is prayer too. Going about the daily chores and necessities, that too is worship.
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Chemotherapy Plans
The Hematologist is already drafting on her chemotherapy plan. She earlier mentioned that the treatment will be aggressive. However, she won’t be able to perform it until her infection (Pneumonia) completely subsides or her BP normalizes. The meds for chemo cannot be purchased here in Iligan. I had to order it from Manila, so upon the doctor’s order, I have already purchased a month-long worth of chemo meds (injectables and oral). The doctor also mentioned that meds could also be purchased at a cheaper rate in India. Lucky us, some friends are traveling from India to the Philippines for a conference this month. And so I was able to purchase ahead of time, 4-months worth of medicines at 60% cheaper price. I’m acting in faith to believe Mom will live long enough to undergo these treatments (and by God’s grace get better!). As per chemo meds, we’re covered up until Mid-March. But she also has a ton of other meds on the side, of which I shall think about later on.
ICU Stories
In the ICU, there are so many heartbreaking patient’s stories. Just today, 2 patients have passed away, may the Lord grant them eternal rest. My Mom’s room, however, is situated in a separated area with walls, so we’re a bit isolated from the other patients. So Mom is asleep and unbothered most of the time.
But there are also so many stories hope in these walls. One story which stood out to me is this 10 yr old girl who met an accident and is now in coma for more than 2 weeks. Yet whenever I could take a glimpse at the hope of her family, I am so encouraged. They aren’t giving up on her even if she had 1% chance to live, though she had to be transferred to a public hospital that could lessen the cost for her family to keep her alive. But I could imagine, if only that girl would have moved only a finger, they would have rejoiced so much! Yet even now, that she’s still asleep, with no significant chances to be awake, her family still keeps the faith and still hopes and against hope.
How much more faith and hope do we have for my Mom, who has now been extubated, now she can talk (but very minimally still), eat a bit of soft foods, and drink small amounts of liquid? She is able to communicate, pray and be aware of her surroundings! All the more, our hope is in the Lord who created heaven and earth, and in whose hands our lives are held. Let His will be done.
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discipleofhekate · 1 year
🍁 Mabon and Transition 🍁
Hello fellow witches and pagans; blessings of the fall equinox to you.
*** TW: Death mention ***
I felt great release, peace and calm coming on the horizon as the equinox was coming. I had cleaned the house, set out what little fall decorations we had, and reset my life going forward to manifest new paths. I had been lost for a bit, not sure why my life wasn’t satisfactory or why I was sad, but found what I needed to do to transition to find happiness. I was ready to chase after a new life for me. To achieve my goals.
And then my grandma (Apu in Kapampangan) died two days ago.
She passed quicker than we expected; it was about a month and a half ago we found out she had leukemia. I had thought she had more time.
Although I’m accepting her death just fine, and know she finds peace with her God, the chaos that’s ensuing is not what I expected. I don’t know if I’ll be able to fly across the globe to the Philippines to go to her funeral. I have a application for a new position in my workplace I need to do that I’m doing last minute due to taking time off for bereavement.
I sought peace and peace seems so far away; it was just here days ago.
I’m trying my best during this incredible time of change. Seeking wisdom in meditating, journaling, walking and talking with my Gods & Goddesses, and doing tarot.
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reneesbooks · 1 year
15 Question Character Interview
thank you to @winterandwords for putting this tag game on my radar :)
The following is a transcript of an interview conducted with Will Moore and Kat Barrick from the Shattered Star trilogy. This interview was conducted in an undisclosed location due to the interviewees' status as wanted fugitives.
Interviewer: Could you state your full names, for the record? Will: William Edward Moore. Kat: No. [Will nudges her] Fine. Katherine Jasmine Barrick. I: Are you named after anyone? Will: I'm named after my great-grandfather, I think. Maybe great-great-grandfather. My Hebrew name, Tzemach, means "shoot" or "sapling," which I think is why I'm a florist. [Kat snorts] And my dad had to stick his name in there somewhere, so it's my middle name. Kat: I'm named after Saint Catherine and my middle name is the national flower of the Philippines. I: When was the last time you cried? Kat: none of your fucking business. Will: [meditatively] I think last time Kat kicked me awake in the middle of the night for snoring. She got me right in the kidney. I: Do you have any kids? Will: we have six kids, actually--[Kat kicks him in the shin] We don't have human children. We have kittens. Kat: they're not our kids. stop implicating me in this. I: Do you use sarcasm? Will: only in service of a pun. Otherwise customers might think you're making fun of them. Kat: only when Will is speaking.
I: What's the first thing you notice about people? Will: uh...their face, I guess? Kat: whether or not they're armed. I: What's your eye color? Kat: do your eyes work. [I: no, like how would you describe your eye color] say it like that next time. brown. Will: grey. apparently sometimes they look like the moon--[Kat kicks him in the shin again] nobody has ever compared them to that. I: Scary movies or happy endings? Will: Happy endings, obviously! Kat: no comment. I: Any special talents? Will: Well I'm a florist--[Kat groans]--so I like to think I have an eye for color. [I: uh...what about the bow and arrows?] that's more like a hobby. Kat: I paint and I throw knives. I: Where were you born? Will: Trenton, New Jersey. Kat: why do you care? [Will nudges her] DC. I: What are your hobbies? Will: I've been doing archery since I was a kid, so there's that...other than that...botany, I guess? Kat: I paint. [I: ...the knives?] that's not a hobby. I: Any pets? Will: We have six cats: Maggie, Arachne, Harpo, Sleepy, Flop, and Runt. Kat: Sarah. Will: yeah, but she is the runt. Maggie's blind and likes to ride around on my shoulder or in my pocket. she tends to use her teeth to express her opinion. Kat: Arachne's my favorite. [Will gasps] she eats spiders. I: What sports do you play or have you played? Will: Archery. I've won a bunch of competitions at the local and state level, and last summer I went to nationals. I was going to try out for the Olympics but I missed the tryouts. [I: Why?] I was in prison. Kat: I was on the swim team in high school. I: How tall are you? Kat: WHY do you care? Will: 6 foot 1. I: Favorite subject in school? Will: P.E. Kat: art and social studies. I: dream job? Will: ex-Olympic archer-turned-florist. beyond that, I think I'd be happy as a park ranger. Kat: anything but politics.
let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist for this wip <3
I'll tag @writinglyra, @akindofmagictoo, and @sleepyowlwrites if you all want to participate!
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