#medicinal trees
environmentalharmony · 4 months
Plant Study: Wild Rose
Wild Rose plant study
Wild Rose, Rosa Species I decided the wild rose was a good plant study pick for February, but I promptly forgot to post my findings here. You can usually find content more quickly on the Environmental Harmony Instagram. Anywhoo! Wild Roses, it turns out, are the BEST. The wild rose is the fragrant, shrubby ancestor of all the roses we know and love. The wild roses are the most fragrant and, I…
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kagooleo · 5 months
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johto’s champion and chronicler for the deity of the ilex shrine, it’s lyra!🌿
this one took me a while due to trying out different techniques (studying a Lot of art nouveau) and making a couple changes to her outfit (the details help), but I’d like to think she’s learned a lot in her journey and wanted to reflect her experience more in her champion fit
her specialty would be in fairy types and her meganium’s divergent evolution is grass/fairy 🧚🪷
and a bonus w/ the johto gang after the photoshoot!
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#kagarts#trainer lyra#meganium#pokemon hgss#get ready for a bigass tag wall again HYAH#her team picks are meganium (grass/fairy + shiny!) azumarill togekiss alola ninetales gardevoir and clefable (mega evolves for fairy/steel)#terrains and high sp atk + statuses galore + her dino can cause a stronger confusion (like toxic w badly poisoned but its w/ Bad headaches)#i'll probably make changes as i go design wise for meganium but colors were inspo from sampaguita flowers#the flower's associated with true friendship and utilized in medicines or given as good gestures in various traditions and celebrations#and also bc she's 🇵🇭 babey!!!!!!!! i'm slapping all my favs w the pinoy beam and not even the dinos are safe >:]#since her dino is shiny a lot of the colors are just a few color diffs where the little orbs are + warmer tones. gotta make a ref sometime#not sure if I should tag the others bc the focus is on her. but the quartet always pulls thru for each other#i like thinking silver gets comfortable enough to be the friend that's “s'cuse you my Friend asked for No pickles”#silver in line picking up her food like “yeah yeah i know her and btw that’s CHAMPION lyra to you. YES she ordered a strawberry shake”#both of their meganiums are Best friends and silver likely uses his dino when you rematch him (and his would beee grass/dragon)#calling this piece Done though oh my god this semester has been nuts. don't wanna take any longer on a single piece or i'm eating tree bark#tumblr's gonna kill the quality on it but idgaf im Done. i need to tidy up my sheezy now
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lacaffeina · 10 months
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34/100 days of productivity | 18/11/2023
i’m being productive but it’s still a bit too easy to lose focus. on another hand, i’m trying not to just give up on the whole ordeal of studying, so i am actually getting things done! outside of preparing for exams, i’m almost done re-reading 40 rules of love.
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an-albino-pinetree · 8 months
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He’s kidding.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 12 days
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Juniper can relieve swelling and inflammation inside and out.
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chillydownhere2 · 2 months
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Source Me laf@ilyF ❤️
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
no bc a live action of the song of achilles would actually be the absolutely ruin of me
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balkanradfem · 3 months
Finding Ginko
So, a while ago I was researching what trees are planted in the parks, in the city I live in, so I would recognize them more easily; I found out they were planted 200 years ago, and it's mostly wild chestnuts, lindens, and maple-leaf sycamores. I also found out that somewhere in the city parks, there is one Ginko tree. This immediately thrilled me, because I knew about the Ginko tree from anime, there was a few episodes of Detective Conan specifically about this tree. So I knew it was originally asian, I knew it had beautiful, fan-shaped leaves, and I was a weeb deeply in my heart still, so I decied that one day, I would find this Ginko, and enjoy the japanese anime tree (the tree originated in China).
Yesterday, I watched a video on medicinal properties of Ginko, and I found out that the leaves have healing properties for brain, memory, and ears. These are the 3 things I consistently have problems with, so I generated a plan; I would find the Ginko, get the leaves, make infusion, drink it every day, get my head fixed. I continued watching the video, and it was revealed that not only it had these healing properties, but also female trees could grow nuts that originally would smell very bad (they referenced dog poop smell) but if you cleaned them properly, and dried them, you could roast them and they'd be delicious, addictive even. So now my brain has generated a new plan: Find Ginko, wait until the seeds fall, propagate it, grow my own, have it growing in my food forest, have the medicinal properties + delicious nut forever. I am going to get my hands on that tree.
So I went out the same day, on my bike, to scout the parks for the elusive Ginko tree! It took me 5 minutes to spot it. It wasn't where the article suggested it would be, but in the random walkway, and it was a majestic, beautiful tree. However, the people responsible for prunining the park's trees, have messed it all up for me. All the lower branches were pruned so heavily, that the lowest branch was still several meters out of my reach. I couldn't get a single leaf. I couldn't climb on the nearby fence as it was spiked. The city was not gonna let me get my ginko leaves.
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I despaired for a second, then figured, maybe there's a second ginko tree. This one did not look 200 years old, it looked younger. And the article suggested it was in a place by the river, where trees were at first planted in a botanical garden, and at first every tree had a plaque; I knew where this place was. I said bye to the tall, unreachable ginko, and went on my merry way to seek another.
This time it took me longer. I checked every tree I couldn't immediately recognize up close. In my journey, I inspected one inconspicious tree that was growing next to a restaurant, that I never before paid attention to, and discovered it was a mulberry! Absolutely delighted, I started picking fruit and putting it directly in my mouth; it was delicious. Insane that I didn't know about this fruit tree! A group of girls saw me eating from the tree, and they also went to inspect it; they were delighted, and commented on how long it has been the last time they tried a mulberry. Mulberries are an ancient slavic fruit, my great-grandmother had one in her backyard and I used to climb it and eat from it all day. But a lot of them got cut down because it doesn't have commercial purposes, it doesn't store well, you have to eat it as soon as you grab it from the tree.
Happy with my discovery, I would go on, and not spot any tree with ginko leaves, but I found this plaque!
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This is the original ginko tree, the one planted 200 years ago. It was so tall and unnacessible, I couldn't even see the shape of leaves up there, the branches were pruned to 7 meters up. It was almost funny how badly my plan was going; I found two ginko trees, and a mulberry, and yet I had nothing to bring home with me. But then I thought, wait, this ginko was here for 200 years, it could have managed to plant itself somewhere, and it's such a valuable and exotic tree, I'm sure they would allow another one to grow. So I sniffed around and searched the area, and finally. I found another, very young ginko tree. So young they couldn't trim the branches 7 meters up, as it was only 5 meters tall. And I was able to get some leaves!
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(That is the tall, unreachable ginko tree in the first picture)
Pleased with myself, I went home and made tea. The tea is almost completely transparent, with only a slight yellow tint, and it tastes very mildly sweet; the only thing I could compare it to is the pleasant taste of tree bark. But I like it, I can drink this every day now I know where to find it. Isn't it cool someone planted this tree 200 years ago and I read about it, found it, and was able to make tea from it? Thank you people who planted the Ginko!
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jillraggett · 9 months
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Plant of the Day
Friday 12 January 2024
In a tropical glasshouse a small tree Averrhoa bilimbi (bilimbi, cucumber tree, tree sorrel) was flowering. After the clusters of flowers finish the sour tasting, yellowish green fruit develop and are used for medicinal purposes in many tropical and subtropical countries.
Jill Raggett
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solarpunkani · 3 months
Little kiddo tradition where every time you lose a baby tooth you bury the tooth and plant a seed
Does this mean anything
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environmentalharmony · 10 months
Plant Study: Honey Locust
Honey Locust, Gleditsia triacanthos. Hailing from the Fabaceae family, the peas, Honey Locust is a medium-large deciduous tree native to central North America. It can become very invasive outside its native area and is banned in some areas, so do your research before you plant this beautiful, edible, medicinal tree. Honey Locust is an aggressive, fast-growing, short-lived tree that establishes…
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stonedish · 2 years
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sheeeeesh 🔥
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battleangel · 1 year
Walking While Carefree & Black
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Fetishized & dehumanized.
Daily misogynoir.
Harrassed on my daily walks for hugging a tree, picking a flower, laying on grass and stretching out my arms, twirling, smiling, being an unrushed unbothered carefree fierce ferocious unapologetic black woman who isnt on the way to somewhere, Im not going to 7-11 five minutes from my apartment, Im not rushing to work, Im not hurrying, Im not hustling, Im not bustling, Im not harried, Im not distratcted, Im not anxious, Im not impatient, Im not speedwalking, Im not in a car, Im not on a bike, Im walking on sidewalks, under bridges, near highways, busy intersections, busy traffic lights, near school buses, near angry white stay at home moms pushing their strollers, moms with toddlers shielding their eyes from me, white police men slowing their patrol cars when I am doing nothing but take a selfie under a bridge.
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Why cant I be free?
Why cant I twirl?
Why cant I hug trees?
Why cant I treat a light pole as a stripper pole?
Is it a crime to joke around during the day when people are at school and work, jokingly twirl myself around the pole, pretend I am a pole dancer, and take a video selfie?
Will I be Sandra Bland'd?
Why cant I take pictures of a rose garden?
Why cant I take a selfie under a bridge? On a park bench?
Why cant I pick flowers near the sidewalk, smell them, place them behind my ear and skip down the sidewalk pavement?
Capitalism demands that I, a black woman, be a slave to their system but I left their system.
I left Amazon in a week with no job lined up.
I left Dow Jones with no job lined up.
I left Bank of America in 3 months with no job lined up.
I left Yale.
I quit my career coaching business after 3 years and over a hundred executive clients.
I permanently left corporate in 2019 and quit my business this year.
I am a permanent freeelancer now.
I am a podcaster now. We dont have sponsors yet so I dont currently generate income.
$55/hr at Amazon and after six months they were going to convert me with the coveted unrestricted stock aka golden handcuffs.
It was a cult. I left in a week.
I made -$7,000 last year as my business failed. I hated sales and referrals dried up.
Capitalism says I am a failure and a loser.
Capitalism says I, a nubian queen, Isis, an egyptian goddess, am only worth the revenue I generate.
I was the highest rated recruiter with the most hires at every Fortune 500 company I worked at.
I had over a hundred executive clients with my career coaching business that landed offers at Disney, Deloitte, Goldman Sachs, Amazon & Comcast with five figure salary increases.
I was a career advisor at Yale who coached graduate and postdoc STEM students.
Capitalism rolls its eyes and asks me, What have you done for me lately?
It demands I turn myself back into a machine to be deemed worthy.
But those days are over.
I will never work another 9 to 5 in any industry -- corporate, academic or non-profit.
I will never work a job that requires that I report into a supervisor.
I will never work another job with dictated shifts.
I will never sell anything to anyone ever again. I detest sales and I hate capitalism.
Capitalism is dehumanizing and it kills. It profits off of, relies on and thrives on energetic and psychic attacks that sends its adherents & acolytes to an early stress-induced death.
I was having GI issues and I healed myself.
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No doctor, no gastroenterologist, no harmful laxatives, no chemical stimulants, no synthetic lab-made prescription medication that can all be addictive.
The smoothie takes 5 minutes and is just blending 1 cup pineapples, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 grated ginger, 1 lemon, 1 orange, 2 tbs apple cider vinegar and 4 ice cubes & 1 cup of water in a mixer. Makes 2 servings, drink 1 cup in morning and 1 cup at night.
I just started walking outside in nature for an hour a day, not power walking, no step counting, no calorie counting, just being in nature, soaking up the sun, breathing the air, barefoot in grass, hugging trees, picking and smelling flowers, doing simple yoga exercises, abdominal massages, using a heating pad on my stomach, drinking 32 to 64 oz of water a day, eliminating coffe, not drinking soda during the week (used to drink 1 to 2 cans a day), fresh fruit & vegetable smoothie in the morning, oatmeal or grape nuts cereal with peppermint herbal tea no sugar or honey, homemade vegetarian salad & homemade vegetarian dressing (store bought dressing has a ton of fat, sugar amd calories) and mixed nuts as a snack Monday through Friday then I take a break and eat what I want on the weekend.
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GI issues resolved themselves in a week, I am healthier, lighter, less sluggish, more fit, more in shape and more energetic. This is now my diet 75% of the time (5 days a week).
Decolonize your mind.
You have the ability to heal yourself. Stop running to doctors and quick fixes.
Change what you eat. Move more.
Get outside in nature! You are nature!
That is what heals. We come from nature and we are nature.
Trees, grass, sunlight, air, flowers, butterflies, streams, brooks, meadows, gardens, pumpkin patches, orchard farms, parks, nature trails.
Get outside.
Not to get in your car. Not to go somewhere.
Stop spending all your time penned inside like an animal and a prisoner.
Not to go to the mall, shopping, a restaurant, a salon, a spa, a movie theater, work, school, a grocery store, a laundromat, dry cleaners.
Not to run an errand.
Not to sit in traffic in a machine.
Not to burn calories.
Not to power walk.
Not to lose weight.
To reconnect with nature.
To reconnect your mind, soul, body, heart and spirit.
The west purposely severs this connection in service of capitalism.
Its up to you to restore it.
Walk. Breathe. Be. Skip. Twirl. Pose. Use the sidewalk as a catwalk. Take selfies. Take pictures.
Stop and smell the flowers.
Hug a literal tree.
Lay on the grass while cars roll past you with their windows down and stare at you like youre crazy.
Its 11 am on a Tuesday.
What the hell is she doing laying on the grass with her arms outstretched?
Why isnt she at work or at school?
Confuse people with your very presence.
I have a goth alt kawaii japanese street fashion aesthetic that includes boyshorts, leather garters, torn fishnets, leather chokers, hello kitty tiaras, six inch pink platform heels, black lipstick, mini cut out crop tops, extremely thick black eyeliner and hot pink eyeshadow.
For wearing this on Friday on my daily walk at 8:30 am which I then shared on TikTok, I was accused of being indecent, inappropriate for children to see going to school, people stared, rolled their windows down, honked at me, cars followed me, two men purposefully walked right into me bumping me (there was plenty of room on the sidewalk), an HVAC repairman leered at me outside of his van and literally just stared holes through me as I walked by.
Im 41. Im 5"1. Im 92 lbs. Im black and female.
I have a quirky style and aesthetic. I look young.
I also shaved my head bald a few weeks ago and have a bald fade.
People have since then called me a dyke, asked if I am trans, am I a boy or a girl, whats the deal.
Thats when I dont have a wig on.
I love different looks so I also wear long wigs.
The reaction is completely different when I wear a wig and people tell me how good I look, that people are slowing their cars down because I am attractive.
Bald fade, bony dyke who looks like a boy and might be trans.
Long wig, attractive girl, let me slow down and get a look.
Still black no matter the hair. Still followed.
Still harrassed.
A MAGA Proud Boy harrassed me with my bald fade while I was wearing an Eagles shirt and jeans. He stared at me as I took a selfie on a bench under a tree, when I got up to walk home, he started walking towards me and blocked my path in the small walkway we were both on and wouldnt let me pass.
Doesnt matter if its boy shorts and leather garters or an Eagles shirt and jeans.
I am harrassed for being a carefree black girl in capitalist Amerikkka.
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notesbyallie · 9 months
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27.12.23 // adding small christmas-related details to my desk has made the pain of studying over the holidays that little bit less painful. On another note, my sister and I finally made the colin the caterpillar brownie, which was amazing!!
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chillydownhere2 · 20 days
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Source Me laf@ilyF ❤️
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thorsenmark · 1 month
A Light and Hope for Things Outside (Jasper National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the southeast while taking in views as I walked around a Medicine Lake overlook and roadside pullout in Jasper National Park. What I wanted to capture with this image was the setting of the lake with the mountains as a backdrop.
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