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lisablasstudio · 1 year ago
Monday's image: November 22, 2023
Mehrdad Rashidi, untitled, Ballpoint pen on wrap paper, 32.2 x 27.2 centimeters, between 2006 and 2013, Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne, Switzerland
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ombrartist · 9 months ago
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Commission for medicalwork on flightrising!
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globaladvantag0 · 2 years ago
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International Nurses Day If you don't believe in superheroes you have obviously never met a Nurse !! Nurse - A type of Superhero who wears scrubs, masks & a stethoscope.
Contact us for more info: Call: +91-09312344035 Email: [email protected] Website: www.globaladvantage.co.in
#GLOBAL_ADVANTAGE #InternationalNursesDay2023 #NursesWeek #Nursesday #staysafe  #StaySafeStayHealthy #doctorlife #medicalworkers #InternationalNursesDay #design #electronics #AutomationSolutions #success #Cinema #MultiplexDimmers #DigitalCinema #CinemaLighting #Automation #Cinemahall #Qube #Doremi #GDC  #india #educationmatters #JoinUs  #DigitalProjectors #DimmersPanel #CinemaHall #celebrating21years
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powerpackappliances · 2 years ago
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Powerpack Appliances thanks to our incredible nurses for everything they do to keep everyone healthy and safe! You are the HEART of healthcare!
For further queries:⠀⠀⠀ DM US NOW⠀⠀⠀ www.powerpackelectricals.com
#PowerpackAppliances #InternationalNursesDay2023 #NursesWeek #Nursesday #staysafe  #StaySafeStayHealthy #doctorlife #medicalworkers #InternationalNursesDay #BudgetBLDC #QualityandDurability #PedestalFan #ProductsQuality #ExhaustFan #ClothesIron #FreshAirFans #FreshAir #Powerpack
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kettikethm · 5 years ago
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Отважный Доктор и его помощница Медсестра готовы прийти на помощь всем в Игрушечном Мире. Лечат быстро и качественно. Уколы делают только в крайних случаях! Хорошие Медики очень рады за каждого пациента, который поправился! Описание от меня @kettiketkandmade вы можете найти в моих магазинах по ссылке в шапке профиля. Бесплатный подарок ждёт каждого кто купит описание! Это схема сумки, маски и стетоскопа для Доктора! Вы можете купить описания как каждого персонажа отдельно, так и вместе со скидкой! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Brave Doctor and his assistant Nurse are ready to help everyone in the Toy World. They treat quickly and efficiently. Injections are done only in extreme cases! Good doctors are very happy for every patient who got better! You can find the pattern from me @kettiketkandmade in my stores using the link in the profile header. A free gift is waiting for everyone who buys this pattern! A scheme for a bag, mask and stethoscope for the Doctor! You can buy patterns of each character separately, or together with a discount! #doctor #doll #amigurumi #office #decor #medicalworker #patternskettiket #medics #Nurse #pattern #knitting #crochet #toys #описаниевязания #описание #etsy #patterndigital #pdfpattern #digital #игрушкиручнойработы #крючком #игрушкидлядетей #etsyshop #ravelry #handmade #forchildren #amigurumilove #мастеркласс #амигурумимастеркласс (at Melekino, Donets'Ka Oblast', Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDAssilgIck/?igshid=23lczczyr0wb
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laikainfo · 5 years ago
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21 ИЮНЯ – ДЕНЬ МЕДИЦИНСКОГО РАБОТНИКА / JUNE 21ST IS THE DAY OF MEDICAL WORKERS Медики – это люди, которые сопровождают человека всю жизнь. Они обследуют пациентов, лечат, дают рекомендации по оздоровлению и питанию. Праздник, посвященный тем, кто связал свою жизнь с медициной, отмечается традиционно в июне и приходится на третье воскресенье месяца в соответствии с Указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР "О праздничных и памятных днях". Как правило, в День медицинского работника награждаются наиболее выдающиеся специалисты, внесшие свой посильный вклад в развитие отечественной медицины, а также сотрудники, доказавшие своим незаурядным трудом, что в жизни всегда есть место подвигу на профессиональном поприще. День медицинского работника празднуют не только врачи и медсестры, но и все те, без чьей помощи не обошлась бы медицинская наука, кто имеет отношение к спасению человеческой жизни: инженеры и технологи, которые изобретают новое оборудование для лечения и диагностики болезней, химики, биологи, лаборанты, санитары и т.д. Труд людей в белых халатах нельзя недооценивать: и в мирное, и в военное время они спешат на помощь в зоны военных конфликтов, экологических катастроф и стихийных бедствий. Даже там, где политики не всегда могут договориться, они находят общий язык с зарубежными коллегами и сообща спасают человеческие жизни. Коллектив Laikainfo.com поздравляет медицинских работников с профессиональным праздником и желает успехов в работе, благодарных пациентов, счастья, радости и, конечно здоровья! Medical professionals are people who accompany people all their lives. They examine patients, treat them, and give recommendations on health and nutrition. The holiday dedicated to those who have connected their lives with medicine is traditionally celebrated in June and falls on the third Sunday of the month. _______ #деньмедицинскогоработника #врач #доктор #медик #медсестра #медбрат #санитар #провизор #фармацевт #больница #госпиталь #хирург #стоматолог #терапевт #невропатолог #лор #medicalworker #doctor #medic #nurse #pharmacist #hospital #surgeon #dentist #therapist #neuropathologist #ent https://www.instagram.com/p/CBrytwsgTNI/?igshid=1qmoonrzzdoa1
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edersondeaquarian · 2 years ago
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October 8
Me after working 38 days straight duty🫠🫠🫠
Finally, nakapag off na rin!😂😁🙌🏻
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gatissluka · 4 years ago
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2020 Gatis Sluka https://karikatura.lv
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craftyfever-blog · 8 years ago
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Doctors are not only good professionals but also very charming people😊 They're the bridge between us and the healthy life. When you're ill, you realise how much you need support and love. These medical jewellery items were created to express your gratitude to all the medical workers who are always here to help and treat us with care when we face the most difficult situations in our life!🙌 If you don't know how to thanks the doctor who has saved your life and the life of your nearest and dearest, if you want it to be crafty and exclusively made - @dr_vorobev jewellery item is the best and the only choice! #doctorsinourlife  #doctor #medicalworker #hospitalcare #nurselife #nurses #nursejoy #nurseday #nurseweek #medicallife #intern #medicalintern #doctorlife #internship #internlife #medschool #medpractice #dr_vorobev #etsy
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jimgaffigan · 5 years ago
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Thank you front line. And thank you @theimaginesociety for sending them support. You can help too. @theimaginesociety with @get_repost ・・・ Midday ice cream break for our #frontlineheroes at #MountSinaiWest to thank them for all their hard work and celebrate #nursesweek! Thank you to #mrsofteetruck for providing a tasty treat to show our gratitude to these #medicalworkers. Click the link in our bio to make a tax deductible donation that will go towards our #covid19 efforts!  #foodforfearless #healthcarewarriors #CoronaVirus #sharethelove #helpthehelpers  #thankyou #grateful #fightthevirus #lovewins #savinglives #youthledservice #WWC #WorldWarCorona #theimaginesociety #weseeyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CAEuzXJFbv0/?igshid=1d0elvgf0k2wz
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fugandhi · 5 years ago
A Doctor Healing People With The Help of Music
My heart goes out to the people who are stepping up and helping take care of humanity. God bless the healers & helpers & care-takers of the world. The ones who go unrecognized for acts of kindness & Good Faith & relentless determination in crazy times...
...The people who are working exhaustingly to help heal our world deserve more than being referred to as “Heroes.” People who are literally taking care of humanity as we know it should be treated with respect & honor (the ones of true nobility).
I believe the term “Heroes” is not accurate; these are truly remarkable human beings. Their lives are not expendable. No life is expendable.
I pray for the people who are dedicating their lives in a time when Division is toxic and harming us as a whole. God bless the ones who heal the world (and have been while everyone forgets about what truly matters: Being Alive & Well).
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paperpaintlipstick · 5 years ago
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It has been a little over 7 weeks since I began making masks and it has been both a blessing and humbling. It’s also been a huge task in itself considering that I am homeschooling and finally completed the potty training phase (THANK GOD 😩). But seriously, I am truly grateful for being able still work on both of my businesses and keeping them up and running. This quarantine hasn’t been easy by any means, but it has certainly taught me A LOT about myself and how I really am my biggest critic. We are SOOOO hard on ourselves for not completing tasks or failing to do things correctly...but guess what I realize it really doesn’t matter if your mind isn’t right and your heart isn’t in it. So I learned to give myself space from my work and an END TIME so I can keep my sanity. Anyway, I don’t usually share much of my thoughts but I am sure some can relate as a mom, an entrepreneur or just someone trying to keep afloat and stay focused on their goals. I am TRULY grateful and thankful for each and everyone one of you...followers and supporters❤️ Stay Safe. Stay Strong. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. #paperpaintlipstick #momblogger #momsofinstagram #momstyle #ppldesign #graphicdesign #pattern #customfabric #customfabrics #stayhome #washyourhands #nonmedicalmask #thankstoourmedicalheroes #frontline #frontlineworkers #facemask #kidmask #kidmasks #medicalworkers #facemasksforkids #facemasksforsale #medicalworkersonthefrontline #essentialworkers #godblessamerica #bekind #stayhealthy #staysafe #staysafestayhome #sewTOGETHER https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWd_JSjydJ/?igshid=zk5m6h6auvf7
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forstormey · 5 years ago
Thank you, for all you have sacrificed, accomplished, and continue to do! #policeofficers #medicalworkers #military #bluecolor @realDonaldTrump #everyoneworkingtohelp #alonetogether #socialdistance #americainthistogether #quarantine #pandemic #covid19 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_GnlB7J-p1/?igshid=1l3wzq20x4dmg
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yourstudymate · 8 years ago
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Doctors are not only good professionals but also very charming people😊 They're the bridge between us and the healthy life.  When you're ill, you realise how much you need support and love. These medical jewellery items were created to express your gratitude to all the medical workers who are always here to help and treat us with care when we face the most difficult situations in our life!🙌 If you don't know how to thanks the doctor who has saved your life and the life of your nearest and dearest, if you want it to be crafty and exclusively made - @dr_vorobev jewellery item is the best and the only choice! #doctorsinourlife  #doctor #medicalworker #hospitalcare #nurselife #nurses #nursejoy #nurseday #nurseweek #medicallife #intern #medicalintern #doctorslife #internship #internlife#medschool #medpractice #dr_vorobev
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kettikethm · 5 years ago
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Доктор и Медсестра готовы прийти на помощь всем в Игрушечном Мире. Лечат быстро и качественно. Уколы делают только в крайних случаях! Хорошие Медики очень рады за каждого пациента, который поправился! Все любят Доктора и Медсестру! Описание от меня @kettiketkandmade вы можете найти в моих магазинах по ссылке в шапке профиля. Бесплатный подарок ждёт каждого кто купит описание! Это схема сумки и маски! Вы можете купить описания как каждого персонажа отдельно, так и вместе со скидкой! 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Doctor and his assistant Nurse are ready to help everyone in the Toy World. They treat quickly and efficiently. Injections are done only in extreme cases! Good doctors are very happy for every patient who got better! Everyone loves Doctors and Nurses! You can find the pattern from me @kettiketkandmade in my stores using the link in the profile header. A free gift is waiting for everyone who buys this pattern! A scheme for a bag and mask! You can buy patterns of each character separately, or together with a discount! #doctor #doll #amigurumi #office #decor #medicalworker #patternskettiket #medics #Nurse #pattern #knitting #crochet #toys #описаниевязания #описание #etsy #patterndigital #pdfpattern #digital #игрушкиручнойработы #крючком #игрушкидлядетей #etsyshop #ravelry #handmade #forchildren #amigurumilove #мастеркласс #амигурумимастеркласс (at Mariupol, Donets'ka Oblast, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPKHfMAvop/?igshid=qan1o82ctzjh
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thatoneangryparrot · 3 years ago
Blog Post #2: Alkane, Alkene and Alkynes
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Now, this is for my laboratory. I’m shit in Chemistry so I’m trying to learn this one on my own, cause I didn’t pay attention on my first year, which is when I took this class, so you can figure it out that I have no idea what organic chemistry is and shit. So the first thing organic chemistry ever talked about is how it is a study of carbon compounds, barring carbonate ions, bicarbonate ions, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide despite containing carbon atoms. There are three things ya’ll got to know about, there’s alkanes, which is the hydrocarbons, which is the simplest organic compound there is. Then there are alkenes which are hydrocarbons as well, but their carbons has double bounds, and the carbon triple bond is called alkynes. Organic compounds often times get their name depending on the number of carbon present and which type of bonding they have. Let’s say ethane, by the prefix eth, you would know there are two carbon atoms present, and by the suffix you would know it is a single bond, and therefore it’s an alkane. While for Ethene and Ethyne its different, ethene still has two carbon atoms present, but this time it has double bonds between its carbon atoms. Ethyne still has two carbon atoms present but this time, it has triple bonds between its carbon atoms. Then we get to functional groups, which I don’t get fully, cause it says that functional groups is a specific structural arrangement of atoms or bonds that imparts characteristic chemical reactivity to a molecule. Alkanes does not have a functional group but alkenes and alkynes does, because they chemically react in a specific way that differ from the reaction of alkanes. On one hand, when a hydroxyl group (OH) replaces a hydrogen atom, the compound becomes an alcohol, let’s say, OH replaces one of the H on propane, shown on the picture, this becomes propanol, since alcohols are named using the parent hydrocarbon name but replaces the -e in the end with -ol.  Honestly, I don’t know why I want to be a doctor, medical workers are underpaid and overtired. I guess its the humanitarian side of me or I’m just really following that one quote I read. “If you’re dream doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough.” but if it’s a dream, it’s not meant to scare you, otherwise it’s just a nightmare. But who am I to talk, I wanted this, I should see it through. Adios.
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