#medical radioisotopes
nusano · 23 days
Applications of Radioisotopes in Cancer Treatment
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Did you know in 2022, there were an estimated 20 million new cancer cases and about 9 million cancer-related deaths globally? What’s more staggering is cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and by 2040, the number of new cancer cases annually is forecasted to rise to 29.9 million! Despite being such a fatal condition for humankind, the treatment of cancer is still a dilemma. When you think about cutting-edge treatments for cancer, all we can imagine is complex procedures or advanced technology. However, only a few people know about medical radioisotopes because although they are effective, their production has been a challenge.
Medical radioisotopes are tiny but powerful elements that play a substantial role in the fight against cancer. How? Well, here’s a guide on how these medical marvels work and what their transformative impact on cancer treatment is.
What are Medical Radioisotopes?
Medical radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes used in diagnostic imaging and therapy. Their ability to emit radiation makes them invaluable in pinpointing and treating cancer cells or oncogenic cells. These isotopes are carefully packed based on their properties, such as half-life and type of radiation emitted, so healthcare professionals can target cancerous tissues precisely without damaging any healthy cells.
Lutetium-177: A Game Changer in Therapy
Lutetium 177 production has revolutionized targeted cancer therapy. The isotope is used in therapies like peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), where it is attached to a molecule that binds specifically to cancer cells and delivers targeted radiation directly to the cancerous cells.
The beta radiation emitted by this isotope is perfect for this cause because it penetrates tissues just enough to destroy the tumor without excessively harming any surrounding tissues that might be healthy.
Ac-225 is another promising radioisotope used in cancer treatment, part of a newer class of targeted alpha therapy agents. Unlike beta radiation, Ac-225 emits alpha particles, which have a higher energy and a shorter range. This is beneficial for targeting small clusters of cancer cells or even individual cells that might be resistant to other forms of radiation.
Challenges in Producing Radioisotopes
Yes, medical isotopes can save lives, but their production process is no cakewalk because it requires specialized facilities and complex technology, which is expensive and time-consuming. Besides, the production of these isotopes requires a consistent and reliable supply, which is tough due to the short half-lives of the isotopes and limited production sites. Stringent regulations and quality control are not easy either and the high production costs can also limit the accessibility and affordability for clinicians, researchers, as well as healthcare giants.
Although the medical application of radioisotopes has been a game-changer in the field of oncology, their production has been limited by technical limitations, waste steam concerns, and supply outages. To combat these issues, Nusano has come up with a wide variety of isotopes for researchers, drugmakers, and clinicians while stabilizing supply chains. Assisting the fight against Cancer, Nusano is helping healthcare leaders meet the increasing need for medical radioisotopes and helping patients worldwide save lives with super-efficient technology. Our technology can produce up to 12 different radioisotopes simultaneously, and this is a major stepping stone needed to advance cancer care.  Source: https://nusanous.blogspot.com/2024/09/applications-of-radioisotopes-in-cancer.html
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gauricmi · 5 months
Saudi Arabia and Middle East Radioisotope Market is Poised for High Growth Owing to Growing Medical Applications
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Radioisotopes find numerous applications in the field of medicine for purposes such as diagnosis and treatment of certain medical conditions. Technetium-99m and iodine-131 are among the most widely used medical radioisotopes globally. The growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer is propelling the demand for nuclear medicine diagnostics and therapies, which in turn is driving the radioisotope market in the region.
The Saudi Arabia and Middle East radioisotope market is currently valued at US$ 691.3 million  in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 1.1% over the forecast period of 2024-2031. Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the Saudi Arabia And Middle East Radioisotope Market Growth are GE Healthcare, IBA, Sumitomo Corporation, BWX Technologies, Inc., Advanced Cyclotron Systems, Inc., Navidea Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., BEST Cyclotron Systems Inc., NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, Siemens Healthineers, Novartis, Moravek Biomedicals Inc., Nordion, Research Products International Corp., Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy, American Radiolabeled Chem. Inc., Perkin-Elmer (NEN), IRE, Eckert & Ziegler., Curium, ANSTO, HTA Co., Ltd, Isotope JSC., SAMIRA, OECD-NEA, Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited., The State Atomic Energy Corporation, ROSATOM, ISOTOPIA, NTP Radioisotopes, KFSH&RC, Jordan Research and Training Reactor, Esfahan Nuclear Technology Center, ETRR-2, and SRR-1.
Key players operating in the Saudi Arabia and Middle East radioisotope market include GE Healthcare, IBA, Sumitomo Corporation, BWX Technologies, Inc., among others. PEST Analysis Political: The radioisotope market in Saudi Arabia and Middle East region is greatly influenced by the political stability of the region. Political tensions and conflicts impact the supply chain and distribution channels of radioisotopes. Economic: The economic growth and development in the healthcare sector will drive the demand for radioisotopes used in diagnostic imaging and therapeutic procedures. Public healthcare spending influences the adoption of advanced medical technologies using radioisotopes. Social: A growing and ageing population coupled with increasing incidence of chronic diseases is enhancing the social need for accessible and affordable healthcare services. This is positively impacting the utilization of radioisotopes in medical diagnostics and treatment.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Saudi Arabia and Middle East Radioisotope Market
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digiresearcher · 1 year
Diagnostic Radioisotopes Market: Growing demand for medical imaging procedures to drive market growth
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The global Diagnostic Radioisotopes Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 5.67 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9% over the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: Diagnostic radioisotopes are radioactive substances that are used in medical imaging procedures such as PET and SPECT scans. These isotopes help in the diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. B) Market key trends: One key trend in the diagnostic radioisotopes market is the increasing use of technetium-99m (Tc-99m) in medical imaging. Tc-99m is the most widely used isotope for diagnostic purposes, due to its favorable imaging properties and cost-effectiveness. It has a short half-life, which allows for timely imaging procedures without prolonged radiation exposure. Tc-99m is used in various imaging techniques such as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and gamma camera imaging. The increasing adoption of Tc-99m in hospitals and diagnostic centers, along with advancements in imaging technology, is expected to drive the growth of the diagnostic radioisotopes market. Porter’s Analysis: Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is relatively low. The market requires significant investments in research and development, as well as regulatory approvals for the production and distribution of radioisotopes. Moreover, established players in the market benefit from economies of scale, established distribution networks, and strong relationships with healthcare providers. These factors act as barriers to entry for new players. Bargaining power of buyers: The bargaining power of buyers in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is moderate. While buyers have the option to choose from a range of suppliers, they are highly dependent on these suppliers for the availability of radioisotopes. Threat of new substitutes: The threat of new substitutes in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is low. Radioisotopes are essential for various diagnostic imaging procedures, and currently, there are no viable alternatives that can match the accuracy and effectiveness of these isotopes. Competitive rivalry: The competitive rivalry in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is high. The market is dominated by a few major players such as GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare. These companies compete on factors such as product quality, distribution networks, and pricing strategies. The market is also witnessing increased consolidation activities, further intensifying the competition. Key Takeaways: The global Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 9% over the forecast period of 2023-2030. This growth can be attributed to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disorders, which require accurate diagnostic imaging. In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market. This can be attributed to the presence of advanced healthcare infrastructure, a high prevalence of chronic diseases, and significant investments in research and development. Key players operating in the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market include GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthineers, Philips Healthcare, Cardinal Health, and Bracco Imaging, among others. These players have a strong market presence and offer a wide range of diagnostic imaging agents. Overall, the Diagnostic Radioisotopes market is projected to experience substantial growth in the coming years, driven by increasing demand for accurate diagnostic imaging and advancements in technology. This presents lucrative opportunities for key players to expand their market share and cater to the rising healthcare needs worldwide.
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Accelerating New Drug Development: The Role of Radioisotope Labeling
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In drug development, Radioisotope labeling has become a powerful tool. It provides a means to track the fate of drugs in the body and helps researchers to better understand the metabolic processes and potential toxicity of new compounds. So, scientists can design more effective and safer drugs, reducing the risk of adverse effects and increasing the likelihood of success in clinical trials.
Isotopes are atoms of the same chemical element with different masses due to the presence of different neutron numbers in the nucleus, and there are light and heavy isotopes; based on physical properties, isotopes can also be classified into two forms: radioactive and stable. Radioisotope labeling technology is a very useful tool in the process of new drug development, and Medicilon offers radioisotope services.
Based on physical properties, isotopes can be classified into two forms: radioactive and stable. Radioactive isotopes (e.g. 3H, 14C) undergo their decay process and radiate radiation energy, are unstable, and have physical half-life; stable isotopes are non-radioactive, have stable physical properties, exist in nature in a certain proportion (abundance), are harmless to the human body, and can be labeled into drug molecules by chemical synthesis and tracked and detected by instruments such as gas and liquid quality.
1, The reason why radioisotopes are widely used.
Radioisotopes are widely used for active material tracing mainly depending on two most important characteristics:
(1) homogeneity with the material being traced, i.e., a high degree of consistency in chemical and biological behavior between the radionuclide and its non-radionuclides of the same element, without disturbing and disrupting the equilibrium of physiological processes in vivo and in vitro;
(2) Distinguishability with the traced material, where the nucleus of the radionuclide continuously decays and emits rays that can be detected by the radiosonde, thus enabling the quantification and localization of the marker.
In addition, radioisotope tracer technology has the advantages of high sensitivity, high specificity, wide applicability, and simple detection method, so it has been widely used in drug ADME research, and the U.S. FDA has long taken the pharmacokinetic data of radioisotope labeled drugs after administration as an important basis for the safety evaluation of new drugs, and has formulated relevant guidelines.
2, The direction of radioisotopes in drug development
In terms of quantitative sensitivity, radioisotope-labeled compounds are more sensitive than stable isotope markers, and the measurement of radioactivity is not affected by non-radioactive impurities and chemical states, thus making quantitative analysis easier and the results more accurate. In addition to solving analytical problems that cannot be solved by conventional analytical methods, radioisotope-labeled compounds can more importantly be used as tracers to study the distribution, metabolism, efficacy, and mechanism of action of drugs in vivo, providing an important basis for the pharmacokinetic study of drugs, and providing methods for the development of innovative drugs.
3, Choice of radioisotope labeling position
Before the preparation of labeled drugs, the first step is to select the appropriate isotope as the labeling element and decide on the labeling position. The labeled drug used for tracer study should make the labeled atoms represent the whole molecule of the drug in the organism as much as possible and should pay attention to the possible changes of the drug in the body. The structure of the drug molecule, the half-life of the isotope, the energy of the radiation, the ease of introducing the labeled atom, and the special requirements of the tracer test should be taken into account when choosing the isotope to be used as the labeled atom. The most commonly used isotopes are 14C, 3H, and 35S; sometimes 32P and 131I are also used.
As the most commonly used radionuclide, 14C is usually labeled on the skeleton structure of molecules, and its labeling sites are more stable; 3H is prone to exchange with 1H in the surrounding environment, resulting in a decrease in a specific activity, so it is less stable than 14C; in addition, 3H has a more obvious isotope effect compared with 14C, which also limits its application to some extent. However, in general, in tracer experiments, the errors caused by isotopic effects are often within the experimental allowable errors and can be neglected. In addition, considering that the synthesis of 3H markers is relatively simple, 3H markers are also often chosen as tracers when they can meet the experimental requirements.
In addition to the above, computer-assisted metabolite prediction (CAMP) techniques can be used in the selection of labeling sites to predict stable sites in the molecular structure of compounds. In general, labeling of C atoms on aromatic or alicyclic rings in the molecular structure should be considered first, while labeling at active sites such as carboxyl, hydroxyl, sulfhydryl, amino, and imino groups should be avoided as much as possible. This is because once these unstable groups are separated from the parent compound, the ability to trace the parent drug and major metabolites is lost. In addition, the labeling site should be far away from the chemical bond-break location to avoid the effect of isotope effect. If the parent compound generates 2 important metabolites simultaneously due to chemical bond breakage during metabolism, a dual-labeling technique can be considered for parent compound labeling.
Medicilon offers radioisotope analysis services for labeling experiments in the drug development process using radioisotopes such as 3H, 14C, 32P, 33P, 125I, and 35S.
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cetaceous · 11 months
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The Open-Pool Australian Lightwater Reactor (OPAL) Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia The reactor is only used to produce medical radioisotopes. image credits: ANSTO
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jordanianroyals · 7 months
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5 March 2024: King Abdullah II praised the development Irbid has witnessed over the past years, as evidenced by major water, energy and infrastructure projects, as well as the enhancement of education and health services.
Speaking at a meeting with local community leaders and figures in the governorate held at the King Abdullah II Park, His Majesty said Irbid has witnessed a remarkable expansion, and its population has significantly increased.
At the meeting, attended by Queen Rania, the King said that witnessing Jordanians’ achievements and meeting with them makes him more optimistic.
His Majesty said Jordan’s strength lies in in its sons and daughters who have had the spirit of achievement and faith in their potential instilled within them, stressing the importance of moving forward with this spirit.
For his part, Irbid Governor Radwan Otoum said the governorate has witnessed over the past 25 years quantum leaps in development that covered economy, education, healthcare, and tourism, adding that the country is witnessing comprehensive modernisation across the political, economic, and administrative tracks.
Also during his visit to Irbid, His Majesty inaugurated Ibder Comprehensive Secondary School in Bani Kinanah district, a Royal Initiatives project built on an area of 7,000 square metres with a capacity of up to 1,000 students. 
The King also visited the Jordan Research and Training Reactor, which functions as an educational and training platform that also supports medical and industrial fields. 
His Majesty was briefed on the capabilities of the reactor, which is operated by Jordanians and abides by all nuclear safety measures, as it provides all the Kingdom’s hospitals with basic radioisotopes used for cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as supporting the fields of medicine, biology, chemistry, forensic analysis, mining, agriculture, industry, and scientific research. 
Upon arrival at the King Abdullah II Park prior to the meeting, the King, accompanied by the Queen, was received by Ramtha Youth Folk Dance Group and the Mghaier Rahoub Band to Revive Jordanian Culture.
During the meeting, His Majesty bestowed the Silver Jubilee Medal on individuals and institutions in Irbid, in recognition of their contributions to serving Jordan, especially the local community in the governorate.
Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, and Adviser to His Majesty for Tribal Affairs Kneiaan Bluwi attended the meeting.
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uranium · 6 months
rocking back and forth please god let me get the funding to work with the awesome research group at grad school 1 in a good location OR let me get to work with the medical radioisotope guy at grad school 2 in a bad location but please for the love of god do not make me choose between taking a gap year and moving to grad school 2 bad location and then having to work in def3nse please please please please
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partisan-by-default · 2 months
Not long ago, Beloit, Wisconsin, was a largely rural community, mostly known for being the first stop in Wisconsin for travelers coming over the border from Illinois. Today, they’re trying to cure cancer here.
Northstar Medical Radioisotopes, a biotech startup building a rapidly growing campus of buildings just off the interstate, is developing cancer diagnostics and treatments that use radioactive materials. CEO Frank Scholz says it is the most exciting technology out there.
“This is an emerging field, very promising, to make a real difference in patients’ lives and the lives of their families, because we all are affected by cancer,” he said.
Northstar has been doing this work for 20 years, with occasional setbacks. Last year, the company blamed government-subsidized foreign competition for the layoffs of 93 employees — more than a quarter of its workforce — at its facilities in Beloit and Madison.But now, Scholz believes the company is on the verge of really taking off. It is not just because of the technology, which is generating interest from all around the world. It is also because Wisconsin is now home to of one of 31 Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs— or “Tech Hubs” for short — designated under the federal CHIPS and Science Act. Wisconsin’s hub focuses on bio-health.
On Tuesday, the Commerce Department announced it was awarding the Wisconsin hub $49 million in funding, part of a $500 million pool of money Congress authorized to get the Tech Hubs off the ground. More important than the money, Wisconsin officials say, is the fact that the designation formalizes a consortium of companies, including GE Healthcare Technologies — which has a major presence in the Milwaukee suburbs — and institutions like the University of Wisconsin-Madison supporting each other and smaller companies like Northstar.
“It will make us even more impactful for patients be able to move faster, and to scale up,” Scholz said. “It’s all about scaling up to be able to treat more patients earlier, faster.”
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woodfrogs · 7 months
Technitium-99m is a nearly ideal radioisotope for many kinds of medical imaging and fortunately it is relatively easily produced from Molybdenum-99! unfortunately this process is known as milking.
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man-and-atom · 11 months
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From Nuclear Industry magazine (published by the Atomic Industrial Forum), November 1967.
Say it louder for those in the back.
Public understanding is a significant and understated problem area.
And we’re not talking about the general public here, the man in the street, who can be forgive a certain naivete. This is from people with scientific backgrounds.
Life-saving shipments of nuclear medicines, radioisotopes vitally needed for diagnosis and treatment, are routinely prevented from moving by bigots. It’s well known that shipments of fresh and spent nuclear fuel are often affected by protestors, but the virtual blockading of radioisotopes produced for medical, scientific, and industrial use mostly passes unremarked. Once again we see that the antinuclear crowd prefers to cause real harm to real people, rather than give up their notions of what is and is not proper.
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deshpandeisha · 6 days
The Role of Stereotactic Biopsy in Breast Lesion Localization
The global breast lesion localization market size was USD 309.5 Million in 2021 and is expected to register a steady revenue CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Increasing prevalence of breast cancer and awareness of cancer through different government programs and rising government approvals for treatment of cancer are some of the key factors driving market revenue growth. In addition, technological advancement in medical science is another factor driving revenue growth of the market.
Get Download Pdf Sample Copy of this Report@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/1644
Competitive Terrain:
The global Breast Lesion Localization industry is highly consolidated owing to the presence of renowned companies operating across several international and local segments of the market. These players dominate the industry in terms of their strong geographical reach and a large number of production facilities. The companies are intensely competitive against one another and excel in their individual technological capabilities, as well as product development, innovation, and product pricing strategies.
The leading market contenders listed in the report are:
SOMATEX Medical Technologies GmbH, BD, Hologic, Inc. MOLLI Surgical Inc., Intramedical Imaging, LLC., IsoAid, BPB Medica, Laurane Medical LLC., CB Information Services, Inc., and Biomedical Srl
Key market aspects studied in the report:
Market Scope: The report explains the scope of various commercial possibilities in the global Breast Lesion Localization market over the upcoming years. The estimated revenue build-up over the forecast years has been included in the report. The report analyzes the key market segments and sub-segments and provides deep insights into the market to assist readers with the formulation of lucrative strategies for business expansion.
Competitive Outlook: The leading companies operating in the Breast Lesion Localization market have been enumerated in this report. This section of the report lays emphasis on the geographical reach and production facilities of these companies. To get ahead of their rivals, the leading players are focusing more on offering products at competitive prices, according to our analysts.
Report Objective: The primary objective of this report is to provide the manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and buyers engaged in this sector with access to a deeper and improved understanding of the global Breast Lesion Localization market.
Emergen Research is Offering Limited Time Discount (Grab a Copy at Discounted Price Now)@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/1644
Market Segmentations of the Breast Lesion Localization Market
This market is segmented based on Types, Applications, and Regions. The growth of each segment provides accurate forecasts related to production and sales by Types and Applications, in terms of volume and value for the period between 2022 and 2030. This analysis can help readers looking to expand their business by targeting emerging and niche markets. Market share data is given on both global and regional levels. Regions covered in the report are North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Research analysts assess the market positions of the leading competitors and provide competitive analysis for each company. For this study, this report segments the global Breast Lesion Localization market on the basis of product, application, and region:
Segments Covered in this report are:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Wire guided
Non-wire localization
Radioisotope localization
Magnetic seed localization
Applications Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Breast biopsy
Breast conservation
End-Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2019-2030)
Hospitals and clinics
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)
Browse Full Report Description + Research Methodology + Table of Content + Infographics@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/breast-lesion-localization-market
Major Geographies Analyzed in the Report:
North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
ToC of the report:
Chapter 1: Market overview and scope
Chapter 2: Market outlook
Chapter 3: Impact analysis of COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 4: Competitive Landscape
Chapter 5: Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Limitations
Chapter 6: Key manufacturers of the industry
Chapter 7: Regional analysis
Chapter 8: Market segmentation based on type applications
Chapter 9: Current and Future Trends
Request Customization as per your specific requirement@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/1644
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Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Are you living with Type 2 Diabetes and struggling with poor digestion? Do you want to know the reason behind this. Gastroparesis may be the culprit. This condition affects millions of individuals worldwide, causing delayed stomach emptying and a range of uncomfortable symptoms. You have to take proper guidance from your doctor.
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Also here, we will discuss about Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis and their causes, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment options. So let's get started on the journey towards better digestive health! First understand what is Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis?
What is Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis?
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way your body metabolizes glucose (sugar). Glucose is the body’s main source of energy and comes from the food you eat.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps cells use glucose for energy. In type 2 diabetes, either your body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the cells don’t respond properly to insulin, causing a buildup of sugar in your bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes can also cause gastroparesis, a condition in which your stomach muscles stop working properly and food moves too slowly through your digestive system. Gastroparesis can make it difficult to control blood sugar levels. Lets understand the symtoms of gastroparesis include nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain, and weight loss. If you have any of these symptoms, see to your a doctor.
Causes of Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis?
The precise cause of type 2 diabetic gastroparesis is unknown, but it is thought to be due to a combination of factors. First, type 2 diabetes itself can damage the nerves that control the muscles of the stomach (the vagus nerve), which can lead to gastroparesis. In addition, some medications used to treat type 2 diabetes (such as metformin) can also cause or contribute to gastroparesis.
How Is Type 2 Diabetic gastroparesis Diagnosed?
A medical history and physical examination. This can help your doctor rule out other possible causes of your symptoms, such as ulcers or dumping syndrome.
A small tube will be inserted through your nose into your stomach. You will then be given a radioisotope-tagged meal to eat. The amount of radioactivity in your stomach will be measured over the next few hours to determine how quickly your stomach is emptying.
An upper GI endoscopy.
A gastric emptying breath test.
You have to remember these things for sure while managing and treating type 2 diabetic gastroparesis, it’s important to keep your blood sugar levels under control. This can be done by following a healthy diet, maintaining a regular exercise routine, and monitoring your blood sugar levels regularly. Also taking the peoper medication as prescribed and should not skipping doses. Be more careful about the side effects of your medication and report them to your doctor right away.
Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Type 2 Diabetic Gastroparesis
Avoid large meal, eat small, frequent meals and snacks.
Go for low-fat and easy-to-digest foods.
Limit high-fiber foods, as they can slow digestion.
Avoid spicy foods, as they can irritate the stomach.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, including water, clear juices, and decaffeinated tea or coffee. Limit alcoholic beverages.
That's all about the diabetic gastroparesis. Keep your health on priority, follow these instructions, tips properly. If you want to know more about gastroparesis, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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poonamcmi · 2 months
Chemiluminescence Imaging Market Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increasing R&D in Early Disease Diagnosis
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The chemiluminescence imaging market involves various products such as equipment, consumables, and software that are utilized in performing chemiluminescence imaging techniques. Chemiluminescence imaging helps detect and quantify the chemically-induced emission of light from biological, chemical, or biochemical reactions and finds widespread applications in ELISA, DNA sequencing, and diagnostic testing. The technique offers higher sensitivity and lower background noise compared to other optical imaging methods. Growing R&D investments in protein-based drug discovery and rising prevalence of chronic and infectious diseases are fueling demand for chemiluminescence imaging globally.
The Global chemiluminescence imaging market is estimated to be valued at US$ 15.21 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the chemiluminescence imaging are Actinium Pharmaceutical Inc., Alpha Tau Medical Ltd, Bayer AG, Bracco, Cardinal Health, Eckert & Ziegle, Fusion Pharmaceuticals, IBA Worldwide, NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes (NMR), Orano Group, Viewpoint Molecular Targeting, RadioMedix, Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited., TerraPower, LLC, NIOWAVE Inc. and IONETIX Corporation.
The Chemiluminescence Imaging Market Growing and molecular imaging. Growing investments by industry players as well as government organizations to develop advanced imaging techniques presents an lucrative opportunity.
North America dominated the global chemiluminescence imaging market in 2020. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to witness the highest growth rate during the forecast period owing to increasing healthcare investments, rising medical tourism, and growing population. Key industry players are expanding their presence in emerging economies of Asia Pacific to leverage high growth opportunities.
Market drivers Increasing R&D in life sciences is a major market driver. Biopharmaceutical companies and academics are actively working on drug discovery programs involving cells and molecular imaging techniques like Chemiluminescence Imaging Market Analysis in proteomics and genomics research furthers the need for sensitive detection and quantification made possible through chemiluminescence imaging. Rising prevalence of chronic diseases worldwide is another key factor driving the need for reliable early disease diagnosis using molecular imaging solutions.
PEST Analysis Political: Regulations regarding safety, purity, and efficacy requirements for chemiluminescence imaging agents impose certain standards that companies must adhere to in order to market their products. This ensures patient safety.
Economic: Rising healthcare expenditures are driving demand for more efficient, less invasive, and less expensive diagnostic imaging technologies like chemiluminescence imaging which can help reduce overall costs.
Social: An aging population prone to diseases like cancer is increasing the need for advanced diagnostic tools. Chemiluminescence imaging is less uncomfortable for patients compared to other modalities and does not use radiation.
Technological: Continuous R&D is allowing for the development of more targeted chemiluminescence imaging agents with improved sensitivity and specificity. Nanoparticle-based probes and molecularly-targeted agents are areas of active research. Automation and AI in imaging analysis is another important trend.
In terms of value, North America accounts for the largest share of the chemiluminescence imaging market primarily due to the large healthcare budgets and early adoption of new technologies in the US and Canada. The presence of leading players and growing cancer incidence rates in the region further support market growth.
Asia Pacific is poised to be the fastest growing regional market for chemiluminescence imaging. Factors such as rising healthcare expenditures, growing middle class populations undergoing medical tests, expanding private healthcare sector, and significant government initiatives to modernize healthcare infrastructure present immense opportunities for market participants. In particular, China and India are emerging as lucrative markets. Get More Insights On, Chemiluminescence Imaging Market About Author: Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
Vesicoureteric Reflux Treatment in India by Dr. Prashant Jain
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Vesicoureteric reflux is the condition in which the urine flows back from the bladder to the ureter. This condition is also known as vesicoureteral reflux. There is a progressive flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder through ureters. The uni-directional flow of urine from kidney to urinary bladder is ensured by the flaps situated between the ureter and urinary bladder (vesico-ureteric junction). This condition is commonly diagnosed in infants and young children.
In this condition, the urine may flow back form one or both the ureters. Based on the severity of symptoms and extent of disease, the urologist generally grades this condition from Grade 1 to Grade 5 with Grade 1 mildest form and Grade 5, a severe form. Fortunately, most children recover from this condition as they get older. The vesicoureteric reflux is divided into primary and secondary.
What Are The Causes Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
The causes of vesicoureteric reflux are different for primary vesicoureteric reflux and secondary vesicoureteric reflux.
Primary vesicoureteric reflux: In this type of vesicoureteric reflux, the valve between the ureter and urinary bladder does not work properly. This results in backflow of urine. This is the most common cause of this condition in children. However, as the age increases, the ureter and bladder become mature, and the valve regains functioning. If the urine flows back from only one ureter, it is termed as vesicoureteric unilateral reflux, and if both the ureters are involved in the backflow of urine, the condition is termed as vesicoureteric bilateral reflux.
Secondary vesicoureteric reflux: There are various causes of secondary vesicoureteric reflux. In some cases, there is a blockage of urine due to abnormal tissue fold in the urethra (posterior urethral valve) and in conditions like neurogenic bladder. Obstruction in bladder outlet prevents the voiding of complete urine from the bladder. In cases of neurogenic bladder, the child may also have damaged nerves that control contraction and relaxation of the bladder resulting in reflux.
What Are The Symptoms Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Symptoms of vesicoureteric reflux depend upon the severity and complications of the disease. The patients with vesicoureteric reflux may experience the following symptoms:
·         Recurrent urinary tract infection
·         The excessive urge to urinate
·         Fever
·         Cloudy urine
·         Frequent urination
·         Pain during urination
·         Bedwetting
·         Urinary retention
·         Loss of appetite
·         Irritability
·         Presence of protein in the urine
·         High blood pressure
How Vesicoureteric Reflux Is Diagnosed?
The vesicoureteric reflux can be diagnosed both before and after birth. Before birth, the condition can be diagnosed through the ultrasound, which reveals swelling in kidneys (hydronephrosis). Various techniques that are used to diagnose the condition are:
Laboratory workup: Many children have the recurrent urinary infection as the primary symptom of this condition. Thus, urinalysis is done to determine the presence of urinary tract infection.
Imaging techniques: Kidney, bladder, and ureter ultrasound is done to determine the presence of any structural abnormalities.
Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG):It is a specialized X-ray of the urinary tract. During this procedure, the doctor places a small catheter in the bladder and fill the bladder with a special dye. The X-ray is taken before and after urination. The doctor, by evaluating the flow of dye, determines if the urine flows back in the ureter.
Nuclear scan: During this procedure, the doctor uses a radioisotope. The detector detects the isotope and determines any damages in kidney.
How Vesicoureteric Reflux Is Treated?
 The following are the management options available for vesicoureteric reflux:
Medications: Low dose of antibiotics is provided to the children to prevent urinary tract infection. However, regular monitoring is required to determine the presence of urinary tract infection. Further, doctors should implement imagining techniques to monitor the progression of the disease. Besides various precautions are to be taken like avoiding constipation, perineal hygine and frequent voiding to reduce the risk of infection.
Surgery: Various types of surgeries are available for treating vesicoureteric reflux. Open surgery is done to repair the larger problem in the urinary tract and involves anesthesia. Robotic-and laparoscopic surgery is done to repair the valve between the ureter and urinary bladder. Endoscopic surgery is performed to strengthen the valve with the use of a bulking agent. Ureteric reimplantation is surgery in which the doctor disconnects the ureter and urinary bladder and reattaches them at an angle to create a valve.
What Are The Preventive Measures For Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Although there are no measures to prevent the vesicoureteric reflux,  certain measures may improve the health of the urinary tract. These are:
·         Regular urination and cleaning from front to back.
·         Drinking enough fluids.
·         Eat plenty of fiber-rich food to avoid constipation.
·         Change the diaper frequently or as soon as it gets dirty.
·         Get proper treatment for urinary and fecal incontinence.
What Is The Prognosis Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Most children with this condition recover on their own. Surgery has a high rate of success, with a 97%-99% positive outcome. Early diagnosis and monitoring of the condition reduces complications.
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wellnessweb · 3 months
Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships in the Medical Isotope Market
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The Medical Isotope market size  was valued at USD 5.44 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 10.77 billion in 2031 and grow at a CAGR of 8.9% over the forecast period of 2024-2031.The global medical isotope market is a dynamic nexus of scientific advancement and healthcare innovation. These isotopes, such as technetium-99m and iodine-131, play pivotal roles in diagnostic imaging and therapeutic treatments, shaping the landscape of modern medicine.
Rapidly evolving technologies in nuclear medicine drive demand, while stringent regulatory frameworks ensure safety and efficacy. Market dynamics are influenced by the balance between supply chain stability, technological breakthroughs in isotope production, and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases necessitating precise diagnostic tools. As research expands into new isotopes and production methods, the medical isotope market continues to promise groundbreaking solutions that enhance patient care worldwide.
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Market Scope & Overview
The global Medical Isotope Market  research report digs into vital market data such as market size, industry development potential, and business structure. This study also contains a thorough assessment of a technical investment through time, as well as a new perspective on global demand in many of the categories examined. Market research includes in-depth evaluations of developing technologies, R&D projects, and one-of-a-kind commodities.
The report looks into all of the important developments and discoveries that are expected to have a substantial impact on worldwide market growth in the next years. Similarly, the research evaluates all industries in various countries and gives a cross-sectional analysis of worldwide demand estimations. The Medical Isotope Market  research study may assist readers in better understanding the company's challenges and opportunities. The global market analysis provides the most recent data on technological advancements and consumer development potential based on geographical area.
Market Segmentation Analysis
By Type
Stable Isotopes
By Application
Scientific Research
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact Analysis
In the midst of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the Medical Isotope Market  research report explores a variety of market variables, restrictions, and possibilities that will almost surely affect market growth.
Regional Outlook
The Medical Isotope Market research report provided readers with a realistic view of the industry by presenting a comprehensive competitive environment as well as a commodities supply of primary providers spread across several geographical regions, including North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
Competitive Analysis
The research report examines industry competition in depth and includes an overview of Porter's Five Forces model to help readers understand the competitive climate of the Medical Isotope Market 's major multinational suppliers. The research study includes the most recent market forecast analysis for the anticipated time period. Each chapter of the research report includes an overview, synopsis, actual data, and dates.
Key Reasons to Purchase Medical Isotope Market  Report
Market research surveys are the most efficient approach to learn about a certain market and the most recent advances, allowing you to make more informed business decisions.
The research delves into a variety of levels, including supply chain analysis, top-level firm market share analysis, business analysis (industry trends), and brief sector profiles.
The Medical Isotope Market research report includes all of the information you need to fully comprehend your target industry. This research report also covers key business environment concepts, high-growth markets, high-growth countries, important industry variations, business variables, and constraints.
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A medical cyclotron is a specialized particle accelerator used in nuclear medicine to produce radioisotopes for various diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
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