#medical cw
curiositypolling · 4 months
pls reblog for sample size etc
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o-lanterns · 1 year
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actually I'm having a lot of nerves about my top surgery in just a few days now but I'm coping with characters and jokes.
[ID: Hunter in a hospital bed smiling at the camera and holding up two fingers, Luz is excited and giving him two thumbs up next to him. Text reads "I don't have enough scars I'm getting 2 more" with emojis of two daggers, a party popper, a smiley with witch ears, and the healing sigil. end ID.]
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teaboot · 7 months
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I hope it's okay that I took a screenshot, cause I felt that this deserved it's own post.
It's a good question, and as someone with a needle phobia myself it's one I have some experience with and feel I can speak on.
It's going to sound stupid, but it's this:
First, keep facing your fear. I personally elected to start donating blood, which sucked ass, but helped me get used to the feeling of having a needle in in safe environment, and celebrating the small victory every time I finished was a good motivator to keep going back.
What I did then was focus on what my body was doing. Was I breathing fast? Tensing up? Sweating? Going cold? Was I shaking? Where? Was it better to fidget, or hold still? Did closing my eyes help? Plugging my ears? I got familiar with my own physical reactions so I could start to separate them from my mental reactions.
Now when I experience a panic response, I'm not just objectively aware that my body is doing it's own thing- I genuinely feel that my body is acting on it's own. I'm stressed, but not SCARED, because my brain doesn't just know that it's safe- it FEELS safe. I'm emotionally strung out and on edge, but I'm not totally losing myself anymore. I can have a conversation while it's happening.
Now, sometimes I can see someone use a syringe for small procedures without flinching and closing off. Not often, but it's miles ahead of where I used to be. I can hold an epipen. I can use safety gear to dispose of abandoned needles outside my work. I don't think I could give myself an injection if I needed to, because I know I still lock up, but the idea of someone else doing one on me isn't viscerally repellant.
So... not cured here yet, but better.
TLDR: Baby steps, keep trying, pay attention to your body, celebrate successes.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Taking steps to confront a phobia has to be a choice. Forcing someone else to confront their phobia when they ARE NOT READY, WILLING, OR PREPARED is incredibly distressing and can make things way worse. And with how completely fucking miserable and exhausting a panic response feels, choosing not to "just confront it" is a totally valid and understandable choice. Like choosing not to run a 100 mile marathon barefoot. If you find yourself tempted to trick or pressure someone into amateur exposure therapy, don't. I'll fucking find you
Again, this is just what's been working for me, but if you wanna try it, I wish you luck! ♡
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lizdoart · 2 months
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Go For Broke / Hivemind @terrorscififest !
scifi horror my beloved <3
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earlgraytay · 2 months
Hi, so... I'm in the hospital. I'm not, like, dying, but they've already kept me for a couple days.
please send cat pics?
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beemovieerotica · 3 months
so the same urologist who thought i got phalloplasty as a child was removing my kidney stent.
and he was pulling it out (yes the whole thing gets pulled out from down there) but for whatever reason he added a dramatic fluorish at the end and held it up for me to see (i was in a lot of pain and maybe he thought he was lightening the mood) and it ended up flicking several drops of my own piss on my face. and he just went "oops! didnt mean to give you a golden shower!"
and my spouse who's standing in the corner of the room watching this whole procedure with im sure the strength of god's bravest soldier immediately says "well, some people pay good money for that."
and the urologist just...makes this expression like it's the most absurd thing he's ever heard. and he starts wheeze-laughing. and he mutters in disbelief under his breath "what?"
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brainman1987 · 4 months
Danny as seen in the wonderfully heart wrenching post by @hypewinter
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These designs (and notes) are mostly my own headcanons and preferences, so they aren’t set in stone or anything, but long hair Danny is definitely my fav thing ever! If someone else has also drawn test dummy Danny is love to be tagged to see everyone’s interpretations!
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oswlld · 5 months
i don't want to go into too much detail about my life and how i connected to LT, but just know i am not entirely comfortable with what i am seeing on my dash. a few years ago circumstances lead to me losing my hearing for majority of a year and then became hard hearing for a period of time before i regained my hearing back. its not fully where it used to be but that loss, that hope, and what you take with you on the other side stays with you long after the recovery. i know because i see it every time my mom is in remission.
and then a few months ago, i got a concussion which lead to me being momentarily unable to walk without an caregiver/walker/cane. i worked hard on my PT and now am able to manage on my own two feet again as of three weeks ago.
all i am saying is sure hating on part 4 is your opinion and might not be for you but there are people in your life and maybe on your dash that are reading what you think about people who were disabled at a time of their life, are on their way to recovery now, or got the treatment they've been waiting for. the hardships, the journey, even all the good that happened during allllll that still matters after recovery.
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worsecats · 7 months
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Stop making me go to the vet. It sucks.
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alatar-and-pallando · 7 months
I get nervous when I get my blood drawn, so this time I decided to brainstorm some affirmations with the phlebotomist, as a bit. I came up with the following:
"I am so full of blood"
"Draculas love me"
then the needle went in and I woke up on the floor
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neathyingenue · 4 months
like for a confident smile at your next appointment
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yourfavchildsolider · 3 months
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feeling like, believing you should be, identifying that (ECT) you are permanently in surgery
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pt: Permasurgeryrecovery
feeling like, believing you should be, identifying that (ECT) you are permanently recovering from surgery
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wonderful-emoji · 1 year
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cluepoke-archive · 11 months
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Reposting this because It mightve gotten deleted.... life on the ark(towards the end)
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transjudas · 2 years
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“I found for me, being creative and writing songs or writing short stories or creating something or poetry or something like that – if it came out good, if I enjoyed it, I could kind of ride that creative high for at least a day or two. And I felt normal again,” he says. “I would have to force myself to do something productive, and then it made me forget about myself.”  (x, x)
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incendavery · 1 year
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tele-health medication appointment
(image description in alt text)
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