Explore tagged Tumblr posts
spambamster 1 year ago
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Got done with my first tumbler request!! Pretty proud of this one, I hope the requestor is satisfied!
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skygodz 1 year ago
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Spaceship at the crucifixion in this fresco from 1350 Kosovo. Strange artifact for sure...
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First attempt at medival inspired clothing, a lot to do but you gotta start somewhere
Also just got 2 kg of leather and some glass vials to work with, hope it works
A post by Freja
Yea, i lost my banner, damn our files are not sorted good at all
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waldfam 1 month ago
3+ Hours Of Facts About Medieval History's Greatest Warriors
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phoenixdreamangels 1 year ago
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l1z4rdm34t 1 year ago
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WIP! This piece is called the Keeper of Souls and it features my OC (and the main character of my book) Castle Tr瓢啤ng!
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n1et 2 years ago
Hi ok so I saw your tags asking about how witches were antisemitic and wanted to give you an actual answer! Basically every common stereotype of witches has roots in antisemitism. Green skin color, stealing children, frizzy black hair, hooked noses, sharp teeth and nails, pointed hats, satanic worshipers, all of it.
A lot of times historically when they're talking about persecuting witches, they were more often targeting Jews alongside other heretical minorities, it's definitely not mostly innocent white woman like certain groups often like you to think cough t*rfs cough. Satanic worshipers or associations with Satan in general are another common antisemitic dog whistle. Even so far as historically it was common to give Judas red hair because in Italy/Spain it was common for Jews to have red hair and obviously Jews betrayed Jesus so clearly they were of the Devil (sarcasm).
The witches hat takes directly from the pointed hats that medieval Jews in Europe were forced to wear to identify them as Jews, they were literally called judenhut (literally jew hat) and if you look up on Wikipedia you can see some good visual examples of hats from historical artwork
On the note of physical features, large hooked noses and "frizzy" (curly) hair are very common Jewish features both in actual people and stereotypically, but it's the antisemites who added unnatural skin tones, and sharp teeth and nails. Antisemites often gave Jews in art unnatural skin tones, usually greens and yellows, to exemplify their "otherness" and "inhumanity". The sharp teeth and nails goes along with the kidnapping children and occasionally earlier association with the devil, either way showcasing Jews as "predatory creatures" with the general (Christian) public being the poor victims. Kidnapping children and eating them falls into the category of blood libel, which goes super far back as well, and you can even find it in a lot of fairy tales like the tale of Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty. Also has definitely stuck around in modern day, just in the form of "celebrities taking babies adrenochrome to stay young".
Kidnapping children and eating them falls into the category of blood libel, which goes super far back as well, and you can even find it in places like the tale of Hansel and Grettel.
Even the term "witches sabbath" takes from Judaism itself, the day of rest being Shabbat (or Shabbos if you are Ashkenazi) and Sabbath is just the 'English' pronunciation of that, as well as the associations with the moon, when the Hebrew calendar is lunar based and often the rituals/celebrations that come with the beginning of the month were done by the women in the family/community.
There's probably even more I'm forgetting about here, because antisemitism is just like that, but anyway that's a not-so-short summary of how witches are related to antisemitism. Obviously there are ways to have witches in media that aren't antisemitic, but the ones in minecraft certainly are.
Thanks for the prompt response!
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barb-baudelaire 1 year ago
kinda shocked tumblr doesn't know and talk about julian of norwhich
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beep-fox-official 2 months ago
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Excuse the watermark, I needed something to put these frames together!! A test animation for the battle sprites for an unreleased game! "A Fool's Journey"
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aphrodites-hipdips 2 years ago
history coursework will be the death of me, i no longer know how to correctly analyse a source apparently (and this is due in two days馃槉)
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m00ntunaart 9 months ago
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That time I made a whole Supernatural Medeval AU where hunters are warriors who ride War Horses and fight Demons (dragons), the Angels are a tribe that live in the mountains and ride Griffins, and Sam is a weirdo who bonds with a demon.
Sorry for the low quality sketches, but I thought someone might get something out of these old doodles. I literally have a whole doc somewhere with made up lore for this AU lol.
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tansyuduri 8 months ago
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E11
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We鈥檙e on THE LABYRINTH OF GEDREF
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Showing off hunting Trophies was a major thing in the Medieval ages. They were often used to decorate. Unicorn horns were especially valued. Especially considering the various ways they could combat poison. (An antidote if ground up, or making liquid bubble if dipped in it) What's that? Why of course there were unicorn horns all over in the middle ages. There was just one catch... These unicorn horns? They were actually Narwhal tusks
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I find the categorization of magic creatures in Merlin interesting. Because there are some that need magic to be killed. (Griffin) Some that are rare and magical and DO NOT need magic to kill (Unicorn). Some who are tied to the spirit world (Manticore) and some that are created.(Afanc) And some that are not real world animals but do not seem to be magic at all (Serkets and wilddeoren)
There are also some that seem to be human-level or higher In inteligence. But it's not all of them. (Trolls, Sidhe, Dragons) COME TO THINK OF IT WHY ARE THERE ONLY DRAGON LORDS and not like lords of other creatures. This and the ability to give spells and bunish swords seem to imply dragons are the most magical of them all. HOW DID THE DRAGON LORD THING START. Were dragons bound to a bloodline or a few bloodlines? Did they accept it because before hand there were some kinda dragon civil wars? Was some human born with the soul of a dragon? Did a dragon turn human and have a child with another human and magic made that child the first dragon lord? I kinda like that one best. I should problubly have adressed this in the Balinor episode. I will again then.
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Okay so from this I think we can conclude that killing a unicorn does not always curse an entire kingdom. It likely did this time because Arthur was a prince. My guess is that if a comoner were to kill it it would destroy their home, Perhaps in extreme cases their village (perhaps depending on what they identfy as) What would it do to someone who was a migrant I wonder? Just destory anything they use to travel? I'm assuming this because "very few" means there were a decent amount once. And unless Unicorns have a breeding problum SOMEONE had to kill them. And I don't think there are enough kingdoms for kingdoms always being destroyed
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OKAY lets talk Medieval famine! While the Wealthy did indeed store some grain away, it was almost never enough to provide for the populace. Thus Medeval famines resulted in many horrible things. Besides rising crime and lawlessnes, Often children where abandoned and elderly people voluntarily starvedthemselves. While in the Merlin world welfare help seems to be on the royals, in the medival ages it was on the Church. The great famine of the 1300s actually underminded the church on the contenent because it could not keep up and everyone thought the famine came because god was angry. Interestingly in England People thought god was angry but decided it was with the king at the time and less the church, In Camlot it might lead to people thinking the same thing about the Pendragon Dynesty. (Especially since religon is not as big a deal) Ironicly in this case the people would be RIGHT thinking that. But Uther might be worried because the camalot people could very well ask themselves why the pendragons are being punished and go OH they were the ones who got rid of the old religion and banned magic. WHAT IF THAT IS WHAT THEY DID WRONG!
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Yeah so at this point if Arthur and Merlin had not been able to cure the issue It was the end of Pendragon rule as people knew it. All your water turning to sand DOES NOT HAPPEN. even if they get water from other sources somehow. (Despite Arthur saying its the same thoughout the kingdom) God/Gods were VERY angry, or Sorcery caused this and is needed to fight it. (Merlin could not turn the sand back to water but might have been able to summon water like he does later)
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First time we hear of a keeper or guardian of a magical thing. This will be a reocuring theme and I totally do not talk about it at all in any of my fanfics. ALSO Funfact "Anhorn" and "Anhorna" are old english words for unicorn. It seems likly his name is based on these.
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Anhora: If you fail any of these tests camalot will be damned for all eternity. Okay does he mean just Camalot as a kingdom and if another kingdom took over the same spot it would be fine, or is this entire area of land doomed forever? Because it sounds like the later and if so ONCE AGAIN I MUST REPEAT MY EALIER THRORY ABOUT IT JUST BEING A KINGDOM DUE TO ARTHUR.
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Historicly Tea is first mentioned in the third centery in China. It became Popular in the tang dynasty and spread to other east asian lands (618 to 907) This is after the time Merlin is set. So even if trade routes were much bigger (Like we explained might be the case in previous posts) It would not be a big thing yet. SOOO What Arhur and Gaius refer to as tea is likely an herbal infusion. (This is often ALSO refered to as Tea but doesnt have the actual Tea herb)
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Arthur: They've come from the outlying villages in search of food. There is not enough rations to feed the people whoa re already here. Like I've said only the wealthy stored grain and not much of it. These outlying villages are likley the ones directly under Camalot's control and not under the control of a Camalot Lord.
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Rats are actually consitered a delicacy of many cultures, some say they taste like wild game, others like Chicken, other say it has a taste all its own, In Asia especially you can find many rat dishes. Rat Pie was even a dish for both rich and poor in Victorain britain
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Arthur: Ask the Neiboring kingdoms for help. They may be able to spare some food
Uther: Out of the Question. As soon as they realize how weak we are our enemies will strike against us
Arthur: You don't know that for certain
Uther: Besides I would rather starve then beg my enemies for help! What of our kingdoms reputation have you no pride?
Arthur: I cannot think of my pride while our people go hungry
I would like to point out that they can just rade valuables for food. Previous episodes have shown Camalot has a thriving trade network. They also have allies they can ask and not enemies but I expect Uther is too prideful to do that. And too afraid it would reveal things if there was a massive uptic in imported food.
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No special info on this name.
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Poppy was most likley used for this, Perhaps even Opium! Its also a respratory supressant and can explain why Merlin did not realize Arthur was still breathing. Another Possability is Dwale. (Lots of posionus herbs and bile used to not someone out if a limb needed to be removed) However it would have tasted so horrible that Arthur would have made a face. So I'm going with a mixture including poppy or Opium
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fallen-honor 4 months ago
You know what? Fuck this i'm starting a medeval army to overthrow the government of France. Everyone get proficient with a weapon type. JOIN MY ARMY. WE ARE LGBTQIA+ FRIENDLY AND HAVE SNACKS!!!!!!
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woodsplinter 8 months ago
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My apologies for the sort of hiatus. My mental health has been consistently beating my ass for months.
No original stuff today but here's a guy I designed for a quest mod I'm planning on making for Morrowind. His name is Medever and he's an ex toymaker, current necromancer
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onlinecorvus 3 months ago
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I keep making character ironically ever since I started having weird ass thoughts, and this guy is no different.
to summarize this guy, he's basically Jose rizal as a bsd oc with jjk references. Touch to him is basically like showing a medeval peasant a noblewoman's ankle
ngl I think my anime style is going away. I don't mind it, my anatomy and perspective is getting better
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sharkycare 15 days ago
Hiii!!!! I super excited I put together my figure and Wana show yuuuu!!
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He spawn!!!!; I luv k ights and medeval and spawn!!!! :3 tank you!!!! 馃挋鈥硷笍
this is such a cool figure!! its absolutely amazing little guppy! what an interesting guy :3 how long did this take you?
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