#medea p3
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persona-game-info · 10 months ago
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P3 Artbook- Character Personas
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dernovo · 8 months ago
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Chidori and Medea 🥀🌹
I love your design Chidori 🙏🏻 Slayy. I drew this a couple of months ago but I fixed some stuff here uejfncn
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pandebunny · 10 months ago
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I don't belong here... I've always known that.
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princedetectives · 9 months ago
P4G Persona Mythos
DISCLAIMER: i started writing this post forever ago and kinda abandoned it halfway through, but i figured i'd post what i did write. so enjoy this unfinished summary!
hi! i'm doing a small dive on the stories all the party members' personas in persona 4 golden; most of them are based on japanese mythology; i'm reading Medea, which reminds me of chidori p3 and peaked my interest in this kind of stuff drastically. because these figures were chosen for each character for a reason! they all link back in different ways.
this will not be extremely detailed. just a bunch of surface-level facts im putting together for fun, and trimming a lot that isnt as related to the characters. look into it if youre interested!! i also highly recommend Hiding in Private's detailed analysis that i actually haven't watched yet but the rest of their p4 content is good so i definitely plan on it
each of the big 3 persona games have an overarching theme to their main characters' initial personas; p3 is greek mythology, p4 is japanese mythology, and p5 is popular historical/fictional figures (usually thieves).
as a rule of thumb, the name suffix no-okami means Great God. it'll pop up a few times! as another rule of thumb, a character's first persona will typically be a less important figure, awakening into one better-known.
since a lot of these myths are linked, sometimes other characters' personas pop up in relation to another! as such, i'll color code these names when this happens.
yosuke - chie - yukiko - naoto - [protag]
Yu Narukami (Protagonist)
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Izanagi (Initial) - izanagi is an extremely important figure in japanese mythology, being its creator figure. he and izanami (yes that one!) married. in some sources it's said that they raise the japanese islands from the sea and in others it's said izanami gave birth to them. either way, they brought life to earth, having many diety children. one of their children, the flame god, kills izanami and sends izanagi into despair.
to bring her back, he goes into the land of the dead. he finds her and izanami makes him promise not to look at her, concealing herself in darkness. she explains that she cannot return; annoyed, izanagi breaks the promise and lights a fire (some sources say that his comb is lit here - you may remember a bamboo comb if you ever did marie's social link. yes, this is what it refers to!) and finds the truth. izanami is nothing but a rotting corpse. we see this reflected in the phases of her boss fight in-game.
enraged, izanami chases him off. in other sources, this is where he uses his comb; he turns it into grapes and bamboo shoots that his pursuers eat. he locks her in the underworld, knowing she'd destroy the world if let free. here, izanami curses him, promising to kill a 1,000 people each day; izanagi shoots back by promising 1,500 people would be born each day. she becomes Yomotsugami, the goddess of Yomi (this land of the dead).
to cleanse himself from his visit, he bathes; as he does so, very important deities are born, called the Three Precious Children. these are Amaterasu from his left eye and Susano-o from his nose. (Tsukuyomi is also born from his right eye but he holds no relevance to persona.) the world is split between them, each child given the heavens, the seas, and the night respectively. in other versions, the three of them are born when izanagi looks into a bronze mirror; Amaterasu from the mirror in his right hand, Tsukoyomi from the mirror in his left, and Susano-o when he tilts his head to the side. for convenience's sake i'll only refer to the first, more popular explanation.
this will probably be the longest description in this post (i hope). he is just that important to the mythology. very fitting for the protagonist! and it puts a whole new light to the final boss fight.
Izanagi-no-Mikoto (Ultimate) - another way to refer to izanagi, with more respect. not much to say about this one.
Yosuke Hanamura
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Jiraiya (Initial) - protagonist of a japanese folk tale. it's a ten-book series so i won't go too far into detail here; you can read the whole plot summary on its wikipedia page. very basically, he's a cunning samurai and bandit that manages to achieve great feats like escaping from jail, assisting revenge plots, and killing a giant snake.
jiraiya befriends the immortal Toad Ascetic (which is probably where the theming of his shadow boss originates!) thanks to its admiration of jiraiya's loyalty, despite his history as a criminal.
Susano-o (Awakened) - the powerful diety of storms, seas, harvest, and love, and one of the Three Precious Children, son of [Izanagi] and younger brother of Amaterasu, born when the former washed his nose. his name literally translating to Impetuous Male, he was appointed to rule the seas and was promptly banished from the heavens by [Izanagi] because he just would not stop whining about how much he missed his mother* and did not do his job, causing the waters to dry up. personally, i draw a link to yosuke here based on his moving to inaba.
*(i honestly can't figure out who she is? izanami didn't help with the Three Precious Children, idk. in some versions of the story she did, so it's most likely her.)
before he left the heavens, he went to wish his sister farewell. untrusting of him, she dresses as a man in armor to see him, and he challenges her to prove his trustworthiness. they both create dieties by chewing up and spitting out an items the other possesses; Amaterasu creates three, and Susano-o creates five. Amaterasu, though, argues that since it was her item he used, the five deities were hers, dubbing herself the victor. enraged by this, Susano-o throws a fit, destroying her fields, flaying a heavenly horse, and killing a weaving maiden. this causes him to be banished again while a distraught Amaterasu hides away, coating the world in darkness temporarily.
now actually banished from the heavens, he finds an elderly couple that tells him their woes about how seven out of eight of their kids had been eaten by the serpent Yamata no Orochi (a persona in the games, by the way! you may remember it as a miniboss in p5's ship palace) and he agrees to help out, but only if he can marry their last daughter, Kushinadahime. he succeeds, slaying it by turning kushinadahime into a comb to protect her and getting yamato no orochi drunk. from its corpse, he uncovered the powerful sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, which is eventually passed down to Yamato Takeru.
there is much much more about him, he's very important, but i'd like to keep this from being a complete essay if possible - read more if youre interested!
Takehaya Susano-o (Ultimate) - another name for Susano-o. not much to say here!
Chie Satonaka
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Tomoe (Initial) - most likely based on Tomoe Gonzen (wherein Gonzen is an honorific), a samurai in japanese history, esteemed for winning many battles, being very skilled with many weapons and horses, beheading several. she once led 300 warriors against an enemy's 2,000 and came out victorious. her gender increased fear of her, most fleeing to avoid the humiliation of being defeated by a woman.
most actual facts about her are unknown. as such, she's more of a legendary figure than a historical one.
Suzuka Gongen (Awakened) - another figure in folklore with many unknown traits, suzuka gongen is presented as many things, including a thief, a divine being, or an oni. i, um. expected to write more here but there genuinely isn't much information about her. chie's personas are the mysterious type, i guess? if anyone can find information about her please let me know i'm so interested
Haraedo-no-Okami (Ultimate) - same case as above. from what i can tell, this term refers to many gods, the Three Precious Children specifically (Susano-o, Amaterasu). a harae is a ritual of purification, and a haraedo is where those take place. chie seems to be a weird case just in general.
Naoto Shirogane
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Sukuna-Hikona (Initial) - a diety of healing, sake, magic, etc. he's notable for being so small he fell out of his mothers fingers. so probably a few inches. (which is pretty fitting LOL) it's often not believed that he is such an important diety because of how small he is. also notable for being said to create cures to a lot of illnesses despite the fact naoto learns no healing spells. he's often paired with the diety Ōkuninushi, who is also a persona but never relevant in-game.
Yamato-Takeru (Awakened) - a japanese legendary prince(!) who killed his twin brother and was exiled by his father, the king, out of fear. he went to his aunt for help; she is Yamatohime-no-Mikoto, priestess of Amaterasu, and she lent him a holy sword which Susano-o won in battle, which helped him in many sticky situations - it could control the wind. one of his battles was won by cross-dressing as a maid (you can see how this links back). he died thanks to hubris, not taking his sword with him into battle, and it is said his soul turned into a white bird/plover and flew away/disappeared. this, along with his ability to control wind, might be the reason he's depicted as flying in Persona. read more
(completely unrelated, but i think it's a very neat coincidence that yamato-takeru's persona design is remniscent of akechi's phantom thief outfit. i like to think this is intentional)
Yamato Sumeragi (Ultimate) - this isn't actually an individual diety. sumeragi is a epithet indicating royalty. so, this basically means "the royal yamato". fitting!
under the cut, i'll continue this post for non-party members, with a LOT of endgame spoilers, including golden content, and a spoiler for persona 4 arena. beware!
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Kusumi-no-Okami (True Identity) - honestly? researching this one really stumped me. there's no english-translated direct link to kusumi-no-okami. (which was kinda annoying, because for literally every single other god there was. consistency, persona 4, please!!) maybe it was just translated differently; her untranslated name is 熊野久須毘命, which does directly correlate:
kusumi-no-okami is almost definitely based on the god kumano-kusubi. kumano-kusubi was born from the diety-creating contest Susano-o and Amaterasu had, the latter creating him. other than that, there isn't much info on him that i can find. it's a bit unsatisfying of a link, being so minor and male (which is strange - the genders typically line up), but there's nobody else it could be. i considered the god Kushinadahime, Susano-o's wife, but the only link there is the fact that she's turned into a comb, which is already linked to [Izanagi's] comb, so it doesn't make much sense. oh well!
this is another design i love, by the way. it feels directly linked to izanami, and by extension, [Izanagi]. i want to take a second to appreciate all three, their shared motifs showing they're clearly linked. in this case, specifically with izanami's boss forms, because WOW, they share a LOT. the transition from white robes hiding red (izanami phase 1 -> phase 2, marie pre-fight -> kusumi-no-okami), the cross hanging below the waist, to name a couple examples. it's so cool!! these are some of my favorite designs in the game.
but to conclude: she isn't as directly linked to the mythos like the others. what's really important is that bamboo comb, and the in-game explanation of her being a part of izanami.
speaking of...
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i already explained her main story during the [Izanagi] section, so i'll try to keep this short (and probably fail - she's very important.)
her palace in-game, Yomotsu Hirasaka, is the stretch directly between the land of the dead (Yomi) and the living world in japanese mythology. this fits her, considering it's where [Izanagi] imprisoned her and where she became the goddess of the land of the dead.
"General Teddie" (P4A)
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Hinokagatsuchi (True Identity) - i have not played any of the P4 spinoffs so this will definitely be brief, but i discovered it while looking into Izanami and thought it was extremely cool. hinokagatsuchi is the flame god son of izanami that killed her by burning her, throwing her and [Izanagi's] whole "divorce" into motion. [Izanagi] responded by immediately cutting his body into 8 pieces out of grief, becoming 8 volcanoes. his birth marked the beginning of death. briefly scanning his SMT wiki page, it looks like his goal is to end the world or something, which fits. IDK it's up to you here to link him to the game LOL
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houndfaker · 1 year ago
rahhhh i haven’t felt like drawing for it (i miiiight after work today?) but i have some teams picked out for the p3 pokemon au and i feel like babbling about them since ive been replaying heartgold. under da cut. a lot of the team configurations are based on a mixture of persona parallels and just vibes.
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I’ve literally redone her team a million times because I’m never satisfied with it but i forced myself to compromise on this particular configuration (she’s probably got a ton in her pc though. members that didn’t make the cut include bewear, raticate, musharna, dragapult)
blaziken represents orpheus, and duskinoir represents thanatos. the remainder are more like “i think she’d have these”. storywise in particular, plusle is a childhood pokemon matching with yuki’s minun (the protags are twins in this au as always).
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these are pretty outright i think. decidueye for the obvious archery reasons (have joked that i think it’d be cute if yukari’s decidueye actually used to be very poor with its aim until she started helping it practice)
miltank being (sort of???) representative of io, and togekiss being (SORT OF???) representative of isis. (there are only so many cow/bull pokemon and a few of which im reserving for other teams)
the rest are mostly vibes based! porygon in particular is a pokemon passed down to her from her father after his death. she has a very tight bond with it.
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magnezone represents polydeuces and golurk represents caesar
the rest are mostly vibes based. aki comes off as the type of trainer who would literally fistfight his pokemon as training. his pachirisu was his sister’s first and only pokemon before she passed.
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ceruledge represents penthesilea. empoleon Somewhat represents artemisia.
she has somewhat noble/rare pokemon to fill her team. gardevoir is a reference to her mild navigational abilities (it would be kinda funny if she was mildly psychic like sabrinabut to a lesser extent). indeedee is a pokemon she picked up at a young age, one of the first few she caught herself.
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fuuka is a coordinator as opposed to a trainer, so her team isn’t super battle-capable. lapras and musharna are meant to sort of rep lucia/juno.
i dont have heavy thoughts on her selection but i think quagsire is very close to her.
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this is one of the teams that has a great number of members that relate to her personas. bastiodon, escavelier, and iron valiant are meant to represent palladion/athena. silvally is pretty much a perfect fit narratively as a partner for aigis. ninjask is there because well i think she likes it. pikachu is a match with the rest of the moonlight bridge quartet, each having an electric mouse pokemon
she’s still a robot btw. scarvio is my enabler for that being a thing within the pokemon universe
BONUS ONES THAT ARENT FOR SEES (i have not made teams for all of them because the bestie is in charge of everyone else)
you knew this was coming
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kikuno has a number of mons matching to mitsuru’s (they caught their indeedees together, for example, and gallade to gardevoir and whatnot). noctowl dodrio and lycanroc because i think she’d like them. rotoms various forms i imagine are a helpful aid for housework, and they match one another in Mischief.
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I think chidoris are pretty self explanatory. very vibes based. tauros/houndoom representing medea. mesprit because we’ve been imagining each member of strega being in possession of a member of the lake trio.
labrys (she’s here too yay!!)
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this one i actually wrote a compact little list for LMAO
zorua - her illusion abilitiesss
bouffalant - asterius
haxorus - her axe
aegislash - unit 024
furfrou - snowy
pheromosa - ariadne
dats all for now. we have loose plot concepts in mind but nothing concrete enough for me to explain here
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elle-p · 1 year ago
Hi from the main! For the thing, thoughts on Junpei Iori?
favorite thing about them: his character development!!! When I first played P3 I din't like him but there was something saying that he'd get better.... he does!!!!! I also love how in Reload he gets his new Theurgy a different time that he gets his new Persona but that's less a junpei thing and more a reload thing....
least favorite thing about them: even after Chidori he still tries to flirt..... hot springs.....
favorite line: I won't let you do this to her anymore! Uhhhh character drama cd vol 2 is really sweet there's probably something there.... I don't remember....
Damnit... this is so hard... But it's not just my life anymore.(would Akihiko's She gave you this life! Don't waste it. be cheating since it's Akihiko not Junpei?)
brOTP: he's everyone's bro. Choosing one Heroine she can't romance him even if she tries. Going from Hero's inablility to say no to this is so refreshing.
OTP: do I even need to say it
nOTP: everyone that isn't Chidori let's be honest.
random headcanon: the only cishet in SEES(affectionate)
Uhhh I could go on a rant about Personas and about how Hermes and Medea fusing is a parallel to how Orpheus and Thanatos fuse(resuscitation(song in 3 that plays when junpei summons trismegistus) and self redemption(song in 4 that plays when makoto summons thanatos) have the same tune) but that would somehow turn into p5 spoilers and how it's WILD that both Robin Hood and Loki exist when the only other examples of someone having 2 main Personas(wild cards only have 1 that acts like a regular person's persona with how it evolves the rest are shared between wild cards and change between rereleases) are the guy that had a Shadow inside him that's abscence created the Persona and a guy that had someone else give their life to him(so life and personas are in some way linked too) ESPCIALLY since they fuse together like the others end up doing(i know all p5s 3rd tier personas have their 1 and 2 fuse but they both existed at the same time and arent evolutions of each other so it doesnt fit) and was this supposed to be about Junpei?
unpopular opinion: uhhhhhhhh some people don't like him I think????
favorite picture of them: classic
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nex-JNlkJmU(I wish I could also link his and Chidori's songs.... Junpei's actor is genuinly fantastic)
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Why do all my images end up being memes here are some nice ones
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Why does my post of this have so many notes
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p5x-theories · 10 months ago
I know this is way too early and too broad to ask, but what rebellious figures would think be Aran/Polter & Ikenami/Enco?
I know the latter is harder to point out as there's so little we know of him, but I like to assume his codename might be short for either Encoder, Encore, Encourage or Encounter?
So maybe something to do with either intelligence or music for him? My first thought is Galileo for intellect themes (ain't too sure on music though lol)
For Aran/Polter, think we can definitely agree her's is more likely something magical/witchcraft related. My first thought is Medea
Though curious to know what you and others here might think
Yeah, those are all fair guesses for what his codename might be short for! Galileo would be fun, but I do wonder if he'd break the more strictly thief/criminal theme of the P5/P5X Personas... but, then again, Necronomicon and Cendrillon aren't exactly thieves or criminals either, so I suppose you could argue he might fit into a looser definition, hehe.
I'll admit, I could see a magic/witchcraft theme for Polter, but I'd also maybe expect something even a bit spookier? Someone associated with ghosts or the occult, perhaps, which I'll grant is very close to magic/witchcraft, but I do think there's a bit of a distinction in vibe. I can see why Medea comes to mind for you, but given she's a Greek figure I'd sort of expect her more for a Phantom Idol Persona than a story teammate. (She is also a Persona in P3 already, but we know that Atlus, at least, has no problem with reusing Personas between games, heh.)
Honestly, right now my top guess for one of their Personas is Claude Duval, since he was brought up in Wonder's class. I'm leaning towards Enco having him, because even if they've been mixing up genders for the Phantom Idols, I don't really expect them to do that for story thieves? That is, of course, assuming they are story thieves, haha, which seems very likely for at least Polter, but is still technically theory.
Like you said, it's pretty early for speculation on them, and I'll admit the range of possibility for them is still a bit too broad for me to really come up with any other specific figures to suggest. If anyone else has any thoughts, though, feel free to share!
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princekirijo · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the P3 casts personas? i.e which do you prefer between the initial and secondary personas and which are your favourites?
Oh god thank Rui ily for this
Ok so I'll keep this one fairly opinion based (because someone else asked me a very similar question and I thought fuck it I'll rant about them twice because Personas and their designs are my fav thing to talk about) so without further ado:
So in general I absolutely adore the Persona 3 cast's Personas. Design wise they're not as flashy as P5's but I feel like they don't need to be because their more muted color palette and simpler designs fit the tone of P3 well. There are some I love to pieces (Penthesilea, Artemisia, Caesar, Castor and Cerberus come to mind) and then there are some that I don't like that much (Polydeuces and Nemesis). I'll put a more detailed breakdown undercut because I know I'll get carried away lmao but those are my general thoughts!
I'll break them down by character so it's easier!
MC/FeMC: OK so I do have a preference for male Orpheus but I honestly like both! Female Orpheus has a more cheery color palette (well brighter is prob the better word) which I like a lil more but I think the original one is just iconic. I love his harp and how he uses it to bash enemies idk why that's so funny to me it just is. Thanatos is probably one of my favorite designs ever I love that guy so much. I love his mask and I love how beast like he is. And the coffins? Absolute banger design. Messiah is overall a good design but I'm not as fond of it? It's very well executed but I think because it's so late in the game and it's just not as iconic as the other two I'm kinda meh about it you know. Thanatos is my fav for the MCs (and if he doesn't count for whatever reason then Orpheus).
Junpei: I don't have too much to say about Hermes design wise other than I like him! I like his bird look and tbh my fav thing about him is actually his attack animations! The way he slides into enemies is really satisfying to me idk why. Trismegistus though. God I love him so much. Mostly because of his awakening scene that is honestly one of the highlights of the game (like a lot of the second tier awakenings) and the fact his design is a fusion of Hermes and Medea is just so so good. I def prefer him.
Yukari: I really enjoy both Io and Isis a lot. I really like their designs and their lore and how it ties into Yukari's own story! However compared to some of the others, these designs kinda fall in the middle of the pack for me. Solid looks but nothing crazy you know? I think I slightly prefer Isis because of her wings I think that's such a cool design feature.
Akihiko: Ah my boy. He has one of the best and the worst persona designs of the cast for me. Polydeuces is such a dope choice for him as a Persona. Picking the immortal half of the Gemini twins for him and giving Shinji the other one is so so so so good and I could rant all day about why I love the concept. The design? Ugly af I'm sorry 😭 I cannot stand it it looks so weird the big bulky body with the skinny little legs looks so off-putting and his hair is just so weird? I don't like it at all 💀 Caesar however???!! Absolutely ADORE him. Such a powerful looking design and I love the lil person who sits in his chest (I'm one of the "it represents Shinji" people because I just love that idea so much). Caesar def is my preference here.
Fuuka: I really love Fuuka's Personas because of how she interacts with them. I really like how she's encased inside the persona and I think both Lucia and Juno look really really good. Unfortunately they're kinda similar to Yukari's for me in that they're like both very good but just don't stand out as much as some of the others. I prefer Lucia for her lore and I prefer Juno's design so 🤷‍♂️
Mitsuru: Oh baby. I absolutely adore Penthesilea and Artemisia to DEATH. I have written essays on here about the details of their designs and how they fit Mitsuru as a character so so well. Probably two of my favorites in the entire series. If I had to pick I think I'd give the slight edge to Artemisia because the fact that she has that red mask symbolizing the fact Mitsuru is finally coming out of her shell and letting down her walls a little makes me so so emotional.
Koromaru: Cerberus is a very very good boy. I think it's a really on the nose design but there's nothing wrong with that he's perfect. 10/10 would pet and give treats.
Ken: I think Ken's personas have the same deal as Akihiko's for me but to a lesser degree. I don't like Nemisis that much. I don't hate it as much as I hate Polydeuces, I just think it looks really awkward. I could see what they were going for and the blade saw thing is cool it just looks... Kinda weird. Idk. Kala-nemi on the other hand I much prefer! I think it does the over exaggerated proportions much better than Polydeuces (it's big bulky shoulders look and move really well) and I like the lore behind it. It's not a massive favorite but I enjoy it.
Aigis: Honestly I like both Palladion and Athena a lot. They're both really solid designs and they fit Aigis super well! I'd have to give the edge to Athena though because I love the big shields that circle her. Really cool touch.
Shinjiro: Oh god Castor. I adore Castor so so much. Such a fantastic design. The horse the blade in the chest just everything about him. He looks like Polydeuces but just so so much better. Brilliant design def one of my favs in the series.
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teddiecircus · 2 years ago
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hi chidori fans
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artsysterks · 2 years ago
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Chidori :)
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sterks · 3 years ago
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Chidori Yoshino
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revelarete · 5 years ago
crying n the club for chidori
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tacitusauxilium · 2 years ago
headcanon 001/??? || about her Personas || whenever Fuuka is trying to focus on finding people or shadows, one of two things happen: she either closes her eyes and clasps her hands together to focus, or she has her eyes open and staring out pass everyone—it depends on what senses she is trying to use the most. sometimes, she tries to focus on her friends personas to sense them out—just cause she wants to make sure they are okay. after a while, Fuuka is able to sense whenever someone isn’t feeling under the weather even though it takes a month or two to sense someone’s persona.
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when Chidori infiltrates Fuuka’s mind with Medea, she could easily sense where she was as well as her feelings for Junpei. hence why she gets so emotionally charged when Junpei is shot--granted, she is friends with him, but that scream she did in the game: that could possibly be a mixture of emotions from both her and Chidori. with Lucia, she can only gauge people’s wellness. with Juno, she can sense where people are, where any and all shadows are (gets stronger from p3 to arena to Ultimax), and can control how strong she wants Oracle to be (as well as trying to hurt the enemy or heal her allies). if Fuuka is unwell, she is unable to do any of those things, no matter if she has Lucia or Juno.
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vamporilla · 2 years ago
Shipping the Persona characters is fine and all, but what about shipping the Personas of Persona characters? Does anyone other than me do that?
Here are some examples (I ship all of these):
Vulcanus x P2 Hermes
Orpheus x Io
P3 Hermes x Medea
Izanagi x Konohana Sakuya
Izanagi x Himiko
Take-Mikazuchi x Sukuna Hikona
Arsene x Carmen
Arsene x Cendrillon
If this isn’t a thing, it should be.
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endijasella · 2 years ago
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Press "L" for a better view.
Hair&Bangs: [Yomi] - Draculaura & Bang Bang P3 Bang A
Tattoo’s: GoK - Medea
Tongue: [DeadBoy] - Morus
Ears fades & Tattoo’s: endi. - Swallow fades
Top: [MERCH] - Lola PVC
Bra: AVEC TOI - Belladonna
Skirt: AURICA - Juliet
Gloves: Violent Seduction - Deimos
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gekkoukanstrega · 3 years ago
Gekkoukan!Strega AU - Timeline
Notice: May be altered or inaccurate to canon timeline
Kirijo Group lab incident, shadows roamed free and the Dark Hour was born
New orphanage built by Kirijo: Takaya (10), Jin (8), Izumi (8) and Chidori (6) were then brought in from the streets
Jin and Takaya were adopted by Shuji Ikutsuki. He then adopted Chidori too
The three discovered the Dark Hour relatively later. Takaya awakened to Hypnos (age 11)
Mitsuru awakened to Penthesilea (age 10). Fathers introduced the children together
S.E.E.S. began operation(?)
Jin awakened to Moros (age 13)
Takaya moved into Iwatodai Dorms; Attending Gekkoukan
Akihiko awakened to Polydeuces (age 14) upon joining SEES
March: Jin moved into Iwatodai Dorms
April: Jin, Mitsuru and Akihiko attend Gekkoukan High as First Years. Jin and Izumi reunited
Mid-Summer(?): Shinjiro joined the SEES
October 4th: Ken’s mother passed away
Shinjiro left SEES due to guilt, (questions still remain). Jin joined SEES in hopes to help them out after losing a member
FeMC moved into dorms and attend Gekkoukan as a first year
Chidori awakened to Medea (age 15). Became Navigator for the Team (Her and Jin replacing Mitsuru’s Navigation role)
Yukari moved into dorms (or was it 2008?)
March: FeMC awakened to her Persona. Chidori moved into dorms
April: MC transferred to Iwatodai Dorms/Gekkoukan High
April 8th: “HEX: Before the Dawn” starts there
2011 onward: P3 Golden Hour
0 notes