#meda critical
gaybabeyjailbreak · 11 months
So, I have watched TADC due to all the hype that's been around it and I just... Don't see the reason for any hype to be there at all?
I'll break it down, It's not uncommon for Indie animations to accrue a big following that will stay with them throughout thick and thin as the major appeal of the genre is the romanticised idea of supporting an underdog and helping fulfill the dreams of an art school graduate in realising their own little piece of art. It is also not uncommon for this fandom to dissolve when they perceive an issue in this fantasy that no longer satisfies them like this, which results in all of the jumping ship that happens when a new project is released and the previous fascination is portrayed as bad. And of course the entire juvenile idea of there being mature animation (Read crass and rude, not actually mature.)
So it would make sense for the popularity of tadc to be from this combined reasons, and I feel the reason for this because i saw the show, and the only genuine way this mess would be so popular would be because of spawning st the right time, just as the magic from Lackadaisy and Spindle horse is dying a bit and people need to fix on s new project.
Because let's be real, there's no inherent appeal in digital Circus as a show. The promised theme of the show is Dark Psychological comedy. But like that's not a thing, that's a combination of words that doesn't actually mean anything, walk with me for a second. How do you do dark, psychological, and comedy at the same time. Think about it, yeah, dark comedy is a thing sure. But can you turn that psychological? You have to be serious to be psychological, at least in the way the show protrays it, and it's not working. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be deeply invested because the moments requiring that are cut short by comedy, and I can't take the comedy in because suddenly a serious moment requiring deeper focus.
For real, the whiplash doesn't work, it is a tone issue you're not sure how to approach and the writers certainly aren't skilled enough for this to work.
See the premise could work as a comedy, it very much could, but I'd believe people would hate it because fandom hates not being able to theorize and mysterize the show of the week. So we also get, some bits of seriousness, some attempt at a story, but without actually committing to any. We don't get enough of a story to fully grasp anything coherent, even for pilot standards, but what little there is, is distracting from the premise of no story needed just characters in a setting having fun. It tries to be dark and psychological by attempts of horror, except the "psychological" is just mental torture of the main fem character Pomni, which starts reading like outright fetishism of fem suffering after the second time we're very intimately shown she's breaking down. And the "dark" horror falls short because the inherent fear of the unknown from the monster, the mystery that contains dread is immediately revealed, and the existential horror is underutilized.
Speaking of mysteries, it's kinda embarrassing to try and pull a computer based mystery nowadays, and people fully accepting it as a fresh take. I guarantee you that any reveal of why something in this show is the way it is, will be very underwhelming. Possesed headsets, computer code going haywire, possesed viruses, government experiments, dead people souls in some code. Literally any explanation you can think of has been done, and considering how little these revelations add to a story, their only aspect being shock value suddenly dissapears, and now you will be left with a nothing of a reveal in your nothing of a story.
And that's really what it is. A sandbox, It's a tumblr post of one of the various potential cartoon shows like Officer and mr. Paws, except they actually managed to make a pilot. The only appeal the show has is introducing a few tumblr sexymen and sexywomen. I do not see any appeal in this show, no story it wants to tell.
I would say they're like clowns in a circus just playing for your enjoyment, which would be clever, but it's something so obviously advanced for how the show appears to be written right now that I seriously doubt that was an intentional parallel.
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
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As Jaskier and Radovid's lawyers respectively, I and @windflowerofskellige have an announcement to make regarding the recent info from Redanian Intelligence
Also have Jaskier and Radovid giving their own testimony sjhdjsf
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Okay so
Someone make it make sense (the Witcher Netflix)
Fringilla Vigo is in the aretuza arc with Sabrina and Yennefer...why? First of all why the FUCK is Sabrina in the same class as Yenna and second WHY IS FRINGILLA. THE NILFGAARDIAN SORCERESS. THERE. IN THE NR MAGIC SCHOOL. ARE THEY IMPLYING THERE'S ONLY ONE (1) MAGIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS
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Couple of things:
1.) You know, for someone who’s PINNED POST on her Tumblr is “all of the accusations are false” and “don’t ask about my abusers or stalkers”, Lily sure can’t shut up about you or any of the crit channels. Lily fans really just need to stfu and stop reporting every little thing to her, and Lily should just stop reacting to it (I mean, I’m sure Lily figures all this stuff out herself anyway, but still)
2.) So your claims that Lily SA’d you when you were younger are invalid because…you were taller than her growing up. Sorry, but I looked at the picture she used for reference and I don’t really see a clear advantage there. Even taking out the accusations are that she was doing this WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING, abusers come in all shapes and sizes and being physically weaker than someone doesn’t really matter when it comes to sexual violence, especially if it’s from someone you at one point cared about.
You hear stories about wheelchair-bound abusers, elder abusers. Yeah, the victim may have a physical advantage against them, but that doesn’t matter if the psychological abuse prevents them from fighting back. It’s not hard to unpack why Lily’s argument holds no weight.
No more she throws the “no u” at you, the more obvious it is that she’s just trying to hide her crimes. It’s just…vile.
Everything you said is 1000%, correct.
1) It's because she's a narcissist. Lily (to use an extreme) almost reminds me of the big brother from 1984 she has me and others blocked, but she also won't stop talking about the "enemy" and how the "enemy" is transphobic, racist, and fascist. She has her followers scout out what the "enemy" has said and reports back to her so her can fuel her two minutes of hate. I'm pretty sure if Lily acted like an adult, then she wouldn't have as much criticism towards her, but of course, that'd be like asking for snow in Egypt (possible but won't happen in this lifetime)
2) I'm pretty lucky to have never had the misfortune of meeting Lily in person, and my heart goes out for all of her victims, those who are speaking out and those too scared of being doxx to speak up especially Courtney who was not only abused by Lily but also her brother. I can safely say I have never seen someone pull an uno reverse card on a person who came out about abuse. That shit was mesmerizing, and like you said, she uses the "No u" bullshit for almost everything. Say she doesn't have meda literacy, no, you don't have meda literacy. Call her out for being racist no you're the racist one. Brings up that she SA'd her sister um actually she SA'd me. Most of the time, when someone is bringing up SA or abuse, the abuser usually will just say no, that's not true, or no, I have never met that person before not say "uM, aCtUalLy i'M ThE VicTIm HeRe."
I hate this idea that she put in her head that every abuser is some muscular meat head that's could be on an episode of my 600-pound life or every sex offender has a comb over and could be on SVU. Or that the victim is always a small little bean that couldn't lift a gallon of milk. The fact of the matter is that everyone can be abused, and everyone can be an abuser. Age, sex, height, and looks don't matter as long as you have some semblance of power over the person. When you say, "I can't be the abuser the victim was bigger, older, uglier than me." You are undermining abuse victims that could "theoretically" fight back or escape. Abuse isn't just physical it's emotional as well.
Not that she could be bothered to learn that.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
A postal worker was shot dead on Friday while working on her route in Chicago, according to officials.
Octavia Redmond, 48, of Chicago, was shot at around 11.40pm local time by an unknown shooter, who then jumped in a vehicle and sped away, according to police.
Redmond suffered several gunshot wounds, including to her chest, and was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn in critical condition. She was later pronounced dead at 12.20pm, according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.
According to Fox 32, the killer may have trailed Redmond before attacking her. The attacker’s white Dodge Durango was discovered torched on Saturday.
Redmond had delivered mail along the block where she was shot for around two years.
Witness Meda Robinson, 68, was in her house when she heard about 10 shots. She said she often stopped to chat with Redmond.
“She was a really nice person, she was a beautiful person,” Robinson told the Chicago Sun-Times. “I can’t understand who would come at her like that.”
The motive for the attack has not been established and no arrests have yet been made.
US Postal inspectors are investigating alongside police, according to spokesperson Michael Martel, and a $250,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the attacker.
The US Rep Jonathan Jackson made a statement on Saturday, calling for a summit with law enforcement agencies to address the “crisis” of postal workers killed or assaulted on the job.
Redmond was a “wife, mother, grandmother, and citizen who was simply going about her normal day on the job to contribute to what makes our city work for all of us,” said Jackson.
“We must embrace the Redmond family and take immediate action to assure Chicago postal workers that we will do what it takes to make their jobs safer,” Jackson wrote.
There has been growing concern about an increase in crimes against postal workers. The number of postal carriers robbed in 2023 rose on the previous year and the number of injuries nearly doubled, despite USPS pledging a crackdown.
The number of postal workers who were injured nearly doubled.
An armed robbery of a postal worker was caught on CCTV in California in May, and last month a Pennsylvania postal worker needed 16 stitches after a dog attack.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Mkay i’m gonna put my two cents into this whole nepotism baby conversation. Yes, Zoe is a nepotism baby and it is important to recognize the privilege these people in the industry have, HOWEVER, just because a person is a nepotism baby doesn’t automatically count out their talent for what they do. Now had Zoe outright said things like “Oh yeah my family has nothing to do with me getting roles AT ALL.” I could understand but (to my knowledge) she’s never said that sort of thing. I also agree with Meda that you can’t really blame someone for their grandpas’ actions. I guess you could maybe argue that Zoe should say something condemning her grandpas actions, but Zoe is a very private person who is rarely online or interviewed anymore (outside of the subject of her current films) and I don’t really see her wanting to pause that private life to apologize and condemn something she had no part in.
I also think it’s kind of weird to reduce all of Zoe’s acting credits as “the quirky girl” (or whatever anon said) because that’s kind of exactly the point of Ruby Sparks🤨 Zoe has said that Ruby is not meant to be viewed in the lens of a manic pixie dream girl and has openly challenged that trope. Zoe has also done some REALLY good more “serious” roles in things like The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Clickbait, and She Said. Of course there may be some characters she’s played that comes of as quirky but that doesn’t diminish her talent or make the performance unenjoyable. I think we need to ditch the idea that if an actor or actress plays “quirky” roles that they are not a serious or good actor/actress.
Overall I think that Zoe has proved her talent. She’s not an A-list celebrity like Kim K, but she doesn’t need to be in spite of her family name. She’s doing what she loves and is clearly very good at it. Yes, she has her foot in the door and I am sure that this grabs people’s attention, but she is also a very talented actress and an EXTREMELY good writer. She also very clearly cares a lot about issues such as women’s rights and more judging by her Twitter. She may not be a very public person but I think that is what makes her appealing. She’s the grandkid of a famous and controversial man, the partner of one of the most talented actors of their generation, and yet she keeps her life very private and is content with taking time to raise her children, write, act, and speak on certain issues without flaunting herself and her family in the the face of fame.
I didn’t intend for this to be that long but, hey, I am a Zoe apologist. No hate to that anon or anything, just giving a different perspective.
Okay, first off, anon. Please don’t ever feel bad for dropping such a comprehensive and thought out take into my inbox. It is truly such a joy whenever I get to see this kind of critical thought in action. I love love love to see it. 🥰
Because, truly, on like every front, I agree with what you have to say. I just don’t know nearly enough about her or her career for me to making super firm statements. Like the little I do know is from her work on Ruby Sparks. And I adore basically everything about Ruby Sparks. Like every interview I’ve read from her has me so convinced of her talent and her intelligence that I truly do want to see more of it.
Another point that I wanted to make to that anon but wasn’t sure would be productive in the conversation was that Paul was also heavily typecasted at the beginning of his career. And if we wanna reduce Zoe’s presence to “the quirky girl” then we have to bring that same energy to Paul. But we don’t. Zoe, just like Paul, it seems has evolved as an artist. And that’s an evolution that I can’t wait to see.
And you’re point on Zoe being a private person is also spot on. Already, I think our culture is so used to having this process for influential celebrities who have committed a social faux pas. So much so that it’s feels like these people have to perform remorse or guilt or growth in order to stay in good standings with the public. But trying to do this kind of process with Zoe is basically impossible because her presence in the media and online proves that she isn’t interested in being a part of that. She truly is just minding her own business, and hell, I think she should be allowed that.
I think that’s the appeal of both her and Paul. I mean, Paul has talked so many times about how early on he kept himself humble and avoided doing the entire move to LA to become a “real” celebrity thing. That’s how we have modern day Paul who seems so confident in his craft but still manages to stay so down to earth about it. Both Paul and Zoe have managed to cultivate these media presences that can’t really be publicized and sold in nearly the same way that any other celebrity is now and I think that is so beautiful.
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docenabeyshine-19 · 2 years
About The Value Of Being Media And Information Literate Individual
A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze and produce both print and electronic media. A literate person is one who can understand, both read and write a short, simple statement on his or her everyday life. Media and Information Literate Individual it enable people to interpret and make informed judgements as users information and media as well as to become skillful creators and producers of media message in their own right.
MIL combines Media Literacy and Information Literacy under one term, and includes a combination of competencies. Media Literacy emphasizes the ability to understand media functions, evaluate how they are performed and use them for self expression, while Information Literacy emphasize the importance of access to information and the evaluation and ethical use of such information.
Media And Information Literacy provides the backbone to understanding media and the role of media in our society. MIL also provides some of the essential skills necessary for critical thinking, analysis, self expression and creativity. Media & Information Literacy Recognizes the primary role of Media & Information in our everyday live.
The purpose of information and media literate is to engage in a digital society; one need to be able to use understand, inquire, create, communicate and think critically. It is important to have a capacity to effectively access, organize, evaluate, and create message in a variety forms.
To become a Media literate is not to memorize facts or statistics about the media but rather to learn, to raise the right questions about what you are watching, reading or listening to and to be information literate.
A person must be able to recognize when information is needed & have the ability to locate, evaluate and uses effectively the needed information. Students are no longer limited to the desktop computer. Students use mobile technologies to graph a mathematical problems, research a questions for social studies, text message an expert for information as well as send homework.
An individual who is MIL is able to critically evaluate the credibilty of a news article they read online and to determine whether the information in the article is reliable and accurate.
An individual who is MIL is able to analyze the biases and perspectives present in a television show or film, and to consider how these may influence their understanding of the subject being presented.
Technology is evolving and changing rapidly. Technology is now part our daily life. Its advancement is always parallel in media. From accesing massive amounts of information on the internet to simply experiencing an enriched to benefit us day in, day out. Information can be delivered easily by the use of the media and internet. Technology has also made communication easier. Earlier on, you had to send write a letter and so on. The recipient had to wait for days and even months.
Nowadays, people normally use text messages an email to pass important messages to colleagues an relative. If you want to take a photographs, you can take a digital camera and upload them directly to your PC. Once you are done you can attach a copy to an email and send it off to recipient. This way you can actually share experiences with friends and relatives. It is undoubtedly true that technology is an important part of our daily lives. Life has become more convenient and enjoyable.
Media & Information Literate Individual. You can think of information literacy as having five components; identify, find, evaluate, apply, and acknowledge sources of information. Information Literacy is a lifelong learning process, something beginning before you arrive at college and developing as you grow.
Overall, being MIL helps individual to be more discerning and informed consumers of meda and information, which can have a positive impact on their personal lives, as well as on society as whole.
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12 HUMSS - E
Docena, Bey Shine
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ive started journaling to see what all the fuss is about
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chum-personable · 5 years
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Sure do love to not save over the last episode of Meda Critic!
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you know...if you don't like a tv show or a book or a movie or anything, you don't have to interact with the fandom. like straight up you don't have to. in fact, people would prefer if you didn't interact with media you don't like.
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
mutuals and the like keeping up with twn news
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How we feelin
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windflowerofskellige · 10 months
Death to fucking imperialism ☀️
You betcha. Absolutely fuckin hate imperialism. I love the books tbh because they have such a clear anti-imperialist stance and the politics of the world make me want to drool. My biggest criticism of CDPR's take on the world world has to do with how they push the support of imperialism missing the wartime and anti-imperialist narrative in the original books. The push in TW3 to say Nilfgaard is the "lesser of two evils" is so fucking frustrating given Nilfgaard is a colonial and imperial power run on slave labour. Nilfgaard will not hold up as a country without a class of people not considered people and it's destined to fall, likely very bloodily. As such I really like dissecting the politics currently in play. It's so!! Juicy. Sapkowski has a wonderful way with politics in his narratives though I do find the Hussite trilogy sorely lacking in Ottomans for the era it's set in. Anyways All I know is the bit and brother I'm chomping (fictional politics)
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Hi everyone,
Just a quick update: I don't really want nor feel like creating content for fandoms anymore. I find it difficult to enjoy being in the fandoms I'm in when I see other fans being disrespected and treated like trash by the content we were ALL supposed to enjoy.
All means all.
I cannot and will not speak over all the people - people - who feel hurt, unsafe, unwelcome in fandoms spaces. But I can do something to support. We can all do something to support. Listen to people who speak up about racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, queerphobia and ableism. In fandoms spaces, in general. Listen, pay attention, learn.
Don't forget that behind every blog is a person with feelings and thoughts, and that your words may just be words to you, but to someone else they can be much more (positively or negatively).
So yeah. Here is my little psa. I'm not saying 'quit fandoms', I'm just saying think critically and stay aware of the issues that exists within our fandoms. Fandoms should be enjoyable for everyone, so if we all work together maybe we can achieve that.
Take care Tumblr Friends.
- Meda 🌊
PS: though I won't update it anymore, here is my presentation post.
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
In November of last year, Collin College President H. Neil Matkin sent a long Thanksgiving email to the hundreds of professors working at the community college in North Texas titled: “College Update & Happy Thanksgiving!”
Matkin spent paragraphs speaking of his family and charity giving programs at the college. Finally, Matkin revealed in the 22nd paragraph of the email that Iris Meda, a Black nursing professor who taught home healthcare aides, had died of COVID.
Meda was a beloved professor who had come out of retirement at age 70 to teach in-person because of the critical demand for healthcare workers.
Faculty, who had earlier criticized the college’s poor response to COVID, were now outraged that they were just learning about Meda’s death through an email that buried the news deep inside a Thanksgiving greeting.
“It was just a slap of the face. It was like all these paragraphs about his family and the holidays and ‘oh, by the way, a co-worker of yours has died of COVID,’ ” says Audra Heaslip, Vice President of the Collin College Faculty Association, a non-traditional union of college faculty. (Texas does not allow collective bargaining for union members, but workers can still join unions and use non-traditional measures of public pressure to achieve change in the workplace.)
Formed in July, the union had begun partially in response to Collin College’s refusal to implement a mask mandate when they were requiring non-union professors to teach in-person. Then, in response to Meda’s death, interest spiked in the fledgling union and grew to 25 union members.
Months later, on January 28, the Collin College Faculty Association was set to hold its first recruitment meeting.
Right before the meeting, both Audra Heaslip, the vice president of the union, and Dr. Suzanne Stateler Jones, secretary of the union, were called in for separate meetings and were informed by their respective provosts that their contracts would not be renewed by the college.
Both were shocked. Both had good performances and both immediately suspected that it could be related to their union activism at the community college located in the very Republican suburbs of Dallas.
“I got called in and I was told that even though my associate dean, the dean, and the provost, had all signed off on my extension contract, some new information had come to light and they were not going to renew my contract,” says Jones.
Jones said that in her meeting, the administration told her she did not take a “collaborative” approach in addressing the administration’s COVID plans. The previous summer, Jones helped to organize 120 of her fellow co-workers to sign a letter calling on the administration to improve its COVID plans and allow faculty members to opt for teaching online if they didn’t feel comfortable coming into the classroom.
Earlier in the year, Jones had also been cited for using the name Collin College when she listed the new chapter on the website of the Texas Faculty Association as “Collin College Faculty Association”. The administration told her that the brand of “Collin College” couldn’t be associated with a union and Jones, lacking a union contract, compiled with management’s directive.
“I think they were just feeling extremely threatened that they do not want this chapter moving forward. So, they got rid of two of three officers on the day of our first recruitment meeting,” she said.
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nasa · 5 years
SPACE: A Global Frontier
Space is a global frontier. That’s why we partner with nations all around the world to further the advancement of science and to push the boundaries of human exploration. With international collaboration, we have sent space telescopes to observe distant galaxies, established a sustainable, orbiting laboratory 254 miles above our planet’s surface and more! As we look forward to the next giant leaps in space exploration with our Artemis lunar exploration program, we will continue to go forth with international partnerships!
Teamwork makes the dream work. Here are a few of our notable collaborations:
Artemis Program
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Our Artemis lunar exploration program will send the first woman and the next man to the Moon by 2024. Using innovative technologies and international partnerships, we will explore more of the lunar surface than ever before and establish sustainable missions by 2028.
During these missions, the Orion spacecraft will serve as the exploration vehicle that will carry the crew to space, provide emergency abort capability and provide safe re-entry from deep space return velocities. The European Service Module, provided by the European Space Agency, will serve as the spacecraft’s powerhouse and supply it with electricity, propulsion, thermal control, air and water in space.
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The Gateway, a small spaceship that will orbit the Moon, will be a home base for astronauts to maintain frequent and sustainable crewed missions to the lunar surface. With the help of a coalition of nations, this new spaceship will be assembled in space and built within the next decade.
Gateway already has far-reaching international support, with 14 space agencies agreeing on its importance in expanding humanity's presence on the Moon, Mars and deeper into the solar system.
International Space Station
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The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the most ambitious international collaborations ever attempted. Launched in 1998 and involving the U.S., Russia, Canada, Japan and the participating countries of the European Space Agency — the ISS has been the epitome of global cooperation for the benefit of humankind. The largest space station ever constructed, the orbital laboratory continues to bring together international flight crews, globally distributed launches, operations, training, engineering and the world’s scientific research community.
Hubble Space Telescope 
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The Hubble Space Telescope, one of our greatest windows into worlds light-years away, was built with contributions from the European Space Agency (ESA).
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ESA provided the original Faint Object Camera and solar panels, and continues to provide science operations support for the telescope. 
Deep Space Network
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The Deep Space Network (DSN) is an international array of giant radio antennas that span the world, with stations in the United States, Australia and Spain. The three facilities are equidistant approximately one-third of the way around the world from one another – to permit constant communication with spacecraft as our planet rotates. The network supports interplanetary spacecraft missions and a few that orbit Earth. It also provides radar and radio astronomy observations that improve our understanding of the solar system and the larger universe!
Mars Missions 
Information gathered today by robots on Mars will help get humans to the Red Planet in the not-too-distant future. Many of our Martian rovers – both past, present and future – are the products of a coalition of science teams distributed around the globe. Here are a few notable ones:
Curiosity Mars Rover 
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France: ChemCam, the rover’s laser instrument that can analyze rocks from more than 20 feet away
Russia: DAN, which looks for subsurface water and water locked in minerals
Spain: REMS, the rover’s weather station
InSight Mars Lander
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France with contributions from Switzerland: SEIS, the first seismometer on the surface of another planet
Germany: HP3, the heatflow probe that will help us understand the interior structure of Mars
Spain: APSS, the lander’s weather station
Mars 2020 Rover
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Norway: RIMFAX, a ground-penetrating radar
France: SuperCam, the laser instrument for remote science
Spain: MEDA, the rover’s weather station
Space-Analog Astronaut Training
We partner with space agencies around the globe on space-analog missions. Analog missions are field tests in locations that have physical similarities to the extreme space environments. They take astronauts to space-like environments to prepare as international teams for near-term and future exploration to asteroids, Mars and the Moon.
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The European Space Agency hosts the Cooperative Adventure for Valuing and Exercising human behavior and performance Skills (CAVES) mission. The two week training prepares multicultural teams of astronauts to work safely and effectively in an environment where safety is critical. The mission is designed to foster skills such as communication, problem solving, decision-making and team dynamics.
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We host our own analog mission, underwater! The NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) project sends international teams of astronauts, engineers and scientists to live in the world’s only undersea research station, Aquarius, for up to three weeks. Here, “aquanauts” as we call them, simulate living on a spacecraft and test spacewalk techniques for future space missions in hostile environments.
International Astronautical Congress 
So, whether we’re collaborating as a science team around the globe, or shoulder-to-shoulder on a spacewalk, we are committed to working together with international partners for the benefit of all humanity! 
If you’re interested in learning more about how the global space industry works together, check out our coverage of the 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) happening this week in Washington, D.C. IAC is a yearly gathering in which all space players meet to talk about the advancements and progress in exploration.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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Reflective Meda Journal Week 1
1. what happened?
- In week one of The Medium and the Message course, some subjects that we mainly focused on are disempowerment, The power triangle, "isms", the matrix of domination/oppression, and intersectionality. Things that I personally observed is how informed and deeply involved the classmates are regarding these subjects. For instance, a lot of students came forwards to point out stuff that is involved with isms when it came to the topic. We had some group discussions regarding topics mentioned above on where the disempowerment comes from, how the Power Triangle helps us think about and achieve our Course Outcomes, and Why it is important to take an "intersectional approach" to how we think about media. As a result, we all had a general idea of what each of them means, how they can be used, how to identify them, and how to avoid some of them from being used in media journals.
2. So what?
- Some topics such as "isms" and "intersectionality” weren't really impactful in my life as I was already aware and/or experienced them. However, some topics such as the power triangle and matrix of domination/oppression were interesting and fairly informative to learn. To other students, it seems they are mainly focused more on the "isms" and disempowerments as they spent more time on this topic than any other subjects. During group discussions, students seem eager to voice their opinions to participate and contribute to the group and each member helped one another when someone was stuck with words. Some critical ideas that were discussed within the group were the fact that people who are disempowered have difficulty making choices about things that matter to them and have little to no control over what rules that govern them regardless of how unfair they find these rules to be. When such a suggestion came up during group discussion, I was surprised at how true that must be for some people.
3. Now what?
- This lesson has been very informative and eye-opening to some extent. In regard to how differently I will act and think as a result of this learning experience, I do not believe I would change the way I think and act that much from how I always have been prior to this lesson. The reason being is that I have always been considerate and caring for others and mindful of how others would take in what I say. However, I do believe I would try to be more careful and understanding of others when it comes to sensitive topics. Some other things I would change is to make sure when I am writing a media or journal such as this, I would keep to the topic and use language that would contain the least amount of disempowering or oppressive words or none at all if possible and keep the writing to state the fact as much as possible.
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