#mechx4 ryan
mechexecute260 · 6 years
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“I knew you had powers, but wow...”
~Ryan Walker’s Background~ 
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grakiearts · 7 years
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If any of you haven’t checked out Mech X4, you’re missing out on an amazing TV show!  (Click for better quality)
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I was messing around with editing apps today and I made these. Use them as you wish
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Spyder Topic 2
I know this one is going to be way longer then the first so let’s make this intro short.. 
Season 2 of every Spyder moment where he not so subtly revealed some information about his past aka “The Ultimate Spyder Angst Post Part 2″
P.S. There will be less text in this post because there will be so many gifs.
Versus The New Evil
Why did Spyder just assume everyone was fighting? It sounds like he was running towards the group so I doubt he had heard the conversation. Which means he randomly saw his friends and Varsity players in a group together and automatically assumed everyone was fighting and his idea was to run up and tackle one of the varsity players.
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Look how hard Spyder flinched just then.. 
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I do believe Spyder was joking at this time but (i’m reaching as of now) could Spyder have said that as a joke to hide the fact that he gets injured so much that ice packs are just a regular thing for him?
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Versus The Deep
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Versus The Outbreak
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Versus The Dark Night
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Yeah.. If someone said this to me, I’d feel really upset... Going back to the time when Spyder fixed the arm cannon and saved the others from suffocating, when he threw his candy bar to distract the guards and buy Ryan more time to hack a lock, when he freed himself from the ropes tying him to the chair and helped Ryan and Harris get out of their bonds while the serial killer guy was distracted, when Spyder defended Ryan when Mark was angry before finding out about the adoption, were all these instances not enough to prove that Spyder was a worthy team member? 
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Versus Velocity And Veracity
This part isn’t necessarily angsty but I love how Spyder saw Veracity was having a hard time and went to find her to tell her she was doing fine with the team. 
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Why does Spyder’s face say that he also experienced the same thing? Like he relates to the struggle of going from independent to dependent on friends? Could he have secretly gone through the same thing Veracity is going through with joining the team when he, Ryan and Harris were first becoming friends?
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Sorry there was less text in this one but with the amount of gifs, I wanted to make this post as short as possible.
Part 2 will be coming soon! 
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the-edge-of-great · 6 years
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ask-the-mech · 7 years
if ryan died who would take over as leader?
Either Mark or I would take over as leader of the team, but we’d really be in trouble without a pilot for the robot…. 
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amybcys · 7 years
Incorrect mech x4 quote
Spyder: wow, the stars are beautiful tonight.
Ryan: yeah.
Spyder: you know who else is beautiful?
Ryan: *blushes* who?
Spyder: cassie park.
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bobbybop · 7 years
So I just found out there are mech-x4 toys, but they might give us some insight into potential plot points for season 2. They did a display at toy fair which is basically one giant toy convention and showed the toys off. What interests me is the toys have different variations. There’s the regular mech-x4 but standing right next to it is a figure of mech-x4 painted in black and it seems to be missing a leg. We don’t know what happened with mech-x2 or mech-x1. This being a kids tv show black means evil so maybe one of the earlier prototypes gain some sort of sentience and the team will have to stop it. or Seth comes back and somehow finds a way to build his own. Maybe in season 2 we will see some robot vs robot fights
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teenplicity · 7 years
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Just as the show is rich with action, adventure, and comedy, MECH-X4 also manages to be rich with heart with the brotherhood between Ryan, Mark, Harris, and Spyderitsit’s core. “Being a family, supporting each other and doing what’s right is the message that the show conveys,” Nathaniel explains. “Ryan, Mark, Harris, and Spyder have each other’s backs. When you have good friends and family, you never have to do anything alone, and you will always have someone to back you up.” #NatePotvin #NathanielPotvin #MECHX4 #DisneyXD 📷: Deidhra Fahey http://teenplicity.com/nathaniel-potvin-talks-mech-x4-and-a-world-away/
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mechexecute260 · 7 years
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mechexecute260 · 4 years
I'm super curious! How many of you scrolling found Mech X-4 through Disney Plus? I love the activity my posts have been getting lately : )
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mechexecute260 · 4 years
Mech-X4 fans?
I’m not sure who’s still out there and active, but as I was going through my drives I found a little writing excerpt that never really fully developed into a fanfic. It’s from Harris’ point of view, while his mind wasn’t his own. I decided I might as well share it since we’re all in quarantine. I know I haven’t been active, but I hope you are all well! If you want to check out my more active sideblogs I’ll link them below: @grakiearts @allthenetflixoriginalcartoons @henrydangerismymiddlename @trollhunterz and my main @thechosenone260
Hope you enjoy this little blast from the past:
To say Harris knew exactly what was going on would be a lie. He could see, but it was like he was watching the world through a stranger, incapable of emotion, movement, or voice. A reality TV show that never shut off. A puppet to an unknown force. So he sat at the bottom of a dark empty pit, paralyzed within himself. But when he saw the person that was no longer himself grab a blaster, aiming it at the technopath's back- his heart hurt. But that wasn't possible; it wasn't his anymore.    
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
Rewatching Mech X-4...
This show was the bomb. Literally every time I watch it, it never fails to deliver. The friendships, the bros, the battles....ugh Disney take notes and make another show like this! 
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Yeaaahh... this is all I could do @peanutryan not so much creative or long but I’m still learning how to use the editing app I have.
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Spyder Topic Season 1
Ok, so we all know Spyder to be the comic relief character in the show (even though we all know he deserves way more than that) P.S. This took way longer than I thought it would cuz I had to restart after accidentally deleting it instead of saving it to my drafts and then unreliable wifi while on vacation = big delay sry...
ANYWAY here is a list of all the times he suggested that he’s led a different life before becoming friends with Harris and Ryan during season 1 // the ultimate Spyder angst post
Btw this post is like 3 miles long so if your reading this on mobile.. I’m sorry.
Let's Call It MECH-X4!
Starting off in the first episode, this is a small moment in the first part... (episode is 45 minutes long and by first part I mean first 20 minutes)
Is no one going to acknowledge the fact that Spyder was just electrocuted to the point of passing out? Harris seemed to be concerned at the time but as soon as Spyder got back up to blast the monster, the entire ordeal was forgotten. Spyder may not seem to have any physical injuries but what about internally? 
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If Spyder was knocked unconscious from the shock then that means that he will have some internal damage.. So why is no one concerned about it in the next scene?
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Let's Get Some Air!: 
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This is a gif and you can’t hear anything but it sounds like Spyder’s voice cracked at the end.. Whether or not he decided to show it, the mean comments he receives, right to his face, does in fact affect him.
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What if Spyder’s been yelled at before? What if he’s accepted and can handle being yelled at by everyone he thinks will yell at him? Except for his friends.
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Monster Harris just yelled in Spyder’s face that he was useless in helping the team. How can you assume he would just forget about it? Especially since Mark just called him a train wreck a little while ago as well. 
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Why did Spyder try to fix his leg with duct tape? Did he not want to go to the hospital and get it professionally fixed so he tried to fix it himself but ended up making it worse? If I recall, his surgery had to be crowd funded. Did his family not have enough money to afford a hospital visit and he knew it? Is that why he tried to fix it himself as to not burden his parents with more money spending? Credit to @peanutryan who pointed this out to me! Thank you!
Let's Open The Monster Heart!: 
This was a very very very tiny moment but if you re-watch the episode and turn up the volume, it almost sounds like Spyder is in pain when Harper’s goons manhandle him. 
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And look at his movement! It looks like he’s in pain. I might be nitpicking but I just don’t want to miss anything...
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In this episode we learn that Spyder has a “crush” on Ryan and Marks mom and disapproves of Harper dating her, which the others think is gross. But what if it’s more psychological than that? What if back home, he doesn’t have a real relationship with his own mom and hardly sees her? So he subconsciously “likes” Grace Walker because she’s more invested in Ryan and Mark’s life which is something he doesn’t get from home?
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Let’s Be Idiots!:
I know this was supposed to be a comedic sort of line but what if this was one of those criminal things he did as a bad boy before he met Ryan and Harris? I assume you would get in trouble for doing something like that? What is mooning someone mean? Look it up.
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So children usually learn about pronouns during the years of preschool to about grade 2 (I couldn’t find an accurate grade sorry) So why doesn’t Spyder know what a pronoun is? 
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Let’s Survive in the Woods!: 
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Look at Spyder’s face though after he says “No, I didn’t.” He’s like “what are you talking about?” Like the aspect that he’s had a good life isn’t something that he thinks is possible...
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For what reason would someone want to physically tie a rope around Spyder and keep him immobile?
Let's Get Our Robot Back!: 
So we know that Spyder has been to jail, but we don’t know whether or not he was in a cell serving a sentence or if he was visiting someone there. It would make sense both ways. So in later episodes we find out that Spyder knows how to pick locks which means he could have broken into places or things. What if one day he was caught and had to spend some time in a jail cell? It could go the other way though. We know Spyder has an unnamed mother but we don’t know anything about his father. What if he visits his dad in jail?
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Later on we find out that Harris and Ryan met 18 months before the modern day in that episode. In the picture it looks like Harris and Ryan have been pretty good friends at that time so where is Spyder?
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Let's Get Some Answers!:
The inner good side and the inner bad side of you. Spyder knows harris is on the good side so he tries to encourage him to act on the outside of the box with his inner Spyder. Would that mean that Spyder thinks of himself on the bad side, like he thinks he’s not a good person?
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Let's Go Clubbing!
Spyder with the therapist talk! Later we learn Spyder actually does go therapy but why? Did he used to do the same thing that Ryan was doing but learned not to from his therapist?
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Let's Get Leo!: 
This was one of those moments where Spyder showed how much he loves his friends.. If one of them is showing signs that they may leave (even if it’s not true) he will do everything in his power to make sure they stay. Like in Versus Miami! Almost as if he doesn’t just want his friends to stay but he needs them to stay.
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Why does Spyder seem so calm when they could literally be crushed to death at anytime..?
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Let's Destroy Some Ooze!
So this is the second time we see Spyder pretty upset (not counting season 2) in the series.. But it’s almost as if Spyder is saying it was an accident because he thinks his friends will blame him for destroying their school. Does he think they won’t see it as an accident?
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Let's End This! Part One:
Ahh the famous Spyder scene. So here we learn Spyder goes to a therapist and even though he knows the world may be ending he’s so calm! What if Spyder could tell that Ryan was freaking out because he knows snapping at everyone is one of the signs of extreme stress and remained calm to reassure and calm Ryan down as best he could.
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BONUS GIFS: Thought I’d add this in because this was a great scene with great character development. Spyder reassuring Ryan on his powers, knowing that they will win this battle!
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AAAANNNDDD That’s Season 1!! Wow this took me wayyyy longer than I thought it would.. Sorry for the wait but here it is! 
This was way more angsty then I thought it would be omg
Did I miss something? Teeeellllll meeee         
Season 2 coming soon
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mechexecute260 · 6 years
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A scene from ‘Versus the Wolves at the Door’ AKA one of my favorite emotional scenes from this series
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