#mechanist mhonde
uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Should you fight my characters? Asura Flavor!
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Battle music: My Algo - I am Robot and Proud
Should you fight Mhonde? Let me get this perfectly clear, you want to fight MHONDE? The two foot tall, mostly blind engineer who names all his golems like they were dogs and is a walking, unceasing hype machine for his giant girlfriend? Okay just checking. So you should you fight him - absolutely not what is wrong with you. He's a good person, kind-hearted, friendly, and will try to diffuse all situations.
Who initiates the fight? By initiate, I mean you would honestly have to just attack him, he will try reasoning and compromise for anything. Maybe if you talked poorly about Raj, he would rewire your house out of spite and make it turn the power off just to the alarms, clocks, electronics so you are late for everything. But no fights would happen.
Who would win? ...he can't see hardly anything, he's maybe the size of a toddler, and he's distracted by tinkering with golems. You could crumple him like an aluminum can with one good hit. But also don't.
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Battle music: Flight of the Bumblebee - (feat. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov) (Gravel Dubstep Remix)
Should you fight Fhia? For an entirely different reason than Mhonde, no you should not fight Fhia. She is actively cursed and you are liable to die to weird things even before you try to actually fight her. Meteor, heart attack, combustion, getting hit by a car, you name it, it could happen. So no, avoid her at all costs.
Who initiates the fight? I mean she's former Priory, so would rather talk you to death than fight you. You would initiate it but regret it given the nature of her curse.
Who would win? Fhia but not because she tries, just because something fell on you and killed you before you get a swing in on her. Huh! Another statistical improbability for the books!
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Battle music: Roygbiv - Boards of Canada
Should you fight Bhruizz? For yet another entirely different reason, no. Xe is very laid back and chill, not one for getting stirred up easily, and not one for starting drama. However, xe fights unpredictably being a berzerker so it's easy to get caught off guard. Morally, xe isn't a bad person just kinda keeps to xemself so there's not really a reason to.
Who initiates the fight? Yet again it would have to be you, xe doesn't have energy or inclination to fight.
Who would win? It's a 50/50. If you fight xem and they don't enrage, you win. Xe would honestly forfeit like 5 seconds into the fight - letting you win. Don't have energy for that. If xe does enrage, xe is absolutely winning. Bhruizz goes all in when xe does choose to fight and is good at both ranged, melee, and mid - so you're up shits creek there.
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Battle music:
(When you first encounter him) Not a Word, O My Friend - Peter Cavallo
(When he realizes you aren't buying his act and he's trying to escape)
Perchin'- Louie Zong
Should you fight Mhunizz? Yes. He's a slimy little asshole who tries (and usually succeeds in) UWUing his way through life and guilt tripping people to get what he wants. Or stealing it if it doesn't work. Mhunizz is extremely selfish and arrogant. While at his core he isn't a bad person, he also just thinks of himself, and an ass kicking might mellow him out for a while.
Who would initiate the fight? You would because he tries to sob story his way through any form of conflict. Once you get past the puppy dog eyes, he will realize that he can't cry and lip quiver his way out of this one.
Who would win? Oh if it was an actual fight you would for sure win, he's a Guardian but most of his magic is defensive and healing based to make people rely on him and trust him. However, it's far more likely that he's gonna run away as soon as he finds out the 🥺didn't work.
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Battle music: Authority - Vondkreistan
Should you fight Khenazzi? From a moral standpoint, yes. She's made her way high in the Inquest ranks through cruel ingenuity. However, from an actual combat standpoint, I might argue against it. She uses custom poisons she's engineered herself and honestly even if you win against her now - you will be having issues for the rest of your life because of the slow acting side effects. It's her last laugh, she plays the slow game.
Who would initiate the fight? She would. Khenazzi is of the belief that Asura are the natural rulers of Tyria given their intellectual superiority and thus everyone else needs to comply or die. Given that she's higher rank, it would be hard to find her though, you would have had to be looking. Which, is an invitation for death, in her book.
Who would win? She's not physically the strongest but she's great at evading. And while if you can catch her it will be game over, she poisons the dickens out of everything. She would even let you catch her just so she can make sure to be able to stab you at least once with her daggers so you get a taste of the poisons. So yeah, you can kill her, but you will be suffering for the rest of your life. Poisons leading to blindness, organ failure, cognitive deterioration and chronic pain.
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Battle Music: Held - Holy Other
Should you fight Dhizzi? There's nothing to fight about her? She's already stuck in the Mists, you can't kill her. Chances are she wouldn't kill you either, so not real point. Morally, she may be strong willed, but she does what she can to cheat the inevitable for others. Giving everyone more than a fighting chance. She helps, in her own way. So no, it would amount to nothing.
Who would initiate the fight? You would and she would promptly laugh. You're gonna fight her? Really? Don't you have something better to do? She's already broken all the rules regarding death by sneaking people out of various planes of the Mists. Fisticuffs with the forbidden ferryman doesn't seem like a bright idea.
Who would win? No one is. She's unkillable in her current state, more of a force than a person at times, and doesn't have time for skirmishes with people. She's got countless dead to keep track of and make sure they get back into the fight. Maybe if you wanted to see what dying felt like but didn't want to commit to it - she'd oblige you.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Mirror mirror :3c
:3 or more appropriately >:3c
I actually think Mhonde would make a very interesting villain. For the reason is that he *isn't* full mustache twirling in his dark version, he isn't this destroy the world, control everything guy.
He's someone you could talk with and reason with. Someone you think you can come to some type of agreement or middle ground with. Someone you can almost agree with at times. And someone who will still do the dark things with remorse but no hesitation.
Inquest Mhonde would use his already shady talent of making dirty bombs with hard light shrapnel (flashbang + napalm + disintegrates after a while as the light can't keep structure without an apparatus) to serve himself. It doesn't matter who buys them, or what they use them for. It's not him setting it off - he's just making them. Someone has to make them so it might as well be him.
Moreso he recognizes the value in other opinions. Many villains are 'I know best so I won't ask for outside advice' and it leads to their downfall. Mhonde isn't as self-centered as a lot of Inquest who all think they are the smarter to ever live. He knows he isn't infallible and would do his research. This makes him a lot harder to actually defeat. He would also recognize you trying to ruin his plans and sees that your perspective has value too. But it's not enough to get him to stop.
There is regret when things that are wicked come from his actions, but it's met with a solemn nod. He is aware of it. Yet alas there is not an alternative route so it must be done. And he will see it through.
If you defeat him, he's not one you will feel good about. You haven't saved the day from some big world ending mastermind. It is a Pyrrhic victory.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Me asking some of the kids why they are they class they are:
Mhonde (Mechanist): ...because golems are cool? And they won't let me go back to my holocrafting station.
Me: Good answer.
Mhunizz (Firebrand): Are you mental? Are you absolutely empty in the head? How likely do you think people would be to let me hang around them and their valuables if I was a thief? 'Oh yes, dear, let's let the poor little Asura come in out of the rain - oh he's a guardian? That's lovely'. People think I guard things, not take them. Wouldn't get very far being anything else.
Me: You have a point.
Riaghael (Reaper): Death magic made the most sense, since I thought I was going against just Zhaitan originally.
Me: Valid.
Sigilis (Scrapper): 'cause "fat cunt that hits people with a hammer" isn't 'n official class.
Me: *snort* I'll take it, good answer.
Dei (Virtuoso): I don't know, it just sort of happened. At least I can make use of it.
Me: True.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Character Interview - With a Twist!
I thought it would fun to have two of my characters involved in an interview! Thanks to my randomizing wheel, we got the Interviewer is Sigilis and the Interviewee is Mhonde! Engineer time!
Under the cut since it's a bit long! Consider this a tag to do one yourself if it sounds interesting!
Sigilis: I'm Sigilis, but let's get right to it. So! Rat! Get to talkin'. Who are you and whose shoe did you get wiped off of?
Mhonde: My name's Mhonde, I'm a formerly-holoforge-smith current Mechanist. College of Statics.
Sigilis: Great, great, about as interesting paint drying, but great. I said who are you not what's your job! What do you do for fun besides steal cheese and shit in the pantry?
Mhonde: Oh. Well... I-I make golems? And sort of cobble them together to be interesting rather than the most efficient. Doesn't always win over my krewe but I'd rather have some of my machines go out in a big celebratory spark ball than get rusted into obsolescence.
Sigilis: Now you're speakin' my language. Go big or go home, I like that. ...Squeaky, you do know I'm over here right? Or are you talking with the other molecules?
Mhonde: Oh, sorry. Can't see.
Sigilis: What? Like at all?
Mhonde: Not a lot. Holoforge. Turns out solid light constructs are not as forgiving to the oculars as I had hoped.
Sigilis: Balls, sorry to hear that, rat. You ever get up to any fun with it? Like pranks and shit?
Mhonde: (laughs) My ears, yes. The amount of staring contests I've won has got to be something of a record. Plus I may or may not use it for... admiring Raja.
Sigilis: You have my interest. Who is she? Or he. They. Burn me, you know what I mean. Who're you ogling?
Mhonde: She's my... um, girlfriend? Partner? Romantic associate?
Sigilis: Don't hurt yourself. So she's your girl. What's she like?
Mhonde: She defies all logic in the best way. Indescribable.
Sigilis: Well give it a try at least, fucks sake.
Mhonde: She's passionate about everything, outspoken. Turns away from positions of respect and authority - even when her whole family is big on their historical narrative. She's confident and I guess people think she's intimidating but she's really not. She's -
Sigilis: Alright, alright I gotta stop you there. You mentioned historical narrative. Mind layin' that out for me in common speak?
Mhonde: Legends? Tales and stories? All of her family and her people are big into the tales they craft in their life and then leave behind.
Sigilis: ...are you telling me this Raja of yours is Norn?
Mhonde. Yes. If there's a problem with that I have several golems that would be happy to instruct you otherwise.
Sigilis: (uproarious laughter) Easy! I'm not one to be fussin' or poke at who people choose to be with. I like your style. Not scared to hand someone their own ass if they breathe wrong about your girl. We're one in the same on that one! I'm also an Engineer, though more along the lines of a Scrapper type as you might of guessed from my little gadgets flying 'round.
Mhonde: (smiling in good humor) I hadn't even seen them to be honest.
Sigilis: Right then, 'fore I let you scram out of here and back to your hole in the wall, I got one last question for you.
Mhonde: Yes?
Sigilis: Bombs or flamethrower?
Mhonde: Bombs undoubtedly. Half of my projects turn into them whether I want them to or not!
Sigilis: Good answer! Thanks for wasting time with me, Squeaky, I'll drink to you and your Raja tonight at the tavern.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
RANDOM QUESTION FROM OASIS! what is the most unimportant hill they will die on? An opinion that they have thay they will NEVER CHANGE but its really not that important in the Grand scheme of things.
Random Hills to die on! @moonlit-grove
For Sigilis: Horses. They don't exist, they are mythical made up creatures. She will debate their existence until she's blue in the face, even if she sees one she'll deny it and claim it's half centaur and half kirin with a large dose of ugly.
For Ruby: KALE SLANDER. She doesn't believe it to be a real of member of the cole family of plants like cabbages and broccoli, and will talk shit about it at all hours. It's not a REAL cole - it's some abomination. 'But it's healthy!' well so is water but you can drown in less than 4 inches of it - what's your point it's a disgrace >:V
For Mhonde it's weird food combinations. His sense of taste for food is um 'adventurous' to say the least. And will die on the hill of 'anything is a dessert if i say it is and chocolate syrup is going on EVERYTHING'. He'll argue semantics about what makes it a 'dessert'.
For Riag, it is the idea of wearing socks to bed. He thinks it's one of the utmost crimes to the world. Or when people take their shoes off in the house but leave socks on and walk around in them. ??? You're going to get your socks gross and THEN wear them to bed? Nasty and unacceptable.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Hello hi if you'd like to share some Mhonde fun facts (esp Mhonde x Raja ones) i think we'd all appreciate it
Little lucky guy sparks joy
Have a mound of Mhonde Facts! Sorry for this being a late reply, been busy.
He belongs to the College of Statics - while he loves new innovations, he prefers trying to perfect and solve old problems in new ways - not come up with stuff from scratch.
As the youngest of 6 siblings, didn't really have any choice but to be a well behaved progeny since all the easy tricks were done and ruined already by his older siblings.
He doesn't get along with a lot of Asura in that he thinks common decency and manners are more important than curiosity alone and discovery. Along a similar note, he's a fairly private person and is THE GUY you can trust with secrets. Steel-Trap Mhonde does not blab at all and actively looks down on gossipy types.
Mhonde tends to stick his tongue out when he's really thinking or working hard on something, it's just an automatic response. Though it does make for some rather amusing faces when others walk in to see him >:P! because he's focusing.
This isn't actually his first relationship, he had dated around a bit before but nothing really stuck, but there were no hard feelings either. He's still on good terms with many of them and they still work together on projects from time to time.
He and Raja are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship and haven't really gone into the logistics of longer term prospects. They've decided they'll cross that bridge when they get to it and not ruin the now with future worries.
Mhonde is very expressive both with his facial features and with his ears alone and Raja has started to be able to pick up his body language even when he's being polite. Mainly, when dealing with people that frustrate him but he's still trying to be civil but the ears are screaming 'I'd love to drop you off the side of Rata Sum right now, with a lead parachute.' They can often have full conversations just with body language alone.
Mhonde is the only one among his family to be fully blonde! The rest of them are brunettes/light brown. Good ol' recessive genes.
He's also extremely giggly.
The Tiniest Beeb is almost the least gremlin in some ways of my kids! Calguais wins that. Mhonde isn't super mischievous or gremlin-ish. However, that doesn't mean he's not willing to be petty on occasion to those who deserve it. This primarily means sabotaging other Asuras projects after they made rude and lewd statements about his girlfriend. As a member of Statics, structural integrity is important to him. Especially when he knows which areas are likely to crumble and fall directly onto the complicated machinery of others. Interesting knowledge, that.
Mhonde does not like being picked up even by Raja and it embarrasses the daylights out of him. If he gets too embarrassed, he will cover his face and his ears will curl to try and hide his face too. She has learned this and will usually squat, kneel, or sit to talk with him instead of picking him up.
The two of them went to her designated shrine to Raven once - Mhonde not being too familiar with the Spirits. Raven chose not to come in person to give an audience but one of the birds flew and sat on Mhonde's head the whole time. They bother considered it a thumbs up of approval. He was very excited to see the bird use a stick to try and get a grub out of a log - because it was using new ideas to solve old problems too.
Mhonde has a habit of resting his chin in his hands and giving Raja puppy eyes or just an endearing stare but doesn't always want her to know - so he uses the fact that he's got almost no vision to be like 'Oh no, I was thinking and didn't realize you were there, sorry'. He knows. He did it on purpose and will again.
Holding hands has proven to be a bit challenging, so he'll often just prop his arm on his head at the elbow to be able to reach. It does look a little silly but it works!
And lastly, he has absolutely no interest in Pact or Big Scale events. He thinks the focus should be on the home front before it is on the global, which is where he helps out. Though the proton forge is his specialty, he is also a good architectural planner and engineer for solving more mundane issues like infrastructure, running water, and power.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
Character Interview: Mhonde
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Can you introduce yourself?
- Mechanist Mhonde, here! Photon forge and holo-tech calibrator, er, well I was. I still work with it some. Mainly I just tinker with golems these days.
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
- Male, straight, and (he beams) recently taken.
Where and when were you born?
- Rata Sum, sort of to be anticipated, really. 1310 AE. Always loved that number, very even looking and easy to remember.
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
- I mean, you don’t get skilled tinkering with holoforges without using them at least some. For technical reasons.
Lastly, are you happy?
- Oh for the most part, yes! Do I wish people would stop fussing over me and let me go back to the workshop? Yes. Is that going to happen? Not likely.
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
- My family is a handful and a half. I'm the youngest of six, yes you heard me, six. I don't talk or hear much from most of them. They're off doing their own thing. My parents are still around, one's a medic and the other is a Peacekeeper.
Have you ever ran away from home?
- From home? Can't say that I have.
Would you consider marriage or having children?
- (he shrugs) Maybe. That’s bypassing a lot of steps which frame the end result. And it's not just for me to decide, you know. Both things sort of involve two people.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
- I have disagreements sometimes with my fellow classmates and krewemates but it's nothing to get hateful about.
Which friend knows everything about you?
- I don't even know everything about me! Wouldn't expect anyone else to.
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
- (he makes a face that looks like a start of a frown) ...are you really going to ask that? Yes, I'm educated. Word of advice, don't uh ask Asura that. You wouldn't ask a Sylvari how the dirt tastes, would you? College of Statics, surprisingly.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
- You know when I jokingly said my job as a photon forge calibrator 'would be the end of me' I didn't know it would actually try.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
- Just because you can take a short cut and get something done twice as efficiently doesn't always mean you should. (he grumbles a little) Most especially when there's the equivalent of a small stars worth of nuclear fusions happening in a condensed space for making physical light constructs.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
- (he smiles at you and starts laughing uproariously) Either you’re being polite or you have as bad of sight as I do! My ears, that’s funny. My eyes are pretty fried thanks to the proton forge, I can still see a small area in the center of my vision but besides that it’s spent.
What is your current main goal?
- Figure out how to introduce some of my family that's still around to, ah, Raj.
Drink or food?
- Food. It's hard to focus when you're hungry or else you end up snapping and breaking something because you're in a bad mood. (he looks to the side for a moment and shifts in his seat) Not that I've ever done that.
Cats or dogs?
- Cats. Truthfully, I do prefer golems though, they don't shed. Unless you've done something spectacularly wrong with the exterior metal coating in which case I want to see.
Early bird or night owl?
- Night owl is more likely, have stayed up far too late working on projects or fine tuning parts.
Optimist or pessimist?
- I would say optimist! To the point of annoyance for some of my old krewe.
Sassy or sarcastic?
- Sarcastic? I think? I don't like to be if I can help it. There's plenty of that around, thank you, don't need me adding to it.
Been caught sneaking out
- Sneaking implies going out when you're expected to know not to. Luckily for me, I don't bother with others expectations and go where I please!
Broke a bone
- Not yet, thankfully!
Received flowers
- I haven't.
Ghosted someone
- Nope. If anything I've been, well, heh, too honest? If I'm not interested in someone I just say it. It doesn't always make me out to be the nicest.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get
- No. It wasn't that I didn't get the joke, it just wasn't funny. There are far better jokes to make than trying to insult how someone looks. (He wrinkles his nose in annoyance)
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
In honor of my hangover/headache here are the types of drunks some of the kiddos are:
Ruby - Talkative, also a little impulsive, will probably go from laughing to trying to do stupid things like climb a building on a dare.
Riag - Sad drunk, takes things way too personally, often leaves gatherings early (one of the reasons why he doesn't drink often).
Dei - Usually quiet and keeping to themselves, can be EXTREMELY catty and snippy if bothered.
Sigilis - If you even look at her wrong she will break everything in the room also highkey very horny
Galla - She just wants to nap and cuddle with her wife.
Glan - THE WORST FLIRT. He'd flirt with a chair for an hour if he was drunk enough before realizing it wasn't a person.
Valens - Chooses not to drink!
Mhonde - 'Mom-drunk', tries to take care of everyone else who is presumably more drunk than he is and bring them things or help.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
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Behold, the only shark-rat I’ve managed to be create without deleting within a day! Mhonde, is my eventual Mechanist. Friendly and happy to help, he managed to do some major damage to his eyes from calibrating Holosmith tech (do not stare in directly into the Photon Forge should be on the warning label). But besides that, he’s doing just fine.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
Had a bit of a cackle as I realized that I have very few kiddos who would actually be a decent fit for role of Commander.
Top Tier:
- Riag (top rank top tier, he made it his whole life, threw himself 100% at it)
- Galla (a life history of fighting and researching, logical, willing to compromise fairly in some situations)
- Warden Cálguais (considerate if not dogmatic in nature, preachy and tries too hard to adhere to Ventari's ideals)
Middle Tier:
- Ruby (she does a good job! even if she thinks otherwise, thinks more with her heart than her head at times)
- Mhonde (he's got a good heart and a level head, but prefers detail work over single big projects)
- Parteira (doesn't like being in the spotlight but willing to do the gritty work of it)
Bottom Tier:
- Dei (does not have the courage, confidence, health, or combat skill for it)
- Glainaim (has the ability to apply himself but not the interest)
- Cao (has just recently entered the rest of society and doesn't understand a lot of the context needed for the position)
- Valens (she's running on idealism and has no real grasp of what do to with a position of influence)
You're Screwed Tier:
- Dion (people??? conflict??? FIGHTING??? ;; plz no)
- Ordia (would sell you all out to the newest threat at the drop of a hat for one corn chip and a handshake)
- Sigilis (does not work well with people she thinks are too stuck up, would quit on her first day and let everyone else fend for themselves)
- Siori (understands things from a VERY removed perspective and works entirely on theory with no experience actually 'living')
- Mad (...it's Madrúil need I say more)
- Diam (like Ordia but worse, would wait until the worst moment where she would get maximum kudos from whoever she sold everyone out to, would ally with the shadiest mf'ers possible to cover her ass)
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
for mhonde, 🔮🔎🎭➗, maybe? :D @kerra-and-company
Oh micro Mhonde hours! Ty for the ask :)
If ⭐is poor, ⭐⭐ is acceptable, and ⭐⭐⭐ is great!
🔮 — magic
Mhonde is a practical guy at heart, he appreciates magic users and how intricate it is but he likes what he knows. Holotech he can rely on, mechs he can rely on. Magic? Seems a little too ethereal to be trusted, but it's still cool! Not his cup of tea though.
🍳 — cooking
He can hold his own with cooking! It's nothing to write home about but he's a competent cook. Mhonde mainly enjoys making sandwiches but fancy ones that have lots of ingredients and layers. Mhonde has been known to make very Dagwood style sandwiches that are almost bigger than he is.
🎭 — performance art/acting
I think he would find it fun and he's not afraid to be in front of people but he's not good at putting on airs. I feel like he would dissolve into laughter as soon as he tried to get into a role. He'd have fun though!
➗ — mathematics
Now this is his full jam! Theoretical math bores the crap out of him but like actual practical applications of complex system put into action? He's in heaven. It's something he can rely on and put into work and then have something to show for it. The numbers feel like they MEAN something in calibrating golems and holotech. They have an impact.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
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Mhonde how are you so adorable
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
i have come to share soft ship / oc thoughts
sigilis and galla get really giggly when drunk together. sigilis is usually a terrible flirt and a fighter when drunk alone, but galla is >:| even while drunk. except when they are together then they are giggly and silly. and sigilis is a hypeman still but more of an emotional hypeman than just sheer FUCK YEAH THATS MY WIFE more of a ;; thats my wife
mhonde is known for looking at (or in the general vicinity tbh) of raja with like the most fascination and awe. usually raja has to pull rank and authority of being a significant shaman of Raven to get people to listen to her, but since mhonde doesn't ascribe to norn culture in that way - does not care. for once she can be listened to as a person and not a spiritual advisor.
while it's toned down currently, you could not get riag to shut up at all in regards to pillow talk. he would legit just end up rambling about things of absolutely no substance (with very sincere moments of big importance).
he's still prone to going off on random vents like half way into a conversation he's had with himself internally so trahearne only hears the ending part of it. which leads to a lot of ??? but also amusement.
despite being prickly, tora is ridiculously ticklish and sho (@moonlit-grove) uses this to her advantage whenever she feels the need to.
dion will sometimes mimic the frogs that live in the wychmire by making a face at them (puffed out cheeks) when they are croaking really loudly.
parteria (party) is based on a pallas cat and is VERY FLOOFY which the in-game model doesn't represent but she's very round looking just from fluff.
ruby's bear Akka absolutely loves rytlock and he can't do anything about it. but he will sneak the 'walking tank of a bear' a pet or two if he's 100% sure no one will see him.
glanaim used to be a little displeased about having to wear glasses but now he's so fond of them he thinks he looks absolutely naked without them.
dei's really good with word puzzles and riddle games but would be terrible at monopoly, risk or war. as a whole i think they would probably really enjoy board games.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
🤢 for ordia and mhonde please please please
Ooooo you bet. Ty for the ask :)
Ordia, looks mean absolutely nothing when you have the personality of the gross brown water that accumulates at the bottom of a dumpster. She is not as smart as she thinks she is and half of that ego is based purely on the fact that people are too put off to say otherwise. She's not even as wicked as she would like to believe. Granted, she'd sell an orphanage out to medical experimentation at the drop of a hat. But when faced with a malice that's driven by something beyond a want for expensive items? She'd be rattled. Boo Ordia, you want to be a villain but lack the drive and guts. I've been more intimidated by Tony the Tiger when I was having a fever dream from dehydration.
Mhonde - homie - what part of basic safety did you not remember? All of it? It seems like all of it. Just because you are a clever technician does not mean you can by pass basic common sense 101 of DON'T LOOK INTO BRIGHT THINGS. College of Statics my ass, how about College of violating OSHA? Big words don't mean you are a genius, anyone with a thesaurus can sound important. I saw this result coming, though obviously you didn't. And yes we can tell the golems are compensation. How's the elevator smell?
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
🗡️🗡️ for Sigilis and Mhonde
Ty for the ask! 2 very good engie beebs
Raw Power: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Formal Training: ⭐⭐⭐
Willingness to kill: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Previous Victims: ⭐⭐⭐
Notes on the above:
-Sigilis is very beefy, even under her cushioning. More of like a strongman build than like the muscle building weight lifters who only do it for show. Working on war tanks and war tech your whole life builds great upper body strength.
-Iron Legion Training, though she remembers very little of it. Did not care about learning any set rules, luckily her turret skills kept her valuable so there wasn't too much trouble.
-Is more than a little trigger happy and have 0 reservations about killing first asking questions later. Started from cubhood giving 0 craps and continues to give 0 craps.
-I would be lying to say that she hasn't killed people in cold blood, she has. It's not often and usually has background baggage attached but yeah. Sigilis is often very close to the line of being a bad person at times.
Raw Power: ⭐
Formal Training: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Willingness to Kill: ⭐⭐
Previous Victims: ⭐
Notes on the above:
- He's not the most physically skilled in terms of raw power, Mhonde really needs his mechs and golems to be able to properly handle things. He uses explosives but it's not so much 'power' as throwing it in the direction he heard a noise and hoping it hit something.
- Bootsized has LOTS of training in golem skills, light forge equipment, artillery, and other Asuran based weapons. Besides Golems and Hard Light equippment, most of it is book learning though.
- He doesn't like killing and tries to avoid it whenever he can. It's often meaningless and if people had patience could be resolved through other ways. However, he's not opposed to killing in self defense or on the grounds of preventing someone else from being hurt. But it's not his first response.
- Has not killed for the sake of killing and probably won't so no victims here!
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
For Mhonde "you're a lightforge calibrator right? Cause I've got some faulty wiring back home and I need your help lighting up my world~"
He chuckles and smiles broadly, small pointed teeth showing.
"Lighting up my - oh that is a good one! I want to try! Um... I-I may belong to Statics but I can be pretty Dynamic when I want to be!"
He attempts to waggle his eyebrows but only manages to lift one. Apparently he realizes how ridiculous it looks and the tips of his ears go bright pink. He starts covers his face with his hands.
"My ears, did I really just say that? I'll leave this type of things to the professionals."
(ty for the ask!)
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