#galla strangleforge
uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Should you fight my characters? Charr Flavor!
Inspired by @bluebudgie I thought the formula of this was so rad I wanted to make it for my own kiddos!
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Sigilis Forgemuzzle
Fight Music: Very Noise - Igorrr
Should you fight Sigilis? Sure! I mean she loves fighting so if you're trying to teach her a lesson you'd be failing in that area. Yes in that sometimes she gets too full of herself as a brawler. So sure go for it as long as your intent is to fight not kill. If you're going for KILL please realize you will have a 9ft 650lb blood frenzied Galla coming after you for the rest of your days.
Who initiates the battle? She does! Likely she initiates it by saying something rude or unpleasant to you and then dares you to do something about it. It would be better to do this someplace with others, in case you need back up.
Who would win? If you can get her from a distance it's an easy fight for you, but you're probably out of luck in melee. Disassembling tanks has lead to some scary upper body strength.
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Galla Strangleforge
Fight music: They Hit Without Warning - Edward Bradshaw
Should you fight Galla? No. For your own health and if you value your organs being in your body, no. She keeps to herself, keeps a cool head, and would rather not engage if possible given her tendency for frenzy. Out of all of my kiddos, she is the scariest in terms of sheer strength and combat ability.
Who initiates the battle? You would have to really REALLY try to get her to fight you. And honestly if you're trying that hard you have it coming. She's logical and calm - not one who gets worked up easily.
Who would win? Galla. Years of pit fighting and then being the Pact's combat instructor means she knows the dirty way of fighting, the survival way, and the proper way. And will use all of them. The word Strangle in Strangleforge is not just there for looks. If you're lucky she'll leave enough left of you for your family to claim.
The rest is under the cut to save your dash!
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Elder Parteira (Party)
Battle music: Rise to Glory - Earth
Should you fight Party? Do you want to fight the village midwife? Do you want to fight the one that's done almost all the rearing of cubs for some 30 plus years? I mean she can be testy and crabby at times. But you realize everyone born in her village is going to come after you now that they are an adult. Would not advise it.
Who initiates the battle? Likely you did, she doesn't have time for wasting energy on skirmishes, she's got cubs to feed and dams to help.
Who would win? You probably have better mobility than she does, her joints aren't what they used to be. But get yourself cornered and you're in for a good walloping. Not to hurt you, but to teach you some damn manners.
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Valens Forgedance
Battle Music: Bossa Dorado - Dave Martone
Should you fight Valens? They can be a prankster at times and it can be annoying. A fair fight as a show of strength would not be amiss, just be careful that you aren't too hard on her. There are the 3 aforementioned Charr that will have your head if you actually hurt her.
Who initiates the battle? I think it would probably be her wanting to spar and test her abilities out that's she's learned. Typically it wouldn't come to you trying to fight them because they've pissed you off there are some steps in the middle.
Who would win? What Valens lacks in strength she makes up for with agility. She would be dancing and evading all of your attacks until you get tired - but if you managed to get a single good hit in on her, you would probably win. She would very enthusiastically shake your hand for you winning - good fight! Good fight!
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Larthi Glimmerforge
Battle music: World Turns - Rival Consoles
Should you fight Larthi? I mean it wouldn't hurt anything, it's existence is already sort of a blip in the world, a coding error if you will. I can't see why you would want to though, all of it's moves are defensive and blocking with shields and time manipulation to not be where your attacks land. So should you? I mean you can, but you're not going to really gain anything from it.
Who initiates the battle? You would have to, it doesn't do fighting. Having witnessed the end of all things puts conflict into a perspective of being pointless.
Who would win? No one. I mean it's a 50/50 chance that it will get ported to another place in time in the middle of your fight so basically no one wins. On the chance that it does stay around, you'd likely get bored of attacking and having it not do anything. It's not like Larthi even evades it just blocks every one of your attacks. You would get bored. It would already be bored.
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Philetus Hearthmend
Battle music: Bone Marrow (Instrumental) - Protest The Hero
Should you fight Phil? The only reason you have to fight Phil is if you're a Charr fundamentalist who still thinks all Flame Legion is evil and wicked, or you're a human Separatist. Otherwise, no don't fight him, he's a big soft goofy guy.
Who initiates the battle? You would have to go above and beyond to do something to make him fight you - like attack someone he cares for. He doesn't always even get that someone is trying to start something, to be honest.
Who would win? It depends on why the fight started. If you were just trying to piss him off, then you would likely win because he would take it easy on you and let you beat him. But If you were doing something that made him go into protective of others mode (first of all I have questions) but then no you are not winning. He is a Flame Shaman Elementalist, that only uses Fire and has been mastering it his whole life. He can hold magma with his bare paws and shape it into weapons, with no injuries to himself. Chances are you are going to have spires of solidifying magma piercing you like a pincushion.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Rating how good of cooks some of my kiddos are:
Ruby (Commander): 10/10 can make just about anything, inventive, a real master chef.
Glanaim: 8/10 doesn't usually have the money for high quality ingredients but is really good at cooking when he has time.
Party: 6/10 she may not make the most tasty food but by Gods does she know how to stretch food for lots of cubs. No one goes hungry even if it's not the best tasting.
Galla: 3/10 usually edible but not something you'd want to try. She doesn't season anything. Anything.
Dei: 1/10 does not cook since they have a lot of food allergies and just tries to scrape by with instant/low effort stuff/ quick food (living off of oatmeal and french fries is not healthy purple).
Riag: 0/10 for the love of all things holy do not let this man around fire or food. He would manage to burn cereal.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
for your charr folks for the oc grouping thingy--biggest fans of candy/sweets/pastries (and what types) vs not-so-big fans? :) @kerra-and-company
Ooo thank you for the ask! Let's see...
Biggest Sweet Tooth:
Valens - will and can eat their body weight in candy.
Phil - likes more maple flavored or earthy flavored sweets.
Larthi - enjoys cool sweets like ice cream!
Neutral on sweets:
Sigilis - will eat sweets if they are there but doesn't make a b-line for them.
Ordia - likes sweet tea but that's about it.
Zoticus - only really likes a mint or something after he eats not like 'proper' sweets.
Galla - doesn't really like them but if something is sweet, she won't refuse the food.
Dislikes sweets:
Elder Parteira - hurts her teeth to eat sugary things so she avoids it.
Vissenta - just finds them to be a bit underwhelming, she prefers spicy and savory.
Semni - doesn't have much in the way of taste anymore most of her taste buds have already gone caput so no point to eating them.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
6 & 10 for Unburiable and Warcat Wives!
Asks ahoy! Ty fren!
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Riag realized it right after retaking Claw Island (as in minutes post battle) and then immediately tried to forget that he realized it. Proceeding to make it *way* more awkward that it needed to be for a long time. He can't fake anything and basically everyone knew anyway.
Trahearne had sort of a two-for-one realization. He was aware of his feelings even before the Pact had officially formed but is way better about being 'okay not the time or place for this rn' but really had to sit down and admit it after the cleansing of Orr. No longer distracted by his Wyld Hunt it became v apparent that his feelings weren't just gonna go away on their own.
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
For general, being quiet in the same space as each other, with Trahearne reading and Riag repotting plants or gardening. They're not a couple that chatters constantly with quips, a few random exchanges here and there when one of them gets on a soapbox but that's it. As for intimate non-sexual, very rarely Riag will just ask if he can sleep with his head in Trahearne's lap - and asks him about random things. Less because he's riveted in the scholars research on the necromancy in the Crystal Desert and more just to hear him talk.
Warcat Wives:
Sigilis knew from when they were cubs, like WAY back in the day but was dating Reeva anyway. Not to say she didn't love Reeva, she did, but there was like a decent part of her distracted by Galla for a long time. Reeva knew she was only getting like 80% of Sigilis, and was fine with it, the warband was all tight knit and on good terms.
Meanwhile it took Galla a really long time, she hadn't really thought of it (she considered the bawdy engineer out of her league) until they were the only ones left in their warband.
Man if you are in a relationship with Sigilis you better be ready to dance at stupid hours. She's not a 'dancer' (like Valens) but she gets full of the spirit and just has to move. The engineer will drag her wife (by the braids or horns if she has to) into dancing with her. Music helps but she can just get full of it with no music and all mood too! Most of her dancing is 'dad at a barbecue who has had entirely too much beer to care'.
Galla gives really strong massages, like none of this acupressure light work, when you're dealing with Charr everything has to be a bit tougher. She'll often give her wife back massages (which start as non-sexual intimacy but does not always end that way). A lot of Sigilis' stress she carries in her low back. It is a mutual thing though, Sigilis tries to do the same but she's just not as skilled at it.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Mirror mirror...
Ty! Let's go with potentially the scariest option: dark side Galla.
I think it would take a lot for her to go 'full dark' as it were, she has a lot of mental and emotional fortitude. But I could see it happening if she had been the only survivor of her original Warband and operated outside of the Pact. She wouldn't have accepted being a Gladium so she would have gone full solo - gradually letting her anger win.
If Galla went dark side, Jesus wept. She is already so intimidating and scary - with anger issues. The other version of her would just be a destroying and almost feral machine with her amount of bloodlust. All of her discipline would go out of the window and she's almost be a rampaging rabid killing machine.
Even sane Galla killed someone in the sparing pit back in her pit fighting days by just not stopping. Strangling and punching another Charr until their face was beyond recognition and needed 4 guards to get her off the body.
That is sort of the thing you are going to see as the norm for her - her damned merciless tenacity. She would go after anyone who used elemental magic or magic as a whole. She would go after people who tried to stop her and people who got in her way. People at the wrong place, wrong time, and anyone who she deemed a problem.
It's tragic because regular Galla has worked hard and succeeded in handling her anger issues, she's done the work. She's also refined her mind and finds contentment studying strategy and coming up with battle plans instead of being in the grit which brings out the frenzy. The Wall of Charr has done the work! She's got a firm handle on her bloodlust!
But all of that would be wasted in dark Galla, and only her pure primal fury would have control. I could see her being a Raid Boss or something of that caliber.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
⏳⏳ for a muse of your coice
Ty for the ask, Galla decided to step forward for once!
Galla Strangleforge:
"I used to be a pit fighter, after me and Sigilis' warband was butchered. While I'm glad, now, that I'm out of it, I still miss it. If only to see Sigilis in the crowd. She got banned from attending my fights in the Bane after bringing small artillery shots to fire in celebration. Or at someone, if the fight was going poorly. Luckily, it never did. I don't lose."
"There was one time, where I nearly killed a cub. If you can call it that. A training Flame Shaman, probably not even 18 winters. It was out with its senior constructing effigies. I was going to kill both of them. Sigilis... stopped me. I don't regret it. I'm not ashamed of it. It's better to get rid of pests before they multiply. If given the chance, I would not hesitate to do so again."
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Random thoughts on hugging some of the plampts and warcats because I am soft and full of emotions today.
OC's and Hugs
Sigilis gives bone crushing bear hugs. She always smells like oil and stale beer and sometimes BO. Getting hugged too hard? Too bad. If you're not out of breath and sore was it REALLY a good hug.
Galla, awkward hugs. She's big and knows she's big, she doesn't want to hurt you so it's tricky. Usually a one armed side hug. She usually smells like weapon polish.
Valens - bombastic, swinging you around by your arms hugs. Very enthusiastic usually will make both of you dizzy. Doesn't usually smell like anything but her fur is very sparse and scratchy which can make it a little itchy.
Party - depends on what you need. She's refined the art of Hugs having to deal with a wide range of cubs. Supportive gentle hug? You got it. Rallying tight hug? No problem. Not a fan of hugs? Sure thing, a pat on the back for you. She smells like saltwater and smoke.
Ordia doesn't hug people.
Ruby Aenn - anyone remember glomps? Behold the tiny red menace, who will run at you full speed to tackle you into a hug. She's the biggest hugger but will respect boundaries if you tell her. She smells like cloves and anise. Will also lift you up off the ground to hug you if she can which is mortifying since she's very short.
Dion - doesn't know how to hug and is too shy to. Will give a thumbs up and maybe a nervous pat on the shoulder but that's about it. Smells like rain and the woods.
Glan - dramatic mf is a sucker for big sweeping hugs and making it a scene. Quite literally would sweep you off your feet but mainly to annoy you. Has been known to pick people up and carry them over his shoulder just to get a rise out of them. Smells like black tea.
Riag - once a huge hugger, and a hug with the whole body type of person, now touch avoidant if possible. Isn't always good at verbally comforting so usually will try to help by ways that aren't verbal/physical hug. Doesn't have a smell.
Dei - Smells very faintly of hyacinth flowers but also coppery sap. They have never been much of a hugger and prefer verbally comforting people if they can. However, when they do hug they are always the last to let go. Given that they are tall and lanky/bony, hugs can be a little awkward.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Ruby Rambles: Sleep Edition.
After waking up for the 4th day in a row to solid rain, it makes me start pondering about some of the beebs and their sleep schedules, lacks thereof, and what makes them snoozy.
She has to be near one of her pets, ideally holding onto it. This means she'll often forsake her normal bed and sleep in weird and uncomfortable places just to be closer to her pet. She doesn't really have a preferred sleeping position, it's just whatever let's her be near her animals.
The exception is Eldri, her smokescale, who does not like her being near him and so on those days she will sleep in a bed and he will be on the far side of the room. Ruby falls asleep quickly, sleeps solidly, and tends not to have any dreams.
(her favorite pet to sleep with is either Aeren, who will snuggle with her happily - or Mingo because he will wrap his long neck around her and do a big bird hug, plus Mingo is very warm).
The Bog Boys sleep pattern is very flexible, he tends to not have a routine and goes by more when it feels right to wake up. Any time it rains he gets very snoozy, as long as there is no thunder. Being so big and in a small house, he sleeps sort of curled up into a loose ball, just because then he manages to fit better. He wakes easily but is a fairly heavy sleeper anyway.
Dion doesn't have any dreams at all, due in part to his rather unique connection with the Dream and because his mind just doesn't use it as a filter for the days events. He snores, no one has told him because no one has heard it, but he does snore.
My bawdy, ballsy Warcat has had insomnia since she was a cub and it's not gone away yet. It was at first the reason why she started drinking but then it just became a habit. Most of the time she spends it trying to fix and work on her creations. But given that her mind also isn't all that nice to her after hours, she usually ends up drinking until she passes out just to get something close to sleep.
While it's not essential she sleeps way better next to Galla than she does on her own, part of the Warband training for safety is that being on your own = higher risk for attack. Plus, she'll deny it to the grave and fuss the whole time, but she *loves* being the little spoon and it promptly shuts her brain down and she sleeps.
Battle Bull of a Charr sleeps well almost at any given time. She can just decide to sleep in situations. Though Kalla can gossip and keep her awake, mostly she has no problems sleeping and nothing makes her super sleepy. She just decides it's time for sleep and then they presto she's asleep.
They are a super light sleeper, but it's not falling asleep that so much the problem as it is staying asleep. Waking up multiple times for no apparent reason in the middle of the night is much more common than they would like it to be. Dei's a back sleeper, having tried other positions and ending up on their back by morning anyway.
The unfortunate purple is also a chronic overthinker which means waking up at 3am for no reason becomes doubly unpleasant when thoughts start racing again. Given their imagination, they do tend to have lots of dreams (and occasionally nightmares) but Dei doesn't usually remember them. Just that they had them, not exactly what it contained.
Sleeping with other people nearby tends to make it harder for them to actually let their guard down to rest. They've gotten so accustomed to keeping their illusions up that they stay up while asleep/unconscious unless they make a conscious decision to not keep them up before going to bed. Dei has a tendency to talk or at least mumble in their sleep.
I've talked about grump's hot mess of a sleep schedule before but I'll go over some points again.
Sleep Schedule ABYSMAL.
Riag has chronic nightmares as well as sort of trained insomnia, given that night in the Verdant Brink is when things get even more dangerous, he's trained himself to not sleep at night. However, even though he's retired, that training hasn't left. Which results in him not sleep at all at night and screwing up his schedule even more. When he does sleep it's usually for brief naps during the day, of like a few hours here and there.
Basically stuck in Night Shift mode. His nightmares are less common now (meaning not almost every time he sleeps) but he still does get them at least a few times a week, which further makes him not inclined to try and rest more. He's not a graceful sleeper either, he tends to thrash and flail in his sleep. Riag has also found out that he can't really sleep with a blanket or sheet or anything of that nature, because since he flails a lot - it tends to get tangled. When tangled and unable to move, brain kicks into 'Oh Shit' mode and it usually sets off another nightmare (about being trapped in vines).
Riag's a side sleeper just because it's easier to have to get up and grab weapons at the drop of a hat if you're sleeping on your non-dominant side. He also has his hands balled into fists while he sleeps, which isn't good for them, but he can't seem to get it to stop. He also clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth - also not being pleasant upon waking when he starts the day feeling like he lost a fight.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
In honor of my hangover/headache here are the types of drunks some of the kiddos are:
Ruby - Talkative, also a little impulsive, will probably go from laughing to trying to do stupid things like climb a building on a dare.
Riag - Sad drunk, takes things way too personally, often leaves gatherings early (one of the reasons why he doesn't drink often).
Dei - Usually quiet and keeping to themselves, can be EXTREMELY catty and snippy if bothered.
Sigilis - If you even look at her wrong she will break everything in the room also highkey very horny
Galla - She just wants to nap and cuddle with her wife.
Glan - THE WORST FLIRT. He'd flirt with a chair for an hour if he was drunk enough before realizing it wasn't a person.
Valens - Chooses not to drink!
Mhonde - 'Mom-drunk', tries to take care of everyone else who is presumably more drunk than he is and bring them things or help.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
🎵  🎁 for Riag and 💣 ⚓️ for warcat wives? :3c
Ty for the ask - sorry for delay, having laptop conniptions.
If ⭐is poor, ⭐⭐ is okay, and ⭐⭐⭐is excellent!
🎵 — singing
Bless him, he's tone deaf as a rock. He knows it and everyone knows it so he doesn't torture them with his terrible singing voice.
🎁 — giving presents to others
One of the most competitive gift givers around. He *loves* it and is very good at it. It's one of the reasons why Wintersday is his favorite holiday, because he loves giving gifts. Not so much good at receiving them.
💣 — explosives
Sigilis ⭐⭐⭐
Galla ⭐
If you need something blown up Sigilis is your gal. She lives for artilery and bombs. Great at making and using them, her rocket turrets are the main reason she didn't get disciplinary action more from Iron because they were that damn good.
Galla is a brawler, not a bomber. She prefers to crush, strangle, and beat in melee than using any type of explosive.
⚓️ — sailing
Sigilis ⭐⭐
Galla ⭐⭐⭐
Sigilis isn't *bad* on a boat, exactly it's just that she's very bombastic and prone to breaking things. You don't want someone who punches holes in walls on your ship. She claims being drunk helps with 'sea-legs' because you're wobbling anyway.
Galla loves being on a boat and sailing as a whole. Navigation and submarines fascinate her and she has a nigh uncanny sense of direction at times. If you needed someone to man your ship - Galla is your lady.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
Had a bit of a cackle as I realized that I have very few kiddos who would actually be a decent fit for role of Commander.
Top Tier:
- Riag (top rank top tier, he made it his whole life, threw himself 100% at it)
- Galla (a life history of fighting and researching, logical, willing to compromise fairly in some situations)
- Warden Cálguais (considerate if not dogmatic in nature, preachy and tries too hard to adhere to Ventari's ideals)
Middle Tier:
- Ruby (she does a good job! even if she thinks otherwise, thinks more with her heart than her head at times)
- Mhonde (he's got a good heart and a level head, but prefers detail work over single big projects)
- Parteira (doesn't like being in the spotlight but willing to do the gritty work of it)
Bottom Tier:
- Dei (does not have the courage, confidence, health, or combat skill for it)
- Glainaim (has the ability to apply himself but not the interest)
- Cao (has just recently entered the rest of society and doesn't understand a lot of the context needed for the position)
- Valens (she's running on idealism and has no real grasp of what do to with a position of influence)
You're Screwed Tier:
- Dion (people??? conflict??? FIGHTING??? ;; plz no)
- Ordia (would sell you all out to the newest threat at the drop of a hat for one corn chip and a handshake)
- Sigilis (does not work well with people she thinks are too stuck up, would quit on her first day and let everyone else fend for themselves)
- Siori (understands things from a VERY removed perspective and works entirely on theory with no experience actually 'living')
- Mad (...it's Madrúil need I say more)
- Diam (like Ordia but worse, would wait until the worst moment where she would get maximum kudos from whoever she sold everyone out to, would ally with the shadiest mf'ers possible to cover her ass)
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Distract I shall! With oc questions :3c
Which of your ocs would do a silly little trick or pull funny faces to comfort a crying kid? What inclined them to do so? And do their friends tease them about it?
I hope you'll feel better soon <3
Ty for the distraction, is much appreciated! Head full of Angry Bees (TM) is funky.
Galla does this and Valens does this all the time and it really throws people for a loop.
Serious and stoic 'glare-could-curdle-milk-at-50-yards' Galla making faces at babies. She's not as fond of older kids but she's relentlessly goofy around babies. No one would dare tease her if they valued their blood staying in their body. She does it because she has a lot of near sympathy for them, they didn't ask to be here and Tyria is very much (or used to be very much) wild from apocalypses. ((Galla likes all babies even non-Charr))
Valens is just the opposite, she's better with kids and not babies. As a former ritual dance instructor for her tribe - she's always had the ability to connect with kids. Mainly because she is *goofy* and hyper and bouncing all over the place with a love for physical humor. She thinks that Fun/Silly is an underused motivation. People can make fun of them for it but they managed to use it in a counter rebuttal "So you hate fun is that what you are saying?"
Valens is more likely to 'accidentally' trip and then walk around with a bucket on her head asking if they have seen her bucket. Galla is more likely to make faces and baby talk.
((Valens doesn't really connect with kids that's aren't Charr)).
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Galla appreciation post:
Just because shes not as over the top as Sigilis or outspoken as Party doesn't mean she's not a very cool cat. Pound for pound, she's currently the best fighter of my kids. In regards to both using tactics and strategy (she uses her down time for studying military history and has a photographic memory - be very scared) and sheer SIZE.
Calm, stoic, quiet. She's a problem solver and while Sigilis you can vent with and bitch about things with - Galla will just resolve it. You go to Sigilis when you wanna complain about your boss - and have her beat the shit out of him in an alley. You go to Galla when you feel like he's using loopholes to screw you over - and he just goes away. No one hears from him. No fuss no muss but no problems again.
But for all her Scary Vibes she's a quiet, gentle person with those she loves. She doesn't do physical affection much because it makes her uncomfortable and she's afraid (likely so) that she'll hurt someone. Just with Sigilis because she's sturdy enough for it.
She's slow to anger, slow to trust, and does not forgive. But it takes so much to make her actually go off that if you're trying, you're asking for a death sentence honestly. Galla breaks her own rules to go out of her way and out of her comfort zone with most cubs/kids - to make them feel comfortable around her.
But shes got her faults like anyone. Her stubbornness rivals Riag and beyond. When she commits to something it's all in and nothing shy of death will stop her. At this point she is incapable of seeing New Flame as anything other than a wolf in sheep's clothing. And is just as vigilant but slightly stealthier in dispatching any and all Flame Legion she comes across. She would kill Efram on the spot and not let him get a single word out.
At one point she had to be stopped by Sigilis (which if she is saying hey wait a second you know is a bad idea) from killing a Flame Legion charr who was little more than a cub. Horns still growing in. Because she would have and would have felt very little regret about it. She has fueled and rationalized her hatred as Flame not being Charr - they are rogue embers escaping a fire pit. You stomp them out before they cause another problem.
So I love her - but she's not perfect. I don't even know if I would call her a good person. But she is an undeniable force to be reckoned with.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
i have come to share soft ship / oc thoughts
sigilis and galla get really giggly when drunk together. sigilis is usually a terrible flirt and a fighter when drunk alone, but galla is >:| even while drunk. except when they are together then they are giggly and silly. and sigilis is a hypeman still but more of an emotional hypeman than just sheer FUCK YEAH THATS MY WIFE more of a ;; thats my wife
mhonde is known for looking at (or in the general vicinity tbh) of raja with like the most fascination and awe. usually raja has to pull rank and authority of being a significant shaman of Raven to get people to listen to her, but since mhonde doesn't ascribe to norn culture in that way - does not care. for once she can be listened to as a person and not a spiritual advisor.
while it's toned down currently, you could not get riag to shut up at all in regards to pillow talk. he would legit just end up rambling about things of absolutely no substance (with very sincere moments of big importance).
he's still prone to going off on random vents like half way into a conversation he's had with himself internally so trahearne only hears the ending part of it. which leads to a lot of ??? but also amusement.
despite being prickly, tora is ridiculously ticklish and sho (@moonlit-grove) uses this to her advantage whenever she feels the need to.
dion will sometimes mimic the frogs that live in the wychmire by making a face at them (puffed out cheeks) when they are croaking really loudly.
parteria (party) is based on a pallas cat and is VERY FLOOFY which the in-game model doesn't represent but she's very round looking just from fluff.
ruby's bear Akka absolutely loves rytlock and he can't do anything about it. but he will sneak the 'walking tank of a bear' a pet or two if he's 100% sure no one will see him.
glanaim used to be a little displeased about having to wear glasses but now he's so fond of them he thinks he looks absolutely naked without them.
dei's really good with word puzzles and riddle games but would be terrible at monopoly, risk or war. as a whole i think they would probably really enjoy board games.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
💕— What makes them feel connected to their partner?
💢— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?
☔️— What are they like when they’re emotional? How quickly do they recover?
For warcat wives? :D
It's a Warcat loving day today! Ty for the ask!
💕 In true Charr fashion, combat. Mostly when they were younger but still relevant now, they are a phenomenal team when fighting together. Nothing like life or death situation where you're relying on your wife/partner/bandmate to really strengthen a bond. Galla takes the heat and main fire and Sigilis works as supporting fire and lays cover. They are a hell of a team.
Also just spending time together and realizing all that they've come through as a team and a couple. Going on 40 some years of working together and then a good bit of that as partners. Anytime they have moments to just reflect on it it's 'holy shit how are we still here'. Original warband has come and gone, dragons killed, Gods killed, new races come into fruition, civil wars - and somehow they're still here. And together.
Galla's 💢 here!
💢 for Sigilis:
She is loud. Both in voice and just in general, she can't help it but she just makes noise, either with messing with her turrets, cursing when she knocks something over, or even just minding her own business and humming. Sigilis just generates noise and that can be grating on some peoples nerves.
She lives for conflict and confrontation. The Engineer gal just does not back down and lives for stirring shit up and causing a fight. Arguments or even just boasting- doesn't matter there's gotta be some action going on. Even when most of the are not done with the intent of being mean or aggressive, she still starts them.
Sigilis is also messy, both in organization as tbh just as a person. Her workstation is a chaotic mess, she leaves dishes and items everywhere, and she's also an alcoholic so lots of empty bottles or half spilled ones.
Galla's ☔️ here!
☔️ for Sigilis:
Quick to anger, quick to cool. Her anger is more like a flash-bang going off and less like a frenzy. Usually if she gets mad, someone will know. She will break things, knock people out, and cause a ruckus. But once it fizzles out - it is done.
If Galla's anger is beating someone to death and then not stopping until they are unrecognizable to their family - Sigilis would be kicking their ass in a bar fight until they are ko'd and then going home.
When Sigilis is sad, she gets frustrated and pissy. Sad isn't really an emotion where it compels you to do stuff and she's all about action. She'll usually try to distract herself by getting blackout drunk or trying to come up with a new invention.
But man alive - everyone knows when she's happy. She is usually humming or like half dancing places, throwing complements at anyone who catches her in a good mood. Her mood is infectious - but it's so in your face that it can sometimes be too much as well.
No matter what she's feeling it's big, it's bold, and everyone is gonna know it.
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
Have some holiday cuteness, featuring several of my kiddos!
Wishing you all a pleasant winter!
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