#mechanical engineering videos
magicmarks · 2 months
Explore the pivotal subjects in mechanical engineering, from thermodynamics to manufacturing processes, through engaging digital resources on Magic Marks.
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arconinternet · 11 hours
AutoWorks v2.04 (DOS, 1993)
You can run it in your browser here.
Tip: to leave help screens, right-click. Click a blue part name twice to get a closer look.
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raginghorsegirl · 1 year
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My oc Jacob and the two characters I wasn't aware of when I made him but who are suspiciously similar to him in different ways :-)
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istherewifiinhell · 6 months
You think i myself would not be surprised at the way i like mechanical instruments... but no.
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chesthighwater · 1 year
the hand kink is getting out of hand. this is not a pun this is a cry for help. please
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Mechanic!Mammon has been living in my head rent free ever since I saw your og posts! I love it so much.
I can just imagine him rag sticking out of his back pocket, hands dirtied with grease, and a smile on his face as he leans over the engine, wrench in hand. He's got music playing over a stereo or radio he brought outside as he hums along with the tunes as he works.
Then you come out and bring him a drink cause you know this man hasn't paid attention to how much time has passed and really needs to take a break to eat, but hydration first. And he take it, wiping the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand, leaving a streak of black grease across it and gives you the biggest smile as he grabs the glass and nearly downs the whole thing.
And you stay, watching him, handing him a tool occasionally as he works. You climb into the driver's seat and press on the brakes for him when he asks so he can check that it's working right. You toy with the car radio that he finally got wired back up correctly and make sure to save your favorite channel (and his too, if you're feeling generous) so it's all ready to go. And then dinner rolls around, so you help him put away his tools and parts and help him pull the cover over the car for the night. And just before you both enter the house again, you reach up and wipe that grease mark that's been resting on his forehead, which he gives you shit for not telling him earlier, but you just smile.
Ahhhhh, Mechanic!Mammon owns my heart and soul!!!
I'd say I'm sorry, but you seem to be enjoying it, and I'm enjoying talking/thinking about it too!
!! Yeah, because Mammon isn't afraid to get dirty with using his hands (example in Accessories in Abundance and Christmas Tree), he probably wouldn't mind getting a bit of oil and grease and whatnot on him, but my thoughts go to what he would wear. Like, an unzipped mechanic suit revealing his chesticles is hot, but he isn't exactly going to have that kinda outfit at home. Plus, his other clothes are super expensive brand-named things, so he wouldn't casually wear those. So, I've thought of something as a stand-in: baggy jeans with a tank top and an open, kinda oversized button-up shirt with the sleeves messily rolled up. Maybe he even has something to keep his hair back! Like a headband so you can see his sweaty forehead, but him having a forehead matted with wet hair is also very appreciated.
He would definitely be playing metal music or something of that variation or maybe R&B that fits the mood for working on a car and getting amped up. He would definitely be humming to the music. He would also probably hit a high and use a wrench or something as drum sticks if he's listening to metal music!
Like, just give the man a gallon of water or hell lemonade, because if I know one thing about working on cars is that people get sweaty.
I would like to think that Mammon is handy with tools because I believe canonically he works on his own car, but I find it immensely funnier if he doesn't know the technical names for all the tools besides a wrench and the standard screwdrivers and stuff. So, he's telling you he needs that tool that looks like a wrench and functions like a wrench but isn't a wrench, and you're guessing what the hell he's talking about because there are standard wrenches of various sizes and different looks. You hand him what you think he's talking about, but he'll tell you no, no, it's the one that's bigger, the one that's got little, like, teeth in the opening, it's got an adjustable piece that helps it widen or close for the bolts and nuts. It's a spanner, btw.
Lmaooo, imagine as you're sitting in the car waiting on him to tell you to tap the breaks and you accidentally hit the accelerator pedal and scare the shit out of him because the engine revs super loudly but makes a choked noise and some clanking. You both think you just choked the car to death but it was just the engine having loose parts and not having been used in a while. He fusses at you because you scared him, but you remember his face too hilarious from being startled to really listen beyond being more careful.
Mammon is covered in sweat and grease and other car liquids and kinda smells like oil, so what if he showered because Lucifer wouldn't let Mammon come strolling in as a hot, stinky mess, and you joined after he washed himself off? :3c
I already have so many AUs with Mammon but this one has main control and it's going places!
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piduai · 2 years
also i finished kiwami 2 like 2 weeks ago now i am just trying to max out my stats for no other reason that i played like 15% of rgg3 and i don't like it so i'm putting it off
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sirenthestone · 2 years
I made a game in PowerPoint for the GMTK game jam, lol.
This is it if y'all wanna play it. I'm quite proud of myself, since I made it on my own in ~7hrs. It's about a group of ppl playing a tabletop murder mystery. It's also really short, but it's got like seven different endings. So there's that.
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steampunktendencies · 21 days
The Playa Crawler: A Kinetic Walking Chair for Burning Man
In 2017, engineer Mark Ellis designed an innovative kinetic chair called The Playa Crawler to navigate the vast expanse of Burning Man. Inspired by the Strandbeest sculptures of Dutch artist Theo Jansen, this unique chair is specifically crafted to withstand the alkaline terrain of the Black Rock Desert.
Mark Ellis wanted a personal vehicle that was both functional and original for getting around Burning Man. This led him to create a chair that walks using a system of articulated legs. This mechanism, invented by Theo Jansen, allows the chair to move similarly to Jansen's giant sculptures, which are propelled by the wind along the beaches.
Built from laser-cut aluminum and steel, The Playa Crawler is equipped with two electric wheelchair motors, batteries, and is controlled via a wheelchair joystick.
Video by Jessbeegood
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arolesbianism · 5 months
If you see me talking abt build plans that won't actually work keep your mouth shut I'm trying to fuck around and find out by myself over here
#rat rambles#oni posting#I have watched other ppl play oni and have watched some guides but Ive made a policy to never directly follow any build guides#by that I mean Im allowed to watch videos abt them but Im not allowed to rewatch them to help with my builds#I can use whatever random tips I remember but my memory is shit enough that I usually dont remember the finer mechanics of a build#leaving me to have to try and logic out them myself based on my knowledge of the mechanics#Im also focusing more on basic sustainability than maximum production although ideally Id like to take advantage of whatever I can#Im also just lazy and am willing to eat the extra power drain less optimized builds cost#as far as I see it if I have enough power for my generators to have significant down time then Im willing to use some extra power#now ofc this usually leads to me having massive power crisies during the mid game but I usually figure smth out eventually#now I have 4 natural gass guisers running 4 natural gass generators which I could definitely upscale if need be#but combined with my solar panels plug slugs and coal generators I think Im plenty fine for a good while#I have both large pip farms and large sage hatch farms too so I have renewable coal as well#so it I needed more power I could easily make a massive coal generator brick and build a few more natural gass generators and Id be fine#but I already have way more power than I rly need so Im going to hold off until I get more radiation research done#which I will definitely want to do to make my life easier in the long run and make the end game much easier#also hydrogen engine go brrrrr#god getting a hydrogen and oxygen cooler is going to be the death of me I dont have the brain power for this shit#but if I want to achive my goal of getting as many achievements as possible I rly should get a hydrogen rocket eventually#I say as many as possible since theres several Im already completely locked out of because I cant be bothered#like bro I started on rime I was not going to go for locovore and carnivore fuck that shit#oh also super sudtainable I was already stretching it thin with the dupe labor I had with generators I rly couldnt afford to not use them#primarily because of the struggle to get enough food production to be able to afford upscaling my population#I was very cautious abt heating up my base too much which ended up kind of backfiring on me as my food production got slowly eaten by cold#but I ended up finding two cool steam vents which I took the water from and used it to warm my base up#Im still using it to warm my base up but I've been tweaking it a bit now that the temperature is more stable and the heat is adding up#theres basically no risk of it killing my dupes but it is warming up my bristle blossom farm too much#so I've been adjusting it so that the intial heat gets dispersed into a very small peppernut farm#Im still rebuilding the piping to help manage the temperature better but Im not rushing it#I have more important things to work on especially since bristle berries are no longer my primary food source
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magicmarks · 4 months
Discover how digital learning revolutionizes engineering education with Magic Marks. Access high-quality tutorials and engaging courseware for a dynamic learning experience.
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blizzard-nightlamps · 5 months
bad silly gun idea for the game: the gun shoots you (i.e. teleports you to the first raycast intersection). it is also full-auto rapid-fire.
this will be very jank and unbalancia
okay first of all balance is like the LAST thing on my mind right now so this is definitely Not a bad idea - ive been considering something along these lines for an upgrade already. i think it could potentially be even more fun if it did something interesting with momentum, maybe alongside the teleport. it might just be me but i believe momentum-based movement mechanics tend to be more satisfying to use than purely position-altering mechanics
thank you very much for the feedback though i really really appreciate it!! ive put a good chunk of time into this project and im glad someone digs what im doing :)))
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sai-pratyaksh-epari · 6 months
In the second week of my coursework, I encountered the thematic exploration titled "A Place of Mind." This phase propelled me into a focused examination of game mechanics, pivoting from my prior engagement with map layouts. My deliberate objective was to initiate a project aimed at dissecting the rudimentary mechanics integral to design processes. The ensuing weeks would see the inception of meticulous planning, as I endeavored to distill fundamental principles into tangible blueprints. This chronicle delineates my academic pursuit, a systematic endeavor to unravel the essential mechanics underlying the art of designing spaces.
Game Conceptualization
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The genesis of my project finds its roots in the fertile grounds of imagination. Drawing inspiration primarily from the recesses of my mind, I embarked on a journey to give form to a concept that resonated deeply – the Zombie Apocalypse. The allure of this thematic terrain lies in its capacity to encapsulate the abstract meanings of fear, loneliness, and hostility.
The Zombie Apocalypse, a narrative thread woven into the fabric of popular culture, becomes the vessel through which I explore the profound implications of these emotions. As the project unfolds, the nuanced interplay of fear, the echoing solitude of loneliness, and the palpable undercurrents of hostility serve as cornerstones. This endeavor is not just a foray into game design; it is an exploration of the human psyche, leveraging the Halloween season as a backdrop to intensify the atmospheric experience.
Before you continue to YouTube (no date). https://www.youtube.com/@GorkaGames.
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bellemauf · 7 months
I really do admire mechanical instruments
The fact that there is someone out there lliving a working life that involves creating an instrument that plays itself… beyond satisfying
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nerdpoe · 8 months
The Watchtower has a perfectly normal and totally ordinary Mechanic. Except that it doesn't, Danny just hasn't found the right time to tell them that yet.
Danny, as Phantom, decided to live in the Watchtower without asking. It was in space, it was away from the GIW and his parents, and it was cool. Really it was the best Real Estate he could want. It would be difficult, but Danny was full confident he could do it.
Except it was easy?
Like, really easy.
Day one, he had dropped his Phantom Form and was in the cafeteria when it was empty, and the Head of Engineering tugged him aside and scolded him for like twenty minutes on leaving without the proper uniform or badge.
So he got a uniform and badge.
Day two he met the Big Three as they walked down the hallway, and Batman handed him a busted up helmet with the instruction "Fix this". So he did.
And on it went, on and on, until Danny was paying rent by being a Mechanic on the Watchtower.
This really doesn't change anything for anyone, until the Watchtower is hacked by an enemy and all listed personnel are gathered up.
Al listed personnel.
Danny isn't actually listed.
Right as the villain is video conferencing his monologue to the heroes trying to get in, Danny walks into the room, gently nudges the man aside, and starts pulling out wires from the console.
"What are you doing?"
"Shhh, I don't get paid enough to deal with these stupid glitches. The airlocks are down again, fuck me, right?"
"What-I shut those down! Cease this!"
"Sorry, what? Ope, doesn't matter anymore. Already fixed it. Shields are operating normally, zetas are online, and air locks are active-sorry 'bout that."
With the villain still spluttering and in shock, Danny nudges past him and his lackeys again and out of the room.
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i make this post monthly. kinning jim kirk v hard rn
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