#meanwhile the people doing the eating know exactly what they want LOL
novorehere · 2 years
The fact that the getting swallowed headfirst vs feet-first poll is split almost exactly 50/50 down the middle is so amusing to me, I genuinely did not predict it would be this close of a race.
My money’s on the feet-firsters, but the upside-down crew could definitely pull out the win if they’re not too dizzy to show up to the polls xD
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
Fandom is so nice to Jiang Cheng's inferiority complex because in reality every single thing he gets accused of is something Wei Wuxian is better at than him.
Jiang Cheng killed Wei Wuxian? Nope. Didn't even get close. Wei Wuxian's own spirits tore him apart before jc could even get there. wwx:1 jc:0
Jiang Cheng tortures people? We get two and a half rumours and a mention from jin ling that jc has 'captured' demonic cultivators before, but who is also apparently confident that just letting wwx run off will kill the issue even though those earlier rumours said ~no one who sandu shengshou captured was ever seen again~
The word jiang cheng uses when he tries to talk big game about 'beating the truth' out of Wei Wuxian's is a word that carries the context of pestering someone to do their homework. Doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart.
Wei Wuxian? Excellent at torture. A prodigy. Did you fucking see what he did to Wen Chao? Dude didn't have fingers anymore because wei wuxian made him eat them. He ripped out his hair, burned his skin off, and then stalked him for several days just to prolong the pain. He forced Wang Lingjiao to bite Wen Chao's dick off and then made her shove a stool leg down her own throat! 10/10, no notes. Absolutely horrifying.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng's idea of torture is getting a dog to bark at Wei Wuxian for a few seconds. Weak, unoriginal, I bet fairy was literally wagging her tail the whole time. 2-0
Jiang Cheng made the entire cultivation world believe Wei Wuxian was up to no good on the burial mounds and ultimately orchestrated his downfall? lol. lmao, even
It's a big thing in certain corners of the fandom to really zoom in one one particular phrase at the end of chapter 73, where after wwx and jc have their staged duel to make the world believe they hate each other jiang cheng tells everyone wwx has defected and become "a public enemy'' or "an enemy to the cultivation world" or whatever the translation you're familiar with decided upon.
(As an aside, something I really like about this line is that the last half of it is almost exactly the same, like verbatim, as what wwx told him to say. like, the chapter is really hammering home just how much jc is speaking from a script here. wwx tells jc to say "今后魏无羡无论做出什么事,都与云梦江氏无关." and jc says "今后无论此人有何动作,一概与云梦江氏无关" the only meaningful difference is that he says 'this person' instead of wwx's name)
I've seen it said that this bit, the use of 'enemy' was said without wei wuxian's approval, that jc deviated from the script just to hurt his ex-shixiong for leaving him. And that this is what caused all the other clans to turn against wei wuxian. Regardless of if this is what jc and wwx discussed, or if jc had malicious motivations for it (considering my conclusions above, you can guess where i fall) it doesn't really matter, because the novel tells us when the clans completely freak out and become convinced wei wuxian is out to get them (though of course they've been wringing their hands about it since the literal day wwx ran off with the wen, months before jiang cheng visited) very neatly in chapter 75!
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It's when they find out about Wen Ning.
And how do they find out about Wen Ning?
Because Wei Wuxian took him on nighthunts! And they kicked ass!
...Wei Wuxian, my man, why are you on nighthunts??? Why are you showing off your incredibly cool sentient fierce corpse buddy, who is way better and stronger than all the other fierce corpses, in front of the whole cultivation world??
Whatever his motivations (extra money, maybe?? they were strapped for crash) I can only draw the conclusion wwx had already given up on appearing calm or non-threatening and didn't care if the clans thought he was a threat, because they'd believe whatever they wanted anyway. Which he seems to clearly be aware of the whole time.
Regardless, we know that this is what created the myth of the Yiling patriarch. It's literally when the title first shows up!
Even if you really believe jc was secretly plotting against wwx in chapter 73, he's clearly doing a shit job of it because nothing he said made anywhere near as big an impact as this. Flopped!
The other point people use to argue Jiang Cheng caused wei wuxian's downfall is Jin Guangyao's speech in Guanyin temple about how jiang cheng could have saved wei wuxian if only he stood by him. Setting aside that jin guangyao is trying to get into jiang cheng's head here, and isn't necessarily saying what he really believes (though it very well might be! who knows with a character like jgy. assuming he's always lying is just as misleading as assuming he's always saying the truth) the fact is, if you read the speech closely, what he's talking about is not the 'public enemy' line, he's talking about the bond between them. The fact that people wanted wei wuxian out of yunmeng jiang, because the two were too powerful together.
He's talking about that one time Jiang Cheng very publically kicked wei wuxian out of the sect!
Which, unbeknownst to Jin Guangyao, was in fact Wei Wuxian's idea the whole time.
final score: 3 for you wei wuxian, you go wei wuxian! And nothing for Jiang Cheng bye.
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ethereal-feline · 2 months
Know what have a rambling headcanon before I go to bed
Hawks doesn't scold Tokoyami.
Half the time he treats him like a peer, other half he's treating him "like a kid", but Hawks doesn't really have a concept of that because HPSC reasons. So for Hawks showing Tokoyami any sort of genuine positivity probably manifests as either gift giving(like when his mom got the Endeavor plush), and acts of service(being a hero). I headcanon he always get food. Favorite burger place, favorite restaurant(like in Team Up Missions, that waitress said Hawks ONLY brings people he likes), heck they probably have a favorite street vendor or two.
There's also like a 25% time of Hawks purposely babying or even pranking Tokoyami if it isn't under "treating like a peer", but the spoiling and professional annoying babying is mostly in private with the sidekicks. Gotta protect that street cred...sort of lol
Point is Hawks doesn't really lecture Tokoyami. He tells him to lighten up, learn to joke around(birbs eating birbs, its funny!), but doesn't go full "okay kid, serious talk, pop a squat" you know? He'll call out risky moves, but doesn't go "that was super dangerous, young man! do you know all the ways that could have gone wrong?" Lectures are boring, he isn't a teacher.
But there was ONE instance. Two versions.
Version 1: Maybe Tokoyami had been a little reckless during a villain encounter the same day Hawks was supposed to be doing Super Spy things, so Hawks was a bit more anxious than he would like to admit. All anyone heard was Hawks, top of his lungs, with a certain tone, go:
Tokoyami freezes up. He doesn't know what to do. Hawks has NEVER used that voice before. Its new. Its alarming. What has possessed him?
Meanwhile Hawks is giving The Look. He is fully aware he just shouted in a very un-Hawks like way and needs to save face. How exactly? Well, do something Hawks-like of course! He just...picks up a still confused Tokoyami and flies off while looking so Done TM.
Its a meme within the hour. Now all Pro Hero students have "full names" like Redius Riotson or some shit. I'm thinking of that one Batman post of Batman wanting ti full name his kids but using their vigilante names because secret identity.
Version 2: If it was in private like at the agency, I can see the sidekicks being equally as confused especially if it was triggered by something small and mundane by comparison like dropping some glass. If its in the privacy of the agency, Hawks goes go Mother Hen mode and starts fussing. Tokoyami just silently takes the sudden lecture but the anxiety of this being some joke builds up until he realizes Hawks is serious. It also takes Hawks a solid moment to realize he's lecturing and by then he's on a tangent ("should I have picked up a book about parenting? Probably! Where was I going with this? I had a point-")
Does Tokoyami get him back with a "WINGARDIUM HAWKINGTON" or scientific name for some hawk species? Maybe but only after one of the wars, and ONLY when its just them because Tokoyami is still a little shy even after all this time.
Dark Shadow has no such reservations. Its on sight with increasingly ridiculous names.
This went on longer than I expected, good night lol
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
Here is my crack theory.. please bear with me, this is one the many infinite theories that conjured up in my brain since the past week and after a lot contemplation on whether I should put it out here or not I decided I should or else it will eat me up lol
We all know brazil was quite different so probably something really did happen in Brazil (may be they crossed lines/may be they didn't? honestly we will never know). Anyway, all the articles still labelled him as single and I assume things were heating up between him & Nic, he probably decided to break things off with A or had already broken up atp - hence her drastic hair chop moment, but but but what is a love story without dramatic twists.. sooo i think A knows what transpired there and is now holding it over his head (his career could go down the drain if she accuses him of cheating even though they presumably have an on/off relationship) thereby pushing him acknowledge whatever they have in public (I know this take is controversial & potrays all people involved in a bad light, I hated it as soon as this crossed my mind but I am wilding with my theories). Hence we get the hard launch done exactly on the premier day may be because thats what she wanted. L went ahead and did whatever it took for now to not let the situation get out of hand as there is a lot at stake here cause honestly why would anyone in their sane mind do it on such an important day of their career??? Explains why he looks so.. distant in those pics and all the other pics since then, also why N isnt as hostile cause she knows its messy for the time being.. may be he is figuring things out with A.
Now, I think they are letting the relationship run it's course meanwhile A is making most of this situation trying to gain as much traction as possible with her antics to be able to stay in the limelight and grab some deals by travelling with him 🤷‍♀️
I know this theory is too wild and I am not saying all of this happened but i just can't stop thinking if this could be a possible explanation for all the erratic behaviour we have seen in the pap walk & pool pics🧐.
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rgr-pop · 6 months
if i was a normal level of unwell right now i’d be baking a loaf of bread. i don’t want to have to leave the house tomorrow and i can’t bring myself to go to this stupid womens meeting. i have been so clear that i can’t do non constructive meetings that don’t specifically need me right now because i’m worn so thin, but if i don’t come on my sunday off i’ll lose credibility and these other orgs won’t work on the abortion fund projects. it feels like it’s always all on me to defend the value of doing repro work— and sometimes that’s okay and as you know i’m stepping up to work on this structural problem. but the problem is that if i show any signs of fragility—or god forbid say, “i need my sunday to myself this week,” or even worse, “my pet snail is dying and it’s going to impact my productivity for a week,” what i will be told is, well, you don’t have the capacity to sustain this work, so we’re going to stop working on it.
and the problem isn’t exactly that i’m the only one doing it (right now for example i have a street outreach brigade pamphleting hash bash lol in ann arbor, a political research crew prepping for the leg piece, a new Posting partnership planned for soon, the fundraiser ask is being made by someone else, plus some workings in a second chapter… look at me defending the work to you!), but we don’t have quite everyone with ownership over the project yet (which you build to) and, as i’ve said, everyone is depending all their willingness to not put up walls around this on whether or not i personally look energized and perfect and like i know everything every time they see me. meanwhile i want only one thing all the time (to kill myself). and i can’t be in this position because i’m not doing great. but i’m an ill and severely mentally ill person who can—i know—do a couple hours a week of organizing most weeks. and i believe you can build effective campaigns that bring in more people and build capacity and bolster people’s belief in the power working collectively for 2-10 hours a week can have to change people’s lives and make them feel mostly better rather than mostly worse. it’s important to me to hold that line. but i personally can’t survive being scolded by social workers (anarchists) and sociopaths (postleninists and social movement strategists) not to mention the regular misogynists who I HAVE TO PRESENT THIS TO IN A WEEK HOPING THAT THEY DONT DO SOMETHING MEAN TO SCARY TO ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!
anyway the thing is that i’m so fragile that i don’t see a way where this consciousness raising or whatever meeting doesn’t ruin my mood for the next few days, because every single one so far has been so bad it has edged on a traumatic experience. and i have to deal with that on top of everything else i have in my life (snail dying, baby, ANTS, being solely responsible for housework and most bills, feeding myself on no money, medical appointments, all my loved ones in crisis due to being poor women, eclipse???, my union, eating disorder, chronic pain, SNAIL DYING). and if you were a loser wannabe social worker you might say “it sounds like you don’t have capacity to organize” and, WRONG. i don’t have the capacity to waste two hours of my life + the bus travel on a consciousness raising meeting where someone tells me what’s wrong about me. and i disagree with the relational organizing (or even post bernie labor type) partisans a who say, that’s where the organizing happens. i disagree and i have a different theory of how this works (i may be inventing a caucus lol). and most importantly i think that i personally am more like a majority of working class women than i’m different. the main thing that makes me most different from other working class women is how much time i commit to communism. i want to change this!!!
today i need to work on things but i’m focused on my snail and the feelings around this. i’m having a hard time feeding myself. i don’t think crying on a saturday with my dying pet snail while managing mental illness during an eclipse makes me someone who can’t organize and i do NOT think getting psychologically torn to shreds by a social worker in training or a social movement strategist trying to force me to do drugs at a retreat is going to make me a better organizer.
j invited us over after the meeting and i’m overcome with guilt about coming empty handed. i miss him. i saw him in passing at the last meeting. he makes me happy and feel better. i don’t think i should be with him because i worry all i can do is complain. and he will be reminded why everyone hates me et cetera. but after i saw him that day when i wanted to die he reached out right after and said do you guys want to come over for dinner.
i can’t do the dishes. i made sniva a carrot. she got up to eat it. her trapdoor is so withered but i don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go on reddit to think about it. i want her to live six more days. i genuinely don’t know whether i’m neglecting her or should let it be. i am almost sure there is nothing i can do to fix her trapdoor. i’m going to do a small water change/replacement tonight if i can be upright enough. that’s it!! im as good as murdering her
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justkiddingjjk · 8 months
Nah I relate so much with reading jjk fics but only seeing through gifs/spoilers 😳 whole ass mood.
Anyways may I request headcannons of Geto with shy innocent reader. She has no idea what curses are, she’s just an average citizen living life. Meanwhile Geto loves her naive nature and teases her a lot.
Thank you so much and good luck with the new blog ♥️
(It's honestly so real. The only reason I didn't want to read it was so me and my friends could get together and watch a new episode every week as like a friends night. But with me being on the webs, spoilers are inevitable. My knowledge is a field with a ton of blank holes scattered about lol. Anyhow, I hope it's okay I left the reader open a bit so a wide group of people could insert themselves into it. Thank you so much for the ask!)
~Geto's Innocent Little Interest~
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headcanon|scenario|letter|fake text|drabble
-Pet? No that's not exactly right. Although your purity and idiocy to the world around you often resembles that of a small puppy. Pet wasn't the right word to describe it. Interest? Certainly he was interested in you of course. You behaved in a way that was a bit peculiar and endearing to say the least. Lover, significant other? Maybe he should start calling you that. He didn't claim you as his partner but he didn't want anyone else doing so either. The thought of someone possible taking advantage of you, poisoning you and your happiness, or simply taking up more of your time than him? This alone was enough to send him into a flying rage. Significant other...he'd settled on the title without even telling you a single thing.
-Speaking of telling you not a single thing, you were in the dark about a lot of stuff. This seemed to make him happier than you would know. He'd preferred to keep you as innocent as possible because the joy you radiated from your ignorance was like no other. You, in simple terms, were ignorant. And what do the humans say about that? "Ignorance is bliss" he mumbled to himself as he watched you skip along the sidewalk and right into his arms. He gave the best hugs, you claimed. He smiled at just the smell of your perfume/cologne. You'd done up your appearance just for him perhaps? You looked so good today he'd be sure to keep an eye out for anyone that lingered too long on you.
-"Tell me again what curses are, Y/N?" He asks as the two of you walk along the sidewalk together. You thoughtfully place a finger on your chin and hum. "Hmmm...curses are like hexes that a magical being like a wizard or witch can place on you. Like the movies right?" He chuckles and shakes his head. "I suppose you might float away with the wind considering there was no brain in there to help weigh you down." He teased. You scoffed and playfully punched his side. He loved doing that to you. Teasing you was his favorite thing to do because you never seemed to take it to heart. The two of you could have a good laugh over this and he'd get to see that smile of yours on full display.
-His other favorite things to do with you included watching you go about your everyday life as if danger was present around every corner. He was still not the safest person to be around but you had no clue about that. How lucky would you feel if you knew? Would you thank him for being ever present to protect you from other cursed spirits if you knew about this stuff? He likes to think/dream that you would. He watches you go about your life as though there were no problems at all. You make your drink in the morning, you read and do house chores. You drive, walk, dance, shower, sing, eat, sleep. You do all of these things and perhaps so freely with him that he sometimes find himself forgetting he wasn't a human like you.
-Unbeknownst to you, your naivety was something to be cherished and preserved for as long as possible. The minute you find out the truth about the world around you is the moment everything would change. Maybe it was inevitable considering the coming events he had planned. Still, he'd work hard to ensure you remained in the dark as long as possible.
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forjongseong · 2 years
cuando nadie ve // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: office!au // warning: none, however, the couple doesn't make an appearance here! this is just the employees (Beomgyu, Yeonjun, Yeji, Keeho, and Hwiyoung) talking about them. // wc: ~1k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: you and your beloved secretary!Jay are taking a week off of work. meanwhile, your trusted employees begin sharing their thoughts about the two of you.
author’s notes: okay SO! planning to release part 6.5 on the day of my birthday but I am just itching to write something and posting NOW so here is something I literally just cooked up in less than two hours.
stay tuned for the birthday special!
oh the title for this one is a song by Morat. it literally means "when nobody is around," which I find fitting for the context of this minisode lol
and since this is not a .5 part that is 5k long, I have decided to call this a carmesi minisode, so whenever I want to write quick and post fast I will just treat you guys to a 1k-long fic like this! hope you like it babes <3
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies @hee-pster @jaysbiceps @thots4hee @axartia @spxrklyfairydust @nyanggk @end-hyphen @jayked @yoursjaeyun (taglist is open, send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
The canteen was filled with people lining up and taking their seats. Beomgyu and Yeonjun picked a table by the window so they could watch the view from the highest floor, counting how many red cars pass by as a way to kill time.
“Oh my God, Beomgyu,” Keeho shuffled towards their table, holding a tray of food in his hands. “I just heard two people got fired.”
“Miss Y/N terminated their contract,” Beomgyu corrected as he chewed his food and then swallowed.
“Was it really because they shittalked about Park?” Yeonjun chimed in, grabbing his can of Cola and opening it.
At this point, Yeji joined the table and sat beside Yeonjun. “Are you all gossiping again?” She asked after hearing Jay’s name being mentioned.
Beomgyu shook his head, his slightly long hair dancing around his neck. “I have strict orders from the Miss. I’m not supposed to tell you guys but I will because you’re my closest friends. Miss Y/N didn’t exactly say anything specific, but her behavior screamed queen.”
Yeji frowned at the unusual expression while Yeonjun chuckled, almost choking on his soup. Keeho tapped his finger on the table after properly chewing his food.
“So you’re saying she fired those people for a good reason but shittalking Park was the last straw?” Keeho asked for confirmation.
Beomgyu clicked his fingers at Keeho and nodded. Yeji stared out the window.
“I wish I had someone who had my back like that,” she mumbled, toying with her chopsticks.
“She has all of our backs.”
The four of them shot their heads up to the source of the voice. Hwiyoung grinned and grabbed a seat at the end of the table, joining them.
“If it isn’t our very own knight in shining armor,” Keeho said, welcoming Hwiyoung.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hwiyoung asked. The others looked at Keeho in anticipation.
“You know, Beomgyu said Miss Y/N is queen, and she’s dating Park so that makes him the prince, and you’re sort of like her right hand at this point so you’re the knight. Or Queensguard?”
Yeonjun chuckled as she shook his head. Yeji smiled and went back to eating her meal.
“Just because the two of them aren’t around, doesn’t mean you can speak about them, you know,” Hwiyoung said in a stern voice, eyes glued to his plate.
“Keeho was just asking a question,” Beomgyu chirped, shifting the blame. Keeho glared at him and he just laughed.
“But since they’re the topic of this discussion,” Hwiyoung continued, “do any of you have a problem with their relationship?”
“That’s my question to ask as HR,” Beomgyu pouted.
Yeji quickly shook her head. “It was devastating when Park took a whole break when they were fighting. I think they should never be separated.”
Yeonjun nodded, immediately agreeing. “I feel like the whole dynamic in the workplace is better when they’re together. I’m not saying she’s incapable without him, but when he assists her everything just makes sense quicker.”
“You’re not just saying that because you’re scared I might report this back to the Miss, right?” Beomgyu eyed each and every one of his coworkers.
Keeho waved one hand, dismissing the idea. “You know what, I think I was in denial for a while because I just thought of them as having a really healthy boss-secretary relationship. It wasn’t until Yeji told me…”
“Really, Keeho? After the dance at that gala, you really couldn’t tell?” Yeji asked.
“I thought Park was just being a professional dancer!” Keeho raised his voice. Hwiyoung chuckled, shaking his head.
“You think of Park really highly,” Yeonjun commented. “What is it, did you use to have a crush on him too?”
Beomgyu cackled and Yeji slapped Yeonjun’s arm.
“Park Jay is a man, okay. He’s younger than me by a year but better than me in every aspect, dude, I just respect him. And now he’s dating our boss? Respect even more.”
“What do you mean by that?” Yeji challenged Keeho. “Like our boss is someone who is supposed to be tamed?”
Keeho showed a glint of panic in his eyes and Hwiyoung smirked at the action.
“Why am I being cornered here? I feel like I’m on Twitter and y’all are just twisting my words,” Keeho sighed. Yeji pouted again and tapped the back of his hand to comfort him.
“So no complaints, right?” Beomgyu stirred the conversation back to its focus. “And since we’re all on the same page I’m gonna need all of you to report back to me if you find other people saying shit about our boss and her lifeline.”
The others just nodded along as they all finished their lunch. Yeji then took a sip of her iced latte as the table fell silent.
“I’m actually really thankful for Park,” Hwiyoung stated, breaking the silence.
Yeji tilted her head, looking at him. “In what way?”
“Well, I don’t think she’d make me her second assistant if she wasn’t dating him. I know for a fact she did that to ease his workload and I’m just happy to get a new position. But Miss Y/N’s overall well-being seems… heightened? I don’t know what’s the word…”
Hwiyoung’s voice trailed off as he tried finding a better way to describe whatever idea he was trying to deliver. The others looked at him, listening intently.
“She just glows differently. In a good way, of course. And you know how she always has her eyebrows furrowed whenever she’s stressed or just really focusing on something?” Hwiyoung stopped to look at the others, making sure they were still listening. “That frown of hers instantly turns into the most endearing smile whenever Park walks into the room.”
“Oh my God,” Yeji said, bringing both her hands up to her mouth. “That is so sweet.”
“Poetic as fuck,” Yeonjun nodded but shaking his head, amazed at Hwiyoung’s description.
Keeho sighed. “If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.”
Beomgyu nodded along. “So we agree that we will do whatever it takes to protect them and just pray that they’re together for life. For the sake of our mental health and the reign of our queen.”
Keeho snorted and elbowed Beomgyu, who was just chuckling at his own choice of words. Hwiyoung glanced at his wristwatch and then cocked his head.
“Break time’s over, get back to work, guys.”
Yeonjun scoffed. “Look at him acting like a boss because Miss Y/N and Park are away for the week.”
Hwiyoung just rolled his eyes as he walked away, taking his empty tray to the drop-off. The rest of them quickly scrambled to their feet too, giggling and talking more as they made their way back to their floors.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
read the next chapter: yo te quiero más 
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f0point5 · 4 months
Rant incoming. The tiktok block trend and that let them eat cake influencer topic.
Listen, the influencer/celebrity block trend is performative because it’s exactly that, a trend. By this time next year many will have already unblock them.
Instead of putting all this energy calling representatives doing actual work where it matters for the real change, they’re using influencers/celebrities as scape goats, which fine eat the rich whatever. (Deepest eye-roll)
However, when people that used to feel one way and learn and change their stance instead of allowing that to happen, people want to shit on them for a gotcha moment. Isn’t the point of call out culture to have people take a step back and learn?
“There’s no way she didn’t know what that audio meant” meanwhile multiple people in different videos where in the comments asking why the audio made people upset? Is it just possible that maybe just maybe she didn’t want this to be interpreted in a problematic way? Some people use tiktok to just be silly and have fun. For a long time people called using tiktok as “brain rot” now it’s a philanthropical app?
It’s the social media burning at the stake.
Yeah people got this idea that getting celebrities to do something will get politicians to do something, and I really think that idea is rooted in a very outdated view of fame/celebrity. In 2005 when there was such a thing as A-List celebrities with real name recognition and influence, maybe that was a thing. But nowadays, anyone with 1m tiktok followers is counted as a “celebrity” and I promise you government doesn’t care that Leah Halton is posting about whatever. The celebrities who might actually know how to contact government are too big to care about your temporary block tantrum.
But there’s no virtue signalling points for calling a congress member. And it takes longer and requires a little more knowledge on the actual topic than blocking Selena Gomez.
I really don’t buy that anyone wants to help anybody “learn”. Sorry but you can lead a horse to water, you can’t make it drink…unless you bully and abuse it and eventually force its head into the water until it can’t breathe. Educating people by force is not education. So the fact that you got an influencer to publicly support your stance on something because you threatened their livelihood is not a gotcha moment. It’s just called coercion. And they know that but they don’t care. Because all these people want to do is “win”, and prove that they are as or more important than the people they’re bitter about on their screens. If you’re just watching someone and buying the mascara they like…they have the power, but if you can hang up on them, threaten their career, and make them do what you want…then you win. And maybe you don’t feel so bad that they make 60k a post while you make 60k a year.
Oh and that audio lol. “She knew what it meant”…it doesn’t mean anything. It never meant anything. It’s a line from a movie where even in said movie they discuss that it was a slanderous quote used to antagonise people. Like…wow, enjoy proving that you ARE the mob, people. In a meta way, the quote actually means something because of the way people are reacting to it. (Side note, it really makes me laugh how all these lemmings on social media look back and judge their forefathers for the movements they participated in that harmed people and that they would have been on the other side had it been them…have I got news for you)
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tero-ga · 2 years
Alright, as promised i'm going to giving details about my Barok and Albert SwapAU!! If you want to add more to this, you're absolutely allowed to!! I'm not going to lie that i really want to see of what you guys say and create djhdjd-
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✨Their personality✨ (plus tiny things about the story-)
Okay i'm keeping this one brief since you're probably know how this works, their original characteristics are completely switched as well their occupation, demeanor, status and personal beliefs. As for the story in general, there's nothing really change other than just switching roles so that means original Barok's backstory are also applies to Swap!Albert too, just to keep it safe and not ruined much of anything of already good story lol (spoilers for this bit: so this implied that Albert has a sibling in this, and i know exactly who's going to play the role for this just you wait-). There is something that i think is nice to keep the same habit in this AU for example Swap!Albert still have nervous tic of bitting his nail but just on very, very rare occasion and Swap!Barok still have overly dramatic movements like his damage sprite, ect.
For their times in university, you can interpret it for yourself of how they met together like we are have our own interpretation of how the original met together. But as their personality, for this i thought it would be great if they have same behavior as the original. Swap!Albert is cheery and friendly and Swap!Barok is quiet and often keeping his manners in front of people but once he hangout with Albert, he began to getting comfortable and start to act like a goofball later on. I still don't know if this is a good idea but honestly if it's sounds cute, i'm gonna stick with it-
I think that's pretty much it for this section so let's go to the next thing-
✨The Facts and the Funsiesssss✨
or whatever this is idk what to call this section-
this is me just spewing bunch of stuff that i've been thinking while designing them so here it is-
there's something in me that wanting to change their name but i'm really not going to since i'm so bad at it- but if you want to hear it here's the name that i spend researching for puns way longer than i should, the name i've come up with is Albert Monstein & Barok Wattson. If it's sound bad, i don't blame you so that's why i'm just keeping it the same-
Albert changed his diet to vegetarian back when he was younger, he would be always gets sick after trying eating meat and later on he would begin to absolutely despises it.
Barok would have the most villainess laughter ever that some people actually scared of him, even though this is how he normally laughs.
I for no reason have a weird headcanon that original Barok is farsighted without he ever realized it so that's why i added glasses to Swap!Barok, his vision aren't that major and he'll be alright without glasses but he mostly wears it so he wouldn't get headaches too often.
The reason of why Albert have hood are just to keeping himself low profile in public. Whether it is stay away from media outlets or gets low chances from getting attack and killed.
Albert does have a curly and quite lengthy hair, but he did cut his hair and used hair product to straighten it to make himself look professional.
I've mentioned that Albert does have a habit of bitting his nail, he frequently did it like the original back he was in university. But eventually he learned to stop doing it, and i absolutely have a concept art in my mind of him does bite his nail again heheheh.
Here's their opinion of Herlock Sholmes, or anyone who takes the role as herlock sholmes- : Albert does actually loved reading the herlock sholmes series in his free time, he just only have enough of their bullshit and find their presence irritating. Meanwhile, Barok is absolutely a fan and would idolize them badly but he pretending and act he see them as a rival, archenemy. But he would still asking for their autograph though.
Andd I think this pretty much it, this is probably the most work i've ever put into writing lmao, can't even to compared this to my assignment for college-
But it is fun though!! just something that just keep my mind to rest from stressed and stuff, hopefully you're liking it! Once again if you want to add more, you're absolutely have my permission to do so! :DD
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What can Bianca tell us about her Wolf and Sheep girl?
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I could be mistaken but I think she can
Mic to the artist :
"Thanks for asking !!! These two are of my first personal characters. I made them when I was around 8 ! I came up with a lot of stuff about them ever since."
"Their names are Pepper and Cream ! Pepper is an optimistic, jolly and fierce little wolf, great at hunting, who lives in the woods with her pack. Cream is a introverted, weary, sweet young sheep who's school smart and a top student, who lives in the plain, with the rest of her flock, in a civilization ! The wolves are treated like outcasts and criminals because they're predators, and sheep and farm animals only trust each other, and gang up against predators when suspicion arises."
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"Pepper gets a crush on Cream from observing her at her school from the forest's cover, and she skips hunts to go spy on her at recess. Pepper's family is not happy with her but don't know about her crush ! Cream hears stories about the wolves, of course, so is afraid of them. Pepper gets bolder and gets closer to the school, and often Cream notices the wolf staring at her from a top hill, and running away when people get alerted. She gets scared that this wolf might be stalking her to eat her and tells the school community about it, there's some relationship details about this... Anyway, meanwhile, Pepper's mom catch on her interest and gives her a frightful lesson about what will happen to her if she's caught by either side, how it's not worth it and her love is scared of her anyways. (She's only against her daughter's crush because it might be a source of danger). Pepper is upset about it but decides to make sure of it herself, and go talk with Cream once and for all. So one night after Cream stayed at school overtime, she goes to go home and notices the wolf closer than ever. So she gets afraid and her teacher offers to take her home. She accepts and gets in his car. Pepper is upset to see that Cream is indeed scared of her, but as she's about to leave, she gets a bad gut feeling that tells her to track the car. The teacher was not taking Cream home. But at his own. He makes up an excuse to get her inside the basement "my gun is down here, let's trick that wolf, etc" and the plot twist is that he's actually a cannibal (that is shown by his victim's hides and skulls and cleavers, maybe blood), and Cream gets cornered. Her screams trigger Pepper to break in, and she then devours the teacher. Cream and Pepper then start their bond over that incident (it is also revealed that only 3 out of 10 sheep disappearances were the wolves' doing, the rest was actually on the teacher.)"
"Well I pretty much spoiled the whole pilot here lol... But there is so much more stuff. As you can see, it's also a horror cartoon, it's got creepy stuff. I like the whole horror in classic rubberhose cartoons, and I want to reintroduce it in my creations. You'll see, Cream & Pepper will then go on many more adventures. And strengthen their bond through all of it. (Here's a basis of the way they aboard their feelings right below)"
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"It's a little hard for me to build that up because I don't have a lot of social experience, but these two are both really important to me, and helped me go through a lot, so I really want to make their pitch, and partnership, come true."
"...I want them to set the tone, of how exactly I like my cartoons."
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feydrautha · 2 years
And I gotta say, Alicent and Larys is SOOO INSANELY COMPELLING AND FASCINATING. The devotion too boundless to even think about, the gardener and his flower metaphor in a twisted and demented way, a selfish relationship because it needs to acquire an introspective quality in addition to a companionable one, how he wants to free her from the mirage of virtue and morality that she clings onto, free her from a version of herself that she allows others to access while concealing her (darker) true self, giving her the opportunity to understand herself and be herself fully in a world where they are constantly demanded to be something they’re not, the way he lets her see sides of him no one else does, the way he sees them both as unique in the world and uniquely similar, they reflect each other in a way, it's like profound recognition.
And it is OBVIOUS that Larys has a hidden agenda and goals and ambitions outside Alicent, but the whole “love is a downfall” idea.... It's sort of like somebody who is falling in love for the first time and had never felt that was actually a possibility for them. Maybe his ultimate downfall will be his attraction and love for Alicent. Love can be horrific and love can be found within the horrific.
**deep exhale** okay now I need a drink.
So good that there's more people who saw them and instantly latched onto them, the vision us Larycents have!!! No one compares! (Except other rarepair shippers tho, they're just as bespoke <3)
Larys's whole "I'm not even bothering with trying to fix her, I will just make her worse because that is who she really is" shtick is just so [chef's mfing kiss]. I feel like I'm bound to eat my words bc lol, HOTD writers, but why in the world would they include that whole "Love is a downfall" monologue if not to have the character doing it experiencing his downfall because of his feelings for someone else!
This ship is all about seeing and being seen, they see each other how they truly are, warts and all while the rest of the world doesn't. Larys is underestimated but he holds a terrifying amount of power unseen to others, and Alicent is the only one actually aware of it (never mind that it scares her). Meanwhile, Alicent is either underestimated or villified (Nyra's whole "now they see you as you truly are" part comes to mind) which is interesting, because it's not that Alicent is an innocent (no one in this is); it's just that no one besides Larys really grasps what exactly Alicent's darkness is, and he might not even know it because she told him but rather because he puts together what he sees.
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wickedmoonlite · 1 year
KinnPorsche Rewatch 2023
So just a disclaimer: as we go into heavier topics in KP (dub-con/non-con, toxic behaviors, whatever else I know this series throws at us), I will not be doing deep dives. I'm planning on taking this just below surface value, but not too much farther. These are literally thoughts I have in the moment as I'm watching. There are plenty of other users on this platform who have done deep dives and are far more intellectual about it than I am planning on being. Also cinema/media literacy has never been my strong suit. Thank you for your cooperation.
Episode 4 Random Thoughts
This terrible dream kissing. Pete clutching his boobies as he yells at Porsche. Meanwhile, Kinn is having a whole ass crisis in the bathroom.
My first hangover sucked too. I don't blame Khun for feeling the way he does. He's just so dramatic about it lol
Kinn saying Kim doesn't feel like his brother is sad. But also exactly how Kim wants it. He wants out of the mafia and will do what it takes to get out. Including shutting his family out. Still sad.
The subtle "I need to know if you like me." Straight to Porsche's face in Kinn's lap.
Vegas strolling in to eat with the bodyguards is very him. Then Kinn's blurry ass face in the background like "Oh hell to the no, he's not messing with my man."
Oh my god, Vegas's side eye to the sheet pan slap. I watch that at least twice every time. Tankhun really be doing the most out here.
Big doesn't have to be so vindictive. And Porsche shutting Big down when he expected homophobia is the best.
"Kissing is for people that we like only." 👍🙌
GIVE ME MORE KIM. With his stupid leather jackets and emotional dumbassery. Ugh. Stupid feral cat boy... I swear I'm a normal adult.
Chay coming out the gate like "Pls tutor me sexy celeb I have a crush on, I appreciate thx."
Also, I love how they set up this whole sub plot with Kim investigating his family and shit and it just goes nowhere at the end because it all gets revealed anyway.
Never trust anyone or anything in this world, Porsche. Not even water.
Honestly, I really think that was the wrong way for Kinn to go about their first encounter. Porsche was obviously not okay. But dub-con gonna dub-con. I do like the piano rendition of PhiangWaichai/Free Fall though.
Nakey Vegas hidden by strategic candles bathed in red light because he's a rascal is such a mood.
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So sorry this one was so long, but I needed to touch on so many things 😭 I wasn't sure how to bring up the problematic. But here we are. Looking forward to Episode 5 tomorrow. See ya then.
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It kept crashing while I wrote so hopefully this gets to you but hi again it’s dark snape au anon back with more parts, don’t worry we have like three to four parts before I’m done bugging you with it lol or until I get hit with some other crazy idea 💀 anyways here you go.
Ok hogwarts is falling apart and the few students who are there want to harm the Slytherins because who’s gonna stop them?
Without severus to keep his snakes safe the house has just been treated like absolute dirt for the past 11 years, which results in murder of one of the snakes, making the purebloods finally done with this bullshit and drop their students out of there. Leaving the school to mostly lions and like a few students from each house, also with Harry not there voldy is free to get the stone without worry or needing to distract a lot of students.
The ministry arrest albus right there, he can’t get himself out of this one, Minnie is left alone with the professor and is technically responsible for the action of her student, so she’s up on trial soon too.
Now back to Sirius who instead of looking for Harry started for Remus, which he finds quickly because a full moon was close, although he finds him in werewolf form and stays with him because he can’t hurt padfoot.
Harry is still nonverbal but doing better? He eats a little more now but still flinches whenever severus gets closer to him. Severus is fine with that, at least he’s not throwing tantrums again. Severus also finds himself more productive with Harry being interested in learning magic, buying magic books for little kids and getting sweet as rewards for the boy.
It’s odd and unsettling but it works fine for them, for now.
Voldy knows where the stone is obviously but needs to get past fluffy, with the less eyes and everyone being a mess he kills the beast and no one really notices, then starts working on the levels Dumbledore put.
Full moon ends and Remus finds himself face to face with his traitor of a friend, Sirius understands why Remus would hate him but he needed the wolf to trust him, Remus is five seconds from ripping Sirius’s head when he blurts out that he knows where Harry is exactly is.
Meanwhile severus gets his first copy in forever from the daily prophet and sees the hell hogwarts is turning into but he doesn’t care, he’s actually happy all of this is happening, let them burn for all he cares…the boy is safe and that’s what matters.
Asks are crashing for you as well!? Ok, so I’m not the only one😭 and you’re not bugging me, this is very entertaining!
Already off to a bad start! My fellow Slytherins getting abused and KILLED!?
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Dumbbitch got arrested so thats a plus ig 😔
Ok so now Remus and Sirius are together. That’s peachy. 🙂
The small progress between Sev and Harry🥹 I actually love that it’s a slow buildup, most people would have said “oh Harry completely warmed up to him after the magic book and stories about his mom”😭
Oh no, he got Fluffy *cries and throw’s myself at the wall dramatically* but seriously, imagine if he gets that stone. Tsk tsk
REMUS HATING SIRIUS 🤌🏽 anon, you really butter my biscuit with these details
Does…does Sev not care about his snakes being hurt?☹️/j
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
Hi been a while since I’ve been here but umm I need advice lol. So I’ve been talking to this guy for a while now, we would text and call pretty much everyday been vulnerable with each other something he encouraged me to do considering I’m not the type to talk abt her feelings I’m more of an avoidant. Anyways, he just randomly stopped talking to me 2 days ago and no he’s not busy or smthg bc I see him answering other peoples comments on another app meanwhile my text is sitting there. So I decided to unfriend him. I know very mature. But I still kind of wanted him to reach out to me bc I thought he at least cared about me enough to want an explanation, but he didn’t. And now I’m tempted to send him a text just to tell him how much of an asshole he is for pretending to care about my feelings just for him to turn around and do exactly what I told him would hurt me. But idk if that’s the right move. What do you think?
Also sorry about the lack of punctuation I’m writing this while crying so I couldn’t care less but I hope it’s understandable lol<3
Aw friend. I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've gotten to chat here, and chat with you! I'm still working my way back to our beautiful purple bubble here, and I really want to get to all my asks, but I wanted to take a bit of time to respond to this particular one to share that, hey! Hi! You're not alone! These things are always interesting and challenging. And thanks for sharing with me — it made me feel a little less alone as well!
First of all, I'm hoping you're taking some time to breathe, feel, and then, self-care. Drink some water. Eat well — whether that means something healthy or yummy or comforting. Sleep. Channel your emotions through creative outlets, like music or art, or writing, even journaling!
And, most of all, be kind to yourself.
We've all been there, we will all continue to find ourselves there in the future from time to time, and I am also still figuring out what my best communication styles with people are. I'm thinking of that clip of Jungkook and Kang Ho Dong talking about being flexible with people and for yourself, like in wrestling:
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Source: JTBC Entertainment
There is no one right way to act in a situation. Even if you feel you are experiencing the same situation over and over again, as if it were a pattern, there's no escape hatch or solution. You will have these experiences, and you will take them as they come. You will learn from them and figure out what the best course of action is for you, at that time, with that person. You will continue to be the strong, beautiful person that you are.
So be kind to yourself. Focus on yourself. Really try to understand where your very valid feelings are coming from. And then you can decide.
Is it worth it to you to spend energy to say your piece to this person? Why do you want them to know how you feel? Does it bring you comfort or closure in some way?
Is it worth it to you to conserve energy and move on? What do you lose if you cut off contact? What do you gain? Where can you spend that energy instead?
Do you want to sit with it for a bit? Not react at all? Wait it out and see, especially if you're still feeling activated emotionally?
My close group of friends helped me through a recent situation like this, and for the person I was going through the situation with, I happened to decide that it was worth keeping the connection, while revisiting how much energy I was putting into the connection. I had to take accountability for my expectations out of the situation, too. And I am planning to say my piece when the time is right, trusting that I feel clear-headed about the outcome, no matter what it is.
But that doesn't mean that if I am faced with a similar situation that I will take the same course of action. Lol like I always say, it's always about context!
So, in words paid forward from those who showed me how to be wise and brave, I am offering this: take the focus off of this person, and focus on you. What do you want to say or not say, for you? What do you want to do or not do, for you? Release what you cannot control, and temper your expectations of others. Focus on what course of action will give you peace, regardless of how others react. And then you'll know the answer.
You'll always know the answer, because you are the expert on your life.
And be patient and kind to yourself if you need a bit of time to share it, or if those answers change with time.
The world is so excited to have your amazing energy in it, and there will be people along the way who are ready to receive it, and people who just aren't, and both are perfectly fine. How amazing it is, then, when you find people who are ready and open.
I think you've found one here! (It's me, I'm one, I celebrate this little gift of your energy in this ask!)
So again, thanks for sharing, take care, and sending you so many warm fuzzies and smiles. You've got this!
WE'VE got this!
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cryptometaphor · 2 months
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Me: These niggas say the dumbest shit. You see this trending where like, "would you step on a puppy for 18b?" And they acting like they wouldn't.
Sarah: I'd want too, but don't think I could bring myself too. Like I know animals die for us to eat them. But I didn't kill them, I didn't even see them die.
Me: Well I know you're a good person Sarah. But what I'm saying is, is these niggas out here doing war-crimes over coworkers stealing their yogurt, or telling incels "yeah goyim die alone hehehe!" But can't step on a puppy for Jeff Besos money? I'd do it guilt-free. And use that money to fuck EVERYBODY and recreate the world in my image.
Sarah: Ok calm down there Light Yagami. Do you need your dick sucked? lol
Me: NO... Ok maybe lol. BUT STILL I mean it confirms what I say, people choose their hell. They want and crave suffering. Even in the midst of an opportunity, they put on the vinear of morality, when they have none. I hate them. With every fiber of my being...
Sarah: Oh trust me I get it. Like, everyone just gives me condescending attitude of "awwww you have cerebral palsy? Oh you poor thing" meanwhile if I ever step out of like "stfu retard, DUUUR DUUUR speak up loud mouth, say what you gotta say" like people are mean spirited animals.
Me: If anyone spoke to you like that in my presence, I might actually take a brick to their head lol.
Sarah: You'd do that anyway Me: I would lol
Sarah: Like I imagine you just carry a brick around with you in case
Me: Maybe a hammer. A brick isn't exactly concealable
Sarah: I was gonna rewatch that anime Inuyashiki. You remind me of Hiro and I'm like that girl who gets all moist for him lol
Me: Oh we should watch it other. That nigga out here killing puppies and babies as cyborg Jesus, tbf that's too edgy for me. He can heal people too. People are simplistic little goblins "ohhhh he killed duh baby, how evil" (pulls eyes) let's gooooo
Sarah: DA BABY LOL but I get what you mean. How would the real Hiro sociopath maxx?
Me: Well he can cure cancer and shit right? Like I imagine YOU KNOW WHO comes crying to me about how her mom has duh cancer. And I could cure it, I show her I can cure it, and than just... don't. The opportunity of a lifetime in her grasp, and let it just skip away, poof, gone.
Sarah: Damn, that is pretty cruel.
Me: Yeah well, she deserves it. You don't have to do anything blatantly illegal to be evil. In fact evil is actually really hard to criminalize. What we end up doing is criminalizing the responses TOO evil than wonder why everything is fucked.
Sarah: I could see you doing the "bang" Hiro thing to me in an argument, healing me, than I don't have my disabilities anymore lol.
Me: Actually I wouldn't heal your disabilities.
Sarah: The fuck? Why not?!
Me: They made you who you are. The person I fell in love with. Maybe I'm being selfish here. But the hurt you've experienced through life made you... just perfect. My job is to make sure you don't hurt again. Not erase the past.
Me: Nigga are you crying lol
Sarah: YES I'M CRYING that's beautiful Me: Tank-U
Sarah: Stop ruining it by being sarcastic lol
Me: It's an instinct, sorry.
Sarah: No no, it's why you are the way you are too. Hurting all the time, and nobody gives a fuck. I feel like a burden, you feel like everyone else is a burden.
Me: Sarah there is not a single thing about you that's a burden shutup. I don't let other people talk that way about you, I won't let you do it to yourself either.
Sarah: See that's real love right there. You care so much about people and they just abandon you like a dog. And you try and you try and you try, and they just...
Me: I feel like there's a little bit of projection here lol
Me: Hon, you're not a burden. Like at all. What's the point of anything if you're not around? I'd say I'd kill myself if ya weren't but we know that I don't have the guts to do. I'd make it everybody else's problem. Don't leave me...
Sarah: And I don't have it in me to just hurt others to make myself feel better. I'd make it my problem carrying that weight if not just outright killing myself, stress myself to an early grave. Don't leave me either.
Axel: You guys know I was here the entire time right?
Me: Honestly I forgot lol
Sarah: Why didn't you say anything?!
Axel: Why didn't YOU take this shit to DMs?
Me: Ohhhh it's not like it was anything bad.
Axel: I swear, you two would fuck in the middle of traffic
Sarah: That'd be based but I'd be too embarrassed lol
Me: It would be based, but at the same time some coomers would enjoy it and ruin it lol
0 notes
leoprincess777 · 4 years
♦ busting SYNASTRY MYTHS ♦
11th HOUSE SYNASTRY - THIS SYNASTRY DOESNT MEAN SOMEONE SEES YOU AS A FRIEND OR YOU ARE BETTER OFF AS FRIENDS, STOP REPEATING THIS SURFACE LEVEL SHIT YOU’VE BEEN EATING UP FROM MODERN ASTROLOGY POSTS. This is the house of wealth and gains, it’s the fullfillment of our desires and sudden profits. It’s an indicator of your sources of income and allies. So of course, you will have strong foundation with someone you have 11th house synastry with because it will be built on a ground of trust and support. Along with emotional connection, there’s also a mental connection that makes you share your secrets and ideas to them as you would do to a friend but that’s only one piece of the puzzle WHICH DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU WILL BE GOOD FRIENDS (you can’t make that comment for any type of relationship in this synastry because if 11h is afflicted by malefics that will most likely bring a negative result which can make you enemies or drain one another’s life force lmao). More than anything, especially if you have your 7th house lord in your partner’s 11th house you will gain so much from them in so many ways including oppurtunities and finances and helping you achieve your earthly desires. They will be your ally and support, supporting you in your pursuits and opinions. It’s like a debate team with financial support lol. It can also indicate you will go back to university and complete your education or get a new degree after you get together with this person. Most of this also goes for 3rd house synastry.
5th HOUSE SYNASTRY - “This indicates a fleeting romance” FUCK NO. That’s one of the most trumped-up interpretations i’ve heard. You CAN’T predict the longevity of a relationship based on house overlays. Ever heard of Davison charts? Anyway, prominent 5th house is anohter EXCELLENT synastry. It often donates a relationship where you can discuss ANYTHING - your wildest thoughts, plans and experiences. Someone you jump from topic to topic. Very often the planet person is the “childlike” one which the house person adores and takes inspiration from. Planet person becomes a ball of joy and energy that makes the house person destress and cheer up, thought it can feel like an ‘overdose’ sometimes. Both parties become some sort of an energy source for each other. You play games together, indulge in fun activities, create things (can even be an invention) together. Even doing nothing and just talking to each other feels fun and full of laughter (unless there are some other placements disturbing this synastry). This is the synastry of never-ending honeymoon. A couple with rahu/mars in 5th house might have a son as the first child. If venus is there with the nodes, it might be a son with venusian qualities. You can also get more popular or lucky if you are with someone you have 5h overlay with. The house person also pushes you to focus on your studies more.
12th HOUSE SYNASTRY - There’s a lot of stigma around his house (8h as well) and people often fear it. Weeeeeell...It IS a karmic house so people you have this synastry with are likely to be karmic partners. HOWEVER, don’t take this to oH NO this is not my TWIN FLAME this is a KaRmiC pErson shit. Literally almost everyone is a karmic partner lmfao, there’s a difference between good and bad karma. This synastry can play out good or bad depending on your own individual karma with this person and how you are managing your life. You can look to Rahu/ketu & saturn to get more info on the karma and to see how it’ll play out. Basically the planet person becomes your escape especially if their sun/moon falls into your 12h. They can end up being your savior. There’s an undeniable theme of profound change that this synastry brings. It often leads you to liberation, through a path of restriction. You need to overthrow the restrictions the other person brings to achieve total liberation. This is often a part of the soul’s karma. A couple with this overlay often keeps a secluded relationship from their relatives (maybe even ghost their families lol) and tend to travel together. They often open up to each other surprisingly quickly about their past and traumas, though there’s a really odd distrust within the couple.
6th HOUSE SYNASTRY - People have a very poor understanding of the 6th house, it’s often condensed to ‘service’. 6h synastry is similar to 12h synastry as they are the same axis anyway, but the difference is 12h’s effects are more abstract meanwhile 6h’s effects are much more physical and can be observed on a practical level. The theme with this house is “either serve or die” and has a karmic tone to it too. It’s not often this dramatic tho lol but usually a couple with 6h synastry feel a deep sense of responsibility towards each other which can make it hard to leave even if it turns toxic. Planet person often triggers the house person’s instincts to ‘serve’ the planet person in one way or another - the house person may do random gestures, buy lots of gifts, support them every way possible etc. so in this way it’s a very cute and beneficial synastry, because they are very much involved in each other’s lives and make a visible impact. They often make one another’s daily routines change, so they can spend time better. Though, one of them can treat the other like an assistant or in worse case scenario, a slave. Think I’m a slave 4 U by Britney Spears lol. They can begin constantly demanding things and get mad when the other doesn’t live up to their expectations. They can also become a disciplinarian for the other (this can also apply to 10h synastry) 
If you have a mutual mars overlay with someone in 10th house (your mars in their 10h, theirs in your 10h) your aggressive energy as a couple will most likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality.
If someone’s rahu falls into your 4th house, they will feel peace in our presence but they might drain the peace out of you, meaning they can emotionally and physically drain you, bring conflict and chaos into your life. It may become addictive in some cases. Rahu person will keep wanting more. If at the same time your rahu falls into a water house in their chart (so if ur rahu falls into their 4h,8h,12h houses) you will keep giving more and also find it addictive and hard to get out of. It will push you to surrender.
Rahu in 7th overlay indicates a pre-destined marriage/partnership
Moon in 1st or 2nd house is a very common overlay between soulmates and married couples. Moon in 2h is especially a very auspicious placement in terms of material wealth. The planet person often spoils the house person and knows EXACTLY what to get to the house person as a gift, they have a natural understanding of what the planet person would like and their needs (unless afflicted or outweighed by other malefics placements)
[personal experience] Gemini moon men always try to make me talk about myself so they can gather and store information about me, all the while i’m a sagittarius moon (so sidereal scorpio and in opposition to their moon) and i never reveal anything important or “deep” about myself - i can make myself look like i’m being vulnerable and intimate but when the conversation is over, they realize i didn’t reveal to them anything that is actually valuable and important SHDAIWHJGJGKJG which is why after some time...like in about 2 days they even start trying harder. One of them literally begged me to talk about myself and i think this is a good example of the synastry between this axis
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