#meanwhile the bird MAKES A CROW SOUND
wishingeel · 5 hours
I'm sorry, I know bird calls are not as common knowledge as I once believed, but I die inside a little whenever I'm watching a RWBY reaction (or reading an analysis) and see people mistake or argue about if a bird is Qrow or Raven. It basically sounds like this:
bird: *makes a crow sound* reactor: "IT'S RAVEN!!!1!"
reactor: (sees a black bird) "I wonder if that's Qrow or Raven." bird: *makes a raven sound* reactor: "Sadly there is no possible way to know for sure."
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
i love love loooooove the crow!yuan au you two made!! it reminds me so much of the wing!fic au i'm writing where shen yuan/shen qingqiu has black (raven) wings, and tho it originally was going to be a cultivation thing (like if you reach golden core stage), after reading your ideas i'm crumbling to the urge to make him part crow demon instead🙏 it's just such a good idea!! shen yuan with the shinies and mischief it just fits so well!
in a more canon-complient au, i really liked the idea of shen yuan still being affected with without-a-cure, and the wing that corresponds with the arm that was hit goes "lame" sometimes, so some days he has to drag his injured wing behind him (looking like a pitiful baby bird in all forms). and the other peak lords like carrying him around when he can't fly (liu qingge especially, tho they will NEVER admit it)
i feel it adds more layers to the demon conversation too, where shen yuan, despite being part demon, is still accepted into the sect. maybe partly because his demon form is more "acceptable", it being only wings or a small bird, or because his power-level/demonic qi is quite low and thus not very noticible. but when binghe presents as a demon, it's a heavenly prince, filled with demonic qi and with red eyes and fangs and the whole, and he isn't accepted, but chased off, because he's a "bad one", unlike shen yuan, who is a "good one". it would cause even more of a rift between binghe and shen yuan like that<3
so yeah i just really like the crow!demon au you came up with!!
Hey, I'm not saying to abandon your original ideas of your fic but just know that I'm the devil on your shoulder whispering in your ear "do itttttt." Despite that, your idea does sound insanely awesome! And I would definitely like to read that sometime :] Oh my god, I have a personal love for when Shen Yuan is pampered by the peak lords - especially with this idea of without-a-cure you added (insanely good, by the way, I want it so bad). Shen Yuan just hauling around his wing as it hangs on his back, still determined to do his tasks, until he's hauled up like a particularly unruly child and carried around by Liu Qingge, who is definitely abandoning his own peak to make sure his shixiong is getting around alright. Shen Yuan cannot stand it! He is pissy all the time (he's acting like a stray cat) and he fights back whenever he's picked up by any passing peak lord (looks up at them with his big, pleading wet cat eyes (it does not help his case, the offending peak lord finds it adorable)) - his disciples even giggle as he's carried around!! Is this what he's been reduced to?? Everyone fussing over him and picking him up? (Who do you think is the best at it? I read a fic recently called Shen Yuan Of No Relation and I'm in love with their characterisation of Wei Qingwei, so I have to admit I think he'd be good at it) When Luo Binghe is chased off, of course he's upset that he's treated differently to Shen Yuan! There has been nothing but adoration for Shen Yuan, what makes him different? Is he that much of a monster? Meanwhile, Shen Yuan feels awful because is that what would happen to him if he was just a little bit more demon??? Talk to me more about this and I will swoon, I'm BEGGING violently on my knees. I'm glad that you like the crowyuan au that anon and I cannot seem to stop yapping about (and probably won't for the near future lmao)
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female-malice · 1 year
I forgot to tell you guys that I observed a juvenile crow and her mama yesterday. And it was amazing. One of my favorite things I've ever seen.
The juvenile crow was full grown. She was the same size as her mom. She was aggressively following the mom around. Any time the mom would fly off, the juvenile would follow. And she'd land clumsily almost on top of the mom. And she'd go "wah wah wah feed me feed me feed me." She had her beak open and she was flapping her wings in a wimpy way. It was the same motions and sounds you'd see baby birds make. But this was a full grown juvenile crow which made it very comical.
Crows aren't very strict parents. They're not very good at cutting off their children and forcing them to be independent. They're pushovers who spoil their children. This crow mom was absolutely feeding her full grown juvenile offspring. So I went out and gave the crow mom peanuts to help with this task of spoiling this teenage crow. She quickly gathered all the peanuts I gave her. And I got to see her feed her "baby" multiple times. Meanwhile the "baby" is completely useless. She's not even watching how the mom gathers peanuts. This "baby" crow just had her head raised up to the universe, beak open, wings weakly flapping. "Feed me feed me." And the mom was doing all the work communicating with the human and gathering peanuts. And then flying to the full-grown "baby" and feeding her. After about 5 minutes of this, the mom flew off and the "baby" followed.
But it was incredible because observing this helped me understand certain crow behaviors I'd seen countless times before. It's something that looks like "crow tag." Usually, there's a crow couple sitting peacefully on a tree. Then another adult crow flies in and lands right next to one of the members of the couple. The newcomer makes a wimpy flapping motion with her wings and goes "wah wah wah." This is a softer more high-pitched cawing than the usual caw. The crow couple sits and watches this for about 15 seconds. And then the crow couple flies to the adjacent tree. And the newcomer follows them and does it again. So the crow couple flies back to the first tree. Back and forth.
Now I think I understand this "crow tag" interaction better. This is one of the crow couple's adult children greeting them.
For humans, the sound "ma" is often one of the first sounds we make. So we refer to our mothers as "ma." For crows, that hungry "wah wah wah" routine is the first sound they make. So of course they refer to their parents that way.
And crow parents greet their adult children by flying away. "Adult child, I have no food for you." And then they fly off. That's what any decent bird is supposed to do. And crows know that. They just can't bring themselves to commit to it the way other birds do. When they fly off, they just fly to the next tree, or sometimes only the next branch over.
"wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah" – parents fly to the next branch – "wah wah wah"
It becomes like a game. I've seen them play this game for 20 minutes straight.
But today was the first time I've seen a crow parent who was just a complete sucker. She was just like "okay I will feed you of course my baby." She couldn't resist feeding her child who definitely looked full grown to me. This mama crow is a crow I can regularly identify because she's missing a tail feather. She's a bit of a weirdo. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that she has an alternative parenting approach.
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3. "That we continue to persist at all is a testament to our faith in one another."
+1 Moralism
JOYCE MESSIER - "Hmhm..." Her eyes tense. Crow's feet radiate from them. She observes you: your bloodshot eyes and swollen face.
"You really didn't know. This does *not* spell good for the investigation, detective. If you don't know even this, then..." She stops mid-sentence.
"I'll handle it. It's under control."
"This investigation will be my masterpiece. The one they remember me by. I promise."
"Yes. I'm in serious trouble here."
"It'll be a fucking disaster, I know it. All those people will die."
JOYCE MESSIER - "I hope so, I truly do. If I may suggest -- hold on to your colleague Kitsuragi. I ran a check on him and he is very competent. In the meanwhile..."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - Some of that assurance is meant for herself, as much as it's meant for you. She must have *a lot* on the line here.
JOYCE MESSIER - "...you have me -- I will assist you in any way I can. Even if we have to do it one basic term at a time." She gives you a slight bow.
Task complete: Talk to Joyce about the pale without Kim +30 XP
Level up!
KIM KITSURAGI - "Good." The lieutenant returns. "You have not passed out from it. Perhaps I worried for nothing... Are we still on the reality low-down -- or should we do actual policework now?"
"You needn't have worried."
"That was fucking insane. Kim."
"Right. Let's get to work lieutenant."
"Some more reality lowdown before we go."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes, well..." he thinks. "The rest of us have dealt with it for thousands of years, so..." He looks around, a little uncomfortable now.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - You will have to deal with it too, the lieutenant thinks. This is why I didn't want you to know.
"Right. Let's get to work lieutenant."
JOYCE MESSIER - "Good luck, detectives." She nods you good-bye.
Let's go do the thing we actually set out to.
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DOOR, BASEMENT APARTMENT - This must be it. The basement door is weather-worn. The copper nails holding the upholstery in place have turned green from sea air and there's a knocker, shaped like a lion's head.
Carefully knock.
Press your ear against the door.
Use Mañana's key to unlock the door.
DOOR, BASEMENT APARTMENT - You knock silently. The upholstery muffles the sound. No response comes from the apartment.
KIM KITSURAGI - "I guess no one is in." The lieutenant looks uncomfortable.
INLAND EMPIRE [Formidable: Success] - You feel eyes on you, watching you from the windows overlooking the yard.
2. Press your ear against the door.
DOOR, BASEMENT APARTMENT - The door is slick with rain. You don't hear any movement inside.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Easy: Success] - In fact, it's oddly silent in the yard around you. No birds chirp.
3. "Lieutenant, what is your opinion of this task we're undertaking?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Let's be honest, this isn't what I joined the RCM for. But -- every day tells you something new about yourself..." the lieutenant replies, still inspecting the padded door.
"Apparently, working with the local Union boss to get info on an investigation is not something I'm squeamish about."
"So you don't mind if I unlock the door?"
"Got it!"
KIM KITSURAGI - "If the merc tribunal happens before we solve this..." His eyes meet yours. "We're looking at casualties. What's one unlocked door compared to that?"
"On the other hand..." He looks at the surrounding windows uncomfortably. "We *could* just leave and tell Evrart we opened the door. No one seems to be tailing us to see if we actually did it."
"Lie to Evrart? That's also an option?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Yes, presenting a fabrication is known to get results here and there." He crosses his arms. "You took this task. You make the call."
INTERFACING [Easy: Success] - The door is right here. You can just open it and be done with this.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Besides, if you never open it, you're never gonna find out, what's *behind* the door.
DRAMA [Challenging: Success] - I don't know... you're a *pretty* good liar. Are you as good an *infiltrator* as you are a liar?
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citrus-blade · 1 year
Can you do a dreamnoblade fic where theyre gods, but instead of like every dreamnoblade gods fic dream is the blood god and techno is chaos? itd make so much sense!
I STRUGGLED SO MUCH WITH THIS REQUEST AND THAT’S WHY IT’S SO LATE. Also because of the situation with tommy and personal stuff. I honestly just started typing and looked what came out of it without thinking too much about it lol I hope you can still enjoy it <3
Words: 1.436
Screams. Weapons falling against each other. Shouting. Crying. And then total silence. It had been raining the past few days, as the fighting had happened between the armies. Some of the blood that was the result of a dumb and useless fight was taken in by the ground or washed away by the rain. But it was so much that it was impossible for it all to vanish and with that he knew who’d appear soon.
Techno kept walking through the field, watch as animals used the corpses to feast on, covered in blood as they survived from other’s deaths. Birds, especially crows, enjoyed the feast, only looking up when Techno walked right past them. Under him a squealshing sound happened whenever he took a step, the blood flooding around his boots.
This had been his idea, this war. Riling up two different kingdoms was easy, told that one said something nasty about the others. Humans were just so easy in general, making them mad and playing with their ego. Just a few words placed at the right time were all it needed. ‘King Gerald said that his land is much better than King Ericson’s’ or ‘Ericson’s Queen is more beautiful than Gerald’s is’.
That was all they needed to scream at their knights and force them out on with weapons. Now they were all dead, including the foolish kings who thought they’d ever be able to fight in a war. Dumb humans.
Oh, what Techno did for love.
And talking of love, he heard a low giggle behind him before someone took a deep breath, exhaling heavily. “How sweet,” the man said as Techno turned around, meeting Green eyes that seemed to shimmer red when the light hit just right, “is that a present for me?”
“Dream,” Techno mumbled, staring at the man standing a few feet away from him. His blond hair shone in the sun beaming down on them and his wide clothes flowed with the wind around them. There was a mask hanging on the side of his face, a grotesque looking smiley drawn on it. “God of Blood.”
“Technoblade,” the god answered, slowly stepping closer to the pink haired man. Where Dream’s hair was rather short and curly, Techno was long and straight, tied in a high ponytail. He wore a white blouse and black tights pants with high boots, his red eyes not leaving Dream’s. “God of Chaos. And I see you’re being good in it?”
Techno huffed lightly, now also walking towards the other with slow yet long steps. “It was getting boring, the earth got to quiet. A little bit of chaos was never a bad thing.”
“Of course not,” they stopped in front of each other, Dream having to look up just the slightest. “At least not for us Gods, right? Meanwhile I can feel the blood that will be spread around in the kingdoms soon, as the people will get desperate now that their kings are dead.”
“Take it as a little extra.” Dream laughed at that, loud wheezy noise echoing through the silent field. The crows didn’t bother as they were used to it by now, always close to the Blood God after all. They got used to him quiet fast and had been with him for hundreds of years. It took them some time after Dream was chose, after he got sacrificed together with Techno.
Two friends who were doomed from the start, two lovers who were hated and given away to their own fate. Dying in each others arms as Dream was bleeding to death after Techno tried to steal, tried to confuse people by making some chaos on a farm. It hadn’t worked, the owner had stabbed Dream when they weren’t paying attention.
And all that for a bit of bread and a few eggs when they were starving. But as they lay there, blood around them and tears falling and empty promises whispered, they were heard. Someone, or something, spoke to them, promised the lovers eternal life. They accepted, however, they didn’t know the rule.
Techno, as thee God of Chaos, could wander the human realm without much trouble. That was a necessity to do what he was there for, to make sure wars happened, to chaos storms and destroy villages, to make water rise and flood whole towns. But Dream, the Good Blood, he couldn’t. He existed in his own realm where no one could follow and for him to appear blood was needed.
The more blood was given, the longer he could stay. And a field covered in fallen soldiers give a lot of blood and time for the two lovers to be reunited again.
Techno was pulled from his thoughts as hands, fingertips tainted a dark red, cupped his face, making him look down. A smile was spread over Dream’s lips, gentle and promising, telling a story of a lonely person who wished to be with his lover. Now he was here, he was right in front of him for more than a few seconds that they usually got. Cause even though humans were monsters, they knew spilling blood wasn’t always the best solutions.
Only once a few decades does enough blood spill to summon Dream for longer than a minute or two. So they had to enjoy every second they got to spent together.
Lips met, pressing against each other softly, then more desperate. Filled with a love other hated, other had seen as sin. It was their blood that had splattered the world first, the only right thing to do. Techno remembered the screams as he got other villages to pillage them, to burn down everything in their way and made sure no survivors were left.
Seeing Dream the first time as a god had been so mesmerizing. The dark glow around him, the flowy clothes that revealed just enough skin, showed the freckles that littered the blond’s body. Techno had loved it, had enjoyed the way their arms had fallen around each other again, had fallen in love with the steady beat of Dream’s heart, one that would never stop beating.
They moved away, a thumb stroking under Techno’s eye as he gazed at his lover, hands on his waist. “I missed you,” Dream whispered, pressing their forehead together, breathing together, just taking each other in. It had been so long since they had been reunited, the humans started growing more cautious, they thought more about their actions and the consequences. Ericon and Gerald were the last ones who were easy to persuade into a dumb and useless war.
And Techno was scared, so scared that he would have to wait for longer next time. He let out a trembling breath, pressing closer to the man he had loved for such a long time. “Dream,” he mumbled, the man humming as an answer, one hand reaching up to stroke his neck, to calm him. “The humans. They learn, they are stubborn and start to think much more. I don’t know- I just- What when-”
“Shhh,” Dream hushed, placing a gentle kiss on Techno’s chin, afterwards making him look at him. “It’s okay, love, you will find ways.”
“But it might start taking longer and our time together will probably be shorter,” Techno sounded desperate, helpless. Just like he sounded when Dream way laying in his arms, bleeding and dying. Sometimes Techno regret that they took those deals, if they had died together they would be together in the afterlife. Now they couldn’t, they’d never be able to do that. They had doomed themselves.
Dream’s eyes moved all over his face, like he was remembering every detail, every little hair and every tiny scar. Eventually both hands rested around his neck and he leaned closer to whisper between their breathes. “I would willing wait hundreds, no, thousands of years just to spent merely a second with you. That’s how much I love you and it will never change.”
Breathless, overwhelmed, Techno fell silent, only squeezing Dream’s waist between his longer fingers. Then he pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his partner, the man he had fallen in love with as a child and was now connected with for the end of time and beyond. And there they stood, holding each other close, enjoying every second that they could spent to the God of Time.
And as the blood started to fade and the crows finished their last meal, did the two still stand there. Breathing, kissing, holding onto each other and they would do it again, the Blood of Chaos would make sure of that.
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Hi hi! You seem like a cool person so I had an Idea for some of the Twisted wonderland characters
I know spanish and usually speak it when I'm frustrated or upset, so what if Mc is just really stressed and Crowley pusses them a little too much? Then they just go off in their mother language?
No rush and take your time! Do any characters you want i just thought it would be funny ^^
I LOVE THIS IDEA SMMMM an mazing request! (Also thank you for the compliment you're so sweettt(≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠))
Ps. I myself don't know Spanish so I used Google translator and we know how bad Google translate is so if there are any mistakes do forgive me!
The sound of an annoying bird man was heard clear throughout the NRC halls, Crowley was assigning you for (another) a mission,he was starting to get more and more naggy day by day and it was getting very irritating.
"Prefect perfect timing! I have a new assignment for you. As you know the cafeteria needs cleaning so therefore you can do the job, and to add . . ." Crowleys blabbering was fading away as you were starting to lose your temper, this man had the NERVE to give you more work after all you've done?? Nah that was not acceptable
"and wipe the botanical gardens floors too while you're at it, oh! and-" "ENOUGH YOU ARROGANT LITTLE CROW. VETE A LA MIERIDA HOMBRE CUERVO TE CORTARÉ LA CABEZA Y COMERLO HIJO DE PUTA " our dear prefect was yelling at Crowley, the whole nrc went quiet and stared at the scene that unfolded, everyone was shocked, riddle was having flashbacks to when HE lost his temper, cater and ace were cheering you on while Trey and deuce just watched thinking if they should stop it or not, if Leona was asleep then, he sure was not now, he was feeling proud, ruggie was laughing his ass off meanwhile Jack was preparing to calm you down; Azul was just shocked, his mouth was agape and stared at you with wide eyes, he did not expect that from you dear prefect, not in a bad way of course! Jade was enjoying the scene, finally something interesting has happened~ Floyd was cheering you on along with cater and ace "go Shrimpy!!" No one had ANY idea as to what you were saying but they know you were cussing that mf out, epel was taking notes before Vil covered his ears to which he protested at first but the glare on vils face shut him up,(same with Jamil and kalim) Rook was just as shocked as azul except also intrigued, Idia happened to pass by with his tablet and luckily he knew Spanish so he was surprised but was rooting for you (ofc ortho was made sure not to be around) I have no idea how Malleus heard about it, probably from Lilia, Lilia was cheering for you quietly while laughing, sebek also happened to be around at that time, carrying around a sleepy Silver who woke up to the sound of you yelling at the poor headmage, he was too sleepy to comprehend what was going on, sebek was kind of proud?? Like he yells all the time so GOOD JOB HUMAN NICE LOUD VOICE tho ofc no one does it as good as he does😍👌/j. so when malleus heard about it he was shocked too, tho he agrees as to why you got mad it only makes sense after all, perhaps he might have a chat with the headmage, tho I'm sure he won't be needing any of that, you scarred Crowley enough~
As for Crowley as malleus said he had never been this scarred, confused, surprised he was gonna scold you but...
" JURO QUE TE MATARÉ CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS TE AHOGARÉ CON MIS PROPIAS MANOS " you yelled more as you made choking gestures with your hands.. yeah crowley will shut up now.. my man will have the moment where he's scared to turn to the other side of the bed where your not facing the wall now.. but hey he hasn't given you any more assignments!!!plus the other students are more wary of what to do to not get on your bad side soo You won!!!!🥳
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The following was my 1 am brain rot at its finest, so sorry if it doesnt make any sense:
Grian MC = Grian Minecraft
Ph1lza = Ph1lza Minecraft
Both have a bird father fannon thing going on.
Anyone up for a brother au?
I mean, it could work. Imagine it for a second with me. Grian and Phil are brothers, but they've been split up. Grian being in evo, and Phil being in whatever hardcore world he's in. Neither know where the other is at the moment, but they send letters to eachother through they're own respective birds. Parrots and Crows. Until, Grian eventually stops sending letters. Phil gets worried, but cant do anything about it because he has no idea where his brother is, so he pushes it to the back of his mind. Grian on the other hand is with the watchers and things go on.
Phil eventually becomes immortal through Mumza, and maybe after a few centuries, Phil comes across an old box in his house. An old box that's filled with Grian's letters and realization hits him. Grian would probably be dead by now. Phil doesnt know he's immortal through the watchers, so hes probably dead, right? It has been centuries after all.
Fast forward some time, and let's say that Phil has Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy now. Sometimes Phil will off handedly mention someone but neither Wilbur or Techno ever get the name of the person, while Tomny is still to young to really understand. Whenever Will and Techno try to ask who Phil was talking about, he would always say he would tell them later. Unfortunately, "later" means something a lot different when your father is an immortal angel of death.
One time, Wilbur just got fed up with Phil saying "later" and decided to push his father a bit harder on who "he" was that Phil would mumble and mention to himself. Phil thought about it for a second before deciding that now would be better then not, so he sits them all down, and explains that they have an uncle. One who had a tendency for building, pranks, and TNT.
Phil spent that afternoon just talking about what he remembered from Grian, and all three boys start to eventually idolize him in some way.
Tommy liked his pranks and chaos while Techno liked his "one man empire" thing, and found it more as a sign of strength rather then failure. Meanwhile, Wilbur just started to idolize his uncle and saw his story as poetic. He decided that he wanted to write a story for himself that was maybe even more so.
Grian had been stuck with the watcher for a long time now. And even though it was nice, it was also quite boring. With only being able to watch people, and play small pranks occasionally. Grian wanted to get away from the ender god like beings and start his life again. He missed his friends, and being able to play pranks on them. He missed being able to build large scale and beautiful homes. And Grian missed writting to Phil. He hadnt seen his brother in so long, but there was nothing he could do about it. The watcher were always watching, and that included him aswell. Grian would have to be sneaky if he wanted to get out, and his plan for escape was just that. Now, it was just a waiting game for the perfect time to leave.
Phil went on to mention Grian every once in a while, and rumor started to pick up on "the one the angel of death talks of." Nobody knew who he was talking about, and the normal folks were much more scared to ask rather then Phil's own kids. From what the people heard though, it sounded almost like an evil counterpart. One who brings beautiful things, only to destroy them later. One who laughs at the misfortune that he brings. People started to call the other "Redza" with a rumor coming around that his clothes were stained with blood of the lives he ruined.
Grian made it out. He didnt know where he was, but he was out. He was finally out of the end. Grian looked up, and the first time in decades, centuries, Grian saw the sky again. Oh, it was so beautiful and colorful, rather then that dark, wide void he had to look at for so long. Grian smiled as he wanted to get closer. He wanted to fly again. The watchers were gods, who didnt need pitiful wings. They would just float or teleport around, so whenever Grian expressed his want to fly, it was mocked by everyone who was around. The watchers thought that flying was all too much work, and never understood the feeling Grian got whenever he tried to express his love for it. Now that Grian was out of that hell, he could...he could....fly again?
Grian jumped and jumped and jumped again, like from muscle memory he tried to recall, but nothing was coming to him. His smile was drained from his face as he tried to push off the ground to get somewhere. Anywhere. But nothing happened. Grian fell to his knees, and then his stomach as he wanted to fly again so badly, but just couldnt. What had happened as he left? He swore he still had his wings. He...still had his wings, right?
Fuck this got way too much out of control. I just started writting and then couldnt stop and now we're here. I was having 1 am brain rot last night, and I didn't think it would amount to THIS. Anyway, sorry for the surprise fan fiction. I suck at grammar, you dont have to tell me. Continue this if you feel like it, I dont mind. The rest of this basically amounts to :
"Grian's in hermitcraft"
"chicken --> parrot ---> dragon"
" reunite during mcc pride and Grian figures out he had nephews."
If people can add yhs into this, go ahead, I've just never watched the series before. I'm taking my leave now before this consumes my day, and this post becomes longer then a book. Remember your water, meds, and food and have a nice night.
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luna-the-moth · 4 years
Mammon with a Shy Singer (SFW)
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Hello love! Ehe, I write short fics once in a while, but they’re mainly bursts of inspiration. Before this was sent, yes, short fics were allowed to be requested, but it turns out, a short fic steals all my spoons for a few days. So, I adjusted my rules yesterday. From now on, please only send requests for headcanons or scenarios!
This will be in hc/scenario form! GN! Reader, SFW. Asks and requests are open, but please read my rules and guidelines before doing so!
Reblogs, likes, and comments are greatly appreciated!
Mammon with a Shy Singer (SFW)
Mammon was always known to be the life of the party, hyping everyone up and keeping things interesting.
He had a penchant for creating music once in a while, specifically rap music.
-gestures to his character song-
Whenever a rave or concert happened, he would always bring you as his plus one, singing along with the main act.
Which, drew his fandemons’ attention to him, but there was often security preventing them from flooding him, so there wasn’t much to worry about.
There was one occasion he had asked you to join in, but you had declined, self consciousness clouding your decision.
Which, Mammon completely understood.
Well, he pouted and whined for a few moments, but let it go relatively quickly.
We all have things we aren’t proud of, or don’t want to show to others.
The thing is, you didn’t think your singing was bad.
In fact, your voice was quite lovely, you were merely self conscious about singing in front of others.
As a hobby, you had written multiple songs, in private.
While you had thought they sounded nice, the thought of singing in front of others made you freeze up.
It’s just, having people look at you while singing made you nervous.
Judging eyes, watching your every move, even the thought of it made you cringe.
So you had written and sang in private, hidden from any intruding eyes or ears.
However, as time went on, you grew feelings for the Avatar of Greed.
Sure, he may steal people’s Grimm, act all high and mighty, but that’s exactly why you loved him.
Because it was an act.
And a very poor act, you might add.
While he always pulled a tough, macho, entitled act, it would only take a few words of affirmation to get him blushing.
He deserves it, though!
After all, being belittled and knocked down by his brothers 24/7 is tiring, and wore down his self esteem.
Which left him with the cocky defense mechanism we see today.
But after you had shown him genuine kindness and affection, his facade had crumbled away, revealing a soft, love-starved demon.
How could you not have fallen in love with him?
The problem is, you didn’t know how to confess.
Sure, you could write him a love letter or text him, but you felt that it was too generic, too basic.
So why not write a song, professing your love for him?
You would nudge away your shyness, and confess your love for him at the same time!
Hitting two crows- uh, birds with one stone!
Over the next few weeks, you carefully picked out your favorite lines from various books of poetry, adjusting them to fit the mood you were going for.
You weren’t going for a full-out love-sick ballad that gave you cavities, more like something sweet, lighthearted, and conveyed your message effectively.
In the meantime, this meant you were spending less time with Mammon.
As you can probably guess, it didn’t go over well with the Avatar of Greed.
I mean, it’s in the name, Avatar of G r e e d.
It didn’t just apply to money, as others had assumed.
No, it extended to your time and love as well, which frankly, you weren’t going to complain about.
But it was difficult, dodging his inquiries on where you were going, and why.
Luckily, Asmo covered for you every time, letting you stay in his room for ‘self care’, when in fact, you were composing your music.
Which, you supposed is a form of self care?
Pouring out your emotions into your music is a way of self care, right?
Asmo was your wingman, cheering you on and helping you perfect certain verses, and helping you with the occasional vocal warm up.
Day by day, you gradually built on your piece, tweaking and changing notes and pitches as necessary.
Mammon on the other hand, was growing increasingly anxious, insecurities starting to bubble up again.
Was he not good enough?
Did you prefer Asmo to him? You’ve been spending a lot of time with him after all.
He started spending more time at the casino, drowning his sorrows in the rolling of dice.
After all, he didn’t want to trouble you, thinking you might start seeing him as an annoyance, a pest.
Meanwhile, you had been polishing up the lyrics of your song, finally ready to confess.
So on the day of your confession, you had caught Mammon right before dinner, gently grabbing his arm before he rushed out the door.
“Hey Mammon, wait. Could you come with me to my room real quick before you leave? There’s something important I need to show you.”
With softly spoken words and a subtly pleading expression, you had given him a shy attempt at puppy eyes.
He was about to give you a weak, snarky remark, but how could he, now that you looked at him with such an adorable expression?
It’s not like he could ever say no to you, anyways.
Not just because of the pact either.
During the first week of your stay at the Devildom, Mammon had been smitten.
You were kind to him, and didn’t use harsh words to order him around.
Hell, within a month, you had already won over his heart, and soul.
(That is, if demons have souls. OM canon is a clusterfuck, so do correct me in the comments if I’m wrong.)
Over the past few weeks that you’ve been songwriting, he had grown lonely, wanting your affection and attention.
So the moment you had asked for his attention, he wanted to immediately latch on, but wanted to stay away at the same time, not wanting to seem desperate.
Mammon had ‘reluctantly’ agreed, to which you gently tugged his arm, motioning him to follow you.
When he had entered your room, you motioned for him to sit on the bed, nerves starting to build up in your mind.
Exhaling quickly, you reached for the guitar next to your desk.
Gently strumming the guitar, you poured your heart out to him.
How you adored his soft heart, his protective nature, and that he would always be, your dear guardian.
During your performance, Mammon’s eyes were wide, he was just so surprised that you were singing, and in front of him
If that didn’t make his pride swell-
The entire time you’re singing, he listens to every word flowing out of your mouth, treasuring each message.
Your voice was so soft and gentle, he nearly fell asleep at the comforting lull.
He’s grateful that you sang to him, and trusted him enough to sing in front of him.
After all, he knows how difficult it is to open up to someone on a subject you’re shy or self conscious about.
By the time you’ve finished singing, Mammon’s mouth is slightly parted in awe, eyes blurry with tears.
He’s so touched that you did such a heartfelt thing for him, and that you put the time and effort into making a song out of all things.
Setting the guitar down, you look at him nervously.
“Well...what do you think?”
Mammon walks over to you, letting your face rest in the palm of his hand, wrapping the other around your waist.
“That was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done fer me. I’m glad ya trust me enough to sing ta me. I love ya, Y/n.”
Gently kissing the crown of your head, he pulls you in for a tight, comforting embrace, a stray tear falling from the corner of one of his angelic eyes.
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britishassistant · 3 years
@emyluwinter submitted:
It's very, very bad.
I probably already need to write some specific greeting, so that you understand that this is me again. I think something like " And here you are again a freelance newspaper worker writing about the life of a Yuu reporter!!" Today you will read a rather stressful and difficult passage, an article, a mini-script? I suggest you stock up on handkerchiefs.
This day was completely different. Grimm suddenly didn't show up for breakfast, and disappeared somewhere. None of the neighbors even saw him this morning. But Yuu definitely remembered that they went to bed together. How they covered themselves with a blanket, how they turned out the lights and fell asleep after a hard day's work. Yuuken's phone hadn't been answered for several hours, which was very unlike him. Also, the cameraman did not show up for the shooting of the report. No one in the office knew what was going on, and no one knew where he was. Yuu could feel everything inside him twisting into a tight knot of tension and despair. It seemed less and less like it was just a coincidence.
- Please let it be a misunderstanding. - Yuu consoled himself with these thoughts. But their intuition literally screamed that things were very bad. Everything goes wrong.
Even the villains seem to have decided to take a sudden day off for villainy. For a couple of hours, Yuu had been trying to call Yuuken or find Grimm. But there were no traces, no notes about the abduction. All his nerves were taut as strings. Almost choking, Yuu looks in horror at the black raven feather on his desk. This is Crowley's doing. It's a lousy case scenario. Things are bad, very bad. But what did he want from them? Why suddenly now?No matter how many questions were asked in Yuu's mind, there was no answer. A few hours later, Yuu found himself in the heart of the lair of the terrible leader of the villainous league of Crowley. Their anger was boundless and Yuu literally wanted to break the neck of this restless crow, which does not want to leave him alone. - what do you want, old crow? They decided to ask the question right away and not waste time. Fearing that it will be disastrously small to provide assistance. - Oh, Yuu, I'm so glad you decided to join me tonight. Would you like some tea? - Crowley sat quietly in his large, massive, and gaudy-looking throne chair. While they themselves were sitting on a simple chair. It was as if he was doing everything he could to show how helpless and small Yuu was compared to him. - If by join, you mean that your thugs kidnapped me and dragged me here by force, almost trashing my apartment and scaring the entire neighborhood. Wouldn't you... go fuck yourself?! Why did you suddenly think to kidnap me?what do you need?!
Yuu well understood that now is not the best idea to give vent to their anger and irritation. But they were on edge all day and the stress was stronger than usual. It had all been piling up like a snowball... for so long and so painfully. - Hush, hush, baby bird, I don't think you're in a position to let your emotions run wild right now. But I'm so kind that I'd rather not notice this little outburst of anger - Crowley indifferently took a sip of amazingly expensive tea from an equally expensive cup and saucer. - What do you want? - Yuu literally gritted his teeth to get to the bottom of it.One part of them was thinking about escape options, the other was praying that nothing happened to Yuuken and Grimm and they were kidnapped by another villain from the seven, waiting for either the Prefect or the reporter to come. They may be villains. But they are not so stupid as to harm the people dear to Yuu. They might as well have tried to kidnap Divus Cruel, but they would have been brainless in the next few hours, even if they had been very lucky not to be tortured half to death by his experiments.
- I'm glad you asked! You see I am so gracious that I will tell you my beautiful plan. As you recall, you are my biological heir. This is a very responsible and serious position in which I will need to make sure that after me there will be a leader who may even surpass me. It would be such a wonderful arrangement of affairs! Yuu wanted to punch that old crow even more. Crowley continued. - And as you must understand by now, all my previous persuasions have failed. As well as the idea that you went through adversity at birth. Yuu didn't like what he was talking about with them. - That's why!For the past few months, I've patiently let you enjoy the life you're used to. Make friends and family, get a job that you like. Even get a strange pet. And I had an amazing idea!If you couldn't get through the hardships when you were still a child, then I can easily arrange it now to break you the way I need to! Crowley chuckled smugly. Meanwhile, Yuu had the feeling that he was watching some kind of nightmare that they couldn't wake up from. - break me...what..What are you talking about? - Yuu could barely whisper their question. A chill swept through his body as quickly as if they had fallen under one of Charon's freezing traps.
But it wasn't ice. This was their terror with fear. Crowley puts his hands together and leans on his desk. - Do I sound so vague to you? Oh, you seem so happy that I'm giving you this opportunity to enjoy your peaceful days as a civilian. But I decided that it was time to stop with these children's games. Crowley presses a button on the remote control and a screen with security cameras turns on behind him. Yuu's stomach clenched in shock and horror. They screamed abruptly getting up from the chair and holding their hands over their mouths in fear, they looked at the bound Yuken and Grim, worse, Crowley did not stop.... in another screen  were...their parents. They were also abducted and tied up.
Crowley went on with his plan.
- All I had to do was take everything you hold dear and brutally eliminate it in front of your eyes. As long as you're a weak cub, you can't stop it.
No wonder they talked about Crowley's monstrous reputation, Yuu almost choked on their own tears and despair.
- no...No, don't touch them!!They have nothing to do with it!! - Yuu pleaded, literally burning the old crow with his eyes.
- I told you I didn't want your money, your position, and I certainly don't want to be your heir!"!You already have 7 candidates choose one of them, why do you keep interfering and threatening me to kill my loved ones?!? - Because I'm kind enough to give you a little choice."
The Yuus recoiled from him. Again, this dirty manipulation. He's going to brainwash them, that's for sure.
- The choice is cub. You stay and I teach you as my heir, how to manage my affairs and the craft of villainy. Or ...
Yuu suppresses a ragged sigh. They didn't even notice the tears running down their cheeks and their shoulders shaking.
Crowley truly reveled in the sight and the sense of his own superiority.
- I will kill these people slowly and painfully until you learn everything, and you will see every day how your mistakes cause pain and suffering to your loved ones.
It was as if a vacuum had appeared in Yuu's head. Either way, Crowley gave them no choice. He had planned it all from the beginning.
- where...Where's the guarantee that if I stay, you won't kill them at the same time?where is the proof that they are not dead? Crowley laughed merrily, and Yuu felt helpless and weak for the first time in his life. Things are too bad, Yuu can't think of a single option for saving everyone, including myself.
- Great question!!You see, if you voluntarily stay, they guarantee me that you will not try to escape in the future and that you will be a diligent student.
Yuu thought for a second that Crowley had put an invisible noose around his neck and was pulling it tighter and tighter. Like a puppet master's collar or strings.
- If you try to escape and somehow find them in my labyrinth lair. - Crowley pressed another button on his remote control Yuu looked at the other wall and saw a reflection of himself. Terrified, their cheeks glistening with tears, as if they were lost and broken. Just like Crowley wanted.
The leader of the League of Villains gets up from his desk and takes Yuu by the shoulders and turns their face to the camera.
- Your beloved Dair Crowley and our charming reporter Yuu are on the air. Yuu stubbornly refused to look at the camera and was riveted by the eyes of his loved ones. Even through their tears, they could see that they were still fine. Yuuken played with Grim in words to pass the time. I don't think Grimm did very well, but he tried.
And his parents...
Yuu sobbed softly and barely smiled. Their father was humming a tune inaudible to their ears and kicking out a rhythm with his feet. And their mother, their kind, sweet mother, sang with him.
They were afraid, they did not know what they would do to them and whether they would live. But they sang.
Crowley was talking and talking to the camera, but they weren't listening. Yuu is too tired to be strong, too tired to be in the midst of these evil-hero fights, to be involved in these conflicts. They just wanted to live the peaceful life of a citizen, a friendly neighbor. Instead of being in their worst nightmare right now, which Yuu didn't know how to get out of.
Crowley dug his sharp nails into Yuu's cheeks very painfully,forcing them to forcibly turn their heads towards him and the camera.
- Do as I say. - Crowley whispered menacingly, as if about to kill him.
The Yuu felt that they were so brittle and broken that if Crowley pressed any more, their bones would crack just like they are now. - So my dear viewers, I will be so kind as to answer your main question!!Your favorite reporter and friendly neighbor has a unique opportunity. Stay with me as a hostage voluntarily and save your family and friends, or I'll have to persuade them with my own words ... -  Crowley's eyes darkened and Yuu for the first time was afraid for the loved ones because Crowley wasn't always such a jerk.
- in kind and gracious ways. How about holding the whole city hostage? Ah probably you are now enveloped in a beautiful fear of not knowing that if the Yuu refuse, I will kill every civilian-Crowley specifically emphasized this point.
"Every single one of them, one by one, until the Yuu eventually agree. Ask why I need it?You see, I have some plans for this naughty child..
Yuu groaned softly as Crowley's other hand, with its sharp fingers, gripped his forearm very painfully, digging its nails through his clothes into the skin and scratching it.
- a monster.. - Yuu whispered softly, no longer holding back his tears. They were literally breaking down by the second. On the other side of the screen, the Leviathan in his lair dropped all the papers from his hands and turned pale with the realization of the whole situation. Crowley decided to go the route of violence if he was tired of Yuu's refusals. And the worst scenario he could have imagined came true..
- Err?!?Azul!!The shrimp is crying!I don't like it!! Floyd said angrily, not looking up from the screen.
- What are we going to do? -  Jade looked at his boss expectantly. Azul sat down unsteadily on the arm of his chair.
- Crowley literally says to all the villains do not interfere or I will kill him.. - Azul replied softly, feeling a cold sweat break out on his skin... None of the villains knew what to do or what to do. But everyone swore to themselves that they would never bring Yuu to such tears. To such a terrible state... I will end my passage here. I want to hear your impressions, thoughts, and ideas!!Open to everything!
It's so great to hear that you like what I write!
You were right about needing tissues!! Holy hell, this is serious End Game level work!! This is definitely building up to a dramatic conclusion!!
Crowley seems to hold all the cards here! He’s got Yuu’s family and friends (and who he thinks is the Prefect’s secret identity) hostage so that the reporter can’t fight back or be saved, and he’s got Yuu so the supervillains can’t make a move unless they want Yuu’s death on their heads. It seems like all hope is lost...
...Though I notice Crowley hasn’t exactly factored in what a certain Uncle and other honorary family members on the board of the League, or the three mysterious old men who own Yuu’s apartment will have to say about this...
Or the fact that the Prefect may not be as contained as he thinks...
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Animal Strain makes a truce with Fushimi and says well, Fushimi has to turn into an animal, but Fushimi can choose. Mythical creatures, extinct animals, anything. What does Fushimi choose? Animal Strain promises it's temporary! Like three days! :)
Fushimi probably asks if he can be something poisonous or with spines on it, like a jellyfish or something so that he just float around for three days and sting anyone who bothers him XD He probably wouldn't want to be turned into anything that requires specific care or is reliant on other people to survive though, like jellyfish sounds nice but he would need to be in water and specifically ocean water and he probably wouldn't want to float too far so otherwise he'd just have Captain buying a giant tank and he'd have to float around in it (for this reason, all aquatic creatures are out of the question). Bugs are also not considered, Fushimi knows what happens to ants and it isn't pretty. Mammals and birds are good, though again not anything too small or vulnerable. Actually sorta ironic but I could totally see him deciding a crow wouldn't be bad at all, they can fly, they're smart, they can handle themselves fine alone and if anyone bothers him he can just caw at them and peck their eyes out.
So Fushimi gets turned into a crow for a few days and he makes like a nice little nest high up in Scepter 4's headquarters, where no one can reach him to bother him about anything (though Munakata has read stories and leaves a lot of shiny knives as gifts on his windowsill for Fushimi, poor Fushimi finds he can't resist the shiny and the knives end up lining his nest). He also probably decides to go fly around and bug Misaki for a bit, like just imagine that over on Yata's end this is like That One Time A Crow Hated Me For Three Days and he ends up having this whole feud with what he thinks is a random crow that hates him for no reason. Fushimi can't help himself, like he breaks Yata's garbage bag and scatters his garbage everywhere, he flies down and steals Yata's hat and then drops it in a fountain, he flies into Yata and knocks him off his skateboard, Yata is just being totally hounded by this random crow and he doesn't know why. Imagine him complaining to Homra and they find this super funny, like aren't you a crow too and yet there's a crow that hates you huh. Yata makes a brief attempt to befriend this strange crow but naturally Fushimi has no interest in friendship, only hatred (and having a good time) so he keeps teasing Yata at any possibly opportunity. Eventually Fushimi turns back and Yata's feud with the strange crow is over, Fushimi meanwhile is all annoyed having to climb back onto the roof to get his knives back before some random bird nests in them.
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offda-rails-art · 3 years
Here is part two of “Lochlans spook” 👇
Again⚠️gore warning⚠️ this is a horror story
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Not long after Lochlan made his way past the herd of deer another odd occurrence happened. The first thing he saw up ahead was a lone coyote racing out of the direction Lochlan was headed. The coyote seemed to be on a mission to get somewhere. The animal’s eyes bulged from its head, his mouth gaped open trying to take in as much air as possible, and every muscle in its body showed as it sprinted in the opposite direction it came. Lochlan was about to conclude that the animal was simply on a mission for a hunt. But then, more animals sprinted forward going the same way the coyote was headed. Foxes, rabbits, more coyotes and deer, even birds flew right past Lochlan. The big engine was the last thing the animals seemed to care about, they all ran in an almost harmonious fashion. They weren’t chasing each other but they were running away from something. Lochlan felt a pang of anxiety deep in the depths of his boiler. He had never witnessed something so strange, what on earth are they running from? He thought and as he traveled closer in the direction the animals sprinted from he felt something he never felt before, fear.
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In his lifetime Lochlan had truly and honestly never felt fear. He was so big and powerful that what could he fear? And as awful as it sounds Lochlan didn’t have normal “engine fears” either. He didn’t worry about collisions like many feared. Many engines that collided often had died from either injury or impact, but Lochlan was so large that any engine that collided with him would be doomed and he himself would most likely be untouched. If anything others feared him because of his size and mass.
Lochlan was so shellshocked with the new feeling that he didn’t know how to react. Something was scaring him. He blanked out for a moment and then came to a screeching halt, his cargo slammed into him, his engineers were nearly thrown from their seats, and any product that was in the rows of cargo trucks was surely tossed around and destroyed. Lochlan stared blankly ahead, his headlamp hardly illuminating anything in the pitch black. Now that he stood still he listened to all that was around him. His anxiety got worse when the only sound around him was nothing. No crickets, no birds, nothing. Pure quiet. Something was out there, hunting.
Lochlans engineers took a moment to collect themselves from the sudden unexpected halt. “What the hell was that all about?” His fireman asked and rubbed his head in thought.
“I don’t know, but I’ll go see what the issue is. Perhaps Lochlan will let us know.” His driver said and hopped down from the cab and started a long walk to face his engine. Lochlan meanwhile stared ahead of himself he listened in as best he could becuase he could swear something was calling his name. His driver interrupted him. “What’s the issue big boy? Are you hurt? Is something wrong?” He asked.
“I don’t know sir. I just can’t go any further.” Lochlan replied never taking his eyes off the track ahead. He felt the air get cooler with each second. His driver seemed to notice that too, he crossed his arms over his chest and shivered.
“Can’t see squat out here in this dark. Alright Lochlan I’ll try and find the out-
“I think you should go back in my cab now. It’s getting to cold out here and there’s no sense in trying to solve a problem in the pitch black.” Lochlan interrupted. More dread bubbled up inside of him. His driver looked at him curiously, he held his arms tighter to his chest bracing in the cold.
“I suppose your right, goddamn why is it so cold? It’s the middle of summer.” His driver groaned then turned on his heels to rush back to the warm cab. Lochlan’s fireman poked his head out of the cab window.
“Is everything alright? What’s going on?” He shouted down to his colleague. He felt the bitter cold nip at his face and noticed his breath show up in the air.
“I don’t know, but it’s to cold out here and I cannot see an inch of light anywhere.” He hurriedly climbed into the warm cab.
“I noticed that too. Should we radio for assistance?” The fireman asked.
“Go ahead and try but I guarantee you won’t get any signal out here.” He sighed and plopped himself down in his seat. The two did try to radio but had no luck. After hours of trying to think of what to do they both decided to stay in the cab and wait till early morning when at least an ounce of light would come out.
Lochlan sat on the tracks never taking his eyes away from the pitch black ahead. He listened carefully and heard an unsettling sound. A low grumble mixed with what sounded like an elk bugling echoed around him. Elk calls could be eerie sounding but this was no elk call, what made him come to that conclusion was his name being called after each grumble.
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“Lochlan?” The voice asked trying to get a response. Lochlan didn’t dare answer. He narrowed his eyes trying to see what called his name. “Lochlan?!” It asked again this time sounding agitated, a louder grumble followed. Lochlan nearly jumped out of his pistons when silence followed and then a loud “LOCHLAN!!!! LOCHLAN!!! LOCHLAN!!!!!” The voice roared. He still didn’t answer. Just beyond where his headlamp could reach a figure came into view. A buck stood on the tracks ahead, its dark piercing eyes stared back at him in a way no animal would. Lochlan gritted his teeth, he watched the deer and his eyes went wide when the animal opened its mouth.
“LOCHLAN.” The deer mouthed in perfect English. The four legged animal began to twist and morphe into a horrifying creature. It’s bones broke then dislocated growing massive upright legs, front legs turned into massive human arms along with a long skinny malnutritished human torso with ribs poking out. Flesh clung to its horribly mangled body and with each body part that morphed into place it grew and grew and grew until it towered over Lochlan. The flesh disappeared from the deer’s head revealing its skull with bulging red human eyes. A long tongue rolled from its mouth dripping drool and all. A skinny boney finger cracked, twisted, then pointed to Lochlan in a sickening beckoning motion. The creature stepped forward, it’s massive body lurched with each step. The low grumble noise came again, this time it shook Lochlan to the core. The creature’s jaw opened wide in a smile. “Lochlan?” It asked again seeming to want a response. Lochlan refused half out of sheer panic and the other part not being able to form words at all. He’d never ever been this terrified. The creature wasn’t satisfied with the silence it received, its jaw formed into a frown.
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Lochlan watched each step it took, and now with the horrific creature just one foot away he did the only thing his body let him do. Close his eyes. The creature bent down lowering its face to Lochlan’s. “Lochlan?” It asked in almost a whine to get a rise out of him. No response and the creature grew significantly irritated. Lochlan felt it’s hot breath assault his skin, it’s breath stunk of rot. The whole beast itself was a massive rotting corpse, maggots wriggled around what flesh stretched over its body. The creature breathed in his face, it reached a hand out and touched Lochlans cheek. A sharp claw traced over the flesh on his face, Lochlan could swear he felt whatever maggots that were imbedded in the beast’s hand crawled out for a moment and graze his own skin. He still didn’t dare open his eyes. The creature sat there for what felt like hours, each breath it took a low grumble followed. Lochlan was terrified, his eyes refusing to open. Even when he felt a sticky wet tongue roll over his face. The creature got irritated and with a loud annoyed huff it got to its feet, gave one last loud bellowing screech and just like that it disappeared. Lochlan kept his eyes clamped shut the rest of the night, he didn’t open them until he could see a very small amount of light shine through his eyelids. Birds chirped and crowed and things seemed to be a bit normal. He kept his eyes opened and looked around.
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Lochlan had started up with no issues at all, the incident that happened during the night when unnoticed by his engineers who had seemed to have slept through the whole thing. The two men looked their engine over best they could and asked how he felt before starting off back down the route. Lochlan rolled down the track cautiously still shaken up from what happened earlier. He frowned when he noticed on the sides of the track further down the line dozens of cattle spread out in the field. They weren’t laying down, they were quite literally scattered about. The scene was brutal, every bovine was covered in massive claw marks, many looked disemboweled, some missing limbs, some missing heads. Lochlan felt his breath hitch as he rolled by slowly. Two very confused cowboys surveyed the field of cattle. Lochlan’s engineers looked out the window of his cab and scratched their heads at the brutal scene. They chatted about what could have possibly done that but Lochlan knew exactly what did that.
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“Well?! What did you think? Pretty weird right? I’d rate that on the list of odd things I’ve seen as a.... 3? Maybe 4? Out of 10 of course.” Lochlan said as he concluded his story. The group beside him looked horrified. Donner looked as though he was about to pass out or throw up, maybe both.
“Jesus Christ Lochlan?! You drop a bomb just like that on us?!” Red asked, his mouth agape still from shock at what was said.
“You wanted a horror story, yes?” Lochlan asked innocently.
“I’d just like to know what makes you rate that a 4 out of weird things you’ve seen?” Cracker Jack asked.
Lochlan only smirked.
Thanks for reading💖💖 I hope you enjoyed.
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24-guy · 4 years
So. Phil's chat as crows is fun.
So have a little drabble based off of that.
Uhhh... Yeah. Under the cut.
Phil sighed for what felt like the fifth time that hour. The murder of Crows that surrounded him were squawking about him being their father again. He just built structures, man. He didn't expect to end up taking in so many crows.
One of them flew over and sat on his shoulder, startling him as it dropped a large golden nugget into his palm before squawking the amount of time it'd been around for. Meanwhile Phil was still recovering from the shock of a bird appearing on his shoulder suddenly.
"Holy fuck! Jesus Christ, mate. Thank you!" He chuckled awkwardly as he placed his hand on his chest, trying to calm his heart. The bird rubbed their head on Phil's cheek before flying to join the rest of the murder. Phil sighed and pocketed the gold, going back to building, occasionally talking to the crows.
There was a sound from outside and Phil looked out the windows but the crows saw first. They instantly started chanting that it was ranboo. Phil sighed, the puns starting to be made.
"Calm down, guys. Leave him be, yeah? I'm sure he's fine." The crows only got rowdier, saying something about an enderwalk. Phil sighed, smiling. The crows could do what they wanted, he had things to build, and quite honestly he didn't care enough to check right now. He did make a mental note to check on the young enderman hybrid later, though.
The crows eventually calmed down and went back to their usual chatting and giving small bits of gold and trinkets.
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Yatori Week 2021- Day 2
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32090953/chapters/79500055
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905660/1/Yatori-Week-2021
Most other creatures that walk the Earth didn’t know this but pigeons were a very proud species. 
Being adopted from a long line of pure-blooded carriers and messengers, he had been given the very honorable names of Coo Phone, Smart Phone, and Smart Ho. After a spirit with glass over his eyes tied on his uniform- a white piece of cloth- he was handed off to another creature of the other side. One of the native existences of the other side who was brimmed with natural and unnatural power. When Coo Phone was first handed off to this existence, there had been another tiny spirit at his side with a similar power and a regular human female.
When Coo Phone had first settled in the large wooden bird house, it was clear he would have to serve two powerful spirits and two human souls. With ruffled feathers, Coo Phone carried out his job with pride. The tiny female spirit with the curly hair, the one called Kofuku, would often send letters to spirits on other pure lands. Hers often came in envelopes with many stickers that would fall off if the wind was too fast. Her human kin, called Daikoku, did not send letters very far, in fact he only sent them to her. At first Coo Phone was wary around this one’s massive size and booming roar, but he quickly proved to be a gentle soul. The spirit of the young human child was Coo Phone’s favorite. His name was Yukine and he was a sweet thing that actually appreciated Coo Phone’s services properly. Like the rest, he often sent messages to other pure lands and spirits in the metal and glass forest. The boy was also the only one who gave food on a regular basis and a snack after every hard mission.
It was his actual master that Coo Phone could not figure out. For starters, this powerful spirit was similar to Kofuku in that his existence was more sinister. Only instead of simply bringing misfortune, this being was made up of bloodlust and death. He was the one the others in the nest called Yato and he was typically loud and often moved with frantic, grand gestures. There were times Coo Phone sensed the underlying predatory instincts of his existence, but it was rare and he never acted on it. As such, it was Coo Phone’s duty to deliver the messages of this peaceful creature.
Despite receiving the majority of the messages, Yato only wrote one person: the human girl that frequented the nest. The others called her Hiyori. She would come, sit with Yukine, pet Coo Phone’s head and shoulders, then be on her way. As she walked away at the end of every day, the evil spirit was already leaning out the hole at the top of the nest, watching her closely. Being the brilliant messenger than he was, Coo Phone would start ruffling his feathers and prepare for the trip to Hiyori’s nest. Personally, Coo Phone found it rather normal, birds were often chittering in the tree until they fell asleep. It was odd the female just didn’t move it but it was possible she didn’t like Yato’s voice. Coo Phone should teach him to properly sing and dance so that they wouldn’t have to keep sending presents back and forth.
Especially since, at first, Hiyori didn’t seem to enjoy the messages Yato sent her. Once Coo Phone delivered the paper, she would glance over it as she gave Coo Phone some of her seeds. It didn’t take long for her to drop it. Even Coo Phone knew that if the present was not taken into the nest, that meant it wasn’t desirable. She would avoid Yato when she came to their nest during the day but she didn’t attack him when he approached so that was a good sign. At least, that was how it was at first. Eventually, the human didn’t look as irritated by his presence as she used to. Communicating with less of a growl than before, letting out a noise of joy and contentment more often at his chatter.
“I’m serious, Hiyori!” Yato was crowing, “I’ll show you if you don’t believe me!”
“I do believe you can do it! I just can’t believe you can!” She chirped back. They continued to twitter with each other, sometimes touching as they swayed back and forth. It was like they didn’t even notice Yukine had left ages ago. Meanwhile, Coo Phone watched from a comfortable spot in the opening, cocking his head at their strange swaying, trying to find the rhythm in their mating ritual.
That was around the time she started accepting the gifts he sent. Looking over the thin white leaves and their markings with careful attention to detail. Coo Phone remembered how delighted he was when she sent one back. Not only did it make the trip worthwhile but it showed the two were having somewhat of a proper correspondence. Hiyori didn’t answer often- Yato was always the last to send something anyway- but it did become more frequent. It eventually got to the point where Coo Phone would be tired from flying back and forth and have to spend the night in her nest, much to Yato’s annoyance.
“Hey Smart Ho,” the dark being suddenly approached. Coo Phone startled, wings fluttering as he hopped away. Being surrounded by so much evil made Coo Phone’s natural senses weak to it but he refused to fly away. Even though Yato seemed more jittery than usual.
“Can you send this letter for me?” He offered it kindly instead of just signalling Coo Phone like he normally did. Yato didn’t need to say where he was supposed to go, it was already implied. Either way, Coo Phone hopped forward and prepared for the trip to the human female’s nest. But Yato didn’t put it on right away, instead the letter was lowered and it stayed there. Coo Phone stared at it with one eye.
“I messed up.” Yato continued, “she must really hate me now. I promised her I wouldn’t leave but,” with a sigh, he stared out the window with a longing expression. Coo Phone glanced out the window to ensure there wasn’t a threat before he looked back at Yato. Perhaps the being was thinking of going on a journey again, as he often did. He was a migratory creature, Coo Phone’s come to realize, leaving for one natural reason or another and coming back after some moon cycles. When that happened, the nest seemed to dim and grow quiet. The others were not migratory and did not travel with him. Therefore they were rather lonely when he was gone, Yukine and Hiyori even more so. Coo Phone had tried his best to sing- to fill the house and cheer them up- but his song was hardly as loud, nor did it seem to help.
Recently, Yato had come back from his migration brutally injured and it had greatly upset Yukine and Hiyori. It was the most aggressive Coo Phone had ever seen them. However, this flock was strong, and they eventually lulled back into their routine. This was the first message Yato had sent since then and Coo Phone was ready to continue on supporting their courtship. With another ruffle of his feathers, and the gift secure, Coo Phone took off into the winter air on the usual route. But alas! Hiyori had locked all her windows and closed the curtains. Coo Phone had taped his beak on the clear barrier, but she did not answer, despite the fact he could hear her moving around. This wasn’t the first time Coo Phone was not allowed in the nest. At least she didn’t put up those wretched metal thorns again. Untying the letter, Coo Phone left it on the upper entrance to her part of the nest, then returned to a disappointed Yato. He didn’t send another gift after that.
Days later, Coo Phone was on his way back from delivering a message from Kofuku to one of the older spirits when he spotted his master and Hiyori along the stone path of the metal forest. Their tweeting was raised in pitch so Coo Phone had no choice but to stop and listen, alert for any danger to flee from. Hiyori attacked Yato- a common occurrence- and was prepared to walk away when Yato reached out and grabbed her. Coo Phone flapped his way towards a closer tree, hopping along the branch as the members of his flock squabled.
“Hiyori, please, I just wanted to protect you!” Yato squawked.
“No, you just wanted to take the easy way, where only you would get hurt!” Hiyori answered harshly.
“Exactly! That way no one else would need to get hurt! Ever!”
“You would!”
“That’s okay! I would reincarnate. Neither you or Yukine can do that. It’s for the best!”
“I didn’t make you that shrine so that you could reincarnate!” Hiyori’s shriek echoed throughout the area. Coo Phone flinched and ruffled his feathers at the sound. Water was leaking from the girl’s eyes and she appeared to stop fighting, realizing Yato wouldn’t let go of her skinny wing. When he noticed she stopped pulling, Yato took another step.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted- I was just trying to-!” another step “I didn’t want anyone else to die because of me.” He sounded so miserably sad, the type of sorrow only someone who lived forever would know. Hiyori turned to look at him, but only slightly, her wet face quickly turned to the ground.
“It was not for the best. You reincarnating is not for the best. You- this you- dying, will never be for the best. Yukine and I keep telling you it’s not okay when you get hurt, we don’t care if it’s for our sake or someone else's. We don't like it. We are not okay when you get hurt and we will not be okay if you were to die.” She cried, “I would not be okay.” Turning her body fully towards him, Yato’s hold on her loosened as the space between them closed even more. More water fell to the stone beneath them and she sniffed loudly a few times.
“I’m not okay.” Hiyori said. There was a long pause as Yato looked at the water splotches by his feet.
“I’m not okay either.” He admitted quietly after a long pause. When Hiyori finally looked up at him, his hair was covering his eyes. Instead, Coo Phone watched their wings drop slightly.
“Hiyori, I’m sorry, I messed up. It's my fault. Just-”
“It’s not your fault,” she clucked sharply, “well, it is and it isn’t but I know you learned your lesson.” She watched his head bob. It was unclear who stepped closer this time, but Hiyori’s head was just barely brushing his chest.
“And remember what you promised us?”
“Don’t kill anyone.”
“Never to wander off again without asking.”
“We’re stronger together,” she nodded, “we’re safer together.” By now her head was fully resting on his chest and Yato watched the sky. Keeping watch for danger like a proper mate, Coo Phone was proud.
“You know, I wouldn’t be okay if you went away either.” Yato let his wings wrap around her gently, waiting for her to take the final step forward instead of pulling. She let her wings do the same.
“I know,” Hiyori sniffed, “please just stay with me.” She had her face buried as he took in a deep, deep breath and let it out slowly towards the sky. Coo Phone wondered if he wanted to fly away again, but he most likely wouldn’t anymore. Finally, after enough time had passed where Coo Phone was able to get comfortable, Yato looked down at her. The tips of his wings brushed under her hair and tried to wipe away the water. He nudged her eyes up and she blinked.
“I want nothing more.” He cooed. Yato continued to do his best to preen her face, eventually helping it to dry while she worked to stop sniffling. The air seemed lighter around them.
“But you know, I get mixed signals when you say things like that, then cry when I’m around,” Yato eventually clucked. She huffed and whacked him. As he warbled- considerably weaker than his usual noise- Hiyori looked back at the ground under them.
“How about I make it clearer then?” Before Yato could reply, she rose and let her beak rub against his, their mouths connecting. Coo Phone’s feathers fluffed up in embarrassment as he sunk his head into his shoulders. His eyes shut just as Yato’s did, Hiyori already in the moment. Coo Phone wondered why Hiyori accepted Yato’s advances without any sort of dance or song, the creature of darkness was hardly colorful, but some things were just meant to be.
“Does this mean you’ll let me in your room whenever?” Yato chirped when they separated.
“No it does not.”
“What about accepting gifts? Or going on dates every night instead of studying?”
“No, no, Yato, if you push it, not only will I jungle savate you but I’ll ignore all your messages.” At Hiyori’s call, Coo Phone got up and started to stretch. It seemed pointless for them to continue to share gifts when they were already together, but a proper carrier never questions the mission.
“What? All of them?” Yato whined, “even from our adorable precious baby Smart Ho?” He summoned Coo Phone again and the bird spread his wings and took off towards his master.
“Yes. Even them, if you take it too far,” Hiyori glared at him. They stared for a second before Yato let out a snort and twittered something at her, which she happily replied. As Coo Phone approached, Yato had her head in his wings again, his stubby beak preening her lovingly. She let out that same noise of happiness, louder and stronger than before as she covered his wings with hers. Their mouths pressed a couple more times, but it became difficult with their loud warbling. Yato managed to grab her, lifting her up in the air and spinning her around as she continued singing. Happy for them- and unable to properly land on his master- Coo Phone circled above them and cooed in celebration. He was so happy, in fact, that his insides clenched with joy and rippled with excitement.
“Oi bird brain!” Yato cawed from below. Frightened at the tone, Coo Phone looked down to see his master glaring up at him and waving his wing, a new spot of white dripping off his black head. With the threat in the spirit’s blue eyes, Coo Phone frantically flapped his wings away, deciding it was best to leave the two lovebirds alone.
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thenightmaregrrl · 3 years
Orion's Body- A Transformers Shattered Glass Fanfic- Chapter 7: Hopeless
In Starscream’s room in the basement of his home. He was turning on a diffuser that released a sweet floral scent in the air.
“It’s for ambience.” He said shyly, causing Megatron to smile. Soon, they shared a gentle kiss, and it slowly escalated, Megatron removed his chest armor to reveal his protoform, still kissing Starscream.
Meanwhile, Swindle was busy jamming out to music in his car to hype himself up for his date with Orion.
“I can see clearly now the rain is gone! I can see all obstacles in my way!” He sang out loud. He checked his comm cell to see the text Orion sent, it was finished with an ‘xoxo’ and heart. He soon saw the street and slowly turned, he saw it was dark, the moon being the only source of illumination. He parked and slowly got out. He walked to the front of the house, seeing it wasn’t even finished. He knocked on the door, no answer. He walked around, to the back, and saw a window frame open.
He crawled into it.
“Orion?” He called out, the metal beams making his voice echo slightly. A Laserbeak bird flew over him, startling him with its crowing as it fled the house. He heard music playing from upstairs.
“I know you seen me looking at you and you already know, I wanna love you, love you. You already know. I wanna love you, love you. You already know.”
Meanwhile, back at Starscream’s house, Megatron and Starscream were laying in bed together, cuddling, naked. Megatron watched as he struggled to open a condom wrapper.
“Wait wait wait wait. Slippery Swirl?” He asked, looking at the brand.
Starscream paused from trying to rip it open with his teeth, “Yeah, it’s supposed to feel good in the valve.”
Megatron chuckled, “Cool.”
In the unfinished house, Swindle was slowly walking up the steps, the creaking sounds mixing with the rapper going on about how ‘phat’ a femme’s aft is.
On his bed, Starscream put the condom on his spike, Megatron watching. The silicone like latex snapped, causing a small grunt.
Swindle reached the top floor, seeing nothing but a room full of candles, and a table in the middle of the room, with power tools and more candles, Swindle looked at it. Behind him he heard a voice.
“You made it.”
He gasped and turned around, to see Orion standing there, wearing a tight hoodie zipped up, skinny jeans with a flared boot. His face has an almost hellish aura to it due to the candlelight.
Swindle awkwardly tugged at the collar of his shirt, “This isn’t really your house, is it?”
He saw Orion walk forward, who unzipped his hoodie, “No baby, this is our house.”
“We can play Carrier and Sire.” He purred.
Swindle asked, “Do you even know my name?” His question was dismissed by Orion’s purring.
He soon chuckled, “Silly, I’ve been sending you signals all year. Couldn’t you tell? You make my engine rev.” He soon kissed Swindle, who slowly reciprocated.
In the bedroom, Megatron was letting Starscream be on top of him, “Put it in.” He said happily, Starscream smiled and entered his boyfriend with one motion.
Back at the house, Swindle broke their makeout session when a small zap-mouse skittered across the floor, squeaking, causing him to jump.
Orion looked, “What? Are you scared? I thought bots like you were into vermin, death and shit.” He unzipped Swindle’s pants, “Here you go.” He soon dropped them. Seeing Swindle’s armor. He smirked.
“Nice hardware, ace.”
On the bed, Starscream was busy making love to Megatron, who was savoring the moment he looked at him with a smile.
In the candlelit room, Swindle looked at Orion, who smirked. His optics switched from ruby red to an unworldly purple, then back to red.
“No way.” Swindle looked amazed, he soon backed up, and accidentally punctured his hand with a power tool.
“Ow! Shit!” He gripped his hand, Orion took it and looked.
“Ooh, puncture wound, Primus that is so emo.” He gripped tightly and soon jerked, causing a snapping sound and pain to erupt across Swindle’s body, who let out a cry of agony. Orion smiled evilly, enjoying the sound, he soon said ominously.
“I need you frightened.”
Back in the bedroom, the two bots were still interfacing, Megatron soon looked at the ceiling and saw it starting to bleed. Drops fell, instinctively he wiped his face and saw no pink smear, he soon saw that the chair in front of the bed was occupied. By a disemboweled Mirage, his entrails, fuel pump, and spark chamber hanging out, pink with blood. Above him was Orion, crouched into an animalistic position, he was grinning a manic smile, his teeth and mouth stained black. Megatron gasped and started whimpering, Starscream was oblivious.
In the house, Orion snapped more joints to Swindle’s arm, then flung him to the floor, then leaned over him, pinning him.
His voice became distorted, as if many people spoke through him.
“I need you hopeless.”
His eyes glowed purple. His jaw dropped, unhinging, and his teeth sharpened, he let out a demonic screeching noise and chomped down on Swindle. Who let out a pained scream.
“Hopeless…” Megatron whispered.
He could viscerally see Orion tearing into Swindle’s chest as blood splattered the wall. Starscream saw his panicked and teary expression and stopped thrusting.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, concerned, then sheepishly continued, “Am I too big?”
Meanwhile, back at the house, Orion was hunched over his fresh kill, pink energon splattered against his shirt, staining the white fabric pink. He cupped his servos and scooped up the energon, slurping from it, he didn’t see a zap-mouse scamper across Swindle’s slack jawed face.
Megatron sat up, ignoring Starscream’s pleas to answer his question. He was panting, gripping the sheets tightly. He quickly got dressed and hurried to his transport outside. Sniffling the whole way.
He turned on the engine, the radio came on and soon that infamous song, “Through the trees, I will find-” He let out a frustrated scream and cut it off before driving away. He was on the road when he soon saw a figure walk across the street he quickly saw in his lights that it was Orion, bloodied, he stood there and had on an unfazed look. Megatron screamed and quickly swerved the car out of the way down a different street. He hit the brakes and soon panted, he looked around to see Orion no longer there, on either side.
Until Orion dropped from the top and smashed the windshield, Megatron screamed in terror. Orion merely smiled evilly, showing his pink stained teeth. Megatron hit reverse and peeled away, leaving Orion to plop onto the road.
Megatron soon reached home and immediately swung open the door, frantically calling for Terminus.
“Sire! Sire! Sire! Sire!” He got no response, and soon crashed into the family on the couch, curling up into a ball, sobbing. He soon fell asleep, and began dreaming…
He dreamt he was back in the pep rally, clapping happily while watching Orion twirl the flag, except the flag was in reverse, masking Orion’s face. He soon was in the kitchen, Orion in front of him, covered in blood and smiling maniacally, creepy tinkling music playing. Then he was outside Dancitron as it was burning down, he watched Orion look at him as the van doors closed on him with echoing creaks, then as if in slow motion, Elita turned around and gave Megatron a cocky smirk and shrug.
Then he woke up.
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fallinnflower · 4 years
the witch & the nine-tailed fox
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young k x reader (kumiho!au, historical-fantasy!au, drama)
wc: 8k
tw: mentions of blood and illness
a/n: hi so this took forever but happy halloween! this isn’t a traditionally scary halloween fic but i did a lot of research into the kumiho (fox spirit) and early joseon korea and just really needed/wanted to get this done. i was inspired in part by the sungjin bear spirit fic “thirteen moons” by @prettywordsyouleft​ !!!
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The first day of your twenty-first autumn dawned bitter cold, too cold for the trees and the wild grasses and the inhabitants of your village. You knew, though you tried not to admit it to yourself, that the beginning of the season held bad omens — from the moment you stepped out the threshold of your cottage, you saw the crows perched within the quickly withering trees, and you knew. 
Your mentor knew too, maybe before you even had, maybe before anyone else. The greatest healer of the past century, an old woman with more magic flowing through her veins than blood, with more scraps of wisdom than there were silvery hairs on her head. On that first day of autumn, you had woken before her, and you knew something was wrong. 
In your village, most people had known from your earliest years that you were born with magic. At any other time, in any other place, this may have been your downfall; had it not been for the benevolence of your mentor to them over the years, the respect you had garnered, you may have been cast into exile. Instead, your parents, uncertain of how best to raise you by the time you had turned thirteen, called upon Eunji the healer, and you had remained by her side ever since.
Eunji was small and lithe, made of little more than her muscles and bones and magic, with a curtain of silvery hair she kept in a traditional braid down her back. She taught you how to anticipate natural disasters and illnesses, imbalances of any kind within the world around you; she taught you what native plants you could eat, which would heal and which would harm; and most importantly, she taught you magic.
It was Eunji who taught you that all of the legends you had heard growing up had some seed of truth within them, no matter how deeply buried. And so it was Eunji who had told you of the kumiho living at the top of the mountain, though she could say no more than that it existed and did indeed possess the pearl of knowledge as in the legends, yeowoo guseul. The village stories of its violence, its lust for human flesh — specifically livers — and slaughtering of its adopted family, still sent chills down your spine. Despite the many fears Eunji had managed to expel from you with her wisdom over the years, the kumiho was still too mysterious for you to shake that nervous feeling. 
But when the chill descended too soon on that year, you found yourself feeling a deeper fear, staring into the dying wilderness.
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Eunji’s decline occurred abruptly. With the abnormal cold came an internal chill which forced your mentor to remain bedridden. You tried all the methods you knew, all the herbs you could find and all the charms and incantations you could imagine to heal your mentor, but the sickness kept her in its icy grip.
Meanwhile, the villagers in the valley became hungry and sick, unprepared for the unprecedented weather that had befallen your land. Although Eunji had trained you well, she was still the better healer by far, and you knew that without her you had no chance of saving the village — and yet to save the village, you first had to save her.
In your desperation, you read every aged tome you could find in Eunji’s library, looked over everything you had written in your journals for any possible solution you could have overlooked. 
And it came to you, both a blessing and a curse, the word striking into your heart equal parts fear and hope: the yeowoo guseul. 
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According to legend (and Eunji), the kumiho’s power came from its yeowoo guseul, a small but powerful bead-like object which resided inside of the nine-tailed fox. If a human were to kiss a kumiho, one of two things could occur: the kumiho would reclaim the yeowoo guseul, thus taking the human’s energy and their life in the process; or, if the human managed to swallow the marble, they would gain preternatural knowledge from or about anything they laid their eyes upon afterwards.
And it was that knowledge you needed. Things that possibly even Eunji could not know, and that you certainly didn’t — the answers to all your questions about the current state of your home and mentor, and the cure you desperately sought.
So it came to be that only mere days after the beginning of that bitterly cold autumn, you packed a bag and began your trek up the unforgiving mountain, not knowing whether you would ever descend again.
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The journey up the slope is lonely. All you have with you is the pack on your back, which contains a small journal, materials to start a fire, a bag of uncooked rice and a small clay pot for you to cook it in. Atop your bag is a thick blanket, rolled tightly and bound with rope to your straps. The more your climb, the less you seem to hear, the woods seeming to swallow up the sound of the animals around you. Your only company are the small animals which occasionally cross your path, but they do no more than glance at you and keep moving. You notice, heart sinking, that they’re all preparing hurriedly for the winter months, many of them without their thick winter coats fully grown to keep them properly warm. 
At first, the path is clear. Journeying partially up the mountain isn’t unheard of, especially when it comes to collecting herbs — but it’s well known amongst villagers that this is the kumiho’s mountain, and you shouldn’t stray far beyond the paths, and should end your journey where they come to an end. By the end of your first day, you’ve already trekked far beyond your usual routes, gently creating your own path with the walking stick you had brought. Along the way you pluck up edible leaves to pair with your rice, occasionally even digging up the roots you know you can eat. It isn’t much, but it will have to do — the lighter you traveled, the quicker you could make it up the more precarious parts of the mountain, and the sooner you could (hopefully) return home to Eunji.
But you can’t shake the feeling that something is off. For starters, there are crows all around you, calling out to one another across the dying woods. Although you take no personal issue to crows, such a large murder of them easily classifies as a bad omen, and you find yourself walking faster the more you hear them. The further you get up the mountain, the more uneasy you feel — in fact, as night falls, you’re sure you can feel eyes on you. Once your meager dinner has been cooked and eaten, you tie your bag up into the branches of the trees, but not before fishing out the protective charm Eunji had given you. You loop the drawstring around your wrist, clutching the pouch in your hand as you lie down on your blanket. 
As you stare into the dying embers, allowing yourself to feel enveloped by Eunji’s magic, you think for a moment you see a pair of glowing eyes gazing back at you.
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You rise, as you have many times over your life, with the sun. For a long moment you remain in the same position you had awoken in, waiting to hear the telltale chirping of birds or other animals scampering through the brush — but there’s nothing. Your ears are met only with silence, not even the sound of wind in the trees, and you can feel the hairs rising on the back of your neck. 
As you roll your blanket up and tie it onto your pack once more, you keep Eunji’s charm on your person, taking what little comfort you can from your mentor’s power.
Although the crows seem to have departed you, you still get the sense that you’re not alone. There are no sounds to indicate another living creature is anywhere near you, but you can feel eyes on you at every turn — and yet whenever you look between the trees, you see nothing. The sky above you is abnormally dark, the sun shrouded with thick clouds that seem to promise nothing but coverage. Without the sunlight shining through the canopy you feel almost claustrophobic, as if the trunks of the trees are all leaning in towards you, threatening to swallow you up into their shadows.
You set up camp for the night relatively early, having found a small clearing just before what appears to be a rather steep portion of the mountain. With the sun already beginning to dip towards the horizon and the temperature dropping steadily with it, you feel you have no choice but to leave that hike till the morning. You’ve only just untied your blanket from your pack when the first rumble of thunder arrives. Looking up into the nearby trees you feel your heart sinking — the dying leaves offer little defense from the rain, and there’s no telling whether the storm will pass by tomorrow. You have no way to keep extra wood dry or carry it practically with you for later campfires. Chewing on your lower lip, you stare into the sky, clutching Eunji’s bag as though it will deliver to you the answer you seek—
“Excuse me.”
In an instant you’re on your feet, allowing Eunji’s bag to fall back under the coverage of your sleeves as you brandish the only weapons at your disposal: your fire-starters. 
A young man dressed in white stands across the clearing from you, hands raised so that you can see their emptiness. His expression is friendly but guarded, eyes wide as he regards you, and his clothes appear old. Even from a distance you can see that they’ve been repaired many times over, but they look clean, nonetheless, as does his face and hair. It’s the most basic clothing, free of dyes or embroidery; the kind of clothing worn by many of the farmers and peasants in your village. 
Except this man is no villager — at least not one you’ve ever seen, and you’ve seen most of them. This man is a stranger who appeared from the trees like a falling mist, and so you maintain your guarded position as you stare him down.
“Who are you?” you ask, and then, after a moment. “What are you doing on this mountain?” He lowers his hands slowly as he replies, and you feel some of the tension slip off your shoulders as he speaks. His voice, despite being unfamiliar to you, has a soothing quality that you can’t quite place. He holds your gaze as he speaks,
“My name is Younghyun. I’m a woodcutter. I live on this mountain.” At that you narrow your eyes. You had heard of solitary woodcutters living in the mountains, but never on this particular one — hardly anyone dared to climb the kumiho’s mountain, much less live on it. 
“I know this seems strange,” he says, softly. “But there’s a storm coming, and I would feel awful if I didn’t at least offer you shelter for the night. I would understand if you didn’t want to accept—”
As he speaks another rumble of thunder rolls across the sky, and you suddenly feel the air pressure around you changing. It’s clear to you that you don’t have much time left to make your decision. You look from the darkening sky back at the young man, still clutching the tools for your fire in your hands and feeling the weight of your protective pouch in your sleeve. The charm reminds you of your journey’s purpose, and after a moment of consideration you bow your head,
“I’m in your debt, Younghyun.” He looks surprised by your answer at first, but quickly nods his acknowledgement.
“Then we don’t have much time. Here, give me your bag.” He crosses the clearing and scoops your pack up from the ground as you pull your blanket into your arms. Immediately he starts off back in the direction he had come from, and so you follow him with your hands still tangled within the mass of fabric. 
Younghyun moves through the woods gracefully, weaving between the trees and brush. Although you’re certain he could rush ahead, he maintains a pace that he knows you can keep, glancing back at you ever so often to be sure you’re alright. 
As you ascend, you can see the species of tree changing. Up where Younghyun appears to live you’re surrounded mostly by evergreen trees, with scatterings of pine needles muffling your footsteps. It’s densely wooded, and the ground beneath you has become firmer, more rock than soil. You realize that although you aren’t quite at the highest peak of the mountain, Younghyun appears to be leading you towards one of the many cliffs surrounding it. 
He slows his pace, and through the trees you can see the silhouette of a building. Younghyun’s home is smaller than the hut you and Eunji share, but not very different otherwise. If you look out the door you can see across a rocky outcropping which drops off steeply. You’re sure if you stepped onto its broad expanse, you could look up and see the peak — but the coming storm deters you from doing just that.
“I don’t have much food to offer you, but you can at least sleep somewhere dry tonight,” Younghyun says almost sheepishly as he ushers you into his home. You drop your blankets near the fire and reach for your pack, which he hands over readily.
“I brought some rice and barley with me,” you reply. “I can’t give you much of anything else to show my gratitude, really, unless you’re in need of medicine.” When you don’t receive a reply, you look back up at your host only to find him looking at you almost in a daze. Although his eyes are trained on you, he’s obviously somewhere far away in his mind, drifting, the expression on his face pinched and almost nervous. You stand slowly, cradling your bag of rice in one elbow and reaching for his shoulder with your free hand.
“Younghyun?” He startles, shaking his head as if to clear away the mental fog, and smiles apologetically. It doesn’t reach his eyes, which still seem unsettled, and you frown.
“Sorry. That’s more than enough, thank you. I think I have some things left from my summer foraging, if you’ll excuse me…” 
Younghyun brushes past you to go back outside, no doubt to go around to a possible small storehouse or dig up buried goods. Once he’s left, you decide to walk the perimeter of his hut, moving quietly. You don’t yet feel ready to lower your guard, but your inspection yields no real results — Younghyun’s home is nearly empty save for his own blankets and extra clothing which were folded neatly beside the chimney. 
Younghyun returns moments later, remaining in the doorway as he excitedly brandishes what he’s found. 
“Matsutake?” you inquire, already making your way towards him to inspect the rare mushrooms more closely. You wonder how he managed to find them, difficult as they are to track down, without any sort of help from an animal. As he nods you notice a smudge of dirt across his cheek which distracts you, and you point to your own cheek, unable to keep from smiling as he hurriedly rubs the dirt away. 
The two of you make your way outside together, and under the cover of his overhanging roof on the opposite side from the chimney you find an old, soot-covered earthenware pot suspended above the remnants of a fire. Younghyun quickly squats down at its base, starting the fire once again. 
“I’ll get the water,” he says, barely glancing at you before circling round to his front door once again and disappearing inside. You carefully take a seat on the ground near the fire, the bag of rice and barley resting in your lap as you warm your hands. The air is much colder up this high, and with the coming rain it seems to seep into your bones even through your clothing, clinging to your skin like a cold sweat. For the first time in days, you allow yourself to relax a bit, feeling warm and, if you’re honest, excited at the prospect of sleeping inside. When you peer past the fire you can see that, despite the rudimentary nature of his house, Younghyun still has an ondol system below the floor. You can already imagine the warmth of it beneath you when you sleep, and it’s a welcome change from the forest floor of the previous night.
Younghyun returns with not only a small, plain earthenware onggi of what you assume is rainwater but also an oil lamp and two small bowls, and you pull the lid off of the agungi for him, already feeling the heat wafting up from within it. He pours the water in and you set the lid aside as you open your bag, pouring two scoops of your rice and barley mixture into the water before Younghyun replaces the lid himself. 
For a while the two of you sit in silence, and eventually Younghyun pulls out a small knife and begins cutting up the mushrooms whilst you stare into the fire and listen to the distant rumbles of thunder as the storm creeps ever closer. 
Once the food is cooked, both of you fill your plates and Younghyun lights the lantern before leading you inside the hut once again. Almost as soon as you’ve both settled on the old mats he’s laid out for you to sit on you can hear the rain start outside, not heavy but steady and relentless. 
Over your shared dinner, neither of you speak much. Younghyun hardly looks up from his food, almost as though he’s forgotten he has a guest, and it gives you much-needed time to truly analyze him. He’s attractive, you’ll admit, but the sharp shape of his eyes makes you nervous. Everybody you’ve ever spoken to has claimed that kumiho are female and lure men in with their appearances, but you feel that you can’t be too careful. In the lowlight offered by the single oil lamp between you he appears even more otherworldly, his features sharp and symmetrical. 
It isn’t until he’s finished his food that he finally speaks to you again, though he does so with a contented grin on his face,
“Y/N,” you offer, and he smiles.
“Y/N, what brings you this far up the mountain?” Although it’s stated casually, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck rise. Something about his asking feels oddly territorial — though you imagine if you were in his shoes you’d also be suspicious — and his smile doesn’t entirely reach his eyes. Even the way he repeats your name makes you feel on edge, though you can’t say for certain why. For a moment you hesitate in answering, taking your time chewing your food, but the rumbling of thunder compels you to say something that will allow you to stay in this shelter. 
“I’m looking for a cure for my grandmother,” you say, glancing down into your bowl to pick up another bite. You hope he doesn’t notice you avoiding his gaze, and decide before he can counter you with any more questions to bring up one of your own.
“So, Younghyun,” you start, trying to keep your tone light. While a part of you would love to truly confront him on just how and why he came to be living on this mountain alone as a young man, you don’t want to lose your shelter for the night, 
“How long have you lived here?” You glance up at him through your lashes, trying to gauge his reaction as you chew your food. Although he recovers quickly, you still see the momentary slip in his demeanor, his smile fading before he obscures his mouth slightly in thought. 
“My parents were woodcutters before me, so I just inherited the business,” he replies, grinning at you and shrugging almost helplessly. “I’ve never known life off the mountain, so I stayed even after they both passed away.”
Immediately you begin wracking your brain — has anyone ever spoken about a family of woodcutters on this mountain? No matter how hard you try, you can’t think of any stories but the kumiho’s associated with this slope. In fact, you can’t recall ever seeing anyone coming down the mountain with wood, despite how long you’ve lived in the valley. You attempt to shake off the sinking feeling in your chest by telling yourself he and his family must sell to another village on the other side of the slope; it doesn’t feel true even as you think it, but the storm outside has only just begun to rage.
“Are you a healer?” Younghyun asks, snapping you out of your thoughts. You lift your head, furrowing your brows.
“How did you know?” 
“You mentioned medicines earlier, as payment,” he replies casually. “I assumed you weren’t carrying a variety on you, so you must know how to make them.” You relax slightly at his explanation. In truth, you’d almost forgotten you’d offered the medicines, in part because of his strange reaction at the time. You hadn’t thought he’d noticed or remembered such a thing, but more and more he’s proving his receptiveness. You remind yourself to watch your words as you open your mouth to reply.
“You’re right. My grandmother taught me,” you say. “I don’t know as much about healing as she does, which is why I need to find her a cure before it gets too cold...” Younghyun nods, frowning sympathetically as you drop your gaze into your bowl once again. The thought of Eunji lying small and weak, all alone in your little hut near the woods makes your stomach turn. Any appetite you have leaves you, but you find yourself taking another bite anyways, knowing you’ll be of no use to her without food in your belly.
“I can help you, if you’d like,” Younghyun says softly. Before you can reply, he continues, “I know this mountain better than anyone. I don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, but I can show you the best paths to the peak.”
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you,” you say, watching as Younghyun scrapes the last of his food together and eats it with a smile. 
“It’s no trouble,” he assures you, “I can’t fell trees for a few days after a storm like this, in any case.” His explanation makes perfect sense to you, and so you find yourself nodding, accepting his help.
“Of course. Then I suppose I’m even further in your debt, Younghyun.” The man across the table from you laughs, and the sound eases your nerves slightly, bringing a smile to your own face.
“Sad as this may sound, you just gave me the best meal I’ve had in a long time. Consider any debts paid.” For a moment, you simply hold one another’s gaze, analyzing each other, until eventually you make the decision to put an end to the strange interaction.
“Well, we should probably get some rest. Long day tomorrow.”
“You’re right,” Younghyun says, nodding. His gaze drifts past you towards the door, and he narrows his eyes. “I think the storm should pass by morning. We can get an early start, if you’d like.”
“Sounds perfect. Thank you again, Younghyun,” you say, bowing your head. The young man only shakes his head, smiling. 
“Think nothing of it,” he says. The two of you rise from your seats, and Younghyun moves the lantern between your sets of bedding as you both get settled. Once you’ve both slipped beneath your blankets, Younghyun blows out the lantern, plunging you both into darkness.
“Goodnight,” you say, eyes already slipping close. You can hear Younghyun shift in his bedding across the room from you before replying in a low voice,
“Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well.”
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You open your eyes to near darkness, the light filtering into the room grainy and gray. When you roll onto your side, you don’t see Younghyun where he had fallen asleep the night before, only his blankets in disarray on the floor. An icy cold panic stabs through your chest and you sit up, realizing the moment your hand touches the floor that the warmth you feel isn’t coming from the fire outside — it’s wet, and as you draw your hand up the dark liquid follows like a shadow.
You recognize the smell. Iron, salt — it can’t be anything but blood. Despite the many times you’ve smelled it in your days as a healer, you suddenly feel sick to your stomach as you realize the floor is covered in it. It reflects the pale light and makes you dizzy as you sit up, trying to take deep calming breaths but feeling the moisture in the air clog your throat. The scent of the blood is too heavy, and you know you have to get out before it’s too late. Your blanket slides on the blood beneath your feet and you fall, the blood soaking any cloth it comes into contact with. You squeeze your eyes shut as you peel your cheek off the floor, mouth pressed into a thin line to keep from gagging.
A growl, too low to be human, shakes the floorboards beneath you, and as you lift yourself up onto your hands and knees you can feel the eyes on you once more—
A white fox sits at the door, nine tails swishing in unison. Its fur seems to glow, and in the new light you can see the blood just barely drying on the fur of its face. It opens its mouth and lets out a sound almost like a cruel laugh, its burning eyes pinning you in place as it lowers itself to the floor. You can see the fur bristling as the muscles tense in preparation of lunging, and you suddenly realize the protective charm is no longer on you. With one last shuddering breath, you close your eyes to the sound of the fox’s claws scraping the floor and its inhuman growl—
It’s Younghyun’s eyes that meet yours, dark but unmistakably human. Your breath comes in short gasps, and he sits back, eyeing you nervously as you try to calm yourself down. After a moment you manage to sit up, swallowing hard and finding your throat terribly dry. Seemingly noticing this, Younghyun scrambles to his feet, returning to your side with an earthen vessel half-filled with water. You try not to drink too quickly, but the moment the water reaches your throat you find it difficult to keep from gulping all of it down at once. The young man waits patiently for you to finish, sitting beside your bedding and watching you with concern in his sharp eyes. When you set the water down, he finally speaks up,
“Are you alright?” You look at him, clutching your bedding to keep him from seeing the trembling in your hands. As you usually do in times of panic, you focus on the weight of Eunji’s charm still tucked into your sleeve. Looking at Younghyun, you can’t find any reason to doubt his concern for you — either he’s an incredible liar, or you’re too naive, but you choose to trust him anyways.
“Yes,” you sigh, finally, passing a hand through your hair to get it away from your face. “Yes, just a bad dream.” Younghyun nods in sympathetic understanding before rising up from his seat on the floor. He clears his throat before speaking again.
“I’ve cooked up some root vegetables for us with your rice. I hope you don’t mind.” You shake your head, pulling yourself out of your bedding.
“Not at all. Thank you for making breakfast.” 
While you roll your blanket back up and replace your outerwear, Younghyun goes, you assume, to put out the fire and bring in your breakfast. The two of you eat in silence, and outside you can hear the birds beginning to chirp as the sun rises over the horizon, casting a golden glow through the open doorway. Younghyun rinses off your bowls and chopsticks before slinging his own small pack across his back and locking up his house.
“The peak is only a day or so’s journey from here. With the ground being so wet it may take us a bit longer,” he explains, leading you through the woods. From time to time he reminds you to watch your step, or holds branches out of the way for you. As you trail behind him you can’t help but notice the lightness of his footfalls, the way he seems to cause almost no damage to any of the brush underfoot. You feel far from graceful as you follow his footsteps, crushing leaves and twigs with nearly every step.
Your only conversation occurs close to midday, when the both of you pause to catch your breath and drink water. 
“How far up do you think these ingredients will be?” Younghyun asks, and you bite down on your lip, weighing your options. You cast a glance at Younghyun and let out a sigh, deciding to be honest with him. After all, you feel as though it’s the least you can do after all the help he’s offered you.
“I don’t know,” you say softly. Younghyun crouches down beside you on the ground, knees nearly brushing, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. “The truth is, I don’t know what I’m looking for. My whole village is being overrun by an illness, and even my grandmother doesn’t know how to cure it—” you pause for a moment, taking a deep breath to try and still the warble in your voice. You close your eyes to fend off the sudden tears you feel welling up,
“—I'm actually looking for the kumiho.” Both you and Younghyun sit in silence for a moment after your statement. Saying it aloud makes it feel far more real than it had before, and an icy stab of fear pierces your heart.You find yourself continuing in desperation, still fending off tears,  “I need the yeowoo guseul, because I don’t have the knowledge to save my people, a-and there’s nothing more I can do until I get it.” Younghyun remains still for a moment, then shifts his weight slightly. You can feel his gaze on you as intensely as ever, but you keep your eyes on the ground, trying to will your emotions away.
“How do you know the kumiho won’t just kill you?” he asks, voice gentle. You bark out a laugh, which sounds almost like a sob.
“I don’t,” you say, finally turning to your companion. “I’m just hoping.” Younghyun’s gaze softens, and he rests a hand on your shoulder as you swipe at your eyes with the ends of your sleeves. Once you’ve pulled yourself together somewhat, he stands up and offers you a hand. You take it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. Without another word, he continues taking you up to the summit.
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It’s early afternoon when the clouds begin to roll in again, although you don’t notice them immediately due to the shade already provided by the pines. It’s Younghyun that stops in his tracks, holding out an arm to signal you to a halt as well. You stand behind him, watching him with a mixture of confusion and nervousness as he signals for you to wait and disappears through the trees towards the edge of a cliff. Your heart pounds, leaping into your throat as you wait for him, and you cross your arms across your chest, subtly clutching the protective charm as you shift your weight from one foot to another. A sudden breeze weaves through the trees and sends shivers down your spine, and when you exhale you can see your breath. 
No sooner do you realize that than Younghyun is coming back towards you at a quickened pace, face etched with panic,
“We have to find shelter.” You stare at him, dumbfounded, hardly realizing what he’s said until he’s taken hold of your arm and begun pulling you further into the woods.
“W-what? Younghyun, what’s wrong?” you finally manage to ask, picking up the pace so you’re no longer stumbling behind him in his determined stride.
“Snowstorm,” he says. “I didn’t see any sign of it this morning, but it’s coming fast.” He glances back at you over his shoulder, brows furrowed. “I’m so sorry.” You don’t have time to dwell on his apology as he takes a sharp turn and you struggle to follow him, even as he slows at times to pick up pieces of wood he finds along the way. Eventually, you make it to a small cave, really little more than a rock awning over a patch of ground, and Younghyun drops his small pile of wood.
“Start a fire,” he says. “Hurry.” With that he disappears into the trees once again, leaving you fumbling with your shaking hands. You do, thankfully, manage to start a fire — though you struggle to protect it from the bone-chilling wind that seems to be picking up by the second. You unroll your blanket from your pack and drape it over your shoulders, warming your hands as you watch anxiously for Younghyun’s return.
There are snowflakes in his hair when he emerges from between the trees, and his expression is so filled with fear you can’t help but feel nervous.
“It’s bad,” you say, more a statement than the question you had intended. Younghyun nods grimly, tucking the excess firewood behind you to keep it dry. He pulls his own blanket off his pack and places it atop your own, and you turn to him in confusion.
“I don’t need it,” he interrupts. When you continue to hold his gaze with your confused, concerned expression, he continues, “Trust me. I’ll be fine.” You decide that really, you have no choice but to trust him, and so you nod slowly, inching closer to him in an attempt to share your warmth. The wind howls through the trees, and you can see the storm clouds drawing ever closer to the two of you. Despite the two blankets atop your shoulders, you begin to shiver, and Younghyun takes notice. 
“Y/N,” he says, slowly, as if you’re a wild animal he’s afraid to approach. You sit up and meet his serious gaze. “Do you trust me?” You feel your heart skip a beat and accelerate, but you nod nonetheless. 
“This storm, it could kill you. But I think I have a solution.” You find yourself more confused and frightened with each word that falls from his lips, but you keep your gaze steady, waiting for him to finish.
“I’m going to change forms. Don’t be afraid,” he implores, and you can see the fear in his eyes as he stares into yours. You breathe in sharply, and all you can manage to say in your panic is,
“You?” He nods slowly, still holding your gaze.
“Just, please,” he says, his expression almost sad. “I want to help you.” You nod, dumbfounded, still shivering as he stands up and walks out from beneath your shelter into the snow. 
Although you see it happen, you hardly believe it. There’s a flash of light that disperses quickly into a thick fog, and you close your eyes at the suddenness of it. When you open them again, you’re met with the sight of a brilliant white fox, it’s nine tails moving in unison like a fan behind its head. Its eyes glow a brilliant gold, and despite your fear you manage to speak.
“Younghyun…?” The fox dips its head in response, and you find yourself reaching out towards the animal. Slowly, it advances towards you, taking halting steps as though it’s trying not to startle you. Eventually, the kumiho makes its way back under the cover of the rock, resting its muzzle in your outstretched palm. You let out a laugh of disbelief, and the fox spirit huffs slightly as you reach your hands up to scratch behind its ears. 
When you withdraw your hand, Younghyun, the kumiho, makes his way back into the spot he had occupied in a human form only moments before, sitting down beside you and draping his nine tails over your lap and behind you, surrounding you in warmth. The glow of the fire makes his fur shine a pale yellow, and once you’ve adjusted the tails to be more comfortable you begin to pet the kumiho once again, scarcely able to believe it’s real even as you feel the fur beneath your fingers. 
Before the storm worsens, you make a portion of rice and barley for yourself and Younghyun, who bows his head towards you once more as if in gratitude. Once the food is eaten and the bowls are set aside, Younghyun curls up as if to sleep. You watch as he indicates with his nose towards his back, and you slowly move around behind him, lying down and holding him as though he were a toy and not a supposedly vicious forest spirit. Watching the snow falling in a thick curtain beyond the fire still burning, you fall asleep to the rhythm of Younghyun’s breathing.
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You awake in the morning to birdsong and warmth. When you open your eyes, you find Younghyun’s very human arms around you instead of the nine tails, but the strands of white fur that remain on your blankets and clothing assures you what you saw the previous evening was no dream. Slowly and gently you extricate yourself from Younghyun’s embrace, which was loose in any case, and sit up to look at the damage the storm had left behind. 
You’re awestruck by the sheer amount of snow left behind, though the rising sun appears to already be melting some of the ice off of the trees as you can see it dripping. You notice the fire burning feebly and climb over Younghyun’s sleeping form to revive it, dragging some of the wood from the back of the cave. As you get it back to its former roaring, you grab the bowls and your bag of rice and barley once again, preparing breakfast whilst Younghyun continues to sleep.
Your shock over the previous night’s events slowly fades, and you’re surprised to find that you feel no fear in the aftermath. Then again, you suppose that if Younghyun had wanted to devour you, he easily could have the night before — instead, despite any tales you had heard that would contradict it, he had been unbelievably gentle with you. Rather than taking your life, he had saved it.
Now you only had to wonder whether he would willingly give up the yeowoo guseul to you. You cast a glance at his sleeping form and felt a stab of sympathy for him. To even be a kumiho he had to have lived a thousand years, and you couldn’t help but imagine how lonely his existence may have been for a large portion of that time. And considering all the legends about the kumiho you had heard were generations old at best, you imagined the answer to that would be very.
Although you had already been convinced that Younghyun was good, you still couldn’t be sure if he would give up the pearl of knowledge he held within him. From what you understood, if you managed to absorb it, he would become a human and age once more — in essence, he would have to give up his immortality to save your village. Previously you had thought you would have to fight a monster to retrieve the knowledge you sought, but watching Younghyun sleep you found that you couldn’t bring yourself to even consider hurting him. If he said no to giving you the yeowoo guseul, you wouldn’t be willing or able to force him.
You shook your head to clear it of those thoughts, turning your attention back to your meager breakfast. At the very least you had no doubt Younghyun would guide you safely back down the mountain, so you weren’t too concerned about extreme rationing any longer.
He awoke before you finished, sitting up and stretching with a sigh. Neither of you said a word as he sat up beside you, looking out over the snow covered stretch of forest. The two of you eat your breakfast in silence, sitting side by side with your shoulders touching. Once Younghyun has taken his last bite he speaks up, 
“You can have it.” You nearly choke on your food, dissolving into coughs. Younghyun gently pats your back as you struggle to recover, eventually gasping out your reaction.
“What?” As you look at Younghyun he appears completely calm, shrugging slightly as he replies.
“There's really no joy in the life I'm living. I made this decision when I was young and foolish, thinking immortality would be fulfilling, but now… now, I just want to live a normal life. So, you can have the yeowoo guseul. You'll do more good with the knowledge than I ever have.” He even smiles at you, and although it appears sincere you can’t help but be absolutely baffled by how casually he drops this information.
“Are you sure?” you ask, and he nods resolutely. The information slowly sinks in, and as it does you can feel your face begin to warm. “So, then…”
“Yes,” he laughs, looking far too amused by your embarrassment. “You’ll have to kiss me.” 
“You’ll be fine,” he says. “You trust me, right?” You nod. With that, Younghyun stands up, reaching his hand down for you to take. Just like you had the day before, you accept his help, though this time he doesn’t let go, keeping you close to him. 
He hesitates for a moment as though offering you an out, and so you’re the one who finally leans in and presses your lips to his. At first, it feels completely normal, and Younghyun reaches up to cup your jaw with one hand as the other wraps around your waist. He adjusts the angle of the kiss and you feel a shiver run down your spine as his tongue gently parts your lips.
Almost immediately you feel the yeowoo guseul pass between your teeth, small and cold, terribly cold. Suddenly afraid, you press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue, squeezing your eyes shut tighter as Younghyun's lips part from yours. 
"It's alright," he whispers. "You have to swallow it. It's alright."
You think of Eunji, your village, the man before you — and you try. You really, truly do. 
But the moment it reaches the back of your throat it suddenly burns like no alcohol ever has, and you begin coughing, doubling over—
With the arm around your waist Younghyun turns you, pressing your back to his chest to keep you upright, and with the other he tilts your head back. He holds your mouth shut, all the while murmuring reassurances in your ear, reminding you of all the reasons you’re doing this. After a long moment you finally manage to swallow the bead, and you feel it burn down your chest, leaving you gasping for air, tears streaming from your tightly shut eyes. Younghyun rights you, turning you to face him, brushing hair away from your now-sweaty forehead. 
As you open your eyes, you find nothing but white before you. Your knees give way and you reach out desperately, clawing at Younghyun's shirt even though his hands remain on you,
"My eyes!" you scream, but the trees seem to swallow your voice. "Younghyun, my eyes—!"
"Look up at the sky, Y/N, you'll be fine. Look at the sky." His voice is unwavering, the never ending calm of freshly fallen snow, and as you lift your head up you begin to see ripples within your vision. 
The clouds, filled with your village’s first snowfall of the winter, suddenly appear above you. 
"It's going to snow again," you say. The trembling in your voice ceases the longer you stare. "Not this week, but the next. It will be as high as my knees, and— and..." As you speak, you seem to blink the clouds away, revealing once more the morning sky you had seen before Younghyun's kiss. 
When you look back to Younghyun, you no longer find a young man, but a face carved with wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. With shaking hands you reach up to touch him,
"You're old." He only stares at you, mystified. "You're going to grow old."
He smiles, breathes out a laugh, and as he does your vision restores his youth to him. You let your hands fall to his shoulders. The pure joy on his face has you entranced, and you almost want to kiss him again, overwhelmed and elated. 
Then behind him, you see a glimmer. Like a golden thread which seems to weave away into the trees. You peer over his shoulder, past him, and he lowers his voice,
"Do you see what you need?" Your reply is scarcely more than a sigh, 
"Yes." Your voice cracks as you break into a wide grin, laughing as you repeat your answer more confidently, “Yes!”
You take Younghyun’s warm hand in yours and set out into the snow, ignoring the cold as you follow the shimmering trail. It leads you to a small clearing nearly devoid of snow, almost a perfect circle amidst the trees within which grows a plant with leaves glowing gold. Once you drop to your knees beside it, however, it ceases glowing, becoming its normal deep green color. 
“That’s it?” Younghyun asks excitedly, standing behind you. You nod, at a loss for words, and he comes to kneel beside you. There’s more than one of the plants, and so after gathering yourself you instruct Younghyun to pluck as many of them as he can, meanwhile you begin digging into the half-frozen soil, ignoring the cold and the pain as you try to reach the plant’s roots. Although it’s used to a mountain climate, you have no doubt Eunji will find a way to grow it closer to your home once she’s well again.
Carefully, you cradle the roots of the plant in your cupped hands, mud and dirt caking your palms and stuck beneath the half-moons of your nails. Younghyun returns with his shirt partially hiked up like a pouch, filled with the leaves that you need. He looks at the small plant in your hands in wonder.
“Incredible,” he says. When you glance up you find his gaze on you, and he breaks into a somewhat sheepish grin, clearing his throat.
“We should get you back to your village.”
“What about you?” you ask almost immediately. Younghyun’s expression falls slightly, and he blinks at you.
“I’m not sure,” he says. “I could leave the mountain, but I don’t know what I’d do.” Without another thought you find yourself using one of your hands to grasp one of his, holding his gaze earnestly.
“You could come with me.” Younghyun appears almost shell-shocked, and you quickly elaborate on your statement, “Eunji and I could always use extra help, and you’re stronger than either of us. You wouldn’t have to stay forever, of course, but at least until you decide what you want to do…” You trail off uncertainly, withdrawing your hand from his after a moment, feeling embarrassed by the zeal with which you’d made your offer. 
Despite that, though, Younghyun’s response is in the affirmative,
“Alright.” You look up in surprise and find Younghyun smiling. “I don’t know what my future holds but… I think I’d like to take that first step with you by my side.” At his response you can’t help but smile back at him.
“I think I’d like that, too.”
And so the two of you pack your belongings and begin the long trek down the mountain, leaving the legend of the kumiho to wither away behind you like the small hut sitting alone and empty amidst the trees, little more than a memory.
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 14, 2021: The Holy Mountain (1973) (Part One)
Happy Pi Day! What’s on the menu?
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...Oh dear Christ. Looks like it’s a cloud pie, because this one’s gonna be OVER my head. And yes, I realize that it’s Pi Day after the irrational number, not the food. Which is ALSO fitting because I’m sure we’ve got a fuckton of irrationality coming my way, and I am...not ready? Yeah, yeah, I’m not ready.
But OK. Who actually made this movie? Alejandro Jodorowsky? Oh.
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OH. This...I should’ve put this in goddamn Experimental June, huh? Well, shit. I ean, it fits in with the patter of films I’ve been watching recently. You know, Greek mythology, Japanese folklore, then a surrealist film released by a notable director? And Jodorowsky is notable...in film circles, anyway. He’s not exactly a household name, but he is very well-known regardless.
Alejandro Jodorowsky is a Chilean-French man best known for his Mexican films. So, yeah, already interesting there. His Wikipedia article describes him as such, right off the BAT.
Since 1948, Jodorowsky has worked as a novelist, screenwriter, a poet, a playwright, an essayist, a film and theater director and producer, an actor, a film editor, a comics writer, a musician and composer, a philosopher, a puppeteer, a mime, a lay psychologist, a draughtsman, a painter, a sculptor, and a spiritual guru.
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Dude had a movie made ABOUT HIM TRYING TO MAKE A MOVIE. That would be Jodorowsky’s Dune, a documentary film about Jodorowsky’s attempt to make an adaptation of the book Dune, well before the actual first film came out. And people LOVED that film. The film about a filmmaker making a film...I am frightened.
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And I’m not going to spoil it for you, but in looking for the GIFs of this movie...guys, I am FUCKED. I’m a boring-ass man, in that I’ve never so much as smoked a cigarette, and I have the feeling that I’m gonna feel high watching this movie. I am NOT ready. But OK, with that, let’s just get into it, huh? Let’s get this trip over with. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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Two women are staring at me. And so is a dude dressed all in black with a crazy hat, as chanting goes on in the background in a white room with black crosses on the walls, and we’re JUST JUMPING RIGHT THE FUCK IN, HUH?
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The title comes up, dude just rips their clothes off, and YES THERE IS A GIF OF IT ON TUMBLR ALREADY, and I’m probably gonna flagged for that, BUT WHATEVER
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Well, actually, as the credits play, backed by a sound which I can only assume is the creaking of the opening gates of hell, there are a number of objects and artifacts, with peacock feathers seeming to be a common theme. And then...a man with the tarot card The Fool next to him pisses himself in the desert as flies cover his face, a cougar standing over him and roars, a bullfrog looks at some tarot cards, and a legless and handless man with the Five of Swords card strapped to his back comes to wake him up with the aid of several naked children, who tie him to a fake cross and throw stones at him.
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Somehow...I underestimated this movie. I DIDN’T THINK IT’D BE THIS CRAZY THIS QUICKLY. Well, after...THAT, the two men share a cigarette and hug as the Swords guy licks his forehead, and they walk into the city. There, we see some grizzly ass shit. There’s a truck carrying the bodies of killed native people, a firing squad shoots some kids who...bleed black, and a fuck-ton of sheep who’ve been skinned and fake-crucified are marched down the street as a bunch of rich people watch on. Also, another firing squad shoots at some kids, and birds fly out of them.
I think the people watching are tourists, and this...might be fake? One of the fake soldiers takes one of the tourists aside, and just...starts fuckin’ ‘er. In front of her husband, as people take pictures of the whole thing. I...I am more confused than I have EVER been.
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By the way, I don’t know ANY names for this yet, so I’ll add them...whenever I figure it out. Our pair apparently entertain these tourists, and make money doing so. They work with a circus called “The Great Toad and Chameleon Circus”, who perform a pantomime of the conquest of Mexico, using...costumed toads and horned lizard. And it’s...I mean, it’s definitely bad for those animals, but it’s also kind of adorable?
The horned lizards represent the Aztec, while the toads represent the Spanish. And, uh...yeah, it’s literally exactly what I said. The Spanish toads go after the Aztec horned toads, and overwhelm the fake Tenochtitlan with their sheer numbers. What’s weird about that? WHAT IS SO WEIRD ABOUT THAT TO YOU?
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There’s also a lot of...what I’m assuming to be fake blood, but with this movie, I worry. The whole dead sheep thing has me concerned AND THEN THEY BLOW UP THE SET AND KILL THEM ALL WHAT THE FUCK MAN? How did this film escape animal cruelty shit?
And then...look, you’re gonna have to get used to weird-ass shit happening here, OK? And for the record, I’m desperately trying to weave some symbolism out of things here. Like, this is clearly a criticism of tourism and wealthy cultures taking advantage of the disadvantages. It also seems to be anti-religious, although...I’m not sure if I can articulate that one yet. Still, this part of the film seems to be about the disadvantaged native people being used as essentially objects by the rich foreigners. I mean, they just used the Spanish Conquest of Mexico, for God’s sakes. It’s a new form of conquest, but modernized.
Right? OK, OK, maybe I can do this after all. What’s next? 
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A bunch of overweight dudes dressed up as Roman soldiers, alongside a guy dressed as a nun, are selling crosses and Catholic materials to the tourists, while the Fool and Swords pretend to be Jesus Christ for them. This eventually leads to them goading the Fool into a drunken stupor, then making a plaster mold of him before leaving him on a pile of potatoes. Eventually, he wakes up and screams, surrounded by hundreds of casts of him painted as Jesus Christ, as the Roman soldiers and the nun dude sleep.
Angered at his own commercialization, Fool whips the nun and soldiers, and destroys all of the Jesus statues. Meanwhile, a group of women - of different races and ages - and a chimpanzee stare at a gilded statue of Jesus in a church.
Sure. Why not? WHY NOT?
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 Also, they’re prostitutes, and one of them is, like, a child. Fuck. Said child is approached by an elderly man, who giver her his fake eye, than proceeds to kiss her hand...A LOT. OK, I know there’s something to be gleaned from that. Said prostitutes meet the Fool, who’s carrying the Jesus cast. Most of the laugh at him, except for the one carrying the chimpanzee, which I’m assuming is a Mary Magdalene reference.
She follows him, and the other prostitutes follow her, but they all stop when they come across a group of civilians dancing with soldiers. The Fool walks through this crows alone, and ends up in a dilapidated church, where he finds an owl and a priest, who’s sleeping with another Jesus statue. Angry that the Fool’s brought in his own statue, he kicks him out. The Fool then eats the face of his statue, then takes it back to the children from earlier, ties a bunch of balloons to it, and lets it fly above the city, the kids, and the prostitutes.
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I, uh...I don’t know. I DO NOT KNOW.
From there, the Fool goes into town, there a red tower stands in the square. Maui’s hook descends from the top, and the Fool climbs onto it. The hook takes him up, as “Mary Magdalene” watches on. And it goes up VERY HIGH, by the way. GODDAMN. He gets into a hole at the top of the tower, where he finds a white shroud, which he bursts through, only to find...
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I’m so tired. I am SO TIRED, you guys. Our guy heads down the rainbow toward the camel, the naked woman, and the man surrounded by two goats, who I think is the guy from the beginning. He’s wearing the same hat, anyway.
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He slowly and measuredly moves off his throne, as the music in the background intensifies, and as the camel is fidgeting, seemingly ALSO trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. The man gets into a brief fight with the Fool, but stops him by touching his chakras. With the help of the woman, he slices open a tumor on the back of the Fool’s neck, and extracts an octopus from it. Yeah. YEAH. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MOVIE
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They take the man to a pool, complete with baby hippo (what, do you not have your hippo in your personal pool, like a goddamn loser?), and the man gets cleaned, VERY thoroughly. Yeah, we see it.
In another room, with a pelican in it this time, the man has the Fool defecate in a jar, and also puts him in a container, where he sweats a lot. The guy collects his sweat in a hear-shaped jar, and continues his chemical reaction with the dude’s feces. It’s at this point where I think it’s appropriate to give the name of the man in the tower: The Alchemist (Alejandro Jodorowsky). Yeah. It’s the director. Take THAT, Hitchcock.
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After literally turning his shit into gold, the Alchemist says that the Fool can do the same to himself, as he is shit. Yeah, he says that. And then, the two meet in a room of mirrors, where the Alchemist is now wearing a black outfit, and the Fool is wearing a matching brown one. They break a stone, in which we are told that each stone has a soul.
And then...tarot.
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Yeah, that seems to be a theme, huh? According to the Alchemist, Tarot will teach the Fool to create a soul. I get the feeling that it’s meant to be within himself, but...I don’t know. Also, the tarot cars that we see are definitely supposed to represent previous scenes in the film, some of which we’ve already seen. However...they’re still pretty goddamn weird.
He gives him a few items, then brings in an ox and a turkey vulture. Goddamn, dude owns a zoo, huh? He uses the two to speak on the cyclical nature of life and death, and how organisms depend upon each other. This leads to yet another room, with a peacock in it this time, where he notes that the fish never seeks the fisherman, meaning that the master seeks a disciple.
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In this final room, there are statues of people who are like him, and who will be needed for the coming journey, whatever that may be. They are industrialists and politicians, and each represents a planet...and maybe something else. They are, in order:
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Fon (Juan Ferrara): Our Venus, and a bedding and clothing business magnate. He has many wives, who begin as workers in his factory, then are promoted to his “secretaries. He also has a fuckton of children as a result. His father began the factory, and is deaf, dumb, and blind. He makes all decisions by consulting his wife’s corpse’s vagina. Yup. Dear Lord. The company’s also made masks that have the texture, warmth, and smell of living human beings, allowing anybody to change their face to something more desirable. They also beautify corpses, and animates them after death. Fuck.
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Isla (Adriana Page): Our Mars, Isla is first seen in a coffin-like bed, sleeping with the two bald women from earlier. After putting on her Prince suit, she wakes up her captive population of male secretaries, and her flock of black swans, and goes to her day job: manufacture and sale of weapons. We’re talking nuclear, biological, and fictional. They experiment with drugs that have various effects, and demonstrates them on many people, and make such unique things as psychadelic guns and grenades, and themed weapons for the religious crowds.
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Klen (Burt Kleiner): Klen’s our Jupiter, and his house is huge, his wife is cold and unloving, and his chaffeur feeds him coke in the back of his black limo. He has a mistress that he fucks in the back of the limo, on the way to his art factory, where they produce a “new line” of art every season, using girls’ asses, and various other parts of bodies. He LITERALLY objectifies people. He also created a “love machine”, which is literally a robot box with a robot vagina that you fuck with a giant blue artificial penis. It is a...weird but interesting scene.
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Sel (Valerie Jodorowsky): Sel’s a clown, who represents Saturn, and performs for children. Which makes sense, seeing that she’s a clown. She has a toy factory as well, where she sheds her harlequinesque vestments for a far harsher, stricter persona. Her toy factory is for war toys, and all of the staff and workers are elderly. Using a computer, they use their resources specifically to corrupt the minds of children to feed their political agendas, conditioning them to hate whichever enemy the government will face in the future, literally sowing prejudice and racism into their minds in preparation for a future war. Eerie.
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Berg (Nicky Nichols): Uranus next! And Uranus is...EXTREMELY weird. Like, you know how you shouldn’t kink-shame people? That does not apply to Berg, both because he probably SHOULD be kink-shamed, and also because I don’t think it’s possible for him to feel shame? This entire section begins...real weird. Berg and his wife (Lupita Peruyero) are a very eclectic and unusual couple, but they aren’t as bad as the rest...I think? I mean, she’s literally knitting a sweater for their giant pet snake, and it’s kind of adorable. And then...we discover that Berg is a financial adviser to the president of a very wealthy country. He recommends that, in order to save the economy of the country, they kill 4 million people. THe president then activates the country’s gas chambers, gas schools, gas universities, gas libraries, gas museums, gas dance halls, and gas whore houses. Not a joke, that is actually what he says. And that’s...kind of hilarious? That segment ends with a picnic, and Berg says he hates his wife while surrounded by many very beefy bois. OK. My favorite so far, and that’s not even an exaggeration.
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Axon (Richard Rutowsky): Besides having a HELL of a name, Axon’s the Neptune of this Solar System. He’s a chief of police. Which involves...a naked man chained to a table as many people chant and play drums. And then, Axon comes in with a GIGANT GUN, while bedecked in clothes made and worn by the forbidden love child of Mad Max and Roman soldiers. The ceremony is actually a castration, and it’s Axon’s 1000th castration. Axon commands many eunuchs, all of whom are trained to believe in him. It’s very...cultish. And that’s made worse when a group of protestors are attacked by Axon’s police force. They execute them, with the murder represented by interesting symbolism. Like, instead of blood and guts, it’s fruit and birds, and...also the thing above, which is funny only out of context. It’s also eerie.
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Finally, Lut (Luis Lomeli): Lut is an architect, and our Pluto. In his house, there is a bevy of children dressed up as mice, who are playing hide-and-seek with him. Lut built a multi-family complex, but begrudges that they lost money in doing so. And so, to save money, he decides on a new concept for homes: basically just a box that people sleep in. Nothing else. He presents this at a party, where he unveils the house, which is essentially a coffin. He uses a sex show and women to sell it to the overindulgent rich. There’s also a well-sculpted ice penis involved, which must have been an interesting job to get for the guy who made that. Anyway, yeah, he’s trying to turn homes into coffins.
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Jesus. That’s a good place to stop now, I think. See you in Part Two, goddamn.
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