#meanwhile sam is passed out on the floor
dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Behind Bars….Again
Series Masterlist
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Summary: Ever since Sam went to college, Dean has been having a hard time. Drinking, gambling, driving recklessly, the works. If it weren't for Y/N covering his ass everytime and bailing him out everytime, he would've been tossed in jail by now. Or worse yet, John and F/N would've dealt with it.
Y/N is 19, Dean is 23, Sam is 19 years old but is away at college)
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
(Ps. I imagine Xander as Drew Van Acker. He played Jason DiLaurentis in Pretty Little Liars)
Lake Preston, South Dakota
•November 2002:
Dean had been arrested and he called the only person he knew he could count on to get him out. After practically demanding his phone call from the officers who were all too familiar with him, he was whispering into the phone pleadingly,
"Y/N, you don't understand, you have to get me out of here!" he whispers into the phone as a police officer looks on suspiciously. Dean just smiles innocently and waits for her answer.
"Fine but you owe me something!" She answers annoyed.
"I swear, I'm gonna kill this asshat one day" Y/N grumbles to herself as she slides on her fuzzy pink bunny slippers and her robe, not bothering to change from her pajamas because right now that was the least of her worries. Sam had run off to college a little over a year ago, meanwhile Dean was taking it especially hard.
She misses her best friend too but Dean has been getting into trouble a lot lately. And it's beginning to worry her.
Dean waits patiently in the police station's holding cell, fiddling with a paperclip he somehow managed to find. Every now and then a police officer walks by, eyeing him suspiciously before continuing on their way.
As Dean hears footsteps approaching, he perks up, hoping it's y/n.
Y/N creeped down the stairs to see her dad passed out on the couch, half-cradling a bottle of Jack in his lap, the tv still on showing late night informercials.
John went on a hunt alone and F/N stayed back for god knows what reason, she had a feeling it was to keep an eye on her. Which irritated her even more, his breathing down her neck is starting to get to her and she's sick and tired.
You'd think, for someone who was willing to send his 14 year old daughter out on her first hunt with the Winchester boys, he wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. A couple of teenagers taking down a Wendigo on their own? The man is beyond a hypocrite.
Since her dad got plastered the night before, she knew he wouldn't be up until the next evening. So before she left, she made sure to gently take the bottle out of his hands, making sure not to wake him up. Before laying him on his side, she then unfolded the blanket on the single couch and threw it over him.
"Sweet dreams, daddy. Love you" She whispered before laying a gentle kiss on her fathers forehead. He stirred a bit but remained asleep. As much as he fucking annoys her, she loves her old man.
Y/N grabbed her wallet from the kitchen table before lightly creeping out of the kitchen and out the back door. Thankfully, Dean left his Baby at the house before he went out drinking since John gave it to him.
When he went on the hunt, he borrowed her fathers truck. She didn't want to take Quinn in risk of waking f/n up.
The Impala drives through town, passing various shops and buildings before coming to a stop in front of the police station. She made sure to pass and pick up a burger, fries and milkshake for Dean, knowing that he was probably starving. The greasy diner food sat in the backseat along with the takeaway-milkshake in the cup holder.
She finally made it to the station, pulling into the lot before putting the car in park.
Y/N pushes open the police station doors and walked inside, her fuzzy bunny slippers making a slight shuffling noise against the linoleum floor. She made her way to the receptionist, flashing her a sweet smile. "Hi, I'm here to bail out a Winchester. Dean Winchester."
The receptionist glances up at her, raising an eyebrow at the fuzzy bunny slippers y/n sported before checking her computer screen. After a moment, she looks back up at her"
"Ah, Mr. Winchester. He's in holding cell three," she says, gesturing towards an aisle of cells behind her. Her eyes landed on Dean who was playing with a paper clip. Deans drunken smile brightened upon seeing her by the receptionist's desk, flashing y/n a cheeky grin and lifts a hand in a wave hello.
"Great, how much for the bail?" She asked, beginning to dig into her purse but her jaw dropped at the response. The receptionist glances at the information on her screen again before replying, "The bail is set at $500." Y/N glares over at Dean before looking back at the receptionist.
She didn't have that kind of cash in her, and she didn't think to take her father's fraud credit card.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Did he kill someone?! 5 hundred bucks???" She exclaims at the preposterous amount. The receptionist shakes her head, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "No, no. It's a bail for public disturbance. Your friend caused quite the scene. And it's not his first time in here."
Dean just shrugs innocently from his cell, feigning innocence. "Hey, it's not my fault they can't handle a little fun." Y/N's rage filled eyes snap over to him, a firm finger pointed in his direction.
"You shut your mouth, Winchester. I'll deal with you later" She grits her teeth at him. Dean holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Can't I have a little bit of fun every now and then?" he grins, clearly enjoying riling her up.
The receptionist watches the exchange with some amusement, raising an eyebrow at her interaction with Dean. Y/N flipped him off, mouthing 'You're dead meat' before turning back to the receptionist with a tight smile. "That still doesn't amount over the fact that it's $500." She crossed her arms over tank-top clap chest before politely asking,
"Can I speak to the arresting officer??" The receptionist nodded, "That would be Officer Thompson" She stated before picking up the phone and dials a number, her eyes drifting to Y/N's bunny slippers again. The name rang a bell in her head. After a moment, she speaks into the phone, explaining that she wanted to talk to the officer who arrested Dean.
"Thompson?" Y/N asks, the receptionist nodded in confirmation before she internally groaned, the one Thompson she knew was Alexander Thompson. Her ex boyfriend from high school when they went to Sioux Falls High in the late 90s before Bobby's falling out with their dads.
They dated for no more than 6 months before parting ways. They surprisingly ended on good terms, however. Both deciding that they wouldn't be able to make it work due to y/n lying and telling him she wanted to go to California to study and Xander wanted to stay in Sioux Falls to join the force right out of high-school.
She assumed he transferred to the Preston Lake department, if it were him.
The truth was the nature of the family business, it pained her to leave but she had to tough it out. In her mind, it's her fault for getting attached to someone. Knowing they they weren't gonna stay there for long.
It also got to her because he was the first person she ever felt a connection with, her first real relationship. They lost their virginities to one another, that's connection no one could come between.
To his knowledge, she's probably back 'home' for Christmas break but that's the furtherest thing from the truth.
"You can go see him in the bullpen, desk 19" The receptionist told her, y/n muttered a low "Thanks", before shuffling her bunny coated feet over to the bullpen. There he was, sat filling out paper work.
Officer Thompson looks up from his paperwork and spots Y/N approaching, a surprised expression on his face. "Hey, y/n/n," he says, setting down his pen. "How can I help you? You wanted to speak with me?" he asks, eyeing her curiously.
Dean, watching from his cell, grumbles something under his breath as he sees Thompson.
"Hey, Xander. I don't mean to yell but $500?!"
Alexander Thompson smiled softly, his heart swelling when she called him "Xander," an old nickname she gave him when they were dating. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
"Listen, I had to set the bail high. Your friend here was making a scene and causing a disturbance. Got into a bar fight, broke a bottle over a man's head. He's gonna need stitches but he'll live. Plus, he resisted arrest," he explains, gesturing to Dean in the cell behind them near the receptionist desk.
"Come on man, you know how he is. And you know I can't afford $500" Y/N says exasperatedly. Thompson rubs his neck, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I know, I know, but protocol is protocol. And your friend hasn't exactly been cooperative."
He glances over at Dean, who is now whistling and twirling the paperclip he was playing with earlier. Y/N's eyes flickered back over to Dean. She groaned at the man child infront of her. "Please, I've never asked you for anything Xander" She pleaded with him.
Thompson sighs heavily, his resolve weakening at the look on Y/N's face.
"You're right, you know how to get to me," he mutters, shaking his head. "But this is a one time thing, got it? I can't let him off easy next time he gets arrested."
"I'm asking you as a friend, and nothing more." She stated him. Thompson rubs his face, considering y/n's plea. He looks over at Dean, who grins widely at her knowingly.
"Fine," he says finally. "I'll lower the bail to $50. But this is a one time deal, understood? And if he gets arrested again, I won't be so lenient." Thompson agrees, but firmly states as he got up from his chair.
"Thank you!" Y/N exclaimed in relief, thanking him gratefully before giving him a hug. "I promise, he won't" She assures him. Thompson is surprised by the hug, initially stiffening before graciously returning it.
He melted into her touch, "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Just make sure he stays out of trouble."
Dean watches the scene from his cell, rolling his eyes.
"I'll see you around" She said sweetly before walking over to the receptionist and handing her the money.
Thompson watches Y/N walked away, a mix of disappointment and lingering affections on his face.
The receptionist takes the money and starts processing the paperwork to release Dean. After a few minutes, she calls out, "You can release Mr. Winchester now."
A police officer unlocks the cell and Dean steps out, a smug grin on his face. "Thanks for bailing me out, princess," he teases.
She narrows her eyes at him before snatching him by his ear and dragging him out of the station. Dean protests loudly as she dragged him by the ear out of the police station, a few officers watching the scene with amused grins.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he hisses, trying to pry her hand off his ear. "Dammit, ease up on the grip!" She pinched harder before letting go. "You dumbass!" She exclaimed in frustration before smacking his chest.
Dean winces as she pinched his ear even harder before finally letting go. He rubs his chest where y/n slapped him, a pout on his face.
"Alright, alright, I get it! I messed up, alright?" He glances at her fuzzy bunny slippers and grins. "And what's with the slippers? Couldn't leave fuzzy at home" He snorts. "1. Leave fuzzy out of this" She stated firmly, pointing a finger at him while he had a cheeky grin plastered across his face.
"2. Why slap to his chest did slap you slap have slap to slap go slap and slap get slap arrested! slap slap slap" She smacked him with each syllable, he didn't dare protest before he knew this time, he was wrong.
"What the hell is the matter with you, charming?! This is the 4th time! If John and dad knew, they'd have our fucking heads!" Y/N exclaims lowly with a warning tone.
Dean winces with each slap, trying to shield himself with his arms.
"Hey, hey, hey! Stop slapping me!" he protested, trying to keep a straight face. "I didn't mean to get arrested, okay? It just sort of happened..."
He glances at y/n again, taking in her grumpy expression and the fuzzy slippers. "And seriously, the slippers? Don't you have some real shoes?" He raised an eyebrow.
Dean holds up his hands in surrender, trying to avoid another slap.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten arrested. But seriously, the slippers? They make you look like a bunny."
This earn him another smack but this time across the head.
Dean winces again, rubbing his head where she slapped him. "Ow! Hey, quit hitting me, princess!" he protested, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
He glanced at the fuzzy slippers again, a smirk spreading across his face. "But seriously, those things are ridiculous. You look like a character from a children's cartoon."
"Jesus..." Y/N huffed, rubbing her temples. "Just get in the car" She grumbled. "Fine, fine" he says, a hint of resignation in his tone. "But can you seriously stop hitting me now?"
"Shut up before I hit you again" She quipped up before jumping into the drivers seat of the Impala and starting the ignition. Dean still stood where he was. An amused grin on his face, his hands buried in his pockets.
She was worried about him, she cared deeply. So deeply that she tucked her tail between her legs and pleaded with her ex boyfriend to lower to bail so he didn't have to spend the night in jail and have their dads find out. He appreciated it. He admittingly felt a little jealous when she hugged Xander but he shoved it to the back of his mind.
The honk of the Impala's horn snapped Dean out of his daydream, "GET IN BEFORE I RUN YOUR ASS OVER!" Y/N yelled through the drivers side window.
Dean jumps at the sudden shouting, quickly climbing into the passenger seat of the Impala and buckling his seatbelt. "Alright, alright! I'm in! Damn sweetheart, you don't have to threaten me with violence."
"Oh, just like you did that guy in the bar?" She retorted, referring to his reason for getting hauled in cuffs as she put Baby in reverse. Dean rolls his eyes. "That guy had it coming. He was being an ass," he retorts, wincing as he realizes he's about to get reprimanded.
"And I already said I was sorry about getting arrested. Thank you for bailing me out, princess but I didn't mean to cause such a scene." Dean shrugged, thanking her for her kindness. He knew she'd come get it, also expecting to get reprimanded.
"Yeah well you did. I just had a very awkward conversation with my ex, thanks to you." She grumbled, pulling onto the road. Dean raises an eyebrow at her mention of her ex. "Oh, the cop from before? That Thompson guy, right? I remember you guys dated for a while last year." Dean rolled his eyes, a burning feeling appearing in his chest at the thought of Y/N and Alexander.
"Before you start to mock me, no we're not getting back together" Y/N chimed, knowing how Dean was around her boyfriends. He'd either mock and tease her about them or blatantly dislike them. In this case, it was both when it came to Xander.
Dean smirks at her statement. "Oh really? Then why was he giving you that sad, lovesick puppy look when I walked out? Seemed like there was still something there." He teased, masking the burning feeling with a smirk.
"Shut up" Y/N rolled her eyes, pulling into the freeway, just a couple miles from the house. Dean chuckles, enjoying teasing her. "Oh, come on. You can't fool me. I know a lovesick loser when I see one. And that Thompson guy fit the bill perfectly."
"Speaking from experience?" She retorted back with a smirk. Dean's smirk faltered slightly at her remark. "Hey, hey, hey. That's not fair," he protested, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I'm not lovesick. I just enjoy the ladies, that's all. No strings attached." Dean defended with a shrug.
"Mhhhmmm" Y/N rolled her eyes, keeping it trained on the road as they drove back to the house. Dean leaned back in the passenger seat, his arms crossed over his chest.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked sarcastically, noticing the doubt in her expression. But it was anything but doubt, "You don't believe me?"
"No, I do" She stated before grimacing in disgust, "I just don't wanna imagine it" Y/N gagged, shaking her head. A similar burning feeling appearing in her chest at the thought of Dean with someone else.
"What? Don't wanna hear about my conquests with many ladies?" Dean teased, a wicked smirk painted in his lips at Y/N's clearly disgusted face.
"I will crash this car. Do not test me." She puts her finger up warningly. Dean holds his hands up in surrender, a chuckling. "Alright, alright. Don't bring Baby into this. I'll lay off. No more talk about my conquests. Sorry for ruffling your feathers."
"Good" She huffed, both hands on the wheel as swerved into the left lane, before bending the corner to the dirt road the house was two miles in.
She then remember the food she had for him, "Oh, here I almost forgot" She reached to the backseat, picking up the brown bag with food with her left hand. She handed it to him and when Deans eyes landed on the greased bag, his heart softened. "You- you got me food?"A smile tugged at his lips, "Yeah, I thought you'd be hungry" She shrugged before pointing a finger at him.
"That doesn't mean your off the hook. Now eat. There's a milkshake there for you" She pointed to the cup holder, occupied with her milkshake and his.
Lord, thank you. Dean thinks to himself.
His heart swelled in his chest as he dug into the bag, taking out the burger and unwrapping it. He instantly dove it, but not before offering y/n a bite, which she declined since she had eaten before bed. "You want some fries then?" He asked her with a mouthful of food, "Yeah, sure" She nodded, he then took out one of the fries from the bag and put it out to feed her.
She snorted at the gesture but accepted it graciously with her mouth, she chewed on the salty chip contently as Dean dove back into his burger.
Dean grins drunkenly at this, happy she didn't just snatch it out of his hand and fed herself finding her grumpy demeanor from earlier amusing. "You know, you're cute when you're mad" he teases, reaching over to poke Y/N's cheek lightly.
"Yeah, and you're an idiot when you're drunk, charming" She snorted, gently smacking away his finger that was pressed into her cheek.
Dean feigns hurt, holding his hand to his chest dramatically as he let out an exaggerated gasp.
Y/N rolled her eyes at this, trying to bite back her smile.
"Hey, now you're just insulting me," he protests with a mouthful of food, unable to keep the grin off his face. "I'm not always an idiot when drunk. Just most of the time."
He gives Y/N a cheeky smile before glancing out the window at the passing scenery.
She couldn't help but chuckle at this, "That you are, charming. That you are" She laughed as she pulled up in-front of the house. Putting the car in park, Dean had finally finished his burger and milkshake, tossing the discarded contents in the paper bag.
"Before we go in, I need to talk to you" She stated seriously, turning to him in the drivers seat.
Dean frowns slightly, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "Okay. What's up?" he asks, turning to face Y/N in the passenger seat.
She took a deep breath before beginning. "I know since Sam left for college it's been bugging you. And I get it, I do. I miss him like crazy, but you're getting yourself into trouble. You need to be careful because if our dads find out, we could get in a lot of trouble and that's worse than having the police in our ass" She lectures.
Understanding how much it bothered Dean now that Sam was away at college but also in a warning way that it would not end nicely if John and F/N found out.
Dean grits his teeth, clearly not thrilled about being lectured.
"I can handle myself, princess," he retorts, his defensiveness kicking in. "I don't need you to tell me how to deal with my feelings. I'm a grown ass man, not a child."
He crosses his arms over his chest, looking out the window broodingly.
"Charming..." She sighs exasperated. "I'm not trying to tell you how to deal with your feelings. I'm your friend and I'm gonna be honest, you're saying you're a grown ass man. That you are but you're crossing your arms at me and acting like a child" She points out with brutal honesty.
Dean scowls at her comment but deep down, he knows Y/N's right. He was clearly annoyed at being called out on his behavior. He was acting childish, but he wasn't going to admit that.
"I'm not acting like a child," he protests, even though his body language says otherwise. "I'm just... frustrated, okay? I miss Sam too, and it sucks that he's off at college having a blast while we're stuck here with our dads always on our asses." He grumbles in frustration, shaking his head.
"I get it, sweetie. I do" She says gently, using her pointer finger and thumb to turn his face by his chin to her. "But I'm always here if you wanna talk. It's better to do that then get arrested and in trouble"
Dean huffs, grudgingly meeting her gaze deep down, her words hit a nerve. He knows shes right, but he can't bring himself to admit it. He's too damn stubborn.
"I don't need to talk," he mutters gruffly. "I can handle my own problems. I don't need your help."
Her face hardened, he was being stubborn as always. She didn't want to just give up because he never gave up on her, he always had her back and she always had his along with Sam's. But the man was arrogant, he needed some tough love. And that's what he's gonna get.
"Alright, then how bout. Next time you call me in jail, I'll leave you to rot for the night and let John pick you up.....That is, if he does" She spat angrily, leaving the keys in the ignition before jumping out of the car. Feet padding heavily towards the porch.
She tightened her grip on her robe from the chilly air.
Dean's eyes widened at her words, a mix of anger, disappointment, and disbelief flashing across his face. He was not expecting that reaction. He was used to her usually coddling him and being understanding. But this time it was different.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He called out, scrambling out of the car to follow her. "Hey, come on, princess. You don't mean that!"
She turned to him, arms crossed over her chest. "No, I do. Because that's what you wanted right? Me to leave you alone, here you go!" She grumbled back lowly, fishing her house keys out of her pocket.
Dean's heart sank a bit at her response, realizing he had gone too far this time. He hated it when she was mad at him, especially when he was the one who caused it.
"No, that's not what I meant," he protested, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... I just don't want to be lectured at, okay? I can handle myself. I'm not some kid you need to look out for."
"I'm your friend, Dean. I'm care about you. We've always had each others backs, what's the issue now?" She says exasperated, a bit hurt but she swallowed it down.
Dean hesitates for a moment, swallowing the lump in his throat. He didn't want to admit it, but she was right. They had always had each others' backs, no matter what.
"I... I don't know," he mutters, looking down at his shoes. "I guess I just feel lost without Sam here. I miss him, and I've been taking it out on you. I'm sorry, princess." He finally admitted, her heart softened.
"I'll try and do better, I promise" He sighed, his head dropping with shame. "That's all I wanted to hear, charming." She smiled softly, glad her tough love got the truth out of him.
Reaching over to hug him, Dean lets out a small sigh of relief, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. As he returned the hug, "Thanks" he says softly, squeezing her tightly whilst caressing her hair. "Sorry for being such a dick tonight. I didn't mean to take out my frustrations on you." He apologized.
"We're family. It ain't supposed to be perfect" She chuckled, her arms around his midsection. Dean chuckles, his arms wrapping around her shoulders as he pulled her closer. He agrees, resting his chin on top of her head as a fond smile crept onto his face. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered, pulling away from the hug to look at her. "Family."
"Come on, let's go. It's cold out. Dads passed out on the couch plastered. I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa" She whispered as she opened the door, checking to make sure her father was still passed out.
Authors Note: This one has been sitting in drafts for the longest time. So why the hell not post it, huh? I've mentioned before but the book isn't really gonna be in order much it's gonna have a few time skips Eg, it'll go from them being kids, to adults, to teens, back to kids etc. But I'll fix it up when it's completed and put it in order you will understand.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
Lol, hope everyone liked!🫶
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imaginesbymonika · 1 year
Red lights.
Plot: If guilt had a name it would be Dean Winchester.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x sister!Reader
Warnings: mention of violence, mention of Demon!Dean, needles, blood, fluff in the end but only a bit
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Everything happened so fast. So very fast.
The red lightning, which emerges from the lamps above you turns the bunker into a place you're unable to recognize. This whole situation has been feeling like a never-ending nightmare for a while and now it was also looking like one. Dean has always reassured you, that while the world around you was filled with ghosts and demons he would always look out for you. And you never questioned him. However, right now, you were hiding from him as if he turned into one of those monsters he swore to protect you from. You look up you can notice it in Sam's eyes. You're not the only one terrified of your oldest brother.
"Smart, Sam. Looking the place down. Doors won't open. I get it." His deep voice is echoing through the empty and cold hallways. "But here's the thing. I don't wanna leave. Not till I find you two."
Your relationship with Dean has always been different from the one you have with Sam. While the younger brother actually feels like a brother to you, Dean has always meant more to you. After all, he practically raised you since you were a little child. However, at this moment, while his hammer was destroying the door, you tried your best to still see him in all of this. He may be a demon, but underneath all of that hatred your brother had to remain… right? But it becomes much more difficult with every second that passes. You take a deep breath.
"Y/N.", Dean suddenly says and Sam instantly pushes you behind his bigger body. "Oh, come on.", you can see how a fake pout emerges on his face:" I just want to talk to my sweet little baby girl." For a moment he lowers his weapon as he stares you down through the shattered wood:" Don't think, that I won't also kill you. I can still sense my love for you, however, it is not enough for me to save you. But if you help me kill Sammy, I might make it quick for you." There's a ringing in your ears. "Don't listen to him.", Sam whispers but his voice is muffled and feels unbelievably far away.
Dean has never ever threatened you. Even when you were much younger and he had earned a beating from John, because of something that you did on his watch… he never ever threatened you before. It was something that seemed impossible to you. But now it had happened and it filled you with an unknown emotion.
"Come on.", Sam speaks and clutches your hand, bringing you back into reality. You two rush through the red hallways and after a minute or two you stop. Sam takes a deep breath and when he turns around to face you, his eyes widen in fear. You don't even have time to properly react before he pushes you to the cold ground. And when you look up, you make eye contact with Dean. His hammer sticking to the wall. It was hurled with such an immense force that it makes your jaw drop.
"Oh man, looks like I missed.", he says softly:" Can I try again?" There is a sincerity in his voice that makes your skin crawl. You nearly throw up. Meanwhile, Sam's knife is close to his throat. So close, it's almost making him bleed.
"Do it!", the oldest brother angrily hisses, his spit dripping down his chin. But Sam's arm just drops after a few seconds. You shut your eyes, not knowing what is about to happen next before you unexpectedly hear Castiel's voice. "It's over!"
You sit on the floor next to the door, your back is leaning against one of the shelves while you observe how Sam pushes yet another needle into your oldest brother's forearm. A weird emptiness has been filling you up for a while now, and while you should be happy that Dean is back at the bunker… you can't help but feel drained. "Are you okay, Y/N?", Castiel asks, and when you eventually tear your eyes off Dean's unconscious body you only nod.
Sam sighs:" He almost killed her." Castiel's eyes widen in shock, as his head snaps towards him. "He did what?" You want to defend Dean, but before you can answer someone groans. Castiel notices how you quickly get up from your spot, and softly nudges you to stand behind him. His grip on his knife tightens to the point where his knuckles are white. Meanwhile, Sam was slowly opening up the bottle with the holy water.
Dean lifts his head and when you notice his black eyes you can't help but feel sick. You quickly turn around and throw up into the corner. Sam and Castiel exchange a quick but worried look. The blackness quickly fades and when his normal eyes scan the room he takes one final deep breath. "You look worried, fellas.", he jokes, but no one laughs. You turn around at the sound of his voice, before wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Without waiting a second longer, you snatch the bottle out of Sam's hand and toss the liquid into Dean's face. A pleased sigh escapes your lips when you acknowledge that there is no smoke. "Welcome back, Dean!"
"How is he holding up?"
Sam, who is entering the room looks over at the angel. "Well, he is still a bit out of it, nevertheless, he is doing better." You look up from your book. "The whole thing really took a turn on him- he… he just feels really guilty." The last word leaves Castiels lips as a whisper as if he was hoping you wouldn't hear it. But you did.
A knock on the door catches Dean's attention and he shifts on his bed before sitting up straight:" Yeah?" He expected to see either his brother or Castiel, however when he makes eye contact with you his jaw clenches. "Hey.", you say and slowly walk into his room. You sit down on the edge of the bed. A soft but tired smile emerges on your lips and Dean mirrors it. "Hey."
"I just- I just wanted to check in with you.", you explain and your brother nods. A silence falls over the two of you and you clear your throat:" Remember- Remember when we were younger… you came back from a hunt and you were hurt and John was… god knows where. We didn't have anything in the fridge except for some eggs and cheese."
At that Dean laughs:" And you made me that god-awful omelet? Of course, how could I ever forget about that? My arm was broken and I had the worst stomach pains on top of that." Once again you both sit in silence before Dean runs a hand down his face:" I am so sorry, Y/N." The sound of his voice breaks your heart and you move closer to him:" It's okay, Dee." He just chuckles dry. You know that he won't ever believe you.
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erosmutt · 6 months
/ thinkin' bout﹒☆
﹒brothers! scott & sam + teacher reader﹒⌅
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𖦹 age gap (sam and scott are 18, reader is in her 30s), mida rana!reader, sub scott and sam
"you two have repeatedly gotten yourselves into trouble. acting out, being caught with drugs and alcohol, skipping class. what do you two have to say for yourselves, hm?"
the two students - Sam and his brother Scott - stand before you in your classroom. you had called them after school, at precisely 5 o'clock, knowing no one would be around. "i should send you to the Dean tomorrow, shouldn't i?"
the two immediately perk up, but Scott was more in a panic than his brother. "no! no, Miss, please! if he finds out, i could get kicked off the football team!" he pleads, tugging at the hem of his sweater anxiously. you look over at Sam and raise an eyebrow. he just looks away, shoving his hands into his pockets, making the chains on his shorts jingle. he gives you a shrug. "whatever, i don't care. tell him."
this sends his brother into a worse panic. so, you intervene.
"how about this, boys," you begin, getting up out of your chair. your heels click against the floor, making Scott step back. "i'll let you two off the hook, if, you come to tutoring sessions after school." that earns you a groan from Sam and a whine from Scott. "no." they say at the same time.
"oh, but yes! or would you rather i tell the dean about your little escapades during passing periods?"
Scott, desperate to save his ass, nods his head frantically. "yes! yes, fine! we could start now if you want! just please don't tell!" you smile and reach up, gently pinching his rosy cheek between your thumb and forefinger. "good boy! you're setting an example for your brother, aren't you?" he nods, looking down at you. "mhm, example."
Sam rolls his eyes and looks at you and his brother. "you're such a fucking pushover." he tells Scott, drawing a scoff from him. "no i'm not!" you just smile, gently stroking Scott's bicep, tracing the contours of his muscle with your fingertips. "well Sam?"
he sighs heavily, then rubs his hand over his face. "fuck it, fine."
The next day, you and Scott were sitting across from each other in the classroom. you thought it'd be nice to arrange the desk a different way and sit at one with him to make it more comfortable, and to not make him feel as if he was getting talked at, but mentored 1-on-1. also to lull him into a false sense of security.
"i think Sam flaked, Miss." he murmurs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. you lift your leg, resting your foot on the chair between Scott's legs, teasing his crotch with the toe of your black pump. he shifts in his seat, and just as he opens his mouth to speak, the classroom door swings open. it slams against the wall then closes as Sam walks in. he slides into the desk next to you.
"sorry," he murmurs. you give him a smile. "no worries Sam, your brother and i were just chatting." he shrugs and pulls his notebook out of his bag, slapping it onto the desk. meanwhile, Scott was biting his lip as you rubbed your foot over his now half-hard cock.
Sam opens his notebook to a clean page, clicking open his pen. he titles his paper, completely oblivious to what was happening to his brother underneath the desks.
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misshugs · 5 months
part two of that one drabble where reader has a poltergeist friend
"So, you're telling me that... you... basically live with a ghost?" Colby asked, trying to comprehend the situation right infront of him.
Looking at the floor, cheeks red by the sheer embarassment you felt for some reason, you nodded.
"That's... the coolest shit I've heard AND seen!" Sam exclaimed, clearly excited by the thought of this whole situation. "We're sorry if we're being too pushy over this, it's just... it's a first, you now?"
"Yeah, no, it's alright. I get it, I think." You chuckled. "It's just that... no one really knows about... this."
"But why haven't you told anyone? I would go crazy if a friend of mine told me about this." Colby commented.
"Well... you know, it's not the same. You guys are used to it. Meanwhile... what do you think a normal person would think if I say something around the lines of 'oh I have a ghost friend that moves things around in my house'? I don't think they might... uh... think about it as cool."
"Oh. I see your point. You're right." He laughed and you nodded.
"Still, not even a friend or something of the sorts?" Sam asked. "I'm sorry, it just sounds like something that would for sure be viral."
"No... I haven't told anyone about it. The attention might not be worth it if i can't hang out with her."
A draft of air passed through them, which made them shiver. Soon enough, a lamp started flickering.
"Woah! Holy shit!" Sam smiled, amazed at how in queue everything seemed. "It's almost hard to believe even though it's so obvious."
"Yeah, it's why I don't talk about it."
The same notepad that threw you into this mess began moving towards the guys through the table. Their expressions making you giggle; it was a once in a lifetime where you could finally talk about this one piece of your life to someone, and it felt good.
Another object started moving, a pencil. As if it was some sci-fi movie magic, it began writing on the paper.
"You've got to be kidding me." Colby expressed, unable to wipe off the smile from his face whilst looking at this unexplainable evidence of paranormal activity.
It seemed to be writing... no. Drawing something? It looked like a heart...? Wait.
"OH, NO!" You yelled, frantically taking the notepad onto your possession. You knew what she was trying to do, and you weren't going to let them see it.
She argued otherwise it seemed, as you kept on fighting this invisible force for a piece of paper. The force suddenly stopped and you were left with no balance to hold yourself up, gaining a first class ticket towards the hard floor.
As much as they wanted to laugh at how weird this whole situation was, they were still worried. Hurriedly standing up and walking towards you, asking if you were alright.
Luckily you were, since it wasn't that bad of a fall anyways. They helped you up and you grabbed onto the notepad, noticing some new words written underneath the unfinished piece of art.
"You're welcome."
That bitch. She knew what you wanted; and you were debating yourself if you were glad or frustrated.
Perhaps it was both.
i'll make it a decent fanfic soon enough, i just need to throw out some things beforehand
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transalangrant · 12 days
I am just so absolutely floored at how poly the jurassic park movie actually is, having just rewatched it. the little mr. DNA video scene and the three of them just commenting with each other as if they’ve known each other for years. girl didn’t y’all just meet like this morning. the FUCKING helicopter scene. that was. did ian fucking growl playfully at the two of them or did I imagine this 😭 okay and when with ian’s more overt flirting with ellie in the car… she literally calls alan’s attention to it like alan look at this. what the fuck. why are you inviting your boyfriend to your flirting session with another guy. no monogamous explanation for this. and when she’s digging through the dinosaur shit for the sake of science (autism) and ian and alan just standing there like. “she seems…. tenacious.” and alan just says “you have no idea.” like just throughout the movie or like before everything goes to shit, alan is just really not as put off by ian’s very obvious flirting with his girlfriend. in front of him. as most people would be. my tentative hypothesis: bisexual.
like what is this. what is this picture.
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ellie smiling politely while her two boyfriends take up an indecent amount of space in the fruitiest positions I have seen in my life ever. hey they can’t sit straight it’s almost as if they’re uh. not. straight. really though I think it’s funny that laura dern is like actually trying to smile for the promo picture and y’know. sitting down in a sane fashion meanwhile sam neill and jeff goldblum are like: (see figure 1 above.) and literally did someone tell them to do that. was this part of the plan. or did they just do that. what happened here. even the framing of it is poly like what about this does not say Polycule Portrait 1993. I’m crying please it’s just. this can’t be real how I did not notice it before.
also like tumblr won’t let me upload it but please I’m SOBBING here I swear to god ian holds alan’s hand in the jeep for like a full beat. like ??? and people think this movie is just. not queer like I’m sorry the dinosaurs are canonically transgender (but I mean alan and ellie t4t at the start is just so strong also) and ian not only gives the strongest bisexual vibes I have ever perceived in a character but also I know he would engage in genderfuckery at any given opportunity. I would not be surprised if he turned out to be genderqueer in some form either. please I’m about to pass out someone explain how no one talks about any of this ever please
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winchester-girl67 · 9 months
Wild Hearts (Part 2)
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Summary: Dean steals his father's car to give Y/N a ride home. The next day Y/N tags along to the dunes for sand surfing. 
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader 
Word Count: 3,771 
Warnings: underage, age gap (reader is 16, Dean is 20 but closer to 21), mentions of physical abuse by a parent, past injury (bruising/scars), mentions of death and alcoholism, John is an asshole in this one, underage drinking, angst, language, slow burn, mutual pining, a hint of jealousy, a bit of fluff 
A/N: Sand surfing looks really fun. Didn’t think I’d get this finished before the new year. Happy holidays! 
Dean grabbed your hand every time the headlights of a car came into view and pulled you off more to the side of the road. Placing himself between you so the car would have to go through him to hit you. The last time he did it you held onto his hand and he didn't let go. Until you came up to a driveway that led to a small ranch style house sitting amongst the evergreens. 
You spotted a cherry-condition, black muscle car sitting in the driveway, "No way! Is this your car?" 
"Uh- yeah," he smiled, "-I mean, no. It's my dad's but yeah that's what we're taking." He stumbled out his words as if he was nervous. 
You trailed your finger up the hood of the car, "Sixty-seven?" 
"You know your cars." He smirked. 
"My dad used to drag me to every car show he could when I was younger. On those days he did get off work." You said, admiring the freshly waxed black paint. "And as a result, I developed a thing for pre-seventies muscle." 
"Baby's the only thing my father has ever loved." Dean said and you frowned, "Aside from my mother. She passed away when Sammy was born."
"It's what he calls the car." 
You nodded. "Who's Sammy?" 
"My little brother," he explained with an edge of protectiveness, "He's sixteen, too." He bit the split in his lip until it bled and kicked the front tire with a glare. "He's probably passed out by now," and somehow you knew he was talking about his father again, "But you better wait out here." He said, pushing you off to the side of the house so you blended with the shadows of the trees lining it. "Y/N, if you hear anything... Do not come inside." 
Then he turned around and headed for the door, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your gut. The way he spoke about his father, loving four wheels and engine more than his sons. Dean looked pained at the thought and his eyes greener when they glided over his father's Impala. 
Then it hit you, his warning. His father wasn't a good man. 
You left the shadowed tree line and peered through one of Baby’s windows. Fast food bags littered the front bench seat and a half a bottle of liquor lay on the floor. Your skin started to crawl at the thought of Dean's father coming home half-pissed and taking his day out on his sons. No doubt Dean only stuck around for his little brother. You wondered if Sam had endured the same type of injuries or if Dean always stood between them. Somehow you already knew the answer. 
The screen door shut with an audible creak and Dean reappeared on the porch, "Y/N?" He whisper shouted as he scanned the area you were supposed to wait. "Y/N." 
"Over here," you matched his tone. 
"Got 'em." He jingled the keys for you to see. "Let's push her out onto the street before we start her though." He opened the driver's door, "Here, you steer, I'll push." 
"You're not gonna get in trouble, are you?" You hesitated, you didn't think you could bear to see more bruises on him, or worse. 
He gave you a cocky smile, "I'm not gonna get caught." 
You slid in behind the wheel and shifted into neutral, taking a moment to appreciate Baby's beauty despite the mess of trash in the front seat. Meanwhile Dean ran around to the bumper and started pushing the car down the driveway. You braked when you got to the edge of the street, throwing open the door and letting Dean take over as you slid over to the passenger side. 
The car grinded to a stop as he pulled up in front of your house. It was a beautiful car but the whole ride felt like a tin can rolling over bumps in the road and the muffler rattled against the undercarriage the entire time. His father didn’t seem like the type to put his time or money into anything that couldn’t give back to him. Which apparently included keeping up maintenance on Baby. 
"For someone who's supposed to love this car," you flicked a used ketchup packet onto the floor and wiped your sticky fingers on your jeans, "He's shit at taking care of it." 
"Imagine if he didn't love her." Dean's eyes were lost on the dashboard, deep in some solitary thought. "He didn't deserve her and he doesn't deserve this car." For a moment you thought he must've been talking about his mother. You wondered if the abuse started before or after her passing. You didn't ask. "Are you busy tomorrow?" 
"It's fine if you didn't mean it. About being my friend. But I was gonna go sand surfing and I thought that might be something you'd like to do. Something friends do." He shrugged. "I-I'm not trying to be creepy. Just friends." 
"I don't think you're creepy," you shook your head and met his sad smile, "I'd love to go, sand surfing? What is that?" 
He laughed, "It's like snowboarding but down a sand dune. It's easy, I'll teach you. Fall's the best time for it because the sand won't burn you." 
"That sounds fun." 
"Good, I'll pick you up," he said and then added, "My friend's driving. There'll be others there too, but they're not like your brother's friends." 
"I don't like my brother's friends." 
"These are good people," he smiled, the bruised part of his face hidden in the shadows of the car and you almost forgot about it. He had a nice smile, he didn't show too many teeth or too much gums. "I'll give you my number, in case you decide to cancel." 
You laughed silently but let him enter his phone number into your cell. Then you texted him so he'd have yours, too. 
"Thanks for the ride, Dean." You reached over and gave him a quick side hug. He didn't even have a chance to react but stared at the dash again and nodded when you pulled away. "Text me when you get home or I'll worry." 
"You don't have to worry about me, Y/N, I'm not a child." He said cordially. 
He'd obviously picked up on you putting the pieces of his home life together, his injuries, his father, how much he was risking by stealing Baby tonight. Dean was tall and built enough to protect himself, but nobody should stand alone and clearly his father was still bigger and stronger. 
"People worry about you in every stage of life, Dean. At least they should. I will." He looked over at you and matched your frown. 
"But you only just met me." 
His words echoed in your ears well after you showered and crawled into bed. Dean brought about so many feelings in you that you didn't know which to follow. You felt butterflies, and mutual affection like you'd known each other longer than you did, and an untethered desire to protect him, which was absurd because although he was skinny, he could toss you over his shoulder and spin you around if he wanted to. His bruises and scars made you feel helpless, but his smile made you happy because you could tell he felt lighter, too. 
You checked your phone and found a message from him. 
Dean: Mission impossible accomplished. See you tomorrow. 
Y/N: Thanks for texting. Goodnight, Dean. 
Dean: Night, Y/N. 
You'd be lying if you said you weren't developing a crush. You sighed and rolled over in bed. What could you do, nothing. He'd get into a lot more trouble than you. 
Sleep did not come easy after that and you woke up before you thought you'd even fallen asleep. You groaned and rolled over in bed when you heard your phone buzz. 
Dean: Good morning, Y/N. 
Y/N: Geez, you wake up early. What time is it? 
Dean: You're literally looking at your phone. 
Y/N: Omg! It's 6am, what is wrong with you?! 
Dean: You know the saying, early bird... 
Y/N: The sun isn't even awake yet, Dean. 
Dean: You're grumpy in the morning. 
Dean: Just wanted to let you know we'll pick you up around noon. 
Dean: Y/N? You still wanna come, right? 
Y/N: Yeah! Sorry, I'm tired. 
Dean: Awesome. Just one question before you pass out on me. Benny's bringing a grill, so we're making hotdogs for lunch. You're not a vegetarian are you? 
Y/N: Yeah...
Y/N: I'm joking. No, I'm not. 
Dean: Good, our friendship might've ended right there. 
Dean: Just kidding. Go back to sleep. 
You smiled at your phone a little too long before you locked it and went back to sleep for a few hours. 
"Hey, sweetie. You're awake early." Your mother said when you walked into the kitchen around ten. It was early compared to your typical Sunday morning. "Have fun last night?" 
You nodded, not wanting to get into the events of your brother or his friends from the bonfire. Your mom seemed to accept the answer and you assumed your brother made it home at some point without her noticing the hour. 
You got along with your parents well enough. You never really got into any trouble and you weren’t sure they even knew how to ground you if you did. Besides, your dad wasn’t around much lately, it seemed his new promotion kept him at the office longer than necessary. Which was where he was now. On a Sunday, at ten A.M. 
You didn't know what you wanted to do when you grew up, but you knew you wanted to have balance in your life. Something you thought your dad didn't understand. You couldn't remember the last time he brought you to a car show, you couldn't remember the last time you'd asked him to bring you either. 
"Your dad said he'd be home for dinner and your brother probably won't be up until mid-afternoon. What time did you two get in last night?" She asked, sipping on her coffee. 
You didn't have a curfew because you never had the need for one and your parents oddly trusted you. You didn't do crazy shit to make them worry about you but sometimes you wanted to, if only just for the attention. So you knew she was just curious when she asked. 
"I dunno," you shrugged, not wanting to get into why you didn't know and that you didn't come home with your brother. "I'm going out with some friends for lunch." 
"That sounds fun," you weren't sure if she was even listening anymore or just saying that. 
Your family had gotten better at not actually listening to each other lately. But you ignored that fact yourself and grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 
At eleven-thirty, you threw on a pair of high-rise jeans and an oversized t-shirt that you knotted at the waist. You also pulled on a flannel shirt in case it got chilly which was the way the weather was turning lately. Then you texted Dean. 
Y/N: Text when you get here, I'll come out and meet you. 
You wanted to avoid an awkward interaction with your mother. Especially since your brother was awake now and slamming the kitchen cupboards. He wouldn't really care but he was nosey and would start something if he saw how much older Dean was. And you doubted a few hours would've helped much with the bruising on his face. That wouldn't be fair to make Dean explain how he'd got them to complete strangers. Especially since you were pretty sure you knew how he'd gotten them. 
Dean: We're here. 
You shouted a 'Bye' as you ran out of the house, hearing your brother ask your mom where you were headed before the door slammed shut behind you. You shoved your phone into your back pocket and ran down the driveway to where a red Jeep waited. Dean stood outside, leaning against the door. 
He smiled when he saw you run up, "Hey." 
"Hi." You said, noticing his face falling, "What's wrong?" 
"I feel like we're sneaking around," he glanced back at your house as if he expected someone to come running out after you. "Feels wrong." 
"I just didn't want you to have to deal with the inevitable questions about, you know," you pointed to the left side of his face. "But if you want I can introduce you before we go... Or you could come over Friday for family dinner and give that a little more time to heal." 
He stared at you for half a second then shoved his hands in his pockets, "Family dinner sounds nice." 
"Great, I'll set it up tonight!" You smiled brightly and touched his arm, "Feel better?" 
He swallowed and nodded and you heard someone shout impatiently from inside the Jeep. Dean opened the backdoor for you and climbed in after you. You sat in the middle next to a guy with black hair and blue eyes who looked about the same age as Dean. 
"Hey, I'm Cas." The guy greeted you as you settled in. 
As soon as the door was closed the Jeep pulled out onto the road with a bounce from a pothole the tire hit. 
A small brunette in the middle front seat turned around and waved, "I'm Ruby, Sam's girlfriend," she pointed to a lanky guy with long brown hair next to her who offered you a smile. 
They looked about the same age as you, at least you knew Sam was. You noticed right away Sam didn't have any bruises or obvious scars. You felt a bit proud of Dean for that and also a little sorry that he didn't have someone like himself to have his back. 
"That's Benny," Dean said, pointing to the guy driving. "Benny say ‘Hi’."
"Hi." He glanced in the rearview mirror. 
"He's quiet until you get to know him." Dean explained. 
Benny, by far, looked the oldest of the bunch. Maybe it was because he hadn't shaved in a couple of days or maybe it was because he was built like a linebacker. But either way he didn't seem to like you. It was just a vibe you got in the split second your eyes connected. It practically radiated off him and you wondered if you were the only one picking up on it. 
"So, Y/N, how come I never see you at school?" Ruby asked, spinning around in her seat to face you completely and bumping into Benny who growled. Maybe it wasn't just you. "You're not home schooled are you?" 
"No, I go to one near my dad's work." You explained quickly, not really wanting to talk about school. 
"Where does your dad work?" Sam asked this time. 
“At Sandover Bridge and Iron. He’s the Director of Sales and Marketing.” You bounced your eyebrows. Really all that means is he’s barely around anymore. 
"That's cool," he said, shifting his eyes to Dean for a second. 
"Oh," Ruby’s brown eyes widened for a second and you knew what she was thinking. 
"Am I missing something?" Dean asked, glancing between the two of you. 
"It’s a private school." You explained and it seemed to dawn on him. "What are you smirking at?" 
"You have to wear a uniform, don't you?" He smiled so wide the split in his lip threatened to pull again. 
"If you must know, yes, and it is the bane of my existence." You rolled your eyes dramatically to make your point. 
"So, like a plaid skirt with those long socks?" 
"Careful, Dean. We're friends, remember?" You whispered to him and he opened his mouth to respond, but then snapped it shut and turned to stare out the window. 
Ruby pouted, resting her chin on the back of the seat, "That's too bad. You could've sat with us at lunch and I would've shown you around. Dean says you're new." 
"Yeah," you sighed. That would've been nice to know someone in school. You had begged your parents to let you go to a public school this time, but they insisted. "Too bad." 
Dean had gotten really quiet and you nudged him with your elbow. He turned to smile and swallow thickly before turning a cold-shoulder and staring out the window again. You had only been teasing, but you didn't want him getting any ideas that would only result in him getting in trouble. 
"How do you guys know Dean?" You asked, directing the question at Cas since Benny didn't seem to be much of a talker. 
"We grew up together. Well, me and Dean did." Cas explained, "Benny just kind of showed up one day and we couldn't get rid of him." Benny growled and Cas winked in the rearview mirror. "He really is a teddy bear once you get to know him." 
Once you got to the beach Benny didn't park in the parking lot, instead he drove out onto the beach and down the shore for a long time until you were surrounded by only dunes of sand. It would've taken forever to walk there. He parked at the top of the dunes and everyone filtered out of the Jeep. The guys grabbed the boards from the trunk and Benny got to setting up his grill. You guessed he wasn't really into sand surfing. 
Dean said he was going to teach how to surf, but he was already halfway down the dune with Cas when you looked. And Sam and Ruby were flirting as they carried their boards over to join them and you didn't feel like third wheeling it today, so you hung back with Benny. 
"Need a hand?" Your voice was softer than you'd like it to be but you found him intimidating, even if he wasn't nearly as tall as Dean or Sam who was a moose at sixteen and probably still growing.
"Thought you came for that," he pointed at the dune where the others had run off to and you saw a couple extra boards stuck in the sand at the top. But you still didn't know how to surf, never even been snowboarding. And those surfboards looked a lot more like snowboards. You'd hurt yourself for sure without knowing how to turn or stop. "I hope you know what you're doing with him." 
Your eyes snapped back to Benny's and you squinted, "Excuse me." 
He raised his hands and his eyebrows, "His home life is... undesirable. I know you know what I mean. Last thing he needs is your parents on top of his own." 
You didn't think your parents would bat an eye at Dean. Mainly because they were wrapped up in their own lives and didn’t pay you much attention. But if they did notice, you wondered if they would dislike Dean enough to turn what you have with him into something wrong and indecent. You'd like to think they wouldn't because it wasn't. But it's a parent's job to be protective of their child.
"We're just friends." 
"Not the way he looks at you." Benny cocked his head and started setting up the foldable stand for the grill. "He's not thinking when he's around you. And don't get me wrong, I like seeing him happy, he's been there for me more times than I can count, but- Do you have any idea what his father would've done if he knew Dean took that car out last night. If that's the way he looks after spilling paint in the garage..." You didn't know what to say and opened your mouth like a fish out of water before he continued. "Dean's never done anything like that before. I'm just asking you to be careful with him. He has two years left and then he and Sam can get the hell out of there." 
"Why two years?" That's all you could manage to ask. 
"Dean's tried to get custody of Sam since he turned eighteen but the lawyers always tell him the same thing. He's too young himself, with no steady income and no decent living quarters. Going through courts takes time and money and Sam would likely age out before that time." He explained as you fiddled with the knot in your t-shirt. 
"How'd you know about the car?" 
"I live next door, I helped him push it back up the driveway so his father wouldn't wake up and hear the engine." 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I mean, I kind of knew but I guess I believed him when he said it would be fine." You watched your shoes and tried to still your bottom lip. "Just so you know, I'm not trying to cause him any more pain. We just kind of connected last night and I like him. I'm not gonna do anything that'll get him in trouble though. I promise." 
"Kid, I'm not worried about you doing the dumb shit. I'm worried about him." He scratched his slight beard. "It's not fair to ask you to think for the both of you." 
"It's not fair to ask me to not be his friend either." 
"I couldn't ask that of you." 
You kind of missed quiet Benny and the afternoon was starting to feel a lot like last night with your brother's friends. You wiped a tear threatening to fall down your cheek when you were sure Benny wasn't looking; everyone else taking a second run down the dune after climbing back up. You stood around and kicked at the sand until you could feel grains in your shoe. 
"Hey, cher, can you grab me the hotdogs from the cooler?" Benny asked and nodded towards the cooler next to the Jeep. 
You didn't bother digging around and just brought him the whole cooler. He split open the pack of hotdogs and started grilling. Then pulled a can of beer from the cooler and opened it. He handed it to you and grabbed his own. You wondered if you actually had to drink it, but he clearly saw that you were upset and it was a peace offering of sorts. So you took a sip. 
The fifth sip wasn't so bad and the seventh went down even easier. But it still tasted gross and you still didn't see the point. Maybe just a little warmth in your cheeks. 
Sam and Ruby were the first to run back over when Benny rang the dinner bell. Followed by Cas and Dean. Dean eyed the beer can in your hand and you took another sip before you grabbed a hotdog and walked away.
Part 3
_________________________ Dean: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy
SPN: @hobby27
Wild Hearts: @justrealizedimmascifygurl @evieluvsjamie @kimberkingrivers
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whataboutsimple · 1 day
I am obsessed with your AU genuinely keep up the good work!! I gotta read a bunch but I'll catch up soon 👍👍
(PS: anything on Ivor or the old order we haven't heard about or you'd like to share? :3)
Two asks in less than an hour.. my brain is melting from all the hyperfixation and dopamine it gets.. THANKSSSS SO MUCH FOR ASKING!
I have so many info about those sillies, that I can write a whole book with a single thought! Mostly because these AU focuses on Gabriel and Jason, as well as on people around them.
Let's get it all into small pieces for more comfortable reading:
When they were younger, the first two to become friends were surprisingly Magnus and Soren! Basically Magnus was in this bully gang and acted as a bad "guy", but he was a harmless prankster. The Gang focused on bullying someone like Soren bc he obviously was an easy target. It didn't took Magnus long to scare them away from pumpkin head. Since then he became Soren's problem.
The third member of their group were Ellegaard. Yet another nerd. She got into school at age of 11, while home studying till that moment. Soren and Ellegaard got along too fast, always sitting in library, and since Magnus was always waving around Soren, he got to know her as well.
Ivor came year later. He and his family moved into those little town called Upperhills due to his father business. Since he is a smart cookie, soon enough he got Soren's and Ellegaard's attention since they were always Top1 and now what? This random boy thinks he can outsmart them? Funny! This lil competition Ivor was unaware off lead to all of them bonding over books and dreams of adventures.
Last one: Gabriel. He just.. appeared one day? In Upperhills. Somehow people loved him. Like a lot. He was always so helpful for adults, very friendly with someone his age, and showed a lot of "brother like" love for kids. He didn't go to school though. Home studying. So the group didn't get a big chance to know him better. At least for now.
Gabriel WAS a part of Tempset family. Seven children including Gabriel and all are adopted. The family wasn't bad, but at the same time there's not enough you could tell about them.. Gabriel was second oldest and his older brother Scott was a part of another bully group. An older bully group. So they casually wrapped Gabriel in their hands.
Not pleasant news for our gang! But Gabriel somehow managed not only not bully them, but.. make them stop? Like what? Okay, that's interesting. Magnus is too curious. He can't keep his nose to himself. And even if Soren tells him not to test his luck- oh, okay, nevermind, he already approached Gabriel.
Wait, what do you mean we all are now friends with this Mr. Angel? No way, Right?
Yep, that's how they all got together! Even though Gabriel usually was spending time working or studying, he still kept contact with our gang.
Sometimes Magnus climbed into his second floor window and stayed the night because he couldn't handle his father's behavior. Sometimes it was Ivor because he was lonely.
Soren and Ellegaard often ran away from home in night to their tree house in the forest to watch the stars in silence. They had a lot in common when it came to their parents. The best was always expected of them, so they understood each other like no one else did.
The little competition between Ivor, Soren and Ellegaard got even worse when they found out about Gabriel's marks. Straight A's? How's that even possible?! Of course, he studies from home, it's easier! What do you mean he studies by himself and passes exams each month?
Magnus got lost at the moment after Ellegaard appeared, but you know what? He loves his nerds. And he loves Gabriel, because he's the only one who doesn't eat books. Like c'mon can y'all chill for a sec?
Soren has a little sister named Aster, meanwhile Ivor has little sister named Grace and he had little brother. Magnus has little sister named Susan!
When it comes to Gabriel.. big brother Scott, younger sister Sam, younger brother Chris, and little siblings Ash and Ashley!
I think that's enough for now! Though if you want more, I'm always here to tell you every little detail! I tried to not spoiler much though.
Thanks for asking again! It really melts my brain and heart!<3
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galacticwarpedlense · 6 months
Sooooo I got my first writing prompt based off my earlier post.
Sam and Hailey are somehow in the mines?? What a weird match up but I can do a summary of that.
Sam is in the mines because he got curious on why it was considered so dangerous meanwhile Haley needed a specific gemstone that could only be found on the ice floor of the mines, the frozen tear. She asked the farmer to get one for her but the farmer fell ill and she got impatient. The two blonds saw each other at the top of the cave leading to the mines and decided to go in together. What could possibly go wrong?
Girl, everything. Everything went wrong.
Turns out, when you go to a dangerous floor of the mines with no armor, no knowledge on how to block attacks, and you are shit at dodging, monster attacks can really hurt. Sam was the offense, he was the only person that brought a weapon, these two dingbats didn't even bring a good pick and with Haley being.... Haley, mining was slow.
The result? Haley got her frozen tear at the cost of Sam's health and her own, Sam passed out and Marlon arrived just in time to see Haley struggling to drag Sam out of the mines while also being attacked. Marlon carried Sam out of the mines while Haley followed and they both got scolded for going so deep in the mines with no experience.
They agreed to never talk about this again.
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
life in plastic 👠 - enemies to lovers w/ marc spector; “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” 👀
congrats again jordan, to the next 900 followers ❤️🥂
God Damn that Marc Spector
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Pairing: Marc Spector x f. reader
Genre: fluff/rom-com
Be aware of: enemies to lovers (?), SamBucky wedding, hella banter, alcohol consumption, Sam and Bucky are DRONK, accidental confession, making out, suggestiveness, Steven and Jake are not present
Summary: You grow closer to the man you hate when both of your best friends marry one another.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: omg Isla, please forgive me for how late I am to writing this 😭😭 I was starting to lose hope in finishing this but a sudden burst of inspo came and now I will be having Marc brain rot for the rest of the century dlkgjaldkhg thank you again for the request and I love you forever bb 😘🫶 Huge thank you to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for looking over it when I first started writing this and to @yummymatcha for being my Marc hype woman and beta-reader!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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Marc Spector was a name that made your eyes burn from how hard you rolled them every time you heard it. Even the thought of him and his shit eating grin made you want to pound your fist against a wall. However, you never did because he wasn’t worth bruising your knuckles nor putting a fresh dent in the wall. 
Years ago, your best friend, Sam, and his boyfriend, Bucky, set you and Marc up on a blind date. They figured that if they set up their best friends together, you all could go on fun double dates together. It was only five minutes into your blind date when you both realized how much you and Marc hated one another. Bucky and Sam were disappointed that it didn’t work out between you both so they tried to keep you both at a distance. That was until they got engaged.
It was no surprise that Sam asked you to be his maid of honor and Bucky asked Marc to be his best man. This also meant that you and Marc had to collaborate on making sure the wedding was absolutely perfect. The only obstacle you had to pass was not killing each other before the big day.
The first few times you met with Marc, you resisted the urge to stab him with the nearest object because of his sarcastic remarks. The only thing keeping you from murdering Marc in daylight was the image of your best friend beaming with his new life long partner all thanks to the work you did for him. Eventually, you learned to settle your differences with Marc and work as a team.
By the time Sam and Bucky’s wedding arrived, you and Marc watched your best friends become married. Thankfully, neither of you had a scratch or stab wound in sight. The rest of the wedding was full of love, laughter, and many, many drinks. You and Marc may have had a hard time seeing eye to eye in the beginning, but the one thing you could both agree on was an open bar all night. Unfortunately, it did lead to both Bucky and Sam getting wasted.
The newlyweds couldn’t make their grand exit out the banquet hall because they were stumbling over their steps. As maid of honor and best man, you and Marc stepped in to escort Bucky and Sam to their honeymoon suite at the top floor. While in the elevator, Sam turned to you with his eyelids half open.
“Hey,” he whispered loudly, despite only the four of you occupying the elevator lift. “Did you finally tell Marc that you like him?”
“What?!” you shrieked, face warming up like a tea kettle over fire. Although you fought to avoid Marc’s gaze, you already knew he was snickering with his hands on his hips. Meanwhile, Bucky stared off into space, watching the floor numbers change.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ You literally told me that you were going to take that tie off of him and wrap it around his wrists so you could-”
Saved by the bell.
You sighed, “Alrighty, you and Bucky are clearly drunk so let’s get you both to bed.” As the elevator doors opened, you and Marc dragged Bucky and Sam out towards their suite at the end of the hall. Sam giggled hysterically.
“Oh my god, Sam, Marc is soooooo hot!” He pitched his voice so it matched yours. You gritted your teeth as your lips turned into a thin line. He may have been your best friend, but right at that moment, you wanted to murder him more than the man you actually hated.
“Sam, gimme the key so I don’t have to search your pockets.”
“I know who’s pants you want to search though.” Your best friend looked at his equally drunk husband, both of them bursting into a fit of cackles. God, it felt like dealing with two 12-year-olds in grown up bodies. Finally, Marc jumped in.
“C’mon, Sammy.” The exhaustion was apparent in Marc’s voice. “Today has been a blast, but me and the lady need some sleep and would rather do anything other than babysitting you two.”
Sam blew a raspberry in Marc’s face. “What a party pooper.” He rummaged through his pockets, pulling out the key. Your best friend turned to you. “You sure, you wanna bang this guy?”
Blowing off his comment, you snatched the key from him, hovering it over the sensor on the door. As the door unlocked, you glanced over to Marc, mouthing a sincere thank you, in which he just winked smugly at you. 
You and Marc managed to guide Bucky and Sam towards the giant king size bed. Bucky and Sam didn’t bother shedding off their tuxes before climbing onto the bed and immediately falling asleep. Loud snores echoed throughout the bedroom, taking that as your sign to escape quickly without a peep.   
“Well, that was interesting.” Marc huffed out a breath of relief. You both chuckled in unison without looking at one another. 
“That’s Sam for you,” you added. “He talks out of his ass when he’s drunk.” The two of you began walking slowly to the elevator, trying to stall time so you could have more quality time together. By the time you reached the elevator, Marc cleared his throat.
“I don't know about you, but I’m starving. I barely ate during dinner and I have a huge craving for curly fries. Care to join me?” Your stomach rumbled as he mentioned dinner. The same dinner you also neglected since the steak you were looking forward to eating was a little too well for your liking. You nodded, stepping into the elevator before Marc.
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
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On the way to the nearest fast food joint that was surprisingly still open, you and Marc talked about the wedding, including all the pros and cons. It was safe to say that the wedding was an overall success, minus Bucky and Sam taking advantage of the open bar. You shared a few laughs with Marc while reminiscing on every single moment of the day. Even though he kept his eyes glued to the road, you took in the way they crinkled when he concentrated. 
Then, you began to notice other features that never crossed your mind. He would lightly bite his tongue after hearing your giggles. He’d also run his hand through his dark hair when there was a moment of silence. A few gray hairs peeked through on the side of his head, even on the stubbles of his beard. 
Yes, Marc was an extremely handsome man, and also yes, he was starting to grow on you. However, you still couldn’t shake yourself from the blind date that made you hate him all these years. Deep down, you knew it wasn’t fair to hold that grudge, especially with all the progress you have made with Marc. But were you truly ready for something more with the man that gave you hell?
“Hey, sweet pea, what’s on your mind?” That nickname gave you butterflies every time he called you that. He didn’t start referring to you as sweet pea until you started planning the wedding and demanded the DJ to play “Sweet Pea” by Amos Lee as part of the grand entrance playlist.
You brushed your thoughts off with a short laugh. “Oh, I was just thinking about what to order. I’m debating between a sandwich or cheeseburger. Or anything with cheese at this point.”
“Quite the inner conflict, I bet,” Marc joked. “Whatever you want, go ahead and order it. It’s all on me.”
“What? Are you sure?” 
“Don’t worry about it, sweet pea. I know you were swamped today so let me treat you.” Your cheeks warmed up and your palms grew clammy. 
“Thank you, Marc! Really, I appreciate you for having my back.” Suddenly, your hand was engulfed by Marc’s, his thumb grazing yours gently. 
“Consider this a second chance date.”
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As you headed back to the hotel, you ate your meals in silence. “Sweet Pea” blasted through the speakers and Marc caught you swaying to the song out of the corner of his eye, your cheeks filled with bites from your cheeseburger. He smiled to himself as he kept driving, sipping on his soda.
Once you arrived back, you had finished eating and fell into the typical fast food coma. You cursed as you exited Marc’s car, the frosty air biting at your exposed arms and legs. Marc rushed to your side, slipping off his jacket and draping it around your shoulders. The heat and smell from his body transferred onto you as you buried yourself into the jacket. A new sensation coursed through your veins, a sensation that you typically felt while thinking of Marc late in the evening. You tried your hardest to ignore it as he walked you to your room.
By the time you were in front of your room, you didn’t want to let go of the warm jacket, nor did you want to let go of this moment with the man you were trying hard to get out of your head. As you were returning the jacket to Marc, he shook his head and pushed it back towards you.
“Go ahead and keep it, sweet pea. I’ll come back and get it in the morning.” He gazed up and down your frame, thinking about how adorable you looked swimming in the jacket.
“Oh, okay. Good, I was still cold anyway.” You fought the urge to stare into his gorgeous gaze. All of a sudden, you were frozen. Your hand tried to reach for the room key in your clutch, but an invisible force was holding you back. Actually, it was just Marc using just one finger to lift your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. 
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” This caused you to blink in bewilderment.
“Uhh…excuse me?” You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.
“Second chance date. Remember?”
You rolled your eyes and backed away from him. “Jesus, Marc, you’re exasperating.”
“Ooh, that’s a big word.” Marc laughed. “I may be exasperating but at least I’m not the one lying to myself.”  
Your blood was boiling. For once, you were actually having a more than decent time with him and he decided to ruin it with his stupid remarks. You wanted to spit another insult in his face. You wanted to slap him, punch him even. Instead, you yanked him towards you by the collar and slotted your lips against his.
All logic flew out the window as you pressed your chest against his as his arms wrapped around your waist. His kiss was so intoxicating you could have fainted from the way his tongue slid across your lower lip. Your tongues tangled passionately, all the built up tension releasing for your mind and body. Marc pinned you against the door frame, causing you to snap back to your senses. You pulled away from Marc, catching your breath and straightening your posture.
“Well, there you go.” You threw your hands in the air. “Happy?”
“Unfortunately, no. You didn’t give me a chance to kiss you more.”
“Well, that’s too bad because it’s not gonna happen again.” You reached into your clutch for your room key. 
“You sure about that?” Marc asked rhetorically. You paused as Marc leaned his side against the wall. For a brief moment, you actually considered kissing him again right then and there. But where was the fun in that?
You scoffed and shook your head. “Good night, Marc.” Once your room key scanned against the door sensor, you wiggled the doorknob and retreated to your room, not bothering to glance back at Marc’s cheeky smirk. 
You shimmied out of the oversized jacket, throwing it over the armrest of the love seat. Then, you changed out of your dress and into a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. Yet, the touch of Marc’s hands still lingered on your body. No matter how long you brushed your teeth for, your lips still savored the bittersweetness of his mouth. And you found yourself longing for at least one more taste.
God damn that Marc Spector!
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dianawinchester03 · 4 days
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ chapter eight | leave it to me ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
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chapter eight!!! the middle picture is supposed to represent sam and jo btw, the picture of jensen is how dean is dressed (yum) and the dress is y/n’s (green to match dean’s eyes hehe). btw i totally made a playlist for them lol. stream star-crossed💫👔💘 now!
word count: 4952 words
warnings: smut!! mdni!!!! p-in-v sex, daddy kink (if it makes you uncomfy i’d suggest swiping off lol), fluff, pillow talk, dean calls y/n a ‘slut’ (during sex)
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•August 14th, 2009
Y/N stood next to Jo in the bridal suite, adjusting the veil in her hair and making sure her wedding dress was sitting perfectly. Jo was getting nervous, close to having a meltdown.
Ellen, Jo’s mother, was there too, fussing over the two friends. She was a tough and sassy woman, but she was a total softie when it came to her daughter’s wedding.
Y/N reassured Jo, smoothing a hand over her hair. "You look gorgeous, chick. When you walk down that aisle, Sam is gonna pass out when he sees you." Jo let out a nervous laugh, her hands shaking slightly. "I can't believe I'm actually getting married today."
Ellen smiled warmly, her eyes filling with love for her daughter. "Honey, you've got this. You and Sam were meant to be together." She said gently as Y/N squeezed Jo's hand, offering her a supportive grin. "Listen to your mom. You're about to marry the love of your life, Jo. Just breathe."
The photographer, Karen, popped in, checking to see if the bride was ready yet. "We're almost ready" Y/N answered for Jo, who was still too nervous to speak. Bill, Jo's dad, looked emotional as he walked into the room. He had tears in his eyes as he saw his daughter in her wedding gown. "Oh, sweetheart," he choked out. "You look so beautiful."
The father and daughter never had the best relationship but at the end of the day, she was his babygirl.
Jo turned to face her dad, a mixture of surprise and happiness on her face. "Dad," she said softly. "You came." Bill walked up to Jo, his eyes still watery. "Of course I came. I wouldn't miss this for the world." Y/N and Ellen stepped back to give the father and daughter a moment alone.
Bill put a trembling hand on Jo’s cheek, his voice thick with emotion. "I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye, but seeing you like this... I’m so proud of you, Jojo."
Jo's eyes filled with tears as well, touched by her dad's words. "Thank you, Daddy," she said softly. "That means a lot to me." Ellen and Y/N exchanged glances, both surprised but pleased by the touching moment between Jo and Bill.
The sound of a knock on the door interrupted the moment, and everyone turned to see who it was. The door slowly opened, and Dean's head peeked through.
"Hey, am I allowed in here or is this strictly a girl party?" He asked, a dashing smile spreading across his face as stood in the doorway of the bridal suite, a dashing smile on his face as he covered his eyes with one hand.
Bill chuckled heartily at Dean's question, breaking the emotional tension in the room. "Nah, come on in, kid." He said, patting him on the shoulder as Dean walked into the suite, uncovering his eyes.
His gaze immediately fell on Y/N, the olive green satin floor length dress was a sight for sore eyes on her. As maid of honor, her dress was an off shoulder, sleeveless with a slit to the side, pleated perfectly to show off her form.
Meanwhile the other bridesmaids (some of Jo’s friends from highschool who left Jo and Y/N to have their own time together in the club) wore simple floor length thin strap olive green dresses, all looking equally beautiful. They were all currently waiting on the beach with Sam’s groomsmen.
Dean’s lips curved into a wolfish grin. "Damn, doll. You look fantastic." His eyes roamed over her figure, taking in every detail. Y/N blushed slightly under his gaze, trying to hide her reaction to him. She playfully swatted his arm. "You don't look too shabby yourself, Mr. Smith." She teased, eyeing his tuxedo.
The room was buzzing with excitement as everyone prepared for the ceremony. Karen, the photographer, was taking last minute photos of the bride and the bridal party.
Ellen was fussing over Jo, making sure every hair was in place, while Bill stood to the side, watching his daughter with a proud smile.
"Sorry to break up the melodrama but we’re all set downstairs. It's showtime." Dean finally breathed out after tearing his eyes away from Y/N. She smiled as she drank in his appearance.
His hair slicked back as per usual but the navy blue suit and tie he was sporting made his eyes pop. She always found him insanely attractive in a suit.
Jo let out a shaky breath. "Okay, I'm ready." Ellen took one more glance at her daughter, making sure everything was flawless. Then she squeezed Jo's hand reassuringly. "Deep breaths, honey. You can do this."
Y/N stepped forward, straightening out her dress with her hands before linking her arm with Jo's. "C'mon, let's go get you hitched."
As they made their way downstairs, Dean fell in line next to Y/N. He looked down at her with a soft smile, his eyes roaming over her again. The ceremony was taking place on the beach, the waves gently crashing in the background. The sand was set up with an aisle runner lined with white rose petals.
Sam and his groomsmen were already standing in their places at the makeshift altar, the sun setting behind them.
His eyes immediately landed on Jo as Bill replaced Y/N, linking his arm in his daughters. Y/N places two fingers into her mouth to let out a loud whistle, signaling for the orchestra to start the melody for Bill to walk Jo down the aisle as Dean and Ellen take their seats at the front of the crowd.
Y/N crouched down, lifting the long floor length white lace veil up that was attached to Jo’s elegant dress. As Jo began walking down the aisle on her father's arm, Sam's face lit up with a mixture of joy and awe. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
Sam Wesson didn’t stop the tears from streaming down his face as his beautiful teary eyed bride made her way down the aisle towards him. The music played softly, the sound of the waves providing a soothing background noise.
His eyes were glued to her every movement. He had a stupid grin on his face, like he couldn't believe he was there, on the beach with his bride-to-be.
Bill finally let his daughter's hand go, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Knock his socks off kiddo” He muttered to her tearfully. “I love you, daddy” Jo had to hold back her tears in order to not ruin her makeup. Bill blew Jo a kiss before settling next to Ellen as Y/N stood off to the side with the other bridesmaids, watching with a smile on her face as Jo approached the altar.
She could see the love and emotion in both Sam's and Jo's eyes, and it made her heart flutter a bit.
Ash, one of Jo’s long time childhood friends who was like a brother to her, smiled widely as Jo and Sam stood facing one another, taking their hands in one another. He agreed to officiate the wedding for him, even though his certificate was bought online. Jo wanted him to be the one to officiate it.
“You look stunning, angel” Sam sobbed, not able to tear his eyes away from Jo. Jo let out a watery laugh. "You're the one who looks handsome, Sammy." She said, her voice shaky with emotion as she took in his appearance.
Ash smiled at the couple’s affection for one another, before beginning with the ceremony. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Samuel and Joanna in holy matrimony.” In a slightly overly exaggerated tone, earning chuckles from the crowd.
He paused, looking out at the crowd of friends and family that had gathered to witness the ceremony. “Marriage is a beautiful gift, a sacred bond between two souls who have chosen to spend their lives together. It is a promise to stand by each other through joy and sorrow, to support and encourage one another, and to grow in love and faith throughout their lives."
As Ash continued with the ceremony, Y/N stole glances at Dean who was sitting a few feet away. He was completely immersed in the ceremony, his eyes fixed on the altar. Every now and then their eyes would meet, and a brief smile would cross his lips.
Jo and Sam looked lost in their own world as the priest spoke on. Their fingers were intertwined, and they continued to stare at one another with tears streaming down their faces.
The second she saw the tears on Jo’s face, the maid of honor pulled out the folding hand fan she had tucked away between her bosom. Storing it there just for this moment because she knew her best friend all too well, Jo was definitely going to cry even though she didn’t want to ruin her makeup.
When Jo felt the breeze from the fan that Y/N was waving near her face, smiled through her tears and mouthed ‘thanks chick’ to her best friend. Y/N mouthed, back a quick, ‘you’re welcome’ before handing Jo a tissue she had crunched up in her hand. Jo used the fan to dab the tears underneath her eyes, careful not to smudge her makeup.
Sam chuckled heartily when he saw the fan in Y/N’s hands. He knew Jo’s makeup was probably done for, but to him it didn’t matter. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Some of the guests giggled at the display of care from Y/N to Jo, the bride trying to fix her makeup, while others let out an “awww” at the sight. Bill and Ellen were watching with fond expressions, proud smiles on their faces.
Ash turned to Sam. "Samuel, do you take Joanna to be your beloved wife? Will you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, through the best and the worst, for as long as you shall live?"
Sam, with tears in his eyes, spoke his vows, his voice cracking slightly. "I do, absolutely. I promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her with every ounce of my being, for the rest of our lives."
“Yeah, you better buddy” Ash muttered, playfully glaring at Sam, slicking back his mullet as the crowd erupted in laughter again at his joke. Sam rolled his eyes, scoffing as he shook his head in amusement.
Jo, still using the napkin that Y/N had given her, blushed at Sam's heartfelt words and Ash’s comment, giggling into her hand and shaking her head, “Go on with it, Ash” Jo huffed. Ash turned to her, “Alright, alright..” He cleared his throat dramatically.
"And Joanna, do you take Samuel to be your beloved husband? Will you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him through the best and the worst, for as long as you shall live?"
“You’re darn tootin’ I do,” Jo answered, her voice choked with emotion as she struggled to hold back more tears. “I promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him with all of my heart, for the rest of my life.”
The guests in the crowd let out another wave of “awwws” mixed with laughter as the bride used the tissue to dab her eyes again and Y/N remained fanning her.
Ash smiled at the bride and groom's heartfelt responses. “Samuel and Joanna, you have expressed your love and commitment to each other through your words and now, it is time to seal your union with a symbol of your commitment."
He turned to Billy, signaling for him to bring forth the wedding rings. Billy stepped up from beside Sam as one of his groomsmen and handed Ash the two gold bands and then stepped back to his spot, resuming her position.
Ash gestured to Sam, "Sam, take Joanna's hand and repeat after me." Sam gently took Jo’s hand, his gaze unwavering as he repeated the priest’s words, his voice strong and clear. "I, Samuel, give thee Joanna this ring, as a symbol of my eternal love and commitment to you. I promise to cherish, honor and support you, through good times and bad, for all of our days together." He gently slid the ring onto Jo’s trembling finger before looking up at her with a soft smile.
Ash then turned to Jo. "Now Joanna, take Samuel’s hand and repeat after me."
Jo took Sam's hand and looked up at him with tearful, glowing eyes as she repeated the priest's words. “I, Joanna, give thee Samuel this ring, as a symbol of my eternal love and commitment to you. I promise to cherish, honor and support you, through good times and bad, for all of our days together." She slipped the ring on Sam’s finger, their hands still grasped together tightly.
Ash smiled warmly at the couple, touched by their heartfelt vows. "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Sam didn't waste a second. He threw his arms around Jo and pulled her close, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. The guests cheered and clapped their approval. Y/N quickly pulled Ash out of the way so the photographer, Karen, could snap pictures like crazy.
Y/N cheered unabashedly for her best friends, a wide grin on her face as she clapped her hands together. “Woo! Go Sam and Jo! Yeahhhh Mr. and Mrs. Wesson!!” She yelled happily, not caring how much attention she was drawing to herself.
Dean chuckled as he watched her, loving the fact that she wasn't afraid to show her enthusiasm. Once the enthusiastic applause and cheers died down, Ash announced, "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wesson!" The crowd once again erupted into applause and cheers.
Sam took Jo's hand, their fingers lacing together as they smiled at the guests and began walking down the aisle. Y/N followed behind them, tossing the flower petals into the air, with all the other bridesmaids doing the same.
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The party was in full swing, the wedding festivities had begun. The bridal party was mingling and everyone was having a good time.
Y/N, standing with Jo and other bridesmaids, was sipping flutes of champagne. Meanwhile, Dean was off to the side, engaged in conversation with Sam and Billy, the three laughing as they shared a drink.
Billy said something that made the three of them laugh heartily. Dean chuckled, his head thrown back in laughter. He patted Billy on the back heartily, his expression carefree and cheerful.
‘Fantasy’ by Mariah Carey started humming through the speakers, the DJ turning up the music to set the dancing in motion. The song erupted squeals from Jo and Y/N. "Oh my God, I LOVE this song!" Jo exclaimed excitedly, grabbing Y/N’s hand and pulling her towards the dance floor. "Come on, chick! Let's dance!"
Y/N laughed as Jo led her onto the dance floor, and a few of the other bridesmaids followed their lead. They began dancing to the beat, lost in the music and moment.
“Oh, when you walk by everynight. Talking sweet and look-in-fine. I get kind of hectic insideeeee. Mmm, baby, I'm so into-you. Darling, if you only-knew. All the things that flow through my minddddd”
On the other side of the room, Dean had been watching the girls dance and sing along together, a small smile on his face. He chuckled as he took another sip of his drink. Billy noticed Dean’s gaze trapped on his sister, a small smirk spreading on his lips. He gave Dean a small nudge with his elbow, “Go dance with her man” He encouraged Dean.
Dean was slightly startled at Billy’s nudge, but he quickly regained his composure. He chuckled lightly and shook his head, trying to play it cool. “Nah man, I’m good. I’m not really a dancing kind of guy.” The teenager rolled his eyes at Dean, “Dude, do I have to squeal and haul your ass on there like Jo? Go!”
Billy demanded, shoving Dean. He chuckled at Billy’s insistence, stumbling a bit. “Alright, bud, I’m going," he said, holding his hands up in surrender. He took a final swig of his drink before setting the empty glass on a nearby table. Dean ruffled Billy’s hair before making his way onto the dancefloor.
He weaved through the crowd, his eyes locked on Y/N and Jo. They were in the middle of the floor, surrounded by other couples and dancers. Their backs were to him, and he approached them from behind.
Dean hovered behind Y/N for a few moments before finally touching her gently on the shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?" he said in a tone that was both amused and cheeky. Jo shook her head eagerly, “Go on, I’m gonna go find Sam” She smiled, pushing Y/N gently into Dean before padding across the hall and making her way to her husband.
Y/N felt herself being pushed and stumbled slightly, letting out a small, surprised gasp as she was propelled towards Dean. He caught her in his arms, his hands firm but gentle on her waist. They were now standing face to face, his eyes glimmering with amusement. "You okay there, beautiful?" he teased, a flirtatious smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“I’m great, handsome” Y/N smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. Swaying slightly to the upbeat music.
His hands on her hips, their bodies flush against one another. “That green dress is... exquisite on you," he complimented, his eyes roaming over her body, admiring it a little too much, not that she minded. “Thank you” She had to bite her lip to stop a girlish giggle from leaving her throat. “I like the green…it matches your eyes” She replied cheekily.
His gaze flicked up to her lips as she bit down, and his fingers tightened their grip on her hips ever so slightly. "Oh yeah?" He teased. "You like my eyes, huh?" She shrugged with feign nonchalance but her smile gave it away. “I have a weakness for pretty boys with nice eyes” She retorted in a skittish tone.
He leaned in close, his lips almost touching her ear, his breath hot and heavy against her skin. "And I have a weakness for beautiful women in pretty dresses." He purred, his voice low and sexy.
Yup, that’ll do it.
Her breath hitched in her throat, her eyes went to Sam and Jo who were now dancing as husband and wife on the crowded dance floor and then to Billy, who seemed very indulged in a conversation with one of Jo’s teenage cousins, Ciara.
“Come on, let’s get out of here” She almost moaned into his ear, grasping his hand on hers before guiding him out of the hall. He raised an eyebrow at her request, not needing to be told twice. He allowed her to lead him out of the bustling hall, their fingers intertwined.
"Is that a suggestion? Or a demand?" He teased, feigning reluctance. But his hand gripped hers more tightly and followed as she led him out of the party.
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Now back up in their room. As soon as they closed the door behind them, Dean grabbed Y/N and pushed her up against it, his mouth claiming hers in a hungry kiss. Clothes hit the floor haphazardly as they tore at each other, desperate to feel skin on skin.
Dean lifted a now fully naked Y/N effortlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist before tossing her on the bed, his body falling downwards with hers. "Fuck, doll, I need you," he growled, breaking the kiss to nip and suck at her neck as he hovered over her.
Y/N grounded her hips against his from below, urging him on. "Then take me," she panted, reaching between them to stroke his cock.
A low groan escaped from deep within Dean's chest as Y/N's fingers wrapped around him. “Yes, ma’am” He thrust into her grasp, a bead of precum forming at the tip. "God damn..." he muttered under his breath, a shudder running through his large frame.
His mouth found hers once again, this time with a ferocity that matched the fire burning inside him. His tongue explored her mouth, tangling with hers in a passionate dance as his hands roamed over every inch of exposed flesh.
With deft movements, Dean positioned himself at her entrance, teasing her with the head of his cock before slowly sinking into her warmth. A loud moan filled the air as he buried himself completely within her tight walls, stretching her deliciously.
"Fucking hell..." he breathed out, his eyes rolling back momentarily as he savored the sensation. A gasp left Y/N's lips as she felt Dean slide into her, filling her completely. Her nails dug into his back, urging him deeper still. "More," she pleaded softly, arching her back off the bed to meet his thrusts.
The friction of their bodies colliding sent sparks flying throughout her entire being. Each thrust hit all the right spots, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. Her inner walls clenched around him instinctively, milking him for more.
"Mmm... just like that daddy," she murmured, throwing her head back in ecstasy.
The sound of Y/N calling him 'daddy' sent a surge of arousal straight to Dean's already throbbing cock. It was like a trigger, causing him to lose any semblance of control he might've had left. He pulled out slowly until only the tip remained inside her before slamming back into her with force. "Fuck, yes. Take that cock" he hissed, delighting in how perfectly she fit around him.
His hands moved to grab her hips, lifting them slightly to angle her body just right for each powerful thrust. "You like that, baby?" he asked, his voice going up an octave, punctuating his question with another hard push.
Each movement sent tremors rippling through his muscles as he worked tirelessly to satisfy them both. His pace quickened, driven by the sounds coming from Y/N, heavy desperate moans, pleas for more, that spurred him onward.
The intense pleasure was almost unbearable. Y/N could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words. All she knew was the feeling of Dean's thick cock pounding into her, stretching her in ways no other ever had or will ever again.
"Oh god yes!" she cried out again, louder this time, her voice laced with pure desire. Her pussy clamped down on him even tighter, eager for more of what he was giving her.
Her own hands roamed over his body, tracing the contours of his muscular torso, feeling every ripple beneath his smooth skin. She loved how strong he was, how easily he handled her weight with such ease.
She bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts, wanting him even deeper inside her. "Please... don't stop," she begged breathlessly. The sound of Y/N calling out to him, begging for more, was like music to Dean's ears.
He picked up speed, each thrust becoming harder and faster than the last. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he continued to pound into her with reckless abandon. "You're so fucking tight," he whined, feeling her pussy squeeze around him.
His hand slid down between their joined bodies, seeking out her clit. When he found it, he rubbed circles around it mercilessly while maintaining his relentless pace. "You wanna cum for me baby?"
Before she could answer, Dean rolled them over so Y/N was now straddling him. A little yelp left her lips at the sudden change of movement but her hands were the barrier to stable herself, grasping his shoulder. His hands gripped her hips tightly as she started riding him. The sight of her bouncing on his lap, tits bouncing freely, made his cock twitch inside her.
"Ohhh fuck yeah, ride my cock baby," he growled, squeezing her ass cheeks as she gyrated her hips. The wet squelching noises of their joining echoed loudly in the room. Dean threw his head back, reveling in the delicious sensations.
"You look so sexy like this, taking what you need," he praised huskily. His thumb circled her sensitive clit as she continued grinding down onto him. His nasty mouth never failed to spur her on, Y/N cried out, her hands leaving his shoulder to bury her fingers in her own hair, bouncing frantically on top of Dean. “Fuckkkk, Deannnnn!!”
Y/N started to grind herself down on him, her pussy dripping with need. She leaned down, capturing his lips in a rough, needy kiss. As Y/N kissed him hungrily, Dean returned it with equal fervor. His hands moved from her hips to grip her ass cheeks, spreading them apart to get a better view of his cock disappearing into her tight cunt in the mirror at the edge of the bed.
“You like it when I ride your cock like this, daddy?” She murmured against his lips, her voice going up an octave. Y/N swirled her hips tantalizingly. "Fuck yes, baby," he groaned into the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth as his cock throbbed inside her.
Y/N rocked her hips back and forth, riding Dean's cock hard. She could feel him hitting all the right spots inside her. Every thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. "Oh God...I'm gonna cum," she whimpered, now gripping both her breasts, her inner walls fluttering around him as her head tilted back.
Feeling Y/N start to tighten around him was like the final straw for Dean. "Cum for me, doll," he urged, his voice strained with pleasure. He reached up to pinch one of her nipples, twisting it roughly as he continued to pump into her.
"Fuck, you're so close aren't ya?" he grunted, feeling his own orgasm building rapidly. His hips snapped upwards into her, driving his cock deeper with each thrust.
Without breaking contact, Dean flipped them over, pinning Y/N beneath him. He hooked her legs over his shoulders, nearly bending her in half as he drove into her. The new angle allowed him to go even deeper.
"Yes, fuck! Right there!" she cried out, her nails raking down his back. The pain mixed with pleasure only spurred him on further. He could feel her tightening around him, signaling her impending release.
"That's it, take my cock," he panted heavily, sweat dripping down his face as he pistoned in and out of her slick heat. His balls slapped against her ass with each brutal thrust.
Y/N was lost in a haze of pleasure, her mind consumed by the feeling of Dean's cock stretching her open. She could feel every ridge and vein rubbing deliciously against her sensitive walls.
"Don't stop, please don't stop," she begged, her voice hoarse from screaming. Her eyes rolled back as he pounded into her relentlessly.
"Yes, daddy, fuck me like a slut" she whimpered, her toes curling at the intensity of it all. She could feel her orgasm building, coiling tighter and tighter in her core. Just a few more thrusts and she would surely shatter.
With each word that came out of Y/N's mouth, Dean felt himself getting closer to the edge. The way she called him 'daddy', begging for more...it was intoxicating.
"Fuck yeah, you're my dirty little slut," he snarled, his thrusts growing even more erratic. His cock pulsed inside her, signaling his imminent release.
The dirty talk pushed Dean over the edge. "That's it, cum for daddy," he groaned, feeling her tight sopping cunt start to flutter around him. He increased his pace, fucking her wildly with no mercy.
He watched as her body tensed underneath him, her climax washing over her in powerful waves. Y/N losing control under him was too much for Dean to handle. With a few more deep thrusts, he came undone inside her, filling her with hot seed as he yelled out her name.
Y/N collapsed onto the bed, completely spent. Her whole body was trembling from the aftershocks of her intense orgasm. She could feel Dean's warm cum leaking out of her, trickling down her thighs.
"That was….fuck," she whispered, still trying to catch her breath. She turned her head to look at him, a satisfied smile on her face.
Dean pulled out of her slowly, his softening cock slipping free with a lewd pop. He flopped down beside her, throwing an arm across her stomach. "Damn straight it was," he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her sweaty temple.
With a tired sigh, Dean collapsed onto the bed next to Y/N, pulling her into his arms. His heart hammered in his chest as he tried to regain control of his breathing.
"I love you, beautiful," he murmured, brushing some stray hairs away from her face. "I love you more, handsome." She murmured back with a small yawn. His hand wandered down to her belly button, circling it lightly before resting on her lower abdomen.
He kissed her forehead gently before beginning to pepper his girl’s face with kisses. Making her erupt in a fit of giggles.
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sofreddie · 1 month
The Parts You Hide 4
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Summary: Dean's fallen into old habits to cope. Meanwhile, Sam runs into Nick, and their dark past catches up with him.
Characters: Bisexual!Sam x Bisexual!Closeted!Dean, Nick, Castiel (briefly), Unnamed Woman/Women
Warnings: Wincest (Not Related), M/M, Implied Smut, Mentioned Drug Abuse, Mentioned Prostitution, Violence
WC: 913
A/N: Some dark themes here that will carry into the next part. Thanks for sticking with me on this one! Feedback is appreciated. : )
The Parts You Hide Masterlist
Part 3
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Dean groaned as the sunlight streamed through the curtains, bringing him to consciousness and making him aware of the hangover demanding attention. He groaned and rubbed his face, debating returning to sleep when he felt movement beside him. Cracking open his eyes, he turned his head and saw his conquest from the night before. He couldn't remember the petite blonde's name. It didn't matter. It was yet another in a long line of random women he'd fucked over the past week.
After the intervention, Dean took a leave of absence from work and took off in Baby, grateful he kept an overnight bag in his trunk in case of emergencies. Or, as it were, an escape from reality and all the people within it who wanted to 'fix' him. Forcing himself from the bed, he went to the bathroom, intending to relieve himself and shower away the previous night's activities that still clung to his skin.
When he emerged, he was grateful to see the blonde had dressed and left a simple note on her pillow. He sighed and crumpled the note, tossing it across the room toward the bin, not caring that it missed entirely. Removing his towel, he dressed and rummaged through his bag for meds to help with his pounding head. The constant ringing of his cell phone wasn't helping any.
Downing the meds and gulping half a bottle of water, he reluctantly viewed his phone. He'd been ignoring it for days. The phone rang again in his hand, Castiel's name popping up, another in a long line of calls. Sighing, he swiped to answer the call. He knew he owed his friend an apology for the way he decked him and ran off.
"Cas. Hey man, look, I'm sorry about how I left-"
"Dean? Sam's in the hospital."
Dean's breath stuttered, and his heart dropped at Cas' hastily spoken words.
"What?" he breathed, holding onto the edge of the small kitchen table to stabilize himself as his knees suddenly felt weak.
"Apparently, he was attacked," Cas rushed to explain.
After Cas told him the floor and room number, Dean grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet and rushed to Baby. He didn't know what had happened or how Sam had ended up in the hospital. All he knew was that he had to get to him. Even if Sam didn't want him there, Dean had to see that Sam was okay and find out what happened from him. Whoever dared attack him was in for a world of hurt.
Stepping out of the bar into the cold night air, Sam tugged his jacket closer around him. He smiled at his companion—a young and cute businessman just passing through—and walked with him into the night. He didn't care to remember his name or anything about him. Sam didn't care that the man wouldn't be there tomorrow; he was nothing more than a distraction, a way to cleanse his palette and get over Dean.
"Heya, Sammy."
The voice behind him stopped Sam in his tracks, tensing his body and hunching his shoulders at the distinct sound. He reluctantly turned, seeing Nick approaching from the bar.
"Who's your friend?" Nick teased, looking the more petite man up and down and licking his lips.
"I-I don't want any trouble," Sam's date spoke.
When Nick chuckled and grinned menacingly, the smaller male lifted his hands in surrender. He backed away, leaving Sam to face Nick alone. He didn't expect much from a one-night stand but to abandon him at the first sign of trouble?
Sam never liked Nick, but they became associated when one of Sam's flings - a trouble-making brunette named Ruby - got him hooked on drugs. Nick was his dealer, and when Sam was strapped for cash and in need of a fix, Nick was all too willing to accept other means of payment.
It wasn't something Sam was proud of, and Dean helped him not only break from addiction but heal from his traumatic past with Nick and Ruby - though Sam never told him their names as he didn't want Dean hunting them down. With Dean out of the picture, it seemed Sam was doomed to fall into old patterns. But he refused to touch any drugs ever again.
And he certainly hadn't forgotten when Dean accused Nick of trying to drug Sam at the bar by slipping something into his drink. After that, he was more than afraid of Nick and was starting to realize how far he'd go.
"Shame your date took off. I'm available for the night," Nick continued, grinning.
"I told you, I'm not interested. And I don't do drugs anymore."
"Yeah, that's right. Since Dean came along and took you away. But…I don't see him anywhere. In fact, my boys told me he left town in a hurry. So I guess I don't need to worry about him interrupting us again, huh?"
Sam swallowed hard as Nick stepped closer and closer to his personal space. Sam could fight, yell, and scream, but Nick knew a lot of people in town, not to mention he was strong and a skilled fighter.
"Don't," Sam growled, slapping away Nick's hand when he reached to caress him.
In the next instant, Nick's hand was squeezing around his throat as he pressed Sam's back into the side of a parked car.
"Oh, Honey," Nick cooed in Sam's ear as his vision began to blur. "You know I love it when you're feisty."
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notrightnowsblog · 9 months
Thinking about Sam and Dean working a case at a ballroom dancing school. They sign up for classes. Sam stays focused on figuring out what caused the mysterious deaths of a handful of students. Meanwhile Dean discovers he's not half bad and throws himself into the classes. He quickly gets bumped up from beginners to intermediate classes. Sam teases him about it because he still believes he's just turning the tables on Dean's usual "macho posturing." Dean blusters that if Swayze can do it, so can he.
Cas shows up in the middle of a West Coast Swing class with some info on the monster of the week. He crosses the floor, eyes locked on Dean, easily weaving in and out of the gyrating couples. Almost like it was choreographed. But Dean chastises him for interrupting the class and tells him to find a partner. Someone steps up to dance with Cas, and he's a disaster. Bumbling through the steps, can't find the rhythm, can't swivel his hips to save his grace. Dean grins like it's the most endearing thing he's ever seen. Then roasts Cas for an hour over it.
Anyway, they take care of the monster and move on, but Dean dances when he thinks no one can see. Years pass and eventually he's just doing it without thinking. At the gas pump, while making eggs, tapping his toes over the end credits of a movie.
Cas catches him at it while he's doing the dishes. Scrub rinse, pivot turn, wipe dry, cha cha cha. Dean startles and blushes when he notices Cas watching. Cas doesn't mention it but smiles like it's the most endearing thing he's ever seen. Dean tells Cas not to just stand there and help him out. So Cas helps him finish the dishes and Dean turns up the music and occasionally hip bumps Cas in time to the music. When they're done Dean goes to pick out a movie. Alone in the kitchen Cas hums to himself and imitates the steps. 2, 3, cha cha cha. He's not a natural like Dean but he's got it. Cha cha cha. He's got it.
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q-gorgeous · 2 years
Sam had a bad feeling about this.
She walked up to her altar and picked up a cleansing stick she had tied together last night, made of dried sage she had grown in her greenhouse some time back. She lit the sticks and wafted it around her room.
Danny had been missing for three weeks now. Nobody knew what happened to him. There hadn’t been any trace of him since he seemingly vanished that day. They had gone every possible route that they could’ve, and still nothing.
Sam sat down on the floor in front of her altar. She pulled out a black candle and placed it inside the candle holder. She picked up a notebook, writing her intention down on a page inside it. Ripping the page out, she folded it up a few times and held it up in front of her.
This was her last chance. She wasn’t sure it would do anything, her hopes of any possible leads about where Danny was were dwindling.
She picked up the lighter that was sitting on her altar and lit the candle. Its light danced across her face, casting shadows around her room. She watched it for a few seconds, reminding herself of her intention, and held the piece of paper up to the flame and watched it begin to burn.
Let Danny come home. Protect him wherever he is. Let me know he’s safe.
After a few seconds Sam set the paper down in a bowl that sat beside the candle.
She didn’t understand how he just disappeared like that. Tucker hadn’t heard anything from him, neither did Jazz. They hadn’t talked to him since they had all said goodbye for the night, Sam and Tucker on a video call and Jazz on her way to bed down the hall.
And Danny’s mom had seemed really calm about it all. She was convinced he just ran away. But why wasn’t she concerned about the reasons he could have run away? She wasn’t questioning anything. Even Danny’s dad wasn’t that calm. Didn’t think Danny had just run away due to some “teenage angst.” He had sat down with Jazz, Sam, and Tucker one day and told them that he didn’t think Danny ran away. That he thought there was something wrong.
Sam stared at the candle as it burned. The wax dripped down, making odd shapes inside the candle holder.
The more time that passed, the weirder Maddie’s reaction was. She was still convinced Danny would return home any day now. She ignored any push her family tried to make in finding Danny. Meanwhile Jack was clearly growing tired, melancholic. Jazz told her that Jack no longer slept in the bedroom with Maddie. That he stayed in the guest bedroom now. Maddie’s attitude still never seemed to change.
The candle was almost gone. She had watched it burn almost in its entirety. She picked her candle snuffer off the shelf in front of her.
She just hoped Danny would be okay.
Sam snuffed out the flame.
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writing-rat · 11 months
Bed Sharing
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Amber Freeman
Content Warning: Kicking out, Gayness, Homophobia, Bad parent Christina Carpenter
Summary: Tara gets kicked out but she doesn't want to be alone for the night
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Tara was tired, but she knew she had to talk with her mom. She had recently contacted her sister after all, and her mom was mad about that. Christina was not wanting to see Sam after ruining their family. She had soon arrived home as she dropped her bag and took her shoes off, before she heard her mother’s voice. “Tara. Living room, now,” Christina demanded. Tara gulped as she was slowly going over to the living room. She proceeded to sit across from her mother to lower the risk of being hit. It had happened before. “Did you try and contact Sam?” Christina asked immediately. Tara bit her lip before she was nodding. “Why?” she demanded, anger laced in her tone and her eyebrows furrowed in anger.
“Because I missed her,” she admitted, shuffling in her seat. “She ruined our life,” she exclaimed standing up and looking at Tara who was as stiff as a wooden board. She was shaking too. “She made your father leave. She made me become an alcoholic. She left you alone,” she complained.
“She had her reasons…” Tara explained, slowly backing up, Christina getting closer.
“Are you gay because of Sam?” she growled out. “Did she taint you?” she asked. Tara shook her head.
“No, not at all!” Tara tried to explain but Christina wasn’t having it. That’s when she hit Tara across the face.
“If you keep talking to Sam you are going to be kicked out,” she warned.
“I’ll start packing now,” Tara mumbled out, looking down as she was going to get up and pack. Christina saw red before she slapped her hard, knocking Tara on the ground. She kicked Tara all over who was gasping, Christina finishing after 5 minutes as she grabbed her coat and left. Tara whimpered out in pain before she soon texted Amber. ‘Help. Floor. Home. Kicked out’ she put in chat before she passed out on the floor. Amber meanwhile was shaking however as she was scared for her lover. She was quickly going over to her car and started it, speeding along the way. She didn’t care at all about that. Tara was only on her mind. 
Eventually she reached her house and just burst inside before she saw Tara and no Christina. She was thankful for that. She went next to her and gently kissed her cheek as she was shaking her. Tara groaned as she looked up at Amber and relief flooded her eyes. She immediately started to hug Amber, sobs coming out from both pain and also the situation. “Do you want to help me pack your things so you move in with me?” Amber asked gently, planning on distracting Tara for the time being. Tara nodded as she tired to get up but Amber refused as she picked her up. She proceeded to carry her to the bedroom before she set her down. “We’ll look at wounds after, ok?” she spoke quietly. Tara was nodding before she got a few bags out for her items. 
It took 1 to 2 hours to get all the stuff Tara wanted and lugging all the bag down the steps as Tara played music in the car. Amber was soon in the drivers as she was going over to her house, Tara looking out the window with teats in her eyes. She was still emotional and hurt after what happened. Slowly she started to lean against Amber as she drove needing the physical attention. “Want to share my room?” she asked gently. Tara nodded.
“Please. Don’t want to sleep alone and need you around,” she whimpered. Amber nodded. “We can bring your stiff in tomorrow. For now you can have my clothes to relax in. I will take care of your wounds then make you dinner and some hot chocolate. How does that sound, hm?” Amber asked. Tara nodded, tears in her eyes. “Please babe…” Tara quietly stated as she was looking at Amber.
Amber soon pulled up to her house as she picked Tara up, as Tara just nuzzled into her neck. She continued to bring her inside before she set her in the bathroom. “Shower. I’ll bring some clothes in for you then we can get food. What do you want?” She asked Tara, sitting her on the toilet lid as she sat next to her on the bathtub. Tara thought. “Pizza?” she asked tiredly. Amber nodded. “Get you your favourites my love,” Amber responded before she quickly grabbed some clothes and put them in the bathroom. There was Tara’s favourite of her clothing, an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts. She started to order some Domino’s pizza as she was smiling and went downstairs, getting some water for the both of them.
Eventually Tara finished bathing and walked into the kitchen where 3 pizzas were waiting for her. “Want me to clean your wounds?” Amber asked as she was plating the pizza up, sliding a glass of water over to Tara who looked shellshocked still. She was nodding as she was wanting food first. Amber noticed so she let the smaller girl eat, eating herself. She didn’t like the silence but she would cope just for the love of her life. Eventually they finished and Tara slowly started to take off her top, revealing the bruises and some of the scratches. Amber quickly got her medkit and made sure to clean them. “After this, let’s watch The Babadook,” Amber reassured to which Tara nodded, a faint smile coming on her lips finally. Amber grinned at that, she would kill Christina soon.
Eventually it was reaching 12am, and Tara was slowly leaning more and more against her girlfriend. “You tired love?” Amber asked her, to which Tara nodded.
“Mmm, yes,” she spoke in Amber’s neck as Amber soon carried her. 
“We can sleep now,” Amber responded as she was kissing her gently. Tara nodded, falling asleep in her arms. Amber smiled as she was soon in her bedroom, setting Tara down then followed pursuit as she was holding her. 
She would protect her…
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the-random-phan · 2 years
"A Field Trip" Chapter 4
aka Ectoberhaunt Day 12- Way of Life
Chapter WC: 2,013
Overall WC: 10,673
Danny's class goes on a trip to the Grand Canyon. It's all fun and games until suddenly it isn't.
“What hit me?” Dash asked groggily and to no one in particular. Immediately everyone’s attention was drawn to the jock, and he looked immensely startled when 20 sets of eyes suddenly swiveled to look in his direction. He gaped like a fish for a solid 30 seconds, before he saw a floating Danny Phantom only a yard away.
Danny, in his defense, had almost forgotten that Dash had been unconscious for most of the reveal discussion. And did not react accordingly.
“What the heck were you thinking, Dash?” He said, trying to sound more concerned than angry. Dash’s eyes went wide and he tried to start talking 5 different times but kept stammering over his own words. Meanwhile, Sam got out of her seat and shoved her bottle of water into his hands.
“You passed out a few minutes ago. We’re on a field trip to the Grand Canyon, you fell in and dragged Danny with you. Luckily he’s Phantom so he saved both your butts. Drink up.” Well, that was one way to catch him up on current events. Danny was not looking forward to another spiel of questions. He just wanted to be home already.
Dash took the bottle of water and chugged at least half of it. Sam gave him a glare with one brow raised and he sheepishly handed it back. Even for her small stature, Sam could be imposing. Kwan came over, taking Sam’s place as she retreated.
“Are you ok dude? Anything hurt?”
“Aside from my pride? Not really.” That made Kwan laugh, and some uneasy chuckles spilled out from their classmates. Dash wasted no time in tackling the next subject, turning to Danny.
“Everything's kinda fuzzy. So, wait- did you like, catch me and Fenton? Where’d he go?” He questioned, confused. In lieu of an answer, Danny reverted to human form, sitting solidly on the back of his seat.
Dash’s eyes just about bulged out of his head, even more so than a minute ago when he woke up to his ‘hero’ berating him. The jock's jaw dropped to the floor, and for a solid minute of time he just stared blankly.
“How the heck?” He yelled hysterically. Dash grabbed a handful of his own hair and tugged, as though trying to wake from a bad dream.
“Long story short, accident in my parent’s lab. Yes I’m still the same person as Phantom, yes I have all the same powers in both forms, and yes you pulled me off a cliff and I had to reveal myself to save the both of us.” Danny deserved a bit of salt. Just a tad. Maybe a pinch.
“You almost killed us both with that kind of stunt. What were you thinking?” Dash shrunk back for a moment, but the sheepishness disappeared as he puffed out his chest and broke eye contact.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” Dash said haughtily. It would seem that he had pushed aside the novelty of learning his classmate’s secret in favor of putting on a jerkish front.
“Oh you kinda do,” The audacity-
“remember the whole almost murdered me thing?” Reminded Danny. Dash paled, and looked anywhere but Danny’s face.
“But I didn’t, nothing happened. So I don’t owe you anything.” Danny tried to appear neutral, but he was livid. There was a biting response perched on the tip of his tongue, but he was interrupted by the timely entry of the bus driver.
“Uh-” The driver stammered.
“Why are you back so early?” He stood at the door to the bus, plainly confused. Mr. Lancer stood up immediately before anyone else could make up an excuse.
“One of the students passed out from the heat. I imagine it would be best to return to the hotel, I think everyone has had their fill of the Grand Canyon.” Lancer said quickly.
“Alrighty then.” Said the driver with a shrug. He took his seat at the front of the bus. Lancer sat back down and soon enough they were off, trundling down the highway.
Conversation on the bus ride back to the hotel was sparse and carried out in whispers. They were all distinctly aware that the bus driver wasn’t supposed to be let in on Danny’s secret, but it would seem that was all anyone could think to talk about. The ride was way too long, and yet also way too short.
Danny stared out the window for much of the journey. The sun filtering through the window was cozy, and paired with his frayed nerves he passed out for most of the drive. Tucker shook him awake when they arrived. Danny was still half-asleep as they trekked up to their room, and he phased right through their door without waiting for Tucker to grab the key card. Danny collapsed on the nearest bed, shoes and all. Sam and Tucker hovered over him as he slept, concerned. But the halfa slept peacefully.
Which gave them the perfect chance to get their things and sneak right past him and out of the hotel room.
“This doesn’t feel right.” Said Tucker. He shifted back and forth in his flip-flops as the elevator descended.
“They deserve to know more about the whole situation. Plus they’ll just keep bothering Danny if they don’t get answers.” Said Sam. She sounded confident, but really she was worried as well.
“It doesn’t feel right to do it behind his back though.”
“We aren’t really, he’s the one who fell asleep. And we’re just doing him a favor so he doesn’t have to deal with it all.” Sam picked at the frayed hems of her swim top. The atmosphere was stilted and silent until finally, the doors slid open.
It was easy enough to follow the signs that pointed to the pool and made even more so by the number of classmates that had congregated there. They were the only ones in the room, which was a plus. A few people walked past and seemed to debate coming in. But they shied away pretty quick after Kwan started a cannonball competition. Sam double-checked the class's group chat quickly, taking count of how many people they had invited for this meeting. Only about half were there already. So it would seem they had some waiting to do.
Sam sat on the edge at the shallow end, her feet dangling in the water. Tucker sat on a chair behind her, doing something on his phone. They were waiting for the rest of the class to show up before they launched into their spiel. 
Finally, fashionably late as always, Paulina and Star walked in the door. Paulina didn’t strut in like she would have done under any normal circumstances. She was quite stiff, and if the redness around her eyes was any indication, she wasn’t late simply because she was doing her hair. Star watched Paulina like a hawk as they wandered over to a chair and set their things down.
Finally, with everyone present, Sam lifted her fingers to her mouth and whistled. The change was drastic, with just about everyone freezing where they were. A few isolated conversations puttered off.
“We all saw what happened today, so I’ll skip over that. The fact of the matter is that Danny is Phantom, and everyone in this room needs to respect his request to keep it a secret. Danny does so much for other people and has so many responsibilities, imagine how devastating it would be if this got out.”
“-And not only that,” Tucker interjected.
“Danny’s world is dangerous. He has too many enemies to count on one hand, not even including the ghosts. His identity is the only thing protecting him from ghost hunters. He’s unique, and the GIW would literally tear him apart if they ever got their hands on him. And his human life is what keeps him off their radar most of the time.”
Sam picked up where he left off.
“If Danny’s secret spreads, adults will find out about it. And then so will the Guys in White. And his parents. We have no clue if they’d be accepting or not, and what lengths they might go to try and ‘fix’ him.”
“Danny’s secret has been revealed before. And the GIW hunted us across the country. Nowhere was safe. Danny managed to set everything back, but that isn’t an option this time.” That had been the worst three days of Sam’s life. Though it was even harder on Danny. And Tucker was along for the ride as well. It was tough for all of them. Sam had never felt more alone.
Tucker stood from his chair.
“TLDR, don’t tell anyone who isn’t in this room. Not even your parents. Don’t even say a word to your dog, if you can help it.”
Kim, who was standing in the shallow end, nervously raised her hand. Sam pointed to her.
“Um, why do so many ghosts attack? Why does Danny have to fight them? Can’t they just leave us alone…” She trailed off.
Sam looked to Tucker, and they had a silent conversation.
“Ghosts are creatures of habit. Most of them have a driving force, a reason to want to exist. And they go out of their way to fulfill it. Like Technus with technology, or Skulker with hunting, or Box Ghost with boxes.” Tucker started. He didn’t want to come right out and tell them about Obsessions. Obsessions could be easily weaponized against a ghost, Danny included. They didn’t want to give their classmates that kind of ammunition.
Sam went on to explain.
“The veil between Amity Park and the Ghost Zone is very thin, and it just so happens that we line up with the Ghost Zone’s barrens. It’s not a very good area and has a lot of people that were forced out of ghostly societies and establishments.”
“In short, we get all the troublemakers. Ghosts whose purposes in death are to cause mischief or harm.”
“But why Fenton?” Kwan piped up.
A harsh sigh was dragged out of Sam. Tucker relieved her of speaking duty. (heh. duty.)
“When Danny became the way he is, the veil was thinned even more. It didn’t used to be as easy to cross over as it is now. And even though it was a complete, freak accident, he still feels guilty.”
“And the ghost hunters in town are mediocre, at best.” Sam added.
“Also that.”
“With his powers Danny was just the one best suited to the job. And he really got in deep once ghosts started being a real threat to people. But now the ghosts expect to have him fighting back, and have made it into a game that he can’t quit. Because if he doesn’t, people get hurt. It’s just become his way of life.” Which was a horrible, twisted role Danny had been forced into. Tucker had to calm himself down. The ghosts had him in a chokehold, stuck between hurling himself at them and getting physically hurt, or being hurt by his core if he refused to engage. Tucker hadn’t fully realized the ramifications until Danny had been physically sick to leave Amity.
A wave of anger rolled over Tucker, this time directed at Dash. Sam and Tuck had just barely managed to convince Danny it was safe to come on this trip, but now Dash had to go and ruin everything and throw Danny into yet another situation. Quite literally.
“Uh, did I do something?” Dash asked nervously, ducking into the water. Tucker hadn’t realized he was staring.
“Yes.” Sam said flippantly. Tucker shook his head to clear the desire for revenge and scratched an itch on the back of his neck. Dash hadn’t known what he was doing. It wasn’t his fault. They were all victims of circumstance.
Speaking of circumstance;
A very stressed half-ghost practically plummeted through the ceiling and right through the pool. There was only the slightest of ripples in the water to indicate that he’d been there. Everyone stared, gaping, at the spot where he’d disappeared.
To be Continued...
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ebaeschnbliah · 2 years
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They had marched as far as the hobbits could endure without a rest, and all were thinking of a place where they could sleep, when suddenly the walls to right and left vanished. They seemed to have passed through some arched doorway into a black and empty space. There was a great draught of warmer air behind them, and before them the darkness was cold on their faces. They halted and crowded anxiously together.
Gandalf seemed pleased. `I chose the right way,' he said. `At last we are coming to the habitable parts, and I guess that we are not far now from the eastern side. But we are high up, a good deal higher than the Dimrill Gate, unless I am mistaken. From the feeling of the air we must be in a wide hall.’ 
I will now risk a little real light
He raised his staff, and for a brief instant there was blaze like a flash of lightning. Great shadows sprang up and fled, and for a second they saw a vast roof far above their heads upheld by many mighty pillars hewn of stone. Before them and on either side stretched a huge empty hall; its black walls, polished and smooth as glass, flashed and glittered. Three other entrances they saw, dark black arches: one straight before them eastwards, and one on either side. Then the light went out.
`That is all that I shall venture on for the present,' said Gandalf. 'There used to be great windows on the mountain-side, and shafts leading out to the light in the upper reaches of the Mines. I think we have reached them now, but it is night outside again, and we cannot tell until morning. If I am right, tomorrow we may actually see the morning peeping in. But in the meanwhile we had better go no further. Let us rest, if we can. Things have gone well so far, and the greater part of the dark road is over. But we are not through yet, and it is a long way down to the Gates that open on the world.'
The Company spent that night in the great cavernous hall, huddled close together in a corner to escape the draught: there seemed to be a steady inflow of chill air through the eastern archway. All about them as they lay hung the darkness, hollow and immense, and they were oppressed by the loneliness and vastness of the dolven halls and endlessly branching stairs and passages. The wildest imaginings that dark rumour had ever suggested to the hobbits fell altogether short of the actual dread and wonder of Moria.
`There must have been a mighty crowd of dwarves here at one time ' said Sam; `and every one of them busier than badgers for five hundred years to make all this, and most in hard rock too! What did they do it all for? They didn't live in these darksome holes surely? '
`These are not holes,' said Gimli. `This is the great realm and city of the Dwarrowdelf. And of old it was not darksome, but full of light and splendour, as is still remembered in our songs.'
He rose and standing in the dark he began to chant in a deep voice, while the echoes ran away into the roof.
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The world was young, the mountains green, No stain yet on the Moon was seen, No words were laid on stream or stone, When Durin woke and walked alone. He named the nameless hills and dells; He drank from yet untasted wells; He stooped and looked in Mirrormere, And saw a crown of stars appear, As gems upon a silver thread, Above the shadow of his head. The world was fair, the mountains tall, In Elder Days before the fall Of mighty kings in Nargothrond And Gondolin, who now beyond The Western Seas have passed away: The world was fair in Durin's Day. A king he was on carven throne In many-pillared halls of stone With golden roof and silver floor, And runes of power upon the door. The light of sun and star and moon In shining lamps of crystal hewn Undimmed by cloud or shade of night There shone for ever fair and bright. There hammer on the anvil smote, There chisel clove, and graver wrote; There forged was blade, and bound was hilt; The delver mined, the mason built. There beryl, pearl, and opal pale, And metal wrought like fishes' mail, Buckler and corslet, axe and sword, And shining spears were laid in hoard. Unwearied then were Durin's folk; Beneath the mountains music woke: The harpers harped, the minstrels sang, And at the gates the trumpets rang. The world is grey, the mountains old, The forge's fire is ashen-cold; No harp is wrung, no hammer falls: The darkness dwells in Durin's halls; The shadow lies upon his tomb In Moria, in Khazad-dum. But still the sunken stars appear In dark and windless Mirrormere; There lies his crown in water deep, Till Durin wakes again from sleep.
`I like that! ' said Sam. `I should like to learn it ... In Moria, in Khazad-dûm! ... But it makes the darkness seem heavier, thinking of all those lamps.
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JRR Tolkien reads The Song of Durin ‘The world was young the mountains green’
JRR Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, A Journey in the Dark
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