#meanwhile Rai drinks tea
thelittlestspider · 2 years
peter and javier meeting joe and scott like "is it possible for men who meow to fall in love with men who bark"
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arysbruv · 7 months
Overtime - A New Customer [prologue]
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You’re new to town, only having moved here a week ago. After exploring for a while, you found a quaint little cafe near your work with amazing coffee and a hot barista! Thus, that place has become your regular visit after work.
Meanwhile, Nanami Kento has been a worker at the cafe for a long time; working there after his regular job for a few extra bucks. The people who visit are always the same boring people, that is until a new visitor comes in and shows him a new world.
pairings: nanami kento x gn!reader
warnings and whatnots: cafe au! turning into a series! Nothing much happening in this chapter. Haibara mentions 💕💕 I hope you enjoy’
Tokyo was beautiful.
When people told you that the place was busy and stunning, you never thought it would be like this. Yet, as you rounded your way through the innards of the city, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe get instilled into you.
The sun was setting. The golden rays of light hitting the scenery and causing the landscape to grow in beauty. You smile to yourself.
You recently moved in from a smaller town outside of Tokyo, having gained a good office job in the big city. It had been a week and you were still baffled by the complexities and intricacies of the city. You always found a new area to explore every time you went out.
Today, you decided to check out your new office. It was a Monday, and you wouldn’t start working until tomorrow, so you thought it would be a good idea to get a gist of your surroundings. As you rounded into an alleyway near your office building, you spot a small sign lit up with LED. You tilt your head, heading towards it. Excitement growing in you as you realise it was a cafe.
How fortunate! Lord knows you would need a coffee after a hard day’s work. You hope that the coffee in that place was good.
Entering the cafe, a small bell rung, announcing your presence. The cafe was quiet, only a few people sat there on their laptops, working. There was a small queue.
That must mean it’s good. You think to yourself.
Heading towards the counter, you look at the coffee and teas on the menu. All of them looked so creative and good! Your mouth salivated as you read the descriptions. What should you get?
Nanami was done with his job. But, he needed the money.
The cafe was slow but brought forth a sizeable income, mixed in with his 9-5 job, he had a good flow of cash flowing into his account. He sighed as he made another iced matcha latte, listening to his coworker, Haibara, chatting away to the elderly lady in front of him. How was he so energetic at the time of day?
The soft sound of the bell ring through the cafe, announcing the arrival of another customer. Nanami quickly glanced up, noticing your figure walk in, looking at the menu. He had never seen you before. Normally, the people who go to this cafe were regulars. Seldom came new customers.
He shrugs it off, continuing to make the coffee and putting it on the counter, calling out the person’s name. He leaves it there as he goes to make another order.
Raspberry frappe.
He moves quickly. He had gotten used to the mechanics of each machine he had to use, making him quite quick in preparing all the orders. That’s why he had always been the one making the coffee whilst Haibara handled the customers. Haibara was more amicable. He was pleasant to talk to and could break down people’s walls easily. That’s how he and Nanami became friends quickly. Haibara was patient with people. Not to say he wasn’t, but he would rather handle the backstage work then talk to the crowd.
A tap on the glass followed by a small ‘excuse me’ pulls him from his thoughts. He looks to his side, noticing you looking at him through the pastry case. You give him a soft smile.
“Yes?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. “You need to line up if you are to order a pastry.”
You lean back, standing straighter. “Hm, no, I wanted to order a drink, but I don’t know what’s good. Do you have any recommendations?”
Nanami thinks for a second. No one had really asked him that. He wasn’t prepared to answer such questions. He left those to Haibara. He glanced at the brown-haired boy who was now quickly talking away with another customer. Truth be told, he had never really drank any of the drinks. He found them to be a bit too expensive on his budget.
“I…” He trails off, not knowing what to say. He glanced at his hand. “The strawberry frappe is good.” He manages out.
You give him an encouraging smile, pleased with his answer. Somehow, that made him more motivated to speak.
“Truthfully, I’ve never drank anything here. But, our most popular items are Iced Matcha Latte, the Butterfly Tea, and our Strawberry frappe.”
You nod along, giving him a smile. “Thank you sir!” You say, moving to the back of the line.
His eyes follow you as you move. He nods at you before continuing on with his work.
You walk up to the counter finally, smiling at the brown haired boy in front of you.
“Hi! I’m Haibara. What would you like?” He asks positively, his voice full of care and love. You smile back at him, recalling what his coworker had said.
“I’d like the Butterfly Tea please.”
He smiles jotting down the order, making quick conversation with you about your name, the level of sugar you want and ice.
“Are you new around here? I’ve never seen you before!” Haibara finally lets out, masking his excitement. You nod, explaining that you had gotten a new job recently which caused you to move here.
The conversation between the two of you didn’t fall on deaf ears to Nanami. As he made your drink, he listened offhandedly to your conversations He listened up until you went to the side to let the customer behind you order. You smile at Haibara before moving to the end where your drink would end up, watching Nanami focus on mixing your drink up.
“Your drink.” He says to you, handing the drink to you. You give him a warm smile, taking it from him. Your fingers grazed his cold hands.
“I like your hair.” You state nonchalantly, pointing over to his blonde hair.
If you were being perfectly honest, the barista whom you didn’t know the name of was quite good looking. Hell, he was handsome. If the coffee wasn’t good, maybe you would just come over to gawk and admire the blonde haired man who made drinks. He couldn’t have been any older than you. Maybe… you shake the thought away. First week in the city and you’re already having thoughts on marrying the first hot guy you see.
The unnamed barista smiles at your compliment, nodding politely. Your eyebrows lower down slightly, saddened a bit by his lack of conversation. It was no wonder why Haibara was the one treating the customer and not him.
Either way, you move towards the entrance again, waving goodbye as you leave, fully intending to come visit again even if the drinks were bad.
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
Want something in between squishy soft HD and TL whump rn so here we go with some clone au shenanigans. Anyway, for shits and giggles, Moon gets to join security patrol at night before he's infected cause why not? He gets so little as the naptime attendant.
The first time you meet Moon it's because you managed to get locked inside the pizzaplex after hours. It takes you a minute to process that you're locked in, sort of blankly staring at the metal shutters keeping you inside.
"It's past your naptime," a voice says from behind you in a low, almost hissing manner, and you jump, lashing out with one of your crutches reflexively. Honestly, it'd be more accurate to say you lashed out with your arm, and the crutch just followed, attached as it was to said arm. Either way, it hit your target with a jarring metallic thunk that vibrated all the way up to your shoulder and teeth, rattling you.
Meanwhile, your would-be assaulter swings back and forth on its wire, dramatically holding its chest. "I've been had!" He drops to the ground, clearly "dying" from the blow.
You scowl when you recognize Moon from its posters, leaning on your other crutch. When you make no effort to respond to his theater, he sits up, watching you with mismatched eyes. "You shouldn't be here."
You just stare. You know this already, so what's the point of it telling you?
"You're the one that doesn't speak." Moon leans forward, over you, menacing in its height. You stare up at it blankly before using a crutch to push it back. You're not gentle. Moon rolls away, tucking into a ball instead of giving a proper backflip. It still pops up dramatically, like a gymnast giving their final bow, and you roll your eyes.
The Daycare Attendant is a jester. You really shouldn't be surprised by the dramatics. You just don't think it would be particularly amused if it knew the last time you actually laughed.
"You are skilled with your sword," Moon says, its tone teasing as it inches closer, safely out of range. "I'll need maintenance soon if you don't leave."
You gesture at the shuttered doors in irritated response. It's not like you want to be standing here being semi-lectured by a robotic nanny. You're tired and confused and your feet hurt and you are pretty sure you missed the bus that usually picks you up to go home. You're going to have to email them and it took forever to get an email back because it's a publicly funded service and meanwhile Uber and Lyft are so expensive so what money you earn will be gone so, so quickly.
"Hey." A metallic finger brushes over your cheek and you jump, landing badly and falling directly on your ass. Now everything hurts, and you let out a choked breath, unstrapping one crutch to wipe hard at your eyes.
Moon crouches, a hand out but not touching. You lean away, and its hand drops. "You need rest. A drink. There is tea in the employee break room."
Tea? You wipe your eyes again, not even trying to move. It would be useless until your nerves calm a bit and you can try to ease the tension in your muscles. It's the stress making you hurt, you tell yourself. Just the stress, nothing more.
"Let's get you tea." And it moves in before you have a chance to defend yourself, scooping you up with ease. You grab at it's shoulder, fingers failing to find a grip as it walks with a long, surprisingly smooth gait to the atrium. You grab at its collar but are still ignored.
Finally, you get the idea to tug on Moon's nightcap. The tail of it swing around behind, and you figured it would work like Sun's rays, jerking Moon's head back so you couldn't be ignored any longer. Instead it just. Came off. Like a hat. Leaving Moon bald.
You were so surprised you actually dropped it and stared over Moon's shoulder at the abandoned crutch and hat. A trail of items like Hansel and Gretel's bread crumbs. Did that make Moon the witch, and the tea its gingerbread house?
Moon continued on, oblivious to the loss of its hat, and you finally just go with it. You could probably limp your way back to your crutch later, after whatever adventure you were being kidnapped to do. Moon continues right on past the glamrocks' dressing rooms, utterly ignored by the bandmates.
The attendant looks so different from the others. Was it even meant to be here?
The final goal, apparently, is a small lounge you'd never seen. Moon puts you down gently enoufh, but even that jostles you and you grimace, resettling on this overly plush, threadbare, ugly orange couch tucked by the vending machines. Moon is working, poking around the cabinets as it hums a lullaby, then a song you don't recognize. You're not going anywhere soon, so you slowly unstrap your remaining crutch from your arm, still holding the handle just in case.
Moon found a box and mug, its song punctuated with pleased delight. Apparently the water cooler was also a heater, and the animatronic's attention was fully back on you. "Drink this."
You breathe heavily through your nose in response, but you do take the mug. It's warm. And the tea does smell good. Mint and something else. You don't know much about tea. You take a sip, scalding your lips and tongue. The burning liquid feels good though, warming you even if it doesn't ease the stress holding you stuff. You take another sip, watching Moon over the lip of the mug.
Is it aware of how silly it looks without its hat? It squats a safe distance away, watching you, its flat face slowly rotating like a clock. Before it could get a full 90 degrees it paused and began to rotate the other way. Was it… thinking? Processing?
Either way, it felt weird to be sitting while it squatted like that. Maybe you were anthropomorphizing it too much, but you pat at the seat next to you. When it doesn't move, even its head slowing its rotation, you pat the seat harder. "You are sure? I don't wish to incur the wrath of your blade again."
The fact it still is playing the villain in some knight story? Whatever. You roll your eyes and nod, returning to the tea. It's kinda nice. You can almost (almost) forget what a pain it's gonna be to get home.
Moon does sit, surprisingly careful so you don't immediately roll into his space. He's still heavy, so you're drawn in regardless, trying not to spill your tea. You keep drinking, the silence only punctuated by the humming of the fridge and water cooler. If you focus on that and the warmth of your tea… you're starting to drift off.
Wait. This had been a trick! You try to glare at Moon, but all you can manage is a yawn.
Moon, for its part, is grinning down at you. Like, beyond its usual frozen smile type of grinning. "You've figured it out, haven't you?" He teaches past you, snagging your crutch. You try to protest, but it's faster, and it sets it just out of reach. "Nap time. You need rest."
Like you weren't going to sleep when you got home. And your painkillers are there too!" You've definitely been kidnapped. But it's not an especially cruel kidnapping. Minus when you wake up.
"Sleep," Moon says and you're not sure you will truly, but you will rest, and you will make fun of how he looks without his hat later. For now you'll sleep and worry about the rest later.
@pillowspace I feel like a cat bringing you my latest catch with pride. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope to keep writing well. v.v
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Bulletproof Bandits, chapter 14
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: none
Summary: Russell, Dylan and Frankie rescued Viktor from certain death. As time is running out, our protagonists find out some shocking truths...
A/N: this is the end of part 2. thank you everyone for following this far!!
When the four got to Rhinestone City, the rain had started to clear up, making room for the first sun rays.
Once they had parked their bikes at Dylan's house, Russell and Dylan dragged Viktor by the arms, while Frankie assisted by grabbing the man by the legs and laying him on an old armchair in the garage.
"Dylan, where were you?!" Dayana came to the entryway and dashed towards her son.
"Mom!" The boy hugged her. "We went looking for Tommy, sorry for worrying you."
"Well... Where is he?" She gazed over his shoulder with nervous eyes.
"We haven't found him yet, but we're close." Informed Russell. "In the meantime, we found Viktor, who seems in quite poor shape."
Viktor coughed, appearing to come to his senses.
"Oh Jesus..." Murmured the woman. "Are you okay, sir?" She came closer to his and placed her hand on his forehead. "He's burning up! Bring something to cover him, quick!"
Dylan rushed into the house to come back a few seconds later with a wool blanket and wrapped it around Viktor's shoulders.
"I'll come back with something warm to drink, okay?" Said Dayana, resting her hand on Viktor's shoulder.
The man nodded.
"Do you think you can do something about his legs?" Asked Russell, turning to Dylan.
"Hmm, let's see..." His friend pondered, while looking for his toolbox. "Uh, Viktor? May I..."
The man lazily opened his eyes and without saying anything, he loosened the belt and pulled down his pants, revealing his legs. They looked mostly like flesh, but the metal junctures on the knees and the electronic vessels that had become black due to a lack of power revealed that Vikor was, at least partially, no longer human.
"Woah..." Said Dylan, at the sight of them.
Russell took a closer look as well. "That's so cool!" He instinctively reached out with his hand, which was slapped away by Viktor, who looked at the redhead with stern eyes.
"Sorry! Sorry..." Said Russell, retracting his hand and looking away.
As Dylan put down the toolbox he scratched his head, unsure about what to do next.
"I'm sorry, but I am at a loss." Said the boy, after a while.
"You're gonna give up that easily?" Russell raised an eyebrow.
"I dunno man, I work with bikes, not cyborgs!" Dylan frowned. "Maybe Duncan can –"
Meanwhile, Dayana arrived with four cups of hot tea on a tray, placing it on the small table beside the chair Viktor was sitting on.
"Thank you, ma'am." Whispered the man, turning towards the woman, who responded with a polite smile.
Everyone took a cup in their hands.
"Thank you for taking me with you." Said Viktor, taking a bow, in a veiled russian accent. "You saved me from certain death."
"Uh, it's no problem, dude!" Grinned Dylan, taking a sip from his mug.
"So, this is your home, huh?" The man looked around. "I've always been told no one survived the fallout in Rhinestone City."
"That's what the libertian pigs want you to think," responded Russell with a grimace, "but us rhiners don't give up that easily!"
"I see..." Viktor smiled. "You know, I used to be one of their best men." He sighed, sipping on his tea. "Then I found out... I found out what horrible monsters they all are."
Russell and Dylan looked at each other, flabbergasted. "What do you mean?" Asked the redhead.
"There's something deeply wrong in Liberty City." Continued Viktor. "There's a secret, underground laboratory, where they conduct experiments on humans."
Everyone else gasped and widened their eyes.
"How... How do you know that?" Asked Frankie.
"My wife was an engineer down there. She told me everything she saw, before... before they got her." He looked down at his handcuffs. "And then they got me..."
"So you escaped prison?" Guessed Russell.
Viktor nodded. "I was on death row. They labeled me as a traitor because I had the balls to stand up for myself and my family."
Russell stared at him in awe.
"And what kind of experiments are they doing?" Intervened Dylan.
"The head of the government is obsessed with creating the 'perfect citizen', he thinks he's God himself." Viktor scoffed. "Obviously, not everyone there turns out... normal, so to speak. Sometimes the humans they create are... defective."
"Just like me..." Murmured Frankie.
"Do you come from Liberty City too?" Asked the man.
The blond nodded. "My parents wanted to take me to one of the recovery facilities because I've been having headaches since I was born. Do you know what they do there to people like me?"
"I don't, nobody does." Sighed Viktor. "The people who got in those facilities never came back."
Frankie felt a shiver going down their spine.
"But it doesn't end there, unfortunately." Continued Viktor. "They also try to turn people into weapons of mass destruction. There was this boy, in particular, that Sara told me about... He showed impressive results from the beginning. He was destined to become a war machine, but he managed to escape when there was a lab incident."
Dylan and Frankie turned their gaze at Russell.
"Wh- what are you looking at?" The redhead asked, confused.
"That does sound like you, dude." Said Dylan.
Russell frowned. "No, it doesn't!"
"Think about it!" His best friend insisted. "You have that... condition that makes you a blood-thirsty freak every time you get hit, you are an unstoppable force that kills everything that stands in your way, without mentioning that you can endure deadly wounds and they take less time to heal than the average person! Also, you have yellow eyes. Who the hell has that eye color?!"
Russell fell silent, staring at his hands. "I thought..." He whispered, after a while. "I thought I was just a mutant..."
"Those are not mutation symptoms." Said the man, gently. "You are an experiment gone wrong."
"That would explain... everything... The lab in my nightmares... the voices, the visions..." Russell grasped his head and began breathing heavily. He looked at Viktor, his eyes were shiny with tears. "Viktor, do you know who my mother is?"
The man shook his head. "I'm sorry, but every kid in that lab gets removed from their family at a very young age, then they brainwash them to make them forget their past. They don't keep any records of the parents."
"At a very young age..." Repeated Dylan, lost in thought. "The guy said the truck was directed to Liberty City... Oh, God!" He brought a hand to his mouth.
"Dyl, what's happening?" Wanted to know Russell.
Dylan raised his head towards his friend. "Tommy..." He whispered, then he looked at Viktor. "Last week my little brother was kidnapped, and the tracks led us to Liberty City. Do you... do you think they put him in the lab?"
"How old is he?"
"There's a high chance, yes. They usually go for that age, and Rhinestone City has become their playground of choice in the last few years, since everyone thinks that this is a ghost town."
"That explains all the disappearances!" Exclaimed Russell.
"I can't guarantee he's still alive," clarified Viktor, "but if you're willing to look for him anyway, you're going to need some backup." He then lowered his gaze, bringing attention to his legs.
"You mean you're gonna help us if we manage to fix your legs?" Asked Dylan, with hope in his eyes.
The man nodded.
"Thank you, thank you, man!" The boy ran to Viktor to hug him.
The man patted his back, smiling. "It's the least I can do."
Sunshine filled the room with warmth.
The three brought Viktor to the end of the street, at a mechanical workshop.
"Hey, Duncan!" Dylan greeted the mechanic.
A brawny tattooed woman with short, black hair raised her head from the workbench and turned towards the voice. "Well well well, who do we got here?" She laughed, walking towards the group and giving Dylan and Russell a one-armed hug, patting their backs. "Who are your friends?"
"This is Frankie, and he's Viktor." Russell presented them to her. "They come from Liberty City."
"Oh, so that's why I haven't seen you around here!" Duncan inclined her head in curiosity, looking at the newcomers. "What do you need my services for?"
"Well, about that, uh..." Began Russell. "You're an engineer, right? Viktor's prosthetics are out of order. Do you think you can fix them?"
"Sure, we'll find a solution, one way or another." The woman nodded, as she uncovered a metal table in the middle of the garage. "Here, take a seat."
Russell, Frankie and Dylan put Viktor on the table, where the man took off his pants.
"Which models are these?" Duncan asked. "I've never seen them before."
"They're from ORION, they run with a system application that got shut down as soon as I left the city." Informed Viktor.
The woman whistled in amazement. "That's a good piece of technology, huh!" She commented.
"The chips should be on the back." The man added, rotating on his side.
She took a look at the devices that were implanted on the prosthetics. "Hmm... I think... I think I should have something that's compatible with these."
"You do?!" Exclaimed everyone.
"Yes!" Duncan nodded enthusiastically. "I got a few of these at the black market, just the other day. Even us rhiners are evolving!"
"That's great, thank you." Said Viktor.
"No problem at all! Now, let's get to work..." The woman rolled up her sleeves and began tinkering with the man's legs, while everyone else looked at her working attentively.
Duncan began with removing the old chips with a screwdriver, then she installed the new ones. After that, she asked to see the wristband.
"Hmm... let's see. I need to hack the program into this. Luckily as soon as the chips are in the legs, the device will recognize them as part of the system, so all you gotta do is..." She pressed a few times on the display, "and... There we go, all done!"
With a mechanical buzz, the vessels on the legs filled with a blue light.
"Wow, already?" Exclaimed Dylan.
"Uh-huh," Duncan said, putting her hands on her hips, "piece of cake, wasn't it?"
Viktor carefully jumped off the table and took a few steps. "This is incredible. They feel as good as new! I wish I had a way to repay you, but –" He was ready to apologize, but the woman made a gesture with her hand as to shoo away a fly.
"Don't worry about it. You are Dylan's friend, so it's on the house."
"Thank you, Dunk." Dylan patted the woman's back.
"This is for all the beers you bought me!" She laughed.
Dylan smiled. "Yeah, right!"
"Well," Intervened Russell, "we'd like to stay over and chat, but we gotta go."
Dylan nodded. "We are looking for Tommy. He was kidnapped."
"So I've heard! How's the research going?"
"Not great so far, but..." Dylan turned towards his friends, then looked back at the woman, "Now we got a solid lead."
"I see. Good luck then."
"Thanks. We're gonna need it."
The two hugged.
As the boy detached himself from Duncan, everyone waved before going back to Dylan's house.
As the sun was setting over Rhinestone City, Russell, Dylan, Frankie and Viktor hit the road again.
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skygal-178 · 2 years
A story of two complete strangers and the strong bond that blossoms between them!
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artwork by @shadydruidd characters by laura bailey and marisha ray from @criticalrole
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Imogen and Laudna have been traveling together through the Taloned Highlands for the last few months. Eventually ending up in the port city of Marshvale Station.
Walking down through the market square, surrounded by merchants selling their goods on carts or from their shop fronts. Spending the last of their coin on some fresh fruits, Imogen hands half to Laudna and puts the rest in her own bag. “Well, that was the last of our coin.” Imogen states, as they make their way back to the Inn they’re staying at. “It’s still early enough to find some work, and earn a bit of coin.” Laudna looks over at Imogen, who’s looking a bit tapped out from the crowded market square. “Or I could have Paté perform, people loved it last time.” Laudna makes Paté do a little tap dance just for Imogen to see. Receiving the smallest of chuckles, like Laudna was hoping for. “I think I’d rather relax and go out for a job tomorrow if you don’t mind.” “Of course! I have about three gold left, so dinner’s on me. And then we can just hang out in our room, drink tea.” “Thanks, Laudna.”
The ladies arrive at Inn a couple minutes later. Thankfully it’s not that crowded in here, with only six others sitting at the bar with drinks. Imogen and Laudna sit down at a booth, ordering two glasses of milk and a little bite to eat. “There you go ladies, any luck finding passage today?” The owner Tymina, a -, asks as she places the food and drinks down on the table. “Thank you, not yet. But I’m really tapped out for the day.” “We’re gonna head out again tomorrow.” Laudna adds to Imogen’s answer. “Well I’m sure you’ll find what you need. I heard a lot of ships came in today stopping for supplies and rations for a day.” Tymina gives them a kind smile, before heading back to the bar and attending the customers there.
A bit of time goes by with Laudna and Imogen just chatting, when a cheerful voice suddenly interrupts their conversation. “Hi! I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help to overhear you mentioning looking for passage.. Are you going to Gavren?” A blue skinned female tiefling, with long wavy royal blue hair and a set of horns curving back and out adorned with gold jewelry, stands next to their table. A big enthusiastic smile on her face. “Uhhm...” Imogen looks the girl over, then notices the group sitting at the bar. A dark to lighter green-skinned half-orc man, black hair with a lock of gray in the front and a set of tusks poking out from his bottom lip, sitting with his head in his hand. His thought enters her mind. “Here we go again..” Meanwhile Laudna is happily engaging. “Oh, well yes we are. You see, Imogen has these powers and-” Imogen’s eye grow big as Laudna just starts talking. “I’m sorry, who are you?” She quickly stops Laudna from saying too much. “Oh yes, I’m Jester! It’s nice to meet you!” She reaches out her hand, introducing herself. Laudna happily shake it. “I’m Laudna, it’s so nice to meet you aswel.” “Wow, you’re really creepy looking.. Are you dead or something?” “Oh kay!” The half-orc man gets up and quickly makes his way over.
“I’m so sorry, my wife gets excited when she can help others. And you look..” He pauses for a moment, looking over at Laudna who is still holding out her hand giving them the kindest smile she can muster. “.. wonderful and healthy, we’ll leave you to it now.” As he’s about to pull Jester along with him back to the bar, Laudna speaks up again. “Oh that’s alright, I am actually. Dead, I mean.” Jester immediately turns back around, fully invested again. “You are?! That. Is. So. Cool! How did you die? Was it painful? When did you die? Do you age? How old are you?” Jester slides into the booth next to Laudna, blurting out all the questions. “Okay before we get into everyone’s life stories, which I’m sure is not really on your to-do list at the moment.” The half-orc eyes Jester. “Right, I’m sorry.. I just never met a dead person that isn’t trying to kill us, you know.” Jester apologizes to Laudna. “Uhm, if you’ll allow me.. My name is Fjord, and I believe what Jester was trying to say is that we overheard a bit of your conversation and wanted to offer our help if needed, of course.” The half-orc, now introduced as Fjord, clears up. “Yes, that.. yes!” Jester, somewhat chaotically, confirms. “It’s so nice to meet the both of you. And that’s very kind of you, but unless you have a ship I’m not sure of how much help you can be to us..” Imogen replies, in her usual calm tone of voice now that there’s not a big crowd around her anymore. “Well, you see, we do though. Have a ship.” Jester states, excitedly. “You do?!” Laudna asks. “Yes, we own a shipping business, Stone’s Throw Shipping, and are currently sailing all over Exandria.” Fjord adds to Jester’s statement. “Well, we’ve run low on coin, but if there’s any other way we can pay you. It would mean a lot to us, to me, if you could take us to Port Garven.” Imogen sits up a bit straighter, not expecting this sudden opportunity. “Of course! We’re leaving tomorrow morning, our ship is called the Nein Heroez, meet us there at dawn.” Jester informs them. “Wonderful! I’m sorry, but I don’t think I caught your name?” Fjord turns to Imogen. “Oh right, I’m Imogen. Nice to meet you both.” Imogen reaches her hand out, Fjord takes it giving her a kind smile. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” With that the couple walks back to the bar and out of the Inn with their group.
Not long after Laudna and Imogen head to their room, having one last cup of tea together before heading to bed.
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mxstball · 2 years
There would be more portal madness, but at least this time it was reigned in this time. Many tiny portals would open up, and each one would drop a stocking stuffed to the brim with goodies... well, most of them did, anyways. Zinnia would receive an extra stocking filled with nothing but PP Ups and... a certain something else, as well as a note with "You know what to do with these." written on it. Tor would get several extra stockings, all filled with either Gloam's homemade treats or expensive-looking accessories (some of which had Catalyst Crystal, that'll be a fun surprise.) Vivienne would get an entire pot of mulled wine, still piping hot and fragrant with fruit and exotic spices. Zygarde, in addition to her stocking, would also get a bunch of tiny hats and scarves, presumably for her cells. Everyone else gets a normal stuffed stocking... except for Ray and Izanami, who both get titanium-filled boots, directly to the head. They're Legendaries, they can handle it. Additionally, Lacey would get a note: "Sorry about last time, enjoy. -Shichuurin"
As everyone were getting ready for the holiday, everyone quickly realized why it probably wasn't the best of ideas for Sky Pillar to be hosting a holiday party at this point: you never know who may show up.
And, this time, it was Round 2 from Shichuurin.
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"Oh hey. Two stockings!" Zinnia looked in the stocking of goodies before storing them to be savored later (and for Salamence to not get too curious. "Niiice. Real nice. Wonder what's in the othe--"
Wait. Huh? Zinnia took out the PP Ups, the note, and the... object. For a second, Zinnia was perplexed, until it finally clicked. She knew who exactly to troll with these. Zinnia quickly chuckled maniacally "....Oh, old man. Oh, Wallace. Y'all don't know what's about to hitcha~. Whoever sent these, definitely like their sense of humor. Hehe."
Meanwhile, Tor was in her new room. Thankfully, Zinnia and Heidi went shopping for her, and allowed for her to stay alone for a little while so they could continue preparing the party... but what they hadn't told her was that the portal would return.
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"W--wait! N--not again! Please I can't--"
Tor jumped quickly but, when the several stockings landed in front of her, Tor slowly dropped her guard. "...?" She slowly moved over to one of the stockings and opened it.
There were... sweets and goodies. Were they all... for her? Tor slowly ate one.
Tor quickly downed a few treats, but quickly stopped herself. She... she needs to hoard this. Tor quickly looked around and spotted the large fridge that Heidi placed inside. Tor wasted no time before opening the fridge, grabbing storage containers, organizing sweets by day, and stashing them.
These treats need to last.
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However, in the middle of her ventures, she came across some accessories. "...?" Tor slowly grabbed a few of the accessories -- hair ties, earrings, brooches.... Some of these things seemed very intricate and difficult to make.
Were they... really for her?
"...." Tor... reached for the hair ribbons and replaced her well-worn ones. For the others, she placed in a cabinet for safe keeping. They seemed far too valuable to do anything else.
Meanwhile, in Kalos, Vivienne and Lilian were drinking tea together. Their holiday invitations were placed to the side as they discussed possibly attending.
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"Sky Pillar already has but so much of one's brethren within its domain. One could not possibly show oneself with so many others--"
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"Why, come now, dearest. There is no need to be so shy. It would be but a perfect time to get to know our extended family, even if it is for a short time."
"....B--b--b--but people-- So many peopl--"
THUNK! Each of them received a sudden stocking of goodies, and a fresh pot of mulled wine was placed right in front of the Lifelover.
Vivienne chuckled. "I was not aware that they would try to sweeten me up like this. Consider me enticed~"
"....?" Lilian was a little shook, but the sudden surprise and it looking inside of the stocking allowed it to lower her guard. "It seems that they are being quite friendly."
Vivienne chuckled and nodded.
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"Tell you what.... Since I was planning to go anyway, why not stay with me throughout the party? We can chat with the others, have a drink or two, and, if at any point that you wish to leave after the first... thirty minutes, we will go. Okay?"
"..." Lilian sighed and nodded. "Very well then! One shalt do so."
In Sinnoh, Izanami and Cynthia were in Izanami's human home, looking at her own invitations to the holiday party. Honestly, while she wasn't surprised to see Cynthia's invitation, with all of the trouble she landed herself in this year, she was shocked that she received one of her own.
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"Bede mentioned to me that he would come if I did, and Seth decided to join Lauren in coming as well. I think it would be a nice break in between the changing tides."
"Perhaps. I would have thought that they would have wished that I not join due to some of the trouble that I caused."
"Well, sometimes family support is above family troubles, you know." Cynthia chuckled. "Besides, knowing your daughter, I wouldn't be surprised if she already had something in mind to make up for that--"
And, if right on cue, portals opened up with two stockings in front of Cynthia -- one for herself and one for Seth. How cute... as for Izanami, a portal opened up and she was awarded...
... a boot to the head.
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"AAHH-- What in the world--"
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"Yup. Kind of like that."
Finally, back in Sky Pillar, Heidi, Rayquaza, and Aphrodite-Zygarde were finally taking a small rest by snuggling together. So much of the house was decorated and ready to go. Before long, the party was bound to start. Whether it was to be a large or a small party didn't matter, however. As long as Lillie enjoys it, then they did their job.
Then, some portals opened, causing the trio to rise and look. It was clear that Shichuurin was back.
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Zygarde received hers first. There was a small stocking of goodies, but then a second present of a lot of small hats and scarves. They were too tiny for her in this form though. Could they be for--
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Zygarde summoned a cell from another region and quickly dressed it with a little scarf. Oh, she looked so cute like this!
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"Oh, that's kinda neat." Heidi was distracted before turning back to the second portal as her own stocking and note were there. "...Huh. Seems like Shichuurin really knows how to make up for her mistakes.... Either that or she really got an earful from somebody."
As for the last portal for Rayquaza---
A boot to the head.
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Critical Hit!
Rayquaza let out a roar of pain before letting out another roar of anger at the portal.
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[!!!] Heidi quickly bursted into tears laughing so hard that she quickly lost her human form. [PFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHA----]
"Seems like someone received their just desserts~" Aphrodite continued laughing.
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laryna6 · 3 years
but anyway, Rai's major actual experience with humans before this started was Franken. We need some exploration of how much this has skewed his perception of Totally Normal Things For Humans To Do
...but then again, Rai is not actually STUPID and I can just imagine him Judging Me for not realizing that it would take a complete idiot not to know that Franken is not a 'normal' example of anything
Rai: 'but hacking into government databases is a totally normal thing. Franken, Ikhan and TAo do it, that's three humans. Many.' nodsnods
Rai: 'so ofc they are meant to be broken into and the defenses are just humans playing like Ikhan and Tao do.'
'warning this is Very Very Illegal And We Will Put U In Ultra Jail'
Rai: 'ah this is the reverse psychology'
Rai: 'humans love to do things someone more powerful than them tells them not to do'
Rai: 'So this is this database's Ikhan inviting me in, how nice'
And a repeat of that time some humans asked Rai to go with them ensues, only this time with Rai going 'yes... u should get out of here ASAP...' and instead of Franken getting a call re 'we kidnapped your ward' Sangeen has the sense to call Tao
Sangeen: 'uh... we have your...' *searches for word, remembers Rai instakilling a union elder when the poor/utter bastard tried to take him hostage. 'Student?'
Tao: O? Which one?
Sangeen: Cadis Etrama di Raizel?
Tao: O did He get lost again?
Sangeen: He broke into our database
Tao: O! sparkles Other dad is taking an interest in my hobbies OMG! 'U can just send him home don't worry about it, he goes for walks the Boss won't get concerned unless he's close to missing Family Dinner'
Sangeen: sweats There's one more thing...
Tao: O?
Sangeen: 'The helicopter strike team entered the computer room through a window...'
Tao: goes green 'The computer room? You don't mean The School's computer room... Plz no...'
Sangeen: gulps prepares to die 'I take full responsibility on behalf of our organization's men...'
Yonsu: 'The hell you do'
Tao: speaking fast No worries! RK will save your ass again joinourgroup hits communicator button 'Code Rael! Code Rael!'
M-21/Takeo/Regis/Rael: !!!!!! scramble
- Franken: I feel a disturbance in the force... as if someone is fucking with my shit...
Seira: drinks tea elegantly, carrying out her duty of providing the household's supply of Chill in Rai's absence
Rai was breaking in for Sangeen and Yonsu's addresses to send Chuseok gifts, because while Franken normally does that he does not like them and while they did try to bring Shinwoo and Ikhan into the Union conflict, they also fought alongside The Kids (even if The Kids were there to save them in the first place) and managed evacuations for later battles and should be acknowledged
They will be getting packages containing shopping bags full of instant ramyeon containers in the mail and go ??
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04mxfutbol · 2 years
Habits Never Die (Rose Lavelle x Reader)
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A/N: This fic idea has been on my mind for a while now and I’m just now writing it lol (: Enjoy!
You were sitting on a blanket in front of a body of water in Tacoma, Washington. Your friend sitting next to you, a friend who wasn't a friend for a long time. 
“So we’re good” You ask as you support yourself on your elbows. Your now friend again sitting next to you. 
“We’re good, catching up with you really means a lot to me. I think we both needed that closure of a chapter.” Your friend says which makes you laugh. 
You fix your posture which reveals your Rose Lavelle jersey that you bought at an OL Reign game. Unbeknownst to you, a pair of uswnt members were also sitting and enjoying the view as they were in the area for an upcoming game against the OL Reign.
“Hey look it's a Rose jersey. Sick.” Tobin says. Christen turns her head to spot the jersey Tobin kept talking about.
“Aw that’s cute.” Christen says as she pulls her phone.
For being private people, Christen unlocked her phone to attempt to take a picture of you.
“Rose did say if anyone of us finds her a qualified person to go on a date to let her know right?” Christen asks Tobin.
“Yes, but-.”
“She’s perfect for Rose, well dressed, clearly a fan of Rose. By the pride wristband, I’d say she’s qualified.” Christen says. Tobin shakes her head as she doesn’t know what to do.
“Here, do as I say. Just shoot her a text to come, we did see her on the way here.” Tobin says. Christen nods her head as she shoots Rose a text to come over and “spend” some time with them.
Meanwhile you were continuing to talk to your friend. Grabbing your camera you took some pictures of the view and taking some pictures of your friend.
“I have to get going, but let’s do this more often, it’s nice to have you around again. I forgot and missed how much of a ray of sunshine you are for me.” Your friend says making you chuckle. 
“Let’s make it a weekly thing.” You say and your friend nods as she gives you a hug. You are then left alone, laying down, looking up and seeing clouds, it’s definitely going to rain, but what's new.
You soaked up all the fresh air, enjoying a nice Thursday evening. Your Red Bull in one hand and a leftover slice of pizza on the other. Perfect. 
“Fuck am I single.”
Meanwhile the two players behind you suddenly realize that maybe you were on a date and they definitely screwed up. 
“We didn’t think this through.” Christen says, Tobin shaking her head rapidly.
“It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea.” Tobin repeats.
“Damn it.” You shout as you drop part of your drink on the jersey. “Such an idiot. Too precious to get dirty and what do I do? Get it dirty.”
Tobin and Christen continue to panic as they now try to make something up for calling Rose to “spend” time with them, not that they didn’t want to spend time with her but they had other intentions when they had called her.
You try to dry the jersey but it was too cold to bare with at the moment. You slip the jersey off of your body, but while doing so someone comes up to you.
“Hi, are you interested in a flyer for a new coffee shop that’s opening next week?” A girl asks you and you nod.
“Cool. You guys have any tea? I love coffee but not as much as I love tea.” You say. The girl flips the flyer over for you and you chuckle as you see the menu. “Well that’s smart.”
“Hope to see you there.” The girl says as she walks behind you and towards the two players.
“Yeah for sure.” You say and go back to doing your own thing.
Meanwhile behind you, something else was going on.
“Hey guys, what's up.” Rose says as she stands in front of the two women.
“Sit down and enjoy the view with us.” Christen says as she scoots over to make some room for Rose.
“The view is great here, lots of dogs pass by here all the time. It’s great.” Rose says.
“Hi are you guys interested in a flyer for a coffee shop that’s about to open next week?” The girl asks the now three women.
“Oh we’re not from here.” Tobin says, motioning to herself and Christen.
“You two may not be from here BUT I will gladly take one because I am from here, well I live here.” Rose says as she grabs the flyer from the girl. “Do you guys have breakfast sandwiches?”
The girl once again flips the flyer but this time for Rose.
“That’s convenient.” Rose says as she looks over the menu.
“That’s funny, that’s like almost what the girl behind me said. She also said something along the same question, very similar.” The girls says motioning behind her to where you are. You were shirtless and trying to find a hoodie in your bag. Rose laughs as she hears the coincidence.
“Thank you, I’ll be sure to go.” Rose says. The girl nods her head and leaves. Rose turns around to face the two women who are talking amongst each other. “You guys wanna see some pictures of Wilma? They’re great I promise.”
“Sure.” Tobin says. Rose goes to grab her phone when she lets go of the flyer.
“No!” Rose shouts as she tries to run in her flip flops.
You hear a sudden no and turn around to see a very pale person running for a piece of paper. You quickly forget trying to find a hoodie, and run to grab the paper. You run and grab the piece of paper before it would be falling into the water. You get up and see you’ve scratched your stomach from sliding on the concrete.
“Here you go.” You say as you hand the woman the paper. “Oh hey it’s the flyer.” You look up and see it’s the one person you’ve absolutely swooned for.
“Thanks.” Rose says as she grab the flyer from you.
You blank and stand there in awe as you rapidly blink. A smile forms on your face as you register who you’re talking to.
“Sorry about your stomach.” Rose says.
“Oh that? Pfft I’ve been through worse, don’t worry about it. If I would’ve known it was the flyer for that coffee shop I would’ve just let you take a picture of my flyer.” You say as you put your hands in your pockets, fidgeting with the small coin you have. A habit you had picked up as a kid, usually happened when you got nervous.
“You live around here?”
“Born and raised here, well not here but around here.” You say quickly. “But I’ve lived here in the state my whole life. Love the Pacific Northwest. You?”
“I’m here for work, I think I’ll be here for maybe three years? Maybe more, I kinda like it here.”
“That’s cool. Yeah it’s great, lots of places to explore if you look for it right.” You say nodding your head. “Helps that this state is just so beautiful and helps me with my work.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I’m a photographer.” You say nodding you head as you rock back and forth on your heels.
“Oh no way! My friend over there is a photographer too, she’s kind of new to it but she’s good at it.” Rose says pointing behind her.
“That’s cool.” You say and Rose nods her head. “I actually have my camera with me if you maybe want to see some pictures I’ve taken?”
“Yes! You got any pictures of dogs?” Rose asks and you laugh.
“I do, I have a lot. I take pictures of many things, that sounds kinda creepy. I swear I’m not a creep.”
You both walk over to where you had your bag with your stuff. Your eyes widen as you see the jersey is out in the open.
“Wait a minute.” Rose says as she looks at you. “That’s my name.”
“Look I swear I didn’t do what I did just because it’s you. I swear I didn’t know it was you, it just so happened to be you.” You ramble as you try not to creep Rose out. “I just thought it would be better if you know I didn’t go all like ‘dude you’re Rose Lavelle let me get an autograph’ because I do believe it’s kinda wrong if you’re just trying to enjoy your time out”
“Creeped out? Oh god no, I just don’t really see my jersey around much. That’s awesome. Hey guys look she has my jersey!” Rose shouts as she grabs the jersey and shows the two women.
You look up to see Christen Press and Tobin Heath.
“Oh my god.”
The two women look up who quickly give Rose a thumbs up and a smile.
You quickly grab your camera from your bag so you don’t seem too shocked to see two of your many favorite players. You turn your camera on as you show Rose the pictures you’ve taken.
“Wow, these are so cool. Is this at the market place?” Rose asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, I’ve also gone up on the big wheel to take pictures, the ferry, even the space needle. I get great pictures.” You say as you show Rose more pictures. While Rose looks at the pictures you take the time to finally put a hoodie on.
“Here come meet my friends, like I said one of them is a photographer.” Rose says as she leads you towards the two women who look like they definitely don’t want to be bothered but it’s Rose. “Tobin she’s a photographer, she takes good pictures. She’s like super good at it by the pictures she’s shown me.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” You say. Rose asks if she can show Tobin your pictures in which you obviously say yes because how do you say no to her, she’s so sweet.
“These are sick.” Tobin says.
“Oh, I’m Y/N I guess I should’ve started with that.” You say as you put your hands in your pockets again. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Christen, that’s Tobin.” Christen says and you gulp.
“Nice to meet you. Big fan.”
“We have a company, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but it’s called Re inc. We could really use a photographer like you.” Tobin says as she looks at you then Christen. “I can’t do all the photography and I’m not the best at it either.”
“Hey woah, we just met this person. I just found someone who loves dogs as much as I do and lives here, someone that isn’t famous, I think. Are you famous?” Rose asks you and chuckle shaking your head.
“I’m nowhere near famous.” You say. “But yes I’ve heard of re inc, I love the purpose of the company. It’s inspiring.”
“She’s perfect for you Rose.” Christen says.
“Huh?” You ask.
“We’re not on the same page here. But how about you give me your number and I can contact you for maybe some photoshoots?” Tobin asks and you smile widely. “Would you like that? Because I’d love to have you on the team.”
“I’d love that. Yes.” You say quickly as you and Tobin exchange numbers.
Meanwhile Christen pulls Rose aside.
“She’s cute huh?” Christen whispers to Rose.
“Christen don’t you like have Tobin?” Rose whispers in disbelief.
“What? I’m talking about you! Don’t act like you two weren’t flirting.” Christen whispers making Rose laugh.
“She’s cute I’ll admit it.” Rose says.
“It was nice meeting you all, but I need to head home to finish my work.” You say as you shake all their hands.
“Lovely meeting you Y/N.” Christen says and you smile.
“Likewise.” You say. “Bye.”
“Bye.” The three women say.
You walk back towards your stuff, packing everything up so you can go home to editing your pictures. You pick everything up and look back to the three women. You bite the inside of your cheek when you take a deep breath and walk back over to them.
“This is going to sound weird but Rose would you li-.”
“Yes.” Rose says instantly before you could even finish your sentence.
“You didn’t even let me finish.” You say laughing.
“Sorry it’s a habit. Okay then, finish.” Rose says and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Would you like to maybe go out to grab some coffee at that new place that’ll open next week?” You ask.
“Yes.” Rose says with a smile.
“Cool. Well umm, here’s my number.” You say handing her a piece of paper. “Just shoot me a message so I know it’s you.”
Rose quickly grabs her phone and texting you.
Unknown: It’s Rose (:
“Cool.” You say with a smile. “I’ll see you soon then.”
The following week came by and sure enough you both hit it off good. Laughter and a small trip to the market place. Buying her a bouquet of flowers, roses specifically.
Days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years, which turned into and I do in front of your friends and family.
Rose learned about your habit and she also found it cute but made sure you were okay when you stuck your hand into your pocket. An easy sign she could always pick up on if you were nervous.
Rose would once again interrupt someone before they finished talking. That being the wedding officiant which would be Christen. Rose didn’t wait for Christen to say the line when she blurted out I do. She had a habit of doing that and you loved it, something you learned by the third date you went on, you thought it was cute. But Rose interrupting Christen is something you always remember.
“Do you Y/N Y/L/N take Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle as your wife?”
“I do.” You say with a smile. One hand in your pocket as you felt the coin inside your pocket.
“And do you Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle take Y/-.”
“I do.” Rose says cutting Christen off.
“Seriously? You didn’t let her finish.” You say laughing. “How am I not surprised?”
“It’s a habit.” Rose says making you all laugh. Then pulls your hand out of your pocket. “Just like you have this habit.”
“Habits never die.” You whisper and laugh as you look at Rose.
Her habit never went away, neither did yours. When you were about to announce that you two were adopting a baby, Rose once again blurted the news out before she was supposed to. It was only the beginning for you both. But Rose’s habits never die and you loved her for it. Just like she loved you for your habit of having a coin in your pocket.
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cirilee · 2 years
*cracks knuckles over the phone keyboard* time to turn all those feelings(tm) into something productive: a sad fantasy!au drabble
Optimus looked into his tea mug and gently drummed fingers against the hot ceramic: he barely managed to get some sleep before another nightmare startled him awake, and he wasn't able to lull himself back to sleep until it was almost sunrise. Unfortunately, it was pretty dark in the castle's kitchen, so the old mage had to put the kettle up using a pulsar spell(and still nearly tripped a few times), and now sat in silence, waiting patiently for his drink to cool down.
A clear click-clack of hooves on stone and a creaking of the kitchen door startled him: Ratchet walked into the kitchen, pulling his cape close around himself and looking gloomy. Optimus teleported one of the mugs from the cupboard onto the table:
"You can't sleep too, old friend?"
Ratchet muttered domething non-commital and reached for the teapot; he blinked a few times before reaching over to pick his mug and fill it with freshly brewed, very strong black tea.
"Primus decided to test my patience to its limits when he sent that scaled bastard to us. He growled and tried to swing his tail at me when I checked him over," the centaur tried to put his palm around the mug and pulled it away with a hiss, "at least his wound is healing well; give him about a week more, and he'll recuperate enough to get the Pit out of here."
Optimus frowned:
"Had he shifted back?"
"As far as I know, he hadn't." Ratchet took a careful sip of his tea before nodding to himself, "He seems to know what's good for him for once."
The mage shivered and didn't respond: a memory of a bright, smoldering hot wall of fire held back only by his shield spell was still fresh in his mind. Just like the light show revealed by a heavy duty scanning spell right before that. Unfortunately, his duty to keep the inhabitants of the castle safe came before his scientific interest in whatever ancient curse Starscream managed to inflict on himself: they had agreed that allegedly rogue dragon would stay with them until the wound from Arcee's arrow heals, and not a day more.
Meanwhile, in the barn just outside the main keep, Wheeljack lazily wiped his hands on a small towel and yawned: he hadn't been up this early in quite a while, and the fact that Ratchet dragged him out of bed didn't help. First rays of the sun shone through the tiny gaps in the walls, illuminating dust drifting through the air.
"You didn't have to smack him with your tail, you know," the wrecker gently leaned against Starscream's scaly flank and closed his eyes: the initial cold shock of having his blanket tossed off him had worn off, so he had a little more appreciation for the morning calm. Starscream only snorted in responce, waiting for the pungent smell of the healing salve to dissipate. Serves that asshole right.
"What did he do to you, anyway?" Wheeljack half-heartedly reached forward with the tip of his boot, poking one of the spikes on dragon's tail. Starscream lazily pulled it away, out of Wheeljack's reach, and sneezed, kicking up plumes of dust. Just dust, not smoke and not fire, as he had to explain almost everyone in the fortress multiple times. It wasn't his fault they only had one spot spacious enough to house a dragon and it was a wooden barn! Quite nice one, admittedly, though almost anything felt like a nice place after holding cells of Nemesis castle.
"Bless ya," Wheeljack mumbled, half-asleep again already. Starscream sighed, but didn't move, basking in the warmth of the wrecker's back. He actually felt quite at peace, despite the fact that he was literally kicked awake about half an hour ago: not happy or fully content by any measure, but he had worse mornings in his life. It felt like he could breathe deeply again, both figuratively and literally. At least the pony doctor took him seriously enough to take an actual dragon fighter to help him with the check-ups; that felt weirdly satisfying. Almost like scaring poor guards after returning from a mission: the way they hurried to get out of his way even when somebody dragged in the heavy muzzle instead of battle-fitted one, the flinches as he walked around the landing spot, the looks full of fear. No one dared to mess with him in those moments, not even Dreadwing and Airachnid. Turns out, even stoic swordsmen jump away and yelp in genuine fear when a dragon clamps his jaws shut an inch from their face.
They feared him almost as much as they feared Megatron.
Starscream's eyes snapped open at the thought.
He literally gave up his humanity to keep people from trampling all over his boundaries, and he still failed.
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Oh lord this really got out of hand length wise and idk how I feel about all of this... but at the same time I really want to get this out so I can fiiiiiinally (potentially) post the two fics that I've finished months ago. But I felt like I needed to at least somehow write something about how especially her relationships to the brothers developed. Again, this doesn't really follow the canon storyline, because Belphie wasn't locked in the attic etc. Aaaanyway! I still hope you enjoy this mess lol Disclaimer: I didn't proof read it. (I'm too tired to do that rn xD) So I apologize if there are any mistakes
Forming Relationships
Obey Me oc Freya
It would've been a lie to say that it wasn't difficult to get used to things. Not only because everything in the Devildom was so different from what Freya was used to, but also because the majority of the seven brothers didn't exactly make it easy for her either. Belphie didn't bother hiding his distaste, to put it mildly, for humans. Lucifer didn't hold back with his constant threats for misbehaviour, Satan gave some snide remarks here and there, etc etc.
Which was why she was all the more glad about the bond she'd easily formed with the other three exchange students in a rather short time. Being around Simeon always had something... calming, warm. Easily helping chase the stress away that a long day surrounded by a shit ton of demons usally brought. Meanwhile things with Solomon were usually a bit more chaotic but really fun. (Also she'd quickly caught up on how it was mandatory to distract him from any cooking attempts, if they didn't want to make near death experiences.) And Luke? He was just a little ray of sunshine. Like the little brother she never had as dramatic as it probably sounded, she would've given her live for him. Not to mention how adorable it was that he was the one who always wanted to protect her. So whenver she talked about how exhausting another day had been or what had been thrown at her from either of the brothers, he would go on about how demons were not to be trusted to begin with. How he'd teach them a lesson on her behalf.
"Freya, if it should ever get too much there for you, you could always sleep here!"
"There's not enough room for me and I'd hate to intrude", she snorted, before taking another sip of tea the older angel had prepared for them.
"You wouldn't be intruding! You could simply sleep in my bed and... It would be something like a sleepover!"
Luke looked so excited about the possible sleepover, it was impossible not to feel all warm and fuzzy. Reaching out, she ruffled his hair.
"We don't need to wait for me to have to escape wanting to murder the brothers myself to have a sleepover. If you guys aren't busy we could have one this weekend?"
"Really?" Luke's bright eyes were nearly sparkling with sheer joy at that point.
"I'm in for that", Solomon suddenly perked up, head peeking out from his bedroom door.
"A sleepover sounds like it could be fun", Simeon agreed and so the planning began.
What's funny was that Freya even managed to somehow form a closer bond to Barbatos, before any of the brothers gave her a real chance. Well, Beelzebub was the exception. After a bit of a rocky start, they actually got to talking one night when they bumped into each other in the kitchen and she had offered him to make him a nice midnight snack, instead of having him just standing at the open fridge and shoving god knows what into his mouth.
One day she had been invited to join Diavolo for some tea, to talk about her time in the Devildom so far. Actually it was already the third time he'd invited her over. And she knew that it would probably end up with her telling him more about the human realm. Though when she arrived, Barbatos was of course the one greeting her.
"My apologies. I'm afraid Milord is still in a meeting. But he will be with you in a bit. Make yourself comfortable in the meantime and I'll bring you something to drink."
While she did follow him into a very over the top but nice looking salon, it only took a couple minutes until she got bored and actually decided to head into the direction the butler had disappeared in. And soon after she stepped into the kitchen where he was busy decorating a cake.
"Can I help with something?"
"Oh no, you're Lord Diavolo's guest."
"So what? I like helping out", she answered with a shrug, at the same time taking a couple steps further into the kitchen to have a better look at the way he expertly added the decorative elements on top of flawlessly spread frosting. "Can I at least keep you company? It's always kind of fascinating what you always manage to whip up and I'd love to see the master at work."
That actually tickled a smile out of Barbatos and he agreed. So as Freya watched him, they had a nice, relaxed conversation. Admittedly she was the one doing most of the talking but Barbatos, being the patient man he was, answered all sorts of questions she had. That's also how they ended up on the topic of pacts.
"Solomon told me that he made a pact with Asmodeus and you. How did that end up happening? I mean, sure. Powerful sorcerer and all but it was still kind of surprising. So what made you say yes?"
"I've had my reasons. Sometimes a pact can be benefitial for both sides."
"Alright, I got the hint. Keep your secrets, mysterious butler", Freya chuckled, before she took a bite of a cookie he had offered her earlier. It was still slightly warm and the chocolate he used for it was melting on her tongue.
"Are you interested in trying to form pacts? Or where did that suddenly come from?"
"Honestly? Not really. I don't see what use would be to potentially have power over someone else. I don't want to order anyone around or something like that. Not my thing. Especially if it would be against their will. I guess... I'm just curious what it would feel like? I don't know. From how Solomon explained it, it sounded like there's also a special bond with a pact. But maybe I'm just romanticising things too much."
She felt how heat rose into her cheeks from the embarrassment of her ramblings and scratched the back of her head rather sheepishly. A silence settled between the two, although it was anything but uncomfortable. Eventually Barbatos finished the cake and put it into the fridge to let the frosting harden up a bit again. When he turned to face her again, it nearly felt like his gaze was boring into her.
"If you want, I'll make a pact with you."
For a moment all she could do was blink, and blink again, mind going absolutely blank.
"Huh?" Had he really just offered to make a pact with her? Out of the blue?
"You genuinly don't seem like you'd take advantage of it and who knows, maybe it will be benefitial for both of us in the future after all."
There was a hint of a sly smirk, something that made her narrow her eyes ever so slightly, but it wasn't enough to unsettle her.
"I feel like there's something you know that I don't... But I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'd like to know what it's like so.... Okay. How does it work?"
"Well, firstly you have to pick a spot for the mark", he explained as he stepped closer.
"Mhm..." With pursed lips, Freya tiled her head back, green eyes glued to the ceiling as she tried to think of a spot. Maybe picking something that wasn't immediately visible at all times would be good. Especially when she eventually visited her family. "On my back would be good, I think."
Barbatos nodded and motioned for her to turn around, which she did. Then there was the lightest touch between her shoulder blades, followed by a short, bright glow.
"And done."
"Wait, that's it? No ritual or anything?" Her question drew a small, quiet laugh out of the butler, while he shook his head.
"No ritual necessary. It is all set and done now."
She couldn't quite explain why but for some reason it gave her a rush of happiness. Barbatos had always been pleasant and also fun to be around. The fact that he already trusted her enough to form a pact that easily with her? It managed to lift her mood and a bright smile broke out on her face.
Thankfully, as the weeks went on, the brothers also slowly but surely warmed up at least a bit towards her. It was already a big win in her books that the constant death threads had stopped. Also it was ineviteable that she began to pick up on everyones likes and dislikes, their little quirks and habits... And without really noticing it, she began to incorporate those in the things she did for the brothers.
She knew how Lucifer liked his coffee and eventually began bringing him a cup to his office, every now and then. At first she would set a tray next the door, knock and then leave as to not disturb him too much. Because she really didn't want to risk pissing him off and ending up getting srtung from the ceiling, like Mammon did countless times. But then she actually brought it inside, ignoring when she was told how it was pretty much suicide to "disturb him" when he was working. She'd even remind him to take breaks for his own sake. Not that he ever listened... But hey, she made it out alive every time and sometimes, just before she closed the door behind her again, she saw that he was in fact drinking the coffee. Something simple yet it made her smile that he accepted the small way of caring for him that she offered.
Asmodeus, and even Leviathan to some extend, warmed up to her when they found out that she wasn't half bad at sewing. Her family had never had that much money which was why at some point as a teenager she started to learn how to sew to either fix her clothes or even make her own completely from scratch.
One evening Asmo came into the living room, where Satan and her were both reading, whining about the seam of a sleeve from his favourite blouse came loose and he didn't have the time to bringe it to a tailor or do it himself, since he wanted to wear it that night when he went out.
"If you want you can put it in my room and I can fix it up later. I promise you that it's gonna look as good as new."
"You can really do that? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, Freya!", he nearly squealed, at the same time pretty much throwing himself at her and showering her face with kisses.
Levi on the other hand was a bit more reluctant to go to her and ask for her help. Funnily enough it was actully her who went to him, after Asmo had been the one to tell her about how Levi apparently bumped into some issues with a cosplay he was working on.
When it was his time to take care of dinner, the pink haired joined him in the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass of water.
"Hey Levi? Asmo said you hit a dead end with your cosplay?" She didn't miss how he tensed up or his ears turned a bright red, which was a stark contrast to his purple hair. So she hurried to continue before he'd go into a full on anxiety attack. "My little sister is also a lot into that and I usually helped her sew some things. If you want, I could have a look at your cosplay and maybe we'll be able to find a solution together."
He stayed quiet for another moment, most definitely contemplating her offer though in the end, he actually agreed and the next day she was even allowed to go into his room for the first time since she came to the Devildom.
Breaking the ice with Satan happened pretty much on accident. Freya caught a glimpse of the book he was apparently currently reading and recognized it.
"I know that one! It was really good. If you want we could talk about it, once you've finished reading it?"
She hadn't thought much about her offer at that time, it was just that she was sure everyone enjoyed talking about things they liked, right? And even if it were topics she didn't enjoy herself or wasn't well versed in, she'd always loved hearing people talk about stuff they were passionate about. Still she was somewhat surprised when Satan knocked at her door that same night. asking if her offer to discuss the book still stood.
From then on she found out that he had an interest in books from the human realm and as it seemed they had similar taste in genres. Which was how she ended up recommending him some of her favourites and they regularly had their book talks over a hot drink and sometimes some snacks as well.
It didn't take a genius to realize that Mammon constantly seemed to get into some sort of trouble. Most of the time it was connected to his sin. Aka it wasn't a rare occurance for things to "mysteriously" go missing. Usually she was only missing some small things that didn't have too much value. Neither emotionally nor cash wise, which was why she never really noticed it. But when a necklace she'd once gotten from her grandma went missing, her first thought was that she might've lost it. Hence why she asked the brothers if they might've seen it. And while no one had, their expressions all said that they had their suspicions.
Even after pretty much searching the entire house, she hadn't found it. Her heart dropping at the thought of having lost something that was very dear to her. Just when she was about to head back to her room, she could hear Lucifer calling out for the second oldest and dear lord, did he sound pissed... Curiosity took over and she followed the commotion. Mammon looked like he was either ready to drop to the floor and play dead or run for his life in hopes of escaping the wrath of his older brother.
"Mammoooon... What are you doing with Freya's necklace?!"
As upset as she was that he seemed to have been the culprit, in her time living with all of them she had figured out that sometimes the boys just couldn't help what they did. It was fueled by their sin and to some extend... She felt bad for Mammon. Mainly because he always got the most shit for his actions.
"You found it?", Freya chimed in and nearly bounced up to them, finally leaving her little hiding corner to grab the necklace out of Mammon's hand to put it on. "Thanks so much for helping me look for it~ I don't know what I would've done if I'd have actually lost it."
"Y-yeah, that's right! I told ya the great Mammon would find your stuff!"
Lucifer didn't look all too convinced, though he still dropped it and went back to his study. After making sure he was put of earshot, Freya turned back around towards the other man and fixed him with a glare.
"I won't rat you out", when Mammon opened his mouth to say something, she lifted a hand to stop him dead in his tracks, "under one condition. You stop stealing any of my shit. Do we have a deal?"
"Deal", he nodded quickly.
All in all, once that little issue was sorted out, she actually enjoyed spending time with the little trouble maker. Sure, he might've been a big tsundere, but he was fun to be around nevertheless. And no matter how many hundred years older he was, she sort of felt responsible for him. Which was also why she was usually the one to step in when his brothers took their "playful" bullying too far. Especially when it became obvious that it deeply affected the avatar of greed.
Belphie was... a special case. Sometimes he made her feel like he'd bite her, if she only got a little too close. Like a feral cat. But after hearing the reason from Beel why he despised humans so much, she couldn't even blame him all too much. She figured it was the best to give him time and space. That didn't mean her stupid mom friend instincts didn't kick in with him as well, though. Something Solomon liked to make fun of her for a lot. More than once had she found the youngest asleep in the strangest places. Usually just with his pillow, which couldn't have been very comfy or warm. Especially when he was fast asleep on the cold tile floor. Once she noticed that he even fell asleep in class more than once, she began to make it a habit to bring a smaller blanket with her to RAD. So whenever she found him passed out somewhere, she could at least throw the blanket over his shoulders.
She was convinced that he had at some point figured out that she was usually the one to make sure he was at least somewhat comfy when he slept, but neither of them ever talked out it. Until she was sitting on the couch in the library, engrossed in a book Satan had recommended to her , when suddenly someone flopped down next to her, followed by a head resting on her lap. It took her brain a moment to register that it was in fact Belphie who claimed her thighs as his pillow.
"At least you're comfortable...", was the only thing he mumbled, before he seemingly already fell asleep.
And as much as it was completely and utterly surprising, there was no denying that Freya got all giddy about the fact the little, spoiled brat seemed to have warmed up to her after all.
From there on things at HoL were far more relaxed and Freya even began to slowly consider it her second home. She spent more time with the brothers, got to know many new things and sides about them... Like Satan's love for cats. Or that one of Belphie's favourite napping spots was the planetarium. How many different sports Beel aced, how cracked Levi was at video games. That Mammon was terrified of horror movies, which was quite funny for a demon. Or how Lucifer actually let his guard down when he was alone with Freya. Admittedly, it was a rare occasion but that made her treasure those moments even more.
There was only one problem that came from it; that damn smug, prideful demon easily snuck his way into her heart. With the strange sense of security he gave her. Or their little playful banters when they challenged each other with something. How he made sure she was doing alright in his own ways... Like offering to help her study in case she was stuck somewhere. Sometimes he even accompanied her into the city to run some errands. At least when his time and work load allowed it. Not to forget the times he actually listened to her and, if a little reluctant, took a break which then ended with him teaching her how to play chess.
The biggest issue of it all weren't even the confusion she got from the feelings she started to develope for him. Oh no... It was actually the fact that she was still in a relationship, although there hadn't been all too much contact from her girlfriend's side the past couple weeks. Oh well, at least there were a couple of weeks left until she would be allowed to go back home for a weekend to visit her family. Until then she was sure she could make sense of the mess and emotions. But for now, she decided to mainly enjoy the shenanigans with the brothers, now that they all got along way better.
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
parents for a day - daniel seavey imagine
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a/n: heyy, i’m not a huge fan of this but i hope you enjoy, it was fun to write. 
summary: Y/n and Daniel take care of Lavender (Jack’s daughter) for a day....but i decided to make it interesting so in this imagine, y/n doesn’t particularly like taking care of kids lol. 
“Alright.” Jack set Lavender down on her feet from his hip and crouched down in front of her.  “You three have fun, okay?” He spoke gently, brushing a strand of her already untamed hair from her face. The two adults stood in front of them nervously, particularly Y/n. “Are you guys sure you can handle this?” Jack asked again, furrowing his eyebrows teasingly. 
 “Yeah!” Daniel replied confidently. 
 “Nope.” Y/n murmured beside him. Daniel glared at Y/n out of the corner of his eye. He watched her tug the sleeves of his hoodie further up her palms in nervousness and shuffle her feet haphazardly.  
 “Don’t listen to Y/n.” He assured, pulling a tight smile at Jack.
 “Okay.” He replied hesitantly, pressing a feather-light kiss to Lavender’s forehead. “Be good.” He stuck his forefinger out solemnly. Lavender only giggled in front of him, spreading a cheeky grin on her father’s face too. “Promise.” He held out his pinkie and Lavender interlocked her small finger with his. 
 Daniel crouched down beside her too, “we’re gonna have so much fun, aren’t we?” Daniel cooed, tugging down the brim of her purple, crooked bucket hat sweetly. Lavender nodded cheekily, unknowing of the peculiar events to come. 
 “K, well I gotta go.” Jack stood up and grabbed his backpack from the sofa beside him. Daniel sauntered behind him, guiding him towards the door. Meanwhile, Y/n walked precariously behind the two boys, foolishly dodging the toddler who was plodding behind her. 
“See ya, dude.” Daniel said. They shared their usual handshake. Daniel assured Jack profusely that if anything happened, he would call him as soon as possible. Daniel turned back to Y/n and Lavender after he shut the front door and waved goodbye. “Okay, what should we do first?” He clapped his hands together. 
 Y/n walked up reluctantly and pulled Daniel to the side, away from Lavender enough so she couldn’t hear. “Why did you have to agree to this?” She whispered sharply. 
 Daniel knew babysitting wasn’t Y/n’s cup of tea, but he assured her gently with “Y/n, he’s busy and no one else could do it...It’ll be fine.” He chuckled, resting his forearms on her shoulders. Y/n merely dropped her gaze to the floor. “I mean look at her, she's so cute.” He shuffled behind her so she had a good glance at Lavender. She was playing quietly next to Daniel’s messy heap of music sheets next to the piano. Y/n huffed and closed her eyes for a moment in thought. “Fine. But I need Starbucks first.” She said seriously. Daniel’s subtle frown broke into a grin, and he chuckled gently, placing a comforting kiss to Y/n’s lips. 
The group of three had finally made it to the Starbucks around the corner. After nearly an hour of trying to get the booster seat perfectly set in Daniel’s car, they finally worked it out – thanks to Jack who was guiding them through it on the phone - and were travelling smoothly through the drive thru. 
 “Okay, iced coffee for me, iced coffee with extra caramel for you...” Daniel spoke like a true gentleman, holding out the plastic cup of coffee with an extra toothy smile just to ease her anxious thoughts. 
 “Finally!” Y/n leaned forwards in her seat and pushed her seatbelt away, nearly snatching the coffee from Daniel in a fit of excitement. She lolled her head back as she sipped her drink and closed her eyes in pure delight. 
 “And a chocolate milkshake for Lavy!” Daniel cooed, leaning over the side of his car seat to gaze at Lavender lovingly. She giggled sweetly from her spot in the middle back seat and took the cold drink from Daniel with a “thanks”, nearly spilling it right then and there if it wasn’t for his quick reflexes. He turned back to the front. “I swear if she spills it all over my precious car…” He tisked lightly, grazing the surface of his leather seat fondly. 
 “Let’s hope not.” Y/n commented with a laugh. 
 The group enjoyed their cool beverages in peaceful silence. Daniel kept his gaze downcast on his phone, Lavender looked out her window to the vibrant, blossoming nature and Y/n focused on the tiny specks of dust that danced in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that sloped through the agape windows. All seemed to be going smoothly and well until an unwanted, faint spill was heard from the backseat. Daniel snapped his head back swiftly. His wandering gaze met the tragic sight of his leather seats covered in chocolate milkshake, though Lavender’s clothes were perfectly free of any stains, and she merely looked up at him sweetly. He sat there, open mouthed and wide eyed, with his elbow leaning against the arm rest, virtually paralysed in shock. 
 Y/n barely noticed what had happened until Daniel had finally shot back into reality and was stumbling out of the front into the back seat. “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.” He repeated shakily. Lavender remained still in her booster seat as Daniel rummaged through the scattered mess of supplies in the trunk. “My poor baby!” He breathed sadly, completely dodging the toddler and rushing inside the car to clean the stain. 
 Lavender squinted up at Daniel’s obvious panic and uttered out the kindest, “sorry” that Daniel had ever heard, so much so that the concern brimming all over his face melted into a smile and he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. 
 “It’s okay.” He whispered kindly. 
 Y/n leaned back over to see the mess and tried her best to muffle her giggles with Daniel’s hoodie. “Hey,” She started as she opened the car door. “Let me handle this.” She said confidently, rolling up her sleeves and setting her hands on her hips. 
Much to Daniel’s relief, Y/n had come to the rescue and scrubbed the stains – with only napkins - until her knuckles were white, leaving Daniel’s car looking good as new. They had finally arrived at the mall. The midday sun bathed the building in its warm light and rays of sunlight cascaded brightly through the skylight above them. Daniel was way too eager to enter the mall, already having filled the small journey there with talk about what he was going to buy. “Baby,” Daniel looked at Y/n with a smile from a couple paces ahead, “make sure you hold her hand, okay?” He reminded gently, pulling a tight smile.
 “Uhm-uh...okay” Y/n barely had time to utter out a word before Daniel was turning back to head straight into the music store, he’d been eyeing through the clear entrance. She looked over her shoulder to gaze at Lavender who was walking beside her. “Uhm, o-okay.” She muttered hesitantly as she grasped Lavender’s little hand and intertwined her small fingers with her own. They began walking closer towards Daniel when Y/n felt a vigorous jolt to her left arm. Lavender’s curious mind led her to walk in the direction of the mural in the distance. The wall of different patterns and shapes was a vivid mosaic of colour. 
 “Hey Y/n” Daniel looked over his shoulder to show his girlfriend the fancy, brand new electric guitar in his arms, only to be met with a cold breeze and no sign of his girlfriend or Jack’s daughter. “Y/n.” Daniel called gingerly, placing the guitar gently back into place. He spun around briskly to look for her. Daniel felt his heartbeat start to race and shouted, “Y/n! Lav!” in a fit of panic. 
 Y/n had been dragged to the nearest women’s clothing store by a seemingly innocent Lavender whose attention was caught by the sparkly t-shirts on the rack high above. Y/n’s gaze strayed to the clothes on the other side of the store and soon she was unknowingly pulling Lavender along with her to shuffle through the racks of clothing. 
She obviously dropped Lavender’s hand so she could flick through the racks of clothes. Lavender suddenly caught a glimpse of the indoor playground and took the fleeting opportunity of independence to slunk off into the distance. Y/n held up a sage toned shirt from the rack and tugged it to the sides in front of her shirt. She glanced back to where Lavender was seconds ago. “Hey, La-” Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Lavender!” She raked a hand through her hair in exasperation, dropped the shirt and headed for the exit swiftly. “Daniel’s gonna kill me…” She breathed, looking around for Lavender as she walked through the mall. 
 A glimpse of purple had shot into Y/n’s vision, and she narrowed her eyes to peer into the distance. “Boo!” Lavender shouted, popping up behind her mischievously. 
 Y/n shot her head back, looking extremely startled and then in embarrassment, hid her face with her hands. She took a strained deep breath and stomped towards Lavender. “Where were you? What were you doing?” Y/n rushed out sternly as she set her on her hip. Lavender merely looked at Y/n bashfully with infectious giggles escaping from her lips. Y/n could help but let her serious expression break into a smile too and she let out a relieved sigh. 
 “I can’t believe you...” She tisked, shaking her head in disbelief.
In almost perfect timing, Daniel came bolting across the mall. He nearly crashed right into Y/n in his haste. “Where the f-” Daniel rushed out to the girls standing at the store entrance. Y/n glared at him with Lavender in her arms and he cleared his throat before continuing. “Sorry.” He mouthed silently to Y/n. “Where the heck were you guys?” Daniel asked again, offering out his arms to take Lavender from Y/n who was visibly uncomfortable. “Were you just being cheeky?” He asked sweetly to Lavender, tickling her sides as she let out giggles.
After a moment, when both adults had calmed down, Daniel set a squirming Lavender to the ground and held her hand strongly. He trudged over to Y/n with a benevolent grin playing on his face. She was happily enjoying own space from far away while on her phone. “Hey, good job.” Daniel tossed his free arm over her shoulder and placed a kiss against her ruffled hair. Y/n snaked away from him. 
“That was terrifying.” Y/n breathed, taking a few steps back. 
 “What?” Daniel stared at her in sheer confusion. 
 “Absolutely terrifying” She repeated quietly, pressing a hand to her chest. Daniel chuckled at her dramatics, looking cheekily back at Lavender. 
 “You’re just the scariest little thing, aren’t you?” He asked sweetly, crouching down in front of her. Lavender nodded shyly, earning more laughs from Daniel and he took her hand gently to make sure that the rest of the day would run smoothly.  
Taglist: @randomlimelightxxx @chilling-seavey
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the request, @crossmix ❤❤❤❤❤
-Will make Kyle to check on her every hour.
-Yes, every hour. Until our poor doctor roll his eyes saying that Lancelot is being paranoid.
-"I'm not paranoid, I'm just worried. Alice is important to me, she is the light of my life, the flower to my-"
-"Save that speech for later when you serenade her will you? Now let me tend to other patients in peace!"
-He will be out from his uniform, so he can wet his sleeves to put the towel on her forehead, and MC find his furry cape on her to keep her warm.
-Lancelot.exe also couldn't be found in his office as he practically move his work to be in the bedroom so he can look after her all the time.
-Panicked Jonah: My King this is where you were 😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!
-Lancelot: Shhh... She is sleeping. Now report your tasks in whispers.
-Jonah and Edgar: *In whispers* Okay 👌.
-He is the.. Panicked 101 and flustered boyfriend ever live.
-But he still want to show that he is a genius.
-Edgar: That's not how this.. "Fever Pads" work, Jonah.
-Jonah: Be quiet Edgar, I know what I'm doing!
-Kyle: No you are OBVIOUSLY NOT. Even though this item is not from our world, at least read the bloody instructions on the back! It just needs one fever pad. ONE. Putting all 10 pads like a layer cake won't suck out the heat faster like you assume!
-Meanwhile, MC: *Half asleep* Layer cake? Caaaake? Yaaaaaay \(+ w +)/~~~~ *K.O back to bed*
-Them: ( ☉_⊙)...
-Jonah: Oh my poor, poor Alice 😭. I promise I will get you all the layer cake in cradle 😭😭😭😭😭!!!
-Crying mess.
-Most probably will go to Black Army and ask Luka for help. In snots and tears.
-Just like Lancelot, he will do his work next to her. Despite having a room that has no separation between working table and the bed, he moved his table to be beside her.
-80% of the time will be with her. 20% is with works and tasks.
-If he have to train his people, he will only spend a good 15 minutes and passes the task to Zero, making an escape from it just to be with her.
-His face may show his usual smile, but every time MC coughs, it would be replaced with a genuine concern.
-Constant kisses on her forehead, silent pray that he'd rather get the sickness than her.
-But when MC said "I will be sad if you are sick too, Edgar.", then he quickly finish his work, just to be with her more and more.
-Ending up with sleeping next to her.
-" (´・ェ・`)......"
-"( ´・ω・)....."
-MC: I'm fine, really. You have been staring at me for almost an hour, Zero.
-"I'm worried."
-"I know,..But it doesn't mean you have to keep an eye on me all the time. This fever will go away soon. So don't worry okay?"
-Zero: *Dejected Face 101* ...Okay. *Goes out + peeks with (´・ェ・`) face again before completely go out.*
-He is worried, so, so worried that he is distracted, even when Edgar replaced his sword with a random object-- he didn't pay attention to it.
-Zero is practically the stoic type. Yet being his lover, MC could read his mind and expressions very well. He will hold her hand every time she's asleep, and ended up sleeping on the chair, resulting him to be the one who gets sick next.
-Doctor mode all the way.
-He will let go of his love for beer and be with her 24/7, literally.
-But well. The way he checked on her temperature would be "Boyfriend" like.
-Forehead on forehead, feeding medicine through mouth to mouth, making MC's temperature to go up from the heat of... Blushing too much.
-"Can you just feed me normally??"
-"It helps you to sleep faster. Why not?" He smirked, taping her nose playfully.
-"Now now don't pout so much. You will be a red balloon you know?"
-"Ah, she fainted."
-Will tease her for being sick first, but after that he is the day and night walking surveillance.
-Despite teasing her for being a weak kiddo, his smile will instantly fade once she have fallen asleep, showing how worried he is but putting a strong facade at her.
-Constant kissing on forehead and a caress on her head with soft whispers of "Get well soon. I miss your adorable smile."
-Couldn't focus during training, and the army watch how he keep on looking back and forth from the window of her room.
-Pamper her by feeding her porridge (most probably will cook one without asking for Luka or Sirius's help)
-Ends up sleeping in his uniform beside her and woke up with a bad hair bed.
-Always denies that he is not the mom.
-He IS. Especially when his lover is sick.
-"Wear this. No that is not thick enough, we need to keep you warm. And this as well. This one too. And this. Hmm? It's more than enough? Little lady, the weather is chilly we must keep you warm."
-Cue MC sighing to the thick jacket, scarf, socks and gloves as if winter is coming.
-Pat her to sleep, just like a mom will do, making it hard for her to sleep (because his handsome face is so near, that is why!)
-MC had to feign a sleep in order for him to go out from the room so she can secretly take off those wooly thicky fabric ahsheskdf OAO!
-Was very calm until MC's temperature went high.
-Almost consider to ask Oliver to make a gun where it makes someone's body to become healthy again.
-Oliver: Just relax will you? Kyle would ask if he is a joke as an existing doctor!
-Skipped training with his army for almost a week just to take care of her.
-He even clean his gun and bring all of his works to his room.
-MC, feeling guilty, have no choice but to ask him with "Fenrir, I can't sleep. There's something lurking under the bed, that's why--"
-Before she could finish her words, he already run out from the room, but come back again to bring her together with him.
-Attempt to stop him - Failed completely.
-Oh, endless pampering.
-From soup to porridge and any soft food, it is delicious that she wouldn't mind getting sick everyday.
-Luka: Please don't say it like that. I'm sad whenever you are sick, I just miss your beautiful smile, MC-.. MC?? What's wrong?? What? Angel?? What-- MC hang in there!! *Horrifying gasp when she fainted 😱😱😱😱😱*
-It's hard to stay awake, especially when he is being so sweet, letting her sleep on his chest for example-- oh! He is too sweet she could get cavities 😩!
-"Luka... I can't do that. What if you get sick?"
-"Much better than you getting sick instead, MC."
-And she fainted again.
-Panic 404 and an endless shrieking the moment MC fainted in the room, him checking her temperature, until he brings her to her chamber.
-Running frantically to get all preparations needed, causing ruckus despite being told to calm down by Sirius.
-Throughout the time she was sick, he will show the girly sisterly seth,
-But the moment he close the door, his real self popped up. "MC.. How are you? I'm sorry for not being able to notice that you were not feeling well."
-"No.. I'm sorry for being sick at this time. Just need to get those sweat off and I will be fine (♡´▽`♡)."
-He smirked. "I know a better method to do that."
-Fast forward, the very next day after using such "method", the black army is confused of why Seth is the one who caught the fever and MC is completely healed.
-He looks calm all the time, but he's NOT.
"(´・ェ・`)...." Another one that will sit beside her bed just to check on her every chances he got. Which is, after he feed her food and meds, after cooking for loki, after making magic crystals, after leaving his work to Dalim, after fishing some fish and etc.
-"Hmm? You don't have to worry about Magic Tower. I want to be here." .....After a moment of hesitation, he brings himself to kiss her forehead.
-Agshdgakskkff BLUSH when she smiled.
-"Harr.. I want to eat your delicious food once I'm all better."
-"Of course, MC. I promise you I will cook everything. Get well soon."
-He didn't break the promise though.
-MC's face to all, ALL the food on the table: (☉д⊙)
-"What? You have a fever? Heh, what do I expect from a dimwit like you anyway?"
-Says the one who moved ALL his work to the bedroom. And drinks tea there. And have his meal there. Leaving Blanc all to himself with his carrot cake.
-Not the romantic type to caress her head when she's awake but do so when she's asleep.
-High on alert whenever she coughs, where he instantly move around the room to get a glass of water and change the cloth on her forehead.
-"Oliver.. I'm sorry to get in a way with your work."
-He smirks, leaning forward for a kiss, saying "Just get well soon, hmm?" before showering her with another series of kisses.
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mooshys · 4 years
tokyo day off
genre | gen, humor
characters | Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Maki, Inumaki Toge, Panda, Gojo Satoru, Character Cameo, Reader
summary | A summer outing in the city takes a wrong turn.
word count | 4.0k
author’s note | I don’t know what possessed me to write this. I really don’t. But anyway, this came to me like a fever dream and I feel like we need some comfort after everything Gege has been putting us through with the current arc. Here’s to enjoying a day with your favorite characters in the city!
The day started like any other at Jujutsu High.
Classes began in the morning, lunch, some training, and afterwards time to relax was granted. Summer afternoons in Tokyo were hot, but the weather today wasn’t all too dreadful. The scatter of white clouds offered shade from the harsh rays of the sun and the breeze from the mountains tickled your skin, coaxing you out of your room.
With nothing to do, you and the rest of the student body congregated together in the usual spot near the dorms. At the base of a tree next to the training grounds, you sat behind Nobara, playing with her hair to make a neat braid as she scrolled through her phone. On either side of you, Megumi and Maki had their backs against the trunk, both flipping through a book and scanning the words at their own pace. The others were lying right on the grass in the shade, enjoying the nap inducing weather. Panda acted as a pillow for Yuuji and Inumaki as both boys were drawn to the plush of his fur.
The moment was serene. Calm. Peaceful.
Too peaceful.
It almost felt wrong to be doing nothing.
For a while, there was silence between the group with only the sounds of cicadas chirping in the trees and the caws of a crow to be heard. Nobara crossed her arms in front of her chest and let out an agitated sigh.
“I’m so bored!” Nobara groaned aloud. “How’re we in Tokyo and we’re doing absolutely nothing?”
“Hey, sometimes doing nothing isn’t all too bad,” you said as your fingers combed through her hair to finish the braid you were making. “I mean, I’m pretty sure the quote ‘May you live in interesting times’ is a curse.”
“It is,” Megumi agreed. His eyes were still on his book, but he was focused on the conversation. “It’s better that nothing’s happening anyway.”
Nobara stuck her tongue out at Megumi. “Booooooring.”
“If you’re so bored then just leave,” he snapped. 
Nobara was about to bite back, but you stopped her from arguing as you tied her hair, finishing her braid. More interested in her new style than Megumi, Nobara grabbed the end of the tail and fished her phone out to take a picture. You laughed at how easy it was to appease her while Megumi merely shook his head at her attention span.
The sudden commotion between you three caught Maki’s attention and she set her book aside. 
“Oi, we know you’re bored too, Fushiguro,” Maki said, a teasing edge to her voice. The corners of Megumi’s lips quirked downward. He shut his book and looked up to pay attention to what his senior had to say. “That’s why you aren’t in your room right now and you’re sitting with us out here. Just admit it.”
“It was getting stuffy at the dorms,” was his quick reply.
At this, you and the others raised an eyebrow at him. Even Inumaki peeled himself off the comfort of Panda’s fur to get a good look. He said it too fast, like he had it rehearsed in the back of his mind if anyone asked.
“Lies,” Maki leaned in closer and inspected his face for any tells. She cackled when he broke eye contact and then turned to the rest of the group. “You know what? We should do something together instead of spending the afternoon here.”
Inumaki raised a hand in the air. “Tuna mayo.”
“Exactly,” Maki agreed, nodding her head. She stood up on her feet and pointed a finger at Megumi. “I think the last time we spent the day together as a group was—”
“Never!” Panda finished, excited as to where this conversation was leading.
Maki hit her fist into the palm of her other hand and smirked. The other upperclassmen got up to their feet and stretched their bodies to get ready for an outing. Nobara, the catalyst of all this, held a fist up into the air as she beamed, victory written all over her face.
“Tokyo day trip!” she cheered. Yuuji joined her side and started to mimic the comical poses she was making. “And here I thought we’d never get the chance to explore the city!”
Maki chuckled and made her way towards you, offering a hand to help you up. You took it without hesitation. An outing together would be a nice change in pace. After all, you could barely remember the last time you hung out with everyone. 
“Then,” she hooked her arm around your neck and snapped her fingers at Megumi, “let’s get ready to enjoy Tokyo!”
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
After getting changed out of the Jujutsu High uniforms and into more fashionable summer attire, you and the rest of the gang made it to the heart of Tokyo on a short bus ride away from the suburbs. The city was packed. It seemed as if everyone was out and about today, the streets busy with locals and tourists alike.
The impromptu day trip started off on a high note. With summer came the sales, and Nobara was keen on hitting every shop to see what they had to offer. She dragged you and Maki with her to multiple boutiques to try on matching outfits and find certain pieces for her wardrobe. She wasn’t shy at all when it came to shopping. 
Meanwhile, as you and the girls shopped for clothes, the guys stuck nearby, either buying food from street stands or going into a different store to look around as they waited. They had significantly less bags on hand, but kept themselves busy with their snacks and drinks.
A bit tired from shopping nonstop, you decided to leave the boutique and join the guys outside after browsing the racks. Nobara was already paying and Maki was right behind her, so you made a quiet getaway.
When you left, you found Yuuji outside, holding onto a crepe decked out with numerous sliced fruits and a nice mountain of whipped cream. Panda, Megumi, and Inumaki were nowhere in sight.
“Itadori, where are the rest of the guys?” you asked, sitting down next to him on the bench. 
“Went to grab some drinks over there,” he pointed at the tea shop a couple stores down. “Fushiguro said it was getting too hot and he needed something to cool himself down.”
At his explanation, you nodded. Even though today was a lot cooler than others, the mix of asphalt and crowds caused the temperature to rise. A short  break was definitely needed. 
Conversation with Yuuji continue with him blabbering excitedly about dinner with the group. As he spoke, you eyed the crepe in his hands. It was meticulously decorated with glazed fruits, a mountain of cream, and cookie sticks jutting out at all angles, looking almost too pretty to eat. 
“Do you have a sweet tooth?” you asked, interrupting him. He didn’t seem to mind. 
“Kinda!” Yuuji scratched the back of his head with his freehand and grinned sheepishly.  “To be honest, the main reason why I got this was because the guy working the stand was so awesome.” He did a few action poses and chopped a hand into the air. “He was cutting and flipping the fruits into the cone like a ninja!”
Noticing your gaze focused on his crepe, he grabbed a small biscuit from the top and offered it to you. Surprised, you took it and thanked him as you bit into it. 
“Do you like sweets?” he asked this time, grabbing a biscuit for himself and chomping on it. “We can share this if you want!”
Before you got the chance to answer, Nobara and Maki promptly left the boutique and joined you two. Nobara let out a sigh of exhaustion as she fanned her face with her hand and plopped down beside you. In contrast, Maki scanned the area for the others.
“Itadori, the others—”
A cup of milk tea was held in front of Maki’s face, interrupting her question.
“Here,” Megumi said, holding up a drink carrier with several other cups. Inumaki stood beside him holding onto an extra drink of his own. He handed it off to you and you graciously took it. “We got drinks for everyone.”
“Wow, look at you guys!” Nobara applauded them. “Keep this up and you’ll be sure to find a date soon!”
Megumi momentarily scowled while Inumaki held up a peace sign. You took a sip from your drink and instantly found yourself relaxing into the seat. This moment of rest was definitely needed after walking around nonstop. Nobara and Yuuji seemed to think the same, a blissful expression painted on their faces as they enjoyed their treats.
“Where’s Panda?” Maki asked as she took a sip of her drink. Megumi’s face twisted in confusion.
“He’s right”—he turned around and was met with an empty space—“Panda?”
“Salmon!” Inumaki exclaimed, pointing further down the sidewalk.
In the direction Inumaki pointed towards, a giant crowd of tourists and locals alike were surrounding Panda. Hoards of people were trying to get a picture with him, mistaking him for a random street mascot. Cameras were shoved in his face and children cried to pet his fur which left him in a state of distress.
“Oi, Panda!” Maki yelled out. “Let’s go!”
He didn’t seem to hear her as he was more focused on the many phones being shoved in his face. Maki sucked on her teeth and set her bags down. She beckoned Inumaki to follow her.
“You four wait here. We’ll get Panda out.” She gave one last glance over her shoulder. “It won’t take too long!”
With that, she and Inumaki dove into the crowd to try and diffuse the situation. The two were pushed aside like rag dolls as they tried to get closer into the circle and shouts of “Wait your turn!” could be heard even from where you were standing. It looked like they were having a difficult time as the crowd only seemed to attract more people.
“Should we help?” you asked while surveying the entire scene. Panda was practically being mobbed at this point. “I think it might take some time for them to get him out.”
Megumi stared at the madness and took a short sip of his drink. “No, we shouldn’t.”
“Might as well sit down and relax until things get settled!” Nobara exclaimed. She let out a sigh of relief and stretched her arms to the sky. “There’s still tons we gotta see before it gets dark and I really—”
Nobara never got to finish what she was saying as Yuuji shushed her. She was about to curse him into the next decade, but Yuuji held a finger to his lips and then pointed at the other side of the street.
All eyes followed in the direction he was pointing towards.
There, standing on the opposite sidewalk, was Gojo. He was donned in casual attire, rocking a pair of jeans, a crisp white t-shirt, and dark sunnies to replace the Jujutsu Tech uniform he typically wore. His phone was pressed to his ear, completely oblivious to you all staring at him as he was more focused on whoever he was talking to.
“It’s Gojo…” Yuuji whispered.
Nobara jumped up from her seat and positioned herself right next to Yuuji. She held a hand above her eyes to block out the sun as she stared at him.
“He looks so out of place,” she said. “Something about him…”
“It’s the hair, right?” Yuuji commented.
“No, not the hair.”
“His clothes?”
“He just sticks out like a sore thumb,” Nobara said. “I don’t even know.”
“I think I get it. It’s like seeing a zoo animal out of its cage,” Yuuji added. He bit into his crepe and swallowed it in one bite. 
Megumi whipped his gaze away from his phone as soon as he heard Yuuji. “Excuse me?”
“You know, like seeing a giraffe walking in the city,” Yuuji elaborated, waving a hand in the air as he explained. “It’s hard to look away!”
Megumi cringed as he imagined a giraffe with a striking resemblance to Gojo. “Gross,” was all he could reply back.
“Shouldn’t we just leave him alone?” you asked, nervously shifting on your feet. Even though you guys were a comfortable distance away from Gojo, it still felt weird to spy on him. “I mean, it’s not like he’s even doing anything interesting…”
“It’s fine!” Nobara waved a hand at you as she kept her eyes trained on him. “He’ll never know!”
You were about to pull them away, but Megumi grabbed your wrist to stop you. He shook his head. 
“Stop trying to rationalize with them,” Megumi sighed out. “All your words will go in through one ear and out the other.”
“What’d you say, Fushiguro?” Nobara asked. She didn’t even look at him when talking. 
“Something about this feels wrong,” you mumbled. “And what if he catches us—”
“He’s got a bouquet!” Nobara pointed out, interrupting you. “Looks pretty expensive too!”
At the mention of flowers, you and Megumi slowly inched towards Nobara and Yuuji to get a glance. Curiosity got the better of you two. True to her words, Gojo was holding a nice arrangement in his hands.
“There’s no way anyone sane would date him,” Megumi said, squinting his eyes to see if it was a hallucination. It wasn’t.
“It’s not like he’s bad looking,” you said.
“Yeah, but he’s insufferable.”
He was right about that. Still, you liked to look for the best in people. “True, but maybe there’s someone out there in the world who can look past that.”
Megumi shivered at your words. Poor soul, he thought. 
“I wanna see who that person is,” Nobara said and looked up at you. “Aren’t you interested in his date?”
“...No,” you lied through your teeth.
“Aw, c’mon! Just one look!” Yuuji wiggled his fingers in front of your face as he spoke, his words turning more animated. “What if he’s into cougars? Like a sugar mama.”
“Gojo does not need…” Megumi paused and let out an exasperated sigh. “A sugar mama.”
“You never know, Fushiguro! He might be into that kinda thing!”
“Do you even know what a sugar mama is?”
“I sure do!” Yuuji snapped his fingers at Megumi. “My gramps used to—”
“He’s moving!” Nobara shut the two up and grabbed onto your sleeve. “Let’s go!”
“Kugisaki!” you yelled out at being dragged against your will. Instead of letting go, she locked arms with you.
“You can’t expect me to be stuck with those two dummies for this,” she whispered to you. “Besides, I just wanna see who his date is, it probably won’t take too long. We’ll find out, come back, and after that we’ll go shopping for matching tracksuits!”
At her words, you peered over your shoulder. Megumi and Yuuji were following closely behind you two, still talking about Gojo and his supposed sugar mama preference. Yuuji clapped his hands as he laughed while Megumi spoke in a calm manner; even though he objected earlier to it, Megumi didn’t look like he minded the detour all too much.
“Fine… but we’re getting matching tracksuits right afterwards!”
Nobara grinned and then playfully nudged you with her elbow. You did the same back with a bounce in your steps.
Operation Follow Gojo And Find Out If He’s Really Into Sugar Mamas was a go.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Hours passed and you four were still following Gojo through the city.
What seemed to be mischievous fun slowly morphed into a hellish nightmare. Your feet were throbbing in pain and the summer heat heavily weighed down on you, causing a light layer of sweat to coat your body. After an hour of tailing him, seeing Gojo’s date became a matter of pride. If you all threw in the towel now then it would have meant a loss of dignity from wasting the day following him.
“How long has it been?” you muttered, trying your best to not groan in exhaustion.
No one answered, too embarrassed to even say the number aloud.
The instigators of the group, Nobara and Yuuji, were the most heartbroken about this lost time. They walked through the city like zombies, their spirits crushed. While Yuuji was crestfallen, Nobara had a dark aura surrounding her body. You and Megumi maintained a safe distance from her.
The thing about Tokyo was that it was a large city. A metropolis with twists and turns and buildings stacked up right next to each other like rows of dominos; it had attractions built up into the sky and malls dug underground. You could walk around Tokyo for an entire day and still not cover a quarter of it. 
And yet, you were sure you explored the city twice over when tailing Gojo
He used every single back alleyway, rounding corner after corner, almost like he was walking around in circles. He would go into random stores and shop around for a bit only to walk out empty handed. Nothing he did in those few hours of surveillance made sense.
With the sun starting to set, all your motivation sank along with the light. Following Gojo really was the biggest waste of time you had ever indulged in. You checked your phone and saw Maki’s text about going back to the dorms with Inumaki and Panda. A sigh escaped your lips.
“Maybe we should give up,” you said. “Maki and the others already went back to Jujutsu Tech.”
Megumi, the only other one with a rational head on his shoulders, agreed with you. He stood up and rubbed the back of his neck to alleviate the built up tension. “If we leave now we can grab dinner here and then make it back on the last bus.”
Nobara and Yuuji seemed to be fighting an internal battle within themselves. Dinner in Tokyo would be a hell of a lot better than the food at Jujutsu Tech… but at the same time, what if Gojo met up with his date right as you all left? Both tightened their fists at the prospect.
Then a miracle happened. 
(Or so you thought.)
Yuuji was the first to notice. From the corner of his eye, he saw another figure approaching Gojo. He quickly hid himself behind a parked taxi, grabbing onto Megumi’s sleeve to avoid being seen. Nobara did the exact same with you. All four of you had your heads stacked upon one another while monitoring the situation: Yuuji at the bottom, Nobara, you, Megumi at the top.
Tall, blond, and well dressed, Gojo’s date approached him with an apathetic expression. Lips turned downward and brows furrowed together, his date was less than impressed. This didn’t faze him in the slightest. Gojo slid down his sunglasses and winked at his date, turning the charm meter up a notch.
Nobara let out a gasp while the rest of the group held their breath.
“They’re gay!” Nobara screamed, pointing towards Gojo and Nanami. 
Her sudden outburst garnered a few stares and the accused turned towards your direction. Gojo snickered into his hand while Nanami raised an eyebrow.
“Gay?” Nanami repeated, unamused. He turned his attention back at Gojo. “Explain.”
“I brought the kids along with me too,” Gojo jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at where you and the rest of the gang stood. “Hope you don’t mind.”
Upon hearing this, you deflated completely. The entire time following him was a complete waste. Gojo played you all like a puppet on a string.
“He knew…” Megumi muttered as he covered half of his face with his hand in shame. “He knew we were following him this whole time.”
Gojo practically skipped to where you all were standing, smiling like a cheshire cat. Upon seeing the dejected look on your faces, he let out a laugh, one loud enough to warrant people to look his way as he slapped a hand to his knee.
“This is a lesson,” Gojo began once he caught his breath. “Don’t stalk people in the city.”
“We weren’t stalking you!” Nobara and Yuuji objected at the same time. 
“Then what were you four doing?”
You all kept quiet, unable to answer his question. Because truthfully, you guys were stalking Gojo to get a peek at his “date” which turned out to be a giant ruse. Gojo merely cackled at the silence.
“That’s what I thought. Anyway,” he motioned a hand towards Nanami and looked over his shoulder. “Nanami, take care of the kids for a second.”
“Excuse me?” Nanami couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Is this what you called me here for?”
Again, Gojo laughed. Seems like he was going to screw over Nanami as well.
“Yup!” He waved and blew a kiss in the most grandiose manner. “I’ll see you guys in a little bit! Don’t go causing too much trouble for Nanami!”
Right after finishing what he wanted to say, Gojo disappeared in the next second, blending in with the city crowd. You blinked at how easy it was for him to fly off your radar. The others thought the same, keeping quiet.
Tokyo was a complete bust.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
“See! The sushi comes to you on little bullet trains, Kugisaki!” Yuuji cheered as three plates of salmon nigiri arrived at the booth. He couldn’t stop grinning as he marveled the miniature replica. “Let’s make another order!”
After getting caught red handed and toyed with for the majority of the day by Gojo, he decided to treat you and the rest of the first years to a nearby kaiten sushi restaurant as a peace offering. Not because he felt bad, but rather he didn’t feel like going back to Jujutsu High so soon. You all accepted for the free meal and a ride back to the dorms.
Inside the cramped booth, Nobara and Yuuji were talking over one another while eating, trying to show off their Tokyo knowledge through random trivia found online. Megumi, the most mentally mature of the bunch, spoke up to correct them every now and then, earning either the stink eye from Nobara or finger guns from Yuuji. Their energy was infectious, causing you to laugh along.
With the night nearing its end, you decided to ask the million dollar question. After all, it was the reason why your day in Tokyo was wasted.
“Gojo, what were you doing with those flowers?” you asked as you passed a plate over to him. Since you never got to see his date after his disappearing act, you were curious with what he did with the bouquet.
Instead of stuffing the sushi into his mouth, Gojo set his chopsticks down for a second and paused. In a comedic manner, he closed his eyes and rubbed his chin, seemingly in deep thought.
“Ah, since you asked so nicely, I’ll tell you,” he said as he clicked his tongue and snatched the nigiri with his chopsticks. “I was giving them to a friend of mine. It’s been a while since I last saw him, so I decided to do something special.”
“A friend?” It was hard to imagine him with friends. He seemed to drive everyone within a five foot radius up the wall. “Really?”
“Yep,” Gojo replied. He popped another tuna nigiri into his mouth and savored the flavor for a moment before finishing what he had to say. “Flowers are a nice gift, right?”
“I think they are,” you answered truthfully. “Did he like them?”
He smiled. And it wasn’t one of his usual fake asshole smiles he did whenever he beat you guys to the dirt during a spar session, but rather a genuine one. A rarity. “I think he did. He better because that bouquet was expensive.”
“Maybe next time you should invite him with you,” you motioned to the entirety of the table, “to this.”
Gojo chuckled as he watched you all get along. Nobara had Yuuji in a chokehold while Megumi watched from the other side of the table with a stone cold visage. The corners of his lips threatened to twitch upward.
“I think he’d like that.”
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nicka-nell · 3 years
Aaaaaand my second req is sfw alphabet with Sugawara (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Sugawara Koushi: SFW-Alphabet
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Waaah I am soo so excited because I am so happy about this request! ♥ 
Actually, I wanted to upload the Kuroo story first, but sadly my laptop thought that it doesn’t save the file before it crashes :’’). I’ve already written half of it again, but I’ll finish the rest tomorrow and then upload it. (because it’s already late for me) 
I hope that’s okay :( 
Buuuut now I wish you at least a lot of fun with the Sugamama-alphabet! *u*
Stay healthy and safe ♥♥
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Easter Event (match-up/ sfw & nsfw-alphabet/ prompts)
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A = Affection (little things they do to show love) 
Since Sugawara works as a teacher, he always has to get up early. He prepares your breakfast by placing a coffee cup and a plate and cutlery on the table for you. In his first break, he writes you a sweet good morning message, with motivating words for the day. But most of all, he shows you his love by listening to you with full attention when you tell him something. 
B = Beginning (how you met) 
The first time you saw each other was at Ukai’s store. Sugawara and Ukai were just discussing some volleyball tactics for their team when you came to the store. Actually, all you wanted to do was ask for directions to the new cafe in town. But after Ukai gave you a complicated explanation of the way, which sounded more like a scavenger hunt, Sugawara said that he would accompany you there. So you went to the cafe, and as a thank you, you invited him for coffee. 
C = Confession (how they confess) 
He was a little nervous, although he was sure that he had interpreted your feelings for him correctly. Sugawara asked you if you want to go back to that cafe and wanted to confess his feelings there. However, the time was never right and his feelings for you remained unspoken. You were already standing on the doorstep and wanted to go to your apartment when Sugawara stopped you and reached after your hands. With a charming smile, he caressed the back of your hand as he gathered his courage and confessed all his feelings for you. His confession was honest and full of emotion. As if he wanted to show you everything about him. 
D = Dating (what are they like on their first date) 
On your first date, he wanted to have dinner with you, but he had so many exams to control that he had not made it out of school. So you had bought two servings of fried noodles and had visited him at school. Sugawara sat at his desk, you on top of it while you ate the noodles and talked. The exams were only secondary, because he only had eyes for you. From the outside he was calm, but inside his heart beat so loudly that he was afraid you could hear it. He kept apologizing for that screwed up date, which made you laugh. Even after years of your relationship, Sugawara likes to invite you on a date. Mostly they are rather intimate, only you both in quiet places with little or no people. 
E = Evolution (how fast does your relationship evolve) 
Very slowly. Not because he’s uncomfortable with changes, no. Sugawara enjoys every second with you and thinks you don’t have to rush into anything. He wants it all to be special that you will remember these milestones for a long time, and smile while thinking of them. 
 F = Fiancee (do they want to get married) 
He definitely wants to marry you. Even if weddings become increasingly out of fashion, it is part of a relationship for him. He would love to see you in a wedding dress, and would cry inwardly with joy when you walk to the altar. Sometimes when he puts his signature under an exam, he leans back in his chair and silently mumbles your name with his last name. 
G = Gentleman (how gentle are they)
Sugawara is very gentle and attentive. Whether it is his touch, how he gently lays his hand on your shoulder, or your conversations, where he’s just fixating on you. But he can also be rough, then only unintentionally, when you fight playfully and he accidentally kicks you out of bed because he forgets that he is much stronger than you. 
 H = Hugs (do they like hugs/cuddles)
It depends on where you are. At home, he loves to cuddle or hug you. Whether it’s small gentle hugs or swinging twists with you in his arms. He loves it to cuddle in the evening, before you sleep. But his favourite position is, you both are facing each other with your arms draped around your body’s. You can look each other in the eye. And that’s what Sugawara loves, watching you full of love while caressing your form. 
 I = I love you (how fast do they say it) 
Unlike in the evolution of your relationship, it happened quickly when Sugawara said ‘I love you.’ for the first time. And even now he whispers to you every night a fond ‘I love you’ before he gives you a kiss on the shoulder and falls asleep. 
J = Jealousy (how jealous do they get, what do they do when they’re jealous)
Sugawara is not jealous, he trusts you completely. But if it should come to a situation where he gets jealous, he would wave and come to your side with a broad grin to give you a smack on the cheek. He would also leave you quickly if you want to, but not without telling you how much he loves you. Hoping the person in front of you understands you are in a relationship with Sugawara.
K = Kisses (how are their kisses) 
His kisses are usually playful and loving. Fleeting and brief kisses on the lip followed by a cheerful smile as he looks into your eyes is his way of affection. Tongue kisses are rather rare. In the beginning he was nervous and overwhelmed with tongue kisses, and had more often accidentally hit his teeth against yours, but he got better and better. 
L = Light up (what do they do to make you feel better after a rough day) 
If you have a bad day, Sugawara immediately notices it. He makes you a hot tea or chocolate and snuggles you in a warm blanket. He listens to you if you want to let all the negative out while he’s standing behind the sofa scratching your head. If you still don’t feel better after that, he stretches out his hand, tense it and knocks with the side of his hand on your shoulder, with the words ‘out with the negative energy!’ 
M = Mornings (how you start the day) 
In the week you get up alone, because Sugawara has to get up before you. On weekends, he likes to lie in bed with you. Usually you get up before him, make a nice breakfast before you wake him up with the meanwhile bright sun rays. You have breakfast together while talking about what you are going to do today.
N = Nurse (how do they take care of you when you’re sick) 
If you are sick, he will make you a lot of tea and bring you some of the delicious chicken soup his mother made especially for you. He always reminds you to drink and eat a lot, but leaves you alone in bed most of the time, since he knows you need rest to get fit again. Still, he checks the bedroom every hour to see if you need anything. 
O = Open (when would they start revealing things about themselves) 
Sugawara is more of a listener than a speaker. That’s why he reveals nothing unless you ask him to. He has no problem talking to you about himself, only he prefers to talk about you. Even in the beginning it was okay with him to reveal things about himself if you asked him. 
P = Pregnancy (do they want kids, how are they in your pregnancy) 
He definitely wants kids, but he isn’t pushy about this topic. Step by step. Sugawara would barely change in your pregnancy. He would just pay more attention to buying food that you can eat. He tries to be present at all gynaecological appointments, even if he does not always make it. Sugawara would be incredibly proud and would tell his friends about the fact that you two will soon have offspring.
Q = Quarrels (how is it to have a fight with them) 
You don’t know exactly what it’s like to argue with him, since you almost have no quarrels. Sugawara always tries to settle everything as peacefully and adult as possible, so that there is no quarrel, since he hates it to see you upset. 
At your wedding he is the happiest man on earth when he sees you in the beautiful dress before him. So damn happy that he’s crying. You have a small wedding, only with your closest friends and relatives. You have rented a room and spend your wedding there classically and comfortably, with wonderful food, a small wedding cake and calm music. 
R = Rings (how do they propose, the wedding, the honeymoon) 
His proposal was well prepared. Sugawara had recreated your first encounter. He called you to go to Ukai’s store, because he wouldn’t make it to the restaurant in time. He was just waiting for you to come through the door when Ukai asked if you were looking for the new cafe. At first you were confused, but you could tell from Sugawara’s smile that there is more behind all this. So you played along and Sugawara and you were back at the cafe. When he asked you the same questions as he did when you first met you thought this was the cutest date ever. But you were wrong. In the evening you stood at your doorstep, as he took your hands in his, playing with the back of your hand. It was just the same gesture as years ago, where he confessed his feelings. Yet, it was another kind of confession. It was a proposal full of love. 
You spend your honeymoon at home. Because that’s where you feel most comfortable. You sleep long, start your day with cuddling sessions while you sit on the terrace until night afterwards, as Sugawara raises your hand and kisses the no longer empty spot on your ring finger with the words “My beloved Mrs. Sugawara.” 
S = Secrets (do they keep secrets from you) 
He has no secrets from you. Everything that matters, he tells you without hesitation. If he hides something, then only because he has forgotten to say it, so unintentionally. 
T = Try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks) 
He would put a lot of effort into the relationship. After all, he wants you to lack nothing. He loves to see you smile. You always go to a restaurant or cafe together after work. Also, he often gives you something, but mostly small things that have a deeper meaning. For example, a necklace which reminds you of your first vacation. He also does not shy away from daily chores, he makes breakfast, laundry and goes grocery shopping during the week.
U = Ugly (their bad habits) 
He’s not a big talker, so he often carries his insecurity and negative feelings around until you talk to him about it. He often thinks that he didn’t deserve you. Another bad habit is that he distributes his pens everywhere in the apartment and never knows where he put them down. 
V = Voicing (how hard is it for them to talk about their feelings) 
It’s not really hard for him to talk about his feelings. Only he does not talk about them without being asked, because he finds them too unimportant and does not want to burden others with it. But when it comes to expressing his love for you, he does so without hesitation. He tells you how happy you make him every day.
W = Waking up (how is it to wake up by their side) 
Waking up next to Sugawara can be nice but also exciting. He rarely wakes up before you, then strokes your cheek while watching you until you wake up. He greets you with his angelic smile and a gentle ‘good morning’. You cuddle for a while before you get up, have breakfast together and then get ready for the day. But most of the time you get awake through his arm in your face, his loud snoring because he’s lying on his back. You get up to let the bright light into the room because that’s the only thing that really helps to wake him up. While Sugawara is still busy getting up, you prepare breakfast and push the hot coffee into his hand while he strolls into the kitchen like a zombie. 
X = XOXO (PDA, kisses or hugs in public) 
He enjoys being close to you, but he’s not one to be extremely touchy. Most of the time, Sugawara walks beside you, always looking down at you to give you a friendly smile. But if you are in the city where several people are too, he likes to hold your hand or just your little finger. Also, he does not like to kiss you properly, because this beautiful look of you after your kiss no one but himself may see. But he likes to give you a smooch on the cheek to say goodbye, or hello, or if he notices men are watching you. 
Y = Yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner) 
In general, Sugawara hates arguments. He just doesn’t feel comfortable with them and doesn’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings and probably barley soup. In a partner Sugawara wouldn’t like it if you’re not self-employed or if you would dislike his friends.
 Z = Zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs, does it change around a partner) 
Sugawara always sleeps on his back. At first, it looked frightening how little he had moved, almost like a corpse. But you quickly learned that he uses his arms to stretch them all over the bed. Sugawara needs a blanket to sleep properly, and only a pillow because several would disturb him. During the week he tries to fall asleep around 10pm, but he rarely succeeds. Most of the time he stays awake into the night to correct exams or to write new plays for his team. Therefore, he often lacks sleep, which is why he probably wants to sleep for a long time on the weekend. What’s changed since he’s been with you is that he’s snuggled up with you until you fall asleep before he lies on his back again and that he is less awake into the night, since he always gets tired when he cuddles with you and then usually briefly falls asleep after you. 
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Stuck with you (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hello, hello, hello! How are we, guys? Alive and kicking? Getting enough sleep? Drinking water? (also tea, tea is awesome, 11/10). It’s been (again) a while since I’ve posted anything on here, huh. I’m working on another fic as we speak (summer theme cause summer is ending and I’m not ready for it), so we’ll see how it goes :D
AO3 link:
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @strawberrwess @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @bucket-harrington , @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements,  @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @daisy-ashton, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie
Enjoy! <3
Claire noted with an overwhelming sense of relief that as the end of her shift approached, the intensity of the day decreased significantly. What used to be a fast-paced march in the early hours of the morning, was now a slower stroll. It was mostly due to the fact that all her patients were stable, and her pager miraculously wasn’t going off every five seconds like it tended to do almost every day of her life at Edenbrook.
Her contemplation was cut short when she felt insistent tugging on her white coat. She moved her eyes towards the source of the movement, being only half surprised when she saw a seven-year-old girl, smiling widely at her.
“Dr. Claire! The nurse came to take my blood, to see if it was good and she gave me a high-five.”
“I’m sure you were so brave.” a smile blossomed on her face as she kneeled down to be on the same eye level as her little patient.
“I was! Can I have a lollipop now? I didn’t even cry or anything, it was just like you said, barely a pinch and it was over.” The girl asked, thinking back to the conversation they had that morning. It wasn’t even something that Claire did only for this patient, not a one-time event.
It has become a sort of a legend among younger patients and nurses, that she always had a bunch of sweets in her pockets, giving them out to the kids on occasions. Mostly because of it, along with how good she was with young people, she was a liked doctor that was invited into all the tea parties and book readings organized by kids, with a bit of help from the nurses.
“As promised, here it is.” Her hand disappeared into the pocket and emerged with a pink and white lollipop in a colorful wrapper.
“Thanks, Dr. Claire! You’re the best.”
“Don’t run while eating it, we don’t want you to get hurt, okay?” she warned her before standing up. The girl was already running away, though, waving the candy in the air in excitement.
“Sure thing, doc, have a nice day!”
Claire shook her head in amusement, straightening the creases on her coat as she turned away to walk towards the ER. She was stopped short in her tracks, however, by the sight of an eyebrow raised so high up that it might as well have flown off his face altogether, accompanied by a curious gaze of Ethan Ramsey. His arms were folded across his chest, his posture meant to intimidate.
“You’re a doctor, Herondale. Giving away sweets in a hospital? That’s promoting diabetes.” He pointed out, waiting for her to explain her behavior. She imagined that a comment like that had the potential to make some interns cry; hell, even less resistant to pressure residents tended to avoid confrontation with him if they could help it. But Claire? Hell no.
“It’s a little reward for being brave. I can attest that it works, they are much more likely to go through their procedures- “
“- and not be scared. Good call, Rookie, even though I still think you’re spreading diabetes in the hospital.” Ethan smiled, breaking the act of trying to reprimand her. Instead, he took a small step towards her, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. Her eyes sparkled teasingly, holding his gaze in a tight lock with her own as she decreased the distance between them even more.
“The only diabetes you’re going to get is from me being so sweet.” Claire’s voice dropped to a gentle whisper the more she talked, then she slowly stood on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek. The corners of his lips went up, forming a smile, partly concealed by her hair. Before anything else could be said or done, the sound of a phone ringing caused them to, albeit reluctantly, step away from each other slightly.
“As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I should get going. Us Herondales really do hate waiting, you know.” She grinned, beginning to walk away from him.
“Yeah, I think I do. I wish I could go with you.”
“I know you do, Ethan. Maybe next time? Actually, definitely next time; I don’t think my Mom will let you skip the next family lunch, no matter how much important work you have.” He laughed, shaking his head as he watched her retreating form.
“See you this evening?”
“You can count on it, Ramsey.”
It was slowly getting dark when he got home, and by the time he got round to cooking dinner, the sun has already set. He didn’t think much about the lack of contact with her; he knew how those family meetings went, so if he had to guess, Will most likely kidnapped her phone.
The ringing startled him a little, but still, nothing seemed wrong, hence why he walked towards the sound calmly. Claire’s name flashed on the screen, pulling a smile onto his face.
“Right on cue, Dr. Herondale. Dinner is almost ready, will you be home soon?” he asked, leaning against the back of the couch. There was a short moment of silence before she spoke, her voice just a little on edge.
“I don’t want you to freak out, but I got shot.”
It was good that he had something to fall onto, because the initial reaction of his body caused his knees to go weak. He should have known that something wasn’t right, but never would he have thought that while she was supposed to be with her family, she would get hurt.
“It’s nothing, really, a clean in and out wound, I’m already having it treated.” Claire’s voice was steady, nothing indicating any unbearable pain, but then again, he didn’t know what exactly happened, so she might as well have been trying to calm him down.
“Where are you?” he asked, already running to the kitchen to turn the burners off, grabbing his car keys along the way.
“Edenbrook, but as I said-“
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He cut her off, walking out of the apartment in rush.
It’s funny how fluid the time is. The more one is anticipating something, the slower it goes by. Consequently, the more one is dreading something, the more it rushes forward. Ethan was experiencing something entirely different. The whole ride to the hospital felt like it lasted two eternities, and yet he couldn’t remember a thing from that time, like it happened in a split second.
His feet carried him forward, recklessly running through the maze of corridors, ignoring stares he was getting from his coworkers. Any logical thought has evaporated, leaving only blinding panic, unprompted by her way of speaking, but pushed forward by what she said.
Danny didn’t even question his disheveled state when he asked for the room number, knowing better than to stand in his way. His muscles screamed, more tired than after any other exercise, but the fear of the unknown was pushing him towards her. He opened the door, only to see Claire sitting on the bed, discomfort clear on her face. Not pain, not distress. Discomfort.
Because in front of her bed were two people, sitting in a pair of chairs. The room was filled with crying of a little boy, shaking in his mother’s arms. He was muttering something incoherently; Ethan wasn’t able to figure out what exactly the kid was saying. Meanwhile, Claire was trying her best to calm the boy down, her hands trembling in frustration that she was stuck in bed.
Ethan expected everything. Literally anything but this. Because how the hell could he have predicted that he would find Claire, shot and panicking because her nephew was crying. The woman sitting on the chair, Claire’s sister in law, Louise, made eye contact with him, her face twisted in a mixture of helplessness and horror, not communicating a lot to him about what had happened.
Then he turned towards Claire, his eyes running over her, searching for the wound or any additional injuries. Her calf was bandaged and resting on top of the covers, but other than that, she seemed fine. Her head moved slightly, signalizing that she was indeed okay, after which she nodded towards her nephew giving him a clue.
How the hell did an eight-year-old boy shoot his aunt?
Ethan ran a hand over his face, breathing in deeply. With no idea how to even begin the conversation, he looked at Louise. She sighed, then started explaining.
“Our genius uncle decided that Toby was old enough to try shooting an air gun. He tried to aim towards the target, but it fired early by accident.” She took a break to look at her son, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. “It just so happened that Claire was in the bullet’s way.”
“But I’m okay.” Claire rushed to reassure them, smiling softly at Toby. He started crying again, hiding his face in his mother’s sweater. Ethan sensed what she meant, walking over to the little boy and kneeling by his side.
“How are you doing, little man?” he asked, trying to test the waters before saying anything else. Toby didn’t respond, but he did turn his head to look at Ethan, his eyes red from crying.
“I- I hurt aunt Claire.” He muttered before another batch of tears gathered in his eyes. The older doctor extended his hand towards him, patting him on the shoulder comfortingly.
“I can assure you that your aunt is going to be okay. I saw her leg, it’s going to heal before you know it, yeah?” he caught Toby’s gaze, seeing him already feeling a bit better. “Let me tell you a secret. When she feels better, give her a big hug. It always works.”
“Hugs won’t always get you out of trouble, Ramsey.” The blonde doctor warned, grinning from ear to ear in a teasing manner. He schooled his features when he looked at her, then dropped the act and smirked, mischief spelled across his face as he took a step towards her.
“Ethan, no.” she warned him, her eyes growing wide. He took another step. “No.” She moved back into her bed, scooting away from him. Before she could give him another warning, he reached her and dug his fingers into her sides, tickling her mercilessly until she laughed. Claire tried to slap his hands away, to no avail, but the torture didn’t last long. Soon enough, he wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in his warm embrace.
“Am I forgiven?” his lips brushed against her ear as he muttered the question. She took a moment, keeping him on his toes, giggling when he leaned away to look at her in consternation.
“For now, you are. We’ll see later, Mister.”
Their little game seemed to do the trick; Toby calmed down, and by the time Louise took him home, he was smiling. The door closed behind them, leaving Ethan with Claire. Visiting hours were long over, but there was not a one person that came to kick him out, courtesy of them both being doctors. He remained seated in the chair next to her bed, holding onto her hand as they talked.
“Shouldn’t you go home and rest? You have a shift in the morning.” She muttered, tracing his knuckles with her thumb.
“No, I don’t. Naveen let me stay with you, make sure you don’t injure your leg further. No walking, no running, only being carried.” He grinned, leaning towards her a bit, dropping his voice to a low whisper. “I’m your very own, private taxi.”
She laughed, pulling him onto the bed by his hand. “Okay then, since you’re not going home, you’re sleeping with me.” his eyebrow shot up in a teasing manner, opening his mouth to protest, but she was faster than him. “Yes, you are forgiven, and no, I won’t take no for an answer, Ramsey. Get in here.”
Sighing heavily, he removed his shoes and sat next to her, mindful of her injured leg. He looked at the wound for a long moment, being stopped by Claire pulling him to lie down. “I’m never leaving you again when guns are involved.” He pressed his lips against her forehead, muttering the words quietly.
“Only when guns are involved?” she joked, embracing him a bit tighter. Rather than seeing, she felt him laugh.
“Okay, you just scored yourself a lifetime of being stuck with me. Is that what you wanted, Herondale?” their eyes met, sparkling with humor and love. Stretching herself to her best ability, she pressed a short, sweet kiss to his chin before falling back into his arms.
“Give me the ‘brave patient’ candy and it’s a deal”
They remained in that position for quite some time, conversing silently, his hand running up and down her leg in a soothing motion. A short while after he turned the lights off so they could get some rest, she gave him a more serious answer, her words muffled by the fabric of his shirt. “I’m perfectly fine with being stuck with you.”
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owlsbride · 4 years
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Icha Icha and prejudice:the Book Club
Chapter VI: The Plot Thikens
Sakura entered her apartment still trembling. It had been just a few silly words, but they had let her dizzy, flustered and, trembling. She recalled the words for herself once and again with her back against the door. "Have a good night you too, Lizzie." She was so naive, so childish. In an instant, she forgot their little fight about suitable marriages, and how Kakashi had shown on his behalf, that being a Hokage was much more than being a polite, pretty face to shown around towns or councils. That if something was suitable for the village, he will just go for it no matter what, without thinking twice. Meanwhile, her, the sweet and lovingly Sakura, only sees marriages as the union of two people celebrating their love, that only death could tear apart. She was helpless. Hopelessly devoted to love.
And maybe the reason why she was absolutely alone.
'That was not a fight Sakura.' Sakura rolled her eyes, stepping away from the door.
'I've been in fights, and trust me Sakura, that was not a fight.' She pondered for a moment the words of Inner Sakura. If that hasn't been a fight, what other thing would have been?
"If that was not a fight according to you. then what was it?" Sakura asked herself while making a coffee, messing everything in her kitchen more than necessary.
'It was just a talk' Inner Sakura began knowingly 'He was just stating how good the union between Shikamaru and Temari was going to be for both villages.'
"Yes, I know that" The real she was expecting something else, something more revealing. Maybe Inner Sakura understood Kakashi better than her. '
What else do you want to find, Sakura?' that know-it-all voice.
Sakura was silence contemplating her mug with the brown steamy liquid inside.
'Look, you wanted him to tell you how happy he was about the future possible wedding, how he hopped for the babies to come fast, and how much he wishes someday he would feel the same.'
"Well..." Sakura opened her mouth "Yes, I guess I was expecting something more heartedly" she finished dropping her shoulders. She never noted she was so tensed.
'Sakura are you kidding me, or you for that matter?' Inner Sakura was outraged 'You've been dating 2 years Sasuke, and now you expect his mentor to be an emotional sweet man, capable of lay all his feelings on the table just like that.'
"Maybe yes, maybe I thought Kakashi was different" Sakura was at the verge of tears "maybe I thought that he still has feelings, even if he is so broken."
'Listen to me and listen closely, cause I'm not going to repeat something that we both already know.' The voice in Sakura's head for the first time was tender, sweet, friendly 'He is broken, yes. He is as cool as a cucumber, and an aloof, but he would never hurt any of you. He told you himself that. He is a tough guy, a killer if it needed, so how can you pretend from him to just pour his heart out in a restaurant table.'
"You are right but..." Sakura was ready to protest once more.
'Sakura, you are too immersed in that book you gave him. Idealizing love and relationships, hoping that from one day to the next Kakashi transforms into Darcy' Sakura was starting to feel tired of this conversation.
"It's not like..."
'Sakura, do whatever you want, but stop expecting things from others that are not willing to give. Instead, why don't you focus on Icha Icha?'
"Yeah, like if that could help me in something." Sakura concluded.
'You never know.' Inner Sakura slowly walked away from Sakura's primary thoughts, leaving the hard work to be made by her own. Sakura went straight to the shower, hoping that it would help her to think clearly.
Maybe she was expecting too much about all these things around the books. Perhaps she expected him to notice her into another light, where they could both share life together, even if they already share one. Maybe with Pride and Prejudice, he would note some things about its characters that could be related to them. Maybe if Kakashi read some of her own thoughts there... Nah, she was being too rational and deluded and foolish at the same time. Probably Kakashi was taking the book as it was: a teasing game between them. Two idiotic friends and co-workers, who like flirting (a lot) with each other.
But, cause there is always a but, Sakura found herself asking why Kakashi has addressed her, not once but twice, as Lizzie. Of course, Elizabeth was the main character of the story, but why her? He could have called her Jane. Yes, Jane, always looking for the right husband, the real love, a suitable one but a man splendid as the sun, a true gentleman, honoured and lucky. Or he could have called her Mary, the intellectual Mary, the one who is always felling apart. Mary, who doesn't relate with Jane and Lizzie, and neither with Lydia and Kitty, because she was exactly in the middle. The outcast girl that someday will be ready to explode all her professional habilities and became the most notorious nin doctor of Konoha.
'My God, Sakura, I can't leave you alone for five minutes, and you are already ruining an excellent shower?'
"Why? Why did he call me Lizzie."
'Because is the main character's name?'
"Yes, but there has to be something else. Kakashi is no that simple."
"What if he is reading underlines? What if he is cryptically answering my question about Darcy or Wickam?"
'So which one is he then?'
"Oh..." Sakura blushed her self "I think I can't know that. At least not for sure."
'What do you mean' Inner Sakura asked already knowing the answer
"The thing is that I know Kakashi" Sakura started drying herself comfortably in her heavy and comfortable towel "He's obviously a Mr Darcy: dominant, gentleman, sure of himself, proud, well-positioned. He usually sticks to his principles and above all things he consciously considers absolutely all situations. He's rather lonely, so yes, he's a Mr Darcy."
'So... where are your doubts then?'
"I don't know nothing about Kakashi's love life," Sakura said simple aplaying some hydrating oil for the skin, she liked the one that smelled of pears.
'Does he have one?' Even if Inner Sakura was right.
"Come on, you're not going to think he is a virgin right? you are too bold to think something like that" Sakura reply thinking that for once she had won her Inner self
'Of course not, idiot! I'm not talking about sex. I'm referring to relationships, but coming from that man, I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually a virgin' Inner Sakura pondered, and Sakura herself darted her thoughts to unknown places.
'You are terrible after all, Sakura' Inner Sakura was laughing, 'You are already thinking in all the things you could do to him just to teach him.'
"Oh, come on! Not even Ino would dare to say something like that" Sakura defended herself. '
Call her and check for yourself. And Sakura?'
'There is no need to keep on playing with that oil. You are already moisturized.'
Sakura left the bathroom in a flash of fury and went straight to her room. She jumped over her big comfy bed just wrapped in her not so much dry towel. Inner Sakura, was nowhere to be found in her head so she could rest a bit. She knew that she had to change into her PJs, but somehow she didn't feel like. Sakura was feeling comfortable and a little bit rebel? Yeah, almost a punk. If someone were to enter her house or room, they would find her barely covered by a large towel slightly dropped from one side and nothing more. The situation was tempting but pointless and disappointing: Nobody was going to visit her tonight, or the next one for that matter. So, pushed by this new femininity and sensuality found almost like chance, Sakura took Icha Icha in her hands, and began to read. If Kakashi could handle Pride and Prejudice, she would do it with the little orange book full of secrets.
"He found her underneath a leafy tree. The rays of the sun filtered through the spaces between the leaves, drawing on her skin magical patterns that he longed to travel with his hands, his lips, his tongue. She would leave for a few moments and then push it away, as she always did, it would slip through her fingers like flower petals in the wind. The fire awakened in his body would be unbearable. She knew that he would follow her to the end of the world, to the flames of hell that were nothing compared to the fire of passion that awoke every time they were together, within reach of his curious hands—a sigh of difference."
Oh boy... This was going to be a long night.
Hello Everyone!!!!!! How you've been? I want to apologize for not updating before, in journalism, we say that we don't publish the excuses. I think I Kind of feel like I ow it to you. The thing is that I'm starting to quit smoking, and you have no idea (or maybe you do) how hard it is. Even more, if one of your greatest pleasures is writing while drinking coffee or something stronger and a cigarette!! That's what took my time. Try to write only with a sad cup of tea. But I guess I'm starting to improve in that area. I will end like L, full of candies, sweets, and coffee around me! If you are interested in following my process as a hilarious journal, I can leave you my Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/owlsbride
Now with the story, What is going on with Sakura and these new sensations she is living? What do you think? A virgin Kakashi? I don't think it fits him, as I don't think that womanizer thing fits him either.
Well, I'll be waiting your comments and kudos and follows and love, which is very much appreciated it right now.
Well Next chapter in a few days, we are going to see what happens in Suna,
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