skygal-178 · 4 months
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It's alright | 26122023
Based on a scene of @asterbae's story "Perfect Slaughter". I already did some simple character art before, but this particular scene in chapter 10 just hit differently and I wanted to bring this to paper since the first time I read it. reader discretion is advised, pls read the tags before checking it out
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skygal-178 · 5 months
So dreamy and mysterious
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skygal-178 · 5 months
So cute!! 🥰🥰
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skygal-178 · 7 months
This just gives a whole new kink to lip biting! 🩸
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But of course, you deserve a treat.
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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Here u go have a freebie
I have some context for this kinda. It was the first comic I doodled way back because I wanted to fill in the blanks after certain Act3 cutscenes. Then I forgot about it entirely oops
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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Lmao keep it together, Gale
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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for either way you choose you cannot win
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 About ✦ Gale of Waterdeep
(insp. by @karlaach)
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skygal-178 · 7 months
These are so pretty!!
Had lots of fun painting these two Baldur's Gate 3 locations. Which route to the Shadow-Cursed Lands did you choose?
you can buy these as prints ✦ full speedpaints are on my patreon      
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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skygal-178 · 7 months
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My Roman Empire.
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skygal-178 · 1 year
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skygal-178 · 1 year
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Obviously I care for you an immense deal.
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skygal-178 · 1 year
Gosh I just love your art so much! 💖
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Finally reunited 💓
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skygal-178 · 1 year
A story of two complete strangers and the strong bond that blossoms between them!
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artwork by @shadydruid characters by laura bailey and marisha ray from @criticalrole
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“Imogen, I.. I’m sorry! I don’t.. I’m sorry!” Before Laudna can say anymore, Imogen reconnects their lips once more sweet little kiss. “I’m not. You’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met, Laudna. And I like you.. a lot..” “But not right now.” “Maybe just.. be friends, for now.. and see where it goes.” Laudna gives Imogen a soft smile and nods, before leaning in for another hug. “Let’s go to bed, we’re gonna have a long day tomorrow.” Imogen nods, and the two head below deck to their quarters.
The next morning a sound of a bustling wharf surrounds the ship, with street vendors yelling a small distance into town and merchants selling their goods to the shop owners by the docks. “So where are you two of to now that you made it across?” Jester asks cheerful as ever, as she spots the ladies walk on deck. “Oh we’re heading to the Starlight Conservatory in Jrusar.” Laudna replies, sharing an assuring look with Imogen. “I would like to find out more about the origins of my powers.” Imogen adds. “You mean you didn’t get your powers from any of the Gods?” “That’s the thing, I don’t really know where they came from. I have always thought they came from my mother, but I don’t know much about her either.” “I hope you find what you're looking for there.” Fjord walks up to them, their son not far behind him. He keeps a bit of distance from Laudna and clings to his mother's side. “Safe travels to you too.” Imogen smiles, as she slings her bag over her shoulder. Jester, Fjord, and the rest of the crew wave them off as Laudna and Imogen disembark and start walking into town.
It doesn’t take too long for them to find a tavern to stay the night. Once that’s al settled, the ladies head out to find a way to Jrusar. Spending the afternoon walking around town and talking with some locals, they come across a traveling couple willing to take them along to the spire city. Taking a few days on horse cart, they arrive about midday at the base of the Lantern Spire. Passing through thriving markets and welcomed by locals selling travel and tourist goods. Filou - a young human lady, with long black hair and wearing layered clothes of beige, red and blue colors - and Gallant - a young tiefling man, with a burnt orange skintone and wearing the same type of layered clothing with additional metal armor plates covering the shins, knees and chest area - lead them across the Fatewalk, a stone bridge crossing to the Core Spire. “Thank you guy so much. We really aprreciate your help.” The guy and the girl nod and smile kindly as they waves them off.
As they walk around the base of the Core Spire, through the Windowed Wall neighborhood. When they suddenly hear a woman screaming from one of the houses nearby. “Why ah was that? Did you hear that?” Laudna looks up now fully alert. “Sounded like it’s coming from over there, c’mon!” Imogen immediately rushes over to where the scream is coming from. “HELP! HELP ME!” An older woman bursts through the front door of her house, completely panicked and out of breath. “Ma’am, it’s alright. You’re safe now. What happened?” Imogen places her hands on the elder's shoulders, trying her best to calm her down. “They were everywhere.. th-they came out of the ground..” “What came out of the ground?” Laudna asks, stepping up to them. “I.. I don’t know.. these small hooded creatures.. they crawled out from inside my closet. Started ransacking the place, and attacking me.” “We’ll go take a look inside, you stay here okay.” Imogen gives Laudna a nod, before the two heads inside the house. Where they immediately come face to face with about six of these small hooded figures. Laudna makes quick work of it, as one jumps towards her claws out. It drops down on the floor in front of her, dead. That catches the attention of the others. Luckily their nog very hefty creatures and they take them out one by one. Two more crawl out from the closet, but those are turned back on their heel in fear and mental agony. “Quick, let’s find something to cover up this whole.” Imogen and Laudna both starts looking around for something, anything. “These will work.” Laudna holds up two wooden planks, from the nightstand broken by the creatures. Imogen nods, holding the planks in place as Laudna nails them in place with her rock hammer she took out of her hair. Taking a little bit to be absolutely sure no more of those critters are able to break through, before walking back outside where the lady is still waiting.
“Oh, are you girls okay?! You didn’t get hurt did you? Gods I wouldn’t want you to get hurt for me!” She rambles. Imogen walks up to her. “We’re alright, ma’am. We got rid of those creatures.” “And we also managed to seal off the whole they came out of.” Laudna adds. “They won’t be hurting you anymore.” Imogen finishes, giving the lady her kindest smile. “Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!” The lady takes Imogens hands in her hers. “Please, let me set you ladies a nice pot of tea. Fresh from the market.” Imogen and Laudna share a look, before accepting the offer and following her back inside.
A couple of hours have gone by in the blink of an eye. Having just a nice hot cup of tea with this kind stranger is refreshing after their long travel. “I truly can’t thank you enough for ridding my home of those pesky little monsters. If there’s anything I can do for you, please come by whenever.“ Madam Zhudanna offers, pouring one last cup of freshly brewed tea for everybody. “Oh I’m just glad you’re alright, I hope our craftsmanship will hold them back from now on.” Imogen replies. Laudna gives Imogen a quick look, thinking about the one thing they are still looking for. Receiving a barely noticeable nod in return. “Actually, we just arrived here in Jrusar today and we haven’t really had time to find a place to stay. If there’s anything in the area you know about, that would be well appreciated.” Laudna states, taking a sip of her tea. “Oh well, there are a few taverns and inns around. You have the Spire by Fire here on the Core Spire, the Weary Way on the Lantern Spire and the Soot and Swill tavern on the SMolder Spire. Those are the best known. If you’d like to save yourselves some money, you’re welcome to stay over with me.” Zhudanna offers unexpectedly. “Oh.. well..” Laudna stutters looking over at Imogen who is already looking back at her. In a silent conversation, the ladies seem to agree. “That would be lovely, we could help out with groceries and chores as a way of payment.” Imogen smiles kindly at the elderly lady.
Some days later, Laudna and Imogen have made a little home for themselves in the room they have at Zhudanna’s. Going out for groceries when needed and taking odd jobs to earn enough coin to send a request letter to the Starpoint Conservatory on the Aerie Spire in the meantime. Taking a couple of weeks, but eventually they succeed and manage to send to letter.
Another couple weeks later, there still hasn’t been any reply. “Maybe we should just go over therev and ask in person. Showing enthusiasm in research might help in our favor.” Laudna suggests, noticing Imogen at a loss. “Yeah.. maybe..” Imogen sighs deeply. “I just don’t understand why it’s so dificult to just read some books, it’s not like I need to take them with me. I just wanna know where these powers came from.” She states, a hint of defeat evident in her voice. “Alright! That’s it, let’s go!” Laudna grabs Imogen’s hand, pulling her of her seat. “Wha- right now.. Laudna.. wait!” She gently pulls her hand free. “We’ve been waiting for weeks now, I bet those rich bastards haven’t even as much as glanced at our letter. And that’s just bullcrap!” The frustration in Laudna is building quickly. “You’re probably right.. I’d like to be a bit more prepared, so let’s go tomorrow.” Laudna nods and the two make their way back to Zhudanna’s place. Imogen’s demeanor become a bit more hopeful as they walk off down the road.
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AN: I'm so so so sorry for the late upload, I've been having serious writers block for the past months.. still struggling, but I really wanted to finish this story! I hope it doesn't feel rushed or anything.. Also I know it seems like a bit of an open ending, but this is the point where I imagine campaign three starts off with Imogen and Laudna going to the conservatory together.
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skygal-178 · 1 year
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💜Oh, I can't wait to see you again... 🖤 It's only a matter of time... ✨🥺 I have already used these flowers for Imogen and Laudna. For those who haven't seen my post half-a-year ago, Laudna's flower here is the red poppy which represents undying love, consolation, remembrance and death. It can also be seen as a symbol of imagination, messages delivered in mysterious dreams, extravagance, and even peace in death. Imogen's flower is the forget-me-not which is a symbol of true and eternal love, devotion, and long-lasting connection that can't be broken. Giving someone this flower means that you truly love them and you will never forget them in your thoughts.
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skygal-178 · 1 year
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"What could you possibly be doing with a child in a bag?!" — Lost and Found
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