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dipperscavern · 2 months ago
Cregan is defo big on eye contact
oh yes ma’am 🙂‍↕️ he especially likes using it to his advantage, like staring at you while you talk. he will not break his gaze from you while you’re talking for anything — and whenever you notice this, your cheeks warm as you glance up at him a few times, checking to see if he’s still looking at you. he always is, of course, and sometimes it has you stuttering over your words. he finds it quite endearing. you have to take a breath when he finally looks away.
and this definitely translates to the bedroom, too. that’s when he gets really unfair, making you look at whatever he’s doing to you & stopping when you look away (he is the worst. ever. you’d tell him so if you could focus on anything but keeping your eyes open)
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the-fatal-impact · 9 months ago
Jace: Your grace. Lady Jeyne Arryn has pladged her support in exchange for a dragon to guard the Vale.
Rhaenyra: And what about Lord Stark?
Jace: Tall, handsome and dreamy!
Jace: Wait, I mean…
Jace: Lord Cretan Stark has promised 2000 men…
Rhaenyra: Oh, please! Tell me more!
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faebobaggins · 9 months ago
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“cregan and jacaerys took a liking to each other. they drank together, hunted together, trained together, and swore an oath of brotherhood, sealed in blood.”
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drakaripykiros130ac · 11 months ago
Delusional minds: “Aegon killed Rhaenyra, so the Greens won the Dance.”
The opera is not over until the fat lady sings.
The Black armies completely obliterated the Green armies in the final battle of the Dance: The Battle of the Kingsroad.
How can one claim that Rhaenyra’s death signified the end of the Dance when other battles followed?
Armies win wars, just fyi.
And after the Queen’s death, the Blacks rallied behind Rhaenyra’s son, Aegon, the true king.
The Battle of the Kingsroad left the Greens without an army and so the war was finished. The Lads, Lord Cregan Stark and Lady Jeyne Arryn were all marching to King’s Landing to depose the false king and crown Rhaenyra’s son.
Victory belongs to the Blacks (as confirmed by GRRM himself).
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snow-blower · 4 months ago
How do you rank got men?
What are we going based on?? Looks?? Sadness in their eyes?? How I view them in generel?? Gotta be a bit more specific bestie
Jk, here's them in order based on just how much I like them in general. Did top ten cuz there's too many hotties to choose from. Lmk if you want a more serious one, I gen can't tell what you wanted me to rank them based on lmfao
1. Jon Snow
Not much to say there, he's pretty and got sadness in his eyes, also 100% bbg 🤷‍♀️
2. Tormund Giantsbane
He's silly and big. What more could you want? He also gives the best hugs, you cannot tell me otherwise.
3. Cregan Stark
Whilst technically from HOTD, it's the same universe so idc. He's hot and id let him go down on me.
4. Eddard Stark
Literally all the Stark men are hot. I can't not add them all.
5. Robb Stark
Again, Stark men = hot
6. Samwell Tarly
Look, he's a cutie patootie, okay?? I'd let him read books to me whilst I curled into his side.
7. Ser Davos Seaworth
He's daddy. That's all I need to say.
8. Stannis Baratheon
Again, Daddy.
9. Roose Bolton
Okay, hear me out. I could wipe that look of stoicness off his face in an instant. Get rid of Ramsay and I'll be on this man's dick.
10. Renly Baratheon
I'd gossip with him over wine and grapes any day.
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thevelaryons · 11 months ago
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Jace + Alyn
↳ parallel affairs
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onebrainsel · 6 months ago
I've been on a hotd kick lately. Love to hate it, hate to love it. It's a mess, but I'm entertained.
I kind of want to take part in the fandom more actively, instead of just lurking in my favorite tags. But joining new fandoms can be a headache, especially when they're as big and full of drama as hotd currently is.
It's a good thing I'm too busy to actually do it, delaying the inevitable here.
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coveredinsun · 1 year ago
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ladysnows · 9 months ago
META   + sara's relationship with duty and how that ties into cregan?
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i'm the most asdfghjkl excited to gab about these two and more importantly how that fits into sara's own personal views of what true duty means. to do that i'll have to first unpack the importance of their relationship itself... cregan does go through a lot at a fairly young age he not only loses his brother but also becomes lord of winterfell fairly young and has to wrest that status from his own uncle. then lo and behold he gets married, loses his wife to child birth, and has to take care of not only winterfell but a newborn son. starks, more than most families, place a very deep value upon familial bonds - particularly the one between siblings. we also know that starks have a tendency to treat bastards better than most, what we hear of them is how much ( even in little accounts ) cregan truly loved his sister. when he believed jace could have sullied sara he flew into a rage and nearly killed him.
there is somewhat of an age gap between them but not necessarily a substantial one. that would factor in to him trusting her to take care of winterfell when he isn't there, his time is split between the wall and the care of his people back home, where his son also is. he needed someone he could trust to not only keep the north safe alongside him but rickon, his heir. he puts a lot of open trust in his sister and it never seems to factor in that she is a bastard.
sara is afforded the same respect and love by cregan he would give to anyone in his family. all the same choices as well.
so that's unpacked. them. because that is vital to duty. it is her privilege to serve for her brother. it's quite literally the beating heart of who sara is. and that duty exists because he's never treated her any less. in fact it's rarely spoken of that she is even a bastard except briefly.
the origin of duty for sara also begins with knowing her own family history. she believes the legends, she believes in the night's watch, and takes sending men to the wall as seriously as cregan or any other person. she also views the north as the most important part of westeros for what they sacrifice and the oaths they keep to the continued safety of the kingdom.
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jilyandbambi · 9 months ago
I still only care abt the Starks lmao
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dipperscavern · 26 days ago
Ngl I wouldn't even be able to have a proper enemies to lovers (even when it's just one sided) with Cregan (or Robb) or even dislike him bc as soon as he says "sweet girl" or calls me any other pet names in that god damn accent (you know the one) I will freely admit that I WILL be putty in his hands IDC lmao
no stop you’re so right stop i’m stop because it takes One coo from cregan oh my god. Can you guys imagine mean!cregan. cooing. A COO OF SWEET GIRL IM DONE GOODBYE
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the-fatal-impact · 9 months ago
Westerosi historians: Lord Cregan Stark and Prince Jacaerys where such a good friends✨✨💖💖
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mummer · 1 year ago
"sara snow" as if that could have ever been a real name. get real. That is a drag name
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apothe-roses · 2 years ago
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HotD crackships and rarepairs: Larys Strong and Cregan Stark
Though Cregan Stark had made it his duty to administer justice in the name of the king, he found himself conflicted when it came to Larys Clubfoot. Though the man was obviously guilty of poisoning Aegon the Elder, he had grown a soft spot for the cripple.
Made this for you @valeskafics
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vermaxs-archive2 · 9 months ago
not 2 play favs, but jace's fav was and will always be luke.
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aliferousdreamer · 2 years ago
i can't wait for when the casting news for hotd season 2 drops in (presumably) the next few months
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