#me? having a hard time with this decision??? why would you think that 🙃🙃🙃
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9-1-1 R.I.P Buck's loft (2019-2025)
#911#evan buckley#evanbuckleyedit#911edit#911 abc#bucktommy#bucktaylor#evanbuckleysource#usereena#queerbuck#usernewbs#tvedit#*gifs#me? having a hard time with this decision??? why would you think that 🙃🙃🙃#anyway this could have been the full 30 gifs but i'm too lazy for that#so here have important life moments that show almost every angle of the loft :) and then the bucktommy kiss that barely shows the view :)
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Hello Sarah,
First of all, thank you for the insight on the matter. I know you are super busy and not in the perfect mood (trust me I'm not doing any better) considering what happened, so I leave it up to you if you want to post this or not as it may be abit too dark of a message.
I know these past couple of days have been disheartening and disappointing, especially when you feel powerless to do something right now other than support the girls.
Part of me was thinking, "Why we the fans don't do something about it?", like signing a petition with a respectful message towards Yuki to reconsider, and for the future FJ/YKL events (since this year has already been decided) to include Keiko (and Hikaru, Wakana if possible) again.
However, I'm also thinking that this may add fuel to the fire and maybe it's something that the girls and Keiko foremost would not want us to do, considering how subtle and professional she was in her statement.
I'm not gonna lie that with all this s...show, makes me worry about Keiko's wellbeing.
Seeing 20 years worth of work thrown out of the window from someone who you have utmost respect and getting the silent treatment from people you have long friendships it's a tough pill to swallow.
Considering what we have seen with other Japanese celebrities over the years, it's a thought that gives me shudders.
Now, we never know what is going on behind the scenes, and I pray that the connections are still there.
Apologies if my message got a bit dark there, but some tend to forget that we're dealing with human beings.
Hopefully, we will have some good news in the near future to turn things around. We really need a breather after all this. For every low, there's a high as they say! 🙏
Hi there!
Thank you for being so considerate. I am in fact having a very hard time right now. Questions are piling up in my inbox and every post inspires a new wave of replies. It's a uphill battle for sure. But don't worry, it's mostly my fault for feeling too overwhelmed and not knowing when to stop🙃. I want to try my best to clarify the situation as best as possible and to answer any open question. I also feel the need to explain myself if things didn't come across properly. Oh well, in short, I am happy to reply to your ask even if it's a tricky topic.
Hmm, yeah, I don't think petitions directed at creators or artists are ever a good idea. I'm actually strictly against them. Even if we hate the current developments, we have ultimately no choice but to respect those decisions or move on to another fandom that brings us more joy. Of course we can be critical and question all the things that are happening but we should always do it in a contained space, in our own little fandom corner, far away from any of the involved parties. With a delicate matter such as this, it would probably cause more harm than good to publicly express our dissatisfaction and make demands. Everything in this feud boils down to keeping your head low, avoiding confrontation, being quiet and not disclosing any valuable information.
And yes, as you say, based on Keiko's comment, she would definitely not want us to do anything drastic that would draw attention to us. and could potentially make Yuki look bad. She has taken this decision in stride so as her fans, we should probably be able to do so as well. It's gonna take a little while longer but that's basically what I'm working towards. Just have to get rid of some of my bitterness.
Keiko is strong, I think we don't have to worry about her. She has stayed true to her word in her last Yodel message and gone back to her regular routine as if nothing happened. Like always, she has been wishing us a good morning with a funny emoji, she has given us glimpses into her work day and made sure to emphasise how much fun she's been having (probably to give us some peace of mind). Yesterday, she apparently had a super fun photo shoot. Many of the photos will be useless because of her cracking up and laughing like crazy [She didn't specify but I think this might have been for a new calendar? I wouldn't know what other things she would do a photo shoot for. Maybe the Undokai festival will have a pamphlet or something? I don't know.] Today was filled with lots of meetings [Once again, no idea what for but I'm kinda hopeful it was Kalafina related since Hikaru's tweet about starting "another task" for the day - implying that she had been doing something else before - came around the same time as Keiko's message on Yodel, saying that she was done with interviews for the day] . She got home pretty late but apparently she had a blast and time went by super quickly. She treated herself to some chocolate and sent an adorable picture. I cannot possibly gatekeep this precious photo so here you go!
For my part, I am confident that none of their connections are severed. It's a rough patch for sure and what is being conveyed to he public seems very harsh. But there's so much more going on behind the scenes. I wish there wouldn't be so many missing puzzle pieces but that's just something we have to live with. Do you remember when everyone believed that the connection with Wakana was lost? None of that was true. And I never believed it to be true. I always had faith and I shall continue to have faith.
Yes, let's stay positive!! Hikaru herself just recently said that life balances itself out, good things will follow for sure.
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okay hear me out😭😭 but idk i find it impossible for Reader to ever see Azriel (for awhile) as actually wanting her bc … she’s watched him pine for two different girls and now wants her bc she’s his mate? i’d NEVER get it out my head 🤣 which is why i think azriel is such a hard character to make a love interest in general unless the mor/elain stuff taken out. like i would need decades to actually be convinced im not third choice hahaha (im an az hater but LOVE ur writing so much so i always read)
No I get it!!! This is why I was thinking I might have to add another part with a mini epilogue to the end. Might need some time for things to settle and devotion to be known (if she lives lol). I get that a lot of the SJM characters can be conflicting to love and I always think about the fact that they’ve been alive for like hundreds of years and maybe thats why they make so many bad decisions 🙃 and thank you for reading ily!! ❤️❤️❤️
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So you’re not a fan of Yoriichi, this is a perfect question to ask that’ll be answered with honesty.
Do you think Yoriichi is a Gary Stu? Because I can see how people would see him as such. All ‘Mr. Perfect’, can do no wrong and has no flaws whatsoever type of character it feels like. (Not that I’m dissing on his fans.)
This is a very good question, unfortunately my English is not very good so by "Gary Stu" you mean - ,,idealized male character who is so incredibly talented and flawless that it's hard to take his story seriously" that's what Google said :)
Before I answer this question, I want everyone to know that I don't like Yoriichi just because of his actions and behavior. I like his appearance (because he's Michikatsu's twin brother🙃) and aesthetics, but it's not important in his character analysis. ONLY HIS ACTIONS
My level of disliking him is really high but I don't like to explain WHY for two reasons:
1. Yoriichi has almost no haters at all, so by my nickname and georgeus banner I'm just exposing myself to everyone by saying that I don't like him (everyone only thinks I'm a hater, goddamit😭)
2. Due to his lack of haters, it takes forever to explain to people why I don't like him. Plus, I have quite a lot of reasons, so just saying why I don't like him takes a lot of time (and arguing with someone who likes him takes forever💀)
Back to the question. I think yes and no, because Yoriichi is portrayed as someone who only wants good, only dreams of a family and a peaceful life, he even looks for the good in Muzan, asking him about his decisions and reasons for killing people, which causes Muzan to have a chance to escape 🫤
So how can you not like someone so good and strong at the same time? Yeaaah...😞
Very important⚠️
It's also important that I write that I don't like him because EVEN THOUGH it might seem that he never wanted to do anything bad, never wanted to be a gift from the gods and be the chosen one, he DID wrong things - EVEN IF HE DID NOT WANT IT, and I 100% understand it, but I can't ignore it, especially since the entire Demon Slayer plot depends of his actions😭
I'm not saying that people should start disliking Yoriichi, but that they should at least UNDERSTAND that he didn't do only good things.
Unfortunately, I won't write down which ones because it will take AGES, but I recommend reading the manga again and LOOKING at Yoriichi from Kokushibo's perspective. Maybe then you will understand that it is because of Yoriichi that Kokushibo became one of the most tragic characters of Demon Slayer, without the happy ending that of course Yoriichi got (in short, his dream of having a family and a peaceful life was fulfilled TWICE) <- reincarnation and kimetsu gakuen
Please, I don't want to argue, my opinion is UNCHANGABLE and I don't want to write such an essay again🙏🙏🙏
However, if someone REALLY wants to argue with me, I hope you have this manga drilled down to your core, and at least you respect my opinion, because I don't like arguing with disrespectful people😫
I'm sure I forgot some things, if I remember, I'll add them at the end⬇️😭❤️
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Ok, back in the inbox like I said I would be lol.
Sooo I do want Kel to go ahead and see what it’s giving over in Chicago mainly because baby boy is clearly bored where he’s at now and as someone who is currently bored with their own job, it doesn’t get better lol.
We know he’s head over heels and she’s his dream girl (lucky heffa lol) and while I know he’d definitely put forth the effort and the funds for a long distance relationship, convincing Asia it could work is gonna be tough. My sister said she ain’t interested and while I think she could possibly be swayed…idk man lol.
Cause if I’m Asia and I already have a hard time believing someone would want me to begin with, my mind might go to worst case scenarios once that distance really kicks in and we’re potentially in two different time zones. I know nobody can really help my good sis with her self-doubt but her. HOWEVER comma I hope she unpacks that cause it could cause her to miss out on some great things and I’m not just talkin about relationships. That nigga already told her she too hard on herself lol. I need her to tap into that bad bitch I know she got locked up in there (I say also to myself cause I know how she feels 🙃)
I lowkey feel like the title of the chapter is foreshadowing but idk…you definitely shocked me with that ending so I’m gonna keep my predictions to myself 😂😂😂.
Ayeeee! Welcome back!
Yes to all of that! And, to go to your first statement, he gets bored. So, it might be hard convincing someone who knows you get bored easily while also feeling a little shaky in the “why would he want ME” department, to just go along with a new long distance relationship when she just got in the round the corner relationship. Who’s to say he won’t get bored with them not being able to see each other often.
He’s got a lot of proving to do and she has a lot of mental trash to dump on her end. Will they have time before decisions REALLY have to be made. Who knows? They’ve been having sex. The getting to know you part has barely begun.
Thank you for reading and yapping with me!
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You make very good points comparing book and tv Alex, thanks for replying to my ask! I clearly have not reread the books in a while so I should go do that :)
And you are very right about tv!Alex being naive. Yes, I felt he was more mature than book!Alex in the way he presents himself generally, and maybe this is partly due to his appearance on screen vs what I used to envision of book!Alex. But you are right that a lot of his actions and decisions are very naive.
Going to scorpia knowing it's a literal terrorist organization and not only not wanting to kill anyone but not even trying to pretend he's into it so that he could go in undercover? He's lucky Yassen had his back or he'd be so dead.
There were many moments in the show where I did go, 'Alex, come on,' when he was doing something stupid. But maybe I have rose tinted glasses on or expect little, because I love the show enough that I'm like, 'okay they have low budget, I get that they can't film everything, I can look past this plot point/plot armor/lazy writing because I know they don't have the time/budget for everything.' But hey, again, maybe I should have higher expectations anyway haha.
Like having Tom and Kyra somehow so easily show up on Malagosto and do surveillance without getting caught. The department leaving the flash drive in the computer for no reason. Alex getting into Mrs. Jones' apartment so easily, and conveniently having no earpiece so that Yassen couldn't hear what happened?
I spotted all of that and the rest, but let it go. I think I am just so glad we have this show that I'll take what we get 😅
It makes complete sense to assume that TV!Alex is more mature than book!Alex! TV!Alex isn't as sassy as his book counterpart and mostly comes across as calmer and more mature. This might also have something to do with the fact that we don't get to hear Alex's thoughts like we do in the books.
Yes, he is incredibly lucky Yassen had his back; otherwise, I'm not sure what TV!Nile would've done to him (Nile is another character who is very different from his book counterpart, but someone else I believe already talked about that)
Believe me, I utterly adore this show! It made so many improvements on the original material, which is also why I think it's important to point out the parts where it stumbled. Those are also often the bits that generate interesting discussions. But also, those faults can be explained very often with a little suspension of disbelief.
And yeah, I can absolutely see those things as faults, but it's also not very fun when Scorpia has all the cards and knows how to block their plans perfectly. Scorpia needs weaknesses that can be exploited! An all-powerful organisation that makes no mistakes is honestly boring and no fun.
Some of these things make sense if you consider that Scorpia, specifically Julia, feels complacent and overconfident. They managed to make the world believe that they were dead and gone while they continued to work in the shadows. Why would they worry so much about guarding one of their hard-to-reach training facilities against two untrained teenagers?
Also, it's nice to show off that Alex isn't the only one with skills since the TV series so heavily emphasises the importance of friends, family, and teamwork.
I fully agree with you about the flash drive issue. They tried to excuse it later but come on, you should be more paranoid than that!
Alex getting into Mrs Jones' apartment so easily is almost exactly like it went in the book (as far as I remember), so that is on Ahorz. And Alex can have a little competence as a treat before his breakdown 🙃
I honestly hadn't considered the idea of Yassen giving him an earpiece! I think it would've been caught by the metal detector, maybe? But this can also be chalked up to Yassen trusting his boy.
So yeah, it may have its issues, but I also genuinely believe it is one of the better adaptations I've seen in a very long time despite the many changes, and I couldn't be happier with what we got!
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What inspired you to write "The new void"? 🙃
! This post does not contain spoilers for The New Void !
(Yep you read that right)
The Short Answer:
It was fandom, primarily! I discovered fandom around 2021, and it was right after my experiences with the two games. That excitement, paired with the various themes of 2020 and 2021 that somehow worked their way into my story, inspired The New Void!
The Long Answer:
It’s hard for me to think of one specific thing that inspired me, I think it was really a variety of factors. The first is that I played Super Paper Mario just a few months before I played The Origami King, so I was still deeply interested in SPM when the new game came around. This coincided with my introduction to fandom as a whole in 2020-2021. I didn’t grow up in the same internet space as a lot of other people I know, so that was a new experience for me and it really helped me feel connected to something bigger! Having been a writer since elementary school, the pieces sort of started falling into place then. Once I saw what kinds of passion projects a fandom can be home to, I started writing my own stuff for Paper Mario!
(Fun fact: The New Void isn’t actually my first multichapter fic project—the REAL first one can’t be found online because I never put it there. I had two stories that never reached the Archive, one was about Nastasia’s side of things during the events of SPM [it relied too heavily on fanon for my liking], and the other was…Count Bleck’s autobiography? Hey, I never published it for a reason >:()
Anyway, the first idea for The New Void came from a different (again, non-published) fic I wrote, where Olly is taunted about his childish decisions by a disembodied voice. I had no explanation for where this disembodied voice might have come from, at the time it was just me personifying the more critical side of the fandom. But eventually, I had the thought: What if the voice was the Chaos Heart? I was still heavily impressed/influenced by @darkmarxsoul's Chaos Trilogy at the time, so the idea came to me pretty quickly. Then I started brainstorming other things, like how a crossover like that would work, why Olly would have the Chaos Heart in the first place, how it would be talking to him (I didn’t want to copy darkmarx), etc…
And then, eventually…

(I actually started writing before then but it was on undated paper)
(Also it took me awhile before I started posting--I wanted to make sure I could follow through!)
All-in-all, while it was my enthusiasm for fandom that inspired me to write The New Void, it was I think a certain love that kept me going all the way through. Not just love for the games and the characters I was working with, but love for the fandom that I was giving to.
It was also free time. Man, do I miss having that much free time on my hands…
Thanks so much for the ask! <3
#paper mario#paper mario the origami king#super paper mario#pmtok#spm#fandom#fanfics#fic writing#the new void#ask
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I love Solomon. But when he told us that we mustn't talk about the future, to avoid a kind of butterfly effect...yeah. It's makes sense.
But- He's doing more "changing future acts" than us 🙃 Like, the sole fact he introduce us as his apprentice is as itself can cause many paradox. He also meets most of the brothers centuries -even millenials- before he did it in our present, like Asmo for example. At this point I think the timeline is already twisted enough without us...
I'm also questioning what's happen to the original "Past Solomon". Did he fuse with Present Solomon like MC in lesson 16 of the first game ? In that case, if he did not have some mysterious scheme when he came and told us the truth about everything, didn't he took something like, a big risky decision...? He told us he don't even remember why Barbatos have a grudge against him at this time, because he lived a long time. What if he did some something in the human world after the Celestial War he don't remember doing and change the future ?
And, if the Past and Present Solomon didn't fuse to avoid this "I didn't do what I did in the past because I forgot I did it", we actually have two Solomon in the timeline. So. Past Solomon learning is the human world he is in the Devildom with his non-existent apprentice is a whole comedy in my head.
Well. Time travel and paradox are hard topics and can depends on what kind of time rule the creator made. I know I bothering with things that can be explain by "You going to far in the reflection" but like travel offer so much possibility that I can't help myself. (And, I would love to tease Solomon about this. "Yeah. I must not risk to change the timeline to the point I wouldn't even being born. But what are you doing ?")
Aaaand. Everything could be explained with a little time loop in these events and some erased memories .
Mc time travel to OBN -> Doing our stuff in OBN and be back at our time -> Our existence is erased from memories -> The bros and everyone of the past live their life like if we didn't meet -> Mc coming to the exchange program and living OB events -> Mc time travel to OBN
So it would mean that everything we do in Nightbringer was already did. And the bros of the future just forgot.
The erased memories trump card is useful when dealing with immortal beings and time travel.
(Perhaps this had an answer in the lesson-A after lesson 7. I'm still debloking them-)
Yeah Obey Me! does a terrible job keeping their time travel rules consistent, which is why I'm not a fan of them using it again. They established in Lesson 16 that Barbatos can literally just eliminate and merge timelines as he likes so any time paradoxes are trivial at best. They made him way too OP for this universe and that'll be hard to roll back or justify retroactively changing.
I don't think Barbatos did any memory altering. That's not in his wheelhouse.
But I don't think there's been any merging yet, either. There are two Solomons running around as far as I know, but the past Solomon just simply isn't in the Devildom at this point in time. I wouldn't be surprised if Solomon knows exactly what he did to Barbatos in the past -- even if the exact details are foggy -- and he's just not terribly forthcoming to us about it. If he was merged with his past self, those memories would be more fresh, not less.
I do wonder what happens when/if past Solomon tries to summon Barbatos now, though, or if he suddenly has a pact with Asmodeus now that he can't explain. It's clear that Solomon expects what we may do here could alter the present timeline -- and it's dumb for him to expect there to be no changes -- but he should know he has Barbatos in his back pocket, too.
Honestly I don't think I'm going to even try keeping track of it all...
#obey me nightbringer#obey me spoilers#obey me nightbringer spoilers#obey me solomon#ask#obey me barbatos
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NOW THEY CALL ME THE PLAGUE ⤳ 7 snippets, 7 tags
I'm so sorry to whoever originally tagged me in 7 Snippets, 7 Tags, but I cannot find your post (gonna just deflect blame to tumblr here 🙃)
They say time slows down when you’re in the eye of the storm. When you’re seconds away from making a decision that could change your entire life in one fell swoop, the world starts to move more slowly around you, and you begin to see every tiny detail with previously unimagined clarity. Or maybe you start to move faster, whizzing around at speeds high enough to give you the time to stop and overturn each stone – either way, the world presents itself to you in the most convenient way it can; a quiet act of compassion, allowing you the luxury of altering the course of your life with conviction.
“Hello there, Trance,” Eda said, punctuating it with an elaborate mocking bow. “Still high then?” “Darling, when am I not?” he said, putting the blunt out in deference to Eda’s dislike for the smoke. “Not as much of a brag as you think it is, T.” “Please, if you worked normal hours like moi, you’d be right here with me.” “While we both know that’s not true, that is half a good point – why are you here? Your shift ended.” “Yes, but Dee and all her lovely rum is here. Why would I be anywhere else?” “Hmm, in case you missed it, that there is cannabis, not rum. Two very different things, I assure you.” “Ah, but this,” Trance said, raising the blunt from the cushion and waving it about, “is not one of her’s. A rather handsome man in a manbun sold me this just outside.” Leather Jacket, Eda thought, smirking inwardly. “Smoke before Smokey’s?” Trance said, affecting a voice much smoother and thicker than his own. “That was his pitch. How could I possibly turn down a pun as awful as that?”
Maya stared at Eda silently for a while, her lips flowing between variations of a playful smirk Eda couldn’t quite fully decode. She raised a hand to Eda’s face, brushing back the hair that had fallen forwards in all her bustle. “You have pretty eyes,” she said in her slow voice that Eda was beginning to like very much. She smiled by way of reply. She didn’t trust herself to speak while she could feel Maya’s skin on hers.
I’ve been in this realm for a long time. I drifted from port to town to port for a long time, but eventually chanced upon Thredfrost and saw immediately that it would be a fitting place to wait out the rest of my days. For one, it’s far less boring than those under the control of some ruler or monarch or man-child or the other. Two, Thredfrost takes care of its own. We don’t much care for laws or lawmen here, but we don’t take kindly to threats. And three – perhaps most importantly – no one asked questions. Asking the wrong people the wrong kind of questions could get you killed here. I wouldn’t, of course, but most others wouldn’t hesitate. And when you have the same face for several human lifespans that can come in handy.
There are many tales about the seas of the world, all chronicling a new and terrifying monster of the deep. Some of them were indeed thought up by the minds of landlocked poets and weary parents, but there is truth to every claim. Sailing on the open waters taught Eda that the hard way, and while she too had initially hunted down comfort at the bottom of endless bottles, it only worked while the rum was flowing and her throat was on fire. The moment the heat died down, everything they had stared down – or run away from – plagued her every moment again.
There have been no shortage of situations in Trance’s life where the prudent course of action was abundantly clear – in this case, mind your own business and go back to bed. Unfortunately, they had never been good at taking these courses or minding their own business, so their course of action was just as clear: grab a dagger off the cabinet inside, then scramble back down the stairs and scurry over to the dock to investigate this strange, glowing, phantom ship. All in all, not the worst decision they’ve ever made.
“Just when I was beginning to wrap my head around one crazy thing, another crazy thing rams into it, throwing it all into a crazy tizzy once again! Typical!” he complained. “Oh, I really need to work on my impulse control. I shouldn’t be outsourcing something like that to Eda. Although, it could be argued that she only has that impulse control because of her time at sea, so in a way, I’m just training myself like she did. Momentary moment of self-doubt crushed!” As Trance watched with renewed – but not entirely earned – confidence, the choppy seas morphed. They twisted and lapped over each other until the waters of the seas turned into landscapes of deserts, forests, mountains, beaches, and geological formations that he couldn’t even name. They continued to cut through it all as if it was still water, speeding along rolling dunes, endlessly growing trees, and plains stretching to the depths of the ocean bed before coming to a mercifully balanced halt at a port thrown into ravaging disuse. It waited there for a moment, as if the ship itself was surveying the scene below. Seemingly having made whatever decision it needed to, it rocked forward slightly and made a sharp nosedive.
no pressure tags! @ajnata @junypr-camus @ellafoxglove @sourrcandy @enchanted-lightning-aes @authoralexharvey @lexiklecksi
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Yoiiiiiiii! Great minds think alike😙
But I’ve actually been wanting to talk about this for a couple of days. I recently saw a YouTube Short that listed the most hated trainees in survival shows. Seon represented for I-Land, but K and Ni-ki were mentioned in the comments. A LOT. And I saw one comment that didn’t have any replies, so I couldn’t fact check it quite well (it’s been so long since I watched I-Land and I didn’t know if what EJ said has been outside of I-Land so—), but it made the comparison of Ni-ki being the most hated because of what he did to Taki and EJ because of what he did to Daniel. I was very scared that this is going to be true but like I said, I could not fact check it exactly. But now that I know that it’s true, I have very complicated feelings.
I started to watch I-Land a long time ago, after I became a fan of ENHYPEN, and I’m honestly so fucking glad I did. I don’t know if I would be as big of an ENGENE if I watched the show first. Ik that a big contributor of that would’ve been M Snake’s evil editing and that they were just desperate kids fighting a life or death situation, but I still have so much trouble separating the two.
I didn’t even finish the show. I can’t remember exactly to what point I stopped watching. An episode or two after the second part started?
This is why I… strongly disliked (?) K for a very long time. I could not, for the life of me, get over the DNA unit and how he treated Ni-ki (it was especially bad since Ni-ki was pretty much my bias and I had grown to really love him). So even when &TEAM debuted, I could not look at him the same way (mind you, I didn’t watch &AUDITION at the time either. But I did start to watch it maybe a couple of months ago but then I stopped watching it🙃). But then I did end up giving him a second chance (and it was really strange).
But now finding out what Euijoo did is really messing with me and now I can’t look at HIM the same way😩 And it sucks because I loved him a lot— I LOVE him a lot… idk.
It’s honestly so crazy how this talk started on your account while this was happening in my brain lol.
I’m sorry for the long ass message, but I’ve been DYING to talk about this. It’s fr been eating me up😭😭😭😭 ENHYPEN and &TEAM are like my top two groups but I really really really wish I was blissfully ignorant of what they did in I-Land🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
omg yeah :(( tbh riki had much different intentions and voted taki out because he felt like taki could improve first and then come back to iland, and he communicated that perfectly to taki too. so i don't get the riki hate for that reason because everyone had to vote four people out anyways and it's hard to gauge to be faced with something like that right off the bat 🥲 ej's intentions with voting daniel out were .. interesting LMFAOO but it was also a decision they were making as children who just were competing to debut so i guess he was looking out for himself :') sometimes u gotta put yourself first !! tbh the final 12 were all people who were very proactive about putting themselves out there and had the survival show mentality while still being able to bond and not see each other as threats, which is why i do think more trainees needed to be a lot more forward 😔
yeah im glad i watched the show after they debuted too !! mostly because of the voting stuff bc honestly i didn't know the members too well before i watched the show LOL so i was genuinely surprised when k didn't make it since he seemed to be a producer favorite for a while 😵💫 but yeah that whole thing between him and riki reeeeally put me off for dna and i think he got even worse for flicker unit :/ he redeemed himself a little later in that episode and from then on but im glad you like k now ! yeah it's probably way different seeing him in a fixed group where he's secure instead of on a survival show where he's fighting to debut 🥲 i think since he was oldest out of the final 12 it felt more bittersweet when he was eliminated 🚶♂️
i get why it bothers you !! but im sure for ej's case i don't think any of them took the voting to heart or anything :') daniel was still suuuper happy for ej once he got to go back to iland even though he was sent to ground !! and ej was hugging daniel when he made it into the final 12 so the voting is definitely dramatized to feel worse than it is
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Incoming Text for Jessica ‘Simply Jess’ Marquez (@iamjessmarquez):
Dear Jessica,
I know you’re mad at me for ignoring you on my blogs for the past few months.
I saw your funny attempts to make me jealous with your IG captions, especially this one: "I’m Fu@king around 🤞🏽🙃" — click on the blue link
Why are you trying to make me jealous? You know very well we broke up, and now you're trying to make me jealous with IG captions—how is that not a little pathetic?
Jessica, you know I love you, and I always will, but I have a lot of responsibilities right now. It’s better for you to live your life and find someone who can focus on you. But listen, I know you want to have children with me, and I’m down if you are. Our children would be raised in Colombia, far away from the Anti-Christ’s influence in America.
We’ll give our children Colombian roots, far from America’s racism and corruption. I’m royalty now, and the Anti-Christ despises me. That’s why I’ll have my royal family in Colombia, where there’s support from people with shared values.
I missed you too, baby! I missed our conversations, but I had to ignore you for your safety. I’m okay with you making a plan to have children with me, but you’ll give birth in Colombia, and they’ll have Colombian passports. Sofia Vergara, your elder sister, will help you navigate these decisions. She’s wiser and can help you find a way forward.
From now on, you’ll have two homes—one in America and one in Colombia. Sofia and her big family will help you maintain strength.
You’ll visit me in Alsace, France from time to time, then return to Colombia to care for our children. We should have at least five children, who will be raised as Colombians and protected by their heritage.
Somalia and Colombia will be allies in resistance, and our family will reject the Anti-Christ’s influence. If you want children with me, they won’t set foot on American soil—ever. America is under the Anti-Christ’s sway, and it’s in our best interests to cut ties with that land until the time for change comes.
You’ll be my second wife, settling in Colombia. You’ll split your time, spending four months a year in America and eight months in Colombia, where we have royal duties. That’s why I encouraged Zoe Saldana and Rosario Dawson to buy homes in Colombia, where they can keep their lives private. They’ll join you in building a solid presence from your palace there.
You should know the Anti-Christ may tempt you to join his corruption, and you’ll have to decide: are you with the Christians or the faithless? If you take his side, you’ll lose royal privileges and join those who’ve sold their souls. Choose your path wisely.
I’m being mean talking about the Anti-Christ when I know you turned down his offers long ago. You know I’m just kidding, baby! If I thought you’d side with him, I wouldn’t be making babies with you.
I know Kid Capri is like a brother to you in NYC. I used to play his mixtapes in the 90s—let him know I still have his old mixes.
I love you, Jessica! Always will. How much do you want to bet Tanaya Henry is reading this, and she’ll call you to talk smack about me again? I get it—Tanaya’s dealing with her frustrations. No hard feelings.
I could keep this chat going, but I need to get back to my blog. Running this show is like having a TV sitcom in writing form—it takes time. Also, think about using surrogate mothers to carry our children, just like Kim K and Kanye. That way, you don’t go through multiple pregnancies, but we can still have a big family. Imagine, ten children with royal titles!
Our kids will grow up in peace, in their homeland of Colombia. You’ll fly between Bogotá and Paris to visit me, then return to Colombia to be with the kids. This will be your life between the U.S., France, and Colombia.
You’re the future mother of my royal children, so prepare for the responsibilities awaiting you in Colombia. I won’t write to you daily, so don’t expect that. I’ll ignore you to keep you safe, just like I did these past months.
Say hi to Kevin Hart; he’ll be the uncle to our kids.
This chat was fun. I love you, Jessica! Have fun and big hugs.
Angelo (Crown Prince)
Here are the Instagram handles for Zoe, Rosario, and Sofia:
Zoe Saldana: @zoesaldana
Rosario Dawson: @rosariodawson
Sofia Vergara: @sofiavergara
Synopsis of the Letter:
In this letter, Angelo, the Somali Crown Prince, addresses his past romantic partner, Jessica, with a mixture of affection and purpose. He reflects on their connection, hinting at jealousy stirred by her Instagram posts, but ultimately expresses his loyalty. Angelo proposes they consider having children together, intending to raise them with Colombian roots to avoid the perceived corruption and prejudice in America. He emphasizes the importance of keeping their family away from American influence, which he associates with the "Anti-Christ," and insists that their future children must be born and raised in Colombia, where his allies reside.
He also encourages Jessica to seek guidance from her sister, Sofia Vergara, and assures her that close friends, Zoe Saldana and Rosario Dawson, will support her in Colombia. The letter suggests the use of surrogate mothers for ease in expanding their family. Finally, Angelo outlines the life Jessica would lead as part of his royal family, traveling between Colombia, the U.S., and France, fulfilling royal duties and maintaining a secure, loyal future.
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self-efficacy, wisdom, authenticity, appreciation, and prudence for Ollie, Logan, and Caerellia now plz
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
all in all, ollie is much more likely to blame herself than those around her (unless the other person in question is her mother) because you know, it's usually her fault, so why would this time be different? she can be very temperamental in her decision-making but it's less "the ends justify the means" and more "what would make me feel better right now?" however, she does try to keep an eye out for the people she cares about.
logan is extremely goal-oriented, so sometimes the ends do justify the means for her as long as she's not harming her family or her community. when she was younger i think she often shifted blame onto others before herself but mostly in a self-preservation way - she always had to be better than everyone to "prove" her "worth" to her family so i think this made her pretty defensive. though it might have been a long road to get there, she's cooled down quite a bit in that regard as an adult.
caerellia will do whatever it takes to get her way by any means necessary, the tricksier the better. there are a few groups who she won't trample over but the rest had better watch out. she has to practically delude herself into being entirely certain that what she is doing is the best for everyone in order to do so, but y'know. desperate times and all that.
[popping the rest of this under a read more bc i got VERY wordy 🙃✌]
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
while ollie tries not to look back too far behind her, she recognizes when other people know more about things than her and will lean on them/listen to their advice before moving forward. in times of difficulty, mostly her head is just a repeat of "jesus fucking christ i have GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE."
logan has enough sense to know what she knows and what she doesn't, and understands the importance of learning from her past errors. especially now that her oldest daughter is a teenager and she realizes how much her youngest picks up on everything, it's so important to her to model emotional intelligence like this. in difficult situations, she will take about 10 seconds to panic (or a few minutes to hit someone w her shoes if the situation calls for it) and then jump immediately into problem-solving mode.
caerellia is also very aware of her abilities - and where her weaknesses are. she isn't the wisest person but she has grown up around someone who is (volusena, probably the only voice of reason in all of artana tbh) and learned the benefits of listening to others' perspectives. acknowledging past mistakes is definitely a point of contention though; she is very convinced that she can't show any weakness and being wrong is one of the biggest weaknesses to her, something that she would take advantage of in a millisecond if any opponent were to do. so that's definitely an area she needs to grow in. maybe some of lilith's temperament will rub off on her.
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?
this one is tough for ollie. i've touched on the fact that she has trouble letting people in, so i think she definitely puts on a facade for the world: she's tough, she's hard, nothing can break through her shell and hurt her. her friends can see glimpses of this though, especially people like jo, billie, and maude but especially maude. who understands a weird lesbian with trauma better than their high school art or english teacher?
to logan, i think above everything else is being a wife and mother. she became that at such a young age that it has become a huge part of how she identifies, though i wouldn't say it's a bad thing in her case. she is a person outside of it still, with a clear identity - her wife and children are just such huge parts of how she sees herself. parenthood shaped her; being gentle and loving to her children in ways she had never experienced healed her. it isn't about who she is to others or what she can do for them, it's about how she sees herself. making other people feel seen and loved is one of her favorite things.
i have answered similar questions about caerellia often so i'll give myself a pass on this one given the length of all of my other answers aoiejfaoi. tl;dr, caerellia wears a mask around almost everyone (literally) and has so much trouble taking it off that it takes her a lot of soul-searching to learn who she really is and what she wants to be.
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
for other people, ollie is very (and secretly) impressed especially by academic and social accomplishments/traits. like, she's so fucking jealous of people who are able to be vulnerable and authentic with others so easily, or people who work their ass off to do cool things. she is really attracted to people who know who they are and what they want. and as an artist/photographer, i think sight and touch are her most joyful senses to engage with.
logan is the type of person who just loves to see people around her succeed, no matter what they're doing or if others might think it's just a small thing. she's the #1 hype woman. as for attractiveness, her type is all across the board but she heavily prefers dating butches and studs; she feels the most authentic in romantic/sexual herself when in relationships w them and i think she especially loves the romantic side of taking care of them when usually people expect them to take care of others. as for senses, god, that's a hard pick, but probably a tie between touch and taste? so much of her life revolves around food but she's a touchy-feely and tactile kinda girl too.
caerellia is most impressed by feats of power and talent, especially if it's natural. effortless. nothing is sexier to her. bonus points if there's a secret soft side, or a not-so-secret one. for senses, she'd probably chose sight, which is ironic given the profession she almost went into.
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
ollie does not often plan ahead, at least for her own future. she definitely thinks a lot about how things could go wrong though which will surely come in handy in the days to come, and she'll definitely always ask for clarification if it's a situation where she feels comfortable.
logan is a PLANNER. she has to be with her ADHD and how busy she is, or else she'd always be running around like a chicken w her head cut off lmao. (it should be noted that she has gotten these habits primarily from her oldest daughter, who is an organized, planning queen.) i think planning is also a major source of comfort for her, though she is always ready to switch gears if something goes awry. she isn't the type to ever assume and doesn't have any ego about asking for help or clarification when she needs it.
caerellia is very similar to logan in this way: she's a chaotic ADHD girlie as well but in her situation, she has to stay on top of everything so excessive planning is how she copes. however, i think she's less adept at adapting in the moment if something goes not according to plan. despite the chaos, she's strung a little bit tightly at times. in regards to asking for clarification, often she'd rather eat her own boot than to admit that she doesn't know everything around someone she doesn't trust, harkening back to the answer for wisdom. but she grows up a bit eventually.
#holy moly this was a long one. MY BAD. i rambled#ty for the ask wife 💕#replies#kilgore-sauerkraut#oc: ollie parnell#oc: logan murphy#oc: caerellia asperanas
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Hello papi, wanted to ask if you've ever seen or are familiar with the video about Abortion in art and media by Curio/Sophie from Mars
It's a video made by a trans male tenderqueer breadtube type of person so obviously has a lot of clear political bias and shit. However putting that aside it's an acceptable and somewhat interesting take about different fictional works trying to tackle the subject for a lot of reasons and executions, like abortion as metaphors, as comedy, drama, with 'feminists' lens ect
Besides it has the advantage that's only a quarter of the time long of an average mid breadtube video "essay" so even if it is preachy or pretentious at least it's not painfully eternal. The only thing imo worthy and funny of the video it's how even back before going full gender goonsense, the guy knew that in this subject he HAD to drag a real woman to primarily talk about it or else no one would take his shit lmfao
There's the link if you're interested, although trigger warning if you enter his channel or look up his name. He's one of those "Blokish fatty adult man trying hard to appear like a cute UwU little anime girl" extremely unncany type of troons
Sorry anon, but I couldn't last longer than 10 seconds lmao
The pinned comments complaining about "oh there are comments replying to people sharing their abortion story and arguing over their decision - we'll delete them uwu" as if abortionists didn't consistently feel entitled to comment on big families content stuff like "that's why I'm glad I don't have children 🤪". If that's not okay to question a woman's choice to end an abortion, so should it be to question a woman's choice to have a big family. Yet feminists/radfem always have this condescending posture against women with lots of children, assuming they've been forced, are expoited etc But don't you DARE ask the same thing about an abortive woman...👀 never forget : abortion is a free choice but it's totally okay to question a woman who refuses to abort or even take contraceptives 🙃
Also, this is the internet, everyone is into everyone business as long as you put it out there. That's not rocket science....
Also I'm prodigiously disinterested into abortion "art" I find it twisted and low. I lowkey think that's some psychological cope bc deep down on an unconscious level, those women know it's wrong. When you're unapologetic about something, you don't need to make it a whole personality and rub it on the face of everyone. They remind me people in toxic relationship but branding their couple as perfect and #couplegoals. They hate their real life so they'll cope by aesthetic-izing it for the world to see.
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i hope i’m not to late. so… here we go :)
“everything that i have ever let go of, has claw marks on it”
the moment i read that, i burst into tears because everything -that i had held on so tight but have to let go- came through my mind all at once. because i felt that.
and reading this drabble, oc really reminds me of that quote because :
and yet you cry, because if he loved you that much, how did breaking up became an option he was willing to choose?
of course that would be the only question that appears on the course of his decision of breaking up with oc. i know oc would not let go of him no matter what. they would hold on to him no matter what. so seeing him, tear stained, telling oc that they should end their relationship because “it is for the best” is sooo confusing and heartbreaking because why? why would you let me go so easily when i would do anything to make you stay? the contrast is so heart wrenching 😭
“we should end this… i think it’s for the best, before we get drained.”
“i think that i’m just wasting your time, that this isn’t- it’s not going anywhere.”
he’s wrong. you so strongly wish that he’s wrong.
again. denial, because they still holding on to him so tight. because despite all the things coming at their relationship, oc can still hold on to him and they will. in a heartbeat. so why would he made a reason for them to end because for oc, there were no reason at all </3
the last time you cried like this, you begged him to allow you to keep loving him.
istg i wanna hug them so bad and cry together on the bathroom floor 😭 but at the same time i want to go out of there and flick my finger on jungkook’s forehead, hard so there will be a red spot on his forehead (and no, not a lipstick stick stain this time) because look at them! look what you did to my lil bean! 🫵🏻😡
sometimes love is teeth. sometimes love is biting and perversely holding on. … - and you wonder if it’s alright for two people to be in a relationship despite having different ideas of what loving means.
THE CONTRAST 😭😭😭😭 okay artemis this is your time to scold jungkook because this time oc is not the only one crying. i’m reading this for the 3rd time and this is the 3rd time i cry 🥲
this is why his lover has been doubtful of his devotion?
💀😂😮💨 i’m sorry but have you heard that jungkook’s ai cover of hopelessly devoted to you~~~? that ai is soooooo goood. i was shooketh the first time i heard it 🙃
and i love loooove the ending and how he solve the problem 🥹 i really hope this is the last heartbreaking events and the biggest as it can get in their relationship. please don’t let this saga continue artemis i’m not your strongest soldier :’) (hshaha don’t take my word. write whatever you want. i love angst, i’m a masochist😀😌)
“but i love you, and i’m scared you’ll leave again and i won’t beg you anymore.” you ramble without thinking, brain on auto-pilot mode. “i’m not that kind of person, jungkook. that’s not me. i don’t have to prove it, do i?”
this is one of my favorite things that i love about oc. one of the best lines they have ever said and you have written. because it represents oc’s soft yet strong personality so much. and because not everyone deserves a second chance. but sometimes, a second chance is all they need, and all they got.
he makes a whispered promise carved into the walls of your apartment, sealed by his lips pressing to your knuckles, and you’re left to wonder forever if he kissed your left ring finger on purpose.
fr just get married already. you bought the ring, right jungkook? right?!?! you better. 🫵🏻🙂
i have a screenshot of that tumblr post that says :
“i want to be inconvenienced by you. i want to wait for you, i want to hold your things while you do something else, i want to make adjustments to my plans to make space for you. someone at your side who takes up no space and has no needs of their own is not a person, but a shadow. i don't want a shadow, i want you. i want my life to be altered by your presence in it. please, inconvenience me”.
i saved that on june 1st and thought “this is something artemis would write” (and have written let’s be real <3) and then boom :
he wants to be inconvenienced by you. he wants to make impulsively confrontational phone calls he will overthink before bed. he wants you to wake him up in the middle of the night clawing for snuggles. he wants you to jump on his back when you’re exhausted of walking. he wants to charm the owner of your favorite restaurant into cooking one more meal before closing because you always ask him to make a quick stop when he visits you. he wants his life to be influenced by yours in every possible way, two different colors mixed in a palette to create a new one that matches the sky.
how can i not be giddy and cry and in love with kookie even more 😭 i miss him already.
okay that’s it my heart is so full of emotions rn i need to stop. i hope i don’t bore you out. also, if i interpreted something about the oc wrong, let me know because i want to read and take in this story in the right way :’) aaand i hope you have a great and lovely weekend my love ♡
oh tulip anonie you could never bore me out 🥹 reading your asks always make my day better! and seeing someone feel strongly about my works to take their time to write this down truly makes me so happy and grateful <3 i love you lots :"*
reading your thoughts about the breakup made me so sick to my stomach omg… and the quotes. i’m ruined 😭 thinking ab everything they had to go thru in life in general, i still feel so fucking heartbroken for oc. am i sadist for wanting u guys to feel the pain i feel LOL I CAN’T BE ALONE IN THIS!! and idk if anyone noticed this yet but i was foreshadowing in in which jk won’t tell u what’s wrong and u get emotional motion sickness 🫢 oc had the gut feeling y’all. 🥲
istg i wanna hug them so bad and cry together on the bathroom floor 😭 but at the same time i want to go out of there and flick my finger on jungkook’s forehead, hard so there will be a red spot on his forehead (and no, not a lipstick stick stain this time) because look at them! look what you did to my lil bean! 🫵🏻😡
tulip anonie as oc’s #1 protector 🫶🏼 same though i wanted to cry with them too </3
please don’t let this saga continue artemis i’m not your strongest soldier :’) (hshaha don’t take my word. write whatever you want. i love angst, i’m a masochist😀😌)
all u gotta know is i’m a masochist too :p
this is one of my favorite things that i love about oc. one of the best lines they have ever said and you have written. because it represents oc’s soft yet strong personality so much. and because not everyone deserves a second chance. but sometimes, a second chance is all they need, and all they got.
eeekkk this made me so happy. definitely one of my favorite lines too!! soft yet strong describes oc so well 🥹🥹🥹 i love them sm
omg stop. makes me cry happy tears when u guys share stuff like this with me :( wdym u perceive me!! and u think of me fondly!! i love you so much!!
kookie the ever hopeless romantic 🥲🫶🏼
it’s actually fascinating to see different forms of art be interpreted in many ways by the perceivers and even more with my writing so i don’t mind that at all <3 although you already seem to empathize with oc so well and i appreciate that sm :( ily my tulip anonie and i hope the month of july treats you with kindness. thank you for being a light 🌷🌬️
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end of game thoughts! basically all if act 3 i think. i put it in a notes app as i was playing so this is my thoughts as i went :') bed time now good night all
point of no return... end of game here i come
oh yes. i suppose we didnt account for them MAKING an eclipse. altho with elgarnan being lord of the day and night maybe we should have rip.
weird long pause when making the little speech... also god. some rly cheesy lines. it was cute a few times but its just kinda grating now. also "we might not all make it back" haha. lol. lmao even.
im making the rounds before checking on my li and actually not everyone rly has smth to say thats like... relevant to the situation??? why not??? Harding gave me a line that was clearly from around the treviso/minrathous decision! neve talked to me about bellara's serials 😭 what
lucanis "they moved the /moon/" idk what to tell u babe. ur right. we are fucked. onwards!
"if i have to kill every blighted creature in thedas to keep you safe, i will." no zevran but i like it anyway. also frustrated that rooks tone is always very similar no matter what mood u choose. the inq had little personality but rook Has One Personality which... i dont think is better. and even then ive had moments of They Would Not Fucking Say That. sigh.
also like... its sweet. but weve had so little romance content before that its... a little out of nowhere? just like. idk. i guess it never feels like enough. ill table this for now. later edit: yeah the i love you moment of later on doesnt feel super earned. i feel like some romance specific lines/banter, maybe a scene or two, would have helped flesh it out more.
oh we're gonna talk to varric? FAscinating 🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂 oh my god this is excruciating give me the reveal now i cant go through more varric stock phrases.
man are u telling me we really never get to suspect anything????? this sucks. i know somethings wrong!!! before i got spoiled halfway through i was already suspicious!!! why can't rook be also!!!!
i know whoever i choose is gonna die and im :((((((((
ok very funny that its the endgame but we can still get loot. bro what am i gonna do with a flawless crystal now, chuck it at the archdemon? (dont get me wrong im collecting all that)
neve asked what the antaam was chanting and my rook answered... how would they even know. theyre an elf and a warden
got a codex entry that says "andruil is gone. lost." and during their confrontation solas and elgarnan also said the other evanuris were dead... but solas imprisoned all of them right? so what happened? did solas kill them during that ritual? or manage to transfer them first? did they get consumed by the blight in their prison? were they already dead and he imprisoned their corpses?
ok i will say having allllmost romanced bellara and hcing rook and her are very close, seeing all those regret statues of her is hitting a little bit.
ooooh... "you taught me it was okay to be angry. that sometimes you /have/ to be. but that it shouldn't destroy you." actually so very fitting here when daea is feeling absolute rage and despair. they should be angry but they cant let it destroy and control them. they have to be a person and not an emotion. aughoughoughhhh
pretty sure he didnt mean to OKAY AND THE REST??? THAT WASNT AN ACCIDENT.
wait so. was it solas impersonating varric or was it rook just... making him up in the fade???? what??? also wow why did no one ever try to talk to me about varric at all.
"only the venatori survived" sooo did they kill dorian?
man. and after all that the devs still hope i might feel sorry for solas? lol.
mannnn we were in there for days????
awww the little romance scene with lucanis was very sweet. his romance overall is very like. some sweetness amidst the desolation kind of feeling. i like it.
honestly daea has always gotten along ok with spite but right now? best buds.
i liked the little cinematics... we fightin. also i ended up with lucanis and davrin as a team which is a nice echo of weisshaupt - they fought about it, both feeling guilty, both wanting second chances. we're here now.
the venatori said "this is for zara!" and lucanis replied "she's dead. get over it!" beautiful
"you are as surprising as ever. even i could not escape that prison. for you to manage it..." you absolute narrow minded imbecile. im going to stab YOU.
ok i cant liveblog the test of this conversation but im not happy. solas im going to bury you in manure. also confirmation solas did the varric thing. little fucker. oooh hes feeling bad now YEAH I DONT CARE AND NEITHER DOES DAEA
"by love for friends ive failed and hurt" maybe. if you stopped killing your friends. youd have more of them. and less hurt. ever thought about that.
ok fine the wolf transformation was cool. whatever.
aw dorians alive. also the inquisitor showing up with no armor... listen. was it really that hard to ask us for their class so u could give them some armor for this. like truly.
bellara... my blighted darling...
ok we get a little bit of factions helping each other at the end in a codex entry. why couldnt we get more? :( also i wish ambient dialogue that you accidentally cut off triggered again, like for companion banter
oh solas lied again. shocking. when did all the other gods die tho??? did i miss something????
when i ask if drawing solas' blood is the only solution i didnt mean that i didnt wanna do blood magic just that i wondered if there was an easier way... man the way the game treats blood magic... unsurprising but frustrating.
jdhdksks bc of the stupid high crits i get combat against small fry rly backs up the "i dont have time for this" feeling for daea. warrior fighting has been soooo fun and satisfying... i started dao for the very first time with a sword and shield warrior too and it was <3 atrocious <3 but im glad i picked this for davg
kinda wanna do another warden run with either bel or neve romance and being blighted wt the end... blight girlfriends <3 yay <3
so funny to me that when u can open a door the handle is highlighted. but rook has never learned to use a doorknob. not a single time through this while game.
couldnt they have made wolf solas... nicer... hairier- hold on is this because hes bald.
oooh bellara 😭😭😭 putting herself back into the blight 😭😭😭😭
"you... are mortal, elgarnan. enjoy it while it lasts!" YEAH OK COOL TOO
i like that even though i (and daea) am angry at solas for the, yknow, everything, its still satisfying to see him get his justice/revenge on elgarnan. it feels right.
U CAN SWITCH ARMOR BEFORE FIGHTING HIM AGAIN FLSGSLDHDLS ive been switching between 2 armors bc 1 is a good all rounder but another gives me v good protection against fire. so since elgarnan is clearly gonna be using fire now i went to see if i could switch to the fireproof one. and i can. amazing. also he was vulnerable to necrotic damage first and is vulnerable to ice now... i brought lucanis and neve... good pairing :>
man... i got all options. i think... daea is so angry at solas. for their friends, for all his victims, for themselves as a dalish elf and a warden. but theyre tired of fighting. and if they can ask him to stop before having to kill another god today... and thinking abt harding's words in the fade prison... hmmm... interesting in the sense that theyve been angry, lighthearted and nice but with a lot of that anger and desire for justice underneath, but now at the end theyre choosing to get past it. theyre tired of it. mmmm
archon dorian... jdhsks hes the last magister left basically. he gets the seat by default. also every time we talk abt the griffons i have... questions abt how theyre gonna breed them out of extinction. idk maybe genetics work differently for griffons. better hope thats how it works cause otherwise uuuh extinction is just delayed
anyway i am a little baffled by that one chest i found after being able to interact with the last merchant but otherwise act 3 was v well done i think. not rly much more to say, it satisfied me, i liked that i got to actually fight (verbally) with solas lol and i do think the "good" ending of convincing him to bind the veil to himself was actually rewarding for me as a player, even when i spent the game exasperated at him. good voice acting but also good body language there!!! which was a pleasant surprise since body animations are a little lacking imo for the rest of the game. bellara worked rly well for the role of the blighted companion so im glad i picked her! curious if neve has different dialogue, bc if not then bellara is def best. a little sad that hardings gone but also baffled at like. the wasted potential for a further storyline??? this isnt dao they knew to plan for a possible future game, but harding can be permanently dead, so...? altho. i guess we didnt actually get the body after. no body no death? dead but not entirely, part of the stone now? hmmmm
ill replay it for sure, the ending/act 3 actually sold me more on the game. i stilllll think as a dragon age continuation its... err. not what i wanted. not what id have liked. all the retcon and smoothing over of potential... meanness or people/faction being bad stings and spells a future direction im just not that interested in for the dragon age universe. but as a game? yeah i enjoyed it, i liked the gameplay, the npcs, found the romance a little lacking but rly liked the amount of inter companion interaction and reactivity, i thought all companion quests had a good emotional end, the game itself is very pretty, im annoyed at the sort of One General Personality With Small Variations that rook seems to have (mostly bc itll be hard to like... feel like playthroughs are very different/rooks are different ppl), but tbh im about as annoyed with it as i was with the inquisitor, just differently. think they should def have done smth different for the inquisitor in davg bc that showed theyd learned nothing of the reaction to hawke in dai, but i expected it lol. i liked the music eventually! the main theme even grew on me. i have more particular gripes with lore/character treatment but ill let that simmer for a bit. im gonna go to bed nowwww
ps not suuuper happy about the solas toesucking tone that keeps popping up tho. it was hard to say i was angry at him for most of the game! to express it! and ur clearly presented with, at least, a lot of reasons to feel bad for him. and when u talk to the inquisitor... hmmm. yeah. altho i suppose ill try with my (never-finished-the-playthrough) solasmancing inquisitor next run and see what thats like
can't sleep so gonna jot down some thoughts abt davg under a readmore. itll have spoilers!
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Keep me warm (inside and out)
➢ I’m cold and horny so cockwarming with Aether it is :) It’s my first smut with one of the ghouls so be gentle 😅
➢ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: Aether x GN!Reader
➢ 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: smut
➢ 𝖜𝖈: 838
➢ 𝖆/𝖓: fr took me way to long to write something so short but that’s what i get for trying to write soft-horny when i’m feeling rough-horny 🙃
Your eyes inch open as the cold nips at your exposed nose, which you promptly hide beneath the warm covers.
Shuffling seems to have been the wrong decision to make, as it reminds you of what happened the previous night… and how you ended it - with Aether’s cock inside you.
It surprised both of you how easily he gave in to the idea. All it took was some batting lashes, grabby hands and a whiny tone for him to give in, “It’s cold… Come warm me up, baby.”
The shiver that runs down his spine is so strong you can see it, all the way down his dark purple spaded tail which jerks in surprised arousal. He knows you don't mean just cuddling, there's nothing innocent in the glint of your irises and the expansion of your pupils.
He steps closer to you, slowly, heavily - prowling forward like a panther eyeing its prey.
“Tell me what you really want, bunny. Don’t tease.” It’s your turn to shiver, sitting up to be eye-level with his waist.
You give him your best, wide, pleading gaze, “Come warm me up from the inside, with your big, hot cock. Please, Aether.”
He breathes in a hiss through his teeth, lids fluttering before his clawed fingers grasp your chin, “That’s better. But you know that’s not my name, bunny. Not right now.”
His eyes glue themselves to the way you pull your bottom lip between your teeth before letting it go, now red and plump, “Please put your cock in me, sir.”
Aether exhales harshly, fingers tightening just slightly, “Much better.”
He lets go of your face just as your tongue peeks out to lick at his fingers, “Take your clothes off and lay on your side, facing the wall.”
You do so without question but slowly, teasingly, testing his patience just for the Hell of it. Luckily for you, he finds it more amusing than anything else. Plus, he craves the feeling of you wrapped tight and warm around his cock more than to punish you right now. Still, he can’t help but pull your leg a little.
“You’re being awfully slow for someone who asked for this.” He chuckles as your brows furrow and your cheeks puff in adorable frustration. He takes a moment to admire your naked body before grasping your chin once again and looking deeply into your eyes with an intensity that has your face relaxing completely, “Lie down like I told you to, bunny.”
He says it so sweetly, with that tender smile on his plump lips crinkling the corners of his eyes, that it would feel like blasphemy to not obey. So you, this time without teasing or complaining, back to Aether as you listen to the rustling of clothes before his comforting warmth and weight settle just behind you.
The dipping of the mattress brings you closer to him, his large, calloused hand settling on your hip to keep you from bumping into him but unable to keep you from feeling his hard length pressing deliciously against your back.
“You think you can take me? Just like this?” He breathes hot against the back of your neck and it makes you suppress a shiver. You tell ‘yes’ quietly, feeling that any louder and your voice would crack with heavy arousal. Which he can most definitely smell if not just sense, by the lazy flicker of his tail and the teasing circles at your hip that dip a bit too far down to just be reassurance. “If you say so.”
You turn your head back when his hands disappear from your body for a bit too long to see him run his forked tongue over the length of his palm and fingers before wrapping his wet hand around his flushed cock. You moan, depraved and desperate, “If you keep making those sounds, this is gonna go down a very different path.” He warns half-heartedly.
“And why shouldn’t it?” The moment the words escape your mouth, Aether’s one dry hand slides around your throat, just sitting there, holding and but not squeezing. His other, slick hand, holds open one of your legs.
“I’m too tired for that, bunny. Plus, I’m not letting you take back that request.” He growls the last word while nudging his cock right over your entrance, sending another harsh shiver down your spine.
Your hips tilt back instinctively, urging him inside, “Just- Come on, Aether. I’m cold~."
How could he resist such a sweet plea?
Coming back to the present, the memory makes you clench around the weighty length still inside you - oh so deliciously warm - just like you wanted.
Air tickles the back of your neck before two large hands wrap around your chest, pulling you against Aether’s soft body, “Awake already?”
The rumble of his deep, morning voice, passing through his chest at your back and into your ear has you squirming and tightening on his cock with a gasp.
“Hmm, are you warm, bunny? Perhaps not warm enough. Let’s fix that.”
#ghost band#the band ghost#ghost bc#ghost band x reader#ghost band aether#aether ghost#nameless ghoul aether#aether x reader#nameless ghouls#nameless ghouls x reader#nameless ghouls smut#ghoul x reader#ghoul aether#aether ghoul x reader#aether ghoul#aether ghoul smut
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