#me: wow has anyone tried the chicken
anzulvr · 11 months
Hiii! Could i please request a karma x reader where reader is a crybaby and really sensitive but also super sweet to everybody no matter how mean they are?
Karma x sensitive reader // <3 // fluff, hcs.
In which Karma catches feelings for a crybaby.
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— ୨୧ first meeting.
Karma and you get along well from the start, unlike most people in the main campus you don’t talk badly about E-class and you don’t make any judgements towards people without getting to know them- that’s especially important to note because Karmas never had the best reputation. Even so, you didn’t judge him based off rumors and comments made about him behind his back, earning you his respect!
— catching feelings.
Karma is the last person to be interested in dating, so whenever he starts getting all nervous and flustered around you he thinks he’s nauseous. He only realizes hes into you when he sees he’s sort of defensive over you, definitely brought to his attention by Rio(meddler) or Nagisa (He just wants to help).
✦ any time you’re upset he’s the first to ask who did something, super ready to fight anyone.
✦ He realizes he’s never wanted anyone to stick around as much as you.
—ʚ[End Class]ɞ
(If you were to drop to end class for whatever reason)
// first time meeting Korosensei you’re a sobbing mess.
Even then you’re trying to be nice telling him he’s not that scary (in reality you’re terrified because why is he like 10 feet tall..)
Korosensei frantically tries to get you to stop crying. “I promise I would never lay my tentacles on a student- I wouldn’t hurt you!! You can ask anyone in here I-”
Karma is laughing his ass off to the point he’s gripping his sides cause they hurt.
You get to sit next to him. Lucky (???) you.
The rest of the class is quick to warm up to you, if you’re not already friends that is.
— When you’re officially together.
Hes the biggest tease in existence, he can’t go 20 minutes without poking fun at you.
Has so many pictures and videos of you happy crying. (He will not let you live down.)
Also has a folder of pictures you send him whenever you’re crying over small / dumb things you find funny when you realize what you’re crying over.
(cause literally me too?? I’ll cry and laugh mid way when I realize how stupid it is 😭)
[Name]: we’re out of cookies.
[Attached image of you crying]
lmfao I’ll buy you some calm down💀 :[Karma]
[Name]: NVMM.. false alarm we have another box 😆!!
don’t care I’m at your doorstep with 5 boxes open up :[Karma]
[Name]: Wow you’re fast it’s only been like 3 minutes..
— <3 —
He brings up moments like that anytime he has the chance to embarrass you.
“Remember the time you cried cause you found out chickens live only like seven years.”
“Shut up it was really sad.”
“[Name] we had fried chicken like 20 minutes later and you devoured that shit.”
“That was so good, we should go again.”
No one is allowed to make you feel bad though, Terasaka is extra careful not to say anything to make you cry on days where he doesn’t want to end up on the ground.
You’re his go-to for advice. Especially if he’s ever arguing with anyone like his parents or his friends because you know more about emotions than he does.
Cannot handle seeing you upset because of something he does, the second your eyes even get the littlest misty he’s apologizing with food and flowers.
You hold a special place in his heart because often times you’re the only person he’s comfortable opening up to.
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A/N: im behind on like 30 requests IM SORRY 😪😪😪
Also I didn’t really check for spelling errors for this one so tell me if you catch any pls!!!
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canirove · 7 months
Mason Mount Imagine | seven
Author's note: I hadn't written an imagine in ages, but yesterday after seeing these gifs of Mason at that charity event the other day I got inspired, and here we are 😁 Hopefully this will give me the last push I need to finish my next story, who also happens to be about Mason 👀 As always, I hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜 Little summary: Your dad works at a chairty auction and has asked you to be his plus one. You expect to bore yourself to death, but a cute guy with a dimple has other plans 👀 (Female reader/pov)
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“Dad, do I really have to go?”
“Yes, honey. You must.”
“But it is going to be so boring…” I complain. “What am I going to do at an auction full of old people?”
“Thank you for the compliment” he chuckles. “But you will be supporting your father after months of hard work. And there will be young people too.”
“Sure” I snort.
“There will be. Now c'mon, I can't be late.”
“Chop, chop, honey.”
“Ok, fine” I sigh. “Just promise me you won't call me honey in front of everyone.”
“I won't” he smiles, opening the door of our house. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you, dad. But I feel like I may rip this dress any moment now” I say as I walk past him, crossing all my fingers so it actually doesn't happen, and I end up making a fool of myself in front of all his work colleagues and some of the richest people in the city. 
“Ok, this is your seat, hon… Your seat” my dad smiles after I give him a murderous look. 
“Aren't you sitting down with me?”
“I still have to take care of a bunch of things.”
“Are you leaving me alone? And surrounded by strangers?”
“You'll be fine, honey” he chuckles. “I promise I'll come and have a drink with you. Now try to have some fun.”
“But dad…” I start, not being able to finish my complaint since he is already gone. "Great" I sigh.
“So, do you come here often?” someone says, taking the empty seat next to mine.
“I beg your pardon?” I say, turning around to face the owner of that voice. 
“That was bad, wasn't it?” he laughs.
“Worse” I say, my eyes fixed on him. On the cutest guy I have ever laid eyes on. 
He is wearing a classic black suit with a black tie, nothing too shocking. But paired with the smile on his face and the dimple on his left cheek… wow. Simply wow.
“What are you doing at an event like this, tho?” he asks me. “I wasn't expecting to meet anyone younger than 50” he chuckles, his dimple showing once again. Is it possible to fall in love with something like that? Because I think I just have.
“My dad convinced to come as his plus one and support him tonight.”
“Is he part of the auction?” 
“He is the guy running around like a headless chicken to make sure everything is ok” I laugh, looking at him when he suddenly shows up running up and down the stage.
“Yep, that's him. Do you know him?”
“I do. He is a really nice guy.”
“I may be a bit biased here… But he is, yes” I smile. “He has put so much work and sleepless nights into today's auction… Like, I don't know how many coffees I made for him while he tried to convince this football player to be part of it.”
“A football player?”
“Yeah, a super famous one, I can't remember his name. He kept telling my dad that he was super busy with other commitments” I snort. “What commitments could have a guy who makes a living from kicking a ball? Spending lots of money in ugly clothes just because they have a certain logo, and buying huge cars?”
“Don't forget about the ugly haircuts and tattoos” he chuckles.
“That too.”
“Aren't you into football, then?”
“Nah, not my thing. What about you?” I ask him, finally daring to look him in the eyes. Which is a big mistake, because even in the kind of dark light of the room, I can see that he has the most beautiful brown eyes ever. Eyes that are currently giving me a mischievous look I can't understand. 
“Not my thing either. Footballers are a bunch of twats” he says, making me laugh. “Anyway... I know we just met, but I'm gonna need your help with something.”
“Yours” he says with a smile that matches the look on his eyes. “I'm about to be auctioned.”
“You what?”
“It sounds bad if you say it like that, but people are basically going to bid money to have a personal experience with me.”
“That isn't making it sound any better.”
“Oh, you dirty mind” he smirks, making my cheeks start to burn. Thank God he can't notice with the low light. Or can he? “But some people here may be expecting that kind of experience. Earlier I overheard a couple of women talking about me and looking at me in a way that… Well. You can imagine.”
“I don't blame them, tho” I say, speaking before thinking.
“Thank you” he smiles, that dimple I'm definitely in love with showing in all its glory. “So, what I need you to do, is to win my auction.”
“What? With which money?”
“What?” I say again. “Is that allowed?”
“I don't think so. But since it is for charity, I think your dad can look the other way and allow it. What do you say? Will you win this for me? I promise you you will have the best date ever.”
“A date?” I say, almost choking with my own words.
“Unless you have a partner and I'm making things weird.”
“No, no. There is no one” I quickly say, my cheeks burning once again, and especially when I notice how I've made him smile.
“Great” he says. “It'll be very easy. They will say a number and you…”
“I know how an auction works.”
“Yes, of course. Of course you do” he apologizes. “Will you do it, then? Pretty please?” he pouts, making me focus on his lips. Lips that look so kissable and so…
“Fine, I will” I sigh, giving up and focusing on a different part of his face. But even his hair looks attractive.
“Thank you” he smiles once again, kissing my cheek. “And that's my cue, I have to go. Don't worry about the amount of money, ok? I can pay whatever they offer.”
“Ok” I nod, my brain still thinking about the feeling of his lips on my cheek, on how my skin tingles.
“And you have number 19 on your bidding paddle, that's my lucky one. Everything will work out, you'll see.”
“Yes” I nod again. 
“See you in a bit” he winks before leaving our table and me trying to understand everything I'm feeling and that just happened.
“And now for our next bidding… Mr. Mason Mount, Manchester United player and football star!” a voice announces from the stage.
“What?” I say, snapping out of whatever is going on with me and focusing on the guy walking up the stage. “No way” I gasp.
It's him. The cute boy with the dimple who just convinced me to bid for him and win this auction… It's Mason freaking Mount. The football player my dad spent hours trying to convince to attend tonight. The one I basically called a twat to his face.
“Remember that the winner will get to enjoy a personal experience with Mr. Mount. Not that type of experience...” the auctioneer chuckles as some women start giggling. “Are we ready? We'll begin with £1,000.”
The moment he says that number, a bunch of bidding paddles are raised. 
“Ok, what about £2,000? Does anyone offer £2,000?”
More paddles around me. People definitely are eager to spend some time with him, with Mason. And once again, I don't blame them.
I've spent five minutes with him, and you could say they have been some of the best five minutes of my life. And not because of how handsome and cute he is or because I'm in love with his dimple. There is something about him, about the way he talks, looks and listens to you, that makes you feel… I don't know. Comfortable.
“What about… £5,000!”
Still the same amount of paddles. No one is giving up. And it keeps being like that as the number keeps going up and up until it makes it to…
“£50,000! Does anyone offer £50,000?” 
People start whispering among themselves, trying to decide if they should make an offer or not. And then, a blonde woman raises her bidding paddle. 
“We have an offer! Anyone else?” the auctioneer says.
That woman is going to win, and Mason doesn't seem to be too happy about it. The look he is giving me from the stage is saying it all, and also reminding me that I should be bidding for him too.
“And we have another offer!” the auctioneer says when I raise my paddle, Mason smiling from ear to ear while my dad looks at me as if I've grown another head.
“What the hell?” he mouths.
“Trust me” I say back.
“Ok, what about £51,000? Does anyone offer £51,000? Ladies?”
Once again, I can feel Mason's eyes fixed on me.
“And we have £51,000 from the lady in the back!” the auctioneer announces when I raise my paddle, everyone in the room looking my way. “£51,000 at one… £51,000 at two… £51,000 at three! We have a winner!” he says, hitting his little hammer so loud that I can feel it in my bones, Mason pointing in my direction with a smile that could make anyone's knees feel like jelly. Dear God, what did I just do? 
“Honey, what did you just do? Are you drunk?” my dad says, suddenly showing up next to me.
“I can explain everything, I swear.”
“Miss, could you please join us on stage?” the auctioneer says.
“You better. Now let's go, they are waiting for you.”
“But dad, wait. I can't. I can't go in there.”
“You won the auction, honey. You must go up there” he says, helping me get up.
“Dad, I can't. I…” And then, I hear it. The back of my dress ripping. “Dad!” But he isn't listening, already dragging me to the stage where Mason is waiting.
“Please let's give a round of applause for this young lady!” the auctioneer says.
“Thank you for… Hey, are you ok?” Mason says as he takes my hand and helps me up the stage.
“I'm pretty sure I just ripped the back of my dress” I say while everyone claps.
“Oh, shit” he says, looking at my back. “I'll help you, don't worry.”
“Do you have magical fingers?” I say with a nervous laugh. “Like fingers that can sew” I quickly add after seeing the smirk on his face.
“I do have magical fingers, and among other things, they can do this” Mason says, putting his hand on my back to make sure the dress doesn't open, the feeling making me gasp. 
“Thank you very much for your generosity, Miss” the auctioneer says, unaware of everything that is going on. “We hope you enjoy your time with Mr. Mount.”
“Thank you” I manage to say, my brain only being able to focus on Mason's hand on my back, on one of his fingers touching my skin. I'm pretty sure he can feel it burning.
“Now, onto our next bid!” he announces as we leave the stage, my dad already waiting for us. 
“What have you done, honey? £51,000! We don't have that money!”
“But I do, Martin. I asked her to bid for me” Mason explains. “Here, put this on” he says, taking off his jacket and putting it around my shoulders. “This should help cover the back of your dress.”
“Thank you” I mutter, missing the feeling of his hand and especially that one finger on my back. Though it doesn't last long. He is so close to me while helping me with his jacket, that I can smell his perfume all around me, and it smells so good… 
“What do you mean you asked her to bid for you?” my dad asks, completely ignoring that I may be melting.
“I didn't want one of those women to win. I don't trust them, to be honest” he chuckles. “And this is for charity, isn't it? It should not matter if the money comes from me or them.”
“I guess, yes. But…”
“Martin? We need you” someone says behind my dad.
“Yes, of course” he tells them. “We'll continue this conversation later” he says, looking first at Mason and then at me. 
“That went well” he chuckles as we watch my dad walk away.
“Did it?”
“It did. They now have £51,000 they will definitely put to good use, I am free from that woman, and you just got yourself a personal experience with Mason Mount” he smiles.
“Hasn't all this been an experience already?”  
“It definitely has, yes” he chuckles. “But the one I'm offering you will be more enjoyable. We could go shopping for ugly and very expensive clothes” he says with a teasing smile.
“I could actually do with a new dress seeing that this one… Well. It has seen better days.” 
“You look beautiful, tho.”
“Thank you” I mutter, looking down and starting to play with one of the buttons on his jacket to hide that my face is about to burst into flames. “Sorry about what I said earlier, by the way.”
“About what?”
“About calling you a twat.”
“I called myself a twat, you didn't. And if someone has to apologize, that should be me for not telling you who I really was.”
“I guess...”
“I think this makes it a tie in the apologies department. Don't you agree… honey?”
“I beg your pardon?” I say, finally daring to look him in the face.
“Ok, ok. Forget that I said that” he laughs. “The look you just gave me is scary as hell.”
“You deserve it. That is my dad's nickname, and no one else can use it. Sometimes not even him.” Like tonight, for example.
“I'm sorry. I truly am” Mason says, getting serious. “I just thought it was really cute.”
“When you are a kid, maybe. But I'm not five anymore.”
“I'm sorry” he says again. “I guess I'll have to think of a good nickname for our date. Something that doesn't sound too childish and that…”
“Wait, wait, wait” I interrupt him. “Our date?”
“Or personal experience, call it what you want” he shrugs.
“Are we actually doing it?”
“Of course we are. You paid for it, didn't you?”
“You paid for it” I correct him.
“Small details” he replies. “But you and I are going on a date, and I promise you it is gonna be an experience you won't forget” Mason says, taking my hand on his and kissing it, the way he is looking at me when he does it, plus the smile on his face (dimple included) and the feeling of his lips on my skin, making me feel things I can't explain.
I'm going out on a date with Mason Mount. The Mason Mount. A freaking football star.
And oh... my God.
Authors note: I know some of you may now be like, I need a part 2, I need to know what do they do on that date! 😅 But I've run out of ideas, so if you can think of something they could do or where they could go, let me know and I'll try to write something. Though I can't promise anything.
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upsidedownmvnson · 2 years
the challenge | eddie munson
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warnings: angst, hurt, kinda eddies pov, stupid long & tropey, barely edited
AN: i just love the angst sorry :) also this is the worst trope ever but I LOVE IT. I eat it up. also i know i overuse italics its my fatal flaw. willing to do requests & taglists btw <3
i'm not sure how many words per se but it looks really long so
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"I'll give you a hundred bucks if you can get any of the cheerleaders to go on a date with you."
After band practice, the conversation had devolved into who had school the band thought was hot.
"Please," Eddie tried to scoff off the idea. "When has that idea ever gone well?"
"I'll also give you a hundred," Jeff said, adding to the fire. They probably didn't expect him to go for it. But he could use two hundred bucks...
Eddie rolled the idea around in his mind. Who would he even ask? There was Chrissy Cunningham, she's sweet... but he was pretty sure she was dating Jason, and the last thing Eddie needed was more problems from that guy. But there was you.
You were different. You were still a cheerleader at Hawkins, sitting with the populars and shaking your pom-poms at every game. But you smiled at Eddie in the hall sometimes. And he'd noticed you'll talk to anyone. You weren't mean. So he could probably charm his way into one little date, and then after the date inevitably goes terribly, he'll collect his easy money and you will go on, blissfully unaware.
It's not like you guys would get along or anything.
"What happens if I lose?" Eddie asked.
"You have to put on an embarassing show in the cafeteria," Jeff said. "And easy one."
"Okay," Eddie said after a long silence, "I'll take your money."
The next day at school, Eddie was sitting on the stairs across from your locker like a predator. It was still forty minutes until first bell, so there were very few people in the halls. He had this whole plan in mind. First, he'd wow you with his natural charm, and then leave you lingering in mystery. Easier said than done, when you came walking down the hallway with a skip in your step and a smile on your face.
It made him feel guilty about this whole thing. But you would never know, so what was the harm?
He approached you slowly, slowly panicking about the idea of bothering you. What if you told the basketball team he was bothering you? What if you acted like he grabbed you, or something...
He fears were cut off by you casually saying, "Hey Eddie."
You knew his name? Why did it sound so nice coming from you?
It's because secretly you were always aware of Eddie. There was something about him that always held your attention. After seeing him for a days, you'd become a closeted metal fan. It started to impress him, but you actually did start to like it. You'd always tried to catch his eye, but it was like he didn't really see you.
"Hey, morning," he said, mind focused on his objective. But it was harder when actually looking down at you. You were pretty cute. You had beautiful eyes.
"Good morning," you said, pleasantly confused at the situation. You noticed Eddie had gotten up when you got closer. "Were you waiting for me?"
"Oh, ha, you noticed that," he said, grabbing your locker door as you opened it, and leaned on it, unintentionally making a show of his hand gripping the edge of the locker.
You felt a flutter in your chest, "Well, what can I do for you?"
"I've seen you here early before," Eddie mused, as if he'd ever been here early, but he had his intel. "Thought I could give you a little company."
"That's sweet," you said, smiling like you were hiding a laugh. "I've never seen you around before class. Only coming in late."
"I'm shocked at such an accusation," he said, leaning closer. "It hurts to believe you think so lowly of me." There was a level of teasing in his tone that made butterflies erupt within you.
"You know," you started, "I was supposed to go see Halloween 3 tonight but my girlfriends chickened out..."
"Oh yeah?"
"Well I still want to go," you said. You couldn't hint anymore if you tried. "Are you looking for company tonight?"
"What?" Eddie couldn't mask his surprise. He was supposed to come over here and charm you into a date, but... you asked him?? "Uh yeah, I can take you to the movies."
"What time is your club done? We can go after that," you said, smiling. You were just trying to be considerate, but you were making Eddie weak in the knees. Were you really this aware of him? If anything, he was wondering why you cared more than how you knew.
"I'll see when the late shows plays and make sure we'll be there," he said, "just give me your address, I'll pick you up."
The blush on your cheeks made him smile, but the gentle touch of your hand as you grabbed his arm and pushed the sleeve up, using a marker to write down the street and and number. Eddie was totally at your mercy by this point, but you just had to make worse by bringing his arm up to your face to kiss what you'd written, looking up at him with the devil in your eye.
"Kiss from a maiden has to boost luck, right?"
Suddenly, the terms of the game changed. You asked him out. It was not what he expected. He expected it would take several days before he finally asked you out. He had this whole plan in his mind, and you just... you kissed him on the arm, like it was a normal thing for you to do to him. Now he didn't really want the money, he just wanted you to that again. Feel your soft touch. Anything that would put that look back into your eye.
Everyone at Hellfire could see that Eddie was distracted. His campaign was nothing less than infallible as per usual, but his theatrics were toned down, and he was fumbling over the dice as if he wasn't always paying total attention.
After the session, Jeff and Gareth hung around. Mainly to check on their friend.
"I have to go," Eddie said, fumbling with his bag. He didn't want to tell the guys about you. He didn't want to pop the fantasy of having you all to himself. Not yet.
Eddie still had it in his mind that the date would flop. What chance did he have to impress someone like you? This whole situation was spiralling quickly. And he fucking knew better than to take a stupid bet issued at midnight after a bunch of beers. He should've called it off right there, he should've said it's stupid and objectifying the cheerleaders and that was mean, but he said nothing. He just packed his things, and told his friends he'd see them later.
He didn't have time to go change, he didn't want you to miss your movie because of him. And he was just really anxious to see you again. There was a small part of his brain, a little nagging brain cell, telling him that maybe... just maybe, this date will go well and he can get you to look at him with a sparkle in your eyes.
Your house was right in the middle of suburbia, which had Eddie losing his cool slowly. You were different, and he knew that already, but it was a comfort to remind himself as he drove passed identical, picket fenced houses. Your house was no different. Picket fence, flowers in the window sill, green grass mowed to the same height.
He parked the van and got out, walking through the gate and up the short cobblestone path leading up to your front door. He brought a knuckle up to your door, tapping lightly twice. Maybe you would bail and he wouldn't have to be the bad guy anymore. He looked at the flowers beside the house, and mentally kicked himself for not bringing you anything for you. You deserved flowers.
But you were there, waiting to answer the door a few moments after he knocked. You had counted to ten in your head before he answered, not wanting to seem too keen.
"Hey," you said, dazzling him again with an innocent smile. His voice was stuck in his throat as he looked at you. Eddie hadn't expected your cheerleading outfit or anything... but what didn't expect was a cropped Slayer shirt. It looked like you had cut it yourself, but he couldn't let himself get caught staring at the frayed edges, because that's where the exposed skin was, tempting him to look. Or worse, tempting him to reach out, running his calloused fingers over the skin that looked painfully soft.
"Hey," he say quietly, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. How had he managed to fuck this up before talking to you for the first time? "Sorry I didn't get flowers or change or do anything all at to impress you. I kinda rushed right from school."
"You want to impress me?"
Eddie's mind was reeling. "Is there anyone out there who doesn't?"
You giggled, and Eddie didn't think he could take it anymore. If he just spilled his guts right now, he could stop himself a world of confusion. After this, he'd probably be stuck with the image of you for weeks. He's probably caused him heartache and pain when this doesn't work out. Or... worse... it does work out and one of his idiot friends tells you how this started, and then he was still heartbroken and fucked.
Eddie said nothing as he led you to the van.
On the way to the movies it was quiet, but not uncomfortable. You asked him about his day, which made him blush because, it's a simple that people never really asked him. Especially beautiful cheerleaders.
He didn't know how he was supposed to forget this. How could he continue to drive Jeff and Gareth around while he's seen you in his passenger seat... with a Slayer shirt on.
"Can I pick something?" you asked, finding a small stash of cassettes under the seat.
"Sure," he said. He's pretty sure he would've let you do whatever you wanted, as long as you stayed beside him in this van forever.
You slipped the current tape out, and slipped in Metallica. Fight Fire with fire came on and you sat back in your seat.
"Why this one?" he asked. He wanted to know. He wanted you to give some cheesy answer so he could figure out an excuse to not like you, to fight all the reasons he was starting to like you anyway. It was just a shirt, maybe you didn't listen to them at all.
"For Whom the Bell Tolls is my favourite right now," you said casually.
"What about Slayer? What's your favourite?"
"You quizzin' me?" you quipped, laughing as Eddie widened his eyes. You cut him off before he could apologize. "Die by the Sword." You drummed your fingers absentmindedly against your jeans. "Always had this fantasy about riding into battle, yaknow, Lord of the Rings style."
"Who are you?" Eddie asked, fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter. "You like Lord of the Rings and Slayer." He said it as a fact, not a question. With every casual answer you gave, a knife was turning in his stomach, reminding him that he was the bad guy. He took a stupid bet, from his stupid friends, and it was keeping him from enjoying this moment fully. There was a little voice reminding him that what he's doing, is shit people like Jason Carver would do.
"Yes, and?"
And nothing. You were just casting a spell on Eddie that he would need a miracle to undo. "So you're a hidden freak."
"Being hidden is lame," you said, "I wouldn't lie if they asked."
"Who is they?" he asked.
"The other cheerleaders, the jocks, anyone at school really."
"You don't get along with the other cheerleaders?"
"No, I do. They're my girls. <3" You smiled, biting the skin beside your thumb. "I just don't talk about fantasy epics with them, they're not really interested."
"I don't know," he teased, pulling into the movie theatre parking lot. "You don't really seem like any cheerleaders I know."
"And how many cheerleaders do you know?"
He laughed, parking the car. He was starting to ease into it a little more. Enjoying your presence while he can. "Fair enough."
"Shaking those pom-poms is going to get me a scholarship, and a scholarship will get me out of here." The words were less airy and playful than the rest had been. He'd taken note of your serious tone when talking about getting out of here. There was hardly a line, most of the movies started a couple minutes earlier, there were just a few Halloween stragglers.
"In a rush out of here?" he asked. He wanted to know everything about you.
"You could say that," you said. "I don't have a problem with Hawkins but my parents are... I just..." you trailed off. "Let's not ruin a good time."
He nodded, not needing to hear anything else. After light squabbling about who would pay for the tickets, Eddie passed his money over to the ticket guy, who had an obvious line of sight to your stomach. Or maybe it was your chest he was staring at, either away, Eddie was finding it really annoying. He used his arm to gently guide you behind him, blocking most of the box office employees view.
He felt protective over you. Which is ironic, because at the start of the day he had a plan to woo you, to take you on a date for a bet. And now, he wanted to protect you from hurt.
The worst kind of hypocrite.
The conversation died when the two of you shuffled into the little theatre. The movie had been out long enough that it wasn't too busy. It was nice, being in the dark together, silently watching the movie. You weren't really scared, but you still liked it. Eddie however, wasn't loving it as much as you.
Eddie was having such a nice time, that he was able to push the bet out of his mind completely.
After the movie, pretty much everything was closed, except the 24 hour diner a little bit down the highway, so that's where he took you. He drove about twenty minutes just to eat greasy cheeseburgers and sickeningly sweet milkshakes because he just couldn't bare for this night to be over yet.
"Guess I gotta get you home," Eddie said after the food. "It's already passed midnight."
"Oh that's okay," you said, leaving money on the table for food. "They'll be gone until next week anyway. I don't they'd care when I got home."
Eddie wanted to ask, but he could tell your parents weren't something you liked to talk about.
"Well, if we've both nowhere to be, maybe we should stick together."
"Why don't you take me home anyway and we can watch another movie."
"I'd like that."
The ride back to your place seemed shorter, or maybe he was just excited to see where you live. He wanted to see your room. He was so curious about you. He just wanted to know everything.
Your house was quiet, pitch black and lonely... like it always was. You let him in, and he awkwardly shuffled in behind you. He copied what you did by taking your shoes off by the door. Your house opened into the living room, with stairs right beside.
"Can I see your room?" he asked, half expecting you to say no but you answered with a quick "sure!" and led him up the stairs. He watched your ass the whole time you walked ahead of him.
"It's kinda boring," you said, opening the door. There wasn't really much to it. A few posters on the wall; a couple were bands he liked and there were a few movie posters too. Your cassettes were all stacked on your desk neatly, and there were vinyls beside that, a small table there to hold the record player. He was talking and poking through them, while you sat on the bed, watching him intently. He was shocked to see you actually had some of the same things he did. And you... you had bands he didn't know. One day, he was totally going to borrow those.
He kept chatting as he poked around. This morning, neither one of you could have predicted being here like this. He stopped talking mid sentence, and you could see him looking more at the desk than the music now. You curiously tried to peak at what he was looking at.
"Is this a dnd character sheet?" he asked.
"Oh!" you laughed, standing and joining him by the desk. "Yeah, it is. I'd been trying to work up the nerve to ask you to teach me, but, I guess I didn't have to."
And just like that, you had him.
You had him totally and fully and he wished he'd never taken that stupid challenge with his stupid friends about the stupid money. His mind was emotional soup.
"You were gunna ask me to teach you dungeons and dragons?" he asked, totally stunned into silence, again.
"Well..." you blushed, turning away from him. He saw it though. "I kind of have a crush on you, Eddie. Maybe before tonight it wasn't like... real, because I didn't actually know you but..." You smiled, so soft and sweet, it made Eddie feel warm and vulnerable. "Now I know it is real."
What was he supposed to do? Look at you while you're vulnerable like that and just tell you what he's done? No shot. No fucking way would he let any of his dumb choices get in the way of, whatever this was going to be.
"I like you, too," he said finally, smiling back at you. The problem was, while it was true, it didn't feel as genuine. He did like you, but that's not how it started.
And what was he supposed to do when you looked like you wanted a kiss? Not kiss you? That would be rude.
Eddie leaned in slowly, and so did you. He brought his hand up, coddling your face and brushing a thumb over your cheek. He said, "you're so beautiful," before closing the gap and putting his mouth on yours. It was small, mouths parted and puckered, moving slowly. It was a short kiss, but a tender first one.
Until you said, "sorry if I'm not a good kisser, I haven't done much kissing," with a blush.
"You haven't done much kissing?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm so... inexperienced."
"No, it's okay! I don't really get to kiss anyone either."
"You can kiss me whenever you want," you said, bounce in your step as you grabbed his hand and led him back downstairs.
You let him pick a movie while you set up the couch with some blankets. He settled beside you one the couch once the movie started, and you snuggled into his side as if you owned it. Which may as well be true already, and passed out within five minutes of the movie starting. He told himself sternly that he would leave when the movie was over, and he did mean it. But he also rested his head on yours and tried to fall asleep before he saw any credits.
Which he did.
Monday morning rolling around was another one of Eddie's punishments. The bliss of his imaginary life came hurdling towards the end, and it was filling him with anxiety. Like, so fucking much anxiety.
At school, he'd be unable to avoid his friends. Eddie had spent much of Saturday morning lounging at your house with you. You two made breakfast, listened to some music, and then watched a movie. He had to leave eventually, since he didn't want to kiss you with morning breath. But he'd called you that night... and the one after that. He just couldn't get enough of you.
Eddie had avoided his best friends most of the morning, mostly by just being late. Unfortunately, that also had meant he'd avoided you. He'd hoped you'd come into the cafeteria first. He was biting his nails, his leg rapidly shaking up and down. You had said he can kiss you anytime... did that mean school, too? He hoped so. He hoped you would come into the freaking cafeteria.
But his fantasy bubble had officially popped when Jeff grabbed him by the shoulders from behind, scaring him.
"Bud, you've been holding out on us."
"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. Gareth and Jeff sat at the table with him.
"Same thing that everyone is talking about, you and y/n."
"What?" Eddie had been so focused on not talking to anyone that he hadn't heard anything.
"Someone's sister saw you leaving her house on Saturday, and I distinctly remember you rushing out of Hellfire on Friday."
"What are people saying?"
"Some are saying drugs, some are saying you guys have sex. Did you? Did you have sex with her?"
"No," Eddie said, effectively wiping the smile off Gareth's face. "But I may have slept there."
His friends looked at each other, and then at him, and Eddie took one selfish moment to be excited about it. It was his fatal mistake.
"Are you guys gunna go out again?" Jeff asked. Eddie grinned, and nodded.
"Well, a deal is a deal. Here goes all my savings on some dumb bet," Gareth said.
They should've had a sign, some bat signal that Eddie could show above the entire student body that would get his best friends to shut the fuck up because you were behind them, walking closer and smiling at Eddie with that same sweet smile on your face.
You must have slipped in when he was talking to the guys. He tried to shush Gareth without being obvious, but Gareth was being so fucking loud. If he didn't shut up soon you were going to hear him. Eddie's heart was racing. Jeff kicked Gareth, but apparently not hard enough because he just kept talking.
Eddie's heart was going to beat out of his chest... like in Alien...
"I can't believe you got y/n on a date in like, one day." Gareth scoffed. "Maybe you let her in on it for some of the money. Last time I make a bet with you losers."
And it was like watching a star die. Your beautiful smile gone, replaced with a quivering lip and a look in your eye that reflected agony, instead of the little bit of trouble he loved so much. Eddie was going to throw up. For a second you two just looked at each other, Eddie had his hands an inch off the table, he was shaking.
He fucking knew this scenario never worked out for anyone.
And then you were running out of there, and he was hot on your heels. It must have looked bad, you running out crying while Eddie chased you. After rumors of drugs deals and scandalous sex, the fire was most definitely stoked.
Eddie shouted after you, following you all the way outside. Out there, where no one was really lingering, you turned around. There were a few tears rolling down your cheeks, and you chewed on the skin of your lip.
"Please tell me that it doesn't mean what it sounds like," you begged, stepping closer. The hurt tone of your voice sent a dagger into his chest with every word. He did this. "If you can just-" you hiccuped, "tell me that. Then we can go to the diner and we can go, we can go wherever you want. Anywhere. Just tell me that it wasn't what it sounded like."
Eddie didn't say anything. He couldn't.
He didn't have anything good enough to say.
You just watched him with tears in your eyes. It seemed like you were begging him with your eyes. He wished he had anything to tell you. It wasn't what it seemed like, or maybe it was for a good cause. But he didn't have anything.
"But," you cried, "but you said you liked me."
"I do like you," he said quickly, his voice surprisely hoarse. Being able to say something true made him spring into action. "I like you so much. I'm so sorry, I'm really so so fucking sorry, but please. Just let me make it up to you. Obviously I don't want the money, I was going to tell them it's off but I just... I didn't, I don't know why. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"What was the bet?"
"What were the terms and conditions of the bet?"
"Is that... really productive..." he trailed off when he looked at you. Eddie sighed, and looked to his feet for some kind of comfort. He found none. "Two hundred bucks for a date with any of the cheerleaders. If I fail I embarrass myself at purpose at school."
"You were right that wasn't productive," you said.
"I'm so sorry," he said, "I can still fix it."
"Do what you want. I'm going home."
"Let me take you."
"No, no... you've done plenty, thanks."
And against what he really wanted, he let you go. If you didn't want him around right now he wouldn't push it. Eddie would just have to fix this. He had a plan to woo you once, he could do it again. But this time it would be because he knows he can treat you right. He can be the guy you deserve. He would bring you flowers. He'd never hurt you.
...this was just a really bad example... that's all.
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weezerfan123 · 2 months
If you have any headcanons for sweet dirt? Like about their futures or relationships
People showing interest in the obscure rarepair I made up over a year ago is something I never could’ve imagined and I appreciate it beyond words, seriously😭💗
ANYWAY yes I think about them all the time and have so much to say about them!!
Scott definitely falls first. Sugar rolls around in dirt and puts makeup on pigs and has violent tendencies and Scott is like WOW. What a woman. When Scott has a crush, he’ll try to play it cool, or even pretend he hates Sugar, but his true feelings are painfully obvious.
If he tries to play it cool, he’ll go out of his way to hang around Sugar, making lame excuses just to be near her. He might start mimicking her interests, like rolling in the dirt alongside her or acting like he’s suddenly into pig makeup. Of course, Sugar’s suspicious, and thinks he’s only hanging around because he wants something/will backstab her eventually. It’s a bad mentality she can’t shake from her pageant days, she’s convinced anyone being nice to her is faking it.
They’d definitely develop a rivalry before they’d become any kind of friends. Wether it’s on the show, at their local county fair— in every universe, these two fight like feral animals. It’s not cutesy stuff like tripping or hair-pulling; Scott will put nails in Sugar’s driveway and Sugar will hit him on the back of the head with a steel pipe. There will be many concussions and broken noses before these two even consider becoming friends.
As their rivalry intensifies, Scott finds himself in a strange predicament. The more they clash, the more he’s drawn to Sugar. Every time she pulls some wild stunt, his respect for her only grows. Sure, she may have just stabbed him in the foot with a rusty pitchfork, but Scott can’t help but admire her strength and determination.
On the flip side, Sugar’s suspicions about Scott’s intentions only deepen as he sticks around. She’s used to people being fake nice, but Scott’s different. He’s not pretending to be sweet; he’s openly antagonistic, and for some reason, that feels more genuine to her. Even though they’re constantly at each other’s throats, Sugar starts noticing the little things—how Scott’s always around, how he never really tries to hurt her too badly, and how, despite everything, he’s weirdly consistent in her life.
Their rivalry becomes the foundation of their bond, and before they know it, they start to rely on each other in odd ways. Scott might complain about Sugar being impossible, but if anyone else messes with her, he’s the first to step in. And while Sugar might talk about how she hates his guts, she’d secretly miss their fights if he ever stopped showing up.
Eventually, the tension between them builds up to a breaking point. Maybe it’s another over-the-top brawl, where they’re both covered in mud and bruises, panting from the effort. In that moment, there’s a pause—just long enough for them to catch each other’s eye and realize that underneath all the chaos, they actually care about each other.
From there, things start to change. Their fights become less about hurting each other and more about pushing each other’s buttons in a way that only they can. It’s still a mess, but now there’s a weird, unspoken understanding between them. They’ll never admit it, but both Scott and Sugar find a certain thrill in their bizarre relationship.
Once they’re in a relationship— however the fuck they figure that out—
Scott’s love language is 100% acts of service. He’ll wake up at 5am to feed the chickens and weed the garden. When Sugar’s like why’d you do that for me Scott says “BECAUSE I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!”
He also brings Sugar home little trinkets, cool rocks, and flowers he finds out and about. He tells her “This reminded me of you FUCKFACE,” and kisses her on the cheek. He can’t give affection without being a little mean to balance it out.
Sugar, instead of getting mad, just beams at him, knowing that Scott’s bark is worse than his bite. She’s used to his rough edges and tough love, and she can see right through Scott’s attempts to hide his feelings. It’s why she likes to smother him with affection, knowing it drives him crazy.
Sugar’s love language is touch. She loves hugging Scott so hard his ribs crack and carrying him around like a sack of potatoes. She likes to kiss him all over his face until he gets embarrassed and shoves her away.
Their relationship is a mix of insults and affection, bruises and hugs, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. AND I LOVE THEM!!!!!
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exo-raskreia · 5 months
you'll probably won't see this message but i'll send it anyway lol.. i love you speak your mind about how the ichihime ship isn't that great and has all the facts to bring it show that you're right. i always felt scared to say i don't ship ichihime cuz they're are alot of shippers that can get so intense about it. i always say that ichihime is a cute ship and they have their moments(i don't feel that way at all lol) cuz i don't want to be attacked for not liking how their story played out. twitter is a scary place oml💀 and they made me sorta believe that ichiruki doesn't have any chemistry and they're just siblings when i knew in my heart like yes they do have chemistry and are the superior ship. like ichigo cares more for chad and uryuu then orihime. but since their canon, i guess their love for each other is supposed to be legit. apparently ichigo sees his mother in orihime so i don't understand why that's not a turn-off for the shippers😭so yeah thanks for making me go back in my bleach fangirl era and making my 10-year old self to not feel guilty and stupid shipping ichiruki
Wow, thanks so much, anon! And ur welcome! I will forever be on IchiRuki's side no matter what anyone says 😤.
You don't have to be scared to support what was, and still is, the most popular ship in Bleach (and rightfully so). There was no real ship war during its run (despite what the antis try to claim now), as IR was shipped by most of the fanbase. IR had everything you could hope a M/F ship to have in a battle shounen, the most solid basis for becoming canon with just one more step...and yet... (Kubo fumbled 🙄). The theories on that are interesting...
While more than half the IR fandom is no longer active after that disastrous ending, it doesn't mean they're not still out there. I've seen even non-shippers still praise IR & see it as wasted potential & whatnot (triggering antis in the process 🤭). Not being canon doesn't take away from the fact that it is still the superior ship. Anyone with reading comprehension who reads the manga will see it & wonder why they didn't end up together.
IH was never popular in Japan. It was always far below IchiRuki & UlquiHime (Ori's most popular ship 👀. Kubo achieved in ONE arc what he couldn't achieve for IH the entire manga, like-). To this day, those 2 ships get more content than the canon ships 😌.
The antis are just triggered that despite becoming canon, their ship is still. not. popular. IH doesn't have nearly as much content (both canon AND fanon) as IR & UH despite being canon for almost 10 years. Yes, Kubo himself doesn't care enough to give them even one family sketch 🫢.
Compare that to the Naruto endgame ships (mainly NaruHina & SasuSaku), which have way more official AND fan content. Those were always popular, & still are, 10 years later since becoming canon. Pro-Bleach ED fans love to compare their ships with Naruto's yet are nowhere near as popular.
The IH's really thought they would get the NaruHina royal treatment after the ending (you know, like a movie, official drawings from the creator, interviews saying they were meant to be, merch, etc.), but instead only got a novel that wasn't even focused on them (Ren/Ruki is more popular than IH but mainly because of Rukia 🤣), which vaguely went over their so-called "development" & had chicken scratches a rough draft of a sketch for their ship 🫢. Kubo also said in an interview that IH tried dating in college once but then broke up, later getting back together at some point. Super vague. And mind you, all this happened AFTER Rukia's wedding 🫢👀. So, we can only guess what was going through Ichigo's mind- Doesn't sound like Ichigo was all that interested, huh? Yet the IH's claim he was madly in love with her & "came back to life for her" & whatnot. Almost 10 years later & Kubo still can't be clear on when Ichigo supposedly started to "fall" for Ori despite being his "intended" endgame 💀.
The WDKALY novel has such OOC content on there, like it can't be taken seriously. Apparently, Kubo barely had any involvement with it anyway? Those sketches he drew sure are telling, esp if he calls his drawings here as a "rough draft" 💀
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"Chicken scratches" for the canon ships, fr 😭.
RR is another dumpster fire but also more meh for me so I don't have to delve into that one, however, here's a post I once made where I go over why I don't truly believe Renji had feelings for Rukia. Meanwhile, Rukia's sad expression on the novel cover & the sketch of heading to the altar with a scared expression (not even when she was headed to her own execution did she look like THAT) say it all anyway 🫢.
Oh, man, there's just so much to make fun of for the canon ships. Even when we lose, we still win. IH's have no content, so maybe that's why they're so bitter & IR & its shippers still live in their minds rent-free despite them calling it a "dead ship". You would think they'd happily enjoy their canon ship & yet... They get triggered whenever IR fanart garners thousands of likes on Twitter 😩...
So, anon, I suggest not to engage with antis, esp on platforms like Twitter & Reddit. They're cesspools full of dudebros & loud IH's. Ignore, block, &/or mute them. No need to try arguing with them & please do NOT cater to them. Do NOT give them the validation they don't even get from Kubo himself, nor his affiliates (LMFAO). Use that energy to look for other fellow IR's & enjoy IR content (and maybe anti-IH content in the right places; you can explore that tag on my blog if u wish 🤪).
As an old saying in this fandom went, "Keep Calm & Ship IchiRuki."
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year
If you are do fic requests, can you do one with Simon meeting Ice king(ours, not WK)?
Ice King doesn't know how long he's been sitting on the floor, crying his eyes out as one does when sitting on the floor. Honestly, if you're on the floor, and you're not crying your eyes out, then you're not maximizing use of the floor. But so yeah, he's sitting there, and it must've been awhile because Gunter wandered off already, and he's all alone in the room.
Or he should have been. But he hears footsteps. It's not the slappity slap slap of Gunther, which means... Oh! Does he have a guest? Someone came to visit old Ice King? Could it be his princess has come home at last?
He lifts his head, a grin crossing his face. But it's not the lovely visage of Princess Bubblegum or Wildberry Princess or Turtle Princess or any princess. It's not even Finn who was like his third guess... okay fine, fourth! ... Fifth actually... Whatever. It's not him. It's not a princess. It's just some nerd, with his glasses and his tweed suit and his single streak of grey hair.
"What? Did you get lost looking for the geek convention?" Ice King sneers. "Can't you see I'm busy wallowing in despair? Scram! This place is for princesses only!"
The nerd looks at him for a very long time. It's preeeetty weird. And rude! Really, does this guy have no manners? Who barges into people's places and just does whatever he wants, huh? Freaks. Weirdos. Absolute lunatics.
Frowning harder, Ice King readies a freeze spell. He's just about to launch it when the nerd finally makes his move.
"Sorry, Ice King, I didn't mean to disturb your... I didn't mean to interrupt you," the nerd says, squatting down. "I'm not... exactly lost... But I'm stuck here for now, and I hope you don't mind company."
Ice King blinks. Like this, this nerdy guy is at eye level with him. Ice King doesn't have to keep looking up, like a bug waiting to get squashed. He tries to remember if anyone has ever met him where he's at before. It's kinda nice.
"Wait, you wanna stay with me?" Ice King stops. Wait. Jay T Dogzone says that looking needy drives chicks away. That could also apply to random nerds that pop into his house. So Ice King coughs into his fist, looking away. "I mean, I'm like the most popular guy around. I gotta check my schedule to make sure I'm free."
Ice King gets to his feet, pretending to search his sleeves for a notebook. He pulls out a stale sandwhich, with hints of mold around the edges. Eh. Close enough. He flips the sandwhich open, running a finger down a crusty slice of cheese like it's got a list of names.
Out the corner of his eyes, Ice King watches the nerdy guy stand back up. "Okay, you do that. I can make us some lunch. How does chicken soup sound to you?"
Ice King drops his sandwhich as he turns around to face the nerdy guy. "You can make chicken soup??"
The nerdy guy smiles, and okay. Maybe Ice King was a little too judgy. For a nerd, he has a pretty nice smile - it's a nicer expression than he's used to seeing, that's for sure.
"It's my favorite soup. It's a cure all for whenever I need to feel better."
Yeah. That makes sense to Ice King. But... "I don't know... I'm on this diet... I can't go ruining my hot summer bod."
The nerdy guy sighs the way Marcy sometimes sighs whenever she talks to him. But he doesn't look ready to shout or yell at him. No, nerdy guy keeps that soft look on his face. Actually, the look gets a little softer. Man, if Ice King had a look like that, he'd be mobbed by princesses.
"I can put in a lot of veggies. You can stick to your diet. Don't you worry about a thing."
Wow. That's just so nice. Ice King squints at him. There must be catch. "Waaait, I know your game, mister nerdy guy."
To his credit, the nerdy guy has the poker face of a mountain. "I am almost certain that you don't."
But it's too late. Ice King connected the dots. "The suit. The charming smile. The affable conversation. You're a door to door salesman!"
The nerdy guy snorts.
"You can't fool me! I see through your salesman schemes! Well, I'm not buying whatever you're hawking! Go bother someone else!"
The nerdy guy continues to stay put. "Okay, you got me. I'm a door to door salesman."
Ice King gasps. "I knew it!!!"
"You're very clever, Ice King. But you don't have to buy anything from me. Just listen to my sales pitch over a nice bowl of chicken soup. That doesn't sound too bad, right?"
Ice King wrinkles his nose. "You can try. But I have the mind of a fox! You won't get a dime from me!"
Then he shoves past the nerdy guy towards the kitchen. That guy must be really behind his quota because he follows Ice King despite his ruined sales schemes. And to his credit, the guy does make him chicken soup. Ice King didn't even realize that he had all the ingredients. But he does vaguely remembers Marceline stopping by some time ago, and dropping off a bunch of paper bags.
The nerdy guy may be terrible at his job, but he cooks a decent soup. And Ice King patiently waits for his sales pitch but the guy starts talking about random stories - good stories too.
"You're pretty funny for a nerd," Ice King announces. "I like the story where you swallowed a bug on accident! That one's my favorite."
"I figured you would," the nerdy guy replies as he collects their empty bowls.
"Are you leaving? Already?" The Ice King sits up. He was feeling all warm and cozy from all that chicken soup (with lots of veggies as promised). But now, panic seizes him like he hoped a woman would one day - hard and sharp and taking his breath away. "You can't! You haven't sold me anything!"
The nerdy guy shakes his head. "No, no, no. I'm just cleaning up."
"Oh..." Ice King slumps. After that shot of adrenaline, he now feels all sorts of tired.
The nerdy guy comes closer, to loop an arm around Ice King's shoulders. "Hey, if you need to take a nap or something, I won't mind."
Oh, a nice touch. Yes, this is nice. It's kinda like a hug, even if this nerdy guy is taking him somewhere. Is he about get kidnapped? Or locked in the closet? Held for ransom? Well, joke's on him! No one would pay out for Ice King.
He likes the kind-of hug though. He giggles softly to himself. His spine is all tingly and the nerdy guy is just so warm. So he lets himself be taken to wherever this nerd wants - which is apparently the bedroom. Oh. OH!
As if reading his mind, the nerdy guy rolls his eyes. "No, you need rest. When was the last time you slept through the night?"
"Oh, so you're into that, huh?" Ice King waggles his eyebrows. "Hey no shame here! You like what you like! Here, I can set the stage for you!"
Ice King flaps himself over the bed, settling in. He catches the nerdy guy pinch his brow before he firmly closes his eyes.
"How in the world did I survive this long acting like this?" He hears the guy mutter to himself.
Ice King doesn't know what he means but he's patient. He's sure everything will work out. Except then he hears footsteps going out the room. His eyes snap open.
"Hey, wait a minute! I thought we were gonna do some fun stuff! Where you going?" Realization strikes him like a bolt of lightning. He flies out of the bed and tackles the nerdy guy.
They both go crashing to the floor. The nerdy guy shouts as he barely avoids hitting his head.
"You're gonna rob me, aren't you? This was just an elaborate scheme to take all my worldly possessions and also my Guntie!"
"Ice King, get off!"
Ice King grabs hold of the guy's collar, shaking him. "You can't have him! You can do anything you want to me-"
"And I'm sure you's like that-"
"But not to my Guntie!"
"Ice King!" The nerdy guy manages to pry Ice King's hands off him, using his leg as leverage push him away. "How are you so strong when you've got the muscles of an anorexic teenager? Geez!"
"Hey!" Now that's just uncalled for. Ice King pulls himself away to flex his arms. "I'll have you know that I have a rock solid bod. Check out these guns!"
The nerdy guy groans. With Ice King no longer pinning him down, he sits up and cradles his face in his hands. "Honestly, what am I doing? There's no reaching him. It's impossible!"
Tch. Okay. Weirdo. What nonsense is he talking about now? Ice King turns away as clearly, no one is appreciating a masterpiece when they see one. Actually, isn't it about time for another workout? When wast the last time he lifted weights? Two hours ago? Two weeks? He better get on it.
He gets to his home gym and starts searching for his dumbbells. It's like those things grow feet whenever he's not looking. As he searches through his scattered stuff, he sees the nerdy guy walk into the room.
"Oh, you're still here? Man, you got nowhere to go or what? Are you homeless, is that it?"
The nerdy guy is staring at him again, not answering. Ice King wrinkles his nose. Seriously, what is this guy's damage? Hmph. He goes back to rooting through his piles of weights, tangled jump ropes, and other assorted exercise tools. Wait. What was he looking for again?
"Are you happy, Ice King?"
"No," he replies because that's an easy question - easier than figuring out what the hay he was looking for, at least. "Sometimes, I get very sad, and I don't know why."
Then Ice King looks at the nerdy guy and now he gets to staring at him. He's not young - man, check out those wrinkles, and that suit has seen better days. Did he get into a wrestling match wearing that? And he just looks wiped out - look at those arms and legs - skinnier than a chicken bone. Ah. That's it.
"You're homeless, ain't you? You got fired from your job and now you're depressed. I see how it is." Ice King nods. "You came to the right place! I know a thing or two about picking yourself up after a good cry. Just stick with me and you learn something!"
The nerdy guy blinks. "That's almost nice of you."
"I mean, you just look so pathetic. It's kinda hard not to offer."
The nerdy guy snorts. "Thanks, Ice King."
"I know just the thing to help!" He flies out of the room, towards his den.
He finally got the TV working again after Gunther broke the screen. The picture isn't the best, a little less saturated, but that's fine. He doesn't need high definition TV to watch his soaps.
Like before, the nerdy guy has no trouble finding him as he searches through his tapes. He's got quite the collection. He doesn't know how got so much but he sure has a lot. He gestures at the nerdy guy to sit on the couch - it's a couch made of ice but it's good for some binge watching.
Ice King scoops up a bunch of tapes and pops one in the VHS player before settling nice and cozy next to the nerdy guy. It's pretty sweet to have someone warm to cuddle with. Sometimes, Marceline stops by and sits with him for a little while, but she's not very warm at all. That makes his chest hurt for some reason. He thinks Marceline should have all the warmth in the world. Heck, he should introduce this guy to her. They could become good friends and he can stop squatting at his place.
... Maybe later...
Right now, this guy is just letting him snuggle and Ice King will take what he can get. Again, it's like the nerdy guy reads his mind because he shifts a bit so Ice King can fully lean on him. Wow. This is great. This is what - first tier? But that's okay. Every tier is special and good.
Sometime between episodes of Full House, the Golden Girls, and finally Cheers, Ice King nods off. When he wakes up, he's alone on the couch with a blanket tucked around him. The TV is still on but now there's a brick through the screen. Ice King gasps as he sees a shameless Gunther standing next to the scene of his crime. He immediately sits up but before he can say the first word of his lecture, he shivers a little.
That's a little weird. He doesn't get cold. But... He gets the distinct sense that for good couple hours - maybe even half a day - he was warm.
Ice King shakes his head, lifting himself all the way off his couch. "Gunther! What have I told you about the TV? Stop messing with my stuff!"
"Enough of your sass! Hey, don't you walk away from me!"
Several decades into the future, Simon sits by a window overlooking the Candy Kingdom. Marceline hovers behind him, one hand reaching out but never quite touching.
"Are you sure you're okay? I've told Bonnie to be more careful with her experiments!"
Simon shrugs. "Oh, don't worry about it, Marcy. I'm okay. It was just a little time displacement."
Marcy only frowns harder. "And where did you go anyways?"
Simon grabs hold of her hanging hand, squeezing her fingers gently. "I got to meet the Ice King, face to face, in all his glory."
Marcy makes a full body wince. "Oh, that's rough. Do we need to schedule an extra session with Minerva?"
Simon chuckles, shaking his head. "No, in fact, I'm feeling a bit better. Ice King was a troublesome guy, but he... He was just a guy. He could be nice in all the ways he could be mean."
Marcy breathes out slowly, squeezing Simon's hand back. "And... And you didn't..."
Simon shakes his head slowly. "No... I thought about it. The whole time I was there. I could yell and scream at him, just really let him have it. But I think... I think I've been angry at him for long enough."
Marcy has no reply to this, simply drags him close for a hug. Simon falls into her embrace, something tender and sweet and just a little hurt settling between his lungs. It's the ache of a sore limb after a long workout, muscle fibers stretching and snapping into something stronger.
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kymanitaylorsversion · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Incorrect Quotes but Make it Vine
Adam: *Sliding down the stair rails* You're all going to hell, bye
Random "bad boy": *vaping*
Nifty: wooow
Lucifer at rubber duckies: Wow, look at all those chickens
Sir Pentious: *dancing to take me on then turns around*(braces girl vine)
Angel Dust: How much money do you have?
Sir Pentious: 69 cents
Angel Dust: oh, you know what that means
Sir Pentious: *teary-eyed* I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets
Charlie trying to do team building exercises: Angel has 19 bottles of dish soap and he gives Vaggie-
Sir Pentious: Why does Angel have so many bottles of soap?
Adam: Alright, Charlie[class] you can do[be] anything you want
Charlie: I wanna bring sinners to heaven[be the president]
Adam: Aw, Charlie try a little bit smaller things
Alastor: *runs up to charlie*
Charlie: Daddy?
Husker to Angel Dust: Has anyone ever told you you look like Beyonce?
Angel Dust: nah they usually tell me I look like Angel
Husker: Who the fuck is that?
Angel Dust: Me, ni-
Charlie: *singing* Oh yeah, wait a minute Mr. Podcast Man[postman]
Alastor going along with her shenanigans: *vocalizing* oooohoh yeah
Angel Dust: pinkywinky boom boom dance *starts shaking ass*
Angel Dust: Then in here, 2 shots of vodka *pours a half the bottle*
Charlie about Husk and Angel: *on the phone with Lucifer* And they were roomates!
Vox watching through his TVs: omg they were roomates
Alastor: *throws a frisbee towards the highway*
Lucifer: wHaT tHe FuCk, Alastor
Angel Dust venting in his room to Fat Nuggets about Valentino: GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING MONEY *throws doll against the wall*
Sir Pentious in that one song: oh hi, thanks for checking in on me, I'm ✨still a piece garbaaaage✨
Angel Dust: I'm being abused at work by Valentino[I spilled lipstick in your Valentino Bag]
Charlie: You're whawhawhawha being abused at work by Valentino?![You whawhawhawha spilled lipstick in my Valentino white bag]
Sir Pentious doing karaoke for one of Charlie's team building activities: till i cant no more, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOOOOR
Angel Dust: *tries to work*
Valentino: *punches him*
Angel Dust: ah, fuck, I can't believe you've done this
Charlie: Hey, I'm lesbian
Lucifer: I thought you were from hell[American]
Charlie trying to help Angel Dust ascend: There's only one thing worse than a (r-word)ist *pulls back paper*
Angel Dust: A child.
Charlie: No.
Adam when Charlie proposed for sinners to go to heaven: No off-topic questions. Because I don't want to. No. Denied. That's an off-topic question. You have been stopped.
Lucifer: They are my rubber duckies[crocs]!
Husker singing Loser Baby: *Pours a box of Life cereal and lemons fall out* well, when life gives you lemons
Angel Dust venting about Valentino: *beating up stuffed moth[elmo]* FUCKING DUMB ASS BITCH VALENTINO[elmo] I FUCKING HATE YOU
Lute when Adam died: Ms. Kesha? Ms. Kesha? Oh my fucking god she fucking dead
Angel Dust: Don't tell your mother
Husker: Kiss one another
Alastor every time he almost dies: *disappears* I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
*The other hotel members casually taking a photo*
Charlie: Everybody say Hazbin Hotel[Colorado]
Sir Pentious: *comes from out of nowhere* I'M A GIRAFFE
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ashenpumpkin · 9 months
And today in hebrew facts, some deranged slang Eser (literally means 10)- awesome, great
Pitzootz(explosion) - cool, awesome Ptzazot lagabot(Bombs to the eyebrows) -really cool, really awesome. Old slang tho Satoom(plugged, clogged) - (an) idiot Sachut(squeezed, as in for juice) - drained, tired Kvetch(crumple. as in the result of crumpling something up) - usually used for saying you generally feel unwell with nothing specifcially wrong Chaval al hazman(Shame on (your) time)- means either really cool and awesome, or really shitty and bad. judge by the tone Sof Haderech(end of the road) -really cool/awesome Al Hapanim(on the face) -bad, awful Chai B'seret(lives in a movie) - acting unrealisticly, having unrealistic expectations Jook ba-rosh(a cockroach in the head)- a crazy idea/a crazy opinion Kor Klavim(dog cold) - it's really cold out Be’shu’shu- doing something quietly or secretly behind the scenes without notifying anyone Laavod Shachor(working black)- working off the books, not paying taxes Beten Gav(stomach, back) - a time of relaxation, all you do is turning back and forth. mostly used for resorts/beach Boker tov Eliyahu (Good morning, Eliyahu)- you finally woke up, huh? Gilita et America (You discovered america)- Wow! Tell me something I don’t know. Ma ani, ez? (What am i, a goat?)- Protesting against unequal treatment or being invisible. Sometimes used ironically. Of mechubas( chicken that has been laundered)- bland chicken, sometimes borrowed for bland food overall Sof ha’olam smola(At the world's end, turn left) - the middle of nowhere Bo...(Come...)- you took it too far, you got carried away, this is absurd. either calling out a lie or pointing out an unreasonable behavior Kfotz li (Jump for me/to me) - fuck you i don't care what you think or something along those lines. Lenacker(to poke, like a woodpekcer)- to be really tried that your head bobs up and down Tzahov(yellow) - either gossip, or somenoe who does a lot more then what is expect of him, the latter meaning is purely in the army Paor(Gaped, gaper)- Someone in shock in a new enviorment, someone who hasn't adapted yet and doesn't know how things work Af Al Atzmo(flies on himself)- thinks he's a big shot, or really good/important, usually used in the context he's not Lemakbel(paralallelise) - to date several people at the same time until you choose who you like best Ma Haloz(what's the schedule?)- what are you doing? what is happening?? Ani Peepee(i'm pee)- i'm laughing so hard i'm almost peeing Ledafdef(flipping through pages)- telling someone to open a new page, usually a bit dismissive of the person's feelings yaziz(a fwb)- a combination of the word for not close friend and the word for fucking. Lila lavan(white night) - staying up all night Hofer(digger) - someone who talks a lot Tochen maim(milling water) - doing pointless work, having a pointless prolonged conversation Cus Ima Shelcha(your mom's pussy)- A curse word, pretty much equal to “fuck you”. Variants include “Your sister’s vagina”, “your grandmother’s vagina” and many more. i usually go "Your mom's and sister's pussy"
Zyin Ba'ayin(a dick in the eye)- Sort of like a general curse, like “fuck”, or to tell people off. Mashtin bakir(peeing against a wall)- calling someone a dog[derogatory] Mashehu mashehu(something something)- amazing, very good, extraordinary Tahoon(minced/ground)- very rich Rosh Cachol(blue head)- seeing everything in a sexual context. related is that porn movies are sometimes called 'blue movies' Yoshev al kotzim(sitting on spikes)- restless, full of energy, hyperactive Noladeta ba'otobus?(were you born on the bus?)- used when someone doesn't close the door behind them Ochel sratim(eating films/movies)- worried about a single thing, imagining various unlikely repercussions Mekalef avocado bachoshech(peeling acovados in the dark)- he's gay Achal ota(ate her/it)- When someone experiences an unlucky event. When someone is screwed. Matzav capit(Spoon stage)- When you laugh so hard suddenly everything becomes funny. even something like the word 'spoon' Safam Bar Mitzvah(Bar Mitzvah Mustache)- a shitty patchy mustache/facial hair, like a 13 yo boy trying to say he's grown up. Lo meaa(not 100)- something's off about him, he's dumb, he's confused Lo ha chips hachi crispy bakeara(not the crispiest fry in the bowl)- see Lo meaa Lo ha iparon hachi mechodad bakalmar(not the sharpest pencil in your pencilbag)- see Lo meaa Lo afoi ad hasof(not baked all the way)- see lo meaa Lo hakinder hachi beuno(not the most beuno kinder)- see Lo meaa Srita/sarut(scratched/a scratch)- a quirk, or if more serious: emotional scarring or trauma of some sort. sometimes used as 'scratched in the brain' Sak kemach(bag of flower)- a piggy back ride Para para(cow cow)- doing one thing at a time Lo (x) ve lo na'alaim(not X and not shoes)- Replying with extra emphasis that someone/something is not as it seems or that it won't happen Dati lefi da'ati(religious by my opinion)- someone who claims they're religious but breaks the laws of the religious often/doens't act like it
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peachy-panic · 1 year
Luke and Sebastian Walk Into A Bar
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @hold-him-down !!! Here is this absolute chaos spin-off/crossover event.
NOTE: The characters of Luke Bennett and Leo Evans are entirely Holdy's. I am just borrowing them to play in our shared most-non-canon cinematic universe. Also, our world building details don't always align so adjustments have been made & rules don't count here.
WARNINGS: BBU/BBU-adjacent, alcohol, talk of sexual content, heavy talks of slavery, asshole politicians
“Vodka soda.” Sebastian saddles up to the last seat at the bar, putting the most distance possible between himself and the next patron. 
The place is a dive; dimly lit and underpopulated, both of which are characteristics he actively sought out. It’s been a stressful, exhausting forty-eight hours in Washington D.C., and his social meter has all but depleted. This seems as good a place as any to blow of steam.
Under the bar, he pulls out his phone and types a message. 
Early flight tomorrow. Can’t wait to be home. Everything good?
As usual, the reply comes almost immediately. 
J: everything is good. we are watching a movie. ezra taught me how to sous vide chicken. 
Before Sebastian can type out his response, his phone buzzes again. 
J: I’m glad you’ll be home soon.
Something swells in his chest in the way he’s becoming accustomed to when Jaime decides to say the most casual thing that takes an emotional baseball bat to his heart. He shoots off another message, telling Jaime to sleep well and that he’ll see him in the morning.
Just as he is slipping his phone back into his pocket, a man settling in across the bar catches his eye. Not to be a cliche, but the tall-dark-handsome combination has always done it for Sebastian, and this guy is certainly no exception to the rule.
Their gazes meet just long enough for them to acknowledge each other and… Well, this wasn’t exactly the kind of stress relief he had in mind for tonight, but Sebastian isn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
Sebastian doesn't consider himself to be particularly good at flirting, even with the crutch of alcohol, but he has learned to navigate this sort of interaction with enough poise to get by. Usually. It was a learned skill, born out of necessity; if you’re going to restrict all intimate interaction in your life to anonymous strangers from a bar, you’ve got to get good at picking them up. 
Still, it’s been a while. Casual sex hasn’t been a big part of his life since Jaime came into the picture, and Sebastian is rusty.
The bartender places his drink in front of him, and Sebastian knocks it back in three long swigs. He slides off of his stool and saunters over to the empty seat beside the stranger.
“Anyone sitting here?” he asks. 
The man angles slightly toward him on his barstool. His dark brown eyes cast a look of approval over Sebastian and a small smile flicks up the corner of his mouth.
“Just you,” he says. 
Still got it, baby. 
“So,” Sebastian tries after a beat of not-entirely-comfortable silence. “You come here often?”
Okay, so maybe he is rusty after all. The handsome stranger raises an eyebrow.
“Zero points for originality.”
“Sorry,” Sebastian says. “I’m usually not this bad at flirting with strangers.”
This earns him a smile Sebastian chooses to read as amused. “Is that what you’re doing?”
“Trying to? I’m not usually this sober when I attempt it.”
“That, I can help with. What are you drinking?”
“What’s that?” Sebastian asks, pointing to the man’s drink. 
He grimaces. “Nevermind. I’ll take a vodka soda.”
The man waves down the bartender with the air of someone who has been here before. When Sebastian has his drink in hand, he angles his stool toward the stranger. “I’m Sebastian,” he says.
Something hesitant flickers over his expression, just a fleeting moment, before he turns to him with an outstretched hand. “Luca.”
“Wow, a handshake, huh?” Sebastian can’t help but chuckle, even as he meets the firm grip with his own. 
A sheepish smile graces his expression.  “Sorry. Hard to get out of the professional headspace sometimes.”
“What do you do?”
Luca studies him for a moment, eyes darting over his face in search of… something. Finally, he says, “I’m in politics.”
“Ah.” Sebastian nods. “Should have guessed.”
“What about you?”
Sebastian’s fingers tense slightly around his glass. He briefly entertains the idea of concocting a fake backstory on the fly, but promptly remembers he’s a nervous liar and defaults to the simplest truth.
“I’m a doctor,” he says.
“Oh. Wow.”
“Don’t sound so surprised.”
“I’m not,” Luca lies, then concedes to a guilty smile. “It’s just… you look young is all.”
“Thanks. Pretty soon I think they’re going to let me upgrade from safety scissors in the OR. If I’m really good.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh, he’s quick with the jokes, too. What kind of medicine are you in?”
Well, this is one way to kill a mood fast. “Shop talk isn’t exactly what I was hoping for tonight,” he says. 
The glass pauses halfway to Luca’s lips. He cocks an eyebrow. “And what, exactly, are you looking for?”
Now they’re getting somewhere. 
“Depends. What are you offering?”
“Depends,” he echoes. “How much have you had to drink?” 
Sebastian smirks. “If you’re into playing daddy, you could have just said so,” he flirts, and the words surprise even him coming out of his mouth. Maybe he hasn’t forgotten how to do this, after all. 
It earns a surprised laugh. “How old do you think I am, exactly?”
“I’m not saying you’re my daddy,” Sebastian argues. “Theoretically, you could have a baby at home. Or maybe you had kids young. I don’t know your life.”
“Well, I didn’t,” Luca drawls. “And I don’t.”
“No kids,” Sebastian repeats. “What I’m hearing is… your place is empty?” 
This… does not get the reaction he was hoping for. Luca's smile drops a bit, eyes averting to the bar. 
“Oh,” Sebastian backtracks, sobering slightly. “I—Sorry, did I misread this? Oh god, please don’t tell me you have a wife.”
“I’m not married,” he assures him. “Definitely not to a woman. It’s just… my place. It’s not…”
Sebastian levels him with an appraising gaze. “I’m trying to decide if you're hiding a body or a rare Barbie collection." Luca flushes slightly and Sebastian decides to take pity on him. “Lucky for you, my hotel is three blocks away.”
Luca swallows down the rest of his drink and flags down the check. 
As with every hot, steamy rendezvous, their night takes a brief interlude at a 7/11. 
At this hour on a Friday night, the cast of characters includes one miserable cashier, a man reciting bible verses under his breath on a loop, and a gaggle of stumbling-drunk college kids. Sebastian’s eyes catch on one of the latter: a boy with blond curls and thin wrists protruding from his cuffed sleeves. For just a moment, at just the right angle before he turns, Sebastian sees a flash of Jaime, and the comparison sends a shockwave through his gut. 
In another life, that could be him; laughing with his friends on a Friday night, arm slung around a girl with blue streaks in her hair, being slightly too loud in a public space. 
It should be him. He should be here, living a normal, happy life, not holed up in Sam and Ezra’s guest room, waiting for the owner of his contract to come home. 
“Next in line.” The cashier’s voice pulls him back to the present, and Sebastian blinks, realizing he’s suddenly a little more sober and a lot less horny than he was a minute earlier. 
They lay their items on the counter—a three-pack of condoms, travel sized lube, and two bottles of water—and both pull out their wallets to pay. 
“On me,” Luca says, pushing forward a silver Amex.  
“Chivalry isn’t dead,” Sebastian cheeks, trying to nudge them back toward the path of flirtation instead of depressive-crisis-in-a-convenience-store. 
It almost works, too, until they step outside and a voice calls out:
“Senator Luke Bennett.” 
Beside him, Luca stiffens. A man appears in front of them. He casts a look to the condoms and lube in the transparent bag, to Sebastian, then back at Luke. A smirk edges up his mouth and—wait. 
Sorry. Did he just say senator?
“Is your boy not doing it for you anymore?” The man’s breath smells of liquor and mint when he leans too close. “I hear WRU has a good return policy for unsatisfactory performance.”
Suddenly, the senator bombshell doesn’t feel all that important. Sebastian takes a step back, watching the image of the attractive stranger warp before his eyes. 
“You have a contract?” he asks. 
“Ooo,” the man chuckles. “Didn’t mean to stir the pot.”
“No, Richard, that doesn’t sound like you at all.” Senator Luca is all ice. 
“I’ll leave you to it.” Richard backs off with both hands raised and a smile firmly in place. “My best to Leo.”
Luke watches him retreat with cold steel in his eyes. When he’s gone, he turns to Sebastian, halfway through an apology.  “Listen, I—”
“You have a fucking contracted worker at home?” Sebastian cuts in. “That’s why we couldn’t go back to your place?”
The look on his face is all the answer he needs.
“Jesus,” Sebastian scoffed. “I would have preferred a wife. God, I don’t know what I expected. I guess when-in-Washington, you’ve got to screen your hookups a little better. One, are you a conservative? Two, are you a fucking senator? Three, do you support the literal modern day slave trade?”
Luke’s jaw is cut in a way that might have been hot before Sebastian knew a few key details. He lifts his chin, keeping his voice infuriatingly even.
“I am in the public eye,” he says. “I have never been shy about my stance firmly against the system.”
“That’s one hell of a mixed signal you’re sending.”
And… okay. Sure. Sebastian is being a little bit hypocritical. But his situation… it’s different. Right? And highly unlikely that he just so happened to stumble upon a high ranking government official who just so happens to own a contract out of system resistance. 
“I don’t expect you to understand,” Luke says. “But I also can’t fault you for being angry. I’m glad you are. It means you’re one of the good ones. That being said…” He throws a half-hearted wave with the hand not holding a bag of condoms and lube. “It was nice meeting you.”
He’s a few steps down the sidewalk when something possesses Sebastian to call after him. 
“What does that make you?” he says.
Luke stops.
“If I’m one of the good ones,” Sebastian repeats. “What does that make you?”
He turns back to Sebastian, and the honest look of sadness in his eyes catches him off guard.
“I try to be good for him,” he says. "I do my best."
And Sebastian knows he should let it go and walk away, but he hears himself respond anyway. “Yeah, you and every other prick who thinks they’re doing these people a favor. I know how that goes. I see it every day, what that kind of ‘goodness’ does to them.”
Luke’s brow furrows. Sebastian’s brain catches up to his mouth a few seconds too late.
“What do you mean you see it every day?”
“I…” Sebastian scrubs a hand over his mouth, “You know what? Never mind.” He steps around him, making a beeline for his hotel. This time, it’s Luke who calls after him. 
Sebastian waits. Luke lowers his voice, closing the distance again. “Do you…?” His mouth shapes and reshapes a few attempts at words. “Are you in resistance work?”
Is it really a lie to leave out part of the truth? As long as the part you do say is still true? Probably best to go for avoidance altogether. 
“If I was,” Sebastian says, “I probably wouldn’t run and tell the first government representative I meet.”
Something like recognition flashes in Luke's eyes. “You’re in town for the supply trade. A group of medical resistance workers were planning to network in the city this week.”
Sebastian takes a step back. He’s struck with the sudden paralyzing fear that federal agents were about to pop around the corner and drag him away. 
“How do you know that?” he whispers.
“I…” Luke begins. “I know someone who does some work in that area. When he can.”
Sebastian crosses his arms. “Public opposition is one thing,” he says. “Knowledge of illegal action against the system is another, Senator.”
Finally, a bit of the hardness in his expressions gives way to a smile. 
“Then I guess we know where my allegiances lie.”
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Hello! I hope you’re having a great day , I’d like to be paired up with Genshin impact.
Please , don’t pair me with anyone that’s a teenager ….
I’m a 21 year old female who prefers being indoors rather then being outdoors , I’m more introverted , but whenever I’m with my friends , i just have a massive confidence boost .
I’m not usually the one who interacts with people , people interact with me when we first start a conversation and I usually just listen and perhaps give a few comments here and there.
While I am more than ready to pick a fight with anyone that tries to hurt my friends , I also chicken out . I’m fairly good at encouraging people and pep talks and advice . I’m loyal and smart , but I can also brag a bit and I’m not exactly a good teacher …
I also happen to not really smile a lot and have a resting bitch face so people naturally avoid me .
I’m sensitive to loud sounds and sometimes light whenever it happens to strike my eyes directly. ( though I think that’s natural)I’m sensitive to insults since I’ve received a lot of them growing up .
I tend to do origami and piano , sometimes I write purely indulgent fanfics I also do tennis sometimes . I’ll also go to the shopping mall with my friends but I usually don’t buy anything they have to buy me something since I’m too shy to actually nab a piece of clothing. I also like naps.
I can draw pretty well and I’ve managed to make like 400 origami flowers in a day ,( I’m surprised there isn’t a paper shortage….) I’m fairly good at straw weaving and prefer soft yarns when I do make a scarf. And my piano is good!
I prefer a s/o that’s honest, nice , and willing to display affection , it doesn’t have to be outside but affection is wanted for me.
I really don’t like a s/o that’s rude or teasing and distant .
Thanks for reading this! Have a nice Day/evening/Night!
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` . < Genshin Impact No.1~! > . '
A/N: make sure not to look at the tags or youll spoil it by the x reader!!! hello anonie! Hope you're having a grea tday as well :) man, making this made me realize that genshin only has like... Seven men?! Right?? Am i forgetting someome.. Cuz doesnt liyue only have zhonglie and inazuma only have ayato? Someone correct me if im wrong but. Wow. Genshin has a shortage of men.
Anyway, for the grand reveal, I match you up with....
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` . < Baizhu~! > . '
A/N: was debating between him and zhongli but i thinm baizhu would be more interested in the fact that you like to weave and do origami more than zhongli. Anyway, I hope you were satisfied with this! This might be a bit ooc, I don't know a ton about baizhu
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Most of the time you guys hangout you guys probably just go on a walk or maybe on a picnic, something simple like that
Though if you guys ever go shopping he will probably buy you a bunch of stuff like yarn maybe it paper
He might even start weaving himself after hanging out with you
He admires your protective side and understands it when you chicken out
If youre ever defending him, he'll probably give you a pat on the head and say that he appreciates it but he can handle it and you don't need to get physical
At random times he'll pop up at you're place and show you something he learned from you like an origami flower or a sraw hat, hoping that you'll crack a smile
He's always there to comfort you if you ever get insulted and probably shoos the rude person off
I don't think he'd be the most affectionate person naturally but if you ask he will definitely give you as much affection as you need
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angiezidler205 · 7 months
I Love You fourth try
(Rocko tried confessing again at the diner but the chameleon brothers interrupted him by teasing him to where Rocko denied his love for Norbert.)
So Chokey Chicken didn't allow any pets, but Rocko heard that there's a small diner that allows pets to eat, as long as they behave and not eat anyone else's food. Rocko drove to the exact address for the diner and noticed how familiar it looked. “Les jumeaux? Huh. The Twins?”, Rocko said as he got down with Spunky and Norbert. Norbert looked at the inside and noticed so many people were there chatting up a storm. “I see some pets in there. Guess this is the place?”, Norbert said as he noticed some dogs sitting by the table and cats sitting by the cat tree. They both walked inside with Spunky and all eyes stared at them. Rocko felt nervous about the eyes until the chameleon brothers came into view. “Welcome! To Les Jumeaux! Table for two? Or one?”, Chuck asked, while Leon looked at Norbert. Leon then circled around Norbert, “Ooooh Matching shirts? I can see that our little Rocko has a new boyfriend!”. Rocko felt his face heat up, “U-Uhh.”. Chuck smirked, “You didn't tell us that he's a cutie!”. Norbert felt a bit uncomfortable but smiled, “It’s nice to meet you two.”. Chuck smiled, “I'm Chuck and this is my brother Leon. We're the Chameleon Twins. Hard to tell.”. Leon laughed, “Yes. Very hard to tell which is which! And you are?”. Norbert held out his hand, “Norbert. Norbert Beaver.”. The twins shook his hand and smiled, “Oooh so soft. Very soft hands. I'm sure Rocko enjoys those hands, yes?”. Rocko covered his face embarrassed and groaned, “Can we get a table for two please?”. The brothers nodded, “Yes yes right away! We get you the Best seat in the house!!”. 
They held Norbert close and took him to a small booth. Rocko followed behind and felt even more stressed out because of them teasing. Once they sat down, with Spunky on a high chair, the twins gave them a menu and pointed at some of the specials. “We have the famous spaghetti with meatballs, some pizza, waffles, burgers and hotdogs! Since you two are dating you can get spaghetti!”, Leon suggested. Chuck elbowed Rocko, “That'll give you a chance to smooch smooch!”. The brothers laughed and Rocko felt his face heat up more. Leon then pointed at the hotdog, “Oh! Maybe you two can share the hot dog! I'm sure Norbert is used to a sausage in his mouth huh? Huh?”. Nirbert felt his face heat up immediately and stuttered, “We uhh. We haven't!”. The brothers laughed, “We teasing! No worries!”. Rocko then spoke up, “Just pizza will do! Pepperoni and cheese please. Also a small order of dog treats for Spunky.”. The brothers nodded, “What about drinks?”. Rocko looked at them, “Two waters and a soda please.”. The brothers nodded and left with the menus. Norbert then sighed in relief, “Wow. I-I uhhh. They seem friendly.”. Rocko covered his face, “I'm sorry that they uhh. Talked about us and the sausage thing. They sometimes tease me about certain things.”. Norbert nodded and relaxed for a while. He looked out the window and admired the small scenery. It wasn't too busy at the moment, since it's already six in the afternoon. The sun was already setting and the lovely hues of warm colors were beginning to paint the sky beautifully. Rocko stared at his face and admired the small smile on his face.
“Take a picture Rocko. It'll last longer.”, Leon interrupted as he placed the drinks down. Norbert looked at them confused and Rocko looked down quickly. Chuck laughed, “Now Now Rocko. You mustn't deny it. You were staring at your boyfriend. I see you! You made googly eyes at him!”. Norbert felt his cheeks turn red and he looked away. Rocko covered his face and felt the heat of embarrassment rise up more and more. “Awwww look at them. So cute together! We should take a picture of them! Yeah! Take pictures and show it to everyone!”, Leon chuckled while Chuck nodded. Rocko then spoke up quickly, “No!! Just!! Bring us the meals ok?”. The twins were surprised by his sudden outburst but smirked, “Oooooh! You were busy flirting! We see! We see! We give you two lovers some Alone time!”. Rocko groaned as they left. Norbert watched as they walked away and felt his face warm. “U-Uhh. W-Were you… Were you really staring at me?”, Norbert asked softly. Rocko looked at him, “No! I mean yes? No wait No. I just. I was looking outside.”. Norbert nodded a bit disappointed but smiled, “Ahh. I see. Understandable because I was admiring the view too. The sky is going to have a lovely sunset and I'm very excited for it. Guess they chose a great spot for us huh?”. Rocko nodded and smiled nervously, “Y-Yeah. I bet it'll be lovely..”. Maybe this will be his chance. Hopefully the brothers won't interfere with his confession. 
The brothers soon came back with the meals and placed the plate down, “Pizza Time! Hope you Love the Heart Shape Pizza we've made for you! And a bunch of heart shaped treats for the puppy as well!”. Rocko facepalmed while Norbert chuckled at the weird heart shaped pizza. “Thank you Leon and Chuck.”, Norbert said as he grabbed his plate. Chuck smiled, “Anything for Rocko's boyfriend!”. Leon nodded, “Give us a call if you need anything, Norbert! And we mean Anything!”. Norbert nodded a bit confused but Rocko sent them off. “Thank you, we'll call when we're Done!”. The brothers left chuckling and Norbert looked at him concerned, “You feeling alright Rocko?”. Rocko nodded, “Yes. Just.... A bit peeved about those two, but I won't let this ruin our day!”. Norbert nodded and then began eating some pizza. They began eating for a little while and enjoyed each other's company. They made a few jokes about how the pizza looked and Rocko told stories about the twins. “Mr. Bighead then told me about how they literally tried to make animation by using weird technology stuff. It looked so weird and CGI!”, Rocko laughed. Norbert laughed as well, “At least they didn't use AI stuff then that would've looked a lot worse!”. They both laughed a bit louder and tried to calm down. Rocko then noticed the sunset was almost there and the colors were near their faces. This will be a perfect opportunity! “Norbert?”, Rocko began. Norbert looked at him and smiled, “Yes?”. Rocko took a deep breath, “There's something that I've been meaning to tell you, since this morning. It's been getting extremely difficult to tell you this but now is a good time.”. Norbert felt the sudden PTSD come up but eased himself. Maybe it was a confession! Rocko took a deep breath, “Norbert. For the moment I woke up with you. I've been wanting to tell you that I -”. 
“Ohhh!! Are you Confessing Rocko!?!!!”, Chuck spoke up excitedly. Leon held up a camera, “Ooooh! Just in time!! I'm already getting the camera ready!! Just tell me when you are going to say it ok?”. Rocko held his head and felt anger rise up, “Guys please!”. Chuck tilted his head, “Need more romance? We can add more romance!!!”. They pushed some buttons and a bunch of rose petals fell on them. The brothers then used a leaf blower to blow the huge mess, leaving some petals in Norberts hair and Rocko's mouth. Rocko spat out the petals and the brothers chuckled. “That doesn't go in your mouth Rocko! Unless you want your mouth to smell nice! We have mints!!”, Leon said as he shoved mints in his mouth. Rocko felt anger and overwhelming embarrassment rise up more and more. “Ok Now say you Love Him!!!”, Leon said excitedly. 
“Guys Enough! I've Already Feel Overwhelmed Enough As It Is!! I Don't Want This and I Don't Love Him!! So You Two Can Just Drop It and Leave Us Alone!!!”, Rocko yelled out loud. Panting he looked at their shocked faces. He then heard a small shaky breath and regretted it immediately. He froze in fear and looked to see the sun had set on them. The colors not only painted Norbert's face. But his tears as well. “W-Wait! I didn't mean it!”, Rocko stuttered in panic. He meant to say he does!! He Meant To Say That He Does!!!! Norbert shook his head and smiled, “No no. I-It's ok. I.. I u-understand. I'm sorry t-that it w-was a bit overwhelming for y-you.”. He got up, “I'll. I'll get a bus ride home.. Thank you f-for dinner..”. He quickly rushed off leaving a broken wallaby and shocked chameleons. “Geez Rocko. You don't need to be rude about it. You big jerk.”, Chuck spoke up with his arms crossed. 
Norbert rushed to the bus and felt his vision get blurry. He got in, paid for his ticket, and sat at the front where no one could look at him. He sobbed quietly and the flashbacks are flooding him. “Listen Norbert.. I.. I don't love you anymore… I feel like you deserve a better relationship with someone who really loves you back. Not me.I'm sorry that this isn't what you want to hear but.. We can't force love. We can't fake it either. It'll only hurt us more! I know you've loved me since the beginning but I don't love you back. I can't force myself to do so because it'll hurt you in the future. Please understand.. I still want to be your friend.”, Treeflower confessed. Norbert could feel the pain in his heart but nodded. “I.. I understand Treeflower.”. Treeflower smiled sadly and kissed his cheek, “I hope you find someone who loves you more than you love me. You honestly deserve the world Norby. I'm sorry.”. Norbert nodded sadly as he watched her get in the van with her bags and drove away. He was so depressed he couldn't even think about where he was walking to. All he remembered was that he was in a bar and asked for the strongest fruitiest drink there is. And then he came into his life.. "Sorry to bother you but I must say. That's a dashing shirt you're wearing.”, he heard the wallaby say. He turned and saw the cutest face he's ever seen. The way he tapped on his fingers shyly and smiled a bit. How he made a sour funny face, when he tried out his strong fruity drink. How he laughed so hard after talking about the neighbor's wife. How he told him that he deserved better. How he smiled when he told him that all the dates were blind. 
Now that smile is gone, and it was all his fault... He pushed it too far again. He knew it was something he did. He knew that date was just because he felt bad. That kiss was probably fake anyways! Sleeping next to each other. Of course! Because He was a guest and guests don't sleep on filthy couches!!  Pet names.. Probably pretended that he liked it but in reality he felt extremely uncomfortable.. All these things that he was doing was overwhelming the poor wallaby to the point he admitted that he didn't like it nor loved him! Norbert held onto himself and sobbed quietly. He went inside and noticed that he was alone. Daggett was nowhere to be seen, so it's ok to let it out.. It's okay to cry.. And it's ok to feel broken… Norbert went inside his room and sobbed on his pillow, hoping that this was just a nightmare. Hoping that he'll wake up next to the wallaby’s sleeping face. Hoping that if this was a dream, maybe he'll have a chance to not be pushy anymore. If it was a nightmare then he can bottle up his feelings and his silly flirty confident personality. That way he won't scare off the poor wallaby.... That way he can still be by his side as a friend. Nothing more.. Nothing less..
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shnowyfox · 1 year
all my mlp ocs in order of creation
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DayDreamBreeze. also my original gamertag on minecraft! i uhm. shes not supposed to be a cheese changling. She's inspired by a fluttershy toy i had and the beautiful artwork for the honey queen chrysalis from ink rose's interpretation of her backstory. i swapped the honey for water and she's supposed to be a pegasus? but i drew her as a changling here for some reason and i have no clue why
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Casey Cockatrice. Seeing pony youtubers discuss the show in their oc form, and thinking "wow, they're all just pegasi" i was like "i should do that but not be a pegasus" so i made an oc and never did that lol. probably a good thing though. anyhow. Casey was originally supposed to be an angel cockatrice but I didn't know how to do that without just making a chicken with a lizard tail until just now im realizing i should make it a dutchie omg. Casey enjoys the ponies and wants to befriend them but is confined to the everfree forest, so she has dawned a blindfold so she doesnt hurt anyone and she likes to hang out with zecora and collect herbs with her. she still just kinda does chicken/dragon things most of the time like pecking at the ground and sitting on treasure. The ring in her comb is supposed to be a halo. halos stuck in the character's design physically (usually through the hair or something similar) was a common thing i did for characters that were close to me at the time.
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Lemon Lily. She is. very bright. she was supposed to have a much more subtle color palette but i didnt do that and now she looks like sprite lmao. anyhow. i drew her randomly when i went through a small mlp phase a few years ago, mainly just attraction for chrysalis, but i guess she exists. her cutie mark is supposed to look like a water lily made of lemons but it kinda just looks weird idk. i'd say her talent is supposed to be like.. maybe floral arrangement? i think i had some inspiration from early mlp background ponies and i remember the florists were my favorite.
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JASON!! my favorite little idiot. he's a griffin i made in pony.town after realizing if i use the singular freckle and closed the eyes, it looked like he had tiny eyes and angry brows lol. all i do with him is act vaguely like skydoesminecraft and boop people with my bird fingers.
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DayDreamBreeze 2.0. i literally drew this bitch and didn't do anything else with them. ever.
then is autumn breeze whom i've drawn literally in like my last post so im not doing it again rn. she's my LOE pony and if you want her lore go to the post where i drew her on my phone.
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Honey Suckle. The only OC that I have surviving evidence of actually writing their backstory and whatnot. They were created with the idea of them experimenting on their body trying to turn themselves into a bee (basically beeatris as a horse, i know none of you know my persona beeatris but its pretty much her without the demonic activity and disney fairy influence), though i have thought of maybe changing it to her wanting to become a breezy or a changeling. She lost her horn because of this experimentation and is fluffier and has patches of hair on her eyes because of it. i forgot if she had a cutie mark or if i just didnt draw it or if it's overgrown? I think a lot of this character's experimentation was based off of memories of my brother who had leukemia and tried experimental treatments, mainly the fuzziness he got from his chemo or steroids i forgot which one it was. I also drew her as a kirin, idk if that was supposed to be a thing of like.. me doing it as an alternate idea of what she's aiming to achieve, as an alternate form of what she was born as.. or if it was just a doodle.. but it was pretty cool. a good quote for her is the vine thats like "i am a wolf on all levels but physical"
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Next is Pegasus. I originally had a different name for them but i don't think i can share it here. Pegasus is also related to my brother though and is very cool. they're really just a celestial body as a pony like Celestia and Luna, but with more of a crystal pony inspiration. also, they speak enchanting table only and i think thats really funny. same size as Luna. also, she can hide in Luna's hair.
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Stone Hoof. based somewhat off of Smokey Quartz from Steven Universe, i thought it'd be cool to also give them speckling like an appaloosa horse or vitiligo. you can't see their cutie mark but it's supposed to be a yoyo and i put it in the shape of the symbol of leo since im a leo and i designed them on the same day as pegasus lol. they are intended to be a friend to Honey Suckle.
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Finally, we have... I didn't name this one actually. uhm. well! it looks kinda like scootaloo, especially g3 or 3.5. which was unintentional but she was one of my favorite ponies and i had a few toys of her so it kinda makes sense that this is what my brain thought of when i thought "well loved my little pony doll". The hair is based off of the fettucine hair on those g4 plushies and also somewhat based on dreads. the patterns on their hooves is the heartshaped horseshoe from those promotional toys where you can scan them in for video game perks. and the wings are colored after discord's wings. I also got inspo from Stitches from Animal Crossing.
those are the horses. 1 like = 1 more horse post.
i also have customs i made as a kid that i dont have pictures of but i could redraw. but they're basically just "this character but i painted this animal on their face."
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mushroomwillow · 21 days
Tw eating habits below the cut concerning medications and past trauma
So I’m on adderall for the first time. It’s an appetite suppressant. I’ve taken a lot of meds that are said to be appetite suppressants, they’ve never affected me and in my adult life I’ve always been considered “obese” (fuck bmi btw that shit is stupid)
I’ve got some past trauma as a backstory, my mom wasn’t exactly kind about the fact that as a kid into my young adulthood I was barely making it to 100lbs. And accused me of somehow both over eating and being anorexic. Which I always hated because I tried desperately to eat and gain weight. But my body just didn’t do that.
Then I got pregnant, natural body changes, metabolism system slowed etc.
My mother was fucking horrendous during that pregnancy. Laughed at me for “being huge” and “you have to be carrying twins no way that’s one baby”
Keep in mind, I’m 5’1” and didn’t break 100lbs until then, I have a short torso, there’s literally nowhere for a baby to go but out.
Anyway, I had a second kid, gained some more weight, don’t talk to my mom anymore (it’s been nearly a decade), been through 2 ex’s that made me feel horrendous about my weight, and that is of course just how my body is now (I’ve maintained the same weight for years wow so weird it’s almost like this is just how my body is even with different activity levels omg so weird)
But I like how my body looks. It feels nice to look how I do.
I of course deal with doctors. Always on about my weight blah blah blah. EXCEPT my current primary, and shockingly my current psychiatrist. Who have been adamant I do not lose any weight.
Adderall. I am never hungry. Psych warned me about this. I’ve been trying very hard to make sure I remember to eat. Work helps, we have breaks, we can eat when the kids eat.
At home tho, it’s hard.
So I know she did not mean it. She didn’t mean for it to hurt the way it did and has now the next day. But when my sort of adopted mom was frustrated last night that they didn’t order enough food for everyone the comment she made about everyone eating too much hurt like hell.
Yesterday I ate a granola bar, a slice of bread with butter and jam, two string cheeses, a handful of chips,
And part of what they brought for dinner. Five small pieces of chicken that could fit in the palm of my hand, and four sort of large ish fries.
Logically, that is not enough food. For anyone. I’m terrified of losing too much weight too quickly.
Mentally that was a trigger and my brain is acting the way it’s accustomed too. Feeling guilty about eating too much.
Just sucks. Anyway. Vent over. I have heartburn. Kinda sad this morning.
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starcasticallyyours · 9 months
Jan 4, 2023 - a lovely day!!
I just had a really good day today that I want to make sure I remember so I'm making an honest to god blog, a straight up rambling diary entry. Just like I used to on LiveJournal, wow.
I do not expect anyone to read this. I just want to remember my lovely day. It was filled with nostalgia, good food, history, productivity, genuine exercise(?!), photos, and of course, BTS.
I've been on holiday since December 30th because I have a benevolent boss (perks of working at a small company) who lets our annual leave spill over a tiny bit since it's still "Christmas" break. I was socially engaged the nights of Dec29/Jan1 as well as the afternoon of Dec30, plus I was furiously writing updates for the DnD ficlet collection since it was Tae's birthday and trying to finish up Ch1 of the Regency sequel, Pirate fic, whenever I was at home during this time so it did not feel restful at all. It was only on Jan2 where I could pull a Kim Seokjin and completely sequester myself at home and veg out -- woke up at noon and played Stardew Valley for like, 6 hours. Jan3 required me to be a functional adult again so I cleaned the flat and tried to hash out the pirate fic before realising it was going to take wayyyy more work, so I've earmarked Marryat and Forester books to check out from HK Central when I go to CWB on Saturday. (Apparently Jimin has a massive Dior ad on the Sogo screen, so I will also be going there after my haircut. Whoo!!) Which brings us to January 4th! A Thursday. Historically, Thursdays have been good to me and this was no exception. I woke up later than I intended, around 10 AM, and then the sheer pleasure of being in a comfortable bed without needing to be anywhere stretched my lie-in to 10:30. After the basics of room tidying and washing up, I had leftover pasta for breakfast and played In the Seom while waiting out the 30min I'm supposed to have between eating and taking my Chinese meds. Then it was washing up, getting dressed, packing up the devices after charging them all morning to give myself a little day trip to...
Kowloon City! My childhood 'hood. And now that I've moved back across the harbour, pressing play on The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever while walking out the door meant that by the time I got out in Sung Wong Toi station, my earbuds were appropriately blaring Ma City. (Okay, I did repeat Run because that's my favourite title track.) I made a beeline for Islam Food because I haven't had delicious halal Xinjiang cuisine in forever except I was an unfortunate bee with poor scent receptors since I forgot where it was and ended up looping around Nga Tsin Wai for a while... we were on Converse High by the time I found the resto, that's how long it took. At almost 2 PM was nearly full but not proper crowded, and mostly with older people which is par the course for Kowloon City. As a single I got a tiny table in the corner immediately and ordered a classic beef patty + bok choy and tofu soup. If I were with a larger group, I would have also gotten mutton xiaolongbao, scallion pancakes, and a curry so I will have to drag some people here again soon. Food was prompt and only $65 so I was done eating in 20 minutes tops.
Thanks to climate change, it was a balmy sunny afternoon so I stuffed my jacket into my backpack and headed on over to KCP. It's changed a LOT since I was a teenager -- no Park'n Shop in the basement selling eel and chicken rice boxes for $20 anymore, sigh. But I did get a Coco Milk Tea (half sweet, less ice) for $22 which is a VERY good price nowadays, you can't get anything in Central under $27 minimum ($30 on average) for example and it doesn't even taste as good?? But armed with my delicious tea, I was ready to go out the other way into Carpenter Park, which looks literally the same as when I was a kid. I spent a solid decade running around this park. There isn't a bouncy dinosaur anymore so I know it's not exactly the same, but the bicycle paths are the same, the rock garden where Sam filmed his lightsabre battles is the same... and Kowloon Walled City of course is the same.
...from when I was a child, not when it was THE Walled City. (Once, when everywhere at school was occupied, our drama class rehearsed our play in the Zodiac garden much to the tai-tais' collective chagrins.) Full disclosure that I actually came here in mid-December as well to gather inspo and info for my piece for the Ma City zine which is set in 80s KWC, so this time I didn't go look at the exhibits and just went straight to the chess garden since that's the only spot with tables. I set up my laptop and finished the piece to the soundtrack of construction, which I find very appropriate considering the topic. We don't get planes howling overhead anymore, so this will have to do.
Last time, I had to meet friends islandside for dinner so I actually walked up closer to Wong Tai Sin to take the bus but this time, it was only 4:15 and the day was just for me, for me! So after taking some pics in the bonsai garden in honour of Namjoon, I walked back to Junction Road and that was when I started taking pics for nostalgia -- down the street towards Ho Man Tin for the hundreds of times we ran for the bus stop, then up towards Munsang where my old school campus used to be. No, I didn't go to Munsang, I am very clearly an Intl school kid and we were across from them. The buildings are connected to Bethel Seminary which is Grade II protected so still there. I started walking up Junction Road towards Lok Fu when I saw the Stone Houses and stopped by.
These buildings weren't open when I was a kid; I remember passing them but hardly taking notice. Essentially, they are remnants of the oldest tenement buildings in the area, now refurbished as a cafe and museum. The server in the cafe immediately offered me a menu most kindly, but since it was 4:30 and I was already full on tea I politely declined. Checked out the museum though which is small and all in Chinese, no English, but I think the photos and maps would still be worth it for a non-reader. The whole thing strongly reminded me of the Mei Ho House museum and cafe too, even with their menu which is very Hong Kong cha chaan teng-esque. AND they have wi-fi!! So I'm totally planning on coming back for another writing session.
Since it was barely evening, I decided to hike Checkerboard Hill. Back when Kai Tak was still operating, the only way pilots could land planes was to come from the west, over Tsing Yi and Mei Foo Sun Chuen and barely across Kowloon City. With all the urban area underneath, there couldn't be proper signals so what they did was paint an enormous red-and-white checkerboard on the west and south sides of this hill to let the pilots know it was time to make that sharp 47 degree turn into the harbour airstrip. I distinctly recall being a preteen standing in the middle of the asphalt football (soccer to all y'all Yanks) pitch in Kowloon Tsai Park squinting up and thinking, "Why is it painted like that?" Later as a young adult, I found out. Now in my early 30s, I was going to actually go there.
Now ever since my former regular dance studio became a Covid cluster in 2020 and I also joined a choir whose rehearsals took its place on Monday evenings, I am far less fit than I could be. This was evident when I started up this hill -- which was NOT HARD at all, I am just pathetically out of shape. It took less than 15 minutes to reach the summit garden, where I did another confused bumblebee loop looking for the checkerboard and instead found: the electricity station, the weather station, some diligently preserved water tunnels from the 1940s-60s, and an irate woman screaming and swearing at a couple who accidentally took their dogs into the no-pets zone of the park. With the dulcet notes of "diu! bak po!" echoing behind me, I snapped some lovely views of Lion Rock then surreptitiously googled how to get to the checkerboard, discovering that indeed I was supposed to clamber over the stile and carefully tread the VERY narrow ditch outside of the fence (with a super steep slope studded with trees not a foot to the right) to get there.
So I did and the view was beautiful!! I was lucky to reach it at the twilight hour with an orange sun tinging everything as it moseyed on down to the horizon. Facing south you could see all of Kowloon City, all the way to Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay on the left and Yau Tsim Mong on the right! Directly in front was even the IFC across the harbour. Directly below, Kowloon Tsai Park and those very sports fields from my youth. Somebody named Zach was playing tennis because his partner kept yelling encouragement, but I felt if I cheered "Yeah Zach, you can do it!" back down at them it would be creepy. So instead I took a lot of photos here, including some selfies on the middle layer smack centre of the checkerboard in which it was clear that I truly need a haircut which will happen under Jimin's watchful gaze in CWB come Saturday.
Finally, I climbed down the stairs and was sorely tempted to jump a gate to get into Kowloon Tsai because I know that park like the back of my foot (like, not SUPER well since it's been a long time but I would not get lost; I've run cross country around this park so many times) but in the end was a Good Honest Civilian and went back the way I came. I was feeling incredibly nostalgic at this point, so back on Junction Road I popped in my earbuds and replaced BTS with the Used for that extra mid-2000s angst. Spotify understood the brief and fed me Taking Back Sunday and Yellowcard while I followed the usual path through Morse Park, the way my almost-first-boyfriend Darren taught me in middle school. His favourite band was Jimmy Eat World, so it was perfect. With the memories of Preston's dad teaching me to play baseball on the artificial turf and when Grace came with me to Jusco so we could buy Neopets tamagotchis, I descended into the MTR and took the train home.
(At my stop, I got groceries including sushi for dinner, which I ate while watching Beyond the Star then after a break, took a massage in the chair while playing Stardew because my body is already paying the price for my impromptu hike today. Then I wrote this down before I could forget everything.)
It was a wonderful day, truly. I did everything I wanted to do and a little more, and I know what I want to do again when I inevitably come back. Hong Kong is changing because everything changes, but being in Kowloon City felt like nestling into a warm divot in the blankets. Like Joon said, you couldn't pay me millions to want to be from anywhere else. Like Hobi said, the heat will get to you but it's charged with the passion of its people. I'll be riding and dying in ma city until there's no other choice, which I know is sooner rather than later but for now, it's still Ma City.
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40sandfabulousaf · 11 months
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大家好! I tried roasted chicken soup noodles and a side of baby bak choy, not knowing that the stall already adds baby bak choy and winter melon to the noodles! Roasted chicken breast is usually less tender than the poached version and I found it to be so with this dish. The soup though.......... WOW, it was so flavourful, I was tempted to finish every drop! It was difficult to leave some behind to reduce my salt intake but I did it, with great reluctance.
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In the previous post, I mentioned cooking more food at home and ordering less when dining out in future if food businesses raise prices to the point where they're unreasonable or portion sizes become ridiculously small. I decided to try it out when ordering from a new cai fan (mixed dishes and rice) stall once I saw the miserable portion sizes I was getting. I had braised brinjal and green beans, steamed egg and stirfried choy sum to go with char kway teow (stirfried flat rice noodles). It shaved a chunk off what I usually pay at other stalls, and even though I wasn't very full, I wasn't that hungry by dinner time either. An employee at the same coffee shop said this stall owner intends to close down soon due to a lack of customers, which isn't at all surprising.
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Encouraged by my experience of ordering less at the new cai fan stall, I did the same when I revisited the nasi padang stall. Again, the price of my food was lower than the previous times I visited. It actually isn't that bad; I make up the difference by cooking more food for meals at home. This way, I get the best of both worlds: less pricey meals and still being able to dine out almost everyday. The entire dining experience is also much less stressful.
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Even as I save money, there's enough nutrition when I dine out; as I follow the news about the conflict in Gaza, I'm reminded of how blessed I am. Although there will be a humanitarian pause to allow for the exchange of hostages as well as for much-needed humanitarian aid to flow into the area, Palestinians aren't totally out of danger. Civilian deaths and suffering can still mount once fighting continues, which is why I continue to pray for a ceasefire, de-escalation of tensions and a two-state policy. About 1,200 Israeli and 14,000 Palestinian civilians have died to date, a devastating tragedy. It is my belief that anyone who has a conscience would want to prevent the death toll from climbing.
At this point, I'm starting to wonder if human rights are even relevant if they're not applied across the board. Do Palestinian lives not matter and do these civilians not deserve basic safety, shelter, food, water and medical care? Do they deserve to simply give up and perish? Can you blame me if I start to feel disillusioned? 下次见!
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ghost-proofbaby · 11 months
hi ghost i just got back from my day with my guy! im sorry to hear about eddie-coded guy 😔 hopefully you'll find someone more for you and more eddie-coded.
here is how everything the last few days went
so he visited me at work! He told me afterwards that he didn't tell me when exactly he was coming bc he wanted to surprise me 🥺 and i just followed him around for the 15 minutes he was there full on heart eyes 😂 but he got a coffee and he kept telling me how good it was 😂 and i got a hug before he left and it made working alone at night at a gas station as a 23 year old girl a little better bc i had that to remember if I died 🙃
But today I went to his house so we could go out to eat and all that. He gave me this cat crochet kit he bought for me 🥺 and when we came back I tried to teach him how to crochet and he managed a few chains but I think the hook was too small to properly teach him so I told him that I'd bring a bigger hook next time (he was like are you saying I'm too small and I'm like STOP OMG)
Well we went out to eat and we went to Barnes and Noble and looked at the music and the legos and I kept pointing out all the books I read. He lost me for a few minutes and he found me at the smutty romance section 🤦‍♀️ I pointed out icebreaker by hannah grace and was like I read that and he was like ooo there's hockey in it and I'm like Yes. Hockey. Just hockey in that book. 👀
On the drive back to his house we kept poking each other and he's like I think you're hitting on me and I said maybe and we kept poking each other and I ended up stealing his hat from him and wearing it for the ride back until he stole it back from me and then I stole it again 🤷🏻‍♀️
OH ALSO I made him and his family pumpkin chocolate chip cookies since they're always giving me stuff and I told him he wasn't allowed to die when he ate them bc he has diabetes. His mom liked the cookies. He said he was saving his for his lunch at work tomorrow so I'm expecting a review lol
We built Legos again big surprise and I kept telling him I was going to take one of his cats home with me and he said I wasn't allowed and I said well what if I trade one of my cats for her and he asked if he could have my cat (who is currently sleeping on my chest bc 7 hours without me is just too much for her 😂) and I was like no can't have that one if you take her I'm coming with her it's a package deal and he was like I'm okay with that 🥺 and he said that he and his cat are a package deal and I was being distracted by pictures of my cats on my phone lol so I didn't respond right away and he was like wow no response to that okay 😂
And he invited me to this Halloween party he's going to on Saturday but I work until 7 and I'm heavily debating calling off I mean no I'm not 👀 like do i have a costume? No. Can I get one that quickly? Possibly. Is there a high possibility I may end up kissing him for the first time while he is wearing a costume of kevin the bird from the movie up? Yeah probably. Am I okay with that? Yeah cause it's my fault he even got the costume in the first place 😂
And not to sound like a mega virgin again but when I left his house tonight he hugged me and he rubbed my back and the sweater I was wearing has this twist in the back so it's mostly just my bare back and OOF he touched my bare back and OOF 🫠
And also when I told him that I'd be working again alone tomorrow 🙃 he said he might try to visit me after he gets off work and I was like listen even just the prospect of you possibly coming to visit makes my day suck less 🤷🏻‍♀️
I was really gonna try to hold his hand in the car but I chickened out 🙃 and then I was gonna try to kiss his cheek when I was leaving but I forgot about the plan when he hugged me 🙃 so that's my life. Gonna text him and ask when the party is Saturday if I can still work and go to it. Or I might just *cough* come down with something *cough*
Love, 🎸 anon ❤️
OH I MISSED THIS ONE BEFORE I ANSWERED THE OTHER ONE FUCK i still stand by y’all being way too damn cute 😭
as for why he hasn’t kissed you yet — i want to let you in on a major secret. he is probably just as nervous if not MORE SO. whenever guys struggle to make a move, they’re usually behind the scenes freaking out and over thinking it all just as you might be! especially when everything is as reciprocated as it has been between you two. i have no doubt based on the message i accidentally answered first tho that now that y’all have joked about it, it’ll happen!! i pinky swear!! 🖤
as for eddie-coded guy… life goes on 😅 i’m back on dating apps tho!! if anything this has taught me to get back into the dating world haha. i’ll find someone eventually, and until then, i’ll just keep writing in an attempt to manifest 😪
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