#me: im just a hypochondriac. i shouldnt waste a doctors time over this
caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
So guess who maybe has a severe magnesium deficiency 💀 I honestly would go to the doctor and maybe even the ER about this asap because if this is what I think it is, this is like. Life threatening?
But I also don't trust my thoughts on this because I'm literally a hypochondriac. But uhh here's my reasoning as to why I think that I guess? (I'll put this under a readmore since it's mostly just for me to reassure myself that I'm not over reacting lol)
Okay so some risk factors for developing hypomagnesemia include:
• taking a proton pump inhibitor, like omeprazole, which I do. Long term use has been shown to decrease the ability of your body to absorb it (I think? It decreases magnesium though)
• taking antidiuretics- my sleeping pill that I take every night is a diuretic
• vitamin D deficiency. I'm nocturnal AND agoraphobic, need I say more?
• not getting enough magnesium in your diet. I just don't
Some of the symptoms include:
- muscle spasms, ranging from mild to severe
- parasethesias (abnormal sensations on your skin, like tingling, prickling, and numbness)
- heart palpitations
- tremors
- migraines
- and seizures
:') guess how many of those I have on a regular basis? That's right, ALL OF THEM. Oh yeah, and of course this can cause literally DEATH.
teehee I'm so normal and definitely fine and this is 100% just my anxiety because I cannot see a doctor right now so I'm manifesting that this isn't real (in denial)
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