#me with so many 😞
platoapproved · 2 months
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armand + a few offhand lines that give some insight into how he thinks (imho)
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b1mbodoll · 6 months
sunghoon n his puppy gf that bites him all over to claim him 🥺 he watches with a smirk on his face as your tail wags when you sink your teeth into his skin, leaving little bitemarks along his biceps, his chest, throat n even on his thighs before you suck him off <3 he’s so proud of them too, grinning when jake comments on them n mocking him in response, saying jake’s just jealous because he wants you to mark him up as well
little does hoonie know that yeah, jake wants to feel your sweet little puppycunt at least once :( he fists his cock while recounting the stories sunghoon’s told him about how his innocent little puppy likes being fucked like a whore.
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merriclo · 2 months
cannot stop thinking about them so here’s some atsulucy headcanons <3
Atsushi will always scope out the toy section of thrift or second-hand stores for dolls and such for Lucy. at first, he always got her the prettiest doll he could find. but then he invited her to come along with him one time and saw her immediately gravitate towards the ugliest and wackiest looking doll there was, and ever since that’s the kind of doll he’s gifted her
in a similar vein, Atsushi tries his best to spoil her the same way he spoils Kyouka. he can’t afford anything fancy, but he’ll always pick her up some candy or a fun drink when she’s feeling down, and she’s got a little kitty keychain from him that she absolutely adores
Atsushi introduced Lucy to chazuke, and in turn Lucy introduced him to a lot of American and Canadian foods, like hashbrowns, poutine, and bannock.
Lucy picks up so many shifts at the café that she’s damn near working a 9-5. the only one to ask her why was Kunikida, and she immediately went red and demanded he never speak about it again. he didn’t need any more than that to get his answer.
the manager of Café Uzumaki is very very protective of Lucy, and is extremely happy that of all the guys out there, she met Atsushi.
that being said, Atsushi is a decently dense idiot sometimes, bless him, so he’s entirely oblivious to the incredibly obvious hints that Lucy constantly drops (aka defending him against actual terrorism accusations.) both the rest of the café staff and detectives have to watch in agony as Atsushi’s carries on about his day, completely unaware of how fat a crush Lucy’s got on him.
Atsushi’s venting about how he totally doesn’t have a chance with her romantically, meanwhile Jun’ichirō is white-knuckling the desk trying not to call him a fucking moron.
their confessions would definitely be incredibly awkward ngl. neither are the best with words, and Lucy tends to get a bit too brash when being vulnerable. so it’d probably be one of those sorta angry confessions followed by Atsushi going “?? wait you have a crush on me too???? why didn’t you tell me sooner!!! ( ^ω^ )”
it’s not Atsushi isn’t competent. he’s just not exactly used to romantic relationships, and there’s also a big difference in Japanese and American/Canadian courting culture, for lack of better terminology.
i feel like Lucy would try to better her relationship with Kyouka as well, but only through doing things like making sure her usual order is ready by the time she and Atsushi come downstairs for their break. tragically this woman can’t do anything with proper subtly so instead she places her drink down with a bit too much force and then asks Atsushi his order with maybe a bit too much aggression.
Lucy learns how to make the pastries and sweets and drinks that Atsushi loves really well, so that she can be the one making his orders one day.
they would absolutely have dates in parks and gardens and such. little picnics that end up with wildflowers weaved into Lucy’s braids. lounging under shady trees with Atsushi’s head in her lap. absolute saps, the two of them
in conclusion i love the two of them dearly and i have not stopped thinking about them for a damn long time
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dootznbootz · 7 months
There's something really fascinating about how Athena treats Diomedes so differently from how treats Penelope and Odysseus (even Telemachus but that's a lil different too)
Athena has basically known Diomedes since he was born (some even say that she had a say in naming him) because of Tydeus. I don't think it's far-fetched to say that in a way, she possibly "molded" him. And Diomedes is kind of known for being the "perfect warrior king". He's respectful of the gods and most of his comrades, an incredibly skilled soldier, and has already achieved so many things despite being one of the youngest kings in the war.
I sadly think that's why Athena treats him so differently than Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus.
She cares for him, but it's still "distant" in a way. Or almost in an "I molded you. You will react the way I would want you to therefore I will not be surprised."
When it seems like she's known her other favored mortals for less long, she didn't get to "mold" them. They surprise and bring something "new" for her. She sees her little tricksters' scheme and plot and watches with intrigue but watching the perfect warrior is a "Yes, perfect form. That's what I'd do."
I mean even how her favored mortals pray to her tells you a lot about the relationships they have.
For example, in the Iliad, Odysseus doesn't need to really give as much reverence to her to "earn her favor" during book 10's Night Raid.
Odysseus rejoiced, and prayed to Pallas Athene: ‘Hear me, daughter of aegis-bearing Zeus, you who are with me in all my adventures, protecting me wherever I go. Show me your love, Athene, now, more than ever, and grant we return to the ships having won renown, with some brave act that will grieve the Trojans greatly.’ And Diomedes of the loud war-cry followed him in prayer: ‘Hear me also, Atrytone, daughter of Zeus. Be with me as you were with my father Tydeus in Thebes, when he went there as ambassador for the bronze-greaved Achaeans, camped there by the Asopus. A friendly offer was what he made them, but on his way back he was forced to take deadly reprisal for their ambush, and you fair goddess, readily stood by him. Stand by me now, and watch over me, and in return I will offer a broad-browed yearling heifer, unused to the yoke. I will tip her horns with gold and sacrifice her to you.’
(Book 10, A.S. Kline)
Diomedes brings up his dad and offers a young heifer (granted that could just be how Diomedes is with every immortal) while Odysseus doesn't and is basically like "Yo, help me out like you always do!". Odysseus is much more casual and personal with Athena. And with Penelope, Athena takes the form of one of her sisters to comfort her!
While Athena also most likely has known Telemachus since he was a baby, she's still closer to him than Diomedes.
Imagine that. You're basically molded by a goddess since birth, listen to her and other immortals dutifully, basically become her perfect warrior, and yet you can't seem to reach that familiarity with her. The same warmth she has for her other favored mortals.
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dalloneveryday · 5 months
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day 204 :)
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shellxrls · 5 months
drew starkey pls regrow the pornstache, bleach ur hair again and start doing porn. ur my only hope
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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our hearts are meant to be together 💍
adrien and rua decide on a small, intimate wedding just before adrien’s parents have to fly back home.
+ goofy smoochies
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augh damsel-prisoner-spectre/smitten-skeptic-cold parallels my beloved
damsel/prisoner parallels obviously
smitten and cold being foils obviously
getting smitten/cold and skeptic/cold in both gray routes-- unlike the other chapter IIIs, cold is the only voice you can get in the gray
the prisoner route and chapter 1 leading to the spectre being the only routes where you can get the "good ending" (i think)
not really a thematic parallel i think but i've been sort of keeping track of which chapter 2s share a chapter 3 and possible themes they share and interestingly besides stranger and razor those three routes are the only ones without their own unique chapter 3
which. actually. that's like half the chapter 2s BUT stranger and razor are the odd ones out for different reasons
you can't get any other chapter 3 in the damsel or prisoner besides the grays However! both the prisoner and the damsel have varient endings: the deconstructed damsel and the prisoner's head
(also just a side thought but you would think getting beheaded would make for a bad ending but that varient feels more like the "good" option to me, in part because there's not a lot of dialogue if you get chained up with the prisoner but also because the Themes™. the route is all about skepticism and distrust and by trusting the princess and giving her the blade and her trusting you to take her head you are able to escape the cabin! the prisoner's also very proactive in getting herself out, which feels interesting in comparison to the damsel and how she's completely dependent on the protagonist to get her out- and another parallel, the prisoner takes action to get rid of her own chains which have multiplied since last time, and the damsel is reliant upon us to save her despite the fact that her hand slips out easily from her chain (although then again that could just be our perception changing things with the help of smitten brute forcing fairytale tropes and happily ever after logic onto the world) idk it's like the prisoner has more. autonomy in this route? more agency?)
and of course the spectre can only lead to the wraith which you can get with nightmare as well
sorry spectre and skeptic i feel like i did you guys dirty in this post i also love you guys but there are more parallels between damsel/prisoner and smitten/cold
you know what though i would LOVE to see spectre skeptic interactions. i think it would be Interesting.
(modern au murder mystery with skeptic as a detective and spectre as the murder victim who's become a ghost...)
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Gee, I sure hope I don't get canceled!! (This post will receive 2 notes)
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
guys I'm so fking sad..... one of my favorite (maybe even my favorite) Korean VAs passed away... Lee Woori-nim(이우리)... I just heard the news so I don't know why he died but I'm sure he was way too young... This is so devastating. You may know him as the korean voice of Cyno from genshin, or Lord Oyster from CRK...I need to find his other roles too... He had one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard and his acting was good too, I was really really looking forward to hearing him in many more roles esp main chara roles ㅠㅠㅠ I even included him in my TWSB fancast (for yeseo/jesse)... I've only discovered him recently (bc of crk) but I just instantly fell in love w his voice T_T so angelic and gentle and handsome... I'm so sad man. Rest in peace...
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nestastits · 1 month
Going through the pro Nesta tag and blocking people makes me so upset😔
Any Nesta love is good, or at least should be good.
But some of the posts they make mischaracterize or take her entire story out of context so badly that I genuinely wonder if they read the book. Nesta is not some cold hearted bitch who parades herself around in skin tight clothes and heavy makeup. Nesta does not hate Feyre or Elain. Nesta likes to dance to music, but she loves her individuality. Nesta enjoys the life she has made for herself, and at the end of acosf she wants to continue living to see what the world can offer her. She doesn’t want to leave the one place she has called home in her entire life.
There is a big difference between liking her, understanding her, and understanding her story. And so many people only like her cause she’s not part of the ic, so many people weaponize her. So many people only like her potential, or only like fanon her.
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camzverse · 3 months
apologizing in advance for the person i will become when the next pjo show season comes out
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compacflt · 11 months
I am sad you are leaving this blog but I want to squeeze in a question. You are a very natural writer and make it look so easy. I was curious if you use a beta reader for your work?
Hi ❤️ i do not, which is why my fics are so stupidly long😕 i have “can’t kill my darlings” syndrome, i have way too much to say and i don’t know how to prioritize what it is i want to say, so i say EVERYTHING. i genuinely believe my fics would be sooo much better if they were edited by someone else. someone who isn’t afraid to look at a scene/sentence and say “that’s stupid as fuck/not as successful as u want it to be, cut it.” im still in the process of editing so liiiiike if you have any issues with my fics literally just dm me to tell me what’s dumb/not working & what i should cut, it would actually be sooo helpful (you can ignore this most recent fic bc the whole point of that was stuff that would’ve been cut anyway lol)
i would have loved a beta reader but … you know me, i am so shit at time management and deadlines that 1.) i never had time for a beta reader because i am always over deadline by the time i finish a fic draft (like the slider one shot, which i said i would post last November and actually posted in April, 5 mo later)
and 2.) i never share ACTUAL wips with anyone, not even on wednesdays. My wip wednesdays are, and always have been, a total sham. most of my wips usually look like this
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right up until like the week before i post them. like EVERY SINGLE scene looks like this, incomprehensible to anyone except me with my little delusions in my head, until i pull a few all- nighters and brute-force the transitions and the actions into place. so like i can’t share a real draft with anyone until (in my opinion) it’s basically passable enough to be a final draft anyway, especially for fanfic, like, my standards Are lower for “good enough” when it comes to fanfic. Above ⬆️ becomes below⬇️. obviously this ⬇️ isn’t perfect and will still need a final pass edit but it’s 🤷🏽‍♀️ good enough
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what i really need a beta for is to tell me, in no uncertain terms, if this level of detail/the existence of this scene itself is actually ever warranted. lol.
3.) as previously mentioned i can’t hold a deadline/reply to messages on time to save my life so any beta would absolutely despise working with me i fear
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bunnihearted · 4 months
superficial internet culture is so lame bc "being an angel" isnt about only having a pretty doll face and a thin body, it is about having a considerate mind and a gentle heart and walk the earth with care and love...
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parental relationship moment💀
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matty-bear · 5 months
umm hello ????
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guys we hit 500 followers 😞💙 seeing this shit right after i’m done with my finals makes me so happy bro. thank u guys so much for all the support and love ! dk how i can repay u all sigh i just love all of u sillies sm <3 since finals are over and i can now breathe and live like a normal human being, i will be getting back to writing ! as always, requests will be taken care of first so fill my inbox with wtv ! i will get to everyone’s request eventually :D also since u guys have been waiting for very long, i might have two lil spoilers :3 one of which ima give u rn ! next post will be a part two to ‘a trip down memory lane’ ! she’s already in the works so be on the lookout ^^ as for the next spoiler, u guys will be getting it a little later :3 u just gotta be a LIL patient ~
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