#me when i listen to the voice that called me and my friends vermin :)
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itsbebebrainrotting · 1 year ago
What was that line in the eye video "the rats scamper into the jaws of the cat" or whatever? Yeah i think the players have not only ran into the jaws of the cat but theyre very actively running down the oesophagus and into the stomach like they want to be digested faster
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braveclementine · 10 months ago
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of smut, mentions of nudity
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕳𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖎𝖓 his small house, ignoring the outside world, completely immersed in the sheets of his bed, kissing the love of his life, when there was a knock at the door. His wife showed the most fleeting of emotion of fear, and then was gone, having turned into a small black animal with white paws and green eyes.
She called herself a cat but she was more of a kitten- to small to be called a cat. She was already by the door, not needing to have gotten dressed. He however, quickly threw his clothes on and smoothed his hair back, checking himself in the mirror before he left the bedroom door. He looked almost completely normal though perhaps his cheeks were slightly flushed more than normal.
She was on his heels as he walked out of the room and into the sitting room and opened the door. Elizabeth climbed onto the sofa and was stretching. Sometimes she was so catlike he could forget she was an Animagus.
There were two women standing on the front steps and his anger increased. So he'd left his lovely wife for these two? What the hell did they want?
"Narcissa, what a pleasant surprise. . . and Bellatrix. . . not so pleasant." He said, opening the door wider and letting them come in.
"Snape." Bellatrix said curtly, as she came in.
"Severus, I must speak with you, it's urgent." Narcissa pleaded.
"But of course."
He gestured the sofa to Narcissa and she threw her cloak off and casted it aside and sat down, her white hands, trembling, clasped in her lap. Bellatrix lowered her hood and did not take her gaze off of him as she moved to stand behind her sister.
He lowered himself into an arm chair and Elizabeth jumped up onto his lap, curling up into a ball and closing her large green eyes.
"Is that an Animagus?" Bellatrix asked, her eyes now on Elizabeth.
He snorted, playing casual and dismissive though his heart started to beat just a little irregularly. "Of course not. She was born from my last cat. Only a year old now. So unless your saying Animagus can be born, Bellatrix. . ."
"I was just asking." Bellatrix snapped.
His lip curled. One of Elizabeth's ears twitched but other than her tail, nothing else moved. "So what can I do for you?" He asked, looking at Narcissa.
"We. . . we are alone, aren't we?" Narcissa asked quietly.
"Yes, of course. Well, Wormtail's here, but we're not counting vermin are we?" He asked and flicked his wand towards the wall of books which revealed the hidden staircase where Wormtail had been hidden, listening. "As you have clearly realized, Wormtail, we have guests."
Wormtail crept into the room. His small eyes were watery and he was wearing that horrible simpering look Severus hated so much. "Narcissa!" He squeaked, his hands coming up in front of his chest like paws. "And Bellatrix! How Charming-"
"Wormtail will get us drinks, if you'd like them. And then he will return to his bedroom." Severus said in a lazy voice and added in his head, 'and hopefully you two will leave and I can go back to mine'. Unconsciously, he laid his hand on Elizabeth's head and started to pet it. She purred with content.
"I am not your servant!" Wormtail squeaked and he noticed that he had avoided his eyes.
"Really? I was under the impression that the Dark Lord placed you here to assist me." He said, trying to sound amused.
"To assist, yes- but not to make you drinks and- and clean your house!" Wormtail argued. Not that he did much cleaning in the first place. Elizabeth usually ended up doing it when Wormtail left. And of course, he didn't want that but she always insisted, saying she needed something to do. But perhaps it was simply because of what she'd said before- not taking anything for granted.
"I had no idea, Wormtail, that you were craving more dangerous assignments." He said silkily. "This can be easily arranged: I shall speak to the Dark Lord-"
"I can speak to him myself if I want to!" Wormtail said, enraged.
"Of course you can." He was sneering now, "But in the meantime, bring us drinks. Some of the elf-made wine will do."
Wormtail hesitated for a moment and then went away through a different hidden door. In fact, if a Muggle were to enter the house, they would think the sitting room was the only room in the house, despite the size of it on the outside. Every door in the main room was hidden. There were banging sounds in the kitchen and then Wormtail came back with a dusty bottle and three glasses and slammed the other hidden door behind him as he went up the stairs.
He got up, putting Elizabeth down on the floor so that he pour the three glasses of red wine and gave each other to the others, taking his own and moving to sit back down and saw that Elizabeth had jumped back up on the chair, curling up in the middle of it.
"Damn cat," he sighed, putting his glass of wine on the side table and picked her up and put her on his lap. She stretched out like a rug, purring. He petted her as though she were a real cat and damn, she really was acting like it. It must be a gift of hers- acting. She'd managed to convince Dolores Umbridge that Sirius was hiding in Thailand- not that it mattered now. He tried not to think of Sirius.
"The Dark Lord." He said, raising the glass. Bellatrix and Narcissa copied him and he refilled their glasses.
Then Narcissa said, "Severus, I'm sorry to come here like this, but I had to see you. I think you are the only one who can help me-"
Severus held his hand up and pointed his wand back at the bookcase. There was a loud band and he heard Wormtail squeal and there were footsteps up the stairs as he ran away like the little coward he was.
"My apologies." He said calmly, "He has lately taken to listening at doors, I don't know what he means by it. . . You were saying Narcissa?"
"Severus, I know I ought not to be here, I have been told to say nothing to anyone, but-"
"Then you ought to hold your tongue! Particularly in present company!" Bellatrix snapped, interrupting her sister.
"'Present Company'? And what am I to understand by that, Bellatrix?" He asked.
"That I don't trust you, Snape, as you very well know!" She exclaimed.
Narcissa let out a sob and covered her face with her hands. Elizabeth's ear twitched again. She hated when people cried, no matter who they were.
He set his glass down on the table and sat back, putting one arm lazily across the arm of the chair and petted Elizabeth with the other. "Narcissa, I think we ought to hear what Bellatrix is bursting to say; it will save tedious interruptions. Well, continue, Bellatrix. Why is it that you do not trust me?" He sounded amused. Good.
"A hundred reasons!" Bellatrix said so loudly that he didn't doubt Wormtail could hear from upstairs. She strode around the sofa and slammed her glass down on the table too. "Where to start! Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? When have you been doing all these years that you've lived in Dumbledore's pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord procuring the Sorcerer's Stone? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? Why haven't you handed over Elizabeth Kane? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for five years!"
He had to cover a wince because Elizabeth had dug her claws into his leg when Bellatrix mentioned the duel for the prophecy. She meowed softly and turned her head away from the sisters as though rolling over and he saw tears coming out of her large green eyes and she quickly closed them.
Bellatrix was breathing hard, having gotten everything off of her chest and he smiled. "Before I answer you- oh yes, Bellatrix, I am going to answer! You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord! Before I answer you, I say, let me ask you a question in turn. Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not bee able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?"
He felt Elizabeth shift on his lap again.
Bellatrix hesitated. "I know he believes you, but. . ."
"You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen!" He continued, raising an eyebrow. Oh yes, he'd kept the Dark Lord out of his mind mostly. He had to protect Elizabeth of course. If he found they were married. . . if he even found out he had feelings for Elizabeth. . .
Bellatrix remained silent.
Of course. . . they weren't really married. . . yet. . . her father wouldn't let her until she turned of age. . .
"You ask where I was when the Dark Lord fell. I was where he had ordered me to be, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because he wished me to spy upon Albus Dumbledore. You know, I presume, that it was on the Dark Lord's orders that I took up the post?"
Bellatrix gave the slightest of nods and then opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her and said, "You ask why I did not attempt to find him when he vanished. For the same reason that Avery, Yaxley, the Carrows, Greyback, Lucius and many others did not attempt to find him. I believed him finished. I am not proud of it, I was wrong, but there it is. . . If he had not forgiven we who lost faith at that time, he would have very few followers left."
"He'd have me! I, who spent many years in Azkaban for him!" Bellatrix said with a passion.
"Yes, indeed, most admirable. Of course, you weren't a lot of use to him in prison, but the gesture was undoubtedly fine-" Severus said in a bored voice.
"Gesture! While I endured the dementors, you remained at Hogwarts, comfortably playing Dumbledore's pet!" Bellatrix shrieked.
"Not quite. He wouldn't give me the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, you know. Seemed to think it might, ah, bring about a relapse. . . tempt me into my old ways."
"This was your sacrifice for the Dark Lord, not to teach your favorite subject? Why did you stay there all that time, Snape? Still spying on Dumbledore for a master you believed dead?" Bellatrix jeered.
Severus felt a brief flicker of annoyance. He still wasn't entirely sure why Dumbledore didn't give him the post. That was the reason he'd come up with.
"Hardly, although the Dark Lord is pleased that I never deserted my post: I had sixteen years of information on Dumbledore to give him when he returned, a rather more useful welcome-back present than endless reminiscences of how unpleasant Azkaban is. . ." Severus said calmly.
"But you stayed-"
"Yes, Bellatrix, I stayed." Severus said, starting to get impatient. Elizabeth rolled over onto her back, stretching her legs upwards and then collapsed onto her side. "I had a comfortable job that I preferred to a stint in Azkaban. They were rounding up the Death Eaters, you know. Dumbledore's protection kept me out of jail; it was most convenient and I used it. I repeat: The Dark Lord does not complain that I stayed, so I do not see why you do."
But he continued, not giving her a chance to interrupt, "I think you next wanted to know, why I stood between the Dark Lord and the Sorcerer's Stone. That is easily answered. He did not know whether he could trust me. He thought, like you, that I had turned from faithful Death Eater to Dumbledore's stooge. He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard. He did not dare reveal himself to a former ally if that ally might turn him over to Dumbledore or the Ministry. I deeply regret that he did not trust me. He would have returned to power three years sooner. As it was, I saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone and, I admit, I did all I could to thwart him."
"But you didn't return when he came back, you didn't fly back to him at once when you felt the Dark Mark burn-" Bellatrix started and he winced as he felt teeth on his fingers and looked down. Elizabeth had curled up in a ball around his hand and had bitten his fingers very softly. He rolled his eyes.
"Correct." he stated, not moving his hand. "I returned two hours later. I returned on Dumbledore's orders."
"On Dumbledore's-?" Bellatrix sounded outraged.
He was impatient now, "Think! Think! By waiting two hours, just two hours, I ensured that I could remain at Hogwarts as a spy! By allowing Dumbledore to think that I was only returning to the Dark Lord's side because I was ordered to, I have been able to pass information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix ever since! Consider, Bellatrix: The Dark Mark had been growing stronger for months. I knew he must be about to return, all the Death Eaters knew! I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted to do, to plan my next move, to escape like Karkaroff, didn't I?"
And he had. He had certainly considered taking Elizabeth and leaving. Australia, Japan, America. He wondered if Elizabeth would've gone with him. He wondered if the Dark Lord would've followed him across countries to kill him and his wife.
"The Dark Lord's initial displeasure at my lateness vanished entirely, I assure you, when I explained that I remained faithful, although Dumbledore thought I was his man. Yes, the Dark Lord thought that I had left him forever, but he was wrong."
"But what use have you been? What useful information have we had from you?" Bellatrix sneered at him.
"My information has been conveyed directly to the Dark Lord. If he chooses not to share it with you-" He started.
"He shares everything with me!" Bellatrix said, firing up at once, "He calls me his most loyal, his most faithful-"
"Does he? Does he still, after the fiasco at the Ministry?" He jeered now.
Her claws dug into his leg again.
"That was not my fault! The Dark Lord has, in the past, entrusted me with his most precious- if Lucius hadn't-"
"Don't you dare- don't you dare blame my husband!" Narcissa said in a low deadly voice.
"There is no point apportioning blame, what is done, is done." He said in a smooth voice.
"But not by you!" Bellatrix said furiously. Elizabeth's heard perked up, her ears twitching. "No, you were once again absent while the rest of us ran dangers, were you not, Snape?"
"My orders were to remain behind. Perhaps you disagree with the Dark Lord, perhaps you think that Dumbledore would not have noticed if I had joined forces with the Death Eaters to fight the Order of the Phoenix? And-"
Elizabeth was sitting up on her haunches. He went on, trying not to sound nervous, "-forgive me- you speak of dangers. . . you were facing ten teenagers, one of them a formerly captured captive and no idea how to cast magic, were you not?"
"They were joined, as you very well know, by half the Order before long! And, while we are on the subject of the Order, you still claim you cannot reveal the whereabouts of their headquarters, don't you?" Bellatrix hissed.
Elizabeth sprang and Bellatrix tripped back, raising her wand, but Elizabeth hadn't been aiming for her, but rather a butterfly that had found its way into the room. She carried it triumphantly in her mouth to the corner of the room. He rolled his eyes, but was glad she was still acting like a cat. His heart was pounding greatly in his chest.
He did his best to recover by smirking at Bellatrix's obvious discomfort at Elizabeth's antics.
"I am not the Secret-Keeper; I cannot speak the name of the place. You understand how the enchantment works, I think? The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him on the Order. It led, as perhaps you have guessed, to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline Vance, and it certainly helped dispose of Sirius Black, though I give you full credit to finishing him off."
Elizabeth's large green eyes glared at him from the corner. He knew he was going to pay for saying that later but he also knew that he had to keep up appearances and he reluctantly raised his wing glass as though toasting Bellatrix. Elizabeth turned her back on him, her fur raised. He almost sighed aloud.
"You are avoiding my last two questions, Snape. Harry Potter. Elizabeth Kane. You could have killed him at any point in the past five years. You have not done it. You have not handed her over. Why?"
"Have you discussed this matter with the Dark Lord?" He asked, amused.
"He. . . lately we. . . I am asking you, Snape!" Bellatrix said, her cheeks red. He wondered briefly if she was still sleeping with the Dark Lord.
"If I had murdered Harry Potter, the Dark Lord could not have used his blood to regenerate, making him invincible-"
"You claim you foresaw his use of the boy?" She jeered.
"I do not claim it; I had no idea of his plans; I have already confessed that I thought the Dark Lord dead. I am merely trying to explain why the Dark Lord is not sorry that Potter survived, at least until a year ago. . ."
"But why did you keep him alive?"
"Have you not understood me? It was only Dumbledore's protection that was keeping me out of Azkaban! Do you disagree that murdering his favorite student might have turned him against me? But there was more to it than that. I should remind you that when Potter first arrived at Hogwarts there were still many stories circulating about him, rumors that he himself was a great Dark wizard, which was how he had survived the Dark Lord's attack. Indeed, many of the Dark Lord's old followers through Potter might be a standard around which we could all rally once more. I was curious, I admit it, and not at all inclined to murder him the moment he set foot in the castle."
Elizabeth's back was still to him though her fur wasn't bristled anymore. He wondered if she'd actually eaten the butterfly. He doubted it.
"Of course, it became apparent to me very quickly that he had no extraordinary talent at all. He has fought his way out of a number of tight corners by a simple combination of sheer luck and more talented friends. He is mediocre to the last degree, though as obnoxious and self-satisfied as was his father before him. I have done my utmost to have him thrown out of Hogwarts, where I believed he scarcely belongs, but kill him, or allow him to be killed in front of me? I would have been a fool to risk it with Dumbledore close at hand."
Elizabeth was trotting back to where he was sitting and then flopped in a patch of sunlight streaming through the window.
"And through all this we are supposed to believe Dumbledore has never suspected you? He has no idea of your true allegiance, he trusts you implicitly still?" Bellatrix asked.
"I have played my part well. And you overlook Dumbledore's great weakness: He has to believe the best of people. I spun him a tale of deepest remorse when I joined his staff, fresh from my Death Eater days, and he embraced me with open arms- though, as I say, never allowing me nearer the Dark Arts than he could help. Dumbledore has been a great wizard-"
Bellatrix made a scathing noise.
"-oh yes, he has, the Dark Lord acknowledges it. I am pleased to say, however, that Dumbledore is growing old. The duel with the Dark Lord last month shook him. He has since sustained a serious injury because of his reactions are slower than they once were. But through all these years, he has never stopped trusting Severus Snape, and therein lies my great value to the Dark Lord."
Bellatrix opened her mouth and he continued, feeling snappish, "And for Elizabeth Kane? It is highly impossible for me to simply bring her to the Dark Lord. As I have understood it, there have been two attempts at taking her in. The first, she escaped herself because Nott wanted a little. . .fun. The second, the order rescued her. Stupid really, her father fights so hard for her. They never had a chance. And it is for the same reasons as not killing Harry Potter that I have not taken Elizabeth Kane. Both children have a special place in Dumbledore's heart. There is no way for me to possibly take her or kill him without losing my position as a spy."
Nott was eventually going to pay for his stunt, but he wasn't entirely sure how. But the idea of anyone- especially a Death Eater's- kissing Elizabeth, feeling Elizabeth, filled him with rage. But he tried to hide that for the moment.
"Now. . . you came to ask me for help, Narcissa?" He asked, turning to her. The sooner this was over with the sooner he could get back in bed, the sooner he could apologize to Elizabeth, the sooner he could feel her mouth on his, his hands on her supple apples. . .
"Yes, Severus I- I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and. . ." Narcissa closed her eyes and two tears trailed out of them and he felt pity in his heart. Damnit, Elizabeth had softened his heart. "The Dark Lord has forbidden me to speak of it. He wishes none to know of the plan. It is. . . very secret. But-"
"If he has forbidden it, you ought not to speak. The Dark Lord's word is law." He said very quickly.
Narcissa gasped and Bellatrix looked extremely satisfied and said, "There! Even Snape says so: You were told not to talk, so hold your silence!"
He got up and closed the curtain. Elizabeth poked her head up in annoyance and hissed at him.
"Oh calm down Eilís" He said and immediately regretted it. It had been the first name that had popped into his mind. A spasm of pain went through her eyes as there were no way to show facial expressions on her feline face and she leapt onto her four paws and walked out of the room.
"It so happens that I know of the plan." He said and he realized he sounded a bit dull. "I am one of the few the Dark Lord has told. Nevertheless, had I not been in on the secret, Narcissa, you would have been guilty of great treachery to the Dark Lord."
Would she wait for him in the room? Or would she have climbed out the window and left? Oh why had he used that stupid name?
"I thought you must know about it! He trusts you so, Severus. . ." Narcissa said, breathing freely.
"You know about the plan? You know?" Bellatrix said, looking enraged.
"Certainly, but what help do you require, Narcissa? If you are imaging I can persuade the Dark Lord to change his mind, I am afraid there is no hope, none at all."
"Severus, my son. . . my only son. . ." Narcissa whispered, more tears sliding down her pale cheeks. He remembered briefly how Elizabeth had been so fearful about not having children. It must be a woman thing.
"Draco should be proud. The Dark Lord is granting him a great honor. And I will say this for Draco: He isn't shrinking away from his duty, he seems glad of a chance to prove himself, excited at the prospect-"
Narcissa began to cry. "That's because he is sixteen and has no idea what lies in store! Why, Severus? Why my son? It is too dangerous! This is vengeance for Lucius's mistake, I know it!"
He looked away, her tears tortured him.
"That's why he's chosen Draco, isn't it? To punish Lucius?" She whispered.
Yes. But he didn't say so.
"If Draco succeeds, he will be honored above all the others." He said slowly.
"But he won't succeed! How can he, when the Dark Lord himself-?" Narcissa sobbed and Bellatrix gasped and Narcissa was suddenly very panicky. "I only meant. . . that nobody has yet succeeded. . . Severus. . . please. . . you are, you have always been, Draco's favorite teacher. . . You are Lucius's old friend. . . I beg you. . . you are the Dark Lord's favorite, his most trusted advisor. . . Will you speak to him, persuade him-"
"The Dark Lord will not be persuaded, and I am not stupid enough to attempt it." He said flatly. "I cannot pretend that the Dark Lord is not angry with Lucius. Lucius was supposed to be in charge. He got himself captured, along with how many others, and failed to retrieve the prophecy into the bargain. Yes, the Dark Lord is angry, Narcissa, very angry indeed."
"Then I am right, he has chosen Draco in revenge! He does not mean him to succeed, he wants him to be killed trying!" Narcissa choked out.
"It was that girls fault!" Bellatrix was saying now hotly. "She told Potter to smash the prophecy and then tricked us saying she always keeps her promises!"
"You mean Elizabeth Kane?" He asked, trying not to sound proud. "That's because she does keep all the promises she makes. You should've known her fingers were crossed. Of course she told Potter to smash the prophecy- she had probably already foreseen the words in her head before they even got there! She knew that it could not land in the Dark Lord's hands!"
But the conversation was interrupted by Narcissa who staggered off the couch and clutched the front of his robes, her tears falling onto his shirt. "You could do it. You could do it instead of Draco, Severus. You would succeed, of course you would, and he would reward you beyond all of us-"
He grabbed her wrists, feeling that this was going to get to personal. He said slowly, "He intends me to do it in the end, I think. But he is determined that Draco should try first. You see, in the unlikely event that Draco succeeds, I shall be able to remain at Hogwarts a little longer, fulfilling my useful role as spy."
"In other words, it doesn't matter to him if Draco is killed!" Narcissa said.
"The Dark Lord is very angry." He repeated. "He failed to hear the prophecy, he failed to attain Elizabeth Kane. You know as well as I do, Narcissa, that he does not forgive easily."
Narcissa crumpled, falling at his feet, sobbing. "My only son. . . my only son. . ."
"You should be proud!" Bellatrix said unsympathetically. "If I had sons, I would be glad to give them up to the service of the Dark Lord!"
So maybe it wasn't a womans thing. Just the sweet women wanted children.
Severus started a bit at her words. 'If I had sons.' Bellatrix knew perfectly well that women could be Death Eaters too. So why. . . no. . . had her and Voldemort. . . surely not?
Narcissa gave a scream of despair and clutched her long beautiful blond hair. He quickly stooped, seizing her by the arms, lifted her up and made her sit back down on the sofa. He poured her more wine, shoving it into her hand. "Narcissa, that's enough. Drink this. Listen to me."
"It might be possible. . . for me to help Draco." He said slowly, hoping he didn't regret making such a statement.
She sat up, "Severus- oh, Severus- you would help him? Would you look after him, see he comes to no harm?"
"I can try." He said.
She flung her glass away and it skidded across the table and she took up a kneeling position at his feet, seizing his hand and pressed her lips to it. He felt heat in his cheeks. Maybe it would be best if Elizabeth was gone. Was this going to go any farther?
"If you are there to protect him. . . Severus, will you swear it? Will you make then Unbreakable vow?"
His heart stopped. Unbreakable vow? If he screwed up. . . he could die. Draco had a tendency to attack Elizabeth at school. If he made the vow. . . how could he protect Elizabeth from Draco if he was supposed to be protecting Draco? He kept his face emotionless and said, "The Unbreakable Vow?"
Bellatrix cackled with laughter. "Aren't you listening, Narcissa? Oh, he'll try, I'm sure. . . The usual empty words, the usual slithering out of action. . . oh, on the Dark Lord's orders, of course!"
He kept his eyes on Narcissa's blue, tear-filled eyes. She was still clutching his hand. "Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow. Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder."
Pride, he thought reluctantly. Pride was what killed Sirius and pride was what was going to kill him. But it was too late, he'd said the words.
Bellatrix's mouth fell open as he lowered himself so that he was kneeling opposite Narcissa. They grasped right hands. "You will need your wand, Bellatrix." He said in as cold a voice as he could muster. If Elizabeth wasn't there when he got back. . .
Bellatrix pulled out her wand. "And you will need to move a little closer." He said.
Narcissa spoke. "Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?"
"I will." He said.
A thin tongue of flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands. There was some heat, but it was not painful.
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And, should it prove necessary. . . if it seems Draco will fail, will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
He twitched for a second, wanting to pull his hand out. Elizabeth would be horribly pained if he died. It took him a second to find the words.
"I will."
As the fiery bond finally fell away, they drew their hands apart and then they were gone as quickly as they had come.
He stood there in the sitting room for some time and then turned and headed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him and locking it.
She was still there, curled up in a ball on the bed, her large green eyes glaring at him with anger.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, "It was the first name that came to mind and it came out. I didn't mean to."
She turned back into a human, completely naked and his heart started to race, looking at how perfect her body was, the curves in her hips, the small but plump breasts, her large brown eyes, the long brown-red hair that reached past her perfectly shaped ass. Perfect- unless he looked at her right hand which had words carved in it. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red, the rest of her face was extremely pale. Her bottom lip was quivering slightly. She'd been crying.
"It's fine. I understand." she whispered, walking up to him, pressing her body to him. Her hands slipped up to his collar and he shivered with anticipation as she lowered his cloak from his shoulders and then unbuttoned his shirt. "Come back to bed." She whispered, turning her back on him and his heart thumped irregularly, watching her hips swing as she walked.
He waved his wand, turning out the lights and shutting the window shades and quickly climbed back into the bed, and climbed back onto her, going into her, and went back up into Heaven.
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
Another entry. Firstly, Still With Me? Did JK release a new song that I didn’t know about? Secondly, I would rather speculate that a song is about someone then a hand gesture that a lot of people do.
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I saw them coming at us for paying attention to numbers and 11/08 even though that's way more real than whatever tf this is. Like... aren't they embarrassed????
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Anyway guys, I have an announcement to make.
Attention please!
Thank u ☺☺
Okay so I've been getting alot of frustrated asks mad at tkkrs and antis on twitter, right? Unfortunately I tend not to post them because I don't wanna bring too much negativity on this blog. Especially when some of those things are vile AF. Anyway, the point of this post is, My friends and I are in a Jikook discord and a few of us do this thing on twitter where we fight antis and shit especially when they come to Jikook spaces.
As we know recently a big Jikook account with 15k followers was attacked the other day for liking a post from an anti. But she had no idea that person was one. She just liked the post coz it was Jikook related. It's an easy mistake to make, really. She tried apologising and explaining she'd blocked the anti but these assholes didn't listen. They went though her profile and started commenting under all her regular, normal tweets that she was an anti and should be ashamed of herself or whatever. They were determined to give her no peace whatsoever.
When called out themselves, one account shamelessly said that they were antis and proud. That they didn't pretend that they don't hate Jimin. This really made me mad. It's not the first time they've been quite proud of the Jimin hate they partake in. Tkk accounts will gets thousand of likes on a post hating on Jimin and this ain't right. An anon sent in an ask venting about us being cowards and I agree. They attack Jikookers and these jkkrs end up deleting their Jikook posts. THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Its not.
They do this thing where they move in balk. My friends and I tried to back this account up. Encouraged her not to let them get to her. But it dont matter that 5 people are on your side if 30 people are telling you to kill yourself its just... /sigh/
This account is still running. But they had to unfollow everyone they follow and start from scratch. This ain't right guys. Its just not fair no matter how u look at it. I think we need to start giving tkkrs the same energy they give us.
Simply ignoring them is NOT working. We don't go to them, they come to us. I think its time Jikookers fought fire with fire. Which is why I'm making this post. A few of us had the idea to create a Jikook fighting discord.
If you are reading this and are tired of taking shit lying down. If you have wanted to fight these people but you were worried that you are just one person and won't make a difference. If you see the Jimin hate and wish there was something you could do about it, I come with an offer. Fuck tkkrs. Fuck antis. Fuck solos and fuck ot7 accounts that call out the vermin but then delete their tweets when they start to loose followers. Fuck all these people. Lets do something about this, ourselves.
Tkkrs are the ones causing chain reactions. If they didn't attack Jimin, Jimin solos wouldn't attack V and JK. (Yesterday I saw an art of JK with a dirty diaper and I just...🤮) If they shipped in peace and didn't attack Jimin literally all this shit wouldn't be happening.
I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. So if you see this post and you agree that enough is enough, then come join us here.
If you can't join then spread the word. Time to defend Kookmin and Koominers. Fuck this shit. The vermin have ran rampant for long enough. Photoshopping Jimin getting blown by band pd wasn't enough. Now they're editing him into porn. Guys, they've go10 too comfortable. Let's do something!
1) Create a separate twitter account before you join us. Safer not to use your main
2) ONLY Jikookers allowed in this discord. If you are not one of us we will know.
See you soon. I hope some of you consider. This shit has to stop. Kookminers assemble!!
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Bless 💜
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trashshouldnt · 22 days ago
the forms we take: story six, blood rage
word count: 1k
content warnings: gore [mild]
synopsis: your name is Vern, and tonight you and your pack of shapeshifters are on their way to kill your corrupt senator. it's time for revenge.
posting one of my stories as a sneak peek of what's to cone in my book :] you don't need much context for this one other than that shapeshifters are persecuted in society in this story. enjoy!!
i am hunting, and i am angry.
i prowl through the suburban twilight hellscape, looking for her, shifted into my choice disguise — a large, cumbersome white dog stained red by the blood already shed tonight.
they'll pay, He whispers in my ear. they'll all see how strong you've become, and they will shake like the leaves in the trees, cower in their insolence. they'll pay.
i spot my ally, a coyote's form in the distance, eyes glowing red. it's a night of reckoning. i know he's summoned all his allies too. i shift, muscles rippling into a new shape as bones crack into place. i stand, unsteady on my hind legs, and painstakingly walk forward towards her door. she needs to let me in.
i knock, straightening my back and slicking down my dog's ears. in the dim light, she'll only see a scruffy "man" with strange eyes. nothing out of the ordinary for this neighborhood. nothing out of the ordinary for the company she keeps.
lose the snout, He whispers, and i oblige, cracking the bones into shape before i knock. wiping the blood away as it trickles from my nose. good boy. you'll have your pound of flesh tonight.
she opens the door. gasps. goes to shut it. i catch the handle, yanking it open and catching her when my strength makes her fall off balance.
"hello, senator Holly," i growl. "brought some friends along, hope you don't mind. such a lovely home you've got here, really. mind if i come in?"
i toss her away from me, and she lands sprawled in the foyer, eyes wide with terror. "you! you're dead!" she cries, clutching at her chest as He laughs in my ear. yes, YES! make her pay, flay her and leave her on the lawn. take your revenge, don't waste your time.
i laugh, bitter and harsh. "you killed someone, certainly. but not me. im more... resilient." i admire my arns as they formshift, hands mutilating into bladelike talons, tendons and sinew exposed. my allies flood into the house as i step towards her, menacing.
"my daughters are upstairs, they'll hear you and call the police!" she warbles, voice high, her pupils darting across our familiar faces. "you don't want to do this, you vermin."
"i think you'll find we do, senator. in fact, we've been waiting for this for a very, very long time."
we lunge, all one swirling gorey motion as she screams an endless scream. fangs and talons, claws and human weapons tear through her, some simply grabbing and ripping at anything they can reach. eyes, hair, clothes, skin, nothing is safe. i get the most delicious part, slitting open the hag's guts and watching my friends rip and tear at what spills out. all the while, He laughs and cackles, urging us all on in our minds.
while the dogs tear through her, i stalk my way upstairs. i have someone to rescue.
i am hidden in my bedroom, waiting for him.
the door is locked so my mother can't get in, and im practicing my transformations like he asked. im going to be part of something greater, he promised me.
there's a howl outside. i rush to the window, seeing the shape of a coyote pack in the distance, there by the rising moon.
it's them.
i race to my sister's room, knocking urgently. she opens the door, and from her face i know she knows it too. we're getting out of here, tonight.
we huddle on the bed, listening as our captor's muffled voice through the walls as our savior appears. but when the screams start, we weep.
no matter how she hated what we were, no matter how she tried to smother us, she was our mother. and now she's gone.
i hear the footfalls on the stairs before my sister, ears pricked to the door.
slowly, the handle turns. i rush to my father, our new guardian, and we embrace. my sister is quick to follow, burying her face into his furry shoulder. we're safe now, i think. we're free.
i hold my new pups, stained in the blood of their mother, and we cry. oh... they're so small, He whispers. these pups need more than this life, Vern, He tells me, and i agree.
gently, she takes my gore stained claws in her hand, and looks up into my eyes. we don't speak, but i understand. thank you.
i pick them up, one in each arm, and gently take them downstairs. we go out the garage, to avoid the grisly sight of their old guardian and my... predisposed pack. it's still twilight, almost time to move on to the next revenge plan, but for now i savor the air. the feeling of satisfaction. we've done it, Vern, He says, and He's right. we've done it.
we won't be killed anymore. there's more of us, and more who support us, than there are them. i can't believe it took us this long to realize.
the night is beautiful. the night is young.
we will survive.
my father is a good man. i have to tell myself that.
he's holding us, my sister asleep on his shoulder. i don't know how she sleeps, not when the smell of gore and iron saturates the air. not when i still hear her gurgling and dying in the foyer.
im not as old as my sister, im not as "wise" as her, but i know that cruelty is wrong. that fearing our mother is a bad sign. but i can't let her death go.
i cry, as silent as i can.
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kamilion-en-pointe · 2 years ago
Just watched Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 a few days ago. And I mean this with 100% sincerity—I don't think I've ever watched a movie so good it made me want to rewatch it in cinemas, until this one.
Anyway, here are some thoughts that have been spinning around in my head like a microwave lol. And feel free to add your own stuff. I'd genuinely love to read more of other people's takes :)
Uhhh surprise most of this is gonna be about Rocket
Spoilers Below!
The entire opening. I've listened to the acoustic version of Creep at least a billion times since watching it
I love that the stakes start relatively small. They're not going (initially) to save the entire galaxy or anything. They just need to save a member of their family. That's all you need to care
Mantis getting more character development is always really nice to see. She gives me the vibes of a therapist friend, which makes her ending of needing to part from the group to find herself quite satisfying
Nebula. Just Nebula. I love her
I think the movie handled the flashback scenes very well, especially the ones that featured heavy animal cruelty. Choosing not to show any visuals, just audio of a young Rocket screaming in pain. You can feel the horror of the Guardians as they watch the data they gathered
I like the brief scene of baby Rocket pocketing some of the High Evolutionary's tech. Especially once it's revealed he was hiding all the necessary components to recreate a keycard for the cages—something I don't think he would've done if he really had faith the High Evolutionary would let him and his friends free
When the High Evolutionary put a turtle in one of his pods, there was a little kid in the cinema who said, "Ninja turtle!" Which is great 'cause that's also what I was thinking lol
That same kid also really freaked out (/pos) when Peter dropped that f-bomb. It was really cute
I also love that Vocaloid is apparently a staple bit of pop-culture on Counter-Earth? Because that implies either:
A) The High Evolutionary thought it was literally the perfect music genre OR
B) He counted it as one of the many mistakes on his 'Reasons To Explode An Entire Planet I Spent Years Figuring Out A Way To Speed Up Evolution For' list
I'd like to just take a moment to appreciate how great of an actor Chukwudi Iwuji is??? Like, when the High Evolutionary drags Rocket to the pods and hysterically questions how? How could he have known what to do? How could this vermin be more intelligent than his creator? How dare he look down on him?! I was scared shitless
Just... Rocket's scream of anguish once Lylla is dead. After having hugged for the first and last time. Sends shivers up my spine
Floor's repetition of "Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now! Rocket, Teefs, Floor go now!" has been ingrained into my brain for the rest of time (Major shout out to the voice actor, Mikaela Hoover!)
And then the High Evolutionary has the gall to mock Rocket, calling his grief a crying contest. I already hated this bastard but oh boy—!
Which makes Rocket's reaction so cathartic, when he jumps and scratches the High Evolutionary's face off. But his friends are telling him they have to go. They have to go now! Pleading with him as reineforcements arrive until...
They go quiet. And you can't help the dread bubbling inside you. Because we all knew how it was going to end, but we hoped, just maybe, we would be proven wrong
We weren't
Rocket, on the brink of death as Peter screams for him to be alright, seeing his friends in a white void, stacks of cages barely visible behind him. They're flying, they can see the neverending sky! "Can I join you?" he asks.
"Of course. But it's not your time yet."
Me: :')
Rocket seeing a cage of baby animals that look like him, after decades of thinking he was the only one in the universe. Looking at the plaque to see 'Racoon'—that's what he is? That's what he is!
Followed by him immediately scooping them all into his arms. Doesn't matter if they can't fit, or if some of them scramble onto his back. They can't go through what he went through, they just can't!
Rocket seeing the High Evolutionary after all these years of running, being beaten and thrown around, insult after insult flung at him—"How dare you think you are more?! 89P13!"
Before Rocket changes the gravity—one of the things the High Evolutionary boasted only he could control—and declaring, "Name's Rocket. Rocket Racoon."
He uses his name. He's not only found belonging with the baby racoons he just saved, this is also the first time his torturer hears his chosen name from his own mouth. He's saying, "I am not just a string of numbers! I am not just part of a batch of 'failed' experiments! I am my own being!!"
The reveal of the High Evolutionary's actual face was gross in all the best ways. The makeup was just *chef's kiss*
Rocket insisting they have to get the animals out too, even though the initial mission was to just get the children out, and the other Guardians going along with it because they can see how important it is to him makes me smile
Peter fucking Quill going back for the Zune, not for him, but so that he can give it to Rocket!!!
For real, I was actually worried that they would kill him off. The stakes were that convincing
I like that Peter and Gamora don't end back together. It's realistic, and more importantly, it feels like the characters made that decision themselves and not a bunch of writers forcing something between them. And Gamora has grown to care for the group now, even if she'll never return to how she was before
The fact that we can understand Groot because we're part of the family now ❤️❤️❤️
I genuinely don't get why some people thought ending with a dance party was weird/bad? Maybe it's just 'cause I'm a dancer so I associate it a lot with my emotions. But if any movie deserves to go out with a dance party, it's this one. It feels so...relieving, seeing everyone on Knowhere smiling and having fun together
(And, of course, I've also been looping Dog Days Are Over a billion times and smiling stupidly to myself)
And Peter finally returning to Earth, seeing his grandfather, who immediately gets up to hug him? Tears, just like that haha
I also adore both end credits scenes. Adorable
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plumsaffron · 8 months ago
Cherry Crimson Brine Final (1-3)
Immortally Wounded
Jump back to the 3rd brine
To Every Part Link Here
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Days Later Rooster Bold: How is she? Cat Noir: The doctors said she should be okay and ready to go in a few days  (Strange thing is I haven't seen any of her caretakers at all)
Meanwhile Felix: Should we tell the people it's Lila? Marinette: I rather not. Kagami: Yeah don't. (Why am I holding onto this memory?) Marinette: I don't know. I had to convince even Aeon to not spill the beans.
After what I seen, I don't wish to do that. 
Rather keep the peace that we worked so hard to have and finally get
(Still, this is just an addon to my other secret).
Kagami: Well now we can help more forward with Mayor Bustier's plans. Kagami: I still…can't believe my friend…would do this. I feel so uneasy. Felix: Well at least the people in this city only think it was a dream 
or that Hawk Moth brainwashed us. (I don't even know how that's possible but it worked). Kagami: Hopefully none of us  have to do this again. 
I really hated this method. Marinette: Yeah I know. I'm sorry I dragged you all into this. 
(But she's not Adrien's dad. Why am I keeping this a secret from the world? She’s not Mr. Agreste.) Felix: I understand though. Kagami nods Kagami: (Why don't I feel angry at Lila though? Shouldn't I? She...)
Few Days Later Lila walking to one of her domains She waves but the npc gives a disgusted look and looks away Lila: (What was that about?) She tries to catch a bus When the bus sees her, the doors close and the bus drives away She's puzzled from what going on Lila: I should have brought my bike.
Some walkings later Lila: I'm home. As soon as she said that, she witnessed a triple wake up call Next Day Lila is just sitting where she usually would outside Thinking about Yesterday Few random Parisians approach her She notices Lila: Umm. Can I help you? I'm kind of busy pondering. NPC Boy: Get out of here. Eyesore Lila: Say what? NPC Girl: Begone now. Beat it! Or elsssse. Lila: What did I do? NPC Boy: You should knew, you scum. Do what I say, wretch! Lila leaves but is looking back cause she’s bothered by the 2 randoms’ threats As she’s walking, she gets yoinked and pinned against a wall NPC Band Member: You vermin. It’s because of you she’s gone. You’re why she’s gone, you insufferable freak. Band Member 2: What shall we do with this spawn? 
That idiot makes me itch. Band Member 3: Maybe we should bash this thing until we are bored. This liar person deserves it anyways for what she’s done. Band Member: Her very existence and lies disgust me. This roach is worse than Hawk Moth. Throws her and she falls on her arm Downed as she is, she’s witnesses their aggression beginning to overflow Lila gets up and jets away Band Member 3: Get Back Here! I’m not done with you yet! 
They sprint after her and try throwing their instruments at her
Meanwhile At Adrien’s Mansion
Nathalie: I’m sorry As she hugs Adrien and beginning to tear up I didn’t know. I thought she (I’ve spied on her for months and more)… And yet… I’m sorry I failed to keep you safe from toxic people like her! I failed your mother! I didn’t bother keep tabs on that evil entity.
After 10 seconds Adrien: Its… It’s okay. She didn’t do anything. Nathalie: But… The Agreste Brand.
I’m sorry she ruined it.
Adrien: None of us knew the truth. I don’t feel harmed or damaged. Let’s move on and do something to keep your mind from this.
(Despite this information. I don’t believe it. 
I just need more time to uncover the real truth.)
Kagami: This can’t be real. This isn’t real! IT’SNOTTRUE! Sulking My friend… But the evidence… Mother was right. If I just… Listen to her commands and rejected friendship for all. 
Despairingly I would not feel. BROKEN
(I would have no attachments)
Meanwhile somewhere else in Paris Andre Glacier: Ready! She hears his voice Andre Glacier: FIRE!
The Ice Cream Man and npcs catapulting or throwing ice cream at her She runs away with one eye open and with her body aching from the cold and rough objects hitting and latching on to her and melting
10 minutes later Lila: Urg rrgh. What’s wrong with this town?
It’s way worse than the incident that paperwork nightmare.
Pigeon Robots, Gamer City, Soundwave's disks and instrument town, and Clonika golden phone chips stuff everywhere. Suddenly someone blindside’s their arm were her neck is causing her to fall They proceed stomping on her
after 30 seconds of her beatdown session Jean Duparc: What shall we do with her.
She’s absolutely scary. Theo Barbot: Lets Burn The Witch Who's got a lighter? Some NPC girl: Look out. Throws something that engulfs Lila in flames
Screaming and burning alive Theo Barbot: Good riddance.
Hideous woman preying on the legacy of the savior.
the girl who engulfed her laughs at her Fire Truck Driver sees and stops Firefighter steps out and extinguishes her demise from being reached Jean Duparc: Hey what was that for?! She’s a witch.
If only there was a stake and more watched.
NPC Girl: Yeah don’t you remember she lied about everything. 
The hag probably tricked the 3 smooth brained woman in raising the eyesore itself. 
Theo: Just let this scheming creature die so I can celebrate.
Knowing that she breathes gives me a chill. Hessenpy: No, she doesn't deserve that.
Lila: At least someone has the decency to protect me. Hessenpy: Protect you? No As he walks closer You're worse than Hawk Moth or that evil entity that Mr. Agreste saved us and unfortunately you from You are going to live as everyone’s punching bag or destructible action figure until there is nothing left of you. NPC Girl: That's smart. Theo: Yeah. Lets drag this fake teen down as long as possible. Restrains Lila Lila: LET ME GO! Hessenpy: Let's cut her hair. Lila: NO!
Link to the 2nd Part Of This Finale Pending
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castershellwrites · 2 years ago
Ghost of Tsushima CYOA Part 7
Jin/Tenzo Rated Teen
Link to part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6.
This is the longest part yet I think. And we've got angst. So much glorious angst. I tried to have them talk, but I just don't think Shimura is ready for it, and now Tenzo has derailed Jin's plans. What will Jin do?
Part 7 of the fic and the poll for what happens next are below the cut.
“Ride with me.” Jin demanded.
Shinura scoffed but maintained the illusion. He waved his hand to his retainers, telling them to fall back. They’d tried to rush the gates when Jin spoke.
Jin swallowed his emotions, but they stuck in his throat. His uncle was going to ride with him, and trust him to remain honorable and not lead him into an ambush. Shimura would do all this despite knowing Jin was deliberately using those fateful words that had led him to their last duel, when Shimura had tried to kill him and they’d parted. He—Jin nodded, remained silent, and turned Kaze away from the encampment. He glanced at Tenzo as he rode past, careful not to move his head and give away his friend’s position. Tenzo would be able to sneak away now that he wasn’t needed for cover.
They rode at a relaxed ambling walk, just like what Jin had promised Kaze in those weary days before the Khan’s defeat. Except now it was with his uncle towards an uncertain future. Insects buzzed in the night. Not a human soul stirred aside from the two of them, all Iki’s inhabitants hiding from or otherwise preparing for the second samurai invasion.
Finally, Shimura spoke, “I know it’s you Jin.”
“I didn’t expect you to believe it was Kazumasa.” Jin deliberately said Kazumasa and not ‘my father’. He could feel his uncle’s glare boring into him. “I don’t think I can call him father now that I am no longer of Clan Sakai. Can I, Lord Shimura?” Jin stopped Kaze and waited for Shimur and his horse to come apace.
“Now you’re just being childish, Jin.” His uncle criticized.
“I am being honest. I’ve asked you to ride so we can talk. Just talk! This isn’t going to end with an announcement that this was all some ruse and a duel to the death!” Jin felt his voice rising and his chest shaking with effort. He ripped off his father’s helm to glare at his uncle.
Shimura didn’t have any armor, and his eyes seemed sad when he looked at Jin. “Do you think I had a choice?”
Jin wanted to scream. “There is always a choice,” He spat out in a low even tone. “My father’s killer knew I was there, and chose to spare me because enough blood had been shed.”
“You’re a fool Jin. That man would have killed you without a second thought. Pirates and raiders, they’re all vermin. Use them if you must, but know that they will turn on you give the first opportunity.”
“And what of samurai? Loyal dogs, obedient to their masters even after they’ve been kicked? I am a man uncle, not an animal. The same as any of the people on this island.” Jin turned Kaze to face his uncle head on. Despite being in full armor and physically larger, being here with Shimura made him feel oh so small again.
“You are—you should be better than them.” Shimura shook his head.
Jin sighed wearily. He dismounted and waited for his uncle to do the same. “This isn’t what I wanted to talk about. Come,” He pleaded, “come sit with me.” There were two woven cushions in the clearing nearby. Jin had stopped the horses far enough away they wouldn’t disturb the wildlife. He walked over and sat. He would see this through wether his uncle listened or not. And wasn’t that a running theme in his life now.
Save Tsushima, regardless of his uncle. Live, regardless of his uncle. Love Ryuzo, and Yuna, and Tenzo… oh, he loved Tenzo… regardless of his uncle. And now he’d play his flute, whether his uncle listened of not.
Shimura joined him, after scanning the surrounding underbrush and trees suspiciously, like he believed Jin would lead him into a trap. The distrust stung, but Jin allowed it. He didn’t trust his uncle either, after their last meeting.
Jin took his flute out, pursed his lips, and played. He made sure it was song he knew well, one he’d learned at his mother’s knee, when she’d been ill. He put his entire soul into it, thankful for all the practice he’d gotten here on Iki with Hachibee. The world vanished, for a long and peaceful moment it was just Jin and the sound of his flute. Something warm and small on his lap got his attention and Jin opened his eyes to a small wildcat about to step onto his lap. The made eye contact for a moment, then Jin closed his again and kept playing. By the time his song was done there was a wildcat asleep on his lap, with another curled at his side and a third playing with a loose piece of his armor.
“You’re so much like her,” Shimura sighed. At the sound of his voice the cats scattered.
“Would you have banished her? If she’d done what I did?” Jin couldn’t help but ask. He’d forgiven himself, he’d forgiven his father, but the pain of Shimura ending their relationship was too fresh.
Shimura remained silent.
Jin did as well. He deserved an answer, but knew he’d never receive on if he pushed.
“She wouldn’t,” Shimura finally stated.
“I don’t think you know how stubborn of a woman she could be.” Jin crossed his arms.
“I know exactly how stubborn. I see—I saw it every day with you. You’re so much like your mother, Jin.”
Jin frowned; this wasn’t the conversation he wanted to have either. “I wanted to talk with you.”
“We are talking, Jin.”
“Not about what matters. Not about—” Jin stopped himself. He was raising his voice and if he continued to do so Shimura wouldn’t take a word he said seriously. Jin took a deep steadying breath, he tried to be like Norio and use some of the meditation techniques he’d learned with the monk while recovering in the temple. “I want to know why.”
Shimura quirked an eyebrow smugly. Jin knew he was silently being chastised for not being specific.
“Why did you try to kill me?”
Shimura snorted, like the answer was the most obvious thing. “I did not want to. It was the will of the Shogun.”
“Why did you listen?”
“I am the Jito! It is my duty to obey, as it was yours.”
“What honor is there in killing your only relative?” Jin did raise his voice. The underbrush rustled as cats fled and a larger animal moved through it.
“You know nothing of honor. Ever since Komoda beach you have been different. Willing to break our code as samurai and use whatever tactics necessary.”
Say it, Jin. Demand it of me,” Shimura spat bitterly.
“Uncle, I…” Jin was currently confused.
“You’ve said every other word from that damned day. Ask me if I’m ready and we shall fight again. You mock me with my brother in law’s armor, you bring up old painful memories. I was willing to let you die that day but you refuse to remain a ghost. Just end my suffering, Jin.”
Jin reeled like he’d been physically slapped once more. Maybe… maybe this had all been a mistake. Instead of finding healing and closure, his presence was just hurting his uncle.
“This was a mistake,” Jin sighed, “let’s just go back.”
“No,” A familiar voice declared.
“Tenzo?” Jin hastily stood and put himself between his uncle and his friend. “Tenzo don’t do this.”
“The samurai need to leave the island Jin. I can’t just let him go.” Tenzo held his sword at the ready, in a perfect stone stance. Damn Tenzo for being a quick study.
“Jin,” Shimura scolded, “Who is this raider scum?”
“Tell him Jin,” Tenzo smirked, “or I will.”
Jin walked over to Tenzo, heedless of the sword leveled at him, to whisper too quietly for Shimura to hear, “Don’t tell him Tenzo, he will kill you.”
“Jin,” Shimmura demanded, “What is going on. Is this an ambush?”
Tenzo grinned bitterly, “No, I’m—”
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queen-dahlia · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭
»»———-Part 1┋Part 2┋Part 3┋His POV———-««
I'm gonna cry again 😢😢😢
I really like his voice line for this card, asking her why her heart is beating fast, asking her what she's thinking and feeling (right now) while she's in his arms (๑>◡<;๑)
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation | ⫘⫘ : flashback
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Human greed and deception are the causes of corruption.
What has rotted cannot be restored.
If left unattended, others will rot in a chain.
So, clean up nicely.
Erase them without a trace, and do not let them bring dirt into the world.
Gilbert: "... So? How were you guys planning on baring your fangs at me?"
The area was a sea of blood.
The corpses of beasts - not humans - who were blinded by greed are piled on top of each other.
The only people standing properly were myself and my jet-black hooded aide.
I picked up a sword that was lying on the ground and slashed at the shoulder of the beast, the only survivor.
(It's so dirty...)
Man: "I-I don't... know anything... about it..."
I slash the other shoulder as well and kick him down to the filthy ground.
Gilbert: "Well, let me guess...?"
Gilbert: "You heard rumors. That the Trampling Beast has a 'favorite' in Rhodolite." **
Man: ". . . . ."
Gilbert: "If you use her, maybe the cold-blooded imperial family will listen to you."
Gilbert: "I guess you were going to say that if I gave you back the knighthood I stripped you of, you'd give the woman back to me safe and sound..."
Gilbert: "You had such a faint dream and released one of those vermin into Rhodolite, didn't you?"
Man: "... Please help me..."
Gilbert: "Ahaha, you're such an idiot."
I swing the sword mercilessly.
The splattered substance stains my clothes and face. **
Gilbert: "Do you think you're allowed to breathe when you're messing with my prey?"
The beast was no longer moving.
(Seriously... How many people are there?)
It was exactly one year ago when I stayed at Rhodolite and messed around with the little rabbit.
The fact that we were friends even for a short time spreads everywhere,
Those who were politically purging and clutching at straws were always led to the little rabbit. // The destination for politically purged people who were clutching at straws always ended up with the little rabbit. **
(I knew this would happen from then on.)
Throwing down the sword, I walk through the pool of blood.
Gilbert: "Roderich. Clean it all up. Let's call it the Emperor's purge."
Roderich: "The message to Michael was—"
Gilbert: "I don't need it."
One of the stealthy spies that I have placed at Rhodolite is now a regular customer at little rabbit's bookstore. // One of the spies assigned to Rhodolite is now a regular customer at the little rabbit's bookstore.
When 'he' was not with the little rabbit, he was always in charge of escorting her and taking care of any troublesome matters.
(But this time...)
Gilbert: "I'll go to Rhodolite."
Roderich: "Understood."
Roderich: "...No, I've never heard of it."
Gilbert: "You're lucky to have heard it."
Roderich: ". . . . ."
Gilbert: "So, that's it then. Take care while I'm gone, okay?" **
With my aide looking absolutely speechless, I left the scene. **
(I hope you are doing well, little rabbit.)
Cafe clerk: "Thank you for waiting. Here is the cake for your birthday."
The little rabbit I hadn't seen in a year hadn't changed at all. // When I saw the little rabbit for the first time in a year, nothing had changed.
I took her around under the guise of 'looking for someone' and got an unexpected surprise at a café we arrived at.
(No way, I didn't think you remembered my birthday.)
A pure white whole cake decorated with sugar roses was placed in front of me.
Gilbert: "I knew you were ordering something in secret."
Emma: "It's your birthday today, isn't it?"
Gilbert: "You remembered."
Emma: "In many ways, it is unforgettable."
(Because I bullied you last year.)
It should never be a good memory because I used my birthday as a trap to drag the little rabbit into the vortex of malice.
Gilbert: "You never learn."
Gilbert: "You'll be betrayed by me just like last year, you know?"
Emma: "Then please don't betray me. This cake is exquisite, isn't it?"
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Gilbert: "Ahaha, are you trying to bribe me with this?"
Emma: "I didn't mean to... But let me celebrate your birthday honestly at least."
Gilbert: "I don't think you're dealing with the right person."
Emma: ". . . . ."
(As beautiful as ever, I want to throw up.) // (You're still so beautiful, it's repulsive.)
(I exposed you to so much malice from the court, even if it was only for a time, and yet you didn't change at all...)
It's so rare that it's sickening.
I like her so much that I have to force myself to come and see her.
Gilbert: "But I'll take your good will, little rabbit."
(And I don't plan to take advantage of the celebration this year.)
I grab the fork that was in my hand and hold it out to the little rabbit.
Emma: "... What's this?"
Gilbert: "I'm waiting for an 'ahh'?"
Emma: "I don't want to."
Gilbert: "Oh, do I have to tell you again?"
(It's still worth teasing, as always.)
The little rabbit, who blatantly behaved suspiciously,
Eventually, I got hungry, and she scooped out a big portion of cake and brought it to my mouth.
(The portion is so big that it looks as if you are harassing me.) // (A bite is so big that it's almost like harassment.)
Somehow, I managed to get it into my mouth and enjoy the sweet taste.
Emma: "How do you like it?"
Gilbert: "One more bite."
(Last year on my birthday, you seemed to be constantly on guard against me... This year, not so much.) // (You seemed wary of me last year on my birthday, but that doesn't seem to be the case this year.)
She seems to be busy being shy, worrying, and deciding what to do.
(While the little rabbit was at court, we became good friends.)
(... Poor thing.)
While sincerely sympathizing with her, I continued to eat every last piece of cake that was brought to me, one after the other.
Gilbert: "I wasn't into sweets before, but I got a taste for it here at Rhodolite."
Gilbert: "Now I like sweets. It's your fault, isn't it?"
Emma: "... I'm glad you liked it."
(Well, I guess it tastes better because you're here.)
A meal is more about the person you spend time with than the food.
The recent dinner with the nobility in the country did not taste good at all, no matter how much I ate. // The meal with the nobles that was recently held in the country did not taste good at all, no matter how much I ate.
(This alone was worth the trip to Rhodolite.)
(... Well, I have to finish my original errand as soon as possible...)
While teasing the little rabbit, my awareness was always directed outward.
Because of this, she notices it right away.
(I found the person I was looking for.)
The little rabbit noticed, too, and gave me a puzzled look that said, 'What are you going to do?'
Gilbert: "After we've eaten everything, shall we go somewhere else?"
Emma: "That man... he drinks all alone, doesn't he?"
Gilbert: "It seems so. It's lonely."
I drank pomegranate juice with the little bunny in a blind spot from the man sitting at the counter seat.
(I wish I could have enjoyed my birthday more.)
The little rabbit breathes nervously.
You must not know anything about the situation, but you may have guessed it with your keen intuition.
(It's time for the medicine to start working. ...Let's cut to the chase.)
Gilbert: "Hey, little rabbit. Has anything changed around you lately?"
Emma: "Things that have changed..."
Emma: ". . . ."
The honest little rabbit had the answer on her face before she could say the words.
Gilbert: "Whatever you have to say, just say it."
Emma: "I think it's just my imagination, but sometimes I can feel their gaze on me."
Emma: "On the way home from the bookstore... I turned around, but there was no one there..."
(The fact that an amateur can sense the presence of a person is less than third-rate.)
Gilbert: "Oh, is that your stalker?"
Emma: "... I don't know."
Gilbert: "You're so cute." // "You're pretty."
Emma: "Is that so...?"
Gilbert: "Yeah, probably the type who unknowingly loses every guy she meets."
I said it with the utmost sincerity, but the little rabbit raised her eyebrows and made a difficult face.
(They are bad.)
Gilbert: "But don't worry. I don't think you'll ever feel the gaze again."
Emma: "How did you—"
Emma: ". . . . ."
The little rabbit's body tilts as if something snapped.
I held out my hand to avoid hitting her forehead and gently placed her head on the table.
(I bet you'll despise me when you wake up...)
(... Sorry?)
I got up and took one look at the customer who was sitting next to me.
Gilbert: "Just keep an eye on her."
Michael: "I'll go take care of 'that'--"
Gilbert: "I want to do this."
I smile and hold the cane in my hand.
I pushed my way through the hustle and bustle, and put my hand on the shoulder of the 'beast' who was drinking alcohol on his own.
Gilbert: "I have to let you know who you're messing with." // "I have to let you know whose property you're messing with." // "I have to let you know who you're trying to get your hands on."
As our eyes meet, the beast drops his glass, his face as pale as a dead man's.
Gilbert: "Right, ex-Count?"
The 'cleanup' went quickly, as the frightened beast fled into a deserted alley.
However, there was no way I was going to return to the little rabbit in dirty clothes, so I went straight to the court.
I could have stayed cooped up in the guest room, but I unknowingly went to the chapel because—
Maybe it was because I was expecting it.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert, you are terrible."
When the door to the chapel opened and a faint light streamed in, the corners of my mouth involuntarily lifted.
Gilbert: "Ahaha, sorry?"
(The odds of you coming or not were 50/50, but you're brave enough to show up.)
I turn around and see the little rabbit confronting me with a raised eyebrow.
Emma: "Why did you put me to sleep?"
Gilbert: "Of course, because it wasn't convenient."
Emma: "What's the matter—"
Emma: "Uh... Prince Gilbert..."
Suddenly, a frightened look came into her clear eyes, as if she had noticed something.
Gilbert: "Oh, did you notice? I changed my clothes."
(It shouldn't smell that bad... but maybe I'm just so used to it that I don't notice it.)
Emma: "What did you do to that man?"
Gilbert: "There are some things it's better not to know."
(You don't need to know anything about it.)
And the little rabbit is still the target of many malicious intentions.
You don't even need to know that I keep eliminating that malice from your life.
(I will use the malice that is necessary for the 'Judgment', but the ones that are not are just in the way...)
Everything I wanted to hide was sealed behind my smile.
Gilbert: "I guess I've avenged your good intentions..."
Emma: "...Why did you involve me? If you were looking for someone, you could have done it alone."
Gilbert: "Because it was my birthday."
Emma: ". . . . . ?"
Gilbert: "I came to Rhodolite to run some errands. Therefore, I have limited time for you."
Gilbert: "I couldn't spend time with you if I didn't have you running errands with me."
I know it sounds silly, but I mean it.
The villain had a taste of last year's birthday, and he came again this year.
Gilbert: "I'm a bad person. That's why, even if I hurt you, I can choose what I enjoy without hesitation." // "I'm, you know, a bad person. So I'm not afraid to choose to enjoy myself even if it hurts you."
Emma: ". . . . ."
Gilbert: "... I was waiting for you to come in, but my body got cold." // "I was waiting for you to come in, but I got so cold."
Gilbert: "If that's all there is to say, then I should go."
(And by the looks of things, it doesn't look like there will be a celebration.) // (At this rate, I don't think she's going to celebrate with me.)
The little rabbit, looking frightened, hurt, and lost in emotion, closed her mouth.
Turning my back to the figure, I walk toward the doorway.
(... I guess I got my hopes up too much just because this year might be the last.)
Tap, tap, tap.
Each time the sound resounded, the little rabbit's presence grew further and further away...
--It should have been.
Gilbert: "What?"
I feel warmth on my back and stop.
I turned to look, and I saw the little rabbit clinging to me as if to hold me back. // I turned around and saw the little rabbit clinging to me as if she were trying to hold me back.
Emma: "I told you not to betray me, but you're the worst."
Gilbert: "Oh, man, I didn't even promise you I wouldn't betray you, did I?"
Emma: "Is that so. ...I didn't believe in it much either."
Gilbert: "Ahaha, you're smart, aren't you?"
Emma: "On top of that, I'll say it."
Emma: "Happy Birthday."
(. . . . .)
(... Did you hear the voice of my heart?)
The little rabbit's "congratulatory words" seeped into my cold body.
Gilbert: "You have a heart of steel, huh?"
Emma: "... I don't think so. It still hurts so bad that I feel like I'm going to spit up blood."
Gilbert: "And yet you're celebrating?"
Gilbert: "I may have just done some bad things, as you might have guessed."
Emma: "I... I try to believe only in what I see."
Emma: "All I saw today was Prince Gilbert, who seemed to be enjoying himself throughout the day."
Emma: "The feeling that you stopped by Rhodolite and wanted to see me was genuine, too."
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Gilbert: ". . . . ."
(It sounds like fun...)
(Heh, I didn't know it looked that way.)
Emma: "Even though you're a big villain, I was happy with that feeling, so..."
Emma: "I honestly wanted to celebrate."
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(You don't know anything about what I'm hiding.)
This is why I hate beautiful things.
Gilbert: "... Really, you're so repulsively stupid."
(I know it's stupid... I'm glad I came to see you, even if I had to come up with a strange excuse.)
Somehow, my body feels warmer than usual.
The little rabbit was silent for a bit and then opened her mouth as if she were hesitating.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert... What am I to you?"
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(That's sudden. Did someone say something to you...)
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(But I can tell you the answer right away.)
The little rabbit's position has not changed from the 'past' to the present. // From the 'old days' to the present, the position of the little rabbit has not changed.
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Gilbert: "Last hope, perhaps?"
(Though the day will never come when you will know the meaning of these words.)
Gilbert: "By the way, by the looks of it, you're going to celebrate with me, right?"
I turned around, slipped out of the little rabbit's arms, and smiled as usual.
If you were going to celebrate, I wanted to make the gloomy mood disappear. // If you were going to celebrate, I wanted to make the sorrowful atmosphere disappear.
Gilbert: "How are you going to celebrate this year? Of course, you won't run away, will you?"
Emma: "Well, if you want to celebrate, we just did."
Gilbert: "My birthday is not over yet, right?"
Emma: "What do you want?"
Gilbert: "It's cold." // "I'm cold."
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When I spread my arms, the little rabbit was blatantly confused.
But I don't intend to back down.
(You're probably wondering how something like this could possibly be a birthday present, right?)
(But... It will be.)
I stopped loving people a long time ago.
I don't love anyone right now.
Even such a beast occasionally misses warmth.
Who can embrace a beast that is feared by all and even smells of blood?
Only the bravest and most good-natured little rabbit.
(... Normally, I wouldn't ask you to do this.)
After showing some hesitation, the little rabbit timidly dives into my chest.
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(... Ah, it's so warm.)
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(Thank you, little rabbit.)
I wonder if my blotted smile is a proper and beautiful smile.
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(I will take good care of it as my 'last present'. // (As my 'last birthday present', I will cherish it...)
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»»———-Part 1┋Part 2┋Part 3┋His POV———-««
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weirwoodking · 4 years ago
I have a small headcanon that Sansa has already skinchanged into a bird without her knowledge once before. This passage about Marillion in the sky cells in particular:
“When she closed her eyes she could see him in his sky cell, huddled in a corner away from the cold black sky, crouched beneath a fur with his woodharp cradled against his chest.”
What do you think?
Oh, absolutely. I do think that she’s experienced her powers in some way, she just hasn’t thought about them.
George does leave these little subtle hints in the text that point to the Stark kids abilities, the earliest being in chapter one:
Halfway across the bridge, Jon pulled up suddenly.
“What is it, Jon?” their lord father asked.
“Can’t you hear it?”
Bran could hear the wind in the trees, the clatter of their hooves on the ironwood planks, the whimpering of his hungry pup, but Jon was listening to something else.
“There,” Jon said. He swung his horse around and galloped back across the bridge. They watched him dismount where the direwolf lay dead in the snow, watched him kneel. A moment later he was riding back to them, smiling.
“He must have crawled away from the others,” Jon said. (Bran I, AGOT)
While on horseback, and halfway across the bridge, already far away from where a mute direwolf puppy was, Jon was able to “hear” him. Obviously, he didn’t hear Ghost, he sensed him. Already, he was bonded with Ghost, even though this was about a year and half before Jon had his first “true” wolf dream. And furthermore, it takes a while before he’s able to clearly remember these dreams:
The wolf dreams had been growing stronger, and he found himself remembering them even when awake. (Jon I, ADWD)
So, yes, I definitely think that Sansa could already be having skinchanging dreams with a bird/birds. She just might not remember it. Also, she doesn’t have to have been having direct dreams, but moments of using the bird’s senses. Not fully in the animal, just sharing it’s space for a moment.
Unlike the sh*w, where skinchanging is an on/off switch (you’re either inside the animal or not inside the animal), skinchanging in the books is more nuanced. Jon is able to brush his hand up against Ghost and tap into the wolf’s senses, without fully warging him. He can even taste blood in his mouth after Ghost kills, and he can feel the wolf’s hunger. The most notable instance of this “one mind in two bodies simultaneously” thing is with Arya and the Braavos street cat:
That night she dreamed she was a wolf again, but it was different from the other dreams. In this dream she had no pack. She prowled alone, bounding over rooftops and padding silently beside the banks of a canal, stalking shadows through the fog. (Cat of the Canals, AFFC)
The tavern was near empty, and she was able to claim a quiet corner not far from the fire. No sooner had she settled there and crossed her legs than something brushed up against her thigh. "You again?" said the blind girl. She scratched his head behind one ear, and the cat jumped up into her lap and began to purr. Braavos was full of cats, and no place more than Pynto's. The old pirate believed they brought good luck and kept his tavern free of vermin. "You know me, don't you?" she whispered. Cats were not fooled by a mummer's moles. They remembered Cat of the Canals.
The Lyseni took the table nearest to the fire and spoke quietly over cups of black tar rum, keeping their voices low so no one could overhear. But she was no one and she heard most every word. And for a time it seemed that she could see them too, through the slitted yellow eyes of the tomcat purring in her lap. One was old and one was young and one had lost an ear, but all three had the white-blond hair and smooth fair skin of Lys, where the blood of the old Freehold still ran strong. (The Blind Girl, ADWD)
"It is good to know. This is two. Is there a third?"
"Yes. I know that you're the one who has been hitting me." Her stick flashed out, and cracked against his fingers, sending his own stick clattering to the floor.
The priest winced and snatched his hand back. "And how could a blind girl know that?"
I saw you. "I gave you three. I don't need to give you four." Maybe on the morrow she would tell him about the cat that had followed her home last night from Pynto's, the cat that was hiding in the rafters, looking down on them. Or maybe not. If he could have secrets, so could she. (The Blind Girl, ADWD)
While Arya is not fully outside of her body and in the body of the cat, she’s able to use the cat’s eyes as her own. And she isn’t even aware that she’s doing it, it’s just occurring naturally. I do believe that the same cat she dreams as in AFFC is the tomcat that she sees through in ADWD.
So, yes, I do believe that Sansa could be looking through the eyes of a bird. She’s just not aware of it.
It does seem like the Stark kids are much more powerful than the average skinchangers/wargs, immediately bonding to the wolves without realizing it, and already connecting with other animals. Arya is able to warg Nymeria from an entirely separate continent, which probably isn’t standard behavior, especially not for someone who doesn’t even know what they’re doing and has no training. Even Varamyr, a man who has mastered the control of five animals, recognizes Jon’s power:
The gift was strong in Snow, but the youth was untaught, still fighting his nature when he should have gloried in it. (Prologue, ADWD)
So, the Starks seem to be pretty powerful. And that includes Sansa, as GRRM has confirmed that she is still a skinchanger, meaning that he’s definitely going to have a bond with an animal at some point. It would make sense for him to have already been leaving little hints about it.
A very important component to Sansa’s character, which could be affecting her skinchanging powers, is her memory. The way that Sansa’s mind has coped with her trauma is by suppressing and rewriting certain distressing, scarring, and confusing memories. This is something that all the Stark kids do, in different levels. For example, Bran believes that Rickon intentionally suppresses the memory of Ned being dead:
"Tell Robb I want him to come home," said Rickon. "He can bring his wolf home too, and Mother and Father." Though he knew Lord Eddard was dead, sometimes Rickon forgot... willfully, Bran suspected. (Bran V, ACOK)
Bran himself does this as well:
The dream he'd had... the dream Summer had had... No, I mustn't think about that dream. He had not even told the Reeds, though Meera at least seemed to sense that something was wrong. If he never talked of it maybe he could forget he ever dreamed it, and then it wouldn't have happened and Robb and Grey Wind would still be... (Bran IV, ASOS)
Sansa does this the most out of her siblings, it’s her primary coping mechanism. One example is how remembers (or tries not to remember) Jeyne Poole:
Sansa did not know what had happened to Jeyne, who had disappeared from her rooms afterward, never to be mentioned again. She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. (Sansa II, ACOK)
She tries to not to think of her, because it’s too traumatic for her to do so.
Another example is how she’s trying to process the situations she’s in at the Eyrie.
I am not your daughter, she thought. I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard's daughter and Lady Catelyn's, the blood of Winterfell. She did not say it, though. If not for Petyr Baelish it would have been Sansa who went spinning through a cold blue sky to stony death six hundred feet below, instead of Lysa Arryn. He is so bold. Sansa wished she had his courage. She wanted to crawl back into bed and hide beneath her blanket, to sleep and sleep. She had not slept a whole night through since Lysa Arryn's death. (Sansa I, AFFC)
He is serving me lies as well, Sansa realized. They were comforting lies, though, and she thought them kindly meant. A lie is not so bad if it is kindly meant. If only she believed them...
The things her aunt had said just before she fell still troubled Sansa greatly. "Ravings," Petyr called them. "My wife was mad, you saw that for yourself." And so she had. All I did was build a snow castle, and she meant to push me out the Moon Door. Petyr saved me. He loved my mother well, and...
And her? How could she doubt it? He had saved her.
He saved Alayne, his daughter, a voice within her whispered. But she was Sansa too... and sometimes it seemed to her that the Lord Protector was two people as well. He was Petyr, her protector, warm and funny and gentle... but he was also Littlefinger, the lord she'd known at King's Landing, smiling slyly and stroking his beard as he whispered in Queen Cersei's ear. And Littlefinger was no friend of hers. When Joff had her beaten, the Imp defended her, not Littlefinger. When the mob sought to rape her, the Hound carried her to safety, not Littlefinger. When the Lannisters wed her to Tyrion against her will, Ser Garlan the Gallant gave her comfort, not Littlefinger. Littlefinger never lifted so much as his little finger for her.
Except to get me out. He did that for me. I thought it was Ser Dontos, my poor old drunken Florian, but it was Petyr all the while. Littlefinger was only a mask he had to wear. Only sometimes Sansa found it hard to tell where the man ended and the mask began. Littlefinger and Lord Petyr looked so very much alike. She would have fled them both, perhaps, but there was nowhere for her to go. Winterfell was burned and desolate, Bran and Rickon dead and cold. Robb had been betrayed and murdered at the Twins, along with their lady mother. Tyrion had been put to death for killing Joffrey, and if she ever returned to King's Landing the queen would have her head as well. The aunt she'd hoped would keep her safe had tried to murder her instead. Her uncle Edmure was a captive of the Freys, while her great-uncle the Blackfish was under siege at Riverrun. I have no place but here, Sansa thought miserably, and no true friend but Petyr. (Sansa I, AFFC)
Sansa knows deep down (not even that deep, just down) that Petyr is untrustworthy. She knows he’s fed her lies, but she wants to believe them. She wants to be able to trust him. She wants to feel like she can be safe with him. She wants to be safe. It bothers me a lot whenever people say Sansa is “stupid” for trusting Petyr, or “uncaring” for not thinking often of Jeyne. She isn’t stupid or uncaring, she’s a traumatized thirteen year old whose brain is trying to cope with what she’s gone through and what she’s currently going through.
So, she has built a wall. And behind that wall are the memories of Lysa’s death, the truth about Jon Arryn’s murder, and Jeyne Poole. I think it would make sense if skinchanging, something that involves the mind, is also something that she’s subconsciously repressing. I talked about this sometime a while ago, but I believe that a big moment for Sansa in TWOW is going to be her confronting her memories. And most significantly, confronting Baelish about what happened to Jeyne Poole and exposing the truth of Jon Arryn and Lysa’s deaths. Thus, defeating Littlefinger, the mockingbird.
It would make sense if this coincided with her skinchanging abilities truly awakening. As her mind opens, her powers become stronger. I’m pretty deadset on Sansa’s bird being a falcon, not just for the House Arryn connection and because she’s gone hawking with a falcon before, but also because of the symbolism. Falcons symbolize “vision, freedom, and victory. Hence, it also connotes salvation to those who are in bondage whether moral, emotional, or spiritual”. I think that Sansa bonding with a falcon and “flying free” would be perfect for the conclusion of her caged bird arc.
Sorry, this got really long, it just kind of turned into all my thoughts about how skinchanger-Sansa might come to be in TWOW. I think it’s going to be an important part of her story, as you don’t just give four of your POV characters the ability to control animals with their minds and not have that matter. (And, it’s already an important part of Jon, Arya, and Bran’s stories, so it most likely will be for Sansa, too.)
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raineydays411 · 4 years ago
Trauma does really bond
Umbrella academy x teen!reader
Summary: You were number eight, The Healer. With the power to heal anything you touch. Or at least you would be, if the world knew about you.
A/n: I know I said new fics on Friday but I couldn’t wait lol
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Everybody knows the story of the Umbrella Academy. Seven children, adopted by an eccentric billionaire, forced to become superheros and eventually fizzled out of the limelight.  
But know one knows about you. 
You were the eighth child Reginald Hargreeves adopted. You were Y/n Hargreeves, age 17. Everyone knows that the seven siblings were all born at the same time, and day. So how are you 17?
Well basically the same thing, but when your mother spontaneously gave birth to you, she handed you over to Reginald within a heartbeat and as far as he knows, you were the only spontaneous birth on y/bd. So he took you in. Now he wasn’t completely sire that you would get powers. For all he knew, your mother just didn’t want you. But all that changed when you were just 6 years old. 
You had stumbled upon a mouse that was squirming in a mouse trap while exploring the attic. You felt so bad for the poor thing that you had set it free. You cradled it in your hands, as you teared up at the sight of it twitching when suddenly you felt it. It was like magic, you felt each bone and nerve that was broken heal until the mouse was once again moving, full of life. You ran out the attic, mouse in hand. Running all the way to your fathers office, barging in despite his protests.
“Y/n Hargreeves, how many times must I tell you--” “ I’m sorry father, but look!” you cut him off, thrusting the healed mouse towards him.
“Number eight. You interrupted my studies to show me vermin?” 
“No father! I healed him! He was in the mouse trap and I healed him!” You exclaim. That caught Reginalds attention. 
“You healed it?” He asks eyeing the mouse, “ How?”
“I dunno” you shrug, “ I just felt bad and touched him”
Reginald hums, standing from his desk and walks over to you. 
“Come with me.” He says, leading you out the study with a hand on your back. 
From then on he put you through brutal training. Nicking you with knives I see if you could heal yourself, bringing you hurt animals to heal, injured people. Then it escalated. He brought in people who were on the brink of death, comatose. He forced you to heal them, despite it taking all your energy. There were multiple times where you ended up collapsing, sobbing and exhausted from healing too many people in one day. He forced you to get up, and heal some more claiming,
“You have been given a gift. It would be selfish of you to hoard it just because you get a little tired”
Not to mention the brutal physical training. Because you had no siblings, he made training robots. They, unlike humans, did not hold back. Forcing you to fight as if you were actually trying to survive. And if you lost, you weren’t able to heal yourself.
Now all this training would have made some sense if you were going out into the world and saving lives. You weren’t. Reginald didn’t allow it. You were to stay on the premises, 24/7, 365 days a year. He claimed
“The world is cruel Number Eight. You are not yet ready to face the harshness that is reality. It is best to keep you here until you are.”
So alone you were. Well not totally alone, you did have Grace an Pogo. And you had Luther but all he did was missions and avoid you so he didn’t really count. But Grace and Pogo? They were your best friends. Grace was practically your mother. She sang to you, brushed your hair, tucked you in, told you about your “siblings”, and taught you how to bake and cook as well as other things. She like you, wasn’t allowed to leave, so you felt like she understood you. Pogo, taught you everything you know. He helped you learn seven languages, he sat and was forced to listen to you learn the piano, violin, and guitar, he was the one who snuck you Vanyas book and answered any questions that Grace couldn’t. And he was the one who sat with you in the attic as you both looked out at a city that didn’t know you existed.
You secretly longed for the day you were able to leave. If not training or doing school work, you could be found gazing out the attic window, or outside in the courtyard staring up at the sky. Despite being in a huge mansion, you felt trapped. You have read almost every book in the house, including Luthers research that he sent from the moon, Fives old theories, and Allison’s diary. You started meditating, yoga, and even picking up little hobbies like scrapbooking or candles making. You learned different ways to play chess, ballroom dancing ( your father insisted), how to read music, and so many other things. You were so smart and yet so naive. You, theoretically knew the cruel realities of the world, having read them in books and such. But you never experienced them. You had no human contact other than your father (and Luther till he was sent to the moon). You knew battlefield medic techniques but not simple everyday things. Hell, not even your so called siblings knew that you existed except Luther and he was sworn to secrecy. Not like he payed attention to you anyway. You weren’t even allowed to watch movies or listen to modern music. Just whatever records Luther had, and the Walkman you found up in the attic. But secretly, at night when you crept into the attic, you can see into the apartment across from you. Their large tv playing movies and you were able to watch. Playing classics like Dirty Dancing and Grease, action, and scary movies that scarred you for life. But it was your escape. You couldn’t hear the words but you made them up. A little world all to yourself, your little secret. You yearned for that moment when you could leave. Leave behind strict schedules and brutal training. Leave behind empty halls and loneliness. But you knew it wasn’t coming soon.
Not over your fathers dead body.
Your father is dead.
You didn’t realize it at first, having been extremely exhausted for some reason. You went to bed early saying good night to everyone and promptly passing out. But you know that your father was fine. Healthy even, as you could sense it with your powers. So when you woke up and reached out, sensing your family as you always did, you knew something was wrong. You couldn’t feel your father. Not how you used to. It felt like...like the dead bodies he used to force you to heal.
You leapt out of bed and dashed to his room, heart racing as you passed a humming Grace. You burst into the room, seeing him collapsed against the bed, limp and eyes closed.
“Nononono father?! Father can you hear me?!” You say rushing to his side. You feel for a pulse but find nothing, noticing his cold skin. You start CPR, like he trained you to do.
“ Father?! Father please!” You start to cry, tears running down your face as you race to save him. But deep down you knew...you couldn’t heal a dead body.
“ MOM” you scream desperately, starting to use your powers, “ POGO”
You start to get light head, your basically pouring your energy into this dead body. Your powers kickstart the healing process, accelerating it 10 times it’s usual rate allowing for quick healing. But if the bodies dead...it can’t heal itself and you basically just heal superficial wounds but not bring them back. 
“Father...” you start to slur, you’re running out of energy and he still hasn’t woken up. “Father you have to wake up...don’t leave me...”
Your world starts spinning as you fight to stay awake. Desperate to save the man you consider as your father. But you collapse. The world fading in and out as you see two silhouettes hover over you.
“ oh y/n...” a voice softly says. You feel someone touch your head and you succumb to the darkness. Feeling helpless as you realize one thing.
Reginald Hargreeves is dead.
That night, around the country seven siblings find out that their father has died. And make plans to come home.
You were unconscious for the whole day.
You woke up letting yesterday’s events wash over you. You cry. Not for the man, cause let’s face it he’s an asshole, but because of what he represented. He was part of your family. Your world that only consisted of three.
And you couldn’t save him.
And let’s face it, he was your father. He kind of raised you for seventeen years. You had to care about him.
After calming down, you reach out. You try to feel for Pogo or Grace, but you can sense the presence of two people you’ve never met. So you force yourself out of bed, and creep down the hallway. Your room right closer to Reginalds as it was the only room left. So you snuck into the main room, seeing your mother staring into space.
“Momma?” You whisper, catching Graces attention.
“ Oh Y/n dear, you woke up.” Grace says with a smile standing and stroking your face, “ Darling, your in your night clothes, you know the rules.”
Your eyes water as you throw yourself in her arms. Feeling like a child.
“ I..I tried momma..I really did”
You feel her arms wrap around you, “ Do you want breakfast, you haven’t eaten in 12 hours and 15 minutes.”
You were confused. Why was she acting like nothing has happened?
“Momma I-“ “Mom?”
A male voice cuts you off. You freeze, not knowing who the voice belongs to. His presence unfamiliar.
“Diego, welcome home are you hungry?” Grace says, “I was just going to make breakfast for Y/n” she squeezed you gently before letting you go to turn to Diego.
You hide behind her, like a child. Peaking over her shoulder to get a glimpse at the man. He was average height, Hispanic most likely, wearing all black with a harness and some knives. He had short hair and a scar on the side of his face. He looked at you then Grace in disbelief or shock. You can feel that he was healthy, just a bit sore.
“Um mom who’s that?” He asks gesturing to you.
“Oh I suppose you haven’t met yet. Diego, this is..well why don’t you introduce yourself.” She says to you. Your eyes widen and shake your head.
“Come on dear, just like we practiced. Go on.” Grace nudges you in front of her. Setting a comforting hand on your back.
“ hello...my names y/n Hargreeves. It’s lovely to meet you.” You say softly, and then you give a shy smile.
“Hargreeves?” Diego asks, shocked, “ I don’t understand...how?”
“ Y/n is just like you and your siblings.” Pogo chimes in, startling the three of you.
“ She came to us 17 years ago, just as the six of you left. Your father kept her secret as he did many things.  She has remarkable abilities just as you and your siblings. ”
Diego looks at you, sizing you up and taking you in. “Why didn’t we know about this?” He asks Pogo.
“ Your father had his reasons. He believed she wasn’t ready to see the outside world. She has been here her whole life.”
Diego scoffs, “ What? It wasn’t enough that he ruin our lives, he had to start again?”
He looks at you, “ Welcome to the family, kid.”
Then he walks off. You look at Grace and Pogo
“ Did..did I do something wrong?” You ask.
“ Oh no, Diego is just...on edge. You did great.” Grace says cupping your cheek.
“ I am glad that you are alright Y/n. It’s good to see you up and about.” Pogo says with a comforting smile.
“ thank you..” you say, “ there’s another person here..a woman.”
“Yes, well I think it is time you meet your sister. Come along.” Pogo says, leading you to the kitchen.
Oh boy...
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joheun-saram · 4 years ago
“Is your refrigerator running?” (jjk)
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Summary- Who knew the annoying prank calls you were receiving would become the favourite part of your day.
word count- 4.2k
pairing- fratboy!Jungkook x Reader
rating- PG-13
genre- fluff, collegeau
warnings- none! just stupid jokes.
a.n- Part of my drabbles for @btsholidaybingo​, ticking off the Prank Calls tile! I’ll be posting these every week or so as I get them done. Check out the other drabbles here :)
s/o to the beautiful @heyitsmeee2​ for beta reading and helping me fix the ending! 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
“So how’s your new boyfriend?” Namjoon asked you as you chewed on your fries, almost choking at his insinuition. He laughs at you as he takes a sip of his milkshake, slurping obnoxiously, his eyes widening as he concentrates on the flavour.
“Stop! He’s just a random guy with too much time on his hands! I don’t even know his name! Although...” You stared at your burger, trying to forget what your roommate was alluding to. Two months ago you had started getting phone calls from a stranger. It wasn't something from a horror movie, don't worry. It was harmless. He would call you at random times in the day to ask you silly questions. You don’t know how he even got your number but there was something about his easy going nature and lame jokes that made you want to continue talking to him. Namjoon suspected it was a byproduct of your loneliness, but it was comforting hearing his voice to break through your mundane day to day. 
"Hi, is this Y/N?" A deep voice spoke as you picked up the call from an unknown number.
"Yes this is she. Who is this?" You asked as you sat up straighter, your attention diverting from the paper you were writing. You had applied to eight jobs for after graduation and you were sure this was a call for an interview, even though it was 10 pm. Your eyes lit up as you hoped this was the big consulting firm you were waiting to hear from.
"I have a very important question that I was hoping you could help me with."
"Um.. sure go ahead." You fiddled with your pen, scribbling random shapes on your notebook, feeling somewhat nervous. Is this how employers usually talked? Did they do this to build anticipation?
"Is your refrigerator running?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Is your refrigerator running?" 
"Are you calling on behalf of the landlord?" Your voice was flat with disappointment. Surely, this was not an important question. Oh how you wished it was an interview call. You sighed.
"Please answer my question."
"Yes. It's running."
"Then you better go catch it, shouldn't you?"
And with that he hung up and you were baffled. Which decade was this dude from? Who does these lame prank calls anyway and more importantly why does your caller ID not show who it is? Thinking nothing of it, you go about finishing your assignment, albeit slightly aggravated. However, the calls continue. Everyday this stranger would call you with questions, sometimes with a silly punchline but oftentimes even sillier riddles.
"Okay, dude seriously. This is getting annoying." You huffed after a week and a half of receiving calls from the same deep voiced stranger, although you’d be lying if you said his little laugh after he told his jokes was not endearing.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you." He seemed hurt and you couldn’t fathom why he would be hurt over a comment a stranger made over his prank calls. In fact, you were sure this was some hobby of his and he had a rotation of strangers to bother.
"Can you at least tell me your name?" You don’t know why you were indulging him, but you had to give him props for constantly calling you. It was kind of becoming part of your daily routine.
"Dixie. My name's Dixie." You could hear the mirth in his tone.
"Dixie? Oh I thought you were a dude, my bad."
"I can be a dude and still have Dixie as my name. Jeez, are you a bigot?" He scolded.
"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it that way, Dixie."
"That's Dixie Normus to you." He laughed at his joke, every syllable of his laugh separated as if he was a cartoon character.
"Oh my god. You're the worst!" Regardless of your words, you were laughing. Laughing hard enough to have the banana milk you were drinking to snort out of your nose, making you cough. For a moment, you were glad this stranger wasn't in the room.
"Sorry! Are you okay?" You could hear the humour in his words, shading them in anything but an apology.
And so it went, your mysterious caller, who refused to go by anything other than Dixie turned into a somewhat friend, if you can even call someone who you know no personal details about your friend. After a month the phone calls had turned from cringe worthy puns to actual conversations about your day. You had started to look forward to the unknown flashing on your screen, and sharing the mundane details of your day with Dixie.
In two months you learned a lot more about Dixie. He went to your university, he was an avid gamer, he majored in computer science, and apparently it was now part of his daily routine to call you whenever he was cooling down from his workout on the treadmill - explaining the creepy breathlessness of his voice and beeps in the background. Sometimes you had half a mind to go to the university gym during your calls and see your mysterious friend, but somehow you never found the courage. It was nice not knowing what Dixie looked like, not judging someone by their looks but just by the content of their words. There was no room for disappointment.
It also oddly comforted you that you would never meet him and during your nightly conversations you would end up sharing thoughts that you’d be too uncomfortable sharing with even your best friends. Thoughts about the uncertainty you had over graduating soon, thoughts about being sad over failed relationships, even thoughts about your random existential crisis that would plague you mid week. Dixie was empathetic and had a knack for comforting you with small jokes and his own struggles. You would never admit it to Namjoon, but Dixie was slowly becoming your closest friend, even surpassing him to a certain extent.
"You're insane you know that?" Namjoon chided as you talked about Dixie and how you considered him a friend now. Even though Namjoon was your best friend since first grade, he sometimes didn't understand why you romanticised daily events so much. He never understood why you kept giving Dixie the benefit of the doubt, why you kept picking up his phone calls even when you knew it was going to be a lame joke or two.
"I'm not insane Joon! Haven't you heard of pen pals? This is the same thing but with voice."
"Nah. I think it's your crippling loneliness. Which is why we're going to Jin's frat party tonight." Namjoon was not having any of your excuses. So what if your last relationship was a year ago. You and Yoongi were great together. He was the perfect boyfriend and after he went to LA to pursue his music career, you told him you'd wait. Turns out he wasn't on the same page as you since six months after moving, he called you to break things off. He was right though, it would have been stupid to wait for him when neither of you knew when and even if he was ever coming back. It was unfair to the both of you to keep dragging this thing along. But even if Yoongi hadn't been around the last year and a half, you just couldn't see yourself with anyone else. You still missed talking to him every night and sharing your day, laughing at stupid videos together or just listening to him playing the piano through the static line of your phone. Maybe Namjoon was right. Maybe you were lonely and the only reason you were so attached to Dixie was because of the way his phone calls had replaced Yoongi's and how you no longer waited at the end of your day staring at your phone waiting for your ex's call but instead you received real actual calls from your voice pen pal.
You sighed agreeing with Namjoon and went home, not exactly looking forward to the party and missing Dixie’s call.
Jin's frat was notorious for the wildest parties on campus. It was always a cacophony of drunk students and a pit of hedonism. When Namjoon and you arrived, the party was in full swing and you thanked your best friend for having the foresight of pre-drinking. The bottle of grapefruit soju you had emptied earlier at your shared apartment ensured that you were not put off by the plethora of drunk guys trying to hit on you microseconds after you entered.
Looking for Jin and let's be honest, a little gin as well, you and Namjoon made your way to the kitchen, to be greeted by your tall friend doing a keg stand. Beer dripped down his chin as his fraternity brothers held him up, his feet almost touching the ceiling. As you poured yourself a gin and tonic, Jin climbed down from the keg to a chorus of applause. Much to your chagrin, he walked over, draping his arms around your shoulders and plastering your back with his beer soaked chest.
"Ew get off me you vermin!" You squealed, shivering in the gross feeling, your backless top doing nothing to shield you from your friend’s shirt as he refused to budge.
"Vermin? VERMIN?! I invite you to my house, give you free drinks, and an array of decent dicks to pick from and I'm the vermin?" Jin finally detaches, giving you a scowl as he leans against the kitchen island, pouring himself what you gather is his tenth drink of the night.
"Jin all of these guys are as gross as you. And I've told you I don't need to get laid!"
"Sure tell that to your vibrator working overtime."
"How did you even - " you sputered, eyes wide with disbelief.
"Namjoon, obviously. And before you kill him, there are no secrets between friends and part-time lovers." He winked, making you roll your eyes. Namjoon and Jin had been on and off since the beginning of freshmen year, neither the type for commitment but to your dismay loved to tell you all about their rollercoaster of a relationship. You swear you could write a thesis on dysfunctional relationships using theirs as a case study.
"Ew. Please stop. I don't need to know about you and Joon getting it on."
"Well then let me introduce you to someone so you can get it on." He wiggled his eyebrows puckering his lips to annoy you. 
"I know all your brothers Jin and no thank you." You lightly slapped his lips making him groan as he grabbed your wrist continuing his tirade. You’d be lying if you said his frat brothers had never caught your eye - they were famous for their astoundingly good looks, in fact there even seemed to be an instagram page dedicated to people randomly spotting them on campus (@betatauinthewild). However, their good looks did not make up for the fact that they were a bunch of loud fuckboys. You loved Jin and Namjoon and would literally stab anyone who said anything against them but you had to agree that they were the biggest players of the group, finding a new person to bed almost every weekend. That is, unless they were with each other - case and point their dysfunctional relationship.
"Well we have a new brother and he's my little brother. He's a sophomore, he just joined, and he's your type. The whole quiet but nice guy type." Jin continued, ignoring you in typical fashion.
"I don't have a type."
"Please! As if Yoongi wasn’t a cookie cutter tsundere. Come on let me introduce you to him!" He grabbed your shoulder and pleaded, pouting and widening his eyes in the most adorable puppy dog face you had seen him pull.
"Can we not talk about Yoongi please." You sighed. You finished your drink and proceeded to pour another one. 
"Yes! Let's talk about JK!"
"Jin... come on. Let's just drink okay?"
"Fine but I'm telling you, you'll get along. He's a great guy."
An hour into the party, you had lost both Jin and Namjoon and were getting tired of Jin’s exceedingly drunk frat brothers trying their pick up lines of the day on you. Your head was hurting from the noise of the party and you were sure if you saw another couple subtly trying to test their exhibitionism kink you were going to puke. So as it was typical for whenever you went to these parties, you started to make your way to Jin’s room. Jin may be loud and obnoxious and being lusted after by pretty much the entire campus, but he was reliable for one thing: he never fucked where he slept. And so his room became a sort of sanctuary for you when these parties would get too much.
You made your way up the stairs almost tripping over two guys who had decided that making out horizontally on the stairs was a good idea - you did not envy how busted their backs would be tomorrow. Punching in the code you walked in to find that there was already someone there, reclined on the bed with his arms behind his head, earphones in, humming gently as he stared at the ceiling. You had never seen him before, but boy did you wish you did. His dark hair was splayed over the pillows, a smile ghosting his full lips. He was dressed in all black, much like you but unlike your lace bodysuit and skinny jeans, he was wearing a boxy back t shirt with ripped jeans, his feet in those questionable toe socks. And he was buff, even though his body was mostly covered you could make out the muscle in his arms, one of which had intricate tattoos etched on to. You’re unaware how long you stared at this stranger, but suddenly he turns his face looking at you. Seeing you there he immediately jumps up, pulling his earphones out, startling you in turn.
“I- I’m sorry. Y-you can’t be h-here,” he stutters out, a soft blush rising up his cheeks as he nervously pulls at his ear.
“I should be saying that to you. Why are you in Jin’s room?” You shut the door, leaning on it, feeling oddly territorial.
“I- Hyung needed my room.” You found the stuttering boy in front of you endearing. Something about how he bashfully stared at anything but you while speaking made you want to hug him. 
“Oh my god! You let him into your room? Drunk during a party?” You almost scream, but lower your voice seeing the alarm on his face. Walking over, you sat next to him, a few feet away so as not to make him uncomfortable. “Do you like doing laundry or something?” you joked.
Hearing your question the boy perks up, looking at you with a bright smile that made your heart skip a beat. “I do actually! How did you know?” he asks excitedly. You almost felt bad bursting his bubble.
“I didn’t… It’s just - you know Jin’s probably having sex in there right?” You look at the abject horror on his face in sympathy, so you try to change the subject. “Nevermind. Why are you hiding in here?”
“I’m not hiding. I just got bored. Everyone there just wants to hook up or get blackout drunk.”
“You do realise which frat you’re part of right?”
“I know,” he chuckles, seemingly more relaxed as he lays down on the bed, his feet still on the floor. “I honestly didn’t even wanna join but I’m a legacy so my dad really wanted me to be a part of it, Beta Tau pride and all.”
“Not to be a bitch, but dude you sound like a protagonist of a shitty college romcom,” you laugh looking down at him as he smiles, crossing your legs on the bed as you turn towards him, forcing yourself to ignore how cute he looks from this angle.
“You think you’re being a bitch, but that's a great compliment. I wish my life was a romcom. It’d be so easy…”
“Okay, emo. What’s wrong?”
“You’re going to think it’s dumb.”
“Hey I don’t even know your name! What have you got to lose?”
“Fine. There’s this girl I like and we always call each other… Well I call her.... at this time, but she didn’t pick up. So yes I’m emo, and yes I wish I was in a romcom so I’d go downstairs and randomly run into her.” He looks at you with a sad smile, shrugging slightly, and you feel yourself deflate. Not that you were interested in him or anything. You were sure it was just the alcohol in your system making you feel extra empathetic. Yup that’s it.
“Hey, that’s not stupid,” you say gently. “What if she’s down there did you check?”
“Well… I don’t actually know what she looks like… So, no…”
“Oh then maybe you should call her again! What if she was busy?”
“I don’t wanna be pushy, you know? I’m not even sure she thinks of me the same-”
“YO DIXIE! You in there?” A loud knock booms through the room accompanied by a deep voice. The attractive stranger next to you rolls his eyes before standing up, and at hearing his nickname you feel your heart kickstart, racing as you blink in disbelief. It can’t be…
“Dixie?” you stutter out.
“What’s up dude?” He opens the doors talking to Taehyung, one of the other Beta Tau brothers, as they start talking about something. You can barely hear their conversation, your brain full of scenarios and questions, your face crimson. You never thought you’d meet Dixie in real life. Do you tell him? Do you just run away? Why did he have to be so hot?!
Taehyung notices you on the bed for the first time and in typical fashion starts hollering and high-fiving Dixie. “Damn dude! The president’s best friend! Good for you!” He snickered as Dixie looked at him with his mouth agape, before turning to you. “Ay Y/N. Treat our boy JK well okay? He’s too nice for you!”
“Fuck off hyung!” JK, apparently that’s his name, shoves Taehyung as he grins widely before wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and shutting the door, seemingly getting all that he came for.
“You’re Dixie…?” You stare up at him, standing up as you try to control the overwhelming urge to wrap your hands around him. Fuck, maybe Joon was right you did have a crush on your voice pen pal.
“I- Y/N?” He looks at you, mirroring your wide eyes. “The same Y/N I’ve been talking to?”
“Call me,” you almost whisper.
“Call me so I know it’s real.” You move closer holding your phone up as he pulls his out of his pocket to dial your number. Your phone rings, displaying a set of numbers instead of unknown for the first time, and the two of you just stare at the vibrating device in your hand. It seems like time stood still, the air thick with tension as your shitty ringtone bounces off the walls. That is until you start laughing. Not giggling, full on laughing, holding your stomach as tears spill down your face, as JK looks at you in alarm, his arms hovering near you as you double over.
“Holy shit! You are the protagonist of a romcom!” You finally wheeze out as you hold his arm for support, while he looks at you with a frown. You’re unsure why this was your reaction, but you recover quickly to start your interrogation.
“So what’s your name Dixie or JK?”
“Jungkook, actually. Dixie’s my gamertag and JK is just what Jin hyung calls me.”
“How did you get my number?”
“Umm… I might have stolen it from hyung’s phone…”
“Because he prank called my friends first.” He spoke with a pout, and you swear your heart forgot to function.
“Why keep calling?”
“Really Y/N? You’re gonna interrogate me?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Keep talking Dixie!” You chuckled as his shy demeanor gave way to the Dixie, well the Jungkook, you knew. It was weird how fast the earlier awkwardness dissipated into comfort.
“What? I thought you sounded pretty! Sue me!” He shrugged, leaning back against the door, his hands in his pocket. Your eyes followed the movement, momentarily distracted by how his forearms flexed. Clearing your throat, you continued as he smirked, not missing the way your eyes seemed to be roaming his body.
“You said you were trying to call the girl you like. So you like me?” You try to sound as matter of fact as you could, but your voice wavered slightly at the last part as you made the mistake of looking at his face. He tilted his head, causing his hair to fall into his eyes that were boring holes into you, his smirk getting larger. Oh how you wished he turned back into the boy talking about how much he liked laundry.
“I thought it was obvious. I call you every night.” He stood straight, taking a step towards you causing heat to creep up your face at his sudden confidence. You don’t respond as he moves closer, causing his steps to falter. “Do you like me?” he asks, his voice a little smaller. You’re getting whiplash from the changes in his tone, but his question makes you feel warm. You haven’t felt this way in a long time, there’s butterflies in your stomach, your hands feel clammy, and you’re sure you can feel the heat off his body, so aware of where he stands merely inches away from you.
“I think so…” you move closer and he raises his hand as if to hold your hip but stops, hovering just centimeters away as looks at you, his gaze smouldering.
“What’ll make you sure of it?” he asks in a whisper, and before you can even comprehend the question, you are leaning up on your toes to press a light kiss against his lips. His lips are slightly chapped and you’re sure he can feel your heartbeat through them. Your skin tingles where he brings his hand on your hip, gently holding you. He doesn’t push you further, just leans his forehead on yours when you separate to whisper quietly, “This.”
“And?” His nose brushes against yours as you place your hand on his chest, his pounding heart mimicking yours. He slowly rubs his hands on your hips where they lay, and it’s like your skin is electrified.
“I’m sure,” you say as he crashes his lips on yours, pulling you closer as your arms snake around his neck. His reaction is much stronger this time as he moves his lips against yours feverently. He pulls you flush against him, your body molding against his hard muscles. His hands grip at your hips as he licks lightly at your lip, groaning as they part. It seems like he can’t decide what to do with his hands, roaming them over your sides, relishing the little moan you make as one of them cups your ass. His earlier shyness disappears, and who are you to resist him, as your hands in his hair pull him closer. It’s like everything finally makes sense, why you could never ignore his calls, why your heart raced whenever you heard him call your name through the static of your speaker. You had spent this whole time convincing yourself that he was just a stranger you could vent to when it was clear to you now that you were falling for him.
He whispers your name as you break apart, but his mouth continues down your jaw to your neck, kissing and sucking at the skin. His teeth drag across your collarbone, and you whimper at the way he soothes it with his tongue as you press your body even closer into his.
“Hey Y/N! Joon’s looking for you!”
The two of you break apart at the interruption, chest heaving and faces flushed. Looking up at Jungkook, you smile as he looks away shyly, his lip caught between his teeth, before turning to your best friend who is excitedly hopping in the doorway.
“I knew you would get along with JK!” Jin exclaims as you look once again at Jungkook before you both break out in a laugh. Trust Jin to know who you’d fall for before you. He comes up to pat his frat brother on the shoulder before his proud smile turns into a glare, warning the two of you that his room was for sleeping only and abruptly kicking you out. 
The two of you giggle as you make your way downstairs, unable to keep your hands off of each other, going from holding hands to hugging to sneaking kisses in the kitchen as you make your drinks. Before the night ends the two of you end up sitting in the backyard, kissing under the stars and planning your first date later that week, even though it felt like you had known each other an eternity.
You had never felt luckier to pick up a random phone call.
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absolutepokemontrash · 4 years ago
The undatables as uncles need more love, so... What if L!MC and the rest of the children just go to the castle or purgatory Hall for a few days because the Bros got tired or just need a day of rest. Idk this makes no sense
Yes, more uncle shennaniganery!
A Day at the Demon Lord’s Castle
It was Demon-Flu season, and no demon in the House of Lamentation was spared from its sniffly wrath. It started with Belphegor waking up and sneezing right next to Beel, and it was all downhill from there.
Notice how I said “demon”, the dear little Half-Demons were all fine thanks to the efforts of M!MC who for some reason had bought a bunch of plague doctor masks the week prior.
“Why... why did you buy these?” L!MC asked, their voice muffled by the badly fitting mask.
“I saw em’ in a store window and I decided I wanted them.”
Three out of four of the Brat Brigade (plus the cat) were on their way to the Demon Lord’s castle to stay until the house’s little epidemic passed. Lord Diavolo had oh so graciously asked (begged) to be allowed to host the kids for a while.
What could go wrong?
Many things could go wrong.
For one, the first thing A!MC saw when they first arrived, was a rat. Not one of the gross scary ones, but one of the absolutely adorable ones that turns you into the ‘gently holds’ meme.
“I’m going to call you Templeton!” “*squeak*” “Yay!”
Barbatos of course came to greet the guests, and explained that they have a little... issue with rats at that moment. Butler-dad assured them it wouldn’t be a problem, just if the children saw any of the vermin running around to tell him and he’d dispose of them.
Templeton the rat was promptly hidden in one of A!MC’s pockets.
The Purgatory Hall crew was there as well, apparently Solomon decided to make brunch and Purgatory Hall’s kitchen exploded.
Lord Diavolo finally makes his entrance and declares that everyone should unpack and relax, his gorgeous/terrifying castle was their gorgeous/terrifying castle.
“So,” L!MC rested their head on their hand and rotated the knight in their free hand as they stared half vacantly at the chess board. “Did you take care of the snake in the labyrinth, Dia?”
Diavolo lit up when he heard his seldom used nickname. “Well, Henry 1.0 isn’t exactly bothering anyone down there at the moment, and I don’t think Levi is equipped to deal with a fifty foot long untamed snake.”
L!MC smirked and placed their knight down. “Yeah, at least not right now.”
The moment L!MC removed their hand from the knight, Diavolo moved his bishop and took their queen. Shit.
“Aw man...” L!MC mumbled, after a cursory look at the board, the poor thing realized that they had been screwed for the last five turns and Diavolo was just prolonging the match.
“Don’t feel too bad, L!MC.” Diavolo gave them a pat on the head. “Lucifer can’t beat me in chess either.”
“Hmph.” They wouldn’t admit it but... that did make them feel a little better.
“That reminds me, I have a favour to ask of you.” L!MC almost outwardly drooped at the mention of... ugh... a task. “Do you mind reviewing some dad-jokes with me to make sure they are suitably dad-like?”
“...what?” Quickly remembering they were in the presence of honest to God (poor choice of words... uh... Grandfather?) royalty, L!MC straightened their posture and tried their best to look respectfully curious instead of completely and utterly confused. “Pardon?”
“M!MC and several others have said I have ‘dad vibes’, so I’m leaning into it!” Diavolo smiled so brightly if L!MC hadn’t been the child of the Morning Star they may have been blinded. “My father wasn’t one for jokes, so I’d like to run these by you before I say them to others.”
Suppressing a snort of laughter, L!MC nodded. “Go for it, I’m all ears.”
Diavolo pulled out quite the long list and began to read out loud... L!MC quickly realized that this may take longer than expected. “Okay, to begin: I’m afraid for the calendar, it’s days are numbered.”
“Oh not-that-good-Lord...” L!MC muttered under their breath.
The dad jokes continued, some were funny, some were absolutely awful, some sounded like they were made for children in the Victorian era... overall, it was a good- holy shit that took over two hours...
“Finally,” Diavolo squinted at the last joke. “I went to the liquor store and they asked for my ID, while I fumbled for my wallet, my Blockbuster card fell out, the cashier said ‘nevermind’.”
L!MC furrowed their brows. “What’s a Blockbuster?”
“That was what I was hoping you’d explain to me... is it a dad requirement to get a card for that establishment..?”
“Mmmm...” L!MC pursed their lips. “Probably not. I mean, Lucifer doesn’t have one.”
“That’s true...” Diavolo looked at the clock, then stood up and began to shoo L!MC out the door. “Look at me, taking up all your time that you should be spending with your friends. Thank you for your help, L!MC, now don’t let me keep you any longer!”
Giggling slightly, L!MC shot a wave over their shoulder as they left the room. “Bye dad! See you later!”
They were half way down the hallway when they realized their verbal slip-up.
“Oh.” L!MC’s face burned with embarrassment. “Shit.”
Dad-volo was totally delighted and very cool about it, don’t worry.
M!MC and Bean the cat were hanging out with the angels in the very pretty royal gardens when that mess was going down.
Luke was being absolutely adorable and was snuggling Bean while he and Simeon looked at the pretty plants.
In traditional M!MC fashion, they were engaging in an average game of ‘lightly tease the chihuahua’.
“It’s just... you’re so small.” M!MC took the opportunity to rest their arm on Luke’s head as he stopped to observe a colour changing flower bush. “How many years have you been this height? 100? 200?”
M!MC had taken the news that Luke was older than them in stride, finding new opportunities to make the little angel do his adorable angy face. They were obviously succeeding in their jerkwad-endeavours as Luke pushed their arm off and fixed his now smushed hat.
“You be quiet! I’m perfectly average height for an angel my age.” Luke huffed, petting the cat, who hissed at M!MC. The stupid cat absolutely hated them for some reason, it brought L!MC never ending joy to bring the cat into their shared room and watch it hiss and swipe at them. L!MC should really show some more respect for their older cousin!
“Are angels normally the size of a fifth grader?” M!MC snickered. “Is Simeon considered a freak for his height?”
“No, M!MC, I am not.” Simeon chuckled. “Rest assured, Luke will grow.”
“Yeah! And I’m sure I’ll be taller than you!” Luke added.
M!MC smirked deviously and pinched Luke’s cheek. “Well, I’ll have to take advantage of your smallness and baby face while I still can!”
“Hey! Stop that!” Luke tried to swat their hands away, but M!MC had inherited their father’s reflexes and his penchant for being a little shit every once and a while, so Luke’s swatting only resulted in more pinches.
“Never!” M!MC teased. “Surrender to your smallness!”
Luke took off deeper into the garden, surprisingly quickly considering he was holding a cat that was hellbent on clawing M!MC’s eyes out. M!MC laughed and gave chase.
“Luuuuuuuke! Come back! I promise I’ll be nice!” M!MC lied right through their teeth like the little heathen they were, as they ran down the path they noticed that they couldn’t see Luke up ahead anymore, nor could they hear him yelling for Simeon to make them quit their teasing.
“Heheh...” M!MC wheezed as they stopped to catch their breath. “Luke c’mon, don’t be a baby. It’s real immature to hide like that!”
There was no response, which made M!MC just a little nervous, just a smidge. The plants had changed from pretty flowers and gorgeous trees to a much darker clump of vines and twisting branches. It all seemed to be the same plant, M!MC noted as they scanned the area for any sign of Luke and the cat, or Simeon for that matter.
“Luke? Bean? Come on! Haul your asses over here, this isn’t funny any-” M!MC paused and looked down as something coiled around their left leg. “-more?”
The vine tightened and yanked them backwards, M!MC fell right to the ground and clawed at the path to stop them getting pulled into the brush. Another vine wrapped around their right leg, any resistance that digging their nails into the ground was nullified as both vines yanked M!MC into the bushes.
Well, this was a nightmare of epic proportions. The vines continued to wrap around the helpless half demon until they were completely unable to move. As M!MC looked around frantically, they made eye contact with an all too familiar pair of blue eyes. Ah! There was Luke!
“Mmmph!” Only Luke’s eyes were visible, but the eyes are the gateway to the soul or whatever, and M!MC took an educated guess and decided that Luke’s soul wasn’t too happy with them.
“Mmth! Mmth!” M!MC tried to speak, but their mouth was covered by the vines. The two would have to communicate with their eyes only.
‘This is your fault!’
‘How the fuck is this MY fault?’
‘If you hadn’t teased me this never would have happened!’
‘Grow thicker skin, you chihuahua!’
‘Fuck you!’
Listen, Luke probably wasn’t capable of trying to communicate a swear word, but it was incredibly funny for M!MC to think about.
“M!MC? Luke?” Simeon stepped into their limited field of vision. “Where are you two? This plant is carnivorous.”
Oh... lovely. That was good to know.
“MFTH!” Luke and M!MC tried to call out to Simeon, only for the vines to wrap around them even tighter. Wow, what a way to go... strangled by a plant... ugh. L!MC would never let them live that down...
“Hm,” Simeon looked down at the vine that was coiling around his leg. “What a bother.”
Quick as lightning, Simeon grabbed the vine and sent a burst of shining gold magic shooting through it. The magic quickly spread to the rest of the plant and the moment the magic slammed into M!MC they nearly passed out from the searing pain that shot through their entire body.
They clamped their eyes shut and clenched their teeth to stop them from rattling as they felt the massive wave of Celestial magic wash over them. It was weirdly warm, like a hug from a friend, but it wasn’t a pleasant sensation, at least not to M!MC.
The plant let out an otherworldly scream as it threw Luke, Bean, and M!MC back onto the path at Simeon’s feet.
Luke picked Bean back up and dusted off his clothes like he didn’t have a care in the world. M!MC lay on the ground, if you listened closely you could hear them sizzle a bit. Nothing like being nearly strangled by a plant and then roasted by holy ‘fuck you’ magic.
“I’m glad you’re both okay,” Simeon pulled Luke into a hug and helped M!MC off the ground. “Did I ah... use to much magic?”
M!MC half-scowled at their saviour and wiped down their outfit. “Yeah. A little too much.”
“My bad,” Simeon ruffled M!MC’s hair. “I hope this serves as a learning experience for you two, Luke, don’t run off like that, and M!MC,”
The half demon nearly jumped in fear and surprise as Simeon swivelled to look at them. The smile on his face was far from comforting. “Don’t tease poor Luke too much, okay?”
“Uh... uh huh.” M!MC quickly nodded.
“Good! Now let’s head back, I think we’ve all had enough of the Royal Gardens.”
As the group returned, they passed a very red in the face L!MC and wondered what exactly went down in the time they were gone.
It’s common knowledge that Barbatos hates rats, it’s also common knowledge that A!MC is the embodiment of a ray of sunshine.
What does this lead to, you may be asking, well...
A!MC and their dear rat Templeton needed to hide from the politely homicidal Barbatos.
“Sh!” A!MC whispered into their pocket, the rat responded with an indignant squeak.
The Demon Lord’s Castle was absolutely massive, and trying to navigate it without a map was akin to wandering around an ancient pyramid filled with death traps. A!MC and their dear companion were wandering the place without a map and trying to hide from a butler that had the power to see into the future. The two fugitives were at a clear disadvantage.
A!MC had managed to stumble into an area that had paintings and statues completely everywhere, it was then they realized they were completely lost.
While quietly perusing the room, A!MC took notice of quite the lovely portrait of a woman. She had long flowing locks of golden hair and the most gorgeous captivating eyes... A!MC nearly shrieked when the woman’s eyes snapped to their’s and her face contorted into a scowl.
“Do I know you?” The woman asked, A!MC gulped and shook their head.
“N-no ma’am, I don’t think we’ve met...” A!MC mumbled before sticking out their hand for a handshake. The painting woman stared down at their outstretched hand, very unimpressed. “I’m A!MC, it’s nice to meet you.”
The half demon offered their cutest smile, their dad had lovingly taken the time to coach them in the art of being so darn tootin’ adorable that everyone would fall over themselves to get A!MC to like them. The moment the woman registered the smile, her scowl returned for a brief moment, then vanished entirely.
“Oh,” The woman smiled sweetly. “I do think I know you, do you mind coming a bit closer so I can see you better?”
Suffering from a complete inability to detect red flags, A!MC happily moved closer.
“Ah, just as I suspected. You look like Asmodeus.”
“You know my dad?” A!MC asked.
“Yes,” The woman’s eyes narrowed. “I know him quite well.”
A!MC was suddenly knocked off balance as a massive gust of wind shoved them closer to the painting. They frantically clawed at the stone ground as Templeton squeaked and squirmed in their pocket.
“Your father is the reason I’m stuck in this painting,” The woman explained coldly as A!MC tried to scramble away. “He escaped the labyrinth twice, but I don’t plan on letting you escape.”
“I-uh- m-muh-my dad’s probably really sorry about whatever he did! There’s no need to be rash!” A!MC stuttered.
“Yeah, no.” The woman huffed. “He had his chance to fix things. I’m getting even.”
“Not right now you’re not.”
A!MC swivelled their head around to see Barbatos calmly holding out a pair of scissors.
“Now Helene, I’d recommend releasing the child before I’m forced to take drastic measures.” Barbatos clicked the scissors together twice, and Helene paled. The wind pushing A!MC towards the painting dissipated and the half demon ran and hid behind the butler.
“Th-thank you...” A!MC mumbled.
“It’s not a problem, A!MC. Now I believe it would be a wise choice to move to another room.”
The two, (plus the hidden rat) ended up in the kitchen. A!MC shifted nervously as Barbatos began prepping lunch.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Barbatos asked suddenly, A!MC straightened their posture and nodded.
“I um... promise you won’t be mad...” A!MC mumbled.
“I can assure you, I won’t be too upset.”
“I made a friend.” A!MC took Templeton out of their pocket and held him closely to their chest, Barbatos’s calm smile froze on his face. “He’s really sweet, please don’t kill him!”
“...A!MC.” Barbatos began slowly. “I’m not mad... just make sure it doesn’t escape and run rampant... now... please get it out of my kitchen.”
“Yes sir! Thank you sir!” A!MC turned and sprinted to their room.
Ugh... Barbatos, haven’t you ever watched Ratatouille? The rat can cook dammit!
When Luke went in to bake with his second dad he was very confused as to why Barbatos looked like he was having war flashbacks.
Huh... weird right? Anyway...
Good ol’ weird uncle Solomon suggested that after dinner everyone should get together and watch a movie.
L!MC and Solomon suggested that they watch The Conjuring and that idea got immediately shot down.
M!MC brought up that the most “family get-together” movie they could think of was Star Wars.
So they watched A New Hope.
“We could be watching the Conjuring right now.” L!MC murmured as they watched Luke Skywalker fumble his way to Obi Wan Kenobi.
“Yeah.” Solomon whispered back. “You know, I met Ed and Lorraine Warren.”
“Cool,” L!MC smiled. “My ren took me to their house once, when I went in to see all the haunted objects all the demons inside wanted to hang out with me.”
“Huh,” Solomon snickered. “Did they think you were Lucifer?”
“Yep. It was funny, Annabelle’s a pretty big asshole though.”
“I’d be an asshole too if I were stuck in a raggedy Anne doll since the 60s and not allowed to leave.”
“Both of you sh!” M!MC hissed, they threw some popcorn over their shoulder, which L!MC threw right back.
A while into the movie, M!MC elbowed Solomon and pointed at one of the aliens. “That’s you.”
“I’m so hurt…” Solomon pouted.
“And that’s you.” L!MC pointed at a stormtrooper that had just gotten shot with a blaster. M!MC scoffed and rolled their eyes.
“I’m not some dumb stormtrooper.”
“Yeah, you’re a little short for a stormtrooper.”
“SHHHHHHH!” A!MC and Luke turned and started throwing their own popcorn…
The mess that they all had to vacuum after the movie was much more terrifying than The Conjuring ever could have been.
So, after a few days, Lucifer called to say that everyone was back to normal and the last remnants of the Demon-Flu were gone.
Yay! The kids could go back to their really overcrowded house!
The goodbyes were something to behold.
“Goodbye everyone! Come back sometime soon!” Diavolo waved from the doorway.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo!” L!MC smiled brightly and returned the wave. M!MC snickered and nudged them.
“That’s a pretty cold way to say goodbye to your dad-”
“Shut up…” L!MC growled.
“L!MC, what are they talking about?” Lucifer asked.
M!MC looked like they were weighing the pros and cons of surviving the conversation, then shrugged.
“M!MC, no, you have so much to live for!” A!MC pleaded.
“L!MC called Lord Diavolo dad!”
Mammon erupted into hysterical laughter while Asmo giggled and half heartedly patted L!MC on the head. Lucifer was not impressed.
“You know,” L!MC sighed. “I’m moving out. Lord Diavolo can I come live here?”
“L!MC, come back.” Lucifer trailed after his very embarrassed spawn.
A!MC pulled on their dad’s sleeve and cleared their throat.
“Yes sweetie?”
“D-dad, do you have a vehement hatred and or fear of rats?”
“Meet Templeton, he’s adorable and my friend.”
Author’s note, The next part of the main series is coming next week… or this week… idk how long things take.
(Probably this week)
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years ago
F is for Friends - part 3
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Whoops I'm in class rn but I just finished part 3 so here it is! I think this is the longest part so far, but not much longer than the others, so have fun.
But yeah, ignore typos, I might fix them eventually, but knowing me, I'll miss them so call em out if you feel like it.
Read the other parts here: Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 4
“I don’t get why it has to be him, though,” Keelan whines on the other end of the phone. You did the stupid thing and reminded him that Nolan and some of his teammates were visiting your classroom to do a lab with your honors kids today, and he reacted exactly how you expected him to while you were driving in that morning.
“Because Anderson is an ass and Nolan volunteered.”
“Ok, but why Nolan?” he asks, saying his name like it was cursed
“Because when I called Tom Holland he said he was busy.”
“You know what I mean,” he mumbles.
“No, I don’t.” Yes, you did, but you weren’t about to tell him that.
“Why couldn’t you have invited Fran and Lindsey?”
You sigh, pulling into your parking space outside the school, Javier already waiting for you by the door. “Because they had to be prominent and I don’t think anyone needs the two of them trying to do an experiment. Now, I have to go, Nolan and the guys will be here after lunch, I’m already fucking nervous because of Anderson. I love you, goodbye,” you tell him, hanging up before he can get another word in.
“Are you ready?” Javier asks, handing you the cup of coffee he had picked up for you, waiting outside by his car like he did every morning.
“I almost threw up, like, five times getting ready this morning and Keelan is being an ass about this,” you huff, struggling to swipe your ID to get into the building. “Why isn’t this working?”
He takes the ID out of your hand, flipping it around in his fingers before swiping it himself. “Holding it the right way might help.”
You take it from him, clearly annoyed. “If this is any indication as to how the rest of the day is going to go I’m quitting and looking for another job at 3 pm.”
“So you’re not going to be dramatic today, I see,” Javier jokes, earning a glare from him as the two of you walk up to your classroom, greeting students as you passed by them in the halls. “Hey, listen. You’re a great teacher,” your friend assures you once you unlock your classroom door. “You’re going to be fine. If you need me, I have my free period during your first class they’re here, and I think Charlie has a free period during your second if you still need someone to run interference when Anderson is there.”
“Thanks,” you tell him, turning into your classroom to get ready for the day. Your phone was buzzing with texts, some angry from Keelan about what he was now referring to as ‘the neighbor situation,’ and one from Nolan asking you to confirm yet again where they were supposed to go.
“Are you buying lunch today?” Javier comes back into your room with his own to stash in the fridge that was in the back corner of your class. It wasn’t yours, nor was it for food technically, but that didn’t stop you and Javier from stashing your lunches in there instead of walking down to the teacher's lounge on the other side of the school.
You sit there for a minute, trying to remember if you even grabbed it when you were heading out the door that morning. Between Keelan busting your ass about Nolan, thinking of the lesson the lab that you were doing that afternoon, and just the general morning antics of getting out the door on time, you left your lunch bag on your kitchen counter. “Is there still a box of cereal in there?” you ask him when he opens the fridge.
“That’s my lunch then,” you say, keeping it in there so it wouldn’t be exposed to chemicals or attract any sort of rodent or vermin that you had no desire in dealing with. You knew today was going to be hell, and you weren’t even prepared for the college prep kids you were going to see during the second and third periods. You do your best to scramble and get everything you needed, thankful for the first time that you were giving them a test that you could grade during lunch and last period (and honestly, at home since that’s where most grading took place) instead of having to worry about teaching them when your mind was occupied by your honors lesson that day.
By the time your college prep kids were done with their tests, you were trying to mentally prepare for the lab, only to freak yourself out. Your computer dings, right before the bell rings, a message from Anderson saying that he would be stopping by during the second period to observe since ‘it was his job to make sure you were doing well as your superior.’ God, you hated him. The bell for lunch rings, your students filing out of your room as you grab the mug you kept on your desk and poured as much cereal into it as you could.
Javier comes back into your room, grabbing his lunch and plopping himself down at the table, eating his lunch as the two of you fell into conversation as you always did. Not even five minutes in, your classroom phone rings right as you hit print for the instructions you wrote up for the boys.
“Y/L/N’s room,” you answer, the school’s secretary telling you that the guys were in the office waiting for you. “Oh, wow, ok, I’ll be right down.” You hang up, throwing your hair into a bun, and grab your mug of cereal. “I’m getting the guys, do you want to come with me or wait here until we come back?”
Javier comes with you, both of you practically running through the halls out of panic that your students would bombard whoever Nolan brought with him. You were munching away at the cereal as you open the door to the main office, seeing Nolan and two of the other guys in their Flyers jerseys, all of them looking awkward with their hands in their pockets, unsure of what else to do. “Hey, guys!” you greet them, Nolan the first to turn around. Fuck him for looking good and making your heart skip a beat. It’s not fair, is it? “Uh, this is Javier, one of the other chem teachers,” you introduce him once you collect yourself, trying not to focus all your attention on Nolan.
This was at most a crush. Just a crush on the boy who lived next door to you. Who was also hot and sweet. Just a crush that you shouldn’t even be thinking about at school to begin with, so who cares? Having a crush on a boy does not mean that you loved him or that you loved Keelan any less. Oskar and Travis introduce themselves to you and Javier, the five of you walking back to your classroom while you continue to eat the cereal, suddenly very conscious of how weird it looked.
“No Kev?” you ask Nolan, the two of you lagging behind the other three guys while they talk.
Nolan shrugs, feeling nervous to even be with you in the school hallway. Every single thing he’s thought about you in the last how many days started flooding back to him, something was telling him that besides the fact that he shouldn’t be thinking them at all, he shouldn’t be thinking of them in your school. “He said he didn’t sleep well last night so he was going to stay at our place.”
“Hey, Y/N, what are we doing today?” Oskar asks, pulling your attention away from Nolan once you get back to your classroom.
“The kids are going to be designing a lab where they have to use the ideas of limiting and excess reactant to get the desired product.”
“What does that mean?” Travis asks, Javier sitting back and watching everything happen.
“So you’re not always going to have a perfect ratio of chemicals, nor are all reactions going to go to completion where everything reacts with everything,” you start to explain. “Think of it this way: you guys have your roster of however many players, yeah? You need three forwards, and two bluelines out on the ice in a normal five-on-five. Say every line is locked in; it can’t be changed, you can’t move people around, you can’t have people playing with different players outside of their line, it’s always the same five people. If you have nine forwards and 8 defensemen, how many line combinations can you have?”
“Three,” Nolan answers you.
“Because you have enough defense for four lines, but only three lines when you’re looking at forwards.”
“Right,” you say, not noticing the looks that Oskar and Travis were giving Nolan, “so your forwards in this case, are going to be like your limiting reactant, your blueliners are your excess because you would have two of them leftover.”
“And what are the kids going to do?” Oskar asks you.
“I’m going to give them a desired product, tell them how much of it they want to make, and they’re going to have to figure out how much of each reactant they’re going to need to make that.”
“And they can do that?” Travis asks.
“Knowing Y/N, they can,” Nolan mumbles, his cheeks turning red.
Before you can respond, the bell rings indicating the end of lunch. “Well, alright then.”
The boys and Javier lean against the back counter, your students coming into your classroom as you tried to down the rest of your cereal that you forgot about while you were talking to the boys. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to eat during the lab given the chemicals, but you definitely had to eat something.
“Ms. Y/L/N, who are they?” Spencer asks.
You hold up your finger for him to wait a minute, some of your students knowing who they are, one of your girls going absolutely feral in the corner opposite from where they were standing. The bell rings for you finally start class, getting your 24 students to quiet down as they wondered what the guys were doing. “We have guests today!” you tell them in your cheeriest teacher voice. You were genuinely excited for them to be there, but now that they actually were in the same room as your students, your nerves were threatening to take over. “From the Philadelphia Flyers, we have Oskar Lindblom, Travis Konecny, and Nolan Patrick to do our lab with us today! And for this period we also have Mr. Emillion, and later Mr. Fitzgerald later, so we’re going to have a lot of adults in our room.”
You start explaining your agenda for the day with your kids, knowing that some of them were focusing on the boys more than they were on you. You get into your lesson anyway, starting with your review questions. “If you have a reactant that remains after the reaction, is that the excess or the limiting reactant?”
“Excess,” Nolan mumbles under his breath as one of your students says the same thing. You ask another question, Nolan answering again, Travis and Oskar looking between him and each other.
“So, since when do you know so much about chemistry?” Travis leans over to Nolan while you’re explaining the directions to your students.
“I don’t. Y/N already explained it to me.”
“Let me rephrase it: since when do you care about chemistry?” Nolan just shrugs, pretending like he didn’t know what Travis was getting on about. “Oh, come on. Kevin told us about you liking her. At least be less obvious about it if you aren’t going to ask her out.”
Nolan takes in a deep breath, “We’re not doing this now.”
The students go off to do their thing, trying to brainstorm the procedure when you go up to the guys. Javier was already walking around and listening to the students chatter about their ideas. “So, you guys can guide them through everything, don’t outright tell them any of the steps they’re supposed to have written down. Follow what Javier and I are doing, I guess,” you tell them, having to force yourself to look at Oskar and Travis instead of just Nolan. They nod and start walking around, clearly confused.
This was going to end very poorly and you knew it. Especially with Anderson coming in. You watch the four guys walk around, the three hockey players clueless as the students try to figure out how they can interact with them. You realize the copies you made for them were still sitting in the printer tray in the other room, running to get them before anyone noticed you were gone. You were so scatter-brained by everything today, adding to the general anxiety you felt going into the lesson.
You start walking around, listening to the students and guiding them as they needed you to, thankful that they were actually getting the procedure they needed without much difficulty. “Alright, it looks like most of you have the procedure down,” you say to your class, walking around and hovering over your student's shoulders. “Make sure that before you start, either Mr. E or myself have to sign off on it, then our guys from the Flyers can help you with the lab. Sound good?”
Your students all agree, calling you and Javier over to read through their procedures so they can start. You were getting more nervous over the threat of the bell ringing soon and knowing that Javier had to go and teach his class, leaving you alone with the boys when Anderson came in to observe, too. You were running around, trying to scan through the procedures to make sure they were right so they could start working after the bell rang.
The bell sounds, your students starting to get chaotic, “Alright guys, you can take a break now or once you get your reaction heating, but not both. It’s up to you but you get five minutes either way.”
Some of your groups leave to go hang out in the hallway while their other friends move to their next class, some of your students get right to work with their lab goggles to start mixing. You were just waiting for Anderson to come in so he could rip you to shreds for whatever he felt like today.
“Hey,” Nolan says, taking you out of your trance. “You’re doing fine.”
“This experiment has to go well with the three of you,” you tell him, watching Oskar and Travis trying to help some of your students. Trying was the keyword there, but the students looked like they were having fun teaching the guys what to do.
“You’re an awesome teacher, it’s going to go well. Look at them. They know exactly what they’re doing and you barely had to tell them. That’s a great teacher,” you hear him say. You give him an unsure look. “Come on, would I lie to you?”
You shrug, a smile on your face. You could feel the heat rush to your cheeks as he scoffs when you tell him, “I don’t know.”
“Miss Y/L/N! Nice to see you!” you hear that voice calling you when the bell rings, all of your students filtering back in and getting right to work, knowing that Nolan heard you start mumbling under your breath as soon as Anderson appeared in your doorway.
“Hi, Mr. Fitzgerald,” you say, fake sweetness dripping in your voice when Anderson comes right up to you. “Class, say hi to Mr. Fitz!” you call him the nickname you knew he hated.
He looks around your room, trying to see who you brought. The fake smile he had plastered on his face drops when he sees the three guys. “You know the Flyers?”
You tried your hardest to hide the obvious smile on your own face, seeing the anger build inside him knowing that you had someone more impressive to work with your students. You shrug, “Yeah. Nolan here is my neighbor,” you introduce him, Nolan offering up an awkward wave, “I mean, they aren’t the president of a school in a university, but I think the students are having fun.”
“So what are the students doing?” Anderson asks, his face red with jealousy that you brought the boys.
Nolan walks away, as you start to explain that your students are going to make zinc chloride from an anhydrous copper chloride and solid zinc solution. He had no idea what it meant, but he knew that it was a silver piece of metal with a blue solid that you dissolve in water and it’s supposed to create a milky-looking liquid.
He starts walking through the class, listening to your students as they do the experiment, even though he still had no idea what they were talking about. One of your students was sitting in the corner, watching everything happen around him but not participating. “Hey, bud,” Nolan approaches him. “How’s it going?”
The student just nods, not taking his eyes off his paper while his partner does the rest of the work.
“I’m Nolan,” he says, sitting down next to the child. He watches the other student continue to mix the solution to get it to react. “So you let that sit now, right?”
You and Anderson stand and watch the students, Anderson saying something about how the experiment was going, but you weren’t listening to him at all. You were making sure your students were doing what they needed to, working on the additional practice problems they had while the solution was sitting, seeing them get out the hot plates and set them up for when they would need them later, interacting with each other.
“Anderson,” you say, cutting him off once you see Nolan in the back corner, “look.”
He follows your gaze to Darren, your student who normally didn’t say a word, talking with Nolan and explaining everything to him. Nolan had a huge smile on his face that mirrored Darren’s and his partner Sydney’s. “I’ve never seen him talk with someone before,” Anderson says, dumbfounded. You knew Darren had been assigned to your class because Anderson wanted to see you work with ‘an unworkable student’ as you had overheard him telling Javier at the end of last school year. Darren was laughing with Nolan and Sydney, doing the work and actually helping his partner more than just doing the work on paper and passing it over to Syd like he normally did.
You both stand there, watching the three of them interact. You had a huge smile on your face, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks when Nolan looks away from the students and smiles at you, Darren holding up the beaker with their pale blue solution in it to show you. You give them a thumbs up, turning to Anderson and boasting, “I think they’re doing well.”
Anderson mumbles something under his breath, probably for the better since you had a feeling it was something about you as a general person.
You scan the room again, watching Travis and Oskar interact with the students, still not really sure what they were doing, but they all had smiles on their faces, so you couldn’t complain. You leave Anderson, walking around the room, making sure your students were doing ok. One of the groups asks you a question about the review worksheet they were doing, leaning against the table to help them. You listen to them talk through the problem, seeing Nolan staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Why couldn’t you focus on your students when he was right there?
You look up at the clock when you finish with that group of students. “Alright, y’all,” you get their attention, “Eyes on me for a minute. We have ten more minutes before the bell rings, which means we need to be cleaned up by then so you guys can get to your next class. You can leave the mixtures on the hot plates if they aren’t done heating and I will watch them. What I want one person to do right now is get a paper town and write you and your partner’s names on it and put it on the back counter for them to cool and we can mass them tomorrow, ok?” Your students agree and start scurrying around the room to do what you told them.
You move out of the way, going back to Anderson. “I’m impressed,” he says, a hint of genuine shock in his voice.
“Oh, really?”
Before he can answer, you hear something drop, the distinct sound of glass shattering on the floor. “No one move!” you say, all of your students halting as you try to figure out who dropped what.
Your student Nina waves you over as you rush to get your dustpan and brush, Anderson rushing over to help you clean up. “Are you alright?” you ask her.
“I cut my hand a little,” she lets out, showing you the scratch on her finger.
Anderson cleans up the glass, the rest of your students careful not to break anything else. You knew something had to go wrong. The day was going to perfect for something to not ruin it. “Let’s clean you up.” You help Nina wash her hand, making sure none of the chemicals got on her as you search for a bandage. “Was that the beaker with the zinc chloride?” She nods, you see a tear threatening to roll down her cheeks, knowing that she just ruined the product they had spent the entire period making and heating. Nolan watches you comfort her, feeling his heart flutter at the sight of you bandaging up your student. He pictured himself coming home after a game he got a fight in, you being there and helping him clean up a little more.
“Dude,” Travis whispers, scaring Nolan out of his fantasy. “You’re drooling.”
He waves him off while he watches you comfort your student who had started crying. “Hey, Neen,” you coo, a smile on your face, “It’s ok. Accidents happen. Remember I told you I was a lab assistant when I was in college? I can’t even count how many things I broke during one semester, let alone the entire time I was in the lab. We worked on the motto: if you break things that means you’re working hard. The harder you work, the more you break.”
“But we have to redo it,” she lets out.
You give her a nod, scrunching your face up. “Yeah. But if you get it started I can watch it heat. Do you have a class next period?” She nods. “Alright, hey Spencer?” you call over Nina’s partner, “Come here for a sec? Do you have a class next period?”
“Yeah. But I have a free period first period tomorrow. I can come in then.”
“Ok, here’s what we’re going to do,” you start, “Tomorrow, Spencer is going to come start the experiment, then Nina, do you have a free period at all?”
“Second period.”
“Perfect! Spencer will get it started, Nina will finish it, and if it’s not completely dry by class, I’ll give you an extra day to do the calculations. Sound good?”
They both nod, the bell ringing as you tell your students goodbye. That had to be the most stressful double period of your life, thanks to all the men who had to be in your room with you, the fourth of them now standing there staring at you.
“Not bad, Y/L/N,” Anderson says. “Only one thing broke. That’s gotta be a new record for you.”
He leaves before you could protest, your mouth hanging open even though you weren’t sure how you could even rebuttal his statement. You look at the three guys, Nolan looking significantly more upset than he probably needed to be. “That’s the first time something’s broken in three months.”
“He really is an ass,” Nolan says, grabbing a seat at one of the tables.
“I told you.”
“So, uh,” Travis starts, looking between you and Nolan. “Do you have another class or anything?”
“Nope. I have my last period free, but I have to go to the library in case any chem students need tutoring. You guys are free to go. I really can’t thank you guys enough. I’m not sure what I could ever do to make it up to you, but anything. This was huge,” you gush, really meaning it. The students loved it, and other than the one beaker breaking and Nina’s slight break down as a result, it went really well. You had done the lab in the past where the students had to redo the lab three times before it even worked, this time, you only saw one group redo it one time.
“Yeah, Nolan can probably think of something,” you thought you heard Oskar mumble, Nolan glaring at him. “We should get going, then.”
“Actually, Y/N, do you mind if I get a ride home with you?” Nolan asks as you gather your things to head down to the library. “You know, so they don’t have to go out of their way to drive me home?”
Travis’s mouth hangs open, a stupid grin on his face as he nudges Oskar, both of them looking at you as you’re clearly caught off guard. “Uh, yeah sure, we just have to go to the library, like I said. Are you sure you want to stay? I won’t leave for another hour and a half.”
“Yeah, I do,” he tells you, his cheeks bright red.
“Ok, um, you guys go back to the main office and sign out, I’ll just call down and tell them you’re staying?”
Travis and Oskar leave after bickering over something with Nolan that was out of earshot for you. Why would he want to stay? He had mentioned that Travis didn’t live that far away, so the ‘going out of their way’ argument seemed invalid.
You shake it off, leading Nolan down to the library. “You did a great job with Darren, by the way.”
He shrugs, taking the seat across from you at the empty table you found. Students were walking around, you hopeful that none of them would need help from you. “He’s a good kid.”
“I’m so excited to tell his mom about today,” you say, typing away on your computer. You look up, reading Nolan’s confused expression. “Getting Darren to talk in the class has yet to be successful for me. His mom asked me at the beginning of the year to tell her whenever he has a good day. I’ve never seen him talk that much and genuinely enjoy it.”
“Do you email all the parents when their kids have a good day?”
You shake your head, “I try to. High school kids, because they’re teenagers, don’t always get the praise and excitement from adult figures in their lives because they’re in that period of ‘you’re still a child and are treated as such but are expected to act like an adult.’. Even if it’s something small like they were participating a lot more than normal like in Darren’s case. It makes them more motivated and willing to learn if they know you recognize when they do something good.”
You force yourself not to make eye contact with him, knowing that you would see him blushing as he always was and that would, in turn, make you do the same. “Come on,” you say, pretending to watch out for kids who could be coming for tutoring, “don’t you remember when you were in school getting excited over the simple act of a sticker on a test you got a good grade on? I remember my senior year we were sitting in our world language class and everyone got an A on the test our teacher gave, and we all started begging for stickers because she had given them the last three years we had her. She was so annoyed with us, but every test after that, no matter what grade we got, a sticker was always on the test. It’s little, but it’s fun.”
“Teaching is a lot more than I thought it was,” you hear him say. Honestly, he wasn’t really paying attention to the words coming out of your mouth; he just loved that you were talking about something you so clearly loved.
You laugh, “Yeah. It can be a lot. You haven’t seen my college prep classes. Honors is a little easier because the students are slightly more independent in terms of their work, but my CP kids just have more needs for them to learn the same material.”
“It’s the ‘lower level, but the difference is it just takes longer for those kids to learn the same information. So what we did today, I’ll probably do in a month or so with CP, and I would give them the procedure, either straight up or have them fill in the blanks depending on the child and the group.”
“Depending on their group?”
“Yeah. Each lesson has to meet the needs of every child, which means modifying and accommodating it based on if they have an IEP, a 504, which falls under special education plans, or if their parents request it or the student themself requests it but it’s not written. Like, I wouldn't interact with you the same way I would interact with Fran, or Maddy, or Keelan," or elaborate, swallowing hard at the mention of your boyfriend's name. " You interact with people based on how you need to interact with them and what their needs are. Kids aren’t one size fits all, so why should their education be?”
You kept talking but he stopped listening, hating himself for the realization that he came to while you talked about teaching, a soft smile covering your face while you continue to look around for students instead of looking at him: whatever feelings he had for you were more than just a crush, Kevin and Travis sadly being correct. He wasn’t in love with you, but he wanted, needed to be more than just your friend.
But you were still with Keelan.
The bell rings, signaling the end of the day, you and Nolan going back to your classroom until you were contractually allowed to leave. “So what are you doing tonight?” Nolan asks you. He wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but he didn’t want his day with you to end once you pulled into the parking space outside your apartments.
You shrug, looking around your desk for the tests that you had given your CP kids that morning. “Grading these,” you tell him, holding them up before stuffing them into your bag. He opens his mouth, about to say something when you get cut off by the sound of your phone. “Oh, it’s Keelan!” you squeal, Nolan’s entire body deflating at the sound of your boyfriend’s name. “Hey, you’re on speaker, I’m here with Nolan.”
He lets out a sigh before giving you a monotonous, “Hey, guys.”
“What’s up?”
“What are you doing tonight?” he asks you, Nolan’s heart dropping, knowing where this was going.
“I was just telling Nolan that I was going to grade the tests for my CP kids, why?”
“Can that wait until tomorrow, do you think?”
Running through your schedule in your head, you tell him, “Yeah, they’re not expecting them back for a week anyway.”
“Let’s go out tonight.”
Nolan could feel himself getting sick listening to this conversation, for no other reason than he wanted to be the one with you tonight. But he knew he couldn’t as he watched the smile on your face grow. “Where?”
“I want to take you somewhere nice, you know, treat my girl how she deserves to be treated. We haven’t had a date night in a while and I miss you.”
“What time do you want to go?” you ask him, your heart racing. It wasn’t racing in excitement to be with Keelan, but because you were suddenly incredibly aware of Nolan being right there as you were being asked out by the guy you were sure you loved.
“I’ll pick you up at five?”
“Sounds great. I’ll see you then.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
You hesitate, looking at Nolan who was no longer making eye contact with you. “Love you, too, Keel,” you force yourself to get out. You hang up, looking at the clock to see that it was thankfully time for the two of you to leave and go home, giving you around an hour to get ready by the time you got home and got as much ready as you could for school tomorrow. “We’re free to leave now, if you want,” you offer him, packing up your bag for the day.
He just nods, waiting for you at the door as you walk out to the car, driving home in silence, only a mumble goodbye as the two of you get out of your car and go inside.
Five pm rolls around, Keelan getting out of his car to greet you as you go running up to him. Nolan watches you from his window, knowing he was being a creep, but he couldn’t help it. You looked perfect in the dress and heels you had on, your hair and makeup done to make you look more beautiful than he had ever seen. He watched you run into Keelan’s arms, Keelan lifting you off the group as the two of you kissed, Nolan green with envy as he watched him get the door for you for the two of you to drive off to the night he wished he was experiencing with you.
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sukifans · 4 years ago
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HELP ME // sokka
WARNINGS: language, a Bug
WC: 3.3k
A/N: a little somethin somethin for @fromthewatertribe’s 1k event! i had a lot of fun doing this drabble. i used 2 (“please help me”) and 8 (“i thought you loved me”) for this bad boy that definitely got away from me lmao
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Panic surged through Sokka when he checked his phone and saw he had about twenty missed calls from you over the past ten minutes. Just as he was about to call back, your contact photo popped up on the screen accompanied by the duck quack ringtone you’d set for yourself ages ago.
“I’ll be back,” he mumbled to Zuko, who nodded absently while preparing a customer’s tea. He stepped out the back of the Jasmine Dragon and slid his thumb across the screen. “Hello?”
“SOKKA, THANK FUCK!” You sounded like you were crying on the other end. He frowned, pulling the phone away from his ear in response to your screech.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Where are you?” he demanded over the ruckus of your wails. His hand dropped to his car keys in his pocket, ready to leave if you needed him.
Sokka groaned. “(Y/N), I’m at work. I cannot come kill a bug for you.”
Your blubbering paused. “B-But... I need help! And no one else will help me! Please help me!”
“As much as I want to help you I can’t right now, princess. I can swing by after we close in about an hour, though.”
You made a strangled sort of screaming sound and hung up. He brought his hand down, staring at his screen in surprise. The line was busy when he tried to call you back, so he pocketed his phone with a sigh and headed back inside.
Zuko was speaking on the store phone with someone when he got back to the front, making a face like he had just eaten something sour or smelled something foul. Sokka shot him a questioning look as he tied his apron back around his waist and Zuko beckoned him over.
“What’s up?” Sokka asked in a low voice.
“Just go,” Zuko huffed. “I can finish closing by myself and she said she won’t stop calling us until you help her.”
“Wh- give me that.” He took the landline receiver from Zuko. “Seriously, (Y/N)?”
“It’s a bug!”
He made eye contact with Zuko and his friend just shook his head. “Fine, okay, you win. I’m on my way.”
She hiccuped. “You’re the best friend I could ever ask for, Sokka. I love you. Please hurry.”
“Yeah, yeah. Love you, too, princess,” he grumbled before hanging up. Zuko was watching him with raised eyebrows. “Oh, fuck off, dude.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He tried to hide his smirk by turning away to wipe down the counter.
“Don’t look so smug.” He smacked the back of his friend’s head after he threw his apron in the laundry bag.
“Hey!” Zuko punched his shoulder. “It’s not my fault you’re whipped for (Y/N) and too much of a pussy to make a move.”
“You’re fucking lucky I’m whipped and have to go kill a bug for my girl otherwise I’d kick your ass, Zuko.” He flipped him the middle finger as he headed out the door, keys in his other hand.
“Later, princess.” Zuko twiddled his fingers mockingly in goodbye. Sokka scoffed as he left, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. Yeah, he was whipped for you. He was wrapped securely and comfortably around your pinky finger. So what? It wasn’t like he had plans to do anything about it. He was perfectly happy being your friend — your best friend, in your own words. No way in hell would he risk fucking that up and losing you.
When he banged on your apartment door you simply yelled from inside that it was unlocked. It was hard to suppress a laugh at the scene that greeted him. You were curled up on your kitchen counter, hood of your sweatshirt drawn tight around your head so only your nose and eyes were visible and a can of bug spray in your trembling hand. Your tear-streaked face lit up when you saw him and it made his heart clench in his chest.
“Hey, princess.”
“Sokka!” You dropped the can and threw yourself at him. He caught you in his arms with a grunt and you wrapped your legs around his middle, clinging to his neck. His hands supported your back to keep you upright. “God, I’ve never been so happy to see you in my life. I could fucking kiss you right now.”
He had to recover quickly from almost choking on air in order to keep his composure. “Just doing my manly best friend duties.” He gulped when you slid down his body. Your feet hit the floor again but you still held onto him. “Alright, where’s the big bad bug?”
You glared up at him for his teasing. “My room. I was about to go take a shower when it fucking flew at my face! I don’t even know where it came from!”
“Stand by, princess,” he ruffled your hair and pulled off one of his sneakers to wield as a bludgeon, “I’ve got it all under control.” You rolled your eyes a bit when he puffed his chest out and flexed comically. You released him from your vice grip so he could stalk up to the closed door of your bedroom. Of course, you stayed planted firmly in the kitchen and watched from a distance.
“Be careful,” you warned, “it’s literally the biggest roach I’ve ever seen.”
“It may be big, but I’m bigger. And smarter.” He tapped his temple with his finger.
“I don’t know about that second part,” you giggled. He shot you a withering look.
“Do you want me to kill this thing or not?”
“Yes, sorry! You are so very strong and intelligent and handsome, Sokka. Much more strong and intelligent and handsome than the roach.”
“You know what? I’ll take that compliment.” He winked at you, sending your heart into your throat. You stuck your tongue out and made a face to hopefully hide how flustered you were.
“Stop flirting and kill the fucking bug!”
“You started it!”
“Sokka!” Laughing, he pushed open the door to your bedroom and disappeared inside. You watched the doorway with bated breath, listening to Sokka rummaging around to find the vermin.
There was an almighty thud, then a crash and a shriek along with thundering footsteps as your friend dashed out of the room with a massive roach flying behind him. You screamed too when you spotted the bug as it landed on your wall. Before you could react any further, Sokka had grabbed you and yanked you out the front door, slamming it shut behind you both.
“That’s no ordinary roach,” he panted, leaning against the door. He still held you close to his torso with an arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Fucking military drone or something.”
“Did you think I was fucking joking?” Your stomach churned uneasily thinking about the insect walking all over your walls and prized possessions. A shudder ran down your spine and you buried your face into his chest, grabbing a fistful of the front of his shirt. “What am I supposed to do now? I can’t go back in there with that thing loose!”
“I don’t know.”
“You were supposed to kill it!”
“It charged me!”
“You big chicken!” Looking up, you flicked his forehead and giggled at his incredulous look. “I thought you loved me!”
His face felt like it was on fire. “I do!”
“Then why didn’t you kill it? You were supposed to protect me, Sokka!” Your hands settled on his chest and he hoped you couldn’t feel how fast his heart was beating. “So much for being smarter and stronger!”
“But you admit I’m more handsome still?” Your cheeks burned when his hand slid to your hip, using his thumb to rub circles into your hipbone through the fabric of your clothes.
“More handsome than the roach?” You couldn’t help but laugh at his goofy smile. “I guess you qualify for that.”
“Tough crowd,” he sighed. “I was going to bring you back to mine so you could get out of your roach-infested apartment, but if that’s how you really feel then I’ll leave you with the stronger, smarter organism.”
“The roach?” you squeaked indignantly. He chuckled at your wide eyes. “I’m sorry, I changed my mind. You are the smartest and strongest and handsomest again. Please let me crash at your place?”
“Wow, using me for my sweet crib? And here I was thinking you loved me for me!”
“Pretty please?” You clasped your hands under your chin, pouted, and gave him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
He groaned dramatically and rolled his eyes as if he were being greatly put out. “You know I can’t say no to that face. Let’s go, princess.” He disentangled himself from you and started to walk away only to realize you weren’t following. He turned back to you. “(Y/N)?”
You looked down at your socked feet. “I don’t have shoes. Or my keys.”
“I’m not going back in there.”
“Well, I’m not either.”
“Then it seems we’re at a stalemate.”
You pursed your lips thoughtfully. “Do you still have that spare key I gave you when I went out of town?”
“Good thinking, kid.” He shuffled around his key ring until he found yours, easily identifiable by the heart you’d painted onto it with your favorite nail polish. “Way to use your noodle.” He locked your front door and stood in front of you once again.
“Shoes,” you said simply, extending your leg to lift your foot in the air. “I’m not walking around like this. Knowing my luck I’ll step on a used needle and end up with some rare blood disease.” Sokka scratched the back of his neck as he considered this before a wicked grin split across his face. You did not like the looks of that. “Sokka...”
Without warning, he grabbed you around your middle and hoisted you onto his shoulder like a sack of flour. The inversion of your body made you squeal, scrambling to grab something to stabilize yourself. In your panic, you sunk your nails into the flesh of his ass.
“Jesus!” He gripped you tighter to stop you from slipping in his surprise. “I know I have an irresistibly fat ass but you gotta be careful back there, babe. That’s my moneymaker!”
If all your blood hadn’t been already rushing to your head you would’ve flushed. “That’s what you get for picking me up, asshole!” You paused. “What the fuck are you talking about, ‘your moneymaker?’”
“Well, I couldn’t have you stepping on a used needle and ending up with some rare blood disease, now could I?” You could practically hear his smirk as he carried you down to the front of your building.
“Do you derive joy from driving me up a wall?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. You made an indignant noise and pinched his side. He yelped and smacked the back of your bare thighs in response.
“Did you just spank me?” You thrashed in protest, making him stumble a bit.
“No,” he grunted and then brought his hand down on your ass, eliciting a gasp from you. “Now I did.”
“That’s ‘Daddy’ to you, princess.” He tried to drop his voice an octave to sound stern but he couldn’t suppress his laughter. You were just glad he couldn’t see your face.
“I’m going to throttle you when you put me down,” you threatened.
“You know what? I’ll take my chances with the roach. Bring me back, you fucking deviant.”
He dropped you down to the ground and you leaned back against his car door, looking away from his face. “Aw, you’re hurting my feelings, babe. I seem to remember someone telling me—“
You clapped your hand over his mouth before he could continue. “That’s enough out of you, thanks.” You could feel his smile against your palm at the reference to a highly inappropriate conversation you’d had together when you were both extremely drunk. You recoiled when he licked your hand.
“Alright, alright; let’s go home. I’m exhausted.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered without any malice as he reached around you to open the passenger door. He simply gave you that same shit-eating grin and closed your door.
Sokka decided to spare your pride and carried you up to his apartment on his back instead of over his shoulder. His hands on your thighs, shifting your position every so often, made your heart race. You could still catch whiffs of the tea from the Jasmine Dragon off his clothes, mingling with the masculine smell of his deodorant. The combination put you at ease after the trauma of dealing with the roach and you sighed happily, setting your chin on his shoulder and pressing your cheek against his. The stubbly scruff along his jaw prickled at your skin but you couldn’t find it in you to care much.
You thought he’d drop you down onto his couch once you’d entered his apartment but instead he carried you into his bedroom and flopped backwards onto his mattress, knocking the wind out of your chest as he squished you under his body. Despite the squeezing weight on your lungs you were laughing uncontrollably, arms still thrown around his shoulders. Sokka wished he could have moments like this with you every night; that he could turn around and kiss you without ruining everything.
“Why so giggly, kid? Are you enjoying this?” he teased, leaning his head back onto your chest.
“Laughter is my panic response. You’re suffocating me, fatass,” you wheezed
“Nah, I think you like it.”
You hummed thoughtfully as the giggles subsided. “Maybe. You’re kinda like one of those weighted blankets.”
“Yeah?” He turned so he faced you, propping himself up on his forearms on either side of your head. “Do I relieve your anxiety?”
You quirked an eyebrow. “The opposite, actually.”
“You wound me, really. I am a calming, peaceful, meditative presence. I am a delight and a joy to be around.” He frowned when you threw your head back in incredulous laughter. You hooked your leg around his hips and flipped him onto his back, pinning him underneath you.
“Maybe you have your moments.” He stared wide-eyed up at your teasing smile and considered closing the space between your mouths. Before he could work up the nerve, you sat back on your haunches out of reach. “I need to shower.”
“Without me?” he pouted. You groaned and shoved his face into the mattress as you stood.
“Don’t wait up, baby.” He flushed at the nickname you used to tease him. He propped himself up on his elbows to see you down the hall.
“I’ll take the couch tonight,” he said. You stopped just outside the bathroom door.
“Sokka, we don’t have to do this every time. I think it’s okay if we just sleep in the same bed without arguing over who gets the couch at this point.”
“If you’re alright with it,” he sighed, dropping his head back down.
“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s you.” You gave him a quick smile before disappearing into the bathroom.
You always secretly loved staying over with Sokka. The lather of his soap running down your body into the drain made you feel wrapped in his presence — a great comfort despite your teasing that suggested otherwise. His meticulous organizing even in the shower always made you laugh a little to yourself. His products were neatly organized in the order he used them, likely something he started doing when you’d dragged him to a beauty store after finding out he used 3-in-1 “for efficiency.” Now, to your immense pride and satisfaction, he had a full skincare and haircare routine.
Upon exiting the shower wrapped in a towel, you saw Sokka snoring lightly on his bed next to a pile of clothes he’d left out for you. You pulled on his shirt and quickly wriggled under the covers, propping yourself up on your elbow. You poked your finger into his cheek and he grunted, swatting at you.
“Leave me alone, woman,” he murmured.
“You need to shower.” He cracked an eye open to glare at you.
“You’re awfully demanding for a guest in my bed.”
“Well, you worked today and you stink.”
“That’s just my natural man musk. Pheromones and stuff. Nothing to be done about it.”
“Are you an ant?”
“Only if you’ll be my queen ant.” He sent you a cocky smirk and you simply shook your head.
“You’re fucking weird, dude.” He laughed and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you directly into his armpit as you squealed. Finally you freed yourself and rolled onto your side away from him with a huff. Sokka slid behind you and rested his head on your shoulder, sliding his arm around your waist.
“You know you love me, princess.”
“Whatever,” you grumbled. He chuckled and the sound reverberated against your back, his warm breath on your cheek making goosebumps rise on your skin. His thumb slid absently back and forth across your stomach and the soft touch lulled your heavy eyelids closed.
“Don’t go to bed mad, babe. At least give me my goodnight kiss.”
Enough. It’s now or never.
Before you could start second-guessing yourself, you rolled onto your back underneath him and surged upwards to press your lips to his in an insistent kiss. It lasted only a few moments before you pulled away because he remained frozen against you. His clear blue eyes were wide as he stared down at you and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks and the tears threatening to spill as you realized what you’d done.
“You shouldn’t flirt if you don’t mean it, Sokka. It gives people the wrong idea,” you whispered, the corners of your mouth pulling into a frown. His gaze darted from your eyes down to your lips and back again.
“Who says I don’t mean it?” And then he was finally, finally kissing you before you could tell him off. You snaked your arm around his shoulders and pulled him down on top of you, desperate to be closer, to feel his body on your own to reassure yourself that yes, this was happening and it was real. His hand trailed up to cup your face, skimming his thumb gently along your cheekbone. You both broke away to gasp for air. Sokka looked down at your flushed cheeks and bright eyes and lips that were just beginning to swell and he thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“Oh, don’t look so pleased with yourself,” you laughed, swiping your thumb over his satisfied smile on your way to pull the tie from his ponytail. The ends of his loose hair tickled your face as he kissed you again, this time much more gentle.
“And why shouldn’t I be?” Another kiss. “I’m kissing the girl I’ve been in love with for years.” Your eyes widened and you shoved him back onto the bed.
“Years?” you squeaked. “We could’ve been doing this for years?”
“I didn’t know you had feelings for me!”
“Of course I had feelings for you, are you joking?”
“Then why didn’t you do anything before now? I flirt with you constantly!”
“Because I thought you were joking!”
“Well, that’s on you, then. Now c’mere, princess,” he reached out and hugged you close to his body again, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
“God, you’re such a cornball.” You giggled at the teasing kisses he peppered all over your face. When he finally caught your lips you hummed happily against his mouth. He tasted sweeter than the most tooth-rotting candy and gave you the same sugar high.
“Yeah, but you love it.”
“I do.” You snuggled down under the blanket and rested your head on his chest. “I love you, Sokka.”
He ruffled your hair affectionately. “I love you too, princess.”
“You still need to shower, though.”
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ATLA TAGS: @hotgirlazula @octophopi
SOKKA/ZUKO TAGS: @fiantomartell
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flowesona · 4 years ago
Voluntary Victim - Yandere! Yoongi x reader
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Warning: Sexual content
Finding a victim was like shooting fish in a barrel. Dozens of young men and women surrounded her, each adorned with accessories bought with daddy’s money and high to the heavens on whatever substance they could find.
The boy who had his arm around their waist at that moment seemed a bit more refined than the others - he was worth a million dollars, sure, but he at least seemed to be a bit more modest.
They stopped trying to spy the drunken boy they’d just seen sneak off into the restroom and turned to focus the gentleman by their side.
“Hi! My friends call me Angel.” They shouted over the thumping bass, watching in amusement as the young man’s eyebrows furrowed in trying to hear what they were saying.
“That name suits you. I’m Yoongi.” He replied simply. “Do you want a drink?”
“Of course.” (Y/N) gave him a cheeky smile and took his hand within their own to lead him towards the bar.
“What will you be having?” He called out over the music once they had arrived.
“Surprise me.” Was all they said. A simple tactic really - made them think they cared about his opinion, that they would do as they pleased.
He nodded and as soon as he made eye contact with one of the bar staff they abandoned the gaggle of people trying to flag them down and listened intently as he leaned over to talk into their ear.
That was how they knew they had struck gold. The bartender didn’t even hesitate in making their drinks right away, and the lack of payment screamed that he was on some kind of guest list.
Once he had passed one of the glasses over to (Y/N), the glint in his eye said that their night was going according to plan.
“Are you here often?” He raised his voice slightly, and (Y/N) shook their head in response.
“First time. Maybe you can show me around?”
“What?” He leaned in closer, his body pressing deliciously close to theirs. “I can’t hear you.”
“I’ve never been here before. Are you a regular?”
He shook his head, though they weren't sure if it was because of the question or because of their uncomfortable conditions.
“Should we find somewhere a bit quieter?” (Y/N) nodded, and with their cocktail in one hand and his warm hand clasping their other Yoongi led them through one of the staff only doors - receiving affirming nods from the staff along the way - and into a more secluded lounge.
There were LED lights lining the walls lighting the room up into a rich royal blue, and there were leather sofas and coffee tables dotted around.
“Normally this is where we hold member’s parties. But tonight, Father said I could have it to myself, and whichever guests I please.”
Yoongi hummed, leading them gently to one of the sofas and placing his drink down on the table so that both his hands were now free. (Y/N) took a sip for courage before following suit.
“What do you do for a living then?” They asked, her fingertips subtly rubbing circles into his thigh.
“I’m training to take over my father’s business.” He answered simply. “What about you, Angel?”
“I’m studying English.” (Y/N) purred, leaning in slightly. “But I don’t have any plans for the future, unlike you.”
“Pretty young things like you don’t need a plan when there’s men like me to take care of you.”
“Maybe so. Or maybe I could take care of you.” Yoongi smirked at their comment, leaning forward to grab his drink.
“I’m sure you can, baby.”
They continued to caress his thigh as he drank.
“You know, you seem so well spoken, Angel. There’s more to your pretty little head than most the vermin out there.” (Y/N) wanted to vomit, but they kept up their saccharine smile.
“Really?” It was time to make their move. “I know how else I can prove to you how much better I am than those other whores, you know.”
He raised his eyebrows, intrigued, as they pressed a sloppy kiss to his lips.
Their fingers found the buttons on his neatly pressed shirt and slowly started to pop them open.
“Can I ask you something…?” They whispered, their fingertips tracing over the smooth skin of his exposed chest and appreciating how he just barely shuddered under her touch.
Yoongi nodded, imploring them to go on.
“I’ve always wanted to be more… adventurous. But none of the guys I’ve fucked have ever wanted to try anything with me. But I know you’re far better than them, right?”
There was some unknown emotion glazing over Yoongi’s eyes - intrigue, maybe mixed with some jealousy?
“Will you let me…” They dug into their wallet, and pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs. “put these on you?”
He visibly gulped, but (Y/N) could tell by the flush covering his cheeks that they had him hook, line and sinker.
“Please, gorgeous. Make this night special for me?” They purred. Finally, he gave them an apprehensive nod and they sat up with a happy smirk.
Their fingers ran up and down the smooth pale skin of his arm, before they gently pulled on his shirt and pushed him to the ground, right next to the coffee table.
Yoongi’s eyes were shining as “Angel” sat on his lap, looking at them like they were a gift granted by heaven. His breathing only got heavier as they pressed their chest to his, taking his wrists and securing them behind the leg on the coffee table. When they were done, they pressed a kiss to Yoongi’s neck and he felt his face burn up as if he was eight years old.
However, rather than attempting to make any more advances as he was hoping, his companion’s focus changed entirely.
“Your watch is very nice.”Their fingers danced along his wrist, fiddling with the expensive leather. “How much did it cost you?”
“That doesn’t matter.” He huffed. “Chicken feed, darling. Please…?”
(Y/N) just continued to inspect it and ignore his subtle whines for attention.
“I could get a pretty penny for this, couldn’t I?” Yoongi felt his heart drop as he felt them unclasp it and hold it up to the light. “Cartier, one of a kind. Mind if I keep it?”
“Whatever, please just-”
“What else do you have on you?” Tucking the watch into their wallet, they finally made eye contact with him again.
Yoongi didn’t reply, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips.
“Did you bring your wallet?”
He shook his head, but they stuck their hand into his jacket pocket and found the thick wad of leather tucked away. With an impressed whistle they flicked through the cash whilst tipping his credit cards onto the floor.
“You… you can have it all. It doesn’t matter.” Yoongi rattled the chains again, desperately trying to get free.
“Thank you.” They smiled, shoving the wallet into their pocket. “Where’s your phone?”
“My back pocket.” The young man hissed. “Please, if you just want my money baby-”
“Shut it.” (Y/N) shot back as they retrieved his top model phone and chucked out the SIM card. “If you start making a fuss I’ll shut you up myself.”
He blushed. Clearly, he was some kind of fucked up to be aroused by this.
“I think I might- wait, what is this?” A smile settled on (Y/N)’s face as they unclasped the chain from his neck and admired how it shone in the LED lights.
“Anyway, as I was saying, I think it’s time I take my leave. The night’s still young.”
They pressed a kiss to his flushed cheek.
“Thank you for the great time.”
“No, don’t go. Please, you can have my shit, just come back here!” Yoongi whined as she walked away with a spring in their step, shutting the door behind them to cut off his cries from the outside world as they escaped the stuffy nightclub and out into the cool midnight air.
Most people who’d been seduced, tied up and robbed would be humiliated, but not Yoongi. Rather, the only thing he held against his angel was that they’d left him. His wallet could be easily refilled, his jewellery and phone could be replaced, but ‘Angel’ was one of a kind and he wanted to have them.
He’d eventually managed to escape his bondage, tipping over the coffee table and sliding his hands out. Although he had to find one of the employees to help him out of the handcuffs, the embarrassment didn’t set in. Instead, he sought out one of the bouncers and pulled them to the side to ask if they’d seen someone called Angel. After nearly ten minutes of describing their ethereal appearance the bouncer was able to recall their existence, but unable to give Yoongi any more information.
But from that day forward, they had a stranglehold on his mind. His thoughts were overridden with fantasies of what could have happened if ‘Angel’ had stayed - them gripping his throat with those silky fingers, marking his neck with their teeth, unbuttoning his pants and taking him into their mouth…
They were addictive. He found himself trying his hardest to seek them out again - he knew she wouldn’t return to his father’s nightclub, so he explored every other one in the city. He’d scoured the CCTV cameras in the club and managed to find a (somewhat blurry) still, which he’d enhanced and printed out. Not only did he keep a copy to himself -  tucked away in his work diary so that he could see them every day - but he circulated it to all of the clubs he could reach, asking them to call him if they ever saw his angel for a handsome reward.
But months passed with no news, and rather than recovering Yoongi’s obsession only got worse. He spent hours futilely searching for the name they’d given him on the internet with no reward, but he couldn’t stop.
“Can I pay with cash, please?” Yoongi had been half-asleep, the night before having sapped him of all energy that could only be perked up with coffee, when he heard that voice. That unforgettable voice. The one that haunted his dreams every night and the one he’d been craving to hear.
“Of course. Could I have a name for your order?”
“(Y/N).” Yoongi’s heart sunk. Had he gotten his hopes up over the wrong person? Had he been so deluded in his desire for his angel that he’d started to hallucinate about them?
But when (Y/N) stepped to the side to wait for their coffee, he finally saw their profile and he knew they were the one who had captured his heart. That was why it had been impossible to find them, because they’d given him a fake name!
His heart was beating a thousand beats a second as he watched them take the coffee from the barista and flash the worker a smile whilst sliding them a tip. God, how he hoped he would soon be the recipient of one of those dazzling expressions.
All thoughts of caffeine were wiped out as he had now found his real drug, abandoning the queue to quietly follow them out of the cafe at a safe distance.
‘They haven’t changed at all. I guess you can’t improve on perfection.’
Yoongi admired them as she walked. They still had glowing skin, the most perfect body in his eyes, and an unmatched energy that drew him in.
It was tricky blended into the background, especially when the crowds thinned out and he was following them into a smaller neighbourhood. His heart was thudding, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to be caught or not. He didn’t know what was driving him to follow them and why he hadn’t already spoken up.
(Y/N) wasn’t stupid. They stopped in place to get out their phone and observed how the hooded man also stopped a few metres away.
“Stop following me or I’ll call the police.” They called out.
Yoongi took a few steps forward.
“What will they do? Give me a slap on the wrist for being a naughty boy?”
Their brow furrowed. Did they recognise his voice? God, he hoped that was the case. He was ready to get down on his knees and beg for their love.
“Whatever. Just leave me alone, freak.” They hissed, unlocking their phone to call their friend, so he could get them the hell out of there.
Starting to panic, he rushed forward and wrenched their phone out of their hands, throwing it to the ground and digging his heel into the screen for good measure. For a second, there was silence only permeated by Yoongi’s heavy breathing.
Their plea for help was cut off by his hand pressed against their mouth.
“Can we continue this conversation elsewhere? My hotel room, perhaps?”
The blush on this psycho’s cheeks as his hands grasped theirs sickened (Y/N) to no end. Did he think this was a normal way to hit on someone, by breaking their phone and kidnapping them?
“I’m not going anywhere-”
“I’ll call the chauffeur. Don’t worry, he won’t be long.”
(Y/N) was still trying to pry his fingers from their own, but they were like iron.
“Who the fuck are you?” They hissed.
“You don’t remember me?” His eyes were filled with hurt, and the hand clutching his phone was trembling as he held it to his ear, clearly following through on his words.
“Yoongi. You introduced yourself to me as Angel, I bought you a drink and we went into the private lounge for a chat?”
It clicked, (Y/N) knew exactly who he was. They’d made so much selling his one-of-a-kind Cartier watch that they’d been able to move cities and settle into a new profession entirely.
Most rich kids were ashamed when (Y/N) got the best of them, and few chased after them for revenge. But Yoongi had a different kind of fire in his eyes.
“Look, you can have all the money I have leftover you want? I swear, we can replace everything I took-”
“Oh no, it’s all yours, baby. I want you to have that, and so much more too.” Yoongi was way too calm, his smile way too sincere. He was absolutely off his rocker. “Anything you need to take from me, it’s yours. But I want something in return, you understand?”
(Y/N) felt a shiver go down their spine when a sleek black car, with tinted windows, drew up.
“Come on. You still have a lot to prove to me, right?”
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venusdeus · 4 years ago
Court of Kings - Chapter 2
Summary: Sent to a neighboring kingdom to secure an alliance, forced to give up your dreams and ambitions, disregarded as a means to an end. You however have no desire to fulfil their wishes. And neither does Oikawa.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x female reader
Genre: Fluff, comedy, angst, royalty au, arranged marriage au, enemies to lovers au (more like enemies to allies to friends to lovers), eventual smut maybe?
Word count: 2165
Warnings: All the characters are adults unless specified. This chapter is sfw. Minors do not interact.
Notes: This is part 2. To start from the prologue, you can use this link.
Chapter 1 <...> Chapter 3
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You prided yourself in not expressing your thoughts or your emotions on your face and having full control over your body language. In this situation, you thought, it was certainly a blessing. You did not want this man to read your thoughts even though hawk like eyes of his that were focused on you made you think he could.
“A very beautiful garden indeed.” Oikawa remarked for a second time that night, his hand resting behind his back “We do not have this many varieties when it comes to plants up north. It is rather cold there, especially when compared to here.”
The ball was still going on inside the palace walls and the music that was filling the rooms still managed to reach your ears no matter how far in the gardens you went. You two were thrown out together after the first few minutes into the reception, suggested, or more like ordered, by both parties to take a walk in order to get to know one another. Followed by royal guards and an entourage of maids and butlers of course. Thankfully, other nobles that would usually be following you, such as your ladies in waiting, were not present thanks to the ongoing event inside. Never truly alone as it wouldn’t be proper. And you never did something that wasn’t proper. Or at least when someone else could see you.
“As you mentioned previously your Highness.” You replied looking ahead. It was not because you were scared that you did not look at him, or so you tried to lie to yourself, it was because you concluded from his rather rude entrance that afternoon that he disliked you. A man who had disgust and anger written on his face before just as he was supposed meet his future betrothed was not a man worth knowing.
He went as far as not to speak unless spoken to when your family decided to give him and his company a tour of the palace that afternoon, your father being absent of course. And even your normally chatty brother trailed hiding behind you, not daring to talk to him. Oikawa looked too broad, too much like a giant next to his sickly form. His hand never left his sword either. Did he not know what a grave insult he gave you when he behaved as if you were after his head, you wondered. You would not blame him of course, not like you did not know the strained relations between the two countries. But it was rude, nonetheless.
The only interaction you had that day before the ball was limited to greetings and if you counted it, walking next to each other in the halls. In the evening, a dance to open the ball. And that was it until now.
“Princess,” he started as you winced at the name, he did not even bother to use your proper title when addressing you “I heard you also had an exquisite greenhouse. Would you be so kind to show me? I am quite curious.”
You finally decided to look at him, fully expecting to see the previous icy expression on his face but found him to be surprisingly smiling. No, maybe not a smile but a smirk, you thought, the kind that gives you shivers and makes you speechless.
You were certainly not stupid. Nor blind. Since the first time you laid eyes on him that day, you knew that all those rumors about him were true. He had a face that looked like it was painted by the master artists of the past, an angelic feeling to it. He was also tall, towering over you or even the guards. The ladies gushed about how lucky you were and how regal he looked.
If only he did not have that God awful expression on his face when you first saw him, you would have been as starstruck as the Palace staff. It was evident that he made up his mind about you before he even met you. So why should you try to get to know him.
“It would be my pleasure.” you answered turning right towards the greenhouse. You have passed it once or twice every week in your walks but you were never allowed in when the gardeners were present.
He did not speak again until you both stopped at the gates of the glass building. That's when he turned towards the staff and the guards that were following you and addressed them with a voice so sweet that could catch vermin.
“If you could please give her Highness and me a few minutes to tour inside I would really appreciate it.”
It was such an inappropriate suggestion that you could feel your face getting hot with anger. You knew he was rude, but you did not expect him to behave with the manners of a dog. It was no secret that he had done countless things you did not dare voice with other ladies or even commoners in places that seemed innocent enough until he was left alone with them. But to taint the reputation of a royal with such suggestion was another thing.
One of the wives of a southern Duke even recalled one evening, after the announcement of his upcoming visit, that one of the most magical nights she had was at his library at his court, giggling while you sat at the same round table as her, playing cards not even a meter away. It made your stomach turn and not just because of the story, but because of the look she gave you afterwards. It reminded you of the smug look your father’s mistress gave you whenever your paths crossed.
You couldn’t stomach the thought of having a similar faith wherever you went.
One of the butlers, god bless his soul, opened his mouth to object but was quickly shut down by Oikawa’s honey voice.
“The path inside looks very narrow you see. And I am not used to being in such a humid and small space with too many people. I can promise you that we won’t take longer than five minutes.”
In hindsight they should have not let him get away with such proposition. But he was the crown prince of one of the strongest kingdoms in this part of the world and he was also to be your future husband. You were not betrothed yet officially but it was as good as done. If it wasn’t they would not even be invited here.
Or maybe, you should have refused his request or asked only two guards to follow you. But one look at his face and your curiosity was peaked. You wanted to know what he wanted to achieve with such a risqué favor. So, you followed the wolf to its den. If any of the nobles heard of this, or god forbid your family, you would be as good as dead. But you could always order your maids to keep their mouths shut. You could never trust anyone to not talk of course, but a threat could do the work.
“I am bit of a botanist myself.” Oikawa said just before the doors closed behind you.
You couldn’t properly see your surroundings as the only light inside came from the moon shining above the tall glass ceiling, and sadly it was not enough to illuminate your path. Oikawa on the other hand was behaving as if he owned the place itself, walking ahead of you, only turning once to check if you were still following him.
“Though it is mostly a hobby.” He continued, finally stopping in front of a cactus like plant with lovely white flowers and turning to you.
“I am guessing you did not ask to come here alone just to talk about your botanical knowledge. What is it that you want to know?” You asked with a cold tone just as your eyes started to adjust to the dark setting.
The corners of his mouth lifted into what could be called one of the most sinister similes you have seen so far before he chuckled.
“I’ve been told you had a kind and warm disposition but that you are very naïve and certainly not very bright.” He said seizing you up.
You knew of your reputation. What other people did not know, however, was that this reputation of yours was created by non-other than you. Carefully thought of and highly fabricated. The life was easier when people did not expect much from you. It also made it easier to listen in on conversations. Afterall, they did not think you would understand or care. But something about Oikawa aggravated you so much that your delicately built facade crumbled into pieces in seconds.
“And I’ve been told you are a very handsome, intelligent and proper gentleman. What a shame we’ve been both lied to.” You replied before taking a step towards him as if to challenge.
He let out the first genuine laugh since his arrival at your rebuttal, his head tilting back. If it were any other person, they would be insulted at your words, but he seemed to be amused.
“What a shame indeed.” He answered also stepping towards you. “Truly disappointing.”
“Is it what you wanted? A naïve, dull and ignorant wife?”
“Is it important what I want?” he pondered crossing his arms.
“A submissive wife than.” You replied “Let me rephrase that. You needed a submissive and naive wife. For what reason may I ask?”
He acted as if he did not hear your question, opting to not even acknowledge it “If we are to come back to the topic at hand, you are right your highness. I wanted to come here alone to see your true character. I know firsthand how exhausting it is to play pretend with others around.”
“And what did you find?”
“That you are very spirited.” He said moving closer.
“Thank you.”
“That was not a compliment Princess.” He stopped a step away from you.
“Anything you deem disappointing in a woman is a compliment to me.” You replied closing the distance between you two, your bodies only inches apart. He seemed to be taken aback for a second before his eyes narrowed and he turned his head towards the plant you were standing next to.
“Selenicereus grandifloras.” He sighed.
“Huh?” the unladylike sound left your mouth over your confusion before you could stop yourself.
“It is also known as the ‘queen of the night’ for it only blooms once every year at night before its petals wither before the morning. We must be extremely lucky.” He elaborated tilting his head towards the fully blossomed flowers. “Even the most beautiful and spirited of flowers cowers when the light shines. Do tell Princess, where will you be once the morning comes?”
He inched towards you, bending down until his face was directly opposite of yours. It was the most indecent position and against your better judgement you were at a loss of words over it. The humidity inside felt ten times worse than it was as you could feel his hot breath on your face. He was so close that you could smell the soft leather, citrus and cinnamon in which you did not know if it was coming from him or from all the greenery around you. Only thing you could think was one wrong move and your noses would be touching. He seemed to be thinking the same as his gaze fell on your lips before he took a step back.
“Because I do not know where you will be your Highness, but I can tell you where you won’t be.” He scoffed “You won’t ever be standing next to me. You certainly won’t do.”
Turning his back, leaving you stunned and stuck he walked towards the path you took just a few minutes ago.
“I can tell you this with the uttermost confidence. You will never rule beside me. I will never marry you.”
And with that, he was gone.
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Finally an interaction? Reblogs are appreciated! And also this was not edited I posted it right after writing it so if you see any mistake let me know.
I would love it if you could give me feedback! Thank you!
Disclaimer: No portion of this story may be reproduced in any form without permission. I do not own the character of Oikawa Tooru. This is a work of fiction.
TAG LIST: Let me know if you want me to tag you. If your name is in bold it means I can’t tag you.
@sassyglassesbunny​ @triskoof​ @m-a-r-i-a-s-b-l-o-g
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