#me trying to convert this to grams
xiuhunsoo · 1 year
honestly the only wish i have for world domination is to take over the world so i can get rid of all fucking other measurements and implement the metric system worldwide bc i cannot fucking deal with this cups and ounces nonsense any longer just use fucking scales and litre measurement cups like any sane person does fuck's sake
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cheesy09 · 9 months
[CN] Kiro's 6th Anniversary Event Story - Final Part (1)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Originally, I hadn't planned on translating this event, but I'm making an exception for this part because it was just TOO CUTE!!! 😭💕
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For context, this year's anniversary event is all about travelling to various spots in Loveland with your love and taking part in various couple activities. You can read the prologue here.
The following is the event's final plot for Kiro and MC.
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Even though it is winter, due to the unique conditions of Clear-Spring Mountain, flowers still continue to bloom all over the mountains and plains.
Opening the convertible of the retro sports car, we drive towards the mountains, all the while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
I have made a reservation in advance at the Honey Farm located in a sea of flowers in the mountains. Many blogger couples have commented that the activities at this place are very sweet.
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Kiro: The first step is to beat the eggs... separate the egg whites... then add the sugar... granulated sugar? lumps of sugar?
Seeing Kiro casually talk while driving, I smile and gently squeeze his shoulder.
MC: Pfft, if the baking teacher comes to know that there are students who have prepped in advance, they'll be very touched.
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Kiro: Don't make fun of me. If the summer island kitchen bombing incident happens again, I really will go into a tree hole on the farm.
MC: Don't worry, with me here, our cake will only succeed, not fail.
MC: After all, we both want to draw a perfect end to our journey here~
Seems like my comfort is somewhat effective. Kiro smiles and squeezes my palm, then slightly speeds up the accelerator.
Kiro: Then I'll also study hard. So that when you want to eat cake in the future, I can make it for you with my own hands.
Teacher: Welcome both of you, to our sweet couple activities...
Teacher: ...We first need to beat the egg mixture with sugar into a thick, fluffy foam. Next...
After the teacher explains the steps to make the cake, it is our turn to practice them.
Kiro: Come, let me try it.
Kiro takes the egg beater from my hand and beats it carefully. Seeing the egg liquid beginning to turn white, I quickly speak in affirmation.
MC: That's right - stop!
Before I can finish speaking, I see him dig out a big spoonful of sugar and pouring it into the container. I quickly hold down his arm.
MC: Sugar was added before, no need to add more!
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Kiro: Is it enough? But the amount that was added before seemed so small. Will it be sweet enough?
That extremely serious gaze makes me clearly realize at this moment why this person is known as a "kitchen killer".
Recipe books and instructional videos tell us the most accurate steps, sometimes even down to the grams.
But for a "feeler" like Kiro, instead of telling him what is right, it is better to let him adjust step by step based on his own feelings.
So, I gently let go of my hand.
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MC: Hmm... Actually, I'm not sure if the previous proportion is the sweetness we prefer.
MC: So just follow your own ideas. If it's too sweet, we can just add less sugar next time~
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Kiro: Mm, I think so too. We still gotta make a cake that suits us best.
He grows slightly excited and digs out two more spoons of sugar and adds them in. Seeing the sugar bag almost bottoming out, I can't help but "comfort" myself in my heart.
As long as Kiro is happy.
Then, he continues completing the honey cake embryos one after another under my "guidance" and then puts them in the oven.
Kiro: 160°, 40 minutes, done!
Once we are done, the staff takes us to a glass greenhouse to wait.
I look at the "sweet space" before me that is temporarily exclusive to us--
Lush branches, leaves and flowers sway in the wind, surrounding the entire area with spring, accompanied with bursts of fragrance.
There is a coffee table and sofa in the center of the greenhouse, and the bookshelf on the side lists various board games, providing a variety of entertainment options.
Kiro: "What do you and your significant other have in common?"
I follow the sound and turn around, finding Kiro standing in front of a wall, seemingly looking at something.
MC: What is that?
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Kiro: Hmm... Two questions were asked above. It seems to be a small game to enhance feelings.
I walk over quickly and whisper another question.
MC: "What are the differences between you and your significant other?"
I pause and subconsciously look at Kiro, only to find him already gazing at me with a smile.
Kiro: Though the question seems to be simple... I'm still curious about Miss Chips' answer.
MC: That's quite the coincidence. I'm also curious about your answer.
We tacitly smile at each other, pick up the pen and paper on the table and sit down.
MC: So let's each write our own and then exchange them?
He responds with a smile and starts to write. I also unfold the white paper and think about the similarities between us.
The afternoon sun fills the table with warmth, and for a while, it becomes so quiet that I am only able to hear the scratching of the tips of our pens across the paper.
After a while, I stop writing, and the chair next to me makes a slight scraping sound.
MC: Seems like we've written everything. Let's start from the first question.
Kiro: Okay, I'll go first!
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Kiro: You and I have a lot in common, the most similar thing being that we are each other's favorite people.
MC: --Pfft! Your answer is also the first common thing I wrote down~
Seeing me poking at my letter paper, Kiro's eyes show a satisfied smile.
Kiro: As expected of us.
Kiro: My next answer is that we are also the people who make each other the happiest.
MC: No matter how late the other person is working over time, we will always leave a light on in the living room.
Kiro: We both love small animals, but Cello and Apple Box are always first in our hearts.
MC: We always have a strong sense of curiosity, and any of our adventurous ideas can be achieved invariably.
The sun moves slowly, and those words spoken out finally turn into brighter smiles on our faces.
After answering the first question, I lower my eyes and look at my letter paper.
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MC: Actually, we have a lot of differences, but they all seem to complement each other.
MC: Since you're a master gamer, no complex level is difficult enough to beat you.
MC: Without you there to teach me, I would have been forever stuck in one place, unable to enjoy the total fun.
I look at the person in front of me as if the past has arrived with its answer, embracing me like the bright sun.
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Kiro: Then you are a master producer. No matter how complicated the set is, you can make it orderly.
MC: You always know what you want most and you never compromise.
Kiro: My Miss Chips is also very strong. Nothing can "defeat" you.
We look into each other's eyes and say those extremely sincere words.
Then, my eyes stop at the last line of the letter and I fold it with a smile.
MC: Although we have many similarities and differences, there is one thing that I'm very sure of.
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MC: You have always been braver than me, and kinder than me.
MC: You always allow me to see the brightest and gentlest side of the world.
MC: Therefore, I can feel very clearly that every day, every minute and every second of these six years--
MC: Being with you has been such a fortunate and happy thing. I think the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life--
MC: Has been meeting you.
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I quietly look at the person in front of me, the one who loves me the most, hoping that my sincerity can be conveyed to him a thousand times more through words.
Kiro: [inhaling a shaky breath and exhaling softly] .....
The sunlight outside the window seems to freeze in this moment, quietly falling into Kiro's blue eyes.
He stands up, walks over to me, squats down, encloses his palms on the back of my hands and smiles brightly.
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Kiro: When you say that, I can't help but wonder how good I must seem in your eyes... to be worthy of your description.
MC: Then you can use all kinds of exaggerated imagination, because nothing can be as good as you are.
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MC: The ordinary sunshine, and those flowers and sceneries all shine after you appear.
MC: You make me feel that this world is wonderful because you are in it.
I lower my head and gently hold his palm.
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MC: So, even if this journey ends, can you continue to hold my hand like this every day from now on...?
MC: Walk with me through everything in the world, and never let go.
MC: Okay?
Before he can say anything, a "ding" sound comes from the door, which seems to indicate that the cake has been baked.
Footsteps come from outside, but right at that moment, Kiro picks me up by the waist and hides us among the lush green branches and leaves that were behind us.
The next second, he gently kisses me.
The green leaves covering the top of our heads sway gently in the wind, dancing with shadowy golden light spots.
Teacher: Guests, the cake you baked - hey, where have they gone?
The sound coming from the door has long since turned blurry. What is clear to me is his soft breathing.
For some reason, I keep feeling like I have tasted the sweetest bite even before eating the cake.
He seems to think so too as the honey-eating bear in front of me has already raised the corners of his lips.
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Kiro: Before I answer your question, I don't want anyone interrupting us.
He presses close to my lips, his azure eyes more dazzling than anything else.
Kiro: But I have just told you with practical actions.
Kiro: No matter how many years pass, no matter how many sceneries and how much of happiness you will pass by with me in the future.
Kiro: The sweetest one will always be the one I give to you.
Kiro: So, look forward to it.
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Part 2: Coming soon
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jenyifer · 11 months
Boston Home Analysis
So we know a lot from this outside shot of Bostons home. And I’m gonna talk about it cause I’m “not one of those normal girls” 🤮 I also high key want to get this screenshot on canvas and hang it in my house.
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I’ll go least unhinged to probably just in my mind
1. The table and chairs on top of the extension to the house are the same ones from the roof top confession scene from ep 10.
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I had speculated we had missed a scene and that happened on the roof of YOLO maybe Sand called Nick telling him Boston was on the roof being depressed. But now we know that’s at Bostons house. How did the events of last week really go then? I’m more confused and concerned. Let’s talk so Nick didn’t give Boston an answer at the shop then. HOWEVER because Boston had sought nick out. Nick thought about what had happened in the shop and came to the conclusion Boston was in a cry for help situation. That night Nick walks over to Bostons debating if he will go in or not and sees Boston on the roof. Nick gets in past the gate and up a ladder maybe? To get to Boston’s roof to comfort him? Nick needs an award or something. I mean I know he and Boston got to make love but damn that was fucking brave imagine if Boston had rejected him. Boston could have called the cops.
2. Because I’m always resisting watching Not Me I realized Bostons home is a reused set from Not Me. It’s the bar Gram and Eugene meet up at I believe. Delulu talking here but set in same universe things. Maybe Bostons dad converted the bar into Bostons home because he didn’t want to be running a bar out of the back of his house as a politician. Also it gave Ton extra space. Soooo can someone use this as an excuse to write BostonNickYok fic plz and thank you
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3. Okay time for my head canon. I believe that the addition to the house was originally a sunroom for Boston’s mother who loved plants. The house doesn’t meld together. We see how the part where Bostons dad lives is very rich gold marble and Bostons apartment is green and concrete seems to be separated his dad doesn’t know what Boston is up to. Also it would make sense that the addition would have a separate entrance incase Bostons dad wants to rent it out eventually or if it was originally a garage. But Maybe it’s because Boston’s parents didn’t meld well his dad tried to buy her staying by building this hobby addition only for her to leave. When she left Boston missed her terribly and moved into her hobby area making it his own but still loving plants etc. we can see him getting distracted taking photos of the plants at the hostel so maybe it’s a habit he got from his mom. Bostons dad doesn’t go into the addition because it reminds him of his wife especially since Boston has decorated it with photos of New York and his other hobbies just highlighting how much Boston’s dad doesn’t know his son. It hurts my heart thinking of Boston trying to cling to this space to remember his mom who abandoned him. Probably is why he’s extremely cautious to make long term connections in general. Boston will leave first so they can’t leave him.
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lostcryptids · 7 months
I hate hate trying to convert recipes from grams to cups..they're going to have to take me kicking and screaming before i ever get a kitchen scale
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kierancampire · 1 year
I dunno how else to word this, but does anyone else struggle with "final numbers"?
For instance, so money reaches 99p before going over to £1 but never really being 100p and then restarts. Minutes and seconds are technically 60 but reach 59 before resetting and going back to a different number. Hours either reach 12 or 24 before restarting. Months also reach 12 before restarting. Like there's so many ways where things are counted in numbers but have a different "final number" before either restarting from 0, or switching to a different thing, like grams into kilograms, seconds into minutes into hours, ml into litres and so on
But my brain really struggles with remembering all of these, and often when trying to count to 100 for say money or something else, the amount of times I'll count to 60 and without thinking go "I've said the final number" then go "0, 1, 2, 3..." just completely skipping 61-100 because I'm so used to 60 being the final number in minutes/seconds. Also I guess sorta tied to this, where I am used to converting 24 hour clock times, I also frequently screw myself over with numbers 13-24 because my brain will automatically replace 13 with 1, or 14 with 2, which can be disastrous with cooking
I've always severely, and I cannot stress how much I mean severely struggled with maths, so numbers are very difficult for me in general. But I just dunno if this is a me thing, autism thing, or something else where I struggle with final numbers and 24 hour clock numbers?
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reverend-dog · 2 months
Secret Weapons
Jessica opened her mailbox and found a banded stack of fresh dollar bills, totaling 10,000. All she could do is pinch the bridge of her nose and sigh, “Not again….”
Under UV light, the paper band bore a QR code. Jessica scanned it with her phone, and studied the information that appeared: name, vitals, address, current state. Her brows met in the middle as she digested the details, but she stifled her outrage before it ripened to actual rage. This work required cold professionalism, and Jessica built her reputation on being positively arctic.
Before going further, Jessica crossed her living room to the coffee table, where another phone sat. On that one, she pulled up a list of contacts and tapped one. “Hi, Gram,” she greeted when the line connected. She let a tone of sincere regret tinge her voice.
“You don’t need to say,” returned the voice from the other end. “We both knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred. See you Saturday?”
“I’m gonna try,” Jessica vowed with a smile, then ended the call.
She spent time in research, getting familiar with the neighborhood’s layout and history. No obvious red flags popped up, but Jessica knew that public records almost always omitted the juicy stuff. Only direct reconnaissance would tell the whole story.
After suiting up, she checked her window to confirm nobody could see, then leaped into the sky. She climbed vertical until she reached the clouds, leveled off and paused to get her bearings, then went supersonic. Flying was Jessica’s favorite thing to do, especially at night, and she took her time whenever she could. But tonight’s job allowed no opportunity for leisure.
Though she logged barely an hour’s flight time, the night was three hours older by the time Jessica descended, thanks to crossed time zones. Jessica understood the only way to avoid such “lost hours” involved time travel, and all the headaches that involved. The knowledge did not soothe her nerves. She hovered, and surveyed the neighborhood.
It was a powder keg.
Patrol units and SWAT vehicles clogged the suburban cul-de-sac, spotlights and colored strobes painting the scene in garish, anxious colors. The spotlights all focused on a house that looked little different from its neighbors, except for the lack of anxious faces at the windows. Jessica gave thanks to see the civilians were staying indoors – if things went pear-shaped, the last worry she wanted was collateral damage.
Careful to avoid the spotlights, Jessica drifted down behind the house and set down on the roof of the back patio, which was converted into a sundeck. French doors led into the house’s upper story. Jessica crept forward and tried the latch. Unlocked. The door open a whisker, she strained her ears for voices.
Something brushed against Jessica’s leg, and she glanced down, ready to attack. The orange cat gazed up at her in placid expectation, and purred a question in cases she needed further prompting. Jessica scooped up the feline and ran a hand along its spine, and its motor shifted into a higher gear. New friend in hand, Jessica slipped through the open door.
Hushed voices came from downstairs. Jessica moved toward the upper floor landing, then froze at a familiar drone reached her ears from outside. She knew neither the police out front or the family downstairs heard it, as its frequency lay deep in the subsonic. But to Jessica, it meant the time for subtlety had passed.
“Who are you?” demanded the bearded, balding man as he shoved his bulk out of the recliner. “How did you get in here?”
“Macavity!” cried a slender boy who might have been the man thirty years and a hundred pounds ago. He squeezed the hand of the boy who sat next to him on a loveseat which matched the recliner.
“She’s here for me,” announced the girl who glowed, as she emerged from another room, accompanied by the sound of a toilet flushed. “Whose side are you on?” she demanded of Jessica.
“Yours,” Jessica declared, “I promise. But you’ll have to take the rest on faith. If you don’t leave now, all of you, people who will offer you even less of a choice than those out front will bust in here. Sorry, Macavity!” She launched the cat at the boy who’d called its name, and spun toward the wall which faced the back yard, arms spread and legs braced.
Wood and sheetrock screamed as the entire wall peeled away. Amid the falling debris but untouched by it, a woman slender to the point of emaciation strolled. “Hello, Jess,” she said in a conversational tone. “Wondered if it’d be you.”
Is there anybody else in the house? Jessica sent her thoughts to the girl that glowed. Don’t reply out loud.
My mother, the girl answered. Upstairs, sedated.
“When are you going to understand?” the skeletal woman pleaded. “It doesn’t have to be this way. We’re on the same side.”
I need you to trust me, Jessica told the girl. I’ll protect your mother. See the box on the back of my belt? Grab it, grab the others, then press the button.
“I understand, Merle,” Jessica spoke aloud to the other woman. “Better than you think. And just because our goals aren’t opposite doesn’t mean we want the same thing.” She felt a pluck at her waistband, and hid the wave of relief that washed through her.
Merle sighed. “We could go on like this all night, like we used to. Remember? But neither of us have time. And this time, we came prepared.”
“Um… Jess?” The girl who glowed’s voice quavered. “The box isn’t doing anything.”
Merle offered a gentle smile. “No handy evac. Have to stay for the dance.” Her hands rose, palms up, until they held level with her hips. The house rumbled and began to quake.
Jessica thought furiously. Unless Merle had learned some new tricks, she could not be jamming transit by herself. That left only one other source. Jessica drove forward at maximum acceleration, directly at Merle. She saw Merle’s hands change position, and knew the other woman meant to intercept her. At the last moment she twisted aside, and blurred past Merle into the back yard. Merle’s aircraft squatted with one landing strut among a patch of geraniums, hatch open. Jessica dove under it, pressed her hands against its hull, and rocketed skyward.
Press the button again!
Whoop! The reply from the girl that glowed told Jessica transit had worked. She grinned as she threw Merle’s craft into low orbit, then dove back to the surface. Military helicopters buzzed the scene and anonymous trucks further clogged the cul-de-sac, unmistakable signs that the government had finally arrived. Jessica dove through the open French doors and dashed room to room until she found a woman in pharmaceutically-induced slumber, sprawled across a bed. She rolled her up in the bed’s comforter for protection, then plunged upward through the roof, again not slowing until she reached the clouds.
A deserted shopping mall provided shelter while Jessica called for extraction. “They’ve learned to jam transit,” she told the team leader.
“We knew they would eventually,” the hard-faced woman with cat’s eyes acknowledged. “I’m told we’re adapting frequency hopping to get around that. Hopefully soon.”
Jessica nodded. “Thank you, Hedy Lamarr. Oh.” She pulled the roll of bills from her pocket and pressed it into the team leader’s hand. “Give it to them.”
“Damn it, Jess!” The woman glared, but pocketed the money. “You’re a lousy mercenary, you know that?”
Jessica shrugged. “Never claimed to be.” She yawned. “Night, Lana.”
“Night, Jess,” Lana murmured, as she watched the woman vanish into the night sky. “Sleep well.”
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #15 act 6 p6
this is funny . HE DID THOSE THINGS . he is so silly . he is the reason all of my faves just died gruesomely. i hope you die in a fire you fucking bitch
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when you walkin
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my son needs to be studied in a genetics lab . why would you ever say this to another human being
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okay...... in dangerous territory of becoming a roxygen shipper... surely this will not happen to me
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this is how i look in real life every day of the god damn week year month space time continue umm (thinkign of daeb stribur)
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ive been converted to roxygen. sorry to all my fans. also this sequence um is the best and i love it even though the things that it is a reaction to were terrible and maybe the worst i love this part for some reason. it is like a break. like there is a plan in motion and things are getting fixed, but it also feels... quieter... the chiller if you will. maybe because i love john and roxy and they are the stars of this part
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i wonder if he was saying things like gadzooks or shucky darn or ay chihuahua
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ok i watched the vriska gram and it was awesome B) but look at THIS . wow they are getting along! awesome we love to see it
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SO TRUE. i need to start saying this. or do i? no probably not .
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awwwwww yeeaaaaaaaaa-
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he is so funny
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brother what are you saying... youre so corny lil bro... i cant believe i used to be like this when i was like 11 years old... SO CRINGE
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yeah sometimes things are just really fucking gay. and is it a crime to point that out . like my friends? theyre all soooooooo gay its ridiculous. i think it makes them better
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john egbert - subtle as a brick. i kinda love him for that though? like it is funny to me just how fucking oblivious he is to like EVERYTHING around him .
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john being absolutely mind blown and own realizing he wants terezi so badly is so funny like LOL YOU WANT HER SOOO BAD AND KARKAT JUST CALLED YOU TF OUT LIL BRO
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hes so over
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god i love dave and arquius sprite. look at them . my sons. one of them is weird and sweaty
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dave is so me (in my mind)
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this is the funniest jake will ever be and the joke is on him and he said ONE word. great comedic timing buddy
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i love this for karkat. defend your boyfriend!! i dont think vriska is necessarily trying to be mean here but i do like that karkat is willing to seriously defend his honor.
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me every day . goodnight
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this is really fucked up man
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okay reading this i dunno if i always thought this probably i did but ive returned to it again and definitively this time. this interaction between dave and dirk is the BEST interaction in the comic and adds so much more depth to both of them who were already GREAT characters. THIS interaction solidifies dave as my favorite character of all time. homestuck is many things but one of its major themes is just trying to become a better person. and i think dave personifies that theme so much. he has come so far and evolved so much as a person that looking back at his early interactions in the comic makes you think you are looking at a completely different character. sure he types the same and has a bit of the same mannerisms but it is so clear that he went from shitty bigoted teenager to a guy who actually cares about the things he says and does and a guy who is actually a good person. he even says in a previous interaction with roxy and rose that he has focused on being a half way decent guy so that when he makes a freudian slip (which he does ALL the time) it wont be anything insane of unforgiveable. i fucking love him and i am so glad this conversation with dirk exists
I MEAN LOOK AT THIS SHIT DUDE . PRE SBURB DAVE WAS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND LOOK AT HOW FAR HE HAS COME . it seems so simple but it actually means a lot especially for someone having gone through all the shit he did and coming out the other side like this .
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man so fuckin true
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okay... so thats all the images i have for this one. i do think its a good place to end it though. this is def my favorite part of the whole comic. theres not much left! next post may be the last. just a few more conversations and little events to happen and then Collide. its gonna be great!!!
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myseouldiscovery · 2 years
Cafe Edition: Seoulism
🇰🇷 서울리즘
📍435 Yes Building 1, Floor 6, Baekjae Goboon-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul
📆 Year-round
Looping on from my last post, one of the best ways to get stellar views of the Lotte World Tower is to take a trip to Seoulism Cafe.
According to Travel-Stained, in 2021 the famous SEOUL sign with the backdrop of the Lotte World Tower has been tagged on Instagram over 10,000 times (and this was a year ago, so by today it’s probably another 10,000 more!) 
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Everything that I’ve read so far about Seoulism emphasises three things - the incredible views, the fact that it is unassuming from the outside, and the fact that you need to purchase at least one drink to stay in the cafe (I guess because of the influx of people wanting to take in the views for the ‘Gram). 
Also, the drinks are expensive, even by Seoul standards.
So let’s go one by one through these three things.
Apparently, Seoulism is on the sixth floor of an unassuming building in the middle of a not-as-touristy area of Songpa. It’s not until you are actually inside the elevator of the building that you can see you’re in the right place. 
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Inside though it’s another story. Spacious with a heady mix of modern and vintage and with amazing views of the city, Seoulism looks like some sort of hidden treasure. There is a roomy interior, as well as a covered patio/deck. 
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The interior is spacious, with eclectic vintage Victorian furnishings set against the sleek modern ceiling to floor windows showing the Seoul skyline. (source)
The deck/patio is covered, and fully accessible despite the weather.
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If you visit Seoulism’s official Instagram right now, you can see images of how beautifully decorated the cafe is for Christmas. 
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Everything is designed to be picturesque and invites photography, and it became so popular for that reason they had to institute a rule that in order to spend time at the cafe, you have to buy a drink for each person wanting to take a seat inside.
Because of the premium views, Seoulism is more expensive than other cafes in Seoul. But one of the first photos I ever saw that lead me to Seoulism was their Cherry Blossom Latte, and I would pay a pretty penny just to try one of those, even without Seoulism’s Instagrammable atmosphere. 
But the “exorbitant” menu item prices are one of the comments I consistently saw when looking at people’s reviews of the cafe.
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Some menu items include: 
Signature Salted Caramel Cream Latte: 8,500 KRW
Signature Coconut Frozen Latte: 11,000 KRW
Espresso: 7,000 KRW
Cold Brew Coffee: 11,000 KRW
Cold Brew Latte: 11,000 KRW
Apple Mint Milk Tea: 11,000 KRW
Berry Aide: 8,000 KRW
I wouldn’t even hazard to convert those prices to US dollars or Australian dollars now, with the way the economy keeps sliding all over the place. But compared to other cafes in Seoul, it’s quite a marked difference.
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There’s also pastries and desserts ranging from 7,000 to 15,000 KRW.
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At night, Seoulism turns into a cocktail bar with a range of alcoholic drinks. These are also, as you can imagine, very expensive. 
But I feel as though it would be worth it purely for the experience and to take views. Imagine going during the cherry blossom season??
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Further Information and Sources:
Google Reviews
Seoulism Official Instagram
There She Goes Again
Wander With Jin
In this blog I leaned very heavily on There She Goes Again and their gorgeous photos of Seoulism. I could only dream of taking photos as amazing as that.
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
I’m on baking side of tiktok because I said I wanted to bake cinnamon rolls once and now that’s all I see. But I really hate that they don’t use international measurements in the recipes. Like 1/2 cup of milk? What does that mean? I have a scale, tell me grams? In millilitres even! What if my cup is bigger than your cup? What if my tablespoon is too little? It’s frustrating a bit lmao i need to convert all the recipes and only then try to bake it, but I think lots of the things are lost in the process
they don’t work in the same way in my head after I convert to what I know
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broodsys · 2 years
context: i have a worm bin that i’ve been maintaining for smth like 4 years now. last year one of the outdoor cats threw up in our backyard (if this breaks containment, i am the caretaker of five stray kittens who i got fixed and am continuing to look for homes for but who I cannot adopt/foster indoors, i don’t support outdoor cats) and my mom put it in the worm bin bc she didn’t realize at the time that it had fish in it
soooo, we got hella flies. and me being me, one of my first reactions to that is, okay, well are they bad to have in here? and im still looking into that, but i did find a rly good journal talking abt black soldier fly maggots for effectively speeding up the compost process. and altho i think my fly is a different species entirely, i have noticed that the rate of decomp has accelerated massively compared to just worms and whatever other critters got in there on their own.
this is the abstract of that article, emphasis mine:
“ Abstract. Domestic waste which has a high protein content has the potential to be bio- converted using Hermetia illucens larvae which has 45-50% protein nutrition and 24-30% fat. So that it can be used as a source of high nutritious feed for fish, chickens and other livestock. This research studied H. illucens larvae, known as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) through the SiMalin process, USU's Waste Management System through Urban Farming. The first step as an axus study is done by collecting garbage (vegetables and fruits) in each household in USU's housing. by varying the feed rate of 150, 200, 250 mg / larva / day. The study was conducted for 21 day by analysing larvae weight, consuming the substrate and trying to feed fresh wet larvae to fish and chickens. The results of this study indicate that the waste is the most optimal way to produce larvae in this process is a mixture of fruit peels with a feed rate of 250 mg/larva/day or a total weight of 25.00 grams per feeding. BSF is an alternative to utilizing waste that is appropriate and environmentally friendly.“
it’s just interesting to me bc if u google maggots in my worm bin it’s like omg! take them out! worms dont like to share :c and if theyre black soldier flies take them out like yesterday!!!!! ur doomed!!!!!! and then here’s this article like “The use of Black Soldier Flies (BSF) fly larvae has been widely used to speed up the composting process. In addition, the grown larvae can be used for chicken or fish feed. Adult female flies lay their eggs near organic waste vegetables, fruit and food scraps / feces, and will die after that. Adult BSF flies (H. illucens) only consume water and are not harmful to humans because they do not sting and do not carry disease (vectors).“
so the moral of the story is go build urself a maggot bin ig
The effect of maggots lentera flies (hermetia illucens) growing media as the solution of using organic waste  Herlina, Nina ; Nurdin ; Yudayana, Bambang ; Nasihin, Iing ; Nurlaila, Ai. IOP conference series. Earth and environmental science, 2021, Vol.819 (1), p.12047
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medicdepressive · 3 months
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Some thoughts
Feeling embittered by my psychiatrists concerted effort to understand and treat my manic episodes even though this is literally the treatment for my bipolar disorder that I have been betting my bottom dollar on. Also, simultaneously being so fascinated by the logistics of my treatment that I explicitly detail what a typical manic episode looks like for me so she can explain the processes of coming to her prescriptive suggestion.
I am mostly grappling again with the notion that my most effective treatment essentially involves my agreement and compliance with letting something I have learned to love (hypomania, for the .. most part) go. My priority is not being so sad, and logically, I've known for a while that this was ultimately an internal negotiation I would come into.
However, as I explained the correlation between my symptoms and my creative expression, my psychiatrist suggested that she could understand why some people with bipolar disorder would really hold that part of their brain close to them. She suggested that ideally, a lowdose of the Latuda would not have any impact on this - though it is hard to say about this sort of thing, the effects of anti-psychotic medication on creativity. I feel like it would be difficult to measure because individuals have such complicated relationships with their creativity, and it might be hard to really effectively isolate the independent.
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We did get to kiki about how Thorazine mostly contributed to the decline in funding for state psychiatric hospitals into outpatient practices. It was the first anti-psychotic and was released in 1951. Its huge impact on the treatment of those with what we now refer to as schizophrenia spectrum disorders convinced a majority that these patients could reintegrate into society and live a manageable life. I am also going back onto Latuda, which was the anti-psychotic that I was on the longest and high school, and starting at a lower dose ingested at a different time frame. I combed through my medical records to try to remember what symptoms led to me stopping that tx. I found that I had been on the maximum dose and felt very numbed out and struggled with excessive sleepiness (which I already struggle with chronically now, so who is to say if it is the chicken or the egg?). I was also not eating well at the time and was supposed to be ingesting with a fatty 350kcal for the dose to work most effectively, but all is to say that we are dosing before bed (working with the symptom) and starting low, which does not require me to pay such attention to meal type when taking.
Anyway, I'm back into 100gecs‼️
They feel like the musical representation of my mental illness and fuel me to get work done in a similar BPM‼️
This is supposedly a study blog, but I do feel like my experience in my own tx is some really cool learning material to think critically about. I also learned that a theory often leaned on in schitzophrenia spectrum disorders is that if paliperidone (Invega) works for somebody, haloperidol (Haldol) will also probably work really good for them, too. And vice versa. The implication of this is that you might be able to treat patients on halodol or invega with one 1 month, 3 months, or even 6 moth depo injection of Invega!
Serenity be with you,
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She also said if I don't get into an American medical school to just get the hell out of here and go to the Caribbean or something because attending med school outside of the US has no weight on where I go for my residency which like. Duh. But thanks sm queen that snapped me out of it u r so good at ur job! 💅
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astrolabsupplements · 9 months
Beet Your Personal Best: Beetroot Powder as a Pre-Workout Powerhouse
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Beetroot powder is no longer just a colorful addition to your salad or earthy-sweet soup. This vibrant powder, packed with dietary nitrates, is increasingly being recognized as a potent pre-workout supplement, offering a range of performance-enhancing benefits for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.
Nitric Oxide Boost: The Key to Enhanced Performance
The magic behind beetroot powder lies in its high concentration of nitrates. These nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in your body, a molecule that plays a crucial role in blood flow and oxygen delivery. Increased nitric oxide levels dilate blood vessels, allowing more blood and oxygen to reach your muscles, enhancing your exercise capacity and delaying fatigue.
Benefits of Beetroot Powder as a Pre-Workout:
Improved Endurance: Studies have shown that beetroot powder can significantly improve endurance performance, allowing you to train harder and longer. Runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes have reported experiencing reduced fatigue and faster recovery times thanks to beetroot's nitrate boost.
Enhanced Power Output: Beetroot powder can also benefit strength and power athletes. The increased blood flow to your muscles can lead to greater power output and improved performance during weightlifting, sprinting, and other high-intensity workouts.
Reduced Muscle Fatigue: Nitric oxide helps remove waste products like lactic acid from your muscles, which can contribute to muscle fatigue. Beetroot powder can help you train harder and longer with less muscle soreness and fatigue.
Natural and Safe: Unlike many synthetic pre-workout supplements, beetroot powder is a natural and safe way to boost your performance. It's free from stimulants and other harsh chemicals, making it a healthy option for athletes of all levels.
How to Use Beetroot Powder as a Pre-Workout:
Dosage: The recommended dosage of beetroot powder for pre-workout use is 2-5 grams, ideally taken 60-90 minutes before exercise.
Consumption: You can mix beetroot powder into smoothies, juices, yogurt, or water. It can also be added to baked goods or sprinkled on oatmeal for a pre-workout energy boost.
Timing is Key: Remember, it takes time for the nitrates in beetroot powder to be converted into nitric oxide. Consume it well in advance of your workout for optimal results.
Important Note: While generally safe, beetroot powder may interact with certain medications, such as nitrates for heart conditions. Consult your doctor before using beetroot powder if you have any underlying health conditions.
Beyond the Gym: Beetroot Powder for Overall Health
The benefits of beetroot powder extend beyond the gym. Its nitrate content can help lower blood pressure, improve cognitive function, and even enhance overall cardiovascular health. So, whether you're a seasoned athlete or simply looking for a natural way to boost your health and well-being, beetroot powder is a versatile and powerful addition to your diet.
Give beetroot powder a try and experience the difference it can make in your workouts and overall health. Remember, small changes can lead to big results, and beetroot powder is a simple and effective way to unlock your athletic potential and feel your best.
I hope this article is helpful! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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alwaysbethewest · 10 months
You’ve got me thinking about baking cookies for Christmas cookie boxes with Frankie ☺️ I love a good cookie box. Also based on Frankie fic on here, he’s the World’s Sluttiest Dad 😋 -⚪️❤️🍪
Siiigh, what a sweet thought. Last year when I was brainstorming for my roommate Frankie fic I thought about including a scene where reader asks him to convert or calculate some measurements for her while she's cooking, lol. LIKE, okay if this royal icing recipe uses 235 grams of powdered sugar for two cups but I need three and a half cups--and he'd have it calculated before you could even finish your sentence. (btw I haven't read it yet but I saw that @trulybetty has a new little ficlet about baking with Frankie! 🥰)
I've never done cookie boxes before but I decided to make them as Christmas gifts for my family members this year. I'm planning five different cookies and one savory cracker for variety's sake. Only one of the cookie types will be iced but that's the part I'm most nervous about 😬 My artistic skills are barely above stick-figure level so I'm trying to figure out a super simple design that will still look nice! Christmas Eve is gonna be my own personal episode of bake-off lol.
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fandom-cereal · 11 months
Conversion of CBD to THC with citric acid and water-based extraction
from reddit. this guide for informational purposes only.
thanks to u/fried_oreo_420
Before we start - my intention with this guide is to show people that possessing basic cooking skills and equipment qualifies you to turn CBD into THC! For too long, the person who just wants to chill out and get stoned has been forced to exchange excessive money for THC, but no more! CBD is generally available for sub-$1/gram and can by converted to THC like 90% efficiently using relatively common cooking ingredients, techniques, and equipment (and some lab ware!) Thanks to inspiration from this sub to get me started and my brothers in science who have inspired me to apply my knowledge to the age old problem of “how do I get stoned with less labor?”.
This technique strives to be as simple and as approachable as possible. I'm not a chemist, I'm just a tinkerer who hates overpaying in general and especially for THC. I think this technique is about as simple as can be, it was important to engineer a process I couldn't screw up and could perform with minimal equipment. To keep this safe, we only use food-grade ingredients and you should only eat the product, you should be able to eat any ingredient at any step of the reaction and get irritation at worst. If you perform this technique, you'll have incredibly pure THC that doesn't cost much more per gram than your source of CBD.
Ingredients and ratios: 
CBD isolate (isolate preferred, distillate acceptable also, higher purity is better).  “hemp depot” has good prices, you can get CBD for less than $1/gram if you look hard enough
as-of May 2022, you shouldn't pay much more than $600/kg for CBD isolate
Food grade citric acid (start with something on the order of 100-500 grams)
Baking Soda (get a container at the grocery store)
Pure water (use distilled water if you’re unsure of what this means or how to measure water quality, you’re looking for water with fewer than 50 PPM of total dissolved solids) 
You’ll want ice cubes, a few ice cubes should be enough but make sure they’re made of pure water
You'll need to boil some of this eventually, make sure you can heat and handle the boiling water without contaminating it. A clean GLASS cup should be enough
Equipment (this will change as your batch size changes, I normally cook ~10 grams at once this is the equipment setup that I think is most rational, adapt these to your use case): 
Scale with .01 gram precision (at least 100 grams of max capacity)  - $20
Labasics 200 mm graham condenser with 24/40 joint - $20
The water jacket should accept ½ inch tubing  
24/40 glass stopper - $10 optional
A small submersible water pump (like 5 watts)
make sure you get enough lifting height, if you're not sure try to get at least 1 meter of lift height) for your setup
get a half-inch nozzle if you follow the condenser recommendation (you’ll want to match your water pump nozzle size to your condenser’s water nozzle size) - $5
½ in plastic tubing  - $10
Container to hold water and your pump (shoot for at least 2 gallons) - note that this won’t be exposed to chemicals, you can use a mixing bowl or VERY LARGE tupperware 
24/40 boiling flask (I got 250 ML, you’ll want to use less than half the capacity - 125 ml is enough space to convert ~70 grams or so) 
Your choice on whether to get a round bottom or flat bottom
A stand to hold your equipment (consider United Scientific SSB6X9) 
Clamps to hold the equipment (consider EISCO CH0688)
You need at least one, but ideally two: one for the boiling flask and one for the condenser 
Heating plate- 
You’ll want something with magnetic stir capabilities, the most basic hot plates with the stirring are $60-$80, you’ll need to figure out how to measure the temperature of the solution inside the flask if you do this though
Heating plates with thermal control capabilities start art $200, buy once cry once - you’re going to make THC for sub-$1/gram - you probably pay $20-$40/gram for it now, just invest in the good equipment now and recoup the savings in the future
Magnetic stir bars (if not included in with your hot plate or you want more sizes) 
Stainless steel strainer
Bowl (you can use a clean kitchen bowl that’s glass or non-stick, just wash it well before using it for food) 
Glass or silicone containers for the final product 
silicone spatulas for handling
Coffee filters (optional)
IR thermometer - $15, just useful to have to check temperatures
Vision for the process: When CBD is exposed to acidic solutions, the CBD molecules undergoe isomerization which means they are reconfigured into THC. There are multiple types of THC, the process first converts CBD to THC-delta-9 (the type most commonly found in plants, most people prefer this type) and ultimately to THC-delta-8 (a less psychoactive variety of THC). After isomerizing the CBD into THC, we will neutralize the acid which converts the citric acid into sodium citrate and use water to separate the THC from the sodium citrate. 
Set up your equipment 
Find a spot for the heating plate, put your flask on top of the plate, and ‘test fit’ everything without loading any material in the beaker
Put your condenser on top of the beaker, use plastic tubing to attach the water pump to the water jacket of the condenser
Pro tip: attach your pump to the lower water nozzle on the condenser, this will ensure your pump fills the condenser and the condenser works as effectively as possible 
Prepare the reaction
It’s very important to get the right mixture of ingredients here
Even ~7% less citric acid than required will reduce your reaction efficiency dramatically
Using too much citric acid will make extra sodium citrate which means for filtration later
You need to use Water and Citric acid in a 1 gram water to .15 gram citric acid ratio regardless of how much water you use 
You should use at least 2 grams of water (and .3 grams of citric acid) per gram of CBD you want to isomerize 
You can use more water per gram of CBD but make sure you use .15 grams of citric acid for every gram of water, you should only do this if you’re reacting fewer than ~3 grams of CBD or so, after 5 grams, there should be enough water normally that this is reasonably easy to handle 
Select however much CBD you want to convert (this process should be around 90% efficient at converting CBD to THC)
For each gram of CBD, measure out two grams of water and .3 grams of citric acid (15% solution)
For 10 grams of CBD, use 20 grams of water and 3 grams of citric acid 
Put the measured amounts of CBD, water, and citric acid in the flask, the order doesn’t matter
Put the flask between the condenser and the hotplate, heat the solution inside the flask to boiling and run the magnetic stirrer between 200 and 1000 RPM (or, as high as possible without the magnet flying out of control or splashing your solution) 
My hotplate has a temperature controlled heating pad, I set the pad to ~130 degrees C and put the flask with the solution on top in a round bottom flask with a lot of foil to conduct and insulate heat
Run the reaction
After your solution is boiling and getting mixxed, run it for ~8 hours while under reflux (boiling under the condenser) where it’ll have a ~50/50% ration of delta-9 and delta-8 THC. Running the reaction longer will convert the delta-9 THC to delta-8, after 12 hours or so, it should be entirely converted to delta-8.
Neutralize the Acid
Tip: At this point, I normally stop the heat and pull off the condenser apparatus and drain it/set it aside, and keep the stirring going while pouring in the baking soda
Pour in 1.31 grams of baking soda for each gram of citric acid
if you’re following along for 10 grams of CBD, that’s 3.93 grams of baking soda
I normally don’t pour in all the baking soda at once, I start by dumping in ~90% of the baking soda and adding the rest slowly, if you pour in baking soda and there’s no fizzing, it may mean the acid is fully naturalized
Check the PH if you can, add baking soda to fully neutralize solution
Get ready to separate the THC and water / sodium citrate
Put your ice cubes in a stainless steel mesh strainer
put strainer over a bowl to catch water
pour the contents of your beaker out over the ice slowly - the goal here is to pass as much water as possible over the ice so that the THC will crystalize
70-80% of your THC will congeal together (this will be bound up with sodium citrate) in the stainless steel mesh
Your choice on how much you want to filter and try to conserve the THC in the water/sodium citrate, it’s best to discard the fluid down the sink or run it over a coffee filter and try to operate out the THC
Solventless extract
Right now, your THC is bound together with sodium citrate, you need to separate the two. Luckily, sodium citrate is water soluble and THC is not, we’ll use this property to separate out the two
Begin Loop until you have something clear (3x to 5x rinses)
Pour your hot THC (read: liquid) THC into a stainless steel mesh with ice cubes, pouring directly on top of the ice cubes
With your THC in the stainless steel container, remove the Ice cubes
you can rinse the solution over the sink with cold water if you want, briefly, this helps a little, discard the rinse
prepare to catch hot THC and water under the stainless steel mesh
pour boiling, pure water over the THC and stainless steel mesh - the boiling water liquifies the THC allowing sodium citrate to dissolve in the water
If your THC / water solution gets cold, you can put it in the microwave, just be careful not to let the THC get above 220 degrees or so
this was your first rinse, congrats!
To repeat, Pour your hot THC (read: liquid) THC into a stainless steel mesh with ice cubes, pouring directly on top of the ice cubes
When you’re finished, just take your THC crystals/solution and put it in a container and let the rest of the water evaporate
Finished! Now dab it or eat it
Technically, you can eat this before this is neutralized, but best to neutralize the acid before eating
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Cooking Measurements: How Big Is a Cup in Recipes and More
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When it comes to cooking, measuring out ingredients can be confusing. One of the most common questions I get asked is “how big is a cup in recipes?” It’s an important question because getting your measurements right is key for successful baking and making delicious meals. In this article, we will explore what exactly constitutes a cup when following recipes. We'll look at how different countries measure their cups, as well as some tips on using them accurately. What Is A Cup? I'm sure we've all seen recipes that call for a cup of this or a cup of that. But how big is a cup, really? As it turns out, there are several different sizes when it comes to cups and measuring ingredients in cooking. Cups come in various shapes and sizes, depending on what type of measurements you need. This means that one recipe might call for a bigger cup than another - so it's important to know which size the recipe calls for before beginning! For liquid measurements, most recipes use the standard 8-ounce cup as their measure of choice. However, if the recipe doesn't specify otherwise then it's safe to assume an 8-oz measurement. When measuring dry ingredients like flour and sugar, you'll usually want to go with something smaller – like a 4-ounce cup or even 1/4 teaspoon measurements for some items. Knowing your cup sizes will help ensure accuracy in both wet and dry measurements, giving you better results each time! Measuring Cups Around The World I'm curious about how different countries measure things like cups in recipes, so I did some research on the metric system, imperial system, and US customary system. The metric system is the most widely used system of measurement around the world, and is based on multiples of ten. The imperial system is mostly used in the UK, and is based on ounces, pints, and gallons. Finally, the US customary system is used in the US, and is based on teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups. It's really interesting to me how different countries use different measurement systems for recipes! Metric System When it comes to measuring out ingredients for recipes, liquid measurements and dry measurements can be quite confusing. For instance, in the US most recipes call for cups as a unit of measurement but if you're an international cook or baker, you may have difficulty converting those cup sizes into metric system equivalents. In Europe and other parts of the world they use milliliters (mL) or liters (L). A cup is generally equal to 250 mL while a liter is 1000 mL - so that's quite a difference! Plus, different countries sometimes use different units of measurement even within the same region; some may measure by teaspoons or grams instead of tablespoons or kilograms. It's important to take all this into consideration when trying out new recipes from around the globe. To make sure your recipe turns out just right, double check conversions before getting started! Imperial System When it comes to measuring out ingredients for recipes, understanding the different systems used around the world can be tricky. For example, in the US most measurements are done by volume using cups or ounces but in Europe and other parts of the world they use milliliters (mL) or liters (L). That's why it's important to familiarize yourself with conversion factors when trying new recipes from abroad. To make sure your cooking is accurate, double check conversions before getting started! Even within a region there may be slight differences due to imperial system influences - such as teaspoons instead of tablespoons. Paying attention to these minute details will help ensure your international dishes turn out perfectly every time! Us Customary System Moving on, let's talk about the US Customary System. This system uses volumetric measurements measured in cups and ounces, which can be tricky to convert when compared with metric conversions used by other countries. For example, if you’re trying a recipe from Europe that calls for 1 milliliter (mL) of something, it would take a bit of math to figure out what that looks like in terms of teaspoons or tablespoons. It pays to look up conversion charts and double check your figures before getting started! When cooking internationally at home, small details such as these can make all the difference between success and failure. How To Use A Measuring Cup Now that we’ve looked at the different cup sizes around the world, let’s move on to how you can use a measuring cup while cooking. Using a measuring cup helps ensure accuracy in recipes and is essential for getting consistent results every time you cook. To get the most out of your measuring cups, make sure you buy ones with clearly marked measurements such as milliliters (mL) or fluid ounces (fl oz). This way, you won't need to do any extra math when converting measurements. When it comes to using a measuring cup, there are a few tips that will help make sure you measure ingredients accurately. First, be aware of the ingredient's density before adding it to the cup. For example, if you're measuring flour its weight varies depending on how densely it is packed into the cup so always spoon it gently into the cup until overflowing then level off with a knife or spatula. Second, take care not to shake or tap too hard since this could cause ingredients like sugar and salt crystals to pack together resulting in inaccurate measurements. Third, don’t forget to add all dry ingredients together first then mix them after they've been measured – this also prevents packing and ensures accurate measurements for each separate item added. Using a measuring cup doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow these simple tips. With practice and patience, soon enough your recipes will turn out perfectly every single time! Common Measurement Equivalents It's essential to understand the measurements used in recipes, and how they relate to one another. A cup is a common unit of measurement that can be converted into other units depending on the context. To ensure accuracy when cooking or baking, it’s important to familiarize yourself with conversion rates between different units. The US customary system uses cups as its primary unit of measure for liquid ingredients whereas the metric system often measures such substances by milliliters (mL). One cup is equal to 236 mL; however, this may vary depending on the ingredient being measured — for example, 1 cup of sugar is much less than 1 cup of flour. It’s also worth noting that some recipes use “cup” interchangeably with “can” and refer specifically to canned goods like tomatoes or broth. Knowing the difference between these terms can help you cook more accurately and efficiently. When measuring out ingredients for a recipe, pay attention to what type of measurement each item needs and determine if you need to convert any cups into milliliters or vice versa. This will help you become more confident in your culinary skills! Why Measurements Matter In Recipes I cannot stress enough how important it is to pay attention to measurements when following a recipe. Accuracy versus approximations can make all the difference in achieving your desired result, and understanding the importance of measuring out ingredients correctly will help you get closer to replicating any dish from its original version. When scaling recipes up or down, accuracy becomes even more essential for success because small changes in quantities can have big impacts on flavor and texture. A teaspoon of baking powder may not seem like much, but if doubled or halved accidentally, it could throw off an entire recipe. It's also worth noting that some cultures use different sizes when referring to a cup or tablespoon size; for example, one country might call for 250ml while another calls for 300ml. Being precise with amounts doesn't mean being overly fussy — it simply means taking a few extra minutes to measure out your ingredients properly so that you don't run into any problems along the way! Frequently Asked Questions What Is The Best Type Of Measuring Cup To Use For Baking? When it comes to baking, accuracy levels are key. The best type of measuring cup to use is a dry-ingredient measuring cup as they come in various sizes and allow you to measure out exact amounts with ease. This is important when following recipes that call for specific measurements; otherwise your results may be off. Most dry-ingredient measuring cups come in standard cup equivalents (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, etc.), so understanding how much each one holds will help you get the desired outcome from a recipe. How Can I Easily Convert Between Different Measuring Cup Sizes? Converting between different measuring cup sizes can be tricky, but there are a few accuracy tips that can help you get it right. To start, use conversion charts to figure out how much of one measurement translates into another - for example, 1 cup of sugar is equal to 8 ounces. You may also want to invest in multiple measuring cups so you always have the exact size on hand when cooking or baking. Additionally, double-check your measurements with a kitchen scale if you’re unsure - this will ensure the most accurate result and help prevent any recipe disasters! Is It Necessary To Measure Ingredients Precisely For Baking Recipes? Yes, it is necessary to measure ingredients precisely for baking recipes. Portion control and accuracy are key components of any successful recipe. To ensure that you get the desired outcome from a recipe, measuring exact amounts of each ingredient is essential. Using too much or too little can drastically alter the end result and make a difference between success and failure. Is There A Standard Size For A Cup Measurement? When it comes to cooking and baking, a “cup” measurement can vary depending on the dry ingredients you're using. For example, if you're measuring out flour, one cup will be different than when measuring sugar or salt. That's why it's important to look at metric conversions before measuring any type of dry ingredient. The good news is that most recipes list measurements in both cups and metrics so you don't have to worry about doing the conversion yourself! All-in-all, there isn't really a standard size for a cup measurement as it varies by dry ingredient but having access to metric conversions makes things much easier. How Can I Make Sure I Am Using The Correct Cup Size For My Recipes? When it comes to precision in the kitchen, accuracy is key. We all want our recipes to turn out perfect every time! Knowing which cup size to use can help you achieve this outcome. When measuring dry ingredients like flour or sugar, opt for a standard 8-ounce cup. For wet ingredients like milk and oil, use a liquid measuring cup with lines marking off different volumes of fluid ounces. This way you'll get the right amounts quickly and accurately - no guesswork required! Conclusion It is important to understand how big a cup is when baking recipes. It can be difficult to convert between different measuring cups, but with the help of an online conversion calculator or reference chart it becomes much simpler. Knowing which type of measuring cup you need for any particular recipe and having the right size will ensure that your baked goods turn out just as they should. In addition, taking the time to measure precisely will give you consistent results every time. With a little knowledge and practice, anyone can become a great baker! Read the full article
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imanes · 4 years
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literally the bane of my existence. i can accept cups and spoons but i draw the line at goddamn sticks. the way americans hate precise units of measurement... someone’s gonna tell me “it’s convenient” yes just as convenient as washing 50 different spoons bc i couldn’t use my balance like a civilised person <3 i’m feeling the irritation in this chili’s tonight!
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