#me sending up a smoke signal when i can full well just text someone. that’s the bad brain for you. anyway may be updated with more evidence
crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
…may I ask about Dylan and Hedman and I guess half the NHL having the same tailor and the tailor favoring Dylan and Hedman ? Where is this from, it’s so interesting! Also you tag stories and asides a both Mo and Dylan in the mentor relationship! And the hedman/stammer aside, were so so delightful, thank you
ahhh ofc yes yes!!! this took a hot minute because i am bringing you ✨Citations✨ but a lot of NHL players have the same suit designer—Tom Marchitelli aka Gentleman’s Playbook
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generally if they (or sometimes the team/nhl) make a game day fit post, they’ll tag the maker. you can see a lot of examples outside the NHL too just by scrolling through his page, but he’s dressed linus ullmark for the ASG, kasperi kapanen, vincent trocheck, martin nečas, jack eichel, usw usw… he’s made several suits for players on tampa (heddy found out about him from ondrej) and heddy was his first really big name client. there’s a clip of an interview that he does about heddy’s whole custom suit collection here on his instagram
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is it partially that heddy just has incredibly expensive taste and is particular about how his suits fit? yes. but out of most of the people gentlemen’s playbook dresses, heddy is one of the most put-together, well-styled, and well-tailored players 👀
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p.s. if anyone wanted a reference, this is dylan’s pinstripe suit that i’m talking about when i say mo got a similar one <3
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traekenimagines · 3 years
Ours, Part One: A Theo Raeken Imagine
Request from Anon: Hi your posts are the highlights of my day ,I wanted to request one where the reader ,Lydia and Malia plan a girls night out but for some reason they need an extra car ,so they forced reader to ask Theo for his truck (Wich is his second baby after reader) but the reader finally ask him ,and he's reluctant at first but reader pushes it forward until Theo gives in but not after telling her to take EXTREMELY care of it ,and on the night out (while Theo was staying with the boys playing video games)the reader and girls accidentally crash the truck and reader gets a panic attack saying Theo is going to kill her ,and they try to fix it before he finds out ,but one of the girls tells their boyfriend about the incident and then the whole pack know so Theo knows ,so Theo goes to where she is and scolds the heck out of her for not telling him right away that she was in a car crash and about she should take more care of "their truck" and the reader melts because of this ,you can end it however you want it ,THANKS 😊 LOVE YA SOOO MUCH I JUST KNOW IM GOING TO LOVE IT NO MATTER WHAT YOU COME UP WITH
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to see more? Find the rest of the series just below:
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You were so screwed.
“Promise me you’ll drive safe.” Theo held the car keys in front of you, incredibly reluctant to hand them over. He had finally given in after days of you pestering him. You needed the extra vehicle for your night out with Lydia and Malia, and your only option had been to ask your boyfriend if you could borrow his truck – his baby.
Well, after you, of course.
“I will, just give me the keys.”
Extremely hesitantly, Theo put the keys in your hand and you smiled at him, before leaning up and pressing a kiss against his cheek. “Thanks.”
“Just don’t crash it.”
As you looked at the dent in the bumper, you finally understood the meaning of  famous last words. It had been going so well; you were having an amazing night, free from boyfriends, just enjoying yourself with your friends.
And then you had lost control of the wheel, and now there was smoke coming out of the truck.
You were so screwed.
As you stood there, staring at Theo’s truck, you noticed how your heart was racing. You couldn’t stop thinking about how Theo was going to react, how he was going to be so angry with you. He loved that truck and if you couldn’t fix it, he was going to hate you for destroying it.
“He’s going to kill me.” Panic flooded into your system as you tried to regain your breath. Luckily, no-one had got hurt in the crash, but mentally, you felt like the world was ending. “Oh my God, he’s going to kill me.”
“He’s not going to kill you, Y/N,” Lydia pulled you into a hug, “He’ll be more worried about you once he finds out.”
“Or we just don’t tell him.” You and Lydia looked over at Malia who stood next to the truck. “We could probably fix this before we’re due back. I know what to do.”
You almost laughed as Malia made her claim. Surely watching Stiles Stilinski bandage up his jeep with duct tape didn’t count as knowing how to fix a truck, but, on thinking about it and what would happen if Theo found out, you realised it would have to do.
“Okay,” you steadied your breathing, “We’ll give it a go.”
You moved over to where Malia stood, wincing as you examined the full extent of the damage. The truck had stopped smoking now, and you fiddled with car parts that you hoped belonged where you were putting them. Lydia took a step back, never one to get her hands dirty, but you noticed that she was texting someone and you really hoped it was to order a pizza.
Your hope was misplaced.
You groaned, your fear resurfacing as you saw Scott’s car pull up, Theo in the driver’s seat. He was fuming – you could see it when his eyes widened as he looked at the truck, his forehead creased. “Lydia, Malia, do you mind giving me and Y/N some space?”
The girls disappeared, and you couldn’t help but curse them in your head. “Theo - ”
He held up a finger, the universal signal for silence, and you shut your mouth. You watched him as he crouched down, surveying the wreckage of his truck, before picking up something that definitely looked like an important part of the vehicle. He wiped his hand over his face before throwing it back on the ground in despair.
The silence was deafening, and you couldn’t handle it anymore.
“I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry I destroyed the truck. I know how much you love it, but I tried to fix it, so you know? That’s something, isn’t it?”
“Y/N,” he stood up, and made his way over to you, “I’m not angry about the truck. Well, I am, but there’s something else that I’m much more concerned about. How could you not tell me you were in a car crash?”
“I - ”
“I mean, seriously? I’m your boyfriend. You could have been hurt, you could have died. Instead of calling for help, you decided to try and fix the truck, when you know absolutely nothing about cars.”
“I’m not -”
“You’re not what? Hurt? You could have a concussion. You could have passed out for all I know.” His voice dropped an octave as his anger faded and tenderness seeped in. “I could have lost you.” Theo pulled you into a hug, surprising you before you fell into him.
“I’m sorry. And I’m sorry about your truck. Again.”
“Our truck. It’s our truck. And you should learn to take better care of it.”
You couldn’t help but melt at that. You leaned up to kiss Theo, the prospect of owning something with him – like a proper couple – sending shivers down your spine. “I promise.”
Theo hummed, like he didn’t quite believe you. “Come on you, let’s get you home.”
Now, that sounded like a good plan.
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draganasimpsforjeff · 3 years
Hunting Dogs: Chapter Nine (proxies x reader)
ou waited for your mother with your earphones in, playing your F/S and look around occasionally. You didn't know how long you were going to be at her house, but you didn't want to pack too much and at the same time leave enough behind in case those psychos wanted to gain information on you.
You use to not be like this, but ever since the move you have changed, maybe it was because the adult life and the stress that came with it, but before here; you were a bright student, with at least one failing grade but your school let everyone graduate the year even with one failing subject, you were creative and loved to take pictures around the town you use to live in, ambition was a strong suit of yours, though it would also get you into trouble. Like, you desired and kept pushing to leave your mother's to this city...and after only a while this shit happens with being chased.
A bit of a curious cat as well, but it helps with your imaginative side...something you had lose through the transition, sure, you could definitely pick it up again, but recently it was like your head was in a constant fog and everything you use to love was like a smudge? You always use to try to stay positive as that was how your mother raised you.
After the incident with your father and the fall of his death....it was like the sun split in half, cracks falling off while staying still until it fell, casting your whole life into darkness. If it did get lighter- it was just grey.
God, how depressing I've become. You snickered, jumping at the sound of a honk. You look over, seeing your mother wave frantically from the drivers seat and your lips crack into a grin. One you haven't shared in a long time. You run over, opening the door to her car and nearly knocked her out as you swing your bag into the backseat, but she dodged in time and pulls you into a tight hug. "Oh, honey, I've missed you so much!" you smile and pull away from her, settling into the seat, "yeah, I've missed you too, ma."
You send a text to your boss about how there was an 'family emergency' and that you had to leave for a week, along with an apology, which you let out a sigh of relief when he said that Kristine would be able to cover for you and that he hopes everything would be okay.  "So, you never told me. Have you met anyone?" she smiles, nudging your arm and you roll your eyes, "Yeah, definitely, while working full time and barely having a personal life." you said sarcastically.
"Well, the twenty-minutes I've been passing through I've seen a lot of good looking people, tell me that there's no way you have someone on your mind." she signals and turns to the next lane, taking an exit. You thought about the men and how you thought one of them was cute, but too bad they were trying to fucking kill you! "No, mom. I haven't."
She sighs, dropping the conversation, "Okay, so how's work? Not too stressful? Pays enough?" she asks and you scoot up on the seat, looking around at passing cars, the trees, and then finally the clouds. The sun was trying to break the grey that the clouds have cast over the city the last week. You smile weakly, it feels like everything was starting to fit and you are glad that your mom called.
You roll down the windows enough to where you can leave your hand out, the wind pushing against your hand and you smile, feeling free from the shit behind you. "Yeah, it's not too stressful. It's a job so, obviously I can't escape it if there is a problem and I make tips so it makes up for the minimum wage part. Everyone's pretty nice." you giggle, thinking about Mr. Saka. What the hell is he going to do while I'm gone?
But then you broke into a frown, remembering the last call you had from him...about his wife.
Your mom notices and looks over at you before, taking a turn. "What's wrong, hunny?" she asks, making you sigh. "There's this older guy, he's a great customer; a regular, actually and one I've become close to, but his wife died last night, I think or maybe the day before? I don't remember. "
Maybe I should give him a call when I get to the old place. Just to check on him and also let him know I won't be back for a week.
"Oh, that's horrible." Your mom was a pretty soft person and not in a ad why but she could be very sympathetic and understanding, which was a good quality, but sometimes you wonder if it's a bit much...but who were you to judge? Maybe it was the bitterness getting to you that makes you a little uneasy around her.
Man, the city really does change you.
"It is." you said simply, looking down at her phone, seeing maps was open and that you were forty minutes away from your old home. "I think when we get there, I'll make us something to eat and sometime today, you should get some sleep. I can see bags on your eyes." You nod. Sleep sounds wonderful right now. How much have you gotten the last few days? Maybe a total of like 20 hrs? When the recommended hours of sleep was 8, you would get between 3-6 hours of nightmares mixed in with you being unconscious.
Hopefully this will be a quick ride. You slowly close your eyes while your mom was droning about the local market, being upgraded and you chuckle before dozing off.
The sound of tires screeching and something bumping into the car jolts you awake. You look around, focusing your eyes and notice the windshield was broken, smoke was coming out from under the hood and there was a red Nissan that hit the front of the car. How does that happen?! Where are we!?  You look over and see your mom with a bleeding head and her eyes closed. "NO! Mom! no, please!" You struggle to take your seat belt off as you hear sirens and reach over to check her pulse.
There was none. Suddenly the passenger side door opens and arms pull you out, you struggle, kicking and screaming for them to let you go. You couldn't see their face as your back was against their chest. You look over at the Nissan. It looks fine besides the huge dent in the front and there was no one inside. You look back over at your moms car and tears run down your cheek, "NO! MY MOM!" but a hand clamps over your mouth and a vehicle you didn't see earlier was in your sight now as you got directed towards it. You elbow the guy and kick his knee, sending him to let go and hit the ground.
Just as you turn around, your heart leaps out of your chest. It was him. It was fucking him! The guy with the side burns!
"I'll get you! Don't think for a fucking minute that you're safe!" The man with the white mask growled, shaking the bars.
You gasp and turn around, heading straight for the Nissan. You didn't want to leave your mother but the sirens were coming closer and you knew she would be taken care of, surely you would get a call or something from the hospital soon to let you know whether or not she was okay. You turn the key in the ignition and that's when you saw the other two.
"You're fucking dead bitch! Just like your mom!" the boy twitches in excitement and throws the hatchet into the Nissan's tires, the front of the car lowering on your side and you curse. How the hell are you going to make it out alive?
You search around the car, under the seats, glove compartment, back seats but there was nothing there. Like there was no one inside here previously....those fuckers!
You look back at them with immense heat in your glare, which you were sure they were only grinning like blood thirsty animals. They have trapped their prey. They move closer to the car and jump out of it, almost losing your balance but they were too quick and the one with black mask and red eyes grabs a hold of you, slamming you down against the ground so hard that you lose your vision for a moment.
"You have made our lives a living fucking hell, YOU KNOW THAT!?" A punch was sent straight into your face with enough force that a 'crack' was heard, blood gushed from your nose and down your throat, but you swallowed, tasting the metallic. "Your life?" you let out a laugh but it held no humor, shaking your head as you stare up at the man. "You guys have been chasing me since day one!"
"Because you are a witness!" The guy with the sideburns hissed while the twitchy guy pulls his hatchet out of the tire of the car. "You're fucking murderers!"
"And yet, you would think to keep you goddamn mouth shut!" red eyes said before picking up up and right as he did, a syringe with silver almost greyish hint liquid was jammed into your left arm and while you fought as hard as you could, your system shut down and all you could see was their faces gets smaller, the black borders growing bigger until you went limp.
"Let's get to the car. " Masky says while Hoodie carried Y/N's body into the backseat of the car they have stolen. Toby sat in the backseat along with Y/N. The car was started as Hoodie slid into the passengers seat. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?" He asks and Masky nods. "I took meds before I got out to help you with the fucking prick."
Hoodie nods and stares outside the window as Masky rolls out of the shadows that they hid their getaway car in and drives back to one of their locations.
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quazartranslates · 4 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game - CH103
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 103: Slaughter Secret Society (V)
{cw: slight nsfw, sexual harrassment - I’ve marked the start and end of the scene in question with ++ and included a summary at the end if you wish to skip this.}
Help: How do I pretend to be a gay man without moral integrity but keep my moral integrity at a hedonistic party? Urgent, online, etc.
Answer: Hold steady first, then look for straight men to flirt with.
Qi Leren, who had made up his mind, calmly talked and laughed with Mrs. Kathleen. Obviously, when straight women and gay men know each other's orientation well, neither side will be too distracted. Qi Leren felt that this was probably called courtesy-flirting.
Fortunately, the bottom line of Mrs. Kathleen's moral integrity was still there, and the communication between them was limited to courtesy-flirting instead of courtesy-sex. She quickly recommended her male subordinates to Qi Leren, and showed him her "goods" in a row like a salesman.
The utterly hopeless Qi Leren looked at the group of coquettish men despairingly.
He, absolutely, did, not, want, to, go, one, round, with, men!
"Most of my subordinates like women, and these are not exclusive to men. Don't you like them?" Kathleen always paid attention to Red’s face. Although he kept smiling, he was always absent-minded and seemed to be not interested in her subordinates.
Ashley looked at Red nervously. The mask covered half of his face, revealing his deep red lips. He took a sip of wine and pointed towards a pair of men and women in the corner who were exchanging life experiences fiercely. "Is that man your subordinate too?"
Mrs. Kathleen looked intently and smiled softly, "Oh, Sid? He’s the lover of a female subordinate. Apart from his body, there’s really nothing commendable. If you insist on me saying it, his performance in bed is fine. Are you interested?"
Red’s mouth hooked up, and he lifted Mrs. Kathleen's hand and dropped a kiss on it. "Thank you for your recommendation."
With this, he left Mrs. Kathleen and a melancholy Ashley, and walked to the corner with the light gait of a cat.
The whole party scene is full of unpleasant smells, the smell of wine, smoke, and various drugs all mixed together, making people indulge in desire, and the crazy music was earth-shattering. Young men and women dancing on the dance floor got carried away, and the pressure of survival was forgotten. They indulged in passion and unscrupulous actions.
It was sad and pathetic.
Obviously, there was lively music everywhere, and there were people who had fun everywhere, but at this moment standing in the crowd, Qi Leren felt very lonely.
After all, this wasn’t a place where he should stay. He had to find a way to get away without being noticed…
He vowed to force himself to keep his eyes open to the end, mind over matter.
"It's the most pleasing thing in life to light a cigarette afterwards." A mysterious man dressed in a mask sat down beside Sid. Sid, who was entering the sage time*, paused. Instead, his female companion gave a charming smile and moved to kiss the mysterious man in front of her.
*{E/N: “sage time” means being post-orgasm. I’m pretty sure the implication is that Sid and this girl just got off together.}
A slender finger touched her lipstick-covered lips to stop her: "I'm sorry, madam, I'm not interested in women."
The woman rolled her eyes, picked up the clothes that had fallen on the ground and put them on her body, and walked away without looking back.
Sid, who’d been abandoned by his female companion, looked at the mysterious man warily. He’d never seen this man at the party. He remembered that Mrs. Kathleen had told them that a distinguished guest would come to the party this time…
Wait, what did he just say? He wasn’t interested in women? Then the question was coming. He is sitting here to…
Sid's cold sweat immediately flowed down.
The man in front of him looked at his body with great interest: "Your muscles are very good, and your ass is also quite firm. I once had a lover as strong as you, but unfortunately he’s dead. Seeing you reminds me of him."
Sid, a straight man who was forced to be naked in front of a gay man, felt deep pressure. The man in front of him had long legs, a thin waist, and white skin. At first glance, he was the type that was easy to play. Apart from gender, he was impeccable. He also knew clearly that he couldn’t offend the man in front of him, but… But heaven, have pity on him. He was a straight man!!!
His dull reaction seemed to make the man in front of him only more interested. As light as a cat, he rolled over and sat on him, slowly lighting himself a cigarette. The thick smoke made his slightly upturned lips have a charming allure. "Would you like one?"
"...Okay ...Okay."
The man straddled him, his long fingers stroking his muscles. The cold fingers aroused goose bumps on Sid's skin. He crouched on him like a snake, put a cigarette in his mouth, and then lit him up with the cigarette he was holding.
The faint light burning from the cigarette butt was very ambiguous in this hidden corner. The masked man flicked the cigarette butt and the ashes lightly landed on Sid's collarbone, burning slightly. The man breathed a sigh and blew away the ash that had fallen on his skin.
The smell of the smoke cascaded over his naked skin, even more arousing than the sensation of the cold fingers.
The man laughed in a low voice, and the light brown eyes hidden behind the mask stared at him: "But compared to a cigarette, don't you want to try the one I have lower down?"
Sid’s face suddenly changed. What, this shameless gay guy wanted his chrystanthemum?!
"Hm? What? If your technique is good enough, I don't mind trying again, as long as it can make me feel good..." The man pushed his knee towards the place where he was still weak, and he let out an embarrassing sound, tempted by the proximity.
The pale Sid looked at Mrs. Kathleen for help, but the latter nodded to him, telling him to do it!
As a straight man, he never expected to encounter such a crisis. If he couldn’t get it up… would he be killed? However, the desperate Sid was left unrequited. The mysterious man whispered an address into his ear, then climbed off of him, adjusted his clothes and smiled at him: "I’ll be waiting for you there. Don't make me wait too long."
With that, he walked lightly through the crowd and returned to Mrs. Kathleen.
"Do you allow take-away?" Red said cheerily, and Mrs. Kathleen clinked her glass.
"Of course, but you don’t need to. There’s a back room here that has everything you want," said Mrs. Kathleen.
"When people ‘communicate’ with each other, it’s also the time when people are least prepared. I prefer to be on my own site," Red said lightly.
Mrs. Kathleen expressed her understanding and politely sent him out of the door: "The selection ceremony is in a week..."
Red took his cloak from the waiter and put it on his body. He took off his mask and said to Mrs. Kathleen, haughtily and reserved, "It's just a ritual without suspense. The winner can only be me."
"I wish you all the best," said Mrs. Kathleen.
"Thank you for your kindness. Oh, have my 'pizza' come to me in half an hour. I have to prepare some 'good things' first. " He smiled and turned away.
As soon as he walked out of the bar, Qi Leren gave a long sigh of relief. Although he stayed in it for only half an hour, it felt like a year. As a great young man in the 21st century, he really hadn't seen this kind of battle before. He’d almost let his expression slip several times. Fortunately, he was covered by the mask and finally didn't show his feelings.
Qi Leren had considered rejecting Mrs Kathleen's "kindness" directly, but doing so would obviously cast a shadow over their cooperative relationship. The best way was to make a proposition first, and then find an excuse to send the person away. Time is short, he had to hurry and meet with the extra sent by the Trials Office who would make a guest appearance, together put on an act with him for "Mr Takeaway", and then drive the man back on the grounds of "I met a hotter one on the road, so you can go back and continue to pick up girls". The perfect plan.
Back near his temporary stronghold, Qi Leren whistled, and then went back to the house to wait for the people in the Trials Office to contact him. Soon he heard a slight footstep on the second floor, and he whistled again to signal that there was no one else in the room.
The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and someone came down the stairs. Qi Leren looked up, and his calm expression instantly solidified on his face.
"Ning... Ning Zhou?" Qi Leren, dressed in strange clothes and heavy make-up and smelling of alcohol and tobacco, immediately jumped up from the sofa, looking both embarrassed and nervous.
Ning Zhou's eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, then he frowned and asked coldly and stiffly: "What is it?"
Qi Leren felt awkward enough to burst into tears. Could he tell Ning Zhou, who was conservative and introverted, that he needed someone to undress and help him now? He had to replace him!
"Who else is nearby besides you?" Qi Leren asked, deathly pale.
"Miao Li."
Heaven will kill me!
The author has something to say:
PS: Can you imagine how much the heart collapsed when the author modified this text to unlock it...
Editor’s Notes: 
Summary of ++: “Red” acts suggestively towards Sid in a way intended to make him uncomfortable. Sid is instructed by Mrs. Kathleen to go along with it. Before anything can happen, Red pulls away and tells him to come to his house later so they can continue.
So, as indicated by BMBL’s end note, this chapter as it’s currently found on JJWXC has been edited from its original version due to being locked for sexual content, ~however~ the version you have just read is the uncensored one! I’ve been using two different mtls (the one I originally read and the one available on mtlnovel) and I was surprised to find that the one on mtlnovel is the uncensored version! Imagine my shock when I went to compare a sentence and suddenly there were butts.
For those curious, there’s actually not a ton different between the two. The censored version has removed Qi Leren commenting on Sid’s butt, several mentions of naked skin, one mention of Qi Leren stradling Sid, the mention of Sid’s “chrysanthemum”, and Qi Leren’s wandering knee. Also, it’s worth mentioning that any time I’ve used the word “sex” here, it was either censored or replaced by some innuendo originally.
Please look forward to the next chapter, it’s a good one ;) ;) ;)
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faunusrights · 4 years
“Yes.” Glynda couldn’t hang up, not without: “I’m—I’m sorry. About what I—”
“It’s alright. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay—” The feed cut. Softly, Glynda said again, “Okay.”
do u know how hard it is to wake up and play animal crossing whilst knowing this chapter looms over yr shoulder,
She was fidgety; even Cinder mentioned her pacing, shooting a critical eye her way. Glynda sat, intent on stillness; moments later, Cinder mentioned her bouncing leg.
i LOVE it when a chapter calls me out just right out of the gate hahaha who gave u the right
"Really?" How long had they been doing that? How long ago had Cinder noticed? "Should I stay?"
cinder: maybe i should tell glynda abt that /see glynda pacing a dent into the floor cinder: ooooooor i could. NOT give her an excuse to bully them for something to do,
On her way down the street, Glynda couldn't help but stare at the car, its tinted windows revealing nothing within. As she passed it, she kept glancing over her shoulder, expecting an attack or something. But nothing came of it.
HJGDFSGSDFHKGHJDF GLYNDA,,,,,,,,,,, can u imagine being in the white fang, and sittin in yr fuckin. TINTED WINDOWED like BULLETPROOF CAR and yr sat on yr ass watching out for cinder “dumbass” fall and suddenly glynda goodwitch, The Top Bitch, comes out and starts GLARING YR CAR DOWN,,, like ah. i think she knows we’re here. hrm. hm.
i would just like. drive to mcdonalds and get some nuggies at that point.
She had a clutch of flash-images and a wash of emotions and impressions, the raw materials of memory, stored as-is without refining. She was quite used to that—most of her missions were hazy and rough in her memory, mere sketches of events.
i cant wait for glynda to become a vlogger if only so she can actually have physical proof of whatever the fuck happens whenever she goes out and about. get her a go-pro.
It told her: despite her restlessness, despite the arduous journey here, and despite the way Vale seemed to call for her from somewhere beyond the horizon, she felt quite content to be where she was.
the difference having a gf has huh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u got a whole ass home (being cased by the fang) a real nice city to live in (its floating and atlas wants yr number) a bunch of unread msgs (from a [redacted] who [redacted]) and its a nice day!!! its all coming together. but probably not for very long,
(i got very distracted at this point making a line graph for the animal crossing stalk market so here we go, x2 edition,)
That meant the nightlife would soon begin. She had never liked crowds; too many people, too much input at once. It was hard to focus, to be comfortable.
/chefs kiss
autistic glynda did u kno: id die for u,
Since she’d blocked Ozpin’s number, there was no chance of receiving anything directly from him—but there was still a moment of pause each time she checked her Scroll, as if expecting his smiling face to appear somehow.
OH YEAH LMAO SHE DID THAT SHIT HUH,,,,,,,,,, i still cannot BELIEVE that happened. GOD. cant wait for this to bite her entire ass right off her body,
By the time she reached the top landing, Winter had replied: “I wasn’t aware that you had additional support on this mission, Professor. I will need their full name and Hunter’s license number.”
To answer Cinder Fall and she doesn’t have a license, but she does have several warrants for her arrest felt like inviting Winter to question not only her integrity, but her sanity as well.
SDHGJFKSKGHDJFGJHDKF i cant say what makes this funnier because 👈😎👈 but HOHOHOHOOOOO could u imagine the fallout if she did just, say that shit. if we just went and fuckin said it like it was no biggie--
Finally, Glynda let her shoulders relax, exhaling deeply, like she would before rushing a Grimm. She wrote it plainly: “The clearance is for Cinder Fall.”
winter rn:
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She’d just have to wriggle her way out of having to talk face-to-face, then return the game to a field she felt slightly more comfortable with: text.
okay this is so funny to me cause i just keep thinking of her sending ‘no reason’ to oz. a MASTER of textual conversion. un fucking PARALLELED in this field, UNRIVALLED,
Glynda tossed a look at the door as well, her mouth pulling into a line; what if Cinder came outside? What if—
Could Winter track her exact position using her Scroll signal? She minimized the projection of Winter’s face and hurried off in a random direction the instant she hit the bottom of the stairs.
i LOVE these two because this is the first time we’ve rly seen glynda like. Actively do smthng to defend cinder in this sort of way? she’s been pretty passivve abt letting cinder take the lead when theyre together but on her own shes thinking of all the contingencies to make sure winter cant find cinder and u know what. thats gay. what will u do for yr not-gf when yr talking to someone who would kick her ass in a hot second,
also im TAKING to grab choice lines here to comment upon but honestly this next section is SO GOOD that im rly struggling to find a line to encapsulate how much i am LOVING this convo. i cant say exactly WHY im loving it because again thats 👈😎👈 BUT KNOW THAT THIS IS VERY GOOD FOOD AND I AM ENJOYING IT. and im also enjoying this line a lot
Winter’s voice was decisive: “Professor, if you hang up on me, I am flying to your location—tonight.”
winter: if y’all dont shut the fuck up back there i am turning this car, city, and continent AROUND,
It was the same thing, over and over: people didn’t understand her and she didn’t understand them. It was an exercise in futility that only gave her grief. In the end, she gave up on trying to explain herself. She resigned to being wrong, to always being wrong, even when she knew she wasn’t.
/reads the next bit
oh are we donning our tinfoil hats? we’re donning our tinfoil hats.
It was so easy. Glynda didn’t stumble over her words even once; didn’t waver. She was built for doing harm. Her anger burned hot and clean; it excised all the hurt like a malignant tumor.
Maybe she really had learned something from Cinder—channeling her frustration, her guilt, her pain, all of it into anger like this was something Glynda was new to. But it felt good. She leaned into it, letting it take the reins; the distressing memories vanished like wisps of smoke, vaporized by the heat of her wrath.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS god this is. SO EXCITING. i also love it when ppl rub off one one another its my FAV thing in the WORLD and this anger is. WOO. this anger is. DANDY. its also a very short-term burst of pleasure glynda so enjoy that hollowed-out whoopsie feeling that i sure get when i Blow Up,
“She butchered my friend!” Winter snarled, the camera shaking as she slapped the desk. “She butchered my friend in the streets like he was cattle! And I have done everything in my power to help you! Everything! To keep her from doing the same to you, and you’ve blown me off or lied or—” Winter’s voice snagged. “And now you tell me—you accuse me—”
It was early evening in Umbraroot, but it must already be night in Atlas. The shadows revealed the unclean angles of Winter’s face: the bruises of exhaustion under her eyes, the lines of stress at the corners of her mouth.
im sorry im just copy-pasting wholesale at this point but OH this is GOOD. i cant rly explain. like. the difference-- because you’d think from the og version this is just a bit more flavouring right? its like getting a bit of hot sauce on yr chicken wings and yr like ‘okay it adds smthng but its not like a side meal’ BUT IT IS A SIDE MEAL this is like a whole basket of fuckin. cheese-baked fries. winter DESERVES this screentime she DESERVES to have presence in this fic and OH does she USE IT im LIVINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Glynda wanted anger. She wanted fire and brimstone. She wanted a fight.
What she got was the glisten of tears on pale lashes. A hand covering Winter’s trembling mouth.
The ashy taste of remorse in her throat.
She didn’t have anything. Nothing against that. The possibility that Winter might truly care what happened to her had been so insignificantly small and easy to trample. She had forgotten about the losses Winter shouldered the moment Cinder had whispered inheritance.
it’s just like clockwork,
also this chapter feels lengthy but maybe its just cause i got distracted with animal crossing so ill have to do a wordcount check at the end
no its lengthy this is a thicc one,
“I know,” Glynda said. “I know. I know how this sounds. But she’s the only person who makes me feel like—like I make sense.” In her mind, Glynda lay in the darkness of Cinder’s bedroom, watching the glaze of streetlights along her lips as she said you.
you,,,,,,,,, we,,,,,,,,,,,, our,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its all that gay shit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Cinder Fall is a tremendous liar. She could convince you it is raining in Vacuo, given enough time. Two years ago, I was working on the Argus base, where I met her as a client; she told me she was a merchant seeking entrance into Atlas—she had all her documents in order, her entire persona set up, and she sold it perfectly. She was flawless—and all of it was fake. She gave me no reason to doubt her. She was—”
Winter cut herself off, abruptly. Then: “Once I was comfortable and safe, she burned down my office and murdered my friend.”
YES,,, SLOWLY THE LORE PIECES TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winter is once bitten twice shy, but mayhaps we mean,,, once burnt,,,, twice shy,,,,,,,,,, hrmmmm,
Glynda told Winter everything.
OH MAN,,,, we’re really getting this messy fucking trio up in this bitch i am SO excited. i am THRILLED. here! we! go!!!!!!!!!! also i said it before but again im so glad winter gets to Be Here for this. sure this has nothing to do w/ her destiny or w/e but shes here now. shes in the uber. she waiting outside.
The dying potted plant Glynda had spotted last time on the back wall’s shelf had been replaced with a new one; this one’s leaves were beginning to shrivel at the ends.
dsfjhhkljsdf side note: is this like that scene in finding nemo where all the new fish see the niece and go ‘oh no we’re gonna die’ but instead its plants getting taken into winters office? they go ‘im sorry, mate, but once you go into her office, you come out TOTALLY dead,’
okay so this whole convo happened and if i try to pick one section ill end up picking it all AAAAAAAAAAAAAA im dying out here. WINTER BLEASE,,, BELIEVE THAT SOMETIMES CINDER CAN TELL A HALF-LIE. A SORTA-TRUTH. A SEMI-HEMI-DEMI HONESTY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
How different would that mission have gone? How different would her life have been?
She found herself saying, “He had so many chances to tell me. Instead, he let me think I was reckless. That I was a danger to other people. I stopped working in teams. I didn’t have many people in my life to begin with, but afterwards was worse. He saw to it that he was all I had, and he let me think it was my fault.”
OOF!!!!!!! O O F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly OOF that shit HURTS BITCH!!!!!!! thats BANANAS. WILD. im also loving (hating???) the increase of painful glynda lore and honestly everyone feels like they have So Much More that builds them up and im THRIVING off it. im also suffering for it.
With the video feed closed, Glynda could see she had new notifications. Missed calls. From Cinder.
Glynda’s stomach lurched. She stowed her Scroll before she could think about them.
At the mouth of the alley, she could see the shape of Cinder’s apartment in the distance. She stood there for a long time, staring, uncertain what to do with her hands, unsure what to do with her heart. Her jaw flexed. She remembered the tears on Winter’s lashes. The friend she’d lost.
Glynda took her first step toward the apartment.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and so the soft domestic shit ends. but nowhere near as explosively as id thought???????? HUH. H U H. must b because we’re gearing up for smthng honk honk honk
ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. this chap was SO good its astonishing (despite the [several] times i got distracted by animal crossing rip me). WINTER!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe this disaster trio is coming together. also cant wait for glynda to tell cinder the shit she just pulled. oh no,
(also the wordcount was 5,931. just in case u were curious)
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (02) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future), CollegeAU!
A/N: Don’t forget that if you want to be part of this fic, you can! Just send us an ask with a couple of infos about yourself like your name, age, your major, some personality and physical traits and we’ll find you a spot in USC! 
The Characters • Day 1 •  Day 2  • Day 3 
After getting out of Jimin's room, Deo walked in a fast pace back to her dorm. Hyori had been texting her non-stop and she was sure she wasn't sleeping yet. It wasn't like her at all. She would want to know every last bit of detail of what had happened in that room and Deo would innocently tell her only to regret it the second right after when she saw Hyori's smirk. The smaller girl already knew what was going through her roommate's mind and she wasn't in the mood for sharing. Not that Hyori minded. She had a whole elaborated plan on her mind already, focused on making her friend see the supposed love she had for the art boy. It was obvious to Hyori so it should be like that to everyone else. 
The next morning, when Deo woke up Hyori was already long gone. She was used to that by now. Every morning the girl would wake up a couple of hours earlier to do some jogging. That and to watch the sunrise as she took some sips from her first coffee of the day. Nearby, a cafeteria started beeping signaling coffee was ready to be served and Jin finished taking the last slices of bacon off the pan onto his plate when a sleepy Carolina swooped it right from his hand with a lazy smile spread across her face.
"Hey!!!" Jin screamed at her. "That's my breakfast!" He said making Carolina let out a chuckle. 
"Why do you need two plates then?" She asked already sitting down, fork in hand ready to dig in. 
"Sure thing captain hook." Jin laughed as he noticed she had her right eye closed, sleepiness and the brightness that came from the window being too much to handle at the moment. 
"Arrrgggh!" She pulled up her sleeve long enough to cover up one of her hands and she let out the pirate scream. 
The two were a handful to deal with. Especially in the morning. And their friends were well aware of it. Considering everything, it would be very hard for any of the two to find such a good housemate as they were to each other. Jin was a quirky guy to say the least and Carolina was even worse so joining the two together you would get the most random interactions ever. Including Jin's curiousness for bras and their engineering, to Carolina's habit of enjoying to walk around naked and meditating at 3 am with her head hanging from the couch and her legs pointed up to the ceiling. Nonetheless, they were great friends. 
Another person that was always fun to be around was Hoseok. He was the life of the party. No, saying that is insulting his whole persona. He was the life of everything. Everywhere he went, people knew and appreciated him and he was always happy. When he wasn’t, chaos was about to happen. But today, he woke up feeling more excited than usual. He was going to skip his first period to have breakfast with his sister. 
They had this tradition for a long time. As a kid, Hoseok considered his sister his best friend, she was a bit older than he was yes, but he knew there was no one else in the world that would get him like she does. When she flew to America to study fashion design he was the one who took it the hardest. So after the first year of college she flew back to Korea and convinced the entire family to move back with her when she returned for her second year. Ever since then, on the second Wednesday of the month, Hoseok and his sister would always have breakfast on a cafe nearby. The distance was exactly the same from the house to it and from the University.
"Jaz~~" Hoseok called out as soon as he laid eyes on his sister that was sitting in one of the corner booths. He was always divided between the sunny window and the comfort of the wall sofa. "No sun today huh?" He asked, after giving her a kiss on the forehead as a hello. 
"Honestly, since we moved here I can't even remember how pale I used to be." She joked. She loved heat and the beaches. 
As soon as the waitress spotted Hoseok sitting at the booth, she started walking in their direction, although she could already guess what they would order. "Good morning Peg, how are you?" Hobi greeted her with a huge smile. 
"Hey Hun." She smiled to the boy. "Is it the usual or you're up for a change?" 
"The same, as always." Jazmine, that used to be Jiwoo decided to change her name as she opened her first store 'Jazzy'. She conquered many achievements but now she had a new challenge and she wanted her brother to help. 
"These here," she said, pulling up a big pile of papers off of her bag and onto the table "I need you to spread them around campus." She bat her eyelashes unnecessarily, Hoseok was already picking up one of the papers and examining it. 'Model needed for fashion show' 
"Can I model?" He asked excited. He was proud of his sister's clothesline. 
"Of course you can. I already did one just for you, but I need more. Boys and girls and since you're so..." she searched for the right word "popular around campus, I'm sure you'll find the right people." 
"I'll do my best!" He placed his arm up to his head, saluting as if she was his captain. The food came right after and they started digging into their plates, not having space for conversation. The only sounds pronounced were "hums" and "woow" from how good the food tasted. 
Carolina was tired of hearing her tummy growl despite the hotel breakfast like she had just a couple hours ago so it was time to take a little pause from her soundtrack class. The teacher wasn't teaching anything new to her so an hour or so away wouldn't hurt much. She could already take this path with her eyes closed. Turning left, go down two flights and then left again and she was at the bar. She ordered her usual chocolate cupcake and climbed up the stairs again to her usual broom closet. 
"What? Do you need a broom?" The guy asked as soon as she opened the door, arching his brow as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette. 
"Yes, it's witching hours already" Carolina said with a smirk on her face. 
"That's not the usual look for a witch. I guess times were good to your kind." 
"Should I presume you're the artist behind all those drawings?" Carolina asked pointing to her drawings and its correspondence. 
"Yeah I am. I was just finishing up answering you." He says with a smirk more guessing than saying but by the intrigued look on Carolina's face he was more than certain that he was right. 
"I think this is the part where I ask your name then." She said in a cool tone but too intrigued on the inside. 
"I'm Ben. Ben Hayes. And you?" He put out his hand for her to shake. 
"Carolina," She crossed her arms, eyeing him up. "Jones" 
"And what are you doing here Carolina Jones? Shouldn't you be in class?" He said in a mocking tone.
"Shouldn't you?" She raised her eyebrow. 
The truth was that Ben indeed had somewhere to be. He had been hired for a couple of weeks now to be the substitute for Miss Finning, the professor of Arts and History. He already knew he was not going to be hired. He had been jumping schools ever since he finished his degree but he never got to maintain his position. He started off in Liverpool, his hometown, then moved to London, travelled to the USA and taught in Michigan, Chicago, Houston and now LA. So he was more than certain he wasn't to stay here either. 
"I don't think that's any of your business is it?" 
"Then I could say the same, Ben Hayes." She winked at him but she was still standing still. 
"But are you going to stand there or sit down? I won't bite unless you ask me to." He winked back with his blue-ish/grey-ish eyes, tapping on one of the boxes next to him. 
"You shouldn't go around saying such things you know..." She sat down. "Someone might ask you to... someday" she says more in a whisper. 
"And I'll be more than ready to attend to their needs, trust me." His british accent rang through her ears, making her almost have goosebumps. "But do you want to stay here or do you wanna go somewhere else? I have a break between classes and I could use your company." 
"I don't know... How am I gonna be sure that your 'more than ready' is indeed reliable? Cause you know, I can't just skip being here in peace for something that isn't true..." Carolina teased. 
"Do you need a test drive then?"
"I don't ever say no to free testing." Ben's arm that was already wrapped around her, pulled her closer and Carolina took no time to react and grab him by the collarbone of his shirt, kissing him hard. The kiss was sloppy and full of tension and their hands were touching everywhere they could to ease their hunger. 
"Shall we?" He asked with a smirk on his face, parting from the kiss and nodding towards the door. 
Noon came pretty soon and the sun was hitting hard, summer was starting to creep in through spring and everyone was starting to gather they lunches, including Hyori. She only had time to have a sandwich with Hoseok before grabbing her book and finding a good spot in the lounge area. She sat down in a table of four, the only one that was available and took her books out. She was too nervous for her own liking, she tried to take down some notes from the class she just had but it was in vain, her mind was rushing through a million of things, making thousands of scenarios in her head. 
"Hey Hyori, have you been here long?" Jeonghan sits down besides Hyori, with a smile on his face, scaring her a little. She was too busy in her thoughts to even notice him coming. 
"Hi Jeonghan! No, I just got here!" She smiles to him, trying not to show how nervous she really is. 
"Should we start studying our biology? I-I mean just biology! Not ours, everyone's." Jeonghan says and then laughs embarrassed. She laughs alongside him, noticing his cute smile. He was also very nervous. 
"Sure, let's do it! Do you usually study just by reading or do you like to talk about it?" 
"Talking. It gets stuck in my mind longer!"
"Same for me" Hyori giggles. "Before we start though I have a question…" This had been bugging her ever since the first text they exchanged. 
"What is it?" He tilts his head to the side, curious, as he stares at her. 
"You're pretty smart yourself… so why would you want to study with me?" She pauses for a moment and then continues, trying to explain herself better. "Don't take me wrong! I'm glad we're studying together!!" She adds, with a blush creeping up on her cheeks.
"I think it's pretty obvious... You are top of the class and I mean... you're very pretty so I just needed an excuse to talk to you." Just like her, he was super embarrassed but he wanted her to know what he really felt, even thought that meant he had to be a little awkward and upfront.
"You're shyer than I thought you would be" She laughs, trying to ease up the mood. "And thank you, if it means something I think very high of yourself too." A proud smile showed up in his face and his whole body warmed up.
"So if we're in a time of being honest... I think I should tell you I came here to do more than studying." He turns his body in his seat so that he is completely facing her. He was holding up his breath and he didn't even realized but he was a man on a mission now. He continued to lean in into her and he could already feel her breath when...
"Oh! There you are guys!" Asa, a cute pale boy with the brightest blue eyes is rushing up to then, holding his backpack just by one strap on his left shoulder. "I thought you did study sessions in the library!" He smiles, totally clueless of the situation that was going on. 
"Oh- Hi! Hm- Who…?" Hyori asked, breathless, while nervously looking between both boys.
"This is Asa. He's my roommate." Jeonghan says, with a big frown on his face. 
"Hi! I heard a lot from you Hyori!" Asa says as he sits down across the table from them and can't help but wink at the girl. 
"So are we studying or not?" Jeonghan asked, clearly upset that Hyori's attention was now divided. 
"Yes! Of course!" She opened her manual on the marked page. "Are you… from our class? I never saw you there." She eyed Asa.
"Oh no!" He said chuckling. "I heard from Jeong here you were giving lessons and I always wanted to know more about biology!" He said as honest as he could be, making Hyori open up a big smile. 
"Well you're always free to contact me, I love biology and I love teaching so…"
"I'll make sure to hold you to that! You will want to get rid of me in no time." He joked, making her laugh but before she could reassure him, Jeonghan spoke again. 
"Can we study? Some of us have exams to prepare for!" 
"I highly doubt it! And yes sorry-" She couldn't help but tease Asa one last time before turning to Jeonghan and squeezing his arm. "Ok, everyone on page 70?"
"Oh I don't have a book, can we share one?" Asa said sheepishly.
"Have mine, I can see from yours?" Jeonghan said to Hyori almost immediately throwing him his book. 
"Yes sure!" Hyori let a shy smile as she felt Jeonghan pull his chair closer to hers.
As it was usual on Wednesdays, Jimin and Taehyung would always eat together. This Wednesday it ended up being McDonald’s. They decided to do this every week ever since they moved into their dorms and realized neither one of them really knew how to cook. They would always order individual menus, but ended up having bites out of each other’s food; because Jimin’s wrap looked too good and fresh and because Tae’s bacon was just asking Jimin to take a huge bite.  
Right now, it was almost 4 in the afternoon and Jimin was going to have football practice. They were walking together in silence, they knew each other for too long to have to always keep a conversation; in some, they enjoyed the silence time they’d have from time to time. But Jimin kept sighing and Taehyung knew something was wrong, he was just making his friend hurt a little before giving him love.  
“I have a problem and I need to talk to you about it. Ask me what’s going on.” Jimin mostly cried, putting his full weight on Tae’s shoulder like he had just fainted.  
“Ahhh” Taehyung said in an annoyed tone, followed by a chuckled, before pushing his friend back to his place. “Just start talking! Why are you always like this?!”  
“Are you going to be a good friend or just complain?” He faked a pout before laughing right after, seeing Tae’s side look. “I’m nervous about the game this week. We have to win or we’ll drop down to 3rd place and that’s not nothing something we can afford right now... plus I have an exam of history of contemporary dance on Monday and I don’t think I’ll have time to study.”  
“Look... I don’t think you need to worry.” Taehyung started off confident but genuine. “You are a pretty good quarterback, that’s why they chose you to be it. You'll do just fine, don’t overthink about that. Your body will remember everything once you’re on the field you know?” He squeezed Jimin’s shoulder and then proceeded. “About the exam... I can help? I know a few things so maybe we can just revise it before you go to sleep? I can stay up and read it to you?” Taehyung would do anything to help Jimin, especially if it was about something he cared about. Even when he was little, he used to stood up to boys who tried to be mean to Jimin even if he was scared to death of them.  
“But what about the party?!”  
“What party?” Taehyung asked. Was there a party he wasn’t invited for?
“The volley’s team is playing home. I'm sure there’ll be a party even if they lose, which I doubt. It’s an easy game.” Jimin said, thinking of what Jungkook had said at lunch the day before. He was confident they would win the game by far. “If we go to the party we can’t study.”  
“Oh... It’ll be a pity if we lose the party, right?” Taehyung let an ‘huh?’ “Maybe... we can just not sleep and try to get all that history in your head?” He suggested but the look on his face wasn’t too confident. It wasn’t a party if they didn’t get completely hammered.  
“I’m screwed.” Jimin said after a few minutes of ponderation, letting out again another sigh. “Might as well go out with a bang, right?” He shrugged and they walked a bit more. But then the thought of his parents came to his mind and all the effort they had done for him, he couldn’t let them down and lose his scholarship. “Maybe I should find a job? To help my parents?”  
“You know you wouldn’t even be able to tend to your basic needs if you did that... you’re already all packed!” Taehyung said worried.  
Jimin’s family wasn’t loaded, but they’d always lived well. His dad worked as an accountant for many years now and he reached a point where he was making a lot of money, so much so that his mom even quitted her job. They even found a house in one of the nicest neighborhoods, that’s how him and Taehyung were friends, they were front neighbors and they would play every day. Them and Carolina, but she wasn’t very fond of Jimin and he never quite understood why. But a couple of years back, the company for whom Jimin’s dad worked had a crisis and they had to let go more than half of their employees. Luckily, Jimin’s dad wasn’t one of them but it was getting hard for him to sustain an entire family on his back. That was one of the reasons he had to stay on campus. That and because both him and Taehyung wanted to have the “full college experience”.  
“Did they tell you something? Maybe I could like find a job and help you out?”  
“Not really. I talked to my mom yesterday and she said my dad had been working late. They're threating to fire a couple of people so he’s been doing some extra hours to not be part of the ones who will be fired.” Jimin said in a sad tone that Taehyung picked up right away.  
“I’m sure your dad will be fine! He’s a good worker! And like I said, if you need me to help, I can help you. I'll look for some part times next to our dorm.” And he already knew Jimin wouldn’t be capable of ever asking him to but he would still look, just in case his friend needed help.  
“It’s ok Tae, but thank you.” Jimin squeezed his shoulder and that meant he was grateful for everything his friend would do for him. Taehyung gave him a sweet smile.  
They kept on walking, talking about some random things that would pop into their minds. That was until Jimin stopped on his track, furrowing his eyes as if he was trying to see someone and Taehyung did the same, trying to look in the same direction he was.  
“I know that girl…” Jimin trailed off. “Oh, that’s Jean from my class. Hey Jean!” He walked up to her, followed right after by Taehyung. She was leaning against a tree, a book in hand.  
“Oh hum… hey… Jimin.” She started off shy. She wasn’t even aware he knew of her existence.  
“Are you alone?” He asked and she simply nodded.  
“Oh is that Free?” Taehyung sneaked out of Jimin’s back, seeing the manga the girl was reading.  
“Yeah, I just started reading it.”  
“Woah!” He said excited. “I didn’t know there is a manga for it, I only know the anime.” Taehyung said while peaking over to see the pages.
“You should try it then, it’s even better than the anime for now.” She smiled politely to him.  
“I will!”  
“We’re headed to the field, wanna come?” Jimin said as he pulled his bag up his shoulder.  
“Oh no… thank you anyway!”  
“Well, I’ll see you in class then!” Jimin waved off, starting to walk back to the field.  
“Bye Jean!”  
“What are you going to do now?” Jimin asked, noticing they were just a couple of feet away from the field.  
“I’m going to lie down there.” Taehyung pointed towards the bleachers where a couple of cheerleaders were already sitting down. “Imma watch you play and I'll take some photos to remind you how great you look.”  
“Ah~~!” Jimin let out an overexaggerated sigh, his hands over his heart. “You are my best friend, you know that!”  
“I know, I'm the best.”  
The boys parted ways. Jimin went into the locker room to change into his uniform and Taehyung took out his camera, ready to take some shots. The cheerleaders were all gathered, sitting in a circle going over the routine for this game and he noticed Deo, from the night before. Their eyes met for a couple of seconds before she looked away, turning her attention to what some other girl was saying. Soon the boys got out of the facilities, helmets under their arms and walked straight to the coach. It didn’t take long for Taehyung to fall asleep. His tummy was still kinda full from lunch and the sun was just making everything better. He was warm and the hard wood from the bleachers didn’t seem so bad so he just laid down, taking up 5 spaces. He woke up a couple of hours later, with Jimin shaking him up, laughing hard. ‘Oh man, your forehead, no bandanas for you for a couple of days.’ And as soon as he touched his forehead, he hissed. Did he really had to keep his arm all over his face BUT miss his forehead, no luck.  
On the other side of the campus, the study session got a little bit calmer after Hyori started explaining everything the best way she could and Asa was trying his best to pay attention but it was hard. Even harder for Hyori, who kept on laughing at his jokes and interventions. Jeonghan was regretting ever telling his roommate about his plans for the afternoon but he couldn't just kick him out, at least not in front of Hyori. After a while, Hyori's phone kept on beeping and she just had to excuse herself from what she was teaching Jeonghan to take a look at it. 
"Guys, the study session is great and I wish I could stay more but it's getting late and I promised my friends I would have dinner with them…" She pouted a little. "You guys mind if I go?"
"Of course!" They both said at the same time.
"Kiri I'll be waiting for our next study session!" Asa says getting up, mimicking Hyori's movements. 
"Stop being annoying!" Jeonghan whispered to him, widening his eyes to Asa. 
"Please do!" She laughed to Asa, not even noticing Jeonghan's face. "It was really nice to meet you Asa. Thank you, you two for today, I had a good time" She smiled kindly to the both of them, giving a kiss in the cheek to each one of them. "Bye guys~ See you around!"
“Dude what the hell!” Jeonghan slapped his roommate’s head, annoyed that he ruined his little date.  
“What did I do?!” Asa scratched the place where he was hit, still looking at Hyori fade in the distance.  
Hyori was hugging her books so tight; she kept her eyes on the floor, overly excited by her study session and was trying her best to steady her breathing. She already knew she was going to get teased for being late, something she never did and always complained when Jungkook was. Her pace her face and she as a hole bumped into a tall boy that quickly apologize. She did the same.  
Namjoon kept on looking at her as she walked a little too fast. His heart tightened a bit, did he hurt her when they bumped into each other? He was so focused on going over his speech for debate club on his head that he didn’t even noticed where he was going. That and the fact that tonight’s debate was against Najma Aweys. She was this pretty girl who was majoring in English Lit and she caught his eyes ever since his first debate against another college. That was the moment he first noticed her.  
His dad was nagging his head for over a month now because the semester was almost over and he still didn’t have any extracurricular activities to add to his resume alongside his perfect record of attendance and grades. So tired of hearing him, he joined the debate club and the president was so impressed by his arguments that he was invited to join the regional contest.  
He remembers that day perfectly. He was so nervous he was afraid the sweat was going to be noticeable on his armpits since the air-conditioner wasn’t working and it was almost 38°C. Najma was wearing a soft blue flowy dress that fitted her curves perfectly and made her look almost like a princess but once she started talking and disarming her opponent, that was when it really hit him. He was crushing on her.  
“Hey Najma!” He waved at her as he saw her talking outside the debate club with her girlfriends. “Nice suit.” He winked as she smiled politely to him.  
“Hey Nam!” It was her nickname for him.  
He was too awkward to have a full conversation with her, the only thing he always managed to do was these small interactions. And to him, it was better than nothing. Jin would always tease him about having to make a move 'Dude if she has a nickname for you that means something. Who knows more about girls than me?’ and that would always make Carolina laugh and tease him about how even the clueless Tae was smoother than himself, the old timer.  
Hyori was now jogging. The café that was only a couple of minutes away from campus seemed like it was miles away and she was getting frustrated for being late. Even Jungkook was already there. She stopped when she saw the sign right around the corner and she turned it, all her friends were sitting outside, in a table that clearly wasn’t made for 5 people but they were all squeezing in to be together. Once they noticed her, everyone stopped talking just to pick it up right back, but now directed to her.  
“Oh look who finally decided to show up!”  
“There she is!”  
“Can we eat now? I’m starving!!”  
“Sorry I’m late!” Hyori said trying to catch her breath from all the jogging but still making her best to look normal.  
“And where have you been to be this late?” Jungkook put up his wrist tapping on it like he had a watch there and his left eyebrow was arched. This was the perfect moment for him to excuse himself from all the times he was late and nag Hyori.  
“None of your business.” The girl said taking a seat on the end of the table, right between Deo and Jimin.  
“Is everything ok?” Hoseok asked, honestly concerned.  
“What do you mean none of my business?” Jungkook stepped all over Hobi’s question. “I always have to tell you where I was!”  
“And that’s because you’re a child.” Deo teased, sticking her tongue out making Jungkook scoff and make some comment about not knowing why they were even friends. The only thing he wasn’t doing yet was pouting.  
“Jungkookie, we’re your best friends, stop being grumpy.” Jimin said, squeezing the boy’s shoulder.
“Everything is fine Hobi, just took me a while to get here.” Hyori smiled to the boy that was on the other end of the table, completely ignoring Jungkook.  
“Where were you then missy?” Deo asked again, since Hyori had managed to escape the question.  
“I was on the library studying! I lost track of time! Oh~” she looked around to the plates of some boys that were already ready to be ate. “What are you guys eating?  
“I ordered some fries! With cheese on top.” Hobi said proudly, looking at his dish.
“Pizza, but don’t- I need to know!” Deo whined.  
“Of course she wasn’t in the library” Jungkook rolled his eyes, joining Deo and folding his arms to give his sentence more impact. “No one loses track of time in a library.”  
Hyori gave Deo a knowing look that she understood right after. It meant ‘please shut up I’ll tell you everything at the dorms’. “Well that’s because you have no braincells.” she finally answered Jungkook. 
“And it depends on what you’re doing there.” Jimin teased.  
“Are you serious?” Jungkook pretended a hurt look. “Woah… I should find new friends.”  
“Oh stop you two! Let’s just eat!” Hobi said, tired of waiting to eat his chips that were getting cold.  
“She started it!” Jungkook whined, making everyone laugh.  
“It’s ok, I’ll ask for a round for us Gguk!” Jimin whispered to the boy.  
“Shut up virgin boy.” Hyori furrowed her eyebrows making Deo automatically spit her drink, not being able to control her laughter.  
“You’re going way too far, Lee!”  
“Guys!” Hobi and Jimin both said at the same time, tired of hearing them.  
“Ok kids, that’s enough.” Deo said standing up and pulling Hyori right behind her. “We’re going to order her food.”  
“Bring beer!”  
“Don’t forget my sprite!”  
“On it!” Hyori said winking to Hobi. Once they stepped inside the door Deo started asking a million questions.  
“So~~ you’ll tell me now or you’re going to make me suffer and wait until we get to the dorms?”  
“Please don't do a scandal, and I'll tell you better once we are at the dorms but basically I was with Jeonghan but a friend of his arrived and sat there with us and he was like the cutest” she emphasized a lot in the last word “I must have blushed like tons"
"You're still blushing, it looks like you ran a marathon" She chuckled, excited with her friend’s life. "But ok, serious face on but once we get to the dorms, you'll have to tell me everything!"
“I literally ran a marathon to get here!” They both laugh and the waiter finally comes.  
Hyori orders a plain burger with fries, she’s not very hungry. And after all she ran if she ate a lot she’d probably throw up. They pay the drinks and the food and the waiter informs them the food will only take a couple of minutes and he’ll bring it to the table. Once they step outside, Jimin shushes the other boys.  
"Oh yes, such nice weather here!" He says a little too loud, pretending nothing happened, but the girls were too smart not to notice their whispers.  
"What do you think of the weather Jungkook?" Deo asks Jungkook, arching her eyebrow to him. Next to him, Hobi was looking up to the clouds, almost whistling, making his best to avoid eye contact.  
“The weather?” His voice got up an octave. “Yup, super nice! We should go to the pool and uh… have a party?” His tone was nothing but confident and Deo couldn’t help but laugh at his silliness.  
“Oh~~ we should really go to the pool!” Jimin said now excited with the thought of a swim. “Let’s go after we eat!”  
“Ok cut the crap. The weather? Really?” Hyori said still standing up next to the table, one hand on her hip showing even more authority.  
“It is a nice weather.” Deo joked.  
Hyori arched her eyebrow and looked at Hoseok that immediately look everywhere but to her. “Hobi look at me.”  
“Hey don’t force eye contact like that! You weirdo!” Jungkook said but she ignored him.  
“Hum…” Hoseok trailed off, exchanging looks with the boys. “Sorry bro… basically there’s this new girl-”
He’s interrupted. “Dude what the fuck!” Jimin and Jungkook said at the same time and if it weren’t a desperate time, they would’ve high fived.  
“Jimin likes her, she’s one year older than him and her name is Sarah. That’s all I know.” He lowered his head in defeat and then turned to Jimin. “Sorry!”  
“DUDE BRO CODE!” Jimin said, frustrated.  
“Wow, we can’t even talk in peace now.” Jungkook shrugged.  
“Huh…” Deo started, “and you weren’t going to tell us!”  
“Sorry! I’m an honest guy!” Hobi said, putting a chip right in front of Jimin’s mouth that he just couldn’t refuse.  
“Oh please tell me all about her!” Hyori now sat down, waiting expectantly.  
“See! They can help!” Hoseok added.  
After that, Jimin was forced to spill all the details he had on the Sarah girl. He didn’t really know much but Hyori and Deo already were with their phones on their hands searching on social media for the girl. If she was majoring in Investigative Journalism, she had to have any form of social media, and if she did, they would find her. Jimin wouldn’t be able to hide the girl from them for a very long time and in a way he was glad Hobi spilled everything because although Jungkook loved a good gossip, he was terrible at getting information. By the end of the dinner, the girls already found out that Sarah was friends with one of the boys Hyori tutored and now it was only a matter of days until they started planning a super scheme to make her and Jimin talk. They were good friends like that.  
Jungkook was the first to abandon the hangout because he had practice and he, obviously, didn’t have his bag done to shower. Once he got to his floor, the smell of barbeque filled his nostrils and he wasn’t walking anymore, he was more like floating, following the amazing smell. He ended up in front of his own door. Once he opened it, he saw Yoongi and Namjoon eating.  
“Hey man.” Yoongi said once he noticed him.  
“You want some?” Namjoon asked, turning around in his chair to see Jungkook.
“The smell in the hall… amazing guys.” He chuckled. “Thanks, but I have to say no, I have practice in a few.”  
“This late?” Namjoon said already feeling sorry for the boy.  
“Are you sure you can handle going to practice on an empty stomach?” Yoongi asked. He didn’t hang much with Jungkook but he liked to have him as a roommate. He was quiet, clean and he liked the same type of food as him.  
“Yeah, we have a game Saturday and coach is going crazy with our practices. We’re even playing with the girls now.” He laughs lightly. “I ate like an hour ago. I’ll probably end up bringing something home.” He says turning to Yoongi that only nods.  
“With girls? Like… girls in mini shorts?” Namjoon says already excited, the thought of joining the team, running through his mind.  
“Wish it was that good bro.” Jungkook laughs dryly, tapping on his shoulder. “Most of them look like Hulk, they enter full beast mode.”  
“Oh… that must be- uh… Nevermind.” He turns back to his food.  
Yoongi couldn’t keep a straight face to Namjoon’s comment and laughed lightly. He heard rumors about a party and Jungkook confirmed it right away, inviting them to join after the game. They talked a little bit more about their crazy front door neighbor. It was an old lady, maybe in her 60’s and she acted like she was 20. Hell, she even lived near campus. Besides her, everyone in the building was a student. The new good story was that she was developing a crush on Namjoon. Every time she heard him leave the house, she would peek her head out of the door, with rolls on her hair and say ‘have a good day handsome’.
Jungkook excuses himself and goes inside his room, picking up his gym bag from the floor. He quickly shuffles through his clothes and picks up a random shirt and a pair of shorts, a towel and his flipflops. He crossed the living room, saying goodbye to the older boys that were finishing eating and left, towards the elevator.  
“Oh hey Jin.” Jungkook said once the elevator’s door opened, revealing his neighbor from the top floor.  
“Hey man, how are you?”  
“It’s been a while since I last saw you. Since the photoshoot...” He recalled the moment they were together for the last time. It was a photography class and Carolina had brought Jin and Taehyung to model. Jungkook ended up befriending both boys and took photos of them as well.  
“Ah~~” Jin lets out a satisfied sound, remembering that day as well. “It was fun and the shoots you took of me looked great.”  
“If you ever need new ones hit me up.” They reach the ground floor and both exit the elevator, walking side by side until they leave the building completely.  
“You have practice?” Jin asked, only now noticing Jungkook’s bag.  
“Yeah, it’s in a few.”  
“I can take you. I’m going out with a friend but it’s still early, I can drop you there.”  
“I won’t say no to that. If I had to walk all the way back to campus I doubt I'd be able to score.” He chuckles. They got inside the car and it took Jin a while to start it. “Is everything alright?”  
“Oh yeah, I'm just waiting for Carolina, she should be coming down any second. She has practice too.”  
‘Oh boy’ Jungkook thought to himself. Carolina only frowned when she saw him but before she could say anything Jin told her to get in or else they would be late. She had to get into the backseat, very reluctantly and once they got to campus, she quicken up her pace to not even have to talk with the so called virgin boy. He honestly didn’t mind, after the last time they were together, things went south really fast.  
The vibe was bugging Jin and he made a self-note to ask Carolina what had happened between the two but probably not today. He was going out with his friend Harry, a boy from his major that finished off last year but they maintained contact. If he didn’t get home very drunk, it wasn’t his friend Harry. But once he woke up, he would remember to ask.  
> Day 3 <
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19. Free Prompt- High, how are you?
Pairing: Kirishima/ Bakugou, barely
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1929
Summary: Bakugou gets stupid when he’s high, but he’s kinda stupid when he’s not high too. At least when reading Kirishima.
Additional Tags: drug use, extra long ficlet because I done goofed on day 16, alternatively titled: Let’s Be Honest With Ourselves, We’re Way Too High To Drive
High, How are you?
“Is this like…” Mina’s mouth hung open, “... like, a… uh…”
Sero snickered from the floor.
“Stop, listen,” her eyes drooped closed and her mouth lazily grew into a smile.
“Like one of those fuckin… ah… those things ya know?”
“Yeah,” Kirishima answered her. His own lazy smile growing, a giggle slipping past his lips.
“No, no,” she threw out her hand and waved him off. “The ones with… uh…”
Bakugou huffed. Everything was so slow. So lazy.
“Fuck,” she laughed.
“Just give up,” Kirishima dropped his head into her lap.
“God, it's like I… uh…” she cut herself off again.
“Numbed your brain,” Bakugou supplied. Feeling just as numb from the neck up.
“Yeah. That,” she laughed.
Bakugou leaned down from his chair and held the joint up to Sero's lips.
“Take a fuckin sip babe.”
Sero's eyes shot open like the scene from the horror flick they watched the last time they all did this.
He took a quick drag and held it. Closed his eyes again like he was dead to the world.
Only after Bakugou passed the joint to Kirishima did he finally let it out. A thick stream of smoke the only indication Sero was even breathing.
“I'm gonna make beefaroni,” Kaminari sat up from his spot on the floor. He managed to get to his knees, wobbling and then pausing before flopping back down. “On second thought, I'm just… gonna continue laying here.”
“Smort,” Kirishima blew smoke toward Mina's face.
She blinked and then scowled down at him, “Just pass it you pain.”
“So touchy,” the transfer was seamless. Years of practice while high certainly helped.
“Here,” Bakugou threw something in Kaminari's general direction.
The reaction time was less than stellar. Kaminari's arm jerking a good minute after the bag landed next to his head.
It took another full minute before he finally gripped it and brought the bag to his face.
“Oh Bakubro. You really know how to treat a boy.”
“Just dont eat all of them.”
Kaminari opened the bag of hot cheetos from the wrong end, emptying a handful out on his chest and dropping the bag next to him.
“Isn't bright orange supposed to stop us from eating something?” he raised a single cheeto and stared.
Sero let out a small laugh, “I'm in danger.”
Kirishima threw his arm over the front of the couch, resting his hand flat on Sero's face.
Sero sighed.
“Breath through the gas mask buddy and you'll be fine,” Kirishima said.
Sero shot a quick thumbs up.
“I think he meant the cheetos Kiri,” Kaminari crunched down.
“No way, why would the cheetos be in danger?”
“No, the color,” Bakugou chimed in.
“Are you saying the color is in danger? Now that just doesn't make sense.”
“Kiri I swear to God,” Mina handed the joint back to him. “Sometimes I feel like you do this on purpose.”
“Mina, that's supposed to go to Kaminari,” Bakugou sideyed her and leaned back.
“No… I'm pretty sure it goes to Kiri,” she responded.
“Yeah,” Kirishima coughed, sending a puff of smoke toward Bakugou's face.
“You guys always do this. I'm getting the Big Gulp.” Bakugou stood with a bit of a wobble, but managed to keep his footing. His eyes crossed and then un-crossed as he focused on the walk to his room.
“You know,” Kaminari kept talking as if Bakugou were still there, “the Big Gulp is a bright color too. Does that mean we shouldn't eat it?” He stared at another cheeto, eventually throwing it back and crunching down loudly.
“I would hope you don't try and eat it,” Bakugou came back with the piece in hand. “It's silicone. Gotta be hell for your digestion.”
“But the question still remains,” Kaminari pointed a cheeto at him. “Are cheetos any better?”
“No. You know what would be better?” Kirishima lifted his head and stared at the wall just past Kaminari's head. “Taco bell,” he said with every ounce of seriousness he could muster.
“Oh goooood yes,” Kaminari dropped his cheeto hand onto the floor beside him, with a loud thunk. Orange dust settling into the cracks of the wood.
“I knew this was coming,” Mina plucked another joint from the box on the coffee table. “Like clockwork. Kaminari gets hungry. Bakugou placates in a rare gesture of solidarity. Kirishima goes big. Kaminari agrees no matter what vomit inducing idea Kirishima has.”
“Then,” Kirishima held his lighter up to the end of Mina's joint. “Then you know what comes next, Spiderman.”
“A mad dash to find someone sober enough to drive us,” she breathed in deeply.
Bakugou coughed, bringing the big gulp to his mouth. “Or we could just…”
“Or we could just order in, Bakugou will suggest,” Mina interrupted and waved the joint around like a pointer.
“But…” Kirishima counters only to be cut off by Mina again.
“But! We'd have to pay for delivery and we’re broke college kids,” her whining mockery of Kirishima's voice cuts deep and he leers.
“How can you remember entire conversations but not what you were trying to say earlier?” Kaminari asked the hard hitting question.
Mina laughed, her eyes trying too hard to stay open.
“Well it just be like that sometimes,” Bakugou mused.
“It truly do,” Sero whispered from his spot on the floor, eyes still closed, chest still ominously still.
“What I want to know,” Kirishima took a big drag in “is how we're getting that Taco Bell.”
“We're all gonna say we're too high, argue about who's the highest, and then eventually ask your bitch roommate if he'll drive us,” Mina listed like it's been done too many times before.
“We're too hard on Tetsu,” Kirishima interjected. “He's decent enough to do our quesarito runs at least.”
“That's just cuz he wants to get in your pants buddy,” Kaminari threw a cheeto to get Kiri's attention.
“Jokes on him,” Bakugou interrupted. “Kirishima is super straight.”
Mina whipped her head around, nearly dropping the joint onto Kirishima. Kaminari even got up on his elbows and Kirishima just open mouth stared.
Sero shot up, awakening from his near coma, like a vampire sitting up in a coffin.
“What?” he asked.
Bakugou looked from face to face, “I…”
“I knew you were an oblivious gay Baku, but I didn't know you were this bad.”
“Shut up!”
“Let it be known,” Mina spoke over him, “Bakugou would be a lesbian if he weren't a gay man.”
“What does that even mean,” he squinted at her, which was just a mistake because now his eyes kept trying to close.
“It means,” Kaminari pulled another cheeto out and pointed it at Bakugou. “It means, the popular trope that lesbians can be friends with someone for years and not know if they're also a lesbian let alone into them, can be applied to the situation at hand. You, Bakugou, would be a lesbian if you were not a gay man.”
“Christ you guys are fucking stupid,” he leaned back into the Big Gulp.
“He need some milk,” Sero drawled on his way back down to the floor. A loud thunk signaled the end of his obvious consciousness.
“Bakugou's dumb high brain aside,” Kirishima had his own joint now and was waving it around with every word. “I’d blow a guy for some Taco Bell right now.”
Bakugou sputtered, choking out a smoke filled cough.
“Text Tetsu,” Kaminari threw another cheeto.
Bakugou kept coughing. Mina eventually extended her arm to slap his back.
“I don't think Bakugou likes that idea,” Sero whispered.
“Nope, text Tetsu,” Bakugou’s eyes were wide. “Get the… the Taco Bell.”
Kirishima turned on the couch, shoving his feet up and his head down. Eventually moving upside down with his head resting on Sero's stomach and his arms stretched out under the coffee table.
“Kaminari my friend,” he stretched further. “My phone’s by you I think.”
Kaminari threw a cheeto at him and squinted, “sounds like a you problem.”
“Sounds like a lotta hooplah to me,” Sero whispered from under Kirishima.
“Buddy please,” Kirishima whined, stretching just enough to nearly unseat himself.
“Cannot. Too scared,” Kaminari deadpanned.
“I just want Taco Bell,” Kirishima closed his eyes and wiped his face with his hand.
“Do you know the number? You can use my phone,” Mina held out her overly stickered pink iPhone to Kirishima while swapping the Big Gulp for her joint with Bakugou.
“Oh true,” Kirishima grabbed the phone from her hand and started typing.
“Oh,” Bakugou started mumbling to himself. “It's cool you know the fucker’s number, in case of emergencies I guess.”
“Emergency dick,” Mina pursed her lips.
Mina's phone lit up in Kirishima's hands and a trap version of the traditional Nokia ringtone started playing.
“Oh he's calling,” Kirishima’s eyes were fighting to stay open as he swiped the screen to answer the call.
“Yeah it's actually me,” he laughed into the phone. “Yeah… Yeah Taco Bell again… well maybe next time you can smoke with us… as a reward for being such a sweet roommate.”
Kirishima's smile was not lost on the group as he finished up the call.
“Oooh, Kiri has a crush,” Kaminari singsonged into his nearly emptied cheetos bag.
Kirishima side-eyed him and a small smile grew on his face.
“No crush my man, just game.”
“Yeah right,” Bakugou scoffed. “You have as much game as my left pinky.”
This time Bakugou was confident, he didn't misjudge. Only… they were all staring at him again.
“Bakugou,” Mina laid her hand on his arm. “Your experiences are not universal.”
He looked from Mina to Sero to Kaminari and then back to Kirishima. Squinting his eyes in an attempt to understand how he got Kirishima so wrong.
“I don't understand,” he whispered.
Kirishima sat back up, head back and feet squirming next to Sero's stomach. He handed Mina his joint and leaned forward to get off the couch.
“Maybe this'll help you understand.”
He took the joint from Bakugou's hand and pulled hard. He rested both hands on either side of him and blew the smoke directly into his open mouth.
“You're supposed to breath in,” Mina popped her head into his line of sight.
He knew that.
“I know that.”
Kirishima raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Let's try that one more time Katsuki.”
He took a long pull in, rested his hand back down with the lit end up, and then leaned back into Bakugou's space.
The onslaught of smoke and hot breath nearly had him forgetting to breath it in again, but then Kirishima rested his other hand on Bakugou’s arm and it sent a jolt down his spine. He breathed in too quickly and overloaded his lungs, which sent him into a coughing fit. Luckily he somehow had the forethought to shove his head into Kirishima’s neck instead of cough directly in his face. But that presented another problem when he inhaled Kirishima’s cologne.
“I think you murdered Bakugou,” Kaminari threw a handful of cheetos at Kirishima’s back. “ Aw fuck, that was my last handful.”
Bakugou bunched his hand into Kirishima’s shirt and pushed him back.
“Told you he’s got game,” Mina said under her breath. “Kind of like…”
“Oh my god shut up,” Bakugou coughed out, another wheeze that wracked his body.
Kirishima pulled back and threw himself over Mina and back onto the couch.
“Oh my god…” he looked up at Mina. “It’s like…” and her eyes went wide in recognition. “It’s like…” his hands came up to his ears and curled over. “It’s like nya.”
“I hate you all,” Bakugou wheezed.
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ill-skillsgard · 6 years
Smoke & Money, Part 1 - Bill Skarsgård
Title: Smoke & Money
Warning: 100% NSFW,  some drug use, swearing, sex/fetish/kink type situations.
Description: A young sex worker gets tangled in the dangerous web of a wealthy entrepreneur whose tastes push her past all of her known limits. 
A/N: This is the very first multi-chapter fic I ever did with Bill in it. I’ll be re-posting all of the parts again so I can re-do my masterlist. None of the reposted parts will not have Author’s Notes on it from here on. Thanks!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
I let a thick plume of smoke leave my lungs and sank back into the sofa in my small living room. The material of my cotton cardigan made a soft noise against the grey velour as I relaxed. It was my day off and I had chosen to spend it smoking weed and tidying my apartment until I grew tired of cleaning and decided to sit down.
My phone was on silent but I could see the screen flashing to life every couple of minutes with incoming e-mails. It had to have been a mixture of loyalty e-mails from boutiques, clients, and potential clients. It was my day off. I was not supposed to be looking at my phone at all. After having been accused of being a workaholic or a ‘phone-zombie’ I decided to take just one day out of the week to keep to myself. No clients. However, the more my phone flashed to life the more curious I started to get. After all, each client was more money in my pocket and ignoring that felt sacrilegious to my profession.
“Just let it slip from your mind,” I whispered to myself. I started to descend into a heavy haze, the marijuana taking its slow effect. It only took a few minutes before I forgot about my phone in favor of an old friend of mine- video games. My guilty pleasure. For a reason unknown to myself, I could never get enough video games. Trying to fit a gaming session into my schedule was a rarity, especially an uninterrupted one. I felt the slightest pang of shame whenever I really got into it. I imagined being an outsider, looking at myself- an adult woman screaming at a television screen, controller in hand. Whatever, I thought. Plenty of older people played video games. Sometimes I couldn’t escape the thought that I could be doing much more productive things but hey, it was my day off, like I said.
I let myself get lost in my game for at least an hour before I finally threw a glance over to my cell phone, just in time to see the screen light up once more with an e-mail notification. Sighing with defeat, I snatched up the phone and unlocked it to see what sort of mess of incoming messages I had been ignoring. Over 20 e-mails, a dozen texts from existing clients and even a missed call. I checked the missed call to make sure it wasn’t someone of importance. The number was unknown. I never answered unknown numbers. New clients always reached out via e-mail so I chalked it up to a telemarketing call. As I was going through my e-mails another one came in from an address I had never seen before. The subject line said, “1000 tonight.”
I snickered as I tapped the e-mail to open it. Often I had clients really play up their annual income. They made all sorts of promises of luxurious vacations, expensive nights out on the town, lots of money for many salacious acts but it was rare that I actually connected with someone who had real money to back their claims. My clients were typically middle-aged men with decent bank accounts, though nothing to fly out the door for. I had a few top-priority clients but they were usually just dinners and blowjobs. I forgave myself for being intrigued by the promise of a grand for one night. There was usually no harm in entertaining the wannabe high-rollers.
Below the concise subject line, the e-mail read,
I am offering a thousand dollars for a house call, tonight.
- B. S.
I couldn’t help but smirk. Such a bluntly worded e-mail with no details usually warranted a response.
A thousand dollars for one night? I assume you have a special request and dare I ask what that may be at such a steep price?
I sent the e-mail off and leaned back against the back of the sofa. It wasn’t but five minutes later that I received a response from my new mysterious benefactor.
Just a submissive demeanor, please. Interested?
-B. S.
I did not hesitate to answer right away. Fuck a day off. If I could pull in a grand in one night I wouldn’t have to work again for another two weeks, however unlikely that would be.
I am interested. What is the address?
Again there was hardly a wait time before I received another e-mail.
What is your address? I’ll send a car.
-B. S.
My mouth twisted in contemplation. This exchange could go one of two ways; If I disclosed my location to an unknown potential client I could get stalked by a psycho and it would be my own doing. I wouldn’t be able to go to the police because of my own shady circumstances and I couldn’t afford the protection from a bodyguard at this time. On the other hand, I could land myself a wealthy client and the risk would not outweigh the monetary gain. Between all of my thoughts and potential scenarios that mostly involved my death, I decided I would take the risk. I owned a few weapons that could be used in self-defense if it did come down to it. My line of work did come with certain workplace hazards. If not, score for me.
I sent one last e-mail containing my address and then sat back to wait.
If you have a dress, black stockings, and knee-length jacket, please wear it and no excessive jewelry. See you soon…
- B. S.
“Well… How very specific of you.” I said to myself.
I glanced at the TV screen and sighed once more. A day off, my ass. After turning off all of my electronics I went to my bedroom to begin changing while stealing peeks out of my bedroom window to see if a car pulled up. The street was quiet and slick with moisture. It had been trying to rain all day but only produced a fine mist which was just enough to coat the concrete. I slipped on a black dress that ended halfway down my upper thigh. I was in luck when it came to the client’s request because I had just bought a new jacket the previous Autumn. It was a trench-coat style jacket that buttoned up and had a matching belt to cinch the waist. It wasn’t precisely knee-length, but my petite stature never allowed for clothing to fit the way it was intended. The hem reached just above my shin, covering my knees entirely. Underneath the dress, I wore a sheer black garter belt that clipped on my matching stockings. It was a lingerie set I had splurged on recently instead of my go-to sex shop attire. The whole getup was probably everything expensive I owned which was not a lot. I had never been too keen on spending my money on clothing seeing as it usually ended up on someone’s floor anyway.
After getting dressed I looked out the window again but saw no car besides my neighbors’ vehicles which were parked along the street. I looked at my cellphone and saw that half an hour had passed. I cocked my head and considered that perhaps this was all just a ruse and nobody was actually coming to pick me up. With that thought now implanted in my head, I let out a puff of air that had been stifled in my lungs for far too long. If I wasted my time getting dressed just to be toyed with I would have some choice words for this Mr. B. S.
The more time ticked away the more I convinced myself that it had been too good to be true. I checked my makeup a dozen times, changed 4 different pairs of shoes and deeply considered whether I should bring a purse or not. By the time I made a decision I heard a car pull up. Shifting the curtain aside, I peered out towards the street and saw a sleek black BMW. The driver must have seen me looking out because the lights flashed to signal my attention.
“Oh shit.”
I suddenly felt rushed and everything that I had decided on was all of a sudden not good enough. I flitted about from room to room turning off the lights, checking my hair and makeup once more and making sure I had my keys with me. I stepped outside into the cool breeze, my heels making a distinct noise against the stone porch. I promptly locked the door and made my way down the steps toward the shiny black car. The driver’s side door opened and a man stepped out. He was tall and lean but with shoulders almost the size of a football players. The suit he wore was charcoal, fitted and expensive looking, exactly what you would expect someone’s chauffeur to look like these days.
“Ma'am,” he nodded his head and swung around to open the door to the backseat.
“Uh, thanks,” I said, returning the friendly nod.
The interior of the car was immaculate, almost as if nobody had ever been in it before. It smelled like money. I liked money but I also really liked being whisked away in luxury cars to unknown locations. I could only imagine it would be a beautiful house in the Northern end of town. By the direction the driver started off in, I felt I was right. Wordlessly I was driven further away from my quaint apartment through the districts and up towards the rich side of town. Finally, somebody with money wanted to meet with me. There was a certain sick, sexual prowess I felt knowing that a rich old man wanted to give me all sorts of money just to get him off.
Before I felt too cocky, I wondered to myself, what would it be that this man wants? What specific act did he want me to perform for him? Nine times out of ten the clients just wanted a strip-tease and a blowjob or just to fuck me from behind or have me ride them. It wasn’t the most glamorous of times either. I specifically hated when men insisted we do our business in their car. They were usually dirty, smelly, full of garbage or had a generally creepy vibe to it. I wondered what a man could want if he could offer a thousand dollars to a woman he had never met before and had only viewed a few select images online.
My head became clouded with thoughts and possibilities and before I knew it we were pulling onto a huge arc-shaped driveway that led up to a huge house with the biggest white double doors I had ever witnessed. Dark green pines jutted up all around, forming a shield that obscured a good look at the estate from the street. A lot of the houses around this area were similar in that way. All of the rich people wanted to live in the same neighborhood but none of them wanted to see each other’s wealth, at least not that close up. I suppose if I had made it my life’s work to collect cars, I wouldn’t want to see the person across the street with better ones than I had. I snickered to myself and earned a glance in the rear-view mirror by the driver.
“Here we are, Miss.”
I nodded, mouth contorting downwards in mock contempt. He and I both knew this was ridiculous, I could tell. The suited driver got out and opened the door for me. I thanked him again and stepped out of the car, heels crunching on gravel beneath me. I clutched my purse to my waist and waited, not wanting to waltz right in the front door. I half expected a butler to greet me but instead, the driver jogged up the long steps and opened the door for me.
“Oh okay guess I’m just going right on in then, huh?” I asked.
“Yes, ma'am. You’ll want the second door to your left, up the stairs.”
As I entered I marveled at the sheer size of the foyer however dimly lit it was. The rugs were all lush, foreign and perfectly suited to the colour of the walls which looked like a deep red. Paintings taller than me hung everywhere, all of lavishly dressed people looking well-groomed and scathingly debonair. It was nearly comical to me. Was this guy a member of royalty or did he just want his house to look like he was?
“Second door on the left.” I recited to myself as I went up the spiraling stairs. “Second door to your left at Hogwarts, don’t let the paintings misdirect you.”
Before I could stop tittering to myself I had reached the first landing that branched off east and west. Down the west wing was a corridor almost too long to see the end of with wall sconces illuminating the way. I counted six doors on one side and didn’t catch a good look at the other. Down the east wing, which was where I had been directed, the corridor was almost the same but took a turn instead. There was the first door and then I glanced further on to see the second. The door was open and a faint light cast a pyramid of light into the shadowy hall. I could see light curls of smoke floating out of the room only by the light as if the smell wasn’t obvious enough. It was a cigar and an expensive smelling one at that.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous when I started down the hall and stopped in front of the open door. Inside the ceilings cascaded upwards and a chandelier that could crush me twinkled sweetly in the night’s pale light. A huge canopy bed was staged on the farthest wall in between two towering windows. The drapes were drawn over one, huge swaths of royal blue cloth that hung from what looked to be wrought iron bars. The other window had the drapes drawn away so that the light of the moon came filtering through, setting a palpable atmosphere of mystery and dare I say, enchantment? The smoke was coming from the canopy bed but I could not see who the smoke was being produced by. All I could see was a pair of men’s shoes, a jar and a rag sitting in the middle of a carpet that was roughly the size of my entire apartment. I cocked my head at the scene before me.
“Hello.” A rather young sounding voice said to me.
“Um, hello, whoever you are? I’m J. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
“Pleasure is mine.”
The combustion of a match illuminated his face very briefly as he relit his cigar. Before I could get a good look at his face, he waved the flame out. I heard him puffing away on the cigar and then a long white hand reached from the shadow to drop the burnt out match amongst a pile of others in a crystal ashtray. The man’s fingers were long and elegant. He definitely wasn’t an old guy like I had predicted.
“What would you have of me, sir?”
There was a long pause and then an exhalation of smoke and a sniffle. My eyes strained to adjust in the dimness of the room.
“You see the shoes?” He asked me.
“Polish them.”
I glanced at the shoes then back up at the shapeless voice I was communicating with. I heard the rustle of sheets as he must have been getting himself comfortable.
So many thoughts were going through my mind all at once that it almost took me too long to answer. I could have gone with the obvious things to reply with or I could try something different. Suddenly I regretted smoking all that weed earlier back at my apartment.  There were too many things to say. Too many ways I could fuck this up. What if I said the wrong thing and he decided he didn’t want to pay me? Fuck. I had totally forgotten to tell somebody where I was going in case this guy did turn out to be some psycho murderer.
I could refuse, claiming I was not a maid-service but then he had also requested that I remain submissive. That narrowed down my options a little bit. A thousand dollars was too much to pass up and if all he wanted was for somebody to clean his shoes, Hell, I’d have polished a dozen pairs at that rate.
“Well?” He said after clearing his throat.
Without saying anything, I set my purse on the ground and took a few steps towards the shoes. They were leather and expensive looking ones at that. I would put money on them being worth more than my monthly rent payment. Beside them was a soft rag that looked like it had never been used before. Next to it was a black jar of shoe polish. I knew I had minimal time to think so I dropped to my knees and picked up the cloth. It felt so soft on my skin that I almost wanted to hold it to my face. I resisted the urge and dropped the rag in my lap as I opened the jar of polish. The scent of it filled my nose with artificial leather.
I was still in my long jacket as he requested.
So what am I just going to like, polish your shoes for you? What am I dressed up as? Wouldn’t it have been the obvious choice to pick a maid’s outfit? I feel like I’m over-dressed for this… task? What about this has any sexual connotations anyway? Fuck… It’s a thousand bucks. A thousand. Fucking. Dollars. Pick up the rag and get going.
Dipping the corner of the rag into the shoe polish, I began. At first, I heard nothing at all but the quietest shuffling of cotton against leather, not even the sound of his lips drawing on the cigar. I started with the toe of the shoe. The whole thing had to have been the length of my forearm. With the rag tucked around my fingers I applied the polish in swift little circles all over, buffing until the polish disappeared into the leather, leaving it glistening. I worked my way down and around making sure to be diligent, checking my posture and breathing and trying to forget the fact that a man was somehow getting off to me doing this. Or maybe he wasn’t at all. I could hear nothing.
“Good. Take your jacket off.” He finally said after what seemed like ages of me shining.
I nodded curtly in response and put down the rag, careful not to let the side with polish on it touch the carpet. I unbuttoned my coat and shrugged it off my shoulders so that it fell down around me in a pile. I promptly picked up the rag, the shoe and again began drawing small circles on top of circles.
The bed began to move as he shifted, perhaps to come closer. I was almost afraid to look up from my work. What was I going to see? What would he allow me to see? Was he handsome? Did he have a deformity? I wondered what expression he had on his face. I wondered if he had his cock in his hand. No… you could always hear them beating off… He was simply watching me.
After a while, my arm began to ache so I switched hands. The beginnings of a sweat started to break on my body. I wanted to be thorough and mindful of what I was doing but in reality, I had no clue how long he wanted me to take or if I was doing a good job or if he even cared what kind of job I did on them. All I knew was there was a rich man watching me and the room was filled with the strong earthy scent of cigar smoke. During the time I took dipping my clothed finger in the jar of polish and applying it to the fine leather I heard the tinkling of a glass as well.
Smoking and drinking and watching me. Watching me shine his shoes.
Once I felt I had gone on long enough polishing the left shoe, I moved on to the right shoe. My pulse quickened as I set it down. Was that good enough? Did I take enough time for his liking? Why won’t he say a thing?
I tried not to over-think it, lest I start setting myself into a panic. I just kept having to repeat in my head… One thousand. Fucking. Dollars.
The second shoe took even longer than the first. Nobody could say that I didn’t make those shoes shine. Even though the room was dark, I managed to do what I thought was enough. I traced the contours of the fine shoes over and over until they shone like mirrors.
I almost forgot that the man was there. For a moment my mind drifted away as it usually did whenever I performed some daunting, repetitive task. Drawing circles upon circles upon circles. Giving blowjobs. Up and down and around and up and down, down, down until I couldn’t go down any more then back up. The more repetition, the number I became, which was really a gift in my line of work.
He cleared his throat.
“Your money is on the table.”
Without opening my mouth to say anything, I stopped what I was doing and set the shoe and rag down once more and for the last time that night.
Without appearing too desperate to leave, I rose, collected my jacket and purse and turned back towards the canopy bed. The four posts spiraled like great spears thrusting upwards, festooned with sheets of silk. In the moonlight, it was hard to tell exactly what colour the silks were but if I were to take a guess I would have said they were the colour of Chardonnay. The whole room was filled with beautifully kept antique woods. A wooden armoire, a wooden bureau, the wooden bed, an antique chair.
“Right there, on the table.”
I turned around and saw the table he spoke of. There was a brass plate with a wad of cash on it all folded with a silver clip. I was almost hesitant to take it but I did and for a moment I just stared at it. All fifty dollar notes. Did I count it in front of him? It was my personal habit to count my money in front of the client to assure they didn’t pull any fast moves. I doubted this would be a welcome time to continue in my routine of checking. I trusted him for some reason.
“Thank you Miss J, you may leave now.”
With that, I gave a small curtsy, smiled towards the darkness he was shrouded within and turned to leave exactly the way I had come in. When I entered the hall I had forgotten what it was like to breath clean air. His room was filled with so much smoke I could smell it on my jacket and we were more than ten feet apart for the duration of our transaction.
I clutched the money in my hand almost as if someone was going to take it from me. I had often heard of some girls scoring big with rich men for doing some strange non-sexual things but this had to have been a new record. Not even half an hour and I had come away with almost enough money for rent. Or a little shopping spree. But probably rent.
I was driven back home in the exact same manner that I was picked up. I exchanged short pleasantries with the driver and once I was home he opened the car door for me again. The BMW stayed where it was until I unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside.
“Well, that was nice,” I said to myself after I shut and locked the door, shoving my hand into the pocket I had stashed my night’s earnings in.
I gave it the count and confirmed it was definitely a thousand REAL dollars.
What the fuck? How the fuck? Who was that and why?
For the remainder of the evening I laid in bed and stared at the mountain of fifty dollar bills on my bedside table and I was finally able to truly take my attention off of my phone. There would be no need for me to pick up any clients for a while beside what I already had scheduled. Fucking. Score. No blowjobs for at least a week.
In a weird way, the easy money sort of tainted me for a while and I didn’t want to meet up with anybody. It wasn’t like I had actual obligations to anyone but when I declined to meet up with an older client of mine the following day I surprised even myself. I did take pride in my availability and it showed by the level of satisfaction my clients had with me but I had the means of shrugging off a job here and there which was not a normal feeling.
I had been doing sex work for a while to make money on the side of a full-time job. It wasn’t ideal but it was something that I found easy, fun and profitable. The more I did it the more I liked it so I kept doing it to pay off debts and to get myself out of the really shitty end of town to a not-so-shitty part. Nothing relatively close to the place my new rich client lived but still, a lot better.
I dreamed about that massive house a lot in the days to come. Always in these dreams, I was barefoot, walking up the stairs and down the east wing to his smoky room. He was encased in shadows as I remembered him. The silk sashes from the canopy bed swirled salaciously over the wood and down to the ground where my feet were planted. Snakes of soft fabric slithered across the carpet, curling around my ankles as he watched me from his bed. That was where the dream always ended.
Days came and went and so did the money I earned. It wasn’t long before I was picking up clients again. One particular client of mine was named Frederick and he was one of my preferred clients because he had the decency to bring me to a nice hotel for the few hours every time we met. He also paid me first because we had gained a level of trust.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t see you earlier this week. I wasn’t feeling well that night.” I lied to him as I slipped off my leather gloves.
“Nonsense my dear. I can’t always expect to have beautiful women at my every beck and call.”
Well I mean, for the right price you could.
“Don’t worry yourself about it, dear. Just allow me to think that I am your favourite and all is forgiven.”
I smiled. Frederick truly was a gentleman to me. A gentleman that liked to get fucked in the ass with a nine-inch dildo  "Alright Romeo, get on your knees and tell my big black cock how much you missed it.“
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detginski · 6 years
A tattoo for a lengthen hand hold
Human!RK900 x reader
tattoo artist au with flower shop au hehehe
writing for self indulgence also bcs muirail gave me this idea and its lit as shit
as usual, word vomit + shitty writing + lining words together to make some sense. mckfing enjoy muah muah
It’s been a slow day at the parlor. You were supposed to have an appointment now but the customer canceled last minute due to some things they can’t avoid. So here you are, hanging on the bench infront of the parlor, smoking and watching the world go by. It was a chilly kind of lazy day, you enjoy the sound of people chattering excitedly at the cafe right down the streets, the soft sound of machine whirring inside the parlor and you look up at the bright and colorful shop right across the street from the parlor. You smiled against your cigarette when you notice the older Anderson talks to his plants as he waters them. Over the time you worked there, you develop a little bit of crush towards that man. It was not your fault that you fell for the charming smile he gives to the customer or when he just looks so serene and handsome when he checks out the flowers at the shop like its the most amazing thing he has seen. Oh how you wished he looked at you like that. Your crushing was made apparent when Gavin pointed it out one day. And everyone in the tattoo parlor sees it and agrees on the fact that you are very much very inlove with the man who only spares you a few words of greeting. Gavin always teases you whenever Nines opens up his shop or whenever he walks by the parlor and if you were tattooing someone at the moment, you would put your tattoo gun down and watch him walk by. 
You threw your cigarette butt in the almost filled ash tray beside you and walked across the street towards the shop. You knocked on the window, smiling and waving when the man on the other side of the glass turned to look at you. You could see him restraining himself on giving you an eyeroll. Lets just say your charisma check is always a critical fail the d20 dice whenever you talk to him. Because of your shitty social skill, you weren't exactly on his ‘favourite person’ list because of that one incident where you accidentally embarrassed him in front of his customers. Well, it wasn’t your fault that when you learnt his name is Richard, you thought his nickname was Dick. And that got you downgraded from ‘eh im okay with them’ person to ‘what the fuck is this weirdo still here’ person. But you are still on his ‘tolerable person’ list and you get to call him by his actual nickname, Nines. You see him putting down his watering can and walked out of the shop to lean on the window you just knocked. 
“So what secrets did the plants tell you today?” You mentally punched yourself in the face for that shit conversation starter. But you could hear him chuckle at your comment and your heart soared, score one of the geek!, you thought as you light up a cigarette. "If it weren’t for the fact that your shop is right across of mine, I would think you’re either obsess with me or you have a crush on me.” He says as he plucks the cigarette you just lit out of your mouth and smoked it himself. You looked up at him dumbfounded and blushed when you see him smoking your cigarette. Which had touched your lips. You turn head down to watch your feet when he turns to look at you with an eyebrow raised “So, which is it?” he asks as he keeps on smoke the cigarette that’s been on your lip. On your lip, like an indirect kiss or some sort. You are very much freaking out, mentally and physically, over that fact and you just blurt out a, “hey! looks like I forgot I have an appointment right now. Catch ya later, flower boyyo!” You awkwardly gave him a wink and finger guns him before jogging back to your parlor and entered hastily. 
Everyone in the shop had seen the exchange, Jason was giggling while he works on a tattoo on a customer, Tina who's working the counter gave you a thumbs up and Gavin openly laughed at your face. “You should’ve seen your face! God that was so priceless. I’m pretty sure he’s thinking how much of a weirdo you are right now, (y/n).” Gavin had laughed so hard he had to sit down to catch his breath. You rolled your eye at your best friend and purposely lean on him with your full weight, "Shut the fuck up, noob. It’s not like you’re any different. Oh Connor, Oh beautiful baby faced Connor” You said in a mocking sweet voice. That earned you a pinch on your thigh. “Okay, now YOU. Shut up.” You mocked a laugh at the man and he just gave you a middle finger. “Get off me you mooch. Unlike you I have a job to do.” You made a face at him and moved to sit at the seat Gavin was sitting, “It’s not like it’s my fault my customer bailed on me.” “maybe its because you have so much geek tattoo on you they’re afraid your nerd would rub off on them.” “Oh shut up, tattoos are art and you shouldn’t insult art.” Gavin shuts his mouth at that and nods with a smile, “Point taken, flower boyyo.” He escaped with a laughter towards the studio for fear you might flung the nearest item towards him.
You were cleaning up after a walk in customer when the bell on the front door rang, signalling someone had entered the parlor. You heard Gavin greeted them and him, chuckling? You inwardly shrug and finish clearing up your area before Gavin called you from the front desk. You answered and grabbed your cup of coffee, sipping on it as you walked from the studio to the front desk only to nearly choke on your coffee when you realize who it was. You coughed wildly into your palm and Gavin’s hand automatically went to your back to give it a pat. You could’ve swore you see Nines’ face changed from irritated look to indifference in mere seconds. You thought he really does dislike you to a certain level that made him do that face when he sees you. You deflate alittle but turned to Gavin to avoid looking like a kicked puppy if you made eye contact with Nines. 
“So what’s the sitch?” "First of all, you nerd. Second of all, our neighbour here wanted to get a tattoo.” 
“Oh cool-” 
“From you.” 
You thanked god you had put down your coffee cup because if you were still holding it you're afraid it might've get crushed in your hand. You turn to Nines and your eyes widen in surprise, “Cool cool cool cool cool. So what is it that you want me to tattoo on you?” Gavin gave you a really wide smile and lean in to whisper in your ear, "Pray real hard he gets to take off his shirt.” And slink away as you blushed at that. Now that you’re facing Nines, you could see that he wasn’t irritated at you, he was irritated at.. Gavin? But what did Gavin do that made him the receiving end of Nines' face? you thought but ignored it for the sake of good customer service. Nines cleared his throat and took out his phone to show you a sleeve tattoo that runs from the chest to the back of his hands, “I want to design done, if that’s alright.” you took his phone from his hand and ‘ooh-ed aahh-ed and woaw-ed’ at it all while looking super amazed. "Oh damn, flower boyyo! This is a sick ass design!" you excitedly told him, that gained you a soft smile coming from the man. The design was a biometric design starting from the chest with dashes of flowers in between. "Give me two days tops to make a stencil out of it. Oh my god can't wait to get this done!" You're so excited you forgot who are you tattooing and the fact that, he indeed will take off his shirt for you, when you're tattooing him. 
"Can you send me the design via bluetooth?" Nines shook his head and gave you a suave smile, "I'll text it to you. What's your number?" You stopped your movement half way and look up at him, did he just.. did he just casually asked for your number?, your dork brain is screaming at you and your heart is already out of your chest, writhing on the floor because, your crush had just asked for your number. "U-uhh.." You had to clear your throat and shook your head to get your mouth connected with your brain again. "I-I'll type it down on your phone." You quickly typed in your phone and pass it back to him without saving it. You were still trying to comprehend what had happen when you jumped at the sound of your ringtone. "Now you have my number. I'll text it to you later, okay?" He says, still flashing his suave smile and then he winks. He mcfucking winked at you with that smile plastered on his face and for the love of god it has your heart spluttered to a stop. And you only managed stare at him dumbfounded as you watch him walk out of the store.
You turn to Gavin who's watching the entire exchange and you immediately let your freak out, "What the fuck?! What the flying fuck?! Did you see that?! Gav!! Did you FUCKING see that?!" Gavin was also freaking out with you but he's laughing while you're genuinely freaking out. "Ho..ly.. SHIT!!!!! That actually fucking happen!! Oh my fuck!!" Gavin laughed his ass off again for the second time that day and you can’t help but join him laughing. It took the both of you 20 minutes to cool down. “Oh my god. oh my good fucking god. That man is going to kill me one day” “Not if he smash your pelvis first!” with that you smack your bestfriend in the head.
The first text you received from Nines was the picture of the tattoo and a ‘Can’t wait to see you in action’ and that got you squealing and nearly punching Gavin in the face when the other decided its a great idea to chill in your room when you’re excited. Since then, both of you have been casually texting each other, usually Nines is the one initiating the texts. He always sends you a good morning with a picture of his flowers or plants or even a blurry picture of Connor he took which you gave it to Gavin. Finally you’re done with the stencil and it was time you see his naked torso get on with the epic tattoo. Gavin has been teasing you about it since morning and you felt like you haven’t had enough coffee for the day even tho you drank almost 6 mugs of coffee. 
You sent a quick text to Nines saying he could drop by anything and you’re just prepping area for Nines when suddenly you felt a presence behind you. Thinking it was Gavin trying to tease you for the millionth time that day, “I know what you want to say, Gav. Can’t I just enjoy my job for once? I mean yeah we both know he has a really hot bod and I’m definitely gonna enjoy my time tattooing him but really? I’m getting real tired of the relentless teasing since last night.” you sighed and turn to the presence behind you only to have your eyes nearly popped out of your socket and your face turning bright red. Nines is just smiling widely and looking very amused. “So when shall we start, (y/n).” the way his voice lowers an octave on your name does things to your heart and to your body. “U-uhh I-in a few minutes! Just give me a moment to prep the area! Wait at the lounge would you?” you nervously blurt out as you escape from him and running straight to Gavin. You put your face on Gavin’s shoulder and screamed into it. Gavin is used to you using him as a ‘venting pillow’ just pats you on the head, “That’s what you get for being such a loser, loser.” you just punched him at the side weakly and Gavin chuckled at that. He noticed that Nines is actively trying to murder him with his eyes from the lounge and he nudges you, “Uhh, apparently flower boyyo is trying to kill me with his eyes. I’m actually scared now. Get off me before he walks over here and stabs me with one of my own needles.” You reluctantly lets go of Gavin and turns to Nines only to see that the man is just flashing you one of his suave smile. “Ugh, if he keeps on giving me that smile I swear I’m going to have a cardiac arrest and high blood pressure.” Gavin only chuckled at that and went back to working on his customer’s tattoo.
You finished prepping the area and called Nines over. “You can take off your shirt.. if you’re comfortable with it.” you added quickly. Nines chuckled and took it off without answering you and dear god good lord almighty all the high heavens sweet baby jesus he is EXTREMELY WELL BUILT FOR A FLORIST, you thought and unconsciously licked your lips. What you didn’t realize was, Nines was watching your expression and his eyes darken for a second at you licking your lips. You took in a shuddering breath and asked him to lean back on the chair, “You ready for some pain, flower boyyo?” “It’s definitely better than you calling me ‘dick’” he winked at you and you just awkwardly laugh at that embarrassing memory. “Aalrighty then.” and with that you start, focusing entirely on doing the tattoo and obviously not on the rigged body you feel underneath your glove clad hands.
The tattoo session you had with Nines was just completing the chest and bicep part, then the second session was the shading of the area and you continuing down to his forearm. And then finally the last session, where you get to hold his hand for the final part of the bionic arm tattoo. During the last few session, you learnt that he had served in the army and the marines. His dad wanted him to become a cop but he felt like the cop life just doesn’t suits him. So he went and sign up for the army then continue on to being in the marine. Hence the wellbuilt body and his knowledge on different types of martial arts and weapons. You, a dork, was intrigued by his stories and his adventures, you wished the sessions never ends. But alas, here you are, almost completing his tattoo. 
Gavin could see you pouting the entire morning and watching the time like it had insulted your entire family lineage. He sighed at your slow brain and approached you that morning during a smoke break, “Ask him out for coffee.” “He could get coffee here.” “I mean ask him out on a date, dumbass.” You just turn to Gavin with the most scandalous expression, “I can’t just ask a very attractive man on a date! Have you seen me? I look like a raccoon shedding its fur. If not worse, like a balding raccoon drenched in garbage water. That’s what I look like on a daily basis.” “Not to him, you’re not.” you just rolled your eyes at your bestfriend’s attempt on making you feel better. “No I mean for real. Have you seen the way he looks at you when you’re talking about your geeky shit or that one story you thought was funny but it was not? Yo! It’s like some cliche rom com shit Tina likes to watch.” “As if.” “Believe it or not, I’m just saying. Oop, here comes your flower boyyo. Ask him out goddamnit.” He knocks your shoulder before leaving to attend to his customer. You scrunch your face at Gavin and turned to smile at Nines, “Ready for the final piece?” “I’m ready if you are.” and there he goes, flashing that damned handsome smile of his. Your heart still beats out of your chest at that sight but it dampens alittle at the thought that you won’t be able to talk with him much anymore because he’s not obligated to be stuck with you and you’re pretty sure he doesn’t want to hang out with a dork like you. You sat him down at the chair and he hold out his hand for you, you went from lovesick dork to professional tattoo artist in a second when the tattoo gun is in your gloved hand. 
The entire time you held his hand, you didn’t notice Nines took several pictures of you working on his hand tattoo and the fact that he had squeezed your hand to see if you noticed, which you didn’t. Instead of talking, both of you kept silent and the only sound coming from that area was the whirring of the tattoo machine and your fall out boy playlist playing softly on the speaker by the chair. By the time you’re done with his tattoo, you put down the tattoo gun and gently wipe the tattoo. That’s when you realize you held his hand for a very very long time. You wanted to pull your hand away but he clutched your hand in his. You turn up to him, blushing and he leans extremely close to you, “Do you want to go on a date with me?” he caught you off guard and it took you awhile to get your mouth to function instead of hanging uselessly open, you let out an awkward laugh instead. “Y-yeah sure! I mean yeah we could hang out, I’m not exactly a good date material. I mean have you seen me? Haha If you put a wet raccoon next to me I’m pretty sure you’ll me thinking the raccoon looks better than me-” he shut you up by kissing the corner of your lips. Your eyes widen a fraction and thank god you were sitting if not you’d be tumbling down on the floor by how much your knee shakes. Instead of you leading him to the front desk to settle his last tattoo payment, he pulled you up and both of you held hands the entire way to the front desk. He passed you the cash and leans towards you to plant a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll text you the details.” and with that he gave you a final wink and walked out of the store.
It took you a full 10 full minutes to come back to life and freak the fuck out.
Gavin is just snickering and happily collects 10bucks from Jason and Tina. “Told you they won’t make the first move.”
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diinofayce · 6 years
Who You Selling For?
Pairing: Bodyguard! Steve Rogers x Musician! OFC! Addison Schmidt x Bodyguard! Bucky Barnes | Word Count: 3k | Warnings: Drug use, language, slow burn | THE HOUSE |  A/N: If you didn’t catch the memo in the first chapter, this whole story is an complete unedited and raw mess. It’s just something that gets typed out when I’m feeling down and raw.
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Hit Me Like A Man
Addison glowered at the two men as they led her to the elevators after the meeting. Right away Bucky took the lead out of the elevator to the car while Steve stayed just behind her. Bucky was anxious to put a bit of distance between himself and the musician as she had found yet another way to irritate him. Tony had tossed his niece a piece of gum to chew on during the meeting so she would quit grinding her teeth and it turned out that snapping bubbles really bothered the living hell out of Bucky. Bucky threw open the back door for Addison and waited impatiently for her to slide in. She watched as Bucky caught Steve’s elbow and he leaned in close to whisper something to the blond, Bucky’s hand staying firm on Steve’s upper arm.
Addison pulled her sunglasses down from her tangled gold locks to rest on the bridge of her nose. Reaching into her jacket she pulled out a pack of light blue American Spirits and a hot pink lighter. She watched as Bucky walked around the front of the car, his blue eyes flicking around to multiple points in the city block looking for anything out of the ordinary. As soon as he had turned the car on she cracked the window and lit her cigarette.
“Don’t care if I smoke, right?” Addison asked after already taking a long drag and blowing a thin stream of smoke out the window.
Steve’s nose crinkled but Bucky didn’t even bother to cast her a look. Quirking the corner of her mouth up she snapped her gum sharply and chuckled softly to herself when she noticed Bucky’s grip tighten on the steering wheel. Steve simply rolled his eyes and pulled a folder out the briefcase that Tony sent him out with. Addison watched Steve gently open the file and stroke his beard as his eyes moved over the lines of text. Licking her lips and trapping her cigarette between them she reached forward suddenly and snapped the file out of Steve’s hands.
Steve made a noise of protest but Addison held a hand up in front of his face to stop him. An irritated growl ripped from his chest and Bucky chuckled softly, pleased that Steve was getting the ass end of Addison’s shitty behaviour for once.
Addison’s stormy grey eyes roved the paper in front of her. She felt bile rise in her throat along with pure unadulterated anger. “This is literally my entire life consolidated into a fucking manilla file. Why the fuck is this a thing?” Addison spat angrily, flipping through the papers. It even had medical records in there, she felt her cheeks flush as the details of an OBGYN appointment stared up at her. Addison ripped that paper out of the file and tore it up, scattering the pieces on the floor of the car.
“Goddammit, Addison, stop!” Steve barked ripping the folder from her shaking grasp. “It’s just stuff that we need to know to keep you safe.”
Addison shook her head and flicked her cigarette out the window. “No. You don’t need the details of my doctors visits to keep me safe. Why the fuck does he even have that?”
“We didn’t read those,” Bucky’s baritone cut in softly. “Stark can be…disgustingly thorough. We only read what we needed.”
Addison raised an eyebrow at the men, Steve was watching her apprehensively while Bucky simply went back to watching the road. Addison raised her sunglasses back to the top of her head and narrowed her eyes at Steve. She held her hand out to him and he raised a brow back at her.
“If that’s true then let me go through it and keep all the things that are irrelevant,” Addison tried to compromise, her tone oddly sweet.
Bucky’s gaze flicked back to them through the rearview mirror. “Steve,” he cautioned with a warning tone.
Steve pursed his lips and shook his head. “Sorry, Addison, but you need to trust us to be good judges on what is and is not relevant.”
Addison scoffed, pulled her glasses back down over her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. Steve’s eyes flickered from her face to her right hand. He had noticed the ostenatious ring earlier when she shoved her hand in her face but not as it caught the light and he got a better look at it he found himself reaching forward and taking her hand.
“Excuse you, you guys seriously have a touching issue,” Addison protested, trying to pull her hand back.
“Did Pierce give you this ring?” Steve asked, ignoring her and pulling the ring off of her finger.
“Yeah, why?”
Bucky stopped at a red light and actively twisted around to look at the ring that Steve was holding up.
“Buck, give me your knife,” Steve requested and Bucky reached down to hike up his pants leg and free the large hunting knife from it’s sheath before passing it back to Steve.
Steve set the ring down in the middle cup holder and twirled the knife in his hand so he could strike down hard at the large stone with the butt of the knife. What looked to be a large diamond shattered with a soft tinkling noise and Addison let out a gasp of disapproval. Using the tip of the blade Steve sifted through the shards before reaching and grabbed a tiny microchip. Rolling down his window, he flicked the little chip out into the New York streets.
“The stone was fake, I noticed what I originally thought was an imperfection in the stone but when it caught the light I noticed the stone was actually glass. He used it to hide a tracking chip. Did you keep any other gifts from Pierce?” Steve asked, handing the knife back to Bucky.
Addison noticed how every time Bucky and Steve passed anything to each other their touch would linger and how every time Bucky would use the rearview mirror he sought out Steve’s face before anything else. She licked her chapped lips and lowered her window fully, craving some sun on her face. Bucky, however, rolled the window back up to where it was barely just cracked again and flicked on the child locks.
“Don’t need you getting shot out of the car on the first day. Would look real bad for us,” Bucky commented.
“Yeah, and you two are all about appearances, right?” Addison quipped dryly.
Steve hesitated for a moment before levying you with the full intensity of his gaze. “Addison. We’re all about keeping you alive, whether you want to be or not.”
Addison hummed and went back to staring out the window. The rest of the car ride went by in heavy silence.
“So, Bridgehampton, huh? That’s pretty fucking fancy,” Addison commented dryly as she watched the giant sprawling mansions with huge lawns and pools zip by out the car window.
“Tony thought about your concerns for the rest of your band and decided that having you all under one roof might not be the worst idea,” Bucky noted, double checking the GPS and turning into the driveway of a beautiful house that looked to be paneled in unfinished barn wood.
The first thing that Steve and Bucky noticed about the house was how many windows there were, that was a huge security detail that they were irritated that Tony looked over. The first thing Addison noticed was what appeared to be another little house in the back, like a pool house. She was already making notes on how she could possibly convert it into a practice space and recording studio. If this was where the band would be living when they weren’t touring they would need something like that since they were so far out of New York City proper.
Bucky turned off the car and Addison reached for her door release, but Steve reached over her and grabbed her hand. He motioned to Bucky with his chin who was already out of the car, his eyes flicking over the terrain and a hand on the holster of his gun. Finally, Bucky opened the door for her and let her out.
“That’s going to get irritating real quick,” Addison grumbled and pushed her way passed the two men.
Bucky groaned at Steve who had to quick step to grab onto Addison’s elbow and pull her back. Addison shot a frustrated look over her shoulder at the men, she was going to have a hard time getting used to being grabbed and forcefully moved against her will like this. Her immediate reaction was to strike out with her free hand at Steve’s chest to push him away, but he simply rolled his eyes and grabbed her wrist pulling her behind him and releasing her when she was back between him and Bucky.
“You’re between us at all times,” Steve commanded, levying her with a heavy stare.
Addison huffed and ran her tongue over her top lip. “Well then, get a move on. It’s been a grip since I’ve been somewhere other than hotel rooms.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” Bucky murmured and gave Steve a tilt of his chin signaling him to get a move on.
Bucky was just as anxious to do a sweep of the house and settle down for a moment away from Addison. The blond girl was really starting to grate on him, not that he was the most patient person to begin with. He had spent most of his life cleaning up after Steve’s antics before both men took separate paths in college. Bucky hadn’t known what he was getting into when he started working for Alexander Pierce and by the time he had accidentally run into Steve during a job he had been a shell of the boy he used to be. Steve was the one that convinced him to quit and come work with him for Tony Stark, the transition had been difficult and Bucky still spends most nights laying awake wondering when Pierce was going to send someone after him. Now, being thrown directly into the opposing path of the man he once worked under left him with anxiety and dread. Bucky didn’t have any beliefs that this would end without an exorbitant amount of bloodshed.
Once inside the house, they made Addison stay with them while they did a quick sweep and when everything came up clear and safe they returned the pistols they had drawn to their holsters and relaxed.
“Okay, so, there’s two rooms on either side of the master suite. Steve and I will take those so one of us can make it to you quickly if there’s an emergency,” Bucky stated, undoing the side straps of his Kevlar vest.
Addison blinked at them in confusion. “Why wouldn’t you guys just share a room?”
Both men froze as if doused in a bucket of cold water and Addison quirked an eyebrow. It had been so obvious to her, the way they could communicate without speaking, the soft lingering touches when they thought no one was looking - like they were trying to reassure each other the other was there, the way they were absolutely in sync with each other never faltering or hesitating. Sure, good partners had those qualities but really it was more or less because they were good /partners/.
Bucky opened and closed his mouth wordlessly a few times while Steve just flushed a brilliant pink.
“Does Tony not know?” Addison asked and then a thought dawned on her. “Do you guys not know?”
“Of course we know,” Bucky snapped, finding his voice. “How do you know?”
Addison tsked and rolled her eyes. “You two aren’t exactly subtle. Listen, you guys are supposedly stuck with me for my contract length. That’s three albums, do you know how long that is when you factor in tours and actually like…making the albums? That’s like five years, minimum. Did you really plan to keep up the farce that long?”
Bucky and Steve looked at each other, Steve rubbed the back of his neck and Bucky ran his metal hand over his head effectively knocking strands of hair out of his ponytail and into his face.
“We hadn’t really had a chance to discuss it,” Steve admitted looking to Bucky for assistance, but it appeared Bucky had already mentally checked out from the awkward conversation. It was something he did frequently and it always left Steve to figure out a plan or pick up the pieces.
“Well, you two take the master and I’ll share the Jack-and-Jill suite down the hall with Wanda,” Addison offered in a moment of selflessness. She had never been lucky enough to have a non-toxic relationship, but she knew if she was in one that’s what she would want to happen.
Addison’s longest relationship had been two years of publicity and pain and anger. It had made sense to the P.R. manager over at Hydra that she should be seen together with the front man of a more well known rock band off the label. Addison’s band would open for them and then after all the drugs and alcohol were singing through her system he’d take her back to his bus. When they weren’t fucking they were fighting and what the public saw was a mess of violence and turmoil until it finally ended in a nuclear explosion that left both Addison and her ex bleeding on the pavement (figuratively). Addison wasn’t even sure what a healthy relationship looked like, but she could only assume that the two men in front of her had one - they looked like they had a relatively healthy life in general - and Addison felt nothing but jealousy about it. Which surprised her because she had given up on the idea of love long before she ever thought she wanted it.  
Bucky immediately shot that idea down. “No, if anything Steve and I will take the Jack-and-Jill. It’s not positioned the best to you for security reasons, but then at least we can keep up the guise of separate,” Bucky interjected. He wouldn’t make eye contact with Steve, he was hoping that he hadn’t hurt Steve’s feelings in anyway and didn’t want to look to find out.
Steve was in agreement with Bucky, but it stung how quickly Bucky piped up to interject. Steve never exactly kept who he was a secret, he just didn’t talk about it. Bucky actively went out of his way sometimes to make sure no one knew about their relationship. Hiding what they were to each other got exhausting sometimes and Steve was selfishly excited about the idea of having one more space where they could just be with each other and exist.
Addison shook her head. “No, I don’t like that. You don’t need to put on a guise here, no one in the band will care - fuck, Wanda will probably think it’s cute as hell. The room to the right the master is really big, why don’t the two of you take that then? Sam and Pietro can take the Jack-and-Jill and Wanda can be on the other side of me? There’s so many rooms in this house you could pick and not pretend whatever you want to pretend.”
Steve and Bucky sent each other a look, speaking without using words again.
“I don’t want to make you guys uncomfortable. But you’re effectively putting your lives on hold because Tony told you that you had too. I know none of us are happy about it so please just do one thing that will make you happy out of all of this.” Addison begged and the men nodded.
“Thank you,” Steve whispered softly and Bucky nodded, looking anywhere but at Addison or Steve.
“Don’t thank me yet, the guys are coming with a party.” Addison’s eyes twinkled in mischief and both of the bodyguards felt their stomachs drop to the floor.
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solrika · 6 years
Prologue/bg. part one. part two. part three:
He moves safe houses that night, driving out of town and down the highway until the sun is high in the sky and he’s another state away. It’s painful leaving the food--waste not, want not, his parents always said--but he can’t trust it not to be poisoned. Though his body could theoretically handle it, he’s not in the mood to be out of commission for eight hours while his system beats the toxin into submission. 
He spends the drive trying to think of new ways to evade detection, rifling through one plan after another. This kind of thing was always Gabriel’s strong suit--
--Jack shakes the thought away, focuses on the traffic. That way leaves nothing but heartache. 
He holes up in a former Blackwatch hideout. The keypad flashes the old “not in use” signal up at him when he types in its code, but it’s obvious someone has been using it as an intermittent base. It smells faintly of candle smoke, and the pistol strapped under the mattress just came out this year. Pictures are taped up in the bathroom--flowers, the corner of a girl’s smile, gloved hands flashing peace signs. Nothing incriminating, but enough to make it feel lived-in. 
Jack makes sure to change the keypad signal to “occupied.” He’ll move out tomorrow, but for now he just wants to sleep. With luck, if the original occupants show up, they’ll remember 76 fondly. 
He’s just settling into bed when the phone beeps. He stares at it, wondering why he didn’t just throw the damn thing away. It beeps again, and then begins singing a cheerful little tune. “Eschúchame! Eschúchame!”
With a groan, Jack rolls over and flips it on. Luckily, it’s just a text. He doesn’t think he could stand listening to Sombra right now.
We have a file of our initial findings for you. It’s followed by an address and a helpful little map.
Not meeting you, Jack types back.
One hour meeting window. 400 to 500. 
Fuck you, Jack types, with perhaps more vehemence than necessary, and shoves the phone under the mattress. 
He decides to go anyway, cursing his curiosity. There’s a nonzero chance of it being a trap. 
At least being in a Blackwatch hideout means he’s not walking in blind.
There’s a little drone with a camera that Jack sends in around three am to map the area and send back initial recon information. The address turns out to be for a storage warehouse full of shrink wrapped palettes. There’s plenty of cover for a shootout, and the walls are flimsy enough that if needed, he could break his way out. Jack settles the drone in the rafters and falls back asleep for an hour.
When he wakes back up, there’s only one person waiting for him: the hooded shape of the Reaper, leaning casually against the wall and idly inspecting his claws. Jack narrows his eyes at the grainy figure and decides that the bastard can wait, and sleeps another half hour.
When he finally leaves the hideout, it’s looking like he’ll be late for the rendezvous. Some buried part of Jack protests the lack of punctuality, but he’s not Strike Commander anymore. 76 isn’t beholden to schedules unless he wants to be. 
The drive is spent turning potential tactics over in his head, and when that’s exhausted, he begins puzzling over the... cleaning thing. There’s no reason for two Talon operatives to tidy up his safe houses. No reason to bring him food or make his bed or organize the desk so everything is easy for him to find. Unless it’s their way of playing with his head, showing him how little of a threat he is, toying with him like a cat with a mouse...
Jack snarls to himself. This mouse has a pulse cannon and isn’t afraid to use it. 
Mind games are more Sombra’s field, though. Reaper tends to be as straightforwards as a shotgun blast to the face. There’s no benefit for him in this, as far as Jack can tell. 
Might as well ask the damned skeleton himself. Jack pulls into the warehouse’s parking lot and strides to its door, takes a moment to make sure his pulse cannon is fully charged, and shoulders his way inside. 
The Reaper is waiting, flipping a data stick from one hand to another. “You’re late,” he states, the mask staring unblinkingly up at Jack.
“Where’s your friend?” Jack shoots back, gaze flicking around the warehouse. 
“Busy.” Reaper holds out the data stick. “Here.”
Jack doesn’t take the file. Narrowing his eyes, he growls, “What’s your game here?”
“There’s no game.”
“Bullshit,” Jack snaps. “What’s your angle? What’re you getting out of this? You can’t tell me you’ve been cleaning my rooms out of the fucking goodness of your heart.”
The Reaper’s claws twitch on the file, but he keeps his arm outstretched. “We told you, our information pooled is better than--”
“Stop lying,” Jack hisses, and lunges forwards. Sue him--he’s running on six hours of sleep and his safe houses have been compromised and he wants some answers, dammit. “You really think I believe you turning on Talon after watching you do their dirty work for six years?” 
Reaper twists as they hit the ground, slipping out of Jack’s grasp and stepping back. “Gathering information for six years,” he hisses. “You don’t topple an organization like this overnight!” 
“You did pretty well with Overwatch,” Jack growls back.
Reaper's claws twitch, and the noise that comes out of him is barely human. “I did not cause Zurich.” 
“Tell that to the dead,” and Jack ducks under those claws, manages to get his hands around Reaper’s neck. It’s easier than it should be to lift him in the air--he’s lighter than expected, but he also doesn’t fight back, just snarls through a tightening windpipe.
“You idiot,” Reaper rasps. “I didn’t cause Zurich.” He claws at the mask, and when it falls free the sight is--
“Told you,” Reaper grins, all fangs and flayed muscle, single eye smoldering like a live coal. “Zurich caused me.” 
“Fuck,” Jack breathes, staring at the raw flesh in front of him. He almost loses his grip, and Reaper seems to notice--eye flicks down and then up again, grin widening. Jack growls, and tightens his hands around Reaper’s neck. “So you messed up and got caught in your own blast--”
“They took everything from me!” 
There’s a silence. Jack’s head rings from Reaper’s howl.  Reaper himself looks surprised at his own outburst. 
“They took everything,” Reaper repeats, quieter. His claws twitch against his mask. His single eye darts to the side and back and away again, as if searching for a way to change the subject. He finally glances down at 76 and huffs a mirthless laugh, mutters, “You’re still so sloppy. Emotion gets ahold of you and you lose your gun.” 
The comment stings, but more than that-- “Still?”
Reaper freezes, and without the mask, it’s easier to read the mangled expression as a flash of panic. It smoothes out in a second, and Reaper says, “I knew you. Before.” He cocks his head, a growl winding through his voice. “You want to know why I want to take down Talon, 76? They took my--they took Overwatch from me. And it was my life.”
Jack feels a slow, dawning realization. “You were an agent.” But to have known him as 76 and not the Strike Commander, to have been in Zurich and immediately chosen to go undercover as a double agent-- “You were a Blackwatch agent.” 
“Once.” Reaper finally slips his mask back on. 
Belatedly, Jack lowers him down to the ground. He stares at Reaper’s figure, trying to place the wide shoulders and narrow waist (Gabriel, part of him sings, but Gabriel is dead and gone). “You said you knew me?”
“You worked with us.” Reaper’s mask focuses somewhere to the left of Jack′s face, as if he’s searching for something. “You worked with Overwatch--”
“I’m not a part of Overwatch,” Jack snaps, reflexively.
“Someone called you mother hen,” Reaper continues, almost to himself. The old nickname sparks right at the sore spot in Jack’s heart, and makes him glad the visor hides his eyes. “You helped us. You...” His mask refocuses. “You can help us now.”
"I don’t know you,” Jack manages. But he does know mother hen, knows the memory of Blackwatch’s junior agents teasing 76 just to make their commander laugh at his lover’s mock-frustration. It feels like centuries ago. He swallows. “Which agent were you? I can’t--”
“I don’t know.” Reaper huffs a mirthless laugh, gestures at his face. “Things got lost, after Zurich.” 
Jack should know. Jack should recognize this agent, probably laughed with him, might have even dragged him back onto a plane after a mission went wrong, might have been teased by him after a mission went right and he and Gabe-- 
“The housekeeping,” he croaks. “You all-- you’d take turns doing that for each other. Ga--the commander would walk into a room and just start tidying. Is that why--”
This time, Reaper’s laugh is a little more genuine. “Old habits die hard, I guess.” He cocks his head. Jack gets the feeling he’s staring hard at the visor, trying to read his expression. “You believe me now.”
“Yeah.” Jack bends down, picks up the file. “Yeah, I do."
“You’ll help us?” 
It’s what Gabriel would have wanted. It’s what 76 would have done, all those years ago. “Yeah,” Jack says, and offers his hand. Reaper takes it, cool leather against his palm, claws curling carefully around his wrist. They shake, and it feels--
( we got a deal, Jackie, Gabe laughs, warm fingers against his) 
“Yeah,” Jack says. “I’ll help.” 
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forbiddenjuly · 2 years
Dear Johnny
I wanted to write a letter to you about our forbidden summer affair.
It was July 2021 as the day ended and the sun went down we went to your brother's birthday party. I didn't realize that I would be smoking with you at 12:00am. You were very friendly even though we didn't talk much before, we just said hello when we passed eachother on the street. We joked about life,death and sex while being high as the clouds on the night sky,we felt like we were the only two people there. We only heard the faint music in the background combined with people laughing and talking. I saw the way you were looking at me and I ignored it because I knew you had a girlfriend whom you loved a lot,so it didn't seem like you were sending me signals. After some time you got serious and you said you would hook up with me, I started laughing because I was intoxicated and because I thought you were joking. You were too good for me,and you had a girlfriend but it's a shame you were just my type. I don't think I have connected with someone so fast in a couple of hours as I have connected with you. And that's when your girlfriend came looking for you,she wanted to say goodbye because she had to work in the morning. I was there saying hello and being as nice as I can since I know her since I was a small child, as she hugged you you were looking at me. Your hug was shallow and empty,while her was full of love and passion. She kissed you and her brother picked her up,as the car was driving away we went inside. It was already 4am what a shame,I could see the sky lighting up in a faint baby blue color. Most people left and there was only four of us ,even your brother left and we didn't notice. So after I spoke to you that I will help you clean up the other two people left,you told me to go and lock the door so no one can enter. We stood there laughing,talking and having fun as the sun was rising and then you moved closer to me. You asked me if I remembered what you told me 5 hours ago,I played dumb but I knew every word of our conversation. I went serious because I knew that you weren't fucking around. You kissed me and I stopped you.
I asked: "Won't you regret this?"
You said : "No,why would I?"
I said : "Well you have a girlfriend and I know you love her so much"
You said : "I won't regret it,because it's you"
After so much thinking that looked like minutes but actually it was seconds I said sure.
You kissed me passionately and hard,the weird thing is that you kissed me better than you kissed your girlfriend goodbye. It was like the last kiss,like you thought that you wouldn't be able to kiss me after that day.
I have to admit it was like you were stuck between her and me.
So Johnny, If you ever want to do it again you have my number. Text me or call me. I know that every time you pass by me in the street, you lock eye contact with me and I know that you remember that night.
With love, July.
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Seb and Ed
This is a continuation of a story I found a while ago, it’s a story that really resonated with me, I’ll post the links at the end.
It’s been two years. I hadn’t thought about Ed for all that time until today. A letter arrived in my flat, a week after I moved in, I had just finished uni and had a decent job, and was planning on having a housewarming party. I had been out to collect supplies at around midday, and when I arrived a letter had been posted through, or rather slipped under, my door. It had three words in a familiar, unjoined chicken-scratch style writing.
To Seb.
Then underneath, slightly smaller, as if the writer had been hesitant,
It took me several moments to realise I had been standing in the doorway of my flat, staring at the letter for at least a minute; I had dropped my bags, cans, bottles and tubes of snacks and junk food falling across the floor. It was only when the woman from the opposite flat came out and asked me if everything was ok, that I snapped out of my reverie. It hadn’t registered that I had simply dropped two large bags of shopping: she looked distinctly concerned.
“Yeah.. I’m fine, just had a moment” I grinned, unconvincingly, but she seemed placated. She nodded with a frown and retreated back into her flat.
Shoving the letter into my back pocket, I scrabbled across the floor to pick up the detritus that had spilled from my bags, moving unnervingly fast, as if cleaning a crime scene.
Later that day, sat in my room I glared at the letter, unopened, on my windowsill in front of my desk. I willed it to open itself, to save me the task. Needless to say it didn’t. Eventually after trying to distract myself from it for two hours I couldn’t resist it any longer. I ripped it open on one end and tore the letter out, my eyes absorbing every word on the page one letter at a time, savouring the familiar scratchy writing.
It’s been a while, I’ve never known what to say to you, and I’ve never been brave enough to call or text. I’m so sorry for how I treated you, I was in a bad place. Luring you into a setup like that was a shitty thing to do, and I really wish I hadn’t done it.
Truth is, things got worse after you left Birmingham. Me and my flatmates fell out, they left and I eventually had to leave as well, I’ve been living with Catherine for a while. Like you said, she is a good friend but.. she isn’t you.
I saw the post you put up about a housewarming party, and I’m sorry to say that I asked one of your friends for your address, I couldn’t help myself. If you want me to come then I will, if not... I understand.
I read it and reread it several times. Several thoughts raced through my head, the first of which being how pissed off I was that he had effectively stalked me to get my address, and actually come here, second I was more enraged that I hadn’t been in when he had delivered it. I don’t know what I would’ve done so perhaps it’s best I wasn’t. And finally, a deep pang of guilt in the pit of my stomach for how I had walked out all that time ago, and the empty space in my life that had appeared since I had pushed him away.
He had been my friend since primary school, we had done everything- literally everything- together, we always sat next to eachother on the bus, we would walk to and from school with eachother, we fancied the same people and fought over the same stupid shit, but we were thick as thieves. But what he did had hurt me, not physically, but it hurt me in a dark and unspeakable way, unspeakable because I hadn’t thought about or revisited what happened with him two years previously; I’d also not met with any other men or women since.
The letter had thrown me. Throwing it down on my bed, I picked up my phone, and flicked through my contacts. I thumbed to “E”, and scrolled down until I saw his name. It seemed to stand out like a beacon .
My thumb hovered over his name for a second. Do I call? What would I say after two years of radio silence? “Hi Ed you fucked me over and lured me into a two hour fuck sesh that I thought was a trick to help you break up with your girlfriend”?
No.. I should text. I thought, less awkward that way. I hope. I tapped the little message bubble next to his name, and tapped out a brief message.
Got your letter. Come down a day before the party, 3:30pm Saturday.
Again, my thumb hovered. Before I could second-guess myself, I tapped send. Part of me hoped it would flash and say “message send failure” but no such luck. It sent through instantly, and no less than two seconds flat after it had arrived, the little “sent” became “read”. My breath faltered, it was strange being this close to him but so many miles away at the same time. The thought the we were almost staring at eachother through our words gave me an uneasy shiver.
See you soon.
I clicked my phone off, it’s Wednesday. I thought two days. Shit.
I busied myself by cleaning the flat, moving furniture, rearranging shelves and crockery, anything to distract me from the thoughts whizzing through my head. The following two days passed in a blur.
Saturday morning came, I woke up at 4am, and sat in my bedroom on the bay window, panes wide open, leg dangling out five storeys over the main road. There was no traffic, save for the odd early morning worker, and some cyclists. I picked up a pack of cigarettes: empty. I swore and threw the pack out the window. I slid back inside, throwing on some joggers and a baggy old T-shirt from the bottom of my draw, threw on some trainers and headed down the stairs- the elevator was yet again out of action- and out the door of the flat. I jogged to the local offlicense, and grabbed a six pack of some imported beer, and a few packs of Marlborough superkings. I ambled slowly back home, my head alive with every possible outcome of the day. This could be the total end or the new beginning of us I thought. I sat on the bench outside the flat building for a half hour, listening to the sounds of the early morning, birds, distant car engines, late night party-goers straggling home, laughter and tears. It reminded me of the morning after the night before with Ed. I cursed out loud. Violently, scaring several small animals nearby.
Back inside my flat, still groggy from sleep, I checked the clock, the red digits flashed 4:30am in its repetitive rhythm. How had it only been a half hour? I slipped out of my shoes and joggers, and threw on a long, dark green dressing gown. I wondered into the kitchen, put the beer in the fridge, and opened one of the packs of cigarettes. I sat back on the windowsill and lit it. I hadn’t smoked in a long time, and I savoured the first breath, holding the flame at the end and inhaling deeply. My breathing slowed. How long have I been hyperventilating for? And why?
But I knew why. I was seeing him for the first time in what seemed like forever, though it had only been two years. I had so many questions, so much anger and sadness and feelings that I hadn’t dealt with since I had left. And it scared me. I sat on the windowsill for a long while, reminiscing, and half dozing, all the while chaining the twenty pack, leaving a gap of barely five minutes between the last and next.
It was only when my alarm went off, signalling 6am, that I snapped back into reality, the city was alive now, traffic bustling below me, shops opening, rubbish trucks and postmen. I slipped inside and got changed. I looked into my mirror and froze. The T shirt I had grabbed from the bottom of my draw was his. Ed’s. It was a baggy old concert tee, scribbled on and doctored, ripped and safety-pinned and stitched and patched. Everything about it screamed Ed. I was torn between throwing it out of the window and crying at this point. Instead, I had a roiling wave of rage wash over me, and I slammed my fist into the mirror: I instantly regretted it. The weak frame buckled from the force of impact and my hand went straight through; shards of glass rained down onto the floor, and I gained a Large ugly slash and several stinging cuts across the back of my hand. I yanked off the shirt and wrapped my hand up, heading to the kitchen to clean it up.
After finding a dated first aid kit buried under the sink, I managed to properly bandage my hand and forearm with sturdy, albeit old, medical wraps and adhesive tape. I glanced at the microwave, the shining green numbers emblazoned 7:45, it was still dark outside, the sky was gloomy, as it had been all autumn, making it seem a lot darker than it should have been. I threw the bloodied shirt down on the counter by the sink, I’d come back to that later. I went and lay down on my bed for a while, finishing off the first pack of cigarettes, and rattling off some essays and letters on my laptop. A few hours later, my room stank, even though the window was open, the cigarettes had carved their odour into the walls, and the old porcelain ashtray was full to overflowing with ash and dogends, and there was a strong smell of my own B.O, and of stale tea and incense. It all mingled together to form a not entirely unpleasant but strong smell that strongly resembled the inside of a youth club. Or a brothel.
It was now 1:30 and the sounds of the city had dulled to a hum that I only just registered. I made myself some food, sat down and waited. Having moved all the furniture around, I was sat on a large, blue, five-person sofa in the far corner of the room, the door directly in front of me. My phone buzzed.
On the train now, eta one hour twenty minutes
Nothing I can do now. I stared at the text. It’s really happening I thought. I had secretly been hoping to myself that I would wake up suddenly, but the dull throbbing ache of my pulse across the back of my hand reminded me, all too painfully, that it was happening, however much I wished otherwise. I lit another cigarette, and as I did, I heard a familiar, slightly high pitched voice drift up through the open window, swearing at someone. He’s here. No backing out now. Steeling myself, I went to the door, the phone on the wall rang. I lifted it up, pressed the button marked with an old cinema ticket with “admit one” on its front and put the phone down. I wonder how he got in the other day. Another question to add to the list. I unlocked the front door, and sharpied an arrow on the front. Below I scribbled
This way for the party>>
And I went back inside, leaving the door slightly ajar, to my room, again leaving that door open too. I still had the cigarette in my hand, but it had burnt out. The smell of stale tobacco hit my nostrils and I threw it out the window, taking a fresh one from the pack and lighting it. No sooner than I’d taken the first drag, I heard a voice behind me.
“So you still do lucky lasts then?” He was nervous. His voice was a little pitchy, but it was him. His delicate southwestern accent pulling his A’s out. Laasts.
I inhaled sharply, and turned slowly. He looked.. stunning. He didn’t appear to have aged, his thick black hair was a little longer, and had a deep green streak through it, he was wearing fur lined denim jacket and black jeans, with a red scarf and fingerless gloves to guard against the cold. He seemed skinnier, his eyes were gaunt and his jaw was more prominent than I remembered. But it was ed. I ran forward.
https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/straight-guys-messing-around/ these are the original stories
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Chapter 1
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I rolled over and hit the snooze button on my alarm and pulled the blanket over my head.
“Five more minutes,” I mumbled into my pillow to no one.
Sighing, I kicked off the covers and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at my alarm clock.
“How did I sleep through my alarm?!” I set it for 6:45, it was 7:30 and I was just getting out of bed.
I walked across the cold, wood floor to my closet. I took out my ripped army green skinny jeans and a gray shirt and threw them on my bed as I picked up my phone. I pressed the power button and saw a text message from my friend, Sarah, it read:
“First day of hell. See you there.”
I tossed my phone back on my bed and quickly changed my clothes. I had just finished brushing out my hair, “oh, crap!” I said when I caught a glimpse of the clock on my nightstand. I ran out the door and rounded the corner into the hallway.
“Ow,” I yelled as I tripped and fell face-first into the rug. I sat up and rubbed the slow-forming bump on my forehead.
Well, this is fantastic!
I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
Once there, I quickly started to make coffee. No way am I going to school without coffee. As I waited, I dug through the cabinets to find something for breakfast. I settled on a granola bar.
I checked the clock again, it read 8:00.
I quickly took my coffee cup out of the cabinet, nearly dropping in in my hast.
“I can’t be la - Ow!” I stopped mid-sentence and bit my lip. Running over to the sink, I turned on the cold water and let it flow over my hand.
“That. Was incredibly hot.” I took my hand out from under the water to examined the burn. It wasn’t too bad, but it was definitely going to hurt for the rest of the day.
I finished pouring my coffee and headed for the front door. I grabbed my backpack and jacket, jogging out the door I yelled over my shoulder:
“Mom, I’m off to school!” Not that she could hear me or that she really cared.
I put in my headphones and started to make my way through the morning crowd. Trying to get anywhere in New York is near impossible, let alone get there on time.
I was slowly making my way down 9th Ave., doing my best to avoid people. When a very large man, dressed in a tux and a black trench coat, wearing sunglasses despite the lack of sun, ran into me and knocked me over.
“Watch it!” I snapped at the man.
In reply, he just glared at me and kept walking. There was something - unsettling - about this man, his eyes seemed to have flickered like a flame behind his glasses.
I got up and kept walking, but I couldn’t shake the off feeling I had, the weather was strange, it was cold and incredibly overcast, and now the stranger with flickery eyes.
Curiouser and curiouser….
I kept walking, I was about a block and a half from school when I thought I felt someone watching me. I quickly turned around but I didn’t see anything.
I checked the time again; 8:20 it read. I had to be to school in five minutes.
I decided to cut through an alley. As I was walking, I heard something rustling in the trash.  I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight, glancing around.
“It’s probably just a rat or an alley cat or something like that.” I said hoping saying it out loud would make it true. I picked up my pace; I could see the schoolyard from where I was.
Once I was out of the alley, I ran up to the front gates and bumped into my friend, Sarah, who was waiting for me.
“It’s about time you showed up! I thought you were going to abandon me.” She said bumping into my shoulder as we walked up the front stairs.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, “I’ve had a very odd morning.” I went on to recap everything that had happened in the last half hour.
“Woah, woah, wait. You’re telling me his eyes -” Sarah raised her eyebrows and puffed out her cheeks like she couldn’t believe what she was about to say, “flickered?”
I nodded, shivered, and pulled my jacket closer around my body
“I keep getting this creepy feeling like I’m being watched,” I said, looking over my shoulder one last time before I walked in the door.
“Delilah, now you’re just being paranoid.”  She threw her arm around my shoulder, “I’m sure he was just late for work and in a bad mood.”
There was the ear-piercing ring of the bell and kids scrambling to get to class.
“I have to get to class, catch ya later,” Sarah said over her shoulder as she walked away.
The final bell rang and there was a rush of kids down the hall. There were lots of mumbled “excuse me,” “ pardon me,” and “sorry” as people pushed past each other trying to get into lockers, leave the building, or get to extracurricular classes and sports practice. I was making my way to the front door when someone bumped into my shoulder and dropped their books all over the floor.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I apologized and started to pick up the books. I looked at the kid, but I didn’t recognize her. The one thing that caught me off guard was that she was wearing sunglasses, in school.
“Oh! No, no. It was my fault.” She reassured me.
I handed her the books, and our hands brushed, sending a shiver up my spine and causing me to break out in goosebumps.
“Um… Yeah, okay.” I stammered in reply as I got up to walk away.
I got the same weird feeling I had gotten from the man with the flicker-y eyes. I looked back but I couldn’t see her anymore.
Can this day get any weirder?
Apparently, it could.
I made my way down the front stairs and turned the corner out of the gate. It was around 3:30 or so, so there wasn’t much foot traffic aside from the tourists and kids walking home from school. After that afternoon’s events, I decided to go to the park to do my homework. The weather had warmed up a little, though it was still cloudy.
I walked over to the end of the sidewalk and stood at the edge of the curb. I did my best cab whistle (which wasn’t very good) and held my hand out to signal a driver. After what felt like forever, a black cab pulled up to the curb. I opened the door and climbed into the back seat. There was an overwhelming scent of smoke and a faint, but still apparent, the smell of...Burnt hair? I’ve been in a lot of cabs in my life, all with a very unique smell to them, but none of them compare to this.
“Where to, Miss?” The cab driver asked in a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. I turned my attention to the driver. He looked to be about mid-thirty, large build. He had cocoa brown skin and wore a full black suit, and… Sunglasses. This time, however, I noticed something. He was wearing the exact same sunglasses as the man who ran over me on the sidewalk and the new girl in the hallway.
Get a hold of yourself! You’ve been paranoid all day, calm down.
“Cen-central Park drive, please.” I stuttered a little, still trying to figure things out.
Great job!
I put my headphones in and stare out the window. After a few minutes, I turn my attention back to the driver. I caught him looking at me through the rear view mirror, I gave him a what are you lookin’ at? face, and he returned his attention to the road.
I looked back out the window and saw that we had passed 10th Avenue.
“Um, excuse me, you were supposed to turn there,” I said to the driver.
He just ignored me and kept driving.
“I said, you were supposed to turn there.” I raised my voice and tried to sound firm.
This time, he responded.
“Shut up.” He glared at me through the rearview mirror.
Okay, that was weird.
My pulse sped up and wiped my hands on my jeans. My mind instantly jumped to the worst case scenarios that I’ve seen on tv. I tried my best to keep my breathing even, I started to plan how I’d try get away from the driver, then, I remembered I still had my phone on me. I took it out and went to text Sarah (because calling anyone would have drawn too much attention to myself) only, I had no reception.
Since when do cabs block out cell phone reception?
As I was failing miserably to stay calm, I noticed we had gone to a more industrial part of town. Which only caused me to freak out more.
“Please tell me what’s going on and where are you taking me?” I tried to sound strong and put together, but I really sounded like a church mouse with a sore throat.
“That is classified information.” He said in a gruff voice, turning around and shutting the little window to the front of the cab. Cutting off my only way of getting information.
We were only in the car for another twenty minutes or so before he pulled into a large, abandoned warehouse. The driver pulled to the stop and got out of the car.
“Get out, and don’t try to make a run for it.” He flashed a small handgun he had tucked into his waistband.
Gulping, I slid across the seat and slowly got out of the car. The man grabbed my arm and pulled me after him. The place smelled of old gas, stale air, and death. I gagged. He lead me across the large, open loading dock and up two flights of stairs, down another hallway, and finally, to a door with another equally big looking man stood. He was about 6 feet tall, covered head-to-toe in tattoos, not the kinda guy you want to mess with.
The man who had kidnapped me (who, for the sake of ease, I decided to call Sunglasses)  walked up the man by the door and whispered something in his ear. The second man disappeared behind the door.  I could see the silhouette of a third figure through the frosted glass. They didn’t look anywhere near as big as the first two men I’ve encountered, but I could tell he was a man of power, and therefore more dangerous.
The second man returned from behind the door and told Sunglasses he was clear to go in.  
My whole body was shaking, making it hard to walk. The second man opened the door and Sunglasses pushed me into the room. I stumbled a few feet and fell on the cement floor.
There were some snickers from the men behind me, I turned around to glare at the men but to my surprise, Mr.Boss Man took care of it.
“Enough!” He yelled as he turned around in his chair, propping one of his ankles on his opposite knee.
He looked to only be about twenty. He had blue hair, and was wearing black Converse, a Blink-182 shirt, and… Sunglasses.
Apparently, this guy really has a thing for sunglasses
Not the kind of person you’d expect to be kidnapping people.
“Delilah,” he said in a sickeningly sweet tone with a smirk on his face. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
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mysticmoneyhoney · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Heist!AU Ch3
A month later
"You need to get lost soon." The static in the ear piece the red head wore distracted him from typing. "They're going to find and kill you, and we won't have what we need!" The voice was urgent this time finally warranting a response.
"Don't worry! Hacker supreme 7-0-7, is almost done!" The cheery and confident voice suddenly dropped in a dangerous tone. "So stop bothering me." Going back to his computer and watching the data download fromt he large computer onto his laptop. His glasses reflected the screens in the dark office. He glanced out the window to the large warehouse the office looked over. It seemed to be an endless supply of boxes. Boxes full of illegal guns, drugs, and possibly counterfeit money. Seeing light slowly enter the warehouse, the great hacker knew he needed to speed up the process. But there was no speeding up file transfers. They always went at their own pace.
Moving low to the ground, he gently set a can next to the door and crawled back to the computer to check the file status.
67%. Oh come on.
Seven could hear shouts from below now. They must have figured something was amiss when the lights weren't turning on. "Come on baby. Today please." He was going to have to jump. He raised a figure and gently felt the glass, giving small gentle taps to the window. Not bullet proof. Glancing over to the laptop he hoped it was just about done.
"Fuckin' piece of-" He grumbled under his breath and made sure to start packing up anything that wasn't necessary for the transfer into a aluminum case. He was going to have to use this to smash the window. Slipping a small device in his pocket he glanced out the window. It looked like 4 men with guns were marching up the stairs towards the office. Leaving 3 on the ground. Tsk. The chances of not getting shot dwindling very very quickly. Hopefully they weren't good shots.
Part of him wanted to reach out and shake the computer. Knowing fully well it wouldn't help at all. But it surely would make him feel better. They were getting too close for true comfort. He was going to have to make a jump. He gently set the laptop into the briefcase, still open as it downloaded the files.
Someone attempted to open the door, as if it would be unlocked. The door handle gave a few shakes before it grew silent. Then a loud bang, then another, and another, someone was trying to kick it down.
The kicking stopped shortly after. There were low murmurs filed the tense silence that was filling Seven's ears. There was a click, and rapid fire that hit the door handle, leaving the door to swing open.
100% "All done meow~!"
As the computer chimed, seven closed the briefcase and stood up. As the men rushed in, he slid his hand into his pocket, and turned away from them. Bright flashes of light and sound erupted from the small can near the door. Reaching his arm back he slammed the briefcase against the window. The weight of which was suppose to carry him forward through the glass, but his arm gave a jerk as the case bounced back spinning him around.
"What?!" Another hit to the window and it didn't shatter. It wasn't bullet proof why?! Oh lord in heaven. Why do you place so many trials upon this poor sinner. Freezing in place Seven tried to formulate a plan. If they hit him in the chest and legs he'd be okay. The bullet proof vest would work and he could power through a leg/arm shot. But his head.... Maybe they'd shoot chest first, inspect and he could hijack a gun.
The flashes had finished not long after starting and the men were gaining vision back. The leader already had a gun fixed upon Seven. The chest is where the gun was aiming but no bullet escaped. "You snooped too long." The gruff voice mocked the red haired man.
"I did. You were a lot faster than I had expected. Silly me." Seven gave a little grin and held onto the briefcase tightly with one hand and raised one hand in a defenseless motion to show he wasn't holding a weapon. "Do I get to be a prisoner and tortured?" With torture there was possibilities of escape. Death, not so much.
"No. We will kill you. Take briefcase, and send your balls back to your boss as warning." The gun raised. His neck? They wanted to watch him choke on his own blood before dying. How brutal. Seven hissed in disappointment. "What a shame." He stared down his attacker, waiting for the trigger pull.
A shot rang out, blood splashing onto Seven's face. The searing hot flames of pain erupting in his mind. Before calmly fading into a strong stinging sensation. Seven watched the body of the man in front fall to the ground before 3 other shots rang out. Reaching a hand up he felt the grazed shot along his cheek. "Had they missed him and then tried to cover up??" Looking towards the window four holes decorated the window that hadn't been there before.
Hearing another gunshot, Seven tried to pin point the location. He found one of the guards below cautiously walking around, gun raised, before being gunned down with a single shot. That was 6 shots. That meant there was one more guard around the area. Seven made his way over the bodies and out the door, wiping the blood from his cheek off onto his sleeve. Where was the other guard?? He looked around, letting himself get into a small covered area behind some boxes. He should just make a run for it.
"Cutting it a little close Luciel." A voice spoke from above, and for a split second, Seven was certain it was the holy son himself. Watching a leg dangle from above him, before a whole body of a man in the guard uniform drop down in front of him. Sniper rifle strapped onto his shoulder. "Did you even have a plan? What was with that poor window breaking attempt?" The man removed his helmet, letting his white locks flow so free. They gently went back into place, as if the man had never been wearing a helmet.
"Zen you scared the fuck out of me. Why are you here?" Seven held a hand to his chest and tried to calm the sharp pain that was his quickly beating heart. The sniper gave the hacker a pat on the back and escorted him from the building.
"V sent me. He wasn't sure where you were. So I had to do some shit guard duty. Lucky me." A cigarette was already in the man's hands, as he took a long drag. Seven plucked the cig from Zen's hands and tossed it to the ground. "Don't smoke. It'll make me sick. And you'll stink up my baby."
The two men walked down an alley passing various small garage doors before stopping at one 3 away from the end. Seven tapped a card against the keypad that rested on the side of the door frame, opening the door. "So, V is out? Is he okay? Trying to plan a reunion already?" Seven started asking questions as he unlocked the car for the both of them.
Zen placed his sniper rifle and bags in the back of the car before hopping in the passenger seat. Seven placed the briefcase behind his seat before getting into the driver seat and starting the car. "V is out. He says we're back in business. At least for one final heist." Zen made sure his seatbelt was secure, right before the hacker peeled out of the garage and made his way into the open road.
"Why, would V be interested in a new heist? The last one was...." Seven stopped himself feeling the bitter taste on his tongue. He could see in his peripheral view Zen tensing up. The car remained silent for a few moments as both men stopped themselves from getting overly angry.
Zen finally spoke. "Because revenge fuels the best plans." Looking over to Seven, he smirked. "You wanna? Jaehee, Jumin, and myself already said yes. It won't be the same without you."
The red head scoffed. "Won't be the same...You guys couldn't do anything without me. What's the hit?"
Zen chuckled before relaxing in the seat, getting used to the top speeds the vehicle was driving at. "A casino."
"Casino? Does he realize how dangerous, complex, and intricate those systems are?! Not to mention how practically impossible they are to crack!" The car gave a small jerk slightly as Seven drifted the vehicle into a left turn suddenly.
"You can't do it?" The white haired man gripped the seatbelt and the 'Oh Shit' handle, respectably.
"I didn't say I couldn't do it. I said it was practically impossible." The red head adjusted his glasses and smirked. "You know I can make the impossible, possible. It would be quite the feat for a hacker such as myself. My rates would triple."
"Well god. It's Rika's Casino. V wants our money back. So you can get your rates back plus some from the last heist." Zen reached for his pack of cigs, before heaving a sigh remembering the no smoking rule in the car. "You're going to need to connect us again."
Seven shook his head. "No We're going to need to be in close contact. A chatroom would be redundant at this point. I'll make a secure texting/call system. That way it won't be traceable." He gave a few taps on his chin trying to think of how he'd design it. "Where are we all meeting?"
"At mista trust fund's pad." Zen pouted. Not wanting to be subjected to a cat hair filled death trap. Which reminded him he needed to preemptively take some pills.
"Oh~ I'll get to see my Elly." Seven laughed as Zen started to sneeze and whine about how he hated cats and their terrible hair. From then the car ride was silent until seven reached his home. Pulling into his own garage Seven got out and took the briefcase from the back of the car. "Hey, you know what I just thought about?" Seven watched the other male gather his things from the back. Zen gave a small 'hmm' as to signal Seven to continue talking. "What about Yoosung?"
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Chapter Three
Authors Note: Thank you for all the support after the last chapter :) It’s great to know people are liking the story so far especially since I’m really enjoying writing it! I’ve been writing and brainstorming a ton over the last few days so there should be more chapters soon. Let me know what you think :)
Everly spent her entire shift that night distracted by her puzzling dilemma. She wrote out answers to Harry's messages several times, but always found herself deleting them. Eventually she decided that it had been too long, answering him a week late would just make her look silly and she had missed her chance.
The next day, in her usual fashion, she slept until she had just enough time to get ready for work. Knowing it was going to be a big night since it was a Friday and there was a football game on, she put a little more effort into her look. She picked out a short faux leather skirt that cinched around her waist and paired it with a black, low cut crop top. It showed off a little more cleavage than would usually be appropriate, but in her industry if she wanted tips, she had to show a little skin. After finishing off her look with her standard fishnets and converse, she put on a touch of makeup, straightened her hair and headed out the door.
She was starting a little later since one of the other staff were responsible for opening on weekends and by the time she got there the place was already packed. She managed to squeeze through the crowd and as soon as she made it behind the bar she was put to work. All thoughts of Harry were finally pushed from her mind as she threw herself into things. She was in her element, firing out beers left and right and charming the tips from almost every single customer. Not that it took much charm to get tips from men considering what she was wearing, but she preferred to think it was her talent. Which she definitely had. It helped that the team they had worked flawlessly well together, but her boss always joked that she'd be perfectly capable of handling even the busiest of nights by herself and the other staff were just to keep her ego at bay.
Five hours flew by in no time and it was around ten o'clock, just as she was returning from a bathroom break, that the night got interesting.
“Next!” She shouted, signalling she was free to help another customer as she wiped up a beer spill on the bar top.
“You didn't answer my messages.”
The deep voice caused Everly's hand to freeze. Her eyes shot up and met with the ginger prince standing in front of her. He was wearing a baseball cap pulled low on his head to cover his face and had the collar of his jacket popped up, but Everly instantly recognised him. She stared momentarily, shocked to the point where her brain seemed to have stopped working completely and he simply watched her with a soft smirk on his face until she finally remembered how to speak.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that,” She finally replied, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink colour.
“So you did get them?” Harry teased. “I was starting to think you gave me a fake number.”
“No, it was my real number, I promise,” Everly assured him with a small smile. “Can I get you a drink?”
Harry glanced down the bar at the large number of other customers waiting to order.
“I was actually hoping we could have a chat,” He admitted. “I didn't expect it to be this busy after how empty it was the other day.”
“Weekends are a whole different story,” Everly laughed. “Especially when there's a football game on. I should be able to sneak away though, as long as we're quick.”
Harry nodded and Everly gestured for him to come behind the bar before turning to one of the young men working with her. She told him she was going to run for a quick 'cig break' before leading Harry through a narrow hallway filled with empty kegs and out to the back alley where they were allowed to smoke.
Harry quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, handing one to Everly before taking one for himself and pulling out his lighter. They smoked in silence for a few minutes before Everly worked up the nerve to talk.
“So, what did you want to chat about?” She asked quietly.
Harry shifted awkwardly, having lost some of the confidence he had in the bar now it was just the two of them.
“I just, uh, thought we really hit it off last week so I won't lie, I was a little surprised when you didn't answer me,” He explained. “But I realize I may have pushed you too far with that kiss and I would like to apologize for that.”
“You don't need to apologize. I haven't been kissed like that in ages, it was nice,” Everly blurted out before she could stop herself causing her cheeks to go red once again. “And I shouldn't have ignored you. I just had a lot of thinking to do.”
“And where did that thinking lead you?” Harry asked as he stomped out his finished cigarette.
“Round and round in circles,” Everly admitted earning a chuckle from Harry, but when he didn't speak she continued. “I have a lot of baggage, more than you probably realize, and I don't want to push that on to anyone else.”
“I have baggage too,” Harry shrugged. “I thought maybe it would be nice for us both to have someone to talk to about it.”
“I don't want to talk about it,” Everly said firmly. “I want to push it from my mind and move on.”
“Alright, that's fine too,” Harry nodded, knowing full well her strategy would break down eventually. “We can distract each other from our problems then if you'd prefer.”
Everly bit her lip, mulling over his words as a shiver ran threw her. Harry instantly moved into action, shrugging off his coat and moving to drape it over her shoulders.
“But now you'll be cold,” She protested, somewhat halfheartedly.
“I'm still wearing far more than you,” Harry chuckled. “I'll be okay for a few minutes.”
Everly reluctantly nodded, enjoying the warmth around her. It smelt distinctly like him and she took in a deep breath, memories of the last time he was close to her filling her mind.
“What exactly are you looking for?” She asked, pulling the coat around herself as if she was trying to hide from the awkward conversation.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I don't think I'd be very good at a casual or uh, friends with benefits type of relationship at this point,” Everly elaborated. “It'll take me a while to trust you and I don't know how long it'll take for me to feel comfortable having...”
“Sex?” Harry suggested, a slight smirk on his face as her cheeks burned. She nodded. “That's really alright. I'm not looking to rush into anything. I won't even kiss you again if you want to keep things friendly.”
“Well I didn't say that. I thought I already told you how much I enjoyed that kiss?”
Everly forced up some confidence and flashed him a cheeky grin causing Harry to laugh with a smug smile of his own on his face.
“Then we can kiss as much as you like,” He offered. “But seriously, we can take things as slow as you need. I'm past the point of wanting to mess around with silly flings anyway.”
“Really? The party prince is looking to settle down?”
It was meant as a joke, but Harry's face twisted in to a slight scowl and she instantly felt bad.
“I don't want to be the party prince that everyone thinks I am,” He admitted. “I want people to start taking me seriously. I do want to settle down, I want to get married and have kids. I'm ready to grow up.”
“Whoa, slow down, your highness! Just because I don't want casual doesn't mean I'm ready to marry you,” She teased, putting the smile back on Harry's face. “But I understand. I'd like to be taken more seriously too.”
“So can I see you again?” Harry asked, nervous for her answer.
“Yes,” Everly nodded. “If you're willing to start this thing with the intention of it being something more than a fling then I would love to see you again.”
“Excellent,” Harry practically cheered, unable to hide the grin on his face. “Maybe we could go out for tea this weekend if you're free?”
“We're closed on Sunday and Monday,” She informed him with a smile. His enthusiasm was contagious. “But could we maybe keep things a bit more private for a while? Away from the press, I mean. Just for now.”
“Of course. You're welcome to come over to mine on Sunday for dinner if you're comfortable with that?”
Harry watched her reaction, hoping he wasn't being too forward again and was relieved when she nodded.
“That sounds lovely,” She agreed..
“Wonderful, text me your address and I'll send a car for you, but for now I should probably let you get back to work,” He said as he moved towards her to take back his coat. He was standing right in front of her as he slid it from her shoulders and she stared up at him, unable to stop herself from glancing at his lips. Noticing the movement he took a risk. “Would it be alright if I kissed you again? Just to seal whatever deal we just made out here.”
Everly giggled at the cheeky glint in his eye and nodded. Not hesitating for a moment, Harry leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't the same wild, passionate kiss they had shared the week before, but it still made Everly's head spin. His lips were soft and gentle as they moved against hers and she felt a warmth spread through her body, suddenly not feeling the cold despite no longer having Harry's jacket. After a few moments she reluctantly pulled away, knowing she really did need to get back to work.
“I'll see you on Sunday?” She asked quietly as Harry stepped away from her with a smile on his face.
“Looking forward to it.”
Everly gave a slight wave and opened the door. Once Harry was sure she was safely inside, he headed off down the alley to find his protection officers who were waiting by the car.
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