#me seeing the stydia spoiler :)
deanvonnegut · 2 years
the teen wolf movie is just badly written fanfic and can’t hurt me
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lingeringscars · 2 years
on another note, i actually really like stiles & lydia's break up. everyone is going on about how stupid it was but i don't think so. i think it was heart wrenching and gutting and absolutely perfect? if they were going to break up, I think this is exactly how it would go. it ties in lydia's past trauma very well. it ties into her own complicated feelings with her powers very well. idk i liked it!
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
It's so funny critics and people who got invited to see the premiere are all saying the teen wolf movie was trash
inserting 'i'm shocked, this is shocking news' gif here
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Just watched the teenwolf movie and I think it was a bit good like it wasn’t that bad so yeah spoilers
ethan is still with Jackson and lives still in London
No explanation for Isaac? Like did Chris really just left him in France and never returned to get him back????
How did Liam got this box? He didn’t was in season 3 he never knew the nogitsune and Isaac had it
Eli is stiles 2.0
Jackson in the movie is idk but I kinda liked him there
Stydia because of a ducking dream?
Derek becomes an true alpha just for him to brun alive in front of his son not even a secound later like he with his family
Where’s Corey? Did Mason and he broke up? And where did he go then?
Where’s theo? They didn’t even mention him
Honestly I think peterxchris had more chemistry than. malia and Parrish
Danny wasn’t there and no explanation where he is gone
Couch calls scott Greenberg. Like was scott just Greenberg all along? And when not then why did we never see the face of Greenberg
No mention of Kira like is she still in the dersert?
Melissa is a doctor now from what it seems and she derserved it
The nogitsune… stiles and Kira should been there they were the main plot for that
Also hes a hybrid? Even though in season 3 they say he can be a fox and a Werwolf but now he is? like what? And they killed him? But in season 3 he said that you can’t kill the nogitsune
Mason and Liam just interacted once and just for Liam to end Mason sentences like come on they were best friends
Peter’s sniffing scene…. I didn’t thought you guys were joking but wow he realised that there was no need for that
Peters hair flip was funny tho
And that he got his revenge on Derek with burning the wolfsbane out of him
What was the scene between Lydia and Scott when they were searching for the place from who Allison died ??
Scott and Alison adopting Eli you tell me Alison who tried to kill Derek and is probably still a teenager mentally maybe physically too is with Scott? A grown man and they adopting eli? Like he as family ok peter and malia not to be choice but where the duck is Cora and also the shriff could take him they have a bond and know each other and not like Scott who last saw him when he was kid and Alison he never meet her she tried to kill him
And Alison came back to live and they didn’t even bother to text Isaac it? Like Allison was his girlfriend when she died and he had to watch that she always liked Scott (even when. He was with him I guess?) that’s wow. And then he’s adopted by Chris his girlfriends father who tired to kill him and go ti France but only Chris retuned and left Isaac in grace alone???? And his daughter came back but he didn’t told Isaac???
Isaac derserved better
Like sheriff should told Eli it would make more sense
And malia or even Peter could help him with his werewolf powers yeah Scott to but he probably leave beacon hills again
Malia still hates peter and Peter still wants malia to call her dad I guess that never change
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So I finally sat down and watched the Teen Wolf movie, but it's been out long enough that I feel like it's okay to talk about, but just in case... 🚫*spoilers ahead*🚫
1st complaint: literally every single romantic relationship for Malia has felt incredibly forced, even in the show, but none more than whatever the hell she and Parrish had! I might except some arguments for Stalia, but I always knew Stydia would be endgame...
Speaking of Stydia... let's talk about my 2nd complaint which is that trash throw away ✨️reason for Lydia leaving Stiles✨️ "idea" are you- are you really telling me, the girl that was able to convince a whole group of people and HIS FATHER that Stiles even existed after everyone forgot him and was able to bring him back into existence would just... leave him after a DREAM?!?! She fought against everyone telling her she was crazy for remembering someone who supposedly never existed, but she wouldn't fight for a reason to stay with the love of her life??? Cause that's not the Lydia I remember! She was stubborn, brave, and most of all she believed in her ideas cause she knew how smart she was! This just seemed like the "must use woman's pain to further plot" trope. On top of having a reason for Stiles not to be there since Dylan couldn't be in the movie.
3rd complaint: did none of the relationships the show workout or something? Like... why did Scott AND Argent not want Melissa to know they were in town? Argent and Melissa were so cute! She helped him heal and move on, he actually liked and let her be the strong independent woman she always was. I don't particularly care that Allison came back, I wasn't crazy about how they handled it, but whatever. I think Allison would've been happy to see her dad happy again after how he was after her mom died and then eventually her... instead of lonely and grieving his life away.
But no, Melissa and Argent gone.
But also Stydia... gone.
Scalia... gone.
And from what little I gathered Ethan and Jackson are... something. But Jackson is apparently comfortable just being gone and lying to him about why.
Speaking of being gone... onto my 4th complaint! ALL OF PETER HALE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WAS JUST GONE!!! Like they had me in his first scene with the blow torch, that was just regular old sassy Peter, but then he was just all Gung-ho for killing Allison and right back to his revenge filled ways. He was so protective and ready to finally be a dad for Malia at the end of the show, granted he still had a long way to go, but he was finally fighting with the pack and mending his relationship with Derek. When Scott is monologuing at the end of the final episode he says "Now we have allies who used to be enemies. We have protectors." And it cuts to a clip OF PETER FREAKING HALE!!!!! Like I wasn't expecting perfection, Peter was always a bit of a d*ck, but for all of his progress to just be gone was heartbreaking. Only redeeming part was the cigar and blowtorch bit because it had so much Doc Ock 2004 vibes.
And finally Derek... I just- I can't... I know it's cliche and cringey to say, but this movie is not canon for me. Because if it was, that means I would have to admit all the garbage I just watched was real. And I will not accept that. Most of all Derek's fate... Just no.
Anyway... I could continue, but I would be going on forever with complaints. The way I see it is, I still love the show and I will still watch it. This movie doesn't exist and the characters are all still out there together living their best lives as they should be.
The End.
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
My thoughts on “Teen Wolf: The Movie”.
So I watched the new Teen Wolf movie. Ultimately. I'm giving it a six out of ten. While there was more I liked about the movie than disliked, I had quite a few  gripes.  
I didn't see it as horrendous as a lot of fans say it is, but there are a few valid critiques I've seen. Maybe I'm just easy to please.
I think some of the issues could have been fixed if there wasn't such a big time skip; like instead of fifteen years, five years. Maybe instead of raising a teenager, Derek would be raising a toddler. Though I don't think we'd get the same kind of story for Eli that way, especially for this generations teen wolf. 
Spoilers below.
1. So I got into Teen Wolf back in high school, and I remember being a die hard Scallison stan back then too. I'm not as big of a Scallison as I was back then, but I am glad to see them be endgame, if it wasn't for one small thing.
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My main question is if Allison aged a bit after her resurrection ? Like is she still considered a teenager or is she considered a young adult now ? I feel like this is a nitpick, but some In-Universe clarification would be nice! Feels like something the writers overlooked.  
Then again, werewolves are slow to age in the show's lore, so I guess you can apply "Vampire Rules" to these kind of romances. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I mean the show used to tease Parrish and Lydia, in season four; back when she was a teenager, and he was in his 20's. As if over half the fandom wasn’t shipping Sterek.
Actually, while I was working on this post, I read that Allison was eighteen when she died, so that's...better I guess.
2. Speaking of Parrish, his and Malia's relationship...I'm okay with it, more so than Scott and Malia. I mean they didn't do much with either pairing. Maybe that's the Malira shipper in me talking.
With Scalia, it felt like they just slapped them together because Scott needed a love interest for the final season. You could make the argument that a lot has happened over fifteen years that we didn't see.
With Malia and Parish, it feels like there's a whole ass story we didn't see, but y'know, show, don't tell. 
3. While I'm on that, the movie leaves a lot open ended, that it felt like it was setting up a follow up. This is were most of my problems come from. I was thinking maybe it would tie into Wolf Pack, but I've been hearing that the show isn't meant to be a direct spinoff (or even the same universe) as Teen Wolf. 
One thing I'd like an explanation of is Eli's mother, which again feels like they're saving for a follow up. Speaking of Eli, he became an instant favorite of mine, and someone I wouldn't mind seeing again.
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Also, the cursing and nudity in this movie, I'm not saying it's out of place, and far from being prudish. I like that they’re being more risqué, but I’m also glad they didn't go too overboard with it. Still,  “Darkness, you motherfucker” absolutely killed me!
Another gripe I had was that Kira didn't return. Like this is a story where kitsune are front and center, and one of the antagonists is a monster her mother helped bring into the world. 
You’re seriously telling me she’s not up for another round ?
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We're introduced to a new Kitsune, Hikari, who I have nothing against, but it really feels like Kira could have (should have) filled her spot. Especially since Hikari didn't have a proper introduction for a new player. "Oh, Liam has a new girlfriend who's a kitsune ? Welcome to the team I guess."
4. The villains...here's where I have more of an issue. So the Nogitsune makes a comeback. Which is fine; I saw that coming as far back as the trailers. 
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But the movie's other Big Bad is Adrian Harris, with no explanation for his survival. I mean sure, a slashed throat/strangulation is an injury you can survive, but the chances are often slim.
I could have easily bought this Big Bad Duumvirate, if there wasn't something that stuck out; Stiles wasn't there. 
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I can accept that Stiles isn't part of the story. I can accept Stydia splitting up (albeit begrudgingly). But Stiles was the Nogitsune’s primary tormenting victim, and the one Harris had the most beef with. You telling me he wasn't on their radar ?!
You're telling me that even if Harris survived or came back, the first thing he wouldn't do was try to access the speed force and pull some Eobard Thawne buffoonery on Stiles ? 
Get out of town!
Anyways, the Nogitsune was a serviceable villain, but I feel like Harris could have been replaced with another past antagonist. Say Tamara Monroe, considering she was the series cliffhanger villain, and as of this movie her arc's unresolved. They probably wouldn't have been able to pull any kind of twist with her, but she at least would fit more. 
Hell, even Theo Raeken would have been more fitting; the guy such has a proud history of subverting whatever redeeming qualities thrown his way, I still have a hard time buying his “redemption” at the end of the series. Actually, it wasn't even a redemption, it was just the one genuine Pet the Dog moment the guy actually had.
Anyways, Harris probably would have been a better fit in a story that had Stiles in it.
5. Not gonna lie, Derek's death was something sorta I saw coming.
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What I mean is, I certainly saw someone in the main cast was gonna die. That's like an unspoken rule in “Next Generation” sequels. But I thought it would be someone else. If not Derek, it would be one of the parents.
Who'd I'd probably have die instead would be Chris Argent. I mean if you're gonna bring back his daughter, you'd think one consequence would be that Chris would die in her place.
Derek's death, I'm more mixed on, but ultimately accept. I would have preferred if Chris was the one with the heroic sacrifice. I still think it would be a more fitting end than Derek’s.
I heard some complaints that Scott and Allison pretty much adopted Eli, but I didn't see it that way. When Scott and Eli interacted, I got more of an uncle/nephew vibe than any father/son thing. 
The way I see it, Eli just has a large support system following his father's death; a support system that just now includes Scott and Alison. And let's be honest, there's no way and hell Derek is gonna let Peter raise him.
I've been told this was intended to be the start of a trilogy, so if we get sequels, hopefully they'll fill us in on what we missed.
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hiatuswhore · 2 years
The teen wolf movie pissed me off for soooo many reasons. SPOILERS
1. The easiest reason, it sucked but I expected that.
2. We were robbed of a Stydia kiss in the show finale in place of a Scott and Malia kiss, ONLY FOR THEM TO NOT EVEN STAY TOGETHER.
3. Liam and Masons are besties and we didn’t even see them really interact.
5. Derek is still alive and I’ve just decided the movie never happened.
6. I thought we were gonna get Void Allison, so that was very disappointing.
7. This is not a reason why I hate it, actually a compliment. Jackson carried.
8. Not a complaint but an observation, I just know the Sterek fans are living and thriving.
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cr3ziy · 2 years
I'm watching The Teen Wolf Movie...
The following part is me commenting about the things that I see in the movie while I'm watching it, so the part below will be updated continuously for the next 2 hours
So for 15 years Allison has been stuck in Bardo?! FR?!
Hate the fact that we don't get Thiam canon
Hate the fact that Stiles is not in the movie BUT MY BABY IS OFFICIALY PART OF THE FBI I'M SO PROUD OF HIM!!
Derek's got Stiles' Jeep, I repeat DEREK'S GOT STILES' JEEP OMJ I'M CRYING
Derek: "He [Eli] took the Jeep again, didn't he?"
Noah: "Why the hell does he keep taking the Jeep?"
Derek: "Because he know I hate it"
Sterek all the way❤️
AHAHAHAHA Jackson popping out so randomly AHAHAHAH
Of course it's the Nemeton... it's ALWAYS the Nemeton
I'm sorry, MALIA WHAT THE HELL?!?! From the trailer we all knew about you and Jordan... BUT NOT LIKE THIS!! WHAT WAS THAT ENTRANCE?! OH MY JACK!!
Soo... is somebody going to tell us what happened with Stydia and Scalia, and who is Eli's mom?
Nvm Eli has two dads, Derek and Stiles
Please he his SO MUCH like Stiles!!
X: "How many curse words do you want?"
Jeff: "Yes"
Aww Derek tells Eli The Teen Wolf Chronicles🥺
X: "How many naked people do you want?"
Jeff: "Yes"
"Scott who?" This hurts
Oh and yeah, how exactly Mason ended up to be a police officer? And more important WHERE THE HELL IS COREY?!
Derek's eyes😍
They are a lighter shade of blue... so gorgeous
Liam my baby I love you so much🥰
Sooo Eli's problem is that he passes out seeing his own fangs and claws? Great for a werewolf
So basically is season three all over again but this time without Void Stiles... as much as I love season three... Jeff you could've come up with something new
HERE HE COMES!! Popping out of nowhere!! But we're not complaining: it's good to see you Peter!!
But exactly... why is Jackson here? He looks so out of place!!
Eli: "My dad told me you almost had to cut his arm off once because of wolfsbane poisoning"
STILES almost had to!!
Jackson: "Why don't we catch him and kill the Nogitsune? That sounds like a pretty good plan to me"
OH THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!! How did no one think about it in season three? Kill the Nogitsune... it was so easy guys.
Jackson honey, I understand that you weren't there at the time, but if they're telling you that the Nogitsune is back it means that they couldn't kill him... and if they could, why wouldn't they do it? THINK JACKSON
I checked: even though it was pretty obvious, Hikary and Liam said "I love you"... that's a low blow
Eli: "I can do this"
Apparently he can't
Rowan trees burned down... excellent
Malia and Jordan... it kinda looks wrong to me and I don't know why
So, responsible for burning down Derek's house and supposed to be dead... it can't be Gerard, right? Please tell me it's not him.
Nahh, the figure seems too young to be him!!
So this is actually Allison?!
Derek: "Eli did you see your eyes?"
Eli: "How the hell am I supposed to see my eyes? They're the things I use to see"
Finally someone saying something that make actually sense!!
Where the hell did he come from?! This doesn't make any sense!!
Heartbreak? What happened with Stiles, Lydia?
I... certainly did not expect this... Lydia saved him by not being with him... this is a thing I didn't think could ever be possible.
It seems like they're not meant to be, please it's so sad😭
So it's now possible to borrow fox fire from a kitsune? Ehm... ok
Ok but seeing the three of them with all different eye colour gave me chills!!
"You can't kill me"
and all I can think about is:
"You can kill the Oni but me, ME! I'm a thousand years old YOU CAN'T KILL ME"
But the Scallison kiss🥺❤️
He cannot be... he's not.. he's not😭
Derek fixed Stiles' Jeep, I'm weak😭😭
Derek you didn't deserve this end after all the pain you suffered...❤️
but we know that you're not dead so stop messing around and turn back to your family, they still need you
Noah: "[Derek] had complicated feelings about that Jeep"
We all know what that means...
Pain, pure pain
Oh my Sterek💔
So in the end Scott kept his promise after all❤️
From now on every time I'll do a rewatch and get to that scene... I'll watch it with different eyes
I liked it because it's Teen Wolf, one of my favourite series, but I got to say that i'm pretty disappointed.
I particularly loved all the references to Stiles, a way to make him part of the movie without actually being in the movie, loved it.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but for the role he played Liam could have very well not been in the movie. This hurts, but he practically did nothing, he barely spoke. I'm really mad for this, he seemed so useless. And maybe I'm biased but I saw zero chemistry between him and Hikari.
Jeff, you could have used him better, for example I don't know CANONISING THIAM.
I felt the lack of Theo Reaken references, so now I'm going to reply on fanfictions👍
But Hikari too, she had pontential but turn out to be pretty useless.
All the time waiting for Liam to interact with Mason (his best-friend) and Scott (his brother) and... nothing.
Also, I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I WAITED ALL THIS TIME JUST TO SEE DEREK HALE DIE... AGAIN!! Even thought I strongly believe that he's not dead, that hurt!!
On a scale from 1 to 10 this movie is a 5.5, could have been definitely better, starting by creating a different story but I liked it. Definitely loved some parts!!
Now, technically there will be a second movie that I will obviously watch cause it's Teen Wolf, and I truly hope that it will be better that the first.
That's it, I just got a lot of unanswered questions
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sb0-0 · 2 years
Teen Wolf Movie (Spoilers)
Okay, so I was a little late to the game in becoming a Teen Wolf fan, I started watching it during the pandemic but it became an all time favorite show of mine right away. 
I watched the movie today. (I know a little late to that too) and I have some thoughts. 
First off, I hate the fact that the entire storyline of the movie focused on the nogitsune and Stiles and Kira were nowhere to be seen. I get that Dylan O’Brien said no to coming back and Arden said no (good for her for saying no), but Kira and Stiles were the two main characters of that original storyline. Stiles, who was possessed by the nogitsune, and Kira, a kitsune who accidentally activated the nogitsune and was crucial in helping defeat it. 
Jackson being there was just plain odd. I get that Lydia asked him too and whatnot but I felt all he really did there was be a himbo and complain about being there. tbh I never really liked Jackson so this could be an unpopular opinion surrounding his role in the movie
I loved Derek and Eli, but we got 0 backstory on the two. Who is Eli’s mother? where is she? How did Derek get off the FBI’s most wanted list? Also, I saw online that someone pointed out how at the end of Season 4, Derek’s eyes go back to being yellow instead of blue, but now in the movie they’re blue again? Jeff Davis please explain. 
Why was Liam in Japan? how did he get the Jar with the nogitsune in it? Argent and Isaac took it to France. I mean maybe if they wanted to move it around a bit to keep it from being in the same place and being found like okay. but then why give it to the one character who was not even there during the time fo the nogitsune? When Harris goes into the restaurant and talks to Hikari and Liam, he’s directly referencing things that happened and were said during Season 3b, and Liam understands none of it. I feel like iff or example, Lydia had the jar for some odd reason, she would have understood the references and been like “oh Shit” 
What happened between Argent and Melissa??? At the end of the series, they were together and now all of a sudden they aren't? like give us an explanation.
I am a hard Stydia shipper. I have loved the two together since I started the show, but I HATED how nothing was confirmed or even spoken about after season 6a. We got 0 confirmation on them being together. And in the movie, there was barely any mention of stiles, which I hated. And then we come to find out that Lydia left stiles because she kept seeing his death? Fuck off. Bullshit. You’re telling me that we spent 6 seasons watching one of the slowest burning romances only to get no confirmation they were together, and then get told that they broke up?? 
I felt like almost everyone was so out of character. Scott was acting almost exactly like he normally does, so he’s the exception. 
If I talk about Derek’s death I will cry again, so I won’t say much. other than I felt he should not have died. I mean come on, Derek grew up at Eli’s age without a family and we are just continuing the cycle here? Derek should have lived to be with his son. 
there were obviously things I loved about this movie, like Allison coming back and the gang getting back together, but I just felt this left me with so many more questions than the show’s actual ending. 
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logangarfield · 2 years
saw your tags on the stydia post and now i so curious to see what bs they came up with to explain stiles not being there but i can’t watch the movie because paramount+ thought it was a good idea to not release the movie globally at the same time.
saw some people say that the movie won’t be available in germany until april.
i am mad. (i got paramount+ just to watch the movie so that was for nothing)
I am SO sorry you got Paramount+ only for it to not even be available!!!!! That's honestly so dumb. They should have been transparent about WHERE it would be available and when!!!!!
I'm gonna be honest, I already planned on not watching it (DOB said some stuff that made me go 🧐 about his absence and I didn't trust Jeff Davis lmao) but then I woke up to this tweet (if you wanted spoilers!!! it's all just spoilers) and laughed because okay. Then someone reblogged my Stydia post and in the tags, they said what happened and I ran to the stydia tag, found this post (gifset from the movie), and then lost it entirely lmao
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rosiecalloways · 3 years
OBX2 SPOILERS Can I just say how the jiara boat scene reminded me of the stydia "stiles saved me" scene. Like, stiles and kiara are completely focused on making lydia and jj wake up. At the stydia scene, when lydia wakes up she is kind of lost at first, but then she sees stiles holding her hand and just keep looking at their intertwined hands. And at the jiara scene when jj wakes up he looks lost too, but then he sees kiara's hands on him and keeps looking at them and then at her face like he is surprised she's holding him. Parallels between my two favorite couples are my favorite thing ever.
(English is not my mother language so if there's a couple of mistakes here just ignore it please)
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fangirlovestuff · 3 years
To Many More - Sam Wilson x reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! haven’t been able to write in a bit but here’s this short piece for the loml’s birthday aka sam wilson. he’s such husband material abgshdbpdhfdf thank me for that gif later;) enjoy<3
Summary: your superbird boyfriend comes home just in time to spent the rest of his birthday with you. no tfatws spoilers!!
Word Count: ~750
Warnings: alludes to smut, that’s it:)
You tried to tell Sam that he shouldn't go, because then he'd miss his birthday.
"The mission ends two whole days before that. C'mon, I'll be home before you notice it," he smirked, and that was it.
Now, you spent almost his entire birthday alone. You did anticipate this, but still. It sucked. To make up for it, you were now making Sam's favorite pasta, thinking about how you should've put your foot down about him not going and he's probably out there fighting an-
The knock at your door startled you from your thoughts. Immediately tensing up, you grabbed your phone and went to look through the peephole. Sam lectured you enough about safety for you to know even if it's him, he'll stand to wait a bit before you open the door. It used to annoy you, still does sometimes, but you understood why it mattered.
Looking out, you saw it was indeed him. Opening the door with a grin, you had to stop yourself from jumping into his arms once you took in his disheveled state.
"Big bad was really bad this time, huh?" you teased.
Sam's arm had a bandage wrapped around it, his cheek had a small cut on it, and you could see from the way he was standing that his right leg wasn't in the best state either.
"I don't look that bad," he smirked.
You both got inside before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his toned torso while you did your best not to cling onto him like you so desperately wanted to, knowing it would probably be painful.
He took a deep breath, laying his head on top of yours, and you could feel the tension start to seep out of your body and his alike.
"You okay?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied softly, and even without looking you knew he was smiling that special smile he reserved just for you. You stepped back a bit, and god, did you miss that smile.
"Good. Did you get 'em?"
"You know I did baby!" he finger-gunned the air in front of you, making you giggle.
You took hold of his arm and led him into the kitchen, making him sit down while you finish preparing the food. You were quiet, knowing he needed his time after a mission.
After a few minutes, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind, making you smile and hum in approval. You let him hold onto you as much as he needed.
Honestly, you knew that whatever question you’d ask him, he'd answer, unless that answer will put you at risk. But you also knew that he didn't really want you to ask, didn't want you to be a part of that life, that risk. So you didn't. you never had something that urgent to ask anyway, preferring the comfortable silence.
"That smells really good," he commented after a couple of moments.  
"Thank you. It's your birthday dinner, so I hope it'll taste as good. Don't think I forgot," you added before he could respond.
"I didn't think that," he chuckled.
"Good. Because you got off easy today, but tomorrow it's the Sam Wilson Birthday Extravaganza," you gestured dramatically and he laughed, "even if it's a day late, as I remember telling someone would happen," you finished with a grin.
"Where are you gonna make me go, huh?" he mused out loud.
"You'll find out," you said mock-ominously, "but tonight you should get some rest," you added softly.
"Well that's a shame," he buried his head in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his breathing tickling you, "because I was counting on getting my present tonight," he pressed a few kisses to your neck, making you sigh contently.
"Really? Good thing I'm in charge of planning your birthday then, since I don't think you should be getting any presents with that bruised arm of yours."
"On the contrary. Because I hurt my arm I think I deserve some consolation," he pouted against your neck and you laughed.
"I'll think about it," you turned around to face him and winked. "but for now let's get you something to eat, birthday boy."
"I'd r-"
"Don't even," you managed to keep your face straight before bursting into laughter, Sam along with you.
Yeah, Sam not being here for most of his birthday sucked, but any day he was yours was the luckiest day of your life.  
okay so longer rant now - i’m so sorry my updates are this inconsistent:( i wish i could give y’all better but right now this is the best i can manage. thanks if you’re still sticking with me / have joined and followed me, i see it and i appreciate you so so much!! school’s being a bitch and i’m sort of a perfectionist about my grades which doesn’t really mix well or leaves me with that much time to write, but for now it is what it is:( alright thanks so much for reading, ily, and stay hydated!!<3
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herestomyhaters · 3 years
just finished love, victor season 2 & boy do i got a lot to say. beware the major spoilers & just fyi, this is comin' at you by a black, bisexual girl. PULL THE LEVER KRONK!
i don't really know who to blame 4 this, & i'm not one to dislike protagonists just because, it's just... is it me or are all other characters more developed + nuanced than victor is? i'd like to see who he is beyond the relationship drama. i mean all we really know abt him is that he loves basketball & we barely even saw anything about that this season (besides the whole homophobic lockerroom extravaganza)
mia brooks is defo giving me Best Girl. there's sth about her that warms my heart, and i think a big part of that is how rachel hilson brings her to life. it really makes u care about her. that being said, i wanna see more! i feel like they could be digging a lot deeper w/ her yet they never really do. hopefully s3 will be the one
ah, the whole benji situation. i'm not gonna lie, i don't really like benji. his relationship w/ victor was almost too perfect & bubbly for me, then it was a hot mess and they kept fighting over every single thing. i kept getting major gaslight vibes from him. i don't really think they belong together, though we should probably cut benji some slack since he has been dealing w/ a lot. i need him to own up about his white privilege tho
speaking of whites, felix weston! my man! he's one of my faves what do you want me to tell ya. seeing him in so much pain broke my heart but i love that they gave him more depth besides being the quirky, socially awkward bestie. he's one of my favourite characters 4 sure
which brings me to his relationship w/ lake. honest: i never really shipped them. they're dynamic was fun in s1 (though it was giving a bit too much stydia imo), though i never fully recovered from lake being embarrassed to publicly date him. they just didn't quite do it for me. and that's probably for the best cause... HELLO? BISEXUAL LAKE? LET'S FUCKING GO?! ngl i always thought if we got bi rep it would be w/ pilar, but i'm not mad abt this at all !!!
pilar !!! my bestie !!! my favourite serial killer vibes, billie-eilish-stanning e-girl. let's be honest she was kinda giving me pick-me vibes all season which didn't really seem like her? i could see the attitude in her style & snarky comments (which i both love), but i felt like sth was missing? maybe, just maybe... a plotline that isn't about simping for your brother's best friend who is in a relationship?
don't even get me wrong, i really like pilix! in that scene in s1, i did get the feeling sth could happen between them someday. i never really imagined they'd go abt it this way tho (i mean did we even see where pilar's feelings came from?), but i get how it's interesting to see felix being crushed on for a change. their chemistry is everything, i do wish the pining would've lasted longer (what can i say, a bitch loves slow-burn)
which is the same i can say for vahim. that's right baby, it's finally time to let y'all know where i stand. and where i stand is HERE. i love rahim to the death (also pilar & him are best duo!), he is hilarious & awesome but my god why is this show obsessed w/ getting characters into relationships when they've just exited one? barely?! absolute same thing w/ felix. it's kind of nasty & just makes rahim and pilar look like the rebounds
SIMON SPIER. WITH A BEARD. the power this mf holds cause 1 minute of his screentime had me crying like no other scene did. then victor saying he doesn't need him anymore?? well I DO ??!! i really hope they'll bring him back 😫
forgot to mention andrew so here it is: i love him, he's an amazing loving himbo jock bf. nothing else to say
all in all, i feel like a lot of situations could've been handled differently, and there's so much i haven't mentioned cause this season was PACKED (feel free to rant below). it's understandable i guess, so i'll end with these wise words by meghann fahy: it's tv BABY, people love drama!
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zodiyack · 4 years
The Unforgivable Curses
Requested by @e-b-immortal: How about a witch reader x tommy shelby again But she just save john with magic and kill the enemies
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female!Witch!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, magic, murder, death, spoilers?, angst
Words: 1,320
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @stydia-4-ever, @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @simonsbluee, @peakysputain, @cai-neki, @darling-i-read-it, @fandom-puff, @jenepleurepasbaby, @marquelapage, @thewarriorprincessxo, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @peakyxtommy​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
I believe the witch reader concept started here
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Watching what would have been her brother-in-law’s death was mortifying. Tommy sent her to watch over his cousin and brother, her secret no longer a secret helping him in his decision making, and she soon agreed with his point. His original concern had to do with the black hands, hers now related to the uneasiness her gut held. It was too...weird.
Nothing was “normal” in her life, but this was a different kind of peculiar. This was an evil kind of peculiar.
Like time was moving in slow motion, her head whipped around to spot a gun beginning to rise. It was all the time she needed to simply whip out her wand and apparate in front of John then grab him and Michael and apparate out of the way. Esme was already out of their line of fire, so she was safe and didn’t require saving. The gypsy woman watched her sister-in-law with wide eyes that contained a pleasant mix of horror and awe. Y/n grinned before ducking down to dodge a bullet that flew at her head.
The bullet she dodged had just slightly grazed John’s shoulder. It still caught him off guard enough to cause panic to emit from his mouth. A loud cry rang through Y/n’s ears and summoned a beast inside her, one Newt had yet to discover. Her wizard friend was too far away to make the discovery now though.
“Arresto momentum!” Her spell made the unrealistic rate of speed real. Time really was moving in slow motion. She watched as every bullet moved slower than a sloth. The Shelbys, and Gray, behind her held three equal doses of confusion but their amusement was fleeting
The thing was, she wasn’t done yet. A darkness clouded her eyes.
Of course, Esme had been filled in on the different spells and what they could do, Tommy and the rest of the family as well, but Esme was the most observant involving the craft. She felt her skin pale and her heart drop to her stomach when she realized what was going to happen next. Tempted to reach out for her sister in law, had she not held back by her husband, she screamed.
“Don’t do it! It’s not worth it, there are different ways! Muggle ways!”
“What are you talking about, Esme?” John narrowed his eyes at his wife.
She turned to her husband with an urgent pleading expression. “Remember? The unforgivable curses, dumbass!” Esme swatted at him but quickly gave up. She was wasting time. “Y/n said that witches and wizards usually are corrupted by the fuckin’ dark curses! She swore to never take part in them!”
John gulped. He developed Esme’s fearful exterior within seconds, exchanging glances with Michael and then running at the same time as his cousin to Y/n.
“What the hell are you doing!? Get off!” She tried to nudge Michael away softly, but his grip on her wand wielding wrist never relented. “Don’t make me do this.” A sincere warning that he ignored yet again. Her other hand grabbed the wand and aimed it towards Michael, “Depulso!”
Michael began moving backwards. He looked to John with a stern nod of his head. They would do everything in their power to prevent Y/n from losing her innocence in her magic. However, Y/n was quick to spot him, flipping her aim as she shouted, “Depulso!”
Fortunately, John observed her when she did the same to Michael. He dodged it and continued pacing forward. Every shout of the spell he managed to just barely miss. Unfortunately, Y/n had now observed John.
“Incarcerous!” Ropes flew at the blinder and tied with unimaginable strength. He was left tied up and shouting, no way to stop Y/n. The shouts only quieted for a moment. A moment in which Y/n gave John a soft empathetic look before turning and following through with her plan. The look told him wordlessly that this was the only way. To trust her.
“Expelliarmus!” The guns flew in every which way, the slow motion’s affect drawing out a small snicker from John. Which elicited a glare from Esme.
The slow motion spell lingered away with the guns, and the men previously holding them looked around desperately. Some men jumped off to grab their weapons once they’d spotted their spots on the ground, but were practically thrown- the literal effect of the spell- back by the words murmured by Y/n.
“Everte statum!” Esme held her breath subconsciously. Y/n had yet to speak the one spell she told the group that she so greatly despised. She had yet to corrupt herself. “Expulso!” The guns broke apart, exploding where they lied, thus preventing the enemies from using their weapons.
Time returned to it’s feeling. The spell was no longer there, but they swore time had slowed again. Esme almost whipped her head around to Y/n to ask what she’d done until she noticed it wasn’t the spell.
It was like a film in the theatre; an entire movie that felt like it went on for years when really it was no more than an hour. A film that flashed the mafia’s life before their own eyes, the four across from them just characters they never asked for. A film that would be their last.
“Avada kedavra!” The words left her mouth with only slight hesitation. She convinced herself it was the only way, a repetition of the phrase to herself was the small nudge she needed to give into the curse and kill the men in front of her and her family.
A few moments passed, Y/n unmoving, standing in the same spot for the small bit of time before she turned and walked to John. “Let me see your shoulder.”
“What? No!”
Esme swatted his arm, “Let her see it, you fucking bloody idiot!”
He groaned before extending his arm and moving his night shirt over the wounded shoulder. A wince left his mouth as the cold air nipped at his bloody skin on display. “Vulnera sanentur.” The pain was gone and his wound was slowly mending itself.
Y/n turned and removed herself from their conversation for the second time. She sat upon the stairs, arm resting on her lap and her cheek held up by her palm. Esme watched with a furrow of her brows. She felt bad for Y/n, afraid even. When they’d discussed spells together, the mention of the killing curse had spooked Y/n.
It was a joke, at first. Esme was jabbing at the Blinders’ work, but then a question involving the killing part of the job popped up. Y/n assured her over and over that it wasn’t her fault, but now she couldn’t help but feel a massive wave of guilt. Y/n had just preformed the one spell she said she could never bring herself to do. Had she truly been corrupted? Was her warning true? Was she not an exception of dark magic’s addicting ways?
“It isn’t over, you know? They’re still out there, and from the looks of it, they don’t plan on walking away.” Y/n spoke up, startling the three.
“Well... What are we gonna do about it?”
“Whatever we can. We’ll think of something with the rest when we get back. For now right now though,” she paced around the property, “rather- before we leave, I have to do something. In fact, I’ll do it wherever  we deem necessary.” Her in lawed siblings and cousin waited for more context in her explanation before they heard a familiar spell.
The spell was one she did when they were threatened a different time. The threat was not as big as their current but it was just as, if not a little less, serious. They’d engraved the spell in their minds, thankful to its usefulness, for how grateful they’d been that it exists.
A warm feeling took hold of them; Y/n wasn’t corrupted. Y/n was determined.
“Protego totalum.” (protection spell)
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johnbroutledge · 3 years
☕️ + teen wolf! idk how specific to be tho so maybe top moments or favorite villains???
**if anyone is reading this who’s s not watched THERE WILL BE SPOILERS**
so okay I still have a few eps left to watch of 6b but so far my favorite moments are: the flare scene in hotel California because I’m sciles TRASH, the entire void stiles arc was LITERALLY incredible acting from Dylan so I really loved it tbh, ALL of 6a because the ghost riders arc had me sobbing on multiple occasions (when Noah finally remembered stiles omfg 😭😭😭😭, the reappearance of the flare scene, STYDIA pulling at my heart strings, just all of it), and stiles seeing Derek on the screen on his first day at the fbi cracked me up too.
send me a ☕️
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scottstiles · 7 years
Well m offically pissed and disappointed well later is my constant state and now i totally understand that after waiting for 6 fucking years m not gonna get stydia instead m gonna be force fed SCALIA.
i’m sorry you’re disappointed about scalia :( i’m still not sure how i feel about that, especially since the spoilers said scott will be married but we won’t see to who...and that one of the hale’s dies...it’s making me nervous. HOWEVER the scenes with them in the trailer were eerily similar to certain other scenes which turned out to just be hallucinations, so idk if that helps you but it’s always a possibility that they’re tricking us.like i said, i have mixed feelings (mainly cuz of stiles and kira), but like i said in the past if they do it RIGHT i really feel like it could be incredible.as for not getting stydia, you’re freaking out over nothing. we’re gonna get plenty of it in the eps with stiles, i have no doubts about that so i’m not worried, you shouldn’t be either.
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