#me prepping for tomorrow
legaylos · 2 years
I believe in Joel Miller’s rights, but most importantly Joel Miller’s wrongs
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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noir ideas…
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alienaiver · 4 months
wordcount; 483
content; father's day, shinsou x reader but focused on aizawa. mentions of disconnect between reader and their biological parents. gender neutral reader. erasermic family. [fathers day is june 5th in my country]
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aizawa stares at his phone, puzzled. the notification is short, concise and straight to the point. its the type of texts he enjoys the most, but this one just confuses him.
"happy fathers day" is all the text reads. theres just one issue though;
you're not his kid.
youre dating his kid and while he doesn't know a lot about child rearing, he knows he doesn't automatically become any kid's father that he meets.
besides, you're in your late 20's. are you sending this message on behalf of shinsou? is shinsou pranking him, messaging him from your phone to mess with him?
"what's up, darling?" yamada asks from the kitchen island where he's preparing the salad for tonight. aizawa doesn't register the question though, frozen in time with his phone held up boomer-style, the screen gone dark after all the time spent staring.
yamada rounds the island to reach his husband by the dinner table, petting the top of his head. aizawa shakes his head with the movement and clears his throat, "ah. a happy fathers day text."
"aw, thats so sweet. from eri? i havent gotten one," yamada replies as he returns to reach for his phone, to see if he also got a greeting.
aizawa clears his throat again, putting his phone down onto the table, saying your name. yamada looks at his husband beaming, "aw, they sent you a fathers day greeting? thats so sweet of them!"
aizawa looks at yamada with a raised eyebrow, "i'm not their dad though."
this makes yamada throw his head back in laughter, hand holding his stomach. aizawa doesn't think he was being funny though. when he notices the confusion in aizawa's features, he wipes a theatrical tear from his eye, "shouta, you've practically adopted them, too. you went to the doctor with them last week."
"so? hitoshi had a shift and they needed the support."
"you have a monthly movie night with them."
"well, eri's part of that, too."
yamada shakes his head and gives him The Look; a look that signifies that he needs to pay attention.
"look, you're there for them when their own parents aren't. that's a good thing, y'know."
aizawa looks away, a small pout on his features. yamada raises an eyebrow, "are you somehow unhappy about this?"
there's silence for a while, and then aizawa sniffles and wipes his nose while looking away. yamada's heart melts as he observes him, "'m not."
after a moment aizawa exhales sharply, "...i'm happy, it's just.. overwhelming. they're not a former student, they're someone who met me as an adult. they had no ties to me personally, they... chose me."
yamada giggles and returns to aizawa's side, wrapping his arms around him from behind, kissing his cheek, "i'm happy for you, too. they really need a father figure and you ARE amazing."
aizawa smiles softly, leaning into yamada's embrace, "i'm glad they think so, too."
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b4kuch1n · 11 months
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about ready
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dustykneed · 5 months
queer friend groups meeting up for brunch (but make it ds9)
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fun fact i have a version of this where julian is butt (buck) naked because i thought itd be funny to adhere to the meme and only give him a hat and boots. sadly i realized i could not release that particular rendition on tumblr. boo.....
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I have two interviews this week, wish me luck!!
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kimokura · 1 year
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Goromi week 2023 day 3 - sweets
sweeter than a candyshop
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bearingxnorth · 23 days
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Homemade fettuccine alfredo and roasted parmesan broccoli. The chicken is sitting in the cast iron under the broccoli 😂
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angelmichelangelo · 6 days
a whumptober fic prompt i was working on might have gotten away from me a little bit and turned into a 4k word thing... im gonna keep at it because i still have some bits to add before i finish up but.. anyone up for some rise!bad future woodyangelo?! very whumpy :D
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hydro-kanan · 1 year
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Post gym highs are the second best highs
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Episode 7 Pat : To lose or not to win that is the question
Okay I saw a post talking about how episode 7 pat "loses the bet everyday" and how in this rooftop scene...
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Pat raises the stakes (asking pran to confess in public) to keep Pran from saying the words just then (knowing he won't take that option) is making me feel and think a lot of things and now my brain is all over the place and i might as well just all note it down here or i won't have peace of mind.
At the outset i want to confess that eventhough i know that the bet has been for pran's sake i still viewed at as a legitimate competition that both pat and pran were trying to win, but i'm realising more and more how (for a large part of the bet) that just wasn't the case at all.
Pat came all the way from Bangkok to the hostile architecture trip alone only and only for Pran. Pat wants to be with him. Pran knows that and Pat knows that Pran knows that. He hasn't tried to hide it at all.
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Pat knows that Pran has feelings for him, Pran knows that Pat knows that. But he also isn't ready to admit what it would entail and the familiarity of competition between them allows him to explore that.
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"Whoever falls in love first loses" - when both of them know that they have feelings for each other, is hilaaaarious on first watch, but once you've rewatched it countless times and reached a whole new level of brain rot where your blood cells have p cells embedded within p cells in them then it isn't funny, it isn't funny at all * screams into a pillow *
Coming back to the bet, and what it actually means which is that whoever admits it(their feelings) first, loses. And all of us including pat and pran know that pat has already lost. Him coming to the trip just to get Pran to talk and his confession that he actually didn't like Ink 'like that' is all pointing to just one very obvious thing.
So Pat has already lost and yet they're both entering into the bet as if on equal ground. Pat could (and is very much willing to) keep losing over and over again, he very clearly wants to be with Pran but he would keep the charade of the bet up if it meant Pran wasn't ready.
Which means that the entire time that they were teasing and flirting with each other, all throughout episode 7, pat keeps on losing just for Pran's sake.
Do you realise how absolutely insanely madly crazy (mature) in love Pat is???? This might be a childish bet to YEW but to him its a space for Pran (and him) to explore their feelings without the responsibility of a relationship on them, it's actually revolutionary.
Kinda like killing with kindness, which basically sums up the kinda guy Pat is when he's with Pran.
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"Don't force me to" he says in response to Pran's "You're just not brave to" (confess) when all of us know Pat is very well brave enough to do that and that is exactly what Pat is reiterating here. He's saying "you very well know why i'm partaking in this charade don't act like you don't i could kiss your competitive ass right now but im not doing it cos i want you to (admit that you) want it".
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The man is basically losing (coming over to play and then offering to clean pran's face cos he looked upset screams somebody who wants to win real bad right hahahah NOT *argh pat can you not be so unreally sweet people have to go back to their real lives with real men to be disappointed by*) over and over again asking Pran to "just let me love you, you dork".
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Here Pat is literally doing the confession, the very thing they started the bet stating, "i'll make you beg on your knees for me", well he's almost doing the next best thing, and he's doing it willingly, in front of people, with the most genuine smile on his face.
And when he raises the stakes on the rooftop and he does it entirely for Pran again. As much as he wants to be with Pran he equally wants it to be when Pran is ready for it. Not for it to be a decision he is forced or boxed into. He doesn't want to beat Pran he wants Pran to walk into the loss like he himself did, over and over again, because that's just the kinda guy he is.
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Boy basically said if me winning the bet means you losing your chance to make that choice for yourself then i don't want that kinda win.
Which is why he's been willingly giving up all the chances to win throughout the episode, but continuing to put up the charade of the bet cos 1. yeah ofc its loads of fun teasing pran and he is so grateful he gets to be close to him again but more importantly 2. he can't (but he is fully willing to) wait for Pran to mentally be ready to get into a relationship.
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"As for me, when i have a lover, I always let my lover win" - And truer truths haven't been told. Man has been losing since the very beginning. And that too happily. He is only doing it to give Pran the time that he deserves to process the whole thing and accept his love.
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See even here he isn't expecting Pran to confess his love and sweep the whole bet thing away.
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Look at Pat pausing trying to figure out what Pran is doing here. I can almost hear the cogs in his brain turn, until the very moment that Pran extends his hand to wipe the stray piece of rice away and then gives him that look. The look that says, "I love you, i'm done making you wait, thankyou, i love you".
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So to conclude, Pat like the simp he is entered the bet (and kept willfully losing) only to make Pran comfortable. And literally the first moment that he completely feels comfortable, Pran gives in.
This whole post is borne out of my thoughts after i read what was said in here.
For more of my bet era patpran brainrot :
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Persuasion – Leonard Campbell Taylor // Run – Maisie Peters
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justworm · 1 year
to anyone trying to learn how to knit. if someone tries to teach you something called the backwards loop or thumb cast-on that is the devil talking. do not listen you will have a bad time
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volfoss · 8 days
Everyone loves me and I'm so so so employable<- affirmations
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Holy fuck y'all i should NOT be awake 😭
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
next i would like to bring to your attention umemiya “just the tip” hajime who takes his sweet time stretching you out with just the tip bc he thinks that he’s too big to slide inside you without hurting you. who coos and murmurs and rubs your thighs bc “he knows” but you just have to be patient. but he’s ALSO got beads of sweat rolling down his temple and his breathing is labored bc he wants to sink inside of you almost just as badly but he “knows what’s best for you”
he just likes to edge us s2g he’ll torture himself and us but when it comes down to it? No one’s leaving the bed without cumming so its about the journey not the destination which is always 🤌🤌🤌✨
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