#shinsou hitoshi fluff
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alienaiver · 9 days ago
"no, wait, come back, please."
you turn your head as you hear the desperate plea from shinsou. he's in the bedroom, supposedly, hopefully, fully on his way to bed. otherwise, he'll have to face your wrath.
a few moments after his pleading you watch your cat saunter out of the bedroom. she looks miffed, her tail wagging in vicious beats before she plops down in front of you. in the bedroom, your husband whimpers and mock-cries perfomatively.
you shake your head before you pick up moldy cheese, your half-blind calico rescue. she mreeps but does not protest the placement in your arms. rather, she starts purring and headbutting your collarbone.
when you come into the bedroom, shinsou's sitting against the headboard, arms crossed and a deep scowl mixed with a rather pathetic pout.
"what's up with you two?" you ask, holding moldy cheese's paw in your hand as you sit down next to him.
"good, you're here." he says hoarsely before lifting his chin and looking away. "it's your fault."
"huh?" you snort, scratching her fluffy ears. they've always been so soft.
"yeah! you gifted me that new skincare."
you raise an eyebrow as an amused smile plays on your lips, but shinsou juts his chin higher, furrows his brows deeper, "she doesn't recognize me now! i can't fall asleep without her on my chest..."
you coo at him as he flails his arms in sorrow. moldy cheese keeps purring as she settles further into your arms. shinsou groans in dismay.
"i dont smell like i usually do...." he says, devastated to learn the effects of his new moisturizer. you move around the bed and lie down so that your head is settled on him, and moldy cheese on top of you.
he lets out a long, dramatic exhale as he slumps further into the bed.
you laugh and reach out the hand that isn't busy petting your beloved cat to pet shinsou's head. he leans into the touch and lets out a satisfied sigh.
"she'll get used to it, i promise."
".....she better." he huffs, but you feel him settle down around you, a hand reaching over your shoulder to pet her back. they're both your most precious treasures, but they can be such babies.
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emmyrosee · 8 months ago
don’t even try to look at me, I’m not sorry.
“I like that thing you do with your tongue.”
The casual way Hitoshi’s words fall from his lips make you tense up, and when your gaze flicks up to meet his gaze, you’re met with a playful glimmer. The lights in your dorm are low lit, only for the street lights outside to brighten up the campus, illuminating college night life.
You and Hitoshi always preferred to stay in, however.
You chuckle and turn your attention back to the hand that’s being held in yours, holding it steady while you paint the nails an elegant purple. “One of the creepiest things you’ve ever said to me, baby.”
“I mean it,” he hums, blinking lazily. He reaches over to nudge your lip with the thumb on his free hand, “when you’re all focused, the tip pokes out of the corner. You’ve done it since UA. ‘S cute.”
“Shush and hold still,” you tease, leaning over to bite the tip of his finger in punishment.
“Hey!” He scoffs. “Don’t mess up my nail polish, freak.”
“I would never,” you assure. The rest of the nail painting is mostly silent, save for passing cars and frat parties, but you and Hitoshi always manage to tune them out, stuck in your own little world where all that thrives is your relationship.
“You’re such a disappointment,” you giggle, swinging a thigh to straddle over his waist. Immediately, massive paws shift up to rest on your hips, thumbs stroking over the meat.
“Yeah?” Hitoshi chuckles, cheshire smirk splayed proud over his face. “And what would your poor daddy say about you spending time with a guy like me? When his kid is supposed to be studying to be the next big thing?”
You snort, leaning down to be nose to nose. Your elbows rest on either side of his head, and he slips his hands past the waistband of your sweats to rest on the dimples of your lower back.
“Daddy doesn’t need to know anything.”
Hitoshi hums in agreement, “might think I’m corrupting you or something.”
“You are corrupting me.”
“Sneaking in your room at night to snuggle isn’t corrupting you,” he sneers, leaning up to peck your lips. “If anything, I think you corrupted me.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mm.” He leans up once again to nip at your lips, watching with fond eyes as you yelp in surprise. “Makin’ me weak for your affection. Domesticated me. You weren’t supposed to do that.”
He loves the way your smile beams back at him, and he gives you a kiss on your nose.
“Well then,” you chirp. You lay your head on his chest and take selfish, deep inhales of his scent. He smells like cedarwood and citrus, a fragrance you’d bought him for his birthday,
the first one you’d shared together. He snickered and asked ‘what? You don’t love my dollar store cologne?’ but it fills you with a sense of pride to know he wears it so frequently.
Truly domesticated.
“Guess I did my job right.”
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 3 years ago
Hi!! So mha please! I have a request list which explains which characters I am okay with writing for, if you could check that out, any of them I would be fine with doing if you have too many people asking for one character.
Also it will be sfw (I’m not super comfortable writing nsfw) I’m not sure if it will be angst or not but I usually add fluff to it anyway.
- @lil-pine-mha-drabbles
I picked Shinsou, hope that's ok!!
And your spin is..... Butterflies by Queen Naija with Blind Date AU
Have fun!!!
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sweetlavenderwritings · 4 years ago
six thirty- [shinsou hitoshi x reader]
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Summary: shinsou counts the hours ‘til you finally meet him for the night.
A/N: this took me way longer than i thought HAHA (*cries) a small sentence that tunred into a full fic LMFAO- this is a gift fic for @amoroushero​ !! 💜💜  its a little something to congratulate you for 3k followers (and for being a rlly sweet mutual) aaaaaaa ive never done this before so i hope you like it🥺👉👈
side note: reader’s eye color is @amoroushero​‘s  since this was specifically made for her but besides that everything else is general!
Pairing/s: shinsou hitoshi x reader
Word Count: 1076
Tags: FLUFF, mutual pining, love, romance, yada yada all that sappy shit
-ꦼ———▸ crossposted on ao3
⋅. ♪ .⋅  inspired from this song
Loving Hitoshi Playlist
Shinsou stays up late for a multitude of reasons.
The very reason for that is that it’s quiet. As soon as the sun sets, class 3-A retires to their dorm rooms for the night. They empty the halls bit by bit, taking away portions of the mindless chatter that fill the halls for most of the day.
He listens to Yaoyorozu scold Denki for trying to stay up late, pushing him towards the stairs to get him to his room. He winces at Bakugou’s deafening barks directed at none other than Deku, who meekly waves away his insults as a desperate attempt to get him to calm down. Of course, it never works. 
It’s not until Kirishima distracts the blonde by throwing an arm around his shoulders to steer him away from his childhood friend that the living room is a whole lot quieter.
He waits until everyone finally closes their doors for the night, letting out a huge sigh of relief at the sudden peace he’s been agonizingly waiting for the whole day. 
He revels in the silence that drowns him in its wake. It’s a small reprieve he likes to indulge in from the stress of training and heavy burdens of what it means to be a hero. Because for a short while, he gets to not think about the responsibilities he’ll have to bear in the future. An escape he finds himself looking for when the world is suddenly just too much.
There are no lights on except for the flashes of colors from the television illuminating his figure. His fingers are cold from the running air conditioner but he’s not bothered in the slightest. Too lazy to fetch a blanket from his room, he stuffs his hands in his hoodie and tucks his head deeper in his jacket.
The clock ticks as the long hand reach six. He glances at the hall, anticipating the arrival of a certain someone.
He waits.
By chance, he hears the tell-tale sound of your fuzzy slippers treading towards him. He whips his head back to the screen, pretending he wasn’t eagerly looking for you in the first place.
You appear just in time, a daily occurrence he’s yet to ask why of all people, but he doesn’t. Not yet, that is.
“Hey Shinsou,” you greet him with a sleepy smile, rubbing the drowsiness out of your right eye. “How was training?”
His eyes drift down to your figure, eyeing the black sweater embroidered with cats partnered with your sleeping shorts. Cute. They’re really short, he notices. It’s the same pair you wear every night, short enough to expose the top of your thighs. 
It takes a lot for him to break away from the sight of them and look at you in the eye. “’s alright, I suppose.” Stop staring at her thighs damn it, don’t be a fucking pervert-
You giggle, brushing strands of your hair away from your face as you walk towards the kitchen. “I can imagine there’s not much to talk about. It’s sir Aizawa we’re talking about after all.”
He hums in response, ears perking at the sound of cups clacking and running water. It’s a routine of yours, another thing he doesn’t ask about even if it’s as mind-boggling as his sleeping schedule.
It’s the same every (weekend) night. You wake up at the beginning of the night, make two cups of hot cocoa, then share them with him. He never asked for a cup, but you always set one aside just for him. It seemed rude to refuse, so he always muttered a soft thanks and took a sip.
One thing he appreciates about you is that you respected his silent need for silence. You don’t push him with small talks or any unwanted conversations. Instead, you let him bask in his selfish gratification and focus your gaze at the wide windows showcasing the midnight sky and stars.
For once in his life, he wants to break the silence. To break his own rule he’s followed diligently for so long. But he looks at you instead, noticing small details he thinks nobody else bothers to pay attention to but should.
Like how your fingers grasp your hot mug softly, thumb mindlessly brushing the handle over and over, a habit that is so undeniably useless but finds himself thinking about. He also sees the way your eyes remain still, even in the void of dark nothingness that wouldn’t rouse any sort of interest from anyone, he included. It’s not like the stars twinkle brightly from where you are. 
Maybe she’s daydreaming? He muses. There’s a soft smile gracing your pretty face, an expression of utter content and tranquility present as you lean your head on the window.
It’s then he realizes it’s the same face he’s had with you for a while now.
“You’re staring.” Your voice cuts off his reverie, a hint of amusement from your words. 
He scoffs in mock disagreement. “I wasn’t.”
“Sure you weren’t.” Oh, he didn’t think a haughty smirk would ever appear on your lovely face but here you are. Surprisingly, it suits you. And your eyes, he’s seen them before yes, but wow, they look magnificent under the moonlight. They glint with something he can’t put his finger on (or rather, doesn’t want to admit in fear of being presumptuous) but he can’t help but want to stare at them forever. 
(He decides that green is his favorite color.)
He huffs, not knowing what to say. He tries hard not to smile, feeling the familiar tugging of the corners of his lips. Satisfied with his reaction, you turn back to the windows with a barely concealed laugh.
As the clock nears striking twelve, he feels a sudden pang of want. A want for more, a selfish desire to get to know more about you. A wants to feel a whole new spectrum of emotions he’s tried to keep at bay for most of his life. A want to crave for something else besides the false security he hides in tightly shut lips and calm personas he presents to the rest.
And surprisingly, he wants to experience them all with you.
So he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to take a step beyond his boundary. “y/n.” You turn to him almost immediately, lips pressed into a gentle smile he’s come to adore. 
“Yes, Shinsou?”
“Are you free this saturday?”
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hithoeshi · 5 years ago
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100 Ways to Say I Love You
♡ promise // shinsou hitoshi
33. “ close your eyes and hold out your hand ” [prompt list ]
"Close your eyes and hold out your hand."
You roll your eyes, unable to stop the soft smirk from curling the corner of your lips. Your eyes settle back on the wild, indigo tuff of hair atop your lover’s head before moving to meet that intense stare. Only this time, it overflowed with mirth.
“I swear if it’s a bug I will incinerate you, you heathen.” 
Your threat, although harsh in words, were softened by the adoration dancing in your eyes and the teasing curl of your lip.
Hitoshi chuckles before making a show of rolling his own eyes, sighing heavily like convincing you was the most exhausting thing but you could see the teasing lift of his smirk giving him away. 
You turn your eyes back to your paperwork, silently baiting your husband. You had been feeling bratty lately, enjoying the games the pair of you played with teasing words and concealed tones. You were only able to scribe a couple of lines before you hear the huff behind you and the warm pressure of Hitoshi against your back. 
You hum in content, your eyes immediately falling close at the feeling of him. His vanilla and woodsy scent surrounds you, immediately calming even your bratty attitude as your shoulders relax. 
Hitoshi’s lips grazed over the base of your neck, your own breath hitching slightly before a smirk is curling over your skin. 
“Hold out your hands.” 
A smile threatens your lips and before you could help it, you put on a semi-threatening expression. “I swear, Toshi. If you put a fucking bug—” 
“That was one time, Y/N.” 
“One time too many.” 
A snort slips from Hitoshi’s lips, the sound humming against your skin as his fingers enclose around your wrist. “It was a ladybug.” 
“Which is a bug.” 
“Will you just close your eyes and hold out your hands and stop being dramatic, you dork?” He laughs out, seemingly unable to stop the laughter from falling from his lips. 
You put on a show and grumble but you’re sure he can see through your ruse as your mask isn’t as hard when you have playful banter with your husband. You hold out your hands, expression relaxing as curiosity and confusion rest over your features. 
For a long moment, there’s silence and you truly think he’s putting a bug on your hand but then the cool feel of metal brushes over the skin of your palm and your curiosity grows. Your brow furrows as you feel him settle back against your shoulder, seemingly looking over whatever it was that was put into your hand. 
“Okay, you can open them.” 
When you first look down, you’re confused. It’s a ring, a beautiful one at that. At first glance, you can’t help but chuckle and tilt your head slightly towards your goof of a husband and smirk before looking back at the ring. 
“You know we’re already married, right? You don’t have to keep asking me.” 
You could almost hear his eyes roll in his head. 
“Look closer.” His tone is patient and soft, endearing to your trained ear. Curiosity wins over teasing your lover so you glance back to the ring and then it suddenly clicks. 
You gasp softly, feeling your heart ache and a burning in your eyes. You run your finger over the cool and familiar metal gently, the years of storage having no effect on the ring. 
“Is this...?” You say in hushed tones, as if afraid to scare away the precious memory. 
You feel his head nod against you but he still answers. “Yeah...I was looking through some boxes that we brought from storage and came across it. In a old box of breath mints.” His chuckle rumbled against your skin as memories graced your mind. 
You join in his soft laughter, carefully turning the ring over in your hand as you examine it’s near perfection state. “Who would’ve thought that this ole thing would be in there...” 
Silence rang between the pair of you, your heart so full of adoration for your husband that you can’t seem to put it into words. Of course he knows you’re processing your emotions, your memories. Perhaps he’s doing the same...
“I remember the day I gave it to you.” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped your lips, joining in his memory as he spoke. 
“You looked at me like I was crazy, giving you a promise ring in high school. Didn’t you say I was going to jinx it?” 
You roll your eyes but nod after a moment, feeling grateful for being wrong—just this one time. 
“It’s a good thing i was wrong, huh.” 
He stood up, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before smiling down to you with those same indigo eyes that stole your heart all those years ago. Love overwhelmed your heart, your chest aching at the pure adoration you had for your husband at the moment. You had lost the ring in a move and years have passed since you were able to wear it and bask in its true meaning. 
He sent you another smile, eyes roaming over how delicately you were holding the ring and seemingly far away as if in a memory. 
“The best.” 
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bnhaclaimedmysoul · 5 years ago
v-day special: 5
prompt: love at first sight
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the bitter taste of his second pour of coffee slips into the slit of his tiers, its contents lingering on the buds of his tongue thus giving him another boost as he faces the papers neatly laid out before his tired, hues of lavender. a sigh follows once he sets his cup down on his usual table at the café located nearby ua high. relentlessly, he dangles with his pen, tapping its pushing edge against the papers to be accomplished by tomorrow but no matter how much coffee he downs to his throat, his mind was completely blocked. after a few more clicks, attempts and eventual erases, he tosses his pen to the side, realizing that the block hindering him from starting an essay was a hopeless case.
a soft meow arrives to his side, alarming the lavender-haired teen, gaze averting to the feline situated next to him. well, maybe it wasn’t completely hopeless. he removes one bud of his earphones to summon it closer. calloused fingers scratch at the patch behind its ear, which does the trick as it rubs itself on his whole palm. cat cafés truly put shinsou at peace with the presence of its residents. it was a shame it couldn’t help him think of a concept.
the soft ring of the bell by the entrance causes the cat’s attention to divert to the side, its glassy emeralds focusing on the newcomer. just like that, he does the same act and turns only for his breath to hitch.
there stood a new face that immediately stood out from the usual folk that come and go into the café, and he would know given that he has been a common presence within the four walls. just like that, he feels the scene of the world go slow, and as if it helped, the faint music flowing from the remaining bud of his earphones play a love song, one that was hidden deep within his dark genre. shinsou finds himself transfixed upon the foreign figure that now roamed what he considered territory, home even. from tresses, its color, frame, and more importantly its eyes–– the gleam and glimmer of the hue and how it brought him in deeper.
and how the pair of eyes were looking right at him. 
upon realization, he tears himself away from the stranger’s gaze. he could feel the warmth rise from his cheeks and up north to the tips of his ears. so he clears his throat, pushes the left bud of his earphones back into his ear while changing the song. he must’ve looked like a creep looking at the pretty-faced stranger and for that, he grumbles. courageously, he sneaks a peek to find them by the counter, entrancing hues looking right back at him, but this time, with a smile.
and as much as he hated clichés for what they were, shinsou finds himself attempting to return the simper offered to him. 
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alienaiver · 9 months ago
neither shinsou nor you will ever admit that either of you snore. and the thing is, your snores arent that loud, so if it wasnt because you both were insomniac dingdongs, it literally would not be a problem, thats how little noise actually comes out.
when shinsou cant sleep and you start your wheezing-like snoring, the sound is so grating to his ears because hes already irritated and tired, but sleep eludes him.
its the same the other way around though; when shinsous the one blessed with sleep and starts his deep, growl-like mini snores its you grinding your teeth, hiding your ears under the duvet. and none of you admits to this but accuses each other every single time sleep comes up in the friend group
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emmyrosee · 1 year ago
“You’re officially in my way.”
Despite his words, Shinso’s hands settle on your waist comfortably, violet eyes boring up into yours, and a lazy smirk on his cheek as you pout your pretty face down at him, arms crossed over your chest. “Something wrong, baby?”
“Don’t baby me,” you grumble, and he pokes his tongue in his cheek to fight back his snarky remark. “You’re in trouble.”
“Oh I am?”
“You absolutely are.” You let out an angry huff of air as behind you, the movie plays on. He wants to, briefly, look over your shoulder and watch the film to piss you off, but he’s more than happy to play the staring game with you. He chuckles and lets his thumbs run over the meat of your hips, “would you like to tell me why I’m in trouble?”
“The fact that you don’t know is absolutely horrid. Kaminari would never treat me so bad.”
Shinso finally lets out a flurry of laughter, and while he sees the smile that wants to crack on your own cheeks, he knows better than to say anything just yet. He’ll let you pout for just a little bit more. “Okay,” he sighs, letting his eyes glaze over you, “before you dump me for our Pikachu, can’t you give me a hint?”
You huff. He blinks patiently.
With gentle hands, you card his purple locks through your fingers, and he mewls and angles his head into. “Feel good, doesn’t it?” He goes to nod, but is cut off by your mumbled “dickhead,” and soft smack to his head.
Now he huffs. And you blink patiently.
“You stopped rubbing my head!” You whine petulantly, shoving at his chest. “I came all the way over here to snuggle, and for my kindness and efforts, you stopped giving me affection to scroll on your phone!”
“I thought you fell asleep!”
“Well I clearly didn’t!”
“Yeah, got that!” He tries as hard as he can to fight the smile that wants to spread on his face, but it’s futile as he rubs the spot softly, his lips creaking up. You stifle a laugh of your own, and he grumbles as he pulls his hand away, “if you lay down again, I’ll give you all the affection you want.”
You pout and nudge his chest, “I just want your undivided attention all the time. I feel like that’s not asking for a lot!”
He snickers some more, “you’re right. I should put the entire of my existence on pause when I’m in your company. Which is most of the damn time.”
Now, you smile, and give him a small kiss in compensation, “good. Glad we’re on the same page.”
“Anything for you.”
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alienaiver · 1 year ago
shinsou hears the tone of your voice change and looks up from his book from his spot on the couch. you're in the study, on the phone with your parent and the lilt in your voice disappeared in an instant. he strains his ears when you lower your voice - you dont do it because you dont want him to listen; its a mechanism. you cave in on yourself and grow timid in the wake of whatever fury's being unleashed on you this time. he absentmindedly scratches smoofie's ear while closing the book on his lap. you stop speaking in complete sentences and just agree with whatever you're being told and shinsou's heart aches in the way he knows that you're slumped now, the excitement of calling them to tell good news completely washed away.
he gets up and grabs the remote to go into netflix. while it loads he quietly goes to the kitchen to brew you some tea and grab the secret snacks from the cabinet. smoofie follows along curiously, hoping some food might be put in her bowl. it dismays her to learn that she must live another hour without sustenance.
as if planned in timing, you come out of the study the same time that shinsou passes with a tray of tea and snacks. the uncried tears you've been bravely holding back breaches and you sniffle out an apology. he balances the tray in one hand to wrap the other around your shoulder to pull you in and kiss your forehead, "it's okay." he whispers definitively before he tugs lightly to get you to the couch.
he lies down on his side with his arms stretched out, ready to welcome you into the safety of them and you eagerly comply, getting as close as possible, your back to the TV.
without a word he finds howl's moving castle and press play. you hum out a sigh and nuzzle your face into his neck, a silent thank you. he kisses the top of your head before he laughs out, "youre not going to watch?"
"nuh-uh, the sounds are enough."
and they are. its a movie thats always immediately calmed you down. you lodge your leg in between shinsous and he raises his to wrap around your hip, positively encasing you.
you're fast asleep before howl's even found sophie, and shinsou feels a wave of gratitude that he found you and that he's able to provide comfort for you whenever you need it. the tea goes cold but your hearts stays warm and connected.
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alienaiver · 2 years ago
also ever since i bought the shinsou figure ive had shinsou brainrot (did it ever really leave?)
shinsou whos a pro hero invited to a galla - hes supposed to bring a plus one, he wants to bring a plus one, but hes having gripes about inviting you, his disabled best friend. itll be a standing up for long hours, socializing and smiling kind of event; putting you through that hurts him to just think about.
but he's also so very much in love with you, and sees this as an opportunity to gradually show off his romantic notions towards you and not just to his mirror that he pretends is you in the long hours of the night.
to his utter surprise, you actually accept with clear and obvious excitement. you plan an outfit that matches one of your canes (the purple, foldable one shinsou once got you) and wear something longer fitting thatll cover your comfortable shoes with the good insoles.
it goes well, you handle everything with ease and you even hold his hand multiple times. the romantic gestures from both of you are through the roof and shinsou's dizzy with emotions. kaminari more than once winks at him and sero makes a kissy face once or twice. he gives both of them the finger discreetly while scratching his forehead. they both stick out their tongues in retaliation.
it's not until you're in the cab home that you almost collapse onto shinsou. your breathing's heavy and you seem tense from head to toe. you mustve strained yourself even if you promised him you wouldnt. he rubs soothing circles (or so he hopes) onto your palm and kisses the crown of your head.
you sleep over at shinsou's place so often that he has an extra futon just for you. you're on the couch, nursing a glass of late-night wine as he sets up your bedding, your feet raised onto a few throw pillows to alleviate the pain. you haven't said much to each other since you left but it's comfortable, quaint.
he settles on the couch with you, moving the pillows and situating your legs on his lap instead. you hand him his glass of wine but he takes it only to put it on the coffee table. he starts rubbing your feet and you can't help but laugh, its oddly intimate even if hes doing something hes done a million times before after youve walked more than your pain scale usually allows.
"pain level?" he asks and you hum before you reply, "six."
he nods and presses a little harder, works the muscle a little throughout. "distress level?" he then asks and it doesn't even take you a moment, "only two, this is pain expected after these kind of activites."
he smiles up at you, "you're really beautiful right now."
you throw your head back and bark out a loud laugh, "now? after my makeups splotched and my feet are swollen and itchy?"
his lovestruck smile doesnt change at your reaction, eye contact clearly maintained, "youre always beautiful to me, but these moments that only i get to see... theyre my favorite."
you hide behind your wineglass but steals a timid look through the glass, "youre being bold tonight."
he hums as his hands find their way further up, giving your calves a much needed squeeze, "sometimes im made brave by those around me. today especially, you sparked it in me..." he looks away for the first time, suddenly overwhelmed by the weight if his own feelings, "im in love with you. i want more moments like this."
you sit up so that you can lean into his space, your hand raising slowly to cup his cheeks, "theyve always been all yours, brainwave."
the hero name you helped him pick in high school makes him blush. hearing it from your lips always sounds more loving, more inviting than from anyone else. when he chances a look at your lips, you lean forward the rest of the way despite your shoulders and backs protests because kissing him is more important than your chronic pain right now.
shinsou knows you though, so he wastes no time in maneuvering so that you're comfortably settled as hes hovering over you in an awkward angle. he will always do that for you, put you first in ways that makes your head spin. your needs will never be a bother to him, but a comfort he will always happily oblige to, because supporting you is all he needs to retain happiness.
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alienaiver · 2 years ago
"that's it. i'm removing you from the roster until you've stopped by the doctor."
you look at midoriya in disbelief. unable to keep yourself poised at his final decision, your shoulders slump and the exhaustion washes over you like a wave. he's seen through you.
it's been a year since your near-death experience with an all-too-powerful villain and while shinsou took great care of you during your recovery, something's been off ever since - you haven't been able to put a finger on it, though, so you decided to do what every self-sacrificing hero does: you powered through. until there was no power left to muscle your way out of it. and now it's become visible to others too. you have a feeling shinsou might've ratted you out, but you don't blame him. you'd done the same if it were him.
you get home in a daze and fall face first onto the bed. you don't wake up until you feel the weight shift and the warmth of shinsou's lips touches your cheek. but you don't have the energy to react with more than a hum. your eyelids are so heavy. there's a ringing in your ears but it's so constant that it just feels like a persistent buzz. shinsou says something as he settles behind you, arms wrapping themselves around you. for a while, you think there's silence but he says your name sternly in a voice he only uses when he knows you're not entirely listening to him. huh. you're mostly used to hearing it on the battlefield.
"i'm worried about you."
you sigh and hum, pushing yourself weakly back onto him, "'ve got a doc's appointment..... tomorrow."
he kisses the crown of your head, "okay... okay, good."
he's drawing soft circles into your arm and you drift away again. he wakes you when there's dinner and you perk up again slightly, but not enough to make him stop worrying his lip between his teeth. you fall asleep fifteen minutes into a movie later that night.
you put on your shoes and lock the door behind you, putting the keys in your pocket as you turn for the stairs at the end of the hall. you really wish there'd been an elevator in your building right now. as you walk down the steps, your feet feels heavier but you chalk it up to be your shoes. it's the sneakers you don't wear that often, but it's too cold for sandals today. you shrug it off and just concentrate more on walking.
the doctor goes through your symptoms with you but there's hardly any, you reassure her. you're just so exhausted no matter how many hours you sleep. she warns you that you may be sleeping too much. you agree with a laugh - you don't remember ever sleeping so many hours, having been an insomniac your entire youth. she does some blood tests and sends you home, saying you'll be called in when the answers are back.
the days that pass are all a blur. without your shifts at the agency, time becomes fuzzy around the edges. you don't have to get up, so you just stay in bed, since you've been told you need to rest anyways. on the third day you wake up to several notes on the bedside table, the bathroom mirror and the kitchen counter and fridge from shinsou with various reminders about eating and drinking properly and where he's stocked some snacks and prepped some food for you to reheat easily. you chuckle and shake your head at his antics. you're just tired, is all. the headaches comes with the job, you remind yourself as you try to gently massage out the tension in your neck to relieve your pounding head. he might be right about the water intake - you grab the cold bottle he's put in the fridge for you and brings it with you to the bed.
"i think you should call and ask if they've gotten the answers yet." shinsou says matter-of-factly and you nod, "yeah, it has been a few days. but it's the weekend, right? i'll call on monday." and that ends the conversation.
monday comes but you forget to call, even if you've been determined to do so. by the time you remember, the office is closed for the day. you sigh heavily and fall back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. you prepare the apology for shinsou on your tongue before you drift off.
tuesday morning your phone rings - several times. you finally reach out and pick up, thinking it's shinsou.
"i do apologize for the wait. the doctor unfortunately had to take some time off last week, but we have your results. will you be able to come in today?"
you agree, dragging yourself up. there's more energy in you today, but it should've been way more given the intense rest you've been having. you put on one of shinsou's hoodies and a pair of sweats before you drag yourself to the kitchen to grab a bite.
turns out, you suffer from anemia. an intense, prolonged form and need medication as soon as possible. shinsou's livid when he comes home and gets the news, angry that it has been missed when the agency periodically keeps an eye on their heroes' health. you sit on the chair with your hands folded like a child being scolded and try to laugh it off, "come on now, hito. i just need to take some medication and i'll be fine. the usual blood tests the past year haven't covered that - even if they should, i know," you hurry to add, "but i'll be fine, i promise."
shinsou sighs and his whole body slumps, leaning against the table you're sitting by. you take his hand, "i'm okay."
he visibly relaxes but there's something he's holding back. you've been together since high school, so you can read him like a book. you squeeze his hand, "open up."
he clicks his tongue with furrowed brows before he opens his mouth, "you've had these symptoms for months. why didn't you tell me?"
you look at the ground, guilt written on your face. mostly, because you don't have a proper answer to give him. you don't know why you didn't - the symptoms had all been sneaking up on you, snaking their way into your body quietly and suddenly it'd just become so chronic that you'd normalized it. you let out an apology and he squeeze your hand back, "it's okay to not have an answer. but please, can we be mindful of things like this in the future?"
you smile at him, "only if you continue to make the little post-it notes. they're adorable - especially your small doodles of dogs."
shinsou hides his face in his hands with a groan, "they were cats."
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alienaiver · 2 years ago
"happy new year."
"shinsou, it's 4am." you sigh into the phone, surprised at how sober he sounds despite the late call. you groan as you move your legs, still aching with the pain you've been feeling the entire day. "yeah, i know, i'm sorry... i just got off a shift."
your eyebrow quirks up at that, "aren't you at kami's place?"
you hear a sharp intake on the other end, "yeah uh, no, i... i took a shift. someone called in sick, or that was the excuse, at least." he laughs at the end but it's strained and you can almost hear the gears in his head going into overdrive. you think he already expects what you say next, "but you weren't on call."
he sighs before opening his mouth, "yeah it wasn't...." his voice trails off and the silence stretches out. you try to shift position again as you ask if he's there. an affirmative sound comes back to you and you're confused as to what's going on as you try to grab your waterglass without straining your arms too much.
"are you okay?"
he wheezes out a laugh at your question, "shouldn't i be the one asking?" you shrug your shoulders, "meh. i'm used to the pain at this point. but why did you take a shift on new year's eve?"
he sighs out and you hear him shifting around, imagining him changing which ear his phone is by as he searches his mind for a reply. you've seen him do this when he feels interrogated by his dads. "the party wouldn't be the same... without you."
you spit out the water you just drank and choke on the rest. he frantically says your name and asks what's going on but it feels like he's on the other side of a bubble with unexpected confessions like that.
confessions? does it count as one? you regain your breathing and assure him that you're okay and that you just got water down the wrong throat. he tuts at you and reminds you to be more careful. you can hear the relief and his smile in his voice.
"anyway, happy new year to you too." you mumble, your fingers drawing mindless circles onto your sheets. "thanks. did you do anything special when the clock struck 12?"
"i was sleeping, got knocked out by the pills. what about you? caught a well-timed villain as the bells rang?" you joke, enjoying the chuckle you're rewarded with.
"no there wasn't any, actually. i was just thinking about kissing you the entire time, if i'm honest."
your eyes widen before you clear your throat and ask, "what was that? the last part? i think i misheard." you feel your heart beat a thousand times a minute and out of the corner of your eyes notice your hand has stopped fidgeting and are instead shaking. he chuckles again, strained as in the beginning of the conversation but you can almost sense the smirk from blindsiding you like this.
"nah, i'm pretty sure you heard, didn't you? i just wanna know, would you return the kiss? or punch me?"
you almost laugh but it only comes out as you blowing air aggressively through your nose, surprised by his sudden straightforwardness. "i think i'd do both, honestly."
"yeah? can i come over?"
"what's gotten you like this? are you sure you're not just done drinking at kami's?"
shinsou laughs, "i think it's a new year, new me kind of situation."
you laugh this time, already planning to scold him for doing this in the middle of the night and make you spill water on yourself and the bed. when you're done laughing, the smile doesn't leave your face, "well that certainly changes things. i'm awake now anyways, so i'll gladly unlock the door for you."
"great, 'cos i'm only five minutes away."
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alienaiver · 2 years ago
you throw yourself down onto shinsou's lap, a groan escaping you both at the impact but also from the emotional endeavor you've been going through. shinsou's hands, as if on cue, puts down his book so he can drag his fingers across your scalp. he also pets your ear, once again seemingly forgetting you're not your cat, Petunia. you forgive him solely on the fact that he's quick to lean down and give you a quick peck on the crown of your head before he asks what's up.
you tell him of yet another dramatic encounter with the family you've been trying to disconnect from for years but who refuse to loosen the grip they have on you. he listens patiently with commited hums at the right times and you bury your head into his stomach when you're done. muffled through skin and clothes you practically yell, "i want a new family!"
shinsou chuckles and tuts you lovingly, "you know shouta and hizashi would have the adoption papers for you ready in a heartbeat."
you lift your head only to give him your worst glare, "that'd make us siblings, hito, siblings!"
he grimaces at the thought too for a minute before he looks down at you and gives you a warm, lop-sided and lovesick smile, "marry me then."
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bnhaclaimedmysoul · 5 years ago
✧・゚:  floofvember d9  :・゚✧
first snow
character: shinsou hitoshi
genre: fluff
note: describing the feeling of snow is probably going to be a difficult one for me since i have no idea what snow really feels like?? sigh. tropical country tingz, i guess, but enjoy a fluffy hitoshi ♡
– medusa.
shinsou hitoshi
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the year had gone by in a blink of an eye.
one moment it was the first spew of sparks in the sky, marking the night’s sky as a loud reminder of the new year, the next moment faded into a quick blur. the seasons had taken part of the fast pace as well, the warmth that radiated around the city had sneakily transitioned to colder breezes. before you knew it, november had arrived, carrying the chill that cooled the atmosphere.
you tug onto the heavy coat that embraced your frame, sinking into the seat offered by your significant other. he always made way for you at the bus, allowing you to position yourself by the large window knowing that you liked the scenery outside the vehicle. once you settle into the corner of the seat, you exhale into the clammy skin of your palms and rub the extremities together in hopes of producing some sort of heat.
“still cold?” he asks from his spot beside you, brushing his shoulder against yours. you nod, scrunching your nose as you feel it wrinkle from the chill. you really should have listened to the conscience that bugged you to grab the lone face mask hanging by your bedside. hopeless, you tug your turtleneck up to cover the lower region of your visage to stay warm.
a chuckle slips past the brims of shinsou, who shook his head at your adorable attempt to keep yourself warm. he shuffles in place, causing you to glance at the male with brows furrowed in confusion as to why he was moving so much. the answer to your question comes in the form of cloth being wrapped around your neck. it was a gray scarf that was a tad bit large for your shoulders, but the cloth was enough to keep you warm. a simper adorns your features as you lean against him, arms wrapped around his left arm. “thank you.” you mutter as you admire him from your position, nuzzling against the gray cloth, catching a whiff of vanilla mixed with a tiny amount of mint.
you spend the next few minutes at the bus with wandering eyes. every now and then you would sneak a peek at shinsou, admiring the features of his visage. from the flare of his indigo tresses, the trace of sleeplessness carved into the bags beneath his eyes to the sharp outline of the features on his face. other times your eyes would drift to the window, watching as the unlit street lamps melted into tall streams of black from the speed of the bus. you could feel your lids grow heavy from the silence of the bus, and to add, your significant other’s motion of running his thumb against your thigh. slowly, your lashes fluttered down as you blinked the remains of consciousness.
that is, until, you spot the flecks of white cascading from the outside of the window.
your eyes are wide, leaning against the glass to get a better view at what seemed like snowflakes. the alarmed student by your side follows your gaze, squinting at the tiny flakes falling from the clouds. that’s when you realize that the scene from the outside isn’t an illusion, but in fact the reality of musutafu city. you don’t realize that the bus has come to a halt until shinsou tugs at your sleeve. “time to go, kitten.” he states, already on his feet. you, on the other hand, grumble under your breath before leaving your seat from the window. “just when i thought it wasn’t going to get any colder.”
a shiver runs south of your spine as soon as you step out of the bus, making your way to the pavement of your stop. even under two layers of cloth, you were freezing. a puff of air exit your tiers, rocking back and forth in place like a child. shinsou notices this once he occupies the space next to your figure, brows knit together. he couldn’t offer anything else since he already gave his scarf up and he couldn’t bear to watch you freeze to death while hopelessly blowing warm breath onto your hands.
“hey, can i try something?” he asks, causing you to direct your attention to your boyfriend. you wonder how on earth he could speak without slipping a single stutter between each word spoken. “it might help keep you warm.” shinsou adds before clearing his throat, brushing at his cheeks. you can’t help but notice the slight flush of the skin, but quickly dismiss the idea as it was less important than your state in the cold.
“shoot. i’m open for just anything to keep me warm.” you respond, feeling another shiver crawl down your spine. without a reply to your statement, his hand reaches out but halts midway. there’s visible hesitation laced in the expression plastered on his visage, but he shakes his head and finally holds your hand with his own. the action sends a similar flushed shade to mark your cheeks because he never holds your hand in public. you’ve come to understand that shinsou isn’t exactly the type to display affection in public, but this? this was new.
he doesn’t stop there. his slender digits slip between the gaps between your fingers, squeezing your hand nervously. you offer a smile to the flustered male, giving his hand a gentle squeeze to assure him that it was okay. slowly, he leads both of your joined hands to the large pocket of his coat which was surprisingly warm. “does this help?” shinsou whispers, avoiding eye contact once you wander nearer to his tall frame. you nod in reply, allowing an even wider smile to conquer your lips.
“it does more than help, hitoshi.” the words were enough for him to return to your gaze, allowing himself to ease up at the new feeling. “let’s go home, kitten.” is all shinsou utters before the two of you start walking under the descending flakes of snow–– the first snow of your time as lovers.
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