#me blathering on about nothing
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vamp-bites · 4 months ago
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I love using art school assignments as an excuse to draw my own trigun au. Anyway more haunted knives au, featuring Legato this time
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galadriel-blue · 6 months ago
I really hope that TROP S2's solution to Bronwyn not showing up this season is not by killing her off. Please let her be safe and happy somewhere else. I beg
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ghostradiodylan · 7 months ago
hi hello i have been rotating dylan lenivy in my head like the microwave for a couple of weeks and especially how instead of lashing out or acting up at all when he’s late stage infected he just. he just gets scared by lights?? figures out how to work a crane?? saves kaitlyn?? will NOT let kaitlyn get hurt by him and he’s so scared but he’s so. my boy :(
Hi hello yourself! Thank you for this, I have been doing the same thing except for LIKE A YEAR. Someone help me. 💀
I just. I love him so much?
Like, he’s an actually perfect character?
In a game about choices, we aren’t even allowed to make any bad decisions with Dylan. Is that a flaw in the game design? Or a sign that some crucial decisions he could have been tasked with hit the cutting room floor with the other 20-30% of the script? Maybe. Does it make me love him for it any less? Absolutely fucking not.
He should be a threat to Kaitlyn, right? He should at least be a little bit pissed off at her, a little bit grumpy before he’s turning. God knows he deserves it. Can you imagine if she’s kissed his crush and he’s stuck with her for the rest of the night? Dylan obviously adores Kaitlyn, and he knows that sticking with her is his best chance at getting out alive, but those emotions would still be complicated, I would think. If the infection brings out hidden insecurities (which seems to be the case for literally everyone else), we should see Dylan grapple with not feeling like his real self is good enough, with wearing a mask for two months and hiding how smart he is and all of that.
I’m not sure why we don’t see that. We know his insecurities aren’t gone because they can come up again when he’s talking about whether Ryan would want to date him with one hand (I’m sobbing internally). The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that he’s no longer hiding that insecurity with the people whose opinions matter the most to him (Ryan and Kaitlyn). So maybe the truth really will set you free (from being a super bitchy werewolf)? I almost wish we did see him go off a bit though. I wish we had at least some kind of chase scene in that scrapyard after he turned. It would give so much more weight to the decision to not cut his hand off, if it put him at risk of mauling his gunslinging bestie, our Final Girl.
But SMG chose for him to remain a golden boy throughout and of course that also has its charms. He has an immutable set of core values and those are being good and selfless, even when he’s terrified. Which is most of the game! And even though he gets braver, he very clearly doesn’t stop being scared! He just does what he has to do anyway. Even if he’s turning into a monster. Even if the boy of his dreams cut his hand off with a chainsaw (because he asked him to). I understand why people make him too perfect in fanfic sometimes because he’s, like, almost too good?
He has his moments early on, like wanting to keep the gun, or wanting to leave Nick and Abi behind in case what attacked them has their scents (tbh these are just his genre-savviness showing and I can’t actually blame him for either). He also gives Kaitlyn some very bad advice relating to silver bullets (kill a werewolf that turns out to be Emma, leave the bullets Abi is trying to give you behind), but she doesn’t have to take it.
But have you SEEN what he does if Emma turns and comes after Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn fails to shoot? He just fucking tackles a werewolf to save Kaitlyn. He puts himself between WereEmma and Kaitlyn like a human shield. If he’s infected, great, Emma sniffs him and leaves him alone but he is clearly shocked by that. He did not know that would happen. And he did it anyway. It was a reflex. And if he’s not infected? If he was never bitten at all or he’s missing a hand? He still does the exact same thing. He can take a second bite to protect Kaitlyn. He can get infected a second time after cutting his fucking hand off. He can die to protect her if she doesn’t manage to get a shot off to save him.
Lots of characters give us the option to be self-sacrificial. Ryan can give Laura the vial of werewolf blood to protect her during the Silas showdown. Jacob can run, barefoot and mostly naked, into the woods when he hears Abi scream. Abi can die by refusing to shoot her crush because she doesn’t know it won’t actually kill Nick if she does. But those are all choices. Dylan does not give us a choice. We’re not even in control when he does that shit. He just does it. Because that’s who he is.
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I’m fine. I’m so completely fine.
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shaydh · 1 year ago
We do not need more kiss animation in rpgs we need more fucked up little freaks
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batsplat · 8 months ago
sometimes pecco pops his pussy so hard that i’m like wow you really are 3 time world champion! other times he decides to go play in the gravel when leading and i remember that he scored 0 points in his moto3 rookie season
when the commentary during the sprint was like 'you know, he could have been on five consecutive race wins now if he hadn't crashed out of the catalunya sprint on the last lap', I had to laugh because that's the pecco bagnaia experience right there isn't it. even when he's winning four races in a row, a part of your brain is still remembering the disaster that directly preceded it. when he got that track limit warning, I was convinced he was gonna mess it up. not because it's something he usually messes up, because it isn't - just because you're always waiting for something to go wrong and that seemed as good an opening as any. but no, apparently he's just in the bit of the season where he wins stuff. for whatever reason. or maybe he'll crash on sunday. who knows
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purgaytorysupremacy · 6 months ago
OMG IM JUST NOW REALIZING YOURE THE AUTHOR OF “A LIFE IN YOUR SHAPE”!!! I LOVE THAT FIC, IVE COMMENTED ON IT A FEW TIMES (I’m transgenderisms101)!!!!!’ It’s literally one of my favorite fics, I’m so happy I found you on here!!! ♥️
yes! I remember your comments <3<3<3 thank you so much for leaving them 😭😭😭 Benny is such an important part of the fic, even if he's a bit in the background. I don't think he could be where he is with Cas if he hadn't had Benny.
ANYWAY thank you for this ask! 🥺 definitely needed a reminder today. it always means so so much to me to hear that the fic is resonating with people. 🫶
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persimnon · 1 year ago
mayday, mayday!
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year ago
one of my new year’s resolutions is to just. overhaul carmines character tbh
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plusultraetc · 1 year ago
Have 'Tyson vs Douglas' by The Killers stuck on loop in my brain in the midst of yet another Moment about Kamino and you know I'm being sooo calm & chill about it
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corroded-hellfire · 5 months ago
Could we perhaps get a blurb/chapter of when Eliza was born - maybe Eddie thinking back that this is so different than how Brittany was, when Y/N got into labor, where they were and how they reacted?
+ could you write about Eliza being born? I would love to see their reactions and eddie helping reader out plss
+ Please, let us in on the labor with Eddie and Reader from "As you wish". Did Y/N curse Eddie out, threatening to kick his ass or did Eddie do a prince Harry (God I hope not) and use all the gas?
I thought this would be a good chance to tell the story of two births of two very important Munsons, ten years apart 💕
Warnings: childbirth and all that comes with it, Brittany, not a warning but the italic sections are flashbacks/in the past
Words: 7.5k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The blaring wail of Eddie’s alarm clock wakes you up from your night of fitful sleep. It’s hard to remember the last time you had a full peaceful eight hours. The soreness in your lower back and the increasing pressure in your pelvis have been your loyal companions for the past few weeks, determined on not letting you have a moment of comfort. 
Next to you, Eddie smacks his hand against the clock. The whining stops and the bed shifts as Eddie rolls over and presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Morning, gorgeous.”
Your answering groan makes your husband let out a soft chuckle as he pushes himself up into a seated position. Figuring it’ll be better to get up than continue to lay there so uncomfortably, you roll onto your side and shove yourself up until you’re sitting. A look down at your feet reveals that your ankles are swollen. Again.
“Know what today is?” Eddie asks as he opens his underwear drawer. 
“Uh huh,” you hum. The mattress springs squeak as you stand up. 
“Think she’ll make her grand entrance today?” he asks.
“Doubt it,” you say through a yawn. “Babies are never born on their due date.”
Eddie strips off his shirt and comes around the bed to give you a proper good morning kiss. 
“How you feeling, baby?”
“Peachy,” you grunt. “Gonna go get the boys up.”
Luckily, neither Ryan nor Luke gives you any trouble waking up or getting ready for school. They know how you’ve been feeling lately and have been great about helping you out when they can. 
“Bye!” Ryan says as he slips his backpack on. 
“Have a good day,” Eddie says, ruffling both boys’ hair.
You press a kiss to the top of their heads and Luke rubs a hand across your swollen belly. 
“Be good in there, Eliza!”
A smile grows on your face at his words. They head out the door to the bus stop, Ryan giving you one last wave before you close the door.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out,” Eddie says. He walks over and cups your face in his warm hands. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“I will,” you assure him. 
He nods and presses a sweet kiss against your lips. 
“Relax and get some rest.”
“Okay.” You give him another kiss in return. “Have a good day at work.”
“Love you, baby.”
“I love you, too.”
Not even two minutes after Eddie walks out the door, you plop down in front of the television with the remote. The only thing on at this time of day are soap operas, which have started to become an addiction of yours since there’s nothing else for you to do. 
Fortunately, one of today’s plotlines is so boring and you predicted the identical twin brother twist a week ago, so you manage to fall asleep. It’s only a cat nap, but you’ll take anything you can get these days. 
A different kind of discomfort awakens you this time. Your stomach growls so loudly it feels like it rattles the windows. You rally the strength to get up from the couch, and with a little help from the arms and back of it, you’re standing. 
An infomercial for some Chuck Norris Total Gym blathers on as background noise as you walk–or more like waddle–into the kitchen. A peanut butter and banana sandwich has been a go-to for you during this pregnancy—after Luke happily introduced it to you one day over the summer. There’s something about the rich nuttiness and the sweetness of the fruit together between two pieces of bread that makes Eliza very happy in your womb. 
Once you’ve got peanut butter spread on both slices of bread, you move to grab a banana from the fruit bowl. The moment your hand touches the yellow peel, you feel a twinge of pain shoot from your lower back, through your tummy, and down into your pelvis. Your hand braces you against the counter as you breathe through the pain. 
What the hell was that? You think to yourself. That fucking hurt.
You take a deep breath and grab the banana. As you turn back to your sandwich and peel open the piece of fruit, it hits you.
Were those…contractions? No, you tell yourself, shaking your head. It had to be something else.
“No one ever actually has their baby on the due date,” you say into the quiet kitchen. “Maybe I have to pee again. I swear, this little girl thinks my bladder is a trampoline.”
Once you’re finished up in the bathroom, you head back to finish making your sandwich. But the minute you pick up the butter knife, another stab of pain attacks.
“Oh boy,” you say, one hand dropping the knife and going to your lower back, while the other rests on your bump. “You’re ready to come out, aren’t you? You heard that doctor say ‘October 7th�� and you made a note on a calendar, huh?”
The mental image of the baby in your belly marking the date off on a calendar makes you smile as you waddle over to the phone hanging on the wall. The line rings twice before someone picks up.
“Scott’s Auto Body, this is Mark speaking. How can I help you?”
“Hi, Mark.” You breathe through another twinge of pain. “Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, let me go grab him for you,” Mark says.
It feels like an eternity as you hear the phone being put down, shuffling noises in the background, then low murmuring voices, until finally the phone is being moved again and you finally hear your husband’s voice.
“Hey,” you say. “I, um, think I’m having contractions.”
“You are?”
It’s hard to tell if that’s excitement or urgency in his voice. Probably both.
“Yeah, the first one I just waved off as a fluke. But they’ve happened a couple of times now.”
“Alright, I’m on my way home, princess,” Eddie says, and you can already hear him moving around, starting the process. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you assure him. “They’re quick and not too close together yet. I’ll start counting when I feel the next one.”
“Good.” The sound of his keys jingling comes through the phone. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I love you.” 
A hint of giddiness is already creeping into his tone. He’s wanted a baby girl for so long, and she’s finally ready to make her appearance. You make a mental note to think of Eddie’s excitement anytime a contraction overwhelms you. Of course, you have your own excitement, and lots of it, but seeing Eddie be so truly happy is one thing that could get you through all the pain in the world. 
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Eddie unsheathes his sword as the azure dragon flies overhead. Too far for him to even reach if he threw his sword. The blood red skies cast a purple shadow on the giant winged creature. But Eddie’s almost there. He can see the tower in the distance, normally not a rough journey, but there’s bound to be something guarding the locked-away maiden.
As he gets closer, Eddie sees that it’s a female Cloud Giant tasked with keeping people like him away. Only the most noble who dare to help the poor young thing locked away. 
Eddie picks up speed, his sword at the ready as he approaches the giant, then—bam! Something lands against Eddie’s cheek. He looks up, seeing if the dragon perhaps swooped down to swipe the knight with his tail. But the skies are clear. So, Eddie continues forward. Bam! What the hell is—
Eddie is jolted back into consciousness by his own pillow smacking his face. 
“What the…” Eddie grumbles in a scratchy, sleepy voice. “What’s going on?
He rubs his bleary eyes and sees that Brittany is sitting on the edge of the bed, her back to him.
Eddie stumbles to his feet and clicks on his bedside lamp before walking around the bed to check on his wife. The first thing he notices is that the crotch of her nightgown and the sheets below her are wet. 
Wow, this baby must really be messing with her bladder if—wait. 
“Your water broke?” Eddie's voice suddenly has no trace of sleepiness in it. 
Brittany isn’t looking at him. Instead, she looks down at her hands resting on her large bump. 
“Come on, let’s get you changed,” Eddie says, gently slipping his hand beneath one of her arms so he can help her up. 
Brittany groans once she’s on her feet and Eddie hurriedly turns towards their dresser and digs for something she can change into.
“Contractions?” Eddie asks as he grabs a pair of sweatpants.
“It’s okay,” he assures her. 
Eddie quickly helps Brittany into her clothes and grabs her already prepared overnight bag from the closet. He slowly leads his wife into the living room so she can rest on the couch while he grabs Ryan. 
The twenty-two-month-old is sleeping soundly in his crib. Eddie hates to disturb him, but the ball is already in motion. 
“Wha?” Ryan croaks as Eddie scoops him up and holds him against his chest.
“Shhh, it’s okay,” he tells his son. “Go back to sleep.”
Ryan thunks his head down on Eddie’s shoulder and immediately begins lightly snoring. 
The soft whistle in his ear makes Eddie smile as he steps into the kitchen to use the nearest phone. He quickly dials a number he knows by heart and waits for someone to pick up at the plant.
“Yeah, hi, is Wayne there? Yeah, Munson,” Eddie says into the receiver. He hikes Ryan up a little higher on his chest while he waits for the phone to get passed.
Eddie’s never been happier to hear that gruff voice.
“Hey! It’s, uh, me. So, Brittany’s water broke and Ryan needs—”
“I’ll punch out right now and meet ya at the trailer.”
God, Eddie loves his uncle. 
“Okay, see you there.”
Eddie heads back into the living room and helps Brittany up with one hand while the other keeps a good hold on Ryan. Somehow, Eddie manages to get them both in the car, all buckled and ready to go. 
“Whew.” Eddie takes a deep breath in the driver’s seat. He takes one more before he starts the car. “Here we go.”
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The moment Eddie walks through the front door, he makes sure you’re sitting down and comfortable. Sitting down? Yes. Comfortable? Not so much. 
But you’re content with your peanut butter and banana sandwich as your husband presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“Nine minutes apart,” you inform him through a mouthful of peanut butter. 
Eddie chuckles at the muffled words.
“Okay. I’m gonna get changed, then call Wayne so he can be here for when the boys get home.”
You nod and take another bite of your sandwich. 
Eddie comes back just as another contraction is starting. You set your plate down on the couch to your right and Eddie takes a seat on the other side of you. One of your hands braces you against the cushion you’re sitting on, and Eddie slips his hand into your free one. 
“Just squeeze my hand, okay? And breathe.”
The pulsating wracks your body as you focus on taking in a large lungful of air. You hold it for a few seconds, counting time by the number of gentle squeezes you give Eddie’s hand, then let it out. 
“Ugh,” you groan when the pain releases you. You flop back on the couch, tipping your chin up as you try and catch your breath. “That was the longest one so far.”
“We’ll start timing that too,” Eddie says. 
He presses a kiss to your cheek before pressing a few to the back of your hands. His hands stall when you let out a deep sigh.
“Do you not want me to be touching you? What do you need?” There’s a shake in his voice that angers you, because you know exactly why and who made him unsure of how to comfort a woman in labor.
“Yes, I want you to touch me,” you say, grabbing his hand in both of yours. “Your touch calms me.”
It doesn’t escape your notice that his shoulders sag in relief before he wraps an arm around your shoulders. 
“Just let me know what you want me to do,” he says.
“This,” you reply, leaning into his arms. Your eyes slip closed as you snuggle up to the warmth of his body. “Want you.”
“I’m not leaving your side, princess,” he assures you. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
You nod against his neck and Eddie swipes up the remote. He flips through the channels, but it’s the middle of a Tuesday, so there’s not a whole lot on.
“I can grab a tape or a DVD?” your husband offers.
You shake your head, holding onto him even tighter.
“Don’t want you to move. Whatever you find is fine.”
“Alright, well…I guess we’ll watch The Scarlet Pimpernel.”
Eddie feels your chuckle rumble against his chest.
“That’s fine,” you say.
It’s only seconds before another contraction starts, and Eddie can tell by the way your fingertips dig into him. This one lasts about as long as the previous one, and you’re able to get semi-comfortable against your husband again.
The house is quiet, the two of you on the couch, watching a movie that neither of you have any real interest in. The low volume only makes the loud pop that echoes through the room even more pronounced. 
“My water just…”
“Yes, it did.”
A heavy pause hangs in the air as the two of you stare at one another. It’s obvious you have to get up and get going now, but the realization that this is really happening is sinking in for you both. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe out in a whisper.
This breaks Eddie out of his trance. He starts to laugh and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Here we go, sweetheart.”
He helps you up off the couch and into your room so you can change clothes. With your husband's help, you slip into a dry pair of sweatpants, an oversized Ghostbusters t-shirt Luke got you when you complained that there were no comfy maternity shirts, and one of Eddie’s hoodies on top of it—even though you can’t zip it up. Your old college backpack has been filled with supplies for weeks, all in preparation for this moment. Eddie slides onto one of his shoulders and walks with you to the front door.
Just as the two of you step into the living room, the door opens. Wayne steps inside and it takes four seconds for his eyes to go from you to Eddie, to the bag hanging on his shoulder, then back to you.
“Thank God you’re here,” you sigh in relief. 
If for some reason he hadn’t arrived here before the boys got home, you knew they’d be okay for a while, but you’ll be able to relax more knowing that their grandpa is here with them. 
“Heading out to the hospital?” Wayne asks.
“Yeah,” Eddie answers with a nod. “Her water broke.”
A smile graces the older man’s features, and it softens him.
“You got this, darlin’,” he says as he opens the front door wide enough for you and Eddie to get through.
You shoot him a grateful smile as you step outside.
“We’ll call when we have any update,” Eddie tells his uncle.
Wayne just nods and pats Eddie on the back as he passes. The two of you walk to your car together and Wayne watches from the entryway, not wanting to go inside yet in case he can help in any way. 
Once you’re securely in the car, Eddie waves to Wayne before slipping into the driver’s seat. As he adjusts the rearview mirror, his eyes catch on the car seat that’s been installed for the past two weeks. It brings a smile to his face as he starts the engine.
“Let’s have us a baby,” Eddie says as he shifts the car into reverse. 
As soon as you arrive at the hospital, it’s very quick work when Eddie alerts them you’re in labor. You’re brought right to a room and hooked up to lines and so many wires you’re not even sure what they’re all for. 
Your doctor shows up not too long after you’re settled into your bed and says you’re not quite ready to push yet. Your contractions are getting closer together, but they’re not quite at the active labor phase yet. 
Now after being hurried up to this room and all set up to go, there’s nothing to do. The flurry of activity kept your mind off the pain that was creeping up in intensity each time it snuck up on you. But now that there’s nothing to occupy your mind, it feels like it’s all that fills your head.
“Do you want some pain meds, baby?” Eddie asks, slipping his hand into yours.
He must’ve noticed the way you were gritting your teeth hard enough to wear them down to nubs. 
“I can have some?” you ask.
“Sure, sweetheart. Let me go get the nurse.”
Eddie is right and the nurse is able to administer some medicine that allows you to relax a little. It takes enough of the edge off that you’re able to focus on and appreciate Eddie’s attempts to distract you from the pain and boredom. 
Your husband had prepared ahead of time and had slipped his battered and well-loved copy of The Two Towers into your overnight bag. He now brings the story to life for you, reading with such passion, and doing different funny voices for the different characters.
“‘Beren now, he never thought he was going to get that Silmaril from the Iron Crown in Thangorodrim, and yet he did, and that was a worse place and a blacker danger than ours,’” Eddie reads to you. “‘But that’s a long tale, of course, and goes on past the happiness and into grief and beyond it – and the Silmaril went on and came to Eärendil. And why, sir, I never thought of that before! We’ve got – you’ve got some of the light of it in that star-glass that the Lady gave you! Why, to think of it, we’re in the same tale still! It’s going on. Don’t the great tales never end?’ ‘No, they never end as tales,’ said Frodo. ‘But the people in them come, and go when their part’s ended. Our part will end later – or sooner.’” 
Then it’s time for the doctor to check how dilated you are and the timing of your contractions. It’s still not time, she tells you with a sympathetic smile before heading out to attend to other patients. 
Now, Eddie finds a pile of old magazines and newspapers strewn about a small table in the corner. He picks up an outdated print of the Washington Post at random, sits in the chair he’s positioned near your head, and begins to read a news article in an over-the-top news anchor voice.
“The first musical number epitomized the kind of commercialized outrageousness that MTV has perfected in recent years. It featured Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, decked out in white wedding ensembles in a homage to Madonna, who famously wore a wedding dress on MTV's first Video Music Awards broadcast in 1984, when she performed ‘Like a Virgin.’ Madonna appeared dressed as a groom, and the number, which also briefly featured Missy Elliott, provided the evening's first gyrating rumps, as well as a truly yechy moment: The sight of oversexed old Madonna tongue-kissing oversexed young Spears. It didn't seem outrageous or sultry; it smacked of desperation.”
“Such outrage,” you joke with a shake of your head. 
“Kids today,” Eddie says with an over dramatic sigh. “All their music is just noise.”
You giggle and reach for his hand. He gladly takes it and laces his fingers with yours.
“How are you feeling, princess?”
“I’m good,” you tell him, giving his hand a squeeze. “My wonderful, loving husband is doing a great job of keeping me entertained.”
A smile that can only be described as adoring grows on Eddie’s face. He leans forward and presses kisses to your knuckles.
“Anything for you.”
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By the time the hospital staff gets Brittany up to her room and hooked up to all the equipment, the doctor says it’s not long before she can start pushing. Which also means that there’s no time to give her any drugs—no matter how much she begs. 
“Ugh! This sucks,” Brittany complains once it’s just her and Eddie in the room. 
“I know,” Eddie says. 
“Do you?” she snaps back.
“I mean, I…” Eddie stutters over his words. “I was there when Ryan was born. I know the pain you were in then.”
“At least they were able to give me something for pain then. Now I can’t even get a fucking Tylenol.” 
“Do you want to talk about something to keep your mind off it?” Eddie offers. He scoots his chair up to the edge of the bed and rests a hand on Brittany’s blanket-covered thigh. 
“Fine,” the blonde grunts out. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Um…what about middle names? We haven’t decided yet.”
“Didn’t we?” Brittany sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“No,” Eddie replies. “Just first names. Luke for boy, Lucy for girl.” 
“Fine. So, Ryan’s middle name is after your uncle because you just had to do that,” Brittany rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulders. “What about from my family?”
“What names do you like?” Eddie says between clenched teeth. She's having my baby, she’s having my baby, she’s having my baby, he reminds himself over and over again. 
“Anatoly,” Brittany says. “For a boy.”
“Luke Anatoly Munson.” Eddie wrinkles his nose at how the name sounds out loud. “I don’t think that goes.”
“Fine.” Brittany’s silent for a moment as she considers other names. “Andrei?”
Eddie internally sighs. He’s always thought it was cool that much of Brittany’s family emigrated from Russia, but the land’s native names don’t flow well with “Luke Munson.” 
“Aleksandr,” Brittany suggests, pulling Eddie out of his own head. 
Eddie leans back in his chair, letting the name roll around his brain. It's a good one, he thinks. But…
“Should we use the American spelling?” Eddie asks.
“Why, so he can be named after your dad?” Brittany bites out.
The room is silent as Eddie furrows his brow. He shakes his head in confusion as a nurse steps in to check on the monitors Brittany is hooked up to. 
“That’s not…Britt, that isn’t my dad’s name.”
“What?” Brittany stares at her husband as if he has three heads. “Of course it is.”
“People called him ‘Al’, yeah,” Eddie starts. “But his full name is Alan. Not Alexander.” 
“Oh.” Brittany waves a hand dismissively as if not knowing her husband’s dad’s name after years together is nothing—a common mistake, even. 
Eddie shakes his head, shoving the irritation to the back of his mind for the time being. There will be plenty of time later to be annoyed by Brittany’s ignorance and apathy. After the baby is born.
The tension grows in his neck, so Eddie rolls his shoulders and leans back in his chair.
“So, Luke Alexander Munson for a boy?” Eddie checks.
“Sure,” Brittany says as another contraction washes over her. The way her eyes squeeze shut so tightly and her teeth clench with a vengeance pangs Eddie’s heart. 
“And for a girl,” Brittany grits out, obviously trying to talk through the pain in an attempt to ignore it, “Lucy Alexandra Munson.”
“That’s pretty.”
Eddie goes to take his wife’s hand as her body relaxes from the fading contraction. But Brittany snatches her hand back.
“Please, just don’t…touch me.”
“Okay. Sorry.”
Eddie barely has time to feel the sting of rejection before the doctor is back in the room to check on Brittany’s progress. 
“Good news,” the doctor announces. “You’re dilated enough. It’s time to start pushing.” 
“Oh boy,” Brittany mutters, trying to garner strength from her exhausted body. 
The room is a flurry of activity as nurses prepare everything the doctor might need. 
Eddie stands and goes to reach for his wife’s hand before remembering she doesn’t want to be touched. But as another contraction wracks her body, Brittany reaches up and grabs his hand. It brings a small smile to Eddie’s lips, despite how hard she’s gripping it because of her pain. 
“Alright, Brittany,” the doctor says as he gets into position at the end of the bed, “we’re going to try pushing now.”
“We?” Brittany barks out in a strained and breathless laugh. 
“Well, mostly you,” the doctor teases as a nurse goes to stand on Brittany’s other side, opposite of Eddie. 
“Alright, honey,” the nurse says, putting one hand on Brittany’s shoulder. “Push when the doctor counts to three.”
“One, two…”
He doesn’t even get to three before Brittany starts squeezing the life out of Eddie’s hand. Eddie just clenches his teeth and takes it though, willing to soak up any pain that he can from his wife. 
“Jesus, fuck!” Brittany shouts through her pushing. Her face is already sweaty, matting hair to her forehead. Eddie’s quick to brush it away with his free hand.
“You’re doing so good, Britt,” Eddie encourages. “You’ve got this.”
Brittany nods, either in acknowledgment of his words or just because she wants him to shut up. 
“Almost there, Mrs. Munson,” the doctor says.
Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise. When Ryan was born, they were at it for a while before he decided to make his grand entrance into the world. People had told him that second babies tend to come out quicker, but Eddie didn’t know this one was practically banging down the door to get out. 
“This one’s got some mettle,” Eddie says. 
“Just like Dad,” Brittany grits out and it takes Eddie a second to get her joke. 
Mettle, metal? He got it. 
Eddie huffs a laugh, honestly impressed by her ability to come up with a joke while she’s trying to pass a human being through her body. 
“Okay, now just one more biiig push,” the doctor says. 
“Come on, hun,” Eddie cheers, bracing his hand against Brittany’s as she channels everything in her to push. 
“Almost there, almost there…” the doctor repeats. 
Suddenly the shrill sound of an infant wailing fills the small room. It’s the most beautiful sound Eddie has ever heard. 
“It’s a boy,” the doctor announces, holding the newborn up enough for the parents to see. 
Brittany drops Eddie’s hand out of pure exhaustion, but there’s a smile on her face as she drops back against the pillows. The baby is handed to a nurse for initial cleanup. 
“I’m so proud of you,” Eddie says softly to Brittany. 
She tilts her head up and gives him a sleepy smile. 
The softness in her gaze has Eddie leaning down to press a kiss to her lips. Surprisingly, she kisses him back. 
“Would you like to cut the cord, Dad?” the doctor asks.
“Yes,” Eddie responds before the doctor can even finish the question.
He walks down to the foot of the bed and takes the pair of scissors to the umbilical cord, snipping it in two. Eddie hands the scissors back blindly, as his eyes never leave his newborn son. No detail escapes his notice as he watches a nurse gently take him and lay him on Brittany’s chest. 
“Oh, hi,” Brittany says, one hand covering the entirety of his little back. 
Eddie comes back up to the head of the bed and beams down at his wife and baby. Brittany glances up at him, then back down. 
“Look at this beautiful boy,” Eddie coos. 
Brittany chuckles and Eddie leans down to kiss her head, then the newborn’s.
“Beautiful little Luke,” Brittany says. 
A nurse takes him back to fully clean him up and swaddle him in a soft white blanket. 
“You want to hold him?” the nurse asks Eddie.
“Yes.” Eddie nods emphatically and holds out his arms. 
The moment the gentle weight lands in his arms, Eddie’s eyes fill with tears. 
“Hi, my boy.”
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“To place a call outside of the hospital, please press nine.”
Eddie does as the automated voice tells him and leans back in his chair. You let your head loll to the side, the scratchy pillow brushing against your cheek as you watch your husband. This brief respite from contractions allows you to smile when you hear the echo of Ryan’s voice come from the phone.
“Hey, you,” Eddie says, grinning as well. “How was school?”
“Good! Isthebabyhereyet?” 
His eagerness makes Eddie chuckle. 
“No, no baby yet. Just figured I’d check in with you guys.”
“What he say?!” Luke shouts in the background. 
“No baby!” Ryan tells him. 
The phone shuffles back and forth before Luke says, “Just share it!”
“Uh, you both there?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah!” they say at the same time. 
“Did you ask—”
“Not yet, I—”
Eddie tilts his head to the side as they bicker. He somehow deciphers that they want to talk to you.
“You can talk to her if you hush up and behave.”
Both boys fall silent at that. There’s a small pause before Ryan says, “Okay.”
“Good.” Eddie nods and hands the phone over to you.
“Hi!” two young voices call at the same time. 
“How do you feel?” Ryan asks.
As if his question summoned it, a contraction rears its ugly head. Your forehead furrows as you try to ignore it and focus on the conversation with the boys.
“I’m doing okay.”
“Do you hurt?” Luke asks. 
Your free hand bangs against the bed rail in an attempt to keep from shouting in pain. Eddie sits up straighter in his chair, concern filling his eyes. He motions to the phone, silently asking if you want him to take it back. 
“Little bit,” you grit out to answer Luke while shaking your head to answer Eddie. 
“Did they give you any medicine?” Ryan asks.
“Yeah, a while ago. So, uh, what did you guys do at school today?”
“Nothing really,” Luke says. “Oh, you and Dad have to come down to the school and get the meat thermometer.”
“The what?” you ask. 
“The meat thermometer.”
“Luke, what are you talking about?”
Eddie looks at you, questioningly, and you shrug your shoulders. 
“Me and my friend Kevin wanted to test the temperature of the cafeteria hot dogs, so I brought the meat thermometer. But then we got caught and the lunch lady took it. So now you need to get it.”
“You did what?” You hear Wayne’s muffled shout. 
“We wanted to make sure it was safe!” Luke defends. 
The contraction finally releases you and you’re able to relax as much as you can in the lumpy hospital bed. 
“What about you, Ry?” you ask.
“I didn’t care how hot the meat was,” he says, completely serious.
You laugh and it helps your body wash away that lingering whisper of pain.
“No,” you say. “What did you do at school today?”
“We have to write papers for history class, and we started today.”
“Oh yeah? What’s the paper on?” you ask, trying to think of anything except the next contraction. 
“Everyone got assigned some kind of job we have to study. I got dentist.”
“And what did you learn today?” As much as Luke’s shenanigans can keep you entertained, they can also stress you out. But Ryan loves to go into detail about what he’s working on at school and this shall hopefully provide you with a relaxing distraction. 
“Uhh…” Ryan hums as he thinks. “The first dental school in America was founded by Horace H. Hayden and Chaplin A. Harris.”
“When?” you press.
“1840. In Maryland, in case you were gonna ask!”
It’s impossible not to smile at how well the boy knows you.
“Good job, Ry,” you tell him. “I’m proud of you.”
The beginnings of a new contraction appear, and your fingers tighten around the phone receiver. You spy your doctor out in the hallway and use it as an excuse.
“Alright, boys,” you start, “my doctor is coming so I gotta go, okay? Daddy will call when there’s an update.”
“Okay,” Ryan says.
“Love you!” Luke adds.
“I love you both, too. 
Eddie hangs up the phone for you just as your doctor actually does walk into your room. 
“How are we feeling Mrs. Munson?” she asks you. 
You’ve been “Mrs. Munson” for eight months now but it still gives you butterflies every time you hear it.
“Contraction-y,” you tell Dr. Hahn. 
She chuckles and nods her head in understanding. 
“That makes sense, you know, with the contractions and all.” She tugs two medical gloves out of the box marked “medium”. “Alright, I’m just gonna check how your dilation is going.”
As you lay back to let the doctor do her thing, Eddie leans forward and raises an eyebrow at you. 
“Should I be concerned about whatever it is that Luke did now?” he asks. 
“I think it’s okay,” you say with a chuckle. “Apparently, you just have to go to school to pick up a meat thermometer he brought to check the temperature of the school hot dogs.”
Eddie stares at you, his face almost as blank and emotionless as you’ve ever seen it. You can practically see his brain attempting to digest this information, but it thinks it’s reading the data incorrectly. 
“He what?” Eddie finally asks.
Luckily, Dr. Hahn saves you from admitting you have no idea what goes on in the mind of Luke Munson. 
“Well, Mrs. Munson,” Dr. Hahn says, “the time has arrived. You’re fully dilated now; time to start pushing.”
You’ve known all along that you’d have to do this—hell, you’ve known it for about eight months now—but the reality of actually pushing a person out of your body is sobering. How did this moment finally arrive? Weren’t you and Eddie just sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting for the results of the pregnancy test? And now you’re supposed to start pushing? You feel as if you’ve had no time to prepare. Prepare for this labor, prepare for taking the baby home, prepare to be a fully-fledged mom to a newborn. 
A moment of serenity washes over you as your mind reminds you of one important factor, though: this is your and Eddie’s baby. You are bringing a child into this world that is half you and half the man you love. A baby who is the product of the love that you both easily fell into and fought like hell to make work. Suddenly, labor doesn’t seem so bad. It may hurt, but to you it is a privilege and honor to bring this little girl, and everything she stands for, into the world. 
“You alright, sweetheart?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah,” you assure him with a small smile. “I’m ready to meet our baby.”
The infectious grin that spreads on Eddie’s face warms your heart and gives you a boost of strength to get this show on the road.
Eddie stands up as Dr. Hahn gets everything situated. He slips his hand into yours and leans down to press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I’m right here with you, princess,” he says softly. “You’re the strongest woman—no, person I know.”
His words have your eyes filling with tears and the hormones certainly aren’t helping. 
“I love you so much, Eddie.”
“I love you, too.”
“Oh, here comes another contraction,” Dr. Hahn says, looking at the monitors that you’re hooked up to. “We’re gonna try pushing on this one, Mrs. Munson, okay?”
The wobble in your voice is clear. Eddie presses a kiss to the back of your hand. Just as his lips brush your skin, you feel the now-familiar pressure that precedes a contraction. 
“Oof,” you groan as the intensity increases.
“Alright, now…push,” Dr. Hahn instructs. 
You take the deepest breath that your pain will allow, grit your teeth, and clutch your husband’s hand as you begin to push.
“Great job, Mrs. Munson,” Dr. Hahn praises. “Keep it going.”
And it does keep going. And going. And going. 
But fifty-three minutes later, you hear the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard in your life. 
Shrill, high-pitched wails fill the room, and you immediately begin sobbing. 
“Here she is,” Dr. Hahn says, holding her at an angle you can see. “Congratulations, Mom and Dad.”
Even covered in vernix and blood, your new daughter is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. A nurse places her on your chest, and the moment you feel that skin-to-skin contact with her, you’re done for. She already has you wrapped around her little finger.
The newborn continues her cries, escalating to a new pitch every time she gets another lungful of air. It’s as if she’s a royal, informing all her subjects of her many woes. 
Eddie leans in and kisses your lips, the tears on your face mingling with the ones on his. When your husband pulls back to stare at his baby girl, his face is filled with awe and adoration. 
“She’s here,” he whispers to no one in particular. 
“Do you want to cut the cord, Mr. Munson?” Dr. Hahn asks.
Eddie reaches for the scissors a nurse is holding out to him and he has them in his hand before you could say “Ryan and Luke’s new baby sister.”
This is Eddie’s third time doing this, so he knows right where to line the scissors up even before Dr. Hahn instructs him. Eddie severs the cord and a nurse takes the baby so she can have a proper cleaning. 
Neither your nor Eddie’s eyes leave the newborn as she’s swaddled up in a nice warm blanket.
“Do we have a name yet?” The nurse asks as she slides a pink hat onto the tiny baby’s head.
“Eliza,” you say proudly. Tears fill your eyes at the sound of her name out loud. Out loud now that she’s here. This precious little bean that’s been growing inside of you for so long is finally here, a real little person you get to hold and love on. 
“Eliza Marie Munson,” Eddie says, the same emotions that you’re going through reflecting in his voice. 
“Well, Dad,” the nurse says as she picks up Eliza and turns towards Eddie. “Would you like to hold your baby girl Eliza?”
Your husband nods emphatically, reminding you of Luke when he’s asked if he wants to go to the toy store. The nurse gently transfers Eliza to her father’s arms, and you watch as his face morphs as he holds his daughter for the first time.
“H-Hi, Eliza.” Eddie sniffs and clears his throat, trying to shove the tears away. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. I can’t believe that I actually have a daughter.” Slowly, Eddie leans in to press his lips to her soft, smooth forehead. Eliza coos and her face scrunches up adorably. “You wanna know something, Eliza? You have the best mommy in the world. And now I have the two most perfect girls in the world.”
Eddie looks up at you with a gentle smile. Tears are falling down your cheeks so rapidly that it feels like you’re playing whack-a-mole as you try to wipe them all away. 
Your husband stands next to the bed and nods at you, signaling for you to ready your arms for the baby. You gladly accept the warm little bundle, and more tears begin to cascade as you gaze down at her gorgeous little face. 
“Hi, baby girl. I’m your mommy.” Saying the words aloud sounds odd to your ears. Sure, you’ve basically been a mother to Luke and Ryan for years now, but you never introduced yourself to them as “mommy.” But that’s what you are, from Eliza’s first breath, you’re her mom for her entire life. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks. He reaches down and rubs a warm hand against your shoulder.
“I’m wonderful,” you say. “It’s weird, though. Having Eliza from this very first moment of her life, I now wish even more that I could’ve known the boys as soon as they came into the world.”
Eddie lets out a soft chuckle and places a kiss to the top of your head.
“Trust me, princess. This has been the least dramatic and stressful of all the kids’ births.”
You chuckle as well, and the sound seems to tickle Eliza. Her tiny head moves from side to side slowly, as if she’s shaking her head no in slow motion.
“I can’t wait for them to meet her,” you say.
“Guess I need to make a phone call home.”
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The door to the hospital room clearly needs some oil as it squeaks open. Wayne steps inside, a curious Ryan in his arms. The almost-two-year-old gazes around the room with wide eyes, taking in all the unfamiliar equipment.
“Hey, you!” Eddie says as he takes the little boy from his uncle. “Did you have a good day with Grandpa?”
“Yep,” Ryan says, still taking in his new surroundings. “Play catch.”
“You played catch?” Eddie asks, his pitch rising in that faux excitement adults use when talking to young children.
“Uh huh!”
“That sounds like fun. Guess what?”
“You’re a big brother now,” Eddie tells him. 
“Baby?” Ryan asks.
“Yes! Mommy had the baby. Do you want to meet him?”
Ryan nods enthusiastically, trying to look around his dad’s head to catch a glimpse of his mother. She comes into view as Eddie turns and walks towards the hospital bed, where Brittany is cradling a sleeping Luke. 
Eddie gently sets his older son down on the bed next to his mom.
“Hi, Ryan,” Brittany says softly. “Come here, look at the baby.”
Cautiously, Ryan shuffles forward and peers at the blanket-wrapped bundle.
“This is your little brother, Ry,” Eddie says. “You guys are going to be best friends.” 
“Do you want to hold him, Wayne?” Brittany asks, fighting back a yawn.
Brittany carefully hands him over, and Wayne looks down at his new grandson in absolute wonder.
“Well, aren’t you the sweetest baby?” Wayne says to Luke.
As the older man cradles the baby, Ryan stands up and taps his dad’s arm. Eddie hums in question and raises his eyebrows at the toddler.
“Up, up,” Ryan says, holding his arms up.
It melts Eddie’s heart that Ryan wants to be held up next to his new brother. The room is quiet, save for the echoes of hospital sounds drifting in. 
Luke starts to squirm, unable to move much in his swaddled state. 
“Britt?” Eddie looks over his shoulder at his wife. “Do you have the pacifier?”
“Oh, yeah.” The blue pacifier that Luke has already shown an affinity for is on the bedside table, and Brittany hands it to her husband, who pops it into the baby’s mouth. Immediately, Luke calms back down, sucking furiously as he slips back into sleep.
Ryan leans over as far as he can in his dad’s arms, peering down at his brother in awe.
“My baby,” Ryan declares.
The adults in the room chuckle. 
“Can you say hi to Luke, Ryan?” Eddie asks, rubbing his hand up and down the elder boy’s back.
Ryan grins, his adorable baby teeth on display. He’s mesmerized by the new family member, and it fills Eddie with a warmth he’s never felt before. Ryan tries to lean over even more, wanting to be as close as possible.
“Hi, Luke!”
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The comfortable quiet in the hospital room cocoons you, your husband, and your daughter as you all lounge in the bed. Your head rests on Eddie’s shoulder while Eliza sleeps soundly in his arms. Both of you are just staring at her, already completely wrapped around her little finger.
“She’s so beautiful,” you whisper. 
“Just like her mom,” Eddie replies, just as quiet. 
“Her mom needs a shower,” you say. “Badly. I feel all gross after getting all sweaty.”
“You still looked gorgeous, even giving birth.” Eddie turns his head and presses a kiss to your hair. 
The slight movement causes Eliza to fuss, wiggling like a little worm in her father’s grip. Her whines hurt your heart.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie coos. He lays his head against yours.
Eddie begins to hum, and you quickly recognize the song as Sweet Child O’ Mine. All it takes is a minute of her dad’s soothing tone to lull the baby girl right back to sleep.
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burgerrat · 13 days ago
"No one gets me like you do."
Harley Sawyer x Reader
NOTE: gender-neutral reader, mentions of gore, threats of violence & light angst.
(I'm gonna be honest the positive feedback with my headcanons made me wanna make s'more Harley stuff. Praying that I kept his personality as close to I think he'd act canonically. Ough
My main inspiration behind this was dovewingkinnie's art piece mixed with that scene in Sonic 2 where Dr. Robotnik's grabbing Agent Stone's face
Aaaaandddd the prompt that makes the title comes from melamemea's prompt list here!
Hope you enjoy!)
It felt like you had been watching the procedure for years, when only 30 minutes had passed by as the Doctor poked and prodded at some unfortunate, sedated Smiling Critter's insides.
Sprawled on an operating table as a robotic, three-fingered limb attached to the ceiling of the room, worked away with a scalpel; a mechanic vessel bent over the operating table, a singular, wide eye displayed on it's screen as it observed the process, also lending its pair of hands, when they were of need. 
He was gruesome in his work, yet his hand was gentle in the most skilled of ways, in however form it came.
A professional in his field, until the very end.
"Do I really have to sit through this?" You huffed, resting your head in your palm.
You were spooned into another of Harley's vessels, sitting cross legged as the metal giant behind you remained still, like a protective shell.
"Squeamish, are we?" The Doctor casually asked, not bothering to actually acknowledge you with one of his physical forms.
"No! I just- ugh, how do you sit through this without falling asleep? It's not like taking a walk around inside here will be the death of me."
Soon as you responded, the scrap robot behind you hummed to life, the operation before your eyes coming to a pause quickly, and now... the screen of the vessel behind you turned on, displaying that oh so familiar eye.
"Your blathering is distracting enough." The Doctor hissed, his anger thinly boiling over.
"I might as well put you on that table instead. Perhaps you'll find my work more 'interesting' once it's skin-deep?" He chuckled.
This was Dr. Sawyer's attempt at humor, only his sadistic side could see the amusement about his threats.
But you knew better, you knew he bluffed each time, because he'd never acted upon it. Not when he was furious, not when you were asleep and vulnerable.
You glared at the vessel behind you, as if to say:
'do it, I dare you.'
The eye on the screen squinted, a quiet confrontation.
Then, dropping all hints of sadism, his voice returned, gentle and monotone.
"I cannot, and will not allow you out of my sight. Set one foot outside of my laboratories, and you'll be just another lamb to the slaughter, I can guarantee the probabilities." 
He'd told you this a million times before, each time more frustrated than the last that he had to deal with such a thick headed person.
His apathetic logic brought him once more to question why, why he kept you. Why did this type of recognition mean so much to him, when it came not only unprofessionally, but brought him objectively nothing?
"I know, I know, Harl. Look, I'm sorry-"
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. His eye, once zoned out, focusing back on you.
He liked the ring of that.
Only you bothered to give him nicknames like that.
He liked whatever this was that he was feeling, it... helped him relax.
"I just can't do it like you do- the patience. And at least you're doing something. Maybe I can be your assistan-?"
"Absolutely not." He interrupted before you had even completed your question.
"It's my work and my work alone. You may take notes if you wish, but I will not allow any interference. Especially from an unqualified hand." He sternly said.
You sighed in defeat, you knew how much his work meant to him, you happily engaged- but watching it actually happen? Much less intriguing (or violent, really) than you'd imagined at first.
His sing-songy tone as he continued caught your attention. His metallic hands gently took hold of yours briefly, before they snaked up to cup your face, the vessel's head lowering slightly so his eye could analyze your expression. Your entire face, really.
You could feel your cheeks heating up slightly against the cold touch of the machine's fingers as they smushed your face gingerly, his fingers slowly moving in small, smooth circles.
"Mmm, yes... I think we can build a little enrichment area for this little mouse."
He purred, his eye squinting playfully.
He knew what he was doing.
For a moment, a brief moment, he indulged exactly what you wished for: more of his attention, his touch. His hands did not come off of your face at any point, one moved to knead your head as the other continued to study your physiognomy, observing your behaviour, taking mental notes.
But all good things must come to an end, regrettably. And, much as he cherished you, his work was more important, you (or anything else) weren’t above it.
"I do wish to study your reactions upon being presented with certain... situations." The Doctor trailed off as he readjusted his position around you, his consciousness switching back to the other vessel and the robotic arm hovering over the operating table, casually going back to digging his scalpel around the Smiling Critter’s guts mixed with stuffing. His tone became fully professional, as if he were discussing business with you.
"E-excuse me??" You babbled out, face still red from his probing.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I won't place you in any hostile environment. Since my surgeries are so boring to you, I might just have to leave you with some homework to do instead, mm?"
Once his response was met with silence, he continued.
"I'll just place a few seeds around a labyrinth for you to find and collect, and see how well your cognitive abilities are. After that? Who knows! I might reward you with some cheese." He mocked.
You raised an eyebrow, unamused.
"Fine. So long as I'm doing something." You huffed, earning a contented chuckle for a response from the Doctor as he worked.
You were tempted to ask him to elaborate instead of speaking about his metaphorical 'lab mouse', to satisfy your curiosity, but you didn't want him to think you doubted your safety around him... he'd kept you alive this far, was ever-so vigilant to make sure you were well and alive.
You trust him.
You care.
"Most would come to think I'd be laying some sort of trap. The logical outcome." Harley observed once he concluded his procedure on the Critter, the robotic arm once more going still, the vessel remaining active and now... focusing on you.
"Oh, to be so blissfully void of paranoia."
"Yes." You agreed, then shaking your head, "but I know you, Harley. You word it like we're strangers." You added. "I should be able to trust you."
"Do you know why?" The Doctor vaguely asked, his monotone voice sounded like he was miles away, yet he was so close to you. The automaton had begun approaching, the one behind you had turned on again. Yet he seemed... disconnected.
Not in the technological sense of his vessels.
"Why won't you lay a trap for me...?" You tried to clarify, "or why I should be able to trust..?"
"Neither." He scoffed.
"Why it is human nature to seek pointless connections, such as this. Nothing of value is extracted, there are no means to an end. What's the value of a life, when it can mean so much more? When it can be so much more?"
You tilted your head slightly, raising to your feet.
"Why does it have to mean anything?" Your answer was another question.
"It has to mean something to me." He barked.
That hurt a little. No… maybe not his intention, but your expression changed, and it didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Don't I?" Your voice softened.
He made a noise, like he was about to respond, yet held himself back the moment the words were going to leave his speakers. The main vessel he was using to express himself retracted a little.
You'd caught him off guard enough to remain speechless.
Because you were right.
You meant something to him.
You, who interacted with him even when you had no need for him, unlike the company who'd betrayed him twice.
You, who listened, who liked him even through his irritable, sadistic nature.
You, the one person that came back to find him, even if there wasn't much left.
And it wasn't because of his research.
You came back, for him.
"Harl...?" Your voice quivered a little, concerned with what his reply would be. Now, you were starting to doubt your safety through the hurt.
"You do." 
His response came out quick but monotone, void of emotion.
He wasn't sure what to make of himself. He hated it when others displayed sympathy towards his experiments, but he was telling the truth: you meant something to him, and, much as he hated to come to terms with it, it wasn't for his research.
You sighed in relief, your expression softening as you looked to the ground.
"I apologize, I was merely... pondering." His tone now took on its usual, eloquent speech. Or at least he tried to keep it that way, like how he'd word a presentation.
"Wondering why humans need to seek... connections... what drives this.. urge. This feeling." He rasped that last bit with spite. He couldn't understand himself, this counterproductive hypocrisy, and oh how he hated it.
This was his indirect attempt of saying 'I'm sorry that I hurt you', having taken notice that his selfishness had actually caused damage to the one person who gave a damn to even look for him. It wasn't good by any stretch, but it was an attempt to mend things up with clarifications. 
"I don't think... you need to know specifically the why of it...we're social creatures, it's, uhm.. normal, to want connections.." you tried to explain, approaching the automaton, reaching to hold his hand.
Were he in his human body, he would've noticeably tensed at the contact.
"Why still bother, when you have been betrayed over, and over again? And the funniest part: there is no prize for it. It has no meaning." He spat, once again void of emotion. He was subtly venting at this point, really, not even trying to hide that he was talking about himself.
In this moment, his complete detachment from humanity matched with his current body.
"Must have some meaning, if our relationship is an indicator of it." You played with his hand, intertwining your fingers.
Even when he had little regard for how you felt, you gave him compassion. You cherish him.
"I don't understand what drives you to it. What compels me." The Doctor's grip tightened around your hand for a moment, frustrated.
Then, he relaxed, his other hand tenderly taking hold of yours. Even though he was machine, it was his gentle handling that reminded one that he was still a man, despite the sharp metal.
"But.. one thing I do know, is that no one gets me... like you do. There is something there... and I intend to study it, why you, and nobody else."
Part of you knew that you both knew what it was.
Perhaps he was in denial of it, or maybe this was another indirect attempt of his, to say 'I love you' in his own way.
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ineffableigh · 1 year ago
Wait what the hell is Aziraphale mouthing here. Lip-readers sound off!!
This is RIGHT before "The Metatron! I don't think he's as bad a fellow - well I think I might have misjudged him."
His line was: "I, um... [mouthing something]" THEN the above line.
This can't be nothing. Can it? "We need to get out"??? Not sure. EDIT: I agree with @maximumpenguinpuppy here, I think he's saying
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Further deep dive on the most painful conversation I've ever seen:
Azi makes the most INTENSE EYE CONTACT I'VE EVER SEEN during "I think I might have misjudged him."
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After a few intercuts with the flashbacks we get to the really painful bit.
"He said that I could appoint you... to be an angel." His voice is so strained and high pitched even for him, here.
"Like the old times, only even NICER!"
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The super nice old times where you couldn't be together at all, eh?
Crowley starts his confession and we get the "What the blazes is he doing?" face as he starts to realize Crowley is NOT picking up on any of this. Azi's breathing heavily here, revealing how very stressed the fuck out he is.
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After this point is when things get really hard to interpret. Aziraphale sounds so genuine about "Come with me!" and "We can make a difference, I'll run it and you'll be my second in command." It feels like Crowley starting his very real confession broke through the charade of 'The Metatron knows something and we're in fucking danger'.
He blathers about Angels and Doing Good before breaking again, letting the "I need you!" slip. We get this HALF A SECOND look of the most profound sadness right before the "I don't think you understand what I'm offering you."
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"You idiot. We could have been us."
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Azi looks like he can't believe just how badly this went. This is right before he looks away.
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Azi is not hiding his emotions well, right before the grab:
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Then of course we get the I Forgive You, which sounds like his most bitter one yet. A flash of anger and resentment, frustration, immediately followed by remorse and grief.
Having seen all that, my best guess now is:
Metatron made the (barely) veiled De Facto Partnership threats, implying he knows about the body swap and, implicitly, threatening Crowley with Holy Water, at least to some extent.
Aziraphale tries his damnedest to communicate to Crowley that Something is Fucking Wrong and they Have to Go to Heaven to Fix It.
Crowley, having been primed by the various chats with Nina and then the 2v1 chat with Nina and Maggie RIGHT before this, clearly timed by the Metatron, fully misses all of this and takes it all at face value.
Crowley starts to give his confession and Aziraphale realizes what he's trying to say, tries to adjust his Heaven Pitch to hinge on staying together as a team to fix things."
"You cannot leave this bookshop." "Nothing lasts forever." Azi has chosen the worst way to make another attempt at saying he has no choice but to leave the bookshop. I don't think this is about the Second Coming, given his reaction to the info later.
Everything deteriorates from there as Aziraphale tries again to imply something is Fucking Wrong by going back to the "Angels! Doing good!" shtick, but it's too late. It's always too late.
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." He doesn't but Azi is also communicating it very badly, likely because the Metatron is indeed watching.
Crowley thinks this is all real so he gives his No Nightingales line, etc etc. Aziraphale can tell there's no fixing this, gives up.
Crowley swoops in with The Kiss as a last ditch effort to get Azi to listen. Azi WAS listening, but cannot respond other than in anger and frustration that Crowley, in his view, refuses to listen to him again, has called him an idiot again. This happens multiple times throughout the show so there's history to fuel that assumption.
This is the precise outcome the Metatron was vying for, to split them up and emotionally/psychologically weaken them, to ensure there was no chance of a united front as there was for Armageddidn't.
My heart hurts, ow.
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shaydh · 2 years ago
Not to promote violence or anything but if an AI bro started talking to me about AI in real life I think my first instinct would be to roundhouse kick him in the face
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 8 months ago
Someone New 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include angst, pining, romcom tropes, and some darker elements later in the series. Some triggers may not be specifically tagged. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This fic will contain explicit content. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’ve had a crush on your best friend for years, but you’re slapped in the face with reality when he takes things to the next level with his girlfriend.
Characters: Steve Rogers, Thor
Note: I got like insanely sick suddenly and I still feel off.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“Sam, that paradise punch was a bad idea,” you groan as you struggle to get your bag out of the trunk of the taxi. 
“Whatever,” Sam slurs as he comes around, “I tipped the driver extra. Bud, you think you can get this out for the lady?” 
The driver is all to helpful as he comes around you take the handle from you and swiftly plants the bag on its wheels. It’s everything you have that isn’t bundled up into storage or sacrificed to the dumpster. You thank the man and swallow a belch. 
“Have a safe trip, miss,” the driver nods and turns to slap Sam’s arm, “and you, sir.” 
Sam salutes the man and pushes away from the cab, your carry-on slung from his shoulder. The two of you clumsily lift the bag over the curb. You look up at the airport as the roar of jet engines cuts through the dusky air. 
“I feel like I’m drunker,” Sam snickers. 
“Uh huh, me too,” you murmur. Two hours on his couch was barely enough. If anything, it’s just set your vision askew. “They’re not gonna let me board if – hiccup—I'm blasted.” 
“Don’t worry, we can get water,” he blathers and yanks your bag onto its wheels, “off to the land of vikings! Skol!” 
“Skol?” You follow him in a clamour. 
“It’s what they say, isn’t it?” He chuckles, “I saw it on a show or whatever.” 
“I... yeah, usually while they drink, not stumbling drunk,” you rebuff. 
“Sound pretty sober to me with all that whining,” he rebukes. 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes and follow him through the automatic doors. 
He veers off and you follow him in confusion, glancing back at the check-in counter. He stops before a bright vending machine and feels around in his pocket. He taps his card and focuses intently on pressing the button. 
“Waterrrrr,” he drones and leans on the machine to reach through the slot. 
He hands it over and you unscrew the cap. You chug half the bottle and let out an obnoxious belch. You cover your mouth in embarrassment and offer him the rest. He finishes it off and you linger by the machine as you let the cool flow settle in. 
“Feel any better?” He asks. 
“A little. I’ll have a coffee on the plane.” 
“Nah, you should sleep.” 
“Maybe,” you take out your phone and tap the side button. Nothing. 
“Anything from Mr. Carter?” Sam asks. 
“No,” you black the screen and shrug. “Come on, I gotta check my bag.” 
“You should check that boy,” he blathers as he stands straight and once more yanks the bag after you, “tell him what’s what.” 
“Sam, he’s busy--” 
“He’s your best friend! At least, he likes to say so then do nothing.” 
“Quit,” you beg him, “this is hard enough.” 
“This is what you need--” 
“I know!” You throw your hands up and face him as you come up before the counter. “I know. Okay. I’m stupid and---” you shake your head and let the truth sink back into the depths of your soul. You face the clerk and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’m here to check my bag.” 
You pull out your wallet and slide your passport across the counter. You show your boarding pass and pay for the extra weight. Your bid a safe journey and carry on with only the smaller bag still on Sam’s shoulder. 
Wordlessly, you sit in a row of seats. You look up at the clock. You’ll have to go to the boarding area sooner than later. He won’t be able to come with you. 
“Sam, I’m sorry. I just... is it that obvious?” You croak. 
He puts his hand on your back and rubs it gently. It’s soothing. The tension trickles down your sides and seeps out. It feels good to admit it aloud yet mortifying just the same. 
“No, I just sense these things. I know Steve, I know you, and I know he doesn’t deserve you. Even as just friends.” 
“Ugh,” you put your head in your hands, “I am so stupid.” 
“No, you’re not. You’re human. It stinks. Our brains, our hearts, they aren’t logical, as much as we like to pretend,” he huffs, “trust me. We’ve all been there and if we haven’t, we’ll get our turn.” 
“Yeah, I guess,” you sit up as your eyes glisten, “I just... he said he’d be here. I thought I’d at least get that--” 
Your name echoes through the airy space and you wince. Right on cue, just before you can collapse completely. You turn as Steve rushes toward you. He wears jeans and grey sweatshirt. He remembered! 
You stand as Sam sighs. You smile, only halfway before you see the figure trailing behind him. Peggy looks less than excited to be there. Her sleepy lashes flutter as her wave hair is pinned back in a messy chignon, still elegant despite the carelessness. She wears a dark green trench over a silver satin nightie. She must’ve rushed out with him. 
“Hey,” Steve nears, “sorry I couldn’t make it for drinks, but I couldn’t miss take-off.” 
“Mmm, they don’t have any afternoon flights,” Peggy mutters. 
“They do but landing doesn’t line up with the train,” you shrug and glance at her briefly. Her glare darts back at you. You wonder if that work dinner was so impromptu after all. 
“Are you excited?” Steve drops into the seat next to you. 
“Uh, yeah, nervous,” you smile as the weight lightens from your chest. He came. Maybe Sam is wrong. Maybe friends isn’t that bad. 
“It’s going to be great. You have to send me updates, oh, and I’ll be sure to send you all the wedding news!” He grins, “I still can’t believe you’re going to be so far away.” 
“It’s a good opportunity,” Peggy intones as she sits on his other side, resting her hand on his forearm, “in her line of work, I’m sure they don’t come often.” 
You press your lips tight and look down, “yeah, not really.” 
“She can get out. Make new friends. Some girl friends, maybe,” Peggy remarks. 
“I’m sure she’ll make all the friends,” Sam interjects, “I hear there isn’t much sunlight over there, she’ll be a breath of fresh air for those grumpy vikings.” 
“Mm, yes,” Peggy grumbles as she trails her hand down to Steve’s. “Too bad you won’t make the engagement party.” 
“Or the wedding,” Steve adds. 
“Well, we’ve a full wedding party as it is,” she shrugs. “There’ll be lots of pictures.” 
“Right, yeah, I’m sorry to miss it all,” you frown. “I...” you sit back and nearly choke, “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” 
You stand as Sam puffs out heavily and to your surprise, Peggy swiftly gets to her feet, suddenly very awake. Your soberness is setting in along with a pulsing headache. You really don’t want to deal with her. If you knew he’d bring her, you’d have told Steve to stay home. 
“I’ll come with you. I’m splitting at the seams,” she trills. 
“Alright,” you agree with a tint of uncertainty. 
She twirls and you walk parallel to her towards the bathroom signs. You chalk it up to the feminine habit. It isn’t unusual to visit the toilets in pairs, even without much kinship between you. It does however spoil your attempt at respite. You less so want to empty your bladder than clear your mind. 
You don’t say a word as you enter the bathroom. You go into a stall and she does the same. Your mind clogs your biology and you have to sit and focus before you can get a flow going. By the time you’re trickling into the bowl, she’s done. A toilet flushes and you hear her unlatch the door and approach the sinks. 
She’s in heels, even at this hour. The sink sprays out water and you listen to her hum as she washes her hands. You finish up and flush, coming out meekly to use the sink next to her. You focus on the simple task as she watches you in the mirror. 
Sensing her gaze, you look up and pull your hands out from under the censor-activated faucet. You meet her eyes and nearly wince at the steely intensity. You stand straight and move past her to retrieve some paper towel. 
“This is a wise decision,” she says, “well-needed.” 
You look at her again as you dry your hands, “thanks.” 
“Oh, I’m not congratulating you. About time you got some sense,” she sneers. 
You wince and crumple up the towel. You drop it in the bin and cross your arms, “okay, well...” 
“It’s better you’re not here for any of it. He doesn’t need the distraction.” 
You chew the inside of your lip as venom drips from her voice. You’re still slightly tipsy and too tired to process this. You have no response. 
“The distance will help you get over it. Finally,” she snips, “you know, I thought it was almost endearing at first then it just became pathetic.” 
You swallow. You’re humiliated that even she could see right through you. You can hardly blame her for her spite. After all, she’s his fiancée, not you. 
“He thinks it’s silly. He laughs.” 
You flinch then. Hard. Your chest rents and your stomach boils. 
“He knows. It’s obvious. I mean, it’s convenient, isn’t it? You’ll do anything for him and really it was rather helpful. Took a lot off my plate and his but it’s time for all of us to grow up. I will be his wife and he doesn’t need some girl to measure out his laundry detergent or remind him to eat.” 
You blink and look away. You cross your arms and push your shoulders up, “got it.” 
“So why don’t you go ahead and just put him on mute now?” 
“Peggy,” you whisper. 
“We’re getting married. You know you can’t stop it, that’s why you’re running away. So end it.” 
“You don’t have to be cruel,” you mutter. 
“I could be horrid. I could have been for all these years. I believe I’ve had remarkable restraint with you,” she points a manicured nail at you, “you should be thanking me for having the grace to do this in private.” 
Your lip trembles and your cheeks tug painfully. You nod and turn away, “don’t worry, Peg, you won’t hear from me. He won’t either.” You make your way to the door, “I wish you both the best.” 
“Mm, I pray you find some clarity and perhaps some maturity along the way,” she retorts as she follows you, heels clicking loudly across the tile, “perhaps you might find someone too. Someone you deserve.” 
Her last words sting. The derision is pungent enough to make your nose crinkle. Someone you deserve... because you could never ever be good enough for Steve Rogers. 
You don’t look back as you go through the gate. You can’t. It’s too painful. The tears have receded but the pain is only deeper. Peggy’s words reverberate in your head, nipping at your ears as your nape burns hotter and hotter. 
She’s right. Sam too. This is overdue. It’s exactly what you need to do. You know it. It’s the reason you chose this. That moment when you were faced with being the eternal wobbly third wheel, you made up your mind. It’s over. That part of your life is behind you, but you don’t know that you’ll ever stop feeling this way. 
It’s hard to settle in your seat, even knowing you have ten hours of flying ahead of you. Disembarking alone will be another hour at least, then finding the train station, another few hours... It’s a lot of time to think and you just can’t stop. 
You don’t take the book out of your bag or touch the screen in front of you. Instead, you sit, slumped down in your seat, eyes drifting back and forth, as you wallow in your self-pity. You stay like that through the flight. You decline the mid-flight meal and the snack cart. You don’t even get up to use the bathroom. 
You close your eyes and float away into memory. You can feel the scene around you. You can smell the stale air freshener forgotten on the shelf above the desk and hear the muffled thrum of music through the walls. You sit on the bed, your textbook open in your lap and your laptop open by your leg. Steve’s on the other end, phone in hand, texting as his golden hair flops forward over his head. 
He’s younger. That rosiness still kisses his cheeks as subtle freckles speckle his pale skin. Yet he’s just a well-built as ever. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, long legs. He’s the very picture that should appear next to ‘hunk’ in the dictionary. Every girl’s dream. Your dream. 
“Huh,” he chuckles and drops his phone, “this girl in my history class wants to meet up.” 
Your heart plucks and you force a smile, “a girl? Meet up?” 
“Oh, yeah, she lets me copy off her pop quiz every lecture. Guess I kinda owe her.” 
“Wow,” you utter, the only noise you can eke out. Owes her? Funny, you did his laundry last week and helped him print out his term paper... what do you get? 
“Yeah, so uh, do you think you could send me a copy of your notes?” He pushes himself to the edge of the bed. “I probably won’t be back tonight.” 
“Right,” you nod and hide your embarrassment at the insinuation. 
“You can crash here if you wanna. Long way across campus at night,” he shrugs casually as he grabs his varsity jacket. 
“No, I’ll... I’ll just go now,” you get off the bed and close up your books. 
“Probably a good idea. Just in case she wants to come back here,” he chuckles, “see ya in poli sci?” 
“Sure,” you keep your chin down. “See ya.” 
Your eyelids lift as you come out of the dazed memory.  
New York is gone. Steve is gone. You’re all alone. You’ve left it all behind but that home was never a home. It was all a farce you built on a childish hope. You’re done lying to yourself. It was never going to be. You didn’t miss any chance at all. You just wasted your own time. 
You just languish there in the airplane seat. It’s still hard to believe it’s all real. It isn’t until the wheels bounce and hit the tarmac that it fully sinks in. 
You’re not doing that again. You’re better off alone. You have to be, right? You don’t really know. You don’t even know yourself. You just know the girl who only wanted to be what he needed. 
But what do you need? What do you want? Can you figure it out? Is there anything in this land for you that you couldn’t find in New York? 
At least you’ll have lots of time to figure that out. Intimate hours with yourself to dwell and cringe and regret. Time to think, time to move on, time to cut him out. 
As you join the line to have your Visa stamped, you pull out your phone and turn off airplane mode. You swipe through to Steve’s last message. It was weeks ago. That makes it easier to hit that button; ‘mute’. It’s a start. Maybe in a few weeks, you’ll be ready to hit ‘block’. 
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nilboxes · 7 months ago
Outlining thoughts about a media reference in Penacony that is heavily Aventio implied.
More philosophy of Aventurine and Dr Ratio.
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At the very bottom of Dreamflux Reef is a little event where you wait by a train platform, it never comes and you get an achievement afterwards called “Waiting for Godot '' which is a play about two men doing what the title says, along the way one of them consistently insists to perform self-exit. Sound familiar? 
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I was curious about the title of the achievement because that seemed like a reference and upon some quick research, “Waiting for Godot” is an allegorical work demonstrating the “Theater of the Absurd” which presents absurdist themes and situations in a play.
A bit of refresher on the philosophy of absurdism– it is the belief and acceptance that the universe is inherently meaningless, but one can find ways to accept it and live with it. This is just a very simplified sentence of the idea, of course, but continuing on…
The play opens with two men, Estragon (Gogo) and Vladimir (Didi) who are waiting for Godot by a tree. Vladimir is the more philosophical, level headed of the two who is always pulling Gogo away from his bursts of worry, while Gogo seems more out of it and neurotic, freaks out, also expresses the desire to sleep or is trying to find a means to get out of waiting for Godot by hanging himself.
They basically do nothing except talk the entire play. The way they talk they are demonstrated to have a close relationship and dependent relationship with each other, able to blather endlessly in circles in order to pass the time, and speak of things like ‘our honeymoon’, how long they have been together and at one point Gogo demands Didi to embrace him, which the other obliges. 
The play continues with the arrival of someone who they mistake for Godot but isn’t. The play ends with them both being told by a boy sent by Godot himself that he will not be arriving that day. Didi asks for descriptions of Godot, as neither Gogo nor Didi have a clue what Godot looks like, but the boy doesn’t provide much, and merely assure the pair Godot will arrive tomorrow. Both Gogo and Didi say they will leave, but stay on the stage. A shorter act two basically has the same ending, with Godot sending the same boy to tell the two men the same news, but the boy denies being the same boy from yesterday and he does not remember either of the men. Didi gets angry and tells the boy to remember so they can avoid repeating this encounter. The boy exits, the two men consider suicide, but they don’t have rope to hang themselves on the tree, so they decide to leave and come back tomorrow but the actors on stage only remain. End of play. 
Some of the more standout scenes to me as I can’t help but feel Gogo asleep alludes to sleep as a rehearsal of death, and the one “left behind” experiences the weight and anxiety of being conscious while bereft of their companion as they wait.
Notable conversations they have I find interesting was how Gogo brings up hanging himself and they both argue about who should be first. Gogo insists Didi go first as Didi is heavy and if the bough breaks as Didi hangs himself, Gogo is afraid to be left alone. 
Another conversation, at one point Gogo falls asleep, Didi lets him, but soon finds the silence unbearable and wakes Gogo up. Gogo complains, and wishes to share his nightmares but Didi vehemently refuses and doesn’t want to hear it. 
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The play is effectively a metaphor of the state of living in the absurd. Gogo and Didi spend all the time waiting for Godot, who is ‘meaning’ personified. Gogo and Didi find ways to pass the time (live through life) discussing, reminiscing, needing comfort from each other only to be acutely aware they are still trying to find “meaning”, despair a little and ultimately rinse and repeat to do it again. Godot will never come, the two men make it seem like a big deal, but it is a small part of their day compared to what they do, how much they enjoy each other’s company and what they come to experience while waiting for Godot, and that’s the entire point. 
A lot of the play again, is basically talking, some sense within the nonsense. As HYV references this play at the very “bottom” of the dream we can reach so far, it’s obvious this play was one of the inspirations for the Penacony story and that we as the TB were also living in our own theater of the absurd. 
I also see a bit of Aventurine and Ratio’s relationship in Gogo and Didi. Gogo who is anxious, unsettled and not keen to wait on Godot, very eager to end it all like Aventurine. Didi who is not too better off but trying his best to stay rational and philosophical and to wait. The two also act like a married couple, bicker endlessly but enjoy it and arguably are in distress whenever the other might leave. 
It’s not 1:1 but I do believe this is another supporting tidbit that Aven and Ratio really were written as a pair and meant to complement each other. 
It’s tiny but Aventurine sleeping when we first start the 2.1 quests with him proper to be woken up by Ratio couuuld be a callback to this.
Anyway another fun tidbit that the devs left at the train station, there’s two balloons situated by a bench. One is horizontal on the bench, implied to be sleeping. The other is looking at the sleeping one. That’s Gogo and Didi! 
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So, that’s it for that! It’s been on my mind for over a few weeks now why they put that in there. The play was fun to read, there’s a bit about the third person who joins them that isn’t very relevant to the read here. I also was heavily reminded of Spirited Away during the little sequence to get the achievement. There’s a lot packed into this! 
Tl;dr the themes visited in the story of Penacony, and the character dynamics of Aven and Ratio were inspired a little by this play. They are made for each other. They are married. Aventio real. 
I wrote more on the philosophy of Aventurine and Dr Ratio here in another post.
The play is available to read online. The wikipedia entry of this play helped in this research So did this video: Why should you read "Waiting For Godot"? - Iseult Gillespie - YouTube
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mothwingwritings · 10 months ago
WOW!!! I LOVED "The Innocent Act Of Dredging Up The Past", IT WAS VERY GOOD!
I wonder how Y/N reacted when she found out she was pregnant and how Fox allowed herself to keep the baby because he doesn't seem like someone who likes sharing attention.
Thank you so much darling!!! I am so glad you asked me this because I have been thinking about Ren as a father nonstop since that request. My brain has been full of many thoughts and opinions and I am happy to have an outlet for sharing lol. That being said, forgive my blathering. ^^;
(18+ and warnings for noncon, pregancy/baby birthing talk, incredibly unhealthy relationships, abuse, and being kidnapped/held against your will.)
Being impregnated by Ren would be absolutely dreadful for you, causing you to spiral into a pit of fear and despair the moment you miss a period or begin to feel queasy in the morning. With the signs starting to show, your brain comes to the instant conclusion that you are with child-his child, and it frightens you like nothing else before. At first you try and convince yourself nothing is wrong, that you are probably just late due to stress, and your upset stomach can be any number of things, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. Any of your symptoms can be explained away by something else, so in an effort to try and maintain your sanity your brain churns out explanation after explanation, no matter how nonsensical they may be, in hopes of calming your rampant nerves by coming to some other resolution. A stream of constant lies and false reassurances play on repeat in your brain, forcing the thought that you may actually be a mother to the farthest reaches of your mind.
But the longer you wait and the more you dwell on it, the more you are faced with the inevitable. He never wears protection, you haven’t had access to birth control, and despite your warnings of it being a delicate time of month for you, his base instincts always won out in the end. There was nothing else this could be.
Faced with the reality of the situation, you were now tasked with the burden of sharing the news with Ren. You didn’t want to tell him, terrified of what his response would be, worried that he would somehow blame this all on you and hurt you because of it, quite possibly worse than he ever has before. But an even more horrifying concern than that is if the news actually pleases him. What if he wants to keep the baby? What if you were forced to carry this pregnancy to term while trapped in this grim environment, left to raise another human that shares half their dna with a man who has done nothing but cause you irrevocable damage?
No matter what the outcome, none of them are favorable.
But you didn’t have a choice, and you knew it was better to break it to Ren sooner rather than later, lest this whole nightmare become irreversible. In the event he saw things your way, you wanted this thing out of your body as soon as possible (though you loathed to consider what strings Ren would pull to achieve this, and what backwater procedure would be done to do so).
At first Ren brushes it off, not truly believing your concern. He’s had sex with you countless times without protection and just now you get pregnant? Seems suspicious, so he concludes you’re either overreacting or trying to get a rise out of him, potentially both, and that in and of itself riles him up. Are you telling him this as some kind of ploy? Are you using a false pregnancy as a means to get him to ease up on you a bit or as an attempt at escape? After all you had gone through together, after all the love he has lavished upon you by sharing his home, his life, his heart, with you… Would you really tell a lie like this?
He struggles with that possibility. Despite his inclination to feel otherwise, he has a hard time believing you would use a pregnancy scare for your own selfish benefit. You have always been a good girl, his good girl, and deep inside he knows this is not something that is within your nature to do, even if he does have some major doubts.
So, though he doesn’t truly believe your claims, he buys the pregnancy test more as a means to shut you up and prove a point than because he actually believes you. Needless to say, he ends up biting his tongue over that one.
When hit with the truth, his emotions are mixed. On one hand, he wants nothing to do with children or child rearing. He didn’t have to do much of a self-assessment to recognize he would be a shit father, and he never particularly wanted to be a father to begin with. His own upbringing wasn’t the best, he himself never really having a father figure that was worth a damn to guide him or show him any love or support. He had no parenting manual to go off of, and was sure that a culmination of having no positive family experience and maturing into the warped individual he had become led to no other conclusion than NOT being cut out for fatherhood in the slightest.
More than that however, the thought of sharing you, even with a life he helped create, really REALLY pissed him off. Thinking of all the nights you would be spending tending to the baby when you could instead be wrapped up in his arms, or all the attention and affection you will be giving some inept kid that could instead be going towards him, truly gets under his skin. He doesn’t WANT to share you. You’re HIS. And while a baby isn’t going to change that, he doesn’t want the needless competition to begin with.
But on the other hand, having a baby does have its appeal. It would be nice to bring a life into this world that loves him from the get-go, completely relying on him while being totally oblivious to all that has happened in the past. That sort of pure, blind love is hard to come by in this world, and the fact that he could obtain it so easily from a life he created with you, a human that has your blood running through its veins, is EXTREMELY appealing. And on top of that, you are sure to love the child whether its conception was wanted/planned or not. If you loved a child that was half his for the remainder of your life, would that not bind you to him for just as long? Though he didn’t doubt your loyalty (or his ability to keep you tied to him with no hope of escape), it would be a nice assurance to have in the rare event things did not end up going his way.
Once that thought enters his head, it’s over. No further thinking or future planning is required-he is going to be a father, and YOU are the beautiful mama! Congratulations! (Does he get off to you being pregnant? Did this pregnancy make Ren Hana realize he has a breeding kink??? Sources say yes and that’s your problem to deal with now. :))
Holding his newborn for the first time, he has never been so nervous. Tears flood his eyes as he watches the small bundle squirming in his arms, his heart aching as they stare up at him with wide, pure, inquisitive eyes. He was no stranger to ending lives, but creating them? This was something entirely new, as exhilarating as it was scary. His smile grew as he stared at her small face, pleased that she looked so much like you. He could only hope that her personality would mirror yours as well.
As time passes and the baby grows, you find out quick that Ren has a very ‘hands off’ way of parenting, which is to say he relies on you to do most of the work. And honestly, he feels that is fair. He’s the breadwinner who works hard to provide for you and the newborn, which leaves all other parental duties in your capable hands. You are left to be the child’s main caregiver, their guiding force to lead them through life, their teacher, confidante, and friend. It’s a daunting task, all residing solely on your shoulders.
Ren won’t readily admit it, but he much prefers it that way. All the abuse that he has suffered through from an early age, every heinous act of violence that has been carried out by his own hands (your wounds, included), all of it has turned him into something unrecognizable, something grotesque. Even if he wanted to have more of a presence in his child’s life, he knows he doesn’t deserve it. If he had too much sway in the kids development there’s a good chance they will grow up to be like him in some way or another, which would be a waste of all the love and hard work that you had put into raising them into being an upstanding person. Ren had made peace with who he had become, but that didn’t mean he wanted to keep a cycle that someone like Strade had begun going either.
So, the baby more or less becomes your soul responsibility, and god is that a burden for you. It’s bad enough that you have such little support from Ren to begin with, but the fact that this is YOUR first time being a parent as well makes it all so much worse. You have no idea what the hell you are doing, and with Ren making sure to keep you as isolated as possible you had no one else to turn to for help, either. It was just you and this brand new life with no one else to rely on, if you fucked up in even the smallest way it could be devastating to the baby. If your daughter got truly hurt, sick, or worse in your care, you didn’t know how you would live with the repercussions, let alone handle Ren’s reaction.
If your life with Ren hadn’t already made you a strung out, nervous, irritable wreck, being a mother certainly would. As she continues to grow, Ren refuses to discipline the child at all, not wanting in any way to appear like a ‘bad guy’ to your daughter. Given the circumstances, part of you is thankful for that (you honestly don’t know what you would do if he turned his ire towards her), but it also just makes things more difficult with you. You are already beyond stressed about trying to raise a child in this type of environment, having no united front and constantly butting heads makes raising her that much harder, especially when any kind of rule you attempt to establish can so easily be overridden by her father who has no remorse over the frustration this causes, nor care as to how his flippancy may affect your child’s development in the long run.
It’s also not lost on you that being the sole disciplinarian also paints you in a less than favorable manner in your child’s eyes, something you are sure Ren has thought about as well. Being the ‘strict’ parent means your child will be more likely to hide things from you, or seek out her father instead of you for support, approval, and advice. Given whom Ren was as a person, this thought didn’t sit particularly well with you.
All you can really hope and pray for is that somehow despite the lack of social interaction and outside influence she will grow up to be a decent human. Even maturing under the delusion that her father is a noble man, even if in some instances you have to make yourself the villain, as long as it helps her out in  the long run you’ll do everything you can to insure your daughter lives the best life she possibly can, whether her father helps you or not.
I think the REAL problems will begin when the child gets older. When she truly comes into herself and forms her own opinions, develops her own personality, and starts to forge her own way of life… It’s gonna be messy. :/ Your child’s autonomy is definitely going to be a point of contention for Ren in the future, and he won’t be so pleased if/when she catches on to his true nature and begins to rebel or straight up reject him. God forbid she tries and join forces with you or attempt to become your savior. It’s going to take a lot of cunning on her end to make it out unscathed.
Also, I kind of touched on it previously, but Ren would be incredibly horny the whole pregnancy. Not that he isn’t already incessantly slavering over you, something about seeing you round and full just makes him snap. Which is scary in its own right, Ren isn’t the most gentle of lovers to begin with and has a tendency to lose himself more often than naught, hurting you in the process. It’s a constant struggle to satiate him while protecting yourself and the unborn baby, best of luck to you! :D
(And he’ll definitely breastfeed from you. He’s gotta make sure you are producing enough for the baby, ya know? :))
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