#me and my friends fav queens
shiveagit · 2 years
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[You bring the corsets, we’ll bring the cinches.]
Donnie and April dressed as popstar Queens
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snikt111 · 4 months
hi hi hi hi I found out about Hal Jordan TODAY and am going so autistic over him it’s insane can you please give me a rundown on what his deal is I think you’re the Tumblr Green Lantern guy
omg hi, insane compliment btw, tysm! i'm glad to give you a rundown!! also definitely check out @katmaatui for more hal info, red is SUPER knowledgable abt him. @rillette, @catboyollie, @halcarols, @starsapphire and @yellowcorps (along with so many others that i cant think to tag off the top of my head) have some great hal takes too! (edited the post just to tag more ppl)
apologies if this is a bit rushed/messy, i'm doing this while i smelt stone in minecraft LMAO
that being said... i think this will be a long one, so more below the cut :3
(cw for light mentions of pedophilia, abuse, canon typical violence)
okay, so hal jordan is the first human green lantern of the GREEN LANTERN CORPS. it's important to note that there was technically a human green lantern before him (alan scott, originally from earth two/the justice society, but integrated into main DC canon after crisis), but his power comes from a different source- which is a whole different ballpark that would take ages to explain, lol, so i'll move on from that.
hal was originally introduced in a showcase issue in 1959, but ended up getting a solo run in the mid 60s because of his showcase issues doing well. he's been a test pilot, middle brother, compassionate, rule follower (although being surprisingly liberal for the time) with an interesting relationship with star sapphire carol ferris since those first appearances. for the first 20 odd years of his appearances we had no information on his parents, but we got a lot from other family members, such as uncle titus, cousin hal jr (aka airwave), younger brother jim jordan and older brother jack jordan. through the 60s and 70s those members of his family were developed along with him; with the audience learning that jim's wife sue thought jim was green lantern, rather than hal, and hal himself training his cousin, hal jr.
the most known version of how hal got the ring in the first place is probably based off of geoff john's rewrite in the mid 00s, reiterating the original story of abin sur crashing onto earth and dying, leaving hal with his ring to be trained by sinestro and the rest of the glc, while also changing miniscule details that had been developed in emerald dawn 1 & 2 (which was released in the 90s, more on that later). the main premise of abin sur's crash has stayed the same, but the story around hal's current life, job, family and stability keep changing. for instance, the original comic with abin sur in showcase only showed hal getting the ring, the guardians choosing him. the first rewrite i can think of was emerald dawn volume 1, published in 1989 and continued in emerald dawn v2 (1991). here we get the classic hal watches his father die in a plane crash with carol ferris beside him as a pre adolescent, and some of the biggest implications of the mistreatment from his father. we also get introduced to hal, despite his stick to the rules, straight edge attitude, making some serious mistakes and putting people in danger and even death- with the implication of alcohol abuse. the audience HAS known hal used to be in the air force since sometime in the late 60s or early 70s (sorry, i don't remember the exact issue!), but emerald dawn shows us that hal's moved on from the air force and into test piloting, and that his mother keeps having to bail him out for making mistakes. emerald dawn vol 1 shows the abin sur moment, followed by fights that cost hal's friends life, and is followed up by sinestro training hal in emerald dawn vol 2, where we get to see the iconic scenes of hal finding out about sinestro and his... dictatorship.
along with that; how the guardians and rings are treated and hal and the glc's perception of them is vastly changed over time. in the early days of gl in the 60s, the guardians were really never to be seen. hal was repeatedly summoned to them and then had his memory almost fully wiped- only leaving a vague notion of his orders. the guardian's called hal to them at seemingly the worst times, ending up with him almost getting injured, getting in trouble at work, and even ending up jobless and homeless. the chaos of being a green lantern has been around the WHOLE time, but originally, the green lanterns didnt really... fight it. the guardian's were their masters (and even father figures, to hal) and not to be questioned. the rings in the 60s were also much more powerful, despite the yellow weakness (the yellow weakness is the notion that from about the 60s to the mid 90s the green lantern rings were completely unable to be used against anything yellow). time travel, phasing, teleporting, etc were all very viable and common things- as well as forceful shapeshifting, invisibility, mind control, mind reading, etc etc. these days, writers have dampened these powers down to mostly shooting light and constructs.
okay, it's parallax time. the emerald twilight arc from the mid 90s wasn't an arc that was as thoroughly planned out over a long period of time as it probably should have been. a lot of fans at the time (and even now) hated what happened there, and claimed it ruined hal's character entirely. i can understand why! but, at it's core, the parallax arc is a story about a broken man pushed to the limit, fully grieving his home and family (originally, he lost his brother jim in the destruction of coast city, along with a lot of other family members) and being goddamn fed up with how his "masters" treated him and the rest of the corps. the so called "perfect lantern" (no, he wasn't that much of a rebel, despite what johns wants you to think) snapped and essentially tried to gain as much power as he could to bring back coast city. when the guardians stripped him of his powers so he couldn't, hal became enraged and took down every lantern in his path, just to get to the guardians and that power. long story short, he kills the guardians and absorbs all the energy from the central power battery on oa, becoming parallax- essentially a god. this marks the start of zero hour, an event made by dc to restructure and reset; giving the comics a new generation of heroes. hal destroys the world and remakes it, but is ultimately taken down by kyle rayner, the new green lantern, with the help of the jla, jsa and associates. there are a few more run ins with parallax after this, before kyle convinces parallax/hal that he can make up for all of this by reigniting the sun after it went out- aka killing himself. hal does it, is stuck in limbo for awhile and then becomes the spectre to continue to make up for the horrible things he did as parallax. the spectre is the spirit of god's wrath and vengeance, a weapon used to drag sinners to their very own, self made hells, and scare the shit out of people. the spectre, from it's very first appearance, is a ghost like spirit that takes on a host, and is primarily described using christian terms and is used in a very... christian ideology. HOWEVER, the spectre 2001 confirms that hal is jewish (jewish mom, catholic dad) and that belief system, plus his personality as a whole, literally makes him change the spirit of vengeance into the spirit of redemption, for at least as long as they are bonded. the whole parallax to spectre arc is about grief, pain, cycles of abuse and terror, redemption and guilt. it is NOT about a fear bug that possess hal. (im so serious though, the spectre 2001 is one of the best comics ive ever read. amazing. changed my world view) but... geoff johns changed all of it, decanonized the spectre, and ruined the legacy of parallax and hal's growth as a person by releasing green lantern: rebirth in 2004/2005. this retcons hal's breakdown and journey through grief into him BEING POSSESSED BY AN ENTITY CONTROLLED BY SINESTRO THAT FULLY CHANGES PREVIOUS GREEN LANTERN CANON AND IMPLICATIONS. also, fucks up the importance of kyle becoming ion, but whatever. geoff johns writes hal (and even more so, carol) so very wrong, and change their stories so vastly in ways that go against the stories very meanings.
now... time to get started on some rougher stuff. hal jordan misconceptions. i'm saving that arc for last.
- hal jordan wasn't much of a rule breaker or rebel until the 70s/80s, where he BEGAN (very slowly, mind you) to be radicalized by oliver queen during denny o'neil's green lantern/green arrow. hal was painted as more of a conservative during this period (which, admittedly, kind of goes against previous canon... he's always been relatively central to liberal, not to any extremes like ollie though, lol) but gets more and more understanding of how power structures work and how lower classes are mistreated during this time- which ends up opening his eyes a bit to how shitty the guardians are. (this is helped by the guardians literally just. leaving. the green lanterns and kind of disbanding them so they can go fuck the zamarons, lmao). geoff johns tried to change this narrative into making hal a very... maverick-from-top-gun type of character, who punched his way out of the military (when, in reality, the original story during emerald knights in the late 90s was that hal had been framed for stealing a jet and was dishonorably discharged, which he took the punishment for because he knew someone had to) and hits on women constantly and gets ladies and allat (which, funnily enough hal was awful at getting carol to like him for a long time, since carol fell for green lantern rather than hal. not to mention the awkwardness of carol's proposals or hal's many, many failed relationships). hal has always been insecure and lowkey boyfailure, he is NOT a top gun maverick tom cruise sorta guy! fuck you jeremy adams!
- hes not that much of an idiot asshole. hal can be a real dick, he's had that going for him since the beginning, but he isn't what you read in batfam fics. he's not stupid and shouldn't be the laughingstock of the justice league. i assume this idea started from the obsession with batfam and the fact that the jla has quite the history of ignoring hal and his issues (as well as. all of their issues. theyre not so great at work life balance), but it's gone too far. hal isn't making fun of the robins and pissing bruce off bc of that. hal isnt fooling around on the job 24/7 (he takes being a gl and pilot VERY seriously, although he does enjoy some danger and high stakes) or slacking off to get girls. again. not top gun maverick.
- hal has not been a creep since the beginnings. hal was not weird with carol in the 60s. things were weird between them, yeah, but that's based off circumstance and the craziness of star sapphire and green lantern. he was NOT being horribly sleazy! i hate that i even need to say this, but i see this take too much not to
- going off of what was said above, lets discuss the arisia arc. if you want to be a real hal fan, this is unfortunately something you need to know about. in action comics, after crisis and the guardians left to go fuck the zamarons, most of the green lanterns fell apart and seperated. a small group went to earth- led by hal and consisting of hal, john stewart, katma tui, kilowog, salaakk, ch'p and arisia rrab. (also sometimes guy gardner, but that's complicated) previously to this arc, hal treated 14 year old arisia like a beloved little sister, welcoming her and leading her into the corps just like everyone else. things started to change once the timeline gets closer and closer to crisis, where arisia starts showing that she has a crush on hal (who is roughly 30s at this point). any advances made by arisia are shut down by hal at the beginning, because she's a child. now, it's unfortunately a common thing to just call hal a "pedophile" because of what happens in this arc- but it really isn't that simple. still weird and icky, but definitely not to the degree of which some fans like to act like it is- esp to attack hal fans for, which is... an odd choice regarding how many fucked up things every character (esp male characters) did back in the day. arisia ends up using her power ring to artifically age herself up, making her body AND MIND into that of a young adult (the comic makes this very clear). once this happens... hal stops rejecting her. they get together, they kiss. the only person in the group of green latnerns who actually has an issue with it is john (salaakk is meh about it, but he just doesn't like human-esque romance no matter what), and katma even directly encourages their relationship. kilowog ends up crushing on arisia as well, and guy gardner hits on her repeatedly throughout the whole period. eventually, hal and arisia break up, but this legacy (thank so much englehart, for wrtiting this. /sarc) is a big controversy among the comics crowd. "is hal jordan a predator?" personally, and i know a lot of friends/mutuals/other gl fans choose to erase the arisia arc entirely (versus how canon ended up retconning it to be 14 earth years is equal to that of an adult and she didn't really get super ages up, or whatever) and go with the familial relationship between hal and her. that's my preferred version! i know red (@katmaatui) has explored that version as well as an alternate version where the arisia arc did happen, and how it affects arisia in particular, which is really depressing but super interesting. anyway, it's complicated and weird and nuanced, but that whole occurence doesn't mean hal's a bad character or person (cause yk. retcons) and it's certainly not bad to like his character. (definitely ignore any guy gardner fans who try to bitch about this arc. cough cough. guy was ALSO into her and hit on her repeatedly. smfh) most people who bring this up to demonize fans didn't even read the arc, and don't know the nuance or the other weird shit that happens in it. (hal is not a horse, sigh)
hal jordan is a super complicated character with an extensive history spanning from the 60s to his worse written appearances in modern age. it's okay to like any version of the character, but it is important to note the changes that have been made, the storylines butchered and lost, and more. he has quite the legacy, and he's particularly interesting as from a moral standpoint. hal's a real sweetie though, when it gets down to it! he's neurodivergent coded (imo at least.. his dad very much gets onto him for being disrtracted, hes kinda shit at social interaction (and then amazing at it the other half of the time) etc etc. "spacecase") and his dad is an abusive asshole, who he desperately doesnt want to be like but thinks he NEEDS to be like!
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Hey could I ask for a Thenamesh human au were Thena is raising her little sisters (Sersi and Sprite) after their parents die and Gilgamesh is her co-worker who finds her having a mini breakdown and comforts her? Kinda slow burn-ish and no smut if possible
Thena pressed even harder on her eyebrows, sure she would get bruises from it. Maybe then she might actually get medical clearance for time off. "It's fine."
"I didn't mean-"
"It's fine!" she snapped at him again, shifting to swipe at the corners of her eyes and wipe the tears onto her fingertips and then on the sleeves of her cardigan. "I was just...looking for something."
But all she heard was the door shutting gently.
Thena sighed, picking her head up and looking around the shelves. All that was in here was extra paper and printer ink. "Gil, I'm fine."
Gil was sweet, if a little too sweet. He went out of his way for people, which their firm really discouraged. But he was going into family law, which was easy to tell from the 'everything' about him.
"Yeah, I just, uh," she heard him shuffle around before finally turning to glare at him. Her glower was usually strong enough to scare away anyone else. He pointed at the shelf of toner. "Printer."
She closed her eyes, feeling the throbbing in her head from her coffee and the twitch in her eyes from her need for sleep. But they had a lot of contracts to examine, and Sersi was in the middle of the soccer season, which meant she didn't even get home until 6, which pushed dinner to 7 and that said nothing about homework and getting Sprite to bed at a decent hour.
"Um," Gilgamesh gulped, tugging at the suit he was wearing. It was standard attire for the firm, of course, but she always imagined he had a hard time finding suits to really fit him. Perhaps he needed shirts and Jackets in one fitting and trousers in a smaller one. "How was Sersi's game?"
She whipped her head up at him, and she must have looked ready for murder by the way he flinched. "What?"
He went stiff as a board, practically pressing his back to the door. "S-Sersi--your sister, you said she had a soccer game on friday. H-How did it go...if that's okay."
Right, friday; she had rushed home from work, still with half a day's work to complete, picked up Sprite, gotten her not to gripe all through grocery shopping, bundled her up for Sersi's game, which was a loss, and it was a hard loss, and Sersi got a few scrapes and bruises, so then they were both a little cranky for the start of the weekend, and of course that meant she didn't actually get any work done-
She blinked, feeling as if she had gone somewhere else entirely. This was getting ridiculous. She just needed coffee, she reasoned. Even more coffee. She shook her head.
"Hey," he whispered, not moving from the door to let her out, despite her moving closer. "Are you okay? I know you're...I know you've got a lot on your plate."
A lot on her plate? She had that already with this job and the beginnings of her career. Her student debt alone would be more than a full plate.
That was before handling a joint funeral, and counselling for her sisters, and getting them back to school, and a full year of them not being themselves. And then, when they finally seem to be getting better, both of them start having the worst time with school in their lives.
Or maybe their mother was just better at dealing with it than Thena could say for herself. And while their father wasn't exactly her favourite person, let alone parent, her first year of filing her taxes with two dependants was enough for her to look into a decent accountant for this year.
"Listen, I know you've got this under control," Gil continued, visibly worried about saying the wrong thing. "I know you're tougher than I could ever imagine."
She really didn't know about that.
"But if you need--I mean, if you ever want a hand with anything, or even just logistics, or carpooling or something," he suggested, losing confidence with every new idea. His massive shoulders drooped and he gave her those big, sad puppy dog eyes that always got him the best desk and the best cases and the best lunch, "just let me know, y'know?"
Thena gulped. Heat rose up in her as the horror of her tears resurfaced. She was done crying. It was the middle of the work day. She didn't have time for this. This had never been an issue before.
Can we have lasagne?
Just that simple text from Sprite had set her off. Because Sprite loved lasagne--she loved their mother's lasagne. And for an entire year Sprite couldn't even stand hearing the word, let alone the sight of it. And to have her ask for it, when they all knew that Thena was somehow the worst cook of all three of them.
Gil blinked as Thena dropped her head, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her hand over her eyebrows again. His hands hovered around her, never crossing the last few inches of boundary she held.
Thena was just as shocked as she leaned froward and her forehead met something firm. But she couldn't choke it all back, a squeak escaping her as her tears dropped to the musty old storage closet carpet below.
"Hey," he whispered soothingly. Of course the bastard was great at comforting people too. Why wouldn't he be? Why wouldn't he be so completely perfect? "It'll be okay."
She usually hated when people spoke so certainly. Because what did they know? What assurance did they have? But Gil meant well. He only ever meant well. Her breathing slowed and she realised she was truly letting him embrace her. What an unfortunate turn this had taken. But he was warm, and he smelled nice. And it felt nice when he rubbed her back.
Gil let her pull away, not making a grand affair out of the whole thing. He brushed away a few more tears of hers, "you okay?"
She nodded. She was far, far from it. But she could probably get through the rest of the work day without humiliating herself further. Her throat felt dry as a bone. "Thank you."
Gil tilted his head at her. He did give off the first impression that he would be some meathead, into his own looks and loud and brash and hypermasculine. But he was kind, he was considerate of others and his good nature only made him more sensitive to those around him. "I mean it, Thena, if there's anything you need at all."
He was one of only a few who even knew about her sisters. She didn't really go around announcing her past, and she wasn't one for keeping precious personal keepsakes on her desk either. But Gil had once seen her phone light up with a notification and asked who the girls on her lockscreen were.
And as much as she could have told him to mind his own business - and he would have, knowing him - it seemed worse to ignore it. So she had told him about her sisters, and how she had basically acquired them as children, as far as the state was concerned.
The biggest advantage to Gilgamesh knowing about her duties outside the office was that he was her biggest defender whenever she couldn't make events outside of work. Of course a lot of deals happened out of the office as well as in, and being able to seal those deals came with the job. But Gil always had an excuse ready for her when she couldn't join them for drinks after work, or make a round of golf or two on sunday morning.
He smiled as she finally picked her head up. "There she is."
She chose to ignore that. She sniffled, dabbing at her eyes again. If anyone asked her if she was okay once she stepped out of this closet, she might commit an act worthy of termination. "Thanks."
"Any time," he shrugged. He still didn't leave. "I saw you get up from your desk. I thought-"
Silence came over him, perhaps at the admission that he had all but followed her here. Any other coworker and she would have her keys in her hand and a knife with his car's name on it. But only Gilgamesh could say something like that and have it be just as innocent as he meant it.
"Sorry," he concluded, having discouraged himself yet again. He blushed.
She truly was a bitch of epic proportions to inspire this level of fear from the sweetest man alive, she gathered. Usually that wasn't a problem, of course, but just this once: it was undeserved. "That's nice of you, Gil."
That seemed to surprise him even more than walking in on her crying in the closet.
She finally reached for the doorknob, and Gil nearly leapt out of her way. She headed back to her desk, with the same papers in hand as when she had first gone in. At least at her desk, she could take a breath. Her computer was still open on emails, she set the papers beside her.
Of course
She replied to Sprite, although if she got more texts she was just going to tell her not to text in class.
If her sister wanted lasagne, then she would find a way to make it happen. Affection was not her most polished skill, but love needed no polishing. If her baby sister wanted lasagne, she would have it.
If only she weren't a horrendously bad cook.
Sersi was decent, but she only ever let her help when Sersi herself seemed eager to do so, and that was usually on weekends. And Ajak was an excellent cook. Her handwritten recipes alone would not help Thena actually produce the promised product.
Thena picked up her phone again. She scrolled until she could select the contact in her phone. Perhaps it was silly to text him when his desk was in sight of hers. She was just in a closet with the man. But she selected his name and typed.
Can you make lasagne?
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aspiringnexu · 11 months
One of the best things about fandom is what I like to call anti-shipping. Or roommate-ifying if you will.
The phenomenon by which a show desperately tries to make a pairing canon and the fandom just resolutely refuses to believe it.
"They live together!"
"Oh cool, roommates."
"They're kissing!"
"What good friends."
"They said 'I love you'!"
"Ah, platonic love."
"They're literally having sex!"
"Wow, very good friends."
"They have a kid together!"
"What healthy co-parenting between good friends."
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The October prompts call for a sports team AU and of course on this first day, it’s a sad day for me sports wise. *sigh being a Steelers fan is pain
Look I know the sports AU should be soccer, I understand this, but I also don’t know shit about this sport. I lean towards a football AU, but I also feel like hockey would be so interesting. Baseball would make more sense though. I’m just kinda not sure what position he should play? Cause I have my biases and I just don’t know if it fits… I just also don’t think he would actually be good at any of the sports I love
Update: I am so excited for the AU you have no idea. I love when my fandoms collide! This is going to be so self indulgent (as if everything I write isn’t already)
Addition- I have a lot of insane ideas that never make it on docs. They’re just daydreams that I keep continuing in my head. Usually because I’m too lazy and don’t want to add another idea when I’m trying to catch up with my WIPs. But also because… I don’t enjoy getting yelled at for being “controversial” there’s so much we don’t explore with this fandom and I’m aware sometimes it’s just that I’m too American. But other times I’m like there are some very real issues that canon just ignores, which I get cause it’s like not that serious and it’s like a cartoon/anime. But sometimes I can’t stop thinking about the potential of it being darker, or if maybe we would just address this specific problem. But also, at my core I’m just a girlie who goes nuts over devotion. Loyalty is so important to me, and it’s a good trait that I often look for, but Omm when it gets to be too much I’m like yes! This! This is what I’m talking about. Being so insane and breaking all of your morals because you just love this person so much? Too much? Spiraling and the only cure is them? But it’s not healthy and maybe quitting cold turkey is the way to go, but it leaves you hollow and drives you even more crazy. Devotion to the point of insanity, whatever you ask I will do it as long as it means I get to keep you. There are no bounds for where I will go for you, it’s my duty, the reason why I’m alive. And now I’m thinking about the medieval verse *sigh
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theonottsbxtch · 1 month
English Love Affair | LN4
an: bouncing out to 5sos rn so this is so happening also thank you for 300 followers!!
fc: hayley williams and pinterest
requests: open
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liked by ynpiastri, landonorris, lilyzneimer and 927,726 others
got to see little sis live again, @/bandname on tour starting september!
*tap to load more comments*
userone: my fav aussie band
usertwo: we love a supportive brother
userthree: oscar only has one facial expression
landonorris: i’m in love
oscarpiastri: how about no
ynpiastri: it was lovely meeting you!
landonorris: 🥰🥰
userfour: help lando is in his lovergirl era
userfive: see you in london!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbandname and 373,936 others
london are we ready!!!!!
*tap to load more comments*
userone: YESSSSSS
usertwo: she’s so pretty
nicolepiastri: i raised two very diffrent children
oscarpiastri: she’s definitely dad’s daughter
chrispiastri: ☺️👍
ynpiastri: love you both
userthree: piastri family reunion
userfour: yn supremacy 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
landonorris: see you in london 😉
oscarpiastri: you wish
ynpiastri’s story
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[caption: where’s my hot rockstar bf]
story replies:
oscarpiastri: thank god non existent
ynpiastri: let me feel love
oscarpiastri: no
landonorris: im no rockstar but i’m a pretty good driver
ynpiastri: i’ll think about it
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 827,372 others
london you were a dream
*tap to load comments*
userone: IT WAS SO GOOD
usertwo: yourbandname supremacy
landonorris: no you were
oscarpiastri: get out of my little sister’s comment section
landonorris: "how about no"
ynpiastri: you came?
landonorris: couldn’t miss a gig in my home country now?
ynpiastri: ☺️
oscarpiastri: i don’t like this
userthree: i ship already
userfour: isn’t she dating her bassist?
userfive: not everyone dates their bassist
lie detector test with oscar piastri and lando norris
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourbandname and 948,826 others
second leg of tour soon - who likes the new badge and shirt my 'friend' got me 🤭
*tap to load more comments*
userone: she’s so real for that
usertwo: i was there!!
userthree: she’s amazing
oscarpiastri: do i have to remind both you and your friend that our parents are on this app?
nicolepiastri: too late osc, too late.
userfour: i love their family
userfive: never change yn
landonorris: facts
usersix: WHAT
userseven: LANDO
oscarpiastri: i just threw up my breakfast
ynpiastri: 😉
usereight: lanyn is happening before our very eyes
usernine: i bet you that 'freind' was lando
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 963,234 others
seven thousand miles away...
*tap to load more comments*
userone: aesthetic queen
usertwo: getting in touch with nature after that last lando commenrs
ynpiastri: new album cover! 😇
userfour: who IS IT!
carlossainz55: oh i know those abs
userfive: arianna what are you doing here
usersix: we just got confirmation of carlando and lanyn in one day.
oscarpiastri: please stay in aus and never come back to england
ynpiastri: "how about no"
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, yourbandname and 958,356
my english love affair - stream now available on all platforms!!
*tap to load comments*
userone: they broke the internet with this one
nicolepiastri: thank you for letting me know you had a boyfriend through social media daughter
ynpiastri: no worries mumma
landonorris: i apologise mrs piastri
userthree: her and oscar are polar opposites and i love it
userfour: oh i know they be having the best *** of their life.
landonorris: hot 😩
oscarpiastri: someone hand me a gun
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chaostudee · 1 month
my woman part two, lando norris
summary : y/n spends the summer break with her two favourite people but summer always has to come to an end. warnings : none a/n : tysm for all the love on part one, here is the highly requested part two xx
y/nusername summer with my love
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liked by landonorris, alexsaintmleux, georgerussell and 4,118,910 others.
user119 omg the bump im sobbing 😭
f1fan my fav family
alexsaintmleux literally glowing
y/nusername 💋
landonorris i don't want this summer to end
carmenmundt can't wait to see you <3
y/nusername literally can't wait to see you again eeek
y/nmyfave i can't believe that they are acc going to be parents soon, literally felt like yesterday when they announced their engagement 🫠
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》 landonorris god you are so beautiful
》 y/nusername such a simp 🤭 》 landonorris only for you
》 user11 dress from where???
》 f1fan i think its zara but i'm not sure
》 carmenmundt is that my cardigan i see 👀
》 y/nusername my fashion icon
landonorris the summer break of dreams.
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liked by y/nusername, oscarpiastri, charlesleclerc and 5,910,901 others.
y/nusername yes he did ask me to play mermaids with him
landonorris yk u wanted to ;)
f1fan normally summer break is hell but my parents being active makes up for it
user9201 he's so cutsie like look at that smile
y/nlover y/n one chance plssss
charlesleclerc inside he's still a child
oscarpiastri i can confirm this ☝️
carmenmundt reunited with bestie @y/nusername
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liked by georgerussell, landonorris and y/nusername and 230,001 others.
y/nusername my fav person
landonorris um excuse me tffff
georgerussell ❤️
f1fan underrated duo imo !
user102 imagine being friends with them 😩
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landonorris back to the track 🏎
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》 user929 stop no more y/n and lando content kill me now
》 f1fan he looks miserable
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landonorris good result, good food, good weekend.
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liked by maxverstappen, charlesleclerc and oscarpiastri and 6,334,906 others.
f1lover his smileeee im blushing
user929 the curls are curling
oscarpiastri he did in fact try to fit all those waffles in his mouth all at once
charlesleclerc 💀
f1wagupdates bros majestic
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell, oscarpiastri and 590,820 others.
landonorris george's face is such a jumpscare
charlesleclerc fr
f1_619 queen of the paddock
user929 stop i miss y/n so bad
georgerussell i love you
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landonorris had to dnf on the last lap, but oscar on the podium so great job team 💪 hopefully next week is better.
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and charlesleclerc and 4,220,790 others.
f1fan it's okay pookie we still love you
oscarpiastri sorry mate but if u want we can co own my trophy
landonorris um yesss
f1lover mclaren screwed him over again
user528 girl what-
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y/nusername baby girl is here (evelyn norris) and we couldn't be happier. we both love you so much already and can't wait for the rest of our lives with you.
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell, carmenmundt and 8,910,517 others.
landonorris our baby girl 🫶
carmenmundt my bsf is officially a mommy
georgerussell congrats you guys !!
user7282 yes i sobbed when i saw this post and what about it?
oscarpiastri real
lewishamilton big congratulations to you both ❤️
f1wagupdates sobbing
fernandoalonso wow i feel old
f1lover im calling it first she will be the star of the paddock
taglist ⭑.ᐟ
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sunrizef1 · 4 months
Pairing: Lando Norris x Fem!singer!reader
Warnings: Cursing
Authors note: I guess I lied about the Lando thing… this songs just so Lando I can’t explain it and I’m actually obsessed with this song rn. You probably have to at least know the premise of the song to understand the second half of this.
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📍New York, New York
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liked by maxfewtrell taylorswift and 13,998,887 others
yourusername hello, New York!
tagged: taylorswift
Load comments…
user1 my fav
user2 love her
user3 so pretty 🤩
taylorswift 🩵
yourusername 🤭💋
user4 welcome to New York, so real
user5 I miss Lando
user6 hi queen!!!
user7 new music when
user8 “I love NY not you” lmao Lando get up
user9 now why in the world did max like this
user10 and now Lando will post an Instagram story of him partying with some random girl to prove he’s having more fun than y/n is, we know how this goes
user11 you can not tell me they don’t miss each other
sabrinacarpenter pretty 🤩 🤩 🤩
yourusername no u 💋
user12 I just need a video of her English ass trying to navigate new York please and thx
maxfewtrell hey bestie!
yourusername oh my god get out of here
user13 wtf is max doing 😭😭
gracieabrams I ❤️ u
yourusername 🥰
oscarpiastri hi
yourusername hi?
landonorris added to their story
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Now wtf
user10 was right
Alright ig
oh okay
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yourusername added to their story
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Still can't believe you convinced me to do that
You'll be fine, ill get you concert tickets
can't even tell its you either
they better be vip
Dw they will be
Dw its just Oscar
Jesus i cant believe you
He started it. This is the first time I've included a guy in my posts, landos been doing it for months
you're gonna be the death of me
take care of yourself though y/n
I am
Thx tho max 🫶
Yeah yeah 🙄
📍Paris, France
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liked by charles_leclerc oscarpiastri and 21,008,771 others
yourusername I can tell when somebody still wants me
load comments…
user17 oh yay they're gonna sneak diss in their Insta captions again
user18 I miss dad ☹️
user19 she's so pretty omg
maxfewtrell oh wonderful we’re doing this now
yourusername leave
user20 lando its your turn
charles_leclerc I'm amused
yourusername congrats
user22 they're so messy I love them
oscarpiastri great he's about to drag me into doing something stupid because of this
yourusername that is not my problem
user23 I sense new music coming along
user24 I do genuinely think he still wants her lowk
user25 they want eachother, don't lie. Its defo mutual
user26 😍😍😍
taylorswift 🤩
yourusername 🥰
jackantonoff 🤪
liker by yourusername
user27 why is jack here???? New music???
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liked by maxfewtrell martingarrix and 12,008,998 others
landonorris I have what I want
load comments…
user28 oh… yay
user29 🤩🤩🤩
user30 say what you want about their shitty personalities but they sure do know how to make an aesthetic post
user31 the shade is immense
maxfewtrell im nauseous
landonorris 👍
user32 they’re so into each other it’s actually insane
user34 🤩🤩🤩
user35 he’s so fine
user35 LANDO-
user36 now what’s y/n gonna do
user37 how long until they both apologize and get back together… these are not the posts of people who have healthily moved on from their previous relationship
user38 fine as hell lowk
oscarpiastri this is 100% the most healthy way to handle this
landonorris I didn’t ask
user39 all of their friends are so annoyed and it’s so funny
yourusername added to their story
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Is this a song where you admit you’re still in love with Lando so you both can finally get over your emotional immaturity???
Oh fr?
I thought you’d just be mean to him for the whole song
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liked by sabrinacarpenter taylorswift and 21,000,111 others
yourusername imgonnagetyouback out now 🩶
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user41 oh my god it’s so good
user44 oh so she’s still in love with him
user45 “you were never not mine” 💀
user50 “I’m an Aston Martin” okay lance strollll
oscarpiastri “I’ve got someone too” no you do not 💀
yourusername oh my god shut up
user51 she’s still in love with him dhmu
maxfewtrell when I asked if this was going to be emotionally healthy and not a diss I can now see why you were conflicted…. Bit of both tbh
yourusername 🫶
maxfewtrell 👎
user52 told my friends I hate you but I love you just the same 😭
user53 SO GOOD
landonorris added to their story
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what does this achieve
What do you want
Mate come on
you’re still obviously in love with her
and the song litteraly shows she’s still in love with you
all you’ve done is post a thirst trap of yourself with song lyrics on top
It’s not a thirst trap
I hate both of you
text her mate
you’re happier together
And I’m tired of both of you annoying the shit out of me
Maybe I will
Thank god
It’d be the first time you listened to me
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yourusername added to their story
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That better be Lando or so help me god
Calm your tits
It is
I can stop playing matchmaker
Oh so this means you’ll both stop dragging me into your dumb shit
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liked by yourusername maxfewtrell and 13,001,881 others
landonorris told my friends I hate you but I love you just the same
load comments…
user57 my favs
user58 my parents are back together 😭
user59 unlike your real ones
user58 woah???
user59 🤷‍♀️ it’s the truth
user60 I missed them so much 😭😭😭
user61 admitted you love your ex-gf on main, this is self-improvement
yourusername pick your poison, babe
landonorris I’m poison either way
user62 I appreciate the repeating lyrics at each other because it is cute but those are not the kindest lyrics to be repeating 😭
user63 who knew that shit-talking your ex in a song could get him to re-admit his love for you
maxfewtrell took you long enough
landonorris legitimately who asked you
maxfewtrell I’m the reason this even happened in the first place. Watch your tone.
landonorris thanks i guess
maxfewtrell “I guess” @/yourusername this is how happy he is to have you back
yourusername landoooo
landonorris sorry. Thank you so much max, I’m so grateful you brought the loml back to me.
maxfewtrell you’re welcome ☺️
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liked by landonorris maxfewtrell and 20,887,991 others
yourusername got you back
load comments…
user64 she got him back 🥹
user66 awwwww
user67 I love them so much
user68 sleeping on the highway tonight 🫶
oscarpiastri 🥳🥳🥳
liked by yourusername
user69 these pictures are so cute oh my god 😭
landonorris you decided wether you’re gonna be my wife or smash up my bike yet?
yourusername still not sure… maybe both 🤔
user71 BOTH?????
maxfewtrell congratulations nerds
yourusername thanks mate
user73 I’m in love with both of them
user74 they’re both so much happier together I really hope they stick this time
user75 and when she releases a love album then what
landonorris ily 🫶
yourusername ily2 🫶
user76 Jesus Christ they’re such teenagers 😭 USE FULL WORDS 😭😭😭
user77 no I get them. I wouldn’t post full love confessions in an Instagram comment section either lmao
user78 they got each other back 🫶
Taglist: @casperlikej @evie-119
2K notes · View notes
mclqren · 6 months
PAIRING ✦ charles leclerc x fem!younger sister!reader ; f1 grid x fem!leclerc!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you're the younger sister of charles leclerc, and your relationship with the rest of the f1 grid has the internet going crazy [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ reader is 22 years old, and the youngest leclerc sibling. this one is a bit shorter than my other smaus, sorry for that! the fc i've used is lexi jayde, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
SERIES ✦ the leclerc chronicles masterlist ; next part
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 776,319 others
yourusername it's tough work being the hottest leclerc 🤷‍♀️
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user2 my fav leclerc sibling!!
charles_leclerc the caption 🤔🤔
yourusername am i lying though?? 😘
arthur_leclerc i think you are!
yourusername i think it's just you (& charles) who think that!
landonorris so what's the crown for then?
yourusername because im a queen. i need no other reason 😊👑
landonorris self proclaimed queen or-?
yourusername im queen of the grid, now bow down, bitch!
alex_albon you don't even drive-???
yourusername stop it rn or i'll tell charles to ram into both of you on the track 😊❤️❤️
georgerussell who are the flowers from 🤨🤨
yourusername my man, who else?
georgerussell okay be honest now y/n...who are they from.
yourusername and if i told you ur girlfriend then what 🤷‍♀️
carmenmmundt only woman i need 😘😘
carlossainz55 loving the sunglasses, y/n! 😎😎
yourusername awww you type like such a dad but ur forgiven bc ur my fav ferrari driver 💗
charles_leclerc helloo i'm your older brother??
yourusername hey, i'm still allowed to have my favorites!
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 801,211 others
yourusername bahrain weekend woohooo!! TEAM LECLERC (third slide is for motivation ❤️)
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charles_leclerc the last slide??? im telling maman ☹️
maxverstappen1 maybe you can beat me with that motivation!
yourusername he speaks the truth charlie soz 🤷‍♀️ AND PLS DONT TELL MAMAN IM SORRY
francisca.cgomes ur sooo 😍😍
yourusername leave pierre for me rn. im richer i swear
pierregasly huh?
yourusername see, not a thought behind those eyes! run away w me bbg 😘
francisca.cgomes okay you've convinced me, give me ten minutes x
landonorris the coat in bahrain weather??
oscarpiastri how is she surviving??
yourusername a girl does what a girl has to do 🤷‍♀️ maybe you should both take fashion tips from me anyway xx
charles_leclerc you aren't being rude are you y/n?!
yourusername noooo!! im offering friendly advice 😊
lance_stroll i wonder who bought you the first shirt...🤨
yourusername my rich nepo baby friend, thanks again boo 😘
lance_stroll wowww you're literally a nepo baby sister idk what ur on about
yourusername im actually famous for my incredible looks & witty humor, not my fugly brothers
charles_leclerc why are you so rude to us ☹️
yourusername it comes from a place of love 💗
logansargeant i wonder whose sunglasses you're wearing?!
yourusername idk i just found them!!
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( caption one: the third wheel lifestyle is NOTTT for the weak 😔 + tags | caption two: yeah i took this photo asw. can they stop being so fucking happy please it's making me depressed 😔 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 781,221 others
tagged francisca.cgomes
yourusername who needs a man when you have kika 😘 ( ps no clue who the other people in the last pic were, but whatevs )
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user5 the y/n lifestyle is something i needddd
user7 outfitsss!! 😍
francisca.cgomes love you 😘
yourusername LOVE YOU MORE 💗💗
landonorris what on earth were you drinking
yourusername idk but it was fizzy and orangey and it was yum
alex_albon orangey isn't a word ❌
yourusername ACTUALLY ☝️ it is. sooo idk what ur on about mate
pierregasly are you even of age to be drinking
yourusername IM THE SAME AGE AS UR GF??? ur just jelly she prefers me to you
pierregasly ☹️☹️
logansargeant the winnie the pooh shirt 🔥
yourusername do americans even know winnie the pooh...
logansargeant clearly??
charles_leclerc how much did you have to drink
yourusername none of ur concern brother!
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63, and 1,002,665 others
tagged yourusername
landonorris y/n's signature pose: hands under the chin (she forced me to post this please come save me guys)
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yourusername live laugh love me!!
alex_albon is it now...
yourusername SHUT UP ALBONNN IT IS
yourusername guys the caption is a liee i swear he just loves me 💗
landonorris urm who told you that mate
yourusername shut up or i'll send you back to the basement 😁 no one cares enough to save you
georgerussell63 carmen's looking over my shoulder and says y/n's a cutie
pierregasly are you just after everyone's girlfriend then?
yourusername yup! single life = hoe life, @/alex_albon lily's next 😘
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, and 800,219 others
yourusername hey alexa, play art deco by lana del rey ( 📸 @/arthur_leclerc )
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user12 the dress wooowwww
charles_leclerc when did you take these 🤨
yourusername don't worry about it 💗
arthur_leclerc we had tons of fun without you ❤️❤️
yourusername ARTHUR DON'T BE MEAN (it's true)
charles_leclerc ☹️☹️☹️
lilymhe 😍😍
yourusername LOVE YOU LILS 💗
yourusername but also ops on leaving alex for me...just for research purposes
alex_albon Y/N STOP IT SHE'S MY GF
yourusername leave me alone im single and sad :(
lance_stroll did i not buy you that dress for christmas
yourusername yes you did!! thanks again lance it was a LOVELY investment 😘
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( caption one: guess where i am!! 🇦🇺 | caption two: yeah yeah the flag gave it away whatever look at my new best friends 🦒 )
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 833,331 others
yourusername aussie aussie aussie... (australians finish the chant)
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user13 she's so perfect
user14 wait is she charles' sister??
user15 yup!! she's the youngest of the leclerc siblings
oscarpiastri coming from an australian...no 🧡
yourusername lucky for me ur not the only australian i know...so!
danielricciardo OI OI OI 🇦🇺🇦🇺
yourusername @/oscarpiastri LOOLLLL POINT MADE
charles_leclerc FORZA FERRARI
carlossainz55 ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername idk red's not really my color...might have to step into the mclaren paddock next time to see if orange suits me better
charles_leclerc as my sister you can't fraternise with the enemy
yourusername yeah but y/n leclerc does whatever she pleases and right now she wants to wear an orange jacket 🤷‍♀️
landonorris *papaya, not orange
yourusername yeah yeah pls give me a vip paddock pass for japan thank you lan 😘🫶
georgerussell63 the first picture??
yourusername i dropped my ice cream and my WONDERFUL brother decided to capture the moment instead of comforting me ☹️
charles_leclerc it was so funny you just had to be there
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 872,339 others
tagged charles_leclerc, carlossainz55
yourusername FERRARI 1-2 I KNOW THAT'S RIGHTTT!! PROUD OF MY BROTHER(S) (and little lando norris congrats on 3rd 😘)
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user17 the way she said in a podcast once that carlos being in her life was like having ANOTHER older brother makes me cry its so sweet
charles_leclerc rare post of you being proud of me?
yourusername it's mainly for carlos...but i'm proud of you too i guess!
charles_leclerc but i'm your brother??
yourusername idk ur both my brothers in my eyes 💗💗
carlossainz55 te amo y/n! ❤️
logansargeant embracing your inner cowboy, i see! very american of you 🤠
yourusername RAHHH WHAT IS A KILOMETRE 🦅🦅🦅
lance_stroll nurse, she got out again
yourusername SHUT UP LANCELOT ur just jealous that i prefer america to canada!! ❤️
landonorris thanks for the caption y/n, but are you not looking for a way out of the ferrari paddock...🤨🤨
yourusername unfortunately mr norris i have to be a supportive big sister on days like today, where my dear brother has done an exceptional job at racing. i hope you understand, and i offer you my deepest condolences ❤️
might make a p2 to this idk :)
2K notes · View notes
goldfades · 5 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | pretty self explanatory LOL, paige soft launches you!!!! yippee! this was requested -> "HARD OR SOFT LAUNCH WITH PAIGE PLEASE 🙏"
─ warnings | pretty short, JUST CUTE FLUFF!! obvs some banter, playful arguing, idk just some pretty funny stuff nothing too insane!
─ taglist | my wcbb taglist is linked in my navigation, fill it out if you wanna be tagged!
─ ev's notes | YALL!!!!!!! send in some requests if yall would like! requests are open for rn
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Liked by nika.muhel, kamoreaarnold, uconnwbb and 239,674 more
paigebueckers | no bad days ☀️ june 15th, 2023
View all 10,382 comments
yourusername [PINNED] | i wonder who that is?? 😛
↳ paigebueckers my best friend duhhh 😘🤞🏼
↳ yourusername don't play with me like that.
↳ paigebueckers i'm sorry no it's my beautiful girl 💁🏻‍♀️💅🏻
user003 | THE GIRLS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST PRIDE MONTH EVAAA✌🏼✌🏼
user662 | PAIGE???? HARD LAUNCH????
↳ user882 would not expect any less from our drama queen
↳ user129 people need to learn the difference between hard and soft launch🫠
user005 | fucking KNEW ITTTTTTT.
kamoreaarnold | where is the photo creds??? a tag woulda been nice 🙄🙄
↳ paigebueckers which pic
↳ kamoreaarnold the last one? 😑
↳ paigebueckers then people would've thought i'm dating YOU
↳ kamoreaarnold wait THATS supposed to be a hard launch?? 🤣🤣🤣
↳ paigebueckers NO a soft launch
↳ yourusername guys r you forgetting that ur arguing on social media? like everyone can see .... 😶
kamoreaarnold | HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
↳ paigebueckers wait a second i just realized that😭😭
↳ kamoreaarnold SO THAT WAS NOT ON PURPOSE? 😭
azzi35 | how many letters in LESBIAN?
↳ paigebueckers seven but I SEE WHAT U TRIED TO DO THERE 😭🩷
↳ yourusername ATEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
user987 | knew she played on the same team
↳ user871 wdym she plays for uconn?
↳ user790 GIRL😭😭
nika.muhel | my fav girls 🥹🫶🏼
↳ paigebueckers love you twin🥰🥲
uconnwbb | paige is finally LOCKED IN🫡
↳ paigebueckers DON'T TALK TO ME IM MARRIED💍💍💍💍
↳ yourusername mrs bueckers sounds perf 🥹
↳ paigebueckers WHEN SHE TAKES YOUR LAST NAME🤗🥰🫶🏼
user121 GOOD😭😭😭 FOR😭😭😭 HER😭😭😭
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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pedrithink · 4 months
secret ✩ jude bellingham
request: smau for jude where he randomly follows her and she’s like not famous at all maybe like 1000 followers and it becomes this big thing
face claim: tyla
yfusername: “your friend”
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Liked by judebellingham and 203 others
ynusername greaaat weekend 🙂‍↕️🤞🏻✨
View all 21 comments
yfusername HOT
yfusername2 like you actually ate this up. how does anyone stand on business w you… when you’re so you?!?!
yfusername3 the queen herself
yfusername4 like bruh
yfusername4 u look amazing
yfusername4 UGH
yfusername5 gorgeous gorgeous girl
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Liked by judebellingham and 445 others
ynusername 🙂‍↕️
View all 101 comments
yfusername2 love u sm like wtf u are so pretty
user2 are you jude’s girlfriend?
user3 wow… LIKE… WOW!!!!
user4 so beautiful omg
user5 beautiful girly
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Liked by judebellingham and 2.038 others
ynusername 🪷
View all 772 comments
judebellingham 😍😍
❤️ by author
user1 @judebellingham JUDE OMGEWKSGQGQ
user2 @judebellingham FINALLY
user3 @judebellingham jude is like… let me compliment my girl
user4 @judebellingham HIIIIIIIIII JUDE
user5 guys ???????? finally!!!!!!
user6 i’m just so happy rn I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM
user7 man is in love
user8 no but i’m loving this
user9 u are so pretty like omg
user10 girl please be an influencer
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Liked by vinijr, ynusername, and 3.552.738 others
judebellingham comparison is the thief of joy.
View all 8.323 comments
ynusername love it! 🎀🫧✨
❤️ by author
user11 @ynusername HIIII YN
user12 @ynusername SHES HERE
user13 @ynusername they randomly interacting and making us go CRAZY about it
user14 @ynusername no but they look so good together
user15 hala MADRID
user16 can’t u just marry me
user17 bellingham a ganar la 15
user18 i can only focus on the fact that yn commented. LIKE????? what does that mean?????????
user19 @user18 ME !!!!!!!!! IM SO CONFUSED HERE
user20 @user18 i think we have to focus on the fact that they look INCREDIBLE together
user21 @user18 i'm rooting so hard for them to be dating
ynusername has added to their story
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NOW: Jude Bellingham celebrates Champions League Final berth with teammates and girlfriend
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comments ⬇️
user22 it DOES melt my heart 🥺
user23 i’ve never been happier for someone i’ve never met
user24 cannot wait to see them on the red carpet of ballon d’or
user25 i’m actually crying right now
user26 he looks so happy
user27 “that’s what happens when you have the support of a good woman behind you!”
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Liked by vinijr, ynusername, and 3.028.971 others
judebellingham ❤️
View all 14.982 comments
ynusername i love you. 🫶🏻
judebellingham @ynusername and i love you more 🤍
user28 @ynusername @judebellingham and i love you both
user30 they look so good together
user31 take care of him yn
user32 fav couple
user33 these are my parents
user34 cuties 🥺
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maplesyrupsainz · 7 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙bows before bros | LN4 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: lando norris x actress!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: sooo super fluffy!!
summary: in which a trail of bows leads to everyone's new fav grid couple
a/n: feel like i havent written for lando in ages so here we are!!
request!!!: I’d like to request an au for lando where y/n’s an actress who’s getting recognized more and more, she’s really humble and sweet but pretty similar to lando as a goofy and funny girly(idk why but I picture Sabrina carpenter vibes) 🎀 if u could add a little scene of some of the f1 drivers and wags reacting to their relationship/talking to the media how they’ve never seen lando so happy. Just a sappy and goofy couple living life (manifesting✨🕯️)
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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liked by reneerapp, sydney_sweeney, and 301,283 others
yourusername sooo where else can i put bows? 🎀
view all 6,918 comments
user1 omg the bunny is so cute im going to do that
user2 i dont wear bows in a coquette way i wear bows in an y/n y/l/n way
liked by yourusername
user3 i love seeing y/n in her movies so srs then going on her ig & it's jus this
reneerapp put them on your hand soap 🥺
yourusername you make jokes but i really will do that
user4 LOL as u should y/n!!!
user5 oh i love her
sydney_sweeney this is so real of you!!
yourusername i knew you'd get it
sydney_sweeney bows before bros ‼️
yourusername louder 🗣️
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liked by sydney_sweeney, danielricciardo, and 819,055 others
landonorris you got my heart loud.
view all 11,193 comments
user6 okay simp lando?
user7 HUH????
user8 looking a LOT like a soft launch i cant lie to u
user9 thts what i was thinking.....
user10 the bows...... anyone one else thinking what im thinking?
user12 VERY y/n y/l/n coded
user13 y/n was here vibes
oscarpiastri simp simp simp
landonorris shutup pastry boy
yourusername posted a story
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liked by sydney_sweeney, daisyedgarjones, and 89,541 others
user14 so cute ily y/n
user15 my spidey senses are tingling
user16 is this a hint that ur dating lando norris.
user17 feels very very targeted miss y/n
user18 our bow queen 🙇‍♀️
twitter ->
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landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 159,701 others
user22 omg y/n y/l/n is ur gf fr
user23 never thought i'd see the day lando norris pulled
user25 the most y/n thing i've ever seen
danielricciardo she's made you soft
landonorris she definitely hasnt i'll tell you that much
danielricciardo right. not what i meant but great to know thank you so much
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 661,328 others
yourusername feeling orange 🍊
view all 16,754 comments
user26 oh my god
user27 is this the hard launch
mclaren your best look yet, y/n!
yourusername 🤭 feel very honoured
user28 next we want orange bows
liked by yourusername
sydney_sweeney sports 🤢 but make it girly 🎀
yourusername me with everything
landonorris it's papaya y/n we've been over this
yourusername there isnt a papaya emoji ✨🎀💕🫶🍊
user29 omg they're first public interaction...?
user30 they're in love i called it.
interviews ->
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landonorris posted a story
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liked by lilymhe, carlossainz55, and 157,814 others
user36 omg lol
user37 THAT'S Y/N'S CAT
user38 lol at ur response to ur friends saying ur obsessed with a girl is to post her cat on ur story with bows on
sydney_sweeney one of us now
landonorris this feels like a cult
user39 the coquettification of lando norris
user40 the y/nification of lando norris
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 1,091,727 others
landonorris my response to everyone talking about me recently is you would be the same if you bagged a girl like mine
tagged: yourusername
view all 22,183 comments
user42 how did he do it
lilymhe congratulations 🥂
carlossainz55 yippee!!
oscarpiastri we are all beyond proud of you lando
danielricciardo good for you bro
charles_leclerc happy for you
mclaren our fav girl!!
yourusername 🤭🧡
user43 all the celebrations in the comments 💀
user44 they had no faith in him fr
yourusername blushing and giggling at this!!! i love my lil lando!!!!!
landonorris you what?
yourusername i wont be taking questions at this time
landonorris you love me so bad
landonorris i love you so bad
2K notes · View notes
lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
specific icks i think my fav JJK ppl would give me bc the solution to delulu is bullying <3
(yuji, megumi, nobara, gojo, nanami, inumaki, yuta, maki, toji and choso)
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swears to god he can handle spicy food and I promise you he cannot. like every time you guys get ramen and can choose your spice level he insists on the hottest one but he just ends up sweating and crying by the end of it. he will never learn 🙁
he’s that one person in a group chat who's silent and doesn’t respond or react to anything, but if you kick him out he’d be bitter about it? fucking voyeur, like do you just wanna watch human interaction or are you gonna contribute at some point?😒
i think if you’re her friend and her crush walks by, she’d do a full mood shift and suddenly be meaner to you in hopes of making her crush laugh. THERE'S A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL FOR PPL WHO DO THIS^^
gojo just assumes if you tell him something, it’s okay to talk about it like anywhere? he has walked up to you and said, “hey y/n! brought some cranberry juice for you UTI! oh! who are they??😀” and you're literally sitting and talking to your PARENTS. 
brags about not having friends as if it’s his choice? listen I love nanami as much as the next girl with daddy issues, but you cannot tell me he'd have any friends. and he’s in denial about it too, he’d say something like, “I just can’t be bothered with such idiots, I’m too busy and smart.” and it's like “...did they even invite you to sit with them babe? who's rejecting who, here? bc sounds like they just don’t like you🫢”
i’m willing to bet money that he does that thing where he clutches his spoon in a fist, ifykyk like I’m cringing just thinking about it. toddler behavior🍼
picky eater who lies and says he’s allergic to food he doesn’t like, just bc he's that dead serious about you not bringing pickles around him. he’s committed too like he’ll fake a choking noise and everything. drama queen 👑
hey mama's lesbian, I’m srry but she is. has one sports bra she wears every. single. day. it’s v questionable bc "babe, when do you wash it??🕵️‍♂️"
wears the oldest, most torn up boxers like they can be falling apart at the seams with gaping holes in them and he doesn’t see the problem??? 
thinks he’s so dark and messed up like, “my music will prob scare you” type shit and it’s just Pierce the Veil lmao?
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saintslewis · 2 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x princess of zamunda!reader
summary: after many years, your father has left you to sort your love life out before you have to rule the kingdom. what you didn’t expect was to find love within your father’s favourite sport.
warnings: outfit links, smau, just read 🤭 (sorry for any typos!)
saint’s team radio 🎀: listen, i love ‘coming to america’ just as much as lewis and this being a 3 am thought made me too excited to write it. enjoy it, love ya! 🫵🏽💗
tags: @mauvecherie-writes @httpsserene @exotic-iris13 @motheroffae @purplelewlew @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @non-stop-imagines @hopefulromantic1 @vile-harlot @emjayewrites @yeea-nah @henneseyhoe @saturnville @greedyjudge2
pls like, comment and reblog!
fc: nomzamo mbatha
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liked by f1, mercedesamgf1 and 574,356 others
palaceofzamunda Her Majesty Princess Y/n will safely depart from Kigali, Rwanda to Montreal, Canada with the rest of the Royal Family for a motorsport event per the King’s request. We wish them safe travels!
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f1 very excited to host the royal family this weekend!
user i hope they will treat our glorious family well as the royalty they are
user princess y/n is so gorgeous
user so glad she gets to be our next queen
user sky sports and f1 have announced their arrival and have hyped it up so much…there’s levels to this kinda thing
user craziest thing is that they never say anything about prince harry or the prince of monaco whenever they’re there 😭
user i wonder which team the king supports
user fun fact our king loves ferrari but his fav drivers are 1644 and ofc other older drivers as well
user he’s just like the rest of us fr 😝
mercedesamgf1 extremely honoured to be hosting the Royal Family of Zamunda in our garage!
user i would risk it all for Princess Y/n
user it would be iconic if Princess Y/n gets together with a driver
user girl wdym, isn’t she married?
user no she isn’t, homegirl is extremely dedicated to her work as a humanitarian and as a country, we’d be surprised if she was romantically involved with anyone 😭
user what a woman
“Father, were the rose bearers necessary for the trip?” You huffed out, watching as rose petals were being tossed out on the tarmac before your father stepped out on the jet’s stairs.
“You know it is tradition, my child. Now, have you gathered everything before we leave this plane?” Your dad answered, waiting for you, your mother, and your sisters to exit the plane after him.
Holding onto your carry-on, the Canadian air breezed past you as you descended from the plane’s steps and gave the media a polite wave, wanting to get to the comfort of the hotel already. Given the warmest welcome from the airport staff, you and your family safely made your way to the official cars and drove to the Four Seasons.
Upon arrival, another warm welcome was given along with a bunch of staff issued to you at your every call and you did not want to say no as they kindly offered.
Laying down on the incredibly soft bed, you appreciated the aesthetics of your suite and took photos that you knew you couldn’t share with the public due to safety reasons so that just ruined the mood so to bring it up again, you called your royal advisor/childhood friend just to update her on your journey.
“And let me guess, the media was all over you guys.” Ama chuckled through the phone. “When aren’t they ever. A lot of them were from Baba’s thing we’re going to.” You said, rolling your eyes as you recalled the flashing lights from your landing.
“Oh, the formula thing. You’ll be fine, Y/n, just remember to interact with other human beings and don’t bring up work.” Ama spoke, squinting her eyes at you. “Don’t you have faith in me? I’ll be as chilled as I can be.” You said.
“Y/n my dear, should I remind you how you ran away from that one rapper because he wanted to take you out on a date?” She laughed in between her sentences and you wanted to scream in embarrassment. “Ama please, let’s not speak on that, it was enough to scar me for days.”
Holding her hands up, Ama spoke again. “Okay okay, I’m sorry. Look Y/n, I have to go now and I promise i won’t speak on it again.” She laughed once again and you just shook your head at her.
“Bye Ama, say hi to everyone back home for me.” You sighed out.
“Byeee! Don’t forget, listen to sexyy red before you go. She’ll give you confidence.” Ama winked then dropped the call.
Feeling your hunger slowly come back, you ultimately decided to drag your two younger sisters to get dinner with you. You knew the next day was going to be incredibly long so you wanted to do everything early to prepare yourself.
You made no effort to research a single thing about the sport that you were going to watch.
Your father had sent staff to hand deliver your passes to each of you, there were only two and had specified that it was from Mercedes. Luckily, they went very well with your outfit choice for qualifying that day.
As for your journey to the track, a clearly nervous Mercedes employee was assigned to you along with all the other members of your family having their own guide. Her first thought was to compliment you and you couldn’t have thanked her enough, with you starting to like the experience.
Sitting in the car was not awkward at all, you had asked several questions about the sport and what exactly was happening so that you would not be confused in the garage. A tour would be put in place before qualifying for your family then you’ll get to meet the drivers however most of the fun stuff will happen on Sunday.
“Tell me, is my skirt too short? I made a bold move with this outfit today.” You asked, the younger girl already shaking her head in disagreement.
“It’s a very cute outfit, Your Majesty. It’s quite unsuspecting unless you’re going to wear a sash.” Maddy joked. “Oh no, we stopped that practice three years ago. Another thing, you don’t have to call me that. Y/n is just fine.” You smiled and you could see her sigh out of relief.
The conversation had went on until you arrived to the paddock gates and quite the crowd had gathered and obviously they had to be for the drivers and other important f1 personnel. Maddy had informed you that you and your family would enter through a much more private entrance to avoid crowds.
As soon as the door was opened, you could hear the loud atmosphere of the track. From fans to the cars, it was buzzing and that had you looking forward to the rest of your trip. Following close behind, you could spot your parents and sisters walking slightly ahead of you and they were admiring the beauty of the scenes behind the sport.
However, the weather did not accommodate your outfit all with goosebumps rising on your skin so quickly. “We’ve got some hoodies in the hospitality.” Maddy reassured with a smile.
After a warm welcome upon arriving at the hospitality and the overly excited team principal had showed you around, you finally received the hoodie and completely unaware of the ‘44’ etched into the material but at least you were now warm.
Your father was at his happiest, over-explaining everything to your curious sisters and your mom was in deep conversations with the barista who was from Zamunda. The paddock club was lively with different people wearing colourful merchandise of their favourite teams and only then did you realize you hadn't seen any driver or their face even though they were planted everywhere.
Before you could pull out your phone to research, Khosi, the youngest, ran up to you whilst laughing. "I made a joke to Baba that you'd find someone here and the face he made was priceless." She wheezed out, plopping down on the couch you were sitting on and lightly smiled at her antics.
Looking over at your father, he couldn’t be more excited, his smile growing larger and larger as the Merc personnel continued speaking. “Toto will be here soon with the drivers and a few photographers from Mercedes. We’ll then head to the garage and pit lane for a tour.”
Without a moment to spare, several people entered the space including photographers, the very eager team principal and what you would assume were the drivers. The taller one walked in with his hands clasped together with a large smile on his face, his style could be described as preppy.
The next driver, however, his presence could be felt with just a step in the doorway. The first thing you noticed about him was his confidence followed by his outfit, a black tracksuit with simple red lines around specific areas. After being mesmerised by each detail about him, you got to his eyes which locked in with yours.
A shiver ran down your spine as the both of you maintained eye contact with each other, a slight smile on his face whilst chewing on some gum and you truly could’ve melted on the spot. “George, Lewis. Meet the royal family of Zamunda. King Akeem and his family have been long time followers of Formula One and we’ve had the honour of hosting them in our team.” Toto expressed, quite literally unable to stand still.
Introductions began and butterflies were flying around your stomach the closer you got to him. You could tell that he was your father’s favourite driver as he spoke for quite a while and even made a few jokes but you couldn’t hear anything, not when the man in the designer tracksuit was staring you down.
“Your Majesty, i’m Lewis. It’s lovely to meet you.” He finally introduced himself to you as you were the last of your family to greet everyone. You held out your hand to him and he gladly accepted it and you prayed that he wouldn’t feel the warmth of your palms. “Likewise,” You cleared your throat. “Y/n is just fine.”
The sound of your name falling from his lips felt like heaven, pronouncing it correctly on the first try just added to the attraction. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n.” He spoke lowly and you could barely keep yourself together in your head. You wanted to find more words to say to him, anything, but your chance fell short as the eager team principal pulled you out of your head to introduce the next driver to you.
The next few minutes were brutal. Your family stood opposite the faces of the team and you could feel his eyes glued to you, unmoving.
In typical Zamundan fashion, it’s in your father’s blood to brag about how great his country is and all its beauty. “And onto my eldest daughter, she’s quite the superstar. All her humanitarian work has brought eyes onto Zamunda. Y/n, aren’t you working on the STEM school project? She’s also a professor!” The King spoke with pride in his voice, making you want to hide in a corner.
A humble but nervous chuckle left your lips. “It was just a week of me teaching lectures, Baba.” Your words made the whole room laugh but his smile was the brightest. “But yes, the STEM project is still in its early days but a lot of students are interested which makes me happy.” You concluded with a small smile.
Lewis looked impressed. Wait. Since when did you care what anyone thought of your hard work? Especially a man that you knew would be a major distraction to the single lifestyle you’ve lived all these years. You had much to focus on and becoming Queen of Zamunda was at the top of your list.
But why not let loose a little? ‘Live a little’ as your sisters often say whenever you come back home exhausted.
“Is that so? Lewis here has his own foundation for kids in STEM, specifically for motorsport!” The tall team principal smiled and it took everything in you to look into the man’s eyes as you felt them on you.
“I could tell you more about it if you’d like.” Lewis spoke in a calm, low voice. You wanted to walk closer so that you could hear his words travel through you, wanting to listen to every word he had to say to you, every action he wanted to do to y-
Taking a breath and putting a soft smile on your face, you nodded. “I’d like that, thank you.” Talks of hot laps and tours started flying around but you couldn’t hear a word that was said. What was wrong with you? All this man had done was look into your eyes and you felt like you could melt. Lewis clearly used this gentlemanly charm to persuade everyone around him, including your father.
Watching him converse with your family had unleashed a new swarm of butterflies in your stomach, something you hadn’t truly felt in a long time. You had been with one or two people casually but none had ever satisfied you, only caring about your status as Princess. However, you had a gut feeling about something but you didn’t want to dwell on it yet.
“Shall we go for the tour now?” Toto’s voice boomed around the room with a clap of his hands.
Feeling a nudge on your arm, you turn to look at your mom as your attention was on the screens around the garage. “Are you going to bring him to Zamunda?” Your mother teased with a smile. Your eyebrows furrowed before you realised who she was referring to.
“Mother, I’d rather not talk about that now. Let’s just enjoy where we are now.” You put your hand on your mom’s then turned to look at the screen.
“He’d make a lovely prince. It’s okay to separate yourself from work, you know? I want you to live a little, my angel.” She continued, enveloping both her hands around yours.
You opened your mouth to speak but she beat you to it. “Don’t worry about your father. He’d be ecstatic if you brought this one home. You still have a lot of time left, Y/n.”
Knowing your mother was right, you breathed in and refocused your attention to qualifying. Lewis seemed to be doing well, even his driving looked attractive to you. Okay, calm it down girl.
After quali, the Mercedes hospitality was buzzing even though the skies were ever gray. Munching on a piece of cake, you offered a smile to those who would walk past and gawk at you. It was evident that F1 had made quite the big deal about your family merely attending a race weekend but you never expected this attention much on you.
A camera crew stayed outside and continuously took pictures of you sitting by your lonesome and you hoped for something to distract you from the feeling of being watched. Surprisingly, the crew began walking away after looking behind you for a split second and the cologne that suddenly surrounded you made it very clear who did it.
“Sorry if they were bothering you, your highness.” Lewis spoke, eventually standing in front of you yet not taking a seat across. Chuckling a bit, you looked up at him. “I thought we spoke about the title, Lewis.”
“Yes we did but I can’t let the media know you like that, only I’ve received the honour.” He smiled and there were the butterflies again. “If you’d like to sit down, you may.” You offered with the sweetest smile. Taking your offer, he never took his eyes off you.
It was quiet as he observed you. “What?” Looking like a deer in headlights, you placed your spoon down. “You’re a powerhouse. I’ve seen you represent your country and how much love you have for it. It’s admirable.”
You were taken aback. You hadn’t received such compliments from someone you were interested in. “Well, now I feel terrible because I’ve got no clue about your sport.” You spoke, covering your mouth with your floating hand.
“That’s okay, Princess.” All he did was say those words and you felt like a puddle all over again. “You’re doing that thing with your eyes again.” You pointed out, wondering if he could see right through your demeanour.
“What thing are my eyes doing, Y/n?”
“…I’d rather not say it in public.”
Lewis’ smirk widened as you said that. He thought it would be a challenge to try make a move on you as you seemed reserved unlike the rest of your family. “Why not? I’m quite curious to hear your thoughts.” He smiled, adjusting his arms to rest on the table.
“Not in your team’s hospitality suite.” You quickly replied, your eyes darting everywhere but him.
“Y/n.” Lewis just said your name and just like that, your thoughts became improper. Locking eyes with him, you knew that he was teasing you, something that you were never able to experience others.
“We can speak about our foundations over dinner!” You quickly suggested, barely registering what just came out of your mouth. “Dinner sounds perfect however that was supposed to be my line.” He joked and you couldn’t help but laugh.
Everything felt chaotic. You had returned to the hotel from the race which was extremely exhilarating and he had gotten a relatively high position which made you proud.
As you were leaving your seat in the garage a few hours ago, Lewis had approached you knowing very well that the cameras were watching the exchange between the two of you. “I forgot to mention how gorgeous you looked earlier.” He said as he was standing relatively close to you.
“Lewis! You can’t say that, the cameras are watching.” You whisper yelled, looking at the cameras pointed at the scene before them. All he did was laugh and turn on his heel before turning his head to you. “I’ll see you at 7 pm , your highness.” He winked and just like that, he was gone.
And that whole memory ran through your mind as you paced up and down your hotel room. You were all ready for the dinner but you were feeling something…different. It was normal for you to have dinners but this one had a certain tension hanging over it. You smoothed out your dress with your hands as you paced.
Another thing that drove you crazy was that you had no clue of what exactly was happening. You always knew the time, setting and guests of everything you did but now you were completely out of the loop but you had trust in him, as insane as it sounds.
The knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts and you took a breath before turning the doorknob to reveal Lewis standing there with a bouquet of flowers you couldn’t recognise but your heart grew at the sight of them. Your eyes glided over him as you looked at his outfit, a white cardigan with black slacks and designer chunky shoes. He smiled and you almost fell to your knees just looking at him more relaxed and sexy.
“You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n.” He complimented, his own eyes moving all over your body. He couldn’t help but admire your beauty as you stood before him. You were the embodiment of a princess and you never failed to exude such energy as you did.
“Uh, would you like to come in? I just have to get my heels.” You spoke as you opened the door a little wider. The room smelt of a scent he couldn’t quite grasp but he definitely labelled it as an aphrodisiac because Lewis began feeling his hands getting hot. He made his way to the couch right by the large window as you closed the door.
You stood in the middle of the room with your fingers pinching your lip in nervousness. The tension could be cut with a knife with the way he was watching you. “Um so, how’d you plan this?” You asked, finally looking at Lewis but you noticed his eyes were slightly lower.
“Your sisters are quite the wingwomen.” He spoke, adjusting his body to sit comfortably.
“Right, right……”
A beat passed before he leaned forward. “Princess, is everything okay?”
“Do you think we could skip dinner? I never usually do this but I don’t think I can go another moment.” You blurted out, too afraid to see his reaction to your raunchy suggestion.
Another moment of silence passed and you felt defeated. You felt like you’d gone on too strong and that’s not what you envisioned at all.
“Y/n.” He called and you picked your head up to look up.
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saint’s notes: you thought I was going to give you smut???? no 🤭 hope you enjoyed though! 🫶🏽
478 notes · View notes
lunavrse · 2 months
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summary ★ : streets are saying yn finally broke up with her loser boyfriend and guess who couldn't be happier? if you guessed lando, you'd be wrong, it's actually her (but lando's a really close second).
category ★ : smau.
notes ★ : as always times and dates are irrelevant and spelling mistakes are intentional. longer than the last part but worse 🫶. and when i use those harry styles and taylor russell pictures again, mind your business🤫 poll at the end!!!
pt 1
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tagged: visavni
Liked by landonorris, monaspencer, zendaya and 1 154 748 others
yn_ln back to your regularly scheduled content of my face 🤗 did a fun little shoot with with a friend
View all 4 755 comments
user ugh face cardddd
user it's giving retro realness
user ur face card rlly is sum serious
visavni this was sm fun!
yn_ln thank u for always delivering
user always something amazing when y'all collab
user 1st slide is giving scream for some reason
user real "please don't kill me Mr Ghostface, I want to be in the sequel" vibes
user serving 70s editorial
user Already added to my Pinterest board 💞
user gagged, died, dead
user And I eat it up everytime.
landonorris real
user ofc instagram user landonorris on a yn_ln post
user not even f1 driver💀
user seeing different concepts from you is my absolute fav thing ngl
landonorris you look leng.
user anyone else side eye at this comment?
user honestly? not really, i'm sure he's said worse things
user legs are legging...
user what does this even mean
user the girls that get it, get it💋
user gah dam why are you legs so long🤤
user she's so overrated
user now why are you manspreading 🤨 do you want people to sit in ur lap???
user me wondering if that seats taken
monaspencer you've done it again! it's giving everything it's supposed to give🔥
yn_ln tysm ml🫶🏾
landonorris so she gets a reply but not me🫤
yn_ln now what was i supposed to say?
landonorris thank you?
yn_ln you're welcome.
landonorris oh that's no- ykw, you're right, i should be grateful
user damn right
user if he's not like this i don't want him
user He really said when a bad bitch tells me to shut up, I do it.
user i just know that ezra is somewhere sick to his stomach
user personally, I'd never recover
zendaya your shoots are always so good
yn_ln tysm queen. means a lot coming from you<3
user girl you do damage to me🥴
user amazing shoot 😍
yourfriend7 slenderman proportions🤩
yn_ln and if i kill myself, what then?
yourfriend7 😘
yn_ln spawning in your room🔜
yourfriend7 not beating the allegations pookie
user 😭😭😭
user love seeing your face pop up when i open insta
user the only reason people care about you is bc of ezra
user you're joking...
user you're delusional just like ur fav
user and yet here you are, on her page
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tagged: landonorris, yn_ln
motormouth Lando and Y/n spotted out and about via friends and fans. New wag or just friends hanging out? Let us know what you think!
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View all 854 comments
user tagging them is so messy.
user well it is a gossip page
user but still... the audacity
user man like lando norris yeah
user friends can't hang out?
user The way that one picture looks really romantic until you realise Mona's cropped out
user Ezra was right to dump her😒 She never deserved him and she's mid anyway. Never did and never will get the hype.
user stacy why aren't you watching your kids instead of commenting on things that don't concern you? user yeah stacy, why aren't you being a mom to your kids? user stacy is a man who, instead of paying attention to the kids he only gets to see certain times, is out here dick riding someone who doesn't know he exists. user damn, someone named a baby boy stacy? user Well, my mom wanted to be Stacy's Mom but only decided on having one kid, and unluckily for me, I was that kid user born in 2003, named stacy and has kidS (multiple!), yeah, no wonder he's on a gossip page instead of watching those kids.
user he really wasted no time
user i hope he knows he's probably a rebound
user the way y'all purposely hid the fact that mona was also there in the 3rd slide 😐
user this the type of timing i need to be on
user i just know that one twitter user is laughing rn
user she's just using him😕
user he's so weird for this, like she just recently got out of her relationship and now this??
user love the fact that they get to hang out more
user It's still too soon since her last relationship, so I'm thinking they're only friends.
user she probably broke up with ezra just to be with lando 🤢
user did she or Ezra tell you that? no? yeah, shut up
user and who would blame her? NO ONE
user mona erasure, i will not stand for this!
user the way he's looking at her😵
user fellas is it weird to hang out with your friends?
user only if your friends are the opposite sex, it seems
user they're probably laughing at this (if they even see it)
user i just know lando is giggling
user fr, like dating rumours with her?
user mans is kicking his feet
ezragallagher has uploaded to their story.
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user: what you over here being messy for ???
user: bro move on!!!
user: i support you, toxic king🙌
user: ezra, baby, you can do better
sashabardot: really ezra? what the actual fuck is wrong with you
user: bros going through it
user: this is kinda pathetic don't you think?
user: someone's paying attention to their ex
user: babes this isn't your cf
user: don't you have work to focus on?
user: the way this would make me get back with you
user: ☕☕☕
user: this feels targeted
user if only i had half the confidence and audacity that you did🙂‍↔️
user: this is an... interesting song choice
user: see, me personally, i would never show my face on the internet but you do you💪
user: better as in you?
user: hope you guys get back together 🤞
user: God, I see how you've given some people the courage of lions😂
user: might as well have tagged her
user: just how i like my men... toxic and pettty 😍 *pretty but petty works just as well
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yn_ln has added to their story.
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user: uhhhhh
user: is this what i think it is?
user: oh!
user: please tell me this is in response to ezra
user: beabadoobee mention!!!
user: I love this song.
user: the way fucking batman wouldn't be able to get this out of me
user: this is wild
user: stop being so cryptic! is this about ezra or not
monaspencer: messy asf😭
yn_ln: he started it, so idgaf also, it could've been worse
monaspencer: true, you could've posted to still your best
yn_ln: lmaooo, can you imagine💀💀
user: taste>>>
user: have you ever thought that maybe you were doing something wrong if he cheated on you?
user: oh no
yourfriend: do you ever wonder...
user: You know what you're implying w this right?
user: publicizing the fact that you've been cheated on is insane
user: ezra fucking gallagher, count your days.
user: ok i alr know this is about ezra but who is the girl???
user: are you not embarrassed?
user: 🤨
user: ik you guys dated and everything but he wouldn't cheat🙄 you're just making up lies to slander him
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tagged: lukacyr, yn_ln, landonorris and 3 others.
Liked by lukacyr, yn_ln, landonorris and others
monaspencer spent some time with some of my favourite people... and lando
View all 1 787 comments
user you and luka are so 🥺
lukacyr that's my baby!!!
monaspencer 🩷🩷🩷
user dare i say... couple's trip???
yn_ln hot girl alert!!!
monaspencer love youuu
user lando catching strays?
lukacyr so gorgeous, im so lucky🩵
monaspencer i love you pretty boy🩷
user wish i was that cat
landonorris and lando? damn i thought we were besties😔
lukacyr we all know she loves you
monaspencer 🤥
landonorris thanks luka, knew i could count on you for the truth❗
user wait, whose cat is that?
user love how they're all just living their best lives.
user oof uno w yn and luka? I just know there was lots of yelling
user them making up their own rules and frustrating those of us who play the game properly 😭
lukacyr sorry you guys are boring 😔
user ughhhh miss spencer you are looking teww damn foineee 🤤
user sprinted to this post when i got the notification
user mona + yn = the prettiest friends. ughhh, love them
user you and Luka make me feel so single and im in a relationship!!!
user that's -
user just smile and wave
user game night is back baby!!!
user adding the song to my playlist immediately
user slayyy
lilymhe can't wait for the next dinner!
monaspencer you and alex are hosting nexts babes
yn_ln i have a meeting that night
landonorris me too
lilymhe alex will be cooking
yn_ln i will be in attendance
lilymhe hey! i'm not that bad
lukacyr sureeee
alex_albon you are not talking, mr i once set fire to water
user how tf
user i love tht Luka buys her flowers whenever he can
user i have so many questions
user do you and Luka want a third?
user 🔥🔥🔥
user your nails in the first slide is everything to me
user not mona and yn having matching rings,,, i love them😭😭
user very on brand for them
user they all look so cool, I wish i was apart of their friend group
user real, they all look like so much fun
user TV girl>>>
user face beat is so FAB imo
user wait what's happening to me... 🧍‍♂️🚶‍♂️🧎‍♂️🐈🐾
user the dress from the last slide is EVERYTHING
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Liked by monaspencer, landonorris, lilymhe and others
yn_ln 1st slide is me after thirdwheeling my (girl)friend and her boyfriend 😴 and the last slide is literally them, I'm sick😞
View all 1 853 comments
user girlll
user this said so much and nothing at all
user how can someone be so cute and hot at the same time???
monaspencer ik you're not talking lol
user what does this meannn
lilymhe i would never treat you like that bbg
landonorris don't you have a boyfriend? matter of fact ﹫alex_albon come get your girl
lilymhe snitch😒
alex_albon lily???
maxfewtrell dinner was great, sending mine and p's thanks again
yn_ln tell her she needs to join us for game night next time and you're invited too ig
maxfewtrell im starting to think you like my girlfriend more than me
yn_ln i do!
maxfewtrell fairs, i like her more than you
user last slide unlocked a memory
lukacyr and proud of it
lukacyr you're just mad she likes me more
yn_ln thats so funny considering she's in my bed rn
landonorris should've been me
user I jus know Lando took that 5th photo
user and you know this how...
user idrk but you can always tell when he's the one taking her pictures bc something about it just makes her look.. especially stunning ya know? like you can tell someone who's in love w her took the pic
user you're actually so right
landonorris a whole slide of just me? yeahhh you want me so bad
user i aspire to be this type of delusional
yn_ln oh absolutely
landonorris so glad you're admitting it to the world😌
user i cannae tell if this is sarcasm or not
user it's ok, neither can lando
user in the words of one troye sivan, "face card, no cash, no credit"
user when he sang "look, look at you", he meant her
user and when he sang " baby, I'm first in place" he was singing about Lando
user swear i saw you guys at that restaurant but was too nervous to make sure
user i would have said hello ngl
user i didnt want to disturb and like i said, i was so nervous.
user have i mentioned that i love everything that is happening here, bc i do
user genuinely thought the 2nd slide was y'all eating sushi and was amazed that you got lando to eat it
user same! but i didn't even question it and just scrolled
user would honestly be flattered if i was compared to arnaz and breanna, they were such a cute couple
user true but i still can't get over the fact that her dad was called Flex lmao
user eye cant get over the shows theme song, like i still think it's good
user not to mention Breanna was in her fashion bag, girlie was serving LOOKS.
user Check out my profile for art of your favourite artist's favourite artist!
user omg that's crazy haha, i have 10 lambo's btw, like i am super rich and you'd never be tired around me bc i'd make sure you get 10 hours of sleep (2 extra hours bc you deserve it, must be exhausting being so gorgeous)
landonorris this person literally set fire to my house and is stealing from their job. please report them so i can have some peace of mind🙏🙏
user idk man, why would Lando lie :/
landonorris exactly, for what reason?
user ik this is a lie but imma do it anyway lmao
landonorris why would i lie?
user bffr.
user: i know we're all focused on yn's beauty(and rightfully so) but can we take a moment to appreciate that picture of lando???
user: like hello, he looks so hot
user 💖
user LIVING it up
landonorris: you ever see someone so beautiful you start barking violently? cause thats me rn
landonorris: got me acting unwise❗
yn_ln: please calm down you freak
landonorris: mmm call me a freak again😩
user: what the
user: he's so real for this
user: jesus h christ
user: think i've had enough of instagram today, peace out✌
landonorris has added to their story.
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user: mona's miss steal your girl well not really your girl🤣
landonorris: blocked
user: i want someone to look at me like that
user the art in the background is so pretty
user: damn, you're never making it to relationship status
user: she's wearing orange... interesting...
user: art and art/two masterpieces in one photo
user: guess i need to ask Mona and Yn if they want a third instead
user: i'd say deserved 🤷
monaspencer: you're both such liars
user: waitt,, the fits are eatinggg
user: they literally look like they're in love
user: women *sighs dreamily*
yn_ln: damn, i look good wait when did you take this picture
landonorris: yeah you do. orange is really your colour, you should wear it more often
monaspencer has added to their story.
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user: not them getting "this you"-d💀
user: they are never beating the dating allegations
user: exposed in a single photo
user: you're an absolute legend for this
user: this just in, yn ln is a LIAR!!
user: i don't know why you're friends with her🙄
yn_ln: you make my ass itch
monaspencer: funny, i was thinking the same thing about you
yn_ln: why do you do this to me?
monaspencer: suffer x
user: my otp!!!
user: ugh, what a eyesore(i'm violently jealous)
user: They look so good together, they should just date already smh.
user: now it definitely seems like y'all went on a couple's trip👀
landonorris: send me this🙏🏻
whatyouhe4rd has posted a new article, based on your likes, this may interest you. check it out?
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landonorris has uploaded a story.
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user replied to your story: you're jokinggg, this is a joke
user replied to your story: you didn't actually post this, im clearly just seeing things im just gonna pretend that it didn't happen since you deleted it
user replied to your story: When I tell you I burst out laughing seeing this, I'm not lying.
maxfewtrell replied to your Close Friends story : you did not delete the 1st one just to post it on your CF
landonorris: it was an accident?
maxfewtrell: an accident that's going to end up on hundred's of gossip sites
landonorris: rachel is going to kill me, isnt she?
maxfewtrell: seriously surprised she hasn't already
yn_ln replied to your Close Friends story : Rachel is going to kill you
landonorris: i just told max the same thing, we're soul mates fr
yn_ln: i'm being serious
landonorris: so am i but did it make you smile?
yn_ln: yes?
landonorris: then it was worth it and i'll die happy
yn_ln: you're so cheesy🙄
landonorris for you i will be mozzarella, parmesan, chedda, gouda, brie, cottage, feta, swiss, burrata, cream, etc.
user replied to your story: this is iconic, lando norris, my fav malewife
randomfriend replied to your Close Friends story : i think you've been on tiktok too much
charles_leclerc replied to your Close Friends story : your head must be a fascinating place to be in, how do you do it?
landonorris: my brother in christ and racing, you can not be talking
user replied to your story: you're so right and you should say it
user replied to your story: Sometimes we don't have to share what's on our mind with the world
user replied to your story: I'm fucking creasing
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⤷ end note ‧ ★ : heyyyy, how y'all doing🧍... sorry for the wait, i really did have most of this done and in my drafts but then writer's block hit and i left it for a while. also, i kinda suck at making articles lmao. thank you to everyone who reads and/or interacts with my smaus, ily<3.
taggingᯓ★ : @firelily-mimi and @appl3-0rchard
571 notes · View notes
teenidlegirl · 2 months
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ professor!miguel 𝓍 professor!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. it was just a stupid party. drink, flirt, and gossip. you weren’t expecting to have a one nightstand with a charming, mysterious man. you also weren’t expecting he is the newly hired professor at the same university you teach at.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. college!au, strangers to enemies (sorta) to lovers, tension, angst, smut, protected sex, fem oral, confessions, jealousy, swearing, pet names, hispanic/latina!reader ( mdni )
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓝𝐎𝐓𝐄. i had lots of fun writing this, definitely another fav of mine. kudos to @lazyjellyfish300 for the wrist kissing scene because of her post. thanks for the inspo, queen! ♡
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enjoy yourself tonight.
that’s what your friends told you.
despite your many objections, they dragged your ass to a party. a friend of a friend is throwing it. not wanting to be a complaining bitch, you suck it up and tag along. a basic mini dress and matching heels. nothing too extra, just simple.
the minute you arrive there, you want to leave. you don’t know anyone but you’re two friends, lyla and felicia. the best decision is to stick by their side. unfortunately, felicia is flirting with some tall light brunette skinny guy. he isn’t that attractive but everyone has their own taste. lyla, on the other hand, immediately heads over towards the food. she’s a big eater, already stuffing her mouth with appetizers.
a sigh escapes your lips. left all alone.
so much for enjoying yourself. your friends ditched you and you don’t know a single soul here so how the hell can you enjoy yourself tonight?
the only thing to enjoy is “double fantasy” by the weeknd playing through the speakers.
with nothing much else to do, you stumble towards the bar. you kindly ask the bartender for a modelo. the look he gives you says you picked an odd choice out of all options but shrugs it off and fetches your requested drink. you resist rolling your eyes.
fucking dick, you thought to yourself.
it’s been 10 minutes and you haven’t received your corona. your brows furrowed in confusion.
“excuse me?” you call out to the bartender, who’s dealing with other customers. of course the bastard didn’t hear you over the loud ass music. another sigh falls from your lips. “excuse me, sir?” you wave.
that finally got his attention but his slightly annoyed expression caught you off guard.
what’s this dude’s deal?
“you forgot my modelo.” you tell him, trying to be polite, maintaining your attitude.
he turns around and grabs it from the shelf.
it was there so easy to grab yet took him 10 minutes? he was just straight up ignoring you.
“sorry.” the bastard mutters without eye contact then walks away to tend other customers.
now you roll your eyes. “cabrón.” you mutter, grabbing the bottle and take a sip of the drink.
turning around, you scan the area. half talking on the sidelines and half on the dance floor. your eyes widen when you find felicia making out with that same guy. welp, at least she’s having a great time. you shrug it off with another sip of your modelo. glancing around, you begin feeling like an outcast. your fingers clench the glass bottle, holding it to your chest. standing there awkwardly as everyone else has fun.
instead of glancing around like a weirdo, you wander around the place. passing by all types of people you’re not familiar with. trying not to bump into someone, especially a drunk idiot.
with your social battery running low, or basically not in the mood to deal with people, you find a secluded space where not much people are. away from the dumb party. you stare out at the view, the gorgeous city of nueva york from a rooftop.
just a moment of solitude.
a delicious fresh breeze flows by, making you close your eyes to relish the refreshing air.
“escaping from the chaos?”
a baritone voice form behind makes your while around, startling you a bit.
a man, tall and broad. clad in all black. dress shirt, slacks, and oxfords. brown curls slicked back. a simple silver necklace dangling around his neck. a matching silver watch that was obviously expensive. his right hand holding a small glass.
utterly handsome, definitely your type. you only like brunettes. what caught your eye are those sharp cheekbones and strong jawline. so perfect and sharp, slide your finger along them and you’ll get a paper cut. firm, masculine facial features.
“parties aren’t really my forte.” the lack of enthusiasm in your voice says it all.
“you’re not alone.” he walks forward, walking up beside you. “they aren’t mine either.” he stares out at the view, taking a sip of his beverage.
you observe him with curious eyes. turning around so you’re facing the view again. only this time you have company. strangely enough, you don’t mind. you get a good whiff of his cologne. damn, he smells good.
you also realize exactly how tall this man is. way over a foot taller than you. perhaps two feet taller.
“suppose we’re the outsiders.” you joke.
“like the book?” he muses.
you quirk a brow, intrigued by his reference. “i guess so, classic book and movie.”
“agree.” the man hums.
a beat passed by before he speaks again. however, his next few words surprises you.
“i have to confess, i noticed you earlier.” he admits. “you caught my eye. i just had the urge to talk to you, as strangely as it sounds. which i apologize for.” he quickly adds that last phrase.
you gaze up at him. intrigued by his interest in you. it was foreign to you since you’ve only been on a few dates but never led to anything serious. or a man confessing wholeheartedly of their interest.
you notice his slight tensed expression when you don’t respond. the air got tensed as well.
“miguel o’hara.” he quickly introduces himself, extending his free hand for you to shake.
you finally respond with your name as you gently shake his hand. taking mental note of his engulfs yours completely. damn, they’re really huge. you make sure to not ogle at them.
“so what brings you here?” you decide to initiate a proper conversation. your interest in this man slowly grows. his mysterious aura is so alluring.
“mutual friend of the party owner. didn’t want to come but was forced to anyways.”
your brows raised in surprise. “in the same boat. i was dragged here then left like getting dropped off at daycare.” you take a sip of your drink.
that earns you a light snort from the tall man. “doesn’t seem like true friends.”
you shrug. “they’re great, just spending time with things they love. men and food.”
miguel’s head tilts a little, one thick brow quirk up. “what do you love?”
the question caught you off, definitely wasn’t expecting nor know how to answer. what do you love? it’s complicated, despite how simple it sounds.
“solitude. being alone is comforting.” your gaze returns to the view, away from his for a moment.
“i guess i ruined that comfort.”
you lightly shake your head. “you didn’t. surprisingly enough, your presence is actually the only one that doesn’t bother me tonight.” you look back at him.
it’s true. his alluring presence doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable or annoyed. intrigued and captivated instead. perhaps he is another outsider like you.
“well, i’m glad to know that.” the corners of his very plump lips twitch upward, a brief smile.
surprising, that makes your heart flutter a little. you’ve only met the man and already has an affect you. no other man has done that before.
you and miguel carry on your conversation, getting to know one another. you two retreated to the kitchen inside, sitting on the barstools at the kitchen island. sipping on your drinks. his fingers would linger beside your bare calf. his touch igniting sparks in your body. your expression remains a neutral as you talk, but internally screaming. damn this man really has an affect on you. perhaps the only good thing that came out from this stupid party.
“seems like it’s getting more intense. do you want leave? someplace less crowded where we can hear each other better.” a light chuckle left his lips.
a little smile graces your lips. “sure, besides i don’t wanna deal with more drunk idiots.”
that earns you another chuckle from him, making your heart flutter once again.
you try finding felicia and lyla to let them know you’re leaving but there’s too much people it’ll be possible to find them. you’ll just send them a text.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
miguel takes you a small pub which was much less crowded. you have dinner there since both of you didn’t eat at the party. this was much better, in a quieter atmosphere, no chaos, and having a sincere conversation with someone who’s considerate.
“can i kiss you?”
his husky, seductive tone makes your heart swoop.
you then remember this could lead to a one nightstand and nothing else. although, there is this spark between you two, obviously sexual tension. miguel may be a nice guy, just don’t fall too deeply. it’s be a one time thing. it’s also probably be the last time you’ll ever him since you two never talked about your personal life like jobs, if either of you live close by. you prefer to keep personal information private, miguel respected and understood that.
you nod with a tiny smirk. “polite, i like it.”
miguel grins as he leans closer. his breath fanning yours. his lips gently pressed against yours. a gentle, soft kiss. damn his lips feel good, all plumped and nice. yours, though, are addictively sweet. he can taste your lip gloss but doesn’t care if some get on his. you never thought you’d kiss in a pub, let alone in public but with miguel, you feel comfortable.
he takes you back to his apartment. on the drive there, his hand gently massaged your thigh while driving with the other. your body tingled in excitement at the sensation. the same hand never left your lower back as you entered his home.
instead of rushing to the bedroom, you two talk a little more. miguel reassured you if you wish to leave, if you’re not comfortable with this because he doesn’t want you to think he’s only looking for sex. he truly enjoyed his conversations with you. you told him it’s fine and want to stay with him.
truthfully, you’re excited for what’s coming but of course you keep that to yourself. you’ve been wet since the moment his fingers were on your calf back at the party. his touches are just something else.
gently taking your hand in his, miguel guides you to the bedroom. he turns around and gingerly cups your face with both hands then kisses you. your hand rest on his abs, feeling the muscles through his dress shirt. you fight the urge to unbuckle his belt, you don’t want to seem desperate.
the kiss grows more passionate. shivers go down your spine as his hands slowly trail down your back. shoulder blades, the curve of your spine, then at your hips right above your ass. you can sense his hesitation so you decide to apply some pressure into the kiss and roam your hands over his broad shoulders to tigger his tendencies.
it worked since he gently palms it through your dress, eliciting a soft moan from you. now that did trigger his urges. bending down, miguel grabs the back of your thighs and lifts you in his arms. instinctively, you wrap your legs around his slightly pinched waist as he walks towards the bed. very carefully, miguel placed you down the mattress, hovering over you, yours lips never detach. your fingers dig into his brown curls as your passionate makeout season continues.
you softly sigh as his lips brush along your jawline then your delicate neck. fingers playing with his curls, making miguel’s mind hazy.
he leaves a few more butterfly kisses on your neck before lifting up. miguel glances at your chest then your eyes. “puedo?”
you nod with smirk, hiding your excitement.
his fingers grip on the zipper on the front of your dress and slowly pulls it down. miguel bites back a moan as peeks of your cleavage are revealed to his lustful eyes. a glimpse of your black lacy bra hugging your breasts perfectly like a gift.
you inhale sharply as his large palms gently cup them. he gives them a gentle squeeze, eliciting a soft gasp from you. board palms playing with the soft squishy fat, kneading it with expertise. the lacy fabric of your bra on his fingertips. the addicting sensation makes you arch your back, chest leaning into his touch. miguel buries his face in your cleavage, kissing and licking the soft skin. a moan falls from your lips when his hands push them together, stuffing his face more with your soft tits.
one hand trails down to the hem of your dress. “is this okay?” he lifts his head to meet your gaze.
you hum with a nod.
miguel slowly pulls your dress off your body over your head then tosses it on the floor. his breath gets caught in his throat at the sight of your exposed body. eyes roaming over each curve.
his admiring gaze makes you a little nervous. it’s been a while since you’ve been intimate with someone. last time was a one nightstand with some asshole, in the beginning he didn’t seem like one, and he only went straight for pound town, not silently worshiping like the mysterious man above is.
you also don’t want to be the only one almost naked. your fingers grip on his belt. “your turn, guapo.”
a low chuckle falls from his lips. “impatient.”
you help him unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned chest. decorated with chest hair. the sound of his belt unbuckling makes your body tingle in excitement, specifically down to your throbbing core.
your eyes widen in awe at his muscular form. chest hair, delicious abs, and mouthwatering happy trail. they widen more as you notice the large bulge in his boxers. you expected him to be big due to his large frame but the outline makes it look like a monster.
“lift up your hips for me.” he said.
you obliged, lifting your hips. miguel slides a pillow underneath, giving you some support.
he bends down towards your legs. grabbing one leg, his lips brush against your calf. miguel slowly trails up your leg, reaching towards your inner thigh. your heart raced in anticipation. your breath hitched as you feel his lips sucking your inner thigh. your core throbs terribly, desperate for him.
he grins against your skin as he feels your legs twitch. “impatient for me, huh gatita?” he slowly moves towards your clothed cunt. miguel’s grin widens as he hears a small whine from above.
“no te procupes, gaitia. i’ll make sure you scream my name.” his seductive words makes sends shivers down your spine. gripping the edges of your panties, miguel slowly drags them down your legs.
those crimson eyes never leave your exposed pussy as he tosses your panties on the floor. grabbing your thighs and placing them on his bulky shoulders, miguel dives in and licks a stripe up your throbbing core. making you shudder and let out a soft moan. he switches between licking you up and sucking your sweet bundle of nerves. those sweet noises you’re making encouraged him to continue.
“dios… you taste amazing, gatita.” he moans against you, sending vibrations through you. “my dessert tonight.” he says in between licking and sucking.
his lips suck bit more aggressively on your clit, causing you to moan loudly. instinctively, you dig your fingers in his hair once again. each lick and suck makes you grip on his hair tighter, earning a muffled groan from the brunette man.
“miguel!~” you moan, arching your back off the bed as he starts penetrating you with his tongue.
the tip of the wet muscle penetrating you perfectly. causing your back to arch like waves. instinctively, you grind against his face. endless moans spilling from your lips. you definitely weren’t expecting him to be such a munch. each flick of his tongue, lips sucking your clit contain with such expertise.
after more flicks of his tongue, you come with a wail of his name. gushing over his tongue with your sweetness. a shiver runs down his spine at how beautifully you sang his name. miguel drinks you up feverishly as if he found an oasis.
finally, he moves away from your now sensitive pussy. “delicious, gatita. best dessert ever.” miguel seductively runs his tongue over lips, collecting the leftover of your sweetness. the sight makes your pussy flutter. he caught that and smirks.
grabbing a condom packet from the nightstand, miguel swiftly takes off his boxers. his cock bouncing out from its confinements. your eyes blown out by the size of it. holy shit he’s really fucking huge. there is no way that will fit inside you. your pussy, however, throbs for it, despite its size.
he sensed your apprehension. “i’ll be careful. lo prometo, gatita.” miguel climbs back on the bed, hovering your smaller figure.
“do you trust me?” he asks softly. “if we need to stop, tell me.” sincerity in his tone.
you nod. “i trust you.”
gripping his cock with a hand and the other on your thigh, miguel aligned himself with your entrance. a shared moan mingles in the steamy air as he slowly slides through your tight fluttering walls.
“fuck- so tight, gatita. gotta let me in a little more, por fav.” miguel groans.
you try by spreading your legs as much as you can, giving him the space he needs. a soft whimper falls from your lips as you feel his bulbous tip settled against your sweet spot. as soon as he bottoms out and you give him the green light, he does a slow thrust. eliciting a soft moan from you.
gingerly taking both your wrists with one hand, miguel’s gaze is locked with yours as he slowly kisses them then pins them above your head on the pillow.
“gonna make you feel good, hermosa.” he whispers huskily before capturing your lips with his, slowly thrusting into your tight cunt.
your moans and whimpers are muffled, sallowed by miguel’s lips. his cock slowly dragging out before plunging it back inside your fluttering walls with a deep slow thrust, allowing you to feel every inch of him. even with the condom on, you feel all of him.
miguel is in awe of your blissful expression. fluttering lashes, brows furrowed, gorgeous eyes rolled back, pretty sounds falling from your lips, back arched. a sense of pride flowing through his veins, knowing he is causing those movements of ecstasy.
“hermosa… taking me so well.” he softly pants, face leaning closer towards yours. his panting gently hitting your face as he admires you.
“oh miguel~” you moan as a big deep thrust hits your sweet spot. back arched for the hundredth time.
he lets out a groan as he feel yours walls clenching his cock. going insane at the sensation, motivating him to slowly pick up the pace of his hips.
obscure sounds mingles in the hot air of sex. your moans and his groans in unison. his hips snaps against yours at a faster pace. with his free hand, it travels down to where you’re connected and flicks your clit with his middle finger. causing you to moan loudly which makes him smile, back arched off the bedsheets at the sudden intense sensation. your hands balled into fists, nails digging into your palms.
“no other man has fucked you like this, huh gatita?” he pants above you. a grin on his face that grows wider when you shake your head followed by a whine.
the bed rocked due to miguel’s slight harsh thrust. the headboard repeatedly hitting the wall. he’ll get complaints from his neighbors but doesn’t give a shit. this intimate moment with you is more important than worrying about disturbing his dumbass neighbors’ slumber.
a few more rough flicks to your puffy clit and thrusts against that sensitive spot, you come with a wail of his name. gushing over his concealed cock, miguel wishing he could truly feel it but accepts it and is too mesmerized by your angelic expression as you reach the pinnacle of pleasure so beautifully.
as soon as he gently releases your wrists, you use all your strength and flip positions. miguel’s eyes go wide as he’s suddenly laying on his back, impressed by your sudden take of control but oh so loves the view above him. resting your hands on his abs, you ride his cock after feeling desperate to do so. another loud moan escapes your lips. you feel him deeper in this position. all the way in your guts.
large palms grip the fat of your hips, tightening with each roll of your hips. while riding the fuck out of him, you suddenly remembered you’re still wearing your bra. quickly unclasping it with a hand, the garment falls off your chest, freeing your breasts. miguel’s eyes widen, a groan rumbling from his chest at the sight of your exposed breasts. watching them jiggle as you bounce on his dick. a thin layer of sweat coating them like a dressing.
a deep feeling of hunger bubbles in his body. his hands on your hips travel up to your bouncing tits and gropes them. kneading the soft mounds feverishly. relishing the squishiness in his palms. with his thumb and index finger, he pinches your perky nipples then gently tugs them. eliciting a loud whine from you. the reaction makes him grin.
a loud groan erupts from his throat, throwing his head back against the pillow as you circle your hips in sinful manner. “oh fuck- mami…” instinctively, his hands return to your hips, tighter this time.
your legs were about to give out due to the burning sensation but miguel’s hands on your hips guiding you was a big help. the more you bounce on his cock, the faster both your orgasms were approaching.
“fuck- i’m gonna—“ miguel cuts himself with a load groan as he reaches his climax. spurting thick white ropes into the condom, filling it with his seed. secretly wishing it was your pussy.
you come as well, marking it as your third time tonight. you’re never orgasmed so much in your life. definitely an incredible experience.
you collapse on his chest and miguel immediately wraps his arms around you. your pants echoing the room as you both recover from your highs. his thumb tenderly rubbing up and down your spine as comfort.
after a few minutes to recover, miguel tossed out the used condom in the trash and carefully cleans you up with a towel from his bathroom. after cleaning up and giving you a water bottle, he then joins you in the covers and allow slumber to call both your names.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
you never forgot that night.
you left that morning before miguel woke up. a part of you felt guilt but it was a one nightstand after all. despite the chemistry between you two. some things are meant to end. it’s just how life is.
besides, you’ll probably never see him again. miguel radiates that mystery guy vibe who’ll you will meet once and never again afterwards.
you really liked him, you really did. still do, in fact. he never left your mind. his touch still lingering on your skin like a ghost. how good he made you feel, the sex and conversations with him. you felt so comfortable with him. however, it was just a one time thing.
oh well.
now summer activities are over and the new school year begins. another year giving lectures. you love your job as a professor, encouraging and motivating students to become their best.
each year is different. you’re excited to see what’s in store for this school year.
dressed in a fresh outfit for the first day. a baby pink blouse with a long white silk skirt. after your first two lectures, you decide to head to the teachers lounge for a quick cup of coffee. you didn’t go to your usual cafe this morning since you were in a bit of a rush.
entering the lounge, you head over to the counter where the coffee maker is. waving and greeting fellow colleagues on your way in. once you make your coffee, you stir it with a plastic spoon. after enough stirring, you take a small sip to test if it’s good. a satisfied hum from your lips says it all.
as you turn around to start your journey back to your classroom, your heart drops.
standing across the room talking with a few other male colleagues, a man with brown hair and stands way taller than his two counterparts. clad in black button up shirt and dark denim jeans. a pair of thick rimmed glasses settled over his eyes.
the same miguel from the stupid party.
the same miguel you fucked that same night.
suddenly, you feel paralyzed. a wave of shock coursing through your body. jaw dropped and eyes popping out of your damn skull.
he’s a fucking professor here? at the same fucking university as you? what the actual fuck.
you fucked a coworker?
oh fuck.
those thoughts pause the moment his eyes meets yours before widening as well. his expression matches yours. a wave of anxiety hits you.
shit shit shit.
your body goes into panic mode and you bolted out of lounge. not sparing a glance at him. anxiety consumes your body like a virus. heart pounding in your chest as you hurriedly walk down the hallway. you didn’t notice the concern looks given your way as you rush back to your classroom.
a sudden wave of nausea hits you as you enter your classroom and hurriedly shut the door. tossing your coffee in the trash. the nausea destroyed your thirst and hunger simultaneously. holding your hands close to your chest, you slowly slide down against the door before sitting on the cold tile floor. the rapid drumbeat of your heart echos in your ears. chest heaving frantically and eyes fluttering.
this can’t be happening. this can’t be true.
miguel is a fucking professor?
but you’ve never seen him before in previous years. you’ve been teaching at nueva york university for four years. never once you saw his devilish handsome face on this campus. you’re 100% sure of it.
oh shit- is he new?
word has been announced a new professor, a biology professor specifically, has been hired.
oh my god- it’s fucking miguel.
glancing at the clock on the wall, your phone was on your desk so you couldn’t read the time easily, it’s an hour before your next lecture. that gives you time to deal with this mindfuck and calm down.
all you pray is to not run into miguel at all.
that ultimately fails when he catches you in the parking lot.
“don’t touch me.” you aggressively shrug away from his light touch on your upper arm, stomping your way to your car as fast as you can.
“please, can we talk?” miguel pleads, almost sounds desperate as he follows you like a lost puppy.
“no, stay the fuck away from me.”
“hermosa, pro favor—“
“stop!” you whirl around with bloodshot eyes, making him stop in his tracks. “stop following me! i don’t wanna fucking talk to you… at least, not in public…” you quickly glance around the parking lot, making sure there’s no bystanders.
his eyes do the same before sighing, his shoulders slumped. “i know, just please let me explain to you.”
you shake your head. “i said not in public.”
“then let’s go someplace else.”
“i’m not going anywhere with you.”
he frowns, secretly butthurt. “¿porque?”
“because i don’t wanna be seen with you because we’re coworkers! when people see us together too close, they’ll get the wrong idea.”
another sigh escapes his lips, understanding what you’re implying. “i understand but we really do need to talk—“
“no, we’re not talking. end of conversation.” you stomp your way to your car, which was only a foot away, ignoring miguel’s pleads.
part of you really wants to talk to him, know what the fuck is going on. it’s the right thing to do but the potential gossip of two professors hanging out with each other a bit too closely which could jeopardize you both consumes your mind.
miguel gives up and stops chasing after you once you got into your car and drive off with a pissed off face. shoulders still slumped as he sighs, feeling defeated and a little frustrated.
“fuck…” he curses at himself, running a hand through his brown curls.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
you avoided miguel like a fucking plague.
cooped up in your classroom majority of the day. the only times you’d leave is to use the restroom, fr an a quick snack from the local campus cafe, meet other professors for discussions.
luckily, miguel hasn’t shown up to your classroom. probably doesn’t know which room number is yours. although, you don’t doubt he has asked others for it. but still, he hasn’t shown up yet.
you never stepped foot in the lounge in fear of seeing him there like the previous time. too afraid to see his large silhouette around campus and chase after you.
you feel so fucking guilty. you truly are making this worse and awkward than it already is. you should talk to him, sort this shit out. communication is key.
but fear is consumes you like virus.
you fucking a coworker would cause a scandal. okay, maybe you’re being a little dramatic. you and miguel are both adults and professors. you just don’t want drama or gossip spreading around. coworkers whispering behind your back. that’s the last thing you need, more bullshit added to your list.
you exhale deeply as you walk down the hall towards your classroom. the first lecture starts in 20 minutes so you had time to grab breakfast at the campus cafe. a croissant sandwich and fruit.
“hey!” a familiar male voice calls out.
turning around, you see your coworker eddie. a sigh of relief leaves your lips, thankful it’s not miguel.
“hey, eddie.” you greet your friend with a smile.
“hey, me and the guys are meeting at jackie’s tonight. you still planning to come?”
the guys consist of you, eddie, your coworker peter and his wife mj, your other coworker jessica and her husband. eddie used to bring his girlfriend anne until they broke up. almost every friday, you all would head over to jackie’s, the local bar for funnies.
you nod with a smile. “yep, i’ll be there.”
“okay, cool! also, should i get red or white tulips?”
you quirk a brow, smirking. “you’re really trying to win back anne, aren’t you?”
a shameful smile plastered on his face. “yeah…” he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck with a hand.
you sigh, shaking your head with a smile. “white because they represent forgiveness.”
eddie claps excitedly with a big grin before pulling you in a quick, tight hug. “thank you, thank you, thank you! you’re the best!”
you chuckle at his enthusiasm. “of course, eddie.”
“see you tonight!” he lets you go then starts walking away with a wave.
you laugh, waving back. you hope things work out for him and anne, unlike you and miguel. you dismiss the thought with a head shake and walk away.
unknowingly, a pair of jealous brown eyes observed the interaction from down the hall. miguel knew eddie, one of the coworkers he became acquainted with on his first day. he sometimes gets on miguel’s nerves with his shitty ass humor, and consistent crying about his breakup with anne.
but oh eddie was really on his nerves when he pulled you into a hug. miguel’s jaw clenched and fists tightens at the intimate moment. he knows eddie is still in love with anne, would never chase after another woman because his heart still beats for her. by the interaction, it seems you two are friends which is totally fine. it’s normal to have friends.
but miguel’s brain says otherwise. eddie’s arms wrapped around you made his eye twitch. jealously boiling in his veins. miguel knows he shouldn’t be jealous because you’re not his and he’s not yours. but his feelings for you are strong. he wished it was him giving you that hug, just to feel you in his arms again.
your distant behavior was taking a toll on him. turning on your heel the minute he sees you and tries chasing you but ultimately fails. it leaves him upset and frustrated. miguel needs to talk to you.
he needs to find a way.
he has find a day to talk to you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
as you’re walking down the hall to your classroom, a yelp falls from your lips as you’re suddenly yanked by the arm into a supply closet. whirling around to face whoever snatched you, your eyes widen.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t have another choice.” miguel holds up his hand cautiously.
“dragging me into a supply closet, where the janitor can clearly walk in, was your only choice?”
he lowers his hands. “okay, not the greatest idea but i just need to talk to you.”
“no.” you try moving past him but his bigass frame blocks you completely. “ugh! move, miguel.”
“not until we talk.” he said sternly, crossing his arms.
you groan, rolling your eyes. “ya te dije, i don’t wanna talk to you. especially not here, miguel.”
“tell me why you’re freaking out and i’ll let you go.”
anger and impatience boils in your veins. nails digging into your palms as your fists tightens. “i swear, if you don’t move i’ll—“
“what are you gonna do, gatita?” he coos, smirking.
“don’t call me that, especially in public.”
“we’re in a supply closet, there’s no one else.”
you grown out of frustration. “ay por dios, miguel! let me out! i have a class in 10 minutes!”
miguel just stands there with an intimidating expression, piercing eyes looking down at you. his heart races in his chest. being so close to you again makes his mind hazy. it’s been weeks, almost a month since you’ve been in the same space, standing so close to each other. he fought his demons to touch you, hold you in his arms.
you whine, running both hands over your face. you can’t believe this is happening. locked in a closet with the man who’s been constantly on your mind. tossing and turning in your bed having wet dreams about. whose touches still linger on your skin.
you hate the way he towers over you so easily. you hate the way he can corner you with his big frame. you hate the way your heart is racing because of him.
“fine, you wanna talk? let’s talk. why didn’t you tell me?” you fold your arms, mirroring his posture.
you went straight to the point.
miguel sighs, frowning. “first, you never mentioned you worked at a college. second, at the time i didn’t know if i was getting the job or not. i didn’t get a call until a week after we met.”
allowing his words to sink in, you do remember not mentioning you’re a professor at nyu. you kept personal information private.
“okay, the first part is on me.” you state before sighing once again. “fuck…” you lean against the wall with a thud, staring at the ceiling to avoid his eyes.
“trust me, i’m just surprised as much as you are.” miguel takes a small step closer.
you look back at him, staring at each other for a moment. if you had superhearing, you’d hear both your rapid heartbeats. the close proximity makes you and miguel anxious, bashful messes.
quickly blinking, you snap out of it. “there, we talked, bye.” swooping past him, you quickly open the door and walk out, not giving him enough time to react.
thankfully, there wasn’t anyone in the hallway. rushing back to your classroom, you swiftly close the door and sat down at your desk. you let out a deep breath before slouching down in your chair.
you can’t believe that just happened.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
coffee and books, two of your favorite things. you pay a visit to your local bookshop café. you spend an hour and a half slipping on coffee while reading a murder mystery novel. once it’s time to leave, you pack up your things and exit the little café.
the night sky above tells you it was late. on the path home, you pass by a sketchy alleyway. decorated in graffiti and trash scattered among the floor. a shadowy figure emerges from the shadows.
“hello, gorgeous.” a homeless man.
you ignore him, picking up the pace so you can avoid the man at all costs.
“don’t walk awayyyy.” the idiot slurs.
“please, stay away from me.” you keep on walking but you can hear his footsteps behind you. anxiety begins creeping through your veins.
“whaaat, i’m not gonna—“
“leave the lady alone.” a third voice said.
turning around, you see miguel standing in between you and the homeless guy.
“s-sorry, man.” the man holds up his hands in surrender. a slightly frightened look on his face before walking away like a coward.
with a stern frown, miguel keeps a cautious eye on the guy until he was completely gone. he then turns around, about to ask if you’re okay but you opened your mouth already.
“you’re following me, now? fucking creep.”
miguel lets out a frustrated groan. “i’m not following you. i just left the boxing gym and was on my way home then i saw you on the way.”
“uh huh, sure.” you narrow your eyes at him.
“ay mujer, when will you fucking believe me for once?” a sigh escapes his lips.
your eyes dart at his outfit. a black tank top and a matching sweatshirt over it. gray motherfucking sweats. strings of hair sticked to his forehead due to sweat. his duffel bag hanging over his shoulder.
fuck, he looks so good. you imagine him boxing, muscles rippling with each punch—
no, can’t have horny thoughts right now.
“what is this? my knight in shining armor? real fucking classic, miguel.”
“wh- no. that homeless guy wouldn’t stop bothering you so of course i had to stop him.”
“oh so what? you want my token of gratitude? sorry, i don’t have a handkerchief on me.” you pretend checking yourself for one. “i’ll just say thank you and goodbye.” you turn around and start walking away.
miguel blinks in disbelief at your childish tactics then proceeds to follow you. “you can’t just keep ignoring me and pretend nothing happened!”
“yes, i can.” you state firmly, still walking away.
“just talk to me!”
a pregnant pause falls between you two. staring at one another. chests heaving, feeling breathless. your yelling cussed some heads to turn but neither of you care. people continue brushing past you both.
“not here…” you plead softly.
with a sigh, miguel silently nods and you both walk back to your apartment. the tension grew stronger during the silent walk back.
once you stepped foot into your apartment, you force miguel to take a shower because you don’t want his sweaty ass sitting in your living room. he teasing comment about showering together earned him a slap on the arm. his chuckling and smirk on his handsome face makes your skin crawl. he changed into his other set of clothes, different shirt and sweats. you take a shower after him, changing into a nightgown with a silky robe over it.
how the fuck did it get this far? one minute you’re avoiding him like a fucking virus at work, then he’s sitting on your couch after using your shower.
after offering him tea, you hand him is mug then sit down on the other end of the couch, leaving mic space between you two. much to his dismay but miguel understands and respects it.
another long awkward silence before miguel speaks up. “i was really happy i found you…” he glances at you. “i haven’t stop thinking about you since.”
that made your heart skip a beat.
“i really enjoyed spending time with you. i’ve never felt so connected with anyone before. i knew you were special the moment i saw you and i’m glad i decided to go to that dumb party to meet you.” he turns so he’s fully facing you. “believe me, spending time with you is better than any party.”
your heart did multiple summersaults. his words created butterflies in your tummy. never in your life someone had said such heartwarming words to you, nevertheless about you.
“when you left,” you notice his tone changes, a bit more sorrowful. “i was scared i’d never see you again. i asked some friends from the party if they knew you or at least your friends so i could find you. but i got no luck so i…” he pauses for a moment, sighing.
that guilty feeling returns, consuming your body. “i’m… i’m sorry i left. it’s just… i thought it was a one time thing so…” your gaze falters.
miguel frowns, upset but understands. he was about to say something but you continue on. he didn’t mind though. he wants to hear you.
“but the truth is i do feel the same way. i haven’t stopped thinking about you either. our conversations did mean something to me. i’ve never felt so comfortable with someone, especially right off the bat. it felt so nice having a sincere connection because it’s hard to find that with someone.”
you quickly glance up and see his expression softened. it reminds you of those conversations with him that night. how attentive and thoughtful he was.
“the reason why i’m freaking out is because coworkers dating isn’t really looked upon on well.” you tear away from his gaze with a shrug, concealing your embarrassment. “i didn’t want gossip spreading around and affect our jobs. especially you since you just started.” you let out another sad sigh.
that frown returns, but a concern frown. “hermosa…” scooting closer so he’s next to you, he gingerly cups your cheek with a hand, making you look back at him. “i appreciate your concern, a lot. i understand coworker relationships aren’t praised but honestly i don’t care.” he watched your eyes widen. “i don’t care what they say. what i do care about is you.”
your heart flutters, butterflies in you belly.
with both hands, he gently holds your face in his hands like the precious thing is in his palms. “i really like you, querida. i want nothing more than getting to know more of you, if you let me.”
at this point, you heart is beating like a drum. lashes fluttering and cheeks warm. his kind, heartwarming words washes your worries away. finally, you allow your heart to win. gently placing your hands on his wrists, you give them a loving squeeze. “sí.”
the corner of his lips curl up into a smile. a smile that makes your heart swoon. leaning closer, miguel gently pressed his lips on yours in a soft kiss. your hands leave his wrists to cup his face. his hands slowly move down your body, fingers skimming over the fabric of your silky robe waist as the kiss grows more passionate. instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck and lean closer. his own secured around your waist, tugging you closer to him.
things escalated quickly, growing spicier. soft moans and groans. lips devouring one another. hands roaming around feverishly. left with no patience, miguel quickly rises from the couch and rushes to your bedroom, carrying you bridal style in his arms. your laughs echoing in the hallway.
perhaps everything was going to be fine. as long as miguel is by your side and you by his, no negative comments or criticism will stop you from loving each other. in fact, nothing but praises came your way when your relationship was later revealed.
everything was fine.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. ♡ @rinyukaa @laysmt @felinespark @eatalyy @devotion @miss-canon-event @club-danger-zone @clearlysworld @unhinged-reader-36 @slut4oscarissac23 @hao-ming-8
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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