#me and my friends all motivate ourselves with snacks lol
emgoesmed · 2 years
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Tranquil study challenge day 17
15. What can you de-clutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?
I think my life is pretty simple these days, in a good way. I'd like to be a little less anxious and a little more organized, but I always feel that way. I'd like to journal more.
16. What is your favorite book at the moment? Now, find a song to match this book and explain your choice.
I don't know, I haven't had much time to read any books lately. :(
17. What misconceptions do people have about your area of study?
There are a lot of misconceptions and conspiracies about physicians and medicine in general, especially with the anti-vaccine movement in the US and the politicization of the pandemic.
Today, I am grateful for a quiet afternoon and evening.
Today, I choose to give my parents a call and see how they are doing.
Today, my goals are:
40 uworld questions
200-300 anki cards
submit practice CXR interpretations (2)
prep for small group practice question session next week
health equity quizzes (2)
draft final reflection for health equity class
start lit review for case study
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sunatooru · 3 years
hi i was wondering if i could send an emergency request. i just feel so numb and like,, what’s the point of everything ykw i mean? i love my friends and i love seeing their success but it seems that they’re thriving post covid but i’ve gone 20 steps back and am stagnant, not going forward. my usb w all my assignments for uni got corrupted and bc i didn’t back it up, i’ve lost 5 weeks worth of work i’ll have to redo, on top of half of an assignment i’ve done that’s due tomorrow. i still haven’t been able to get a job (not even an interview) and i’m feeling uglier everyday bc i can’t find time or motivation to work out. idc it’s all small things but it’s piling up, i find myself unable to find the motivation to cook and feeling like i’m judged everytime i step out. it just feels like i have nothing to live for basically, i keep entertaining thoughts of dropping out or just dying lmfaoo (i won’t do it, never even come close but the thoughts are always there). idek what the point of this is, do i want fluff? ig,, idk. could it please be w yamamoto, nishinoya, yaku and kageyama? or if you can’t write them all, just one or two. i know you’ve been full of emergency requests lately so whenever you get around to mine, i’ll be so grateful. thank you so much ❤️
Hi baby, I’m so sorry to hear about your usb! the audacity! I totally get what you’re feeling, everything seems unreachable and hard but I believe in you! I hope you managed to do that essay and don’t worry too much on the job (it took me a whole year to find a job),  ugly? you’re a beauty! and I know those thoughts come around but it’s good to know you would never.. I hope these are okay and if not I will happily write something better xx
Warning: frustrated reader
* he rushes to your room, hands behind his back as he excitedly enters
* He pauses when he sees your distressed expression, quickly going towards you as he wonders what’s wrong
* “Hey? Are you okay? Tell me, pretty?” He drops whether he had from his hand and instantly pulls you into him, arms secure around your shoulder as he kisses your temple
* When you tell him about everything going wrong for you, he’s quick to stop you
* “No! You’re amazing! So beautiful and amazing. So what other people seem to be doing better, everyone has a different journey. I know you, you have the guts to do whatever you want. I’ll be here supporting you!” He pulls back to tell you, a big motivating smile on his face as he rubs your shoulder
* He quickly goes to retrieve what he dropped, rubbing his nape before showing you the teddy bear that says ‘awesome’ on it
* “So you remember how great you are!”
* you’re upset and he’s gonna allow it? No
* He sees your hand scrunching your hair and his eyes widen when you he lol in frustration
* “Heyyy! Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself!” Gently removed your hand from your hair and holds them, squeezing them as he asks you to tell him what’s wrong
* “What?! Listen, don’t worry about what other people are doing. You’re incredible and I know you’ll end up doing something amazing. Okay, so far it hasn’t been great but don’t stop! We can only get better if we push ourselves, right?” He kisses your palms and looks at you
* “You’re so pretty and smart. You’ll get through this and look back at this and laugh. You got me! I’ll do my best to help you! Now, show me that pretty smile.” He chuckles as he pokes your sides, running his hands around you until he hears your laugh
* “Next time, if feel frustrated, just pull my hair instead.” He winks
* He’s there as soon as sees a missed call from you
* Finds you angrily throwing your usb and pulling at your face
* “Honey, you okay? What happen?” He pulls you away from your current place and has you sit on your bed
* His eyebrows are knitted when you choke out all the fortunates, his jaw clicking at the way you describe yourself
* “Stop. That’s not true. You’re gorgeous and you’ll get this! I’m so proud of how you’ve handled things so far. Don’t think so little of yourself because you are stunning and strong. I’ll help you with whatever you need. You know I’ll take care of you.”
* He’ll get you under the covers and and then join you, he’ll spoon you and play with your fingers, picking it up to place a soft kiss, whispering in your ear all the things you’ve done that are worth celebrating
* Afterwards he’ll bring you a snack, he’ll you over your work and give you kisses every minute for encouragement
* “You’re amazing, don’t forget that. Everyday I can’t wait to see you, touch you and kiss you. I’ll always support you, just don’t burden your feelings alone. I’m here for you.”
* Cuddles with you after, presses kisses all over your face and tells you a dumb joke, earning him your smile
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maerenee930 · 3 years
hi friends! i wanted to see how everyone is doing? i thought we could do a quick check in cause i wanna make sure everyone is doing okay 💙 so,
- have you had any water today? if not, please drink a glass! stay hydrated and take care of my friend! for real! you need to take care of my friend, you got it?
(sorry, i love my friends and i get a tad aggressive to make sure they take care of themselves lol)
- (for those who do take medications) did you take you meds today? if not, please do it!
- have you eaten today? or in a bit? if not, please have a snack! even if you’re not super hungry, please just have something small.
- do you need someone to vent to, talk to, need someone to listen and need a distraction for a bit? if you do, i’m always here for you! seriously, please let me know and i’m always here ❤️
- if you’re having a tough day, please be kind to yourself and cut yourself some slack 🥺 you have to be kind to my friend! and if you need some extra love cause i know we all have moments where it’s tough to love ourselves, please let me know and i can absolutely give you a little extra love!
- even if all you did was one thing today out of a list of things, keep in mind that you did do something! it doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, you still did it! and that’s amazing!! some days it’s tough to get a list full of things done 😣 but even just tackling one thing really is big! and even if you don’t feel like it’s a big deal, it really is!
- and even if you weren’t able to do anything today and maybe you just weren’t feeling like getting out of bed, that’s more than alright too. we all have and need days like that 💙 it’s okay to take a day for yourself and just let yourself be. allow yourself to feel how you need to, just don’t live in that feeling or those feelings for too long because it can be consuming and you don’t deserve that 💖
- also, this may sound silly but if you’re having a tough day, try and take a shower or bath. let yourself (please forgive me for how cheesy this is about to sound. i’m not trying to, but it’s really true) wash off everything that’s been going on. a shower or bath can really help and refresh us. and i know sometimes it’s hard to motivate ourselves to even do that but i promise you it can be so good for you! it doesn’t make everything better, but it can help even just a little bit.
- ooh and don’t forget to treat yourself! good day or not, everyone deserves to treat themselves every now and then! nothing says you have to get yourself something big, you could even just treat yourself to an icee and a snack (that’s what i do cause sometimes it’s just what i need and at the moment it’s all i should be spending some extra money on.) small treats can make a big difference!
- also, please take a few minutes to just appreciate yourself. take a minute to appreciate how amazing you are, how strong you are, how much you are loved, valued, wanted and needed! that you matter so much and you are doing your best! our brains like to make us feel terrible about ourselves and it really hurts and sucks. but sometimes, just remind yourself that those thoughts are just that, thoughts. they’re not facts! and if you need a little extra reassurance when that happens, i’m always here 🖤
- no matter what you’re going through, i proud of you! you’re still pushing through and making it and that’s not always easy and more often than not, it feels really tough to keep going 😣 but you’re doing it and that is so fantastic! also please know that you are absolutely worth fighting for. the fact that you’re pushing through the tough times for yourself is incredible! and again, i’m so proud of you! and i love you so much!!
i’m sorry this list is so long and i’m sorry for rambling 🖤 i hope all of this makes sense and i hope you know that i’m so glad you’re here! you may not know it or believe it but, you being apart of my life in any way (big or small) makes a difference and you matter to me! i’m very thankful you’re here and that i get to know you! please take care of yourself! sending you the biggest of hugs (if you’re okay with that of course! i know not everyone is okay with physical affection or just would rather not have that. and that’s totally understandable!) and i’m sending you so much love!! you got this, my dude! i’m so proud of you and i adore you!! 🖤
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odaatlover · 5 years
I know you're not shy about your weight loss so I was wondering if you can give any advice or tips on starting a weight loss journey. I work odd hours and going to a gym isn't feasible money wise. I know part of losing weight is eating right but idk how to, especially on nights I work late and grabbing a burger at McDonald's at 3am and passing out is easier than cooking.
OKAY, so this is a subject that I’m very passionate about so I’m about to info dump all over the place. Just a head’s up! 😂 
I just want to start by saying that your mindset about weight loss and getting healthy is very important. There’s this guy who is a fitness coach named Jordan Syatt, and he has this motto called “you can’t fuck up” (YCFU). Meaning, the only way you can fail is if you quit. It doesn’t matter if you get off track for a day, a month, a year, whatever…as long as you get back on, you didn’t fuck up. That’s such an important mentality to have about it because often people will go on vacation, have a good time eating whatever they want, get back home and weigh themselves, and then when they see that they’ve gained weight they feel like they failed and then say “well, I’ve already messed up this much, might as well just screw it and continue eating whatever I want” and then they make it worse, when in reality all they had to do was get back on track as soon as they got home. I just went on vacation for a week, and I ate things like pizza, donuts, chips, you name it! Of course I also had healthy foods because that’s what I was craving, but during the times when we wanted to eat out, we weren’t as restrictive with ourselves. And we had a good time. And now that I’m home, I’m back to eating my regular foods. In fact, I was even craving my grilled salmon and broccoli that I love having for dinner lol. Did I gain weight? Heck yeah! But I didn’t fuck up, because I got back on track. And that’s what matters. In the past, I would’ve freaked out seeing that number on the scale go up (which honestly most of it was water weight anyways from all the sodium) and I would’ve just said “Ah well screw it, what’s the point.” and gained more weight. But this time around with this mentality of YCFU, I felt more at ease and it actually made it easier to get back on track. And I’m still craving the healthy foods over the ones that’ll make me feel sluggish and bloated!
My advice on how to start: As Nike says, Just do it. I know that sounds so simple, but honestly, it is. Often people will wait for this burst of inspiration or motivation, but if you wait around for that to come along then you’ll just be wasting time you could’ve spent bettering your health. Start now. It’s going to suck at first, you’re not going to want to do it, but you know what? Life is full of doing things that we don’t want to do. But you’ll begin to see results, and then those results will give you the motivation you seek. So, action. results. and then motivation to reach your goals. It’s not going to suck forever; only in the beginning. Then you’ll get to a point where it just becomes habit and you start to do it because you want to, not because you feel like you have to. And that mindset of “wanting to” as opposed to “being forced to” is so incredibly important for success.
As for where to start: 100% start with your eating habits. You don’t have to change everything right away. In fact, you shouldn’t. Some people start by going from eating fast food every day to completely changing to a raw vegan diet and running at the gym for 5 hours every day. Going to the extreme right at the start like this will only set you up for failure, because you’ll get burnt out and want to give up. Instead, change little things at a time and give yourself room to progress. Do you drink a lot of calories? (i.e. sodas, juices, Starbucks fraps, etc.) If so, start with changing that. Try cutting that stuff out and drink water instead. Or at least switch to zero calorie drinks. They’re not the healthiest, but they’re better than regular sodas, and you’ll be cutting out so many calories you probably didn’t even realize you were consuming. Most people lose at least 5 lbs just from that! So maybe do that the first week, then maybe the next week you can start switching other parts of your diet. Maybe that even means getting McDonald’s twice a week instead of every day, and making your own meals the rest of the time. Or maybe it’s cutting out fast food completely, but making homemade burgers. Just don’t feel like you have to change everything right away, because weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Those who lose weight quickly are more likely to gain it back. Ever seen The Biggest Loser? Prime example of this. It’s a lifetime commitment, not “oh I’ll eat healthy now and then when I reach my goal weight I can go back to eating McDonald’s all the time”.
I don’t like “fad diets” like Atkins, Weight Watchers, keto, etc., simply because they’re not sustainable. They’re meant to jump start weight loss, not to be something you do for the rest of your life. Most people who do these kinds of diets get bored or tired of it and they stop, but they don’t have any knowledge about the foods they’re eating and revert back to old habits. I’m not saying these diets aren’t good, because they can actually be really good tools for starting. But they’re beneficial ONLY if you understand why these diets are helping you lose weight. Knowledge is the most important tool here. Everyone knows that cake isn’t that good for you, but do you know why it’s not that good for you? Read food labels, learn about your body and how many calories you burn throughout the day, find which foods make you feel better versus ones that make you feel sluggish, and understand why. Do you know how much a serving size is of the food you’re eating? Do you know which foods have high protein? Do you know which fruits have a higher water content (apples, oranges, etc.) and will make you feel fuller longer than starchy fruits (bananas)? You can learn this without these diets quite easily. Which by the way, I’ve never done any kind of diet like that. In the end, you want something that’s sustainable. If you’re eating foods that you hate, that’s not sustainable. If you’re eating low carb or no carb, that’s not sustainable. Fitness and health doesn’t end when you get to your goal weight, it’s a lifetime kind of deal. So you have to find foods that you truly enjoy eating in order to make it sustainable. But knowledge, and applying that knowledge, is extremely important.
MEAL PREP IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. Nobody wants to cook dinner after a long day of work. I sure as hell don’t. So take some time on the weekends or days off to prepare your foods for the week. Put them in to-go containers so that all you have to do is pop them in the microwave when you get home. Things like casseroles and stews you don’t have to put in containers, but are still pre-made and can be popped in the microwave. There are also foods that don’t need much cooking, like tuna sandwiches or frozen veggies. Snacks that are easily accessible like berries or greek yogurt are good too. But if you know you’re going to go for the bag of chips over fruits, then don’t have them in the house. My wife and I are both the type who will eat an entire bag of chips or box of cookies in one sitting. So we don’t buy them. And if we do want chips or cookies, like really craving it, then we’ll get one of those individual ones from the gas station. But we won’t buy full bags or boxes. If they’re not in the house, they’re not an option. If you live with a partner, then having them on board with this is very important. I would not be able to do this if my wife bought cookies and chips all the time. We’re both on the same page, and that’s necessary. When I moved back home with my parents after college they had all kinds of bad stuff, and I couldn’t stay away from it. So I bought my own foods and used the mini fridge we had and had my own shelf on the rack by the wall so that I never opened the fridge or the pantry to even see what they had bought because it was too tempting. This can help if you have a partner who is not on the same page as you.
McDonald’s sounds appealing not only because it’s fast and easy, but because it tastes so damn good. And anybody who says it doesn’t is a liar lol. Because if it didn’t taste good, then they wouldn’t be making millions of dollars. Foods like that (Oreos, cereals, crackers, anything processed) are made to taste so good that nothing from the ground can replicate that taste or be as good. And that’s a dangerous thing, because that’s how they hook you. If you eat an Oreo and then eat a strawberry, you better believe that the strawberry is not going to taste as sweet! But the good news is, you can change your tastebuds to crave healthy foods. I don’t eat oreos, and strawberries taste pretty amazing to me and I crave them often. When grocery shopping, stay away from the middle aisles! That’s where all of the tempting processed stuff will be. Stay on the outsides. Again, it’s going to suck at first, but I promise you’ll begin to crave those healthy foods over fast food. But you just have to start!
As far as fitness goes, you don’t need a gym membership to lose weight. If you want one, I highly recommend Planet Fitness because it’s only $10/month (with a $29 startup fee and $39 annual fee), but you don’t need a gym membership. I go to the gym, not to help me lose weight, but so that I’m active. I do it to get stronger and to help me from getting winded going up one flight of stairs. Or so that if something attacks me I can run away. Or to help my back problems. But I don’t factor my fitness into my losing weight, because most of your calories burned come from everything else. I don’t even count how many calories I burn at the gym, because I just really don’t care. Eating healthy helps you lose weight, and going to the gym only speeds up that process a little. If you want to be more active, you can start by walking. I walk 30 minutes around the neighborhood everyday, and I absolutely love it. It helps clear my head. Whatever fitness thing you do, make sure it’s something you enjoy. If you hate running, don’t run. If you hate cycling, don’t go cycling. If you hate weight lifting, then don’t do it. But if you like yoga, then do that. Life isn’t meant to be grueling, so find something you enjoy that will benefit your health, because there’s something out there for you!
And the last thing I want to say is, don’t let the scale be your only tool to measure your weight loss. In fact, I don’t even like to call it “weight loss” but rather “fat loss” or “getting healthy”. Sure, use the scale every once in a while to see overall progress, but your weight fluctuates all the time. And muscle weighs more than fat. I’ve had times where I actually gained a pound or two, but I looked slimmer. Use other ways to measure your progress, such as how your clothes fit or by taking pictures of yourself and comparing those. But if you only use the scale, you’ll be disappointed because it won’t be a consistent drop in numbers, no matter how clean you eat and how much you exercise. That’s just how the human body works; it fluctuates because of things like water retention, not getting enough sleep, being stressed, etc.. If the scale hasn’t moved but you’re feeling better and clothes are starting to fit better, then you’re on the right track!
Whew. I know that was an excessive amount of information, but I wanted to share the most important things with you because feeling good about yourself is so important. This is all based on what I believe, and the most important thing is finding what works best for you! If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a DM or another ask, and I’ll gladly answer them! You can do this! 💪
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ofcloudsandstars · 7 years
✧ *.🐇Ostara Solitary Rituals🐇*✧
As fresh green sprouts spring from the earth and crocuses bloom, the Vernal Equinox is arriving! Melodic sounds of birds whistle in the air, buns emerge from their burrows, the earth is awake and life resumes again! It's time to celebrate the start of a new cycle and sow seeds of personal growth for the cycle to come! The symbolism of the beginning and child is strong with this sabbat for it's also the start of the Zodiac season where Aries the Ram charges into the new season ready to begin again!
A lot of us witches practice alone and have our own solitary rituals for each sabbat that we observe (or the ones we’ve created just for ourselves that we observe alone!) Like any solitary eclectic witch I do things my own different way but some of these things might line up with others practices. I do refer to some of the equinoxes/solstices/crossquarters by their celtic sabbat names but I celebrate them in a secular animist way and treat the wheel of the year I celebrate as more of an agrarian cycle and celebrating nature. I use sabbat names as a point of reference and also people that do celebrate these witches sabbats more traditionally might find value in my personal practice!  Here is my personal correspondences post and my personal Ostara tag!
 When I am alone and casting spells a lot of it is visualization/intent so my solitary rituals are more like activities I like to do then specifically casting a spell. If I am doing a spell with an activity based on it a lot would be listening to music to get in the mood and focusing on a candle while visualizing for a period of time! Eves are also important to my celebration as I like to stay up until midnight and cast a spell then!
Spring Equinox’s Eve
Monday, March 19th 2018
Rain Cleansing Rain water is a common magic ingredient in some witches spell and especially with the passing Pisces season and winter’s end bringing a lot of rain, often this time of year there is no shortage of rain water. Use some collected rain water in a spray bottle and spray the air and yourself visualizing the spring rains washing away what's left of winter. Open your window to let in fresh spring air and use the rainwater spray to energetically cleanse the space inside. Optional but you can add drops of eucalyptus fragrance or lily of the valley in it. (I prefer to have it plain since rain smells plain).
Spring Cleaning Clear the last of what you don’t want in your space. Dump old things you’ve been holding on to but don’t necessarily need. Refresh your home. Light incense like rain, green tea or sweet grass as you clean.
Eggshells Save eggshells and clean them out. Make a quiche for Ostara and save all the eggshells as much as possible. Try to make a small hole on one side (preferably the narrow side) to extract the yolk and clean the eggs to keep them handy. With cleaned eggshells you can:
Make eggshell candles You can assign each candle an aspect you’d want to grow or something positive you’d like to manifest by ‘hatching’ into your life such as: prosperity, new friends or new connections. Examples: 1 , 2
Make seed starters By sprouting some seeds in the eggshells you can cultivate herbs/plants you’d like to have for the year. Herbs for the kitchen are probably the easiest and once the plant exceeds the space of the shell, it can use the nutrients of the shell as food. It’s a personal tradition of mine where I enjoy repotting plants or planting things in general for Beltane so by Beltane the sprout would have grown large enough to be planted in it’s own pot or into the ground! Here’s a link on how to make seed eggshell starters.  
Spring themed snacks Enjoy some snacks while doing crafts such as pepita seeds, candy eggs, jelly beans, wasabi or snap peas, edamame, sour cream and onion chips and rice krispy treats or rice krispy bird nests if you want to be very festive lol.  
Decorate Cleanse and redecorate your altar and space with moss art, (they sell fake moss mats too at craft stores which make pretty centerpieces), egg candles, pussywillow, bulbs, crocus and sprouts. Use images of the march hare to invite energy of vitality, motivation and drive to inspire you to reach your goals for the upcoming cycle!
Egg Tree Create an ostara tree by getting a vase and collecting any branches you find on the ground. Thank the trees for their offerings. Decorate eggs with symbols or whatever has meaning to you and what you’d like to attract to your life and tie them to the branches. Here is a DIY.
Ostara is the ideal time to focus on what you’d like to grow in your life. Focus on what you’d like to nurture for the cycle to come. Prioritize things that will help you reach your goals. 
Hatching and Manifesting You can write spells on your saved eggshells symbolizing things you'd want to grow and plant seeds in them. A lot of green witches do magic by tending to sprouts and plants as a link to their manifesting spell to help bring it to life! If planting seeds is not an option then make an eggshell candle and light it while visualizing your intent.
Seeking a new direction Ostara is about life beginning again. If you feel like you need a fresh start, use a tarot deck and shuffle it a few times concentration on a new path. Once you are satisfied, look through it for the fool card. On the card next to it should be the direction you should go towards. If the fool is reversed and looking at the card behind it then it might symbolize you are on the wrong path and focused perhaps on something in your past. The one next to it (technically the one that comes after it in the deck) should be the direction you should focus on. 
Birds of a feather! Spring is definitely a time for finding your match whether it be new friends, new connections, new network or a new lover! People are more out and about. An animal that marks spring time to me and also socializing are spring birds especially like the robin or bluebirds. Use feathers in your spells to attract your kind or your mate. (March hare symbolism works too with attraction spells but in my opinion it’s way more sexual than it is about socializing or romance/friendship). Some ideas could be making a charm with a feather to keep on your person that you’ll use when you go out to meet people. The ideas for attraction glamours and spells are endless so I won’t ramble on here lol. 
 Ostara Day
March 20th 2018
Wear bright greens!! (it's funny cause it also kind of coincides with the green theme of march cause of st patricks day but I don't really celebrate st patrick yet I wear bright greens for spring equinox to symbolize plants sprouting and reviving!) If green isn't your thing wear pastels! A lot of my witchy friends and I LOVE the color Robin Egg Blue for Ostara so that soft blue is my second go to!
Food ‘Growth’ Spell You can prepare a ‘Dragon’s Egg’ bless it with the intent that you’d want it to give you power of determination, courage and drive for the season to come and eat it (like consuming it’s power). I like to make these eggs by hardboiling a regular egg, preparing a sandwich bag of food coloring of your choice (reddish gold is great), add some chili powder and peppers and put the egg in (still with it’s hardshell on) and crush it up while it’s in there. Let the egg soak in the coloring and spices and once you peel it it’ll look like this. If you don’t eat eggs, a great alternative are lima beans. They are big green seeds! I also like to use pepita seeds in a food spell to manifest self growth. You can take a seed and put intention into it then swallow it after.
Green Tea Such as the way pumpkin is the season-long flavor of autumn for me the seasonal flavor is green tea. I think it’s the combination of the color, it’s herbal earthy freshness and it’s ability to wake you up and energize you. Especially if you are on the go today and don’t have time for anything enjoy a matcha latte or a green tea. Savor it’s earthy flavor and feel it making you more awake and alert for the new season!  
Whistle to bring in good energy I find the sounds of light flutes and whistling to be the preferred music and or instrument of Ostara. To me it symbolizes the return of the birds and the lightness of spring and also the soft breeziness of the season (also in Wiccanism it's ruled by Air which is interesting). If you are familiar with intoning you can try to cleanse your space with a light and powerful whistle.   
Ostara Music I have a few music links on my digital grimoire for each sabbat and some playlists. Flutes is the primary instrument I associate with this sabbat. I like to pick one of the flute sound tracks and open one of the white noise sound tracks and let them play together.
I made a coherent music post here with instructions on how I listen to the music. (I like to layer sounds ontop of each other- usually a natural white noise soundtrack- in this case singing birds for Spring, and then play instrumental music over it).
Connecting with your inner child Ostara is a playful holiday that also honors children. Be extra kind to children close to you today and also get in touch with your own inner child. Make art to welcome spring like watercolor outside or use crayons and don't judge whatever you create. Or treat yourself with things your childself loves such as candy, cookies, blowing bubbles, swinging on swings, jumping on a trampoline. If it's raining or too cold to be outside make a magical pillow fort to do magic in. Make a cream soda float, watch ghibli films. Do shadow work to connect with your inner child. Focus on this next cycle to come by satisfying your inner child's dreams.
Be Outdoors If the day is nice take yourself out for a bike ride or a picnic! Go on an ostara scavenger hunt for magical items for your craft such as a stone you might find and like that you could paint or a four leaf clover, a fresh bird’s feather or a blossom. Remember to ask the plants permission before you take and to leave offerings for gratitude. Seeds edible to animals or local wildflower seeds would be the nicest! 
Spring Showers Usually spring equinox has been gorgeous for the past few years but if the day is rainy collect the first spring's showers! It has it’s own magical significance! Spring Showers brings growth for spring blossoms and plants and it is very reviving. If it happens to snow, spring's first snow/frost is magical too but for curses.
Flower Channeling It’s been way too cold for a while to be outside but if it’s nice take yourself to a park or your back yard, find a patch of crocuses or snowdrops and spend a moment to be barefoot on the earth. Feel their gentle energy pushing through the earth to start with fresh optimism. Find that energy within yourself to begin this new cycle.
Rain Channeling If the weather is too unfavorable to do that then find a space in your home by a window and take a moment to channel the energy of Spring’s Shower to your body. You can either put your back against the window if possible or even open the window and let your palms out upright to capture the rain. (Bonus if you want to be that dramatic witch bitch and stand under the rain to really let it cleanse you but I don’t want to give advice that might get people sick if they aren’t careful lol.)
Feast!! I love making food for Ostara! I always go for spring produce like onions, chives, spinach, butter lettuce, asparagus, carrots, parsnips, peas, sugar snap peas, sprouts and turnips. If I’m making food for myself I go for a nice quiche with a butter lettuce salad and simple dijon vinaigrette. Some dishes I love making are like the cucumber dill yogurt salad, split pea soup, chicken with spring onions and pastel colored deviled eggs. Even if you don’t feel motivated to make anything too complicated for yourself you can make something easily spring themed like ostara ramen lol. [Get a ramen packet and boil and egg in another pot. Top your finished ramen with chopped chives and sesame seeds and a boiled egg. Bam. (Bonus if its green tea ramen noodles).] For desserts I love things that are matcha, praline, pistachio or almond based. I love floral nutty flavors for spring. Getting a simple carrot cake to enjoy should be easy or you could enjoy a simple custard! Years ago I made an Ostara fantasy feast you can check out if you’d like some ideas!
Leave offerings for the Spirits of Spring! 
Spring Birds are also always wonderful to work with and fun to leave offerings of food like seeds for! They will help you with socializing and making connections!
It’s always lucky to befriend some stirring plants and leave them something as well. Especially if you whisper to them your secret wishes they’ll try to help them grow! 
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @aubzylynn for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Aubrey, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
I think I was 12. My best friend at the time and I wrote Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fanfic. We also put ourselves into the stories as OCs. I also wrote for Full Metal Alchemist, InuYasha, I also had my own HP fics, and I think I even had an Eregon oneshot at some point when I started lol. I’m confident there’s more, but it’s been such a long time.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I actually really enjoy both. Like, with reader inserts, I can inject a lot of my (or my friends) quirks and fears and insecurities into the reader and get messages back from readers saying that they really connected with the story or the reader. And OC’s are always fun because they have their own personality and it’s fun for me to figure out who they are.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Fluffffffff. Yall know I can’t write a story without a happy ending.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Surprisingly, I don’t think I have one. They’re all fine. I wish I had time to go through and kind of update a few of them, but there’s not really any that I’m super embarrassed by.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
First thing in the morning. Right after I wake up. It doesn’t happen very often, but it’s easiest then. I’m not bogged down by my jobs or my brain. It’s easiest to get into a good headspace.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Usually from Sarah or other friends–the stories they tell, the things I read or see.
7) What’s your favorite scene that you’ve written?
Hmm..there’s a scene in my 40’s series that I’m pretty proud of. The reader, Bucky, and Steve are all reunited at long last and it’s really sweet and I dunno I really just love it.
But, if we’re going off of fics that I’ve posted…this is probably going to sound so bad, but the Kennedy assassination in Control was interesting to write. I actually watched old news footage of it. The chaos, the panic, the craziness, and then having her reunite with the Soldier and there’s a little spark is just ugh. It’s one of my favorites.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Not yet. Luckily, my followers and readers have been incredibly kind. I’ve never really had any hate or criticism for my stories.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
This should be easy to tell, but it’s Bucky. Lol He’s got such an interesting depth and so many layers and I know I always write him so soft and loving but I also love to read fics where he’s the Soldier and the ones that explore the different sides of him. Someday I want to write those different shades of Bucky.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
I don’t have a whole lot of experience writing a lot of the characters, so I can’t really pick one. It feels unfair. I would like to write more for other characters to be a stronger author and to have some variety.
11) How do you come up with the titles for your stories?
I’m so unoriginal when it comes to titles, tbh. Like, my most creative one was Nomonakalo and that’s literally because I was looking for “apocalypse” in Xhosa. But I didn’t like any of the translations for “apocalypse” so I looked up synonyms until I landed on “devastation,” and here we are. The others, are song titles, like Control. And some are a word or two about the story, like Midnight Snack, or Partner.
12) What do you think is the best idea you’ve had for a story so far?
Nomonakalo is the best idea I’ve ever had. I hope to continue it someday even though it didn’t get a lot of love. I also have a Princess Bride au on ice in the back of my brain that I’m pretty sure is gonna be fantastic.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Oh god so many. My poor babies. I’m not inspired by the request or they’ve gotten to be too big for me to handle.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
Maybe Partner or Blind Date. Or even a sequel to Cuddle Drabbles, but the focus would be on Steve instead. I’ve been playing with the ideas of a Steve Cuddle Drabbles for a really long time.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Road to Schkeuditz. I hated that it ended so angsty. I wanted to do more, but I didn’t know the timeline and when Bucky would wake up. But I think I might write a little something someday about the reader visiting him in Wakanda after he’s healed.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
I have so, so many, but I’m gonna do the first three that came to mind.
I admire @sarahwroteathing. I know she’s my best friend, but guys. G u y s. Sarah’s so talented. I admire her work ethic and how hard she works on her stories. Soundtrack has been giving her grief for over a year, and she’s still working on it. It’s still one of the best stories I’ve ever read and it amazes me how much care she puts into her writing.
@soldatbarnes is also another great friend and amazing author. I also love how she perseveres through her tough times. She amazes me. I’ll see her posts about not being inspired to write, or wishing she had more time to do so, and then she’ll come out with an amazing story that’s beautifully written. She’s incredible.
@bitsandbobsandstuff is fucking phenomenal. I love her writing. It’s so in depth and wonderfully crafted. I aspire to be as amazing as she is.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
I’m probably gonna get hate for this, but i can’t reread the Cuddle Drabbles. It’s my first time writing and posting for the MCU and I can tell. It’s cringey to me. But I get such sweet messages about it every now and again, and I can’t bring myself to change it.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
I do it both ways. Sometimes a focus playlist is needed and other times my brain can’t think if there’s any noise. Just depends on what it is.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Yep. Chin Up, Princess made me cry. It was what I needed someone to say to me, and having it come from Tony just made me more emotional than I had anticipated.
20) Which part of your fics have been the hardest to write?
I overthink action scenes. I struggle with thinking it sounds forced or unorganic, sometimes.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Umm both. I make an outline just to know where I’m going, but sometimes it diverges because it’ll flow a different way while I’m writing it.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
How addicting the praise can be, and sometimes it doesn’t seem like enough. I love getting sweet messages more than I could ever attempt to tell you.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
Yes. Nomonakalooooooooo. My poor baby. I worked the hardest on it and it has the least amount of notes of any of my fics.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
No, not really. Sometimes, I’ll see someone start the Cuddle Drabbles or Road to Schkeuditz and I’ll think “oh here we go, they’re gonna flood my notifications with likes” but I mean that’s the most that happens lol
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Um, a few. But, it’s pretty minor. The reader in A December Deception has some of Sarah’s mannerisms, and Morgan in Handsome Stranger is basically my friend Morgan. I have an OC in my 40’s series based on my friend Cassidy, and the reader’s best friend in a wedding fic is essentially Sarah. (I mean, she’s marrying Steve. How could I not make her the bride? Lol)
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Sarah called Nomonakalo “emotionally excellent” and I still haven’t recovered from it. She sent me an email responding to everything. It was practically an essay. I still reread it when I feel like quitting.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
“The reader says ‘dude’ too much,” and “focus more on Bucky’s feelings.” I don’t really get a whole lot of negative feedback.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
Sarah and Cassidy are pretty much the people I’ll run to. But, I will keep them close to my chest if I’m not sure I want to proceed with the story or not.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction?
Some do, yeah. My friend Ashlee actually found some of my writing and actually read it. I wasn’t prepared for that. It’s unclear if my family knows that I still do, but they definitely knew that I did when I was a kid.
30) What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Probably Sam in Road to Schkeuditz. I had a lot of fun with him!
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
Feedback. It really does keep me going. Seeing others enjoying what I’m writing about keeps me motivated to finish a story.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
So, after deliberation with Sarah, I’ve realized that I don’t have a favorite to write. I haven’t written enough to really have a favorite!
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
The first fic ever? No. God no. I can’t remember. It was probably my friend’s HP fanfic. I can remember the first fic I read for supernatural was from Mimi, and the first from the MCU was from Tesla. But I don’t remember what the stories were.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Fluff. Always fluff. I can’t have a story end on a sad or bad note. It always has to have a happy ending.
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changxpressions · 3 years
Connie Yuen | 3rd year | NPB & Psychology
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Name: Connie Yuen
Excomm: Membership Vice President
What, or who, motivates you to work hard?
My future motivates me to work hard. Understanding the potential of what the future can hold and how the present experiences shape what it can look like pushes me to make the decisions I do. The past sacrifices my family have made for me and the current support I get from my friends and family also play a part in it. 
What is your proudest moment?
My proudest moment is reapplying for a position and being accepted the second time around. After being rejected the first time, I reflected on the experience and what I could offer to the position and applying the second time around with a better understanding of what kind of person they were looking for and how I fit into that description. Applying in itself took some courage and getting accepted was a moment where I felt proud of my efforts to grow and improve myself to come back as a better applicant.
Name 3 personality traits that you are the most proud of.
The 3 personality traits I am the most proud of are being considerate, sincere, and compassionate. 
What are 1-3 things on your bucket list?
Some of the things on my bucket list are: to study abroad (hahah it got cancelled twice now :’) it do b like that), to get a tattoo, and to go sky diving! 
If you were a rapper, what would your rapper name be?
If I were a rapper, my name would be u&i. 
Describe one of your dreams (in terms of what you want to do, see, go, etc).
One of my dreams is to go back to Guangzhou and visit my parent’s hometown with my family and visit all the places in their childhood/ early adulthood that have shaped them to become the person they are today. I want to learn more about my parents as people and how they came to be the people I know them as now. 
Milk first or cereal first?
There is only one right answer to this question and it should be cereal first always (I’m looking at you Anna LOL). The only exception to this would be if you want hot milk with your cereal. In that case, milk first would be acceptable. 
What's your go-to midnight snack?
My go-to midnight snacks are Eggo Brown Sugar Cinnamon Wafflers or corn dogs. 
To you, what is home?
Home isn’t so much a physical place, as it is being around friends and family that make me feel safe and supported. When I’m around these people, I feel at ease and understood. 
Describe the first memory that comes to mind when you think of a happy moment.
Last summer, 5 of my close high school friends and I gathered outside our high school for a picnic and board games. WE also decided to write letters to ourselves 5 year into the future and put it into a time capsule. It was a day of a lot of laughter, catching up, and just enjoying each other’s company. 
What is something you'd want to say to your past self?
I used to put a lot of pressure on myself and would get stressed out whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do in the future. I would rack my brain and scramble for an acceptable answer. Although there were people around me that continuously assured me that it’s perfectly normal to be confused and that a majority of people end up in careers completely unrelated to their majors, I was still uneasy. Logically, this all made sense to me, yet, I still found myself worrying and stressing. I would like to tell my past self that I’m doing a good job and to not measure my own success by comparing my progress with others around me. We all have our own journeys and paths to walk and it’s part of what makes us unique as individuals. I would say that it’s totally okay to not know who I am or where I am in life. Part of living life is learning to accept the decisions we do/ don’t make, but every moment is filled with the opportunity to make these decisions. There are plenty of chances  in life to learn and grow and change our minds about the decisions we’ve made. I just need to have faith in myself that in each of those decisive moments that I will make the best choice for myself at that time. The world is always changing just like we ourselves change with every new encounter and experience, no decision is ever permanent or final.
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moirajournals · 7 years
“Person behind the studyblr” tag!
I saw @stillstudies post this tag and I thought it was really cool. She tagged anyone who wanted to do it. I don’t exactly see my blog as a studyblr because I’m done with school, but it’s still a neat idea. Is a journalblr a thing? Lol. 
Rules: With a lot of people getting ready to head back to classes, I figured we all needed to take a moment and remind ourselves why we’re here. So just copy and paste these questions, answer them honestly, and tag 5 other studyblrs that you want to get to know a bit better. Share your stories, your inspirations, and let’s get to know our community a bit.
What motivates you to aim for success?
I struggle with motivation a lot, actually. Sometimes I get very stressed, anxious and a little depressed and when I’m in that space I struggle to feel inspired or motivated. My mental health can impact my creativity, so my main motivator is wanting to live a creative life. I want to do fun stuff and be proud of myself. I’m very motivated to get a full-time job now that I’ve graduated college, because I want to get my own place and become financially independent. Being independent is a great motivator. 
Who inspires you to do your best?
So many people. My parents are very hardworking and have always encouraged my sister and I to be the same way. My mom actually recently went back to grad school, which is so badass. I also have a lot of friends who are getting shit done and being awesome, which creates a great support system. I’m very lucky. I also see a lot of cool online content creators who are achieving their dreams and getting success purely by being authentic, not because they’re famous. It’s not about beauty, it’s about talent and creativity, and that’s so great to see because I feel more connected to them than celebrities. 
What do you want people to know about you?
Huh, I don’t know. Follow me on Instagram. Haha - I’m kidding. Not really though. I have a weird sense of humor and a lot of memes are involved. Often I can be a huge fangirl and I’m not ashamed of it, no matter how nerdy I can get. I’m 22, born and raised in California, and just graduated college with a degree in journalism. I love classic rock and Fleetwood Mac is the band I know will never let me down. Making new friends is great, so message me whenever if you wanna chat! 
What’s some advice you’d like to share?
Just do things. Don’t get hung up on if it’s good enough, if people are going to like it or if it’s going to blow up on the internet. If you wait until something is perfect to share it, you never will. Perfectionism can really ruin creativity. 
Remember that being creative isn’t easy for anyone. This is an underlying message in “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert, which I really recommend for anyone feeling uninspired or missing the creative spirit they once had.
Make room for self-care! Know your mental space, coping mechanisms, have a list of comfort movies and tv shows that always cheer you up and never feel guilty for taking care of yourself. If that means staying in on a Friday night and eating unhealthy snacks so you can recharge, that’s okay! 
“Stay true to yourself, but be a good person while you’re at it.” This is a Gillian Anderson quote and I think it’s really great. Be whoever you are, even if that means being messy or super emotional or unorganized or jealous sometimes. As long as you’re a good person, you don’t need to change a single thing. 
I want to tag @sapphicstudies , @celandinestudies , @little-studies , @journalsanctuary & @studyrose but also anyone who wants to do this! Tag me so I can see your answers :) 
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scottyunfamous · 7 years
My First (and Last) Fitness Rave
Whaddup fancy face!
Let me start by saying how awesome it is to know that you’re all as awkward as me! I thought my last post was going to make me look strange(er than usual), but then everyone was like ‘Omg bitch, same!’, so now I feel less weird about finding hiding places to work out in, in the gym lol. I have a holiday off of work this week and will be attempting the weights room…and all of its horrors *cough* men *cough*.
Two weeks ago my betch, Delia-Rene (Vexy, for my SDTV heads), hit me up to go to a fitness rave. Yes heaux, a whole rave for fitness! She’s embarked on her own fitness journey and previously attended DJ Melody Kane’s, ‘No Kane, No Gain’. After watching it back on her Snapchat I thought, ‘Rah, that’s actually a dope idea’, so when she presented ‘The Night Shift’ to me I was totally up for it…plus early bird tickets were £5, and heaux, until we upgrade from this pre-rich bank account, frugal is life.
The Night Shift’s tagline was, ‘Don’t get drunk, get pumped!’ If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that getting drunk is one of my favourite pastimes…(as is getting pumped…*wink*), so it didn’t light a fire under me right away. Honestly, I kept wondering how much more fun it would be to work out whilst drunk. I tried working out whilst high once, but a side effect of weed is cotton mouth. I was too thirsty to continue so I ended up eating snacks and watching the rest of my Zumba DVD from the comfort of the sofa. T’was a productive day.
Back to the fitness rave.
If you follow me on Snapchat, you already know I go to the gym looking ruff and tuff like carpet fluff (though since the hot new guy has started working in my gym I’ve made an effort to do my hair, and by do my hair I mean secure my wig) but this was a RAVE, which (in Scotty-land) means that extraness was allowed, so I swapped my mash up house clothes for some mesh panel leggings, a fitted top, boxer braids and my regular dick appointment makeup (5 minute makeup for when you wanna make an effort for bae, but not really).
The event was held in the Camden Centre. There was stage with a DJ playing some big tunes, two male trainers and a room full of women of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities, patiently waiting for the inevitable torture to begin, underneath a domed ceiling with a chandelier/disco ball thing and colourful strobe lights.
The smoke machine billowed cooling smoke across the stage, and all I could think was…what about us? Bitch, it was HOT! There wasn’t a lick of air conditioning in there, just two dibby-dibby windows opened wide enough to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ANYBODY, a fan near the front that might as well have been switched off because made no fucking difference, and a bag of bitches with body heat. But I was excited same way, fancy faces. I couldn’t wait to lose this weight in my very first fitness rave.
After doing our obligatory snapping so that Snapchat could see how extra healthy (and generally extra we are), the class began. We placed ourselves towards the back -in the middle so that we’d be less noticeable in the sea of bodies when we skipped the exercises we didn’t want to do, and to make escape easier. These were regular occurrences.
We began with boxercise to soca music. I’m a soca head so I was HERE for it. It’s hard to get tired or fed up when soca music is on (not that it stopped the tiredness altogether, but it helped).  It was like carnival…but not anywhere near as fun. Fun is easily annihilated when you start asking people to do burpees…or any kind of floor work, and bitch, there was floor work galore! Now, I can’t really complain because more time when they asked us to do shit we wasn’t finna do, it either meant that it was time for a fake water break, an option #2 (which is a nice way of saying ‘it looks like that hard ass move you want me to do is working these particular muscles, so I’mma find a lazy ass way to work them without doing what the fuck you told me to do’), or straight up giving each other the ‘seasoned friendship look’ (you know the look, the one that is like you saying 'bitchhhh' without saying it) and not doing it.
At the start, when we didn’t want to do something at all, there were half-assed attempts to make it look like we were trying, just so the trainers wouldn’t notice that much. An example of said attempt was being instructed to do press ups, but instead of actually moving, you just lie on the ground with your hands in position and wait for everyone else to finish so you can reserve the energy you don’t have for the next move.
Stop judging me.
In my defence, for every exercise I did not attempt, I made up for it but dancing inappropriately to the music because carnival is coming and I need to start flexin my ultimate inner heaux. I’m making this sound really bad, like we went there and didn’t do shit lol. We did, I promise lol. By the end of it we were sweating and tired as fuck.
There was a half an hour break before the next section (body conditioning to trap and grime music) began. I’m generally not a huge fan of this kind of music, but even I can admit that it’s actually decent to work out to. It’s mad hype, so in turn, you also get hype. Everything was going well, and by well I mean that there was even more fucking floor work, which I was damn tired of by that point and stopped even trying to make it look like I was attempting it. You know them ones where the trainer walks by and you’re so over it that when they yell out ‘Keep going’ in a general direction (but you know it’s meant for you), you just look them in the face like ‘fight me’?
Two-twos (I’m showing my age…also, why was this ever slang?), one of the girls that was lying on the floor with me while everyone else did push ups earlier, decided to up her viva and attempt the excessive floor work. Next thing you know, the bitch is screaming down the building, laying on the round with a bunch of people around her coz she done fucked around and fucked up her knee. Things were swiftly put on pause as the ambulance was called.
At that point I wondered what any normal person would in that situation… “Does this mean we can go home now?”
Stop judging me.
Bitch, don’t nobody need to work out for 3 mu’uh fuckin’ hours. It is too much. Plus, I was starving. Some (just me, by myself) may even say that I was wasting away to practically nothing!
Naturally, I tried to get Delia’s determined ass to agree to leave, but she was like, “I spent £5 for this shit, bitch. We are staying.” Inside I died a thousand hangry (hungry/angry) deaths, but a part of me was proud and inspired that she was willing to push through and challenge (kill) herself (us), that tenacious slut bucket.
Shit like this is why having a support system on your weight loss  journey is very helpful, because when you wanna give up, there’s always someone nuff enough to force you to keep going.
I’ll admit, her can-do attitude rubbed off on me as the night (regrettably) continued. We were instructed to stand away from the injured girl still lying on the floor (much care, so sensitive), and they moved onto the 90s R&B section to do abs. As we kicked our legs up in the air and squatted down low, I yelled at my friend, with absolutely no shame ‘DO IT FOR THE DICK, BITCH!’ Sometimes you just need to think of how much better in bed exercise will make you. I know this sounds like a joke, but it’s not –penis is part of my motivation, heaux! I’m tryna do some skinny bitch ‘pick me up and fuck me mid-air without your legs shaking’ kinda shit.
I’m struggling in these skreetz so my legs can go all the way back without my stomach doubling up and pressing the air out of my lungs. I’m putting in work with this squat life so I can do 30-day squat challenge on the dick for more than three (two) minutes (seconds) before reverting to that grinding shit we like doing so much.
All in all, it was fine but literally the whole night just felt like the same moves done over and over again to different music. We definitely got a workout but I feel like the next time they do it they should get a female trainer as well. I’ve noticed that male and female trainers train you slightly differently. Men are more focused on strengthening/sculpting whereas women will mix it up with a bit more cardio.
I think part of my disappointment with the event was that I hoped for a different atmosphere, something more light-hearted and fun since it was meant to be a fitness RAVE. I pictured lots of whooping, cheering and upbeat encouragement like I experience in my Zumba class. This felt quite serious. The fun for me only really came at the end when we the DJ flung on Candy by Cameo and sped it up.
I wish that they’d provided yoga mats or at least informed us to bring our own because the floor we were doing all of that godforsaken floor work on was polished and hard as shit to stay stable on. I get very sweaty palms when I get hot, so doing press ups and all that was a myth because I kept slipping and sliding. Also, on the flyer we were promised fresh food and smoothies…we got neither. Instead they were charging £1 for a bottle of water that you could buy for 55p from the corner shop.
Also, this has nothing to do with exercise; more a marketing opportunity missed out on in the name of seriousness, but the instructors were tall, well-formed black men in a room full of women…why did no one take their shirt off, plis?
I think that if I did ever decide to do one of these again, it would probably be aerobics or something. I can do Serious Sally in the gym. If I go to fitness rave, I want fun. I know some of you are probably like, 'Heaux, that’s not the point of it,' and you’d be right, fun is not the point, but bitch, when you are not a gym bunny/fitness freak, fun helps.
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Fancy something a little more daring? Read chapters 1-5 of my sexy, award-winning urban romance, Running Wilde (new chapter posted every Friday)
Until next time, fancy face
Love Scotty x
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