#me and him gonna have to squabble if he ever dares to try taking his smile away from me
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Have you ever seen the sun come out when someone smiles?
I have.
Hey, y’all!
Just wanted to say, my bad for spamming the comments on that Fire post. I got excited 😅
(By the way HES SMILING :D I will fight GOD to protect that smile of his-)
[don't sweat it!! i speak for myself but i know the others get excited too- i get all GIDDY seeing you guys get excited about the stuff we work so hard on!!! i had a feeling the fire enjoyers would like this one :]
see him fabulous]
#HIM#THIS- THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WORKING TOWARDS THIS ENTIRE TIME#It was brief#but it warmed my heart so much#Mt. Silver’s bitter cold has no effect on me now#I don’t care if Arceus is an actual full-blown god in this universe#me and him gonna have to squabble if he ever dares to try taking his smile away from me#Bonus thought: Red’s gonna hate me because I just fell in love-#I would do anything for him-#Please let him infodump about his special interests more I will listen forever#My faith in this world has been restored#Now its time to get this for everyone else!
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Falling Away With You | Ch. 53
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Spirit’s Eve shenanigans part 2 - the event.
Author’s Note: See the comments for a little bonus snippet~
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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Naked, we both rush to the bathroom.
I pee and do my best to clean all the Seb Residue™ off and outta me, while Seb wipes off the bits of red lipstick that look out of place off of his mouth and the skin around it; and then while I wipe off all my lipstick and grab his clothes, fangs and cape for him, he applies that black lipstick he was hoping for, puts on some more deodorant, and brushes his hair.
Since the shrine didn’t give my hair any oomph, I tie some of it half-up into a braid while Seb gets dressed. It’s super soft and easy to work with like this.
While I’m braiding, I wonder if our beloved fish son has any opinions on having to watch us bang.
Right in front of his salad!
Can fish food even be considered salad..? I dunno what it’s made of.
I’m sure it can be.
When I’m finished, I top him up with a snack and decide that it’s salad now. Gerard is so health conscious, wow!
Seb and I don’t dare to say a word, not wanting to distract each other while we get ready — we just focus on being as not-fucked out as we possibly can, and looking presentable. By the time we’re both done, we hear another knock.
We jog to the door to meet whoever’s there. It turns out to be Maru.
I think we startled the poor girl by just flinging the door open in her face like that. She puts a hand over her chest, as if to soothe her heart. Oops.
She looks adorable — her costume is just a simple black cat, but rather than going the sexy route with it, she’s wearing a black onesie with a puffy tail sewn onto it and some mittens. The hood is down, she has cat ear clip-ons in her hair, and she drew a little triangular nose, freckles and whiskers onto her face.
“Cute costume!” I smile, trying not to fawn a little. She may be, what, 19? 20? But I almost feel like I want to protect her right now...
“Thank you! Yours too, wow.” Recouped, she continues to Seb, “Um. Dad is pretty mad… he almost came down here himself but I went ahead of him.”
“Of course,” he rolls his eyes. “When isn’t he pissed at me?”
Maru shrugs awkwardly. It’s probably so weird for her, being Demetrius’ clear favorite and trying to talk to Seb about him... and on the other side of things, I know it’s hard for Seb to constantly be in Maru’s shadow. I don’t blame him for feeling some resentment towards her.
He sighs. “Thanks for taking over. That was cool of you.”
He holds up a fist for her to bump. She smiles shyly, returning it. She shifts on her feet a little, and adds, “I’d just try to avoid him, if you can. He’s a little mad at everyone today, actually.”
“I’m willing to bet you’re safe from him.”
“Seb…” I nudge him with my elbow, furrowing my brows.
I get that it’s hard but god damn, she can’t help it if Demetrius is gonna favor her so much!
His sister peers down at her feet, silent. Probably doesn’t know what to say to that; probably can’t deny it, but doesn’t wanna lie.
Seb shuts his eyes to recoup for a sec. “Shit, I’m… I’m sorry.” Sighs again and adds, “I know it’s not your fault. Didn’t mean to be a dick.”
Atta boy.
She smiles up at him, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
“I dunno what happened for him to be mad at mom, but is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s fine,” Maru replies, her voice quiet. “I couldn’t tell you why she’s so down, but I can tell it’s because of dad because he isn’t talking to her.”
Seb rolls his eyes. “‘Course…”
“Um,” I butt in, feeling timid.
I’ve rarely ever spoken to Maru, and the few times I have, it’s always turned into stuff that’s hard to understand for my dumb idiot baby brain, like her research and inventions. It’s super cool but man if I don’t feel confused every time.
That said, it feels weird to talk about their family squabbles with her, but…
“She told me earlier,” I continue when they’re both looking at me. I keep my eyes low and focused on nothing in particular, avoiding eye contact. “He doesn’t want to go into town, and doesn’t wanna wear the matching stuff she bought him.”
“Ohhh… That’s— damn it. He didn’t wear it.”
My shoulders slump. “Seriously?” I frown.
Maru nods, half-shrugging, “He just has an old hazmat suit on,” adds on for Seb, “The same one he wore in that weird rain we got a few summers ago. It still has some green stains on it…” and tacks on in a mumble, “At least it’s festive, I guess.”
I can’t help but roll my eyes at the man. Poor Robin…
I look at Seb, whose jaw is tight. He’s holding back something. I don’t want him to have to, but at the same time, I don’t want him getting into a whole thing with Demetrius. Based on what he’s told me, their fights don’t sound pretty.
“Let’s just go,” he sighs, nodding at the stairs.
Maru nods and runs up, and we follow closely behind. Her tail nearly tickles my face.
When we get outside, Demetrius is waiting with clear impatience. Robin stands nearby, tupperwares of cookies in hand, still upset as ever.
Luckily, Demetrius doesn’t say anything snarky when he sees Seb. He just makes a show of sighing, turns around, and begins walking down into the town. For a moment, none of us follow. Maru winds up being the first to go.
When she leaves, I meet Robin’s eyes and try to cheer her up, reenacting the punches I did earlier. A silent offer for me to kick his ass (for real this time!). I’m happy to see the corners of her lips upturn and the apples of her cheeks plump up in response.
“The fuck are you doing?” Seb laughs.
“Don’t worry about it, toots.”
“Toots?” Robin chimes in.
“I said what I said.”
Abby, Sam, and Victor — a knight in bulky armor, with her helmet tucked under her arm; a beautiful princess, I’m assuming to be saved by Abby, from… something; and another vampire, in the same cheesy outfit as Seb but without makeup, respectively — are totally gobsmacked when they see Seb and I.
While Victor is bantering with Seb about their matching look amongst other topics, Abby and Sam gawk at me.
“Can you… like… not?” I shyly ask. I can only look around and pretend to be people watching to avoid their stares for so long.
“The fuck do you mean ‘Can I not?’” Abby argues, “How in the hell did you do that?!”
“Did you, like, dye your skin?” Sam reaches out to touch my forehead with a nosy finger, but I jump away.
“Makeup,” I lie, “Looots of makeup. Can’t touch it much or it’ll just rub right off.”
“What about the hair?”
Abby nudges him with her elbow. “Ever heard of wigs, dumbass?”
“That’s a sick wig, though! Like, holy crap.”
“It is pretty nice,” she agrees, emphasizing the T’s in the word “pretty.” “Must’ve been hella expensive.”
“Hella?” I pry, scrunching my nose. “The 2010s want their slang back, bozo.”
“Oh, bite me.” I bite the air in her direction, and she flinches back, laughing. “Down, girl!”
I cross my arms. “I’m an elf, not a puppy,” I grump.
“Dog ears would be kinda…”
Abby groans. “Saaam, dude, please don’t do this.”
“I mean…” he shrugs, attempting the signature Byrne eyebrow waggle, and failing yet again.
“Down, boy!” I laugh, feebly swatting at him.
He turns it into a pseudo-handshake, swatting back a few times before dapping me up. We finish it with a fist bump.
Abby fake-coughs out the word “Simp.”
The simp in question replies with great speed, “Says you.”
“The fuck you mean ‘says me?’”
I tease, “You’re big on questioning the integrity of your friends’ words tonight.”
“I’m a knight. Isn’t that a cop, in a way?”
“That’s my girl!” Seb temporarily cuts in. Victor and I bark out a laugh before they continue their conversation.
“Does that make this an interrogation?” I go on through some residual giggles.
“Uh, yup.”
“It’s our right to remain silent then!”
“Yeah!” Sam agrees. “We’re sticking it to the man!”
“Neither of you have a stick,” Abby quips, unsheathing her toy sword and wagging it at us.
“Well, y’know…” I trail off, giving Sam a quick up-and-down. Him and I share a shitty grin with each other before flashing ‘em to Abby.
Sam finishes my sentence, “One of us does.”
She puts the sword away. “Groooss,” she whines, face palming. Sam and I laugh about it, being the mature gentlepeople we are, and exchange yet another a fist bump. “I’m getting punch, you guys want any?”
“Hell yeah,” Sam responds while I nod.
“I’ll help,” I offer, scurrying closer to Abby.
“Sick. What about you two?” she asks a little louder to get Seb and Victor’s attention.
“Huh?” Seb asks.
They answer in unison, “Yeah, sure.”
“You can’t say ‘jinx’ for other people, Sam.”
“Then why was I able to do it just now?”
Abby and I snort, her rolling her eyes too as we walk away from their silly argument…
And right over to Pam, who’s pouring, like, a gallon of vodka into the punch bowl! God damnit, Pam!
We both sigh.
“I mean,” I mutter, shrugging sheepishly, “I’m down for it.”
“You sure, tipsy?”
“Tipsy?” I snort, handing her some orange plastic cups as Pam walks away with her thoroughly boozed bev.
“Yeah, ‘cause you get tipsy so fast.”
I groan. “Please don’t make that a thing.”
“Okay, Tipsy.”
I bump her hip with mine. “Ow,” I wince on contact. “Real metal, or something?”
She simply winks at me.
Is it real or not, Ab?
I’ve gotta know how heavy that shit is if it’s real.
Is Abby, like, jacked or something?
Still ignoring my question, she wiggles a cup expectantly.
I move on. “Sure, why not?”
Abby tastes a sip. “Fuckin’— Yoba, Pam!” she whisper-yells. “This is why not.”
She hands me the drink and I give it a sniff.
Oh my god.
I take a sip.
Oh my—
Abby stifles a laugh, continuing to scoop punch into the other cups. “How the fuck did your ears do that?”
I guess they moved. Shit, what did Magnus suggest?
“Uh…” oh god, oh fuck, “trick of the light..?”
“That’s not how ears work, lady.”
“They do now, I dont fuckin’ know.” I take a hefty sip of punch. Sure as hell need it.
Lucky for me, she just laughs it off with a weird look. I give her one back, and she laughs a little harder.
I could swear I see a little bit of a blush on her cheeks as she observes me for a moment longer than necessary, but she puts her helmet on, hiding her complexion and giving herself the hands to carry this stuff. She handles two of the drinks while I maneuver the other three into my grasp.
Handing Seb and Victor their drinks while Abby gives Sam his, I tell them, “Dink up, gamers.”
Now that I’m passing off a drink to Vic, it’s like he’s seeing my costume for the first time. His eyes bug for a sec, “How the hell—“
“Don’t worry about it.” I shoot him a finger gun with my free hand and wink before downing another sip of punch.
He doesn’t question it. Just nods and shrugs.
It’s honestly nice that he pays less attention to me and my looks than the others. There’s a lot less pressure to exist, in a way, around him. Not that the usual attention isn’t flattering, but like, never in a gazillion years did I think I’d move to a small town like this and have a bunch of pretty people totally smitten by me, y’know?
I wonder if, being in the city for so long now, Victor is just used to seeing people way cuter than me. Maybe I’m a 10 here but a 3 or 4 there. Or maybe I’m just not his type…
For fuck’s sake — listen to me, wondering how it’s possible that he’s the only person in this group who isn’t attracted to me. Has my ego really been inflated that much?
Whatever. Either way, I'm glad at least one of my friends isn’t romantically or sexually interested in me, at least that I know of.
Seb wraps an arm around my back and pulls me in front of him. Nearly coughs the damn drink onto my head a few seconds later.
“Pam?” he asks.
“Paaam,” Victor lilts approvingly, nodding slowly and with a shit-eating grin before downing his whole cup.
“Fucking hell, dude!”
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” Abby begins chanting.
“I mean, I already did,” Victor points out, rubbing his neck.
Fuck. He remembered to put faux bite marks on it.
I shoulda given Seb some of my own, heheh—
No. Down, girl.
Abby challenges him, “Chug more.”
Victor puts his hands up in mock defense. “Fine, I guess I’ll do it. Only ‘cause you’re forcing me to.” Then he walks away, empty cup in hand ready to be refilled.
“Hey,” Seb murmurs near my ear while Abby and Sam goad Victor on. His breath and low voice send a chill down my spine.
“W-what’s up?”
“Oh fuck yeah, let’s go.”
The emo man takes me by the hand and we make our escape, disappearing into the hedges. While we navigate our way through, he explains the concept: get through before anyone else, and you win a huge, golden pumpkin. Nobody knows why it’s so special, but most people seem eager to get it.
If you were to give it to anyone, it’s a sure-fire way to get in their good graces. The whole thing sounds like a silly town tradition, like bouquets, but I love the whimsy of it.
Only a few turns later, we pass Harvey, who’s all but cowering a few paces away from some hay bales.
Doctor Haywood, more like Doctor Scared-Of-Hayw— I’m sorry, that one barely even makes sense…
Seb encourages him, raising his glass (well, plastic), “Hang in there, doc.”
He replies with a shaky thumbs-up.
We continue on, weaving our way through a mixture of fake and real spiders, some subdued (but still intimidating) monsters, and a fake-out pumpkin patch, before arriving at a dead end occupied by a Baba Yaga-lookin’ hut with feet.
“Coulda sworn this was the right way,” Seb mutters.
I look around, trying to spot any paths we could take. I’ve got nothing.
“Need help?”
“Oh god!“ I jump, startled.
“You got that too, right?”
“Ye— Wait, he can talk to more than one person at a time telepathically?”
“I can with some effort.”
“Where the fuck are you?!” Seb laughs.
“Look to the cliffs.”
Seb and I both turn, scanning for him. With nothing but the darkness and our stupidity to blame, it takes a few seconds to notice him – he’s practically right above us, sitting back on his hands with Linus cross-legged at his side. He waves while Magnus offers a warm smile, and I smile at them both, nudging Seb.
I think out loud, “Guess it makes sense why you could hear us.”
He winks. Cute… “Unless I was simply reading your mind again.”
I fake astonishment with a fist on my chest clutching at imaginary pearls. “You wouldn’t dare!” I proclaim, trying to sound like a generic damsel in distress from an old film.
“He would,” Seb points out.
“I would,” Magnus agrees, nodding.
“Whatever, man.” I take a long sip of my punch, definitely beginning to feel the effects. I wince a little at the sting it leaves behind.
“Are you alright?” Linus asks, having noticed.
After shaking off the feeling a bit with Seb patting at my back and quietly chuckling to himself, I nod.
A one-word explanation should do. “Pam.”
“Pam…” Linus nods sagely.
Magnus looks a little confused. “Pam?”
“She spikes the punch at, like, every town gathering,” Seb explains.
“Surprised you haven’t noticed it more,” I poke, “with all your creeping around at these things.”
“Hush, you.”
After a little snicker, I ask, “You want some?” I dunno how to get it to them, but I’m sure we could figure it out.
In lieu of an answer, Magnus holds up a fancy bottle of wine, a lazy, mischievous grin on his face. Linus yoinks it right from his hands and steals a sip. I guess that explains the darkness to both of their cheeks.
“Oh hell yeah.”
“You earned it,” Seb proclaims, vaguely motioning around us. “This is sick.” I enthusiastically nod at the sentiment.
“Indeed we did!” Linus agrees.
“So uh,” Seb moves on, “about that golden pumpkin…”
I look over to see him squiggling his eyebrows around, as he often does. He’s got a slight lil shimmy to his shoulders too this time. Dork.
Magnus smiles knowingly. “What about it?”
“Got any hints?” I interject.
Seb tacks on, “Or answers?”
“Or answers?” I repeat enthusiastically. I mimic the emo’s earlier wiggles, earning a smile from the older men and Seb alike.
“That would be telling.”
“Th—“ I have to stop for a giggle. Pam… “That’s the point!”
“I get it,” Seb laments dramatically, “you hate us.”
I place the back of my hand on my forehead and lean against Sebastian. “M’so hurt I might faint.”
“Spirits save me,” I hear him mutter. His smile betrays the annoyance in his voice.
Linus comes to our rescue! “Try looking more closely at those hedges behind you.” Magnus nods along.
“Not all heroes wear capes.” Seb salutes the white-haired man.
“Thank you, Linus!” I beam, tugging Seb a few paces towards our destination. He goes along with me, laughing at my enthusiasm. “Love you, Maggg,” I add in a sing-songy tone.
“Since when do you call him Mag?” Seb questions, his nose scrunched.
I shrug. “How d’ya feel about Maggy then?”
Magnus answers, “Please, no,” while Seb and Linus both shake their heads, Linus laughing as he does so.
I lazily swing a defeated snap in front of me. “Damn.”
“And I love you too, little elf,” Oh?! Magnus adds on, waving. “Good luck, you two.”
That nickname was so cute! It feels different hearing it from him, versus all the shadow people who called me the same.
God I wish I was always an elf.
Too giddy to respond, I beam back at him before scurrying away.
“Little elf does it for ya, huh?” Seb asks once we’re alone again. His voice is smooth and he takes his hand from mine to place it atop my head and frick it all makes me fucking melt.
Sometimes I forget he can just, like, sense my heart rate and shit. Wizards, man…
“Shuddup.” Comes out as a squeak.
“Is that who I think it is?” I hear Sam yell from somewhere nearby.
“No,” Seb lies.
“First they abandon us,” Abby goes on, “and then they lie. Bastards.”
Victor cries, “For shame!”
“Gonna have to catch up if you want an apology,” Seb calls out.
“You won’t just apologize because I’m an innocent little guy?” Abby pouts. I can’t see it but I’ll be damned if I can’t hear the frown in her voice. “You wouldn’t upset a little guy, would you?”
“I would.”
“Yeah I would too.”
Seb scoffs, “(Y/n) you are a little guy.”
“My point stands.”
“Betrayed by my own kin!” Abby laments.
“For shame!” Vic repeats with more force.
“You sound more knightly than vampirey when you say that, y’know,” I respond.
“And y’sound more like a squeaky toy than elfily..? Elfly..?” Sound it out buddy! “Elfy,” he decides.
“Yeeowch,” Sam narrates, “a critical hit!”
“Goodbye,” Seb laughs, tugging me along. I stumble a little, but he helps me stay upright.
By time we find the pumpkin, let’s fucking go, the others catch up to us, somehow. They must’ve been booking it.
“Dude, dude,” Abby greets us with urgency.
I’m surprised she didn’t immediately mourn the loss of the golden pumpkin.
Behind her, Victor has his eyes locked in on the pumpkin in Seb’s embrace. Sam is next to him, just kinda admiring the scenery.
Abby places a palm on mine and Seb’s shoulders. “You’ll never guess who I just saw.”
“Try me,” Seb retorts while I tilt my head.
“You remember that dude from the tower in the woods?” Oh no. “He’s here.”
How did she not see him at the fair earlier in the season?
I wonder if she noticed he’s a whole different color palette now. Sure, Spirit’s Eve is a good excuse and all, but I almost kinda hope she just couldn’t make out the details of his appearance in the dim lighting of his garden to begin with.
Feeling slightly more than tipsy — living up to the girl’s new name for me, I fucking guess — I trip on my own thoughts, trying to figure out a response.
Luckily, Seb jumps in. “He does live here, you know.”
“Well fuckin’ duh, but why have I never seen him around before? What’s his deal?”
“T’be fair, he helps Linus set this up every year,” I state. “You’ve gotta just look outside more often.”
“Really?” She squints, “Wait— How do you know that?”
“I…” shit, shit, “I went back to his house. To apologize!”
Big mistake.
“Aaand that makes you close enough for him to tell you about stuff like that now?”
“I mean… uh.” I’m flubbing this, and if I had to guess by his silence, Sebastian is pretty stuck too. “I guess we’re friends now, yeah, I’unno. I’ve gone over there a bunch at this point.”
“And you just knew about this?” Abby grills Seb, crossing her arms. It seems like Sam and Victor’s interests have been piqued by now.
“We… are gonna have to explain everything to them if we can’t save ourselves somehow, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” Seb answers both Abby and myself.
“And you didn’t stop her?!” Sam frowns. Fuck, that’s right — he was there for the conversation about me going on my own in the first place. “What if he’s some kind of psycho?”
“He’s—” Seb sighs, rubbing the corners of his eyes, smudging his makeup a little more than I had earlier. “He’s not.”
“Yeah?” Abby rebukes. “How would you know?”
“I already knew him.”
Oh, okay, we’re doing this I guess.
“So… you lied, then?”
Abby looks genuinely hurt. Fuck.
Sometimes I forget that, even if she isn’t hostile towards me anymore, she still probably has lingering feelings for Seb. He was everything to her until recently, after all. Maybe he still is, but she’s just grown or something.
“Did you know that he knew the guy?” she asks me. Still sounds hurt, but her voice has hardened a considerable amount.
“No!” I frown, worrying the rim of my cup with my thumb nails. “Not until after meeting him.” It’s not completely wrong… I met Magnus before Seb spilled about their past to me. She doesn’t have to know.
Abby seems to not know where to look, and opts to stare at the helmet in her embrace. It’s almost like she’s just as upset about being left out of this new, weird trio of ours as she is about being lied to, which I can empathize with. Shit sucks…
God. We’re a pair of real dickheads, aren’t we? I knew the weird friendship quest I was on would be as sleezy as it felt. It was stupid of me to follow through with it all that time ago.
Selfishly, part of me is still glad I did, because now I’m friends with her. There’s less drama. Less fear that she’s gonna go, like, totally apeshit on me for dating someone she was either in love with or obsessed with — maybe both? — for so long.
She really is friendly and sweet and fun to be around when she doesn’t have it out for you, and I’m happy to know this side of her.
Also, maybe I would’ve never gone to Magnus’ tower if this hadn’t happened. Maybe I wouldn’t even know him right now, and maybe he and Seb would’ve never reconnected. It would just be weighing on both of their consciences forever while I’d never meet my literal soulmate.
That would suck.
I shut my eyes for a moment and sigh, trying to sober up my thoughts. “M’sorry for not telling you sooner,” I offer softly.
“Yeah, me too,” Seb adds. “Look, if you want I can fill you in on everything some other time, but… let’s just enjoy the night for now, yeah?”
“Yeah, enjoy the night,” Abby scoffs under her breath. She continues at her typical volume, “I’m not sure if I should feel more mad or more jealous right now. Like, what the fuck?”
“Yeah, I… I get it,” I cut in. “You have every right to be mad at us. We didn’t mean to leave y’so out of the loop, though — we didn’t think it mattered.” Realizing that coulda sounded a little insensitive, I quickly tack on, “I mean, he’s just some dude.”
Now that’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one.
How am I getting so good at lying?
God, I suck.
Abby softens a little, part of her seeming to agree, but she still looks upset. She takes a few breaths that seem deeper than usual. Spares a glimpse back at Sam and Vic, who are kinda just awkwardly standing there.
It looks like Sam has something to say too, but he’s keeping his thoughts to himself for now, I guess. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look like this before.
…Like, his face, I mean. I’ve never seen him all dolled up in a pink ball gown that’s too small for him either. Obviously.
I pick at the orange plastic in my hands some more while Seb tears up the nail polish on his left thumb with the adjoined pointer.
“You, uh,” I meekly suggest, “you want the pumpkin..?” I pat the gold gourd for emphasis.
A humble peace offering.
“N—“ She cuts off her initial response and thinks about it. Her shoulders deflate while she realizes, “I mean, kinda? Fuck.”
“I’ll take it if you don’t,” Sam mutters.
Victor nudges him. “She didn’t ask you.”
“You’re awfully quiet,” Abby diverts to Seb. I dunno if he’s just frazzled, or if he was brain-talking to Magnus, or what.
“Just, uh… Stressed.”
I nod. Fuckin’ same, dude, whether it’s a lie or not on his part.
More awkward silence passes before I figure out a potential solution.
Maybe… hm.
I clap, newly determined to fix my— our— whoever’s fuck-ups. Seb, Sam and Abby startle while Victor simply waits to see what happens.
“I have a proposition.
“We can all share the pumpkin.”
Abby tilts her head. “What, like, cut it up?”
“No— well, yes?” I shake my head. “But no.”
“Graceful as ever,” Sam teases me.
“Shut up, you’re into it,” I shoot back. His cheeks redden while he smiles and rolls his eyes. “What if I, I’unno, make something with it? Aaand we can all hang out and eat pumpkin stuff and whatever. Finish off autumn with a bang.”
“Ha. Bang. Kinky.”
“Sam!” I laugh. Victor nudges him for me. Thank you Victor. “I know I don’t have much room at my place,” I go on, “but I’m the only one with my own house, so we can do it there.”
“You drive a hard bargain, lady,” Abby ponders.
“Am I allowed to partake in this pumpkin party?” Victor slurs. He sounds shy, almost, even in his more boisterous, drunken state.
“If you can make it out here, hell yeah.”
“Why don’t we do it tomorrow?” Seb chimes in. “You can stay over at my place if your mom lets you.”
“Or mine,” Sam adds.
Abby and I nod. Victor shrugs and nods too. “I’ll ask when she seems ready to leave later. Maybe She’ll be boozy ‘nuff to let me.”
“Cool,” I breathe.
That broke the tension, but now I have a whole thing to host. Ough.
Well… at least that’s one thing settled, for now.
#sdv sebastian x reader#sebastian stardew valley#sdv rasmodius#sve magnus#magnus rasmodius#magnus rasmodius x reader#stardew valley rasmodius#stardew sebastian#sebastian stardew#m. rasmodius#stardew valley#stardew#sve#sebastian sdv#sdv wizard#stardew wizard#stardew valley fanfic#stardew fanfic#stardew valley sebastian x reader#wizard x reader#rasmodius x reader#rasmodius#sebastian x reader#FAWY#robin stardew valley#maru stardew valley#sam stardew valley#abigail stardew valley#victor stardew valley expanded
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Bad Decisions
ღ pairing: tech support!Yoongi x f. reader
ღ genre: friends to lovers, fluff, smut [18+]
ღ summary: Jimin is desperate to get his apartment back to himself. He’ll move hell and earth, and even drop to his knees to beg you to take his brother, Yoongi, out of his hands. Who are you to say no to that pretty face and sinister grin?
ღ part of the room for rent collab
ღ wc: 14.3k
ღ warnings: jokes about a foot fetish, reader helped jimin wax, alcohol use/mention, mention of matching tattoos, matching swimsuits, jealousy, mention of medication that causes sun sensitivity (?), marking (hickeys, biting), hair pulling, mention of choking/breath play, fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (f. giving and receiving), spanking, mention of masturbation, unprotected sex, creampie
ღ date: January 27, 2023
“Please take him,” Jimin pleads as he gets down on his knees, hands clasped together. “He’s my brother.”
“Stepbrother,” Yoongi chimes in with a roll of his eyes.
Jimin scoffs, looking at Yoongi over his shoulder. “Just say you hate me and go.”
Yoongi clicks his tongue. “I don’t hate you. I just don’t want to live with you.”
“You see what I have to put up with? Please, take him! I’m begging you as your best friend and soulmate. Take him!”
Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest.
“You’re not making this very appealing, Chim.”
“I told him you wouldn’t go for it,” Yoongi sneers as he pushes off the wall he was leaning against.
“You know, when you invited me over for dinner, I didn’t think it would include you kissing my feet and begging me to take your brother,” you say as you walk to the couch, and Jimin shuffles forward on his knees.
“You want me to kiss your feet?” Jimin looks at your bare feet and grimaces. “That’s not my thing, but if it’ll take him off my hands.”
Jimin shrugs, and you gape at him, putting your feet on the couch and out of his reach. “Don’t you dare!”
“I’m trying to bargain!” Jimin exclaims while Yoongi rolls his eyes and sits on the black leather recliner.
“You’re shit at it.”
“Do you want a place to live or not?” Jimin asks with a glare that could send anyone to an early grave. Anyone except Min Yoongi.
“I’m comfortable here. I’ve got my own room,” Yoongi grins mischievously as he places his arms behind his head and leans back.
“It’s my room and my apartment,” Jimin growls at his brother before turning to you with a soft gaze and a pout.
“Take him, please. I’m literally on my knees for you. He’s ruining my Fuckdome,” Jimin sighs as he plops down beside you.
“Fuckdome?” You raise a brow in question.
“Apparently, Bachelor Pad is too lame,” Yoongi answers with a scoff. “As if he ever got laid in the first place.”
“Hey! I get laid!”
“When was the last time?” Yoongi chuckles.
“Before you moved in!” Jimin shouts, tugging at his hair. “Please, I’ll do anything. Just get him out of here.”
“Wow! I’m definitely not feeling unwanted by my little brother,” Yoongi frowns.
“So now I’m your brother?” Jimin raises a brow at Yoongi.
“All right! All right! Fuck, I’ll take him,” you declare, tired of the two squabbling. You’re sure they could go for hours on end.
“You will?” Yoongi’s brows rise in surprise, disappearing into his blonde hair.
“Shut up before she takes it back,” Jimin hisses at Yoongi, then dons an angelic smile when he turns to you. “No take-backs! He’s yours!”
“Okay, but there’s gonna be rules!” You inform them.
“He’ll comply!”
“I don’t even know what they are yet,” Yoongi tried to protest, but Jimin glared at him.
“I want my room back. I love you, but I love my space, too.”
Yoongi sighs.
“It’s nothing bad,” you assure Yoongi. “Typical stuff. Replace food if you finish it. Let me know before you bring people over, no loud music after 10 pm. Stuff like that,” you shrug.
“Are you gonna make a list?” Yoongi teases, but you nod, and he huffs.
“Fine, but only until I find a place of my own. I don’t want to burden you like I have Jimin,” Yoongi says.
“You’re not a burden. I just wanna get laid,” Jimin laughs as he lays his head on your lap.
“Yeah,” you agree quickly. “You’re not a burden. Jimin just doesn’t think with the head on his shoulders. A recent development. I’m afraid.”
“I’m not that bad.” Jimin rolls onto his back so he can look up at you while your fingers run through his hair.
“You had me wax your junk just last week?” Your brows furrowed, and Yoongi cackled at the revelation. Jimin turns red and hides his face in your stomach, muffling the scream he lets out.
“That was a secret!” You manage to make out.
“Geez, just how close are you?” Yoongi grips his stomach, it aches from laughing too much, and tears roll down his cheeks.
“Too close,” you frown, shuddering at the memory.
“That’s the last time I ask you to do anything for me!” Jimin huffs with a pout on his pretty lips.
“Thank you!” You sing, ruffling his hair before he sits up and crosses his arms as he sits as far away from you on the couch. He gives you a look, and you can’t help but think he looks like a petulant child.
“Sooooo,” Yoongi grins. “When can I move in?”
Months have passed since that night, and Yoongi’s grown on you. At first, it was awkward having him around. You could no longer walk around naked or half-dressed, and your drunken nights out led to Yoongi half-carrying you to bed while you mumbled about his resemblance to cats. Which then led to sober you adopting a cat, a cute little black cat named Spider.
Sure, Yoongi was hesitant at first. After all, what did he know about being a pet parent? But soon, Spider grew on him, and much to your dismay, he was your cat’s favorite human.
Wherever Yoongi went, Spider was attached to him. The moment he’d get home from work and plop down on the couch, Spider was climbing on his lap and rubbing her cute, little face on his chest.
“She’s my cat,” you’d murmur with a frown.
“She loves me more,” Yoongi would say with a grin as he cuddled the little fur ball. Her loud purrs are just a soundtrack to your sadness.
At one point, Yoongi got matching shirts for the three of you. Something Jimin cackled at when you’d shown him the day after. Yoongi was adamant about you three wearing them out on your walks. Sometimes, he’d have Spider on a leash or put her in a stroller. You know, just Pet Parent things.
Overall, the three of you were happy living together. At least once, the initial awkwardness had passed, and you suppose you have Spider to thank for that. You realize you quite like having Yoongi around, not realizing how lonely it actually was to live alone. After all, you’d grown up with three siblings and lived with them until you had to move away for college, but even then, you had a roommate, so you weren’t genuinely alone until after graduation just a few years ago. Sure, you had friends over here and there and a few sleepovers with Jimin, but having someone around all the time was different and not as bad as you assumed it would be.
You loved coming home from a long day at work to see Yoongi’s shoes sitting by the door. His body lay on the couch with your fur baby on his chest as he slept soundly. You loved the little notes he’d leave for you on the fridge, reminding you that dinner was saved for you in your favorite Tupperware container, and sometimes Spider would surprise you wearing a new outfit, sometimes a dress, sometimes a shirt, or sometimes a new collar and bow.
Today, your roommate and cat are nowhere to be found when you walk through the door. You pause by the entrance as you take your coat off, hanging it on one of the hooks beside it. Yoongi’s shoes sit in their usual spot, and you kick yours off to join his, leaving a space in between.
“Yoongi? Spider?” You sing as you try to find either of them. Spider will suffice. The last thing you want is for your cat to be caught up in something they’re not supposed to be in.
“In the bathroom!” Yoongi calls, albeit muffled.
You say nothing else as you go to the bathroom, brows furrowed in confusion, but the door swings open, and Yoongi grins at you. Beside him, a safe distance away, is Spider licking her paw. She stops when the door creaks open further, her intense gaze locked on yours almost as if to say, “I tried to stop him.”
“Yoongi!” you gasp. “What are you doing?”
“Dyeing my hair,” he says in a tone that ruffles your feathers. He grins when he turns back to his reflection, his fingers massaging the dye into his hair.
“It's orange!”
“It is,” Yoongi grins his signature smile, and you can't help but melt. “I thought it was time for a change.”
“Do you need help?” You offer, but Yoongi shrugs, and he steps back. You turn to face the mirror, passing in front of him to scoop Spider into your arms. Yoongi holds his breath as you pass by him again, feeling your ass lightly brush his crotch. He tries not to think anything of it, but fuck. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about having you on his lap, feeling your body, the warmth of your skin against his.
“I'm almost done. Thanks, princess,” he clears his throat as he finishes up, and you take Spider out of the bathroom.
“You better not stain the tub!” You shout as you take Spider to the kitchen. You set her on the floor, grabbing her container of treats. She immediately begins meowing until you’re popping two on the floor for her.
Spider practically inhaled them as you put the container away, offering a few head pats before opening the fridge.
You smile, grateful when you spot your Tupperware in the fridge with your dinner. Work had been long and exhausting. You were eager to have dinner, shower, and lay on the couch with Spider and Yoongi.
By the time Yoongi is out of the shower and has gotten it cleaned up, he spots you asleep on the couch. He warms at the sight, going to grab the small throw blanket to place over you. You snore softly and he giggles, silently taking your picture to send to you later.
Spider hops on his lap when he sits on the opposite side of the couch and he pets her. “Shh, don’t wake her up.”
Spider doesn’t listen. Instead, she hops off Yoongi and starts walking on you until you’re groaning and sitting up after feeling her paws digging into your thigh. Your eyes are still closed, but you’re scooping up Spider gently.
“Naughty girl,” you sigh as you kiss her little head and set her on the couch. Spider circles a few times and finally gets comfortable enough to fall asleep.
“She’s a brat,” Yoongi cackles once you’re fully awake.
“She gets it from you,” you tease.
Yoongi scoffs. “She gets it from her mother.”
“She gets it from her father.” You roll your eyes at him before raising your phone to check the time. Yoongi sends you the picture he took of you sleeping, edited to show a huge mustache on your face.
“What?” He asks, his cat eyes twinkling mischievously.
“You can’t take pictures of me sleeping!”
“Says who?”
“You look cute!” Yoongi shrugs. You flounder, feeling heat rise to your face.
“That’s not the point! And you gave me a mustache!” You lunge at him, earning a cry from Spider as she jumps out of the way. You throw an apology at her before landing on Yoongi. He grunts, not expecting your attack, and he holds his phone over his head.
“Nope!” He grins, looking down at you as you try (and fail) to take the phone from him. You glare, freezing when you realize his hair is orange. Sure, it was one thing to see it while it was still a wet mess on his head, but now that it was dry and styled, it left you breathless.
“Earth to Rageful?” Yoongi waves his hand in front of your face. You blink and shake your head.
“Delete it!”
“I can’t. It’s already my Lock Screen,” Yoongi smirks as you try again to take his phone before climbing onto his lap and straddling him. He’s shocked to the core but is a master at schooling his features. You don’t notice the blankness on his face as he tries to focus on anything but your wiggling hips on his lap. He curses himself, praying he doesn’t get riled up from this. It had been a while for him and something as simple as them could have him popping a boner. Damn.
“Got it!” You cheer as you snatch the phone from his hand. Yoongi laughs, his hand on your back to hold you as you go through his phone and delete the picture. “Here, I’ll make Spider your Lock Screen. It’ll be cuter that way.”
“Oh? You don’t think you’re cuter than Spider?” Yoongi raises a brow.
“Are you kidding? She’s a precious angel. Look at her!” You both turn to see your cat, who’s on the floor rolling on her back, playing with a toy. You both melt at the sight, cooing at her before you turn back to Yoongi. “Precious.”
“Hmm, true, but you’re cute too,” he says honestly and you laugh, smacking his chest.
“Sure, Min. I’ll believe it,” you shake your head before climbing off his lap, tossing his phone at him.
“I mean it,” he says seriously and you swallow thickly.
“I guess you’re kinda cute, too.”
Yoongi smiles cockily. “Only kinda?”
You feel like your face is on fire. Your eyes widen and you bite your lip. Your tongue feels like lead and you hope you can control yourself and not call him the Adonis you think he is.
“Yeah, only kinda. Don’t need you getting a big head. Although…” you giggle.
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “You’re so annoying! Come here!”
You yelp and laugh as he gets off the couch, chasing you around the apartment as your laughter fills your home.
Spider keeps out of the way but joins in a moment later until you’re all running around, laughing, and having a good time.
“You have to come to Jungkook’s pool party with me! I can’t go alone! I’ll look like a loser!” Jimin pouts.
“Jimin, nobody will think you’re a loser for going alone. Besides, aren’t you friends with his friends?” You say as you sit on the couch with your feet in Yoongi’s lap. He’s got one hand caressing your ankle, fingertips brushing your tiny tattoo of an S for Spider that you had urged him to get with you shortly after adopting her.
Yoongi scoffs. “Since when has anyone called you a loser, little bro? If I remember correctly, everyone loved you in school.”
“That’s different! Of course, everyone loved me back then. I was phenomenal!” Jimin spits back and you sigh.
“Boys! Please, not again!” You groan as your head falls back onto the couch. Yoongi murmurs an apology as he continues to scroll on his phone but doesn’t cease caressing your ankle.
“So, will the both of you come?”
“Uh, will it be okay with Jungkook if you invite us?” You ask.
“Of course! I already asked. He said yes!” Jimin says and you sigh in defeat.
“Fine, we’ll be there.”
“You didn’t even ask me?” Yoongi looks at you and you pout. He sighs.
“Yeah,” he mutters. “We’ll be there.”
“Thanks! You’ll have a great time! I have to go!” Jimin hangs up and Yoongi groans.
“Between you and him, I can never get a word in.” Yoongi clicks his tongue.
“It’s the same when you fight. Now, do you wanna wear matching swimsuits or what?”
“Or what,” he snarks.
“I can’t believe you made us wear matching swimsuits,” Yoongi mutters under his breath as you walk into Jungkook’s backyard. You ignore him, knowing he’d adored the matching black-and-white checkered board shorts you both wore. You even had the matching top that was more like a sports bra than a bikini top, while Yoongi had decided to wear a long-sleeved black shirt.
Decidedly you step forward as you search the gathering of friends. Immediately, you spot Jimin at the same time he sees you. He waves with a huge grin on his face.
It’s nearing 3 pm, and the sun is still sweltering. Yoongi groans, his pretty eyes hidden behind a pair of huge black sunglasses as he scopes out an empty sun lounger under the canopy. That’s where he’ll remain until it’s time to go.
“You made it!” Jimin hugs you, mindful of his drink as he wraps an arm around you.
“You act like you haven’t seen each other in months,” Yoongi grumbles and you elbow him.
“It feels like it! We haven’t had a sleepover in a while.”
“Hmm, since about the time Yoongi moved in,” Jimin recalls.
“Don’t let me keep you from your activities,” Yoongi snarls, feeling a tidbit unwanted but making his expression neutral.
“Oh, we don’t!” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “But you won’t join us in our makeovers or skincare, and that’s no fun.”
“I have sensitive skin,” Yoongi protests.
“Then I’ll plan something soon,” Jimin brightens as he hugs Yoongi tightly. Huffing, Yoongi reluctantly agrees, hugging Jimin back.
“Now, let’s get you acquainted with some of Jungkook’s friends. The rest are friends of friends or whatever. But the important ones are over here. Yoongi, I got you a sun lounger and an umbrella. I also got Kook to get you one of those little fans that spray water.” Jimin informs his brother as he leads the two of you past a few guests.
“See, this won’t be so bad,” you say as you tuck your arm into Yoongi’s.
“Yeah, yeah,” he clicks his tongue, but doesn’t make a move to pull away.
For the most part, Yoongi is having a good time just watching the guests. He has a few conversations here and there, but eventually; they fizzle out. He doesn’t care, though. He has you for most of the afternoon, and that’s all that really matters.
There’s plenty of food and drinks to go around. Conversations and laughter fill the air and Jimin’s laughter rings above all. He’s been attached to Jungkook all afternoon, blushing and giggling at his every word.
You’ve gone to the pool and mingled with Namjoon and Hoseok, two of Jimin’s friends that you’ve known for years. They’re pretty cool and they keep you busy while Yoongi hangs back in his chair. He’s not made a move to step out of the shade, completely content with his little spraying fan.
“How’s living with Yoongi?” Namjoon’s the first to ask, but you know Hoseok is dying to know. Hell, even Taehyung, a friend of Yoongi’s you’ve recently gotten to hang out with, comes up to your group at the mention of his friend’s name.
“It’s chill,” you try to remain coy, but Hoseok scoffs.
“That’s it?”
“What else is there to know? He pays rent and half the bills. We share custody of Spider,” you shrug.
Namjoon and Hoseok share a look before Taehyung nods. He looks over at Yoongi and chuckles.
“Looks like you’re needed elsewhere,” he says as he splashes you in the face and swims away. Namjoon and Hoseok cackle as they swim after him and you’re left alone.
You turn to look at Yoongi but he’s engrossed in a conversation, his phone in a woman’s lap. You frown, ignoring the jealousy that bubbles up in your belly. He’s just your roommate. Just your friend. No need to get jealous, you remind yourself.
It doesn’t make the sickly feeling in your stomach go away. Try as you might, you knew your little crush on your roommate ran deeper than that, but you refused to acknowledge your feelings in public. Instead, you sigh as you dunk underwater; the coolness shocking you out of your bad mood.
Later, you get out of the pool, tired of the splashing and the slight burn in your eyes. Your fingers and toes are wrinkled and you are in need of a break.
You head straight for Yoongi as you towel off, exchanging pleasantries as you go. Yoongi looks up at you when you arrive, and you grin, glad he’s alone again.
“Sup?” He asks casually.
You smile as you bend down to grab your sunblock from your bag. You pat Yoongi’s thigh and he moves his leg as he looks at you, puzzled.
You sit between his legs, your ass nearly pressed to his crotch as you bend forward and move your hair to the side. You drop your sunblock on his lap and he grabs it.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” He asks with a raised brow but your back is to him, so you don’t see him frown.
“Sunblock needs to be reapplied. It’s not one and done, Yoong,” you state as you fan yourself with your hand. Despite the sun setting, it was still quite hot and humid out.
“I don’t see why you couldn’t ask Jimin to do this?” Yoongi groans as he opens the bottle, squeezing it to get a quarter-sized dollop on his palm. He didn’t care for the oily feeling of it.
You roll your eyes.
“I did.” You huff. “He almost pushed me into the pool because Jungkook was flirting with him.”
Yoongi remains silent as he looks across the backyard at his brother flirting with Jungkook. His hands wrapped around Jungkook’s tattooed arm. The smile on Jimin’s lips rivals the sun. Yoongi clicks his tongue.
“You see, if you had stayed out of the sun as I did, you wouldn’t need it.”
“But that’s no fun!” you exclaim as Yoongi rubs the lotion onto your back. “Besides, you need to be wearing sunblock regardless if you’re under the umbrella or not.”
“Trust me, I know. Remember, I’m on medication and it makes me extra sensitive to the sun. So, unfortunately, I’m stuck here until it sets.”
“Like a vampire,” you giggle.
“Exactly,” he grins as his hands move down your body to your hips. He hums to himself as he finishes rubbing the sunblock on your skin. You nearly fall asleep with the gentleness of his touch.
Hours later, as the party wraps up, Jimin finally makes his way over to his brother, sitting on the chair beside him.
“Hey,” he smiles brightly.
Yoongi grunts in acknowledgment.
“Meet anyone new?” Jimin asks as he lies back, his arms crossed behind his head. He already knows the answer. Despite being insanely occupied with Jungkook, he had kept an eye on Yoongi to make sure the elder was enjoying the party. However, he had seen a few guests make their way to Yoongi, though he has no idea what any of those conversations entailed. He never spotted the same person twice.
“Not really? Was I supposed to?” Yoongi is genuinely confused, raising a brow at his brother. Did he miss something? Someone? Did Jimin send over the few people that had chatted him up for a bit?
“Nobody hit on you?” Jimin asks, sitting up in disbelief. It was rare that an outing left Yoongi without any numbers or compliments, at the very least.
“Were they supposed to?” Yoongi is growing annoyed at his brother and the circling of this discussion. It’s not like Yoongi was looking for a partner, not when he had Spider and you already.
“I don’t know why none of the people here hit on you,” Jimin says with furrowed brows.
Yoongi shrugs. “I don’t know either.”
“Well, what do you talk about when they come up to you?”
“I don’t know.” Yoongi licks his lips, clicking his tongue after. “I just showed them pictures of Spider.”
“Lemme see,” Jimin urges, scooting closer to Yoongi.
Yoongi hands his phone over and Jimin rolls his eyes when he sees the lock screen. It’s a picture Jimin took of you and Yoongi with your arms wrapped around him while Spider sits in his lap. The both of you are looking at each other with hearts in your eyes. Nothing screamed “They’re IN LOVE!” like this photo.
Jimin shakes his head, handing the phone back to his brother. “Yeah, I have no clue what it is.”
Yoongi decides to ignore the sarcasm in his brother’s voice. “What? Am I missing something?”
“You’re clueless and so is she!” Jimin huffs. “You’re obviously into her!”
“Shhh!” Yoongi hisses, covering Jimin’s mouth and regretting it the moment his younger brother licks his palm.
“EW! Jimin, what the fuck?!” Yoongi screeches as he wipes his palm on his board shorts. “You’re disgusting!”
Jimin shrugs. “Sorry, didn’t mean to ruin your matching board shorts! Oh, because you’re matching with my best friend, who you are in love with!!”
“Jimin!” Yoongi growls, his eyes hard and Jimin gulps.
“Am I wrong tho?” Jimin whispers as he looks around the immediate area, but most of the guests have gone home and you left a while ago to shower and change inside Kook’s house. There was no way anyone could hear this conversation.
“Jimin,” Yoongi cards his hand through his hair. Jimin waits patiently for his brother to continue, though he hopes he hurries, aching to find Kook and spend the rest of the night with him.
“Fine, okay! Fuck,” Yoongi sighs. “I like her, okay? I’ve liked her since I moved in and she put on a playlist while cooking and had a bunch of my favorite artists on there. Or maybe since before I moved in and she’d come over to your place and squish me until I handed over the remote. I honestly don’t know, man. But now I live with her and I can’t lose her or Spider if shit hits the rocks.”
“Damn, bro. I thought you’d say she was hot or something. I didn’t know this was something sweet,” Jimin pouts. “My best friend and my brother!”
“Shut up! Nothing’s coming out of this because I’m not saying anything to her.” Yoongi states firmly. “And neither are you—for that matter.”
“No, Jimin. You take this to the grave. Don’t be sticking your spoon where it doesn’t belong,” Yoongi is adamant about this, and Jimin nods.
Jimin opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by you shouting Yoongi’s name.
“Yoon! Let’s go home! I miss Spider!”
“Coming!” Yoongi calls back, waving at you as you shut the sliding glass door and join Jungkook in the kitchen once again.
Yoongi looks at his brother. “Not a word. Let me figure this out on my own.”
“She’s my best friend,” Jimin protests.
“And I live with her. Jimin, I’m not gonna fuck this up. Just let me get over her, okay?”
“And if she likes you back?” Jimin asks.
“Be realistic,” Yoongi scoffs as he gathers his belongings and heads into the house. Jimin watches his brother go, sighing as he goes over their conversation. He didn’t mean to cause such turmoil for Yoongi. He was just trying to help.
A few weeks later, Jimin shows up at your door with an overnight bag and a cooler filled with all his skin care products.
“I thought the point of me moving out of your place was to avoid sleeping under the same roof,” Yoongi groans when he steps aside to let his brother into his apartment.
“Rude!” Jimin huffs as he kicks his shoes off and slips on his light blue slippers. “Besides, I was invited.”
“Yoongi! Be nice to Jimin!” You call from the kitchen, opening the oven door to pull out the two trays of brownies you had prepared.
“I’m always nice!” Yoongi shouts in response as Jimin ignores him and sets his stuff down.
“It’s time for our sleepover, so either get with the program or go to your room,” Jimin shrugs as he makes himself at home, cooing at Spider when she jumps on his lap.
“Traitor!” Yoongi huffs as he stomps off to his bedroom but reappears minutes later in his pajamas.
“That’s what I thought,” Jimin smirks.
“It was time for bed,” Yoongi lies, and Jimin nods.
“Uh-huh, sure. Anyway, I brought snacks.” Jimin digs in his bag and takes out a pile of chips, candy, drinks, and menus from his favorite spots in town.
“Is this what you do at all your sleepovers?” Yoongi asks as he sits on the couch with a bag of chips. You’re nearly on Jimin’s lap, gently rubbing a hydrating cream onto his cheekbones.
“Yes? We also talk about boys,” Jimin giggles.
“Oh? How are things with Jungkook?” you ask as you gently pat another cream between his brows. Jimin perks up immediately, sitting up. “Amazing! Oh, so amazing!”
You listen intently to your best friend as he informs you about his budding relationship with his crush. It makes it hard to continue your beauty treatment on him, so you move on to your reluctant roommate.
“Don’t get any in my hair, princess,” he huffs as you move over to him. He’s sitting on the floor with his legs out in front of him as Jimin connects his phone to the TV and presents a slideshow of his photos of Jungkook and him out on dates.
You nod along as you gently pat your fingers on Yoongi’s skin. He’s got glorious, flawless skin already. You don’t want to do too much to it. The closer you move to him, the more rigid he grows. His palms grow sweaty and the loud thumping of his heart drowns out the rapid thumping of yours.
Being so close to Yoongi makes you realize how pretty he really is. His orange hair has faded immensely, and he’s made comments about dyeing it black once again. He’s also let it grow out more and now it reaches the collar of his shirt. It’s so fluffy and soft that you can’t help but want to run your fingers through it.
“And here we are at an 80s night at the club,” Jimin prattles on as he stares at the TV, oblivious to you and Yoongi being in your own world.
Yoongi swallows thickly as he looks you in the eye, holding your gaze as you move even closer, nearly on his lap. “Pretty.”
You’re left speechless, wondering if you’d heard him correctly. You’re about to ask when Spider jumps in between you.
You scream, startled, and jump back. Yoongi curses as he moves Spider to the side and asks if you’re okay. Jimin looks over his shoulder, asking if you’re paying attention before he continues on to the next photo.
“Sorry,” you say as you get on your feet. “Just let that sit for a few minutes and rinse it off,” You mutter as you take a seat on the couch on the opposite end of him. Yoongi nods, petting Spider as his thoughts swirl around his head.
Jimin was the first to fall asleep that night. In your bed. Splayed out. Leaving no room for you.
You’d tried your best to morph around him, but he slept like a starfish. You sigh, grabbing your blanket and pillow before getting out of bed.
You quietly tiptoe to Yoongi’s room, knocking.
“Yeah?” comes his reply.
“Can I come in?” you ask. You know better than to step into his room without knocking. The first time had been by accident, chasing Spider through the apartment to get your sock back, and Yoongi stood there wrapped in nothing but a towel around his waist and a glower that made your panties stick to you. Fuck.
“Yoongi!” you whine, huffing when you hear his laugh through the door. Moments later, the door opens and your sleepy roommate stands at the door, his hand on the doorknob. You look past him and see Spider curled up on his bed, one eye open to check who is disturbing her beauty sleep.
“Can I sleep here?” you pout.
“Don’t you have a bed?” Yoongi raises a brow at your odd request.
“Your brother’s on it.”
“It’s a sleepover. Remember, princess? You invited him over and now he’s asleep. That's usually how this goes,” Yoongi smirks. You poke his side, not caring for his condescending tone, but you know it’s how he gets when he’s tired; always teasing and never malicious.
“Yoongi,” you huff, yawning right after.
Yoongi chuckles. “Come in. You better go right to sleep.”
“I will. I will,” you promised as you push past your roommate and get on his bed. It’s firm but comfortable and Spider doesn’t move an inch from her spot as you get comfortable beside her. Yoongi shuts the door almost all the way, leaving just enough room for Spider to open it if she needs to leave later on.
“And you better not keep me up with your snoring,” Yoongi smiles when you scoff, offended.
“I don’t snore!”
“Sure, sure.” Yoongi grins as he gets into his side of the bed, pulling his blanket over his frame as Spider stands and circles around for a moment before dropping exactly where she had been previously. Cats.
“Goodnight, Yoongi.”
“Goodnight, princess.”
Hot. So hot.
Groaning, you stir in your sleep. You don’t want to fully wake, but you’re too hot to think of anything else. There’s weight over your waist and you move your hand to move it, grumbling when it doesn’t budge.
“Mm, quit,” comes a response, and your eyes widen.
That was not Jimin!
Slowly, you wiggle your way out of the hold. You nearly scream when you see Yoongi sleeping beside you, a frown on his lips now that you’ve moved away.
“What the fuck?” you mutter to yourself. You soon remember coming to his room last night when Jimin had taken over your bed.
“I need to go,” you whisper as you wiggle your way out of Yoongi’s bed. You force yourself not to think about how perfect he felt pressed against you, his chest on your back and his arm draped protectively over your waist. Nope. Not gonna think about it!
“Good morning!” Jimin calls when he sees you in the hall. His smile is suggestive and you’re quick to drag him to the kitchen, out of earshot from Yoongi’s bedroom if he were to wake up.
“You look like you slept well,” Jimin wiggles his brows and you scowl.
“You took up my bed,” you hissed.
“And this is news to you? I always take up the bed. You should be thanking me! How else would you have ended up in bed with Yoongi? You’re welcome!” Jimin exclaims giddily and you shush him.
“You need to come with a sound warning. How are you so chipper so early in the morning?” you ask as you go get your favorite mug so you can start making coffee for everyone.
“Scheming gives me a pep in my step,” Jimin shrugs. “Anyway, tell me what happened! Did you make a move? Did he make a move? Are you dating? Did you fuck?”
“What? I give you details all the time!”
“Yeah, unprompted,” you stick your tongue out, but you do love living vicariously through Jimin and he knows that. He’d never cross any boundary you set.
“Spill!” Jimin pouts, but thanks you when you hand him his coffee with his favorite creamer. He takes a sip, moaning and thanking you again for getting it just right.
“Nothing happened, Chim. I asked if I could sleep in his bed and he said yes. Spider slept between us most of the night. I kept rolling over and getting fur in my face.”
“Damn, what a cockblock,” Jimin looks at Spider, who stretches and yawns from her perch in the cat tree by the front door.
“I wasn’t gonna fuck him!” you screech before covering your mouth and hoping Yoongi wasn’t awake just yet.
“But you want to?” Jimin prods.
“I do, Jimin. He’s hot, sure. But he’s also so sweet and funny. He leaves little notes when he packs my lunch and I always look forward to coming home because I know he’s here with our baby,” you gush.
“And you don’t like him?” Jimin covers his mouth as he laughs.
“I do like him. I’m fucked, aren’t I?” you grumble as you sip your coffee.
“Not as fucked as you think,” Jimin mutters.
Work was a nightmare, and you were thankful to be home.
“I’m home!” you call out as you shut the door and kick your shoes off.
“In the bathroom!” Yoongi calls out.
You furrow your brows before walking to the bathroom. The door is wide open and Yoongi’s standing in front of the mirror with his hands in his hair covered in black hair dye.
“Again?” you ask as you lean against the doorway.
“I wanted to match Spider,” he shrugs and you note how long and shaggy his hair has gotten. You wonder if he’d let you run your fingers through it once he’s done.
“Well, aren’t you cute?” you hum before leaving him on his own. Yoongi blushes when you walk away, his heart skipping a beat.
“Spider!” you grin when you spot your cat napping on the couch. You scoop her up and she mewls, blinking her sleepy eyes at you as you smooch her. “Your daddy’s making a mess in the bathroom again.”
“I am not!” Yoongi calls out.
You cackled, carrying your precious kitty to the kitchen for a treat.
“He’s only dyeing his hair so you’ll like him better,” you tease and hear Yoongi huff a laugh.
“You’ve distracted me, princess!”
“Good!” you shout in response as you open the fridge to grab the leftovers. You open the lid and place the Tupperware into the microwave.
While you wait for your food to heat, Yoongi joins you in the kitchen, hair dye sitting in his hair as he waits for it to process.
“How was work?” Yoongi asks as the microwave beeps and you hit the button to open the door. Carefully, you grab the container and set it on the counter before shutting the door.
“It was long. You know I hate making small talk with people, especially after the weekend,” you grumble.
Yoongi smirks. “But it’s Friday, princess.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “But that means I’ll have to hear all about Jessica’s perfect weekend on Monday morning. I don’t think she even notices that I tune her out. It’s usually the same thing with her every week.”
“Well,” Yoongi shrugs. “We can do something this weekend, and you’ll have something to share on Monday.”
“Like what?” you question as you grab a fork from the cutlery drawer and stab your food with it. You moan lewdly as you chew it.
“That good, huh?” Yoongi chuckles.
You flip him off. “What did you have in mind? Should I get a sitter?”
“I don’t think we’ll need a sitter, princess. I was thinking we could get dinner at that one place you love and then hit up the bar near it. Tomorrow there’s a festival we can go to as well,” Yoongi suggests, biting his lip nervously. He was asking you out, and he didn’t know if he was being direct enough or if you thought he just wanted to hang out.
“Twice in one week?” you raise a brow.
Yoongi shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, but you can see the tips of his ears turning pink. You decide to further his bashfulness a bit more by asking, “like a date?”
“I-uh,” Yoongi gulps, caught red-handed.
“Ooh, Yoongi wants to date me!” You sing as you pop another bite of food into your mouth and wiggle in your happy dance.
Spider hops on the counter and you sigh, forgetting all about Yoongi to get your little kitty back on the floor.
“So dinner?” Yoongi asks.
“Dinner sounds good!” You agree.
Dinner had been fantastic!
You had left the apartment together with Yoongi and when he stepped out of his bedroom; he was breathtaking! His long hair was fluffy and so soft-looking, you almost begged him to let you run your fingers through it. He smiled brightly, your heart flipping in your chest as you tried to calm your pulsating pussy. He was donned in his leather jacket and some of the tightest slacks you had ever seen him wear. Instead of his usual Vans shoes, he had donned his Chelsea boots, and you wanted him to step on you. The mere sight of him was orgasm-worthy, and he knew it too.
All throughout dinner, you had been complimented by him. He held the door for you when you arrived at the restaurant and he pulled the chair for you to sit. You had been half-joking about this evening being a date, but everything about your roommate’s demeanor screamed “THIS IS A DATE!” and now you were too afraid to ask for confirmation.
Can you imagine the awkwardness you’d feel in the car if he said no? You’d have nowhere to run and have to stew in it all the way home. Nope, you were just gonna write this off as a bonding experience between you two since Jimin is out with Jungkook once again. But you really hope this is a date!
By candlelight, Yoongi notes the delicate details of your makeup. He can’t help but admire the shine of your lips as you speak, smiling softly when you catch him staring. He smiles back, biting his lip.
“You look beautiful,” he states honestly, sure you’ve grown tired of hearing it tonight, but it’s genuine every time he says so.
Like the past few times, you thank him. A giggle escapes you as you raise your wine glass, bringing it to your lips as you take a sip, ignoring the heat that spreads over your chest.
When the check came, Yoongi immediately swiped the little black book off the table.
“Yoongi,” you whine, a pout on your pretty lips.
“Not a chance, princess. I invited you out, so I’m paying,” Yoongi stuck his card into it, signed the receipt, and handed it back to the waiter. You thank him, finishing your glass of wine before the waiter brings his card back.
Yoongi rises from his seat, going to yours to pull the chair out and help you rise. You grab your purse, stepping in front of Yoongi with your heeled shoes.
Quickly, you press a featherlight kiss to his cheek as thanks, stunning him in place. A smug smile is on your lips when he finally rejoins your side, stunning you when his hand takes yours, fingers laced.
“Come on, princess. We’ve got a bar to get to,” he says simply as he leads you to the car.
After a short drive later, Yoongi opens your door for you once you arrive. He takes your hand easily, leading you inside the bar once your IDs are checked at the door.
What Yoongi didn’t know was that after a certain hour, the bar turned into a club. He keeps you close as he leads you to the bartender, scoring a seat for you.
Almost immediately, a bartender takes your order, all flirty smiles and giggles aimed at your date for the night. You can’t blame them. Yoongi looks good enough to eat. In fact, you had spent most of the night checking him out, well aware of what lies beneath his button-up shirt. The thought warms your skin as you bite your lip and look away.
“Thank you,” Yoongi’s voice is low when you snap out of your thoughts, a cold drink set in front of you.
Slightly surprised, you see it’s your go-to drink, one of your favorites when you’re unsure of what to order. Smiling into the glass, you have a sip as Yoongi does the same to his glass of whiskey. He hadn’t had more than two sips of wine at dinner, and since he’d be driving, he would only have a few sips here as well.
On the other hand, you would finish this drink and one more before switching to water. You were already feeling more relaxed and less nervous as the hours passed. You still weren’t sure if this was a date, but you really hoped so, as Yoongi spilled stories of Jimin you had never heard before.
Your laugh is contagious as you lean into him, your hand on his shoulder as you catch yourself to keep from falling. Yoongi smiles at you, butterflies fluttering in his tummy as he feels warmth spread across his cheeks. He wonders why you haven’t done this before, and sure, he should have just asked you out, but he was still apprehensive but seeing the way you’re looking him in the eye, bashful smile on your lips, and literally hanging off him, he notes he probably had no reason to worry.
With your drink in your hand, you scope out the dance floor; you note more than a handful of men and women looking over in your direction, particularly at Yoongi, who seems oblivious as he bops his head to the beat. You hide your smile behind your glass, ignoring the flutter of your heart as you take in his side profile, mesmerized by his eyes and the perfect curve of his lips. How lucky you were to be at his side; though if you ask Yoongi, he’d say the same about you.
After a moment, you look back at the dance floor, gently rocking side to side with the beat. Yoongi smiles to himself, nerves eating him up inside, but you just look so darn cute!
“Dance with me,” Yoongi states when you finish your second drink. You hesitate for a split second before throwing caution to the wind and taking his ringed hand. Giggling, you follow him to the crowded dance floor, your arms on his shoulders when you stop in front of him.
You allow Yoongi to lead, his large hands on your waist as you sway your hips to the beat. When he leans in closer, his hair falls over his eyes and you can’t resist the urge to push the strands, running your hands through it and bringing him closer.
“Thank you for tonight,” you say as you lean in closer.
Yoongi nods, “no problem.”
Yoongi’s eyes lock on yours, lips a mere centimeter from yours as the people around you fade along with the background. Nerves be damned, you think as you dance against him, earning a groan from him when you give him your back.
Wetting his lips, Yoongi watches your body as you move effortlessly against him. His hands remain at your hips, maybe even higher to be respectful, but when you guide them to your thighs, he knows you want him to be anything but.
Heated, Yoongi follows your lead instead. His hands map out your body over the thin material of your dress. He knows he could easily tear it off your body with his teeth if you’d let him. Fuck, this isn’t what he wanted tonight to be about, but with another roll of your hips, his body takes over instead of his mind.
Lost in you, Yoongi enjoys the softness of your body in his hands. So much so that he spins you around to face him. Nothing exists but the two of you, everything turning into background noise as you look into his eyes and lean into him, silently begging him to kiss you. Yoongi doesn’t hesitate, his gaze shifting to your lips for a second before his lips are perfectly molded to yours.
Sparks. Immediate sparks appear behind your eyelids as your lips move in sync with his, your heart hammering against your ribs.
Kissing Yoongi is soft and slow, like a setting sunset, magical. Time seems to stop as the kiss grows deeper, his hands cupping your face as yours goes around his neck, your body pressed to his. Yoongi is the first to break the kiss, worried eyes reading yours in case he’s overstepped, but all he finds is your coquette smile as you pull him in for another kiss that he easily melts into.
From slow and sweet to deep and sensual, the kiss curls your toes as his hands grip your hips while your hands grip his shirt, not ready or willing to let him go.
Smiling into the kiss, you take a second to look him in the eye. Your heart is pounding in your chest, wondering what all this means, but the club is too loud for a proper conversation.
“Should we go?” Yoongi asks, as if reading your mind. You nod, immediately lacing your hand with his as he leads you toward the front door, checking to make sure you’re still behind him before pushing through a crowd to get you in front where he can keep his eyes on you.
His eyesight may stray a little below your waist, but he can’t help it when you sway your hips as you head for the front door.
The cool night air hits you like a welcome home hug, fresh and much-needed on your heated skin as you inhale deeply.
The moonlight shines brightly, not a cloud in the sky to dim its glow as Yoongi takes your hand to lead you to the car.
When you arrive, you stop in front of the passenger side door, wondering what it all means and what’s about to happen once you get home.
Yoongi cups your cheek, his thumb gentle on your skin as he strokes it. “This doesn’t have to go any further.” He swallows thickly, gathering up the courage as your eyes shine brightly with hope. It gives him the courage to continue. “I like you. A lot.”
“Yoongi,” you whisper.
Yoongi remains silent as he waits for you to continue. The quick beating of his heart rivals the wings of a hummingbird, but he won’t interrupt when you’re smiling and giggling softly.
“I like you too,” you admit with a coy smile. Heat flushes your cheeks and Yoongi feels it beneath his palm, a grin appearing on his lips as he sighs in relief.
“I won’t lie,” he chuckles. “I was a little worried.”
You take a step back, smiling as your hand cups his cheek, drawing him to your lips. Butterflies swirl around as they flutter their wings in your belly, adrenaline coursing through you. Never did you imagine tonight would turn out this way. Sure, you hoped and daydreamed and even wore your lucky panties but standing here with Yoongi’s lips on yours, sparks going off behind your eyelids-it was better than anything you could have imagined.
“Let’s go home,” Yoongi whispers, finding it hard to pull away from you as you exchange tiny kisses until an icy gust of wind sends shivers down your spine and carries Yoongi’s laugh with it.
The drive home seems to go on for eons.
Yoongi’s hand rests on your thigh, fingertips tracing patterns on your skin. Your thighs press together as you study his side profile mercilessly, desperate to lean over the console, grip him by the collar of his shirt, and lay one on him.
“Soon, princess,” Yoongi smirks when he stops at a red light. He turns to you for the first time since you got in the car and his beautiful smile disarms you as you wriggle in your seat. Embarrassingly, you’re already wet, and just from a few kisses and bashful smiles from the man beside you. His hand on your thigh didn’t help.
“I know,” you utter, biting your lip as he cards his hand through his fluffy black hair, ruffled by the wind just moments before. Fuck, you want to run your fingers through it. Want to tug on it until he’s groaning against your neck, begging you to pull harder.
Swallowing thickly, you finally look away. The press of your thighs doesn’t go unnoticed, but a honk from the car behind you draws Yoongi’s attention back to the road.
“Soon,” he repeats as he taps his fingers on the steering wheel, dark eyes focused on the road, and his soft voice singing along to the song on the radio.
His hand never leaves your thigh.
Stumbling into your apartment with hushed laughter, Yoongi shuts the door after him, dropping his keys on the floor as you fight your heels off your feet, not wanting to go even a second without Yoongi on your lips.
“Princes,” he says through laughter, his incredulous smile on his lips. “This isn’t working. You’re gonna fall.”
“You’ll catch me, won’t you?” you tease but place your hand on the wall to support yourself while you undo the clasp of one heel and then the other.
“Always,” Yoongi answers seriously. He kicks his shoes off along with his socks, and once you’re steady on your bare feet, he’s got you back in his arms.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” you admit coyly. Heat blooms in your cheeks and spreads throughout your body in embarrassment. In your mind, you curse yourself out for saying too much too soon, but all Yoongi does is kiss you in response.
“You’re not the only one, baby.”
Screeching internally, you nod. Your arms wrap around his neck to draw him closer and his pretty black hair falls over his eyes as he leans in to kiss you.
Before his lips can capture yours again, in the same toe-curling way as before, a loud meow interrupts and has you two springing apart.
“Spider!” you gasp, a hand clutched to your chest. “You scared me.”
“Meow!” Spider cries again, wrapping around your leg.
“Her bowl’s empty,” Yoongi shakes his head with a laugh. He takes a moment to fill her bowl in the kitchen, and Spider loses all interest in the both of you as she goes to have her dinner.
“That’ll keep her busy for a bit,” Yoongi says as he approaches you, kissing you hungrily with his hand tangled in your hair and your teeth knocking into each other. He steals your breath away, a gasp escaping you when you’re pressed to an icy wall on your way to his bedroom.
Your hands are tugging and pulling at his clothing, his belt undone and his shirt untucked.
Panting, you break away for air. Cheesy smiles on both your faces.
Thinking clearly, you wonder if you're doing the right thing.
As always, Yoongi seems to be on the same page as you. You aren’t surprised in the slightest when he asks, “Are we making a bad decision?”
“I think we’re making the best decision,” you answer honestly once you’ve taken a moment to think it through. Sure, things could go wrong, but how can it when it feels so right?
“Say no more,” Yoongi murmurs against your lips, guiding you to his bedroom, and shutting the door after you. Not even five minutes later, you’ll hear a scratch and an annoyed meow at the door that you’ll both be too preoccupied to acknowledge properly.
“Fuck,” Yoongi groans when you turn around for him to unzip your dress with the fingers you’ve imagined on your skin time and time again. You swear his fingers alone are enough to get you off, but that’s a secret you’ll keep to yourself until next time.
With each inch of skin exposed, his lips press a kiss to your spine until your red dress is pooled at your feet in a puddle of fabric.
Carefully, Yoongi spins you around for you to face him. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you meet his sparkling gaze. Gentle hands grip your hips, leading you backward until your body meets a wall.
An intense desire to kiss Yoongi blooms deep inside you as you keep your eyes locked on him, waiting for his next move. By all means, you’d let him take the lead; down for whatever came of this night.
Impatiently, your hands grip Yoongi’s shirt, a chuckle escaping his lips as your fingers stumble over a button, unable to get it undone in your hurry to undress him.
“Come on, princess. How bad do you want it?” he asks with a raised brow, his pink tongue making an appearance as he places his hands over yours, guiding them in the removal of his shirt.
Easily, your hands push the useless fabric down his shoulders until it bunches at his elbows and he’s tugging it off the rest of the way to pool on the floor. Yoongi turns his head to the side, loving the way you’re eyeing him hungrily, freely. You’ve never been able to get an eyeful, always quick to avert your eyes if he ever appeared without a shirt. But this… This was paradise.
Perfect honeyed skin and broad muscular shoulders with a soft torso that has a light trail of hair that disappears under the waistband of his pants.
Yoongi is nothing but a patient man. However, you’re really testing him as you stand topless in nothing but your panties, admiring him like he’s your next meal. Quickly, he’s kissing you, his hips pressed to yours to keep you against the wall as your hands pull the belt out of the pant loops to toss it on the floor.
Soon, his tongue is slipping past the seam of your lips when a moan escapes you.
Long nights filled with the image of you just like this fill Yoongi’s mind. He drinks you in slowly, savoring the taste of your lips, your tongue. He loves how well you fit in his hands, made perfect for him.
“I need you,” you whisper against his lips, moaning when they trail down to your neck where his teeth scrape along the column of your throat. Your eyes flutter shut, nails scratching his scalp when he bites down and his hand moves to cup a breast.
“You have me,” he smirks in between kisses before he’s making his way down, taking one pert nipple into his mouth. A curse escapes you, nails uselessly scratching against the wall behind you as his teeth tug gently and you swear you get a glimpse of heaven when you look up.
Yoongi needs your heated gaze on him. After all, he’s the one that’s got you losing your mind. His hand parts your thighs, pushing your panties to the side. A sinful smile is on his lips when his fingertips feel how wet and ready you are for him. For him, all for him. His cock throbs at the thought. This was finally happening. Fuck, is he sure he’s not dreaming?
“Please, don’t tease,” you’re breathless already. A sheen of sweat coating your body and trembling thighs parted for your roommate. Licking his lips, Yoongi takes one last taste of your breast before he’s making his way down your body, licking, sucking, and groping every delicious bit of it until he’s kneeling in front of you. The last thing you expect from Min Yoongi is what he does next! With bright, sharp teeth, he tugs your panties down your thighs easily to toss over his shoulder, no longer needed.
Mind spinning, and breath caught in your throat, you meet his gaze as he looks up at you with a sinister grin that sends a tingle down your spine. Fuck, Min Yoongi was the hottest man you’d ever laid eyes on, and here he was on his knees, just waiting to please you, to make you fall apart until you’re nothing but a sopping, crying mess. Lucky you.
“Where’s the fun in just giving it to you all, princess?” Yoongi asks with mirth. He takes one of your legs in his hands, stroking it gently until he’s got just your foot in his hold.
“Baby,” you gasp, eyes focused on him as he plants a kiss on your ankle.
“Lemme take care of you. Fuck knows, I’ve been wanting to.” he licks his lips as he lifts your leg higher, placing it over his right shoulder.
Silently, you watch him with wide eyes and heavy breaths.
Yoongi’s lips are hellfire as he plants smoldering kisses up your leg ever so slowly.
The beat of your heart is nearly deafening as his lips get closer and closer to the apex of your thighs. You’re too turned on and too lost in Yoongi to even feel embarrassed about being so fucking wet, but fuck, Yoongi’s cheeky grin is enough to have you cumming at the first touch.
“Don’t be shy, baby. Let me hear you,” he says when he’s sucking on the skin until his mark is left behind and his fingers are pressed to your folds. He locks eyes with you, one brow raised as he slides them into you seconds before his tongue is licking a stripe over your wet cunt.
You bite your lip, trying not to be too eager but when he repeats his actions and his fingers pump into you, your legs tremble and all your pride flies out the window as his name rolls off your tongue in a heady cry that rattles your bones and makes Yoongi smile with satisfaction.
“That’s it, baby,” he praises as his thumb finds your clit. His hooded gaze is almost enough for you to collapse, slide down the wall, and join the puddle of discarded clothes on the bedroom floor. Who knew Yoongi could look this feral?
A rough tug of his hair wipes the sinister smirk off his face and he’s quick to retaliate with a hard suck to your clit that leaves you arching, crying out in surprise, and releasing his hair. Yoongi grunts, tongue circling your clit while he pumps his fingers into you, seeing how much you can take before he’s splitting you open on his cock.
“Yoongi,” your moan draws his attention and he’s slow to pull his lips away from you, licking them as he sets your foot on the floor before he’s rising. Your desire to kiss him wins over your desire to cum on his tongue. His fingers continue to fuck you open as he presses his forehead to yours, smirking.
“Want a taste?” he asks, lips pressed to yours, but it’s not enough. Easily, his tongue twines with yours, allowing you to get a taste of yourself, wet and sticky as he swallows your moans. “Can you come on my fingers, babe?”
You nod, breathless.
Yoongi chuckles at your eagerness, speeding up and feeling your arousal dripping down to his wrist as you make the sweetest sounds he’s ever heard.
Cursing, you cling to him, nails digging into his bare shoulder as you try to remain upright, sharing sloppy kisses with remnants of you still on his lips and tongue.
“Fuck, right there! Yoongi!” you gasp as you bury your face in his chest as he presses his lower body to your hip. You feel the hardness of his cock, aching to be inside you. Eager hands greet him, pawing at his pants.
“Focus, baby,” Yoongi laughs, his thumb adding pressure to your clit. He bites back a laugh when your eyes roll back, gripping the wall instead as your thighs shake, his name heavy on your tongue as you beg him to let you come.
Yoongi is mesmerized by the look on your face. Blissful pleasure surges through you as you fall apart for him, soaking his hand and making him groan when you’re pulling him into a rough kiss that leaves him wanting more when you’re pulling away, panting and pleading for no more.
“Next time I’m eating you out on the bed,” Yoongi clicks his tongue as his fingers leave your body, only to be taken into his mouth, his fiery tongue licking each one clean. “And I’m making you cum on my tongue.”
You’re speechless, which just makes him snicker.
“I didn’t get my fill.”
Body burning, you watch as he sucks on his fingers, lewdly moaning as he sucks them dry.
Swallowing thickly, you await his next move as he pops his fingers out of his mouth. “Try it?”
Your mouth opens automatically, welcoming his soaked appendages. Your mouth closes around his fingers, softly mewling as he lets them sit heavy on your tongue. A mix of his saliva and your arousal coats your taste buds for a moment before he tells you to open up for him.
“You look so good sucking on my fingers, baby,” he praises with a smug look on his face. You know his following words will disarm you, and they do! “Makes me wonder what you’d look like sucking on my dick instead.”
“Who says you have to wonder?” you smile teasingly, licking your lips as you palm him over his pants and squeeze.
Nothing could have prepared you for the guttural groan he releases or the thickness of his cock just yearning to be released.
“Fuck,” he huffs a laugh as he pushes you carefully to the wall behind you. His hand cups your face, kissing you hurriedly, as if you were going to disappear if he ever stopped.
You smile into the kiss, greedy hands running over his beautiful body until you link your fingers with his. Exchanging a few more sweet kisses and a few that surely raise your blood pressure, you separate long enough to loop a finger through the loop in his pants to lead him to his bed.
Hungrily, you kiss him, ignoring the rampant thumping of your heart as you unbutton his pants and tug the zipper down. You take a step back to get an eyeful of him in his boxers as you’re pulling his pants lower until he can kick them off.
You lick your lips as you take him in. Yoongi notes the way you’re biting your lip now, your heated gaze on the happy trail that disappears into his black boxers.
Yoongi’s hair falls over his eyes, a large veiny hand pushes it back and you’re once again enamored by his hands and the veins that seem so prominent tonight. For a moment you wonder what it would be like to have one wrapped around your throat while you lock eyes with him, breathless and whimpering as your eyes roll back and his cock splits you in two.
Fuck, you don’t think you would survive.
“Lost in thought, princess?” Yoongi checks in with a half smile that is very much cocky. You clench around nothing, realizing how empty your cunt feels and how desperately you want him in any of your holes. Hell, you’d let him fuck any of them at this point with the look he’s giving you. You nearly bend over and tell him to have his pick, but you regain your thoughts instead.
“Your hands,” you mutter weakly.
“What about them, baby?” he asks cockily, as if he doesn’t already know. But no, Min Yoongi wants you to work for it, to earn it.
“Want them wrapped around my throat.” you answer with a sigh.
“Is that so?” he queries with a raised brow.
You nod, licking your lips.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he smirks.
Not wanting to waste any more time, you push Yoongi onto his bed. He falls easily, his legs hanging over the edge from the knee below as he puts his arms under his head, awaiting your next move.
You gather every bit of courage within. One leg goes over his hips, straddling him. You seat your ass on his crotch, loving the way he’s looking at you, black hair splayed on his gray comforter in a mess of black loose curls.
Your hand rests beside his head, your hair falling in between you like a curtain as you lean in for a kiss. Yoongi is eager to kiss, to feel your body on his. He’s not sure what to expect, but he wants you to feel good. That alone is his primary concern.
However, the warmth of your body is enough to make his cock throb, more so when you’re kissing a trail from his lips, jaw, down to his neck. A messy splatter of kisses on his sensitive skin. His head turned to expose more of his honeyed skin, the beautiful slope of his neck soon covered with your kisses and love marks.
Yoongi is in paradise as each pass of your tongue is followed by a deep suck of your lips. Your teeth scrape his skin, deep moans escaping him as you suck a mark near his collarbone before you’re kissing down his chest, leaving little red marks in your wake.
Yoongi’s nearly panting by the time you reach his happy trail. He sits up on his elbows, hooded eyes following your every move as you palm him over the cotton material of his boxers. A shuddered breath escapes him followed by a soft groan that rattles you to the core.
“Don’t tease,” he breathes, head lolled back as your tongue runs over the bulge in his boxers. You giggle at his response, curses thrown into the ceiling as you pull his boxers down just a little.
A feather-light kiss is pressed just below his navel. A lick here, a suck there, and soon you’re tugging his boxers off all the way until he’s kicking them off to the side.
You’re both naked, and you take a moment to appreciate the beauty of his body. Every inch of him is perfect.
Cursing and biting your bottom lip, you take in his hard cock, thick and throbbing, as you wrap your hand around him. Slowly, you wrap your lips around the head, welcoming him into your warm mouth while he watches intently.
“Shit,” Yoongi curses, body thrumming with desire as he feels your tongue swirl around the head once, teasing the slit before taking more of him in your mouth. All he can do is watch with hooded eyes as you run your tongue over his length, a hand rolling his balls in your palm.
A heavenly sigh leaves Yoongi as he falls back onto his bed. You smile as you pull off him, your hand wrapped around his cock, using it to smear your saliva around him.
“Good?” you ask with a lilt in your voice that has Yoongi sitting up.
“Yes,” he admits, cheeks flushed pink.
Not wanting to disappoint, you take him back in your mouth, sucking and slurping messily as salvia pools at his pelvis with each bob of your head. His cock feels heavy on your tongue, pre-cum coating your taste buds and the head hitting the back of your throat, making you gag just a bit.
You do your best to maintain eye contact, but sucking him off makes your thighs quiver and your pussy wetter. Fuck, you need some sort of stimulation or perhaps maybe you can cum like this?
Yoongi runs his hand over your thigh, pulling you closer to him so you’re at his side instead of between his thighs. His large hand runs over your ass, groping it before his fingers are running between your wet folds.
“Fuck, you’re soaking wet, princess. Sucking my cock gets you this soaked?” he licks his lips, slowly rubbing your clit with his fingers.
You do your best to nod, gagging on his cock before releasing it with a gasping breath. Yoongi nearly loses it when he sees a bridge of saliva connecting your lips to his cock.
“Yes,” you’re too cock-hungry to lie to him, besides he can feel just how aroused you are from sucking him off. Your hand still strokes him, eyes focused on his dick as you take him back in your mouth working harder to suck him off.
Up and down you go, slurping obscenely and spitting on the head before sucking it back in your mouth. Yoongi grabs your hair, guiding you as you try to suck the soul out of him. Every dulcet sound that escapes him, fuels your desire to please him. You breathe through your nose, not wanting to part with him even for a second to catch your breath.
His hand stays laced in your hair, the other feeling the curve of your ass, smacking it to make you gasp and open your mouth wider. Yoongi growls, cursing before he’s pulling you off him.
“I wasn’t done,” you pout when you’re sitting up.
Yoongi chuckles, smiling in disbelief. “But I almost was.”
Your pout remains on your lips until he kisses it away.
“You can suck it until I cum down your throat next time, okay?” he asks, awaiting your response.
You nod. “Next time.”
Yoongi grins, kissing you once again and you easily straddle him, hand wrapped around his cock as you roll your hips.
“I want to be inside you so bad,” Yoongi admits in a low tone that makes you clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Say no more,” you press a kiss on his pretty lips as you raise your hips and line his cock up at your entrance. Slowly you sink on him, biting your bottom lip as you welcome the stretch of his thick cock.
“Fuck,” you exhale, feeling haggard as your ass finally hits his thighs and he bottoms out. Yoongi isn’t faring much better, a lustful groan escaping him as his eyes flutter shut and his cock throbs.
“Yeah,” he sighs, smiling as he takes you in. You smile bashfully, enjoying the feeling of being utterly full, thighs already trembling at his sides as his hands grip your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into your skin.
Slowly, you raise your hips, your hands planted firmly on his chest as you ride him. Yoongi’s hands move from your hips to your ass, grabbing and kneading as he enjoys the view of your tits bouncing as you ride his cock.
“Just like that, princess,” Yoongi’s tongue peeks out from the corner of his lips and it sends you into a frenzy, fucking him harder and faster. The loud slapping of skin fills your ears and if you weren’t so focused on your pleasure and his, you’d be utterly embarrassed.
“I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this,” you groan, riding him harder. You love being so fucking full. You swear you can feel him in your belly, rearranging your insides and you nearly cream yourself thinking about it.
Yoongi chuckles. “All you had to do was ask, baby girl.”
You look at him, biting back a moan when he smacks your ass and soothes it with his palm after.
“If I had known, we would have been doing this from the get-go,” you feel your thighs giving out, panting as you slow and whimper when your muscles feel like they’re cramping.
Yoongi smirks. His eyes fixate on where your bodies are joined, watching his cock disappear inside you. Fuck, you two should have been doing this from the get-go. How many nights did he spend feeling guilty thinking of you with his hand wrapped around his cock and your name on his lips? And unbeknownst to him, you were getting off in your bedroom, mouthing his name with your head thrown back on the pillow, legs shaking and bed sheets soaked with your orgasm.
When Yoongi notices you’re slowing down, he rubs your leg before taking your hands in his and squeezing them. The sweet gesture has you stopping to roll your hips instead, curiously watching as he brings your joined hands to his lips, pressing kisses on all your fingers before he licks the tip of one.
This man is nothing but sinful.
“Come here,” he says, as his hand cups your face and he sits up to press his lips on yours, kissing you slowly. You moan into the kiss, melting at his touch, and before you know it, you’re on your hands and knees.
You giggle, looking at him over your shoulder as he strokes his cock, soaked with your arousal and his pre-cum.
“Fuck, baby. You look so good like this. Wanna cum all over your ass,” Yoongi curses again, his hand grabbing your ass and squeezing it. He spanks you gently, but you beg him to do it harder and he complies.
You moan into the pillow below you, only to be pulled up by your hair.
“Those moans are mine, princess. Let me hear them,” he smirks when he sees you clench, pussy glistening with your essence as he slides home.
“Yoongi!” you gasp, hands gripping the sheets beneath you. Yoongi chuckles, setting a pace that leaves you breathless as his hand smacks your ass again and again, the sting of his hand matching the one on your ass.
Yoongi curses, licking his lips as he fucks you. Your sweet moans go straight to his dick, mind reeling with lust as he fucks your harder, deeper, just to draw out those dulcet moans that make him want to stuff you full of his cum.
“Yoongi!” you breathe, clinging to his hand and begging for more as your hips meet each of his thrusts. Yoongi grunts, watching the jiggle of your ass with each of his thrusts. You’re soaking wet, so warm and delicious wrapped around him. His head falls back, shaking his hair out of his eyes as a sheen of sweat coats your body and his. Fuck, if he knew you felt this amazing he would have confessed sooner just to feel you wrapped around his cock.
Yoongi is losing his mind, filth spilling from his lips as his eyes fixate on the way you take his cock, creaming around him as he goes. You’re so needy, so impatient, you fuck yourself on his dick. He chuckles, smacking your ass when it meets his pelvis as your thighs tremble and your hands shake until you fall face first into the pillows, inhaling his scent.
Yoongi chuckles, clicking his tongue as he takes mercy on you. He pulls out, laughing when you whine at the loss of his fat cock. He helps you onto your back, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before he’s sinking into you, your legs wrapped around his hips to draw him close. Fuck, you’d never unravel yourself from his hips if you could help it. With Yoongi above you, black hair mussed, lips pink from kissing, and beautiful buff chest, you’d say you were in heaven.
Yoongi smirks, almost as if he could hear your thoughts, and it causes you to clench around him. A guttural groan escapes him, hips stuttering as he grabs your breast, fingers teasing your nipple.
“Behave,” he grunts as you tighten around him again. His name rolls off your tongue, your hands running over his body before settling on his shoulders, nails digging into his skin, pulling him close as your lips connect.
Yoongi doesn’t stop fucking you, he slows his pace, rolling his hips instead and hitting all those spots that make you see stars when your eyes flutter shut. You moan, melting beneath him as you kiss him deeply, all teeth and tongues as your moans are muffled in between.
You’re so close. You can feel it deep in your abdomen and in the quivering of your legs, in the tingles that run down your spine and the pulsating of your cunt. Yoongi groans, face buried in your neck, teeth scraping along your sensitive skin, marking you as his.
“Fuck, baby. I’m close,” he admits in a deep, grave tone that sends your stomach flipping.
“Come inside,” you plead, tightening around him.
Yoongi hisses, dark eyes locked on yours. He kisses you one more time, your name on his lips as his hips slam into you, his fingers rubbing your clit as he listens for the rise in octaves until you’re coming undone and taking him with you.
With one last grunt of your name, he spills inside you, coating you generously as he rocks his hips until he’s spent and pulling out.
Yoongi lies beside you, smiling brightly when you look at him. You grin, curling into his side and he welcomes you eagerly.
“Fuck, princess,” he breathes with his arm draped over his chest as he tries to regulate his breathing. “You nearly killed me.”
You giggle, rolling your eyes. “Shut up! I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
Yoongi smirks, pleased with himself. “Good.”
You grin, too spent to tease him further. Yoongi is content lying with you at his side, tiny kisses exchanged between you until you’re falling asleep in his arms.
Heat surrounds your body as you sleepily blink your eyes open. A yawn threatens to slip past your lips as you try to stretch in your spot but realize you can’t. A warm weight sits on your waist, a dark mop of hair rests on your chest and flashes of last night hit you head on.
You smile shyly at the memories, flushing with heat as you try to wiggle out of Yoongi’s hold and you remember the night you’d spent with him just like this.
“Stop moving,” comes his sleep-addled voice, a groan leaving him as he tightens his arm around you, snuggling further into your chest. You giggle softly, fingers scratching at his scalp until he’s unwinding himself from you and hastily kisses your lips.
“Morning,” he says, throwing his arms in the air to stretch and then running a hand through his hair. He sits silent for a few moments, and fear spikes up inside you. Did he regret it?
“It’s too early to be up, baby. Can we go back to sleep?” he asks with a sleepy grin. You sigh in relief.
“Sure,” you say. “We can sleep some more. In fact, we don’t have to get out of bed at all.”
“Don’t tempt me,” he nearly growls as he captures your lips with his, kissing you deeply. You moan, eyes fluttering shut as your hand grabs his hair at the nape of his neck. Yoongi curses, tongue twining with yours and soon you’re spreading your legs for him, welcoming him in.
Yoongi settles between your thighs. A soft exchange of kisses keeps him at your lips. Groans and soft moans of your name fill his bedroom as your hand wraps around his length, already hard and dribbling pre-cum. You press your thumb to the slit, coating the head with it before you’re popping it into your mouth.
“Fuck, princess. Keep doing stuff like that and I won’t last long,” Yoongi admits, pressing his lips to yours as you stroke his cock slowly, teasing him by rubbing the head on your clit until you’re lining him up at your entrance.
Yoongi locks eyes with you, one hand gripping yours, fingers laced as he sinks into you all at once.
You groan, arching slightly and biting back a moan at the slight pain of the stretch. It’s a delicious ache that makes your body tingle as his name rolls off your tongue and your nails dig into his back, dragging down his skin to leave pink welts in their wake.
“You’re determined to make me come already, aren’t you?” he asks with a half-smile. You nod, pressing your lips to him and pulling him closer as he pulls out, leaving the tip inside before he’s sliding home again. Yoongi’s hair clouds his vision and you push it out of the way, wanting to see his pretty eyes, cute nose, and perfect lips. He’s truly a vision to behold and now he’s yours. All yours.
Without warning, Yoongi sets a mouth-watering pace that leaves you breathless with each thrust. The headboard slams against the wall, your legs tremble as they try to cling to his waist and your hand is digging at the sheets beneath you in search of anything to hold on to.
Each roll of his hips, and each guttural groan and moan of your name has you spiraling head first into your first orgasm of the day, because if you think this is it, you’re gladly mistaken. Yoongi won’t be able to keep his hands to himself now that he’s yours. Now that you’re his. He’s tasted every bit of you and he’d be damned if he could ever give you up now.
“Cum with me, princess. Want to feel you cum all over my cock. Fucking cream it if you want,” Yoongi breathes, sweat beaded on his forehead between his brows.
“Yes! Fuck, please,” you plead as his thumb rubs your clit and his lips pepper kisses across your collarbones before he’s nuzzled into your neck, his dulcet moans melting into your skin as you hug him close, begging him to make you cum.
“Oh, fuck! Yoongi!” you cry out as your body quakes from the force of your orgasm. Yoongi right behind as he groans heavenly into your neck, cursing as he rolls his hips until he’s utterly spent.
“Oh, fuck! Yoongi!” Jimin’s eyes widened as he stepped into your apartment unannounced with his own key.
Surely he couldn’t have heard correctly?
Spider meows in greeting at seeing a Jimin, immediately wrapping around his leg as the door falls shut behind him.
“Yoongi!” This time there’s no mistaking it! Jimin burns scarlet as he scoops up Spider. He hastily opens the door of the hall closet, singing “la la la” at the top of his lungs, though you rival him when another moan fills the apartment. Man, do you have a set of lungs or what?
“Don’t you worry, baby girl. I’m getting you out of here!” Jimin opens the stroller, attaching the leash to Spider’s collar and zipping the stroller shut as he opens the front door. Spider meows, startling Jimin as another pleasurable moan filters through the home.
“Bye! Taking my cat niece to my place! Ya nasties! Text me later!” Of course, Jimin gets no response as he shuts the front door so hard it rattles. He shakes his head as he heads down the hall, looking at Spider through the netting of the stroller.
“You know, this isn’t what I meant when I said she should take Yoongi.”
next >>
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
#bangtanarmynet#btshoneyhive#btsgoldnet#yoongi fanfic#yoongi smut#yoongi x reader insert#yoongi x you#yoongi x y/n#yoongi fluff and smut#bts yoongi fanfiction#roommate!yoongi
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she's insignificant
chapter 10: where you've gone
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
with a sigh, y/n stood. five was still writing away behind her on the walls non-stop. she didn't dare interrupt him, simply leaving. she would be back anyways. all she needed was a nice walk.
as she wandered down the street with no destination in mind she spaced out, eyes trained on her feet. suddenly someone knocked her shoulder and brought her back to reality. she raised her head, hoping they weren't someone looking to start a fight or argue with her.
"y/n?" instead she was met with allison. her technically older sister seemed frustrated.
"allison? are you okay?" y/n's eyebrows furrowed, looking up at the curly haired woman.
"yeah.. i think so" she frowned, "i'm worried about vanya. she won't listen to me but her boyfriend, whoever he is.. i think he's dangerous. i couldn't find anything about him-"
"you went searching for his records?" y/n pulled back in disbelief, "allison! you know vanya doesn't like-"
"i know, she already got angry with me" allison sighed, shaking her head.
"why would you do that?" y/n tilted her head up at her, eyes narrowing incredulously. "where are you even going?"
"well, i found his address. i was going to see if anything's weird.." she earned a disapproving look, "i can't just sit around and do nothing y/n! please, help me, for vanya?"
y/n's expression only darkened, "why are you trying to ruin one of the only good things in her life?! she deserves to be happy for once and im not going to help you take that away from her!" she begun to shout, freezing as she realised her powers were getting out of control in the middle of the street. "just.. leave them alone!"
she took off, hoping to get away, she needed to get away.
as the sweet melody came to soft halt y/n smiled up at her sister. vanya donned a similar grin, placing her violin down and joining y/n on the floor, cross legged and leaning back against her bed.
"one day, you're going to be amazing, v" y/n mumbled quietly, looking like she was in a slight daze, "more amazing than you are now.. you're going to be a famous violinist, i can see it now. 'vanya hargreeves, the world's best violinist'"
vanya softly nudged her shoulder, shaking her head. "no way, the world? c'mon"
"i'm serious!" y/n was adamant, sitting up straighter to see her better, "you're gonna be so cool! and everyone here is going to see you and say 'damn, wish i had seen how awesome our sister was back then' and you're going to have lots of fans!"
vanya snorted, shyly brushing her long hair to the side, "yeah, right"
".. you won't forget me when you're famous, right?" y/n leaned back against the bed to avoid direct eye contact, her voice was much softer now. "don't forget me.. okay?" she nervously side eyed her sister, trying to gauge her reaction.
"i could never" vanya shook her head, leaning into the h/c haired girl. both of them shared small content grins.
as she walked upstairs to five's room she heard a commotion, hopefully he hadn't gotten into a fight with one of their siblings again, right?
"put her down" five snarled, holding a gun up to luther who held dolores' body out the window. y/n grinned at the sight, highly amused. who would have thought luther would ever threaten someone? well, y'know excluding their missions.. but five nonetheless? she leaned casually against the doorway, arms crossing and waiting for them to sort out whatever issue she walked in on.
"put the gun down, you're not killing anyone today. i know she's important to you so don't make me do this" luther paused, waiting to see what five would do. "it's either her or the gun.. you decide"
eventually five did decide that dolores was more important and dropped the gun before spacial jumping to catch dolores before she could fall. not that much damage would have occurred to the mannequin anyways, maybe a few scratches.
"i can keep doing this all day" luther spoke triumphantly, now holding the gun at his side. y/n snorted, catching their attention.
"you're such children" both glared at her in response, "c'mon, surely you have a better plan than whatever ended up in this-" she gestured vaguely between them, "squabble"
"we did not squabble" five hissed, placing dolores down and straightening his jacket. "but yes, i do have a one other plan"
the three of them, five, luther and y/n, drove down an empty road before slowing to a stop. five unbuckled his seatbelt and sighed, looking around.
"you know, i never enjoyed it" he started and luther turned to him in confusion.
"the killing. i mean i was- i was good at my work and i took pride in it but it never gave me pleasure" he took a deep breath, "i think it was all those years alone. solitude can do funny things to the mind"
"yeah well, you were gone for such a long time.. i only spent four years on the moon but that was more than enough. it's the being alone that breaks you" luther placed a hand on the briefcase, "you think they'll buy it?"
"well, what i do know is that they're desperate. it's like a cop losing his gun" he alluded, "if the commission finds out they'll be in deep shit, well not to mention that they'll be stuck here until they get it back"
"i should hold onto it" luther suggested, patting it with one hand.
"hm?" five's eyebrows furrowed,
"incase they make a move on you" he added to explain his point.
"okay, luther.. but be careful. i've lived a long life but.. you're still a young man, you've got your whole life ahead of you. don't waste it" y/n snorted and five turned to her, unamused.
"what?" they stared at each other for a moment before five shook his head, looking away with a small smile.
suddenly a car began to drive towards them and they all made to get out of the car. "here we go" five sighed again, he was doing that a lot, y/n realised.
the car continued to drive past them, stopping a few metres away.
"if this all goes sideways.. do me a favour and tell dolores i'm sorry" five turned to luther who nodded slowly.
as five walked away from them y/n leaned back against the car.
"i have a bad feeling about this" she nervously picked at her nails and luther frowned, looking over at her.
"why? what's wrong?"
"that.. i don't know yet" she looked down the road, "i just.. feel like something's off" she shook her head as five walked back, leaning next to her.
luther stepped forwards a bit, "what happens now?"
"now we wait"
barely a moment later they heard the music of an ice cream truck. y/n squinted against the sun and wind, trying to work out who it was. she took a moment to focus, sensing klaus, diego and ben. uh oh.
as the car got closer luther turned to five, "is that her?"
"luther, you idiot" y/n shook her head, "it's klaus and diego" right on time klaus waved to them as they passed.
the two assassins begun shooting, thinking it was a set up and y/n raised her arms to cover her head as luther stepped in front of her and five to block any shots.
suddenly time stopped.. well, only for five.
he frowned down at y/n next to him, the girl cowering in on herself. he felt bad for bringing her into something like this but she was very persistent.
he slowly stepped under luther's arm, looking at everyone frozen in slight confusion.
"neat trick, isn't it?" a feminine voice called out behind him and he turned to face the woman he had asked to see. the handler. she stared at him, pulling the veil over her face up and onto her hat instead before pulling her sunglasses off.
"hello, five" she smiled, "you look good.. all things considered" she softly gestured to all of him.
"it's good to see you again" he nodded back,
"feels like we met just yesterday, 'course you were a little bit older then" she teased, "congratulations on the age regression, by the way. very clever, threw us all off the scent"
"ah, well, i wish i could take credit" five shrugged, looking away. "i just miscalculated the time dilation of projections and.. well, you know, here i am" his gaze met hers once again, throwing his hands up before putting them back in his pockets, casually.
"you realise your efforts are futile" the handler shifted so that her briefcase was behind her, "so, why don't you tell me what you really want?"
"i want you to put a stop to it" five moved his own hands behind his back.
"you realise what you're asking for is next to impossible even for me" she shook her head, "what's meant to be is meant to be. that's our raison d'etre"
"yeah?" five smiled sarcastically, pulling a gun from his shorts "well how about survival as a raison?"
"i'll just be replaced, i am but a small cog in a machine" the handler waved it off, ignoring the gun pointing straight at her heart. "this fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse is just that.. a fantasy. i must say though, we'll quite impressed with your initiative, your stick-to-it-tiveness, really quite- quite something. which is why we want to offer you, a new position back at the commission, in management" the handler held a hand up, smiling like her offer was an obvious choice.
"sorry what's that now?" five scoffed as she stepped closer, hand tightening on the gun.
"come back to work for us again, you know it's where you belong"
"well, it didn't work out too well the last time" he glared up at her, not liking the persistence.
"oh but you wouldn't be in the correction department any longer, i'm talking about the home office, you'd have the best health and pension and an end to this ceaseless travel" she laughed freely, "you're a distinguished professional in.. school boy shorts. we have the technology to reverse the process. i mean you- you can't be happy like this" she slowly pushed his gun down, stepping ever closer.
"i'm not looking for happy" he spat through gritted teeth.
the handler only tilted her head, eyeing him carefully before raising a hand to stroke his cheek, "we're all looking for happy. we can make that happen, we can make you.. yourself again"
five huffed a laugh, gesturing to his siblings. "what about my family?"
"what about them?" the handler raised an eyebrow, acting like she didn't already know he intended to save them.
"i want them to survive"
the handler took in a deep breath, taking in the sight of luther protecting y/n who was still crouching against the car as well as diego and klaus who were in the middle of crashing the ice cream truck.
"all of them?"
"yes, all of them" he narrowed his eyes at her,
the handler gave him a small smirk, moving towards the recoiled girl. five watched carefully, waiting to see what she would do.
"it's such a shame.. she would have done well with us. if only we could take her too" she reached a hand out, about to touch her but five moved first, spacial jumping in front of her and grabbing her hand. he held her away from y/n.
"don't touch her" he snarled, unmoving from his protective stance.
"my my, five, i didn't expect such protectiveness from you" the handler merely smirked, stepping away. as they walked back she once again proposed her deal.
"well" the handler begun, reaching a hand into her pocket and pulling out her sunglasses before putting them back on her face. "i'll see what i can do from them.. do we have a deal?" she reached a hand out to him, awaiting his acceptance. he merely stared at her hand before sighing,
"one thing" five stepped back, putting his gun in his shorts again. he walked over to hazel's gun on the floor, taking out the ammunition and chucking it on one side of the road before chucking the rest of the gun to the other. he turned and walked back, noticing the bullet headed towards luther and y/n. he frowned, using his pointer finger and thumb to move it over so that it would hit the car instead of them.
as soon as he shook her outstretched hand they disappeared and time was restored.
y/n shivered, ignoring the bullet hitting the car next to her and the way her siblings scrambled around to get away quick. she allowed herself to be shoved into the car with klaus and diego, spaced out.
"you alright?" diego turned to her while klaus stuck the middle finger up at hazel and cha cha.
"i felt someone else.. it was only for a moment but i felt someone.." she spoke solemnly, staring at her shaking hands. "and then five just.. disappeared"
tag list: (if your name is crossed i couldnt tag you) @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic @shawkneecaps @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @velveticxyyy
#tua#the umbrella academy#tua x sibling reader#the umbrella academy x sibling reader#five hargreeves#diego hargreeves#allison hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#vanya hargreeves#luther hargreeves#ben hargreeves#five hargreeves x reader#diego hargreeves x reader#allison hargreeves x reader#klaus hargreeves x reader#vanya hargreeves x reader#luther hargreeves x reader#ben hargreeves x reader
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Miya!Reader x Miyas
Synopsis: Nothing simpler than grocery shopping. Right?
wc: 1.2k
a part of The third Miya series
a/n: Miyas are pure chaos and I’m here for it. If you wanna be tagged in the coming scribbles lemme know and as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

One thing was sure; every single time you were sent to get groceries Osamu got lost somewhere between entering the store and the first shelf. Years of being used to it and you still worry, knowing better than anyone he always follows his nose rather than his eyes; though ever since the mango incident you'd rather no one knew you are related.
And after all, he is like a cat, aloof and distant until food came into picture and he winds his way between your legs till he either gets what he wants or you end up flat on your face. And he still gets what he wants.
Atsumu on the other hand, is a parrot. A colourful, obnoxiously loud parrot who always wants whatever is in your hands, not caring what you knock over trying to keep your small treasures from his grabby little claws. Or, hands.
The current treasure in question being the shopping list. It's been a long time since you stood a chance against Atsumu when it came to pure pulling strength and the unfortunate victim to experience it is, well are, the two pieces of paper in yours and his hand. “Great,“ you say, “if we forget to buy anythin' I'm blamin' ya.“
“This wouldn't have happened if ya just gave me the damn paper in the first place,“ huffs Atsumu.
You stuff the torn piece of paper in your pocket. “Where's Samu?“
“What am I? His babysitter?“
“No, that honour would be mine,“ you dead pan to his snarky question. Throwing a quick glance up and down the aisle you fail to notice your other brother between the customers. Well, whatever. He'll show up sooner or later. So you return your attention to tooth paste. Dad likes the blue one. Only there are at least four different blue ones.
“Just take the cheapest.“
“That one's digustin’.“
“If we buy the cheaper stuff we'll have more money left over to buy snacks!“
“Ooo,“ your eyes widen as you do the quick math, “Tsumu yer so smart!“ You grab two of the cheapest tubes. “Maybe we can even get Samu-nii to make us some onigiri...“ The mere thought of them makes your mouth water.
“Samu-nii?“ he frowns. “Ya never call me that.“
“Ya lost that privilege when ya framed me for eatin' his puddin'. We should get some hair dye too. Yer roots are starting to show.“ No way are you going to let your brother walk around with roots showing. Oh no. Not under your watch.“Maybe some purple shampoo but I don't see it anywhere...“
“What for?“
“So we can get ya a real nice platinum colour.“
“Nah, I like the one I have.“
You straighten up and give him a look of disbelief. “It's yellow.“
“Gold! It's gold! 'Cause I'm a champion!“
Right. “Whatever you need to tell yerself little brother.“
While he hisses back insults, because he's the oldest and how dare you disrespect him in the 7-Eleven of all places, you try to remember what the next thing on the shopping list was. Shampoo, right, check, dad's favourite shaving cream is already in the cart, as is deodorant you've gotten in a fight over with Atsumu just a minute ago (“I want this one!“
“Tsumu this one stinks like a teenage boy who hasn't showered in a week.“
“I AM A TEENAGE BOY!”). You should take one for Osamu too. Their morning squabbles weren't how you liked starting your day, not that a single deodorant would stop that but one can dream, right? Speaking of which, slowly it would be time to start looking for your always hungry triplet. Still ignoring Atsumu you head towards the food section.
Here's the thing about parrots. Just like cats they want attention when you have something more important to do. A cat will nudge you, lay over your books or keyboard or whatever you might be doing at the moment, maybe dug its claws in your leg or just straight up refuse to leave no matter how many times you push it away. A parrot on the other hand, will perch itself on your shoulder and scream till you give it what it wants.
That's what Atsumu is doing at the moment. Well, not the screaming part, though his blabbering is just as annoying. He's leaning on your shoulder, flicking your ear while you compare the prices of bonito flakes. “Stop that.“
“I'm gonna get chips.“
“Wait for-“
He's already walking away, pushing the cart and whistling, so you roll your eyes and return your attention back to the packages. Which one did mom say tasted weird again?
Here's another thing about parrots. As innocent as they may look to some, they do love creating this thing called chaos. And here's the thing about chaos. Unlike some other things it's worse in small dosages, because in small dosages it's funny. For example, a parrot filling your shoe with sunflower seeds.
Or a golden haired boy filling the shopping cart with bags of chips. There's barely enough space for those three packages in your arms.
“Mom's gonna go ballistic if we buy so much chips,“ you say looking at Atsumu trying to stuff one more bag in the cart.
“We'll just pay separately.“
Oh right. You could do that. And this time not fail to forget taking the receipt out of the bag before dad finds it. While Atsumu tries to decide which package of crab chips to take next (as if he could cram one more in the cart) you sneak in some small packets of super sour candy. For later. You never knew when Samu will itch and go through your secret stash.
As if he smelled you're collecting ingredients for a trap his gray hair appears on the other side of the aisle. “What's with all that?“ he asks when he sees half the cart is filled with snacks.
Osamu puts his hands in pockets. “Put them back.“
You blink. Twice. Then glance over at Atsumu who looks just as shocked as you. He narrows his eyes and pinches Osamu's cheek. “Ya feelin' alright Samu? Got fever?“ Osamu swats his hand away. “Who are ya and what have ya done with our brother?“
And his hands are empty too... The only time Osamu didn't come back carrying a bunch of food was when you were shopping at a shoe store.
“If we don't buy snacks we can get sushi,“ he says with an expression that clearly asks how you two idiots couldn't work that out on your own.
“Oooo,“ both your and Atsumu's eyes widen in awe. You could get sushi. You both look at all the tasty, tasty snacks in the cart. Sushi... Or maybe ramen. A new restaurant did open up the street just last month. But then you'll have no goodies for later... But it's sushi.
“Alright, I'll get these back!“ Atsumu grabs the bags and stacks them back on the shelf.
“Hey! I haven't agreed yet!“ you protest.
Osamu pats your shoulder. “Two to one.“
You roll your eyes. It wasn't the rule of 'two over one' overruling whatever your answer was going to be, it was more you hate being the losing one. Even when you get a reward. Even when the reward is tasty food.
At least mom's paying.

tagging: @espressons
#Miya Atsumu#miya osamu#miya twins#hqcorenet#miya atsumu x reader#osamu x reader#miya osamu x reader#atsumu x platonic!reader#osamu x platonic!reader#hq#haikyuu#haikyuu fanfic#inarizaki#the third miya#libri scribbles#can u tell I've been reading Terry Pratchett?
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I see that ask is open! I've been thinking what if MC decides to stay with the demons forever, after all she's only human, years will pass and she will keep aging, losing her beauty and becoming more fragile, while the demons will remain young and handsome. Can you write about MC sharing this concern with the demon brothers and how they'd react to it ❤️ "Would you still love me when I'm old and ugly"
Scenario: “Would you still love me when I’m old and ugly?” + Demon Brothers Reactions
//the theme of devotion and dedication ALWAYS has me emo; I ADORE this prompt, so thanks for sending this in! I’m a real sucker for the immortal/mortal relationship conflicts
let me know what you think! :)
starts singing Young and Beautiful by Lana del Rey
Note: I kept it gender neutral “you” as per usual!
“Yes,” Lucifer says to you, taking your hand and pressing his lips to your knuckles. “And I’ll continue to love you even after. Death will not stop me from loving you, let alone how your face may change-- though I dare say I’d still think you’d be beautiful regardless.”
Calm as ever on the outside-- especially if you’re evidently concerned about this. He won’t hesitate to ensure that you know that his love goes far beyond what you look like on the outside or to how capable/strong you are. Lucifer refuses to hear anything self-deprecating, and he will NEVER let you doubt that he loves you as you are. (He’s real good at smooth-talking AND dirty-talk-- don’t test him or do.) Body worship probably becomes more of a regular thing because he really does adore every part of you because they make you you.
When he’s alone with his thoughts though, his mind tends to wander and it scares him to think that one day he will lose you, but it makes him cherish the times you do have together even more. He surprisingly is indulgent to a lot more of your whims thereafter and tries harder to not let work get in the way of being with you. If anything, this concern of yours has reminded him that time is finite for you, so he’d like to be able to spend the rest of your life with you, if you’d allow it.
Mammon is actually a little indignant and goes on a tangent because the thought of even not being in love with you is just… not possible to him. Who cares if you’ve got a few wrinkles? Who cares if you need a little help walking? You’re still going to be the person he fell in love with.
“First of all,” he starts, fuming, “you’re never gonna be ugly to me-- so get that squared away, alright?”
“Secondly, when you’re old, I’m gonna be there for you. No matter what!”
“Thirdly,” he says, surprisingly serious. “there’s nothin’ in all three realms that would make me fall out of love with ya. I’m crazy for you, can’t you see?”
He’s definitely a little embarrassed after that outburst (especially if that was in public), but he needs to let you know that you’re important to him. He can’t have you think for a second that his feelings will waver the moment something changes-- he’s your first man FOR LIFE. Forgive him for being a little extra the next few days; he’s going to compliment you for everything you wear and probably get into squabbles with anyone who says otherwise-- but he’s doing it for your sake so you feel a little warm. If you were ever feeling sad about that concern, the thought is gone from your mind when Mammon is there looking at you like you hung the moon and stars.
I think this question may come as a surprise to him, and it does make him a little flustered. It’s never crossed his mind that things would eventually change because you’re a human because, to be quite honest, he’s focused on time he spends with you in the now. But he supposes he does see some changes. Your hair grows, your appearance changes as you age… but did you think he wouldn’t love you when you grow old or that he won’t find you loveable when you’re older because his anime characters won’t age? That’s probably the first thing in his head (and yours if that is a concern of yours), and he’s quick to drop whatever he’s holding or playing and grasping onto your hands.
“Of course! Of course I will! I told you, didn’t I? You’re going to be my Player 2-- now and forever!”
“And you’re not going to be ugly,” he tells you fervently. “Never. Not possible. Not to me.”
He’ll try his best to comfort you if you are feeling down about it though, probably using comparisons and how seasons may change a character but that doesn’t mean Levi loves them any less-- which applies to you even MORE. How could he not love you? For whatever enjoyment he gains from anime and games, there is nothing better than to know that you’re by his side, which means that he’s going to be by YOUR side too when you need him. If life was a co-op, he’d like to be your Player 2 for as long as he can.
“Of course I will. Nothing will change how I feel about you.”
Satan’s answer is straight-forward, calm, and almost immediate-- which is sweet, like there was never a question in his mind that his feelings will remain the same no matter what happens. If you’re feeling a little down about it though, his eyes will soften and he’ll pull you into his arms and kiss your forehead. “I’m in love with who you are on the inside-- not that I don’t think you’re beautiful,” he fumbles, embarrassed but pushing through to make sure his thoughts were known to you. “But I fell in love with everything about you: your laugh, the way you wake up in the morning, how your hands fit in mine… And these things just don’t change.”
“And even when your mind wanders,” he says, kissing your brow. “I’ll love you still.”
No matter how many times you bring this up, he always patiently lets you vent to him. He can’t possibly imagine how it must feel to grow old and change in such a small (to him) amount of time, but if anything he’s ready to understand how you feel so he can help you feel better-- as much as he can. Satan does probably push the thought of you growing old to the back of his head-- not because he doesn’t think he’ll love you (definitely not, he’ll stay around you as long as you love him), but because the thought of losing you to old age is not something he’s thought of much.
(That’s something he’ll have to reflect on on his own.)
Asmo probably makes jokes like him being beautiful enough for the both of you, but I think in reality, he takes your concern quite seriously. No matter how much he may take pride in his own appearance and the beauty of others, it is you who he’ll love regardless of how old you grow. He genuinely believes that you truly are beautiful, no matter the number of wrinkles on your hands or the crows feet by your eyes. In fact, he thinks they’d be lovable on you. As you change he’ll find that there is something lovely about those changes because now there are other sides of you he’ll get to love and discover.
“Don’t you know true beauty is on the inside?” He’ll tell you, holding you to his chest and stroking your hair.
From then on, he takes offense if anyone negatively points out any signs of aging on you (“Aging is not a bad thing, honey-- it makes you look more distinguished”) and discourages you from hiding your blemishes and wrinkles if you think they make yourself less appealing to him but would help you if you would like to do a little make-up. (He definitely would make love to you just to show you eagerly that you are still attractive to him.)
He doesn’t understand at first. He knows how short the human lifespan is-- certainly, in the back of his mind-- but the idea that you could become even weaker and more fragile than you already are as a human is-- to say it simply, terrifying. If you’re asking this truly out of concern, he will undoubtedly come up to you and hold both of your hands in his gently.
“I’ll love you no matter what. And I think you’re beautiful no matter how old you may look-- you’re still you.”
He’s a little scared to think how easily you could get hurt, so he makes sure to be extra careful with his strength and learn how to support you when you need it. Beel will protect you as you grow older, be patient when you are no longer spry, and help you when your body fails you. He is (physically) the strongest in the family, so he takes it as a personal mission to make sure he takes care of you when you no longer can. He probably takes extra note to compliment you every time you ask for his opinion, and will continue to tell you you look beautiful everyday-- even if you aren’t wearing anything special-- just to remind you that he thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
“If all you want to do in the future is sleep, I’ll do that. If all you can do is be with me, then that’s fine too. I’ll love you anyways.”
A little alarmed when you address this concern to you, but you wouldn’t have known. He keeps a pretty calm veneer but much like his brother, the thought of losing you so soon is terrifying. Regardless of how scared he may feel thinking about the day that you’ll one day grow old and pass away in this short human life span of yours, whatever he said was the truth: it doesn’t matter to him if you’re old or if you’re ‘ugly’ (as if that would ever happen in his eyes), because he promised to protect you and to be there when you needed him-- and he takes that promise very seriously. (Till death do us part.)
Belphie clings to you a little tighter when you sleep together and follows you around a little more for the next few days, and makes it a point of making sure he wouldn’t care how much you change your appearance. If anything, this makes him fall even more in love with you. He’s always loved humans and the fact they make the most of their lives despite how short they are-- and he want to make sure that every second of your life is the best he can give you.
#obey me scenarios#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me satan#obey me beelzebub#obey me leviathan#obey me asmodeus#obey me belphegor#obey me#obey me headcanons#i really like how this turned out :)
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🤬 | seokjin
the sleep deprived series (n.): drabbles that i write when i’m sad and tired
→ frenemy!seokjin ft. e2l and the magnificent get-along sweater | 2K words → a/n: this is dedicated to my homie @jincherie who has been, as they say, wiping her ass everyday only to shit again. i can’t really do much to actually alleviate your circumstances except maybe making you smile, so i hope this can be your tiny ray of sunshine amidst the crap. this fic literally makes no sense because i wrote this within one hour so i’m sorry but pls know that ilysm!!

“Where’d you even fucking get this abomination?” you growl, struggling fruitlessly against the coarse fabric. In your fidgeting, your elbow knocks into Seokjin’s broad chest, causing more damage to your weak joints than anything. Even so, Seokjin grunts overdramatically, stepping on your toes in retaliation.
“Yoongi-chi, you know that I love you very much—” Seokjin seethes, his teeth clenched almost painfully as he fights to restrain himself from ripping the sweater in half, a la Hulk style. “—but I will not hesitate to stab you once I get out of here.”
“Not my fault that you both are acting like a bunch of toddlers,” Yoongi snorts, hip jutted out in contempt like the homosexual that he is. “And to answer your other question, I bought that sweater online after your last fight, when you two were literally wrestling on the kitchen counter. I didn��t know whether I walked into some intense BDSM play or a WWE ring.”
“You bought a fucking get-along sweater for us? What are you, some sort of Christian camp counselor?” you growl, kicking your legs out in an attempt to hit him. The slimy twink bastard jumps away gracefully, landing onto the loveseat opposite the couch that you were sitting on. He crosses his legs, opening his arms wide when your traitorous cat jumps onto his lap, looking to all the world like a terrible Bond villain from the 80s.
“If I was Christian, I would not put the two of you into a sweater together,” Yoongi says. He strokes your cat, who purrs loudly before pointing a contemptuous glare back at you, as if she was enjoying your torture too. Dumb cat. You never liked Miko anyway.
Yoongi continues, “Anyone would two eyes knows that you both are just one brawl away from fucking each other into the next dimension. Lord knows that your sexual tension could power the entire city.”
It’s Seokjin’s turn to snort, who has been relatively quiet in comparison to you. He’s also less fidgety, but that might be because he at least has the advantage and comfort of occupying 90% of the sweater space due to his oceanic shoulders. You once described him as “horizontally imbalanced,” which he did not find slightly amusing.
“I would rather place my balls into a panini press and feed them to Miko than to ever fuck Y/N,” Seokjin fake-gags, squirming uncomfortably in his seat. “It would be less hot for me to actually grill my penis than for me to sink into her hell-ish cunt. I swear, you could bake bread in there with how much yeast has accumulated from—“
You headbutt his chin before he can finish, squawking indignantly. The satisfying sound of his teeth clacking together in pain is momentary but worthwhile. “Excuse you, but it’d be an honor to fuck me! I’ve got that S-tier pussy! If my pussy was in a gacha game, people would spend thousands of dollars just to roll for my mystical coochie!”
Yoongi smirks. “So you admit that you do want Seokjin to fuck you!”
“What the fuck! No! That is—what the—I don’t!” You stammer, face flushing as you struggle to regain your footing in the conversation. Yoongi’s eyebrow raises, intrigued by your slip-up. “That is totally not what I meant, and you know it!”
Yoongi picks at his nails, pointedly avoiding eye contact. “Sorry, I don’t speak hetero. Prithee, explain thy peculiar mating rituals to one who does not walk the straight and narrow path.”
You slump back against the couch, forcing Seokjin to follow and fall backward with you. His shoulder hits you square in the boob, causing you to groan in pain. “Yoongi, just let us out of this thing before I lose a limb to this walking inflatable tubeman,” you plead, ignoring Seokjin’s glare.
“I resent that,” Seokjin inputs, but no one pays him any mind. Your attention is focused solely on the smirking kitty man in front of you, who grows smugger as time ticks on.
Everyone in your friend group is aware of the weird relationship you have with Seokjin. Ever since you met him in your freshman year of university, things were never peaceful between the two of you. It was always constant bickering, squabbling, competing… everything. Even Jungkook, Seokjin’s other sworn enemy, doesn’t argue with the elder as much as you did.
For three years, everyone just assumed it was your weird kindergarten schoolyard way of showing affection for each other, and at the beginning, it might have been. You and Seokjin, both of whom have never dated in their lifetimes despite being moderately popular while growing up, are unsurprisingly emotionally stunted and never learned how to just be nice to people you like. Affection who? Compassion where? To the both of you, physical connection can only be achieved through hair tugging and nipple pinching, and not even in the sexy way.
But at a certain point, things were starting to get tiring. Your arguments only grew larger in scale, to the point where it was getting hard to differentiate whether the bruises on your neck were from pinches or something else.
“I just… Ugh… When are they gonna fuck, hyung? I’m actually getting tired of their constant fighting,” Namjoon had lamented one afternoon, just a day after your last altercation with Seokjin. It had been a big one, where Seokjin nearly lost a tooth when you had landed a neat uppercut squarely on his jaw after he called your toes ‘a foot fetishist’s worst nightmare.’
Yoongi’s boyfriend had been staring listlessly into his bowl of soup for the past hour, and he was honestly starting to get worried when it looked like Namjoon had started muttering to himself in a foreign language. Yoongi almost thought he might have been scrying for a prophecy, begging for an answer to their most pressing question.
“What do you want me to do about it? Lock them in a room and let them out only after they’ve done the deed? Mixed bodily fluids? Performed the monkey dance to its climax?! No thanks, I don’t wanna be near them when that can of worms finally explodes,” Yoongi grimaced, shivering at the thought.
Namjoon shook his head quickly, face paling with him. “Heaven forbid. Maybe you can keep it PG? How about getting one of those get-along sweaters or something. I think they used those in kindergarten.”
Yoongi sighed. “Yeah, but the question would be how I’d get them into it.” He flaps his noodle arms around in demonstration. “I’m not exactly in the running for world’s strongest twink. Plus, years of fighting each other means they’re both stronger than I am.”
Namjoon shrugged. “Easy, just dare them to wear it. Make it into a competition. Nothing gets them more riled up than when they’re trying to outcompete each other.”
And so, that’s how the two of you had gotten stuck in a 3XXL Hello Kitty sweater that Yoongi had bought from Ebay. It has yet to be decided whether spending $40 on expedited shipping was worth it.
“Look, Yoongi-chi. We both promise that we will stop fighting once you let us out of this,” Seokjin says, smiling sweetly at him. Had Yoongi been younger and much more prone to the alluring temptation of the Straight Man™️, he might have caved. But Yoongi is older now, plus he knows when Seokjin is lying better than any polygraph test.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, waving him off. “Fat chance. You’d probably stop fighting for approximately three hours before getting mad about mint chocolate ice cream or something.”
“Hey! Give us some credit. We both agree that flavor is abhorrent, so we would never argue about that,” you retort, with Seokjin nodding furiously in agreement. You glance at him. “And I feel like we’d last at least six hours without fighting. What was our record again?”
“Five hours and twenty-two minutes,” Seokjin says.
You hum thoughtfully. “Okay, I can promise at least five hours and thirty minutes. Maybe.”
Yoongi groans, rubbing his temples in frustration. His souring mood even makes Miko jump away in fright, and the two idiots trapped in a sweater can immediately feel the dip in temperature. Uh oh, here we go!
“I am absolutely sick and tired of the two of you dumbasses fighting all the time! It’s embarrassing as hell trying to bring either of you anywhere in public because everyone mistakes your little catfights for strange foreplay or whatever,” Yoongi glowers. The two of you shrink into your seats, ashamed.
“We’ve only gotten kicked out of one Costco—” Seokjin defends.
“But we did get fined for public indecency at the beach when I pulled your trunks down, which was totally unfair, by the way,” you mutter.
“You literally threatened to, and I quote, ‘Suck the soul out of Seokjin’s dick until he dies.’ How the hell is that unfair?!” Yoongi exclaims.
“It was a death threat! I would’ve accepted a charge for attempted murder, but that was not going to be a sexy blowjob, I assure you—”
Yoongi holds up a hand to silence you. “Face it, you both like each other. Whatever! Sure, you guys are the token straight people in our friend group, but that doesn’t make you bland as hell! Well, actually, it does but…” Yoongi pauses, wondering if it was worth lying. It takes a second for him to refocus. “Where was I? Oh right—“
Yoongi clears his throat, starting again. He heaves a deep breath, shoulders sagging tiredly as he puts on the sincerest face he can muster. “Listen, I just want to say that I care a lot about you, okay? And it sucks seeing the both of you hurting every time the other person says something really mean that neither of you even mean! If anything, will you please stop for me? If you really cared about our friendship, will you do it for me?”
There is a heavy pause as Yoongi strives to get his breathing back in check, his impassioned speech causing his fragile grandpa heart to race. He can feel his cheeks darkening in embarrassment, unused to using his “hyung voice” on Seokjin or you. Separately, the two of you are very reliable, never really needing him to scold either of you. Together, however… that’s a different story, but as the next eldest hyung, it really only fell to Yoongi to fix his friends’ mess of a relationship.
Screw age hierarchy. Yoongi would love to see Jungkook try to get Seokjin and you to fuck. Would absolutely pay to see the twerp squirm as he tries to even say the word “penis.”
After a while, Seokjin and you share a look. Yoongi watches with bated breath as he waits for either of you to speak, but he can sense some unspoken conversation happening between you. Perhaps, after years of exchanging blows, you had somehow knocked brain cells into each other and now share a weird psychic connection. Or, more likely, the two of you actually like each other and understand each other on a deeply personal level, so personal in fact that you could probably finish each other’s sentences, like—!
“We refuse,” you both reply in tandem, your joined voices echoing throughout the apartment. You both had said it so in sync that Yoongi might have imagined the other person speaking, but no—you both really did just say that to his face. In front of Miko. In front of his goddamn imaginary salad.
“Excuse me?” Yoongi squeaks. He cleans his ears with his fingers but finds no cotton there. These bitches! How dare they just throw his speech to the gutter! That shit took brain cells to think of, and he is not in the business of wasting his precious minutes by using them for productivity.
You shrug, leaning against Seokjin’s shoulder. He can see the ghost of a smirk tugging at your lips, thoroughly enjoying Yoongi’s confusion. “You heard us. We’ve made the executive decision to double our efforts, actually.”
Seokjin nods, not even shoving you off his shoulder like he normally would whenever you made contact with him. What? “Exactly. Honestly, we’ve been fighting for so long that we’ve kinda been just doing it for the bit at this point, and the fact that it annoys you so much is just the icing on the cake.”
Yoongi stares at them. His brain doesn’t feel like it’s connecting to his body at all; he feels like he’s floating. “So. What you’re saying is—“
“We know we like each other. Whatever. But we also like fighting, so who gives a shit if we’re having fun at the end of the day?” you shrug, pinching Seokjin’s cheek for good measure. As per usual, the elder retaliates by grabbing your finger with robot-like accuracy, before biting you there like a ravaging beast.
“And before you ask, no, we aren’t really dating. Yet. We kinda just wanted to piss as many people off before actually becoming official. We honestly didn’t think that you’d be the first one to crack.” Seokjin says, your finger falling from his mouth. The imprint of his teeth marks on your skin are plain as day, but you don’t look remotely bothered by it. In fact, you’re practically cooing at his ‘baby teefies’ like a psychopath.
“I—“ Yoongi stutters, at a loss for words for once in his life. He stands from the chair, but his knees give out from under him, causing him to tumble to the carpeted floor. He holds his head in his hands, shell-shocked. “So… That means…”
“Yeah, we’re kinda just freaky, I guess.” You muse before laughing hysterically when Yoongi begins to sob. “Hey, you’re right! We did make Yoongi cry! Do you think we could make Namjoon piss himself in rage when he finally confronts us too?”
Seokjin cackles, shaking your hand underneath the sweater. “If anyone can do it, I know that we can.”
And so, the two of you stand up clumsily to your feet, not bothering to escape the ridiculous sweater as you both waddled out of Yoongi’s apartment. From outside his door, Yoongi hears the sound of a new fight commencing, your shrieks resonating down the hall and for all the world to hear.
#btsghostie#bts scenarios#seokjin x reader#bts x reader#bts reader insert#bts fanfiction#bts imagines#bts humor#e2l#kim seokjin#seokjin scenarios#jin scenarios#bangtan#bts fanfic#the sleep deprived series
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I would kill to read an O’knutzy one shot based on 54
merde. i’m so sorry. got fucking carried away here. as usual. this hit me in the feels so hard, and then i just started projecting lmao. wanted to squeeze in a couple more prompts together with this, but i decided not to. this (not) drabble is barely centred around the prompt, but once i started writing i couldn’t stop. hope you guys like it anyway! characters by @lumosinlove and idea by @shinymooncolor.
54: “He thinks he’s a mind reader.”
Logan doesn’t know where this is all coming from. All these feelings just hit him like a sledgehammer, all at once, and hard. He’s buried under the covers in Dumo’s basement, and he’s trying so hard to stifle his racking sobs, but he honestly doesn’t know why he bothers.
It’s not like anyone can hear him, anyway.
He squeezes his eyes shut and lets the tears fall.
“Oui, merci, Dumo. We’re heading over,” Leo cuts the call, a worried edge to his tone, and Finn frowns at him.
“What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“Logan was acting weirdly during lunch,” Leo’s voice is muffled as he tugs his Lions hoodie over his head, and he pauses as his head disappears under the thick material. He fumbles for a bit, and then his blonde curls appear, followed by the rest of his head, and he continues. “Dumo said something was bothering him but, y’know him, refuses to talk to anyone. He was like that all morning too, and then when Dumo went down to look for him, he heard him crying from outside his door.”
“What?” Finn startles as he’s pulling on his converses. Logan was fine when he left to go back to Dumo’s the night before. He can’t imagine what could’ve upset him so much. “Did Dumo speak to him?”
Leo shakes his head, his big blue eyes sad as he waits for Finn to grab his car keys. “Tremzy yelled at him to go away, which is something that’s never happened before either,” he pointed out, and Finn hummed nervously as they waited for the elevator.
“Fuck, but he was—”
“Fine last night, I know,” Leo bites his lip, folding his arms across his chest. “I don’t— What could he be this upset over?”
Finn shrugs. “Dunno, but must be something big. He doesn’t even cry that often.”
“Could it be about last night, though?” Leo sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. “I don’t know. Let’s just see what he says, yeah? No point worrying about it now. ‘s not gonna help the situation.”
Finn nods silently, and the elevator doors ping as they close.
There’s a knocking sound on the door again, and Logan yells hoarsely, “Leave me alone, Dumo, I don’t wanna talk about it.”
His voice cracks, and he breathes out a sob, until he hears the door opening anyway. He holds his breath, and wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his tshirt. The mattress dips on either side of him, and his stomach drops.
He’s not prepared to deal with them right now.
“Lo? Baby,” Finn’s gentle voice calls out, a hand finding his shoulder over the duvet. He sucks in a breath, and his heart squeezes tightly in his chest at how tender Finn sounds.
He breathes in and out slowly, his eyes burning in embarrassment. He doesn’t need them to see him like this, especially when he cannot comprehend or work through his own emotions.
It was fine just the night before. They watched a movie together, and talked about it. It wasn’t the first time Finn and Leo asked him to move in, and although he had previously rejected the idea a couple of times, last night it felt like he was ready. He told them yes, and Finn and Leo got so excited that they forgot about finishing the rest of the movie.
He knows he has no reason to be upset. They’ve been together for some time now, and he’s been wanting to move in for ages, it’s just that the nerves had always gotten to him. But Finn and Leo have been nothing but patient, and kind, and loving, and he knows it’s only a matter of time. So he doesn’t know what’s making him so worried now either. He just can’t seem to shake the idea that he’d be intruding on Finn and Leo’s space. Visiting them regularly is one thing, but to stay with them is another.
What if they start fighting more because they’re all crammed in one apartment together? What if they get tired of him? What if they regret asking him to move in eventually? What if they ask him to leave?
Logan trembles as a fresh wave of tears overcomes him, and a moment later, he feels the covers lifted momentarily as both Finn and Leo crawl in, sitting cross legged on either side of him. He hides his face behind his hands, curling up into a ball, but Leo lifts him up onto his lap easily, wrapping his arms around Logan’s waist. He presses kisses to the side of Logan’s neck, and Finn scoots over, tugging his hands away from his face.
His breath hitches at the sight of Logan’s tear streaked face and red rimmed eyes, and he leans in to press their foreheads together. “Talk to us, love. Please.”
“Can’t,” Logan rasps out, shaking his head. “I can’t. I don’t— I don’t know how to…”
“Mmmmm, is it about last night?” Leo asks carefully, nuzzling his cheek.
Logan swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. His throat closes up, and he hangs his head.
“S’ok, hun. You don’t have to, if you don’t wanna, okay? We don’t want to pressure you into living with us. We want it only if you do.”
“I do,” Logan whispers, wringing his hands together in his lap. “I want to. ‘s just…”
He shrugs, biting on his lip. He thinks for a while, opening and closing his mouth a few times. “Complicated,” he says, finally.
“Complicated, how?” Finn looks over, confused. “You’ve been coming over almost every day, and you sleep over often enough anyway. It’s gonna be the same if you move in. It’ll be how it always is.”
Logan shakes his head sadly, still not lifting his head. Leo and Finn lock eyes, and he gives the redhead a worried look.
“Isn’t it?” he asks quietly.
“Non,” Logan says, and it’s almost as though he’s… scared? Leo looks up at Finn in alarm, but then Logan shifts on his lap and he turns his attention back to him. “I… I’m… What if we start to, I don’t know, fight? And not the kind of squabbles we’ve had. Like, real fights. Because we’d all be stuck in an apartment together, and… what if you guys end up… not wanting me there?”
He’s crying again now, harder this time, and Leo is shushing him comfortingly, running his hands through Logan’s hair. Finn is just staring, stunned into silence.
“What if you guys ask me to leave someday?” Logan sobs. “I don’t think I can— I’ve never loved anyone like this, and I can’t— I don’t know if I dare to take that risk. I— It might be better this way, for me to keep my… distance. I don’t know.”
Leo looks up at Finn again, and he sees Finn’s eyes brimming with tears as well.
“Fuck, Leo, he thinks he’s a mind reader,” Finn’s voice is shaky, and he looks over at Logan to address him directly. “Baby, c’mere. Please.”
He holds his hands out and Logan crawls out of Leo’s lap and into Finn’s, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms around his shoulders. He buries his face in the crook of Finn’s neck and gasps with a fresh wave of tears, and Finn crumbles.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he whispers into Logan’s ear again and again, and it’s Leo’s turn to move closer to the pair. “Logan, I need you to listen to me. Can you do that, honey?”
Leo hears a sniffle, and Logan’s curls bounce up and down.
“I’ve known you for, god, eight years now? And I’ve loved you for all eight. I don’t— I can’t imagine a life without you, Lo. You’re, fuck— I will never stop loving you. I can’t. And I’m not Peanut, but I know he feels the same way. Don’t you, babe?”
“Yeah, I do,” Leo murmurs, looking up into Finn’s eyes. He smiles sadly, his heart breaking for the still crying boy in front of him.
“Mmhm, see, Lo?” Finn kisses Logan’s temple, his lower lip trembling. He has to breathe deeply for a few seconds, overwhelmed with emotions, before he continues. “We will fight. I’m not going to lie to you and say it’s not going to happen. It’s not an if. It’s a when. It will happen. But y’know what? We’ll work through it together. We’ll fight, and we’ll patch things up, but we’ll never not want you there, okay? I— I’ve wanted you to live with me since day one, Lo. I’ve been waiting for years for you. And I’ll continue to wait if you want to think about it some more. We’re not going to pressure you into moving in with us, like Peanut said. But I’ll wait. I’ll always wait for you, mon amour. Even if it takes another ten years. I just, as long as we’re all in this together. That’s all I need.”
“Fuck, the two of you will be the death of me,” Leo exhales shakily, and he closes his eyes as tears roll down his cheeks. “Christ.”
He sits beside them and pulls them into a hug, his head swimming and his heart thundering in his chest. He doesn’t know how he’s lived most of his life without them. He doesn’t want to, ever again.
Logan’s so tired of crying, he really is. But he laughs wetly now, feeling much lighter than before. He feels like his heart’s going to burst with the overwhelming emotions within him. He presses a light kiss to Finn’s neck, then Leo’s, before pulling back so he can look at both of them. When they see the smile on his face, they mirror his expression.
“We’re the world’s greatest idiots, aren’t we?” Finn grins, his eyes red and his face flushed. Logan loves him.
“Can’t believe you two are from Harvard,” Leo mutters, grinning. Logan loves him.
“Must be the result of getting whacked in the head so many times,” Logan laughs. He pauses, watching the two boys in front of him.
He doesn’t know what he’s waiting for. He’s wanted this for so long, he’s wanted this so much. They’ll always be there for him; he knows it. He sees it in their eyes. He wants this. He wants it with them.
“Okay. Let’s do this.”
#god#i've made myself cry#lmao#Finn O'Hara#Logan Tremblay#Leo Knut#O'Knutzy#Sweater Weather#Coast to Coast#Lumosinlove
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Lore Post About The Gods
There are many gods in this universe, we are only going to be talking about the relevant ones. Otherwise this is gonna turn into the Greek God family tree very fast and trust me we don’t want that. So, let’s talk about some gods!
The God of Time - Avus Tempus (Grandpa Time)
General information:
The oldest god and the god that interacts with people the most, Avus Tempus is the most well known. He is the keeper of time, making sure it passes normally with no great disturbances. He watches as time passes, but does not interfere with mortal disagreements, even if he disapproves. He says that it is not his job to interfere.
Avus is older than time itself, and is the creator of the other gods. Avus was also the creator of the first Time Demons - which he calls his children with great glee. He has been given many nicknames over the years, with the most common being “Grandpa Time.” The limits to his powers are unknown, but is it commonly known that he can control the flow of time, and can open portals to different dimensions or various periods throughout time by roaring. People also know that he, with the help of his two direct children, Moíra and Apeiro, killed the Titan of War during his rampage.
(Bonus: Grandfather clocks were named after him)
Avus appears as a long serpent like dragon with no arms or legs, green scales, golden horns and eyes, with long white hair down his spine and on his chin, making a beard of sorts. Legends say that his body extends forever, able to loop around the earth. Avus himself jokes that he has not ever seen his own tail. His fur is said to be as soft as clouds, and his scales are so tough that no spear could pierce it. However, despite being immortal, Avus himself is not completely immune to the effects of time. His eyes are pale and milky, showing that with age his sight has gotten very poor. Today he would be considered almost legally blind.
Where they live:
Avus lives in a huge palace on the top of the largest mountain on Earth. The mountain is called “Mortum Manga,” and is on the “Multi Ossa” mountain range. Inside his palace are intricate carvings on the walls that tell the history of the world, from Avus’ creaton on to current day. There is also a fountain which is called the “Fountain of Youth.” Contrary to popular belief, this fountain does not make you immortal or young, but instead heals all sicknesses. It was named the Fountain of Youth because it was used to cure a large plague that was mostly killing children.
Along the side of the mountain is a small village called “The Village Of Lights.“ These people often interact with Avus directly. In fact, every 5 years they hold a festival where they light various sky lanterns and send them into the sky. Afterwards, Avus comes down to the village and talks to them. He specifically likes to meet with all of the children - who he likes to call his grandkids.
He is an extremely friendly and passive god, often inviting people to come and have tea with him in his palace. Overall, Avus is very polite and is more than willing to shelter anyone if they ask. However that is difficult for most - since not only does he live atop the highest mountain, he also does look very intimidating. In reality he just wants to talk about how your day has been going. Avus is most certainly the kindest god that mortals can talk to.
He tries his best to keep up with new terms, words, controversial topics, etc. Because of his old age it can be hard for him to keep up. He ends up coming across as that overly supportive and sweet grandparent that doesn't understand but is trying to. (Ex: “Are you a boy or a girl? I cannot tell. My vision isn’t what it used to be. Oh wait - are you one of those non-berries? Not binaries? So sorry I don’t remember.”). Because of his age he is also considered very knowledgeable and wise, and people will sometimes come to him or pray to him for advice and counsel.
Avus is mostly considered to be extremely patient and calm, however there have been reports of him being fiercely protective of his “little village.” Those who have dared to harm those living or seeking refuge there have mysteriously ended up turned to stone.
The God of Life, Death, and Fate - Apeiro
General Information:
Apeiro is the god of life and death, which means it’s their job to make sure life is balanced. Apeiro can keep populations down through plagues, famine, natural disasters, or other means. Aperio can also bless certain times with good crops, more births, or other means to make sure populations stay up if need be. It is important to remember that Aperio’s job is NOT to make life/death fair. Apeiro also makes sure that spirits end up in their proper afterlife. Apeiro can also tug on the strings of fate, not manipulating them completely, but pushing them where they want it to go.
They stand against large acts of necromancy, however, they made a deal with Alita long ago. In this deal, Totems Of Undying were allowed to be created and sealed deep inside Jungle Temples. It is unknown exactly what Apeiro got in exchange for allowing this to happen but people have speculated that it has something to do with the existence of Wither Skeletons, which guard Nether Fortresses, and Withers, which can be made with a combination of three Wither Skulls and Soul Sand.
Apeiro also assisted Avus and Moíra in taking down the Titan of War.
They have a dark gray cloak/robe that wraps around them and flows dramatically to the floor. It drifts behind them, rippling and waving like there’s constantly a breeze. At the edges of the cloak there are dozens of tiny white stars. They don’t have a face, just a black shadow that flickers around the edges when you look directly at it (which is something you should never do). They do have hands that look like skeleton talons that float separately from their body since they do not have arms. They also have horns that used to merge as a sort of crown above their head. Now, from previous battles, those horns have been splintered and broken in two.
Where they live:
Apeiro lives inside a castle, which has the foundation of the skeleton of an ancient colossal dragon. They live with their younger sister, Moíra. Apeiro specifically lives in the head - which has been remade into a massive throne room mixed with a fancy ballroom. The neck leading up to this room is a very long hallway that has many statues of many different people. These people are referred to as “Champions,” and they are previous winners of the Champion’s Cup.
This skeleton castle is called the “Fossa Palace” and it can be found in the middle of the “Decaying Wastelands” desert. It is unknown what killed the colossal dragon, but rumors have spread that Aperio did it themselves and decided to make it their home. Regardless, when the wind blows in the cold of night, people say they can still hear soft roars and hums of the dead dragon.
Other than living with Moíra, Apeiro lives completely alone and does not normally travel outside of their castle. They only do so in big emergencies such as universal threats or large acts of necromancy.
Apeiro is very dramatic and adores big and grand theatrics. The Champions Cup itself was created out of boredom since messing with mortal lives from the sidelines can only entertain a god for so long. Speaking of which, Apeiro finds great entertainment in watching mortal lives, and loves to play with them. Whether this is good playing or bad playing, depends on their mood. Apeiro finds it amusing to poke and prod at people’s lives from time to time, and is considered a being of madness from a few of their victims. Apeiro laughs as a witness to human wars, and sees all mortal conflict as beneath them. They will sometimes even find glee in watching other gods squabble over petty things.
The Goddess of Karma, Justice, and Fortune - Moíra
General Information:
Moíra is the goddess of karma, justice, and fortune. This means she mainly watches over humanity and tries to keep people’s lives fair, even, and balanced. She gets very angered when there are big atrocities happening in the world, or even just when excessively unfair things happen to good or bad people. She is often the judge and jury and innacts justice as she sees fit. Moíra is a very patient force as well, and ensures that eventually, in one way or another, that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. karma is a patient force.
She also blesses those she sees fit with various fortunes (whether this be money, something more spiritual, or something emotional will depend), or will take away from those who have committed horrendous crimes,
Moíra also helped Avus and Apeiro kill the titan of war, and was the main one leading the charge against him.
Moíra wears an extravagant white robe with golden patterns of leaves as an accent. She appears as a youthful human woman with dark skin and curly hair, but is very unnerving to look at. Her eyes are pure gold, dripping liquid gold down her cheeks. She has large curling goat horns which are decorated with various gems. Moíra also wears a laurel headpiece as a crown, with a bright red ruby in the center. She constantly floats just above the ground in order to keep herself clean.
Where they live:
Moíra lives inside a castle, which has the foundation of the skeleton of an ancient colossal dragon. She lives with her older sibling, Aperio. Moíra specifically lives near the top of the rib cage - which has been remade into a large fighting stadium. This stadium is where a tournament called the “Champion’s Cup” is held once a decade. There is an observatory hanging from the top of the dome ceiling, this is where Moíra resides. However she can also commonly be found with Aperio, or in the castle's library. Moíra does travel outside the castle for business purposes and works with people a lot.
Moíra is much more careful about keeping balance then Apeiro is, and is much more responsible with her powers. Moíra also tends to scold her older sibling very often and is not very trusting of them. People think that the only reason Moíra lives with Apeiro is because she wants to keep a close eye on them.
By and large, Moíra is a very patient and slow god. She takes her time and thinks her actions through for a long time before acting. She thinks, a lot, and makes very calculated decisions like some sort of gamemaster. Moíra is willing to play the long game and waits for the pieces to fall into place so she can enact her plan properly.
Moíra is also very vengeful, and remembers all of the little wrongdoings people have done. However she is very fair with her punishments, at least, she sees what she has done as fair.
The Goddess of The End and the Keeper of The Void - The Enderdragon
General Information
History says that long ago there were Colossal Dragons; dragons that were born small and slowly grew throughout their lives until they were bigger than mountains. They have largely gone extinct because food became scarce and they were unable to eat enough to maintain their size. Some of their skeletons can still be seen to this day.
People know whispers of an old tale, about a dragon larger than mountains who rules The End as queen, and controls the Endermen as slaves to her will. That long ago she attempted to wipe out all life on this planet, but failed due to an intervention from Moíra, along with Avus who both banished her away from the Overworld. They say that one day, The Enderdragon will return, and have her revenge on everyone who dared forget her name.
The majority of people don’t even believe she’s real, and some have never even heard of her. Most people believe The Enderdraon is a made-up myth tale that was made by man to explain the unknown creation of Endermen. Some people see The Enderdragon as a sort of boogeyman figure, a tale Dragon Riders will tell their children to get them to behave; Others believe she’s just some rumor made to prevent people from exploring The Stronghold. The only thing people know for certain, is that people who have dared to enter The End have either been never seen again, or come back with horrifying stories and with their children being cursed and becoming Endermen hybrids.
In stories she is illustrated as a large black dragon, bigger than mountains, with large grey horns and wings. The wings are usually torn, along with many scars from various battles decorating her body. The most prominent feature is her bright purple eyes. It is said that she breathes hot purple fire.
Where they live:
In the End, one of the many different dimensions in this universe. It is mostly illustrated as many floating islands made of pale yellow sand. There are various crumbling purple buildings, along with purple plants that grow an odd fruit with teleportation abilities called “chorus fruit.” Endermen in the overworld are sometimes seen holding these. In the center of these islands are 10 tall obsidian pillars- each with an odd crystal that contains healing abilities, but only for The Enderdragon.
Underneath the islands of the end is an endless void of darkness. It is unknown what could possibly be down there. Those who have tried to find out have never returned.
In the legends, The Enderdragon is painted as an angry, vindictive, and spiteful dragon who wants nothing more than to watch humanity burn.
The Goddess of Magic - Alita
General Information:
Alita is the keeper of all the different types of magic. There is Protection Magic, Elemental Magic, Combat Magic, Enchantments, and Necromancy. Alita is the higher power that can control all of these types of magic over others, and because of this is considered very dangerous. She can grant magic to people if they sacrifice something of great value. If she gives you magic then your spells will always appear as pure black.
Alita can also freely travel through the different dimensions - The Overworld, The Nether, and The End. She also creates permanent portals that are scattered all throughout the world. One of these portals is The Stronghold - which is a permanent portal to The End. It is unknown where others may be.
Alita is also the mother to all Kitsune, each born under a different type of magic. Kitsune are made to help Alita watch over the Overworld since she lives deep underground in The Nether. However, it is not uncommon for Kitsune to diverge from this purpose and instead do their own thing. Alita does not see a problem with this, since not only can she freely make new ones, but if she really needs to she can force her will onto the Kitsune that rebel against her wishes.
Alita appears to be wearing an elegant masquerade mask that looks like a peacock. You can barely see one white eye and a small beak peeking out from the mask. Nobody, except for a few other gods, knows what she looks like under the mask. Anyone who has seen does not remember. Alita generally appears to be avian-like, being part Peacock. She has peacock tail feathers that fan up whenever she gets angry. However, the eyes seem a little too real, and people have reported getting headaches from looking at them for too long. Over her body is a beautiful silk purple dress with silver accents on the ends. She also wears many different rings and necklaces that have been given to her.
Floating around her are five multichromatic flaming orbs that flash different colors. Each one stands for a different type of magic. Protection magic is represented by an icy blue, Elemental Magic flashes between red, dark blue, and light green depending on the element, Combat Magic is represented by royal purple, Enchantments is represented by orange, and Necromancy is represented by a dark green.
Where they live:
Alita lives very deep underground in the nether, in the darkest caves surrounded by bubbling lava. Various bones decorate the entrance to her cave and she has a massive throne made of gold.
Alita is described as the cruelest of the gods. While Aperio may mess with fate, that is their job and they ultimately keep some semblance of balance. Alita will play games with the mortals who dare to visit her simply for the fun of it. She is very playful and likes to toy with people, forcing them to make extremely difficult decisions and pay the price for their hubris.
Alita can be won over with attention and praise however. She adores it when people grovel and give her positive attention just for a silly favor. While she may not often go out into the world, Alita is always open to visitors of any kind. After all, the visitors are often very entertaining.
The Titan of War, also known as The Blood God - Sanguineous
General Information:
Not much is known about the Blood God. He has mostly been lost to ancient legend. They say he was an old titan that became more powerful the more he killed. So, he became power hungry and so full of bloodlust that he attempted to wipe out all life on Earth. Because of this, he was killed by Moíra, Avus and Apeiro. His name is only known from old tapestries and ancient texts; Sanguineous.
Some say that he is not dead, but is simply resting for the right time to strike again. Some say his bones are what made the Multi Ossa mountain range. Some say that his presence can still be felt to this day. Some people do know that those who have been touched by his presence have pure red eyes. Other rumours tell of pockets of underground lakes that still hold the old Titan’s own blood. There are whispers that those pockets hold unimaginable power, if only someone could find and harness them.
Old paintings and tapestries depict the Blood God as a creature made purely of bone - but only an upper body up. His chest is shown to be a human skeleton, with the hands mutated into large claws. His head, however, is depicted as a large ram skull, with humongus black horns and glowing red eyes. Sometimes, he is depicted holding a large netherite axe which he attempted to split the earth with.
Where they live:
Since the Blood God is dead, he does not live anywhere. When he was alive he did not live in any particular place. He simply wandered the Overworld.
The only thing known is that he wanted nothing but for blood to be spilt from each end of the earth.
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'Till Death Do Us Part
Part 10 out 13
When Alex has to bring Philip to work, he and Thomas discover that they both have something in common: they lost their love. They form an unexpected bond and connection about this that grows into something more.
A medium burn with parental feelings about Philip and flowers.
On AO3.
Ships: Jamilton
Warnings: mentions of death and loss.
Chapter 10: Virgin’s Bower Means ‘Filial Love’
The three of them were sitting around the dinner table eating, when Philip asked: “Are you my dad now too?”
Both paused and Alex looked at Thomas with wide eyes, clearlynot sure how to explain that question while Thomas was frozen in shock. After a moment of finding his wits he choked: “Why are you asking, Pip?”
“When I was talking to Theo about how you guys love each other now and then she says her cousins have parents who don’t love each other anymore, but they have new people they love and they are her cousins parents now too, so since you two love each other now does that mean your my dad too?” Pip explained his thought process.
“Well, uh- I- Thomas?” Alex said, not wanting to make decisions for him.
“What do you-” Thomas started to ask Alex why the fuck he was shoving this conversation on him, before cutting himself off and taking a calming breath. This was not how he had imagined his evening to go when he said yes to dinner.
Philip just watched the two of them with a confused expression, not sure why they were being so weird about his question.
“I don’t know, Pip,” Thomas finally answered calmly, “I can never replace your Daddy, John, and I can never tell you how you should feel about me. It’s honestly up to you.”
Alex mentally thanked Thomas so hard for coming up with that answer, which saved them both from answering.
Sure, he would love to not be the lone parent for Pip, but he would never ask that of Thomas. He knew the other loved his son and Thomas had assured him often enough that he enjoyed taking care of him, but being a dad was a whole other step.
A step that was more commitment, both to Philip and Alex. So Alex could never ask it, Pip however…
“Up to me?” Philip asked.
“Yeah, kiddo,” Thomas nodded, “If you’re more comfortable with me being your Uncle that is totally fine, but if you want me to be your dad, then I’m up for that.”
Alex hadn’t known that, it seemed like Thomas had thought about it a bit more than him. He had suppressed the thought every time it came up, not wanting to get his hopes up only to be disappointed.
Thomas, on the other hand, had had the thought in the back of his mind ever since it had gotten serious. He knew that if this was long term, one day this decision would come. The only reason he’d never brought it up was because he didn’t want Alex to think he wanted to replace John and because it would make them that much more serious.
And he didn’t want to scare Alex off bybeing more intense, so since Alex hadn’t said anything, neither had he. Until Philip had brought it up.
Both watched Philip as he thought about Thomas’s words. Alex was glad that Philip seemed to take this serious and was actually contemplating it, instead of just rushing into making a decision. A skill he had picked up more from Eliza than him if he was honest.
“I’d like for you to be my dad,” Philip finally broke the silence.
Alex was both relieved and tense at the revelation. Would Thomas really be okay with it? Was he just pretending and was it now going to be awkward? But- but what if Thomas meant it? What if he wasn’t going to leave?
Thomas smiled and held out his hand for Philip to shake: “Then I’m honored to be your dad. Here, we’ll shake on it.”
Philip shook his hand enthusiastically, then said: “But I can’t call you Papa or Daddy, I already have those, but dad sounds boring.”
“Well,” Thomas offered, “I call my mom, Ma, so you could call me Da, if you want.”
“Da,” Philip tried it out, then grinned toothily, “Da is good.”
And with that it was apparently settled for Philip, who went back to eating his dinner as if he hadn’t just made a big change in their life.
Alex eyes searched for Thomas and when they met, he frowned concerned, then quirked a brow to ask: ‘You okay with this?’
In return Thomas did the smile that made his eyes crinkle and nodded, even doing a small thumbs up. Alex received the message: ‘Yes.’
With the confirmation Alex allowed himself to smile back. Though he had hoped, a small cynical part of his brain had never believed Thomas would agree to this, had never believed he wouldn’t be alone.
He knew he was selling his friends short, God knows he wouldn’t have been able to raise Philip the way he had if they hadn’t stepped up the way they did. All the times they picked up Philip, watched him, took him out for fun days, had saved him so many times, but they would never be John.
Not that Thomas could be.
It was just that Thomas came close, he was so different from John, yet in all the places Alex needed him, wanted him. He fit.
When Alex was tired, Thomas got up. When Alex was busy, Thomas made time. When Alex couldn't handle it, Thomas stepped up.
The dynamic was vastly different to what he and John had and Alex didn’t think he would ever find something like that. But that didn’t matter. Thomas wasn’t the same, but Alex wasn’t the same as he was back then either.
They worked well together and Alex would never want a new John, because no one could be a new John. Alex wanted a new chance at living the life, they wanted and he could see himself living it with Thomas.
Philip might be oblivious to how much he just did, but neither mind as their – their– son happily ate his dinner while telling them about the haunted slide at his school.
Later that evening, when Philip was tucked into bed, Alex checked in again: “Hey, I don’t wanna make things awkward and I am totally on board if you are, but I do have to ask. Are you truly okay with being a dad to Pip?”
Thomas paused to think. This calmed Alex more than he would think, but Alex appreciated it when people actually thought about his words before responding that way he knew they actually meant it when they replied, which was great when it was about emotional things. Which he was bad at.
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to be a dad, honestly. And Philip is the best kid I could hope for,” he responded finally, “I also meant it when I said I don’t want to replace John. I’m gonna be me and I’m gonna try to do my best for Pip, if you let me.”
“God, every time I think I can’t love you more, asshole.”
“The insult and statement are really messing with me, du-” he got cut off by a kiss and when Alex broke he said: “I’m going to ignore that you tried to call me dude there, bro.”
“I hate you.”
“And I live to please,” Alex smirked, a smirk that fell ashe sincerely said, “I’m very grateful for what you do. With Pip.”
“I do it with love and I mean that,” Thomas dropped a kiss on his head, beforechangingthe subject, “Now Angie told me during lunch that you once claimed Money, Money, Moneywas ABBA’s best song and I’m going to need you to defend that statement, because that is clearly incorrect.”
“Oh and what do you think it is then?” Alex challenged.
“Waterloo, duh.”
“The historical bullshittery in that song alone is enough to disqualify your position, try again.”
“And your opinion is so great because…? Eh, riddle me that.”
“Money, Money, Moneyradicalized every young queer person who watched Mamma Miaand you cannot convince me otherwise.”
“Says nothing about the quality of the song, baby. Waterloois and remains superior.”
They squabbled while they cleaned up the kitchen, finally ending up in playing the songs, which then developed into a karaoke and dance party, but they will never speak of that again.
When they got to the office the next time, Alex stopped by Angelica’s office and leaned against the door. She looked up, unimpressed, and said: “What?”
“You know, if you gossip about my relationship behind my back, you really gotta learn how to pick your dates,” he told her condescendingly.
“Developments happen when you’re away, sweetheart,” he started to walk away with a smirk.
“Alexander come back here and tell me,” she flew out her chair and hurried after him, “Alexander Hamilton, don’t you dare set another step without telling me everything.”
Thomas heard the ruckus and poked his head out of the door: “Are you terrorizing Angie again, Alex?”
“Nah, just extorting a cookie and free dinner out of her,” Alex smiled sweetly.
“Are those your demands?” Angelica asked sharply.
“Yeah, Philip’s eating at Eliza’s tonight, hope you have time,” Alex blew her a kiss before sashaying down the hall, when he passed by Thomas’s office the man rolled his eyes: “Menace.”
“Come get your cookie at coffee time,” Angelica called after him.
Alex saluted, before settling down in his office with a satisfied look on his face as he got to work.
The day passed by as Alex typed his documents, went to his meeting, ate lunch with Thomas, before driving to Angelica’s place where he told her everything that had happened yesterday.
At the end of the night he bid her goodbye: “Bye, Angie. It was nice to catch up again.”
“Yeah, the same, ‘Lex, don’t be a stranger,” Angelica hugged him and kissed his cheeks, before telling him to say hi to Eliza and Maria from her and to tell Eliza she’s rude.
The drive to Eliza and Maria’s home was uneventful, but when he pulled up to their house, Eliza was already waiting for him in the doorway. She had her arms crossed and when Alex was close enough to hear, she said: “Why did I get a text from Angie reading: ‘One of Pip’s dads is coming your way’ winky face, she typed a winky face, Alex.”
“And you really think I’m not here to tell you and pick up Pip, you think so lowly of me, ‘Liza,” he grinned.
“Oh thank God, thought I was going to force you to tell me,” she sighed with relief, Eliza was never one for forcing people. Though she could be scary if she wanted to.
“Didn’t Pip say anything? I’m surprised, he’s usually a talker,” Alex said, stepping inside.
As if on cue, Philip came running. He threw himself into Alex’s arms and said: “Papa! We had dino nuggets for dinner and I drew everyone, wanna see?”
“Of course I wanna see, buddy,” Alex smiled.
Philip bounded away to get the drawing and Eliza asked: “So what could he have said?”
“I think he will already tell you, did you ask about the drawing yet?” Alex replied.
“No, not yet. He’s been working on it ever since he got here, but he wanted to finish it first,” she said as she led him to the kitchen table.
“Ah, how are you and Maria, by the way?”
“Good, Maria is at the orphanage today, so it’s just me here. We’re doing a drama program in the weekends currently, so that’s a lot of fun,” she told him.
“Oh, wow, sounds fun. Are the kids enjoying it?”
“I think so. We got a few actors running around, that’s for sure,” Eliza smiled.
“Well, I’ll be sure to keep an eye on movies in the future,” Alex grinned back, “Angelica says hi to you both, by the way, and I had to tell you you’re rude. She’ll kill me if I forget.”
Eliza’s smile turned exasperated and she replied: “I’ll call her tonight, haven’t spoken to her in a while, you know how she gets.”
Alex chuckled at that, but didn’t get to reply, because Philip came back with the drawing. He put it on the table and climbed into the chair next to Alex, so that he could show his Papa the figures. It weren’t stick figures anymore and most of them were pretty recognizable.
Pip pointed at first figure and began to explain: “This is Grandpa George and Grandma Martha and they’re holding hands and next to them is Uncle Laf, he’s annoying Grandpa George, but he doesn’t mind.”
Alex saw that the drawn Lafayette had a speech bubble with senseless scribbles in it.
“And then on the other side you have Uncle Herc and then Auntie Maria and Auntie Eliza, Auntie Maria is giving Auntie Eliza a kiss, like she does whenever she leaves.”
“Is she going then?” Alex asked.
“Maybe, I don’t know yet, maybe I’ll add a portal behind her,” Philip answered, “Next to Auntie Eliza is Auntie Peggy, she’s poking you. You see Papa?”
Alex studied the figure that was meant to represent him. It was a green blob with his beard and long hair in a messy bun, who was holding hands with the figure he assumed was Thomas. The Peggy figure was indeed poking his cheek. He smirked: “I can see that, Pip. Very well done.”
“Thank you, I was gonna make Auntie Angelica next to you, but she is now standing next to Uncle Laf and being tired about his actions,” Pip explained, making the both of them laugh.
“Who is that?” Alex asked, spotting a figure in the sky.
“That’s Auntie Martha, Da said she’s dancing with the stars, so I drew her with the stars and here is Daddy with angels,” Pip told him.
Alex now recognized the colors as one of the dresses Martha wore in the pictures in Thomas’s house, then also the outfit John wore in the picture on the mantle piece.
He was a bit chocked up about it and was luckily saved from replying by Eliza, who repeated in a questioning tone: “Da?”
“Yeah, Da’s here,” Pip pointed to the magenta figure with big hair holding Alex’s hand, “He’s holding Papa’s hand and I’m in between them.”
“Do you mean Thomas?” Eliza asked, giving Alex a look that meant ‘you could have at least given me a bit of information’. She was piecing it together along with Angelica’s text.
“Yeah, he’s my dad now too, isn’t that cool, Auntie Eliza?” Pip answered excitedly.
“Very cool,” Eliza smiled, “When did that happen?”
“Yesterday,” Philip informed her with a smile, “I asked if he was my dad now too during dinner and he said I got to pick and I said yes, so now he’s my Da.”
“Oh wow,” Eliza glared at Alex. The message was received: ‘We’ll talk about this later.’
Alex just rolled his eyes and just focused on letting Philip explain the drawing in more detail, before getting them home.
While that was all happening, Thomas ate dinner by himself for the first time in a while. The house didn’t feel that much like home anymore and Thomas didn’t really want to acknowledge it, so when he had finished his dinner, he decided to call his Ma.
“Hello, this is Jane Jefferson speaking,” she picked up.
“Hi, Ma, how are you?” Thomas greeted her warmly, ever since his call after his birthday they’d been calling more and Thomas found their relationship improving despite the distance.
“Ah, Tommy, I’m good, I’m good, how are you?” she replied, then cheekily added, “How’s your loverboy?”
“Ma,” Thomas whined.
“What you never tell me anything, I can ask.”
“I do tell you almost everything,” Thomas refuted, “I’m actually currently calling you to tell you things.”
“Yeah, I- uhm, I guess, I’m a dad now,” Thomas decided to start there.
Thomas expanded: “Philip calls me Da, so that happened.”
“Oh my God, I officially have agrandson, how exciting,” his Ma gushed.
“I guess so,” Thomas chuckled.
“Am I meeting my grandson and my future son-in-law anytime soon or are you still not asking them?” she inquired.
“They’re also coming to Monticello this summer,” Thomas was glad he could answer that question this time, “And can you please not refer to Alex like that when we’re there.”
“And why not, is it not true?” Thomas could practically see his mother’s amused look.
“It’s embarrassing, Ma,” he was also not above pleading and whining.
“I’m not embarrassing.”
“You are very embarrassing.”
“We’ll see that when you get here, will you and Alex be sharing a room?”
“No funny business under my roof.”
And they talked like that for a bit more. Thomas was both excited and extremely nervous to go home again that summer. He didn’t know if Alex and Philip being there made his nerves better or worse.
A while had passed between that call and the summer break. Thomas and Alex had worked a bit longer and Pip had spend a good chunk of time at the orphanage and his other Uncles and Aunties until it was time to go.
When the day came to drive down, Philip was brimming with excitement. It was a six hour drive, so they left in the morning, but that didn’t stop Philip from pointing out everything he saw that he rarely saw otherwise.
Thomas thought it was kind of adorable and listening to his kid’s rambling calmed him as did Alex’s even breaths from where he was napping in the passenger seat.
About an hour and a half into the drive Alex woke up with a small yawn: “H’w lon’ was I out?”
“Not that long,” Thomas assured him, while Pip said: “It was soooo long Papa, you missed so much by being boring. We drove past horses a while ago.”
“Ah, maybe we’ll see more horses later and I can see them too,” Alex smiled, “Want a snack?”
“You have snacks?” both asked in a different tone, Thomas curious and Pip excited.
“Of course I have snacks,” Alex got boxes with sliced apples out the bag by his feet as well as juice boxes and a water bottle. He handed Philip a few slices, twisted the cap off the water and handed that to Thomas, before giving Philip a juice box once his hands were empty.
They switched two hours into the drive, then again two hours after that, so that Thomas was the one driving the last part. As they drove they played word games with Pip and sang music.
It felt a bit like a road trip movie and Thomas cheeks hurt a bit from the smiling by the time they pulled into the driveway.
Alex gaped at the building and said: “I knew your family was loaded, but holy fuck.”
Thomas snorted, he was kind of used to that with the mansion they lived in. It was built in colonial style and old, he didn’t even know how it had gotten into the family, but it had. The sides were covered in small white flowers and on the porch an older lady sat in a rocking chair, waiting for them.
“Da does your Ma live in a castle with a dragon?” Philip asked as Thomas unbuckled him, while Alex grabbed their bags.
“No dragon, I’m afraid,” Thomas chuckled. Then turned to his Ma, who was coming to meet them, he pulled her into a hug: “Hi Ma.”
“Tommy,” his Ma replied, holding him tight, before letting him go and saying, “Aren’t you going to help your boyfriend unpack. I didn’t raise you like that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Thomas rolled his eyes, taking a few bags from the back, smiling comforting at Alex. He knew that if he had unpacked first, she would have scolded him for letting her stand there. His Ma showed affection through toughness, it had taken a long while for him to see that.
Philip stared at this new lady with interest. She was older and darker than his Da, but she had the same eyes and grace to her. When she saw Philip staring she smiled: “And who is this young gentleman here?”
“I’m Philip, Philip Hamilton, it’s nice to meet you, Ma’am,” he stuck out his hand.
“How polite,” the lady smiled, “I’m Jane Jefferson, but you can just call me Mawmaw.”
“Mawmaw Jane,” Philip nodded to himself, “It’s nice to meet you. Do you own the house? Da says it doesn’t have a dragon, but it looks like it has a dragon.”
She chuckled: “No dragon, no. The most fierce beast you’ll find in there is Sir Poof, the cat.”
Philip pouted while Thomas grinned: “I take it none of my sisters are home, then.”
“Don’t get cocky, young man. Mary’s coming later. Now, I think there is someone you have to introduce me to, hm?” she replied.
Alex had been keeping himself on the background. No matter what he had said to Thomas, he was pretty nervous and wanted Thomas’s mother to like him, to like Pip. So he startled slightly when Thomas said: “Yes, Ma, this is Alex. Alex, this is my mother.”
“Hi, Ma’am,” he greeted, voice a bit higher than normal, “I’m Alexander, Alexander Hamilton, it’s an honor to meet you.”
“Jane Jefferson, same to you,” she smiled, she could see that the man was nervous meeting her, but she noted with amusement how both father and son had introduced themselves the same. It was clear who had taught the boy that.
“We got you these, Mrs. Jefferson,” Alex handed her the bonbons they had gotten her. Alex had wanted to buy flowers, but those would have gotten ruined during the ride, so instead they had gotten bonbons.
“How sweet, but none of that Mrs. Jefferson stuff. Call me Ma or Jane, alright?” she told him, taking the bonbons, “These are nice, thank you.”
“It- I- Thank you for your hospitality, Jane” Alex rubbed the back of his head.
Thomas watched quite amazed at this Alex. He had never seen this version of his boyfriend before. This Alex was awkward and unsure of what to do next, while also painfully polite. He decided to step in and save him: “We really appreciate the invitation, Ma.”
“Of course, of course it’s good to see you again, here I’ll show you where Philip can sleep, you two will share your old room,” Jane picked up on Thomas’s action.
They gathered their stuff and brought it to their rooms. Thomas’s old room was at the end of the right hall and Philip was staying in the guest room opposite of it, which Alex was grateful for as they set down their bags.
“You okay?” Thomas checked.
“Yeah, just more nervous than expected,” Alex admitted, “What if she doesn’t like me?”
“She will, I promise. You’re great and Pip is a sweetheart, she’s been excited about you two ever since she heard about you,” Thomas assured him.
“You think so?” Alex asked.
“I know so,” Thomas replied, hoping he wouldn’t have to come back on that, “Come, I’m sure you’d like something to drink.”
“Lord help me through this,” Alex sighed taking Thomas’s hand and allowing the soft squeeze Thomas gave to calm him.
“It’s gonna be fine.”
“Sorry, I know, I know, just scared it will go wrong, but I’ll be fine, really,” Alex said, unsure of who he was trying to convince, “Let’s just go drink something.”
Thomas held his hand all the way to the front porch, where Jane was sitting with Philip, cat on her lap. Alex could see from the way he sat that Philip was telling one of his many fantasy tales, while also trying to drink from a huge glass of lemonade with a straw in it.
Alex nodded a greeting to Jane when she noticed him, then ruffled Philip’s hair: “Hey, buddy, have you been nice?”
“Yes, Papa, I’ve been telling Mawmaw Jane about the Ranger Apprenticethat me and Da have been reading and aboutGeorge the Glitter Glue Man,” Philip told him with a grin.
“How nice Pip, have you thanked your Mawmaw for the lemonade?” he asked.
“I have,” Philip assured him.
Jane confirmed: “He has, you’ve raised such a polite young man.”
“Thank you, it helps that he’s a sweet kid,” Alex smiled, talking about Pip was easy, he could do that in his sleep.
“He sure is, ain’t you, Philly,” she smiled to the boy, “Really, I’m afraid what Francie and Kitty’ll do to him.”
“Francie and Kitty?” Philip asked.
“My nieces, my second oldest sister’s twins,” Thomas explained, “She’s the only one of my siblings who had kids and they have been spoiled into oblivion by all their Aunts and Uncles.”
“They’re lovely ladies, don’t let Tommy get into your head,” Jane assured him, “They just have active imaginations.”
Alex didn’t want to blame two little girls for how Philip would act, but he also didn’t want to paint Philip to be a bad kid, so he just said: “Well, Pip has a very active imagination himself, so they’ll probably get along.”
“Am I going to meet them?” Philip asked.
“Probably, Mary said she’d come,” Jane assured him, “Now while my son gives our guest something to drink,” it was a bit pointed, “why don’t you tell me more about this Glitter Glue Man. What was his name again?”
“George,” Philip supplied helpfully, before retelling his heroic death by glitter bullet and his subsequent confetti revival by Theo.
Thomas took Alex to the kitchen and poured him a glass of lemonade as well with a small: “Homemade, Ma’s famous for it.”
Alex took an appreciative sip and said: “It’s delicious.”
“Ma’s lemonade is the best,” Thomas told him proudly.
“I get why,” Alex smiled, relaxing somewhat.
They returned to the porch and sat with them, Alex softly complimenting the lemonade, before listening to Philip talk. Alex felt slightly bad about clinging to Philip’s charms, but he cut himself a bit of slack.
When Philip had finished his story, he took a pause to drink some more and Thomas took that opportunity to ask: “Who’s coming?”
“Well, Mary and her girls are coming, her husband couldn't make it,” Jane said, then she went down the list, “Small Jane said maybe, but she had business,Martha, Peter probably not, Abby said no, Lucy maybe, Anna most likely, Randolph yes.”
“So only Randy and Mary are coming?” Thomas summarized.
“Wait, is there another Jane? Why is she called Small Jane?” Philip spoke up.
“It’s a family name, we call her Small Jane to keep track of which Jane we’re talking about,” Jane explained.
“That’s funny,” Philip said.
Alex was about to say something about the commentwhen Jane chuckled: “Ain’t it, Philly. Don’t you know someone who’s been named after someone else. Family does that from time to time, so that they can point and say; ‘hey that’s your namesake, ain’t that cool?’”
Philip thought for a second, then said: “Auntie Angie says Theo’s mom is also called Theo, but when I asked Theo, she says her name’s just mom. It’s confusing, but she can push really well on the swings.”
That made Jane laugh and she ruffled his hair and said: “We have a swing in the tree there.”
She pointed at a big tree and Philip’s eyes lit up and he looked back to Alex with big eyes. Alex smiled and said: “You can go swing if you want, just be careful. Want me to walk with you there?”
“I’m big, I can do that on my own,” Philip protested, but as he got off the bench, he did say, “Thank you, Papa.”
“Stay in sight?” Alex asked.
“I will,” Philip promised.
The three adults watched Philip bound over to the swings, then Jane turned her focus to Alex: “So, has my Tommy been treating you right?”
“Ma!” Thomas exclaimed, he had told her not to be embarrassing, not that he had expected her to listen, but still.
“Uh,” she shushed him with a finger, “I asked Alex a question, Tommy. I wanna know if you’re treating him right. So, Alex.”
Alex had expected a lot of questions, but not that one, so he floundered for a moment, before he found his words: “Yeah, yeah, it’s- it’s been good, he’s been good.”
“Yeah?” Jane nodded along with sharp eyes.
“Yeah,” Alex confirmed, “He’s a huge help with Pip and a great cook, actually. He also gets me flowers,” he couldn't have helped the smile on his face if he tried, “And I feel like we have great conversations.”
“Ahw, you love me,” Thomas grinned draping himself over Alex, it might have been an embarrassing question, but having Alex list off his good qualities in front of his Ma was an ego boost if he ever saw one.
“Like you didn’t know that, dork,” Alex attempted to push him off, but the push was light enough for Thomas to know that he didn’t mean it.
During the exchange Jane got an approving and pleased look on her face, before she moved on to the big hitters: “And what are your intentions with my son?”
Thomas gave her big ‘what are you doing?’- eyes.
However, Alex had gotten over his initial awkwardness and his usual way of words came back: “If I am honest, I would say grow old at some point. Though currently I am just enjoying spending time with him, figuring out what makes him smile, where I can step in like he does for me. Mostly, I just want to have the time to give him all flowers he deserves.”
It was quiet for a moment as Jane sized him up, then she grinned: “I can see why Tommy likes you, he’s also the wordy one around here.”
Alex chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease with that response: “The amount of wordy we both are has made our boss very tired on numerous occasions.”
“You can’t admit you’re wrong, that’s different, darlin’,” Thomas felt the need to point out.
Did Alex know he was sitting in front of his maybe one day mother-in-law? Yes. Could he let Thomas win this argument even though responding would prove his point? No.
“I know when to admit defeat, you just don’t have sound arguments. There’s a difference, okay?” he shot back, “And no, I will not side with you on the chicken-egg debate, picking chicken is stupid and you’re just saying it because I think it’s egg.”
“It’s chicken, cause it lays the egg, Alex, it’s just nature.”
“Other animals lay eggs. Fish lay eggs and fish were the first living beings almost ever,” Alex told him, unable to let it go, “Dinosaurs laid eggs too, they were before chickens.”
“But we’re talking about chicken eggs, only chickens can lay those, therefore there has to be a chicken to lay it.”
“One, saying therefore doesn’t make your argument better. Two, you never clarified we were talking about chicken eggs, therefore you can not suddenly introduce that as a rule for the discussion and your argument falls away.”
“What was that about therefore?” Thomas grinned.
“Okay, gentlemen, chicken, eggs, interesting,” Jane cut them both off, she’d had to sit to too many Christmases when Martha was still around for her to know that Thomas wasn’t going to stop.
“Sorry, Ma’a- Ma,” Alex corrected himself last minute.
“Which side are you on?” Thomas had never not involved everyone to get on his side and he wasn’t letting his Ma off the hook.
“Alex’s, your argument is stupid,” she deadpanned, noting Alex’s shit eating grin to Thomas as she did, “What I’m more interested in is how you’ve been. The last time I saw you was last year during the summer and I appreciate the calls, but face to face, talk to me. How have you been? Your job okay? DoI need to have words with Washington?”
“No, Ma, Washington is still a good boss,” Thomas assured her, “And I’ve been doing great, I picked up reading poetry again and I have just been enjoying the small things, they make life great, you know?”
Jane smiled at the last part: “Good to see you finally having a bit of joy in your life. You always had that weight on your shoulders, it’s nice to see it gone for a change.”
“It’s nice to have it gone, Ma,” Thomas agreed, while Alex contended himself with listening, “But how have you been Ma? Not lonely out here?”
“Nah, Mary and the kids visit often, they at least do,” she said, “It’s good to have some life in this house, you know. Keeps me young. And I’ve been going to the market. Joe from the farm down by the church says hi along with Father Adam.”
“And the knitting club?” he asked.
“You know how that is. Though last time Janet brought store bought cookies, so we don’t know if anything’s going on there, but we’re keeping our eyes on her.”
“Nothing too bad, I hope.”
Jane leaned in conspiratorially and said: “Nah, Dixie saw her in the park with a handsome looking man. We think she’s having an affair.”
“Oh no, really? Janet?” Thomas gasped and Jane nodded in return: “Uh-huh, let me tell you,” then she caught up the both of them on the local gossip with names Thomas nodded at and Alex had never heard before. After that they moved on to just daily life stuff.
At some point Philip came back from the swings, confidently stating: “I think there are fairies living in the tree, the leaves speak.”
“Really, buddy?” Alex asked, hoping Jane wouldn’t judge him for indulging his son’s imagination, since he said other – weirder –stuff like this.
“Yeah, just like in that book Auntie Eliza always reads to me,” Philip explained.
“Well, I never noticed them, but maybe you can tell me more about them while we cook,” Jane told him, getting up, “We’re making fried chicken and I hear from your Papa that you’ve been helping him out in the kitchen. Would you like to learn a bit more?”
“I would love that!” Philip exclaimed, clapping his hands, before taking Jane’s and following her into the house.
Thomas turned to Alex with a big grin and sparkling eyes. Alex looked confused and asked: “What? What does that look mean?”
“She likes Pip,” he explained, “Her asking help with cooking is the number one compliment or acknowledgment you can get from her. We’re killing this.”
“Really?” relief flooded through his system.
“Yeah, welcome to the family, darling.”
I made up the nieces, bc I’m not researching family trees for a fic that has gotten too far out of hand already, okay, not doing it.
As for the others I didn’t try and figure out any of the family’s personalities or actual lives, if you’re looking for accuracy a fanfic is not the place to find it. Same forin the next chapter, have no expectations on that front.
Also, yes, I am passionate about the chicken-egg discussion and I am pro egg, you can fight me.
#RR writing#tw: death mention#tw: loss mention#Hamilton#Hamilton AU#Alexander Hamilton#Thoma Jefferson#Philip Hamilton#angelica schuyler#Eliza Schuyler#Jane Jefferson#Jamilton#'Till Death Do Us Part#'Till Death Do Us Part Part 10#'Till Death Do Us Part AU
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I wrote this drabble earlier about Spencer spraining his ankle while Emily was supposed to be in charge
so here’s part 2!!!
once again. it’s a lot longer than I planned. I hope you like it though!!
(more about the boarding school babes)
Spencer wrapped his arms tighter around Hotch’s neck and rested his chin on his shoulder. It was a long haul to get up to the seventh floor, and even though he was still attempting to prove to the older kids that he wasn’t a baby, he was grateful that he didn’t have to walk it. And if he was being truthful, he was glad that Hotch was carrying him instead of Emily. He loved Emily, he did, but Hotch was a lot stronger and bigger, and a lot less likely to drop him.
“Listen, Hotch, it was just an accident,” Emily pleaded, trailing behind them on the stairs.
Hotch pressed his hand against Spencer’s narrow back. “I don’t care if it was an accident, Prentiss, it was stupid,” he said sharply. “Stupid and childish. You’re seven years older than him, you should fucking know better.”
He couldn’t quite see Emily’s expression, but she slowed her pace, falling far back behind them. “Hotch, she didn’t do it on purpose,” he said quietly. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done it.”
“We’ll talk about you later,” Hotch said. Spencer bit back a sigh.
Alex was pacing in the seventh floor common room, her arms folded over her chest, still wearing the nice blue dress she’d worn for the senior’s seminar. “Oh my god,” she said, her arms dropping to her sides. “Spencer, are you okay?”
“It could be worse,” he offered.
“That’s not reassuring.”
Hotch set him gently down on the couch, careful around his injured ankle. “It’s a bad sprain, but it’s not broken,” he said.
“He hit the ground so hard,” Derek said.
“Yeah, I definitely heard a crack,” Penelope added.
“I’m so sorry, Spencer,” Alex said. “How bad does it hurt?”
He shrugged. “Not too much,” he said, offering her what he hoped was a winning smile.
Her eyes narrowed. “Really?”
“Uh-huh,” he said.
Alex made a face at him and started signing instead. Are you lying to me?
He squirmed and signed back a no.
Be honest, she signed. How bad?
Spencer sighed heavily. An eight, maybe?
His ankle really did hurt, the numbness from adrenaline long worn off, but he didn’t want to say anything that might make Emily feel bad. But he’d learned the hard way that it was impossible to lie to Alex; she was the only one who could see right through him every time.
Alex’s expression softened. “I’m sure you’ll feel better soon,” she said, smoothing his hair back. “But you have to rest, okay? Actually rest. No getting up and walking around and saying you’re fine when you’re not.”
Hotch tossed Spencer’s favorite blanket at him. “What she said,” he said. “You’re not moving until classes on Monday morning. And even then, if you’re not doing better, you’re not going to class.”
“But I have a history paper due Monday!” he protested.
“I’ll stop by your class and turn it in for you,” JJ offered.
“See? There you go,” Derek said. “And we’ll pick up all your homework for you.”
“I’ll be able to go to classes on Monday, I know it,” he said.
“Rest first, then we’ll see,” she said. “Don’t pout.”
“I’m not pouting,” he said, his lower lip dropping.
Hotch tapped his chin. “Stop that,” he said. He propped his injured ankle up on a pillow and draped an ice pack over it. “These are the consequences of your reckless actions. Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes,” he grumbled.
“It wasn’t his fault, I...I kept teasing him,” Emily said.
Alex didn’t answer her. “Did they give you ibuprofen or anything at the infirmary?” she asked.
“Yeah, and I can take more in a couple of hours,” he said.
Penelope leaned over the back of the couch. “It’s my turn to pick for movie night, but do you want to pick, Spencer?” she asked.
“No, don’t let him pick again!” Derek said. “I am not in the mood for Star Wars.”
“I don’t always pick Star Wars!” Spencer said. “Besides, there’s eleven films and a holiday special to choose from. That’s a lot of variety, right? More if you include the two Ewok films.”
“Spencer, don’t you dare make us watch the holiday special again.”
“Fine,” he said. “I want to watch Singin’ in the Rain.”
Derek rolled his eyes. “I thought if Penelope wasn’t gonna pick, I wouldn’t have to watch a musical,” he said. JJ smacked his arm. “Hey!”
“All right, all right, cut it out,” Hotch said. “Who’s getting snacks tonight?”
“I’ll order pizza,” Emily offered. “It’s been a while since we’ve done that.”
Derek pumped his fists in the air. “Yes! Okay, I have some requests,” he said.
The other kids immediately started squabbling about pizza toppings. Spencer reached out and tugged lightly on Alex’s skirt. She turned around in confusion before looking down at him. “What’s wrong, Spence?” she asked.
“Can you sit with me?” he asked quietly.
She blinked, a little puzzled. “Of course I can,” she said. She tilted her head to the side. “Are you all right? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“No, I’m okay, I just…” He gave up midsentence and shrugged. He wasn’t sure how to put it into words. But Alex seemed to understand. She sat down on the couch beside him and he leaned against her shoulder, huddling under her arm.
“Okay, you guys, enough! Stop fighting!” Hotch said. He picked up JJ around her waist and forcibly moved her away from Derek and Penelope. “We’re going to get what we usually get. Derek, if you really want that abomination of a pizza that badly, you can pay Emily back for it yourself.”
“No, it’s fine, you guys get whatever you want,” Emily said.
“Well, in that case, I-”
Hotch pinched the bridge of his nose. “Somebody just put in the movie, okay?” he said.
“I got it, I got it,” JJ said.
Spencer shifted around, trying to get comfortable as she started the movie. Even without an eidetic memory, he could probably recite the whole thing backwards and forwards. It was one of the movies his mother had on constant rotation when he was little, background noise while she graded papers- so, overall, mostly good memories.
By the time pizza got there he was actually hungry- unlike lunchtime, when he was so focused on keeping his hurt ankle a secret that he couldn’t possibly eat. JJ brought him his plate, and Hotch took off the mostly-melted icepacks to check if the swelling had gone down at all (t hadn’t, and purple bruising had crept above the line of the bandages) and gave him more ibuprofen and a glass of water with strict instructions to drink all of it.
When the first movie was over, he let Penelope choose the second one, which turned into another squabble, but eventually she picked something else. He watched quietly, still leaning against Alex. Every so often he flexed his left foot, trying to see how much effort it took to move his ankle.
Alex tapped his knee. “Stop that,” she chided gently.
“I’m just testing it,” he said.
“You’re not a science experiment. Stop trying to see how much it hurts.”
“I’m okay.”
She lifted him onto her lap. “Nope, no more,” she said. “Sit still.”
“I’m not a baby,” he protested as he tucked his cheek against her shoulder.
Alex wrapped her arms around him. “I know you’re not a baby,” she said. “Now what did I say about resting?”
Spencer obeyed, curling up against her and hugging his blanket to his chest. He had gone a long, long time without anyone willing or able to take care of him- or allowing anyone to take care of him, for that matter. It was kind of nice to have his friends fuss over him. And Alex cuddled him without making a big fuss about it, or making him feel stupid or childish.
He was almost asleep by the time the second movie finished, his breathing deep and slow and his head resting heavily on Alex’s shoulder. But he was still awake enough to hear Hotch whisper-scold the other kids as he switched off the TV, telling them it was late and they needed to go to bed but they better not wake Spencer.
“Emily, wait here for a second,” Alex called softly.
Spencer kept feigning sleep as the other kids filed out of the common room and Emily sat down heavily on the other end of the couch. “All right, Miller,” she said. “Go ahead. Tear me a new one. This is all my fault.”
“No, I’m not going to tear you a new one,” Alex said. “You’ve been beating yourself up all day already, I’m not going to make it worse.”
“God, can you just not be so perceptive for once?” Emily said. “Just yell at me and get it over with.”
“I’m not going to yell. I don’t want to startle Spencer,” Alex said. Emily snorted. “And besides, I don’t want to yell at you.”
Emily groaned. “I deserve to be yelled at,” she said glumly. “Hotch is right, I should have known better.”
“I mean...yeah, technically,” Alex said. She ran her hand lightly up and down Spencer’s back. “But...okay. This is going to be kind of blunt. When have you ever had someone to be responsible for? Somebody to care about?”
Emily was quiet for a moment. “Well, I mean...my mom…”
“Emily. I’ve heard you talk about your mom. You call her the Ambassador. She enrolled you in first year French because she didn’t remember you were fluent. She makes you call her every Sunday, but half the time it goes to voicemail because she’s busy.”
A longer silence. “All right, so my mom isn’t the best,” Emily said. “What does that have to do with me being an idiot and getting Spencer hurt?”
“My point is that you’ve never had to worry about anybody but yourself before,” Alex said. “You’re a good person, Emily, you’re a really good person. And I know you care a whole lot about all of us. You’ve just never had to learn how to take care of anybody.”
“Okay, now you’ve passed regular perceptive and into super perceptive,” Emily said, but Spencer could hear the hint of a smile in her voice. “Yeah, I guess...I guess you’re not wrong. I hadn’t thought about that before.”
“You’re getting there, though,” Alex said. “I mean, you were the one who took care of Spencer when he got hurt, before you could hand him off to us.”
“That’s true.”
“And in the meantime, you don’t have to be so tough and pretend like you don’t care about anything. You don’t have to act like nothing bothers you.”
“Nothing does bother me, Alexandra, what are you talking about?” Emily teased. Alex poked her in the side. “All right, all right, fine. Jesus. I guess you’re right, at least about some of that.”
“I’m right sometimes, about some things,” Alex laughed. “And besides, let’s be real. All of these kids are kind of a handful. Especially this kid. This could have happened with any of us in charge.”
“I haven’t spent any time with a ten-year-old before Spencer,” Emily said. “So they’re not all like this?”
“Oh, god, no,” Alex said. She reached over and squeezed Emily’s arm. “Really, Em, I know you didn’t mean for him to get hurt. And he knows too. If he wasn’t pretending to be asleep, he’d tell you that too.”
“He’s faking? How can you tell?”
“He’s not snoring.”
Spencer opened one eye. “I wasn’t faking,” he protested, struggling to sit up. “I was sleeping. And I don’t snore.”
“No, yeah, you kind of do,” Emily said. “Cute little kitten snores.” He rolled his eyes, but she took his hand in both of hers. “Can you please tell me you’re not mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you, I promise,” he said. “A mild sprain can heal in one to three weeks. Maybe six weeks for a moderate sprain. I’ll live.”
She squeezed his hand. “Okay, cool, can you tell that to Hotchner?” she said. “I don’t think he’s quite so willing to forgive me.”
“I’ll talk to him,” Alex promised. “He might hold a grudge, but I’ll get over it, I promise.”
Suddenly Emily leaned over and pulled Spencer into a hug. “You know I love you, right, babe?” she said.
“I know,” he said, startled. The hug was definitely a little too tight, but he had the sneaking suspicion that, just like him, she wasn’t used to having people care. “I love you, Em.”
She kissed him on the cheek. “Just wanted to make sure,” she said, letting go and pulling back from him. “It’s late, you probably need to go to bed.”
“I’m not tired,” he said.
“Yes, you are,” Alex said. “Come on, let’s go.”
It was slow going for him to hobble to his room and change into his pajamas, and by the time he was done he actually was kind of tired. Hotch stuck his head in his room as Alex was helping him climb into bed. “Everything okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine,” Spencer huffed as he fell back against his pillow.
“How’s your ankle?”
“Also fine,” Spencer said. Hotch didn’t seem convinced. “I’ll stay off it all day tomorrow, I promise.”
“Yeah, you’d better,” Hotch said. “Goodnight, kid.”
“Hey, Hotch?” he called, and Hotch doubled back and leaned in the doorway. “Can you be nice to Emily, please? She already feels bad about everything. She didn’t mean it.”
“I make no promises,” Hotch said. “But...I’ll try. Goodnight, Spencer. Get some sleep.”
“You think he’ll actually be nice to Emily?” Spencer asked.
“We’ll see,” Alex said. “Lie down.”
He obeyed. “Goodnight, Alex,” he said as she tucked him in snugly.
She swept his hair back and kissed his forehead. “Goodnight, darling,” she said. “Sleep tight.”
He snuggled under the covers. His ankle didn’t hurt as sharply as it did earlier, and his favorite blanket was soft and reassuring against his cheek. Alex switched on his little nightlight, and he was asleep before she closed the door.
#au: patron saint of lost causes#criminal minds fanfiction#spencer reid#alex blake#alex miller#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#derek morgan#jennifer jareau#penelope garcia#hotch is the most protective father#alex loves spencer so much#spencer is an anxious little baby who needs love and praise#emily is also an anxious babe and I love her#alex and emily are best friends and I am here for it#faby picked the movie!!#I love spencer and alex signing to each other
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Title : shopping trip
Pairing : none but focuses on Five’s relationship with Eightie
Warning : none, i think 👀
Note : this idea was from a post i saw on my main hehe; if i ever see you again, i’ll credit you! Or if you think it’s you, tell me please hehe
ok so season 2
Five’s back
he’s back and he’s wearing the Umbrella Academy’s uniform
and he hates it
so y’know what?
he’s going shopping
with Eightie, of course
Eightie loves dressing others up and Five loves seeing Eightie happy
and so they left, leaving their siblings in the Hargreeves mansion
they can take care of themselves for five hours max
they have powers too
they’re gonna be fine...
no 🤍
“I- whAT?!”
“GUYS! Robots have been attacking the streets for about minutes now, remember?”
“... oh yeah.”
“Uhh, guys?” all three eldest siblings looked at Vanya who was stood by the entrance of the house, “Klaus said to hurry because he’s out of vodka.”
“I-” spluttered Allison, “you know what? I’m not even surprised. Thank you, Vanya. Stay here with mom and Pogo, okay?” Vanya nodded and further entered the building.
“Luther, you go out and get rid of the robots that are nearest to the civillians- and Klaus. Diego, get rid of them from a bit of distance. Priority for now is to get Klaus inside to hide with Vanya and the others or to at least make sure he lives, okay?”
Both brothers nodded at their sister.
‘I just hope Ben’s still sane out there.’
“Easy for you to say, Benny! You got those tentacles out to protect you while my bottle isn’t even here to prote-” Klaus’ exclamation was cut off by his own shriek as the car he was hiding behind was smashed flat by a random robot’s leg.
Elevator music. Bland, but catchy. The fresh, crisp air of the air conditioning sooth Five’s nerves and slightly softened his features. Ahead of him, his little sister was skipping while looking around. Much like a child, her eyes are immediately drawn to anything bright or shiny. ‘And she wonders why we’re protective of her.’
“Oooh Five, look! This shirt is so cute!” it was a plain black shirt with a pocket, which would’ve been fine, if it weren’t for the fat orange tabby cat ‘hiding’ by the pocket. Five inwardly sneered at the childish looking item but for the sake of keeping that smile on his sister’s face, he let a small smile slip and let her out it in the basket. Now beside you, he made sure his guard was up to ensure you’re safety while you babbled on and on about something or someone called a ‘Garfield’. He doesn’t remember that from Vanya’s book so it must be a recent obsession of yours.
So far so good. Most serene he’s felt in years.
This is the most stressful day Klaus has ever had!
It was all fine at first. He and Ben were just walking home from Griddy’s. Ben was carrying doughnuts while Klaus was drinking a bottle of vodka. Then suddenly, his vodka was gone and an arm was in front of him. A metal arm. Turns out robots were attacking the streets aiming to kill the Umbrella Academy. I mean, come on, it wasn’t even Bucky Barnes; what a waste of vodka! Also, where the hell is Five when you need him to spatial jump you outta here?!
“Is it the right size, Five?”
“Hmm... yep. I believe it is.” right side, left side, front and back, Five must admit, he looked good.
“Is it good?”
“Have you no faith in yourself?”
You pouted although he couldn’t see you, “Well, I do but do you think it looks good? You’ll be the one wearing it and I don’t want you to-”
“I’ll cut you off right there, Tee. I trust your sense of style, okay? Don’t doubt yourself.” when no reply came, Five sighed, “Do you want me to show you later?” when he heard your excited gasp he knew he said the right thing, “Like a fashion show?!”
“Sure,” hearing your excited squeals brought a smile to Five’s face.
“GUYS! Let’s go home.”
“Yes, mom.”
“What was that, Diego?”
“Uhh, nothing?”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Sorry, Allison.”
Numbers One and Two dejectedly followed Number Three home with Numbers Four and Six following behind them. Number Four’s arm hanging onto Number Six’s shoulders, whining about his vodka.
Ben’s had a tiring day... because of Klaus.
After paying for everything, with their inheritance (👀) money, Five spatial jumped directly into his room with Eightie in his arms. You immediately collapsed onto his bed with a bounce and a giggle followed. As demanded by the baby of the family, Five went to the closest bathroom to change so that he can show you the outfits you chose for him. Five was, dare he say, excited to actually try on new clothes. And you were happily waiting for him on his bed, excited to see the result of your shopping trip.
On the other side of the house, Numbers One and Two were arguing, again. While Number Three and Six were looking and listening to the two squabble with the occasional eye roll. Number Four was knocked unconscious on the couch because dang that day was stressful. And Number Seven was in the kitchens with their mom making dinner.
Number Four suddenly shot up from the couch with a gasp, startling the other siblings in the room.
“What’s wrong, Klaus?” Allison slowly approached Klaus with caution just in case he reacts negatively to sudden movements. After all, he’s nearly completely sober at the moment.
“What about her?” Diego was now listening to the conversation between Numbers Three and Four intently.
“Where’s Eightie?”
Ben paled.
Allison’s eyes widened.
Diego cursed and stormed out of the room.
Luther looked slightly confused but mostly concerned, “... Maybe she’s with Five?”
Klaus looked at Luther with deadpanned eyes, “like last time?”
“Griddy’s. Luther, come on.” and with that, Number One and Number Three left the house.
“Ben?” it has now come to Klaus’ attention that Ben has been quiet for a while now.
“She’s with Five.”
“She’s with Five, Klaus.” Ben was now facing him with relaxed features.
“How are you so sure?”
“Well, for one, Five wasn’t with us earlier today fighting those robots and he’d never miss the chance to fight anyone and anything that can cause danger to Eightie’s life.”
With that said, understanding entered Klaus’ vision, “Ahh... True.”
“But why didn’t you buy iiit?” whined a half frustrated, half amused Number Eight.
“Because, Tee, I refuse to buy, much less wear, a dress, of all things.”
“But you’d look so cute in it, Fivey!”
“No 🤍”
“A dress?! I agree with Eightie here. Fivey, you should’ve bought it!”
“Don’t throw your food at your brother, Five.”
“Sorry, mom.”
“Tongue in, Klaus.”
“Yes, mommy.”
#tua#the umbrella academy#tua x reader#hargreeves x reader#hargreeves x sibling#number eight#luther hargreeves x reader#diego hargreeves x reader#allison hargreeves x reader#klaus hargreeves x reader#number five x reader#ben hargreeves x reader#vanya hargreeves x reader
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emotions (klaus x reader)
Man on the Moon - 4
warnings : swearing, character death, smoking, mentions of kidnapping
word count : 3612
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
On the 12th hour of the first day of October, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.
He got eight of them.
“Where the hell is Five? Those bastards were looking for him and they took Klaus instead.” Diego watched you as you paced around in your room, fists clenched. “I should’ve killed both of them when I had the chance.” Rage seeped throughout your body but you knew you had to try to keep a lid on it; you didn’t want to go on a rampage because you couldn’t control it. Eventually your eyes fell on Diego, who was sat on your bed, twiddling one of his knives around in his fingers.
“Are you gonna say anything or not? I might as well be talking to a brick fucking wall at this point.”
“I’m thinking.” Your brother replied very bluntly.
“About what?” Your tone was aggressive and you knew it, but you knew that Diego wouldn’t think your anger was targeted at him. He understood.
“About how we’re gonna murder those bastards and get our brother back.” You smiled slightly at his response, manic thoughts swimming around your head that you tried to keep at bay for the time being.
“I’m so glad we’re on the same page.” Diego wrapped at arm around your shoulders as you took a seat beside him and he gripped his knife hard in his gloved hand and he looked at you, a look you couldn’t exactly distinguish, through his dark, hooded eyes. The silence and the look shared between the two of you ensured that you understood each other.
Sighing, you looked down at your hands, picking at your fingers as you thought about Klaus. You were still mad at him even though he apologised, but you prayed he would be okay nonetheless. You would do anything to make sure that he got back to you safe and to just be able to hug him and see him again. If they even dared to hurt him, you would make sure of it that both of them got what they deserved and nothing less.
“We’ll find him, okay?” Diego rubbed your shoulder gently and you nodded, looking at him and tilting your head slightly, afraid to ask about the night before, with your Mother. “What is it?”
“Are you… okay? You know, about Mom.” Your brother took a sharp breath before looking at you. He always tried to hide his true feelings and he was absolutely terrible at it. You knew the next words out of his mouth would be a lie as he smiled, being able to mask the pain on his face but not the pain in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
Before you could say anything else, a loud thump came from one of the other bedrooms along the corridor and the two of you stood, moving along the hall to see where it came from. You could faintly hear Pogo’s voice behind one of the doors and stood there for a minute to listen at the conversation that was occurring within.
“Like I said, Master Luther, Number Five hasn’t lived in this room since he was a boy.”
“Yeah, I know, but we need to warn him. He doesn’t even know we were attacked. He doesn’t know they’re looking for him, he doesn’t know—“
“What are you doing in here?” Diego pushed the door open, eyeing Luther as he rooted through Five’s stuff in his drawers, brows knit together. You leaned against the door frame, crossing your arms over your chest as you raised an eyebrow at him. Number One frowned as he looked up at Diego, standing up, shifting uncomfortably in his place.
“Uh… Do you know about Mom?” He asked hesitantly, looking between the two of you, nodding at you in response when you mouthed a yes. His eyes flicked over to the boy stood beside you.
“Well, it looks like you got what you wanted, one way or another, right?” Rolling your eyes at him, you looked back over to Luther, smiling at Pogo when he caught your eye, which he returned politely.
“Wanna tell me what you’re doing here?”
“Looking for Five.”
“Oh, let me guess, you’re gonna save the day.” You pinched between your eyes in frustration, looking to the floor and sighing when they continued to feud. Quickly, you turned on your heel and walked out, unable to cope with their nonsense today. You needed to find Five. If you warned him about the intruders maybe he would have an idea about where they were and you could find Klaus. Right now, that’s all that mattered to you. Your feet echoed as you stepped down the stairs into the lobby, waiting for Diego and Luther to catch up with you when they had finished their squabbling. It wasn’t long before you heard them walking along the hallway and coming down the stairs.
“I say we ask around the streets, see if people have seen him.”
“Oh, and say what? Have you seen a boy about this tall in a strange looking uniform? Yeah, he’s a lippy little shit, that’s him!” Diego mocked.
“So, what, you have a better idea?”
“Why don’t we just go to the building and see if he’s still there?” Your brothers looked at you, as if you had just had the best idea ever and soon enough, the three of you were walking down the streets, looking out for the van that you and Five were in the day previous. As you walked up the road leading to the Meritech building, your eyes widened when you noticed the plumbing van, jogging up to it as Luther confirmed it was the van you were looking for. Luther tried the doors before Diego smirked, cheating the locks with his knife and you hopped in to the van, waiting for the two to join you.
Once all of you were inside, you grabbed the duffel bag, picking up a random book and searching through it, starting to read his notes just as Diego whistled, pointing to the page he had opened.
“I know where to find Five.”
Your mind wondered off to thinking about Klaus again, smiling as you remembered all of the time you had spent with each other. When you moved out and bought your own apartment, he had stayed with you for a while, sharing your bed with you. It was an understatement to say the two of you were intimate. You shared various ‘I love you’s and although you were never official, you were pretty much dating. Sometimes when he would go out, he wouldn’t come back until the morning. He tended to couch surf, but he always came back to you. Except one time, he didn’t.
Pretty soon, you pulled up short to the Argyle Library, wasting no time at all to start searching for the boy, rolling your eyes when your brothers started talking about what they earlier, groaning. You thought that if you rolled your eyes anymore they would probably fall out.
Something stopped your train of thought quite quickly. A woman’s voice, talking about a child and numerous giggles in the background. Your brows furrowed and you moved around a few corners, weaving around the people until you saw it. Five, sat up against the wall, in a deep sleep. His arm was slung around Delores and he held a bottle of alcohol in the same hand. He was surrounded by markings on the wall and notebooks spread out in front of him and you sighed, looking at Diego.
The three of you, plus Delores and a very drunk Five, turned down a secluded alleyway that was barely lit up by the streetlights. The sound of your shoes on the wet pavement seemed to bounce off the tall walls of buildings that surrounded you.
“Well, we can’t go back to the house. It’s not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment.” Nodding at Luther’s logic, you looked up to him, frowning when a thought popped into your head.
“Where are we taking him, then?” Luther didn’t seem to have an answer to your question, so you both instinctively turned to look at Diego.
“My place is closer. No one will look for him there.”
“Hopefully.” You added just as Five let out a belch that honestly sounded like he was going to throw up all down Number One.
“If you vomit on me…” Luther warned and you laughed, looking at the boy in his arms, a dazed smile plastered on his face.
“I’d pay money to see that.” Diego chuckled slightly at your words and Luther huffed, looking down at Five as he opened his mouth to speak.
“You know what’s funny? Aah! I’m going through puberty. Twice.” He scoffed, his face falling for a few seconds before he started giggling drunkenly. “I drank that whole bottle, didn’t I? That’s what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it’s gone.” Frowning, you assumed from what he had said that he hadn’t gotten anywhere with the eyeball, yet again and you let out a breath, wondering what he was planning to do next.
“What are you guys talkin’ about?” Five looked up at Luther, who sighed at the state of the boy in his arms.
“Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night.” Your hands formed into fists at the thought of it.
“They came looking for you. So I need you to focus. What do they want?” Diego questioned and you chuckled. The police career obviously hadn’t worked out for him but he still acted professional, like this was his job.
“Hazel and Cha-Cha.” Five mumbled and your blood boiled, face twitching at the name reveals. You wanted nothing more than to get your hands on them. Deranged thoughts crossed your mind again as your brothers murmured between themselves before Diego raised his voice, clearly annoyed at the state that Five was in.
“Hey! I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?” A smirk fell over the boy’s face when you all stopped walking and you started to get irritable, trying your hardest to calm your emotions before they spilled over. “We just wanna protect you.”
“Protect me? I don’t need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I’ve killed? No. I’m the Four frickin’ Horsemen. The apocalypse is coming.” Five shifted uncomfortably before leaning over Luther’s arm, groaning as he threw up, a distasteful look slapping the carrier across the face.
Once you all resumed walking, a thought crossed Diego’s mind and he was unsure of whether to share it, but you caught on to the look and turned to him.
“What is it?”
“Why does he have a mannequin with no hair, no bottom half and one arm?”
“He found her in the apocalypse. She was the only thing he had so I guess she’s what kept him sane, as hard as it is to believe.” Shrugging, you looked back to the pavement ahead of you, continuing to follow Diego as he led you to where he lived.
Once you had become face to face with the building, Diego drug around in his pocket, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. Walking through, you wished you could find a light switch but decided against it as his room was sure to be only steps away. He led you through the building to the back, where he used his key to unlock the door once again, hauling the door open with his shoulder.
You took a seat on the edge of Diego’s bed after Luther laid Five down on it. You sighed in frustration, staring at the barely conscious boy in pure annoyance, clenching your fists.
“Funny. If I didn’t know he was such a prick, I’d say he looks almost adorable in his sleep.” A breathy chuckle escaped your lips at Diego’s remark and you stood next to them, looking at the boy from a different angle.
“Well, don’t worry. He’ll sober up eventually.”
“He better.” You spat, glaring harsher before looking away, sighing. It wasn’t Five’s fault that Hazel and Cha-Cha took Klaus, although it sort of was. You couldn’t be mad at him, it wasn’t fair. Luther began to speak but was quickly silenced by your other brother when he pulled a knife out from the vest strapped to his chest. He moved next to the door and you noticed the noise that he had heard, footsteps drawing closer and closer to the room you were in. Your eyes lit up with a murderous intent as you moved your body into a fighting position, hoping it was either of the two psychos that tried to shoot you the night before. Diego opened the door and you were ready.
“You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I’m pressin’ charges.” You sighed, relaxing and Diego did the same when the random voice from outside called into the room.
“What do you want, Al?” Diego asked as the man stepped into the room after he opened the door wider. He smiled at you as he entered and you returned it respectfully, knowing him from when Diego taught you some boxing moves after you had left the academy.
“Some lady called for you, said she needs your help.”
“What lady?”
“I dunno. Some, uh, detective. Said her name was blotch or something.”
“Patch?” You questioned, locking eyes with Diego before he grabbed a card from Al, looking closely at it.
“She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun about half an hour ago. Uh, said she found your brother.” Your eyes widened as Al walked out; tears flooding in your eyes as they locked with your brother’s once again, swallowing hard.
“Klaus.” Rushing to the door, not saying anything else, pushing past him, sprinting to the car parked outside. Swiftly, you moved to get into the passenger seat, not even bothering to clip your seatbelt in. Diego pulled open the car door and started it up, looking over to you. You would have looked back, but all you could think about was getting to Klaus and killing those sons of bitches who took him. Your eyes were fixed on the road ahead of you, clenching your jaw and fists, thinking of all the things you would do to those bastards for hurting him. Diego wrapped his hands around the wheel and the car started to move.
The drive was painfully long, despite the speed your brother drove at, rather irresponsibly. The silence was tense but you weren’t bothered, taking deep breaths to make sure you were ready, your hard stare not faltering a bit when you pulled into the car park of the motel. You stepped out quickly, moving around to Diego’s side, following him when he got out. The two of you stealthily tiptoes around the outside of the building, looking for a sign from the outside, but when you couldn’t see anything, you knew you had to look through every room.
Outside of each room, you peered in through the window, calling his name quietly and then listening hard to see if anything could be heard. Further along the balcony, one of the doors was open and you peered in, eyes widening at the scene in front of you.
“Oh, no. God, no, no, no, no!” Your voice broke on you and you bit your lip in an attempt to hold back the tears that pooled in your eyes but it was to no avail. You rushed to stand in front of the open the door, facing Diego who looked extremely concerned and was trying to look past you. “No, Diego, don’t!” Your sobs resonated in his ears when he pushed you to the side, tears starting to stream down his own cheeks whilst he ran over to the body lying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding it.
“No, no, no, Eudora! No, no, no!” His fist made contact with the ground multiple times, whimpers escaping his mouth as he turned her body over. Patch was a good friend of yours. You didn’t see her often but she was always there for you and you for her. She had met you when she had come to visit Diego one time at the gym when he was training you. You were grateful that your friendship didn’t falter when she and Diego stopped seeing each other.
Your brother’s voice was drowned out of your ears, sirens taking its place instead. Turning around, you noticed blue and red lights fill the room, your eyes widening in response. Rushing over to Diego, you grabbed his arm, tugging it away from Eudora’s body but he refused.
“Diego, we have to go!” You cried, pulling hard on his arm but he wouldn’t give in. Grabbing his face in your hand, you forced him to look at you, your tear stained face matching his. “We need to go, right now.” You pulled him away from her body after he spoke to her one last time, running back down to the car you came from, getting into the driver’s seat this time. You knew Diego wasn’t in a fit state to drive, tears clouding his vision. You looked through misty eyes too, but you felt better about driving yourself and apparently so did Diego, getting into the passenger side without a word.
The drive seemed even longer than before, silence filling the air once again. You had wanted to hurt those people before, but now they had killed your friend as well a kidnapping Klaus.
Shit, Klaus.
He wasn’t at the motel. The thought had completely slipped your mind, but you gave yourself a pass considering you instead saw one of your good friends dead on the carpet, surrounded by a pool of her own blood and a gunshot wound through her chest. You swallowed, blinking rapidly to rid the image from your head before you glanced over to Diego.
“I’m sorry… About Patch.”
“Yeah, me too.” He sighed, staring at his hands before looking over to you. “I’m sorry about Klaus.”
“Me too.” A weak smile crept onto your face and your hands wrapped tighter around the wheel, letting your face fall after he looked away from you. Tears flooded your vision again and your grip on the wheel loosened a lot. It suddenly became extremely hard for you to control the wheel, feeling just a weak as you had been the day you realised Klaus was never coming back. Still, somehow you managed to drive you and Diego back to where he lived safely, which you were grateful to yourself for.
As you pulled the key out of the ignition, Diego took them from your hand and you shot a puzzled look at him before he stepped out of the car. He moved around to your side, opening the door for you and waiting for you to step out.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m goin’ for a drive. Wanna be alone. Clear my head.” You nodded once, stepping out of the car and hugging him tightly. He returned it, glad he had you.
“Don’t do anything stupid, okay? Promise me.”
“Promise.” Watching as he stepped into the car, closing the door, waving to him as he drove off. You sighed, fumbling about in your coat pockets, taking out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Plucking a cigarette from inside the box, you lit it quickly, taking a long drag from it before inhaling the smoke. You exhaled, repeating the actions until it was finished, throwing it to the ground and crushing it with your foot.
“Fuck it.” Your fingers grabbed for another cigarette and you chuffed on it again until it was finished. Smoking made you feel weak but sometimes it was needed. The relief a little thing like a cigarette gave you was incredible and you suddenly realised how much you could really do with a joint. You and Klaus would smoke together sometimes, when you were really stressed. God, you didn’t know if it was possible for you to miss a person so much. It hurt when he didn’t come back the first time, but that was his own fault. This time he had been taken from you and for some reason that made everything so much worse. It made you wonder if he would’ve stayed with you if he had the chance and you hoped to God that he did. Did he miss you as much as you missed him? Did he even care about being taken from you? Probably not, after the way you had treated him since you returned to the Academy. Your heart broke imagining that he would enjoy being away from you.
Your skin was burning up as your mind raced, anxiety swallowing up your body in an instant. Legs shaking, you took a sharp breath before finding your way back inside the building, holding onto anything you can to ensure that you have support if your legs give way under the pressure. You swallowed, wrapping your hand around the door handle to Diego’s room and pushing it open.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Your brothers rushed to help you in, sitting you down the bed beside Five and your eyes became full with tears again. “Y/N? What happened? Where’s Klaus?”
“He wasn’t there. We don’t know where he is, or if he’s even alive.”
my masterlist
#the umbrella academy#tua#the umbrella academy season 2#tua s2#tua season two#tua x reader#tua season 2 spoilers#tua s2 spoilers#the umbrella academy x reader#klaus hargreeves x reader#klaus hargreeves#klaus x reader#tua season 2#reader insert#x reader
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Can we have a reaction for Ateez finding their s/o sleeping in random places, like the kitchen floor or a cabinet, under the bed? Please and thank you!
A/N: This is so funny to me because I relate so heavy no lie.
Okay, so basically
You fall asleep on the couch, waiting for Joong to get home so you could go to dinner together
At some point during your little nap, you fall off of the couch and onto the floor
The only real problem with this is that you are right underneath the lamp
So, the only logical solution to this new problem is to roll under the coffee table
Which you do, and then just fall asleep again, no biggie
When Joongie finally gets home he calls for you like always
Totally expects you to come running, excited for dinner
But, alas, you do not
So, he spends about an hour looking for you all over the place
Kinda starting to freak out
Ends up standing in the living room and pounding your number into his phone
After the first ring, he hears your phone going off in the same room
and then a very loud thud followed by some less than polite vocabulary
He looks down at you, wiggling your way out from underneath the table and stretching for your phone
You notice him, and it’s kinda awkward for a second
you kind of feel like you were caught doing something you shouldn’t be
Then Hongjoong is laughing
like full falling over in tears laughter
Like how dare you judge me for sleeping where I am safe from the light
After he finds his composure, he just tells you to get up so you can get food
And you do, and he doesn’t mention it again
Not in words anyway
But if ever he can’t find you, he always checks under the coffee table first
Okay so Seonghwa was gonna be home in about 2 minutes based on his text
So, you decide to try and scare him
Knowing he typically goes to the kitchen first, you situate yourself in a cupboard
There’s literally a pan handle up your ass, but it’s worth it for the prank
Seonghwa’s 2 minutes quickly turn into a half hour
You’ve fallen asleep by then since you had been sitting still for too long
When your boyfriend finally gets home, he’s already shouting apologies into the front hall
just his excuse to complain no lie
As predicted, he goes straight into the kitchen, still ranting about his day
fully expects you to join him at some point
Did not expect that you would be crawling out from the cabinet though
You heard him yelling once he got into the kitchen and you were like “I guess it’s too late now”
You push the cupboard door open… straight into his shins
he jumps about 10 feet
so I guess the prank kind of worked??
you just kinda shrug, still a little groggy and sore from being in such a weird position
“were you asleep?”
you nod and yawn and then all of a sudden he’s soft
Scoops you up and plops you on the couch for cuddles
Will definitely make you answer his burning questions later but he’s feeling all snuggly now so it can wait
(Barefaced Yunho im in tears)
When Yunho comes home after work, having stopped and picked up ice cream because he felt he deserved it (AND HE DOES)
Struts around the house with the ice cream balanced on one hand
Hoping to find you and make you laugh
Cannot. Find. You. Arm. Getting. Tired.
Finally puts his arm down, totally defeated
Wanders through the different rooms before he catches a glimpse of your socked foot peeking out from behind the couch
Leans over and sees you fully tucked in, blankets and pillows everywhere
Knocked OUT
He gingerly steps over the couch… jk he tripped
Falls on you
You scream because 1) scary 2) ow
He’s stuttering apologies but also laughing his booty off
Asks what you are doing back there in the first place
“wanted to make a fort but got sleepy”
demands that you get up and help him finish making it
eventually, he returns with basically the entire fridge
then you set up a movie and snack together and its so cute but then you both end up passing out anyway because the fort is just the comfiest
ok one thing I will say about Yeosang is I feel like he can pretty much fall asleep anywhere too so he’s not gonna judge you
how you ended up falling asleep on the bathroom counter may remain a mystery forever
you vaguely remember climbing up on it to get a better look at a zit or some other blemish you wanted to get rid of, but after that who knows
Yeosang rushes into the house after work
literally screaming that he’s gonna pee his pants
Runs into the bathroom and slams the door
Scares you and you almost slip off the counter and onto the tile floor
you’re barely awake and he’s screaming at you
so confusing but you just kind of waddle out the door and fall into bed
you wait for him to finish and he comes out with a smile
“I’m better now”
“you woke me up you dramatic idiot”
“what do you mean? I didn’t wake you up, you were in the bathr- OHhhh”
You just kinda pout at him and he comes and sits next to you
strokes your hair for a little bit
You’re almost asleep and he can tell
and then you’re chasing him around
he is fearing for his absolute life
like he’s gonna suffer the wrath of a thousand suns for waking you up twice
boy better PRAY
In the morning, San had woken you up and coaxed you out of bed with the promise of coffee
he did not tell you that he did not yet go and get the coffee
So, when he skips out the door to pick up your drinks, you literally just drop to the floor in front of the welcome mat
Like I’m sleeping and I don’t care where I just need it
And it was actually a pretty good morning nap until San almost knocks your nose off your face when he swings the door open
At first, he’s kinda worried like… “you good”
And you just scold him for almost killing you with the door
“Not my fault you chose to sleep on the floor. I got your coffee”
Thrusts it into your face
the only thing more bitter than your face is the drink
“you almost killed your sweet sweet baby aren’t you sorry?”
“it’s you’re fault in the first place”
and I mean he’s kinda right but he’s the reason you’re tired
waking you up early with lies… coffee wasn’t even ready yet
so you have a good natured squabble about your sleeping habits and San’s door-opening habits before coming to an agreement
You can only sleep in front of the door when he’s already home
And he can swing the door open with as much dramatic flare as he wants… as long as he can see you are clearly not within range
a perfect compromise imo
Mingi is such a dork okay
when he finds you curled up in front of the oven he starts laughing really loud
shakes you awake because he just has to know what you think you’re doing
You explain, patiently, that you are waiting for your brownies to finish, and that the oven is really warm
Mingi will just nod in agreement and be like “of course, of course. you’re so smart, jagiya”
Gets up and leaves you there for a minute but then returns
He has more pillows and an extra blanket
He also brought your laptop so you could watch a movie
He pulls you into his lap after he sits himself on top of some pillows
Covers both of you in the blankets and then makes you hold the computer on your lap
You fall asleep again within 10 minutes, and although he’s getting sleepy he’s like
Someone has to make sure the house doesn’t burn down
Mingi should not be in charge of this and we all know it
But what can he do?
So he watches the movie for a while before the timer on the oven finally goes off
You snap awake so quickly that Mingi jumps a little
and then you eat brownies and cuddle some more
But Mingi is not allowed to have as many brownies as you because you did all the work in the first place so TAKE THAT
(hIS SMiLe)
When Wooyoung gets out of the shower after a long day and finds you… not in bed where you should be
He pouts…like a lot
Wanders around for a while
Almost gives up when he catches a glimpse of the hoodie (his hoodie) that you’re wearing
Opens the closet door…was kinda scared not gonna lie lmao
Then he’s LOUD
laughing at you like a crazy person
Screaming at you through his laughter
whispers, “sorry”
asks you again what you were doing
you just kind of look at him because, to be honest, you don’t really know either
just experimenting with some new bedding, I s’pose
He drags you out of the closet by your heels and forces you into bed where he cuddles you close
you can still feel his chest vibrating from all of the giggling
He never gets over this
every time he finds you sleeping in a new spot, he’s like “FIRST THE CLOSET NOW THIS”
Jongho gets protective when he finds you sleeping in weird places
He doesn’t want you to wake up stiff from being in awkward positions and everything
So when he finds you dead asleep on top of the kitchen table, he is less than surprised
Like he knows you’re a whole ass meal but seriously?
But also lifts you and walks you over to the couch
Sets you down and then just stares at you like a creeper until you wake up
When you do, he’s scolding you straight away
“You’ll hurt your back”
“what if you fell”
And then you’re laughing because even he knows he’s being dramatic and he always is when you do things like this
“thank you for moving me to the couch, Jongho”
he huffs but he’s like “you’re welcome”
Always tries to make you promise not to sleep in such strange places anymore
“What you do in practice, you’ll do in the game”
“What does that even mean”
“One day we will go out to dinner and then you’ll probably just get on the table and sleep or something”
So dramatic, but he really loves you and everything he says is just out of worry
But every time he scolds you, you both end up laughing at each other
And he secretly has a folder on his phone titled “where is y/n sleeping today?”
#ateez#ateez fluff#ateez reaction#ateez fanfic#ateez imagine#ateez scenario#fluff#fanfic#ateez hongjoong#ateez seonghwa#ateez yunho#ateez san#ateez yeosang#ateez mingi#ateez wooyoung#ateez jongho#kpop
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I played Chou no Doku (so you don’t have to) - Mizuhito’s Route Part 3
I had planned for this to be the last part but I can’t cut everything down as much as I wanted to so the suffering shall end not just yet. Since I took such a long break I actually had to replay the latter half of the game cause my brain has rejected most of those memories to save at least a bit of the sanity I have left lol. But I promised to do this and I’m commited to see it through! I am the top Chou no Doku blog after all 😂 Also SPOILER warning. I put it under the read more last time but since it’s a thing they talk about constantly now I can’t do that anymore.

When we left off the last time Majima and Yuriko were having a ... sensual? moment in the garden with some vegetables. Apparently their... activities left her feeling invigorated.

After coming to the conclusing that that the vegetables made her feel alive (and definitely not the BJ instructions Majima gave her on a cucumber) Yuriko retreats to her room. While thinking about her brother she’s interrupted by a visitor: and who else could it be but Shiba. Mizuhito has also come to entertain said man (or rather to mark his territory) As usual the two men end up bickering like 5 year olds as Mizuhito tries to display how poor the family is doing in order to ward Shiba off. Since Yuriko tries to smooth things over at least a little bit her “brother” decides to run off to a Brothel once again.
Yuriko is irritated since he’s about to break his promise and ends up chasing him down. As I said this is like watching a bunch of children squabble.

If only it were just siblings being dramatic.
Here’s where the magic happens. Yuriko spends paragraphs explaining that her brother is still her family - even if they’re not related by blood and so on.

Can’t I just become a single old cat lady

I love how she calls him Brother in the same sentence that’s supposed to sell me that she loves him romantically.
But one choice later she’s all over him and saying stuff like “I’ve finally caught him” I mean wtf girl you promoted him from family to Lover in under a minute. So they end up huddling close together and Yuriko once again has her “mmm gotta talk about smell” moment. I think this gives us a pretty good idea what the sax scenes in the original are like lol.
Shiba eventually stumbles upon them and is obviously not happy with what he’s seeing. He parts ways with Yuriko by whispering into her ear that this Brother of hers is her biggest flaw. I mean he’s dishing out the truth, let the man talk.

I felt that.

I’m gonna puke. Cue gross moment of “Ohhh I’m a bad big brother because I want to kiss my little sister” “Noo we can’t to that Onii-chan” “Aww let’s at least try to see if we feel ~g u i l t y~” like my dude wtf. Honestly this scene was gross imo because he totally coaxed her into this and she just kind of convinces herself that kissing him is so a w e s o m e despite initially being totally against it like yikes.



Voila, I told you.
Despite what one may think he doesn’t want to draw her nude yet. Since he makes such a big deal out of her being his ~innocent~ little sister Yuriko survived this encounter with her innocence still intact.
On the next day their Grandma pays them a visit to assess the current situation. Obviously the 1. solution to every problem in this game is either murder or getting hitched to someone that’s wealthy. Grandma proposes the latter.


They can’t decline her proposals immediately to avoid suspicion but to the two of them it’s clear that they want to keep their “relationship” going. Or maybe it’s not so clear because Mizuhito starts acting like a jelly 5 year old again.

Maybe it would help if you stopped calling him Brother with every breath you take.
Afterwards Yuriko models for him, but Mizuhito soon becomes distracted because he knows that even if they reject the current marriage proposals there will always be new ones incoming. He says that it will ~break him if Yuriko were to marry another Man (my dude let me tell you: you were just fine in the other routes I’ve played so far).

This shit so stupid even the game can’t take all of it.
A few days later Kyoko invites the two for dinner at her house. When Mizuhito leaves the room for a bit and after Yuriko whines about that:

Seriously why does everyone here have the mind of a child.
Kyoko takes the chance to tell Yuriko about the Geisha that her ... Brother... Lover?! what do I even call these two lol. The one her BroLover had been visiting frequently. Apparently she still posseses something that belong to Mizuhito and Kyoko wants to (find out if Yuriko and Mizuhito are facking) figure out how to relay this information to him. Obviously Yuriko with her 5 year old mind doesn’t want her lover visiting the Geisha so she asks Kyoko to keep it a secret.
On the way home we are subjected to another make out scene because Mizuhito got h*rny from Yuriko’s gaze. This scene is more “intense” to tell us that the frick frack is coming up soon but not quite yet.

If I took a shot every time she says Brother or Family then maybe I wouldn’t have to suffer like this.

I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t exchange gentle kisses with my older Brother.
After calming his raging... emotions Mizuhito says that they shouldn’t go too far since he thinks of Yuriko as special. Yuriko however feels “betrayed” by this like heavens forbid he didn’t rip her clothes off and bonk her in a dark dirty alleyway. How dare he.
In order to prevent Mizuhito from potentially bonking that Geisha who still has one of his “things” in a dark dirty alleyway instead Yuriko concludes that sending someone else to visit the Brothel is a great idea. She decides to ask Majima, her first love in case you forgot, and goes to visit him. When Mizuhito questions where she’s going in the middle of the night she comes up with the most convincing excuse ever:

We’ll leave things here for now. So how will Yuriko’s first love react to this odd request? And how does this clusterfuck of a story end? You’ll find out in the (this time for real) final next part!
(The last part will definitely be up before Thursday cause I’ll be focused on Collar x Malice Unlimited then)
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.hamartia. ‘Part V,
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (f) x Taehyung (?)
Plot: Y/N is a skilled, well, torturer, though you don’t like to call yourself that; it makes what you do too real. When mafia boss Yoongi wants information or wants a hostage to suffer, you step in. However, one fateful day you are thrown Taehyung, another person who does your line of work. You need answers, he is determined not to give them to you. That’s when you try...a different approach, and Yoongi is not pleased.
Rating: TV-MA
WARNINGS: YO IF YOU’RE NOT COOL WITH SUBTLE BI AGENDAS THEN I’M SORRY THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU, Blood, torture, mafia things (ya know?), drugs alcohol, sadistic tendencies, a fundamentally flawed main character (I’m sorry i’m just writing myself pretty much), assault, harassment, stalking (not bad), romance (somehow), Maybe stockholm syndrome???
Word Count: 3.3k words (Chonkers!)
A/N: shit’s about to go d o w n. I’m gonna be honest here...I forgot if I’ve mentioned Yoongi’s hair before-but I’m making it black and I’m sorry for continuity errors that may be caused by this...I’m just a dumbass who forgets shit.
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Next
~ noun: perfidy;
plural noun: perfidies the state of being deceitful and untrustworthy.
“You know, it’s pretty selfish to think you could keep me all to yourself. I have a job.” Yoongi sat unbothered in the bedroom as you packed your things.
The word selfish hit a different spot in your already wounded soul. After your fight, you decided to pack up and move to a room down the hall. You never officially broke it off, but it was clear you didn’t want to be around each other. Neither of you could bring yourself to say the dreadful words. You spun around, t-shirt in hand as you shoved it into your suitcase.
“F-Fuck you.” You stuttered, anger unmanageable. That’s how you’d been for a while now, it was probably why Yoongi was getting tired of you. You’d been angry, irritable, depressed, and your emotions were out of wack. What you needed was counseling, which you would never ask for, nor would anyone care enough to force you. It was a weakness. Yoongi had similar issues to you; you didn’t understand how he kept such a calm facade.
“If you’ve come here to berate me for the last few moments I’ll dare to be in the same fucking room as you, then fucking leave.” You cussed at him. He just looked amused.
“You know me too well.”
“I wish I didn’t.”
Selfish. Selfish. Selfish. Choosing your life over innocent ones was a job you tended to every single day. Every day it was your life over theirs, your blood over theirs. Hawyeong was the first of many. Her obsidian eyes haunted you at night. You were hurting Yoongi by putting your need for him above the gang. So you decided, if you were going to be selfish...I’m going all in. You flipped him off as you stormed out of the room. His eyes never strayed from your back, even once the door was closed.
“Fuck.” He whispered to himself and ran a hand down his face. “Why did I do that?” He spoke to the open air.
Taehyung had a very different look in his eyes when you walked in for your daily chat. Finally, we’re getting somewhere. You thought.
“Good afternoon.” He said stiffly. Your head whipped around to face him from where you were grabbing a spare chair in the hallway.
“W-What did you say?” You sputtered, utterly gobsmacked. He never spoke to you, much less speak first.
“Good afternoon, is that not what you people say around here? Do you prefer screams and crying?” He didn’t look fazed as he carefully chose his words.
“You just...” You trailed off a little.
“You do that a lot, you know?” He sat on the edge of his bed, as always, while you sat facing him.
“Hm?” You urged him to continue speaking.
“You trail off like this...” He mimicked you. “It’s annoying. So many times I wish I could have asked you to continue.”
“Why now are you telling me this?”
His eyes glanced to the security cameras where Jimin was watching in the surveillance room. Jimin was frozen, confusion and intrigue palpable around him. Taehyung check his nails before continuing, completely ignoring your question.
“I’ll tell you this- I do the same job you do, but I do it better.” He grinned cockily. “It’s going to take a lot more than taking away gray and waking up earlier to faze me.”
He drifted off, eyes becoming cloudy. “But...I have enjoyed your company these days, despite our rough start and pretty one sided conversations. I almost forget how selfish you are.” He chose that word very obviously, as if showing his cards.
You reeled back, chair falling to the ground. How did he know to use that word? You had your suspicions, but this was too clear. He chuckled darkly, though it didn’t give him a great deal of pleasure to deliver blows to your traumatizing past. He wasn’t even supposed to be talking to you.
“How did you know?” You gaped.
Taehyung didn’t respond. He couldn’t get you off his mind lately. Maybe it was because you and Jimin were the only people he ever interacted with; and Jimin wasn’t a smooth talker. Jimin stuttered when talking to him and showed him his intentions too easily. Taehyung enjoyed speaking with you, he could never read you.
“Y/N.” He stood and slowly made his way over to you until he was towering above you, your back pinned against the wall. He leaned down, whispering so the audio wouldn’t pick him up. “The audio has been tapped.” He whispered hurriedly. “Listen, you need to leave before 3 A.M. come find me and I’ll help get you out of here. I don’t want to see you in pain. It’s best if you leave.”
Your skin buzzed as you felt his breath graze your neck. You could barely register his words. When you did, you looked up into his handsome face and narrowed your eyes.
“What game are you playing here, Taehyung.” You whispered back.
“One where you are just another pawn. One where you never met me.” He leaned to be at eye level. “Because I mean the truth when I say I don’t wish to see you in harm’s way, just as you don’t wish that for me.”
“You misunderstand me. I’m perfectly happy seeing you rot.” You hissed.
“I know you don’t, kitten. Why else would you be bothered waking up so early to watch me, even when you full well know you’ve designed this room to be inescapable; both in life and death.”
“I...” You glanced away. “If you don’t step back, I’ll scream and Jimin will come running.”
“You think I’m worried? He has a nasty punch, but he’d never pull a gun on me.”
Taehyung had a point. You knew Jimin wouldn’t be able to disable Taehyung, but that didn’t stop you. Your voice was high pitched and shrill. The dark haired male jumped back, eyebrows furrowing.
“You are impossible. I’m trying to help you.” He practically yelled.
“Why would I trust you?”
“Trust me? Isn’t that what you’ve worked so hard to do these past few weeks? Well congratu-fucking-lations because you’ve done it.” Taehyung stared at you incredulously as if you had just spit on his face. You didn’t respond, heart beating wildly. He was so close. You could take a few steps meet lip to lip. You slightly shook your head. Stop thinking about making out with your hostage. His eyebrows quirked upward, as if reading your mind.
The door banged open.
“Ah, Jimin good thing you’re-” You stopped mid-sentence. “Oh.”
Yoongi, in all his might, stood in the doorway, huffing. His chest rose and fell quickly. “Do you understand how many flights of stairs I had to run just because I heard you scream?” He said calmly, taking a moment to breathe.
“It was only one flight you lazy ass.” You retorted, rolling your eyes at his theatrics. Taehyung didn’t seem surprised by this little squabble.
“One flight too many.”
“How do you think I feel having to do that every time you decide to call me into that damn office of yours.” Your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Can we talk about this elsewhere?” Yoongi let his gaze slide to Taehyung. “You didn’t touch her, right?” He hissed.
Your ears perked up at the jealousy evident in his voice.
“Of course not, pretty boy.” Taehyung stayed still, having not expected Yoongi to appear. Jimin, he could handle, but Yoongi? That man was dangerous and he knew it.
“Why does it matter if he touched me?” You said, provoking Yoongi.
“I told you not to get close to him.”
“This was the most we’ve spoken in ages, Yoongi.” You snapped. “You don’t control me anymore and I’m not your property anymore either.”
I wish you were. Yoongi thought to himself. He didn’t meet your eyes and instead looked to Taehyung.
“Don’t come near her again you son of a b-”
You quickly ushered him out of the room, using all your force to shove him through the door. Taehyung let out a chuckle as you locked the door behind you. You turned to Yoongi, a sour expression on your face.
“I was finally getting somewhere. I only screamed to catch him off guard.”
“I saw the footage. He had no right to be that close to you.”
Yoongi cornered you between the wall and his body. His hands planted on either side of your body on the wall. He leaned in. God, how many times does this need to happen in one day? You mused to yourself, but you could feel the blood rushing to your head.
“Would you rather it Taehyung in my position now?” His voice wreaked of possessiveness and jealousy.
“Of course not, but why would I want you in it either?” You ducked under his arms, trying to ease tension.
“You never broke up with me.” He called as you hurried towards your door across the way.
“I think three months of silence is good enough.” You slipped inside and slammed the door shut.
You were awake at 3 A.M. of course you were. Taehyung had been waking you up around then anyway.
There was something different this morning. The sun hadn’t risen, but you decided to wander around the halls of the mansion. You had a bad feeling, which explained why you were dressed in all black. Still, the feeling wasn’t enough to make you grab that knife in your top drawer. You glanced at the door across from yours. Then you took a right to head to the surveillance room. You felt someone watching you, but you continued on anyway. It was probably a trainee or guard wandering around. The mansion had 24/7 surveillance and guards that rotated hourly. You assumed it was a changing of the guard. Then there was a strangled sound from the floor below as you walked past the stairs. You were instantly alert.
Your hand reached for a knife that you didn’t have. Shit. You quietly walked backwards, not letting your eyes leave the stairs. It felt like the calm before the storm. You prayed your heart would stop pounding, but you were getting more anxious by the second. There were heavy footfalls followed by quieter ones. You held your breath, carefully keeping your eyes trained on the stair entrance. You glanced behind you. A few more feet and you’d be at your door.
There was a thundering sound upstairs. Yoongi’s voice could be heard. You wanted to shout at them to stay quiet, but you heard his footsteps fade behind you upstairs. You only caught a few words from their scuffle. The words bounced around your brain. What do you mean Mark is dead?
You almost screamed when a gun went off. Immediately, it was like the mansion was alive. There were hurried footsteps upstairs and then footsteps rushing around the stairs. Still, no one came to your floor. It felt like you were in the eye of a hurricane. That was until a hand clamped itself over your mouth. You wanted to scream, but then you heard the low timber of a familiar voice. It was a voice you shouldn’t trust, but you did relax ever so slightly.
“Y/N, we need to leave.” His voice made you shiver.
“Is this your gang? Are they here?” You murmured as he removed his hand. He seemed confident you wouldn’t scream. You were almost tempted to just to spite him, but you decided this was not the right time to be difficult.
“Of course it’s my gang. They’re here to collect me and take you out, obviously.” He looked to the stairwell. “We have to get going, they’re getting closer.”
You nodded, letting him take your hand.
“Where are we going?”
“Away.” He said mysteriously.
“Very specific.” You huffed.
“You can stop this act, you know?” The man didn’t turn to you, he just kept running ahead, turning every corner like he knew this place.
“Act?” You stomped your heels into the ground, effectively halting him. He sighed as if he wished he had said nothing.
“This tough girl act. All I saw was a scared girl who hurts others to avoid her own hurt.” He crossed his arms, looking at you quizzically. Before you could respond, he turned back around and gently grabbed your hand. “I know because I’m the same way.”
You gaped, letting him drag you along.
The plan seemed to be going great as the shouts got louder and the gunshots continued firing. Then it was quiet. Way too quiet. It was as if they had reached a stalemate. Your mouth felt dry. Or one side was wiped out. Taehyung looked to you.
“I’m sorry about this, but you trusted the wrong person.” He shrugged, though it hurt him to see the shock cross your face. There were footsteps and then you almost heard the crack of your skull as the butt of a gun knocked you to the ground unconscious. It’s so much easier to break trust.
You trailed Yoongi has he descended down the stairs.
“Are you really going to make me some sort of maid?” You scoffed, eyeing the maids closet that you seemed to be headed towards.
“I’ve got you something even better.” He grinned that gummy smile, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He opened the dusty library door that now had held files upon files stacked in every corner. God, he’s going to make me a librarian, isn’t he? You averted your eyes from the files. He seemed to read your expression.
“I’m not going to make you file things, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Then what are we doing here, babe.” You frowned.
“We’re here for this.” His hands ran over the creases of a bookshelf and slowly slid it open. It revealed a small passage way. It smelled of blood.
“What is this place?” Your voice was small and you looked at Yoongi with a scared look.
“It’s where we hold the hostages.” A voice answered. Your eyes jerked up, taking in the silver haired man. He had blood on his hands, which he carefully wiped on a rag before extending a hand. “You must be Y/N. I’m Jimin and I work for you now.”
Your mouth hung open as you shook his hand. “Yoongi, what the hell is this.”
The black haired man behind you shrugged. “You wanted a job and this was the only opening.”
You entered the passageway tentatively. Upon seeing the first hostage, bloodied and bruised, you wanted to gag. You weren’t weak, but you weren’t violent, every knew this. You could yell and throw words around all you wanted, but you would never raise your hand against someone.
Jimin carefully picked up a knife. He held it out to you. You hesitated, hands shaking.
“Yoongi! I can’t do this! I can’t do this to innocent people!” You had to keep your voice from shrieking. His eyes darkened. He didn’t like seeing you this way, but you had begged him for a job and he felt obliged to give you one. He would prefer you know how to use weapons, even against innocents, rather than a helpless maid. That was his twisted logic.
“They are far from innocent.” He said dryly, giving you a small push towards Jimin.
“Anything but this.” You pleaded.
“I may be your lover, darling, but I’m also the boss around here and I’m still your boss. And as your boss I order you to do this job.” His voice was stony, cold, and calculated. “Who knows, maybe you’ll come to enjoy it?”
You looked to Jimin, pain in your eyes. He looked away. You could tell he didn’t want to be here either.
“You wanted a job. Now do it.” Yoongi whispered threateningly.
You shakily took the knife and walked towards the hostage.
You opened your eyes, head pounding. You immediately noted your bound hands and legs. You were tied to a chair. Classic. Was this what your hostages felt when they woke up? The room was a concrete box, but you didn’t feel unsettled. You spent most of your time in these concrete boxes. It wasn’t something that bothered you. Maybe that was why Taehyung never seemed bothered by staying in the dark or being tied to a chair. Taehyung, that bastard. The rage and betrayal you felt was much like when you had your fight with Yoongi three months ago. It wasn’t a good feeling to be completely out of control of your emotions.
Before you even opened your eyes, you knew he was there. That man with the dark hair and even darker eyes. The one that betrayed you so easily.
“Y/N. I know you’re awake.” You heard him crouch in front of you. “I’m not going to hurt you, but I will let you know that it’s sort of my job.”
You slowly opened your eyes to see him staring at you. You couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy; to have an even slightly concerned look on his face.
“Yoongi will rip you to shreds.” You spat, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you could think. Shut up. Yoongi isn’t yours anymore. He may look like he cares, but he doesn’t. Don’t make empty threats. He must have seen the immediate regret that flashed across your face because he stood.
“I’m sure he will.” He nodded, almost like he was trying to humor you. Then his expression turned dark. “I won’t hurt you, I have no reason to. But he does.” and he stepped to the side to reveal a man.
“Fuck.” You murmured. Mr. Joh stood tall, a scar running down his face. He had those obsidian eyes, just like Hawyeong.
“You murdered my sister a while ago, do you remember her?” Mr. Joh carefully slid a chair in front of you and sat on it. Taehyung looked away, a muscle in his jaw ticking. You kept your eyes locked on him, not Mr. Joh. It was almost as if Taehyung was a slice of home, a reminder of when you were back at the mansion. Oh how the tables have turned.
“Who? I’ve killed many.” You tried to bite back, but your words lacked the punch needed to effectively get your point across. You were tired and sore. How long had you been sitting in that chair?
“What do you mean who.” Mr. Joh spat. “You don’t even have enough pride to remember your victims, do you?”
“I remember you...” You stared straight at Taehyung, and he watched you carefully. “And I certainly remember you.” You spoke to him. Mr. Joh followed your eyes. You knew you were giving away too much, letting him into your mind far too easily. Even a low level torturer would be able to decipher the thoughts in your mind. Please, Taehyung, let me out. Don’t you like me? The second those words crossed your mind, you froze. Don’t you like me?
Your heart was beating fast. Then Mr. Joh snapped, signalling Taehyung to leave the room. Your eyes pleaded with him. Please don’t go. You then realized you had no right to beg for life. After all...Death longed for you more than Yoongi or anyone else. You had stolen so many lives, why couldn’t you accept your own demise? Your eyes looked down to the floor, ashamed. The monster inside was locked in the basement and the angelic little girl from before had control. No wonder you felt so broken at the moment. Taehyung seemed hesitant to leave, but he left nonetheless.
“Now, where were we?” Mr. Joh smiled, flicking a knife into his hands.
as;fks;gkhslkdhf Okay okay okay- I like this direction. Let me know your thoughts.
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