#The Enderdragon
edwardos · 2 years
I just beat the Enderdragon in Minecraft FR 1.0 with at least one healer crystal still left intact.
I don’t have the energy or time to prove it right now, but later on I can post proof of it in video form. Extremely long, boring, hard to edit video. But it will prove I really did this if that’s what people care most about.
Worth it.
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cherryskeletoncake · 3 months
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Just the two of them, at the edge of the universe
Inspired by the song: dream sweet in sea major by miracle musical
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sorry-ooo · 5 months
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when the dragon egg you brought home just. Fcking hatches? what? Hello? was it the chickens? it Was the chickens Wasn't It
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bamsara · 2 years
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You're going to need something better than an enchanted diamond sword.
Woe Enderdragon Eclipse design for my DCA x Minecraft AU. Took me a while but here he is. I'm thinking maybe you don't have to defeat him to get the portal back to the surface, maybe if he likes you enough he'll just summon one for you. Or kill you. There's that too.
I planned on fully coloring/painting him but I think the whole dark and vague design so just pretend he's in some really sick ebony burnt ebony end scaled armor or something.
My Blaze King! Sun and Warden! Moon are here
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fray · 3 months
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stuff from twitter i forgor about. i was in a minecwaft mood some months ago, drew my silly and me as mob vote avatar squares
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naycelium · 1 year
Queen Of The End 🐉
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Back to studying bugs again, guy but he’s stuck in the mantis body type because my brain refuses to draw anything else
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sollyraptor · 1 month
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// as a sign of life, have these doodles
I am going insane with the lack of time I have to draw lately rrrrrrr
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bixels · 4 months
Have you checked out the diverse stardew valley mod? There's a lot of options, and I basically consider the game without it unplayable. Black Emily and haley (and Asian seb) are just facts of the game to me atp
I’d love the diversity, but I’ve grown so used to Talk’s sprites and character designs that those are just canon to me too. So it’s hard to try out mods that aren’t supported because everyone will look weird to me.
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gender-thief2 · 1 month
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you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me…
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bottle-of-allay · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Technoblade
pretty soon will mark two years since I started playing minecraft thanks to this guy
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artofgerald · 2 years
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Ender dragon queen and male ender dragon :^)
The female, whom you fight, is responsible for laying the eggs and hatching the males out. She reproduces asexually, is immortal, and sentient - she communicates in galactic with her children and endermen. Though she understands human language, too!
The males' feathers can release dust that pollinates the chorus trees, out of which fruit grows to eventually become endermen...
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melongraph56 · 7 months
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day three - princess
No longer was she the beautiful girl with a friendly smile and a helping hand. She was now a terrible black dragon with horrible eyes and two massive wings, the sounds of which echoed throughout the emptiness of the world. How much of the Princess remained behind those terrifying eyes, no one knows. She is immortal now. So are her people. But the Realm of Dawn is dead. All that remains… is The End. And its queen.
- The Princess: A Blackrock Story
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sorry-ooo · 7 months
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put extra into the shading on this one I hope it shows :')
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bionicboxes · 1 year
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sorry for thinking too hard about minecraft lore do you still think im cool (I am not sorry)
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fukoronoko · 11 months
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Consider That the Strings Attached
Could make a big change in your ways/lyr
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