#mcu fancharacter
popironrye · 1 month
My attempt at a sort of 'meet the artist'.
Hello poppies! I am IronRye.
A female character creator in the states.
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While I'm dipping my toes in the selfship community (and I've meet some FANTASTIC fellow people there) my main go to is ocxcanon. I LOVE designing fancharacters with the high priority of fantasizing about them smooching my favorite characters.
I've been making characters in a physical art form for over 15 years. Many of my ocs are created with great care to make stories about them, whether to further the canon story or create a alternate story with the canon characters, rather then primarily used for wish fulfillment romance (not that there's anything wrong with that of course). As well as include those characters in fics I might post eventually.
Be sure to check my secondary blog for a detailed list of my oc ships. I am all for maintaining a positive shipping space between self shippers and oc shippers alike.
Feel free to send me your favorites for me to gush over, or even offer advice or ask questions in any degree.
My asks are always open!
My OC Blog: @ironrye-afterdark
🎀 More About Me 🎀
My pronouns are she/they. I'm a 5'1" cis bisexual with an adoration for fictional old men. My favorite season is Fall and my favorite holiday is a tie with Halloween and Christmas. I love bows and ribbons. My favorite flowers are sunflowers.
I love Disney and Dreamworks movies, Renfield 2023, The Pirates of the Caribbean movies, The Lost Boys, The MCU pre phase 4, and The Mummy 1999. Some of my favorite shows include Gravity Falls, Hellsing, Courage The Cowardly Dog, anything X-Men, and Avatar the Last Airbender. I'm not really into video games, but ones I like are Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil, Overwatch, and Sea of Thieves.
I hyper fixate on one fandom thing to the next and back like crazy. I rarely drop a comfort show or movie I've indulged in, rather it sits in the back of my mind before springing back up.
Other hobbies collecting way too many enamel pins, novelty candles, stuffed animals and the occasional fan merch.
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alienpupy · 6 years
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Yup, I have a Marvel OC. This is Slepnir Lokison, mai chaild.
NOTE: Sleipnir is actually Loki's child in the original Norse myths from which the MCU version is inspired. I did my reaserch but I also changed a lot of things about the character (bc hOLY HECC the original version is fucked up).
I got the template here:
Bio after the cut!
Hero Name: None
Real name: Sleipnir Lokison
Nicknames: Slei, Blue, Icicle
Age: 203 earth years
Sex/Gender: Nonbinary, they/them/their or xe/xim/xir pronouns
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Species: (Frost) Giant/Shapeshifter
Ethnicity: N/A
Nationality: From space
Current residency: N/A
Physical appearance:  
Eyes: Pinkish-red with thin pupils and grey whites
Hair: Greyish-silver, shaved on the sides but flops on the left of their face, kind of like an overgrown mowhauk
Build: Thin but solid. Not much visible muscle but still a lot stronger than you'd expect.
Height: 9'5"
Slei has a relatively simple set of powers, most of them simply due to their species or heritage from Loki. They've never had "proper" training per se, but learned to use them on their own for the most part. They don't hesitate to fight when they need to, but know their limits very well. When using their shapeshifting abilities, they have a reddish-pink glow to them so you can't really see the transformation itself. And the pale blue marks on their body sometimes emit a faint white glow when Slei's angry or stressed out.
Shapeshifting abilities: Slei can technically turn into anything, but they have a few specific forms they take  on more often than the others because they take less energy to turn into. It's a lot more tiring to "freeform" a shape rather than to turn into one you're used to. And seeing as Sleipnir was born in their horse form, that's the one they sleep in, though they usually take on the frost giant form in their waking hours.
Nightvision: Again, self-explanatory. Slei doesn't often blink (which can be unnerving for some), and adapts extremely quickly to different luminosities, so it's very hard to blind them. They see things almost the exact same at night and in the day. Like a cat. If there's even just a tiny bit of light, they'll catch it.
Minor ice magic: Well, seeing as they're in part a Frost Giant, they can manipulate ice to a certain degree. They can't summon it, but if there's water/ice and it's cold, they can make it levitate, mold it, and use it as a weapon. They often make blades out of it and hurl them toward the enemy, ot make sheilds/walls with it. Also, Slei is naturally very cold. Litterally, their body temperature is about 5°C. 
Heat: Seeing as they're a frost giant, Slei has dificulty dealing with temperatures above 20°C. They get exausted a lot faster and are just less endurant in general. Fire is their worst fear.
PTSD: Because of child abuse and neglect, Slei sometimes has panick attacks with various triggers. Sometimes just a few words or an expression can cause them. It's one of the reasons they prefer beeing alone most of the time.  A few of their triggers include: talking about biological familly, being accused of things (whether they did it or not), pointing, brusque movement, the sound of flowing water and plain white walls.
Their size: This generally isn't a problem out in space, but on earth it's difficult for them to move around or stay unnoticed due to the fact that they're almost twice the size of most humans. They try their best to shrink their form when going inside but it's very tiring for them to stay that way. On the other hand, it makes harder for anyone much smaller than them to pilot Verdandi2.0 (because that ship is taylored for Slei).
Generally quiet and reserved, a good listener, and can often give good advice. When they speak, it's often straight to the point, though when annoyed, sarcasm is their choice language. Generally easygoing but gets ticked off if someone acts/is presented as superior. They hate hierarchy, preferring to consider everyone an equal. Won't tolerate lies or an attitude, doesn't take bullshit, but apart from that they're extremely patient. Apreciates it when they're listened to. Doesn't have an extremely high self-esteem, but knows their strength and limits very well. Hates stress and pressure, and sometimes has panic attacks when threatened.(PTSD is a bitch)
Slei is the fruit of a secret relationship between two shapeshifters, Loki Laufeyson and Svadilfari. Loki is the God of Mischief and adoptive son of Odin. Svadilfari is a giant from Jotunheim who live at Asgard for a while at the service of Odin. The two were good friends, and eventually became much more. Neither of them told anyone of their relationship. They had a child. It was an accident, really, but they did. And Loki wasn't ready to take care of it. He didn't even want to tell anyone about their relationship, and Svadil didn't take kindly to that. Neither of them had the courage to kill the baby either. So Svadil returned to Jotunheim without telling anyone, and took the baby with him.
Needless to say, Svadil was a very shitty parent. Not that he didn't try, he just... gave up pretty quickly. For the first few years he really tried but after a while he sunk in a depression. He blamed Loki for everything wrong in his life. He started drinking and became... violent. Those whips that Slei has? Those belonged to Svadil (he got them custom-made while in Asgard) and he wasn't afraid to use them. Despite how endurant and quick to heal Slei is, they still have scars on their back from them. Slei didn't have any friends during their childhhod at all, and spent most of their time out in the ice mountains, alone.
At the age of 152, Slei was fed up and left, stealing the two whips along the way. They'd spent two years making themselves a small ship out of scrap metal that they called Verdandi (they got the name from a book of asgardian legends that Svadil had. Verdandi is one of the three Nornes, sisters who weave destiny. Verdandi's name means "what is happening presently"). They crashed on a planet not too far from Jotunheim and made a friend there for the first time, Left. They stayed with Left for about 26-27 years and learned a lot from them (like how to make a ship that actually works). They built the Verdandi2.0 while there, and then left Left (Left was having a hard time supporting both of them and Slei felt like they'd stayed too long).
I'm gonna write few fics about how they end up in MCU but just so you know, it happens post-IW in an AU where everyone (eventually) comes back to life. It starts with Slei finding Tony out in space and helping him get backto earth.
Here's a ref for their horse form:
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bartoonist · 2 years
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AlfHeinz the Genderfluid Aardvark: this is my Cerebus inspired LGBTQ+ Fan Character, AlfHeinz. AlfHeinz is who I chose to describe, identity wise, as a Feminine Genderfluid Character that’s both an androgynous parody of Kino from Kino’s Journey like how Cerebus once started off in the early comics as a parody of Conan the Barbarian, while I was also inspired by the MCU-Loki who is both male and genderfluid of course, I once read Cerebus issue 178 or 180 somewhere on a comic emulation website a couple years ago were Cerebus’ 2nd ex wife: Astoria once told Cerebus that he was a hermaphrodite, and a couple years later, I looked back on those later Cerebus comics on one of those comic emulated websites again and started thinking and theorizing the retrospect of the facts that Cerebus never looked anything like a hermaphrodite at all as I also started thinking in realization that Dave Sim may have made up that gender identity reveal plot twist for Cerebus in the final issues of the Mothers & Daughters storyline simply either as an out of nowhere impulsive excuse just to get angry F-ism protesters off his back and stop bugging/harassing him about wether or not he was a… well you Cerebus Fans know what he was when he made the controversially enduring mothers & daughters storyline back then, so I created my Feminine Genderfluid Aardvark Fan Character to simply reflect how I wish the gender identity reveal plot twist of Cerebus could’ve been better handled differently by creating a Genderfluid Fan Reincarnation of Cerebus with a more convincing androgynous, feminine, and genderfluid identity that makes sense, reflection wise, I hope this deep minded description isn’t too controversial to you folks, as I also hope you folks like my Red haired and Green furred Female Genderfluid Cerebus Fan Character that I created a week ago and posted here a week later anyway. #fancharacter #cerebustheaardvark #genderfluid #lgbtqart #parody #kinosjourney #traditionalart #originalart #vespa #ecf #ecfartcenters #sfwart (at Inglewood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVUJKMPoiM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hey so um... I've read a few of your posts about what not to do when writing POC characters, and I have a question. I have an idea for an MCU fancharacter that's a failed/forgotten HYDRA project, so basically a "human" weapon. My idea is that they're used to being called "it" by people, being an experiment and all, but I want to make them POC, but I'm worried it might be insensitive to call a POC character "it" seeing as how dehumanised y'all have been in the past. Help?
I don’t think that’s a good idea at all, and I’m glad that you recognized that it may not be the best thing to do.
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