#marvel fancharacter
oni-tengu · 1 year
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drew some spider characters. dont count as "personas" so im not calling it that lol
magenta/blue spider = mechanic day job, butch lesbian. almost gave her braids but decided i like short hair better. (any pronouns, mostly she)
blue/black+chains spider = ultra secret identity, might be slightly shady. nonbinary transmasc with a criminal rival. (he/him)
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niagaragrape · 3 years
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New icon!
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alienpupy · 6 years
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Yup, I have a Marvel OC. This is Slepnir Lokison, mai chaild.
NOTE: Sleipnir is actually Loki's child in the original Norse myths from which the MCU version is inspired. I did my reaserch but I also changed a lot of things about the character (bc hOLY HECC the original version is fucked up).
I got the template here:
Bio after the cut!
Hero Name: None
Real name: Sleipnir Lokison
Nicknames: Slei, Blue, Icicle
Age: 203 earth years
Sex/Gender: Nonbinary, they/them/their or xe/xim/xir pronouns
Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic
Species: (Frost) Giant/Shapeshifter
Ethnicity: N/A
Nationality: From space
Current residency: N/A
Physical appearance:  
Eyes: Pinkish-red with thin pupils and grey whites
Hair: Greyish-silver, shaved on the sides but flops on the left of their face, kind of like an overgrown mowhauk
Build: Thin but solid. Not much visible muscle but still a lot stronger than you'd expect.
Height: 9'5"
Slei has a relatively simple set of powers, most of them simply due to their species or heritage from Loki. They've never had "proper" training per se, but learned to use them on their own for the most part. They don't hesitate to fight when they need to, but know their limits very well. When using their shapeshifting abilities, they have a reddish-pink glow to them so you can't really see the transformation itself. And the pale blue marks on their body sometimes emit a faint white glow when Slei's angry or stressed out.
Shapeshifting abilities: Slei can technically turn into anything, but they have a few specific forms they take  on more often than the others because they take less energy to turn into. It's a lot more tiring to "freeform" a shape rather than to turn into one you're used to. And seeing as Sleipnir was born in their horse form, that's the one they sleep in, though they usually take on the frost giant form in their waking hours.
Nightvision: Again, self-explanatory. Slei doesn't often blink (which can be unnerving for some), and adapts extremely quickly to different luminosities, so it's very hard to blind them. They see things almost the exact same at night and in the day. Like a cat. If there's even just a tiny bit of light, they'll catch it.
Minor ice magic: Well, seeing as they're in part a Frost Giant, they can manipulate ice to a certain degree. They can't summon it, but if there's water/ice and it's cold, they can make it levitate, mold it, and use it as a weapon. They often make blades out of it and hurl them toward the enemy, ot make sheilds/walls with it. Also, Slei is naturally very cold. Litterally, their body temperature is about 5°C. 
Heat: Seeing as they're a frost giant, Slei has dificulty dealing with temperatures above 20°C. They get exausted a lot faster and are just less endurant in general. Fire is their worst fear.
PTSD: Because of child abuse and neglect, Slei sometimes has panick attacks with various triggers. Sometimes just a few words or an expression can cause them. It's one of the reasons they prefer beeing alone most of the time.  A few of their triggers include: talking about biological familly, being accused of things (whether they did it or not), pointing, brusque movement, the sound of flowing water and plain white walls.
Their size: This generally isn't a problem out in space, but on earth it's difficult for them to move around or stay unnoticed due to the fact that they're almost twice the size of most humans. They try their best to shrink their form when going inside but it's very tiring for them to stay that way. On the other hand, it makes harder for anyone much smaller than them to pilot Verdandi2.0 (because that ship is taylored for Slei).
Generally quiet and reserved, a good listener, and can often give good advice. When they speak, it's often straight to the point, though when annoyed, sarcasm is their choice language. Generally easygoing but gets ticked off if someone acts/is presented as superior. They hate hierarchy, preferring to consider everyone an equal. Won't tolerate lies or an attitude, doesn't take bullshit, but apart from that they're extremely patient. Apreciates it when they're listened to. Doesn't have an extremely high self-esteem, but knows their strength and limits very well. Hates stress and pressure, and sometimes has panic attacks when threatened.(PTSD is a bitch)
Slei is the fruit of a secret relationship between two shapeshifters, Loki Laufeyson and Svadilfari. Loki is the God of Mischief and adoptive son of Odin. Svadilfari is a giant from Jotunheim who live at Asgard for a while at the service of Odin. The two were good friends, and eventually became much more. Neither of them told anyone of their relationship. They had a child. It was an accident, really, but they did. And Loki wasn't ready to take care of it. He didn't even want to tell anyone about their relationship, and Svadil didn't take kindly to that. Neither of them had the courage to kill the baby either. So Svadil returned to Jotunheim without telling anyone, and took the baby with him.
Needless to say, Svadil was a very shitty parent. Not that he didn't try, he just... gave up pretty quickly. For the first few years he really tried but after a while he sunk in a depression. He blamed Loki for everything wrong in his life. He started drinking and became... violent. Those whips that Slei has? Those belonged to Svadil (he got them custom-made while in Asgard) and he wasn't afraid to use them. Despite how endurant and quick to heal Slei is, they still have scars on their back from them. Slei didn't have any friends during their childhhod at all, and spent most of their time out in the ice mountains, alone.
At the age of 152, Slei was fed up and left, stealing the two whips along the way. They'd spent two years making themselves a small ship out of scrap metal that they called Verdandi (they got the name from a book of asgardian legends that Svadil had. Verdandi is one of the three Nornes, sisters who weave destiny. Verdandi's name means "what is happening presently"). They crashed on a planet not too far from Jotunheim and made a friend there for the first time, Left. They stayed with Left for about 26-27 years and learned a lot from them (like how to make a ship that actually works). They built the Verdandi2.0 while there, and then left Left (Left was having a hard time supporting both of them and Slei felt like they'd stayed too long).
I'm gonna write few fics about how they end up in MCU but just so you know, it happens post-IW in an AU where everyone (eventually) comes back to life. It starts with Slei finding Tony out in space and helping him get backto earth.
Here's a ref for their horse form:
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for SCemtol on Toyhouse
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S/I Powers!
   I finally did it. Here are three of my S/Is powersets/abilities, I only listed three because the others are either self-explanatory, or they’re a WIP.
   You can probably...see a pattern with how I usually make my S/Is power sets. They usually have some central themes/symbolism to them. I’m a sucker for symbolism, especially through a character’s abilities/power sets.
   Full list under the cut because I want to avoid clutter. ;3;
Plague Rat (DC/Batman self-insert):
Pestilence manipulation/absorbtion:    Plague Rat’s main ability/power (Besides the pest one.) He’s able to control and manipulate diseases by absorbing them (Effectively infecting himself with whatever disease it is.) once absorbed, he’s able to manipulate them while they’re in his body, often, he’ll do so by creating ‘Frankenstein diseases’, mashing certain aspects of different diseases together and seeing what comes out of it. (It’s not an exact science, seeing as he isn’t a real doctor or specialist in disease.) Then, he can infect people with these diseases by scratching or biting them. (Or, if its able to spread through it, his spit/blood.)
Pest animal manipulation:     Plague Rat can control pest animals. To do this, he needs his hands, specifically his fingers, to be freely movable. What exactly counts as a ‘pest animal’ is mainly just general/public consensus. (For example: Rats, Spiders, Snakes, Deer, Bats, Crows, etc. Bears, Stray pets, Moose, and Crocodiles, etc don’t count because they’re mainly classed as pets, man-eaters, etc.) This ability also only works on pest animals within a certain range of him (So, he sadly can’t control that rat he’s seeing on a news broadcast from Metropolis.)
Pest animal scrying/communication:    This ability basically involves him being able to communicate with pest animals. It’s pretty basic, just being able to talk to and understand pests. But the other part, the scrying, is where it gets interesting.    Pest creatures within a certain range of him can be ‘tapped into’, allowing him to essentially hitch hike their senses. He can see through their eyes, hear through their ears, etc. This does, however, come with a drawback: Because he can sense everything they can, he can also sense their pain. So, if someone was cruel enough, they could use that to their advantage.
Biolocation shifting:     He’s able to... I guess ‘astral project’? Into the form of a pest animal. This is probably one of the more dangerous abilities to use, as he has no access to his disease-related abilities in that ‘form’, and his real body is left behind, which can leave his body vulnerable to attack. This ‘form’ is also not specially different from an average member of the species as well. (With the exception of his ability to communicate with and control other pests.)
Rat physiology:     He has all of the abilities of a rat, scaled up to his human self. So, he’s able to fit through any hole he can stick his head into, enhanced lung capacity, enhanced senses, etc.
Regenerative healing/Disease resistance:     Some experiments he was forced into involved testing things on him that were already tested on rats. This resulted in his resistance/semi-immunity to disease, as well as his ability to heal. His healing isn’t as fast as most, but it gets the job done.    He can, however, force his body to suppress his ability to resist disease, allowing himself to, for example, allow a flesh-eating parasite to eat through his leg so he can escape capture. Then, later, can regrow the lost limb over a period of a few days. This suppression of his disease resistance is something he has to will to happen though, so if he gets distracted or gets knocked out, it won’t work. (His regenerative healing is also very taxing on his body/energy.)
Wererat physiology:    Under certain conditions, often one of which being high stress levels, his body will end up cracking down and transforming him into a rat-like creature as a sort of... intense ’fight or flight’ response? While in this form, he looses all of his abilities to manipulate disease/pests, scry, and his biolocation shifting, and will often times be trapped in a mental state of dissociative rage.
Copycat (Marvel/Thor self-insert):
Shapeshifting:    Copycat has the ability to shapeshift into any living creature he sees in person, given that they aren’t female, a fish, plant, artificial, or a bug. This shapeshifting changes him down to his very DNA, though his mind and eye colour always stays the same. If he shapeshifts into a basic animal, that animal will always be black with a white patch on its chest.    Technically, he doesn’t have a ‘real form’ after gaining his abilities, so he won’t ‘change back’ if he’s knocked out or taken somewhere that suppresses meta abilities. (So, effectively, his ‘true form’ is whatever form he’s currently in.) When he’s in another form, he has the abilities of what or whoever he’s turned into. (Though, he still has to learn how to use those abilities for himself, as well as having all the drawbacks, and not having access to abilities granted through objects.) He also takes on all weaknesses while in that form as well. (So, for instance, if he took the form of someone with a peanut allergy, as long as he was in their form, he’d have a peanut allergy as well.)
Feline physiology:    Copycat has all the abilities of a cat. Go figure. He has retractable claws, enhanced senses, super agility, etc. 
Cat Sith physiology:    Copycat also has the abilities of the mythological ‘Cat Sith’, seeing as he was basically turned into one after his ‘death’. Spiritual awareness, Soul stealing, and a death sense. (It’s important to note that the soul stealing thing can only be done if he walks over a freshly dead corpse, it’s also a passive ability, he can’t control it. So no, he’s not going to just swipe someone’s soul when they aren’t looking.)
Super-Jumping/Fall damage immunity(Sort of):    Copycat can jump to incredible heights and distances, his legs are just incredibly strong naturally. However, this comes with a set back: If he isn’t careful, he could end up super-jumping automatically, leading to him sometimes being launched into the air if he gets too excited or angry. On the plus side, at least, he’s immune to harm from falling great heights so long as he lands on his feet. 
Hellcat form/physiology:    This is the closest thing Copycat has to a ‘true form’. In this form, he’s basically turned into a bloodthirsty death beast, hellbent on collecting any and all souls and bodies he can. This form is basically a direct result of him being death’s son. While in this form, he’s immune to fire, is able to breath fire, and is able to set himself ablaze.
Reanimation:    He’s able to control corpses. Of course, this comes with the drawback of them being mindless and unable to do anything he doesn’t directly tell them, as well as the fact that he generally avoids doing this out of principle, seeing as he considers it ‘disrespectful to the dead’.
Regenerative healing
Magic enhancement:    Another passive ability. Anything close to him in proximity will end up getting a small boost in magic power (If they do use magic, anyway.), this extends to creatures, people, and objects. He can’t pick and choose who it effects, he’s basically just a wireless amplifier for every magic thing around him. (This is especially bad when he’s fighting someone who uses magic, as they’ll get a boost in power from just being around him.)
Boogeyman (BNHA S/I):
His quirk is ‘Boogeyman’ (Classed as transformation)    Basically, he has the ability to manipulate his own shadow, making it grow limbs, heads, tendrils, etc which can interact with things using their shadows as if he had invisible limbs. He can also melt into his own shadow, basically fusing with it, allowing him to travel around as a shadow. He can even pull people ‘into their shadows’, effectively stranding them as their own shadows until he decides to pull them back out. This quirk comes with the drawback of him having a massive ‘prey drive’, like a predatory animal. (Which was also a drawback of his father’s quirk.)
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silenceindustries · 2 years
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I drew some Marvel fancharacters, based on other Marvel characters of course.
Del Winters, Aka Cobalt, a man in a powered suit of armor.
Valerie Conner, Voyager, a woman who got back to Earth after being stuck in space for 5 years and getting stuck with alien cybernetics.
And a picture of them hanging out eating some fast food.
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pyrot0xin · 4 years
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Happy Pride Month!! In celebration of this event, I've compiled a quick list of my OC's gender identities and sexual and romantic orientations! More to come
1. Kae - Questioning
2. Pyroxenic - Demimale
Symbiote OCs
3. Stryker - Aromantic
4. Percy - FTM Transgender
Overwatch OCs
5. Marilyn - Pansexual
Darkwing Duck OC
6. Stacy - Lesbian
Original Character
7. Hydra - MTF Transgender
Gorillaz OC
8. 5.0.6 - Nonbinary
Villainous OC
9. Hyztaria - Hypersexual
Original Character
10. Reset - Genderfluid
Original Character
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fryriree · 4 years
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miraclesmilady · 5 years
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I always wanted to draw my kid oc name Pierette, and instead of drawing up a reference for her I wanted to draw her up with one of my all time favorite character, Nightcrawler or Kurt Wagner! And this is the results of that! A five year old girl giving Kurt a hug from behind as a hello! Of course Pierette is not a ordinary girl, she is a mutant with the powers of anything she can imagine will come to reality, and being a little girl, she has a very hard time controlling them. She does need assistance when it comes to sleeping as her dreams and nightmares can come to life because of these powers.  
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aldigond · 6 years
Acnologia’s Legacy Chapter 10: The Truth about Regaza-La
tag for people who might be interested in this or I asked if I could tag: @marumigamer @theupcomingstorm19 @chychymazzu and @lightchemeria
(disclamer: this chapter contains violence, adult language,rape and gore. You have been warned)
Jonathan folds his hands together and looks around him, inspecting the people and their anticipation toward his side of the story. He takes and deep breath and as he exhales he sighs calming himself down again.
“I wasn’t thinking back then. I was but a little boy, lost and confused as to where I was and how I got there. I didn’t have a home to go home too nor did I have any family to take care of me. So I travelled, living from hand to mouth. Stealing, running and fighting for my life every day. Then one day I walked over the borders of Fiore and stumbled into Ragaza-La. I didn’t realize it at first but after walking through the gates of the capital I recognized the difference in colours and clothing standards. Where men where all wearing normal and yet expensive attire, Women had to put on dirty clothes or walked around with almost nothing on them. Men reigned supreme in that Kingdom”
He leans his forehead against his folded hands and chuckles a little bit.
“Looking back at it, the kingdom was already in bad shape when it came to rights and equality. Still, back then I didn’t pay attention to it so much. I recently got into the possession of some money and I wanted to buy myself something, so I went to the backer and asked for some bread. However he wanted to charge me double for what he sold to a man earlier for only one half of the price”
As he continues to tell them the story, his tones gets darker and darker and his somewhat happy and nice voice changes to a menacing and scarring echo in everyone’s heads,
“The same was happened at the market and everywhere else. They treated me like garbage and it got worse when the guards got to me. When I asked them for the way to back to Fiore, they started hurting me. Punching, kicking and throwing me around like a punching bag”
Jonathan’s hands start to shake a little bit. His eyes close for a little moment. Then he opens them again and continues,
“I they used me as a way to relieve stress as they called it. The townspeople didn’t care for what they did. The men laughed and even joined in on it and the women, who walked by every continued walking nervously or started screaming to me to leave the city. After the guards where done they left me on the street in the cold, the children of who came out to play started throwing rocks at me and called me names: Shithead, outsider scum, son of a whore. I didn’t know why the where so mean to me, but I just accepted it without thinking”
“That’s horrible”, said Lucy holding Luna tightly, “I can’t imagine that people would do something like that”.
“Well...”, Jonathan continues, “ After it started to get dark I went and slept on the street for the night. While I was about to pass out, a man approached me and offered me a stay at his home. Me, as naive as I was back then, agreed and went with him to the castle. It was the crown prince who invited me. At the castle they gave me some food and a room to sleep in. They were very nice to me, but it was all a charade. After I fell asleep, they send me to the dungeon and locked me there with one other person”
He smiles for a really short moment as he thinks of the other person
“A young woman. Her name was Naramia. She took care of me, as good as she could and told me that the entire kingdom was against outsiders. Naramia got thrown into the dungeon because she was against the laws of the kingdom. She spoke out loud against the king and his methods”
The Grand Wizard suddenly starts trembling. His hands, lips and legs shaking. He looks down on the ground with an expression, written regret all over it.
“That woman was a kind and innocent soul. She did not deserve what was coming for her. After a few days they brought us both into a chamber. Chained me to the wall and put her on the table, we tried to struggle but we couldn’t defend ourselves against so many soldiers. They...”
Jonathan takes another deep breath,
“They ripped apart her clothes, and one after another...they...they...they raped her, right in front of my eyes. She cried out in pain, begging them to stop. But they wouldn’t listen. The prince took his time at the beginning. And as I watched he crying she looked at me and begged me to not watch, to look away and to close my eyes. I didn’t have a choice though. They made me watch, and for each time one of them finished, I got 10 whip strikes. After they were finished with her, they started torturing her. Slowly cutting her body in all places, then slowly burning her skin all over, ripping out her hair and nails. They cut out her tongue, abused her over and over again and woke her up with magic after she fainted! And then-“
He stops again. His magical aura started to show itself. He crushed one of the wooden planks of the bench he was sitting on without realizing.
“I-I’m sorry. I lost my temper for a moment”
“nonononononono Jonathan, everythings fine. We don’t judge you”, Cana tries to make him feel better.
“I’m sorry. It’s just. She was the only person who was nice to me at that kingdom. It was the closest thing I had to the feeling of happiness I had before I lost my family”.
Jonathan takes yet another deep breath.
“They brutally killed her in front of me. All of them were in ecstasy after this entire act. And then...I snapped. I broke the chains and...I don’t want to talk about what I did...it was...not human, it’s all a blur. But I remember waking up back at the border to Fiore with my clothes bathed in blood and ashes and my mouth tasting like blood and dust”
They all looked at him with understanding. Mest apologized to Jonathan for his accusation and asks for forgiveness. Jonathan tells him with a calm voice that it’s all in the past.
“Wait, you said earlier that it was the closest thing that you had to the feeling of happiness? What do you mean by that?”, asks Mirajane.
Jonathan looks at her for a brief moment and looks back at the ground:” Well...I couldn’t feel happiness. Actually...I couldn’t feel any positive emotions at that time”
This information shocks everyone in and raises a lot of questions to them
“You can’t feel anything?” asks Levy curious
“No, I have feelings and I do feel emotions as well as physically. However I’m only able to feel negative emotions. Anger, Hatred, Rage, Sorrow, Sadness, it’s all there. But it’s all I knew for a very long time. At some point, it was keeping me alive all this time. sometime
“How is that even possible?”, asked Wendy very concerned.
“...I’m...not ready to talk about that...at least not yet.”, Jonathan answers with a very sad expression, “but it’s the same reason why I’m not able to cry”.
“You can’t cry?”, asks Natsu in his own way.
“Yes, it’s not that I don’t know how, it’s just that I somehow lost the physical ability to cry”.
Happy starts crying:”that is so saaaaaaad!”
“But if you’re not able to feel ANY positive emotions, how do you know that you’re in love with Wendy?”, asks Cana a bit suspicious.
Wendy blushes a little: “Cana, don’t assume anything”
However Jonathan thinks for a very short moment. He looks at Wendy for a second and then looks back at Cana giving her an answer: “Even though I wasn’t able to feel positive feelings for a very long time, I do know what it feels like to be in love or to be happy. And to be honest...with Wendy I feel...at peace, like I no longer have to go anywhere. She makes me feel like I belong somewhere, like I belong by her side...”
This answer catches both Wendy and Cana of guard, making the Sky-Dragonslayer blush like a red tomato. Jonathan smiles.
Meanwhile on a ship from Alvarez,
“Man! It’s so boooooorrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! How much longer until we reach Fiore?”, asks Ajeel one of the soldiers.
“Only two more days, sir. We should arrive there in the morning”, the soldier replies.
Ajeel leans back again and looks at Dimaria: “Why couldn’t we use a teleporter?”
“The teleporters are for emergencies only. We have to travel by normal means”, she answers him, while polishing her sword not really paying attention to him.
“You wanted to come with us, so it’s your own fault, if you die of boredom”, tells him Brandish in a very bored yet somehow annoyed tone.
“Yeah but still”
“I just want to punch that Bastard in his stupid face!”, says Ajeel very aggressively.
“Calm down, you sandman!”, you’ll get your chance later. Right now we have to bring him to his majesty”, says the Blond haired woman with an annoyed voice.
They continue to slowly moving towards Fiore and the anticipation and excitement towards their destination rises with every hour that passes.
At the same time in another part of Fiore,
A Man covered in thick dark plate armour and a dark and deep green cape walks through a hallway. Soldiers with a demon like crest on their outfits salute him as he walks by. He enters a big conference room where a young man not older than 16 sits at the head of the table.
“Where are the others?”, asks the Warrior in the dark plate with a deep voice.
“They’re either in their courters or they went out to find new source material”, answers the boy.
“And why did you summon me?”, asks the Man in the armour.
The boy chuckles a little bit. Then answers: “I have a special mission for you. I got word from a reliable source that your so called master is currently out alone without any support”
The Man in the armour thinks for a second: “And you want me to take care of him?”.
The boy raises his hand right in front of the Warrior and replies immediately almost hissing at him: “tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, no no no no no. I want you to...look after him, see what he’s doing. After all, he IS important for our objective later on”.
The armoured Man glances at the boy with a serious face, then turns away and leaves the room.
“You should remember where you stand, boy. you might lose the ground under your feet”.
Special thank to @marumigamer because she is helping me with a lot of stuff and I can’t stop appreciating her. she also writes herself and I think you should all look into her stories!
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gavinreach · 6 years
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Into the Spider-Verse is amazing so of course I made a #spidersona This is the Marionette, he’s me but with spider powers. He likes to puppeteer people with his strings/webs and manipulates fear to his advantage with endorphins or something because I like being spooky. #marvel #spiderman #marvelart #superhero #spiderverse #oc #art #fanart #gay #gaygeek #gayartist #originalcharacter #fancharacter #milesmorales #marionette #puppet #spooky #creepy https://www.instagram.com/p/BsT6MFQHhhL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k55ioe6csiyy
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a-v-j · 7 years
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I only used pens here LoL XD XD Deadpool, Spider-man (a lil bit of Captain America) (c) Marvel SpiderPool(Weapon H-10) and Design concept for Feral Spider-man (c) Me(LoL)
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bittlestofbats · 3 years
Transmasc Nonbinary ♡ 22 ♡ They/Them ♡ Gay ( Hetero-curious for a few fictional females ) Demi-Aroace ♡ Autism Creature
Selfship Account: @shipbat
If you want to talk or add me on discord feel free to ask! Must be 18+ to become mutuals on discord!
Welcome to my page, I'm Bittlebat but you can call me Bittle or Frank. I'm a multi-fandom and original character centered blog who posts a lot about OC x Canon and my comforts.
If you are here for my psychonauts stuff, note since I post so much about it I have it on a seperate blog over at @psi-king​.
If you hate self ship content you best leave cause I am a massive self shipper.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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I will draw almost any species, ocs or canon character, selfships, scenery, etc as long as it isn't the following:
Anything that goes against my " I do not support or endorse " list. I refuse to draw offensive or illegal/borderline illegal stuff. This means I WON'T draw pedophilia content, zoophilia content, incest, etc. Remember to check my " I do not support or endorse list " for what I won't draw before you ask.
Intense gore.
The following characters: Anyone from BoJack Horseman (trauma-related) and Dr. Habit (trauma-related)
Anime characters, live-action characters, non toony CGI characters. None of these translate well into my style, so I prefer working with characters who are more cartoonish. However, if you are entirely fine with testing the waters I can toonify whatever realistic character you want.
Fetish content and NSFW commissions are not taken on this account so respect my boundaries.
Buying from me you accept ahead of time my style is extremely toony and your character's shapes will be over-exaggerated, especially for anthros and animal-like characters.
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
♡  Psychonauts ♡ Welcome Home ♡ Simpsons ♡ Hello Puppets ♡ Regular Show ♡ The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack ♡ DHMIS ♡ Smiling Friends ♡ FNAF ♡ Moshi Monsters ♡ Rick and Morty ♡ Cuphead ♡ Smile for Me  ♡ The Amazing World of Gumball  ♡ Shrek ♡ Spongebob Squarepants
♡ Self Shipping ♡ Furries ♡ Self Inserts ♡ Original Content ♡ Fancharacters ♡ OC x Canon ♡ Monsters ♡ 
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
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❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
⛔I do NOT support or endorse: Pedophiles and " MAPS ", cub porn artist, racists, zoophiles, LGBTQ+phobic people, sexist, people who ship disgusting content constantly seen in proshitter communities, people who draw disgusting content like hate art/incest/typical proshitter stuff/etc., or people who are just horrible types of people like morally wrong sympathizers/nazis/etc. ⛔
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silenceindustries · 2 years
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I made a general ref sheet of my new marvel superhero OC, Voyager.
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misshvariety1307 · 5 years
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Okay, so I shall reveal that I am a big Marvel fan and because I just felt like it I decided to make a version of Nyreena for the Marvel universe XD. Okay, so I made this version for the Marvel Amino on Amino Communities but it still works! Plus it gives me a chance to draw her human guise so that's another reason too. I decided to give her the name Saphyre for her superhero name and of course she would be in New York since that's where I've had her for her first home before Amity Park so it only makes sense. So she might be saving the day with either a web slinger or a few avenging heroes! Alright, I'll see you all in the next post! (RIP Stan Lee, he will be dearly missed by all.) Check the link in my bio for the full size pics! #dannyphantom #oc #marvel #characterdesign #fancharacter #hilerygoudeauart https://www.instagram.com/p/BwiMPYfBtMY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=175d0xx3fowcy
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derbymoegunge · 7 years
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One of my favorite crack ships! IzzyxNiks <3 Apropos, Copenhagen Pride. Izzy belongs to Grimesgen.deviantart.com
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