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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
im not aiden ya ding dongs
@glau-writes is circulating a fuckin 230 page long doc amongst some discord server mods making aiden out to be some sort of manipulative abuser by saying this blog is run by aiden and that aiden will say one thing publicly and then contradict themselves here like a two-faced bitch
well guess what
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light blue: me, the owner of this blog, who is not aiden
imagine making a 230 page long document based on circumstantial evidence only for you to be completely wrong LMAO. anyways this is for glau and anyone else who believed them:
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
the shit we lgbt adults went through as children should make us want to protect the lgbt youth of today even more.
this virtual environment is even worse than the early 00s and 2010s but a lot of yall have no compassion for these minors.
realize it now that no amount of safe search or strict parental oversight can prevent grooming.
we have to be the ones to call inappropriate shit out the moment we see it. so:
stop sexualizing kids shows.
stop aging up underage characters.
stop relying on severe age gaps in romance.
stop remaking the material predators used to groom you with.
stop acting inappropriately to strangers in public online spaces regardless of if minors are present.
it is creating the same environment that prepped us for slaughter.
we are supposed to protect these kids because there was no one to protect us
but most of yall are still stuck in this cycle of trauma and the longer you hang on to it, the sooner you’ll be the one we’ll have to warn others about.
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
Like, that idiot tagged that shit with “childfree opinions” or something to that effect.
Do you think you’re exempt from society, baby girl?
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
If you’re a grown ass person online, it is YOUR responsibility to maintain proper boundaries with children, teenagers, and young people significantly younger than you. Cut the shit and stop pretending you don’t know what it means. I’m tired of you creepy motherfuckers I swear to GOD.
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
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reminder this user is a child groomer and pedo, block and ignore 💖
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
LMAOOOOOO I looked at stars’ blog not realizing who it was (but I figured it out pretty quick) and god they’re so dramatic, like get over yourself child groomer Jesus Christ
💀💀💀 right, like ur 25 why are u talking like an anime villian
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koholintkoholint · 4 years ago
You haven't protected the minor's privacy. It's still possible for someone to find the "censored" post very easily because you quoted it. If you actually care about their privacy, and aren't just trying to white-knight them, you should take the image down.
Hi, I am assuming you are referring to the first screenshot of this post: (x)
I am unaware of how someone can find the original post by the minor from this screenshot. Please clarify how the original post can be found from that screenshot, and I will considering removing it from the post.
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
Can I ask you about something, do you have a discord? 👉👈😶
Yes I do. Why?
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
ok so don’t take this first sentence out of context but i don’t think the age of consent should be a factor in your thought process when it comes to deciding to begin a romantic relationship. You should instead consider the ethics of your age gap. The law should actually never be treated like it necessarily indicates morality.
Like, in some states it’s perfectly legal for a 14-year-old and an 18-year-old to have a relationship of a romantic nature due to romeo and juliet laws, but in others an 18-year-old who has sex with a 17-year-old can be charged with corruption of a minor. 
I’ve seen, first-hand, an 18-year-old pretend his relationship w a 14-year-old was perfectly normal and acceptable JUST because it was legal in his state. I’ve also seen people write entire callouts because an 18-year-old dated a 17-year-old who was like. mere months younger than them. 
We shouldn’t function on technicalities of the law. I know many of you mean well, but as a victim of csa who was 14 and targeted by someone nearly 4 years older than me, i have had my story continuously disregarded just bc it was legal in my abuser’s state. 
the implications of treating the law like gospel rather than a guideline functioning as a blunt-force instrument can be unsavory. Your argument against an age gap in a relationship should be that it is disgusting, immoral, harmful, and abusive, not merely that it is illegal, because that implies that if there were no age of consent laws you would find that relationship acceptable.
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
If you are unable to share for privacy reasons or simply don’t know, that’s fine, but is there a reason as to why El hasn’t been banned on main?
From their own words, the mod team of the main discord server have deemed El to not be a threat to minors.
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“To our collective judgement, no one on this server is a threat to minors.“ This is from the announcements channel on the main server.
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
Grooming in the LU Fandom; update
For the first post, please click here: (x)
Two people involved in the situation has responded publicly. One of them is a censored person, and the other person is Stars. To respect the censored person's privacy, we will not directly reply to them, but will instead post their response here, followed with our reply to them. Our response to Stars will also be included. This will be our last post on this matter, after this we will only answer inquiries.
As followed, content warning for mentions of grooming, pedophillia, manipulation, and suicide.
Everything we have to say is provided below:
To the person who has replied publicly:
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I deleted your replies because, as I have told you in DMs, I will not allow you to discard your privacy through the means of this blog. I cannot make the decision for you on whether or not you wish to stay anonymous, but I will not allow you to use the traction of this blog when making that decision.
Firstly, as you have stated yourself, you are not legally an adult. It does not matter if no one coerced you into this relationship, it does not matter if you are the one who initiated this relationship, and it does not matter if you are willingly involving yourself in this relationship, because it does not change the fact that you are not legally an adult. It does not change the fact that you are a child, and that Stars is an adult, and that many, many people find this relationship extremely inappropriate.
Secondly, I'm not going to read through your 60+ pages of written smut, so I cannot verify whether or not there are themes of underage sex and non-consent in them. The document will be changed to reflect this. Regardless, it doesn't change the main problem about them, which is that they were written by both adults and minors.
Adults and minors creating sexual content together is inappropriate and is one the main reasons why Stars and Gladi were banned from the main server. This type of behavior from adults is unacceptable, because it infringes upon the appropriate boundaries between child and adult. An adult will always have more agency and influence than a minor, and it is the adult's responsibilty to create the boundaries to prevent any chance of possible abuse stemming from this power imbalance. This concept doesn't just apply to the relationship between adult and child, but is prevalent in many other aspects of society.
This is why society doesn't allow teachers to intimately pursue students, why doctors are not allowed to form romantic relationships with patients, and why adults are not allowed to date children: because there is an unavoidable power disparity in them that allows many forms of abuse to take place. It doesn't matter that you are willing in your relationship, because Stars, an adult who met you while you are 16 years old, an age where you are still physically and mentally developing, will always have more power over you, be it in a societal sense, a financial sense, or just in terms of experience. I am not saying that abuse is promised, but that these are environments where abuse can easily slip under the radar, which is why relationships with such power imbalances are regarded as inappropriate by many communities.
Stars' failure to understand this concept is the overall reason why she is banned from the main server, and why I and the others involved in the compilation of this document agreed to label her as a pedophile and a groomer. She failed to understand her responsibility towards you, a minor, she failed to create appropriate boundaries with you, and she failed to fufill the responsiblities she has as an adult. In this sense, you are the victim of her failures to be a responsible adult, regardless of whether or not you see it this way.
The fact that you are unable to see the problem with your relationship with Stars, goes to show that you have been throughly desensitized to the boundaries between child and adult being violated. Adults have presented sexual content to you so often to the point that you think it's ok for children and adults to create sexual content together, that you think it's ok for adults to talk intimately with minors, and that you think it is acceptable for an adult to romantically pursue children. None of these are acceptable, and the fact that you can't tell this makes you fit the definition of a groomed teenager. Because of this we will continue to acknowledge you as a victim of grooming.
Lastly, the purpose of this document being shared was never made with the intention to hurt you, Stars, El, or Gladi. The purpose has always been to inform others on the inappropriate behavior of these three adults. Whether or not you all are hurt by this was not our priority, our priority has always been the safety and comfort of the rest of this community, especially the minors of this community. The purpose of this post and document was not to convince you to leave Stars, either. All of us who worked on this document recognized that nothing we could say would be able to convince you to leave her. That choice belongs to you alone. With that being said, you are always welcome to send a message to this blog if you wish to seek advice on that matter, you will not be judged. Regardless of what you choose to do, all of us hope that everything turns out ok for you.
To Stars(@vivelagiygas):
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Please read the message I wrote above to see what I have said about whether the fics you wrote contained themes of underage sex. I am not going to verify whether that is true or not, so I will edit the document to reflect that, but it still does not make it ok that you wrote NSFW content with a minor. I explain this more throughly in my message above.
Moving on, it was with the certain events and circumstances that led me to assume that you faked your death. I didn't assume that you were recovering because in the context of the messages you sent, it appeared that you were manipulating those who had called you out, to make them feel guilty for speaking out against your actions. That is why I assumed you had faked your death, since you were nowhere to be seen for approximately five days and had not contacted anyone(so my sources say), and the overall context of the messages led me to believe you were trying to manipulate us. The document will be edited to remove this misinformation, and we apologize for insinuating that you had faked it. Regardless, it still doesn't make it ok for you to blame your choice to hurt yourself on the people who reported you, especially when one of them is a minor, and it still doesn't change the fact that pinning the blame of your own actions on people who opposed you is still manipulative, even if you did hurt yourself.
Now onto the server member who initially reported you. It is untrue for you to say that this server member you are referring to had no issues with or did not take any actions to have the NSFW channel removed. This member went to Gladi(a moderator of the private server) and expressed their discomfort to her. This went ignored until the reporter had to privately messaged Gladi and El again, detailing their discomfort and the situation once more, to finally have the channel removed. We have provided screenshots of this in the document. The reporter was uncomfortable with what was happening between you and the minor, and asked the moderators of the server to do something about it, because they knew that Gladi and El were closer to you than they were. You cannot say this member handled this situation incorrectly, as they had only done what they were comfortable with doing, which is ok. Just because this member was comfortable enough to look forwards to more of your writing of a particular scene, doesn't mean they were comfortable enough to ask you to stop exposing NSFW content to minors. This member was not pretending to be ok with your actions, you are just assuming they were. Just because someone isn't outspoken on their opinions, does not necessarily mean that they side with yours. You cannot call them a hypocrite, because they were never ok with your inappropriate actions, you simply falsely assumed they were.
You cannot call them a liar or manipulative either, as they were consistently and meticulously mindful of not presenting any bias, I and many others can contest this. When telling others this information, they would only present screenshots and unbiased explanations. This is all they did. You do not even have any evidence of them being manipulative, once again you're running off your own assumptions and presenting these assumptions as facts. This member did not ask anyone to get you banned, another member did this on their own volition after being presented with the information, and were in no shape or form manipulated to do so. All this member you are referring to has ever done was privately inform others in an unbiased fashion. It was not even their decision to make this information public, but my own. Do not call this member a hypocrite, a liar, or manipulative, as they are none of that. And stop presenting your baseless assumptions as facts, as that is what manipulation actually is.
As for your argument regarding age of consent, the minor concerned is still a minor. They may be of the age of consent where you are based, but they are still legally a child. And even if your relationship with them is legal, it is still highly inappropriate. A 24 year old woman has no business pursuing a 16 year old who does not have the same sexual, mental, physical, or emotional maturity as you have at your age. Regardless of the legality of your relationship, they are still legally a child, and you are legally an adult. This makes you a pedophile by definition. You can argue about the nuance of this word, or that you're not attracted to the minor because of their age, or so on, but it will not change the fact that your relationship with them raises red flags for many people.
Please keep in mind that other pedophiles say they aren’t interested in minors because of their age, either. The intentions you hold towards this minor does not matter, as it does not change the fact that you are seeking a romantic relationship with someone who is legally a child, and no words or phrase I use will change this fact either.
Not to mention that the LU community is spread across the world, and in many parts of the world your relationship is considered illegal. And while you are free to do what you want in the legal boundaries of your country, people of this community are likewise free to feel uncomfortable with you and choose to cease interacting with you. And seeing how many people chose to reblog and share the document and post, they too agree that yours, Gladi's, and El's behavior are inappropriate, unacceptable, and a danger to others. I and the others involved have simply presented them the facts, and the community had came to this conclusion themselves.
With all that being said, Stars, do not contact us again. You have shown repeatedly to say harmful things that are untrue and negatively affects the mental health of others. If you reach out to this blog or any of the people who helped compile this document, you will be ignored. We have said everything there is to say to you, and we will no longer listen to anything you have to say. Do not contact us again.
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but wrt the grooming doc, i was wondering if it would be possible to add their discord user ids to the doc? I'd like to ban the three in question from a few servers i moderate but can't do so without their user ids. Thanks!
Hi, their discord user IDs have been added to the document. For your convenience, they will also be provided here: Stars: 216663887867674624 El: 435534567861125121 Gladi: 454734799509127169
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
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i learned more about claude and have started Projecting
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koholintkoholint · 5 years ago
escapism is a privilege actually
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