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crowsandmurder · 2 years ago
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
Unconventional Munday Asks -- > @collectionofvoices -- > Accepting!
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I had to really think about this, and most people would say oh, their best rp friend or ship partner. There are a couple people I would say, but the person I would pick is someone who is a close friend, even if we don't talk as much anymore and I want to fix that, so much. @kristnirpresti / @mcnsieur / @findablog, I admire you so much and I always will. I never know which blog to find you on your list, but you've always been such a supportive friend, and I know when I went through everything, I fell off the planet. But, you are the Philippe to my Louis, the Athelstan to my Ragnar forever, and so much my friend. I love reading everything you write, when I see something. I love your OOC posts, and I love how much I've watched you grow up in the last few years, whether it be here or your posts on IG.
We need a catch up, ASAP.
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corruptedforce · 1 year ago
𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓!
alias / name : Tanya
zodiac sign : Taurus. Raise your hand if you're shocked.
height : 5'2 3/4"
hobbies : Writing, Math for Elementary Teachers (It's not a good hobby), messing with Photoshop since my graphics person isn't doing many atm, baseball season is starting, decluttering my bedroom
favorite color : Cubbie Blue
current book: Honestly, unless it's for school, I don't have time to read. But, I have picked up my Sons of Anarchy: The Official Collector's Edition book, of late.
last song : Never my Love by Audra Mae and the Forest Rangers from the Season 7 Premiere of Sons of Anarchy
last film/show : Sons of Anarchy. We're trying Mayans, but it's hard, because I am so hardcore Sons of Anarchy. I think I watched One Tree Hill last night too.
inspiration : I used pretend I was Vader instead of Leia, as a kid. I grew to love Anakin in the prequels and last year finally said, I'm going to do a thing. He is very very important to me, and I will never change who he is, at any point in his life.
story behind url : corrupted force. Anakin and Vader. He plays a part in both sides. That simple. I'll give you the one behind my multi URL too. It was originally a SOA and Vikings multi only and Come Join the Murder is the final song, and murder is a group of crows, which is heavily implied So, crowsandmurder.
tagged by : @petitsdieu
tagging : @mayxthexforce, @writtenxbeginnings, @taliaromanova, @story1ines, @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx, @mcnsieur, @cagedpotential, @astrancva, @bchemianrhapscdy
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floreatetona-a · 4 years ago
{ A Heart for Your Enamor? } ~ accepting
Red Heart: I want a romantic relationship with you.
Purple Heart: I find you sexually attractive.
Sparkly Heart: I find you aesthetically attractive.
Fading Heart: I find you romantically attractive.
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      " WELL DARLING, allow me first to congratulate you once again on your absolutely excellent taste..."
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bonezone · 4 years ago
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two bros sitting on a sofa drinkin' alcohol cuz they have issues 🎵
( doodle of my thread w/ @mcnsieur )
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sangcreole · 4 years ago
@mcnsieur ♡’d
     “It just seems so...trivial.” Deep set frown lines stare back at him from the mirror as pensive emerald eyes rake over his reflection in the polished looking glass. For a moment, he finds himself distracted as he searches his alabaster skin for any spot, any dimple or freckle, some remnant of his humanity. He does not often find himself looking in the mirror for this exact reason; each and every time, he finds himself gripped by that same sense of mourning that has clung to him for centuries, mixed with a distinct terror in his gut at the image of the thing staring back at him from the mirror. Inhuman. Corpse-like. Uncanny.
     But he’s not here to simply admire himself in the mirror, and so he tears his eyes away, turning instead to face the man across the room as he adjusts his newly tailored collar. “Why should my character be reflected in the buttons of my coat or the pattern of my tie? I’ve had this body for two hundred and fifty years, and it is such a bother to dress it up every single day.”
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tabletglows · 5 years ago
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@mcnsieur​ liked this!
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French. The language around him was, decidedly, hushed French. Ahkmenrah listened closely, recalling the months he’d spent learning that language at Cambridge with visiting Egyptology professors. The dust inside his Sarcophagus was beginning to choke him again, but he tamped down on his panic and waited for the voices to recede. It sounded like they were going to bed, if he’d heard right. Except one of them had joked about possibly doing something else besides sleeping. Fine. Ahkmenrah had always viewed sex in a rather positive light, as all Egyptians typically did. 
Only after things had been quiet for a while did Ahkmenrah try pressing against the lid of his Sarcophagus. Oh, bollucks... Was it locked? Surely the servants who moved him hadn’t actually thought to secure the lid... Nobody ever paid that close attention... 
Ahk swallowed thickly and kept his eyes shut, breathing as evenly as he could to keep the panic down. He wasn’t trapped. He was okay. He could do this... He tried feeling along the edge of his ornate casket, at the little gap which appeared after he’d pushed. All right... So he wasn’t locked in...
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mrf34r · 4 years ago
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 < dash commentary >
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“ YOU DOIN’ ANYTHING to celebrate, then? Drinks? You’re a wine guy, right?” 
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etfuturus · 5 years ago
mcnsieur replied to your post: the bbcm rpc’s Defining and Uniting feature is...
literally talking about this in a discord server atm
alkjghfkdshgjds We Are All Be Is Hate The Source Material
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bunny-lou · 6 years ago
Lowkey (highkey) love the Roger and Anita blessing idea for an auto phobia sequel
(In response to this.)
That one I kind of made up on the spot, but I’ve been toying with the idea a lot lately that alpha!Roger and beta!Anita want to be a pack to omega!Carlos.
I like to explore the non-sexual aspect of ABO and I think Carlos dropping and wanting to nest and get physical affection and Anita and Roger being like “yes, we love you, you’re safe with us” is so precious.
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oceanblood · 5 years ago
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Send 👍 if you like my character portrayal; please say why. @mcnsieur​ sent 👍 i just think you balance percy's personality out really well, you clearly know him and put alot of work into him. 👍👍👍
This is...so nice???? This is definitely what I try to do with him, because he Does have a lot of layers to his personality HE’S BEEN THROUGH A LOT so I’m glad that’s showing!
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bxstiae · 5 years ago
i love your detail and worlbuilding its just so on point and well thought out, not to mention your characterization of link is so good, and it comes through really well in your writing.
Tell me what you like about my portrayal
thank u bb 😭 i really do try hard to get my thoughts down in words and sometimes i dont know when to stop. i dont wanna stop. i just... have so much to say.... im so ❤❤❤
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madefate-a · 5 years ago
mcnsieur replied to your post “mcnsieur replied to your post: underrated...”
HE IS SO TALENTED!!! Same i want him to stick around too. He fits in so well. I have hopes for the third hatchetfield installment for him
SO talented, and works great w/ all the old & new cast - i’m p confident he’ll stick around for the last hatchetfield saga at the very least so there’s that!! 
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corruptedforce · 1 year ago
What is your true role in the story?
The Fallen Prodigy
hello old friend, it's been a while hasn't it? I remember when you were just a child, gape-smiled and beaming like the sun. where have you laid your youth to rest my love? is it buried beside your heart perhaps? I know how deeply life has wounded you, it took away everything, didn't it? oh poor soul, you held onto happiness with bloody, shaking hands but still fate ripped even that away from you. your past lovers are dead or did some betray you? turning away in fear of what they once admired. your comrades have been slain, or their priorities shifted. I've heard you too have changed your way of thought. the people fear you know, do they normally cower at the sound of your name? ah don't fret, that makes two of us. the masses tend to despise the things they do not have the will to comprehend. the villian finds sympathy for you don't they, well I could have seen that from a mile away. you two are the oldest friends, you made a deal with them correct? to save your late love, they tried to hold their end of the bargain, really, but I fear you are cursed to forever be despondent. oh what a sad and miserable life without love. is that why you chase loneliness? for is it truly a life of sorrow if you yourself has chosen it? but don't become bitter from the pain. trust when I say I have seen wounds unfold a man, turning the gentlest spirits into seething beasts. please, keep seeking love, even if it seems you are forbidden from it. you are the master of your own fate, I see how tired you are. the scars never healed, they twist and wrap around your entire person. your eyes are dark and lifeless, rest. but keep fighting, not with the sword you have forsaken so long ago, but with your heart. I'll be rooting for you my friend.
Tagged by: @mayxthexforce
Tagging: @petitsdieu, @taliaromanova, @crowsandmurder (Jax and Nathan), @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx (Henriette), @mcnsieur and anyone else.
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floreatetona-a · 4 years ago
@mcnsieur​ liked for a starter
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   How strange.... to be accompanied in sleep.  How strange to look upon my pillow and see locks of hair that aren’t my own... Stranger still, James thought to himself, that I can lie so close to a man, to anyone, and feel satisfaction and safety when such proximity normally brings discomfort...
     While his mind wandered from strangeness to strangeness, his heart lay still and full, beating softly in his chest. Or was they his heart? ( It was his, either way ).
     Periwinkle eyes glimmered in the linen colored light that slowly began dripping through the blinds, unable to remove themselves from the angel snoozing on his chest.  Eight o’clock was fast approaching but... James could only pretend he cared.  It could be past noon and he’d still beg God for just a few minutes more.  Alas his guest had a busy day ahead...
     “ mmmmmm.... darling....”
     James dreaded to move an inch, say to place a kiss on said darling’s forehead; and his voice wasn’t pouring out of his mouth quite as quickly as he’d like yet.
     “ Tis’ nearly eight, my dear....                                                           Coffee??  Tea??? ”
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bonezone · 5 years ago
Send “💉💉” to find my muse drugged and tied to a chair after being tortured and missing
     Room out of focus. Spinning. Not like when he refuses forgets to take his meds. Different. Groggy. Nauseating. Worse, or so he thinks in the moment.     Head hurts. So do his arms. He's just coming to when someone enters the room. As if their proximity has set off an alarm, Josh begins to shake his head, barely able to muster the word "No." They CAN'T keep him here forever. He can't keep going through this. He doesn't even remember why the fuck he's here.
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objctive · 5 years ago
dead, but that's the nature of the muses LOLOL (i'll see myself out). but um (i know we aren't mutuals or anything i just love your blog), i don't see much action from actual historical muses then again i've never known how to really dive into the full historic fandom.
       so,  first  ty ty !  i’m  always  happy  to  hear  i’m  somehow  doing  this  brilliant  man  justice  with  my  writing  (which  i’m  convinced  is  ya’ll  just  participating  in  some  mass-delusion,  but  w/e).  i’ve  also  remedied  this  pesky  non-mutuals  situation.        with  the  historical  scene  i  would  imagine  it  could  be  very  hard  to  write  outside  of  a given  canon  just  do  to  the  sheer  volume  of  history.  like  if  i  wrote  a  muse  who  was  the  reigning  monarch  of  england  during  the  early  1400s  then  it  would  be  hard  to  mesh  with  other  timelines  (i mean  it  could  be  done),  but  i  can  see  where  people  would  stay  within  the  canon  interactions  of  their  chosen  medium  (tv,  movie,  book,  etc.).  just  for  ease  of  plotting  and  not  like  butterfly  effecting  the  future  or  some  shit. 
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