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crowsandmurder · 2 years ago
🤩 Who is someone in your rpc that you admire?
Unconventional Munday Asks -- > @collectionofvoices -- > Accepting!
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I had to really think about this, and most people would say oh, their best rp friend or ship partner. There are a couple people I would say, but the person I would pick is someone who is a close friend, even if we don't talk as much anymore and I want to fix that, so much. @kristnirpresti / @mcnsieur / @findablog, I admire you so much and I always will. I never know which blog to find you on your list, but you've always been such a supportive friend, and I know when I went through everything, I fell off the planet. But, you are the Philippe to my Louis, the Athelstan to my Ragnar forever, and so much my friend. I love reading everything you write, when I see something. I love your OOC posts, and I love how much I've watched you grow up in the last few years, whether it be here or your posts on IG.
We need a catch up, ASAP.
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shieldmciden · 5 years ago
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@kristnirpresti​​ asked :   ❛❛  is this a gift for me?  ❜❜    - soft -
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        The knife is placed in the middle of the wooden table, but after the priest’s reaction, Lagertha figured out it would be better to settle it in the crook of his hand. She closed his fingers around the weapon & nodded with a gentle smile,     “ Yes it is. I thought about it for a while now. You protected & took care of my children while we were away. You could have left, threaten then, or harm Gyda & Björn but you did not. You did not betray us & did everything you could for this farm, & family. I think Ragnar would agree with me, but it is about time you can now protect yourself. We will do the same in return. ”    
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ofodinn · 6 years ago
Continued || @kristnirpresti
“You reopened it,” he commented. He had no real experience, with the healing arts. He was neither Floki nor Helga. He thought it had healed after the fight with Haraldson, “How did this happen, I thought you had healed?”
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He sighed, as he moved carefully. “Well, the fight with Haraldson took a lot out of me, and I’ve been going about, trying to get used to being Earl since then. Lagertha is already rather large with child and I don’t want to bother her, but I’m bleeding quite a lot.” 
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aelfred · 6 years ago
[ @kristnirpresti ] 
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Alfred wasn’t as brave as other boys his age. He was 14.  He probably should have gotten his arm ring before it was attempted, but he just, he was a nightmare with an axe, and half managed a shield, although sometimes, he just mostly dropped it on his foot. Ubbe helped him a lot and had since he was young, despite the fact that he’s several years older than him. They got along. Sometimes, he and Siggy went out and practiced hunting, but last time, he’d thrown up, at the sight of blood. He really had a long way to go, with this warrior thing.
They had gone to the Great Hall to eat tonight, and he still hadn’t been feeling well, and had mostly picked at his food, which his father had noticed, and he looked at him, as they walked back.
“I’m just not hungry. I still feel sick and everyone looks at me, like they want to leave me outside to die.” 
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theboatbuilderswife · 6 years ago
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                      ❝ Come, come priest. The night is still young. Surely you could use another drink. It looks like you are slowly dozing off --- come, we have to celebrate Ragnar waking up again !  ❞
✿❀      @kristnirpresti   /   tiny starter call
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strangestviking · 8 years ago
@kristnirpresti   liked  x
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                          IF  EYES  COULD  KILL  WITH  A  LOOK  ,   his  glare  could  have  sent  daggers  flying  towards   everyone  who  supported   THE  USURPER –  the  woman  who  shot  an  arrow  on  his  mother ‘ s  back ;  yet ,  his  gaze  stopped  on  the  PRIEST  ,  and  as  he  did  ,  all  he  remembered  was  how  his  HATRED  towards  christians  increased  after  his  return–  THE  MEN  WHOSE  RELIGION  KILLED  HIS  FATHER.   Ivar  waited  for  him  to  walk  near  him  ,  only  to  SPIT  on  his  shoes  as  they  passed  in  front  of  him  ..   A  GREETING  FILLED  WITH  HATRED ,  that  in  his  mind ‘ s  eye  ,  was  nothing  in  compare  to  the  many  things  that  clouded  his  head.
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servingliesarch · 8 years ago
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           ❛  To be fair, it wasn’t my fault.  ❜  Technically at least, as Merlin has only reacted out of pure instinct that left him with one astounded cleric. He can’t really blame him ; magic is nothing but legend now, and to those of church a sinful myth  ——  and truly, Merlin’s old enough to know better than to reveal himself like that.  ❛  And you still look like you’ve been struck and about to perish, which is really inconvenient because I’ve only just returned to these lands. Would making you forget about it make you feel any better?  ❜
@kristnirpresti / sc.
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ofsiggy-blog · 8 years ago
[ @kristnirpresti ♥’d for thyri. :D :D :D ]
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                                      “ Tell me about your family. ” Her request was soft, eyes lingering on him, her curiosity genuine. He was so strange, so different, so unlike the other men in Kattegat. And he was handsome, and slightly awkward, something she found attractive. Very attractive.
           “ If you tell me about your family, I’ll tell you about mine. The part you never met. ”
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allthosemuseiisms · 8 years ago
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crowsandmurder · 6 years ago
[ Continued // @kristnirpresti ]
He was nervous, winter had ended, and he was told he was going to be traveling with the monks. And he was nervous, he didn’t really want to go. He had grown comfortable in the monastery. It was not a particularly pretty spring day, a storm looked like it was going to come in. Athelstan never liked storms. The thought of sailing in one made his stomach churn. “I don’t know if I’m ready to go, Father.”
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Father Cuthbert grew far too impatient, with the monks sometimes. He knew that was not how the Lord wanted it, but at the same time, he could not help it.  But, it was time for the Monks, especially the younger ones, like Athelstan to get out and travel with them. There was much to be learned even outside of the monastery.  “You are ready. Don’t be ridiculous. Every monk does this.” 
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shieldmciden · 6 years ago
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__________ She watched him with attention, noticing the red flush on his cheek, half covered by his prominent beard now. She never realized until now, perhaps, what a man he had become. She always felt deep for Athelstan, & distance never changed anything. In this moment, she couldn’t if it was his presence or how closer they’d grow together but...      “ Do not shy away. ”     she repressed the urge to press her palm against his jaw, to ease the awkwardness      “ I told you how I felt already. You are family... & more. ”      Everything had changed since the first day they met at the farm years ago.        “ I will love & fight for you. ” 
continued from x.  @kristnirpresti​​
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ofodinn · 6 years ago
@kristnirpresti // Continued  (like a week late)
His eyes narrowed, but he wasn’t mad. He was upset, he was upset that Ragnar would think that. “Of course I did. There were many days where I wish you would come, even though I knew it wasn’t the season for raiding. I missed my family, even if I betrayed you. I missed you Ragnar, and I wish I could put into words just how much.”
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Ragnar was probably being more sarcastic, than he was sincere, when he asked her.  “You did not betray me, not exactly. I mean, you seem to have paid for staying and not going back with me, when I asked. I knew that King Horik was up to something. But, you did not betray me. I came for you, as soon as I knew you were alive.”
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aelfred · 6 years ago
@kristnirpresti || Continued
He nodded, he wasn’t as talented as Helga was, but he had learned the basics from her over the years. He knew how to handle cuts, and various other things. If it was too serious they would be seeing Helga though, he trusted her over everyone with injuries. Her knowledge was deep and impressive, and he always left knowing that he would be alright. She was more than just a healer of physical wounds, conversations with her, for Athelstan helped fix emotional wounds too.
“Come closer,” he looked at the the cut on the boys arm, it was red a bit inflamed but he didn’t think it was infected, nor did he think it would need to be closed it wasn’t too deep. “How did it happen?” he asked, as he went to get some clean clothe to use for a bandage.
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Alfred tried to fit in best he could, in Kattegat and he did for the most part. He was well into his teenage years now, and he and Siggy were ‘just friends’ or that’s what they told people. No one believed them and they really shouldn’t.  But, Alfred still had on his mind, that he needed to at least go to Wessex and see if his future was there, and as much as he tried to be a warrior here or tried to fit in, he just couldn’t handle some of the combat training. He still didn’t have an arm ring, and he struggled with his health.
He held out his arm, that hadn’t healed from when he and Siggy had possibly gone swimming, several days before. It was also possibly that they’d been enjoying the day next to it, on a blanket, when he’d managed to somehow roll into a bush.  
“Um do you want the elaborate reason, the true reason or the reason I’d give Bjorn if he hadn’t disappeared on Siggy again?”’
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folkvangrxborn · 8 years ago
TAGGED BY:  @sigurd–ragnarsson @ragnarlodbrokkonungr RULES: tag 10 people you would like to know better. TAGGING: @theboatbuilderswife @flokithetrickster @helvitisbrokentoy @kristnirpresti @astatheloner  @dobroserdechnyy  @strangestviking @hviitserk
1. WHAT’S YOUR NAME?: Mo Mo 2. HOW OLD ARE YOU?: 32 in June 3. WHAT ARE YOU TALENTED AT?: Ummm…I honestly don’t know.  I’m pretty crafty at times. 4. WHAT IS A BIG GOAL YOU ARE WORKING TOWARDS/HAVE ALREADY ACHIEVED?: I’m writing two fictional stories and working on getting my shit together to get a house loan to move.  This time next year I will be waving goodbye to the hood. 5. WHAT’S YOUR AESTHETIC?: Autumn, rain storms, grey, black, grunge, curse words, marijuana, caffeine, japan, tattoos, travel 6. DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING?: Shit for video games and the swag associated.  I have every system except ps3 & 4. Atari on up, I’ve got it and the games to go along with it.  I love, love, LOVE video games.  A by-product of being an only child I’m sure, but I just can’t help myself.  Especially when it comes to horror survival (i.e. Resident Evil, Silent Hill), open world/RPGs (i.e. Final Fantasy, Fallout, Fable, Zelda), and whatever category Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell falls under.  I got used to playing single payer games.  Luckily my husband is fond of FPS games and Call of Duty has my all time love ZOMBIES in it, so we make a damn good team on those games. 
And I collect shit associated with Halloween (not the cutesy shit) and zombies.   7. WHAT IS A TOPIC YOU ALWAYS BRING UP IN CONVERSATION?: My fandoms…..and food. 8. WHAT’S A PET PEEVE OF YOURS?: Humanity in general.  I know how that sounds, but there just isn’t enough common courtesy anymore.  I mean for fuck sake people don’t even give a wave of thanks when you let them over in traffic.  It’s the little things people. 9. GOOD ADVICE TO GIVE?: Don’t live your life to please others.  It is yours.  Make it radiate who you are.  Fuck everyone else.  If they don’t accept you for who are then you don’t need them.  True friends will find their way to you.  10. RECOMMEND THREE SONGS OR MORE: I’m just totally in love with these at the moment.
Gjallarhorn - Kokkovirsi (Bonfire Song)  
Behind Blue Eyes - The Who (Janet Devlin Cover)
Bebe Rexha - F.F.F. (Fuck Fake Friends) (feat. G-Eazy)
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leohts-blog · 8 years ago
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       alfred is by no means a healer,     by no means a maester.     but he is a boy,    and he is this man’s boy, and therefor has every right to be at the man’s side.    though he considers aethelwulf {   to be his father   }, the truth is the truth and it cannot be ignored.  for if it were, alfred is sure his mother would have lost more than just her ear; in fact, she would’ve lost both, and then her nose.     it is a price he wishes she never had to pay for his sake and existence, but one he is yet ...  at the same time  ... thankful to the lord for allowing her to provide, for simply not existing at all, seems a fate {   worse than death   }.
shifting in a small chair set at aethelstan’s bedside, the boy seems nervous—   fidgeting shyly with his hands as blue eyes cast downward towards the monk’s wounds, inspecting them with minimal interest.        knowing now that they would heal with time,  the boy’s “grandfather” had assured alfred that his true father, would survive the night and {   many more   } to come.
yet it was not death that seemed so daunting.      it was not the loss of the man that he should call father,     that hangs over his head like {  a dark cloud  }.       but the idea of speaking to him when it were clear he had no idea who the boy was.  how would he take it?     better than ragnar with magnus, the child hopes.  but he could not be sure.  for his father turned his back upon christianity once, upon god and all his angels, what if he turned his back upon his child too, and denied him?   the thought sends a shiver down his spine, and an urge to run to his brother and aethelwulf  overwhelms him for just a {  moment  }.
                                         ❛ yes—  he wished to see that you were properly tended to. ❜
   cont. from @kristnirpresti​‘s meme response, here.
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allthosemuseiisms · 8 years ago
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