#mcl rose
candysweetposts · 8 months
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This is it. I don't know about you, but this episode was just so amazing, best, 10/10 would try again.
Now, let's talk headcanons. I decided to change Alice's hair again since she's older in this, specifically, she's 35, while Rose, who doesn't seem changed is actually 10 years older than her (I know, shocking). Ren would be one year older than Alice and Alan is the same age as her. But who are the rest? First, we got my candy for NG, Elizabeth, who's Rose's and Alan's daughter. She's in her 20's. The guy with black and blonde hair is the future king himself and Helene's son, Caleb (who's also in his early 20's) and the other while-haired dude is Alexander, Alice's and Ren's son. Alex is a bit older than the other two.
The story is mostly the same but Elizabeth's family goes to the event to congratulate her for her work since this is her first official event that she participates in the organization. Also, Alan has some of his own paintings exposed in the café. Elizabeth's family gets to meet her coworkers and everyone has a great time.
With that said, I'm very excited about the new game and I hope everything goes well for everyone.
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megustacat · 5 months
Wow, I think I peaked. I'm currently on vacation in Portugal and I am sitting at the hotel bar, already at my second glass of Rosé, and write the sequel to the Roy fanfiction.
As you can see it's in German though, since I pre-write it in German and then translate it, so the sneak peak is only for German speakers haha >:D
Finally my motivation and ideas for writing are back :")
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alinchen1982 · 5 months
Jill Rose Dolga
M I U W *^.^*。
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Herzlich Willkommen auf meiner Seite. Schön das du dich hier auf meiner Seite rumtreibst. Mein Name ist Jill Rose Dolga. Ich bin vom Sternzeichen Krebs 🦀 ... und ich freue mich so sehr, dass du dir extra Zeit für mich und meiner Seite "opfers". Wir leben nicht unendlich und deshalb haben wir auch nicht grenzenlose Zeit auf der Erde. Ich weiß, das klingt arrogant, wenn ich sage, dass ich selber genervt bin, wenn ich Dinge machen muss, die Zeitverschwendung sind, wie belanglose oberflächliche Gespräche (Hey, wie gehts dir?" , "Gut, und dir?", "Was hast du heute so gemacht?" bla bla bla... laienhaft) (ich bevorzuge lieber tiefsinnige Gespräche: "Wie fühlst du dich?", "Was ist deine Leidenschaft?", "Was sind deine Ängste" leidenschaftliche, sich wirklich für die Mitmenschen zu interessieren).
Ich bin kein kleines Kind mehr. Geprägt von Narben. Ich habe die Hoffnung auf die Liebe längst verloren. Deshalb habe ich beschlossen auch niemanden mehr an mich ran zu lassen. Niemanden mehr... Zumal ich mich so wieso nicht schnell beeindrucken lasse... kommt mir das sehr gelegen. Deshalb bin ich sofort begeistert, wenn mich jemand tatsächlich fasziniert. Das geht nur, wenn man mir den Hof macht... aber selbst das ist nicht ausschlaggebend auf Erfolg.
Jaaaa, ich bin auch sehr süchtig nach Erfolg. Aber nicht, wie neurotypische Menschen denken. Es geht mir nicht ums finanzielles Vermögen... sondern um die Herzensangelegenheiten.
Mich kennt man als zielorientiertes Wesen, die Leidenschaft für Weiterentwicklung entfacht und seeeehr strebsam. Mich findet man häufig in Bibliotheken oder zu Hause. Locations mit ausreichender intellektuelle Gespräche reizen mich SEHR. Kurz um ... ambitionierter Nerd. Mit denen man eventuell nicht so viel zu tun haben möchte. Ich bin extravagant und leicht exotisch. (Wer mag schon Pizza mit Ananas?- Iiiich °.° ) Aber nicht das macht mich aus. Ich bin das schwarze Scharf. Ich hasse gesellschaftliche  Zwänge. Deswegen könnte man meinen, ich sei ein Rebell. Vielleicht bin ich auch eins. Aber ich bin lieber ehrlich und direkt, als Menschen nur das zu sagen, was sie hören wollen(, auf eine sanften und herzlichen Art und Weise).
Ja, dass wird auch vielen nicht gefallen, wenn ich sage, ich bin egoistisch, und etwas arrogant (ich weiß, dass ich besser bin, als andere) aber mein Kontrast ist auch, dass ich sehr introvertiert und wirklich sehr einfühlsam und warmherzig bin. Einen zurückhaltenden Charme besitzt...
Das zur meiner Person.
Vielen Dank für Deine Interesse <3
▪Charmante & süße Verführer
▪Männer, die fordernd & dominant sind
▪Menschen die sowohl kultiviert sind, als auch eine verrückte & außergewöhnliche Seite in sich tragen
Helferkomplex (bei "Schwarze Scharfe," die ausgestoßen wurde. Mit denen niemand etwas zu tun haben möchten. Ich schon. Bin ja die Streichelzoo- Pflegerin)
▪Pizza mit Ananas oder Brokolli
▪Regen 💧 & Gewitter (Wegen dem Geräusch und der Luft und Geruch)
▪Grüne Pflanzen
▪Farbe Grün & Lila
▪Tiefgründige Gespräche
▪Stilvolles Ambiente
▪Mathe und strategisches Denken
▪Zahl: 11 und 69
▪Vorausschauendes Denken
▪Agressives, stürmiges und strategisches Handeln 
▪Provokante Persönlichkeiten (Was steckt wirklich hinter deren Getue dahinter. Ich sehe sie als Herrausverderungen an. Das sind meißtens Schwarze Scharfe, die ausgestoßen wurde.)
▪Neue Reize
▪Unvoreingenommen Meinungen
▪Ehrlichkeit & Direktheit
▪"Konventionellen" Regeln brechen
▪Machtkämpfe (Männer in den Wahnsinn treiben und zu überraschen)
▪Makaberen Humor und Klugsch**ßer Sprüche
▪Konkrrenz (Du bist gut wie du bist, wofür willst du dich mit anderen vergleichen?)
▪Rumgeprolle (wir sind ohne Materialien auf die Erde gekommen und gehen ohne... Wer glaubt, dass er was besitzt, der lebt völlig Realitätsfern.)
▪Dummheit & inkompetente Menschen
▪Mitläufer (Lemming)
▪Dummschwätzer, Menschen die Handeln sind besser
▪Schlafnasen und/oder Menschen, die einen abbremsen oder/und im Weg stehen
▪Schwierige und empfindliche Menschen
▪Menschen, die (ständig) rumjammern
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meliona2 · 1 year
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about the cave dialogue in which Rayan talks about Chloé, his ex wife, therefore I went back to read whole scene back from University Life episode 8, because what Rayan describes in episode 17 of LL is too diferent from that UL episode and from everything I could remember about it.
It's not to say that I caught some sort of insane discrepancy and AHÁ!
It's more because I find it interesting and I thought maybe others would find it interesting as well. So first I wanna show you what Rayan says in episode 8 of UL (which I never translated before until this post):
In my playthrough of it, back in the day, I asked him directly if he have a wife, which he answers yes first and then the proceeds to talk about it...
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"And she will forever be my wife. But the last time we saw each other was seven years ago. Already… seven years… My wife, Chloé, died seven years ago. In a terrorist attack. Some savages came in shooting. No fixed target. In shop windows, in people and even in children."
"There were many wounded, and fortunately few dead. But Chloé is one of those who didn't survive… All that happened seven long years ago. It took me time. At first I didn't want to move. I wanted to keep everything, the smallest memory."
Now why I am showing this 4 panells?
This is important to understand how she died, how sad Rayan showed us to be about her death and his attachment towards Chloé.
He even goes as far to say:
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"We met in high school and we got married at 23, in a hurry. We didn't tell anyone. But I'm not going to lie to you and say that everything was all roses."
Candy asks him, how so?
"We often quarreled. We stayed together for a long time, we didn't get to know anyone but each other and, sometimes, we even doubted. But when she left… I was torn apart."
Now we will never know why they used to fight, what made them marry so young and so quickly to the point where he implies they didn't even had a wedding ceremony.
Which makes this difficult to understand what compelled both of them to take such actions - maybe they they were just impulsive, but without a reason behind such impulsivity it's hard to tell if it was warrant or not.
But then, the actual panel that made me do this post in the first place eventually comes up in that same conversation with Candy:
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"I loved her with all my soul. Before anything else, she was my best friend. But, sorry… I opened up too much…"
And I believe he did, regardless of anything else, because it makes sense for Rayan's character to marry someone for love.
That's the kind of "person" he is, that's why when he falls for Candy, he's ready to assume so many risks and even later talks about leaving his job for her just so they could have a less tense relationship.
This sets up him to be someone that would intensily love another person and do everything for them - they being Chloé or Candy.
I could say this is actually the point of that whole conversation: to show that he isn't someone that takes love lightly or shallowly, which helps us readers to trust his intentions and to believe that, yes, for love he would indeed be honorable, truth and passionate, instead of a player or a man that just wants to have fun with one of his students.
Not mentioning that he presents himself as a tortured soul that lost a wife tragically and never fell in love ever since, but falls in love for you, the reader, because you're special and irreplaceable, is something very flattering and, even, I dare say, romantic.
Meow meow is sad and you're the only one who can fix that for him.
Personally, I don't like how mcl writes grief, I don't think they know how to dose it without losing their hand, so it comes off as shallow for me, but I guess it serves as another thing: Chloe was loved by Rayan, but Candy needs to be special. The player needs to feel special.
Which brings us to this part of the conversation:
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"Every women had something of her own. I saw her everywhere. And yet, it's been seven years. Since then, I have been unable to get involved with another woman, in a new relationship. Even in a simple friendship."
"Until… I met you. I don't know… For the first time, I met someone who has none of her. For the first time, I felt entitled not to think about her."
I understand why in an otome game is important to get the romance right and make the player feel compelled to play the character's route, after all, who wouldn't want to feel special, even if it's only on a game - that's why we have so many MCs or main characters in videogames that are heroes, that cares of others or the place they belong to.
However, I will say, maybe they should've worded it differently, maybe it's not so much about feeling entitled to not think about her, but when I realized, I wasn't searching for her traits on you, I wasn't thinking about her anymore, I was ready to move on. But this is just how I would've done it, just so it would come from Rayan the agency of the "healing" - in another words, he had healed himself before he met Candy and falling in love with her was just another evidence of that.
Which brings us back to episode 17 of Love Life, our Honeymoon episode (and pay attention to the parts that I will mark in blue):
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"Y'know, I honestly didn't think I would get over losing her. And then after you got in my classroom and into my life. So, yes, I should have a star up there shining for me. Because, with you, I understood the meaning of true love. And it wasn't the same of what I had with Chloé."
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"Sometimes, I think, if the story/timeline was another, if I had met you first before I met her... She and I would've been simply friends, without anything else between us. If fate hadn't been so cruel with her, it would've ended like that anyway, actually. I think she would have been happy to see me so happy these days."
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"Just like I would have been in seeing her meeting someone else just as important as you're for me. And when I think of her today, is in this way: as a friend that left too soon. And that, of course, I still get a little with my heart tight. She was someone wonderful/beautiful. There's still some of her in me. But, when I met you, I was like a ghost."
Only Rayan to friendzone the dead.
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"Thanks to you and our love, she just became a beautiful star, just like my father..."
At first I thought he was saying that he never really loved Chloé and that Candy made him realize that (How? Don't ask me, he doesn't say how), but thinking about this post and re-reading everything made me rethink my first impression of it.
It's not so much that he didn't loved Chloé, but admittedly, and for reasons that Rayan didn't say, he thought love was something else and he thought he loved her because of that notion, and then his notion of love changed because he met Candy and now he thinks that love is truly what he feels for Candy.
I, as someone that played all of his route, can't really say or even figure out how he would've come up with that reasoning.
Was it because for the first time ever, he had put someone else on his top priority, or at least in a more important position than his reputation and career (which he deeply cares for)? But wasn't he a passionate person to begin with? So isn't it natural for him, once he was sure he fell in love for Candy, to put her as his top priority?
Was it Candy presence alone in his life, simply being there, what made him create that notion? How she taught him that?
I don't know, because the way they fell in love was pretty quick and pretty normal I would dare say - normal not in the sense of, he was her teacher, normal in the sense there was nothing remarkable about their dates, the way they sneak around or in their conversations.
I think if he had realize that falling in love with someone new meant that he had "healed" from his past trauma, that he only had feelings for her because he was ready to have feelings for someone again and the sense of normalcy and easiness he felt in being with her was all he ever wanted after going through so much sadness and heartbreak, then, it would make more sense and sound more realistic, maybe?
But again, they wanted to spin that Candy was special, she needed to be the one that changed him, that was like gravity to him and he could not resist the pull of her.
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“... It's just that, with you, I never got under the impression of playing any kind of game. Because I had a lot to lose. Before I met you, I had accepted to never love again. I didn’t want to ever risk lose someone ever again... And, above all, you came to enroll in my course. I looked up and knew that my certainties were worthless...” (episode 14 LL)
That's why I talked about his career before.
They set up Rayan to be someone that loves his work, that cares about his reputation and his career, if not, as he only thing he had since he moved away from his family and was living alone.
Risk it all for Candy was to show that he wasn't playing, he wasn't just trying to get a kick out of it.
And knowing how he got after when Marina actually got him fired, how much of a mess it made him, this put things even more in context, it shows that truly, risk it all for her was no joke, even thou, they used to be pretty reckless about it (never gonna forget their first kiss, crazy, both of them).
Which brings me to one of my favorite parts of dialogue in Rayan's route, episode 15 LL, the marriage proposal dialogue:
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"It’s funny... for a long time I thought that love was like a burning fire. And I even thought that, in my case, all that was left was ashes of it. Until I met you and I understood that I didn’t know anything. That I have got it wrong in my whole life. With you, I understood that love is like a stream/flow. A wave that breaks again and again without stopping. And that drags everything wherever it goes. You imposed yourself on me like an evidence. In the calm. I knew it right away. But I only understood it this well later on."
Think that love was like a burning fire: it lights up, it shines bright, it consumes itself, then it becomes ashes and there's nothing left of it.
Ouch, Rayan. 😢
Not to mention the destructive nature of fire, but I don't think Rayan or the person who wrote this scene thought it like that necessarily, I think it had more to do with how fragile and how it consume itself, which feels more how like I would expect from how Rayan described his relationship with Chloé before: intense, too quick to think everything through, the fighting, the feeling that it wouldn't last anyway.
Meanwhile Candy is like a strong wave or a strong stream, his love for her dragged everything with it: all his reasoning, his principles and scruples, the risk of losing his reputation, his career, AND breaking again and again, because it didn't matter if he had build any walls to keep her out in the begining, she somehow brought it all down.
Two kinds of love, one feeling less truth and lasting than the other.
While it would've better, in his head, to have remain just a friendship with Chloé, with Candy, there was no way for it to have ended just in friendship, it would always be more.
You can see the contrast between his feelings for Chloé and his feelings for Candy, how it was different and the key word should always be different.
It surprised me to see him talking about their wedding too, Rayan and Chloé married young and in a hurry (we will never know why), meanwhile, Rayan found Candy in a stage of his life when love wasn't even in the table and when it finally came back to the table, Rayan wanted everything, he wanted celebrate it having a proper wedding ceremony and all.
But those are little subtle things that they left out in the air, instead of saying it so clearly like they did so many times before.
Personally, I don't think would've make any sense for Rayan's character to haven't love Chloé, considering they built a life together before he even met Candy, the same way, I don't think we could've ever thought that Rayan loved Chloé more or even the same way he loved Candy.
Cuz, Chloé and Candy not only met him in different moments of his life BUT ALSO, they totally two different women, it would go without saying it.
But I guess, they wanted to make it even more screaming that it was the case, which I can understand why.
I mean, people thought that Rayan had really tried something with Marina, outside of his route: which for those people I always told it would be impossible.
It would go against what they presented to us about him during that first dialogue in episode 8 of UL and it would represent a contradiction in the writing itself. It would bend the rules that they set themselves to follow too grotesquely. Not to mention, MCL never gave other love interests to the Lis that stayed on the side lines.
Unless, of course, they had set things up that we would understand that Marina was such a special existence is moving like Candy - which, okay, I could've accepted it, but they didn't so. That's why I was so sure of it.
Y'know, have to read so much back in his route to make this post made saying goodbye to his route so hurtful but also so fulfilling, I always loved how they wrote him, despite having my criticisms, I am happy that I got to experience Rayan's route from the start to end.
If you haven't played his route like ever, I totally I encourage you to do it now that we got it all. xD
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casfleurz · 2 years
MCL VALENTINES 2023 EVENT GUIDE ♡ sorry for not exactly the same answers as in the game; i play this event on my native language mcl site!!
♡ AP cost; i haven't played the minigame at all and the event cost me 1200AP ♡ all illustrations are at the bottom of the post ♡
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♡ outfits; first two outfits are free and the last one you can get by purchase in bank
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♡ kastiel 1) at the park 2) 1st meet with pancake - at home 3) what we were doing year ago for valentines - parachute jump 4) castiel's fave band - winged skull
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♡ nathaniel 1) check the room 2) white's fave dish - fish 3) flowers 4) something we have never done before - skincare with plant-based cosmetics
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♡ priya 1) go to chani 2) the name of local bar - snake room 3) our first concert - it was in the park 4) our first kiss - next to the gazebo
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♡ hyun 1) what flower am i - dandelion 2) the bar 3) poppy 4) my flower bouquet
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♡ rayan 1) it's navigation system! 2) 32 directions 3) west 4) red rose - the real love and the honesty
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wondcrstrucks · 10 months
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☆ –– (chris evans, he/him, cis man) who is SAWYER CLARINGTON anyways? ew. you don’t know about HIM, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 42 and RUNNING WITH HIS DOGS feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re FINICKY and OVERCRITICAL because they care, but they’re also INTELLIGENT and COMPASSIONATE in the best way. HE works to make a little money as an CO-OWNER OF SWEET NOTHING & BAKER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of A BROWNSTONE. EVERMORE (A) & SWEET NOTHING (B) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.
birth name : sawyer jasper clarington nick name : baker boy birth date : june 13th sexuality: bisexual biromantic currently residing : brownstone 10 occupation : co-owner of sweet nothing/baker
family : james clarington (father), andrea clarington (mother), oliver clarington (adopted brother), elorie clarington (sister), maverick clarington (adopted brother), rosaline clarington (daughter) pets : two rescue dogs relationship status: married to liliana clarington notable past relationships: n/a
hair color : dark brown eye color : blue height : 6'2" noticeable scars: various knicks and cuts from baking piercings : n/a tattoos: lily and rose tattoo over his chest
sawyer clarington's life starts on a warm summer morning. the light of his parents' life from the time he is born and the immediately favorite of the family. his life is easy, and he's not a fussy baby (much to his mother's relief). but the first four years of his life are lonely with only his parents to keep him company.
then comes elorie, a new addition to a family with so much love to give. sawyer takes his role as big brother very seriously and never lets el out his sight for too long. where ever his little sister goes, sawyer is happy to trail along.
then comes the adoption of oliver, another younger sibling for sawyer to look over. his parents are more than happy to have sawyer tag along in helping with his younger brother, even if he more reluctant to do so this time around.
sawyer starts playing football during his middle school years, loving the thrill of it all. it was something that was just his and his alone. he was great at it and eventually made the varsity team in high school.
then comes shay, the final sibling to complete the set. sawyer is 16, and his parents are seemingly always busy. so sawyer has to step up to the plate and help out more often. at first, sawyer is happy to do so but then realizes it means missing out on spending time with friends. but they're his younger siblings and they need him, so sawyer watches them when his parents can't.
everything changes when sawyer tears his acl, pcl, and mcl in his knee during a football game. he can suddenly no longer play football, barely able to make it out of the house to get through his senior year. he spends more and more time at home, his entire future suddenly turning to ash in front of him. he'd planned on riding out a football scholarship at whichever school would take him and suddenly that wasn't an option anymore.
so he watches his grandmother bake when she'd come over to help him watch his younger siblings. it's something that keeps his mind off everything and he gets a job at a local bakery helping out whenever he can. he also starts saving up for a place of his own, needing the space to just be. he tries to keep up with what is going on his sibling's life but it's a lot harder when they're not all under the same roof.
as soon as graduation hits, sawyer moves out of his parents house and into a small new york apartment on his own. he gets a job at a sweet nothing, starting off as nothing more than a cashier that some times gets to help bake things. it's there he meets liliana and immediately falls in love with her.
he slowly works his way up in the bakery, become an assistant at the same time he proposes to lili. he gets the job of baker just a few months after marrying lili, and gets the head baker job the day after lili tells him she's pregnant. sweet nothing and his little family are everything he needs in life.
when the old owner steps down and offers up ownership of the bakery to sawyer, he doesn't even hesitate to take it. then comes the brownstone, a big home for his family to live in. and then everything comes crashing down when his father announces he's sick. it takes everything in sawyer not to drop everything and move back home, but he wouldn't do that to lili or rosie.
when his father dies, it's overwhelming. a sense of grief that never goes away and sawyer buries himself in sweet nothing. the entire menu gets an overhaul.
then his mother gets sick and sawyer feels like the entire world is crumbling around him. sweet nothing gets a complete makeover and it's only rosie begging not to leave her friends that stops him from suggesting moving again. but if he can't move back home, he can bring his siblings to him. he offers up the spare bedrooms and is shocked when all his siblings slowly start piling up in them. together, they can grieve everything they've lost.
co-owner of sweet nothing: sweet nothing is sawyer's second child but he needs someone to help run it. he wants to spend more time with his family now that they're all under one roof again, and this muse is the way to do so. they were probably already a baker and had been for a while. friends: other parent friends (or friends through their kids), people who frequent sweet nothing and like sawyer, or brownstone neighbors that ended up being his friend. all the friends. fellow volunteers: sawyer adores dogs and probably spends a lot of time helping out at a local shelter. give him friends that met that way.
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idolcandy · 2 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @melodyalanaroster thanks so much! I love these things
3 ships: Mari and Moe (Samurai Flamenco), CasLys (MCL) and Claire/Frank (House of Cards) - look I haven't thought about that ship in a long time because Kevin Spacey... but it's my favourite example of an evil people in love ship. I don't care about whatever happened in the last season because I didn't watch it and it doesn't count because they had to write Frank out.
First ever ship: OMG I don't know? I guess I thought Jack and Rose from Titanic were great when I was a kid?
Last song: Zero by The Smashing Pumpkins, so says Spotify.
Last movie: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I finished it like an hour ago and it was great! It lived up to the first one.
Currently reading: We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families by Philip Gourevitch. It's a book about the Rwandan Genocide and I'm not very far in, but it's informative so far.
Currently watching: Nothing but I'll find something to watch over the Christmas period
Currently consuming: There's pepsi max by my side.
Currently craving: Indian food. I can't justify takeaway when there's so much Christmas food in the house though
I tag @magic-belodie and @mrs-veilmont to do this if they want to!
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fairybond · 2 years
Among the raging debate between Bloom and Nova mcl fans, these three girls are firmly in the Bloom side (though Levy secretly acknowledges that the Nova products are Better, she just wishes they came in cuter colours).
As she was working for Sorcerer Weekly when the mcl started to become popular, Lucy (via Jason) was able to try out the earlier models. She started with a RoseAU in pink, then shifted to the RoseAVM (soft yellow). Always a sucker, she traded in her old mcl as soon as the Daisy line was available. She went with the DaisyAVM as she loves the different types of calls available. She chose the baby pink one and has a clear case on it, decorated with a few star stickers. 
Lisanna brought the RoseAU (white) as soon as she could. She had not long gone her separate ways from her siblings and liked the idea of being able to contact them at any time. Since money wasn’t exactly flowing her way at that point, she opted for the AU model as it wasn’t as expensive the VD or the AVM but still allowed for calls. When she could afford it, she upgraded to the AVM, this time going for the pale purple. Having not long upgraded, she held off from getting one of the Daisy line until very recently, only making the purchase because she had accidentally dropped her Rose and cracked the screen. She now has the DaisyAVM (purple, in a sturdy purple case with white cats on it).
Levy has two mcl - one for work and one for personal use. As the council prefers the Nova brand, her work mcl is a Nebula3 (the 3 denotes its a model capable of the three functions - messaging, audio calls, video calls), its the muted blue version and is kept in a simple case. It’s through using her work mcl that she’s come to see what a good brand it is, although sometimes it can take her some time to switch between how the Nebula operates compared to her usual Bloom. Her personal mcl is a peach coloured DaisyAVM, in a clear case with a cute blue jay design. For both her mcl, she’s opted for the XL, preferring the increased memory capacity and charge.
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candysweetposts · 10 months
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I finally managed to edit the illustrations for episode 17. Instead of honeymoon, I decided to make it just a regular vacation because I feel like they deserve it.
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varietales · 4 months
Kagura – her mcl was brought at the insistence of Evie and Millianna. She wasn’t too fond of the idea herself until they both pointed out that it would be a good way to communicate with each other while any of them were away. Seeing the benefits of it, Kagura finally purchased one. She went with the most expensive Bloom model, the Daisy PetalAVM XL, for its wider range of capabilities, more efficient charging, and contact storage. She picked the lilac model and keeps it in a clear protective case that has a cherry blossom on it. Milli gave her a flower charm to attach to it too. Her lockscreen is just one of the default options (a flower with a pretty blue sky behind it) as she hasn’t played around with personalising anything yet.
Millianna – she was excited to buy one, finding it much more efficient and convenient than sending letters. The device allows her to keep in contact with Sho and Wally (as well as more recent friends she’s made) more easily, so it’s something she adores. Like Kagura (because she picked Kagura’s one), she has the Daisy PetalAVM XL, except Milli’s is in nice peach colour. Of course she has a case with a cat paw print on it, with a charm of a little black cat attached. Her lockscreen is (surprise surprise), a cute cat.
Jenny – as someone who works frequently with Sorcerer Weekly and is an influencer, she was given MCLs of each major brand, along with some lesser known brands as well, in the hopes of her promoting them. As a lover of technology, she tested them all thoroughly and has actually been working with Hibiki to develop their own version of the device as she sees room for improvement in all ranges. In the meantime, she has gone with the Nebula, in rose gold. While she likes the design of the Bloom ranges, she can’t deny that the Nova models have better functionality. She has a lilac case with rose gold glitter detailing. Attached is a matching rose gold flower charm. Her lockscreen is a picture of the sunrise from her home.
Evie – The differences in brands meant very little to her, she simply wanted whichever one would do the best job, and so she entrusted the decision to Risley, her assistant. Risley picked out a blue Nebula for her, along with a beach themed case with a cute seashell charm. Evie finds the potential usefulness of the device intriguing and it was why she suggested her mages all acquire one if they could, however she often forgets that she has one herself as she’s not quite used to it yet. She does love to call and message people when she remembers she can. Her lockscreen is a view from the beach near the town.
Bisca – she went for the purple Nebula and has a clear case with no charm attached to it yet. She depends on the device for staying in contact with Alzack and/or whoever is looking after Asuka if she’s not with her. She also likes to message her friends and use the photo capabilities to take pictures of whatever interests her. She tends to have an excessive amount of photos stored, mostly of Asuka, Alzack, or animals, or food. Her lockscreen is a nice picture of Alzack and Asuka.
Ichiya – he is another Nebula user, but mostly because he saw Jenny’s rose gold one and loved its look. He has a clear case to display the colour, but there is a blue rose inlaid on the back too, custom made. To match the case, he has a blue rose charm attached to it, which comes in handy when he almost drops the device and manages to catch it by the charm. He loves to take pictures with it, but is quite terrible at it as they all end up blurry or with his finger covering part of it. His lockscreen is a group photo of himself and the trimens with Jenny and Master Bob.
Simon – he isn’t too interested in the different brands but has ended up with a DaisyAVM simply because Milli picked it. He’s still getting used to using it but likes the idea of being able to contact Kagura and Milli at any time. Milli picked him a purple one to match Kagura but it’s in a dark green case anyway. She added a cute tree charm, which he finds gets in the way and is a bit annoying, but he keeps it on there because she likes it.
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alinchen1982 · 1 month
RUMMEL 5 🔮 [5|5]
Zuhause im Bett muss ich noch lange an Thomas denken. War Thomas TRAURIG? Oder war er schon eifersüchtig? Aber warum? Ich meine was heute passiert ist, ist wahnsinnig. Soviel Körperkontakt. Bei Thomas.
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Und was mir nicht aus den Kopf geht, ist der Gang zusammen mit Thomas zur Wahrsagerin:
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Wer ist wohl die Glückliche, die sein Herz gestohlen hat?! Ich bin neugierig. Aber vielleicht auch nicht... ich weiß nicht... Wer weiß das schon?!
Und so nebenbei? - Was mache ich mir eigentlich Gedanken? Mir sollte es völlig egal sein, ob Thomas single ist oder nicht! Und wer sie Glückliche ist... Aber vllt. kriege ich das heraus?! Will ich das herausfinden? ... Ja, ich will das herausfinden... ☺️☺️☺️🔍🕵‍♀️
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the-goth-catte · 1 year
††BLACK MASS @ PANDEMONIO†† 09.24.2023
Faith & the Muse - Mercyground X-Vortex - System Failure Drab Majesty - Dot in the Sky Grace Overthrown - Fight The Last Dance - Wish Me Closer Type O Negative - My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend Garbage - Cities in Dust Siouxsie & the Banshees - Ornaments of Gold Sister Machine Gun - Sins of the Flesh Necromantic Sunshine - Necromantic Sunshine Noctule Sorix - Evil Song She Wants Revenge - What I Want Wingtips - Minimalistic Strawberry Switchblade - Go Away The Cruxshadows - Helios (Solar Night Mix) Aesthetic Perfection - LAX Amduscia - Perverse Party Velvet Acid Christ - Caustic Disco MSI - On It (A23 Mix) Celldweller - Heart On (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) Suicide Commando - Love Breeds Suicide (Endzeit 2020) Oddko - Kitty Girl (Aesthetic Perfection Mix) L’ame Immortelle - Tiefster Winter (Zeromancer Mix) Zeromancer - Dr Online (Rico Remix) Psyclon Nine - Divine Infekt Miss Construction - Kuntsprodukt Biomekkanik - Fuck The Pain Away William Control - Price We Pay Mind.In.A.Box - 8 Bits Apoptygma Berzerk - Kathy’s Song (Ferry Corsten’s 12” Mix) Bruderschaft - Forever (Grendel’s EssenZ Mix) La Scaltra - The Spell Diva Destruction - Enslaved She Past Away - Durdu Dünya The Birthday Massacre - I Think We’re Alone Now Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection Assemblage 23 - Darkflow Gunship - DooM Dance HEALTH - Feel Nothing Orgy - Opticon Motionless in White - Thoughts & Prayers My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - The Days of Swine and Roses Bigod 20 - Like A Prayer Nitzer Ebb - Join In The Chant MCL - New York Pixel Grip - ALPHAPUSSY Suicide Commando - Comatose Delusion (Overdose V3.0) Foie Gras - Sisyphus Front 242 - Headhunter V3.0 Mechanical Moth - Black Queen Style Motionless in White - Du Hast Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod HIM - Poison Girl The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl Sisters of Mercy - More Joy Division - A Means To An End New Skeletal Faces - Banshee Sex Tomb Christian Death - Deathwish Death In June - The Calling (Mk II) This Vale Of Tears - 39646 La Scaltra - Lucian Echoberyl - Aliens In Strict Confidence - Promised Land (Club Mix) Front Line Assembly - Mindphaser Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen Revolting Cocks - Me So Horny KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel Combichrist - Happy Fucking Birthday Funker Vogt - This World Stromkern - Perfect Sunrise (MTV Party-To-Go Mix) Informatik - Things To Come (make love not war Mix) Cut.Rate.Box - Slip Away (tsp-9 Decay Remix) Crocodile Shop - Order + Joy (exclusive) Laibach - Tanz Mit Laibach Killing Joke - Love Like Blood Concrete Blonde - Bloodletting Echo & the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon Joy Division - Dead Souls The Cure - Burn Night Club - Show It 2 Me The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell In Flames - It’s No Good Black Veil Brides - Devil Nine Inch Nails - Dead Souls Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Talk About the Weather London After Midnight - Kiss Siouxsie and the Banshees - Dazzle
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wewerecore · 1 year
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 015 08/24/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
- The show opened with a video tribute to Terry Funk set to "Rollin' With The Flow" by Charlie Rich.
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- Sudu Upadhyay was shown alone in front of the commentary booth. Over still images from CORE's event at the Pittston Tomato Festival, Sudu explained that his broadcast colleague Larry Zbyszko suffered significant damage to his surgically repaired MCL, but also a tear to his ACL and meniscus after an attack by Kylie Paige. Sudu said that Larry is currently home in Florida awaiting surgery and that they hope to have an update on Zbyszko's future in CORE as soon as one is available.
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Something/Nothing (Jake Something and Vincent Nothing) with UltraMantis Black vs. Stock Vetrano and Mook Vetrano (with Raychell Rose) Something/Nothing defeated Stock Vetrano and Mook Vetrano with a Black Hole Slam from Something on Mook. (2:58)
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- We joined Daphne Oz at the news desk for the Coal Region Roundup. - Daphne opened with a recap of CORE's event at the Pittston Tomato Festival. Daphne revealed that the condition of Marcus Mathers' ankle and foot is currently unknown leading into Trios Kingdom, while no official inquiries have been made by Kerry Morton's camp to CORE leadership about a replacement rumors abound. What we do know is he will not be replaced by Brogan Finlay who is being evaluated by specialists for a possible calcaneal fracture from being placed in a heel hook. - Moving on, Daphne sent us to comments from Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels who pled their case to Titus Alexander after he disappeared, much as he had done after losing to Roderick Strong, following his loss to Eddie Kingston. Blackwood said he understood Alexander's frustrations after the dissolution of The Last Wave and two tough losses, but that Trios Kingdom 2023 will be the perfect time for a reset; and that they'll win Trios and they'll be off running - together. Alan Angels said that they booked a tune up match for themselves against the up and coming tag team Fly-Def next week and they took the liberty of booking one for Titus Alexander too. - Daphne closed things out with comments from The Production team of Derek Dillinger, Magnum CK, and Ziggy Haim who will be having a "tune up" match of their own next week against three "bit players" left on the cutting room floor by The Production; Dom Kubrick, Al Deniro, and Katie Arquette.
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Queen Aminata vs. Hyan Queen Aminata defeated Hyan via submission with a Koji Clutch. (6:05)
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- New CORE backstage interviewer Erick Stevens was able to catch up with Giulia at the ECW Arena over the weekend. Erick asked Giulia as we head toward Trios Kingdom, what motivates her to max out her potential and strive to PR every day. Giulia seemed to have no idea what Erick was saying and responded with a "grazie mille" before walking off.
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Trench Trial Series - Match 7 Trench vs. Giant Baba Yaga Giant Baba Yaga defeated Trench with the running neckbreaker. (2:27)
- Trench ended his Trial Series with a 2-5 record and we are told representatives from the TrustBusters will be in the building next week to evaluate his performance.
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- The Tribal Elder Afa Jr., Sean Maluta, Journey Fatu, and Smart Guy Tod Gordon of The Family Tree made their way to the ring for The Trial. Afa Jr. called his first witness, Zilla Fatu. After being sworn in by appreciating his Tribal Elder, Zilla was pressed on whether or not he had been contacted by Sean Maluta or Journey Fatu to join The Family Tree. Despite hard questioning by Afa Jr, Zilla was adamant he had not been offered a spot in The Family Tree by Maluta or Journey. Afa then called Maluta and Journey to the witness stand and demanded to know why they didn't offer Zilla a spot; did they think he was too good for The Family Tree? Did they see him as superior to their Tribal Elder? Maluta and Journey both testified that was not the case. Afa then called Tod Gordon to the stand and demanded answers as to why The Tribal Elder was not mentioned once in Tod Gordon's new book, especially not in the Acknowledgments section. Smart Guy stammered, stuttered, sweated, and bugged out his eyes. Tod tried to explain that his book was about ECW and Afa Jr. was never in ECW but Afa Jr. said that was no excuse. Under oath Tod Gordon broke down and confessed that he had actually written two entire chapters about Afa Jr. and his greatness but the publisher demanded they be removed. Smart Guy crawled on his hands and knees and begged for forgiveness. Afa Jr. sentenced Tod Gordon to death by being thrown off the roof of the former Travelodge now the Holiday Inn on Penrose Avenue in Philadelphia. Afa Jr. asked Tod Gordon if he had any last words and Tod praised Afa's wisdom and fairness and that he accepts his punishment for his misdeeds. Afa Jr. stated that this was a test and he finds Smart Guy not guilty.
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Los Magnificos (Adrenalina, Explosivo, and Fantastico) and Fuego Del Sol vs. Atrapasuenos (Dulce Gardenia, Espiritu Negro, and Rey Cometa) and Mach10 Los Magnificos and Fuego Del Sol defeated Atrapasuenos and Mach10 with a tornado DDT from Fuego Del Sol to Dulce Gardenia. (8:03)
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TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) vs. Max The Impaler/Heidi Howitzer/Badger Briggs TrustBusters Reserve defeated Max The Impaler/Heidi Howitzer/Badger Briggs after a Bishop Bomb from Bishop to Briggs. (7:47)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Alien Tape: Double sided ultra-strong tape with nano-grip technology that bonds instantly and holds on tight to almost any surface! Direct Bullion USA: The new gold standard. Roll your retirement account into a gold and silver backed IRA. Middleswarth Potato Chips: A Pennsylvania tradition. Grab a bag of their handcooked kettle chips or kitchen fresh potato chips on the go or pick up The Weekender and plan a weekend of fun around your favorite flavor. Dorney Park Halloween Haunt kicks off Friday night September 15th and runs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through the end of October.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Brackets announced for Trios Kingdom 2023! Fuego Del Sol vs. Flamita The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) vs. Dom Kubrick/Al Deniro/Katie Arquette Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels vs. Fly-Def (Zack Zilla and Warren J) Also in action… Journey Fatu and Sean Maluta of The Family Tree Titus Alexander
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #120 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night One 09/01/23 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania Featuring: The Calling (AKIRA/Rickey Shane Page/Delirious) with Raven The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) Jake Something/Vincent Nothing/Giant Baba Yaga with UltraMantis Black Team JTO (Ren Ayabe/Fire Katsumi/Akira Juumonji) Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida/Flamita/Yutani) The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) Just 5 Guys (TAKA Michinoku/Taichi/Yoshinobu Kanemaru) Big Mouth LOUD (Katsuyori Shibata/Kazunari Murakami/Manabu Hara) The Family Tree (Afa Jr./Sean Maluta/Journey Fatu) Donna del Mondo (Giulia/Maika/Thekla) Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero/Luciferno/Virus) folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) Kerry Morton/Starboy Charlie/Marcus Mathers Los Magnificos (Adrenalina/Explosivo/Fantastico) Titus Alexander/Kevin Blackwood/Alan Angels TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash)
CORE Pro #121 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Two 09/02/23 Charles Chrin Community Center - Easton, Pennsylvania Non-Tournament Special Attraction Trios Kingdom vs. King Of Trios: Six Winners From Previous Tournaments Face Off in Trios Action Trios Kingdom (Ethan Page/Andrew Everett/"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams) vs. King Of Trios (Hallowicked/Lince Dorado/Trent Seven)
CORE Pro #122 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Three 09/03/23 Martz Hall - Pottsville, Pennsylvania
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 09/04/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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karen-anti-r-cml · 2 years
National Fair Housing Alliance: 2022 Fair Housing Trends Report
2021: Fair Housing Complaints Rose Higher Than It Has In 25 Years
The report showed 31,260 fair housing complaints were filed causing an 8.7% increase
This is not a true accounting...
7 agencies did not submit 2021 data for the report. If those agencies had submitted their data it is most likely the complaints would have been even higher.
Interesting that in 2021 Housing Discrimination Complaints went higher than in the last 25 years, but is it really interesting...
2021: trump's "presidency" was finally over and he was headed out of the White House. After 4 years Dignity, Honesty, Majority and Humanity was moving back into the White House
However, trump and his maga confederates loyalist attacked Our Capital, threatened to murder members of Congress and attempted a coup... All Failed
When that did not work the MCLs moved their fight to the Courts and started Harassing, Intimidating and Bribing republicans who had not sworn allegiance to trump to have them go against Our Will and Our Constitution. All over the United States trump's traitors were trying to the 2020 Election Overturned... By any means necessary... These tactics also Failed.
But trump and his maga confederates loyalist kept the idea of another coup attempt alive Online, On FOX, in dark hidden places Decent People know nothing about or would not want to be associated with
trump and his maga confederates loyalist thought by the end of 2021 they would have trump back in the WhIte House, where they would End Democracy, Burn the Constitution and Reenact Jim Crow and End Women's Rights.
Then, like all those who count their chickens before they hatch, their dreams of a Country where "wealthy white men were superior to all else" crashed.
In the coming years we'll probably see a lot more reports and Evidence of Discrimination during 2021, This is just the start.
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myrtha-caiside · 7 years
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@candiedartistry ♥
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