#mcl hazel
captainlevih · 2 months
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MAYBE just maybe i forgot about the ep and the new one comes out like tomorrow or somothing. Have you also already put the game down or are you still playing it? I'm finding it a bit boring ngl and I don't even play it anymore, because of that I don't even know what happened in this ep, there was something about the 9th anniversary, so yeah. The clothes were really pretty and that pirate/sailor vibe
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also take this
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
Hi!!! I didn't know you were writing scenarios about newgen :o. What are your thoughts on newgen so far and which route are you following? I'm still torn between Roy, Devon and Thomas.
I can't wait to see how the first kiss will be with the three of them, so I'd love to read your take on how do you think it would happen and how the routes would feel about it.
MCL NEW GEN; first kiss headcanons!
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: sfw, fluff, routes x reader, long scenarios… (I got romantic) ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Yes, I finally dared to write for these people because I found myself enjoying a lot of the story as I played. I think it’s pretty cool, but the system of AP's and getting the gems is awful… And by now I am terribly obsessed with Thomas, I love him! 
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It wasn’t his intention to give you extra hours at the office, but somehow you were the only one he needed besides him at that moment. Your presence helped him to focus, it motivated him as he knew that anytime he shifted his head he’d be able to see you. After months working there, he showed proudness and respect to the way you developed your skills.
He was aware of the torture he made you go through. Maybe it wasn’t as pleasant for you as it was for him to spend time alone with you, that’s why he even invited you to a small cup of coffee so you could get some energy.
It was already 8 PM when he decided that you two should call it a day in the office and rest. As you picked up your stuff, he waited for you and apologized for making you work extra hours, and he will pay it as a plus in the salary, that’s for sure.
It was night already so he decided to stay with you until the bus came. You knew that since you started working in Devenementiel there was a growing tension whenever you find yourself sharing space with only your boss. He was the kind of boss everyone wanted to have: attentive, kind, that actually helps you to grow positively, he had a playful side that knew when to come out and light up anyone's mood. He was a great boss.
And it was even more great whenever he came close to you to help you, allowing you to feel his warm breath on your shoulder, or even when he took your hands gently in his to guide you when he was teaching you to do something. You knew deep inside that he was not really subtle with the way you called his interest.
You took courage to initiate this, asking playfully: “so… you are planning on giving me a plus, right?” Which he nodded in response, his hazel eyes focusing on you. “Alright, that’s a working payment. But what about giving me a personal plus? You know, a personal payment…”
For one second you thought you humiliated yourself as he seemed to get deep in thought, but right before you had time to get flustered, he released a melodic laugh as he placed his hand on your shoulder. “Oh, how greedy, so you want more money?”
“No, I wasn’t talking about money…” You mutter timidly as he seemed to find your offer amusing. “Probably… I don’t know, going out for dinner together or something.”
His smirk never disappeared, only growing the more you spoke. He hummed, looking at his phone to check the date. “This week is difficult…” You saw Devon thinking one more time, his eyes falling once again in you. “But deal. I just hope you can forgive me for making you wait.” He saw the bus at the beginning of the street and he sighed. “Call me impatient, but today I will pay you differently.” 
You had no time to react when he cupped your chin and leaned down to press his lips against yours. It took you by surprise, so you didn’t have time to react or to kiss back. You’d feel him smile against your lips, knowing perfectly that he surprised you with that. And after a few seconds he separated. The bus was already reaching the stop where you both were.
“See you tomorrow. Rest well.” He spoke with his usual tone, his hand caressing your cheek before he separated and walked away towards his house. He went to his house with a proud smile on his face. And seeing your shy expression about it the next day would make him laugh quietly. He should spoil you like that more often.
You decided to spend your day off in a calm way, spending your day resting at home and enjoying the peace of having no responsibilities other than breathing. But that peace got interrupted when your phone vibrated with a great spam of notifications- your great friend and colleague, Roy, was asking you to meet him on the beach to go for a walk.
He was truly happy when you agreed to meet him. Even if you were on your day off, he still had to work and he had a lot to rant about. He had always been very open about his feelings and thoughts, and it was funny to see him whine so much about Jason being a pain in the ass.
You walked through the streets, buying a drink and then going to the beach to sit on the sand and keep listening to him ranting and ranting. There was a point in which you chuckled, shaking your head “hey… you are in a meeting with me, could you forget about job for a whole hour?” Even if you requested it in a playful tone, he knew you were serious. He whined playfully, laying down in the sand, using his arms as a pillow.
“Ow, I thought you’d always listen to me…” He was being a dramatic queen, like most of the times. You know he was playing though. “Then rant at me about anything.” He told you as he closed his eyes, enjoying the soft breeze that caressed his stunning features. You knew that Roy meant it, and he is capable of listening to you as much as you need. He is the type of guy that likes to give what he receives.
He is silent as he listens to you, taking spontaneous sips from his drink and nodding at your words. The sun was setting and soon would be night, but that wasn’t a bother for any of you. 
You looked at him as you finished your ranting, seeing him so peaceful. He was definitely the sleeping beauty, but he wasn’t sleeping yet. The silence in between you both was comfortable, allowing the ocean waves crashing into the sand to be the only noise interrupting the peace- but it only gave more peace. He opened one of his eyes to check on you, a little smile drawing on his face when he saw you looking at him already.
“C’mere.” He spoke in such a low tone that it was almost like a whisper, extending one of his arms to invite you to lie down in his embrace. And how to reject that offer. The contrast of his warm body to the cold breeze that was around you was comforting. He pulled you close, letting your head rest on his chest. You could feel it raising and going down with each calm breath he took.
You didn’t even care about how the minutes passed, he kept himself entertained by playing with your hair. When he felt your pleasant sigh he reincorporated a little bit to look down at you: “Are you falling asleep on me?” He asked playfully. Yet you shook your head, your cheeks being slightly warm at how you found his dark eyes connecting with yours.
“Ah, you look adorable..” He whispered with a little smile. You saw his eyes shine with affection as he looked down at you, and that only motivated you to lean in slightly. He noticed your movement and cupped your cheek, moving your head slightly. Without thinking you two cut the distance that separated your lips, and he didn’t even wait to kiss back, allowing you to explore each others’ mouth. It was warm, gentle yet slow. His hands placed gently over your waist, holding you firmly against him.
No matter how much you want to make it soft, Roy is a tease and will end up adding his tongue into the kiss, the wetness tracing your bottom lip and making you squirm. He chuckles when he sees your nervous reaction in front of it. You'd separate a little for air, his lips only centimeters away from yours and whispering “Your lips are soft… could I try them again?”
If you don’t stop him, he won’t stop himself either. The only thing stopping him from devouring you would be the fact that you were in public, but he’s up to a making out session there.
You decided to join Amanda in work as she organized some papers for an upcoming party that a client asked your company to organize. The conversation between you both was casual, offering a brainstorm of great ideas which you complimented each other. 
She spoke about some experiences she had related to the subject of the party as she sketched randomly stuff in a paper. The way her pupils dilated every time she spoke to you was a detail you couldn’t forget about her, as well as the way her fluffy cheeks held that natural blush from her skin. Even though you realize that every time Amanda was alone with you, her cheeks were redder than usual.
The brainstorm was done and you both started to do small sketches of the design of the party, Amanda even offered to put some cozy music in the back so you both could work in peace and comfort.
Her voice was sweet as she hummed to the song. The scent of her perfume exposed her wealth, you could smell it even if the distance in between you wasn’t as close as you would have liked. You were across the table, looking at her and not even realizing that you were probably staring for too long.
Amanda was looking down at the papers, some strands of her hair not allowing you to see her face properly, but it just gave her a more attractive view of her. You decided to move your hand in direction to her face, placing one of her loosened stands right behind her ear. You noticed she got startled, but a timid smile appeared on her face as she looked up at you. 
It took her a few seconds to realize that she was also staring back at you, clearing her throat and nervously looking away. “Do you want to take a break?” she offered, her voice sounding low and sweet, not as demanding or confident as she usually was. You nodded and she added: “Then I will go buy some pastries for us.” 
There was no way she was going alone, so you decided immediately to stand up. “I will go with you” you spoke with a firm tone, and she nodded, organizing all the papers over the table and walking with you towards the bakery. 
As you waited in the queue to buy, she decided to hold your arm carefully, checking if you’d be comfortable with it. You allowed her, caressing her arm in an instinctive way. You noticed she was leaning to you to whisper something to your ear, but you also leaned towards her. 
Your lips didn’t meet, but you were so close that Amanda forgot how to breathe at that moment. She didn’t know what she was doing yet her body impulsed her to steal a small kiss from your lips. After it, she separated quickly and looked away, her skin as red as a tomato as she tried to calm down the way her heart would stop beating like crazy. That was something she was wishing to do for so long, yet she didn't think twice before doing it and that made her terribly embarrassed.
In case you didn’t have any topic to talk about, the walk back at the office would be filled of an awkward silence. She was still shy, drowned in her own thoughts. Your mind started wondering about how to make her come back to earth. You closed the door of the meeting room right behind your back, then you muttered “did you like it?”
“Like what?” She asked in a monotonous and low tone, still lost in her deep thoughts. 
“The kiss. Did you like the kiss?” You asked and observed her at the minimum detail, how her eyes seemed to look up at you once again, searching your gaze with a nervous expression. She slowly nodded her head and that made you feel those butterflies once again. This time you were the one taking initiative, holding her hand and pulling her closer so you could kiss her once again. She was tense at first, but she closed her eyes and kissed back, allowing herself to melt into that tender kiss, her arms wrapping around your neck as she pulled you closer.
That seemed to light up her mood, and you could notice how she was more kind towards everyone. Maybe you should kiss her more often to see how adorable she can get to be after it.
It takes him too long to realize that you like him in that way, no matter all the hints you throw at him about your feelings. He is too focused on how he suddenly gets an intense adrenaline in his stomach when he is around you than how you act towards him. He doesn’t dare to make any step because he would consider it a loss of time in case he gets rejected. And in case he gets accepted he’d leave the scene with a stoic face, even if his hands are all sweaty from the anxiety.
He decided to ask you if you would like to go on a ride in his motorbike after work. And you gladly accepted to do so. You’ve been for a couple of months developing feelings with him, but you didn’t know if he even felt the same. But it was a fact that you both grew closer to each other as time passed.
He waited for you outside your house, checking his phone as he was resting against his motorbike. He was still wearing his helmet and he had another one held by his arm. When he saw you, he hid his phone and waited for you to approach. Usually he’d let you put the helmet yourself, but when he was in a good mood he was the one putting it on you. And Thomas was in a great mood today.
It was surprising how gentle he was with his acts no matter the coldness of his voice. He offered you his arm to help you get on the motorbike. “Hold on tight.” He patted his waist, inviting you to wrap your arms around it, and you didn’t even think twice to do it. 
He is good at riding the motorbike, being gentler and more careful as you were with him. Though he would increase the speed of it just to tease you, feeling your grip tighten around his waist as he kept a smirk under his helmet. The thought of your body pressed against him only made him feel even more adrenaline.
After a few minutes of the ride, he went to the upper part of the city, parking his motorbike and giving you the task of jumping down his motorbike because he found the struggle you had to reach the floor adorable. He removed his helmet and rested his elbows over the balcony.
That area allowed you to have a great view of the city and further. The streets filled with colorful lights made it seem alive, just as the windows of the buildings showing different lives as if it was a TV show. It was entertaining to see the city from there. And even if you had the chance to see all the city, filled of life, there was no absolute sound that interrupted the whisper of the wind.
“The view is beautiful…” You heard him whisper, and you nodded, agreeing with him. What you didn’t realize is that his eyes weren’t on the big landscape in front of you both: his light teal eyes were focused on you. He approached a little towards you, making you think that he was actually cold as he gripped tightly his own arms, which were crossed over the railing. 
You didn’t have the usual occasion to be as close as you were to him at that moment, your arms touching casually. And luckily he didn’t separate as he always used to do, you secretly appreciated it. “I must say… I’m glad I joined you tonight.” You whispered honestly, waiting for his answer as you looked up at his neutral expression. 
“I am glad you joined too.” He affirmed, a light smile appearing on his lips. The pinky color on his lips made his pale face look more alive, if not… you would’ve believed he was a corpse. They weren’t too thin but too thick either, they were just perfect. His eyes were shining but you couldn’t read his expression, he was just… sharing the moment with you. He was staring back at your lips as he saw how you did the same, but didn't say a word.
You were aware that he wouldn’t take the step to break the tension that was in between you right now. With an impulse of adrenaline, you grabbed him by the neck and made him lean down so he was at the perfect height for you to finally brush your lips together for the first time. He didn’t make a single move. He was paralyzed.
It was confusing, you didn’t know if he liked it, but when you separated you saw his cheeks completely red. He didn’t make a comment about it, simply clearing his throat and looking towards the city. 
He changed the subject, which made you confused and quite disappointed. He didn’t mention anything related to the kiss. You almost felt guilty for doing so- then the meeting reached its end and you were finally alone in your house. 
After some minutes overthinking you received a few messages from Thomas:
“Hey. The meeting was great. I just hope the next time you give me more time to react. I really wanted to kiss you properly. Can you do it again next time? Kiss me, I mean.”
You absolutely despised the cocky smile that was always on his terribly handsome face. You would rip his face if you could, because you also hated the fact you felt the temperature raise whenever you saw him.
His presence was notorious wherever he was. No matter if you didn’t see him, you could feel the air quite tense and that someone you didn’t specifically like was there. Well, you lied to yourself. You told yourself you hated him, that he was your enemy- but every time he looked at you with those deep blue eyes, with a confident personality, it sent you to your knees whenever it showed. After arguing with him in a competitive way, you simply waited for the next time you could see him again. 
Oh and don’t you think that was something you only hoped for. He also couldn’t wait to see you after any “unexpected” meeting, where the rivalry between your companies was notorious. You turned into his favorite victim to tease with his clear superiority, making mocking remarks just to see the cute frown that appeared in your face any time he became a pain in the ass. 
He loved that about you, he loved how expressive you were, yet how stubborn you were with your own feelings. Jason wasn’t dumb, he knew that even if you were frowning and trying to argue back with him, your face was warm from how flustered he made you. 
You finally saw his tall shape among the people. And you didn’t go unnoticed.  This time he won, as the main client for which you competed for preferred Goldreamz. And yes, the fancy decoration was incredibly stunning and all, but that was still a big hurtful step to your company.
He held an elegant glass of wine in his hand as he listened to one client. Jason had the habit of keeping eye contact with whoever he was talking to, but in that moment he found it more exciting to fix his gaze on you, his grin widening as he saw you looking back. 
You tried to focus on the conversation your coworkers were currently having, but the blue of his eyes was hypnotizing. Jason finished the conversation with that client and signed you with simply one finger and the movement of his head to follow him. You had to put an excuse to leave, saying you had to take the air. 
The quickened steps soon allowed you to meet him at the roof of the building. The music from the party was drowned by the closed doors behind you. He turned around and exhaled contentedly, “I suppose you can’t enjoy the fresh air of victory as I do, right?” That playful remark was annoying. 
As always, he had really mature ways to start a conversation, sarcastically speaking. You attacked him by that, for being so childish to compare both of your companies that way. He loved to see you release that anger, it was something that made him smile proudly.
Jason spent a few minutes listening to your rage rant, yet he didn’t take it personal. There was something within him that made him know that you simply spoke like that because of the competence, but he saw by the way you both looked at each other before that the hate could be simply a superficial and professional cover to your feelings.
He decided to be unprofessional. You didn’t have time to react when suddenly your breath was caught by his lips, which took yours in a fiery kiss, almost as if he had been impatient to wait longer. Your words were completely swallowed by his hungry lips, making sure it was passionate enough to not allow you to speak after it. One of his hands tangled in your hair as the other held you firmly by the small of your back. He separated reluctantly, his breath heavy, but not as much as yours. 
“Ah… the sweet taste of victory…” He purred. His eyes were so expressive that you could tell he would keep going with kissing you if you weren’t in a place where you had to keep your dignity. “And the perfect peace of silence…” he whispers, teasing you for getting quiet after he almost devoured you. 
His touch was like fire to your skin, and you quite missed it when he separated to go back to the party. You were too stunned to act yet. You truly needed to take some air after it this time.
Jason felt like he truly won that night, not only for keeping a good impression of his company, but also because he achieved to take a taste of your lips.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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formulatrash · 2 years
Hi Hazel, what do you think is wrong with McLaren? There's so much stuff from Daniel fans and Lando fans and I just want to know if my boy Oscar is gonna live peacefully.
let me never claim to be able to diagnose what is wrong with an F1 team. that needs more than a medical degree. but sure let's do the equivalent of a 'what mental illness do you have' uquiz.
what's going on is: they said their car was a bit sucktastic and it is. the hydraulic issue they had on Lando's car was obviously terminal from the second it happened, they were just trying to keep running for the data in race conditions, even if by that point he wasn't really racing anyone. the electronics failure on Oscar's car was just shit. but then again, both Red Bulls stopped on the final lap of Bahrain last season and we know how that played out for the rest of the year so let's not get too bleak too quickly.
I know Daniel fans are in a lot of pain rn but the McLaren being bad this year doesn't mean it was just as bad last year. and if it did, then that'd make Lando some sort of supernatural presence, in F1 terms which I'm pretty sure is not what Daniel fans want to hear. but there is a connection between the two and not just that the MCL60 is an evolution of the MCL36.
the reality is: the struggle McLaren are having with themselves now is connected to what happened with Daniel, though. when Daniel was struggling at McL they just didn't have the capacity to work out how to help him.
the way the car has gone this year, with development having headed in the wrong direction, also suggests they couldn't work out why Lando was doing well. he was scoring points, so it would've come under less scrutiny in terms of not being a problem per se but also clearly McLaren took too long to work out the direction they could make a better car in. which is why they've arrived at the start of the season with something they're unhappy with and some reliability gremlins.
McLaren still don't have a wind tunnel, which is insane (they literally take stuff to Cologne, Germany to test it in the wind tunnel) and a huge limitation on development. all the stuff they could take advantage of in terms of extra wind tunnel time is mitigated by the fact they have to fill in 3000 billion EU forms in order to go test parts (cheers, Brexit - remind me again why on earth McL did an advert for the Tories) but when a team like Mercedes is struggling to make the right choices with their car, you know how big the problem is.
if Daniel had been closer to Lando on track then they would have had more usable data. but if they'd been able to get Daniel closer to Lando on track then they wouldn't have so obviously had a problem with interpreting and correlating their car. it's all symptoms of the same thing, which is that McLaren's recovery wasn't ever going to be a permanent upward trajectory.
what's positive for the team is that they now seem able to acknowledge that, that Andrea Stella as a leader has the right technical background to be good at directing the team during this time and that it might be good for the whole team to have a lower-stakes year.
Lando's contracted until shortly after the heat death of the universe and Oscar's a rookie who they've probably at least got a second year option on. neither of them has anywhere better to be in the near future and they're young enough they can wait out a season to actually fix some of McL's problems. it's better to think of this like the 2019 season, with Lando and Carlos in a position to help the team reset, than as a continuation of 2020 and 2021.
or they'll turn up with the new upgrades in a couple of races time and blast the whole field out the water. it's F1, sometimes you just don't know. but if I had to try and explain it using the analytic equivalent of what Taylor Swift lyric I think the team most vibes with ("it's me, I'm the problem") and its favourite white guy from a film franchise (Tony Stark) then that's how it'd come out.
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le-candy · 7 years
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Probably went a bit too overboard with this event. I decided to follow through with the rest of my mcl ocs. And now I’m upset that I have nothing to draw Poe with!
From Left to Right:
Summer: Age: 17 Height: 4′11″ Weight: 94 lbs. Junior. Interest: Dake. Dislikes Lila because of an affair. Generally laid back, though is in the ‘popular’ group in school.
Hazel: Age: 16 Height: 5′11″ Weight: 139 lbs. Sophomore. Interest: Kentin. Overly self conscious. Brainiac. Used by the popular kids to get good grades.
Lila: Age: 17 Height: 5′7″ Weight: 90lbs. Junior. Interest: Nathanial + others. Rival/friendship with Amber. ‘Pretty’ girl in school. Always up against Amber in competition. Secretly poor and a kleptomaniac.
River: Age: 17 Height: 5′2″ Weight: 98 lbs. Junior. Interest: Castiel. See profile for more info.
Ellen (Poe): Age: 15 Height: 4′9″ Weight: 115 lbs. Sophomore. Interest: Armin. Looks up to River. ADHD, always hyper. Concert/Music lover. Writes sheet music/poems, can’t play an instrument to save her life. Love snacks!
Curtis: Age: 18 Height: 5′9″ Weight: 86 lbs. Senior. Interest: Lysander. Generally apathy or hatred towards everything. Song writer/singer. Was in a band but left everyone. Likes Lysander but doesn’t pursue her feelings for the fear of ‘ruining’ him. Dealer on the side.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Will You Go With Me?
Neville X Reader
Summary: Ginny turns Neville’s proposal to the Yule Ball, and you go to comfort him finding yourself in quite a situation.
A/n: I have no idea where this came from but boy is it PRECIOUS. It’s soft and fluffy and cute and Neville is just the best. It’s just a drabble so about 1k words, but so precious. 
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I was in the common room curled up with a book when I watched the events unfold before me and there was nothing that I wanted more than to curl up in my book and to not witness them.
“So, Ginny,” Neville dared to approach the fiery redhead, “I was thinking that maybe, you know that if you’re uh, not going to the Ball... with anyone yet, maybe that possibly you and I could go... maybe?” Stumbling over his words, he as flushed to the color of her hair, presenting a flower that he had no doubt grown himself. The tangible awkwardness could be cut with a knife.
“Wow,” Ginny stood, flustered. “That’s... totally sweet of you. But uh... someone else already asked me, sorry,” She left quickly after that and Neville sank down to the nearest couch, twirling the flower between his fingers.
I got up, setting my book down. Neville and I never really talked before. He was in some of my classes and when we were paired together, he’d keep his head down and barely say a word. I left something to be desired.
“Hey Neville,” I approached slowly. 
“Sorry I’ll move,” He stood immediately.
“No, wait, hang on,” I reached out for him. “Sit,” I gestured as we both took our place. I... um, just wanted to say that I saw what happened with Ginny and I think it was totally unfair,” His unsteady hazel eyes flashed to mine. “Any girl in the school would be lucky to go to the Ball with a guy as nice as you,” I offered a smile and stood.
“Really? You mean that?” He looked hopeful.
“I do,” I went to go back to my book. To be fair I should have seen it coming.
“Will you go with me?” He offered his flower out, catching me off guard. He asked again. “Will you go to the Ball with me?”
“...Yes.” With a hesitant smile I took the flower he offered.
“Awesome,” The light shining in his eyes was something that I couldn’t dare take away. “I’ll uh... pick you up at six?” I nodded and he left the common room leaving me to my thoughts.
To tell the truth, I never planned on going with anyone to the Ball. I had a few friends who were going, and we were going as a crew. It was easy and nothing to stress about. I looked at the flower in my hands and smiled to myself. Maybe it wouldn’t be so awful to go with Neville. I just didn’t know anything about him.
“Oh, thank Merlin,” Ginny rushed back into the common room. “I’m so glad you said yes. I felt just awful,”
“I... yeah. It’ll be fun,” I smiled. “Neville is a sweet guy,”
It was the next day that I ran into a dilemma McLaggen in the common room. The Gryffindor Seeker had no insecurity as he walked up to me amidst the other students. It had been no secret that McLaggen had been trying to initiate something with me over the past few years. If he wasn’t so egotistical and bigoted, I might have said yes.
“So, Y/l/n,” He grinned. “Go to the ball with me,” He didn’t make it a question. 
“Oh, uh, someone already asked me,” I gave.
“Who? Longbottom?” He laughed. “You can’t be serious. Ditch the nerd and go with a real man,”
From across the room my eyes met Neville’s. In despair, he shook his head and left the common room like a bat out of hell. My heart fell, clearly distracted.
“I doubt that’s you,” I snapped. “Keep dreaming McLaggen. At least Neville was a gentleman when he asked.” I pushed past him and the ruffling that out little scene caused in the common room and went to look for Neville.
The corridor was empty. Looking to the left and right, the cold night gave no answer as to which way Neville went. Muttering to myself, I took a chance of where he might be. Maybe I knew something about him after all.
“Neville?” I asked the greenhouse softly. “Are you in here?”
There was a rustling in the corner. A stool scraping against the tile floor.
“Neville, I want to talk,” I pleaded, making my way over to the sound. I found him hunched over a notebook, focused on the lines his pencil made.
“You want to go with McLaggen,” He didn’t look up. “I get it,”
“No,” I corrected. “Even if I did want to go with the sleaze ball,” I muttered offhand. “I still made the promise to you, and I’m not going to break that promise,”
He finally looked up.
“Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised.
“Yeah,” I smiled, taking the seat beside him. “You have to give yourself some more credit Neville. You really are a sweet guy,”
“You barely know me,” He mumble.
“Yeah... I thought that too. But I found you here didn’t I? That’s gotta count for something,”
“I suppose it does,” Neville smiled up at me. “You really turned McLaggen down?”
“Yes,” I laughed, gaze falling and catching sight of his paper. “Did you draw this?” I was amazed. It was a perfect replica of the flower he had given me.
“Uh, uh, yes,” He stammered, growing red.
“Can I see it?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, delighting in how flustered he always got. He slid the paper toward me, bashful.
“This is incredible,” I ran my finger over the sketch. “What kind of flower is it? The one you gave me? I’m not very good at plant names unless they’re the common ones,” I admitted.
“Anemone coronaria,” Neville said matter-of-factly. “It originates from the Mediterranean and its name comes from the Greek meaning wind. They come in a lot of colors based on what soil you use, I’m partial to the white ones, but that’s just...me.” He caught my eye as he ended, growing flustered again. “Sorry I tend to rant. I know plants aren’t all that interesting,”
“I think they are,” I reached out and covered his hand with my own. “Neville?” His eyes met mine, “Will you go to the Ball with me?”
“Wh—I—okay,” He stammered, grinning at his lap. “I’d love to,”
more like this:
neville dating headcannons
pride and prejudice
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dclsbaby · 4 years
mykonos-crossed lovers (part ii) 🦋
🎶 playlist for part ii
part i
part iii
part iv
Summary: When you drunkenly book a girls trip to a tropical Greek island to help mend your broken heart, you would never for a second think it will take you exactly to where he is. Him. A tale of the right person at the wrong time, an overused cliché made into plots of movies you never thought would live through in your reality. Two people, still madly in love with each other, hearts still broken, suppressed by the alcohol and distractions consumed on this trip. Will they let their egos get in the way, protect what’s left of their already broken hearts, or will let their hearts speak?
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: angst angst and more angst
Author’s Note: part 2 is finally out! thank you so much for the continued love on MCL, i can't accurately put into words how much it means to me seeing all the positive responses! i hope i haven't upset you too much on last chapter’s cliffhanger, and if so, i hope this one makes up for it a little bit 🤍 please let me know what you think! xx
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“It’s funny, I’ve flown out to this island to forget you, yet here you are. I can’t ever get away from you can I?” Dom asks, rather rhetorically. Shocked, you turn your head and see your ex standing in front of you, in Mykonos, of all places. You cringed at his honesty, but you can’t say you didn’t escape to the warmer climates for the same reason. “Hi, Dom,” you smile at him. “The boys are here?” you ignore his initial remark. “Yeah, Mase, Davo, and Ben are sat there,” he gestures to a table close by yours. “Luke’s flying out tomorrow”, he says. “So the full team,” you comment. “It seems you’re in for quite a holiday then,” you add.
He walks ahead to stand next to you, his toned arms resting on the white border, dangerously close to yours and he takes in the view you’ve been absorbing. Silence fills the space between you two. A little to quiet for both of your likings, you could’ve sworn you heard your heart beat out of your chest. You decide to break the silence.
“So, how’ve you been?” you asked, voice a little shaky, unsure if you even wanted to know. You looked up at Dom, and caught him sniggering at the question. “Never better,” he raises his eyebrows. “Got my call-up, ball finding the back of the net week in week out, all’s well. You?” he shifts his body to look at you. “Well,” you pause to face him. “I’m on a tropical island with my girls, away from work and grey British skies, so I’m enjoying it,” you replied.
“British Vogue is it?” he asks. You landed the job a couple of months after your breakup. It was the job you needed to make a life out of yourself, to have a career you loved. It was a job you left him for. So, to say that you were good at it was an understatement. If you had to endure the pain of a devastating heartbreak for your career, it had to mean everything to you. And it was. It had been your dream job for as long as you could remember, you have always loved fashion, and this love was complemented when you began dating your ex who has an eccentric fashion sense, always straying away from the mainstream mediocrity, which somehow, he always pulls off. It’s a gift.
“Yeah, how’d you know?”, you were curious. “Mum’s told me about it, she’s proud of you, by the way,” he stops to look at you. “Sounds like a big deal,” he says as he lets out a small smile. It’s the first time he’s ever shown some warmth since the conversation started. You smile back at him and nodded. “It’s been my dream since forever, if you remember,” you look up at him. “And that’s lovely from your mum, do let her know that I miss her,” your heart warms thought of his mum. “Of course you do, you two would gang up on me whenever she’s around,” Dom chuckles. “Only because we both know how obnoxious you could be,” you joke. “Obnoxious enough for you to break my heart I see,” he jokes as he smiles at you sadly. “I d-didn’t mean it like that,” you feel terrible. “I know, I was messing with you,” he lied. A part of him wants you to know that his heart is still broken.
Two people, former lovers, with so much shared memories, once each other’s worlds, reunite in unexpected circumstances.
“I miss you, you know,” Dom says. Your head turns to face him as you try to catch a look of his eyes that are looking down on his fingers. Standing at 6’2, you had to crane your neck to properly look at him. A painfully gorgeous man, his green-hazel eyes still shine so bright despite the evening sky, lips so full waiting to be touched, his curly locks tied up in a bun only to accentuate his perfectly sculpted jaws. He is so beautiful, the pain so visceral, so intense.
“It’s not fair,” your best friend said. “You two would make the most gorgeous babies,” you and Dom chuckled at her comment. “When they’ve got a mother with a face like this I’d imagine it to be difficult to not produce beautiful babies,” Dom says as he cups your face and plants a kiss on your forehead. “You did not just say ‘produce’!” you move away from him, jokingly made a disgusted face and laughed at his choice of words.
Later that night as you two were tucked in bed, you drift off into a daydream which caught Dom’s attention. “What are you thinking of in that little head of yours babe?” he asked. You softly smile at him. “You really think we’d have babies?” you asked as you look at him. “What do you mean?” he asks, shifting his body so it’s resting on his side, with his knuckles supporting his head up. “I mean, is this where we are headed?”, you clarified. Dom runs his fingers through your hair. “I absolutely wouldn’t mind having babies with you,” he pauses as he moves closer to you. “I want no one else more than you, to be the mother of my children, my partner through it all,” he looks at you with loving eyes. “You mean it?” you asked, a little surprised at his honesty. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life,” he says as he pulls your body closer to his.
Dreams of starting a family with who you thought was the love of your life quickly shatter as you realise where you were; stood in front of him, both with hearts that need mending.
“Don’t do this,” you quietly say as you stare into his eyes. “What? It’s true,” he shrugs. “I miss you and I thought you should know. You should know how much you’re hurting me by not being with me,” Dom confesses. The alcohol has definitely kicked in, Dom thought to himself. Liquid courage got him pouring out the subconscious thoughts he’d never unlock without a little help. “Dom, please. You don’t mean it, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” you close your eyes for a second. “You’ve had a lot to drink, you should go be with the guys,” you say as you take your arms off the wall. “Come, I’ll take you back,” you say as you lightly push his elbow to lead the way.
“What more do I have to do to show you that I am still in love with you? Fuck’s sake,” he says as he mutters the last two words. He quickly turns around to face you, shocking you in the process as you drop your arm. “I don’t know, Dom, maybe not have tabloids put pictures of you and different girls on its covers I’d assume?” you sarcastically said, referencing to the covers you have seen of him from the week before.
Dom cringed at your comment and shakes his head. “You seriously can’t believe what those tabloids say-they blow things out of proportion!” he says as he flails his arm out of frustration. “And did you expect me not to see other people? What was I supposed to do, sit and mope around, waiting for you to come back to me? Please, do enlighten me!” he encourages. “Tell me how I can get over you because I am desperate to get you out of my fucking head,” he rants angrily, loud enough to get the attention of several guests.
He pauses to catch his breath. Before opening his mouth again to spill his suppressed thoughts.
“You were my heart, my soul, my whole fucking body—my entire life revolved around you!” he yelled, not as loud, but his frustration was emphasised as he stresses every syllable. Every bit of pride he held onto dissipates, showing his true feelings that still held onto you.
Offended, you retaliated. “You act as if I didn’t do the same for you! But I’m not stood here telling you how much I’ve missed you after I’ve fucked about with random guys!” you replied, matching his volume.
“I’ve never fucked anyone since you, so don’t ever fucking accuse me of that,” he says in disgust. “And you have no right to tell me how I should cope, when you left me! You were the one who left!”, he points at you repeatedly. “You left me with nothing,” he says nearly out of breath, and drops his arms to his sides.
“It surely didn’t seem like it when you go through girls like they’re some kind of pitstop!” you angrily responded. “I was fucking hurt! You fucking broke me! I was sad and desperate, give me a fucking break!” he says as he brings his hands to his forehead. “And don’t act so innocent,” he spits out. You give him a confused face, unsure as to what he meant. “I know you’ve been out with him,” he emphasises. “Yeah, our friends talk,” he states the obvious.
You knew who he was talking about. The friend he fell out with, another footballer friend. Things got too competitive, the words exchanged at the end of a match too harsh to redeem with a handshake. The same friend who could’ve sworn he chatted you up first, but you and Dom’s connection was too strong to deny. Of course, it was nothing like he insinuated. His friend, or, former friend, rather, had dipped his toes into the world of fashion, which caught the attention of your seniors. They assigned you to an interview with him, knowing your connections in the sporting industry and knowledge of it, as you dated a footballer after all. “Th-that was nothing,” you shake your head in disbelief, shocked at what you’re being accused of. “Bullshit,” he curses. He still remembers the day he saw you two on the news. Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s Ex Moves On with His England Teammate?, the headline says. Beneath it were pictures of his former friend sitting opposite you, as you two enjoy each other’s company at his favourite breakfast place in London. It is your favourite too. He recalls trying to ignore the jealousy, he tried to stop reading gossip sites that had the tendency to over-exaggerate, but he couldn’t. It made him angry, so angry, he threw his phone across the room and smashed it into a wall, its screen shattering. Sick and nauseous, he ran to the bathroom and dunk his head into a toilet bowl, dispensing the contents of that day’s breakfast. The effect you had on him was still potent and undying.
Your conversation was interrupted when you feel a hand wrap its fingers around the back of your arm, surprising you as you jump a little. “Hi, hun, everything okay?”, asked two of your friends, who spotted you as they were making their way to the bathroom. You nodded and gave them a smile, “I’m okay,” you whispered. They were beyond shocked to have seen Dom, but they knew better than to mention the obvious. “Give us a shout if you need anything,” your other friend says softly. You nodded. Your friends waved at Dom, then walked to where they were headed, which Dom did the same before you two returned to your conversation.
You take a deep breath before speaking. “You know I never meant to hurt you, Dom,” you look at him with sad eyes. “You know why I had to end things with you, I honestly thought you understood,” you say as you try your best to blink the tears away. “No, I never understood, and I still fucking don’t,” he says as his large hand grips the surface of the wall.
“None of this makes any sense to me! I understand that it is important for you to prioritise your career, be in control of your life or whatever it was you said,” he throws a hand up. “But I will never understand why you had to sacrifice me in the process, of all things,” he replies with absolute honesty. “So, what? You expect me to drop every possibility of starting a career instead, and invest all my time and energy in you?” you ask in disbelief. “That’s not fair, Dom!” you argue.
Dom throws his head back out of frustration as you cross your arms. “I would’ve fully supported you every step of the way, given you the space you needed, anything!” he responds. “But instead you left, and took my entire life with you,” he argues back, panting as he tried to catch his breath. “You didn’t have to leave,” he quietly says.
You two look at each other in silence, both feeling the pain the other endured. The pain heavy, overwhelming, a sinking feeling.
“I wasn’t trying to compromise you,” you say softly. “I had felt so detached from myself and made you the centre of my life and I was fucking terrified, Dom,” you try to justify yourself. “Had you left me at any point, I wouldn’t have survived it,” you sigh.
“Had I left you? How could you ever assume that? You think I am strong enough to be apart from you for even just a day? For fuck’s sake,” he curses as he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose out of frustration.
“I never said you would, I said if you did,” you clarify.
“So, you’re saying you left me purely due to a hypothetical scenario? Come fucking on. Don’t you fucking get it?,” he pauses. “You left me because you were afraid you couldn’t live without me, when that was never the case to begin with. If anything, it was the other way around,” he mutters the last sentence, just enough for you to hear.
“What?”, you asked, looking up at him.
“If one of us were to be too attached to the other person, it would be me. I’m not even fucking ashamed to admit that. I’m just pissed you assumed I could ever leave you. And that you broke my heart,” he reveals, a little too much for his liking but he didn’t care. You had to know.
“I-I never knew you were this upset,” you reply, still trying to process what he just said. “Clearly,” Dom says with sarcasm. “All you do is assume,” he comments. “That’s not fair,” you respond. “None of this is,” he quickly says. “I’m sorry I hurt you, I hope you know I would never intentionally do anything to make you feel that way,” you try to assure him. “Yeah okay,” he looks away.
Silence fills the room once again. What used to only be comfortable silence between you two turned into awkward, deafening silence. Silence between two people still in love with one another, both stubborn, both hotheaded, both their egos in the way.
You hated this. You wanted out. Your heart could no longer handle the different coexisting emotions, the sadness, anger, exasperation, confusion, equally intense, equally felt. It was all too much.
“I-I think I’m just going to go, it’s been lovely to see you, I'm sorry again Dom, truly. Have a great-“, “You’re fucking joking,” he cuts you off and shakes his head. You sigh, surprised at this interruption. “What now, Dom?” you asked, a little agitated.
“You’re leaving? After I’ve poured my heart out to you? Fucking pathetic that,” he said angrily. “What else was I supposed to say, Dom! I told you I was sorry, I told you I didn’t mean to hurt you! What more do you want?”, you responded with aggravation.
“YOU! I want you! How could you be so dense? Honestly, fuck this—you broke my fucking heart and I am not going to let you walk away from me again,” he gestures angrily. “This time I’m leaving you, have a great fucking night,” he says as he storms off, taking half of your heart with him.
At that moment, it felt as though every effort you had put into moving on, all your self-care nights, girls night outs, mental health days, music playlists of happy songs, immersing yourself in work, suddenly meant nothing. All your efforts were countered, destroyed after seeing him again for the first time in months. All you could do was stand there and watch him leave you standing alone, under the blue Mykonos sky with the most breathtaking view of the island, whilst heartbroken once again. The perfect irony.
You were left in shock. You could see Dom walking through the crowd where everybody was partying from your peripheral vision. It took him way too quickly for your liking to wrap his arms around a certain blonde-haired girl in a blue dress you recognised from tabloid pictures. You feel a sharp pain in your chest from a sight you never wanted to see. You knew you had no right to feel this way since you were the one who left, but it hurt you nonetheless.
Two things could’ve come out of this scenario. You could a) suck it up, take three straight tequila shots and party the night away with your girls, who are increasingly growing concerned about your whereabouts, or b) you could call it a night and figure your heart out.
After moments of deliberation, you chose the latter option. The intense conversation you had with Dom was too emotionally draining for you to continue on. Seeing your ex on the exact trip you booked with your girls to remedy your heartache, listening to him tell you how much you’ve broken his heart, how he wants you, but proceed to wrap his arms around another girl minutes after, all in one night... you could not bear it all. You quietly made a swift exit and made sure to text your girls’ group chat as you’re walking.
Babes, I’m heading back to the villa. Rough night. Details tomorrow. Will leave some paracetamol on the counter. Be safe and have a blast! Love you. X
You took the furthest route towards the exit door away from the party scene, not giving your friends a chance to even stop you. You wrap your arms around your body, holding yourself together as your heart crumbles. The only affection you could seek from is yourself. The pain of growth slowly paying off, as you manage to at least leave the scene in one piece.
However, despite extra efforts to not get noticed, Dom caught you slipping out of the club.
You stood outside the breezy Mykonos night and waited for your taxi to come. What just happened? You thought to yourself. You were a bit tipsy from the drinks, your tired body making you feel a little delirious. It seemed like it was all a dream, a nightmare perhaps, but it isn’t. That actually happened. You inhale the fresh air, and pace your breathing to calm your nerves. The background music spilling from the narrow gaps of the doors slowly fade as you close your eyes and focus on your peace.
Peaceful silence suddenly interrupted by a loud sound of doors bursting open.
What the fuck was that? you thought to yourself as you turn your head towards the loud noise. Your heart nearly stopped when you saw Dom clumsily stumble through the door. “What are you doing?” you asked, completely taken aback.  “I saw you walk out,” he says out of breath. “And I know you like to go on walks to clear your head. I was making sure you weren’t, this isn’t the place where you could do that safely,” he continued.  “I know, I’m waiting for a taxi,” you say quietly.  Dom nodded. “Okay,” he looks away. “Be safe,” he says as he looks at you one last time. You look at him with a sad smile and nod.
As Dom retreats back into the club, he had to hold his chest, clutching where his heart is to contain the pain of seeing you force a smile at him, it was too intense, he couldn’t bear it. He wanted nothing more than to pull you into his arms and tell you again how in love with you he is, but he knows his heart can’t take another heartache.
So Dom does what he does best, fake a smile, join his friends, and power through the night despite the building anxiety of being away from you. He feels sick to his stomach and would love nothing more than to call it a night. He goes on to reject every girl who threw themselves at him left and right, which Mason took notice of.
“Mate you okay? You don’t seem like yourself,” asks Mason. “(Y/N). She’s here. Well, she was,” Dom says. “Here? In Mykonos?”, Mason asks in disbelief. Dom nods his head. “Shit. What happened?” asked his concerned friend. “Told her she broke my heart. I lost my head. Told her I want her, then walked away,” muttered Dom as he looks down to play with his fingers. “Mate, I mean, do you still want her? Even after everything you went through?” Mason asks carefully, cautious to push any buttons.
Dom takes a deep breath.
“There is nothing in this life I want more than her,” he spills, looking at his friend dead in the eye.
“You know what you have to do, Dom.” Mason says.
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nilsavatar · 5 years
Odette’s Moving Boutique [Crossover MCL - Eldarya - Howl’s Moving Castle] - CastielxNilsa
The H.Q. needed food, reserves were starting to run out and in Eldarya there was no way to support a stable, indigenous agriculture yet. To make up for the shortcomings quickly, Miiko decided to send two of his best collaborators in Our World, the heads of the Shadow Guard, Nevra, and of the Absynthe Guard, Ezarel. But in reality it was just a pretext, the real reason why she had sent them on Earth was to find Valkyon and Leiftan, mysteriously disappeared during the umpteenth refueling mission. However, something will go wrong and the circle of mushrooms will close the transition from one dimension to another sooner than expected. The two, stuck right in that world from which they had escaped long ago, will now have to find a way to go home, and to do so they’ll have to rely on a young apprentice witch and an half-vampire abberrantly against the lineage from which he descends. It won’t be easy at all, but in the Boutique ‘J’ everything is possible, even the impossible.
                                                              1.         IN WHICH NILSA IS HIRED IN A STRANGE SHOP
   As you had always feared, you didn’t last long at the Cozy Bear Cafe. Clémence fired you at the first opportunity, at the first mistake, just to keep you away from her beloved Hyun.    She and her ridiculous jealousy, a symptom of some weird form of mid-life crisis. Jealousy so rooted and blinding that, mixed with the worrying predatory instinct of a MILF, it prevented her from noticing that you’ve never nurtured the slightest interest in the shy, selfless and friendly Korean and that, admitted otherwise, it’s had the side effect of draining her of that minimum of logic sufficient to keep in her mind that, if you wanted to, you’d have all the chances in this world in your favor, to make him fall for you. A thing that, perhaps, has already happened…    The pretext in the specific seems almost a joke, recalling it now to the memory. You were passing through the glass door of the bar with a tray overflowing with glasses and empty cups begging to be put in the dishwasher - damned high school students - but, while you were about to reach Hyun at the counter, a striped red cat darted you between your legs at light speed, making you lose your balance. You fell ruinously to the ground and, with you, the porcelains, which shattered into a thousand pieces all around. You were lucky that, leaving your ego and your butt, you didn’t get hurt.    Clémence, hearing the noise, came out of the kitchen like a madwoman, with her hair gathered in an untidy bun, her apron stained here and there with flour and jam, the sleeves of the close-fitting leopard-print blouse turned up to the elbows, and her arms raised in half air to keep the herself from getting dirty. If possible, she looked even older that way. Older and filthy than she normally was already.    Her hazel eyes, surrounded by heavy make-up, wandered all over the room, from the indifferent cat who was licking itself in a corner, to the fragments of the china scattered on the ground, to Hyun’s hands that helped you to get back on your feet, still messed-up, brushing you away some crumbs.    The complexion of her face gradually changed shades in line with her anger, from a bright pink to a glowing periwinkle, and as one nuance left room for another, her expression became more and more distorted with them. Her irises became fiery, the round, swollen and protruding orbits like those of an oranda telescope, a thousand crow’s feet branched out to the outer corners where the eyelids joined, and the mud-colored lips opened wide in an animalistic grimace.    Her reaction was immediate.    The woman’s screams reached octaves that even a lyric soprano dreamt of, and confused words blew from her vulgar mouth, like a dam smashed by water. Not a single sentence got a complete meaning, such was the haste and fury with which she was passing from one subject to another, until she reached the fateful verdict, expressing a concept that was all too simple and clear as ruthless.    “You’re fired!”.    A heavy silence fell in the room.    Hyun, after a minute of muteness, tried to defend you. In vain.    “Enough, Hyun!”, the cougar raised a hand to the height of her face, “You have already covered her too many times. This time I can’t let it go”.    “But, the cat…”.     “Take off your uniform”, she stoned, “And don’t show yourself again, not even as a customer. You are a disgrace”. With those words she crossed the room, opened the wall closet and took out a broom and a dustpan.    You took off your uniform and your cap, livid face and gritted teeth, and you gave them to the waiter, to your ex-colleague, who took them with a broken expression printed on his face, « I’m sorry … I … I … I tried to… ».    "Don’t worry,“ you interrupted him, "it’s not your fault. Indeed, it’s better this way”.    Leaving the club determined not to set foot in it again, you walked tired and distressed towards the campus. In front of the gate you met a small, thin girl, with platinum bob hair, tinged with candy pink along the tips. She’s all smiling and perky, in sharp contrast to the Gothic style of her clothes. Her smile dissolved as soon as she deciphered the gloominess on your face.    "What happened?”, Chani sked without even saying hello.    "Clémence … I lost my job,“, you sobbed after one, at appearance, infinite pause.    Immediately the girl wrapped you by the shoulders in an embrace - an unusual gesture on her part, constantly trapped by her personal soap bubble -, "Don’t beat yourself down. That crazy bitch doesn’t deserve your tears. ”    You sniffed, raising your eyes to cross those of the girl, highlighted by the black smokey-eye, her face was out of focus through the veil of tears, “What will I do now? My parents pay the university tuition, but the rent of the room is my responsibility. ”    "In this regard, I have the solution,“ she said firmly, "I’m just going to the store where I work now, my boss is looking for another part-time employee.”   “But Chani, I don’t know anything about esotericism, stones and all that stuff.”    Your friend raised a testily eyebrow, she didn’t like the term stuff at all to hear, but for your friendship’s sake she decided to let it go, “I’ll teaching you everything. And in any case the shop owner is an easygoing person, there will be no problem in forming a novice ».    "Are you sure?”.    “Of course!”, she took you by the arm, «If it doesn’t work she won’t take you, but trying doesn’t hurt».   You uttered a last nasal grunt, nodding, “We will never know if I don’t try.”   “This is the spirit!”, she exclaimed, holding out a handkerchief, “Come on, let’s go.”
   After a short walk, you reached the city center, passed by Leigh’s clothing boutique, continued just beyond, and then turned onto a secondary alley. There was nothing apart from the badly off sign of a small shop, hanging perpendicular to the wall by two wrought-iron rods and made of wood panels, carved to form a cadet-blue spiked shield, surrounded by lilies and golden twigs, where, at the center, a pompous peacock-green 'J’ with gold edges gave a beautiful display of itself.    "It’s the initial of the family name,“, Chani said out of the blue, reading from your doubtful expression what you were thinking - or at first you convinced yourself of this -, "But I don’t know which it is. She doesn’t want to reveal it.”   You looked in the eccentric girl direction astonished, “Don’t you know your employer surname?”.   “I only know her first name, Odette, but everyone calls her Madame.”. That said, she pushed the French door open, making the bell ring above it and held it open to let you pass.    What stood before your eyes knew of the incredible. The shop was not particularly big, indeed, it was definitely small, and seemed even smaller due to all the sundries piled up on top of one another almost at random, giving the impression that the room could explode at any moment. Yet, by giving the right attention, you could identify a certain order in the arrangement of the various objects.    To your right, a large bookcase covered the entire wall, overflowing with ancient tomes with colourful leather covers and luxurious captions.    On the left, subdivided on the shelves by colour, there were glass jars with powders and oils inside that looked precious. Some were large, others tiny; some had regular shapes, others bizarre, round or angular, as if the glassmaker master who made them was undecided on how to create them. Under each of them, attached to the wood of the shelves, there were labels, and just below, the counter skirted the entire interior of the shop to the nearest door jamb. It was made of oak, covered with a thick plate of crystal to protect the semi-precious stones exposed inside, also arranged by color and with the respective caption.    On the other side of the furniture, there was the most untidy shelf of all, the one that at first sight gave you the idea that the objects in that palce were placed on a wing and a prayer. In fact, there were ampoules, mirrors, rolls of fabric, quartz pendulums, Middle Eastern chandeliers, goose feathers and inks, baskets, small paints, post-it attached to the bulk, rolled parchments, flowers threaded between who knows how among the various articles who knows how.    That place was a unique contradiction, passing from a manic order to the most disturbing and total chaos. And yet, despite the overpowering sense that all that minute things gave to the lieu, influenced also by the surrounding dim light, the place gave you a pleasant feeling of calm and warmth, and, not to be taken for granted, even that mystical aura typical of a magicians den was palpable, just as you’d expect from an esoteric boutique.    "Madame, I brought a friend. I think she could be a good candidate for part-time job,“, Chani winked at you. You both knew that she had overplayed a bit, you are really clumsy.    You perceisted a movement beyond the counter, then you heard the noise of something heavy that is moved with difficulty by somebody, and in fact, after a few moments, a woman in her late thirties emerged from the innumerable boxes on the floor, she disponed one in particular on the wooden shelf and began to empty its contents.    Her hair was long and curly of a warm and intense coppery red, which surrounded her rosy complexion sprinkled with freckles, highlighting the lemon-yellow irises, fixed on you like those of a feline.   How old was that woman exactly?   Her face was youthful, almost childish, but there was something in her eyes, a wisdom, an awareness of the world that was anything but immature.   "She is Nilsa.”    For a moment it seemed that his pupils flickered at the sound of your name, “Nilsa”.   You stepped forward reaching out, “Nice to meet you, Ma’m”. She looked at your hand but made no move to hold it. Did she want any demonstrations about your attitude before?    Anxious, you started raving, talking in burst like you used to do in moments of panic. How could you not be agitated, you needed that job.   “I don’t have much experience as a saleswoman, I worked mostly as a waitress, but I assured you that I’ll work hard, I learn very quickly …”.    A smug smirk curved her full lips as she brought the fists to her sides, “Do you have the same schedule as Chani in the university?”   Her sudden question left you dumbfounded, “…Yes, leaving aside the elective courses.”   “Very well. Let me know the time slots you are available, so as to organize the rotation of shifts from next week onwards”, the woman turned her back, beginning to arrange the articles on the various shelves,“ At the beginning you’ll be place side by side by me or Chani, and when I think you’re ready I’ll entrust the shop to you.”. She turned abruptly to look at you waiting for something.   “Are you saying I’m hired?”, you asked after a long while, even more dazed than before, “This way? Without a one-day trial? ”   “My intuition tells me you’ll get away with it. Are you free on Saturday afternoon?”, you nodded, “Great, I’ll wait for you at 3 p.m. Be punctual”.   Your eyes lit up like two supernovas, "Thank you! Thank you very much, Madame!”.   The owner looked at the elegant white pearl dial of the watch, "There’s still a quarter of an hour left to the opening, Chani, why don’t you show her the shop?”   The girl smiled politely, “Sure”.
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melodyalanaroster · 6 years
Can someone help me?
I’m looking for someone to edit a few of the NPC sprites from MCL or Eldarya into characters for Alana’s story... I’m willing to pay for it if I need to.
Here are the characters I need and their descriptions:
Lynne Roster: She is Alana’s and Samantha’s mother. She is a Sci-Fi/Romance novelist in her early to mid forties. She has short brown hair, brown eyes, a tad youthful, and (at the time of UL) has been free from her sickness for at least two years. She’s also been traveling the world. Her clothing style is comfortable, but cool and geeky.
Nate Films: He is Alana’s and Samantha’s step-father. A Sci-Fi actor, he is very closely based on Nathan Fillion.
Kentin: Yes, I mean MCL Kentin. He and Samantha are in the Military. At the beginning of UL, I have them stationed in Okinawa. He is very cool and collected compared to his wild girlfriend.
Armin: I need a UL version of Armin for a blurb.
Lysander: I need the Farm Boy for a blurb... An UL version of his City Form would be appreciated as well for another blurb.
Derek: He is a part of the Red Death Regimen’s Executioners. A very dangerous young man, he has dark green eyes and short black hair. He is very calm and collected. His style is mostly black pants and black shirts. He has a guillotine tattoo on the right side of his neck.
Brandon: He is an ex-Executioner. A very flamboyant man, he loves cooking. He is a Bear (big, burly, gay, man). He and his husband, Jack, were the first people in the R.D.R to ever refuse to kill people. They mostly honed their skills and led the team from the controls. He is often seen aiding Alana in her recuperation, bringing Team M.R.V.L and Nora food, or helping his husband. He is Nora’s older brother, and has bright red hair (facial and head). His style is very clean, but fashionable, as he maintains his chef’s flare at all times. The guillotine on his neck has been modified to look like it has broken, with it’s blade separate from the frame and on the ground. He wears a simple silver wedding ring.
Jack: Like his husband, Brandon, he is an ex-Executioner. He runs the Glass Shop that also doubles as an “R.D.R Sanctuary” where Alana often goes to when she doesn’t wanna be at Anteros or the Tower. He has the same broken guillotine tattoo. Jack is a muscular, Asian, man who is well versed in poisons. He could run an apothecary, but he believes that making, trading and selling glass items separates himself from the R.D.R and brings him more peace. He has shaggy black hair and dark eyes. Wears a simple silver wedding ring.
Viktor: I’m referring to the Manga Only character. I need a UL version of him for a blurb.
The Red Death: Henry Dearil is the infamous Red Death and Azrael’s husband. Often clad in all black with a stark red long coat, this man has short gray hair, hazel eyes, and a scar along his right eye. An EXTREMELY dangerous man, he is quite feared... Little does everyone know, he’s got a soft side. His version of justice is very black and white. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure justice is served. When he sees that someone has fucked up, he is not above letting them know in various ways.
If anyone could help me with this, I will be grateful!
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Preview from a longer Nessie fic.
After the initial warmup; the coach, Bressie, (big, tall, strapping former professional rugby player from Mullingar whose career was shot after multiple calf injuries and concussions-could pin Niall down with one hand Bressie-who she was pretending not to remember from her dad’s Tescos) had them run through some cardio drills - high knees, sprints, jumping jacks, etc.
Bressie was walking down the line of women, watching which ones were getting gassed, which ones couldn’t get their knees more than a few inches off of the ground, which ones were kicking up turf with how much they were sprinting (Liam was sprinting up and down the stairs of the stadium in the background, oblivious to the ladies working out on the field. Niall had a feeling that he wasn’t trying to show off, but rather he would do this if no one was watching). Bressie finally made his way towards the end of the line; he smirked at Louis who was doing well but also struggling to catch her breath (Niall imagined that had a lot to do with the constant presence of a cigarette in Louis’ hand while she wasn’t on the pitch) - he smirked and rolled his eyes and made his way to the last person in the line, Niall. 
His hazel eyes washed over her in a clinical sort of way, looking at her form, then at his watch most likely to see how long she’d been consistently doing the high knees. His gaze stopped somewhere around her shins and stayed there. Niall tore her eyes away and stared straight ahead. Bressie was most likely taking in her shorts - an old pair of Greg’s - overly well worn, three sizes too big, and rolled up twice to fit over her skinny hips - they screamed poor!
Bressie cleared his throat and put on a pair of sunglasses. “Horan, right?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Niall could see the other girls starting up jumping jacks again; she followed Louis’ lead and started them as well. Instead of tripping over her own feet when Bressie said her name, which was her first instinct.
“Yeah,” She replied. “Um, yes, Niall Horan.”
“Irish superstar I’ve been telling you about, Brez!” Louis supplied helpfully.
“Hush you,” Bressie said, but with fondness in his deep timbre of a voice. “Niall, huh? Nice irish name.”
Niall felt her cheeks go bright red and hoped Bressie thought it was from the calisthenics. His first name was Niall too, Niall’s brain helpfully supplied - Niall Adam Breslin. She remembered going to a U-21s rugby match with her dad when she was about 7 and keeping the program because, “Look da, his name is Niall too! And he’s from Mullingar!”
“I got a question for you Niall Horan,” Bressie supplied, standing right in front of her and looking down at her from the good foot he had on her.
Niall remembered the state of her shorts and cleats duct taped together and felt her blush turn even darker.
“Alright then,” She replied, standing in place, staring back up at him with a defiant look on her face. So what, she was poor, she didn’t want his judgment or his charity. Too many coaches had pulled her aside in the past saying ‘you can just borrow the school’s equipment don’t worry about it’, and she’d ignored every one of them.
He walked over to her side - theoretically to look down at the line of potential recruits, Niall began running in place as she saw that’s what Louis was now doing at her side. He lowered his voice before saying, “When’d you have the surgery?”
She stopped running in place and turned to look at him, her eyebrows reaching the top of her hairline. “What?”
“What was it? MCL?” Bressie kept his voice pitched low so the other players couldn’t hear.
So this wasn’t about Niall being poor and wearing hand-me-downs, it was about her knee surgery? Was he going to kick her off the team immediately because he thought she couldn’t handle playing because she was a liability with a bum knee?
“No, it was -” She didn’t know how honest she should be, as much as playing on the team would add more stress to her life what with hiding it from Bobby and Greg, scheduling extra shifts at work to come up with the money for team dues, and potentially fucking up her knee again, as soon as Louis bugged her in the park that day she knew she really, really wanted to play again. She didn’t want Bressie to take this away from her, she was going to make his team and show him how much of a liability she wasn’t. “Was just a torn ligament - a smaller one.”
Bressie looked skeptical from behind his sunglasses, but eventually nodded. “Pain in the arse - I’ve torn my calf, well, I can’t even count how many times at this point,” He laughed.
“Yeah - but I bet none were as bad as when you tore the hamstring against Richie McCaw in that ‘04 World Cup game, eh?”
Niall felt her cheeks go even redder as well as Louis’ eyes on her as she picked up on their conversation.
Bressie looked shocked but then schooled his expression into something more neutral. “Rugby fan then, are ya? Well back to it.” He started to walk away from Niall and Louis.
“30 more seconds, ladies, no quitting!” He barked as he strode away, picking up the whistle hanging from his neck and putting it up towards his mouth.
Niall let out a breath and quickly picked her jumping jacks back up, she could feel Louis laughing next to her.
“No quitting Nialler you hear?” Louis laughed. And then after a beat, “You bloody stalker.”
“Piss off,” Niall moaned, making sure she looked straight ahead as the thirty seconds counted down and not at Bressie’s arse as he walked away.
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captainlevih · 23 days
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soooo i had nothing to do and than i made alternative clothes for my girls + THE PETS and new hair i don't know if I'm going to start using these maybe yes maybe no.
Hazel pet is a snake!!! thanks once again to the incredible @candysweetposts for helping me how to make the snake with the game assets! her name is jaune and she is a banana ball python, a beautiful baby who is a few months old;
Amelia's pet is a 1 year old French lop rabbit, her name is Alice (very original I know) Amelia leaves the lagomorph at her parents's house as she currently lives on the college campus;
Chloe's pet is Foxy, a 4-year-old stray dog, Chloe found him on the street when he was just a puppy and felling compassion for the canine Chloe takes him home and today he is her best friend (He's blind in one eye, that's why he wears an eye patch).
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Some Hella Cool Asks: I dare you to do all 75.
1: Marvel or DC? Both Because each has strong characters. If you force me to pick, Marvel because Deadpool2: Do you have any siblings? Nope3: Do you watch anime subbed or dubbed? Both. 4: How old are you? I'll be 40 soon.5: What is your favorite sport? To watch on TV - hockey. To watch in person - NASCAR. To play - pool, bowling, or badminton. 6: Favorite soda/beverage? Unsweetened iced tea. I am a damned Yankee after all. 7: What is your favorite tv show? I don't own a TV. I watch stuff I like on Netflix years late.8: Do you marathon shows or watch a few episodes at a time? Marathon while crafting usually9: How often do you exercise? I'm trying to get better and at least walk every day.10: Do you wear makeup? How often? Rarely. Last time was my uncle's funeral in '1411: Favorite Disney movie? Fantasia - the original12: Would you rather watch a movie or a tv show? TV show most of the time13: Do you have your driver’s license? Yep14: What is your favorite animal? Yes. Er cats or frogs.15: Black widow or Catwoman? Eartha Kitt. 16: favorite youtuber? BosniaBill, Oxford Union, schola gladiatoria, Amicus Humani Genris, Cerian Cantwer17: What is your earliest memory? Um I think it was having surgery at 6 years old.18: Favorite video game? Uncharted. Or Warcraft19: What is your biggest pet peeve? People who are dicks because they can be.20: Dinosaurs or dragons? Dragons21: What is the worst injury you have ever had? Torn quad tendon, MCL and LCL tear. 22: What piercings do you have/want? Have - ears. Want - more, maybe.23: Any tattoos? if not, would you get any? None but I want a paw print for every cat I've rescued. 24: Sexual orientation? Straight-ish. 99% straight but I like the female form25: What is your best subject in school? Math, history, art26: What is your favorite book series? Chronicles of Elantra by Michelle Sagara or Study/Glass/Healer/Soul series by Maria V Snyder or incryptid by Seanan McGuire or Dresden Files.27: Do you have a crush on anyone currently? Oh yeah.28: Single or in a relationship? I'm poly. It's complicated.29: What character would you most like to cosplay? Something steampunk30: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Ambivert31: Cats or dogs? Sure. 32: What is the most embarassing thing to ever happen to you? I married an idiot.33: Tell me a story. Not here. I'll try to remember to write one up later.34: What is the strangest thing you've ever seen someone wear? Vagina costumes35: Where in the world would you most like to travel? Texas. 36: Favorite Pokemon? Uh? I don't have one37: favorite color? Red, black, silver38: Are you religious? No. 39: Post a selfie - later40: Have you ever left your home country/state? Yes. 41: Do you prefer to travel by car or airplane? Car. Less hassle.42: Are you a fan of rollercoasters? Absolutely43: What is your favorite OTP? No fucking clue44: Who is your favorite Disney princess? merida45: Who is your favorite Disney prince? I dunno46: Who is your favorite Disney villain? I dunno47: Do you sing along to the radio? Yeah, badly48: Who is your favorite Harry Potter character? I dunno49: Any headcanons? Huh?50: If you could have one of the Deathly Hallows (cloak of invisibility, Elder Wand, or Resurrection Stone), which would it be? Resurrection stone51: What house would you be in Hogwarts? Ravenclaw52: When was the last time you told someone you loved them? About an hour ago by text. Three different friends. 53: Do you have any weird habits? Define weird?54: What do you do when you're bored? You're looking at it. Or I read or sleep55: What is the strangest thing you've seen at Walmart? Being able to buy everything that's regulated by the ATF in one place.56: What color are your eyes? Hazel57: What is your natural hair color? Blackest brown58: Have you ever broken a bone? How? Knee cap. Same injury as the torn quad. Stupid people were careless. I fell. 59: What is your favorite food? Chocolate60: What do you look for in a relationship? Honesty, integrity, sense of humor, open communication61: If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?Tudor England62: How late do you usually stay up? 2 am63: What is your favorite website? Hahaha. No. 64: Have you been to any concerts? Eons ago65: Are you involved in any extracurriculars at school?66: If you could be the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?jerk off and get laid.67: What are you most proud of?rescuing over 100 cats in my life68: Do you have any big regrets? Definitely. Getting married young69: What was the best day of your life? The day my cat biggie adopted me.70: Do you crack your knuckles?sometimes71: Do you play any instruments? No.72: First kiss story?no.73: Do you like hot or cold weather? Moderate74: What is your favorite song of all time? I don't have one75: Any weird talents? Most of what I do is considered weird.
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formulatrash · 1 year
Hi Hazel!
with everyone just waiting for first non-redbull win of the season, i’m so surprised that this stat hasn’t been brought up this year with aston jumping up and the possibility of fernando winning a race.
no driver has won a race after they’ve reached their 300th start. i feel like it would be a cool thing to follow considering that while yes, the aston martin is faster than the mercedes (without the upgrades at least so we’ll see in spain), anything could happen in a crazy enough race.
it was brought up a bunch last year when lewis had his 300th start but honestly, every race weekend i go in thinking if something crazy happens, i wonder who’s going to be the first one to win out of the two of them. especially with the history between those two.
might be a nerdy thing to be looking out for but i like to find joy in the little things in f1 so idk was kind of waiting for crofty or alex jacques to pull that stat out at some point because i think it’s cool.
i do want it to be lewis first though, now that i’ve created this mini competition in my head.
this definitely came up the other week, when Lewis hit 300, although I can’t remember where. it’s one of those that’s definitely floating around journalist discussions for like, topics that will come up. 
I sincerely believe Lewis will win again, I don’t know about Alonso. it’s been a very, very long time and a lot of rule changes since Fernando won a race which isn’t to say it’s impossible but it is relatively unlikely; Aston binned the chance pretty much as badly as McL did in Sochi yesterday and it’s only the Red Bull’s dominance that’s letting them off for it. 
so: he’ll probably win Spain just to annoy me. oh god, I’ve just had a vision of F1 twitter if that happens and I think I’ll just turn the internet off. not my internet, I mean the whole thing. 
only six drivers ever (Schumacher, Button, Hamilton, Barrichello, Raikkonen, Alonso) have gone over 300 starts. so statistically it’s not all that surprising that none of them have won again after that; Alonso is the most outlier in the ranks because he’s done 61 races since since his 300th (Lewis has done 16) so in theory has had the most chances but also, we all know F1 is a numbers game in terms of chances but not a cumulative one. 
so, yeah. it will be interesting which of them (maybe both) does it this year. or next year. or in 2028 when inexplicably this is all still going on, etc.
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candysoupkitchen · 7 years
92 Questions Game
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people: Tagged by my lovely bro @just-abby-maya
Under cut because long af
LAST…  [1] Drink: Vanilla Frap. [2] Phone call: The Pigeon (my lil bro) [3] Text message: The Hawk (my older bro) [4] Song you listened to: Ascension by Gorillaz [5] Time you cried: Like a week ago
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] Dated someone twice: Yes... if counting on/off again relationship [7] Been cheated on: Nope [8] Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes [9] Lost someone special: Yes... sadly [10] Been depressed: BOI I’M DEPRESSED EVERYDAY [11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: ...Yes
LIST THREE FAVOURITE COLORS… [12] Light Blue [13] Violet [14] Gold
[15] IN THE LAST YEAR… [16] fallen out of love: No... at least I don’t think so? [17] laughed until you cried: YES! I BLAME MY CO-WORKERS [18] found out someone was talking about you: Yes... also my co-worker... [19] met someone who changed you: Yepyepyep~ [20] found out who your true friends are: Yeeee [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: Tf is facebook? (jk and no)
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Idk and too lazy to reset my password to find out~ [23] do you have any pets: NO BUT I WANT SOME ;; A ;; [24] do you want to change your name: Not really c: [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Go to school lol [26] what time did you wake up: Around 6:50am to drop the Pigeon off at school [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Taking a shower lol [28] name something you cannot wait for: GRADUATE FROM UNI [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: About an hour halfish ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Get rid of all the snakes/negative people around... [31] what are you listening to right now: Pandora music [32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Noooope [33] something that is getting you nervous: Turning in assignments by a deadline [34] most visited website: Tumblr, Youtube, MCL/Eldarya, and Discord [35] elementary: I was such a weirdo back then lol I wanna slap my child self [36] high school: I gained some pretty chill friends and loved my Senior Year~ [37] college: I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about dropping out and become a stripper ;Dc [38] hair color: Black [39] long or short hair: Short? But it’s growing out. [40] do you have a crush on someone: Every person who gives me my food through the drive-thru window of a restaurant I go to~ [41] what do you like about yourself: My compassion [42] piercings: Only my ears [43] blood type: O- [44] nickname: Mel, Mek, Mekosa, Eucalyptus, and Oreo [45] relationship status: Single as a pringle but married to a koala [46] zodiac sign: TAURUS [47] pronouns: She/Her. [48] fav tv show: Steven Universe, Black-ish, The Challenge, and The Voice [49] tattoos: Not until I graduate [50] right or left hand: Rightie
FIRST… [51] surgery: My tonsils which were fkin huge [52] piercing: My ears when I was a baby~ [53] best friend: Her name was Kiara [54] sport: I don’t do sports lol [55] vacation: If I remember correctly... Las Vegas [56] pair of trainers: No trainers, we fall and eat shit like men
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: A giant cookie. [58] drinking: Sprite [59] i’m about to: Watch people try prison food on YT [60] listening to: Redbone by Childish Gambino [61] waiting for: My money my dad still owes me [62] want: sour candy or food [63] get married: Okay sure [64] career: English or History Teacher
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: HUGS [66] lips or eyes: EYES [67] shorter or taller: SHORTER (bc I’m already tall afl) [68] older or younger: OLDER [69] romantic or spontaneous: SPONTANEOUS [70] nice arms or nice stomach: NICE STOMACH [71] sensitive or loud: MAKE IT LOUD [72] hook up or relationship: RELATIONSHIP [73] troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLEMAKER
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger?: Yes... but it was truth or dare D:< [75] drank hard liquor?: Yeeee [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? Noooo since I have 20/20 vision ahaha [77] turned someone down: Yes... sorry Micah... [78] sex on first date?: Ew no lol [79] broken someone’s heart?: Yeeeeah [80] had your own heart broken?: Yeeeeah x2. [81] been arrested?: Not yet lol [82] cried when someone died?: Nope [83] fallen for a friend?: Yep~
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself?: Pfft no. [85] miracles?: Pfft yes [86] love at first sight?: Pfft maybe [87] Santa Claus?: I did once [88] kiss on the first date?: Sure~ [89] angels?: Yes
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: Irl: Mikayla & Adamari || irl/online: Rose (.@candiedrosary) [91] eye color: Hazel/Brownish [92] favorite movie: MOANA~
I tag: @ legit anyone who wanna do this, just say I tagged you lol
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mcl-outsa · 8 years
I got tagged in this by @shion-mcl, thank you!! ♥
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1: Are you named after someone? no
2: When is the last time you cried? yesterday
3: Do you like your handwriting? yeah, it’s okay. not the neatest but not messy either (except if I’m writing on a huge rush)
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? um, turkey I guess?
5: Do you have kids? hahaha, no. 
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? uh, it depends. maybe??
7: Do you use sarcasm? yeh
8: Do you still have your tonsils? yes
9: Would you bungee jump? no, I would be too scared
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? any kind with chocolate is good. or with berries.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? of course. how else would I get my tightly tied Doc Martens or Converse shoes off?
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? no
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I love ice cream with chocolate and cookies but I also love coconut ice cream and pistachio ice cream! :D and raspberry is good too ♥
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? their clothes probably
15: Red or pink? depends on the shade
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? my toes tbh, they’re very ugly
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? black and not wearing shoes because I’m indoors (but if I was outside they’d be black too)
18: What was the last thing you ate? pistachio chocolate, nomnom ♥
19: What are you listening to right now? Doubt by Twenty One Pilots
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? purple
21: Favorite smell? the smell of roses or the sea maybe?
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my dad
23: Favorite sport to watch? gymnastics
24: Hair color? light brown
25: Eye color? hazel
26: Do you wear contacts? no
27: Favorite food to eat? seafood! 28: Scary movies or comedy? comedy
29: Last movie you watched? Maleficent
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? black
31: Summer or winter? hmm... I can’t really choose, it’s too cold during winter and too hot during summer but I kind of like both.
32: Hugs or kisses? both
33: What book are you currently reading? I’m not reading anything right now
34: Who do you miss right now? my crush tbh
35: What is on your mouse pad? I don’t use a mouse pad, it doesn’t fit on my table :D I do own one which has an illustration of Hattivattis from Moomins though
36: What is the last TV program you watched? America’s Next Top Model
37: What is the best sound? I like the sound which comes when you draw with an ink pen (is it called ink pen in English?? anyway I mean this x )
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I don’t listen to either so I can’t really say
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? To Madeira
40: Do you have a special talent? I don’t think so? Unless learning words really fast while studying a foreign language counts?
41: Where were you born? Finland
42: People you expect to participate in this survey? @m-a-e-v-i-x @shea-gardienne @eldaryandy @ashes-wind @itszainie @mclyumi
(sorry if you’ve got tagged already or don’t want to do this kind of things!)
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fairies-hideout · 8 years
tagged my my lovely @moonlightmcl​
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you are finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!!
1: Are you named after someone? 
yes, after my grandma
2: When is the last time you cried?
a few days ago
3: Do you like your handwriting?
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
5: Do you have kids?
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
7: Do you use sarcasm? 
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
9: Would you bungee jump?
nope, not a fan of extreme sports or heights
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
muesli, but no raisins please
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
usually yes
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
physically - yes, mentally - not so much 
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla, mint with chocolate chip or ricotta 
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
15: Red or pink?
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
my tummy
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
im not wearing pants or shoes
18: What was the last thing you ate?
french potatoes with cheese
19: What are you listening to right now?
ed sheeran
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
21: Favorite smell?
lemon balm
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my mom
23: Favorite sport to watch?
24: Hair color?
dark blonde
25: Eye color?
26: Do you wear contacts?
27: Favorite food to eat?
potatoes and/or cheese 
28: Scary movies or comedy?
29: Last movie you watched?
30: What color of shirt are you wearing?
31: Summer or winter?
32: Hugs or kisses?
33: What book are you currently reading?
Song of Achilles
34: Who do you miss right now?
my friends
35: What is on your mouse pad?
i don’t have a mouse’pad
36: What is the last TV program you watched?
pfff, house hunters international, i think?? 
37: What is the best sound?
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Rolling Stones
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
went to Greece
40: Do you have a special talent?
i don’t know
41: Where were you born? 
42: People you expect to participate in this survey?
@mcl-danielle​, @mikamycandylove​, @leomycaptain​, @pepperemzie​, @mclyumi​
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