#mcgenji rp
roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hey! 16m looking to do an Overwatch RP. Currently really into Spuriken / McGenji and I'm willing to play either Genji or Cass, but am also open to doing other ships. I prefer adv. literate (multi-paragraph, 1k+ words), though I don't mind too much. I'm most active on Discord, so I'd rather roleplay there for the sake of convenience; of course, I'm okay with any other platform if that's what's best for you.
Interact with this post or message me and I'll get back to you. Thanks!
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trans-genji · 2 years
genji rp looking 4 friends
hello i am  a genji rper. gay and trans genji for life . ummm i have covid again so im a little dead which means plenty of time to rp ! i have a discord server for ovwrp if anyone is interested but uhhh ya
rp partners have to be 18+
also no fem ships if that wasnt obvious by the Gay part .
my genji is trans / enby so if that bugs u idc just block me rofls
ya thats it ! shoot me a priv message and we can either talk there or ill give u my discord !
thanks from ur stupid catboy cyborg ninja man 
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
Hey! 16m looking to do an Overwatch RP (with someone preferably 15+). Currently really into Spuriken / McGenji and I'm willing to play either Genji or Cass, but am also open to doing other ships. I prefer adv. literate (multi-paragraph, 1k+ words), though I don't mind too much. I'm most active on Discord, so I'd rather roleplay there for the sake of convenience; of course, I'm okay with any other platform if that's what's best for you.
Interact with this post or message me and I'll get back to you. Thanks!
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hankersores · 1 year
were you a htf hater or appreciator? (this isnt hate im just curious bcuz its been years and i wanna kno if ppl still revere it)
i was pretty neutral about it! i wasnt a huge fan nor was i like, super anti-htf. it was just kind of something that was there. if i’m being honest, most of my fanworks from that era focused on mcgenji/spuriken. i of course drew TONS of mchanzo/yeehan, but my rp accounts and friend groups focused on mgenji hahaha. now if there’s a fic that i adored, it was an AOT jeanmarco fic called wisteria. it drove me insane.
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raidohvegen · 4 years
McGenji RP
I want to play a bit more Genji and am looking for McGenji RPers, so if anyone is interested in doing this, you’re welcome to DM me!
Looking for a top McCree for a (possibly) long term story
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aspen-rp · 6 years
Looking for RP partner(s)!
Requirements: Please be 18+ ❤
Hi my name's Aspen and I'm looking for some more rp friends!!
I do like being friends with the people I rp with, so there will definitely be out of rp interactions!
The fandom(s) I'm currently interested in is Overwatch but specifically McGenji!
I'm a Genji rper but if push comes to shove I can be McCree too.
My personal headcanons for Genji are that he is trans and autistic! ❤
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ieatsmashedpottery · 3 years
I have not played a single second of Overwatch but I will Roleplay it anyway because f*ck you
Someone please Roleplay with me. Any of these ships are grand, pm me if interested
Reaper 76
R o a d r a t
Did I mention Roadrat-
Edit 25/04/22: Still haven't played Overwatch or Overwatch 2, just adding more options
Any Junkrat ship tbh. He is a king
Actually any Sigma ship too, he's a good boy and he deserves love
Yknow what fuck it, Hanzo/Zenyatta too for the insanity. I am in rarepare hell
Junkrat/Junker Queen, BC why not :)
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michdicks · 4 years
Hello! I’m a new writer but I’ve had a little rp experience as well! I’ve been in the overwatch fandom for over two years now and I’ve never managed to meet anyone else in the fandom that shares my ships and such. I love R76, McGenji, Mchanzo, and I’d open to other suggestions other than McReyes. I’m 18 and would love any rp partners to be at least 18 as well, just for comfort purposes. Dm me if interested!!
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gilded-rp · 4 years
Tumblr media
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valkyrierhapsody · 5 years
Looking for RP partners!!
Fandoms and characters I rp as
-Steve Rogers
-Bucky Barnes
-Peggy Carter
-Natasha Romanoff
-Stuggy (Peggy/Steve/Bucky)
-Winter widow
-Bucky x Peggy
Critical Role
-Beauregard Lionett
-Mollymauk Tealeaf
-Caleb Widowgast
-Jester LaVorre
-BeauKeg 🥺❤
-Discussed in dms, not likely but possible, hmu 👀
Fantastic Beasts
-Credence Barebone
-Credence x my OC
Wings of Fire
-Id rather start with maybe platonic friends or smth and see what happens :3 no preference here really
NOTE: Rp doesnt have to be romantic!! Plenty happy to do gen/domestic stuff in any fandom :)
-Comedic aspects (as in not a full crack rp wjfjs)
-Literally any genre except torture p*rn
-ns fw (only if ur 18 +, no I wont be flexible on this rule by any means)
-recreational drug use (meaning weed and acid ((which I'm neither condoning or deprecating)) basically, no hard drugs) alchohol
NOT okay
-noncon,p*edophila, anything of that sort
-severe harm to children
Writing level: literate to advanced
Responses: at least a few sentences most of the time.
I'm fairly dedicated to roleplay and will almost always respond at least once every 24 hours though I try to respond as often as I can until I go to sleep. I do prefer lengthier responses and will match your effort in the story :) I consider RP collaborative writing so I really will do my best with what I have
PLEASE, in character only. I dont mind a little to medium amounts of headcanons and character tweaks but p l e a s e dont either project, infantalize or be regularly out of character :')
I also ask that you don't start a good rp with me and the drop it after just a few responses. I'm sorry, its just very disheartening personally, nothing against you. I get invested and dive right into rps so sudden radio silence kinda sucks :') if you're bored or its not what you have in mind, tell me, I'm v open and won't take it personally but like anything else, communication is key
If you're interested or have questions, dm me and send some writing examples! I'm open to almost anything on the list here :)
We can do it on tumblr dms but I do prefer either telegram or discord!
Thanks for read, I look forward to potential rps uwu
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moth-bells · 5 years
Overwatch rp search
I really wanna do some gay(m/m) rps. I'm open to most all pairings and I can play a good few as well. Aus are great and probably my favorite type of rp, but I'm fine with canon too!
Just shoot me a message!
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cottoncandyjam-blog · 5 years
Roleplay Rules
Hello, and welcome to my page! If you intend on roleplaying with me, these are the rules you must abide by (though some are flexible).
1. I’d prefer not to actually RP on Tumblr, but I am perfectly fine with doing so if need be. I do have Kik, Instagram, and my email if any of those would interest you. Or not lol.
2. I personally roleplay literate to novella, and I’d prefer if you are somewhere in there as well. But, most semi-lits are also accepted! Most people are better at writing than they think.
3. I require about an average of 8-10 LONG sentences MINIMUN from every reply. This is also a bit flexible, so I’ll let you know if you start writing responses too short for my taste.
(Here is an example of a previously used reply of mine that’s at a very comfortable length for me.)
Morrison merely nodded in response for the time being - he predicted Reyes would mention something about the name as soon as it’d come out of his mouth. That was fine. He was hoping to be doing as little talking as possible anyways, though he was sure those plans were going to get destroyed quickly. Gabriel would want an explanation, and Jack ... he didn’t have one. Just the lame ass excuse that it was all one big mistake.
He separated the pieces into categories - casing, screws, pipes, springs, so on and so forth. His hands were quite obviously skilled, although with that being said he took a little more time considering this was a task and not a drill. He was trying his best to focus on Gabriel’s words, too, though he almost wished he hadn’t been listening when the brunet mentioned discharging him. His eyes had met the older man’s immediately, hoping his expression did not look as mortified as he felt like it did - he didn’t want to go home. That’s the exact opposite of what he wanted. He just - fuck. What was he supposed to say?
He took a couple seconds to think, taking apart the last trinkets of the weapon before he got to work on piecing it back together. Soon enough though, not wanting to keep the already angered man waiting, he licked his lips and spoke the first and most reasonable set of words that came out of his mouth. “I didn’t mean to get anyone hurt. Things just got out of hand. My reflexes and impulses have been ... more intense since injection day Friday,” he explained, which hey, was not a lie. His adrenaline too, but he wouldn’t mention that for the fact that he’d have no excuse to be ‘out of energy’ recently. “I’m sorry. I’m - I’m working on getting things under control, sir,” he murmured then, pursing his lips and then crinkling his nose in disapproval of his own words as he tried to figure out where the actual hell to snap this mod in. He was glad he had something to occupy his attention at least.
4. I am a bottom, although there will be rare times when I will switch or top. Keep this in mind when it comes to certain pairings - for example, in McHanzo, a lot of people see Han strictly as a bottom but if I played Jesse that would not be the case for us lol.
5. MxM only. Pretty self explanitory.
6. Smut is a must, although the RP does not have to revolve around it. Although it could if you wanted it to - so long as it’s there at some point, somehow, I do not mind.
7. These are not rules, but a few notes I’d figure I’d throw in together. I enjoy all themes for RPs - canon or AU, modern or fantasy. I also enjoy most genres, but my favorite are romance, angst, and fluff.
I think that’s all I’ve got. If you’ve read my rules as I’ve asked, and they all line up, please send me the words ‘cotton candy’ when you message me. They do not have to be put in a clever sentence, just saying the words will do lol.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!
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itstimetogetspooky · 6 years
Some of y'all like McCree as much as I do...so I made me a McAnyone server. Where anyone can share the cowboy love. You can rp, or just hangout. Gotta be 18+ just in case (sorry little ones) so message me for an invite!
Only rule: don't hate on anyone else
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overwatchrpnetwork · 6 years
Overwatch Roleplay Network
Overwatch Roleplay Network
Looking for a small, easygoing Overwatch roleplay?
Welcome to the Overwatch Roleplay Network! We’re an 18+ small, free form roleplay group based on Discord. We are also LGBT+ friendly. We allow both canon and AU roleplays and are ideally looking for multi-shippers to join us.
If you are interested in joining, please read over our rules and send us an ask with the character you want to join as. Check out our character list here. Thank you!
Right now we’re looking for a Genji that ships Genyatta and a Mercy that ships Moicy and Pharmercy!
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kiyunhee · 6 years
overwatch roleplay request
hello!! im looking to roleplay through messages/any other platform with overwatch ships! I do prefer literate RP’s.
ship with im interested in roleplaying:
moicy ( mercy x moira )
spiderbyte ( widowmaker x sombra )
mchanzo ( mccree x hanzo )
mcgenji ( mccree x genji )
genyatta ( genji x zenyatta )
pharmercy ( pharah x mercy )
thank you for reading!
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aspen-rp · 5 years
Need more RP partners
I do RP "spicy" stuff but only sub role really sorry ny'all
I can do most ships involving Hanzo or Genji as they're who I rp best as
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