#mcga Freya
blitz-and-hearth · 2 years
A collection of various possible demigod powers for Blitzen I've thought of over the years and want to put out in the world for the rest of the fandom to do whatever they will with
Charm speak. Very obvious love god/goddess power, influencing people with his voice. However rather than being able to control people I imagine it more like a dnd bard casting vicious mockery. He tells a giant "your shirt is ugly" and they spontaneous burst into flames lol
Kitty powers. Also obvious, something to do with cats. Can turn into a cat, can speak to cats or get them to do something for him ect. Maybe not great in battle but pretty useful for information gathering, stealth, things like that
Magical booster. This one's based off Freya being the goddess of magic and witchcraft. Rather than a power Blitzen can tap into himself, this power makes his friends' magic stronger when he's around. Especially strong if they're touching. (For extra chaos this could also amplify magic in general, including monsters and enemies)
Golden touch. Freya is also a goddess of gold, so perhaps something that allows him to turn things/people into solid gold. Either by touch or perhaps crying golden tears?
Life drain. Freya is also a goddess of death and war, so maybe something that mirrors Magnus' healing powers but in reverse. Like the Pokemon move giga drain just draining enemies of their life force. Lots of possibilities for interesting aus there
Necro-meow-cy. Continuing on with the death aspect summoning the undead is always a cool power. Expect I can't shake the idea of him only being able to summon undead felines. A zombie sabertooth tiger would be pretty fucking cool
I'll probably think of more later and add them on. Feel free to add some yourselves too
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So I finished the sword of summer today. WHY IS TAYLOR SWIFT A DWARF!!!
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augustbog · 2 years
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Parental Issues
(Jk thats the whole Riordanverse)
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corbin-is-sleepy · 6 months
Hey, do you guys think Blitz ever thought about all the ways he could've possibly convinced his dad to not go check on Fenris? Thinking of all the ways he could've some how ATTEMPTED to prevent his father's death.
As someone who was in a similar situation, trying to stop my own dad from doing something that could have cost him his life. (This person is ok thankfully, it had to do with a car accident, he's doing awesome now though dw!!)
I remember looking back thinking about what I could've done to prevent what happened, all the things I could've said or done. But eventually I accepted that it wasn't my fault, and in reality there wasn't anything I could've really done. And I was at peace with that eventually.
I like to think that with time, Blitzen came to terms with that too.
Dealing with the loss of your parent(or anyone for that matter) is so incredibly hard. But I love knowing that Blitzen at least had Hearth at SOME point after his father's death. He didn't have to face this completely alone.
I know I wouldn't want to deal with that kind of loss on my own.
So it's nice knowing that he didn't have to once Hearth came into the picture.
This was such a random rant, but it came to mind so I had to write it down before I lost my train of thought. Let me know what you all think!! If you feel like adding on, go ahead! I love reading what you have to say!!
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mallorykeen · 2 years
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theeravingraven · 1 year
I asked ChatGPT to write a fourth Magnus Chase book, here is what it gave me:
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Ragnarok
After defeating Loki and stopping the ship of the dead from sailing, Magnus Chase thought he could finally enjoy some peace and quiet. However, his peace was short-lived as a new threat arose in the Nine Worlds.
Word had spread that the Sword of Ragnarok, a weapon capable of ending the world, had been discovered. This news sent shockwaves through the gods and giants alike, as both sides knew the consequences of the sword falling into the wrong hands.
Magnus and his friends were tasked with finding the sword before it was too late. With the help of his trusty companions, including Samirah al-Abbas, Hearthstone, and Blitz, Magnus set out on a new adventure to prevent the end of the world.
Their quest led them to Jotunheim, where they encountered the giant king, Thrym. Thrym had obtained the sword and was planning to use it to bring about the end of the world. Magnus and his friends engaged in an epic battle with Thrym and his army of giants.
Despite the odds against them, Magnus and his friends emerged victorious. However, their triumph was short-lived, as they soon discovered that Thrym was not the true mastermind behind the sword's discovery.
The true culprit was revealed to be none other than Loki himself, who had orchestrated the entire scheme to obtain the sword for his own purposes. Loki had formed an alliance with other dangerous figures from the Nine Worlds and was planning to use the sword to gain ultimate power.
Magnus and his friends once again found themselves facing off against Loki, this time in a final showdown that would determine the fate of the Nine Worlds. In a battle that shook the foundations of the universe, Magnus and his friends emerged victorious, vanquishing Loki and destroying the Sword of Ragnarok once and for all.
With the threat of the sword gone, Magnus and his friends could finally rest easy, knowing that the Nine Worlds were safe once more. They returned to their respective homes, grateful for the bond they had formed and the adventures they had shared.
But they knew that their work was never truly done, as the Nine Worlds were always full of new dangers and challenges. And so, they remained ever vigilant, ready to face whatever came their way in the future.
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Norse Deities’ Fancast in Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Malin Åkerman as Freya
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alex-zucci · 2 years
painting a blitzstone fanart inspired by a song "mr loverman" rn and ugly crying because angst goes brrr
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misformillie · 4 months
It’s quite interesting reading two different books by two different authors about demigods with the same godly parent.
In one book the demigod knows a lot about fashion and resents his self-absorbed mother. In the other book the demigod can control growing things and just wants his down to earth mother to hug him.
And somehow they are brothers.
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blitz-and-hearth · 2 years
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living receipt Son of Freya
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nicohate · 3 months
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yearly redraw of my mcga freya kid oc asta
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caius-hhhhhh · 3 months
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As promised, I’ve gone and stuck my shelved but still finished chapter of a Blitzstone fic on AO3 because… that’s literally what it’s for. It’s the origin story of how Hearthstone fell to Nidavellir and how Blitzen learned ASL. 5,349 words, originally completed in late December 2023.
Blitzstone nation, my darlings, my dearests: I’m passing through but not super active in your fandom. I hope you like my contribution.
My regular followers, number one you should read Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. But if you haven’t and want to read this anyway? I’ve included a handy summary containing pertinent information below the cut <3
Yes, the name Blitz has some overlap. They have nothing in common. This Blitzen is a dwarf. Dwarves turn to stone when they are exposed to sunlight. This process can be reversed by submerging the statues in water. Their world (one of the nine in Norse mythology) is completely underground. Dwarves are revered for their ability to craft exceptional items. Canon doesn’t expand upon this, so I’ve invented the idea that Svartalves (singular Svartalf, it means “dark elf”. Yes, this character is Black. Yes, that’s jank as hell.) are a different race of dwarves with a distinct culture from Nidavellir dwarves. “Svartalf Mart” is a canon location, but I’m not actually sure if the equivalent is supposed to be “Asian Market” or “Human Store”.
Midgard is the world of humans. Most Norse creatures can travel between the nine worlds, although such travel is not always advisable.
Elves are creatures of light. Their world, Alfheim, is made of sunlight; because Frey is the patron god of Alfheim they have safe haven in his sister Freya’s world, Folkvanger.
This is not revealed in my work: Hearthstone has been severely abused by his family. They have shamed him for being Deaf, refused to learn ASL, and made him believe that his basic wants and needs like food and shelter were transactional. There is a moment in my fic where Hearthstone is given some coffee — he has never been given that privilege before. Luckily canon goes about showing this in a really hyperbolic manner that, to me at least, avoided being triggering by being so exaggeratedly Evil. (If you’re interested in reading MCGA but this subject is difficult for you, please, DM me: I’ll provide you with more detail and context. I did not find it hard to read, but you may.)
Near the end of the fic, Blitzen references Gleipnir: this is the divine rope that binds Loki’s son Fenris Wolf, who will swallow the moon at Ragnarok. His confinement is essential to preventing the worlds’ destruction.
If I’ve done my job correctly you should be able to intuit the majority of other information from either the work itself or your likely knowledge of Tolkien. (I, actually, had to get a lecture from my close associate SpaceWall as I don’t read LOTR.) Although it’s safe to bet that if you don’t know what a word is referring to, it’s more likely a reference to fibre arts.
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@satansfashionconsultant (On Hiatus)
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MCGA Masterpost
Art used in the dividers is the official art from "9 From the Nine Worlds" by Rick Riordan. Graphics by the amazing @saradika-graphics
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Blitzstone fanfiction please!
oh hell yeah
Endlessly Bright.
Blitzen flipped the sign from ᴏᴘᴇɴ to ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇᴅ, then sighed. He was so very tired.
Today had seen many difficult customers. One wanted alterations that didn't suit her, no matter how many times Blitzen told her that the dress wouldn't look as good. Another maintained he deserved a discount because he was a regular, though Blitz swore he'd never seen the man before. Yet another kept flirting with him, which made him uncomfortable. Especially considering what he planned to do today.
Hearth had stayed behind at the Chase Space. Alex and Magnus were visiting, while Blitz ran Blitzen's Best. Normally, whenever Alex and Magnus visited, Hearth would help Blitz around in the shop. But today, Blitz needed to be away from his boyfriend. He needed to build up his courage, not lose his nerve. He asked the elf to come over after he'd closed, to help him clean up and gather the clothes he hadn't put back into place.
As he turned away from the door, it opened again. He was about to call out, "We're closed now!" when he realized it was none other than Hearthstone.
Hello, he signed.
Hey, Blitz signed back. Busy day today.
I should've been here to help, the elf signed, annoyed.
It's okay, love. I was the one who told you to stay home. Blitz looked at his boyfriend, feeling blessed. C'mon, help me clean.
While Hearth went to fetch a broom and cleaned the floor, Blitz placed all the clothes back onto their hangers and into their place. Then, he turned to his boyfriend, who was gingerly putting the broom back into the closet in the room behind the counter.
He walked into the room next to him, and placed his hand on the elf's lower back. His elf.
Hearth turned at the contact. What's up?
Nothing. Just ... got a lot on my mind.
Do you want to talk?
Blitz paused. Yeah...
He sat down on the floor in the dim light of the room. Enough light for Hearth, enough darkness for Blitz. A balance, one they've always managed to find and maintain, despite their differences.
Hearth waited for the dwarf to talk. Blitz leaned into Hearth, and Hearth wrapped his arms around him, stroking his hair.
Finally, Blitz sighed and turned to face him. I've got a wedding to plan.
Hearth stared. What? Since when did you plan weddings?
Since I've had a wedding I wanted to plan.
Hearth wrinkled his nose. Smartass.
Blitz internally groaned. He was gonna have to find the balls to say what he wanted to say without beating around the bush. Will you help me? I want your input.
Hearth looked a bit confused. Um. Sure. Whose is it?
Blitz looked him dead in the eye. Ours. Then he took the box from his back pocket, and showed him the ring.
Hearth's hands, ready to sign a response, stopped dead at those words. At the sight of the ring.
Blitz immediately started panicking. What if he said no? What if he didn't ever want to get married? What if—
Blitz head snapped up to look at Hearth again. His expression clearly said, You what?
I want to marry you, dipshit, Hearth signed, green-tinged tears pooling in his eyes.
Blitz felt tears in his eyes too, blurring his vision. He placed the ring on Hearth's outstretched hand, onto his left ring finger.
Hearth looked at it tearfully. One for you?
What do you take me for? Blitz smiled. Of course I got one for me. We match.
Hearth took the box from his hand, and grabbed the ring. He put it onto Blitz's own left ring finger.
They smiled at each other. The culmination of all their years together, all their memories, all their tears and joys and love—all symbolised in that single ring.
Hearth leaned over and planted a soft kiss on Blitz's forehead. I love you, he signed, the sign familiar and well-loved.
I love you, too, Blitz signed back. I always have.
I always will, Hearth signed back.
The future seemed endlessly bright.
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fertbutt · 2 years
i get some dark academia vibes from samirah sometimes
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also gave her wings cause i think it'd be cool for valkyries to just have wings whenever they want. they dont even need them to fly it's just to show off ig lol. traditionally theyre usually black or white but some valkyries switch it up a little lol
also this is sort-of unfinished but im too lazy to clean it up
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bakedbananners · 2 years
Folkvangr people would love abba
Every time Blitzen goes there to visit he gets stuck in a Mamma Mia!-esque musical that lasts a good five days
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