#mc skins comms
scenelaser · 30 days
HI! I'm oppening comissions!
If you have Venmo please consider comissioning me, I have some big projects coming up on twitch/YT that I really could use the financial support plus just living
Either message or "ask" me what you want comissioned and we can discuss the price ^^
Here is a few examples of my art:
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Also I am oppening MC skin comms too!
If you want a MC skin or outfit change do the same thing if you want an art commission
Examples of skins I have made:
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sleepiestbutterfly · 10 months
Hi there!
My name is Butterfly and I make minecraft skins!! I am reopening my commissions, as I’m kind of in a bind rn with a bill and could use a little extra help. Please consider commissioning me! I have a nicely sized backlog of skins for previous clients if you’d like to see any not shown on my website!!
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tiny-burn · 2 years
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custom mc skins + portraits for me n my partner @sonslck :] both are based in local folklore
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codgod · 1 year
bwaaahaha i wanna subscribe to the jrwi patreon but i don’t get enough commission money to justify both it and spotify premium and i know i’m always gonna use spotify more </3
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dandyleyen · 11 months
Commissions 25% off
🎃All my art commissions are on SALE ! All comms 25% off until Nov 1.
If you were ever thinking of getting your characters (OCs or not) drawn up, or even just a minecraft skin, go check it out while the sale is still going on !
You can message through here or on etsy if you have any questions 🎃
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Etsy | Info & TOS | Portfolio
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might start posting some mc skins that i've made onto here bc i make a LOT of mc skins. i'm definitely not the BEST at making them but i'd say i'm at least above average at it!
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amethyst-allium · 1 year
Hey…. U got any games on ur phone
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catontwolegs · 9 months
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comms r open!! i would like to be able to treat myself a tiny bit on xmas, some may know but im not in a good financial/housing spot so ^_^ comms temporarily open like this^
i accept paypal & cashapp, something like this^ is $10-$15 depending on design complexity of your oc!! also! mc skins are still open! $8 for a minecraft skin! (NEED java or windows 10 bedrock)
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DM if interested :) -tiny disclaimer i can take a few days on your commission, i also take payments first! don't be afraid to ask for changes, my eyes are quite bad and coloring is really difficult for me but i'm trying <3
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I love the first meeting between Kruger and Sweetheart. How about the first meeting between Sweetheart and Alejandro and Rudy 👀
I'm so glad you liked it! ♡ this one is a bit longer I think than the last one
Warnings: blood, violence, gore, details of weapons, very tiny cod gun lore in there (if you notice it, I love you)
When Alejandro and Rodolfo met Sweetheart, they didn't think she would look like that. They thought that a person with the name 'Sweetheart' would be a medic, or maybe an assistant. Not a strikingly tall woman who looks like she can stomp your head in and go shopping for new shoes at the same time.
'It's nice to finally meet you both' she said to them, her regal like voice ringing in Rudy's ears. He had to stop himself from trembling. Alejandro grinned at her, telling her the same. 'It's nice to meet you as well, ma'am. I've heard alot about you.'
Of course he has. Her capitan and sergeant squawked non-stop about her when they met up with Los Vaqueros for the mission. She's well liked around her unit.
She's kind.
She's funny.
All good words complimented the woman with great expectations. The expectations were met tenfold to Alejandro.
You're staring too long at her. Snap out of it.
He walked Ghost, Soap and Sweetheart to the car they were taking for the travel, opening the door for Sweetheart. She chuckled at that. 'Such a gentleman.' She said. Alejandro's chest bursts with pride. 'Have to make a good first impression, estimado.' He says with such a flirty undertone, the other three men frown at him.
Don't step out of line, Alejandro. The outcome won't be good.
Her team followed suit in other cars. Rudy was the driver, fingers flexing on the steering wheel out of nerves. He wanted to pull over. He felt too lightheaded from her sweet scent swirling in the cramped car. Wanting to caress her arms while resting on her bosom, melting into her warm touch as they lay next to a fire. His fantasy took over his reality for too long as they already made it to their destination. Rudy breathes out when he gets out the car. He feels warm hand on his shoulder.
"You okay?" She asks, concern written on her face. Her beautiful, pretty face. And pretty lips.
He clears his throat. "I'm alright, flor-- I mean- ma'am! I- I meant ma'am." His cheeks flush with embarrassment as she giggles.
Such a pretty smile.
Alejandro was listening, unintentionally but there anyway.
Such a pretty laugh.
The day swirled into a blur, the soldiers already in the works of war. Bullets going off, bodies falling down, and Sweetheart carrying her weight. Alejandro and Rodolfo can't lie when they see Sweetheart actually fighting her way through the enemies like they were butter. Weilding a Remington 870 MCS breaching with 10" barrel, she goes ahead of them and blasts the heads off like balloons. She called it her 'fallen angel' when she was cleaning it at the base.
The blood splatters on her smooth skin, the sharp narrowing of her dark, focused eyes and her black curls now unraveled; she looks more like a warrior than a soldier. As she moves like a raging spirit in the wind, the bodies fall one by one in a mutilated mess.
"Mierda..." Rudy mumbles, hand covering his mouth. Her team seems to be used to this, staying behind and letting her do her thing with awestruck eyes.
She walks in their blood, mocking their loss as she stands over the terrified target.
"Target secured." She lowly says in the comms, picking up the stunned target by the collar like a wet cat. She walks by her team and other units, some stumbling back to get out of her way. Rudy and Alejandro part like the Red Sea, eyes glued on her figure. She's so much more, way much more than being kind and playful.
She's ruthless.
She's intimidating.
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pmpkn-juice-art · 5 months
hey followers, did you know im taking mc skin comms???
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$25 - full skin
$20 - for an outfit for done head+hairstyle
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i do 16x16 skins, both slim and classic, don't do HD skins or whatever
im not amazing with mecha, but i can try!
have some experience with furry/animalistic skins!
LOVE any plant related thingies, or fantasy/cottage core kinda stuff!!!
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apart from that, i also do:
custom model data! (carved pumpkin hats and plush toys, food items, sticks, any item you want to change the model of by overriding)
optifine models! (renamed 3D tools, armor, swords, elytras)
the price on these is negotiable, starting with $7 for an easy model and getting higher if it takes more time and effort
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please dm me for more info!!!!
and Please reblog i beg you..
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proxx-com · 5 months
hello everyone! i’m excited to announce that i have 5 slots of free Minecraft/pixel art/skin commissions open starting today! have a favorite animal, beloved pet, or item you want Minecraftified by me? then give me a holler!
these models will be going in a MC mod of mine, and if it’s a pet, have a name tag functionality like jeb_ or Toast the rabbit! what i can do- * skins of existing mobs (incl. my rats!) * items * new models (with 2 skins of your choice besides default) * mythological creatures, dinosaurs and real animals what i can’t do- * anything NSFW * bespoke models of characters that aren’t player skins * gore what you need to do- * follow me on Tumblr/Twitter or friend me on Discord at _proxxicles * shoot me a DM including a 2-side, clear ref sheet (if skin) * or, at least 3 images of your animal of choice- front, side, back- plus general images for your two bonus skins (if desired) * image of animal’s harness/collar/outfit if desired
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maddiesbookshelves · 9 months
Strictly no heroics, by B. L. Radley
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The world is run by those with the Super gene, and Riley Jones doesn’t have it. She’s just a Normie, ducking her way around the hero vs. villain battles that constantly demolish Sunnylake City, working at a crappy diner to save up money for therapy, and trying to figure out how to tell her family that she’s queer. But when Riley retaliates against a handsy superhero at work, she finds herself in desperate need of employment, and the only place that will hire her is HENCH. Yes, HENCH, as in henchmen: masked cronies who take villains' coffee orders, vacuum their secret lairs, and posture in the background while they fight. Riley's plan is to mind her own business and get paid...but that quickly devolves when she witnesses a horrible murder on the job. Caught in the thick of a gentrification plot, a unionization effort, and a developing crush on her prickly fellow henchwoman, Riley must face the possibility that even a powerless Normie can take a stand against injustice.
The writing was very reminiscent of tumblr folk tales, probably because B. L. Radley apparently used to(?) write on here. Or maybe I thought that because I knew Radley wrote on tumblr... Whichever it is, the vibes of the writing style were there, it was fun
It was also nice to have representation that doesn't end at "this character is gay, and this one is black": we get different gender and sexual identities, different body types (our MC doesn't have gressin limbs), different skin colors, Riley's sister even has a prosthetic leg. I feel like a lot of people would think it's too """woke""" but like, that's actually what the real world looks like outside of your bubble? Minorities are still a good chunk of the population and queer people do tend to band together, somehow. Anyways, I really liked that aspect of the story
The plot wasn't some convoluted evil master plan from some removed villain with the fate of the world at stake, it was closer to home (which makes sense given Riley and her lack of powers), so it was really refreshing and made the whole story seem way more realistic.
I'll definitely want to read more of Radley's works if they get more publishing deals after this one!
French version under the cut
Ceux dotés du gène des Super dirigent le monde, et Riley Jones n'en fait pas partie. Elle est une simple Normie qui esquive les combats incessants entre super héros et super villains qui détruisent Sunnylake City. Elle travaille dans un dinner minable pour pour payer sa thérapie tout en essayant de trouver le moyen de dire à sa famille qu'elle est queer. Seulement, lorsque Riley se venge d'un super héros aux mains baladeuses au travail, elle se retrouve en manque cruel d'un emploi et la seule entreprise qui veut bien l'embaucher est SBIRE. Oui, SBIRE, comme les sbires masqués des super villains qui prennent leur commande de café, nettoient leur repaire secret, et font les durs en arrière-plan pendant qu'ils se battent. Riley compte se mêler de ses affaires et toucher sa paie, mais ce plan tombe rapidement à l'eau lorsqu'elle assiste à un meurtre horrible au travail. Prise au milieu d'un complot d'embourgeoisement, d'une tentative de syndicalisation et ses sentiments naissants envers son irritable collègue, Riley devra faire face à la possibilité que même une Normie sans pouvoirs puisse prendre position contre l'injustice.
Le style d'écriture m'a rappelé les contes populaires de tumblr, probablement parce que B. L. Radley écrit (écrivait ?) sur le site. Ou peut-être que j'y ai pensé parce que je savais que Radley écrivait sur tumblr... Dans tous les cas, les vibes étaient là, c'était fun
C'était aussi sympa d'avoir de la représentation qui s'arrête pas à "ce personnage est gay et celui-là est noir" : on voit différentes identités de genres, différentes sexualités, types de morphologies (notre personnage principale n'a pas des membres-gressins), couleurs de peau. La soeur de Riley a même une prothèse de jambe. Je suis sûre que beaucoup de gens trouveraient ça trop """woke""", mais euh, c'est à ça que le monde réel ressemble en dehors de leur bulle ? Les minorités représentent quand même une bonne partie de la population et les personnes queer ont tendance à se regrouper, d'une façon ou d'une autre. Bref, j'ai vraiment apprécié cet aspect du roman
L'intrigue était pas un plan alambiqué fomenté par un lointain méchant où le sort du monde est en jeu, c'était une échelle plus humaine (ce qui a du sens au vu du manque de pouvoirs de Riley), donc c'était très rafraichissant et rendait l'histoire bien plus réaliste
Je lirai absolument plus de livres par Radley si iel publie d'autres livres à l'avenir !
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avallands-basement · 12 days
Matsumoto Sae
Name Matsumoto Hiraya Sae 末本ヒラヤ佐永
MC Name ARIS3 (Arise, Araisu)
Birthday July 7
Color #E09CFE
Age 20
Height 165cm
Blood Type O
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Profession International Private University Student MV editor (freelancer)
Hobby Insect Pinning
Weakness Dark rooms Reptiles
Trauma "I loved my nanny, I was always happy when she praised me. However, she would lock me in a small, dark room with no sound whenever I act out from the 'perfect lady' image she wanted."
Voice claim Alfakyun
Twitter @/Ari3 @/aripan (sub)
Emoji 🪭
Favorite Food Sweets
Drinks? Yes
Smokes? No
Special Skill Pathological Liar (lol)
the step-daughter of the current head of Matsumoto group, and former heiress. Due to reasons unknown to the public, she stepped down and currently living alone. Although she hasn't cut ties with her family, she's keeping distance from them. Formed the music group "Avalland" 2 years ago, and its leader as well as their MV editor.
Black hair and tanned skin that she got from her biological father, and pink-ish brown eyes from her mother. Her black hair is dyed with pink ombre and neon pink highlights, kept in a side ponytail with white and pink striped bow. Casual She wears sleeveless blouse with thin pink ribbon on her default casual appearance, paired with long blue skirt and white frills. Her white blouse is topped with a light fuchsia-ish colored sweater. She often wears thigh high stockings and brown heeled suede loafers. Stage Outfit [i dont know how to explain it rn have this]
Sae as a child is very quiet and reserved, but can be quite teasing while having a straight face (when it comes to her only childhood friend). When it comes to having to present herself in front of strangers, she would put on her noble lady act especially in front of the people her step-father is connected with.
Sae doesn't usually talk to people first unless she has to, though she isn’t one to reject a conversation with anyone. She appears polite but builds up a wall to strangers, usually keeping conversations short. Due to her upbringing, she holds up her “proper lady” mask. Often helps others when asked to, which has her gain good reputation and image. Although she became more expressive in recent years, she still put up her noble lady act finding it enjoyable. When it comes to those she’s close and comfortable with, she’s very playful and talkative. Regardless of who she interacts with, she easily gets tired of interacting with anyone.
Despite being quite straightforward and blunt at times, she had developed the habit of setting her feelings aside, finding confrontations troublesome and would turn a blind eye on a situation (unless it concerns her). She's very loyal to her friends, often going along with them especially if it's something she views as entertaining.
Age 6 -Parents divorced
Age 8 -Mother married the heir of Matsumoto Group (currently the head^) -Nanny is appointed to her
Age 9 -Named as heiress -Learned basic stage acting
Age 12 -Joined theater club in middle school
Age 13 -Nanny left -Begun assisting the head of Matsumoto group
Age 15 -Stepped down from the heiress position
Age 16 -Started high school -Meets Rinia, Masaya & Yoshino
Age 18 -Gets admitted to university -Formed Avalland
Age 20 -Now
Start Time | End Time | Activity
12:00 AM | 02:30 AM | Work on comms/fanmade MVs
02:30 AM | 08:00 AM | Gets called by Yoshino ( “Go to sleep”), Sleep
08:00 AM | 09:00 AM | Wake-up, shower
09:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Either eats take out, eats outside, or eat at Suzue residence
10:00 AM | 12:00 PM | Class
12:00 PM | 01:00 PM | Lunch
01:00 PM | 04:00 PM | Class
04:00 PM | 07:00 PM | Either at ChocoSweetie Bakery or at Suzue residence to hang out
07:00 PM | 08:00 PM | Dinner either at Suzue residence or at home
08:00 PM | 10:00 PM | Take a nap / studying or doing schoolwork
10:00 PM | 12:00 AM | Work on commissions/fanmade MVs
Relationships and Appellations
→To OCs →To Gen1 →To Gen2 →Buraikan
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codgod · 1 year
hmm. thoughts on me offering pay-what-you-want ko-fi doodles alongside my regular commissions?
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bobisnotaperson · 3 months
if i eventually start comms do you think 40 dollars would be too much for just lines on my normal style art? there's other stuff im thinking of having as options too... blockbench puppets and mc ears mod skins...
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sojrner-fishsticcc · 1 year
truesona model! (+ life update!)
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yeahg!!!! im finally back!!!!
i havent touched modeling in like 6 weeks and i still have a few comms that i really need to work on since theyre as far back as like... six weeks ago lol. and i picked them up right before a bunch of things that meant i couldnt work on them like finals n other school stuff. so i totally forgor how to model. lmao. so this was a fun exercise to reteach myself! i made my truesona, thats meant to be me but with the boxhead i mentioned i while ago (WHICH I FINISHED!!! LIKE ITS DONE!!! I NEED TO POST IT THO) with a cute lil outfit! she has a variant thats compatible with vanilla, but the ears look really flat n sad :( but this version works! i might try to port her to figura too, since figura allows bolting parts onto skins instead of totally replacing the vanilla model, which removes a lot of jank.
so ya! back now, gonna try to FINALLY do all those commissions and then open up another wave. also while i was gone i saw spamalot, the monty python play and like. hgoly shit. its so good. oh and you guys really liked that shimp texture i made! like wow you really liked that. that was a lil one off joke for a class im taking on mc modding so... shimp might be in game soon. but thats all for tonight.
goodnight weird people :3
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