#maze solvers
stevebattle · 9 months
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Putan (1981) by Namco, Tokyo, Japan. Namco's "Maze Escape Robot: Putan" has a more humanoid form than its big brother, Goro. "Namco established a robotics division to produce robots for entertainment centers and festivals, such as those that distributed pamphlets, ribbon making machines, and a robot named Putan that solved pre-built mazes." – 65 Facts About Namco.
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remember-digimon · 4 months
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Izzy is the reason all these kids are still alive btw just wanted to make sure we all know that
So Izzy is smart. He brings a laptop and cellphone to summer camp and uses big words. But thankfully he does not fall into the trap of 'smart kids' of western media; overly nerdy, completely socially inept, you get the idea. No, Izzy is more than that. His intelligence has a basis in something besides a trope; namely, computer science and engineering.
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(Don't even get me started on Matt being the one to go into engineering when IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IZZY)
From the moment the kids land in the Digital World, Izzy is curious about it. His crest is knowledge but I really think it should've been curiosity. He gets Tentomon to evolve by hacking his code. He comes up with some aliens conspiracy to explain why they're there and why there's things like phone booths on the beach.
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Izzy is the problem solver of the group. In fact, without him, the other kids are just... Kinda lost. Izzy has the answers, and if he doesn't he'll at least know how to find them.
Even though he's younger than the others, being 10 when they're 11, they treat him as an equal. This is opposed to the other kid that's 10, Mimi, who is kind of coddled, and the two youngest, TK and Kari, who are literally the hope and light of the group.
Izzy is basically Tai's second-in-command, deferring to Tai's leadership while Tai takes his input very seriously. However, Izzy isn't much of a leader on his own.
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He gets distracted by details. When Mimi finds him in the temple, he's so busy on his laptop that she gets upset and runs off into a maze. I would attribute this to him being younger, and as he gets older he does get better at applying his intelligence to a leadership role.
Most of the kids have an interesting family dynamic and Izzy is no different. It's revealed that he's adopted, that his birth parents died shortly after he was born and his adoptive parents were friends that took him in.
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What I like about this reveal is that, of course, Izzy found this out on his own due to his curiosity. He overheard his parents discussing whether or not they should tell him, deciding not to because he's too young.
During the Odaiba raid, when the kids have a moment, Izzy gets to finally have the conversation. They admit that he's adopted and tell him what happened, and he says he already knows. He didn't want to bring it up himself because he thought he could just pretend like things were normal, like before he knew. But obviously it couldn't. This shows the price he pays for his curiosity, that sometimes knowing things isn't all fun times and computer jargon. It isn't helpful for Izzy to pretend to not know, to ignore what he knows. Instead it's better for him to apply what he knows to react appropriately, instead of hiding behind the easier mode of willful ignorance.
This also comes into play, though in a different way, during Izzy's confrontation with Vademon. Izzy gives away his curiosity (under extreme duress but still) and is basically empty of all character after that. He does a weird alphabet yoga meditation and willingly gives up his crest and tag, when earlier in the episode his curiosity was at a boiling point over it.
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This causes Tentomon to de-digivolve to the baby stage; the only other partner Digimon to go back to this stage is Patamon. With the loss of his curiosity, Izzy has lost the core of his being and is no longer able to maintain Tentomon's existence.
Of course, he gets it back and everything is fine afterwords. This episode is very interesting when looking at how things work for the kids and their Digimon, why the crests are important, etc. But that's a post for another time.
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Izzy is incredibly important to the team. Without him, I highly doubt they would've made it very far at all. He's able to look up Digimon on his laptop, kind of like a Digimon version of a Pokedex, when none of the currently present Digimon can give an explanation about who they're up against. But aside from his usefulness as the Smart Kid, it's noteworthy that he uses his intelligence to be helpful instead of lording it over everyone. And he is still a kid, albeit with an impressive vocabulary, so sometimes his curiosity gets him into trouble.
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(Murder Drones Episode 7 spoilers!)
Cult. It's a cult. This is definitely a cult. They probably don't even realize it but it is undeniably some kind of cult.
Nori what are you doing. Nori why are you like this.
The cross is a USB??
They're keeping the Drones themselves in the lockers??
Of course the unpaid intern whose opinion doesn't matter is the only one with any sympathy for them.
Pink Solver core?? SOLVER LIZZY?!?
Ah great, the Envy shippers are gonna be using this as "proof" that he's still in love with V.
Tessa. Stop. I was willing to give you the benefit of a doubt but you're not doing yourself any favours.
And now she's being racist. Way to go.
"The power of a black hole in the palm of my hand."
Did they change Thad's VA? He sounds different.
Was that V? Is she already back?
Eldritch V??
I can't wait for people to meme about his perfectly cut scream there.
Not going near the corpse. Smart move.
She hugged him. That's probably a good thing, right? That's probably proof that the real Cyn is still in there somewhere, right? THAT PROBABLY MEANS SHE MISSES HIM AND IS GENUINELY SORRY RIGHT
Nothin' like a good old-fashioned Robot Uprising Apocalypse, eh? In other news, Skynet is suing the Solver for copyright infringement.
Those admin privileges comin' in handy. Unfortunately they don't do much in the physical world.
Uzi has absolutely no reason to be crawling and scuttling around like a creature right now except for the simple fact that she wants to. Never change, little gremlin.
Oh I don't think you should watch that. N was right, y'know, there's probably stuff down here you don't wanna see.
Why does this remind me of the garbage maze in FNaF Security Breach?
Okay so it's not some kind of disembodied Solver Lizzy core. Don't blame me, the lights looked pink before and the cat ears headphones reminded me of Lizzy's bow.
Khan? A hunk? In the words of Professor Membrane, NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!!
"How do you know my daughter?" "Well y'see, it all started when we tried to kill each other..."
Oh it was J. Is it bad to say I'm kind of relieved?
Are we getting the cool edgy Khan from the concept art??? Bro why are you so nonchalant about it being the end of the world.
INB4 people go frame-by-frame through the list looking for the most Russian-sounding name and say "THERE, THAT'S DOLL'S DAD"
Tessa was that really necessary? You're giving really bad vibes right now.
Patch? So the Solver can be removed? And she knows? Again, major bad vibes.
*FNaF 2 Foxy jumpscare*
I'm starting to suspect Yeva either can't or chooses not to talk.
Is she saying the Solver wiped her memory of the labs? I guess that would explain a few things.
N being so polite and cute as always.
What do you mean, "found its way back?" Where did it go? Is the timeline completely wrong? Did it start on Copper-9 then go to Earth then return to Copper-9? I'm so confused.
Nori why are you so casual about the prospect of your own daughter being a planet-eating eldritch abomination. This is exactly why I'm worried about the fandom giving you the Rose Quartz treatment.
I told you not to watch it, Uzi.
Welp, so much for Doll. Consider this karma for killing V. But "fight back?" Does that mean it can be resisted?
So now we know where Uzi gets it from.
Whoa, didn't see that coming. No face reveal?? Does that mean she really is a Drone???
Imagine meeting your daughter for the first time and she's currently being possessed by an eldritch abomination masquerading as her boyfriend's dead sister.
Every time I think this episode's about to end on a cliffhanger it doesn't.
Oh no, now people are gonna write fics about Nori being vored by her own daughter.
"Hang out" is code for "date." "Hang out" is code for "boyfriend and girlfriend." "Hang out" is code for "madly in love with each other." "HANG OUT" IS CODE FOR "WE MAKE SWEET AND PASSIONATE LOVE TOGETHER EVERY SINGLE NIGHT WE'RE ALREADY PLANNING THE WEDDING AND I'M GONNA WEAR THE DRESS AND WE'RE GONNA NAME OUR KIDS GLOCK AND BAYONET"
Literally smacked the sense back into her.
Imagine meeting your mom for the first time and you don't know who she is and she's a gross little fleshy crab-spider-thing similar to what your boyfriend's jerk boss turned into so you punt her into a bottomless pit and she makes a dodgeball noise.
My last two brain cells while watching this episode. Now would be a really good time for you two to kiss.
Oh good gosh she's not dead. Okay it wasn't at all necessary to put your head on backwards.
Sorry J but you're still not plot relevant yet, you're not allowed to participate.
J: *sees the railgun* *has war flashbacks*
*Uzi falls* *screen fades to white* *UNDERTALE*
The Void???
Glitch I beg of you please don't make us wait another half a year for the next episode. And Liam please don't let it end after one season.
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theimaginethinker · 10 months
Beyond the Walls (Gally x Female! Reader)
Chapter Warings: Language, Violence, Death, Use of Y/N
Chapter 1: Introduction
I stood at the gates of the maze with Harriet and Sonya waiting for the walls to open.
“To tell you both the truth, I’m ready to get out of this icy hell.”  I told the girls with a little laugh. Looking around the spring, seeing girls get up to get ready to go to work.
“Us too.” Harriet said back to me, rubbing her hands together.
“Well, look at this way we do get another girl today.” Sonya interjected with her joyful glee she always seems to have.
 “Well, a newbie for Ximena to welcome into our lovely Spring.” I said sarcastically and tightened my laces. The gates start to open, and I turn to the girls standing next to me. “I’ll see y’all later.”
“Stay safe” They yell at me as I take off down the corridor.
(7 hours)
“Hey, let me go” I yelled as men dressed in all black clothing carried me away. I had just found a way out and when they came out of nowhere to grab me. They put me in an all-white room, reminding me of when it snows in the Spring.
“Hello Y/N. Do you know who I am?” A woman much older than me in all white asked me. She was a little taller than me with blonde hair and a few wrinkles in her face. Her skin is fair with some color in her cheeks. Her hair was pulled back tight making her round face pull back with it.
“Should I?” I asked.
“No, you should not. But you found a way out faster than we planned.” She sat down in a chair across from me. “And we can’t have you go back in. So, we are going to put you through another test while we wait.” she told you with a smile. A smile I didn’t like, one that told me that the ‘test’ wasn’t going to be one that I’ll like.
“What is tha-” I started before I felt a prick in the side of my neck, and everything went black. When I awoke, I was in the hottest place I ever remember being in. Looking around all I see is sand, blue sky with a hot sun, and what looked like a building in the distance. “Well, this is different.” I said to myself, I put my hands in my pockets to find a piece of paper. ‘Survive. Find Safe Haven.’ is all that is written on it. Great.
Time skip (A week)
“Come on this way.” A man told me leading me down a tunnel underground. I had been in what these people have been calling the Scorch for about a week before these men found me. And decided that I was worth keeping after I was able to steal from them without them noticing, and that I was from WCKD.
“Lawrence, we found this WCKD Immune walking around the scorch. What should we do with her?” The man said, not mentioning I easily steal from them. Another man stood next to a plant that held flowers. The man turned to me showing that he didn’t have part of his nose. He stared me up and down, thinking.
“We could sell her back to WCKD. Bet they pay good money for an immune.” The man told the man who found me. No. I’m not going back to those people ever, if I go back terrible thing will happen.
“Or I can help you. I used to do the maze and I was also a medic in my maze. I’m one hell of a problem solver and a great negotiator. I can do anything you give me and help any way I can. Plus, I stole from your man without them noticing” I said quickly to not be sold back the WCKD. “Something this guy forgot to mention, probably to save his humility.” Both heads quickly turn to me then they look at each other. 
“Why were you in the Scorch by yourself?” The man asked me as he waved to me to come closer with his hand.
“I found my way out of the maze quicker than WCKD intended. They didn’t know what to do with me, so they stuck me in the middle of that waist land and told me to find a way. That was it. I wanted to go back for my friends, but they grabbed me before I could do so. Guessing so I couldn’t go and get the rest of them out, ruining whatever plans they have.” I explain to them.
“We keep her. Train her. She is going to become a great aspect to our cause.” He said, giving me a small smile. “She is not afraid to stand up and talk. We can use that to make alliances. She may also be able to help us with WCKD compounds.” He went back to his roses. “Jasper, get her a place to rest and new clothes.” the man nodded at me to follow him. “What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked me.
“Y/N.” I stopped and turned to him.
“Welcome to our world Y/N. You can call me Lawerence.”
“Thank you.” I gave Lawrence a nod before going back to following the man named Jasper.
Time Skip (4 months)
“Okay, this should be Maze Trial A. An all-boys group, from what we have gathered, they escaped just a few days ago. So, the compound should be abandoned.” I told my group as we got out of our vehicles. “What we are here for is information we can use, and any weapons left behind. But stay sharp. We don't know if WCKD has put any hidden sensors or anything like that.” We open the door with our guns ready. Walking in I see two bodies on the ground. The first one I came to was a boy no older than 14 years old, curly hair and a round face. God why does it have to be the younger ones. I pulled my mask off after feeling his pulse looking at the gunshot wound in his chest. His skin was cold and the was no pulse, not even a shallow one. “He's gone.” I told them moving to the older blonde headed looking boy, who looked to be my age. I hear a few curses from the men towards WCKD as I walk over to the other boy. He had a spear in his chest. Checking his pulse, I could feel a very light pulse. “He’s not thought. I need help over here, we got a live one.” I yelled out.
“Y/N he’s not going to make it.” The other medic of the group tells me.
“We need to save him, if he's immune. He’s worth saving.” I told him. “I need everyone else to spread out and search the compound. We move out in 30.” I yell out to everyone else as we get to work on the boy. Slowly getting him back stable and the spear out of him. That's when I notice his vines and start searching, seeing a needle looking thing next to me. “Hey, he’s been stung. I need the antidote.” I yell out, and he starts to shake. He gains some sort of consciousness back as he opens his eyes up some, looking at the other medic before looking at me. We lock eyes I give him a small smile. “Don’t worry we got you.” I told him as his eyes closed.
Time Skip (A few days)
I sat in my living area, being of a higher rank gives me a better space. Being a good friend to Lawrence gives me an even better space. I’m going over the files that were collected from our Maze A mission. Information left behind was more than we expected as WCKD usually wipe everything. I guess they didn’t have time to wipe everything, just the info on the test subjects that were being held and tested in the maze. I was focused on the task at hand when I hear a cough coming from my sleeping space. As I was the one that wanted to save the boy, I had to be the one to take care of him. One of the rules made by Lawrence. Getting up I walk over to see him already sitting up in my makeshift bed.
“How are you feeling stick?” I asked. The boy immediately jumped up and looked at me. Getting into a fighting like stance.
“Who are you, where am I, and how did I get here?” he questioned. I put my hand up to stop him.
“My name is Y/N. You're in my apartment, in a safe compound just outside the last city. We saved you from WCKD compound Maze A, a few days ago and brought you here to heal. And just so you know we are not WCKD nor selling you back.” I told him, walking farther into the room.
“How can I trust you?” He asked angrily standing up, walking towards me and towering over me. Something I didn’t take too kindly to, but it was kind of hot. Well, I can emit that the boy is a little cute.
“Because WCKD decided that they were going to take me. A female who spent the time of her life that she could remember in a frozen hell and throw her into the middle of the desert. Just because she finished one of their trials too quickly. The same female who saved you after the other medic in her group told her that it might not be worth it. That same female who gave you her bed to recover in, has been watching over you and who’s been changing your bandages for the past few days.” I say to him before turning around to walk out of the room. “You’ll meet with Lawrence in an hour, he is the boss around here. And you're welcome for saving your life.” I said as I walked away. “Oh, your new clothes are on the chair.” I called behind my shoulder. I told someone to inform Lawrence that the boy was awake.
A few minutes later the boy walks out now dressed in black pants and a gray hoodie. And if I was to tell you the truth, the boy is cute. With his short but not shaved hair and warm brown eyes. He was skinny but still built, most likely from the food WCKD gave them to eat. “You hungry?” I asked and all he does is nodded his head. I get up heading to my small kitchen, as he follows me. I make him a plain meat and cheese sandwich and he quickly eats it. Making me have a small smile which he gives back.
“Um…” he starts getting my attention. “You said something about WCKD, were you a part of it at some point?” He questions as I sit across from him at the small table.
“I’ll tell you, but you have to tell me your name first.” I told him.
“Gally.” He said very quickly as I chuckled at it.
“Hello Gally. Well, I’m just like you, a test subject of WCKD. I was put into a maze to be tested on. I got out too early and so they put me in the middle of the desert.”
“You said you came from a frozen hell. The maze I was in  wasn’t frozen, and it was all boys. Well, we were all boys until.” he cut himself off.
“They made our maze different. Yours was more of a heat and humidity type environment. Mine was cold and icy. I mean we had to use ice skates instead of running the maze because it was just covered in ice. They probably did it to see which environment worked better for whatever they were needing it for.”
“And then were you all girls or?”
“We were all girls, when I was there­.” I replied as there was a knock on my door. “That's the cue. Time to find out your fate Gally.” I told him with a smile as I walked him to where Lawrence was. “You’ll be fine. And don’t stare.” I said with a smile, and he just looked at me confuse before walking in.
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gravityglitch-blog · 6 months
Okay, so I just finished the new Murder Drones episode. I feel like I understand even less now. Someone please tell me I'm not alone in this feeling.
A long post, spoilers and my barely coherent thoughts about moments that stood out to me under the cut.
What exactly is JC Jensen in Spaaaace trying to accomplish with these experiments? Nori and the other Workers must have been suffering so much at their hands. One thing I found touching in an otherwise horrifying flashback was Yeva caring for Nori, even through the nightmare they were living.
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It was sad to see Uzi being scared of N again.
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Newfound respect for Doll, standing up to her own nightmare.
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Tessa has been setting off my alarm bells since she first landed, but I wasn't expecting what she did to Doll or...whatever this is. Then again, this really isn't Tessa at all, is it?
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I'm still thinking the Solver consumes planets and life, like Galactus from Marvel comic books. The flashback inflicted on N shows a world trying to fight back.
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This next shot comes after the scene of V and J on the ground. Are these new Disassembly Drones we haven't met yet?
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Nori meeting N...one of the first things she says is, "Hey, you look familiar." So the theory that N killed her before can't be dismissed yet. Even in this weird setting, it's adorable that, down to her literal core, Nori still loves Khan.
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The fight with Solver Uzi moved too quickly for me to get a good screenshot (the animation in this episode was so good) but the way N broke it up, omg
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(Little hearts and everything 💛💜)
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This is the part that genuinely made me laugh in this confusing maze of horror.
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And this is the part that made me want to cry, especially when he strokes her hair.
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Uzi and N dangling over basically a hellmouth, and her loving him enough to sacrifice herself.
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I feel like she must at least suspect something is on the other side, or this is the calmest fall-to-doom I have ever seen.
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Here I think she's looking into the eye of the Solver itself, like the Eye of Sauron. Is she truly in outer space or is this a hallucination? I guess only the next episode will tell.
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Shifting focus a little, I was really happy to see these guys again, especially Khan. I've been hoping that he'd take a more active role and fight for his daughter.
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He actually built Uzi's rail gun😭
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J remembers the rail gun. I love that shot of Lizzy and Thad. I hope the fan theories about them being siblings are true, they'd make a great brother and sister team.
In conclusion, this episode was a rollercoaster.
Still not entirely sure of what I just saw or how I feel about it, only that it can be summed up by this image
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This one, too, actually
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Thank you for reading this far.
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holeinthehedgerow · 7 months
I feel like a potato in a potato sack.
Covered in coarse, rough, Burlap.
The ugliest material in the world.
I wake up at eight.
Get there by nine,
The rest is an endless sea of burlap.
Why put burlap on the walls?
What could have been so wrong with the walls?
The walls couldn’t have been uglier.
I don’t think anything could ever be
That brownness.
I’ve never seen any brown like it.
How could a brown look so un-earthy.
It’s alien brown
It’s not green,
It’s not white,
It’s not even brown,
It is burlap.
I have a plant.
It’s a cactus.
I forget to water it until it dies.
I replace it with a new one when it does.
I have some pictures,
Stuck to the walls in-between the burlap.
One is of a beach.
I’ve never actually been.
The color of the ocean drained by fluorescent lights.
I have a computer too,
Usually a screen full of cells,
Like a room full of cubicles.
It stops working,
And I unplug it,
And plug it in again,
And it starts working,
I’m a problem solver just like my resume says I am.
I get mail on it sometimes with jokes.
I never laugh at the jokes,
I always say I did later on.
I’m like a rat in a lab experiment.
I’m in a maze made from tiny burlap covered walls.
But there’s no cheese,
Just an endless sea of tiny
Burlap cubicles.
But I’m not a rat,
I have two legs,
I can stand up,
And if I stand up,
I can see over the edge of the tiny walls.
I hardly ever stand up.
There’s nothing to see up there but an endless sea
Of burlap cubicles.
I stand up now,
Look out across the checkered burlap squares.
An army of hunched over data enterers staring at fluorescent flickering screens.
All I hear is the sound of clicking keys,
And a distant weird buzzing that never seems to stop,
And yet never seems to exist at all.
I need a drink.
I feel dried out like my cactus.
I walk over to the water cooler.
I’m like a hamster drinking from his giant sippy bottle.
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ameliagomez08 · 10 months
Matrices and Algorithms: A Deep Dive into MATLAB Mastery!
Embarking on the academic journey often feels like navigating a complex obstacle course, and for many students, Matlab assignments stand out as formidable hurdles. As a student who has traversed these challenges, I stumbled upon a game-changing solution – a remarkable website that emerged as my ultimate obstacle solver. In this review, I aim to shed light on the invaluable assistance provided by this platform, emphasizing how it became the compass that guided me through the maze of Matlab assignments. The first encounter with MATLAB left me feeling overwhelmed and ill-equipped to tackle the complexities embedded in the assignments. However, my academic trajectory took a positive turn when I stumbled upon a website that promised to be the beacon of light amidst the coding chaos. The obstacle solver in question specializes in Matlab assignment help, positioning itself as the go-to resource for students grappling with the intricacies of this programming language. What sets this platform apart is its holistic approach to addressing the multifaceted challenges associated with MATLAB assignments. From basic coding exercises to advanced algorithmic implementations, the website boasts a comprehensive array of services that cater to students at various proficiency levels. 
Navigating through the website, I was immediately struck by the user-friendly interface that facilitated seamless exploration of its features. The obstacle solver, as I fondly began to refer to it, offered a structured layout, ensuring that even those unfamiliar with the complexities of MATLAB could easily find the assistance they needed. The website is a testament to the creators' understanding of the obstacles students face, and their commitment to dismantling these barriers through accessible and user-centric design. 
One of the standout features that transformed this website into my preferred obstacle solver was the pool of experienced and knowledgeable experts it housed. The platform prides itself on a team of MATLAB aficionados who not only possess a deep understanding of the language but also have a knack for simplifying complex concepts. This expertise was evident in the quality of solutions provided, as each assignment was approached with a level of precision and clarity that surpassed my expectations. 
The obstacle solver's commitment to academic integrity was another feather in its cap. Plagiarism-free solutions were delivered promptly, addressing not only the immediate hurdles of assignment completion but also instilling confidence in the academic integrity of the work submitted. This emphasis on originality resonated with my commitment to producing authentic and well-researched assignments. 
As a student, one of the recurring obstacles is the looming deadline. MATLAB assignments, with their intricate nature, often require time and dedication that can be challenging to squeeze into a tight schedule. Here, the obstacle solver emerged as a time-management ally, providing prompt and efficient solutions without compromising on quality. The website's commitment to meeting deadlines ensured that my academic journey remained on track, even in the face of stringent submission timelines. 
The real-time communication channels offered by the website further contributed to its status as my trusted obstacle solver. The platform facilitated direct interaction with the assigned experts, fostering a collaborative learning environment. This not only ensured that the final solution aligned with my understanding of the assignment but also allowed for valuable insights into MATLAB's intricacies. The obstacle solver thus transformed from a mere service provider to a learning companion, demystifying the challenges posed by MATLAB assignments. 
In conclusion, the website emerged as my beacon of hope in the academic wilderness, a reliable obstacle solver that dismantled the complexities of coding and programming. From its user-friendly interface to the expertise of its dedicated team, every facet of the platform was designed to address the unique challenges students face when dealing with MATLAB assignments. As I reflect on my academic journey, it's clear that this website wasn't just a service provider; it was the unwavering support that transformed obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning. 
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Yexiao: Thousand Wishes
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Designer’s Reflection: Thousand Wishes
Obtained: first Chinese New Year hell event
Rarity: UR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Thousand Memories
Story - transcripts from Design’s Reflections
Chapter 1 - Blossoms Fall
Chapter 2 - Blooming Flowers
Chapter 3 - Winter Arrives
Chapter 4 - Spring Returns
Chapter 5 - Blooming Again
Story - summarized
Everyone ages, but not Yexiao. Ten years could pass by, and not a single part of her will change. She used to live with a family of three and spend time painting with the little girl. Unfortunately, the other villagers were scared of her unique trait and formed a mob to try to run her out of town,
The little girl rushed to defend Yexiao, leaving the child with a scar on her arm. Tearfully, the two of them said goodbye. So, Yexiao drifted from town to town, never staying longer than a few years at a time. And every time she left, her memories would fade. It was like starting over with the seasons, but it still hurt to let go of something so precious.
During one of her moves, she comes to Cloudcrest, to the home she currently stays in. An elderly lady lives there, too, and Yexiao finds contentment caring for her and painting the blossoms in the yard. Just as she is getting comfortable, a young man finds her and asks about her paintings. He mentions a legendary designer of old who would make similar paintings to Yexiao’s.
She worries that this man has figured out her secret. After he leaves, she packs her belongings and tries to leave. But the old lady falls ill, and while her last living child lives in town, she still needed attention. Yexiao decides to wait until the lady is better before leaving Cloudcrest.
Seasons change, but the old lady is still sick. When spring comes, the young man comes to call again. This time, he shows a painting that came from the same yard that Yexiao and the old lady live in. It’s not Yexiao’s painting, so that means it has to be the old lady’s.
But something in the painting is familiar. Memories resurface, and Yexiao asks to check the old lady’s arm. Sure enough, there is a scar there - the same scar the little girl had when she defended Yexiao from the angry mob.
This is that little girl! A hundred years have passed, and she is still here.
The young man knows, but he never had any attention of tattling on her. His name is Qin Yi, and he only wants her help in finding the Puzzle Solver. Otherwise, he leaves her alone.
Yexiao enjoys the rest of the season painting with the old lady in the yard.
-Qin Yi asks if Yexiao is the Puzzle Solver. In Vol. 1, you help Nikki find the Puzzle Solver to unlock the secret of Leonid’s Manuscript.
-This is not the first time Yexiao has had to deal with her immortality. In Mind Maze Ch. 5, she used to live in Banyan Town, which was a perfect village that lasted forever - until waters from the Ocean of Memories seeped through and slowly destroyed everything, except Yexiao.
-While the Yexiao we know was “born” on the Ark (and therefore can’t age or die by natural causes), we time travel to the past in the Dunhuang hell event and see Yexiao working for Queen Joyeux. This may very well be Yexiao’s “original self,” who could still age and change.
Fun Facts
-During the hell event, when Nikki and Momo collect wishes in Luming’s place, they find Yexiao’s wish. All she wants is to live a content life, to enjoy her life, and that nothing changes again.
-In Chinese symbology, peaches are tied to immortality.
-The old lady has severe dementia, which not only impacts your memory but disrupts certain behavioral patterns or functions. It’s why she gets stuck on certain “loops” like asking for someone’s parents or insisting she go outside to find someone.
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worldsofzzt · 10 months
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Source “The Amazing Maize Maze” by Zinfandel (2021) Published by: Sokoban Solvers Games [maizmaze.zzt] - “Title screen” Play This World Online
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stevebattle · 9 months
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Pacman robot (2005) by Namco, Tokyo, Japan. Celebrating their 50th anniversary, Namco present their Pacman maze-solving robot at the IREX 2005 Robotics show. Speaking about their exhibit, Namco's Takashi Yamazaki says, "Both Pacman (the video game) and the micromouse contest started just over 25 years ago. They share the hearts and spirits of at least two generations of engineers. The young designers that played Pacman in the 80's and participated in the early micromouse competitions, also went on to lay the foundations for the robots we use today. Namco, the creator of Pacman, and long time sponsor of the micromouse competitions in Japan, designed a full size, fully functional Pacman game to commemorate this long association, and hopefully to inspire today's young designers and engineers to bring robotics to the next level." – Pacman – The Rest Of The Story, by Lem.
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awebkinzblog · 2 years
I don't know how you do it
But you somehow manage to set up your mazes in such a way that I never find the end early. Maybe I'm just a good maze-solver.
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slunch · 2 years
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adapted the maze generator/solver to a hexagonal grid
draw the walls, then draw the connections
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lucere-aeresta · 2 years
Gay Sherlock Holmes Pastiches Review - Sherlock Holmes and John Watson: The Night They Met
Purchase link here.
My score: I don't get it.
Yep, I don't have a star score for this book because it is not for me. It so not for me that I barely finished it by skimming through and skipping bits and pieces. Personally, I would have given it a very low score, but I don't feel it is fair for the book.
Book reviews are very likely to be subjective, and the stars, for example, on Goodreads, represent how much you like the book, not an objective judgment of how good or bad it is.
But you know there are some books that are just...not working for you, and you can't really say it is bad or you hate it or something like that. It is like the premise is not a fit for your taste, or the entire thought process of the writer never clicks. It is not like "ugh this is so terrible/boring/offensive/stupid/etc." but more like "why???? why on earth????"
This book is a collection of short stories about how Sherlock and John meet each other, and how they fall in love, in various AU settings. Sherlock is a character who could easily fit into all sorts of backgrounds as long as he is a detective or mystery solver in general. And pondering on and creating narratives of all the possibilities and potentials is a very attractive idea.
However, it turned out to be...not for me.
The style of writing is the thing that bothers me the most. It is a mixture of modernism literature with a hint of experimental narrative and a TV show style graphic, motional depiction of scenes. It consists of a collection of wittily structured sentences and smart literary devices and rhetoric.
It sounds really cool, and it reads really cool. The only issue is when the entire book, every single story, is made of nothing but these. It is like an entire dish made of but flavors.
I found it very hard to read. The logical connection between sentences and paragraphs is loose and the streams of thoughts--or I would call it flights of thoughts--are random. I found the narrative jumpy and they easily lost me. It tries to convey the story with a sensational, feeling-driven way, which does not make any sense to me.
I am not saying the stories themselves make no sense. I know if you like this style and can resonate with it, that would be a great reading experience for you. But I just can't. Imagine that meme in which the joke/meaning flies over the guy's head. yeah that is what I feel about this book.
I found this book not digging deep enough into the characters, nor are there enough plots that most of the time I feel nothing really happens in a story. But it could be just me getting lost in the maze of narrative style that I just cannot fathom. I can't get anything out of it.
But I know, based on my reading experience and communication with other readers, that this kind of style is highly personal. You either love it to the bones or get totally confused and walk away. So I won't say it is bad because I don't like it--no, I can't even say I like it or not because I simply can't--not capable of grasping the meaning of narratives like this.
But it is a great book to learn some witty ways of saying things, I guess. I can learn something from it.
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gotilo · 18 days
🏆 Conquering the Gotilo Maze King: Strategies and Tips for Mastery 🧩
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Navigating mazes can be super fun 🎉 but also a real brain-teaser 🧠—and when it comes to the Gotilo Maze King, the challenge goes to a whole new level! Whether you’re a maze pro or just starting your puzzle-solving journey, mastering the Gotilo Maze King takes strategy, patience, and lots of practice. 💪 Let’s dive into some solid strategies, avoidable pitfalls, and expert tips to help you conquer this maze!
🔍 What is the Gotilo Maze King?
The Gotilo Maze King isn’t your average puzzle game. 🌀 It’s a complex maze known for its tricky designs and challenging paths that make you think hard. 🤔 Originating from the Gotilo series, this game has evolved with more sophisticated designs at each level, keeping players on their toes! 👣
🎯 Why Is It So Popular?
The Gotilo Maze King is all about brainy challenges and that sweet sense of accomplishment when you finally crack it. 🏅 It’s a perfect mix of mental exercise and the thrill of overcoming tough puzzles. From casual gamers looking for a fun challenge 🕹️ to hardcore puzzle solvers sharpening their skills, it’s got something for everyone!
🚀 Key Strategies for Crushing the Gotilo Maze King
1. 🗺️ Study the Maze Layout Before jumping in, spend some time studying the maze. 🧭 Look for patterns—like loops 🔄 and dead ends—that you can learn to spot and avoid. Tools like maze simulators 🖥️ can be super helpful in understanding the maze’s design.
2. 🧠 Develop a Game Plan Decide on your strategy before you start. Are you going with the classic “follow the wall” technique, or something more dynamic like targeting specific landmarks? 🚩 Take it slow and think a few steps ahead. Don’t rush! 🐢
3. 🔄 Practice, Practice, Practice Consistency is key! 🔑 Regularly challenge yourself with different mazes to sharpen those problem-solving skills. 🧩 Track your progress 📊 and see how you improve over time.
⚠️ Common Mistakes and How to Dodge Them
1. 🚫 Watch Out for These Common Mistakes Don’t rush. ⏳ Don’t forget to mark paths you’ve already explored. 🚧 And definitely don’t rely too heavily on just one strategy. 🧍‍♂️ Switch things up if you’re hitting a wall!
2. 🛠️ Troubleshooting When You’re Stuck Feeling stuck? 😩 Take a breather 🧘‍♂️ and rethink your approach. Sometimes stepping back and looking at the big picture can make all the difference. Stay positive, and don’t let a tough spot get you down! 🌟
💡 Level Up with Advanced Tips
1. 🚶‍♂️ Master Advanced Techniques Top maze solvers use techniques like backtracking 🔙 and pattern recognition 🔍 to solve mazes faster. Recognize recurring patterns and know when to backtrack to find better routes!
2. 🤖 Use Technology to Your Advantage Maze-solving apps 📱 and digital simulators can be game-changers. Try out a few tools and see which ones give you that extra edge. ⚡
🤝 Join the Gotilo Maze King Community!
Getting involved with other maze enthusiasts can make a huge difference. 🌐 Join online forums, participate in groups, or even attend events. Sharing tips and strategies can open up new ways to approach the maze. 🗣️
Looking for more tips? Check out books 📚, videos 🎥, and guides dedicated to maze-solving techniques. There’s always more to learn, so stay updated with the latest strategies! 🚀
✨ Final Thoughts
Mastering the Gotilo Maze King isn’t just about getting to the end—it’s about enjoying the challenge and learning along the way. 🛤️ Study those layouts, develop your strategies, avoid common mistakes, and connect with others who love the game just as much as you do. Keep practicing, stay determined, and most importantly, have fun! 🎊
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percyncess · 19 days
Navigating the Lawful Maze: The Essential Function of Attorneys
In today's facility and ever-changing legal landscape, the function of attorneys has come to be extra critical than ever. Lawyers are not simply lawful specialists; they are additionally consultants, advocates, and issue solvers for people and businesses alike. Whether you're dealing with an accident situation, navigating an organization agreement, or taking care of a household dispute, having a well-informed legal representative at hand can make all the distinction. With their experience in the law and understanding of the legal system, legal representatives can provide beneficial assistance and depiction to aid you attain the most effective feasible outcome.Beyond their legal proficiency, lawyers likewise play a considerable function in supporting justice and advertising justness in culture. They function as guardians of the regulation of regulation, making sure that individuals are held liable for their actions which civil liberties are safeguarded. Legal representatives are important in standing for marginalized teams, supporting for plan adjustment, and shaping the lawful structure of our culture. As pillars of the legal profession, lawyers symbolize stability, ethics, and a commitment to maintaining the principles of justice. Whether in the courtroom or the boardroom, legal representatives are vital allies in browsing the lawful maze and securing a simply and fair result.
Read more here Jeremy Eveland Lawyer
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scarfacekiller · 1 month
Browsing the Legal Puzzle: The Important Duty of Lawyers
In today's facility and ever-changing lawful landscape, the role of lawyers has come to be a lot more essential than ever. Lawyers are not simply lawful professionals; they are likewise advisors, supporters, and issue solvers for people and businesses alike. Whether you're encountering an individual injury situation, browsing a business contract, or managing a family members conflict, having an educated legal representative by your side can make all the distinction. With their knowledge in the law and understanding of the lawful system, attorneys can supply valuable assistance and representation to assist you attain the best feasible outcome.Beyond their lawful proficiency, attorneys likewise play a significant duty in maintaining justice and advertising justness in society. They work as guardians of the rule of law, guaranteeing that people are held answerable for their actions and that rights are shielded. Legal representatives contribute in standing for marginalized groups, advocating for plan change, and forming the lawful structure of our culture. As pillars of the legal occupation, attorneys personify stability, ethics, and a commitment to promoting the concepts of justice. Whether in the court or the conference room, lawyers are crucial allies in navigating the legal maze and safeguarding a just and equitable outcome.
Read more here Jeremy Eveland Lawyer
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